2022/10/29 00:30:01
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Good thing that America is a democracy and voters will soon be able to express their outrage, by voting in the only other team of fraudsters who will do the exact same as the Dems on 99% of policy, except maybe sex change laws affecting less than 0.0001% of the population and other non-issues … Nude Mud Wrestling With Ursula Von Der Leyen
Tonya Harding was a famous US skater who thought the best way to win was by paying someone to hobble her closest competitor. The best way I can tell this story is to say that for some, honest competition is insufficient, and they resort to ‘terrorist thug’ means of achieving what they might call success. Is The U$ Deep State Run By Tonya Harding?
Belying the West’s forecast, Russia announces completion of mobilization of troops for Ukraine. Shoigu to Putin: “The target you set – 300,000 people – has been achieved. No additional objectives are planned.”
82000 deployed already. This is a huge force multiplier.
Meeting with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu
The Minister of Defence reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on the completion of the partial mobilization.
Pelosi and his “intruder” were in their underwear struggling over a hammer when the cops came… according to the police radio tapes and Comrade Hal Turner… Well, it’s “Frisco… Perhaps a bit of the other… Obviously his friend came by invitation… Turner played the cop tape… Not that it matters, but Pelosi may not be all there anymore.
Word on the street, from a private detective in SF, says the dude was a gay prostitute, indeed invited, paid for, and that there were lots of drugs and alcohol involved, things got out of hand, and there you have it. Apparently, Paul Pelosi wanted something the guest didn’t want to provide.
A process server I know was trying to serve papers on the Pelosi’s said they went to various of their homes (Napa, Georgetown) before tracking them down in Pacific Heights, said there were full time secret service agents in all their homes, even the vacation homes where they may only go for 10 days a year. No one broke in.
SFPD, the county sheriff’s office and the secret service keep a full-time presence on that home. Does anyone imagine for a moment that the person who is number three in line for the presidency is not protected fulltime. The official story stinks to high heaven.
I agree that it’s just not credible that a homeless guy somehow got past all her security.
According to twitter rumours, Pelosi Hubby was drunk, fell & knocked himself out. The whole “attacker” narrative being just a cover-up for his alcoholism.
As SF’s gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you’ll all know why. But here’s what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO–in my humble opinion.
According to SFPD “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.”
It’s been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. David Depape is said to be a Castro Nudist. “The lunatic who allegedly assaulted Paul Pelosi is a Berkeley resident and a ‘Former Castro Nudist Protester’ and hemp ‘jewelry maker’ …sounds totally MAGA Republican to me. 🤣🤣” this from Twitter.
Ok, so here’s the theory, as related to me by a source: “Castro Nudists are a group of really radical gay male prostitutes that parade around naked with c–k rings. First of all, the Police did not come in response to an alarm. They come in response to a “wellness check”. So someone called them to check on Pelosi.”
“When he didn’t answer the phone, the cops broke the sliding glass door to get in. Pelosi was struggling with the suspect, who was in his underwear.
Pelosi owned the hammer. Not Depape.
Here’s our version, same article, some commentary but it’s the opera version with music. It’s adult and frankly, funny in a sexual comedy way. So, party people, if you think you can handle it … the songs are rated R.
Also, our version introduces the idea that it wasn’t a hammer, but one of Nancy’s ‘Squeaker of the House’ gavels.
It was found to be a false report, which begs the question of why does someone need to produce something that can be so quickly proven false?
Its got the shelf life of a ripe banana
thanks for info !!!!
What a surprise.
Iain Muir 29 October 2022 1 min read
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The Russian army on Saturday accused the UK of helping Ukraine plan a drone attack on its Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, and said that one of its ships suffered “minor” damage.
Last month’s explosions that hit Nord Stream 1 and 2, which transport natural gas from Russia to Europe via the Baltic Sea, affected three out of four pipelines and caused four major leaks in Swedish and Danish waters.
“The preparation of this terrorist act and the training of the military personnel of the Ukrainian 73rd Special Center for Maritime Operations were carried out under the guidance of British specialists located in the city of Ochakiv in Ukraine’s Mykolaiv region,” Moscow’s defence ministry said in a statement.
