2022/10/15 02:30:02
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muted echoes of
conchshells in mountain fog;
contemplation trail
Count your blessings,
count your money,
count all the way down to nothing.
Count your chips,
count your time,
they say all will be fine.
Count your buys,
count your sells,
Count your teeth,
count your bells.
Count your courts,
count your crowds,
then pray they all
make you proud.
Count your chickens before they hatch,
count your profits after they match.
Count your bodies,
count your souls,
B/c soon, the bell tolls.
What is this “I” I am?
I’ve lost count of all the things
that I am not!
I am not all things to all people, and I am not one thing to one person.
I am something in between all the I am nots.
And we know about all the knows, but we don’t know about all the nots.
Not that we don’t care about them, we just don’t know about them.
The family of nots.
what is this “between”
between you and I?
unbinding the ties that bind
Like a cowboy out of bullets and boots , I can’t shoot or walk away from this duel.
“Lonesome Cowboys in Labyrinth”
All hat no cattle
the Maestro dared challenge
even hat deftly stripped
♧ —————— ♧
“Secrets of the Sauce”
It ain’t bullets or boots
brute brawn or bombs
bombast or torture chutes
B2s or Congo war drums
Hypersonic or Wagner flutes
pimply hacker or FSB pursuits
even Chechen Axmat Sila mums
Tis sweet spiritual fruits
taking old divine routes
lasting success salutes
“Signs of the Times”
In crazed carnal California
of Mr P, Larch, and the Bonesman
they hosted tribute to klansmen
near Secret Owl Society bandsmen
♧ —————— ♧
“Unknotting Focus”
Balance the instant
shed the past distant
shun anger existent
shy the future persistent
skirt anxiety insistent
Anchor present constant.
Awareness of breathing
Anger leaving
Reality teething
Love teeming
Visions pleasing
Anxiety smoothing
Tranquility teasing
Anchor the attention
Body a mansion
Mental impression
Spiritual suspension
Contacts of thoughts
the sounds extinguish
do not distinguish
let nothing anguish
in silence languish
to be continued…
♧ —————— ♧
Sudhi, I was so moved by the video of the story of the Konstantinovksy Palace. It is a metaphor for Russia itself, no? The miraculous ability to keep getting up and as the Brits say, “to carry on.” Virtually unmatched by any other civilization, at least in terms of rapidity of renewal and rebirth, as well as constant need to do so over the millennia.
I enjoy waltzes too. They are unfortunately considered trite and frivolous by classical connoisseurs (their loss!) I visited by accident the birth home of my favorite western artist, Johann Strauss the Younger, while strolling around old Vienna in early 1990s.
Some traditional Austrians still dress the same way after centuries, including their former FM Kneissl at her wedding attended by her friend Putin. She joined Pepe at the buzzing Cradle with her first article.
PS – An appreciation from a well-wisher to Mr P. I am well stocked on guttering candles and even bought nifty extra candelabras.. when in doubt go full Amish 😁🤓 actually the romantic part looks forward to resumption of simplicity.
Forgive a screwy post> some schizoid stuff.
Fascinating turn of language > “the speed of science”. Nonsensical slogan, but teasing out the ravel’d weft and warp…and question> “speed” differs, sometimes, most of the time, from velocity, indeed “speed” telegraphs hysteresis or circling – directional vectors constantly changed…thus speed of science may be 100, while velocity S = zero – depends on the flop of the mop, or the ethereal fluids, if these reform by some Schrödinger’s cat. Where do new ideas come from but teasing out from nonsense?
The newisance fella…brings to mind the great symbolism of a suicide most have forgotten> https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/TRUCK-RAMS-CAPITAL-Legislators-Narrow-Escape-2963821.php#photo-2263440 (Speed = zero, Science = zero) Чеховское ружьё?
Your quote from Brother Malcolm> “Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.” reminds me of a conversation at a collegiate party during the time of the Shaw…Persae or Madai science coruscated when a fella softly remarked You wouldn’t say that if you knew more about it.”…which comes circle’d round…from 1978 when my ears burned with that mild reproach…to now. Science and repetition must be paired.
