2022/10/04 16:00:02
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Bride of Chucky as PM – Dominic Cummins (Bojo’s Svengali) referred to her as the human hand grenade because of her unbalance and Kami-Kwasi Kwarteng (an intelligent but narrow minded and ideologically driven man) as Chancellor (Finance minister) are rapidly ruining my adopted country
I am frightened that Bride of Chucky may start more foreign adventures to divert attention from the collapse at home.
These are the moments that try peoples souls.
I thought that the United States had set an unbreakable record for stupidity when George Bush was elected President. But our British brethren have set a whole new benchmark for all Western nations to aspire to.
“… the United States had set an unbreakable record for stupidity when George Bush was elected President…”
Mike, Little Bush was not elected, he was appointed by a corrupt judge; a flawed ‘election’, Diebold, and hanging chads).
She must be Chuckies second bride. The first was Gretha Thunberg.
Don’t feel too gloomy about it – the EU is operationally led by Uschi, let’s call her ‘Nurse Ratched’, who was elected by an even significant lower percentage of officials, if there was even any election at all, which must be closer to the truth (as if anyone cares). Gee, that’s exactly how the former Politburo functioned, due to smashing success we reinvented it.
Btw, nearly all Europeans I ask around me have really no flying f*ck idea who the President is of the EU, and that’s not Nurse Ratched. Just try it for yourself in your surroundings ;-)
Cheers, Rob
Multiple Explosions & fire has been reported at the 18th fighter wing (Gangneung) in South Korea.
Dr.Snekotron Retweeted
Replying to
South Korean residents saw missiles being launched.
According to South Korean media there was an accident during training.
NK has been missile happy lately so it would be a great time for a false flag. imo
The neglectful pretense
of a smile while talking,
at least this wileful love
moved forward thus far
Her blushes, her shyness
as she moves away from me,
O this blessed love
at least you came thus far
The thousands of whims
which descended upon me,
what torments they caused
by overwhelming my life
The expanses of my garden
were in prideful bloom,
Alas a new breeze came
to overshadow springtime
But what can be done about
the nature of unrequited love,
but face such calamities
and enjoy them as they arrive
Better to have a years storage of goods, than to blame the weather.
The cannons they fire ahead
behind the machine guns rattle
The water from uphill
I feel like drinking
The lady from upstairs
I feel like talking
Down there is the hole
where porcupines hide
Innit they stored their goods
now they wish to retrieve it
Don’t give a cigarettes to
a person who loves cheroot
The mortar shells fire ahead
the machine guns rattle behind
Oh… Hoh…oh…ho…oh
Silent night, holy night…
My Ain True Love – Alison Krauss, Sting
she was irresistible
then, and still is today,
and she knows it
when you turned my way
and your eyes met mine,
’twas then my blood
turned into wine.
when I heard your voice
call my name
’twas then my world
went up in flame.
when I saw your face
with your eyes so blue;
the day I bid
my heart adieu!
A singular lifeline
of Nordstream pipeline,
lives for Germania
to avert Collapsed mania.
Else kleptomania
organs and nymphomania
a hellhole like Ukrainia.
Heeding Peskov
divining tea leaves
a Lunger’s cough
from all back off!
thou not perceives
orifices know not
an SMO from snot.
the New York Deflection
a most guilty Reflection..
most dearest Darina
a young tsarina
nazis pursued in
one beloved to Dugin,
raided for fostering¹
love and prospering
with Iran the god-fearing
what now, Avengers of Putin?
Afore an “offensive”
do false flag a-brag
Faculties suspensive
Propaganda in the bag.
Make Ruskies apprehensive
Protect men expensive
with kitbag all ragtag
retreat all defensive.
Fie O Scallywag!
Then a counteroffensive..
1 (Mansoureh Tajik):
I lost my book, in a tiny nook, and the lines I was going to read.
A little gnat took my hat, and there I sat, ugly and fat.
W/o my book, I took a look, to see if my friends might lend me one,
But they too, were out of stock, only cook books to desire.
Just before I snapped, I took a nap, then uploaded an app,
and my food was delivered right away.
I Scratched my Crannie, and… Voila!
don’t need no feast
no goose that’s greased
don’t need no chef
from the middle east
don’t need no knife
don’t need no fork
don’t need no wife
don’t need no talk
don’t need no cat
don’t need no dog
no tit for tat
no family hog
don’t need no bread
don’t need no beans
to clog my head
and fill my jeans
don’t need no herb
don’t need no spice
just leave me to
my own device
I lost my book,
found my nook,
scratched my crannie,
and thanked the cook!
my feet wedged in a cranny
searching for a rope if any
where does knowledge reside
when one only seeks to abide
if I had the book
I’d take a look
enemies are everywhere
with every thought and dare
rolling on one’s hidden goods
by forsaking all good deeds
will they provide succour
when in need of bread n butter
but wisdom provides a direction
could man courageous take action
and seek love through emancipation
when he’s embroiled in hesitation
boy soldiers
crossing dark rivers for
a handful of dirt
Timely piece :
The United States declares war on Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and France
by Thierry Meyssan
Detailed presentation of the Straussians, who have now actually attacked their allies!
Mentions even Trump 3C’s in 2017 – Connectivity, Commerciality, Complementarity.
Meaning of course the Three Seas, the Intermarium of the Empire revisited.
Russia might – we do not know – cut this up by inviting Odessa in.
For some strange reason this report omits any mention of the leaked British document in May, in BoJo’s tenure :
the planned Commonwealth of Europe (Germany, France, Italy not included) :
Il piano segreto di Boris Johnson per dividere l’Ucraina da Russia e Ue: il Commonwealth europeo
This is the New Intermarium. And of course the new King Charles III being head of state for 52+ Commonwealth states already.
The 64,000$ question then is if the Straussian are actually a British Commonwealth stalking horse?
Serbian movie…
Ko to tamo peva (Who’s Singin’ Over There) (1980) – Full Movie English Subbed [HD]
“Gods curse on you England…” 36:30 James Connolly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfjrrEFe01k
Maybe Gods curse finally hit England? City of London…
How strange there was suddenly peace in Northern Ireland after the London bombings…
Probably not many remember?
What has happened to our Europe? I really don’t know. Something very evil has come to hit us. No, I don’t mean Russia. The evil has grown in Europe. What is wrong with people?`They seem mad to me.
Bengalo sherot… I don’t know the spelling. Gypsy language meaning mad in the head. So true. So sadly true.
