2022/09/27 17:00:02
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We are in Lyons, France – Andouillette a specialty.
Still, I order Saucissse Frites.
Gvts are getting worried about the lack of children, (which are required to maintain the traditional growth models of the past), going into the future.
And the citizens are equally concerned about the cost of raising children in todays inflated environment, and they have every right to be concerned.
The gvts are getting creative like blaming gays for not having kids, but the problem for gvt is real today with both widespread labor shortages and the need to find somewhat competent fighters for the newly created war.
I dont envy them, I doubt they will come to their senses, and needless to say, I will not be offering my services toward any war effort, this has been a long standing position of mine and that shall not change.
Maybe they can be defeated at the bank of efficiency and money, or by revolution on the streets, or by secrets alone, only time can tell.
A report on the Donbass voting, how they prevented Kiev from bombing (link is elusive).
As schools, etc are traditional voting centers, coordinates well known, door-to-door methods were used.
Looks like, even with Kiev democratically bombing these sites, voting worked!
Unelected VDL also has “instruments” to put Italy’s election under scrutiny.
Gonzalo Lira weighs in:
“The Americans Declared War On Europe”
Not all of Europe, not the jackal of Europe. It has to be preserved to be used in future operations.
Yesterday this opened, but I’m sure its just a coincidence.
A patriotic song
“Teri Mitti” (In Your Soil)
A translation –
We’ve put our heads on the swords
and burnt our bodies in the fire
Only after all that we adorned
this saffron colour on our head
O my motherland, I don’t mind at all
The pain that I bear for you
Your honour must remain intact
Whether I live or not
O my motherland, you’re my beloved
Your love flows forever in my veins
Every drop of my blood says
Your honour should never fade
I’ll turn into ashes and mix with your soil,
O my motherland
This is the desire of my heart
I’ll flow in your rivers,
O my motherland
This is the only desire of my heart
What if I won’t be able to dance
ever again on my green fields
May my village where I won’t return
always remain prosperous
O my country, our love is unique
I’m very fortunate that I was able
to sacrifice myself for you
O my beloved, may you always smile
May you never have tears in your eyes
May the glow on your face
whom I loved never decrease
O my mother, why do you worry
why do you have tears in your eyes
You used to call me your moon
and the moon will remain forever
I’ll turn into ashes and mix with your soil,
O my motherland
I’ll bloom like a flower upon you,
This is the only desire of my heart
I’ll flow in your rivers,
I’ll sway in your fields,
O my motherland
This is the only desire of my heart
Thanks so much Sudhi! That poem of Mother went to the heart and mind, and spirit too. It expresses in a few stirring lines what the slow like me require in buckets of ink.. 🤗 I will only add that Mother must be Just… not like Bush the Mad the Elder, who said, to paraphrase, “My Mother, wrong or right!”
Well two can play the game?? A Russian carrier of submersibles capable of “all kinds of secret underwater skullduggery” was deliciously caught in flagrante loitering over transatlantic cables.. but maybe Russians waste their essence — will Dark Europe even have need of Internet Services soon? bonbon, I couldn’t bear to miss you (and tidbits from the EIR) — if you really are a hostage in Lyon, get on the first dingy pointed South (direction of Freedom) and come to Africa! Remember, “the early bird gets the worm.”
“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” New Phases, New Men: Exit the creative Piano Player, Enter the Strongman? The US is cutting its losses, and the need to supply oodles of Columbian snow.
For some real change, we contemplate new maps posted by the Doppelgänger. What is even more interesting is the puzzle-like aspect. And the positioning of all that sad empty space blighting the middle. More little golden puzzle pieces wait to fill empty spaces on the board..
Mr P just introduced us to a worthy sleuth called CharlesBD from Gelderland, Holland. He is a commentator like us, but on the Locals page of Larch’s all-time favorite geopolitical analyst team, the Duran lads. He wrote,
Everything’s going to the crapper in Old Blighty. Lord Cardigan’s descendants are in charge.. you know, Liz DID look familiar! We could ship blunderbusses to Olde Auslander and he could take these charging yahoos single handedly. With time to spare for his evening constitutional.
Back in the day, the Brits had the decency to wait 50 days after Stalin’s murder before rewarding the pederast Churchill with peerage! the shamelessness of the current generation.
@AHH – we are here all at the Cafe in Lyon . I always check the menu.
Never mind the Internet – if I cannot get Saucisse Frites the Bastille will look like a pantomime!
As for pipelines, my pals in Oil talk a lot about British expertise at more than 2 times the Bornsholm depth – off Abberdeen. Routine welding repairs at incredible depths. Borrowed from the Royal Navy. There is even a case for this earlier – the sunken ship Lusitania was found after years of searching, and the nameplates had been removed!
@AHH, a link to that RN report would be much appreciated….
Some preliminary results are in for the Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporozhye referendum.
The votes counted in all four Oblasts represent about 12-14% of the count as of poll closing 4PM GMT.
The votes out of the initial tally show all are 96.5% to 98.5% in favor of acceding to Russia.
Check the link for the exact numbers.
Farewell, fair cruelty… Shakespeare
The Old Man Waiting To Die
Well, I tried my whole life to play by the rules,
I did the hard yards and suffered the fools.
But I never got nowhere by living no lie,
So said the old man waiting to die.
It took a long time for the penny to drop;
Today’s a good day as any to stop.
Heroes and cowards they need not apply,
So said the old man waiting to die.
I’ve been accused and abused ever since childhood.
Spat on and shat on and misunderstood.
I’ve been reviled, defiled and given the eye,
So said the old man waiting to die.
I’m done with this world and I ain’t comin’ back;
The masters of war and the freaks outta whack.
The pollies and the pedos and the latest catch cry,
So said the old man waiting to die.
I once loved a girl, a rich man’s niece,
She liked to indulge her every caprice;
There’s dragons and quests and there’s pie in the sky,
So said the old man waiting to die.
I’ve lived my whole life under the pump,
Slave driver come, say ‘time to jump’;
Now there ain’t nothin’ left but to say goodbye…
So said the old man waiting to die.
A lonely man broken and tired,
searches for the answer.
He try’s and tries,
and insists relief is just one step away,
one high day away.
But the cruel pain of life’s toils stings once too often,
until finally it wins and cracks the whip of death like balsa cane.
A special poem for you Alabama, for Sudhi, Al-Kaftarbaz
and all lovers of Rumi. It is a response to the protagonist
in my poem above. { From the Divan-e-Shams #636.}
( The Hidden Teachings of Rumi ) – Doug Marman,
Farzad Khalvati and Mitra Shafaei.
Die, Die, Die in Spiritual Love
Die, die, die in spiritual love.
When you die in this love, you surrender to Life.
Die, die, die and don’t fear this death
Because you conquer the heavens when you rise from this soil.
Die, die, and cut your Self off from ego
Because ego is a trap and you are all prisoners.
Take an axe to this prison.
Break free. Become kings and rulers (over your own lives).
Die, die before the Pole of the World.
When you surrender to that spiritual Master, you too will
become spiritual travellers and Masters.
Die, die, and rise above the clouds of this world.
When you rise above these clouds, you become the light of
the moon.
Be silent. Be silent. Silence is Death’s voice.