Speaking of Malcolm, the NOI posts interesting material…and they didn’t fall for “thesciencegag-n’-jab. And yes, Brother Farrakhan in DC would be thrilling…
For fun, discovering the science of speed @ Ascot Park> https://youtu.be/6PIcSbAFMDg (And yesterday on Anoxia’s back metaled roads me n the old gal rode a soft 30 MPH ’round over the little bridge and flowing creek, past the cattle and alfalfa, stopped at the country store for dog-treats…”racing” for me was always in a straight line…https://youtu.be/LFOkyHoBwew (yeah, I ran a bike there longtimeago, and sometimes run up to a full ton to tease the devil…but briefly, as there is a constant danger of collision with birds and deer and feral pigs) I always stop on the bridge and look down at the fish. Yesterday there was a children’s party, but I saw no fishes.
A pal from Ohio tells an Amish story…he himself watch’d the Amish boys loading stolen cases of beer into Papa’s horse-drawn shay whilst one of the gang decoyed Papa’s attention. Which minds me of stealing the faculty beer back in 1965, which I did, and it was good beer too!
Later All! & Best! P
With continued turmoil in the UK (if you look at the graphs, you’ll understand how this contagion can quickly spread worldwide)
The UK financial system is facing a major crisis this week. So what’s causing it?
Recently, UK Government-issued bonds have been getting dumped en masse, flooding the market and tanking their value. Why is this a problem?
Two reasons.
1. because UK pension funds, which constitute a major source of retirement saving for many people, are heavily invested in these bonds; &
2. because the government’s ability to fund spending via borrowing is made possible by issuing these bonds.
Over the past couple weeks, the Bank of England has intervened in the market and has been buying their own bonds to temporarily shore up bond value, allowing pension funds a window to divest. But the UK Govt has announced these emergency measures will come to an end on Friday.
But why are these bonds getting dumped in the first place? Partly it’s a loss of confidence in the UK Govt. With the entirety of Europe facing an unprecedented energy crisis this winter, investors are betting that the government will not be able pay interest on these bonds.
However, a major part that isn’t receiving as much attention is the impact of US monetary policy. The Fed’s recent interest rate hikes are causing a huge capital flight from the UK to the US. Industry is likely to follow. In a sense, the US is cannibalizing the UK economy
And while this crisis may initially be precipitated in the UK, it is unlikely to remain contained there, e.g. German broad market funds have lost 50% of their value since the beginning of the year.
In short, Europe is going to learn 2 very painful economic lessons this winter:
1. a significant portion of European prosperity was built on access to cheap Russian gas; &
2. capital is international, it has no loyalties & the US is throwing a welcome party.
[emphasis mine]
– via @professional hog groomer
Thanks for clarification of the whole mess. It really appears the globe’s economic stability is all tied to stocks and bonds. These have been falsely boosted by the central banks which are under the control of private individuals in most cases. In which case we are screwed because it’s the bankers behind all this who are profiting and we have insufficient related securities controls to prevent this fiat situation. Wonderful!
Mexico has changed to a Military Dictatorship
In September Congress voted to transfer control of the National Guard, created in 2019 to replace the federal police, from the security ministry to the defence ministry, which is led by a general. This month Congress’s upper house agreed to extend from 2024 until 2028 the army’s role in enforcing law and order.
Amlo has given them more power than has any predecessor. He wagers that they will act more quickly than bureaucrats and be less corrupt. The army is popular; its ranks are drawn from the pueblo (ordinary people); many Mexicans applaud its role in fighting narcos.
Yes, he is going against his word because he fears a regime change/takeover from his parasitic neighbor to the north.
The following 2 items should be underlined.
1…OCT. 10, 2022 12:47 PM PT
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated Monday that his administration has entered into a space agreement with Russia.
But he recalled that it was signed in September 2021, several months before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and denied that it will be used for espionage purposes.
The agreement specifically provides for the installation of Russian GLONASS systems – Russia’s equivalent of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) – and an electronic optical system for the prevention of dangerous space situations in Mexico, the document says.
Note Mexico has similar agreements with other countries but grumpy pants up north obects to the agreement with Russia. Does dangerous space situations mean Moscow can disable Starlink and not just from ground terminals?
2…Mexico plans to end oil exports in 2023 to reach self-sufficiency
Petroleos Mexicanos, also know as Pemex, will reduce crude oil exports in 2022 before phasing out sales abroad in 2023.
