2022/10/11 15:00:01
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As the US sends another aircraft carrier force group to Europe and is to set up a new (Ukrainian) command post in Wiesbaden, would they do that if they had no intention of getting actively involved? This is getting dangerous and why I’ve said from the beginning that Russia had to show some aggression instead of tip toeing through Ukraine which made it look weak in the eyes of western politicians and NATO.
If this carries on I see a mushroom cloud on the not to distant horizon. A shame it would be on the European continent and not where it belongs, on the US who is behind all this. President Putin now has to say very clearly to the US, that any NATO attack on European soil will ensure an immediate retaliatory attack on the US. That is something the US will understand.
it would certainly turn into that if Putin weren’t leading.
If I had my druthers I’d take a yank over a Brit any day. That said, Russia should send the US a message and make an example of London…..just glass over the City….and peace befell the Earth. Gotta start some where may as well make it count.
Cheers M
And hope the resulting nuclear fallout doesn’t blow west over Ireland? Do you think the US would care if a city was nuked thousands of miles away?
“We confront the Roman Catholic Church, other Christian bodies, and the synagogues of America with their silence and cowardice in the face of our country’s crimes. We are convinced that the religious bureaucracy in this country is racist, is an accomplice in this war, and is hostile to the poor.”
Don’t cry for them Argentina. The castles of the rich conceal the dungeons of the poor. You are, and always have been, one of the lights of the world. Like other lights you can tell your importance and potential brightness by the dark forces of colonialism, of false democracy, of false pretense, of evil practices that have been arrayed against you. False religions, prophets, violence and torture. Demonic demagoguery.
Yes, the Churches are cowed or complicit – We recall a similar condition in nazi Germany and nazi Europe circa W2…>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessing_Church < includes some relevant history.
But personally I have witnessed what happens when an honest sermon is given to US Anglican congregation… The congregation walked out almost as soon as the Sermon began… Well, I and my family stayed…but the Church was empty. Sermon given to empty pews…Buncha fake Christians…
Incidentally, that walk-out took place in 1955-56. Since then, some say, standards have fallen even further.
I am infinitely curious now about the subject matter of the sermon your family sat through. It must have been a great one. There was much more religious fervor in the land back then – through to the mid 60s. Billy Graham was popular with politicos. Bill Graham replaces Billy as high priest of the counterculture generation and placed all their preachers in his temples of worship. Thanks for commenting, it is quite interesting.
Wish I could remember it better…>The subject was the NATO (US) v USSR bellicosity then “stimulated” by the affairs in Hungary…as seen according to Christian Morality – “Christians have a moral obligation to reject war” and so on… as I remember it…man it was a long time ago. Of course I know the relevant names, and the Church is still there – and sometimes I wonder if in some dusty file cabinet there lies a yellowed copy…it has crossed my mind to ask the parish office if they have a draft. Broadly, a theme was “The US has turned on its allies and rejected the peace agreed at Yalta, and elected to maintain a war-time economy…etc.” Pretty much “if you’re a Christian you must reject war, otherwise you can get out”. I am probably the only person left alive who has any recollection of that sermon. I ought to have jotted down some notes. The scene was very tense, angry, rude. The domestic scene outside the Church was wild with fascist calls for the US to get openly into a fight with the Red Army over Hungary. So I recall. In the background were frequent bomb tests in open air, at sea, and so on, and late at night the thunder of KB50 (tanker version B29 with souped-up motors) and B52 rolled over our sleeping town. Mother’s been gone some 24 years now, I wish we had discussed the sermon… That was a wealthy Congregation in a wealthy community by the sea…bunchafakes, imho.
(many years later I knew a fella who had been in Hungary and fought the Red Army there as a boy – pretty much a fascist himself….he said that his group of escapees were about 500…took a lot of machinegun fire. RFE propaganda had assured the Hungarians (most men were combat vets, of course) that the US would “come in” to assist them in their fight against the commies…dadada…the 404 affair follows the pattern to-day. BTW my associate claimed that it was fairly easy to disable a T34 with re-bar jammed into the trackdrive…if a kid was quick and lucky…maybe he was lying, maybe not….I suppose he was about 10 in the revolt.)
Best! P
“Cindy the Question Asked..”
Psychopathic fathers test
the suspect silly son
temptations of the breast
will the forbidden be shunned?