The cats are sleeping in the sofa next to me. The dog went to the bed…
And I am a little pilo. A little drunk since I drink “Silvano coffee”… After my italian friend who taught me to pour a little whisky in the coffee.
What can one say? What happened to all the beauty in the world? So much confusion in people. Was it that injection? Is it that massive propaganda? Anyhow the majority seems completely mad.
It is scary.
Good Night!
Here is what happened to Ireland :
Love Letter to Ireland!
And to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World ~ You Are All About to Be Fleeced Once Again!
David Chu • October 3, 2022 •
The Irish “external debt to GDP” ratio is currently at 609%. In December 2010, it was well over 1,000% (1,091.5% to be precise). No other nation on Earth carries this much external debt to its GDP. The United States, the world champion of all debts for sure with an official national debt reaching almost $31 Trillion, only has 104% as its external debt to GDP.
David Chu, from China, 40 years an extreme anti-China activist, has changed and learned what really is going on. Surprisingly this report on Ireland just now!!!
So Eire surpasses the USA, widely recognized primed to implode causing even international industrial terrorism on its supposed allies! Notice the complete lock-step of Dublin with D.C. and London – now you see why!
I’m not a financial expert but I think the whole central banking system is a scam. Who gives control to set monetary policy for the govt to the privately run industry that stands to profit from their policies. Our system was designed to fail, to be an ever increasing debt load. The commercial banks take our money and only have to keep 10% of that deposit in case of a crisis to return to citizens. The other 90% they use to make loans to others or purchase more debt to make profits for themselves. So now you have more money in the system. Tell me how the FDIC or the one for the credit unions could possibly pay off citizens accounts insured under it in case of a bank run. Where is the govt going to get the money to cover those withdrawals when it’s already $30 trillion in debt?
Can someone explain that to me? What am I missing?
This podcast explains exactly how the latest bank debacle in the UK happened and that the US has an even bigger debt problem. It had to do with the pension funds and the central bank raising interest rates.
With Glass-Steagall, splitting commercial units hermetically from investment units, which Austrian School and the London School of Economics and ZH will not contemplate, then FDIC can fulfill its original intent of FDR in 1934.
This worked until 1999 when Clinton repealed it under impeachment pressure.
So, clearly, been there done that.
Next step as Glazyev explains in detail in his Telegram and website, is directed credit for immediate economic.
In other words exactly what the EAEU is now doing with the SCO and China.
In Russian, easy to translate. Glazyev is also critical of the RCB, points applying to all such for decades.
If you are familiar with central banking you are likely familiar with a temple temper tantrum that got a fella martyred. It’s that old, or older.
Cheers M
At least they had the Jubilee – a 7-year debt cancellation.
Lazy sheep get shorn….up North we say, “slap it into you” the Latchicos deserve what they get. Literally abandoned the Catholics of the North at f’n London’s command. So no tears lost for them……oh, and for those non Northern Irish Catholics……there is no road to freedom with reunification, it’s not the same country and they are not the same people, regardless of shared religion……but then I’m an NI Nationalist and they come in two flavours….or did when I was a kid, Catholics and Protestants…..with many of us being half breeds, me included…
Cheers M
Reunification is a tool to beat London over the head with…..since they put away the guns.
@Sean you spoke about…”road to freedom”… in your old country.
A great truly Northern Irelander spoke about this too, in his epic 1971 title track “Tupelo Honey”.
The sax solo by ex-James Brown band member, Pee Wee Ellis, is absolutely epic… one of the most outstanding honks I have ever heard in my entire life…
You can take all the tea in China
Put it in a big brown bag for me
Sail right around all the seven oceans
Drop it straight into the deep blue sea
She’s as sweet as tupelo honey
She’s an angel of the first degree
She’s as sweet, she’s as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey, baby, from the bee
You can’t stop us on the road to freedom
And you can’t keep us, ’cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granites
Knights in armour bent on chivalry
… quoted from… https://www.contactmusic.com/van-morrison/news/van-morrison-bemoans-negative-reaction-to-freedom-of-speech_6331343
Freedom is not a given anymore. You have to fight for it. That’s where the blues come in.”
It’s not something you can forget, especially anyone who lives through it. The rattle of machine guns, Gramps taught me the difference in the sounds when I was a kid….and the most important knowledgable thing about sound, the Doppler Effect, although he didn’t call it that, just said if it sounds like it’s moving away that’s good, if it seems to be in one place, pay attention to it, if it’s coming closer move away from it…… imagine, the things kids have to learn sometimes. I feel sorry for all the civies, Ukrainian and Russian…….lives trashed, what a f’n mess.
Cheers M
There are 2 things you do not hear – the bullet, and shot.
Transonic artillery, sonic booms are a different kettle of fish.
The other thing not heard is the catastrophic bank bailout, the silent collection, broad daylight fleecing, sheep shearing. And it is about to start again (see link just above).
One life lost is a tragedy, a million lives lost is a statistic.
With the permission of the mods I wanted to respond in the current MFC to some questions posed by Kapricorn4 on October 03, 2022 · at 5:45 am EST/EDT
“I wish more people clearly understood what you reveal concerning the tremendous power the private banking cabal exerts in its quest to increase the power of their money monopoly by creating money ex nihilo as debt.
But what about the BRICS banks with regard to money creation?
Will it also be under private banker ownership ?
Or is it all just a delusion?”
Apologies Kapricorn4… I hadn’t checked back there for a while and missed your queries.
The whole foundation of the BRIICS+++, aka Zone B initiatives, is that the members will have their own sovereign choices in their banking models. They will be free to choose their own central banking models and to cut themselves loose from the BIS private banking cabal model. This move will be inevitable because everything about the new tangible backed currencies will be totally at odds with the old fiat/FIRE casino–like Zone A system.
Russia is already disassociating itself from the clutches of the BIS and Glazyev has signalled that the Russian banking system will model the successful Chinese system. Now that Putin finally has the Fifth column elements pretty much under control I would say the RF will do a complete tangential move away from any BIS influence. Add to this the fact that it is patently ridiculous to retain any relationship when the BIS themselves in March 2022 announced a suspension of all dealings with Russia’s central bank in compliance with the Natostan sanctions so-called international sanctions.
What we are witnessing is an epic and entirely new paradigm in local currencies, proper market-driven price discovery in PMs and other commodities, international currencies, trade instruments, and security arrangements.