Because of your attachment to life, you run away from
— An edit from the ensuing discussion in Doug’s peerless
translations of Rumi’s poems from the Divan-e-Shams;
There is another part of life that we miss when we focus
only on living. We forget the importance of dying.
We have much to say with our silence that can’t be said
with outer words and actions. When we die and surrender
ourselves to spiritual love, our silence speaks volumes.
It reaches out and touches all of life.
This is inner doing without doing. It happens without a word.
Only silence captures the moment of losing ourselves in love.
How can we claim credit for an experience that comes to us
from far beyond? How can we speak of this as something
we have done, when we lose ourselves in the arms of the
We only live half our lives, until the day we learn to die in
spiritual love.
PS. Thanks to Alabama for your response to my poem.
It’s a good poem and this is one of my favourite things;
That is when someone creates an original poem in response
to another original poem.
The first job I had was as a par time auxillary nurse at an old peoples home. I was still at school, it was full of old people waiting to die, and it was OK. Men and women in varying ‘before death’ states of existence, semi comatose, awake but bed-bound, lifted out of bed to sit in a chair in the morning, lifted back at night, others bright eyed and cheerful, all sorts, and all alive, breathing precious moments, and still in this world. Wisdom is born of pain, the next life awaits, and what then ?
Neil Young – Old Man
Wisdom is born of pain, the next life awaits, and what then ?
This my friend, is something we will all find out sooner or later.
I believe that the continuation of life is a fact beyond the death
of the physical body due to experiences I have had with my
mother and my best friend after their physical deaths, but of
course, cannot prove such to anyone else. We have our
convictions and each must also come to terms with this fact
of life here on the earth. Thanks for your sharing re: the elderly,
I have been there are seen all of this, and I agree with everything
you’ve shared, and also Neil’s song, one of my favourites of his.
Stay on top of your soul Dimitar and your life shall be reborn again.
So I have heard, but have to experience such an event, as my soul and I are trapped within one another and as such, draw a neutrality toward one another in search of a greater call.
Thank you Dimitar, I realized afterwards that by “what then?” I had not made myself clear. I meant: the next life awaits, and what happens after that continuum of existense in another domain? Another life on earth, and with goodwill, greater maturity and wisdom. Suffering and human development…
Alabam thankfully we are all made differently, your way is unique and may well lead to greater benefits, keep the faith, higher love is on the way.
I don’t know what happened to your earlier comment. Please don’t just put a link or just promote a site. Have commentary otherwise it will go to trash. Mod.
Another German Unconditional Surrender …
Polish MEP, former Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski on the Web thanked the United States for the accident on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. In his post, the politician succinctly remarked: “Thank you, USA” – and accompanied all the photos from the scene of the emergency.
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, reacted to this in her telegram channel.
“Is this an official statement about a terrorist attack?” she said.
Thank you USA? Is Sikorski even nuttier than I thought?
Sikorski is the husband of Anne Applebaum, a key functionary of the infowars arm of Global NATO, including what was once called the Integrity Initiative media project of the British government. She is on the Board of the National Endowment of Democracy.
He shouted all summer for nukes for Kiev.
Anne Applebaum’s books are filled with the most pompously platitudinous pork butchery of the English language and all rubbish and disinfo.
Integrity Initiative of the British Institute for Statecraft was exposed. US DGB Disinformation weirdo Jankovicz hails from there. II was renamed Zinc. DGB is defunct – or renamed.
Now the US State Dept. has a better way – fund a foreign State to suppress US free-speech. Schumer was named by Ritter as doing exactly that!
Peacemaker and the CCD (pulled after exposure) are a deadly threat.
Fighters of the nationalist regiment “Azov”* were accepted in the US Congress
Not known if Azov freed prisoners.
Boy, have they the US Congress totally wrapped around their little fingers! The Midas Touch of MIC !
Hope they do not run into Col.Macgreggor or Scott Ritter!
The tweet does say freed Azov.
Will King Charles III knight these for Services to the Crown, like Rayleigh, Drake? Both pirates, renamed Privateers.
Last Knightly gesture was Tony Blair, Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the highest imperial honor who probably outranks these rabble for sheer mass murder. Is December/Jan the knightly gallop?
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
The unrest in Iran raged on last night. Internet access is still down in most places. Haven’t been able to contact some of my mates for almost two weeks now.
But, the protests have been hijacked completely by the West now, and they’ve been turned into anti-hijab protests.
Suddenly, the young people who were on the streets because they were fed up with their life situation, are finding themselves swept up in a wave of nonsense.
The West wants there to be no hijab in Iran. The West doesn’t want the economic situation to get better.
From where I stand, it looks like the West is about to get what it wants. It is going to be very difficult for the Islamic Republic to put the burned headscarves back on the heads of most of these girls.
But in saying that, the West also gave the Islamic Republic a way out with the hijab nonsense. The deal now is: stop enforcing compulsory hijab and we (the West) will let you keep stealing from the Iranian people for now.
For my part, I have been as adamant as I can that the Islamic Republic needs to address the economic situation, if they have a shred of integrity left.
We will see if they take the easy way out offered by the West, and compulsory hijab goes the way of the dodo bird in Iran after these protests.
Anyone who thinks the West is weak, is not paying close enough attention and/or they don’t recognize the kind of power that the West wields.
Strange, there was I thinking years of sanctions have no effect whatsoever.
What occurred with the Nordstreams, expected as they were, was very dark. A mistake..
Repeatedly rubbing rough salt into wounds were the Poles.. again, less than a day after NS-1 and NS-2 joined the scrap in Davy Jones’s Locker the same Sikorski fella, with the noted excessive schadenfreude, smirked and strutted at the sunny ceremony celebrating the opening of the anemic Norway-Denmark-Poland Baltic Pipeline.
Why do I sense the eternally hapless and ill-fated Poles know neither Greek Tragedy nor appreciate famous Germanic stubbornness?? Do the compradore hyenas expect the Sons of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest to simply melt away into their black forests and leave them unmolested??? It is most unwise to bring existential wars onto German soil (unless you’re an angry Russian).. “There will be Blood.”
I told you current astonishing events are even more pat and tidy than OJ’s glove… The Empire intends to fully leave a Black Hole in Europa. The blazing Poles are being fattened and thoroughly seasoned for a guaranteed quartering — if not the Russians, at the patient hands of experienced Germans! Tommy will recognize this scene, which foretells how Germans will strip away the collars and shackles of Civilization, return to basics, and get their revenge on “Intermarium” proxies.
Maybe the Leprechaun was onto another stubborn Germanic trait — were the “nonfunctioning” Nordstreams really functioning to pump surreptitious gas all along? This may have accounted for supernatural calm of the German industrialists at being suicided too. I love the Danish tale of the Naked Emperor. Sometimes we gotta pretend when Madness reigns.. so now Turkish banks submitting to US secondary sanctions whistle like Bibi and still use Russian MIR on their ATMs? The little pleasures of end-stage Empires! The Indians and Hungarians are too rash and open about shafting the dying Hegemon — they should note the Turkish and Chinese way to do it, with èlan, respectfully folded hands, bowed submissive heads and a low steady whistle. Let them have a little face, even as you bleed them a little each day.
All well-said my Brother!