Deep in our bosom
longing for the loved one
the comfort of the woman
warm hearth with cushion
steady job for workman
food and health for grandson
safe and secure in the long run
The depraved gangster
picks at essential necessity
tries with taxing disaster
will they do without amenity?
food or heat for the youngster?
light or peace in their city?
so a single line is left alive
such a sweet vital lifeline!
A false ray of hope
to further test the dope
will German serf fight to survive?
or take murder so contrived?
♧ —————— ♧
“Tailor the tool to the task”
Dimi, beloved hostage
in sunny Oz thy bondage
a Haiku a wastage
to crowds full of sausage
delicate three lines
of passing effervescence
and subtle natural design
vexes the raging essence
those burned by blood signs.
Flying over quickly inclined
Tis pain and killing they pine
of this Beast unkind.
Which lines could they divine?
Yet once awhile still
I will try to thrill
thy heart to still
Bother, Two matters that, perhaps, you will find interesting >
They say “Nplate” is “for radiation sickness”….”Why did HHS just buy $300M worth of a drug it publicly said was to treat radiation burns?” I note that it seems that’s not one of the approved uses, it seems to be for some other purpose having to do with blood counts and certain problems, aheem. But I am not expert…low count off label it might (IMHO) be useful, but probably not very in matter of ionizing radiation. Not if that many people were burned anyway…shovels and gasoline might be a better purchasing strategy…https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/c-and-c-news-friday-october-7-2022?r=b82fk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email . Recalling “On the Beach” stocking up on ethyl alcohol might be more rational “cure”… keeping the nausea at bay while the corpus falls away…
In “entirely unrelated”, aheem, matter> “It’s 5 past 12!” paper in an awkward but very good English style > https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/videos-and-interviews/it-is-5-past-12
I read the latter paper as seeming well founded, but freely say that the details Brother Geert Vanden Bossche gives…far above my pay-grade! Mr B is, among other things, DVM, so you’ll have a sort of connection!
I don’t want to start a big discussion about the thingy…but I do suggest people read the two papers and think about them. Withal, I think, such matters don’t really “respond” to chatter – the fat, so to say, is already in the fire…nothing to be done beyond recording the History.
Brother Comrade Grossman published another Bulletin, Number 205> “German Unity, War or Peace”…and I do wish he’d join us @ Cafe! Fragment> “”. And that is just what so many East German “Ossies” expected, demonstrated and voted for in the polling booths.
Are they still rejoicing thirty-two years later? A question also valid for the so-called sister countries, who also metamorphosed in almost amazing marching ord…”
Best! P (…thinking about AED…and all the ferrets died…)
We have ads running here…..
they’ll boost you in the morning
they’ll boost you late at night
they’ll boost you in the garden
they’ll boost you out of sight
’twas the first thing that freaked sis out
when she read the trial results…all test subjects died, and they still pushed it as safe…..for humans
Where do bad people go when they die
To a fiery lake, for their ass to fry
Cheers M
a charm for all seasons,
if you see the next season
out that is
“Dialogue with the Great Red Beast”
a blind great red Beast
covetous eyes on the East
Powers blest by the Black Priest
on shores of Norway’s Wood
a tiny gleaming Angel withstood
GRB: Satan I stand for!
A: You’ll perish forevermore.
GRB: I shall drink wormwood!
A: In the Hell, the firewood.
GRB: Blasphemy I swore!
A: Repent, Mercy will He pour.
GRB: A Criminal from childhood!
A: Peace. The Past’s no more.
And so was strove to reason
with the bewitched that season
futile proved parley for sense
the Beast was simply too dense
what will happen shall happen
Thy Will, in this Age of the Atom
Hi dear Mr P (and others)
what think of new effort with poetry?? Too cringeworthy, should I revert? It HAS forced succinctness on me, less fast typing, introducing clarity of thought. However I was never adept at the Arts. Long ago, was one of those kids couldn’t draw within the lines, carry a song (or remember lyrics) and uselss on instruments.. so I enjoyed it discretely and kept to my books. Shall I continue?? I do find it addictive. And it calmed me a lot too, less brooding on the morbid, become more accepting of what goes down..
regarding radiation sickness and pills.. I am thinking of another poem.. gimme a little time. I think it is part of the War Op, to feed into the Fear. They have no intent to save any of their people. Merely to ramp up Psychic Terror. Cindy nailed it here… if sincere, why not distribute pills to all the people with clear instructions? It is also pork for Big Pharma.. btw, much appreciation for Cindy who steadily injects common sense into our forum.