My quick litmus test as to how much a country is under the thumb of Mr Global’s agenda is to look into the ownership of, obviously their central banks, but perhaps even more importantly the ownership of their 10 largest domestic banking entities.
Also, very few central banks of the world have majority private ownership… indeed, there are only 3 in which all of the shares are owned by the private owners. The vast majority of the remainder have 100% ownership of the shares by their Govts.
Those of note that are not 100% state-owned are listed here…
Country and Government Ownership %…
United States/ 0%
Italy/ 0%
South Africa/ 0%
Greece/ 35%
Belgium/ 50%
Switzerland/ 51%
Turkey/ 51%
Japan/ 55%
San Marino/ 67%
The CBs that are majority-owned tell us straight away that it is inevitable that these countries will be Mr Global sock puppets… although admittedly South Africa is beginning to rock the boat with some of the rhetoric reverberating from there of late. Percentage ownership is only one aspect though… private cabal ownership of a central bank is one thing, but the influence the ownership model wields can be quite another.
In other words, the 63 central banks that are members of the BIS march to their tune and also to that of the IMF and WB. Therefore it is completely farcical to claim that these CBs act independently for the good of that country’s economy. They work for the private banking network pure and simple, are an integral part of implementing Mr Global agendas, and are directly linked internationally into the cycle of predatory sovereign loan sharking and racketeering. NZ’s CB the RBNZ for example is totally Govt owned and yet much of their policy cones directly from the BIS playbook.
Sadly I know of only a handful of academics on the entire globe who have both the conscience and the courage to publically challenge these thieving banking models. In NZ there is not a single academic that I can think of that I could go to for sound objective advice on this subject. We often of late talk about regulatory capture by TPTB in our Big-pharma crisis.
This is equally as bad though… this is actually blatant corporate capture of our academic narratives. They go to enormous lengths to maintain the economic status quo. Their very existence depends on keeping us deplorable mushroom-like creatures completely in the dark when it comes to banking models that assist Mainstreet, as opposed to extortion and theft-based private cabal-type models.
In terms of the top 10 banking institutions, ranked either by assets or market cap, you can guarantee that a country which has a low percentage of western bank ownership will accordingly have very little entrapment by the private cabal. A few months ago I looked into Khazakstan’s bank ownership and the percentage owned by large western cabal-linked institutions was next to non-existent.
This told me two things…
#1 It would be a stretch for the western Hegemon to organise a successful and sustainable colour revolution… indeed the attempt was put down within 24 hours or so with a Russian SMO.
#2 Good luck Mr Hegemon long term in trying to disrupt and influence this hugely significant and strategically placed region located in the RF underbelly.
The two most influential entities in the Zone B initiatives are obviously China and Russia. The Chinese banking models are based on state and cooperative banking models and money creation is totally different from western private debt-based loans and capital creation.
In Zone B infrastructural spending, no foreign private cabals get a parasitic cut out of anything. Projects are completed quickly and cost only 25-33% of what the bill would run to using the western system. Also, none of this capital is inflationary as it is absorbed directly into these projects… this was how China grew its GDP exponentially whilst generating minimal destructive inflation.
Look at China’s massive infrastructural projects that have given them a huge wealth of assets for the future… eg their 1000s of kms of high-speed rail.
By comparison, it is estimated that in the U$, not only have they not built a damn thing, [pun LOL] of comparative size and long-term significance since the days of the Hoover Dam, the Tennessee river program and the St Lawrence Seaway, but they have a $4 trillion liability looming over them. This is usually referred to as deferred maintenance [AKA… I haven’t done it yet ave I]…this is the figure needed just to bring existing infrastructure up to basic operational safety standards.
When you are building stuff, as opposed to killing brown people in the four corners of the planet and producing exportable goods like countries that are not obsessed with maintaining a FIRE economy, capital can be generated to add to long-term wealth. None of this is inflationary because this extra money is soaked up and used productively. As people reach middle-class living standards and inflation is not running amuck, they don’t add anything like as much to the asset bubbles we see in the west.
They SAVE!… simply because the real interest rates, as opposed to the bullshit nominal rates we are trained like half-wits to focus on, are not massively negative as they are in the Western economies. These savings then end up in the local coop banking models and are subsequently multiplied out into more liquidity and capital.
This savings capital can be made available to the community for yet more productive enterprises. The asset bubbles are no longer in the housing sector. As a result, houses are much more for people just to live in and the market is nowhere near as speculative. Housing is also dramatically cheaper because the cost of money is so much more affordable.
So no, IMO none of this is illusionary @Kapricorn… it just so happens that there is a rescue model right under our noses. It involves kicking the global kleptocratic private banking cabal into touch along with the FED, BOJ, BOE, BIS, IMF and the WB.
It is a replacement system where money is not created out of thin air as debt, but instead where currencies are created that are backed by a multitude of tangible assets, and where the financial kleptocrats of the world are once and for all rendered completely irrelevant.
This system already has around 90% of the world population clamouring to join it.
Bring it on!
A remarkable song from a brilliant artist.
Rhiannon Giddens featuring Yo-Yo Ma ; Build My House
You brought me here to build your house, build your house, build your house
You brought me here to build your house and grow your garden fine
I laid the brick and built your house, built your house, built your house
I laid the brick and built your house, raised the plants so high
And when you had the house and land, the house and land, the house and land
And when you had the house and land, then you told me “go.”
I found a place to build my house, build my house, build my house
I found a place to build my house since I couldn’t go back home
You said I couldn’t build a house, build a house, build a house
You said I couldn’t build a house, so you burned it down
So then I traveled far and wide, far and wide, far and wide
And then I traveled far and wide until I found a home
I learned your words and wrote a song, wrote a song, wrote a song
I learned your words and wrote a song to put my story down
But then you came and took my song, took my song, took my song
But then you came and took my song, playing it for your own
I took my bucket, lowered it down, lowered it down, lowered it down
I took my bucket, lowered it down, the well will never run dry.
You brought me here to build a house, build a house, build a house
You brought me here to build a house. I will not be moved.
No, I will not be moved. No, I will not be, I will not be, I will not be moved.
– Rhiannon Giddens
Here is another collection of great musicians live from a few years ago
The Flecktones
Thanks for the link Ditmar
Thanks TJT, brilliant musicianship.
Kiev Oblast is being hit by the Shahed-136 an Iranian drone but not from Iran as it is apparently being mass produced in Russia.