Meanwhile back at the barracks. The following is from an unfriendly site but only amplifies that Obrador wishes to be a dictator and nothing is mentioned of a US takeover of which Amlo has previously complained in the amount of money and support given to his opponents by the US.
SIMON: Why does President Lopez Obrador want the military to be more involved – at least, what’s your surmise of that?
HOPE: He sees them as an alternate to civilian bureaucracy, which he distrusts significantly. He has openly stated that he wants all this projects and all this companies to be run by the military because it would be harder for any future government to privatize them. And he sees them as a way of doing a lot of things much faster than going the normal civilian route and having a lot of his projects protected under the mantle of national security and therefore with levels of transparency that are far less adequate than they would be if he went through civil institutions.
SIMON: And you’re concerned?
HOPE: Well, sure because, I mean, Mexico is one of two Latin American countries where you have never had a civilian as minister of defense. Since the end of World War II, there hasn’t been a single minister of defense that has been removed from his position before the end of the specific – of the administration where he was named. That’s 75 years. So you’re talking about a level self-government, level of a deficit of accountability that is quite significant. And giving them power over a number of public policy decisions is creating a massive deficit in terms of civilian and democratic control.
SIMON: And the military has been involved in major infrastructure projects, right?
HOPE: That’s correct. They built an airport right next to Mexico City. Not only they built it, they run it. They’re building a massive train project in southeastern Mexico, so-called the Mayan Train. They have plans to create a tourist infrastructure and actually creating a military-run commercial enterprise, including an airline. This is probably not the way to go for the armed forces in a democratic context. This is putting the military into areas of public policy that they have never been involved with in the past. And it is creating opportunities for corruption that weren’t there in the past. This is a major challenge to the integrity of the Mexican armed forces.
IMO this is it “future government to privatize them” The sticky handed US means to rob Mexico blind. Problem is AMLO has 20/20.
The military will be self perpetuating.
They would have enough depth that corruption is best handled within their ranks rather than the corruption from US installed thugs in the Mexican civilian government which are harder to combat.
The Mexican military already has millions of “troops” both civilian and army positioned as an invasion force inside the US. They will act on pronouncements from Mexico.
The Russian GRU has more people in Mexico than any country in the world, influence? sure.
Truth elementary everywhere
In each heart ethereal
Even through hardships
despite of all troubles
can we not continue
on our difficult journey
Should one’s odyssey
change because of others
If one can change oneself
it can be a change aplenty
Will there be anyone
to show us the path
Or do we have to seek it
through echoes of conchsells
Who will bring about
this illumination
When only we can bring
ourselves out of gloom
If only we have the ability
to come out from our shells
The rays of the sun will break
through shimmering mountain fog
only we can bring
ourselves out of gloom
Soul can break the cords of attachment at any time, but often fails
in doing so because the hole that’s left behind needs to be replaced
by something stronger than the previous attachment. Those who try
to effect a change on willpower alone mostly fail. To effect change,
there needs to be an associated spiritual move up.
I’ll Go No More A Roving O’
I’ll go no more a roving o’
A wandering over hills and lea.
I’ll rove no more with you fair maid,
Nor revel in your company.
I’ll go no more a roving o’,
From north to south and east to west.
I’ll weave no wreathes, no maiden’s crowns
Nor lay my head against thy breast.
I’ll go no more a roving o’
Through verdant lands and sylvan wood.
I’ll free the owl and silver deer,
And bury all your gifts for good!
I’ll go no more a roving o’,
A wayfaring with you my dear;
No more I’ll cage my breathing heart
Whatever the time or day of year!
I’ll go no more a roving o’,
With you no more I’ll range;
I’ll bite my lip, I’ll clench my teeth,
And do everything I can to change!
“The Seductive Siren’s Fog”
The fog from English Channel
drifts all encompassing
to Gulf Bedouin on camel
oddball Asian usury amassing
nervy Nazi in war crime tribunal
his homoerotic boss sassing
Oligarchs looting wealth communal
Poles their survival gassing
Annalena her Volk cancelling
Sacred Androgyne crossdressing
Jesuits Mephisto-channeling
Truth’s hated by wicked wealthy
Overweening wanting wights
hidden to hassled poor, stealthily.