The contemplation of any Horror is actually worse than experiencing it. They are experts in driving this, to weaken immune systems and raise the Despair to the stratospheric. Kinda like boosting the All Cause Mort, no? Bastards! It will also keep street rioting fuss to minimum as folks are glued to TVs and the net at home.. all these serve as further metrics neither side will back down.
Howdy Brother!
“…Shall I continue?? I do find it addictive. And it calmed me a lot too, less brooding on the morbid, become more accepting of what goes down…..”…………….Well, yes, I think so. Longtimeago when oscilloscopes were very expensive, I managed to get a big company to pay for a nice Heathkit dual trace kit…which I then had to put together and troubleshoot. (Yup, a defective proprietary IC gave the task some element of a thrill). The task took about a week one rainy November…an observing colleague remarked that the focused details, one examined with a little microscope each task, checked with VOM, and checked it off as tiny solder joints are made. Otherwise it’s not going to work…details expelled all thought alien to the task…very soothing. Grandfather-surgeon wrote poetry for, I think, similar reasons. When we studied poetic genre I got fairly good at it myself…having grown up with the open-air test series of the gadgets, and the obvious machine-intent of atomic ritual suicide, my blundering about followed the comforting path, like building that ‘scope…group therapy found in building big machines – my own escape by focus on tiny details. Now, however, that is denied to me, the escape of the construction gang, the blueprints, the comradeship, the arguments and consensus, the invention, the welcome “two checks” at the day we finished – Time to go Fishing. > “The contemplation of any Horror is actually worse than experiencing it….” Generally, yes, I suppose it is…once it was so for me…but…well. Many times I have been in situations I did not expect to survive, and into which I entered knowing I would die…only to emerge again. The contemplation of horror now only brings a wry sadness. Mind you, I’m pretty sure my surviving kids, and about 1/3 of Anoxia, are merely walking dead already…the jibbythingie and woke…my motorcycles offer the opportunity to look Death in the eye, second by second…but they, these days, also make my wrists ache…and there is some shrapnel that bothers we too…but I still ride them.
And I still build machines…but nearly alone.
As to the two papers…we are, I think, entirely agreed. I never imagined that the Nplate had anything to do with good intent, rather about covering up crime, briefly. The second, the Bossche paper, however, is technically too advanced for me to properly evaluate. It does seem solid to me. The rodeo begins to be impossible to conceal…and the losers always double. 5 past 12…
FWIW I expect that the atomic affray phase is very near. There are, as a general matter, of course, no pills. The delayed aftereffects of the jibbythingies and the denial of hydrocarbons and carbohydrates and so on show precisely the attitude of the evil people…they must have war, they worship death, but expect to live forever…a satanic swindle…or the old army game. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/3a/41/273a41d3bce258287e30c589d68134f1.jpg (G. Corso poem “Bomb”)
” glued to TVs and the net at home.. ” I wonder what would happen if these things stopped…and expect that they will…which might bring the crowds to “park bulldozers” atop the escape hatches of the mine-shafts as the skies go dark with the incinerated.
Later Brother and all… Best! P
You are God’s own true
favourite, what more could you
possibly want?
Ahh, concerning the poetic form, thanks for asking how it is received, for me anyway, I can’t focus on so much I’m afraid, news, views and analysis have to be as straightforward as possible, no coloured highlighting,etc etc that’s across the board. I simply want to know what people are thinking, what’s happenning, and feel free to think. Having said that, I adnire the creation of a new genre, excellent, perhaps it will make you famous!!
“There was and still is a tremendous fear that poor and working-class Americans might one day come to understand where their political interests reside. Personally, I think the elites worry too much about that. We dumb working folk were clubbed into submission long ago, and now require only proper medication for our high levels of cholesterol, enough alcohol to keep the sludge moving through our arteries, and a 24/7 mind-numbing spectacle of titties, tabloid TV, and terrorist dramas. Throw in a couple of new flavours of XXL edible thongs, and you’ve got a nation of drowsing hippos who will never notice that our country has been looted, or even that we have become homeless ourselves.”
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban interview with German press: “Anyone who seriously believes that the war can be ended through Russian-Ukrainian negotiations lives in another world. Reality looks different.
In reality such issues can only be discussed between Washington and Moscow. Today Ukraine is able to fight only because it receives military assistance from the US. On this basis, one can draw a simple conclusion:
The Americans must reach an agreement with the Russians. Only then will the war be over. At the same time, I do not see President Biden as the person who would really be suitable for such serious negotiations.