Replying to
Remember: These strikes are happening in Kiev Oblast, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that the city itself is being hit, but possibly Ukrainian military positions around it. These could include army/airbases, vehicle depots/supply storage etc.
“The Shahed-136 can be used in rudimentary swarms of five drones or less and is roughly comparable to a growing family of loitering drones, like the (American) Switchblade 600 or the (Israeli) Harop,” Rogers told Arab News.
“In contrast, the Mohajer-6 is a weapons platform that can fulfill a surveillance role and also deploy its own missiles and guided bombs. This makes it broadly comparable to the TB2 type of drone, in the fact that it is a longer endurance multi-purpose weapon.”
According to Bendett, some Ukrainian sources estimate the cost of the Shahed-136 is as little as $20,000 per unit, “making it cheap enough to be mass-produced by the Russians.”
“In fact, some Russian Telegram channels are indicating that such mass production has already commenced at Russian enterprises,” he said. “If used en masse, they can pose a challenge for the Ukrainian air defenses and cause damage.”
So, four little baby bears officially joined Russia.. Those who didn’t really start anything — Are Now Coming! what is missed by most panicking armchair watchers is that this world war is totally hybrid.. no sending millions of young men into the meat-grinder.. The Command & Control (C2) deciders were already put on notice.. how would millions of potential little nazi tentacles function bereft of a decapitated brain? This underlies the Russian game-plan and why no mass mobilization is anticipated.. just enough to garrison borderlands and maintain internal stability.
Uncle Lavrov promised more of the same:
Sit-Rep Türkiye (the evaporating status of the Treaties)
1️⃣ Energy pipes & infrastructure and
2️⃣ Forces probing and positioning:
Thankfully, Ambassador MK Badrakhumar saved me alotta work on putting in context the bizarre coming Turkish dawn on July 24, 2023, when the two Treaties of Sèvres and Lausanne expire. He was formerly Indian envoy in Ankara and knows them well. These Treaties remain evil fruits of Sykes-Picot which continue to be harvested.
MKB says of expiring Treaties and their ramifications:
Buckle up for 2023..
Everyone’s prepositioning in advance of Turkey’s “unleashing.” Driving events is largely the AZE intending to suicide the Turks on the Russians. The Montreux Convention (1936) appears doomed or to be altered significantly quite soon. The Eastern Med will be bubbling, and not merely due to Israel, or Turkish-Greek rivalry, but Anglo-American rapid arming of the Greek World and putative reoccupation of “the forts overlooking the Bosphorus,” as crazy as this sounds today. Erdogan has gotten the memo this madness will not fly with the Russians. So the crazies are incentivizing him via the Greeks in Cyprus and Greece proper.. so he is in zugzwang — either war on AZE or on their behalf on the Russians. Mission Impossible!
▪︎ European vassals pile on. Germany: sanction Turkey.
▪︎ Jake Sullivan was just in Istanbul, soon after Pelosi’s visit to Armenia.. was it to make unrefusable offers, rather than stated objectives?
Turkey vis-a-vis Greece & the UN reforms..
Turkey has been threatening Greece for years, increasing recently. Both position themselves for the fight over the Aegean islands and off-shore oil/gas.. Greece is incited by usual suspects, as with Armenia..
▪︎ Turkey pushes to end UN veto..
A consensus is built among Russians, US, Turks, and others to expand the UNSC.. this appears done deal. Under which terms? Partial, no or full retention of veto? Is it all academic as AZE is going full Kamikaze on the rest of mankind, including Europe?
I will add Turkey in last decade has built significant political, economic, military and cultural capital and reforged historical links in Muslim nations in Africa. This is a concerted drive and charm offensive. One objective appeared to be to leverage an exit out of cul-de-sac the West put Turkey in 1920-23 with the Treaties of Sèvres and Lausanne. Engaging in the Syrian debacle and being primary base and launching point of terrorism in the world war on Syria has not helped its image, to put it mildly.. facilitating grain shipments and being sympathetic to a Russia favored by most of Global South also obtains some balancing cache for Turkey. It is Byzantine knot.
▪︎ bonbon, re: “All hell breaks loose on Musk’s peace proposal” Musk is a slimy opportunist who was gung-ho for UkroNazis from day one.. it is no peace proposal whatsoever. He is merely another Deep State panicked orifice that anticipates Starlink or StarNet and other airborne satellites are coming down soon in the escalation of Phase III.. So he mewls about peace hoping it will save his satsass, as he gave free internet and battlefield data to nazi cadres. NOT!
In fact, strangely echoing words I just wrote in a poem of “a laser anti-satellite” visuals of such were captured over various Russian cities.. I had thought to change the wording to “Nudol A-235 anti-satellite” as lasers weren’t so powerful at such distances? Has the physics been made possible now? What say boffins?
▪︎ A gift to beloved Fionne and all lovers of Rumi.. Anatolian Sufi balladeer builds and builds so exquisitely.. and does his part in swaying the Sultan away from the Edge of the Ledge and towards Harmony, Tranquility, and Peace.. what a beautiful and haunted yet serene land.
YT commentator: “He started singing, and a cat woke, chickens came, the breeze calmed a bit, clouds parted ever so slightly, and the grass began to grow.”
Dimi, I am in zugzwang! I appear to be the only honey tempting enough to get our brother bear Fionne outta his Cave, but I am a useless poet! 😢 What to do?? Has the world-famous stubbornness of his Hungarian hosts rubbed off or he is so busy lately..
The ostensibly laser light Mr Turner speaks of…
My opinion is that physics dictates that from the ground there’s so much attenuation via scattering that optics (and here optics ought to be understood to include radio spectrum) optics in orbit are probably not damaged.
But, think about signal to noise ratio. From orbit what would a “bird” see? They see white noise, and nothing else.
I’d expect that the emissions from the ground are very broad spectrum, not only visible light.
Quintessentially maskirovka. Red army attacking Wehrmacht used “blinding” arc lamps, or maybe they were filament lights, mounted on tanks for the same reason…
I too would like to hear from a qualified physicist…but S/N ratio is pretty basic in all sorts of perception controls…information theory….this applies to propaganda as well.
It may be that the technique also functions as a decoy, attracting limited intelligence “resources” (physical spies), to the loci of the ostensible laser light – where is actual fact there’s nothing going on, or perhaps what is going on is also maskirovka…we all know how Premier Kissoff loves a surprise!