“Representatives of this unit of the British Navy took part in the planning, provision and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on September 26 that blew up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines,” the statement further read.
Unfortunately, outside of the Ukraine there is not much Russia can do to the UK other than identify their people in country and target them.
I do believe any attack on the UK proper is not an option, that would invoke the Mad Saxon Doctrine….at the moment the Brits are just drooling and foaming at the mouth…..
Cheers M
weeeeellllllll..George Galloway —!!!!!!-has claimed that Russia using the Israeli Pegasus hacking software on Liz Truss phone, for how long????( ex Prime Minister and prior to that as Foreign Secretary so involved with long term planning maybe)….says Russia has evidence of a text from her to Blinken saying “it’s done” exactly 1 minute after the NS sabotage …claiming this is proof UK intel and military are at the heart of the sabotage against Russia and of course Germany….in Danish waters.
I do hope Denmark and Sweden who are doing dome kind of investigation can be similarly hacked.
Tchaikovsky – Slavic March
The Marche Slav (French pronunciation: [maʁʃ(ə) slav]) in B-flat minor, Op. 31, is an orchestral tone poem by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky published in 1876. It was written to celebrate Russia’s intervention in the Serbian-Ottoman War.
My, my my what a gorgeous piece. Thanks
It would appear that the US-UK is currently probing the Black Sea Fleet’s air defense umbrella, which would indicate they are planning on something soon. If NATO were to stage some type of operation, it would be in the south. This is why they keep targeting Crimea, since the Slava class cruiser was sunk awhile back, they are trying to determine how much of their air defenses have been degraded. Frigates and minesweepers are “picket ships” that patrol the outer band of whatever it is they are defending. Frigates usually have adequate air defense capability, but their strong suit is anti-submarine warfare. From the looks of things, the Black Sea Fleet’s defenses are more than capable. Will be interesting to read any after action report the Russian MOD releases.
Russian MFA spokesperson: “The Russian Foreign Ministry alongside the Russian specialized agencies is considering practical steps regarding British specialists’ involvement … in the preparations for the terrorist attack in the Black Sea on October 29 and the training of the Ukrainian military, as stated by the Russian Defense Ministry.” – MKB
If you’re a person of faith, its time to pray for the Democrats being routed at the NOV 8 Midterm elections, as it will pave the way for Trump (of whom I’m no fan) & Tulsi Gabbard (as his V-P running mate) to contest the 2024 Presidential Election.
The more the Democrats & US media persecute him, the more he becomes a martyr in the eyes of ~80million, or so, US people who are desperate for a better life.
It won’t necessarily diminish the economic/diplomatic/military/propaganda pressure on China (in fact it will most likely increase it), but Trump has proven in the past to seek friendlier relations w/ Russia.
American citizens who still vote, need to first comprehend that US elections are not decided by voters. Instead, look at Who is *funding” the two parties.
America is ruled by the top wealthiest folks in the top 10%, 5%, 1%. Out of pure financial reasons these Super Wealthy donate to these two parties because Senators/Congress make up laws, amendments that always favor the Multi-millionaires/billionaires.
According to “Open Secrets” 9 Billion$$s of Big Corporatists/Bankers/ & top Financiers have spent to get their way in both national, state senatorial/congressional races. It’s called, greed spelled GREED.
Nice summary, Eurasian integration continues apace. This week:
1. BRICS new payment system
2. China’s yuan pool pushes back against the $US
3. Yuan Rising? Where there’s smoke there’s fire
4. China’s past and payment
5. Financial inclusion improving
For those who want the detail:
Hi Mods, can you add this to my last comment please?
In GDP PPP (Purchasing power parity) terms, this is over 30%. It’s the trade volumes amongst BRICS & associated nations that will drive Currency Multipolarity.
The weaponized $US just makes alternatives far more attractive.
Interesting for backstory Russia cannot afford to lose this WAR | Ray McGovern
Raymond McGovern former CIA officer turned political activist. He was a CIA analyst from 1963-90, and in the 1980s, chaired National Intelligence Estimates and prepared the President’s Daily Brief. He received the Intelligence Commendation Medal at his retirement, returning it in 2006 to protest the CIA’s involvement in torture” (1:46: 37) https://youtu.be/iIcGRIdiXBo
Yes, we think highly of Ray McGovern, but he’s a military specialist and not an economist. Considering that 80% of this whole conflict going on is between Eurasia shifting away from the US Dollar Hegemon, most of McGovern’s military/spy understandings is largely irrelevant.