President Biden has gone too far. Suffice it to recall his statements to Russian President Putin. In the current situation, hope for peace can be associated, for example, with the name of Donald Trump. Angela Merkel is also capable of influencing the situation.
It was because of Merkel’s position that a large-scale conflict was prevented in 2014. It was the pinnacle, the art of diplomacy.” – via M. K. Bhadrakumar
Nothing less than unconditional surrender from the Biden
Agreement with non-agreement-capable cabal (to use Tulsi’s word) might be understood to exist in the same sense that a cop forges an agreement with desperate and violent criminal… Sometimes the criminal lives, sometimes he does not. Either way, agreement occurs. Nuremberg Prosecutor Ben Ferencz described how he managed to get agreement in nazi towns…at gunpoint the individual inhabitants were required to write in silence and at the same time the history of their town, who was a nazi, who was not, and any crimes they knew about. Ferencz told them that the stories would be compared, and anybody who lied would be shot immediately. (He claims the promise was a bluff…but it’s easy to do that bluff…all the people would know was that a liar would be taken away by an MP, followed by a shot)
Who will constitute the cop? Tulsi wants the job, but it may be Ivan…with the MP…or it may come airmail…endlossen.
5GW puts it quite nicely.
About poetry, the elliptical form, which I often use…as Celine did too…may be a “poetic”…way…or so I imagine. D’un château l’autre, an’ all of that… poor sod, lostinnazi and contradiction, terrified too. They say he had a red motorcycle in occupied Paris…
Truss has trashed the Pound
Where does England head
Queen is quite dead
King whittled by dread
BoE becomes james Bond.
Whilst Inflation is reigning
The toilet paper be missing
They long for days of Karono
When everyone was sleeping
While Pfizer kept stealing.
Get out of bed, they dread,
before you stiffen for good.
The war about to start,
and all you do is fart.
The doctor is on leave,
but in a silent heave.
The bank sank,
b/c they had no yanks or tanks.
the occasional good stiff
then being stiffed for good
“Ripples from Ukraine segue into time-tested French rituals..”
the Hits on the Ukie Juice..
Black Fingers from Black Sea reach out
to tighten Europa’s neck in the noose
political and social unrest break out
Riveting tableau of the French worker
prowling streets, foxy fire-starter
Extra-constitutionality of French!
more lively than the benumbed back bench!
intrepidly saucier than “M” Judi Dench!
How delightfully versed the elite to quench!
What gadgets shall the brigands now invent?
Anglo partners will blow on glowing ember
to assist workers the state to dismember.
Putin warned of changes of the guard
when will they listen with finer regard??
Erecting Fair Just Visions multipolar
requires getting dirtier than a coaler
dedollarize, denergize, deindustrialize
Kettle nazis, move out, tune out
let time, temper & tide rip asunder,
with hand from Dark, Cold & Hunger
A related thought Mr P dropped
“What happens if these things stopped..”
indeed this is a volcanic wild card
to incite Youth, the very souls scarred
deprived of Insta, YouTube & Meta!
Maybe zombies dafter than señorita Greta!
will they rip apart nazis one-handed?
deprive Russians of nazi excreta?
let us watch the Ukie youth pretties
a preview of Horrors in western cities
♧ —————— ♧
“Boxing in the Beast”
The Brooding Blind Beast weighs
portents the Konstantinovksy Palace conveys
It used to be in the old day
a gentle lesson dealt to sway;
“throw bantam weight against wall
once in a while to frighten all.”
So MBZ visits princely St. Petersburg..
what Sugar-Daddy now the Gulfs guard?
A momentous Sign in itself
of Falls and Sorrows already incurred
pl watch this video.. now I know why nazis & neanderthals run when Chechens arrive.. sanity breaks through even the meth haze??? I hope Chucky’s Bride never sees it!! In blind panic, she would press every button within reach.
Buying NPlate to surreptitiously treated vax-induced ITP is possible, but as you said altruism or benevolent stewardship are not among their sins.. so in addition to fear-mongering it may be about stocking the mineshafts for themselves??