Previously, recently, I did mention the possibility of cable problems…and thus was delighted with the news of https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/08/russian-spy-ship-yantar-loitering-near-trans-atlantic-internet-cables/ – which derives from the twitter link you gave. Many thanks!
Yantar’s “loitering” minded me of Keats. >
La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad
By John Keats
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered from the lake,
And no birds sing.
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
So haggard and so woe-begone?
The squirrel’s granary is full,
And the harvest’s done.
I see a lily on thy brow,
With anguish moist and fever-dew,
And on thy cheeks a fading rose
Fast withereth too.
I met a lady in the meads,
Full beautiful—a faery’s child,
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild.
I made a garland for her head,
And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;
She looked at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan
I set her on my pacing steed,
And nothing else saw all day long,
For sidelong would she bend, and sing
A faery’s song.
She found me roots of relish sweet,
And honey wild, and manna-dew,
And sure in language strange she said—
‘I love thee true’.
She took me to her Elfin grot,
And there she wept and sighed full sore,
And there I shut her wild wild eyes
With kisses four.
And there she lullèd me asleep,
And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!—
The latest dream I ever dreamt
On the cold hill side.
I saw pale kings and princes too,
Pale warriors, death-pale were they all;
They cried—‘La Belle Dame sans Merci
Thee hath in thrall!’
I saw their starved lips in the gloam,
With horrid warning gapèd wide,
And I awoke and found me here,
On the cold hill’s side.
And this is why I sojourn here,
Alone and palely loitering,
Though the sedge is withered from the lake,
And no birds sing.
…………….Rumpole often remarked “Along and palely loitering”.
https://www.submarinecablemap.com/ (speaks for itself)
About a possible secret gas “leak” from Rus to Germany (now stopped of course)… Personally I doubt it could have been a large volume. I’d expect that the IR from the turbocompressors would betray the pumping to naziHQ via satellite and aerial “eyes”…and to anybody actually near a pumping station. But maybe it did!
………..Teutoburg> “Quintili Vare, legiones redde! ” (banging his head against the wall.) They say that the Germans ate some of the Romans….
How jolly.
Best! P
You might enjoy this fine musical adaption of Keats’ poem, Mr. P.
KIm Robertson; La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Many Thanks Dimitar I did enjoy the musical version.
It may be that “tremregi” @ rumble interview with Lt Col Alexander Goncharov about the war will interest some, as will, I expect, the Alex pair’s discussion Duran # 1393. “…a direct war between the US and collective West against Russia.” Gospodin G is 57, and he’s been trying to volunteer. (I think he’ll get his wish)
The peoples, captive and seduced peoples, are being, one might say, conditioned to a nuclear war between the nazijuntawest and the rest of the people of the world. The Alex pair are, I imagine, losing their naivete.
It’s become obvious, and I think it was always Policy too, that nazijuntawest has always planned to use gadgets…I think it’s actually doctrine, as I recall from the 1980’s…. (geewhiz, I wish there was a “door into summer” )
https://youtu.be/T5al0HmR4to (Bobby…)
In book (not film) “The Cruel Sea”, Nicholas Monsarrat speaks of W2 at sea as beginning with what he terms “skirmishing”. If we use his terms, I rather expect that skirmishing in W3 is about to become something far more horrible.
https://youtu.be/JsvRcZiFj8g (Lenard C.)
Anyone take in Alex C’s latest today. He has a pretty good take on the plausibility of the neferious actions and the actors involved. Worth the time easy at 1.75…….or 2 for those with fast ears.
His theory left me with but one conclusion….with the amount of hardware already rusting in theatre, and the train loads of it streaming towards the front, many reports again of mass movement by rail of armour moving east. Looks like Russia might disarm all of NATO before Russia reaches the Polish border.
Cheers M
Rumpole of the Bailey,
“Law vs Justice”
Love the “Killing Me Softly” reference AHH!
That is precisely how Putin has operated to date. These imbeciles won’t even know what hit them once the soft gloves really come off. I would hazard a guess that this is any day now given that the referendum result is in.
When you study the map, the 5 breakaway oblasts combined are an awfully big chunk of the east of Ukraine. This leaves a further 5 regions that are east of the Dnieper. The Kiev and Cherkasy oblasts span both sides of the river so that situation won’t be quite so tidy once the fat lady really pipes up.
BTW you are quite the wordsmith, and I very much enjoy your contributions.
I was reminded this morning of how much I miss my Romanian mate and artist Tibi… also his wit and profound ability to cut through all of the nonsense.
Hey, Col. For those who may not know, Col’s reference to ‘Tibi’ or Tibor, was
the realtime name of longterm poster and artist here at Saker’s Vineyard, ioan.
Best to you, Col from the South Seas (a little ways away and up from your good self)..
by ioan
Is there any reasoning still possible
The blind will see again the light,
The deaf will hear again the song
And who shall do for them the fight ?
Instead, the darkness grows and grows
The blinds confusing it with brightness,
Voices’n noises giving sticks’n roses
But for deaf, it sounds as priceless
The wicked have already got their ticket
The thieves are doing well, as chiefs
The joyful Moon is playing with balloon
The Sun is laughing but says nothing
Now, yes or no, I’d like to know,
It’s day or night, what tells your heart ?
Music or noise, what is your choice,
The blind, the deaf, the wicked or the thief ?
Is there any help or any teach, for each
When they say : You’re a son of a bitch
How to tell them what to do, to have a clue
If they don’t accept to hear the truth ?
Turn again my cheek for another snap,
Or better turn around, showing them my back ?
There are many tough eggs nowadays to crack,
There’s no difference, be it white or black.
Thanks, Sudhi. Always wonderful to have ioan present.
Its been a quite hurricane season, but this end of season storm has the potential to be another life changing event.
If each solo artist is correct, the combination of high tides, flooded cars, salt in the electrical system equipment, you could silently come out of this storm, and walk into real trouble.
3rd para: “Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68.”
… and the jackal of Europe’s Radek Sikorski MEP “Thank you, USA” on twitter
… and I thought this was interesting: “Suddenly the back channels between the US and Russia have been reinstated. This was initiated by Washington.” – The Sirius Report
Finally some good news:
“Taliban has signed an agreement with Russia for the annual supply of 2m tons of wheat, 1m tons of petrol, 1m tons of diesel and 500k tons of LNG” – The Sirius Report
Mr P,
Like you I’m deeply conflicted. My heart is partly German — an uncle married an East German early in Cold War and I am fond of her… I went to first Karneval in Köln (no rainbow floats then!) First crush as kid in Bonn, ironically around same time Herr Merz was in town at the Uni. So I suffer too to witness the epochal slow motion criminality underway. Most Germans are innocent and appear condemned along with their comprador gauleiters..
Incidentally in balmy mid-80s summer I was only 2.5 hours or 140km from Danish island of Bornholm, after taking a ferry from Kiel, Germany to Malmö, Sweden. Probably swimming distance too on the approach to Malmö — this map is distorted; Malmö is much closer than it appears. I chose it to highlight the positioning vis-a-vis the Scandinavians/Poland and why this spot is optimum not only for sabotage but chosen for future interdiction of repairs, if attempted.. it is a tight four-nation box with plenty of plausible deniability and room for maneuver.