Best! P
Pruning trees to-day.
As for beam-weapons – make no mistake Russia is way ahead, for the simple reason the USSR refused under Andropov to accept Reagan’s 1983 SDI of cooperation, dooming its economy 5 years to the day. A terrible economic lesson was learned!
These weapons with new physical principles, meaning nonlinear optics, gamma lasers, grasers and many more were widely discussed in the 1980’s, 1990’s, then silence. Debunkers from RAND abound – hey that’s par for the course, right?
An expert is Stanford’s Dr. Happer, also was Trump’s advisor, whose radiative physics was mostly classified.
The new Russian Peresvets , is rumored, repeat rumored to have a nuclear power block.
Izvestia recently :
Pumping grasers with microwaves, neutrons, punching atmospheric holes before the beam are all just under the carpet.
That little report is well worth reading :
“According to the official website of the Institute for Laser Physics Research, work has been underway there for a long time on laser reactors (RL), which have no analogues in Russia and abroad – autonomous devices that combine the functions of a laser system and a nuclear reactor and conduct a direct conversion of nuclear reaction energy into laser radiation.”
This is of course highly classified. Peresverts should be entering service about now….
Fascinating! But one more sticking point remains regarding anti-satellite weaponry: is there any way to take them out cleanly so that the debris does not increase the chance of a Kessler Syndrome scenario. Given the amount of junk orbiting already, at what point do we see a sort of “criticality,” where junk colliding with junk creates more shrapnel flying off to meet more junk, and so on?
That would be the end of the Space Age for the indeterminate future. Not as bad as a nuclear holocaust, but who wants to go down in history as the one who put the final nail in the “space is our future” coffin?
Yes, I read the article. It’s not very different from another article on Peresvet.This latter one includes very interesting end-notes> https://www.thespacereview.com/article/3967/1 It’s much more thorough. Nifty pictures too!
Ted Taylor, who was a “gifted” and highly creative man, as well as possessed of an astonishing intuitive grasp of nuclear gadgets, was very careful when he discussed anything that might imply neutron pumped laser as an idea. Peresvet may indeed have a nuclear element.
Attenuation and scattering are, however, entirely relevant, as are the “windows” in the fluid through which the beam works…eg some frequencies are not so very much filtered out, and others are.
There is plan to create airborne Peresvet…which would mush reduce attenuation and scattering of beam.
Patricia, They say that a little push on orbiting junk, if vectored rightly, results in an orbital change that leads to an enhanced elliptic, part of which orbit enters deeply into atmosphere, which results in the burnup of the junk on the way down. Peresvet seems like a thrifty way to give a little push.
The counter-party to Andropov’s stubborn refusal of SDI was none other than Sir Henry Kissinger, who openly says he worked for the British Foreign Office in 4 US admins.
Which means such technology got no US funding.
Kissinger now harrumphs about the extreme nuclear danger – which he HIMSELF created – these weapons should have been beamed long ago.
This is intimately linked with fusion – there is one Petawatt pumped laser rig privately funded.
Now just imagine fusion powered lasers. With such technology all the world is a mine!
Since those technical claims are both unsupported and radical, I’ll wait for the movie, amigo.
A nuclear element in Peresvet does not necessarily mean a reactor power source. Easy to create neutrons without a reactor. Most if not all nuclear bombs use neutron generators to jab the pit at just the right instant…these run on batteries, ie have modest power requirements.
Peresvet lacks a large heat sink…it’s clearly not reactor powered. Maybe a megawatt size diesel.
In fusion the same thermodynamic principles abide.
Re: Turkey pushes to end UN veto.
I agree with Turkey. Something needs to be done. The unanimous vote required by the five permanent members ensures that those members can commit aggressions with no accountability. What good are the other nine members for debate? Just like the central banking system it was set up to fail, to allow the U.S., who was definitely the leading power at that time, to receive impunity for future actions.
But what? A representative vote based on population size would seem to lend itself to silent alliances between countries for their own agendas.
Oleg Gazmanov
“World Free of Fascism” concert.
Moscow, Lujniki, March 18th, 2022
Gentlemen officers,
On my strained nerves,
I sing this song
With the chords of faith.
For those who dispite of career
Sucrifieced themselves
And stood with their lives for Russia.
Those who survived Afghanistan
Not loosing the honor,
who did not make a fame
With a soldier blood.
I sing to the officers, that had the mercy
Returning the sons to mothers.
Officers, officers,
Your hearts are at gunpoint
For Russia, for Freedom
To the end!
Officers, Russians,
Let freedom shine on
In unison with our hearts!
Gentlemen officers,
We need your faith!
From the open graves
Your souls wheeze
What have we done, brothers,
We couldn’t save them,
And now forever
They will be looking at us
Again they are leaving,
Dissolving in sunsets,
As Russia has called them,
As it happened before…
So where are you heading to?
Maybe straight to heaven
High above from up there
You’re forgiving us.
Z 🇷🇺
The video is here:https://t.me/DonbassDevushka/28390
Here is a better video translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8xsrA1NN5c&ab_channel=MyFavorites
And a new mobilization video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=353GIq46xuc&ab_channel=AussieCossack
The view of an imperialist is that the resources of another nation are only valued as cheap raw materials for themselves to exploit.
Cheap plentiful energy is the progenator of wealth. With cheap gas, one man can sow and harvest a plantation. Without it, it takes horde to swing enough scythes to feed the village.
The West doesn’t want Russia’s cheap energy at a fair price. They want Russia to give it away to them.
Russia’s opportunity is consume the energy themselves, to make themselves wealthy by using it in industry, to make materials, to build infrastructure, and to run machines. To sell the products, like figurative scythes, to whomever is desperate for them. And to enjoy creature comforts like hot baths while inventing the next leap forward in science or art.
Hi all, just need to give any RT comments contributors here a heads up about RT’s ‘Tolstoy comments’ section. Not only is ‘Tolstoy’ linked to the enemy via Google,Twitter and Facebook, it is now actively banning pro-Russian commenters and allowing the zio lgbtq Soros army a free reign on there.
There are literally 1000’s of pro-Ukraine/vaccine/lgtbq trolls there employed to spread lies, disinformation, and to down vote anyone they deem as a threat to their propaganda -1000’s of times to get you banned- and I just got the boot, again !. The admins choose to ignore this blatant security breach.