I couldn’t stomach GVB again.. it is not the science but his attitude. Would you be debating with Dr. Mengele in October 1944?? Asking for a deferred “operation” for a year or so?? And keeping it now for a subset of “experimental subjects” given reasonable adherence to the Science? There is a major disconnect.. this medical system is terminally rabid and cannot be reasoned with. We just cannot trust them. They mock their own god Science daily with constant reversals and irrationality. They became an owned subdivision of Technocracy — themselves Acolytes of the Antichrist on Guidelines timetables. Even Russians, who always talk, stopped dealing with the EU and other crazies. They only maintain contact with inescapable global institutions until alternatives are ready. His naivete is profound and/or the cynicism off the charts. I suspect darker. Most decent leaders have left the Stage, had the decency to tune out or are fertilizer.. events take their course.
“this medical system is terminally rabid and cannot be reasoned with. We just cannot trust them.” My “rustic sanitary engineer” allowed that he’s afraid to visit a medico of any sort, for fear they’ll give him a shot of something “bad” by deception. He ought to get, he said, a hepatitis and a tetanus shot – but can’t trust them as to what’s in the syringe… That fella is quite real, nearly illiterate…An indicator in a sociological sense. Nice fella too. Young guy, about 60…
Common sense doesn’t require an education Mr P. We also follow Canada’s Dr Briddle, a virologist…it seemed that those with enough knowledge were ‘deplatformed’ or shouted down….while the Charlatans of Satan were given free reign to spread fear and terror. I don’t fault the Doctors…they don’t get to practice without beaurocratic oversight, but they compromised themselves, sold their integrity….money, fame, status…..like a lover spurned….there’s gonna be mucho trust issues going forward.
Cheers M
Some UK derivative traders are in hot water, the type of water not seen since 08. The BOE has decided to not further fund their bond purchases, and unless they find another buyer by Friday, some pension funds are going to have to pay higher rates to fund their current obligations.
And if confidence levels drop enough, and rates quickly rise to unsustainable numbers (which in todays high debt environment isnt as far as before), more than a few brits are going to boil out of this black kettle.
Noted Russian military expert Vladislav [“Vlad”] Shurygin to Izvestia newspaper: “The Russian Armed Forces have begun to conduct combat operations for real, this is how it should have been done from the very beginning.
Now we are striking at the infrastructure. First of all, targeting energy facilities, communications and railways. All these targets are vulnerable, and we have every opportunity to impact them.
Leaving the enemy without electricity, we will leave him without light and communications, as well as without properly functioning railways. This fighting must be continued. This is feared in the West, which is why they’ve raised such a cry.
Problems with electricity will disrupt entire logistics of the Ukrainian military – system for transporting personnel, military equipment, ammunition, related cargo, as well as the functioning of military and repair plants. It will become easier for our units at the front.
So far, there is shock in Ukraine, but they will be able to restore the destroyed facilities. In order to comprehensively destroy [Ukraine’s] military logistics, you need to work in this vein for a week and a half or two.”
– via MK Bhadrakumar
As I’ve said before, a critical mass has been reached …
The UNGA voted 143 for, 5 against & 35 abstained to not recognize incorporation of former Ukraine provinces into Russia – but look who abstained: BRICS & SCO nations
“Nordstream2 is having the last laugh. Biden thought he killed it, but it seems he only wounded it. Like a King Cobra, it can regenerate still and come back to haunt US-German relations, as winter deepens and Germans go without hot water & export industries pack up.
Importantly, to restart NS gas flow, Russians would have to be let into the site of the deep sea explosion and that is highly risky as Gazprom would have the technical skill & expertise to explore what really happened in those depths & whose finger prints are there.
From what little Putin has disclosed so far, this seems to have been the handiwork of some Ukrainian sabotage team with logistic support from Anglo-Saxons. If word spreads in Europe that the US has back-stabbed, there’ll be hell to pay, as German protesters had demanded NS gas.”
via M. K. Bhadrakumar
Fascinating backstory, only recently made public …. must listen (2:19)
On NATO’s attempt to get Hungary to invade Yugoslavia in 1999.
– via @GeorgeSzamuely
“Putin challenges Scholz: “Its [Nord Stream 2’s surviving string] capacity is 27.5 bln cubic meters per year, about 8% of total gas imports to Europe. Russia is ready for a start of such supplies. The ball is on the European Union’s side, as the saying is.
“We don’t limit anyone, including readiness to supply extra volumes during winter season. I regret saying we aren’t allowed to survey [remaining] string but pressure is maintained [in it]. Pressure is kept, meaning that it is in the operable condition, to all appearance.”