Regarding disposition of enemies in forests past and future: When you are dealing with the “civilized fellas” of Empire.. you have to get properly medieval, to put the Fear of God in the deviants. Having tea with biscuits over palaver at the UN doesn’t cut it. That should serve as either the foreplay or the debriefing session following the necessary involuntary traumatic experience.. Being eaten was only one of many horrors the vanquished faced. (not for the squeamish!) Apparently other fierce tribesmen worldwide reinforced the lesson to each Hegemon, such as the Afghan Pashtun, who haunted Alexander the Great eons ago. Delicacy forbids mentioning what was done to the loons in Dark reaches of Africa.. well I can give one mild tale – imagine stripped spread-eagled legionnaires with honey applied on “assets” staked next to roused colonies of fire ants — as the hors d’oeuvre. The ancient Germanic tribesmen weren’t the only cannibals.. for the european disposition, the land and climate itself was an enemy, until new generations acclimated. I assure you, they hate Africa bitterly for reasons! They lost so many.. The South African President recently visited Sleepy Joe explicitly to ask forgiveness and stop the Punishment. We are not gentle civilized orderly Asians! All praise to God..
Thanks to both for haunting Keats.. where is Anomalous, he knows Tolkien better. I hope he is well. The lament of this piece and the scenes of faded glory remind me of enchantments and fever-dreams by the marshes of haunted Dagorlad, near the Black Gate, where so many armies had fallen:
It also reminds of comment I read yesterday on another post:
dear bonbon,
I can’t find the mentioned Royal Navy report, sorry. If someone has Locals access, they could share with us. But like the recent RAND report, it assuredly will be viral soon enough.. too incendiary if already in public domain to remain under wraps. maybe Uncle Davy will find it soon..
Dear AHH Anomalous prefers to comment less these days. He is indeed well, thanks for the concern. You can find him every day at https://youtube.com/channel/UCC3H_GTUmGxQLX8J3stYovw
With the way the world is heading Anomalous is putting his energies in this direction.
All the best and thanks for the wit and wisdom
“Everything’s going to the crapper in Old Blighty. Lord Cardigan’s descendants are in charge.. you know, Liz DID look familiar! We could ship blunderbusses to Olde Auslander and he could take these charging yahoos single handedly. With time to spare for his evening constitutional.”
Love it
Dear Fionnbarra. It’s good to hear from you and I too, second the notion,
please do not hesitate to drop by and say hello from time to time and even flip
us the occasional poem, friend should you be so inclined.
Best from the wild blue yonder, D.
We thought you’d been lost
in the warp and weft;
You said, hey guys,
I never left!
etc. etc…
These are screenshots of the Rand Report
https://disk.yandex.com/d/jxD85BQemPfz1A/P1.jpg (5 image series)
RAND Corp: Weaken Germany, strengthen US: Swedish newspaper publishes shocking document
The Swedish newspaper Nya (New Daily) published a secret memorandum dated January 2022, prepared by strategists from the American corporation RAND, which is closely associated with the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex. The document directly refers to the US plans for Europe – to completely destroy its economy “due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine.” The current government of the Federal Republic of Germany should play a central role in this.
The short three-page memorandum, which is an internal RAND document, provides a fairly detailed analysis of Europe’s imminent economic collapse as a result of a US-instigated Russian attack on Ukraine. TC “Merciless PR Specialist” has prepared a summary of the RAND strategy on the points:
1️. Weaken Germany, strengthen the USA.The US is not able to survive the current economic crisis without external support. The policy of quantitative easing and the uncontrolled emission of funds since 2020 has led to a significant increase in public debt and an excess of cash in the economy. The only available source of resources for the American economy is the economy of European countries bound by obligations within NATO and the EU. However, the growing independence of Germany, which will be strengthened as the US withdraws from Europe, could lead to a constructive political consensus between Germany and France, followed by Italy and other countries of Old Europe. If this scenario comes to fruition, Old Europe becomes an American competitor, able to withstand the East European countries oriented towards the USA.
2️. Vulnerability of the German and European economies. In the event of an economic crisis in Germany, resources can be expected to flow from the European economy to the US economy. The pace of European economic development is entirely dependent on Germany, which bears the main burden in the EU. The German economy is based on two pillars: access to unlimited cheap minerals from Russia and cheap electricity from France. The importance of the first factor is much higher. The suspension of Russian supplies will lead to the collapse of the German economy and, as a result, the EU economy. France’s dependence on energy uranium supplies from Russia will lead to a reorientation to supplies from Australia and Canada. Which are now included in the AUCUS block. And this allows you to put additional pressure on supplies.
3️. Controlled crisis. The United States stopped the implementation of Nord Stream 2. Completely cut off Germany from the supply of Russian energy is possible through the involvement of Germany in a military confrontation with the Russian Federation in Ukraine. US actions in Ukraine will undoubtedly lead to a Russian military intervention. The introduction of pre-prepared packages of sanctions will cut Germany off from access to Russian raw materials. The dogmatism of the Green Party and the unprofessionalism of their leaders, Annalena Burbock and Robert Habek , will guarantee this .
4️. Expected consequences. Stopping Russian supplies will lead to the collapse of the German economy and the work of enterprises in key sectors – petrochemistry, metallurgy, engineering. Losses could amount to 200-300 billion euros. This will lead to the inevitable collapse of European industry, rising unemployment (400,000 jobs in Germany alone) and the migration of educated Europeans to the US. In the medium term, this will help the US economy to generate an additional income of 7-9 trillion US dollars.
Brother > “Like you I’m deeply conflicted. My heart is partly German”. Through Father’s mother and her father to old family in Hesse…there’s even a castle, and I have the key to the garden gate of a villa, obliterated by W2 bomb – I’ve been to the then-vacant lot in Frankfurt. They were honest people involved with industry and law…but the failed German Revolution and the Prussian draft inclined some of the family to emigrate to the US. And another more remote and perhaps romantic (at this long distance of Time) link to Frankfurt…rather tenuous…a boy raised by the Chief Rabbi of Frankfurt about 1600. Since Rabbis don’t ordinarily undertake to raise gentile children, I assume, with some written evidence, that he was the illegitimate child of a Jewish mother related to the Rabbi…ostensibly he came from the East, Poland? Russia? … he left for America when he turned 18, and he had, naturally, a classical Hebrew education. That line became Methodists in America…there’s even a town in Kansas that’s named after him (and they don’t know it!). For generations, however, all the children learned Hebrew and had “Jewish” names. Nevertheless, I’m mostly old Quaker, with rogues here and there. Mrs P has a similar history, but with Italian rogues, and she takes sun better than I, never burns, but she’s mostly German farmers.
..”properly medieval”… In youth I spent some time with the Navajo People…and heard their stories as to the entertainments they arranged for the US Army. They didn’t eat them…as you say…ants, and so on. In the Language the place names tell of the treatments. The captives were turned over to the ladies…aheeem. One place name I vaguely recall translates “String ’em up by the bxxxx”. I knew Father Liebler, a missionary fairly (he said with modesty) fluent in Navajo, very slightly. Many US military families stem from the “Buffalo Soldiers”, which were comprised of former slaves…the horrible matching of the former slaves against the Red Indians by the ruling Anglos constitutes, I think, one of the cardinal sins in US History. imperare dividendo inter se contra populum in se, as we see to-day.