Prayer in deepest withdrawn night
offers ways — wee wafers of light
♧ —————— ♧
“Process is the Process”
Alex harangues democracy basics
Jorge on gas storage physics
Smoothie nuclear noise matrix
Did Technocrats read grimoire classics?
Pomp & procedure as analgesics
to woo & while in opiate oasis
steady strangling paraparesis
Cold, Dark & Hunger metaphysics
to cement & ease into euthanasics
Scott Ritter let’s it all out! (English).
Harsh, as he indeed says!
Not for weak-kneed, lilly-livered, or even Beleidigte Leberwursten!
Thanx Bonbon. An incredible i/view. Harsh indeed.
Looks like the powder is running dry for many derivatives, these losses from higher rates are going to be a challenge for the file impaired visionary accountants.
An excellent summary
Key takeaway: “The right thing to do is for the next UK prime minister to visit Washington without delay and prevail upon President Biden to end this senseless war in Ukraine and lift the sanctions against Russia, which bled the economies of the UK and other European allies. The heart of the matter is that Europe’s prosperity was built on the availability of cheap, reliable, energy supplies from Russia in huge volumes.
But it will be a dare-devil act — almost suicidal — for Sunak or any British politician to take on the Deep State.” – M. K. BHADRAKUMAR
Shariy combines the evacuation of Ukraine with the service of a new satellite. There was a top secret military satellite launch. I don’t know what he knows or why this satellite was given such importance. The comments section in the RT article has some interesting guesses as to the purpose of the satellite.
Anatoly Shariy
“The Chinese Foreign Ministry calls on its citizens in Ukraine to immediately leave the country”
There is a lot behind this dry phrase. The colossal regroupings and concentration of new forces, coupled with the new military satellite launched by the Russian Federation, speak of one thing.
In the next two weeks, there will be what would later be called in the history books “a turning point in the 2022 war.”
This is how I see it.
Anatoly Shariy
Serbia closes its embassy in Ukraine for security reasons.
It is obvious that all partners of the Russian Federation have been warned by Moscow about what is to come.
What is being prepared is also confirmed by the preparations on the ground that I have already mentioned.
Russia deploys new military satellite
16 Oct, 2022 00:19
HomeRussia & FSU
Use link for comments.
An Angara-1.2 rocket has delivered a secretive military-purpose satellite into orbit
Russia deploys new military satellite
FILE PHOTO © YouTube / Roscosmos Media
A classified military satellite, designated Kosmos-2560, was launched from the Plesetsk Military Cosmodrome in Russia’s northern Arkhangelsk Region on Saturday evening at 10:55pm Moscow time (7:55 GMT).
Launched on the smallest carrier rocket of the Angara family, the spacecraft “successfully reached orbit” soon after, establishing a radio link with the mission control center and reporting all systems functioning after deployment, the Defense Ministry said in a brief statement.
“Combat crews of the Space Force of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a successful launch of the Angara-1.2 light-class launch vehicle with a spacecraft for the Russian Defense Ministry from the State Test Cosmodrome Plesetsk,” the ministry said.
The Russian military shared no details of the mission or technical capabilities of the satellite. A similarly secretive launch of the Angara-1.2 carrying another military satellite was conducted from Plesetsk in April.
EMKA-3 (Kosmos 2560)
Destination: Sun-Synchronous Orbit
Mission: Government/Top Secret
Russian military reconnaissance satellite.
hope this plays, some live reporting……..from Kiev :)
Cheers M
Nope. You need a longer URL.
Has any one seen this analysis by Scott Ritter yet? Seems to me it’s spot on.
One story I’m seeing is that Russia and China are planning to invade Haiti….No wait,that’s not right….It’s the US and Canada that are planning that. Oh,the irony of that would be priceless. After all the loads of sh…er…I mean propaganda we have heard endlessly from the West for 8 months,and now the US and Canada are planning on invading a country. And you can bet that the same people that have been attacking Russia will now change their tune and support the US if they invade Haiti.
Canada and the US invading Haiti would be like the block bully going to the children’s ward at any major hospital, finding the sickest almost dead kid there, then beating the crap out of them. Sick pathetic bastards and to think the tax dollars they take from me allows a clown to play Ms Dress Up and destroy people lives all the while hiding behind the cloak of neo nazeedeemockracy. Baron Samdi might have a thing or two to say about it…..a little Damballa smack up side the head.