VVP honours Alexander Zinoviev, controversial Soviet academician, dissident philosopher/writer/satirist exiled by Brezhnev to Munich but returned as staunch communist & admirer of Stalin, whom he regarded in the final phase of his life as the only Russian leader in modern history singular for his firm, unwavering commitment to maintaining Russia’s independence/autonomy from the West. Zinoviev has become a cult figure lately in Russian intellectual/political circles.
Greetings on the opening of special event marking 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Zinoviev
I was too young to realize what Gorby was doing to the former USSR & so didn’t wake up til I realized that Yelstin was always a CIA / Wall St plant.
Oct 19, 2022 Gorbachev’s Tragic Legacy by Robert Skidelsky
“Admired in the West but loathed by his countrymen as a harbinger of Russia’s post-Cold War misfortune, Mikhail Gorbachev fully grasped the immense challenges of reforming the ailing Soviet Union. Today’s Russia largely reflects the anti-Western grievances stemming from his failure.”
after a journey
to a high peak,
the road back
Perhaps the skill set for descending can make or break or break one, those roads to hell for instance, that were all paved with good intentions – or not – while poised at the abyss…. or those with gravity defying ice flying skills, do they present a metaphor for life as prepartion for an amazing leap, of one kind or another ?
The Most Insane Ski Run Ever Imagined – Markus Eder’s The Ultimate Run
every journey
into the unknown begins
with a leap of faith
while climbing to reach honey
one must be aware of the fall
Tori Amos; “Honey”
My Angel
Some say angels are creatures of light;
Spirits charged with uplifting men.
With radiant bodies aglow with starlight,
And great, broad wings they sometimes ‘unpen’.
Others say angels are creatures of night,
That scheme and work toward ruinous goals;
Banish’d from Heaven and fill’d with spite,
They shadow the Earth hunting wayward Souls.
My angel is darker than the deepest dark,
Yet dazzling and brighter than a golden sun!
She treads the Earth in a body of flesh,
And prepares the bed when the day is done…
The lover’s self-replenishing fire –
Heaven’s token in human desire!
Ray McGovern :
“Russia not likely to blame UK for “supervising” today’s drone attack on Russian ships near Crimea AND sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Serious chance of ‘kinetic’ retaliation. British air raid sirens UK bases better be in working order.”
UK directly identified for NS sabotage, and shipping attack stopping the grain deal.
Now why would Britain stop negotiations in Apr 2022, and go this far?
Part of the answer :
Derivatives – The most dangerous financial weapon
But the primary reason is Russia, BRICS+, SCO, EAEU forging on with a new financial architecture, which London is unwilling to adopt, writing off $300 trillion with bank reorganization.
Noting Gonzalo’s> “The Americans Are ITCHING To Fight The Russians”.. this essay caught my eye> “Kurginyan explains how to ruin plans for a controlled conflict in Ukraine” “What has been taking place in Ukraine since 2014 fully fits into a planed strategy of a controlled conflict culminating with the use of nuclear weapons. Such strategy was developed in the US for the European theater of potential military action back in the 1950s, ” Evening with Vladimir Solovyov TV on the 26th…
Interestingly, he speaks of “breaking the algorithm”…”He stressed that the conflict in Ukraine follows this pattern exactly. And this means that if steps 15, 16, 17 from the conflict escalation plan have already been made, then it is not difficult to predict what the remaining 26 will be if Russia acts within this algorithm.”