I have US-African relations, some from the 1700’s, some from the 1850’s, and some much more recent…but most of the history went poof when Mother passed.
When I see Russians, I see what the US might have been, a strong multi-ethnic Nation inclined to Peace, and it makes me want to cry.
Perhaps you’ve seen this> “US military helicopters habitually and on numerous occasions circled for hours over the site of the Nord Stream pipelines incident near Bornholm Island earlier in September, Flightradar24 data showed.” ( https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/us-military-aircraft-circled-nord-stream-incident-site-in-se ) What do cops say about means, motive, opportunity, and prior knowledge (like “the Jew Call!) ?? BTW v. Luckner died at Malmo. I wanted to meet him, but, alas! In the hereafter I’ll see him at the bar. It comes to mind that Luckner was a member of the Masons, and that his lodge had Jewish members…which caused some friction…more lost history, I suppose…his lodge was in Hamburg, “drei kugel” comes to mind. Not that it matters. The secret history of Lowell Thomas is probably more interesting.
The Elder Alex in his lectures 9/27 struck me as in denial about the sort of shoes about to drop. Well, they say Hope dies last. Elder Alex said, btw, that he was thinking of moving to Greece. When VVP gave the bigbigspeech in February his body language said to my eye not so much acta alea est, but Nunc magnum bellum habebimus. I doubt that he was thinking about the SMO, but about what the series of events beginning with it, and where that would lead.
Experts opine about “decapitation” in war. What might happen in CONUS after such an act? Like General Ripper said, it looks pretty hairy. Yet Anoxia floats along, rather peacefully. In ships in storms they ride best just before they capsize – it’s physics….and “machine intent”, or, as Doctor-Grandfather used to say, “the perversity of inanimate objects!”. I have a few of his poems…I ought to find them and re-read them
BTW I very much like your “stacked function” terminology…rather similar to my “metastatic”, but your term is more apt. I am very glad that Anoxia is far from the “capitation zone conus”, though there is an OTH Radar rather nearer than I like. Close enough to make a thrilling show. OTH Radars can sometimes be heard with an ordinary AM receiver, and the signal describes the method…they’re rather fun…lately there’s been a lot of signals…I assume some are local, and some are from Eurasia.
Long enough ramble…Time to go, Brother… Best! P
I very much enjoy Lira’s contributions but in his most recent talk he seemed somewhat misled as to the actual gas supply situation in Europe.
It is admittedly terribly confusing trying to actually find reliable numbers. For what they are worth I list below some of the numbers that I was able to dig up.
The highest ever annual EU usage was way back in 2010 at 52 Billion cubic meters per annum. The 2017-2020 average was sitting at 44 bcm/a.
Imported gas is currently 80% of the EU27 market… up from 65% a decade earlier.
Piped imports are 74%
LPG [shipped] are 26%
CURRENT ESTIMATES… before this debacle
Russia supplied 29%
Norway 20%
LNG shipped 22%
North Africa and Miscellaneous 9%
Domestic 20%
The NS1 and NS2 pipelines were built by Russia for the express reason of supplying directly to Germany without using transit countries.
Germany, Europe’s biggest gas customer was to have gas supplied to its door at an extraordinarily low price and with the utmost reliability… Russia imagined it could commit to at least 50 years of reliable supply… hmmm little did they know.
Each line had a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per annum giving a total capacity of 110 bcm3/a… that’s more than the total Euro 27 countries’ combined annual total requirement.
And the reasons it should have been both cheap and reliable…
#1 This route completely eliminates the risk of sending gas overland through dodgy multiple transit countries. This way it left Russian soil and travelled undersea directly to the German terminal.
#2 No dodgy transit countries = no transit fees = less pilfering = less sabotage = less costs = more reliable
#3 Much more long-term reliability, as changes in politics etc within transit countries, wouldn’t apply.
The other tragedy is that Russia had previously had all manner of trouble dealing with unreliable transit partners. Some projects, eg the South Stream line, were abandoned back in 2014 so that Russia could concentrate on what they perceived at the time to be the more reliable and efficient route through the Baltic.
It all came horribly unstuck though when Uncle Sam instructed Germany to commit economic hare Kari and here we are now with Europe facing imminent social and economic collapse… gee thanks for nothin Uncle $am.
One other point I’d like to make commented on by several cafeistas is the September 24 event mentioned by Herr Merz was in fact what happened Monday nite.
The date was a distraction.
Newsweek published that the CIA had warned Germany
Heres the NYT article 27.9.2022, reporting same
If you read the BALLTOPS article posted in this cafe (or in the Open Thread on this site) the operation was already well planned.
Well said Uncle!!
I was just thinking the same a few hours ago. The clincher for me was the date Biden called it: on Feb 7 with Olaf beside him. Get it? 2.7 or 27 which was the Sep 27 hit day. Scripted as usual with the deviants. The smug traitor Merz was presavoring the day his country’s future was to be murdered. Lampposts are too good!!
Regarding the curious route on that map you posted of the new Norway-Poland Baltic Pipe! It skirts SOOO wide around Germany. 😁 Were the construction teams whistling innocently during construction? It reminds me of the Department of PreCrime in the Spielberg movie made for our times, Minority Report (2002). This sci fi has the feds of the future hiring three grotesque psychics to eradicate crime in the BBB America BEFORE it occurs. How would the New York hustler Chuck put it? “Poles are screwed Six ways from Sunday.”
Thanks so much for sharing Finnbarr! I am subscribed. You’ve been missed. We lost both you and Janice. Try to write again with Dimitar, once in a while. It made this Cafe so beautiful, what drew me here in great part. I respectfully disagree with Dimi: Poets have unique insights and understandings of our moment and often inspired me and clarified something missing in my interpretation of happenings. And poets need a challenge and riposte or a receptive friend to bounce off, no? Please consider periodic visits, my favorite Poet!
“With the way the world is heading Anomalous is putting his energies in this direction”
Same here. Prayer and meditation is the only healthy recourse and succour. Strength Brother!
Hi Col,
Thanks for kind words. Likewise, I look forward to your POV..
“When you study the map, the 5 breakaway oblasts combined are an awfully big chunk of the east of Ukraine.”
They also formed most of the heavy industry, farming land (now Russia vaults to be quite dominant foodbasket worldwide) and the lion’s share of Ukie GDP.. and Russia will take what remains of Novorussiya..
Medvedev’s maps are such thrilling trolling which also not so innocently indicate intent. If you look carefully at his latest map above, at the spacial arrangement and golden color of the new puzzle pieces, well! The PR Freaks obsessed with image, detail and nuance will receive the message. The subliminal trolling going over our heads in the public sphere is off the charts. This is why I do not sweat Russians’ concession of the mass media battle — in addition to winning the land war which counts, they are triggering and paying back the opposing elite demons in their coin, but we commoners are usually unaware. Old Timers like Mr P or those who read too much Le Care or watched too many 1960s fare like Michael Caine character Harry Palmer, or were diplomats or spooks, etc. can infer a lot. Perhaps Ruskies in THIS Cold War learned superior subtlety in trolling from watching Rumpole of the Bailey?!