Biden will go ballistic: as, return of Russian gas will mean sudden death for US monopoly over EU energy market where US companies are having a windfall. Russia’s contracted price for Germany was circa $280 for 1000 bcm whereas price of LNG from US is over 300% higher!”
– via M. K. Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline
Uncle Davy (2022-10-12 07:22:51) submitted this chart
with the caption
Rather instructive to notice that the US had its best ever years of economic growth during WWII. When the whole of Europe & Asia are at war, but your continent is untouched and you’re their main supplier, you tend to benefit …
This immediately reminded me of a song from a video game titled Sam and Max Save the World. The song (presumably satirical) has this lyric that war “strengthens the economy”.
Does it really? Because I’ve been told at least once that war tends to weaken the economy – an anti-war argument I’ve read back when I used to read The American Conservative.
According to Feynman, In US during W2 there was lots of economic activity and engineering, but very little actual original research, actual progress. Given that original research is the seed-corn of an industrial economy, we may see the “economic growth” of W2 as a burst of vigor derived from eating the seed-corn.
Actually it’s probably not that simple. There was some original work.
In the sense that in a closed system where a nation cannot import resources, resources are used for the production of goods for destruction, in the long term it weakens an economy, unless there is radical innovation.
However using GDP as a raw measurement of economic activity, GDP will increase – but not necessarily for consumer products/spending – but heavy production of arms & armaments that have a high-value added component, ie are more expensive.
This is why war is often *used as an antidote for extended periods of economic stagnation e.g. the Great Depression & Obama’s bombing of 7 Arab/Muslim nations w/o Congressional approval after the 2008 GFC & ensuing Great Recession, until Trump’s 2016 election win.
This thread via fmr UK Ambassador & author, Craig Murray relates to Scottish Independence, but has implications for Catalonia & the recognition of the reunified Russian territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk & Lugansk
The White Flag Hearing – The legal right of secession of states, outside of a situation of “classic” colonial occupation, has developed enormously in the last ~30 years. South Sudan, Montenegro, East Timor, Eritrea, North Macedonia, Czech Republic …
Q: But what is the point when the UK can simply veto the UN recognition thus creating a limbo?
It is more complex. You apply to the Secretary General who copies it to the UNGA. If there is a veto on the Security Council, there is a specific process for that to be referred back to the General Assembly to debate.
At that stage the UNGA will probably refer it to the ICJ for an opinion (as in Kosovo). There will then be a debate in the UNGA and the result of that debate be sent back to the UNSC.
If the ICJ & UNGA are positive – as I have no doubt they will be – then its very difficult for the UK to maintain a veto alone for a long period. An unreasonable veto would not stop other countries recognizing it and the state functioning.
It would delay membership of international organisations. But I don’t think the UK would maintain a veto in the face of the UNGA & an ICJ advisory opinion. The damage to its wider international relations would be too great.
…. and while we’re on the subject: The UN General Assembly Resolution #1469 led to the pseudo-legal annexation of Alaska & Hawaii into the US as states #49 & #50 respectively. This resolution needs to be revisited since it was obtained by fraud.
Some pithy material in re UNGA1469 > https://talesofhawaii.net/tag/unga-resolution-1469-xiv/
Excerpt> “A careful review of the case will reveal that the General Assembly adopted Resolution 1469 under false premises, on the basis of false and incomplete information provided by the United States of America, relying on representations that were tainted by grave material and procedural irregularities surrounding the fraudulent referendum on Hawaii’s entry into the United States as a State, which amounted to an act of annexation. Because the referendum was fundamentally flawed, the resolution based thereon must be deemed null and void.”
I’d like to see something similar in re Alaska… I saw that D. Orlov not long ago remarked that the Alaskan lease expired in 1966… I’d like to know more about this view… Gospodin O was saying something about organizing a referendum in Alaska…
The matter of compensation is not yet addressed…frauds and penalties oft come as a pair.
Mercouris once opined that he expected the Chinese to bring influence to a sort of demarcation zone, roughly at Hawaii.
The country does have some horrendous debt, perhaps one day will give the expensive state to the Chinese to cancel our debts to them, that kind of influence?
“Sign of the times”
Preempt Nikolaev & Odessa
suicide Poles at hands of Luka
Are you aboard, Italian Contessa?
How will you spin, Admiral Hookah?