Cheers M
Digging deep in the playbook of resources if nothing else.
Beyond being rich in minerals Haiti I believe is on the route of a major potential chokepoint.
AMLO has plans to build a railway across southeastern Mexico, which could upend some global shipping routes and challenge the Panama Canal. The Mexican government hopes to attract investment from Singapore the Asian financial power. The Trans-Isthmus Corridor, which would connect Gulf and Pacific ports by rail, is an alternative to the Panama Canal. It potentially threatens U.S. hegemony in the region and the populist president has prioritized Asian investment. Check the map in the following link. The lower Haiti route seems shorter and safer.
Singapore enjoys longstanding and substantive relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), anchored by frequent high-level exchanges, multifaceted cooperation, growing people-to-people exchanges, and robust economic ties.
https://www.mfa.gov.sg › Northeast-Asia › Peoples-Rep…
Notably, according to Chinese government statistics, 23% of all outward investments related to the BRI flowed through Singapore while 85% of inbound investments for the BRI made its way into China through Singapore. Singapore is also one of the largest offshore Renminbi trading hubs.Sep 21, 2021
Could be looking at BRI in the backyard of the US!
Thanks Lodestar
Current Prez Ariel Henry is a puppet and was suspected (the strongest word I can use) of involvement in the assassination of his predecessor.
I’m unsure of the geopolitical advantage for the US (unless its a distraction for Biden from Ukraine before the NOV 8 Midterms).
Anyone know about fuel shortages in the UK during the famous winter looming ? I can’t find so much as a murmer anywhere, maybe the unwashed masses will be sitting in their cars to keep warm, anyhow, when the spring comes everything will be fine again…
Can it be this simple, or am I being too cynical?
Ukraine has its Nazis, but it has a lot of people who aren’t (normies). Most normies don’t really want to fight, which means they will be slow to revolt. Press gangs will conscript the normies tranche by tranche. The West will put them through boot camp, then off they go to the front to get shot up. The West created this government out of native grown Banderites with egging on by the Sons of Reinhard Gehlen.
The West has created a machine for converting the male population of Ukraine into corpses, for the benefit of themselves.
Stupid me, I don’t see how this machine is good for the people of the Ukraine.
Was one of their goals to depopulate the Ukraine? Maybe to create a void to be filled by someone else? Who?
Without thinking too hard, it seems like he root of evil is the Sons of Reinhard Gehlen.
The $USbillions in military ‘aid’ from the US are loans NOT gifts.
Given that the RF now controls 95% of Ukie’s former GDP, 63% of its coal reserves, 20% of its former territory, how on earth can such a failed state possibly hope to repay loans in the $billions.
So apparently the US is buying up Ukies’ fertile agricultural land (altho’ I havent verified that).
… and then we can start talking about the exchange rate: Hryvnia vs $US
Other advantages to the West is the Slavic brotherhood killing off each other.
but economically, Assange said it best (shortly before being arrested from the Ecuadorian Embassy):
“The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe, through Afghanistan, and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”
[my emphasis; for Afghanistan, insert the US’ latest targeted nation]
re: the farmland
It’s a shame to let that plunder stand. It gives a reason to take it by conquest and nationalize it. Dunno what international law says. Or take those regions by conquest, and apply Russian “no GMO” laws. Maybe add a law requiring it be farmed in 40 acre plots by the land owner himself, one plot per owner, with an ox drawn plow.
On the millions of the people of Ukraine who are not of Nazi persuasion, their predicament and deaths I have also previously mentioned in a brief post. War is war, I was told and felt small, but what noble, unspoken justifications for inflicting horrendous suffering on these people or any others through the agency of military war are there?
Anyhow, seems the boundary between The Borderlands and Russsia is blurred. The west hates Russia with unjustifyable vengeance and supports Ukraine with money and weapons, and confusion and divided loyalties arise because of lack of knowledge from others, who end up unsure, or on the side of the msm.
At the end of the day these are cultural/spiritual issues and free from information or personal opinions. Just follow the money, and the hatred of spiritual and cultural life..
– “Iranian reports of likely transfer to Russia of Tehran’s super secret Arash-2 strategic kamikaze drones with range of 2000kms designed specifically to attack Haifa & Tel Aviv. Arash-2 can be equipped with optical & thermal scanners, detect radar radiation & bypass air defense.