I don’t know what has happened to RT -lately they seem to spread doubt about ‘Russian claims’ and remove comments critical and hurtful to the zio war machine-particularly about 9/11 and the Covid 19 bio labs in Ukraine. They are also trying to be more ‘impartial’ to the wests view point, something that never happened before this SMO on RT. something very fishy is happening there and I no longer wish to share my views there.
RT is 100% compromised- do not trust that site.
C’mon – no site is perfect !
Any adult can read RT, RTD without being told what to think, differentiate it others. Even Readovks, ria novosti the same. tsargrad has its own view, fine!
He,y that’s basic intelligence.
Even ZH, notorious for Austrian School, Epoch Times Falun Gong should be checked – the bowels of finance gets a word there.
This is not a nanny site?
Novak said that Russia is ready to supply gas through the second line of Nord Stream 2
This is a bombshell – the $64,000 question is will NATO now bomb again? I presume intense satellite imaging, will spot a herring farting!
Arkan, RT is a science fair project played by Russia and watched by the US. If I wasn’t so cheap I would buy the study and tell you more.
Read RT with an understanding this is going on.
Good take on your part.
Playing Both Sides: Russian State-Backed Media Coverage of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Samantha Bradshaw https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5305-369X sam.r.bradshaw@gmail.com, Renée DiResta, and Carly MillerView all authors and affiliations
Russian influence operations on social media have received significant attention following the 2016 US presidential elections. Here, scholarship has largely focused on the covert strategies of the Russia-based Internet Research Agency and the overt strategies of Russia’s largest international broadcaster RT (Russia Today). But since 2017, a number of new news media providers linked to the Russian state have emerged, and less research has focused on these channels and how they may support contemporary influence operations. We conduct a qualitative content analysis of 2,014 Facebook posts about the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) protests in the United States over the summer of 2020 to comparatively examine the overt propaganda strategies of six Russian-linked news organizations—RT, Ruptly, Soapbox, In The NOW, Sputnik, and Redfish. We found that RT and Sputnik diverged in their framing of the BLM movement from the newer media properties. RT and Sputnik primarily produced negative coverage of the BLM movement, painting protestors as violent, or discussed the hypocrisy of racial justice in America. In contrast, newer media properties like In The NOW, Soapbox, and Redfish supported the BLM movement with clickbait-style videos highlighting racism in America. Video footage bearing the Ruptly brandmark appears in both traditional and new media properties, to illustrate, in real time, civil unrest across the US. By focusing on overt propaganda from the broad array of Russian-affiliated media, our data allows us to further understand the “full spectrum” and “counter-hegemonic” strategies at play in contemporary information operations.
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Zakharova at the poetry evening RT ZOV recalled Pushkin’s poem “To the Slanderers of Russia”
The editor-in-chief of RT at the poetry evening ZOV presented a collection of poems “Poetry of the Russian Summer”
Whatever pundits say, check anyway!
Yet another piece by Pepe Escobar,
Pipeline Terror is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties
follows within 1 week this :
Who profits from Pipeline Terror?
See what Escobar says about Kaliningrad!
As for Musk’s proposal, the sheer scale of the ongoing sh*t storm alone means he sure hit a nerve.
Just proposing the word peace, how ever it is done, lights up Twitter!
What Musk actually wrote himself, is really worth reading, not some tweeter’s knee-jerk comment. Medvedev’s hilarious reply and the roasting of chess war expert Kasparov made my day!
An awesome live stream from iEarl Grey from St. Petersburg. Especially today he vents about “cowards” trying to duck mobilization:
News Headlines Wednesday 5th October 2022 – LIVE
This looks like a major about-turn!!!!
NYT: Kiev is behind the murder of Daria Dugina, US special services did not know about the assassination attempt
If the New York Slimes, All the Lies that fit we Print, prints this – it is a message to Kiev (untranslatable).
Can anyone verify NYT’s report????
NYT from archive
U.S. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind an Assassination in Russia
American officials said they were not aware of the plan ahead of time for the attack that killed Daria Dugina and that they had admonished Ukraine over it.
Yes the US mouthpiecesservantNYT says that. I wonder why they say it. Can it be that the FSB is about to arrest the criminal gang and that the gang will confess that they were led by….and paid by….and supplied with special materials by…?
Can it be that the US knows that arrests are pending, and just wants to “get out ahead of” the announcements of arrests, which may even include a US person…? Deflection…”It wasn’t me! It was Larry-the-Fink!
I’ve heard this story before. https://youtu.be/4U9Yl5CXvcQ (Jake begs it wasn’t my fault!)
NYT signals a distancing from Kiev, again. That’s its job.
Trouble is, NATO is then heading for something worse than Afghanistan, with no beards in a cave to blame for the NS terrorism! No way some SBU kill unit could have done NS – is that then NYT’s next ploy?
The topic was/is the murder of Daria Dugina. Not NS sabotage. Is obvious who did NS job.
Incidentally, it seems that the sappers on NS1&2 screwed up and failed to blow the entire set of tubes. What else could one expect from a buncha fakes? https://youtu.be/aKu04xhEU7I (USN + lighthouse!)
As to NYT, whatever they say, assume opposite, then try to disprove, etc.
As to Daria Dugina hit, who maintains the hit list? See eye eh, not 404…the people calling the hit are the responsible people, the murders…at least that’s primary assumption…maybe it was a jilted lover…don’t bet on that.
NYT is useful liar. Propaganda lies, when enough is gathered, say truth, approximately.
A lotta people here follow Roger Waters, Pink Floyd rock legend.
Well https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/roger-waters-ukrainian-kill-list-1234604081/
Rolling stone did an interview :
“Don’t forget, I’m on a kill list that is supported by the Ukrainian government. I’m on the fucking list, and they’ve killed people recently…. But when they kill you, they write ‘liquidated’ across your picture. Well, I’m one of those fucking pictures.”
Stone is on Mytotvorets, and the CCD disinformation list :
https://archive.ph/50otS from https://cpd.gov.ua/reports/
WARNING – 18+ :
Roger Waters is on the lists (edit).
A lull in the fighting as up 1/2 million new Russian recruits are readying for the next phase.
While US military recruiters are making 25% less than their stated yearly recruitment goal. Many thinks it’s related to having to get the covid-19 vaccine. Heck. I wouldn’t enlist now with these lunatics in office prepping for war either.
It’s not a vaccine.
Do you think global food shortage was part of the sabotage plan and proxy war? After all, we are a bunch of useless eaters!