(FWIW I tend to agree that we’re following a routine outline from RAND…but let’s not forget the influence of graft and the jabbythingeffect…and especially recall that the enemy gets to vote)
So? 44 steps… (Minds me of Hitchcock’s 39…) Yes, 44, and let’s hear a cheer for that good man Herman! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Kahn
the big 44>
Ostensible Crisis
Political, Economic and Diplomatic Gestures
Solemn and Formal Declarations
Hardening of Positions – Confrontation of Wills
Show of Force
Significant Mobilization
“Legal” Harassment – Retortions
Harassing Acts of Violence
Dramatic Military Confrontations
Provocative Breaking off of Diplomatic Relations
Super-Ready Status
Large Conventional War (or Actions)
Large Compound Escalation
Declaration of Limited Conventional War
Barely Nuclear War
Nuclear “Ultimatums”
Limited Evacuations (20%)
Spectacular Show or Demonstration of Force
“Justifiable” Counterforce Attack
“Peaceful” World-Wide Embargo or Blockade
Local Nuclear War – Exemplary
Declaration of Limited Nuclear War
Local Nuclear War – Military
Unusual, Provocative and Significant Countermeasures
Evacuation (70%)
Demonstration Attack on Zone of Interior
Exemplary Attack on Military
Exemplary Attacks Against Property
Exemplary Attacks on Population
Complete Evacuation (95%)
Reciprocal Reprisals
Formal Declaration of “General” War
Slow-Motion Counter-“Property” War
Slow-Motion Counterforce War
Constrained Force-Reduction Salvo
Constrained Disarming Attack
Counterforce-with-Avoidance Attack
Unmodified Counterforce Attack
Slow-Motion Countercity war
Countervalue Salvo
Augmented Disarming Attack
Civilian Devastation Attack
Controlled General War
Spasm/Insensate War
The nazism in Scandinavia and the Baltics?
We have a long history of nazism and eugenics. I am from Sweden and have personal experience of this nazi politics.
Quote from an Danish politician:
“We treat the inferior individual with all care and love, but forbid him, in return, only to reproduce himself.”
His book was the basis of the Danish laws about Eugenics, the sterilization and castration of unwanted elements. Steincke regarded the prevention of “inferior individuals” reproducing as important for society, as for the children of the “inferior individuals”. (From Wikipedia)
Sweden was exactly the same or possibly worse. We had The State Institute for Racial Biology. Still in existence with another name…
More than 60000 inferior women were sterilized until the mid 70s. Among those “inferior” my mother. So I have no siblings.
I am not writing this to get sympathy. I just want to tell. Some days it gets to me… Especially when i read swedish MSM about Russia and Ukraine. When i follow news from Donbass. The Ukranian racism and outright nazism. And swedish state media and MSM always cite Ukraine…
And our Swedish government is officially “in solidarity with Ukraine”. It feels like a nightmare.
Sending weapons to the nazis. Helping the nazis just like they did in WWII… Nothing has changed.
The sterilization of my mother? It happened at my birth. I was immediately taken from her and sent to another hospital in another city… Probably for abortion? But when she told me the true story about how they treated her… I cannot tell… it was horrible… I don’t want to tell.
The doctor “just did his job”. Disgusting.
Another horror story from the good old nazi Sweden.
My grandmothers first son was put in an orphanage in Sweden.
He got lobotomized when he was six years old. Doctors… Interesting job? How the hell???
This was back when the good doctor used an ice pick and a hammer… He had like a little hole on each side of his nose close to the eye ball… A six year old child and the doctor decided his life was not worth living…
I remember him well.
That ugly gypsie travelling people mix of unpure blood. Destroying the pure arian swedish blood? My God!
“The Soviet Union banned the practice in 1950 on moral grounds.”
You will find nothing my mother said when I told her I would search the registers. We have our world famous registers in Sweden. Everything is registered :).
I wanted to know what happened at my birth so I contracted first the city register. Nothing but a sneasy reply.
So I mailed the bigger registry for the region. One week later I got a phone call from the register.
They could not find anything… And I asked for my five first years only. I do not exist.
I guess I should be happy to have an identity number?
I can say so much about this. My mother always paid cash. If she paid with a card she was afraid the authorities could track her. One should always listen to mother!
My mother died a year ago. When i came to the old age home the staff had stolen her money. 6000 SEK.
She always wanted to have some cash since she had a poor childhood.
Her handbag was thrown in a corner. Completely empty.
Stealing money from dead people. That is the swedish way.
Virtue signalling all the way to hell.