– It can be launched from both onshore & offshore platforms & can change direction several times before attacking target. Iran-US tensions are spiking with Biden openly voicing support for anti-government protests in Iran.” – MK Bhadrakumar
The Haitian President Ariel Henry who is calling for the US to invade Haiti (of course its being called “international aid”) was not elected.
He took over after his predecessor was assassinated last July. Many suspect Henry was involved.
“American Military Watch writes: The air defense of Belgorod broke the world record for the extent of destruction!
According to the magazine, a pair of Ukrainian warplanes attacked the Russian city of Belgorod, arriving at the border with Russia at an extremely low altitude, after which they gained altitude, fired at the target and again went to the ground, headed for the airport..
However, neither the Su-27 fighter nor the Su-24 front-line bomber reached it, having received a missile in their engines. Both aircraft were shot down over the Poltava area. The Russian S-300V4 anti-aircraft system allegedly worked on them.
According to the Americans, the complex hit Ukrainian aircraft at a range of 217 kilometers, thus breaking the previous “record” set by the Russian S-400 system in March this year, when a Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet was shot down over Kiev in a range of 150 km.
As the magazine writes, despite its maneuverability, the fighter could not escape the missile. And no one has yet met the S-500″ – via @geo_monitor
Hi Lodestar,
Re: “Yes, he is going against his word because he fears a regime change/takeover from his parasitic neighbor to the north.”
This is key point. All self-loving elites worldwide perked up when they saw what is being done to Europe.. If they treat near kin and closest allies like this, who will the crazed Hegemon not destroy? They are hellbent on collapsing civilization itself. The Cebrowski-Rumsfeld doctrine has been updated for all, not just the Global South..
And even worse, the same soulless offer is made to all: deindustrialize, cull your population, put our magical products inside yourself and sell off all your real estate and resources OR we attack. All of a sudden, even formerly corrupt and compradore elites sobered up.. what’s to lose now??
So everyone with two brain cells to rub together is rushing to harden themselves, achieve self-sufficiency ASAP, form new supply routes, new alliances, and get as safe as possible from the demented.. too little too late? Time will tell.
So western presstitutes can call it what they want. If it helps defend against the maddened Barbarians at the gate, even Chairman Rocketman’s celestial dynasty — with a side order of Dennis Rodman, all of a sudden looks rosy, wholesome, and positively groovy!
Seriously, Mexicans and all who can see the handwriting have cause for fear. The Global War OF Terrorism is now truly unleashed. And any narco state is by definition infiltrated by crazies and built on sand..
Anarchist says VVP can leave today
miles of quality ready for the fray
Legacies already assured
firebreathers ready to make hay
Banksters were merrily fixt
Oligarchs softly gelded
Atlanticists sweetly scored
Academicians grandly spayed
Nomenklatura rightly doctored
The youth uplifted and enthused
armed forces power oozed
silovaki rampantly suffused
Stavka seamlessly fused
A new Tzar awaits his day
♧ —————— ♧
“Back to the Basics”
Onwards, forwards, downwards
Won’t Pirates relent shore-wards?
Theirs not to reason why
but to ever just die?
Legions dive into the Sun
unquenchable, on they come
Quake, convulse, ramble
shake, gyrate, gamble
twerk, shudder, weave
jerk, Twitter, heave
curve, Rumble, jiggle
swerve, snake, wiggle
Really excellent interview of Pepe Escobar with the people from CrossTalk:
TG 901: The Gaggle Talks To Pepe Escobar
“Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz reminds the world that the Ukraine war cannot be won and that it must end by negotiation — NOW” via Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic & Equitable International Order.
Nothing we dont already know, but nice to have it confirmed ….
“Captured Ukrainian intel field officer reveals Kharkov counteroffensive led by NATO. Prisoner Viktor Berezhnoy said the Armed Forces of Ukraine worked near Kharkov under the strict guidance of at least 100 foreigner military advisers, including officers from US/UK/Poland.”
(in Russian)
Nice diagram of accelerating Eurasian integration:
When I become hopeless,
and need someone to blame.
I call on the name Murph,
and he knows his turf.
Said he never lost,
and at any cost.
Every industry and every trade,
designed in their pain, and got paid.
Murph says they never got it right,
and now the end time moment is in sight.