There is a unique panache among old timer Brits (I’m not talking about lying) which even Russians respected — perspective, tradecraft, attention to detail, professionalism — the devils must be given their due. Now have the Students turned tables on the former Masters?? A couple centuries of buggery, rum and the lash will leave one with woeful deficiencies and in the wake! This is what I intend to learn, what really interests me, of how the formerly klutzy Ruskie nomenklatura came into such superior subtlety. Or perhaps it was an accident of Fate – merely being under the wide shade of the Book of Revelations focused them like never before and they were forced to rise to the need of the moment.
I believe what I was alluding to last Cafe, was that poets by their very nature
‘have their finger on the pulse’ but generally speaking, it’s not of a “hey, I’m
gonna toot my horn, here”, nature. Genuine poets are generally humble and
feel the need to address their inner sense of reality moreso than the outer directly.
They have a larger picture they source, and this is seldom removed from the grosser
version of events ‘out here’. The overriding principle is as above so below.
You are absolutely right, however, poets need other poets. Many many times
here have winged beauties taken flight as a result of such cross-pollination.
It’s very difficult to carry on on one’s own, one effectively becomes a voice in
the wilderness. It’s a lovely boon when others put their shyness aside and have
a stab themselves, such as our friend Alabama. What a unique view that is. I
have what I consider a very good poem that arose from a turn of phrase of
Alabama’s some years ago; had I not perused his posts, I would not have the
poem ( Ok, I’ll repost one day ), just so Al knows he was the progenitor of
that particular piece.
People need people, and sometimes the people are poets = amazing! most of all, the poet needs readers, or a reader, to understand, to meet.
But the poet is best equipped with a portable inner reality, he or she carries it everywhere, to the moon, to a sleeping dog, and can unstrap and set up her portable inner realty in an instant, and there is no separartion then. .
I like the humility part and agree, and the worlds workers are often the humblest people, not the ambitious new-age ones, but those who just are, and artists, poets and so on, they have to fight ambition, pride, envy, as the greater the light, the stronger the shadow. It’s a daily little battle waiting to be fought, you have to laugh or your lost!
Every single word as true as true can be, cheers, D.
If we find this becomes a war of attrition, the west might run out of not only human labor capital, but the time to use it.
Ongoing attempted regime change in Iran is not good.
Doesn’t it strike anyone as strange that the “leader” of this “freedom” movement in Iran is a US government employee and bosom buddy of the neocons? But hey, sure, it’s totally legit…,” the ex-lawmaker wrote, posting a photo of Alinejad with former hawkish US Secretary of State and CIA Director, Mike Pompeo.
Iran’s foreign ministry summoned the ambassadors of the U.K. and Norway over issues it argued constitute meddling in the country’s ongoing unrest, according to state media.
Norway and the UK are the two European countries most associated with oil and gas and apparently were to bring home Iranian oil and gas. This hedge would have made it ‘safer’ to do away with Nord Stream. It didn’t work.
Note UK’s BP Ohio Refinery May Stay Shut Into 2023 After Deadly Fire
Norway has an unidentified drone problem.
A regime change will void Russia’s 40 billion oil and gas agreement with Iran, an extra added bonus for the CIA and Mossad.
Oil wars are not only about obtaining oil for yourself but blocking your enemy from getting fuel. You can’t fight without fuel. China comes to mind.
Pay close attention to the following. Iran is going after the Mossad in Northern Iraq and other sites not just terrorists. They are smuggling weapons to the rioters. Can you imagine the bloodshed? So we are seeing a heavy response from Iran.
Iran’s IRGC Ground Force launches artillery attack on terrorist bases in northern Iraq
73 ballistic missiles, tens of suicide drones pound terrorist bases in north Iraq: IRGC
Wednesday, 28 September 2022 5:33 PM [ Last Update:
After launching the strikes on Saturday, the IRGC said in a statement that the terrorist groups were smuggling weapons into Iran amid the ongoing unrest over the death of a 22-year-old Iranian woman in police custody.
“Counterrevolutionary groups have been organized by intelligence services of hostile and foreign countries and even some Arab states in northern Iraq” to be used “in line with [achieving] their goals and creating obstacles in the way of the Islamic Republic,” the deputy commander of the IRGC Ground Force’s Hamzeh Seyed al-Shohada Base in northwestern Iran, Brigadier General Majid Arjmandfar, said at the time.
During an exclusive interview with The Cradle, the official spokesman of the Erbil office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Azad Jolla, confirmed that the Mossad has long been active in the capital of the IKR.
“There is – among others – an Israeli Mossad presence. And this presence provokes Iran into attacking their sites in the Kurdistan region. Iran has done this before, and will probably do it again,” Jolla told The Cradle on 17 March.
Kurdish groups have decades of established ties with Israel, dating back to the 1950s. These have included covert military training.
However, the existence of Mossad spy bases operating in the IKR has been disputed by Kurdish authorities, and the spokesperson for the autonomous region’s government last year, not for the first time, denied the “baseless accusations”.
A female intelligence expert has been advising China, Russia and Iran. Not in an official capacity but it seems she has compromised the Mossad and CIA.
In answer we read…
Israel: The Mossad said in a statement that a woman has been appointed to the agency’s top position of director of intelligence for the first time ever.
Written By
Anurag Roushan
Last Updated: 22nd August, 2022 18:55 IST
Our advisor writes…
“It is also possible that the leakage of that sensitive information that China has penetrated may lead to thwarting many Israeli security operations abroad or lead to the arrest of Mossad agents through foreign intelligence agencies.’
And so we do see an arrest. This is the stuff movies are made of-watching, only a few hours until detonation then pounce.
First details of the operation regarding the Mossad spies arrest in Iran
The arrest of the operational members of this complex network was carried out while even high-explosive materials were planted by this group in their desired location and only a few hours were left for the implementation of the final stage of their terrorist operation.
Bet on fireside chats and that Iran knows things.
The gentleman whose name is not to be spoken posted @ telegram this translation from Russian>
“The United States threatens the Russian leadership through closed channels with a shutdown of the Internet and a cyber attack on critical infrastructure. In fact, everything is really not very good and the United States is really capable of completely blocking the operation of the Internet in Russia (disconnecting Russian providers from supporting domain name protocols). But there is no ford in the fire, just as there is no way back, except for victory over a terrible enemy. Russia, in turn, can and should, in response, destroy the physical infrastructure of the Internet (it is necessary to kill only 6 cables and the entire Western economy will plunge into chaos).”
No chit.
url @ newsfeed pending
For those who didn’t catch this tidy & tight Cross Talk.. 4 complementary informed men provide Perspectives on the next Phase gloves are off as early as tomorrow in the Russian Counter-Terrorist Operation (CTO). All anticipate unveiling of the Hammer of the well-honed technique of the Russian GS from Chechnya-Syria and now in the Ukraine. No nuke threats will lead to deviation from the inevitability.. were understandings reached in Samarkhand, to wrap things up expeditiously? Doctorow: Referenda ➡️ Accession ➡️ Sudden Death War. This one went down like an eclair for those of us with the sweet tooth.
bonbon, I note Pepe has bugged out of Europe and is back in lovely >>safer<< Bangkok, of which it is said can make a hard man humble! Even if you still live in Suisse, remember you are still strapped into the adjacent gurney of the same EU Pleasantville asylum. Consider absconding in the dead of the night under assumed guise (pretend you are an insomniac with Restless Legs Syndrome or something).. maybe leave the old gal as decoy? 🤔 Wagner can extricate her later..