Sorry for my ramblings. No, not really. Ganan, gadje honkar Bengalo sherot. I don’t know thje spelling for rommani. God help us all! People are mad in their heads.
I am afraid. Really afraid. I see all the signs. People are going mad.All this hate.
I cannot tell people what I really think. You have to watch your words.
I got a phone call from the gypsie leader or what I should call him right after summer.
I told him I was afraid.
Yes you should, be he replied.
Historical Context
Roma have been in Sweden since at least the early sixteenth century. In more recent times there have been several waves of migration, including from Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, Finland in the 1960s, Poland in the 1960s and 1970s, and most recently from locations such as the former Yugoslavia and Romania.
Between 1934 and 1975, the Swedish state implemented a policy of sterilization of people who were seen to be lacking capacity, whether from a mental, behavioural or physical standpoint. Along with a policy of forced removal of children, this policy was seen as having a significant ethnic bias inherent in its implementation, with Roma being actively targeted. However, researchers emphasise that a quantitative focus underplays the negative impact of the policy on the Roma community as a whole, given the atmosphere of fear it created.
This long article is very disturbing.
It seems you have been a victim of this, Frank. I sincerely commiserate with this suffering.
How is it you write so well in English? I am a native English speaker (tho not ethnically english). You, in Sweden, write much better in English than I do.
… Things don’t look good in the empire of chaos either right now. I am worried. And maybe this deterioration is all across the “West”.
“Between 450 and 500 travelling Roma were forcibly sterilised, which meant that about a quarter of travelling Roma households included at least one person who was a victim of the practice.”
I don’t know where those numbers came from. Independent researchers and journalist agree on 63000…
Forcibly? The authorities used to threaten to take the children unless you agreed to sterilization. So it was voluntarily then?
Sweden is very good at revision of it’s history. One of Europes poorest countries in the 19th century. You do not learn this in school… You have to search old registers and read old documents.
And TV has dumbed people down. In Sweden the 19th century was starvation. Real poverty. TV shows romantic farms and houses…
Swedens “elite” at the time had very dangerous ideals. Kjelldén, von Heidenstam and more. A little later Sven Hedin received many awards by nazi Germany… And Göring married von Rosen… And the swedish monarchy was impressed by Hitler. Count Bernadotte was an outspoken nazist…
You can look at the big company Asea logotype from the nazi period. Mistake?
We let german troops use our railways. We exported steel and products for german industry.
Now we send weapons to Elensky…
Dear Frank.
I’m sad to hear what have happened to your Family in Sweden.
I believe that most surviving NAZIs never repented after WWII, but went into hiding, often helped to new IDs and Jobs by Governmental and Freemasonic forces.
And yes, they even “stayed behind” hidden within Nordic Nations.
“Stay Behind” is an expression for a clandestine NATO Terror Groups, hiding and operating in democratic Nations, as it was exposed in Italy.
Former NAZIs were also instrumental in the erection of the EU, and were behind the Bilderberger Group. Many Royal families in Europe had connection to Nazism prior to and during WWII.
As such the NAZI ideology (containing Eugenics) is still spread from Generation to Generation, and has apparently gained such resurgence among the European population, so today most democratic European nations are supporting the NAZI regime in Kiev, and are willing to finance Neo-NAZIs to travel from all over the world to kill the ethnic Russian population in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
As you are of Gypsy or Roma heritage, I understand your fear for what is happening in Ukraine, as there have been several reports of Gypsy´s being forced out of the city of Lvov by NAZI youth gangs, and that some Gypsy´s have been killed in Ukraine.
During my youth we were taught in school about the horrors of Nazism and eugenics, an ideology of a killing or sterilizing “unfit people”.
However, I have never come across a Dane who publicly supported Eugenics or Nazism.
But they live among us otherwise no one would even suggest to support NAZIs in Ukraine with weapons.
At presence, those who are promoting this satanic agenda are exposing themselves.
But humanity will unite once again, to fight them.
Frank: You are not alone, So keep whatever faith you may have left in humanity.
Thank you Dane!
I forgot Stay Behind, operation Gladio… P2 Propaganda Due and the masons… Bologna…
At that time there actually was some debate in media about stay behind in Sweden.