And he’s here to say,
there is no one coming,
to save the day.
Oh Sweet Beloved of the Southe,
far are Ye from being hopeless.
Liven up and powder Ye House
Maintain focus on thoughts noblest.
Murmur sweet nothings to Ye Spouse..
Exercise to skirt nights sleepless
Best avoided negligees zipless
“Signs of the Times”
‘Tis the Calm before the Storm
“Evacuate Ukie killing field!”
Rus friends: Civvies, the exits swarm!
Gen Armageddon’s here: “Yield!”
Hell & Heavy Hammer he wields
Xi: “Fierce storms ahead.”
Eddie of Istanbul a new BFF
Nazi empire hangin by a thread
Truly plight of wretched Macbeth
Own black shadows dread
to Reason & Retreat deaf
Rashly General Peace shred
deny the Needy fuel & bread
Twas always about Crimea
Kherson to erase land bridge
Krymskiy Most bitterest idea
whipped up by wizard & witch
Malice by Sons of Obeah
Crave Black Sea loot enrich
to safeguard False Messiah
Block Rus Navy at Constantinia
Envy Siberian resources rich
Covet Heartland gas & grain
Hate Russian sovereignty reign
and Orthodox enemy of Cain
♧ —————— ♧
“Baying Hyena Orifices”
Oh sir Admiral Kirby
will Ye not quit the derby?
Wanna be fine atomic dust?
Particulate radioactive crust?
Nuked alongside Miz Trusst?
This ain’t a languid war
a strictly European offensive
a means ramp Fear MOAR
a way to rob Euro wenches
a clinical study of others’ gore
filthy trick MIC coffers ensure
No! Doom also cometh for thee
Only Keith Richard & cockroaches
may escape what approaches
and of that ghoul unsure are we
so long was his mind & spirit at sea
PS — Uncle, thx. Very nice chart indeed of accelerating Eurasian integration. I had similar thoughts at recent Astana summits of new entity CICA.. it is a nifty way of creating too many targets for the maddened Hegemon to slay, protection for assailed small nations, and building the blocks of new World-System, sans the crazed West, no?
Btw, your new Circle Venn Diagram highlights “interesting times” ahead for Egypt, KSA and Turkey. They are at inner core of structures, alongside Iran, Russia and China..
Tried & true tactics against the inner cores: “When in doubt, send Israeli art students to beautify the inner steel columns of tall superstructures.”
Who would’ve thought only a couple of years ago that there’d be rapprochement amongst Iran, Egypt, KSA & Turkey? Truly remarkable.
The US is hopping mad re: the recent OPEC+ oil production cuts esp. before the NOV8 US Midterms.
If the MAGA Repubs wipe the floor with the Dems setting the stage for a Trumo-Gabbard 2024 running team – it *may just give the world another 4 years of breathing space.
Yes re: Israeli art students, I know what you mean. ;) ;)
Iran bros I’m sorry I ever doubted you , I kneel!
Thanks to Uncle Davy for the catch and release.
Truth Is Everything!
“Shahed-136” AKA “Geran-2” drone:
–50 to 60 kg warhead
–1080 miles or 1800 kg range
–110 mph or 180 kph speed
–Very hard for Ukraine to intercept
EQUALS ABSOLUTE RU ???? GAME CHANGER. Major Ukraine cities are feeling the effects of Iran’s Kamikaze Drone!!!
Arash-2, also known as the Kian, different, could be better. Definitely adds depth and versatility.
The Arash-2, also known as the Kian 2, is an Iranian kamikaze drone that may pose a greater threat than the Shahed-136
According to unconfirmed information that russia ordered from Iran a new type of drones, namely the Arash-2, which have a larger combat unit and range compared to the Shahed-136 (the Kremlin ordered 2,400 units of them).
Thanx Lodestar – Love the pic!
“Medvedev: “Israel seems to have decided to supply weapons to Kiev regime. That would be a very rash decision, for it would damage all interstate relations between our countries. Israel might as well recognise [Ukrainian Nazi collaborators] Bandera and Shukhevich as its heroes.” – via MKB
We are not sure weather Americans were ever of their right mind, but we are sure they are no longer there.