Dear Dimi, now YOU are engaging in dissembling, lol 🤓. Humility is a virtue and a blessing, and yes I very much agree the Inner world is to be more cherished and emphasized than the Outer, especially in these exceptionally evil times, but we should also call a spade a spade. I think we are largely in agreement, and it’s a fact of History all recognize the importance of poets to our civilizational elevation, ability to reflect and comfort in times of need.. 😘 I much appreciate you Poet. Hope you regain your foil.. these type of periods are historically rich in inspiration.
Mr P
Isn’t the quilt of humanity beautiful? And the privilege of this tech allowing us from all cultures and walks of life and continents to palaver pleasantly in a single forum.. I already miss the Internet, as it appears on borrowed time, one way or the other! 😢
the arts always predict: in 2020, a defunct popular band from the 1980s was resuscitated by the Club in order to show this cover and its single question. are we lemmings the Public Enemy of the State now?
Time has interesting variable elastic properties.. sometimes we cannot keep up, everything passes in the blink of eye. Others, like now, it is Suspended in motion, like winter Canadian tree sap. A Mercy from our Lord, a respite to prep and to gather courage. The breathlessness is astounding. We all wait.. what or rather how will the crazies choose to be interred in the Pages of history? Decisions!
About Malmö.. you got me thinking of old nazi bases before the American ratlines were inaugurated.. Brother Batiushka is onto something that this nazi phenomena has pedigree.. and messages go out and members of a club know where to safely rendezvous, following temporary setbacks, no? Herr Göring was also based in Sweden in the roaring 20s.. was a personal pilot and married into high class. A significant wing of Nazi cadre was built up there and evidently persists from what we see with Nordstreams and joining NATO and ancient bitter grudges among the inbred.
Was it ever going to be different? The Bourbons weren’t the only which never forgot and never forgave. The Phantom Pains of the Swedes, stripped of their Eminent Empire, position in Europe and vast domains by the Ruskies lingers.. The decisive loss in the 1709 Battle of Poltava (in the Ukraine!) in the Great Northern War finished off Swedes as a European Great Power, and cracked open the Window to Europe from the Baltic’s St. Petersburg. And so they seek denouement along with entire tormented west now. Additionally, do they hate VVP and Patrushev and other Leningrad lads for springing all the more from their “former domains” to elevate Russia to unprecedented glory? Doubly galling!! 😂🤣
Did you know Göring was institutionalized in Stockholm? (note the “2.5 km underground corridors.. [and] situated outside the city not to disturb neighbors!) I lived in that beautiful archipelago for about two years. I walked by Olaf Palme’s murder site next to the subway while flowers were still fresh..
was Göring being Programmed? They didn’t build that vast remote and sumptuous estate for the comfort of the patients, even if a portion of the inmates were from among the upper classes usually afflicted disproportionately. The Sins of the Father? And the wind carries sound only so far. A movie I recommend about nazism and other roman/egyptian afflictions of the elite Swedish dynasties is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011).
When did MK-ULTRA really commence? Westerners have a centuries-long tradition of “experimentation” with certain invalids and orphans and dragooning off the streets the unprotected undesirables of society… to this day! 2.5+ million Anericans rot in jails not out of benevolence or merely the need to feed the prison sweatshops.. And as you know, ISIS was born in Iraqi jails at the hands of Uncle for example. There’s a method to the madness of nazis, nothings unplanned and coincidental. Efficiency, order, utility and the regimentation and mental marination of fellow humans is their twisted mission in life. They didn’t get the memo though and overreached. Most will be put out of commission soon.
“now YOU are engaging in dissembling…
but we should also call a spade a spade…”
Not sure what you’re talking about here, AHH.
For me poetry is the best form of communication because it allows
me to be on point inwardly while leaving the perception of the same
to each individual. There is no concealing or hiding one’s intentions
because that is glaringly on view, nor is there calling a spade anything
else but a spade. Thirdly, by the time a poem is completed and posted
here, I am already somewhere else. This is how I survive the process.
The paradox is that perception is an individual matter and invariably
as different and unique as each individual, and often not at all what
I’m saying or perhaps describing/alluding to. This the strength of the
form. I generally regret when I stray into the realm of opinion, feelings,
‘personal viewpoints’ etc. outside poetry b/c that, rarely if ever, comes
out right.
Respect is mutual, D.
Two quick comments during our Freefall, under the deafening Sounds of Silence..
1️⃣ Older Alex’s last video raised a disturbing thought. Around 28:00, he parsed Medvedev’s since-deleted TG post highlighting it was inconceivable for Russia to use nukes in the Ukraine unless it used nukes or existential weapons itself.
Medvedev’s post was featured on an RT article:
One way the Desperados could escalate into Ecstasy itself it to precisely give the UkroNazis these nukes. Ze said in February in Munich they wanted it. Every NAtZIo country, including the Pope, has been claiming it’s Ukrainian right to defend itself. The Cowards will keep escalating to the last Ukie.. including turning that land into Alamogordo glass, between slavs, so they clearly plan.. The scene is being set, which may have prompted the Stavka to remove Medvedev’s post since it could be used later to highlight intent.. the games we play, even during Freefall into the Abyss!
2️⃣ Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to the USA published a very important document on behalf of Russia. Excerpts:
Now that puts into perspective today’s countermoves by the Kremlin — Zakharova (and Antonov above) declared that “Washington has become a party to conflict in Ukraine.” (thx mrs a) then shut remaining Ukraine-transiting gas pipes to EU. I will lastly note tomorrow is the Turd of September, if you remove the “0” in the occult! A nine and a three, which are big numbers in the Club. The Pope’s loot should also be safely back in his dungeons and vaults too. Let’s see what VVP says tomorrow! Fireworks ahead, and apparently demarches at the UNSC too. Buckle up
China is to replenish Russia’s military with new strategic content.
China is absolutely fed up new sanctions re Iran’s oil.
There it is, better weapons than Ukraine is getting. Now that is involvement!
China’s top brass pledges to add strategic depth to cooperation with Russia
It is also reported that China is planning, among other things, to embark on joint efforts with Russia to deepen strategic contacts between the two countries’ armed forces
BEIJING, September 29. /TASS/. China intends to press ahead in advancing its military cooperation with Russia and replenishing it with new strategic content, Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, said on Thursday.
“China and Russia have been jointly engaged in the fight against hegemony and have been defending international order and justice”, he said at a regular briefing. This year, the two countries conducted another joint air patrol, and the People’s Liberation Army of China took part in Russia’s Vostok 2022 military exercise and the International Army Games, he said.
At the next stage, Tan pledged, China is planning, among other things, to embark on joint efforts with Russia to deepen strategic contacts between the two countries’ armed forces, while moving ahead with expanding business cooperation across all spheres. In addition, Bejing seeks to consistently add new strategic depth to bilateral relations and actively contribute to maintaining international peace and stability.