This is actually a global crime against humanity, yet will go unpunished again. Global supply chains were already threatened by the covid outbreak. This latest action by the west just seals the coffin. Where are the balls of these countries leaders that are going to suffer? Stand up for yourselves.
Don’t they realize how many byproducts are produced from oil refinement? Besides fertilizers, think plastics. Try and make a profit in many industries without that!
“Global supply chains were already threatened by the covid scam.”
Fixed it for ya’
So barely a month into office and new PM, Miss Trust [aka Chucky’s Bride], already has her country mired in a hellish debt spiral and economic crisis. And not the least because of her dogged support for the murderous neo-Nazi regime that Warshington/Natostan installed in Ukraine.
The UK/Ukraine flags on her lapel kind of says it all does it not?
So how does all of this work in terms of carry trades, the bond market, interest rates, currency markets, and the skyrocketing energy costs… in a word… somewhat BADLY.
Think of this entire debacle as a vicious circle that feeds upon itself like a snake devouring its tail. Hopefully, this will mean that this mega-maniac might not be ensconced in Number 10 Downing Street for very long. Mind you even a cursory glance at the financial markets means barely one month is far too long a stint.
The shortest stay on record for a UK PM currently sits with George Canning who in 1827 lasted a mere 119 days. He too had form as a Foreign Secretary, but mainly for outsmarting Napoleon and in preventing the French from annexing South America.
This latest creature, however, came to power with around 0.6% of support from UK citizens! So too her performance as FM was a complete debacle as she spewed rabid Russiaphobia seemingly whenever she opened her gob on the public stage.
Even worse, her mainstay as FM, in jockeying for the PM position, appeared to be publically announcing how much she relished the idea of being in command of her country’s nuclear red button.
Surely the crisis she and Kwasi have added to will result in a vote of no confidence in this creature. After all, even one of her own party colleagues describes her as a “human hand-grenade”.
I can just hear it now… most of the Tory Party must be muttering under their breath as to how much they miss even the feckless blathering BoJo… who would have thunk?
Of course, BoJo is almost as dangerous anyway… remember he was the blathering imbecile who talked President Z out of peace talks with Russia. Apparently, he somehow managed to make a very compelling case out of them fighting down to the very last available Ukrainian soldier.
“The first is that Putin is a war criminal; he should be pressured, not negotiated with. And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not. We can sign [an agreement] with you [Ukraine], but not with him. Anyway, he will screw everyone over,” is how one of Zelenskyy’s close associates summed up the essence of Johnson’s visit…
Johnson’s position was that the collective West, which back in February had suggested Zelenskyy should surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined.
Moreover, there is a chance to “press” him. And the West wants to use it.”
…end quote…
This is as much about the UK bond market and the global carry trade as anything else. The self-induced energy crisis has quickly led to this shocking spiral into more and more debt for a country that was already up to its eyeballs in it long before the UK decided to seek glory as the second biggest cheerleader for widespread regional destruction with the escalating Ukraine debacle.
Hand in hand of course was the incessant poking of the Russian bear’s eyes with a very pointy stick. No prizes for predicting how this is all turning out then.
STEPS IN THE CYCLE… or a flow chart, if you like, and it’s all decidedly downhill >>>
#1 Energy bills skyrocket because Uncle $am instructed the UK and Europe that it is imperative that they reduce their dependence on Russian Energy, even though the RF was the most reliable and far and away the cheapest long-term energy source for their entire region >>>
#2 The UK Govt has to start borrowing so that they could pay to subsidise energy bills in order to avoid economic and social bedlam. How do they do this… offering more bonds on the market of course [often called Gilts in the UK financial jargon]… bonds are just IOUs that pay an interest fee to the holder >>>
#3 More bonds on the market = Demand drops >>>
#4 Interest on these bonds rises >>>
#5 Investor pessimism leads to currency depreciation… somewhere around 21% to date >>>
#6 This means now that, not only the supply and demand factors have massively spiked the UK’s energy bill, but now the weak currency means more price rises >>>
#7 The nominally high yields on the UK bonds don’t attract any overseas buyers of these bonds because the devaluation of the British £ robs any profit from the international carry trade. The BOE has to put these bonds onto its rapidly expanding balance sheet.
#7 Out of control energy costs and subsidising the cost to consumers = more Govt debt = more Govt bonds issued = DISASTROUS OUT OF CONTROL DEBT SPIRAL = Miss Trust and Kwasi, the latest Councillor of the Exchequer, such a grand label for a Finance Minister, barely one month into their roles finding themselves in the very deepest of runny doo-doos >>>
#8 The reality that the UK is technically insolvent and eventually the realisation [hopefully although I am not holding my breath] that declaring solidarity with neo-Nazi regimes and exponentially increasing energy costs at the same time is not a particularly grand plan.
I fixed it for him.ZZ
Apologies to Mods… I posted the wrong link… it should be…
Another great analysis, Col. Thankyou.
Let’s hope the less-economically literate read your comment to come to understand why the Disunited Kingdom is now really on the skids!
With more Catholics in NI than Protties as announced last week, it might be NI that leads the stampede for the exits- altho’ it would take Wales conceivably longer – too enmeshed.
Won’t be long now …
Cheers to all.
an explanaition of the LDI’s re bonds catastrophe nearly
Britain’s biggest pension fund bought LDIs even though it was told not to by its members;
The fund – the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) – was run by Bill Galvin, the former head of The Pensions Regulator;
The Pension Protection Fund, the lifeboat for pension schemes, was forced to stump up £1.6billion in cash as security for using the products;
The Bank of England was also involved – its staff fund had more than £4billion invested in the asset class;
The Pensions Regulator, the UK’s powerful watchdog, encouraged pension funds to buy LDIs.
The USS, the UK’s largest private sector pension scheme which manages pensions for retired academics, has ploughed billions of pounds into LDIs.
It used the products despite fierce opposition from some of its biggest backers, including Oxford and Cambridge Universities and Imperial College London.
‘We believe the increase in leverage may introduce potentially significant risks into the scheme in a period of high market volatility,’ wrote Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College in a letter earlier this year.
That ominous warning came true last week.
As the nation has since learned, for its cost, the government unwillingly considered pension fund managers and trustees to try to improve their returns by using complex financial products known as liability-driven investments, or LDIs.
LDIs are designed to boost pension fund income by using the tens of billions of pounds most pension funds already hold in low-risk bond bonds as collateral to raise additional funds.