Ban Russian aluminum
poke eyes with thumb
deep vile depths plumb
Shut factories that hum
of Petroleum Man bum
to agony succumb
the Locusts therefrom
“Strange Fruit”
Strange winter fruit
from Euro trees droop
no need for kids to loot
save the odd chic boot
many a horn will toot
avenues lined by brutes
if folks’ needs pursued
ignored Anglo-Zionist flute
declined the elegant suit
hadn’t Honor & Home pollute
less evil the current route.
Pity, he’ll never compute
♧ —————— ♧
“Heart to Heart”
Breathe in, breathe out
put aside the doubt
in oasis redoubt
seed a lovely heart
the back stout
not too proud
a mantra allowed
calm to chaos without
Be mindful throughout
The latest from the South of France re: petrol strikes & civil disobedience:
“There is indeed pandemonium at gas stations, but for the moment the chaos is in Paris and some parts of northern France. Here [in South of France] we have petrol for the moment but I don’t know for how long …..
There is a seriously heightened state of panic here.
However, the strike isn’t a very important one. It’s a mild inconvenience and isn’t really a bother to the government, which is trying to be very reassuring saying petrol “reserves” are going to be delivered from Algeria in days to come.
The really crazy, insane headline is the fact that the government plans to switch off the internet for everyone at night. The government has ordered all internet and telephone operators to switch off their services at night to save on electricity. I can tell you, people are really angry about this. Students need to study at night, so many services require to work at night.
AND the government has ordered the huge electricity supplier Enedis to reduce hot water through their smart counters.
I really don’t know what’s coming next. I think there are many more unpleasant surprises in store.”
[my emphasis]
The Duran take an depth look at the protests happening in France, not an inconvenience for the Government, but could well be if the workers from the oil refineries strike at the same time………….
Turn off the internet at night for everone, what a fine idea, more sleep, converstaion, book reading,and wellness, assuredly at the heart of the globalists acceleration of human digital binding..
I fully agree about internet.. there’s unappreciated upsides for us old-timers who lived before internet era… once withdrawal torments & symptoms abate even for us!
“Agony & Fog — both sides of Channel”
Dark times deepen
Times spring the Man
“Control, Crush, Centralize”
solve problems? Pound sand.
The French convulse
Anglo horrors scan
reflexed to repulse
weakening of pulse
wasted impulse
PS – thanks Uncle for the news from France. I’ve stopped monitoring the gory details of the train wreck in motion in Europe, so predictable and heartbreaking.. however both the Alexes and Pepe were ringing warning bells in their daily updates.. mercouris mom was in Paris 1968 and he sees early signs. Once industry workers join streets protesters, it is time to batten the hatches. Was Jefferson inspired by the anarchy-loving French?? it is getting heavy in Europe. The Ogres are not subtle at all. Macrons talk of nukes is scariest yet! The French agonize, openly voicing disquiet with conflagration prepared for them and for all Europe. The perfidy of their allies!
At same time the French elites attack their only bulwark against Anglo enemies — their workers.. and their victims’ generation is a true lemming! Some of their properly uncivilized ancestors would have burned the entire edifice down by now. The shamelessness of the internal Aktion-T4 in motion, while their entire state is on the chopping blocks. True evil genius at play.
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Sudhi, did you catch the exceptional piece in the Konstantinovksy Palace video?
I mean the Pas de Deux Waltz? I remember you enjoy waltzes and Dmitri Shostakovich (a Stalin muse?)
♧ ——————♧
“Memories of youthful torments”
Views Young Andrei —
patient vampire. Sucking blood,
with each equation.
Dimi: this was inspired by seeing photo of young Smoothie, who looked like my calculus teacher! Was initially painful experience until the light turned on…
Irony was of course behind my comment in response to Uncle Davy’s, thus follow the money in respect of ‘turn off the internet at night’ and the digitilzation of economy.. Economy and war, and what comes first ? Economy, as money is the root of all evil and war follows.
No need to make assumtive comments about anyones age, they are a personal matter, and ‘familiarity breeding contempt’ in terms of women, well, the implications of such, are of course, far worse, say no more.
The new the ‘poetics of politics’ genre, the ahh-hym, as it may famously be refered to in the future… beware the human pitfalls my fellow traveller ….
Dear AHH, watched the Konstantinovksy Palace video, it was truly exceptional, portraying as it did beauty, pathos, destruction and renewal. Waltzes are so uplifting. Also, thank you for the wonderful photos, they are treasures for life at “doom’s doorstep” (as per Pepe Escobar).