I feel the need to add to my reply.
In Sweden in the nice part of town where i lived, a very good neighbourhod with good reputation.
In the park someone had damaged a newly planted tree. A middleaged man with the the power of speech managed to get a bunch of middle aged women go completely mad. It was like the scene from Life of Brian where the women was so eager to stone a blasphemist.
This man claimed it was the gypsies that destroyed the tree. The women got so crazy and one of them showed with gestures how to cut off the penises of the gypsies… Tjoff tjoff tjoff she said and showed how to cut in pieces. I asked the man how he knew it was the gypsies? Did he speak to them? No… He just knew.
I think it was the same year late one evening when I was walking my dog I saw two men parking a nice new suv. When they got out of the car I saw they were wearing nazi uniforms. I can’t describe my feelings.
75 years later they return. Again middle aged man. Seemingly well off in society. With influence.
I saw them clearly in the street lights.
Fear can do many strange things to people.
I visited a sermon in the local church. It was a sermon for the travelling people. Some of us are a little dark. The artists singing was dark. My friend, in the middle of the performance, suddenly just ran out of the church. Of course I asked her why? It was those dark gypsies… she couldn’t stand it!
Later it turned out she herself had gypsy blood… Fear. Denial. I know it so well.
This is very interesting, if the republicans win back congress, there is a hint of a Biden impeachment possibility.
Go Republicans !
Tho we need more far reaching changes than just the Biden, Pelosi, et al establishment. Impeach the whole lot of them, both sides of the aisle.
Thanks for the Pravda link.
20 OCT Beijing: China supports the membership expansion of BRICS – which is not a closed club but rather “a big family for mutual support and a partnership for win-win cooperation”.
BRICS was a Russian initiative, which initially aimed to link closely with China and India. Then the largest LatAm state was invited, then the first African state.
Pre-expansion the total BRICS population is 2.88 billion (42% of the world), with 26% of global land. (Eng subtitles); 1:25) via Prof. Tim Anderson
Water and power mostly out in the capital, Kiev.
MSM finance media picked up :
“Let’s Get Out Of NATO”: Discontent Soars Across Europe As Russian Sanctions Backfire
This is how it works – EU elites know their plan cannot work. So what to do? Simple – some candidate appears that claims populist support because of massive public protest, like in Prague, and changes the plan.
Protest do in fact work, in that way.
Thanks to Harley Schlanger for pointing that out : Free to be chained?
As well as Saudi likely joing BRICS+, both Hungary AND Morocco defy sanctions regime and will each build 2 Russian nuclear power plants.
Germany, so far, timidly keeps 3 NPR’s open until Apr 2023.
50% of French NPR’s are down for maintenance.
I believe that is why Ukraine is told to attack the ZPH NPR. Total rage of the Empire’s insane greenies.
Libya promised to build 5 French NPR’s, and Emperor Obama bombed it into stone with French and German help. That point get’s lost with the oil de-dollarization Libya and Iraq attempted, which is now in full swing.
Talk about Libya :
La guerre économique qui « bombarde » l’Italie et l’Europe
Both Sunak and Macron are “Goldman Sachs” types, but imagine – Italy cannot buy oil very cheaply from Benghazi because it only recognizes Tripoli!!
Italy both hands handcuffed – No Russian gas, no Libyan oil!!
This totally crazy.
But then remember Aldo Moro, Enrico Mattei, both assassinated.
Israeli finance minister added to Kiev’s ‘kill list’ ,
The Mirotvorets website labeled Avigdor Lieberman “Russia’s agent of influence,” who took part in acts of “humanitarian aggression” against Ukraine .
I hope Mossad take this seriously!!
Lagarde, ECB central banker chief, on Ireland’s mainstream RTE TV :
Lagarde says inflation crisis came from ‘nowhere’, describes Putin as ‘a terrifying man’
Not from Central Banker’s insane monetary policies since the 2008 crash, no, inflation came from NOWHERE.
There we have it, a financial version of the Big Bang. Next we will be told Dark Energy comes from Russia!