This can then be used to buy more gold bonds, along with higher-risk investments that yield a higher return, such as corporate bonds, stocks, commodities, and property.
Surprisingly, nearly £1 trillion of Pension Fund money has been exposed to this risky form of savings. Going back to the bad old days of double-digit inflation has made these products a time bomb.
It would seem compulsive gamblers are running the show. Someone oughta tell them, when the fun stops, stop! These desperadoes not content with trying to jab us all to death now want WW3 because they’ve done everyone’s dough. The fear of being discovered is the driving force behind all that is happening.
Z just presented the highest order of state to 5 Azov POW’s released in the prisoner exchange.
What is new, the release deal stipulates they remain in Turkey for the duration.
In the context of Peresvet and other weapon-devices the phrase “new physical principles” is generally spoken of. This troubles me, as there are no new physical principles, unless God decides to create a few.
Perhaps in the original Russian the phrase means something other than it does in English…I am open to that idea.
What are “new” in the realm of physical principles are the principles or phenomena previously extant, but also previously unknown. In that sense “new” means “discovered”. Rather like the fella who buys a used car and says “I got a new car.”, or the treasure-hunter who finds a cash of gold…it’s not new gold.
Meantime I shall assume Peresvet uses old physical principles, but new discoveries and inventions that create new applications. We don’t look for zebra in Wyoming until we check all the antelope first.
Really, no new physical principles – Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche’s poem that Hitler so loved to recite in the bunker. Zarathustra was a liar.
To claim all physical principles have been discovered by the last of the Magi, Isaac Newton, is the plaintive epitaph of Empire, it is their funeral, I will not attend their moaning blather.
Fire, the uniquely human principle, no other primitive animal species ever mastered, does indeed exist, even in the Sun.
Fusion, we are now mastering, does indeed exist in the Sun, how could we possibly know that?
Go chase unicorns, humans are giving a little lesson to hunter gatherers.
Don’t report a mastering of things like cold fusion to zone A, until you have the patented proof of its superior performance and it can be purchased.
Until then its fake news that is not respected.
Who said Cold?
Everything is fact-checked as fake news. So what.
Hot fusion as in aneutronic 1 billion degree C, way hotter than the Sun’s engine, is ready for $100 billion investment, peanuts compared to the $19 trillion bank bailout in 2008 for paper.
This incredible wrongheadedness sums up the west’s nuttiness.
The holidays are near, and I need my cheer,
Simon says, shop early or be curly.
The more time that goes by, and by,
and my santa stuffing stocking goes dry.
Takes the joy right out my turkey,
as this year, was to be
a double jerky.
O iced tea Alabama
Neither ugly nor fat
clean and stately you sat
in our languid panorama,
ina polka-dot pajama!
Tis not the Wake
of terrbl Poseidon
that igniteth and shake
but the crest and forwrd break
fluid like Ripper Hadyn
as crumbling coasts slake.
A baby Zebra
born in Wyoming
a guileless idea
unbound and roaming
hearts enrapt, foaming;
Prayers in Abyssinia
precede the terrbl
Poseidon’s homing.
Innocence’s last gloaming.
From Tzarina’s Kherson swung
into Wardrobes of Crimea
to ward off nazis of Obeah.
What says Old Beady Eyes
as Blunderbuss coughs N cries?
A luminous Londoner
blithely drawls “meatgrinder”
Old qualms and disquiet
ditched like a useless diet.
Isn’t the shade of Armageddon
a fogging riot?
What do y’all think of new way of sharing news of the day? Too cringeworthy?? Its forcing me into needed succinctness! And will hopefully serve as Hungarian honeyed bait…
tips welcome on improvements!
Tips for improvement, ‘keep going’…😊
PS isn’t poetry wonderful, it frees you up
quite a lot eh?
Welcome to the silly realm.
Basic rules of poetry;
A poem can only say so much
make what you say count
Say as much as you can
with as little as you can.
Your poem is only as good
as your weakest line.
You will write more bad poems
than you will write good
Your vocabulary does not
include the word, “no”
Every poem is unique,
let it speak of itself to you.
Patience is
your best friend.
“Light Pillars above Russian cities”
Light pillars beam above
maskirovka kind of
new physics sort of
spying Eyes get rid of
Blinding satellites thereof
shield Motherland most of
sassy Starlink dispose of
Agent Musk in self-love
safe and cuddly as foxglove
Honor and sense short of!
◇ ——— ◇
“Straightened Elite neck”
Chic French turtleneck
worth quite a cheque
no need the warm redneck
balmy sun for leatherneck
is it a metallic hi-tech?
a protective countercheck?
for a guillotined littleneck,
virtue-signaling flyspeck.
On fore promenade deck
or aft Pirate bridgedeck
no see oil from OPEC
pour les fils de Molech
Yes, poetry ist wunderbar. I do not consider it silly at all, at least the way I approach it. The Arts are always a lens. Even if not intended it provides a window. Ok Poet. I will try. Thanks for your advice. It is hard after a half century of not developing this part of the brain.. but it is forcing beautiful concision and economy of Language on a fast typer.
I thnk like Janice I will be spiritually inclined (I do miss her! And wish she were typing from the Canadian Tundra) but also utilitarian, focused on mesmerizing current events.. Forgive in advance obsession with the morbid; these are exceptional times. This is my way of coping and accepting what comes.. And like a kid with his training wheel, forgive also for sticking to rhyme at first..
And please correct, do not be gentle, I can take it. I want to improve!
grass thatched hermitage;
the new occupants include
a fledgling poet
The future will probably record the collapse of the western economic system as stemming from the Fed tax monster that created an inflationary boggy man who came like a thief in the night, and stole your lively hood while you were sleeping.
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Belarusian activist Byalyatsky – NOT Elensky
The West ‘winning’ again …
India abstained from the UNHRC vote that called for debate on human rights situation in Xinjiang. India was among 11 countries who abstained.
Voting pattern today shows the West strongly called for debate on Uighur Human Rights. China got support from the Global South. On the sub-continent:
India: Abstained
Nepal & Pakistan: no support for debate
The result was 19 to 17 against the motion to debate Xinjiang at the UN with 11 abstentions.
So China won. The majority of “for” votes were Western satrapies, unsurprisingly. The “West vs the rest” is a theme that continues to reverberate …
Table of Votes: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeaaX4UXoAEPYs-?format=jpg&name=900×900