I’m well aware the Daily Mail is MI-6’s ‘go-to’ propaganda organ but given the *head of the UK’s prestigious medical journal, The Lancet Investigation into the Origins of the thingy Commission’s, world famous economist & Columbia Prof. Jeffrey Sachs made the same claim as to a biolab origin, just posting this here.
US researchers at Boston University have developed a new lethal Covid mutant strain in a laboratory – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic.
Because the UNSec-Gen’s office has been appropriated by the US State Dept (even Guterres’ spox is from State) the UNSG’s office is now an active arm of US Foreign Policy.
“Russian MOD: In talks between Deputy Defense Minister Fomin & deputy to UNSG Martin Griffiths* in Moscow (17/10), “interlocutors noted that the possibility of extending the Black Sea Initiative directly depends on ensuring the full implementation of all the previously reached agreements.”
There’s nothing like a free lunch! UNSG couldn’t deliver on reciprocal lifting of Western restrictions on Russian wheat & fertilizer. In effect, UN-brokered grain deal served Western business interests. Africa’s dire needs only served as an alibi. Storylines are packed with chicanery!” – MKB
* Griffiths is a career UK diplomat, seen here with Pompeo in Washington, 2019
BILL H. R. 9157… “To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold, and for other purposes”.
Introduced quietly to Congress 10/7/2022…
by Rep. Alexander Mooney from West Virginia
The text doesn’t appear to be available as yet.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how this bill is likely to progress?
This seems extraordinary to me since I cannot see how any currency could be tied to a fixed weight of just one precious metal in this modern era of complete and utterly wild casino FIRE economies.
This system had clearly become unworkable back in 1971, I believe it will become infinitely more problematic in today’s financial circus. This is precisely why I fancy the BRIICS+++ vision where they move into non-fiat currencies that are backed by more like 20 commodities including gold and silver. In this way, the backing can have some stability and not just from the variety and volume, but more importantly from market price discovery of the individual components.
I would appreciate other people’s views on this, but to me on reading this today, I view it as completely hare-brained and having zero chance of progressing through both houses, and then be signed off by the President.
Talk about back to the future, and a model that proved itself outmoded 51 years ago!
Very good question Col.
It has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services on 10/07/2022
It seems to be a personally held position: Mooney supports a return to the gold standard (Wiki)
Steel and Aluminum? Let’s Talk About Gold
– On May 25, 2021 H.R.3526 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): “To provide for the first true audit of gold owned by the United States in more than 65 years, and subsequent audits every 5 years” – Mooney, Alexander.
– US Congressman Seeks Full Audit of America’s Gold Reserves
I would strongly advise him if he’s going to continue down this path, that he checks out the life of fmr HoR Larry McDonald – and what happened to him
Somebody dreamt up a dollar crash scenario (probably Federal Reserve related), and then asked congress as too what would be the next step, BILL H. R. 9157 was the reply.
These guys have too much time on their hands.
Btw Col, I posted in the newsfeed the 2019 link between the Christchurch Mosque massacres & the Neo-nazis before they became, you know, “freedom fighters” by the degenerate West.
Thought you might be interested.
In addition to Larch’s comment re: Putin’s droll poker face when asked “will Ukraine continue to exist?”
I’m relieved to hear this from General Sergei Surovkin:
“I do not want to sacrifice Russian soldiers in a guerrilla war against the hordes of fanatics armed by NATO. We have enough forces and technical means to force Ukraine to a complete surrender”
I would add the word “unconditional”.
I would also insist on the capture of the comedian to be charged & tried for war crimes / crimes against humanity in Russia, to serve as an example of any other upstarts getting the crazy ideas into their heads that they can genocide ethnic Ruskies/Russian-speaking people &/or antagonize a nuclear-armed nation-state.
Under international law, not the BS of an “international rules-base order” the UN Charter Article 2(3) requires peaceful negotiation.
Article 2(4) prohibits not only the use of force, but also the threat of the use of force. NATO’s eastern expansion and the 2014 US-inspired regime change operation in Kiev, constituted egregious violations of Art. 2(4)
If I remember correctly, the term “capitulation” was used and not “a complete surrender”.
A new military term has been discovered, its when you spend billions of dollars on some operation and come up empty, come up short, its called a dry hole.
Over here in the woman God camp, we call that a win, and go home.
But don’t follow us home, we’re doing a complete 180 from where you are going, so you might as well just keep going.