If we proceed from the sensational and untenable “discovery” of the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, according to which inflation comes out of nowhere, then the doubling of the number of British citizens struggling to make ends meet has also come out of nowhere. From the sky, for example, it has come, and is not a consequence of the ruinous policies of the British governments, guilty of the energy crisis, rising fuel prices and the imposition of counter-productive sanctions against Russia, not to mention the risky enthusiasm for costly military and other assistance to Ukraine: https://t.me/banksta/30629.
Senator Pushkov correctly notes British inflation, not Lagarde’s ECB sandbox.
ECB. FED and BofE all do the inflation tango at the Road to Nowhere Saloon!
Surprisingly Pepe Escobar is again at AsiaTimes :
Comeback kid Lula in the eye of a volcano
Lula wins but his room for maneuver on a global stage will be limited by powerful forces aligned against his Global South agenda
Yes, our European friend directed to us Pepe’s new article at Asia Times. In essence, it doesn’t bold well for Lula. He’s got a vice-president and potentially, a very, very pro Finance Ministered tied to US Capitalists.
About all we can do is pray.
Zuckerberg on Iranian death list of sorts. Also large-scale strike on Syria expected.
Zuckerberg is Meta he as the owner of Instagram and WhatsApp violated all international laws and official laws during the Iranian unrest, and with actions such as deliberate manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms, caused fake news , hate speech and actions to be published in a targeted manner for the Iranian society with extreme violence. As a perpetrator Zuckerberg will be punished at any time and in any place to be.
‘ along with a pledge of loyalty to those martyrs and to God Almighty to pursue comprehensive, accurate and all-powerful information until the discovery and punishment of all the perpetrators of this barbaric crime and their supporters, at any time and in any place to be, brings to the attention of the noble nation of Iran: information and explanations were provided about some dimensions of the recent disturbances, in the explanatory statement dated last October 8.’ – A joint statement of the Ministry of Information and the IRGC Intelligence Organization
On another note, Meta, the owner of Instagram and WhatsApp, similarly to Twitter, violated all international laws and official laws during the Iranian unrest, and with actions such as deliberate manipulation of artificial intelligence algorithms, caused fake news , hate speech and actions to be published in a targeted manner for the Iranian society with extreme violence. Also, this company, like Twitter, on the orders of the US intelligence service, with all-out support for the pages spreading lies of foreign counter-revolution and Saudi mercenaries, and by showing a large number of news contacts. – A joint statement of the Ministry of Information and the IRGC Intelligence Organization
2…US military activity off the coast of Syria indicates preparations for a large-scale strike
The avia.pro portal reports that the US military is apparently preparing a serious military operation on Syrian territory.
The main reason for the military operation in Syria is Iranian facilities located in the country, including weapons depots, centers for the production of drones and missiles.
SM-News news agency
Throughout the past week, American combat and reconnaissance aircraft have been carrying out intensive flights in the area of ??\u200b\u200bthe Lebanese and Syrian coasts.
This morning, American reconnaissance aircraft were seen near the Syrian borders, including an air communication and relay hub, and earlier in the week, F-22 fighters flew near the Syrian borders.
3…State Department: US Will Consider Military Option With Iran If Diplomacy Doesn’t Work
Negotiations aim at full restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
WASHINGTON, October 31st. /TASS/. Washington will consider using military force against Iran if negotiations to restore the nuclear deal with it do not work. This was stated on Monday by US Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley.
“There are other tools, sanctions pressure. And, yes, President [US Joe Biden] has said that if all other means fail, then as a last resort he would quite clearly consider a military option. If necessary, in order not to allow Iran to have a nuclear warhead,” the US foreign policy official said.
According to him, “diplomacy [on Iran] is the preferred way.” “This is the preferred way to solve [the Iranian nuclear issue],” Malley said, speaking at an online seminar at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington. However, according to the American diplomat, “there has been no progress in negotiations with Iran for two months.”
The negotiations that Mally mentioned are aimed at restoring the full Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The JCPOA was signed with Iran in 2015 in order to overcome the crisis over its nuclear development by the Permanent Five of the UN Security Council and Germany. The previous President of the United States, Donald Trump, decided in 2018 to withdraw from this agreement. The current American leader, Joe Biden, has repeatedly signaled a willingness to bring Washington back into the Tehran nuclear deal. Since April 2021, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, the United States and France have been negotiating with Iran in Vienna to restore the JCPOA in its original form.