“turning off internet at night”… I have the idea that my rustic sanitary engineer’s “illiteracy” and clarity of understanding of reality stem mostly from two factors> He gets around and meets real people in private rural situations. And he doesn’t use the computer or the ‘net. We may also understand that he’s spent some time in jail…where a sort of brutal message about realpolitik is given as a regular lesson.
It’s an experiment to interrupt the ‘net. Evidently the experimenters have bias. Possibly entire legions of sanitary engineers may erupt.
It may be that an arranged EMP or whatever may occur… That would also be experimental.
One imagines simultaneously hundreds of thousands of private meetings ’round guttering candles…
On the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis …
Noam Chomsky: The Ukraine war and lessons from the Cuban missile crisis (23:18)
Note: Ignore the assumptions in the intro; NC comes to Ukraine at @8:05
Some key takeaways:
“The major issue about a crisis is not how to get out of it but how not to get into it in the first place
and that is a crucial feature of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the current semi-crisis.
So if you look back at the Cuban Missile Crisis there were easy ways to avoid it. They weren’t taken and it’s worth thinking about them. So why did Khrushchev make the reckless move of putting missiles in a domain that the US insists on controlling for like 200 years? In fact, well there were 2 major reasons. One was that the US was carrying out a murderous terrorist war against Cuba with plans that might lead to an uprising and an invasion so partly it was defense against that. The second reason was Jupiter missiles in Turkey …”
“Well let’s come to Ukraine. If you take a look at the Russian statements, Putin’s statements, they are essentially a reiteration of the policies of every nuclear weapon state. Every nuclear weapon state has the policy that if they are under existential threat of destruction they may resort to nuclear weapons. And it’s a little different in the Ukraine case because Putin has extended this to the territories that he very recently annexed. But other than that, it’s the normal statement of every power except incidentally for the United States, although this is not discussed here. The US has a much more extreme policy. It’s formulated during the Clinton years in an important StratCom, Strategic Command document, Essentials of Post-Cold War Deterrence (1995) which everyone should read. It’s a very striking document it says the United States must keep a first use policy even against non-nuclear states and must constantly be brandishing nuclear weapons because they cast a shadow over other conflicts.
If others know that we have them they’re going to keep away when we just invade; so it tells it’s a warning to others. Furthermore it goes on, the United States must project (I’m quoting now) a national persona of being rational and vindictive with some elements out of control so that others will be properly terrified in our nuclear weapons which we’re waving at them; will warn them to keep away. And that’s the most extreme policy that’s been announced by any nuclear state. It’s never discussed here, of course.
Nor do we discuss Clinton’s Doctrine which was exclusive that the US has the right to engage in military force to protect their interests and resources, multilaterally if we can, unilaterally if we must.”
Is Belarus about to be an active part in the Russia’s SMO?
Belarus has introduced a counter-terrorist operation (CTO) after reports “of planned provocations by a number of neighboring states.” – Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei.
Politics is more of a sport, than an art.
You make the art of the political deal, and no one gets hurt in the art museum,
but really they are in the public stadium of life, where people do expect to get injured.
Musk added to the Mirotvorets assassination list
completely take down #StarLink from Ukraine now that he is officially on their #KillList #Myrotvorets for his “heretic” tweets & the #UkroNazis have been using StarLink to carry out #DroneStrikes on #KillList targets? My friends Eva & Vanessa are on the list too.
News from the trenches isn’t getting any better, ambushing cops, 8 dead in bar shooting doesn’t even make the news, the blacks and whites are talking about making peace in the south.
This is the equivalent of the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s stopping shooting at each other, and instead go after the revenuer as the original problem.
UPDATE: Ukrainian army units have begun retreat from Bakhmut, and Russian forces who encircled the city on 3 sides are preparing to enter. Massive defeat for Ukrainian military. Bakhmut is lynchpin of Kiev’s defence line in Donetsk & communication hub for supply.
– MK Bhadrakumar @BhadraPunchline
Putin: “He [Biden] should be asked whether he is ready to hold such negotiations with me or not [during the G20 at Bali]. To be honest, I don’t see any need by and large. There is no platform for any negotiations for the time being.”
Putin knows he has time on his side.
Winter is coming. And when EU energy prices soar – and businesses fail – and people can’t afford to heat their homes – support for this US/NATO proxy war will crumble, e.g.