Some may realize that the bigbignaziplan is to nuke Russia…and that key nazi persons believe that they can win a nukewar….accordingly, read about superfuze> https://thebulletin.org/2017/03/how-us-nuclear-force-modernization-is-undermining-strategic-stability-the-burst-height-compensating-super-fuze/
And like a lot of those guys, they can be dead wrong about so many things, and nuking is no exception.
It seems the western nuclear energy promises made, can only be kept by diluting the military grade fuel, to a small nuclear reactor grade level fuel, thus bowing out of the military nuclear equation completely except for the propaganda tool it still needs to be used for.
October 30 The situation in Ukraine is ugly – Ret. US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor (28:47)
Thanks for posting this Uncle Davy… what a wonderful interview of a truly sincere, knowledgeable and courageous man. I can only imagine the flak he is getting from the multitudes of warmongering loonies in the U$.
I love the Putin quote…
“Anyone in Russia who does not regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union has no heart.
Anyone in Russia who wants to bring it back has no brain.”
… end quote…
That kind of sums it all up in just two sentences.
Reflecting of the ‘collective West’ …
Sound familiar?
In his opus A Study of History historian Arnold J Toynbee detailed how most civilizations met their end when their elites, driven mad by their inability to relinquish power, admit their failures or deal with criticism, turned nihilistic & attacked their own society and people.
Following on from my last comment re: Toynbee and A Study of History, this just in:
“Sunak is facing a major crisis with “deeply unhappy” Conservative Party MPs already preparing letters of no confidence in the Prime Minister, led by a furious backlash over his massive Cabinet reshuffle.”
Excuse me, while I gloat, hehehe!
Western countries at the meeting of the UN Security Council could not deny their involvement in the attack on Sevastopol: Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia Dmitry Polyansky
According to him, they simply blamed Russia for the current situation.
The resumption of the grain deal is impossible while the security corridor is being used for terrorist attacks: Speaker of the State Duma, Volodin
Recall that only 3 – 4% of the grain exported from Odessa actually went to the poor countries of Africa & Asia. Most of the grain exports went to EU nations
re: McGregor i/view. You’re welcome Col.
Some key takeaways for me:
“Putin is not some sort of crazy Soviet imperialist revisionist. In fact he said several times: ‘anyone who does not regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union has no heart; anybody in Russia that wants to bring it back has no brain’. That’s Vladimir Putin. In other words, forget it and the man that he admires tremendously Solzhenitsyn made the point repeatedly. And he agrees with it, that the best thing the Russians ever did was to get out of the business of trying to rule people who were not them. In other words, stop ruling large numbers of non-Russians; let them rule themselves. He feels strongly about that. There’s no interest whatsoever in that so the notion that we’re dealing with some sort of deranged, overwrought Nazi thug is just crazy, crazy beyond belief. If you’re looking for anybody who’s sympathetic to the Nazis, they’re in eastern Ukraine, now fighting for Ukraine. ”
“That’s one of the most disturbing features of this whole thing, that’s driving at all this desire to continue hostilities with Russia. Well it’s part of it and remember that whenever money passes to the Department of Defense and then from the Department of Defense to the five big defense monsters that constitute the defense industries that there are, quote unquote, donations that go into PAC’s that support the Congressmen and the Senators that are behind the allocation of the money. In other words this is a self-licking ice cream cone in Washington. When you look at the hard cash most of it never leaves the United States, it just changes hands and moves in this sort of circular fashion so that does have a big impact.”
“But there’s something else at work. You have the ideologues at the top who see Russia as the last obstacle to the destruction of what they perceive to be the civilization that they hate, and that civilization is Western Christian culture. They want to get rid of it. The Russians have steadfastly refused to support same-sex marriage; have steadfastly refused to open their borders to millions of people from what we call the developing world, particularly from the Middle East and Africa; the Russians are refusing to sign on for the, quote-unquote, values that are espoused by the World Economic Forum. These places, these things are at stake as far as the ideologues in Washington are concerned.”
[my emphasis]