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Chinese Firms Accused of Helping Iran
US imposes new Iran-related sanctions on several international companies
Thursday, 29 September 2022 7:01 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 29 September 2022 7:01 PM ]
The United States has slapped illegal sanctions on a number of international companies saying they are involved in Iran’s petrochemical and petroleum trade, including some firms based in China.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a statement on Thursday warned of further actions to enforce its economic curbs on Tehran.
Blinken said the US imposed sanctions on two China-based companies, Zhonggu Storage and Transportation Co. Ltd, and WS Shipping Co Ltd, saying these companies are helping Iran to sell its Iranian petroleum and petrochemical products, according to Reuters.
The US Treasury Department also placed sanctions on a network of companies saying it was involved in the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Iranian petrochemical and petroleum products to users in South and East Asia.
The Treasury said it targeted Iranian brokers and front companies based in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong and India.
The United States, under former president Donald Trump, abandoned the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in May 2018 and reinstated unilateral sanctions that the agreement had lifted.
The talks to salvage the agreement kicked off in the Austrian capital of Vienna in April last year, months after Joe Biden succeeded Trump, with the intention of examining Washington’s seriousness in rejoining the deal and removing anti-Iran sanctions.
Despite notable progress, the US indecisiveness and procrastination caused multiple interruptions in the marathon talks.
In recent weeks, there have been unfruitful, indirect exchanges of responses between Tehran and Washington over an EU draft proposal on restoring the JCPOA, with Iranian officials urging their American counterparts to show “realism” and “flexibility” in order to secure a deal.
European diplomats say talks now appear headed toward a pause until after the US mid-term elections on November 8.
“As Iran continues to accelerate its nuclear program in violation of the JCPOA, we will continue to accelerate our enforcement of sanctions on Iran’s petroleum and petrochemical sales under authorities that would be removed under the JCPOA,” Blinken said in the statement on Thursday, making baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic.
“These enforcement actions will continue on a regular basis, with an aim to severely restrict Iran’s oil and petrochemical exports,” he declared.
Lodestar, thx for Iran updates. We appear to be entering a very dangerous kinetic period. Jaw-Jaw has been relegated to the back burner..
1️⃣ Energy pipes & infrastructure
(A) Norway patrols its new Baltic Pipe in a panic.
➡️ Lady Macbeth: “Out damned spot.”
➡️ “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.”
➡️ Hombre… Nature can be cruel. Predators are everywhere.
(B) Pepe discussed in last article attempts to hit Turk/South Stream:
Amazing how a pair of beady old eyes with a steady Blunderbuss can clear the skies. Who needs Pantsirs??
2️⃣ Increased forces probing and positioning:
(A) “strategic competitors meet presence on presence” around US waters..
“Coast Guard Cutter Kimball encounters Russia and People’s Republic of China military naval presence in Bering Sea”
(B) Among the dizzying array of moving pieces, the CSTO is locked-and-loaded too (thx to mrs a, from sep 22):
(C) US arms to Cyprus alarm the Sultan. All neighbors surrounding Turkey and East Med being locked and loaded. A good sign AZE has given up on Erdogan, indicating he has come off the fence?? Or they may be hedging their bets and building up forces to convince him to at the very least stay on the fence..
3️⃣ Internet/Grid (see also Mr P above)
Operation Cyber Polygon gamed the coming downing of the grid and bifurcation of the internet, which is now unfolding…
China is leagues ahead, but Russia also gamed a response to being disconnected:
4️⃣ Tightening internal screws.
Militarization of European streets starting tomorrow.
Remember the endpoint of all movies and scenarios we discussed over last years? Martial law and troops on streets following a pandemic.. Germans, with heightened love of process and order, show us the way.. and also indicate complicity with sabotage of Nordstreams?? so many signs of premeditation accrue, in addition to Merz’s crowing. They planned to suppress expected rioting once citizens see and taste the Guidestones cooking, guaranteed to be boosted now without life-sustaining Energy..
(A) German troops planned to patrol streets after Oct 1 to quell riots, intimidate folks, etc.. Was date also chosen as time of Oktoberfest, a time of increased public socialization?? And Germany to be the guinea-pig so as to test the new jackboot regime in Europe?
(B) German mil-police are merging; they bought satellite phones for their internal shock troops, anticipating blackouts and loss of internet/mobile
We wonder when the satanists scheduled the nine missed meals?
Hi Poet, sorry I was not clear. By dissembling I meant you are either too humble in acknowledging your role or misunderstood your impact. I’ve observed you play a strong role. In secular eras like ours, when people do not consult Scriptures and avoid so many bent clerics, these are the times poetry comes to the fore and is a Mercy above all. So honest, incisive and inspired Poets’ words are more valuable than usual. I think you underappreciate your benefit to others, that’s all I meant.
Major conflict.
“As I have said over and over, the Kremlin’s go-slow limited military operation is a fatal mistake resulting in a wider war. An operation that should have been concluded in a week is now in its seventh month and seems destined to continue indefinitely as the Kremlin does nothing to disrupt the Ukrainian government’s war effort or the endless supplies of weapons that the West pours into Ukraine.
“With the Pentagon’s creation of a ‘Ukraine Command,’ we move closer to the introduction of US troops. In fact US military forces are already involved. They train Ukraine’s soldiers at the US Army’s European Headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany, thus committing Germany to the intervention in Ukraine. US military personnel provide targeting information for Ukraine’s attacks on Russian positions. Yet, despite the growing involvement of US/NATO, the Kremlin holds on to its limited operation, dangerous in its failure and miscalculation, as Russia’s dilly-dallying has convinced the West that the Kremlin has no stomach for real conflict, encouraging Washington to take another step toward sending troops by forming a ‘Ukraine Command,’” he added.
“Blunders have a cost, and the cost of the Kremlin’s blunders is developing into direct conflict between US and Russian soldiers,” he observed.
I would ask this, if Russia had gone in fast and secured Ukrainian targets would everything then be Hunky Dory ? Not in my opinion, Russia would still be a thorn to be removed.
But in a drawn out operation Russia was able to show China and Iran their not very bright futures. The longer route was a crystal ball and left China and Iran with no doubt that they are in trouble and it is imperative they join Russia. No blunder for Russia. Certain things had to be made clear and they took time.
What is possibly next will gnaw at the very survival of Russia, China and Iran and a fast conclusion to Ukraine would have had no effect on the following.
The West will probably want to go after the West-East pipelines that feed China which will be a blow to Russia and an even bigger hit on China.
Not to forget the tankers, the choke points must also be brought into the fold.
This is only two.
The Bab-el-Mandeb is a strait between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of Africa.
The US has boots on the ground in Yemen and naval patrols.
French Foreign Legion arrives in Yemen to secure gas facilityhttps://thecradle.co › Article › News
Aug 17, 2022 — France reportedly aims to export gas from the facility in Shabwah in order to reduce Europe’s reliance on Russian fuel.
The Strait of Malacca is one of the world’s busiest canals, the transit point for merchant ships as well as giant oil tankers to the Middle East …
China is heavily reliant on this chokepoint not only because of the energy resources imported through it, but also because of the massive volumes of manufactured goods that it exports through it. If the Strait of Malacca were to somehow become obstructed or blocked for a significant amount of time, China’s entire economy and society would come under significant strain with huge implications for global geopolitics, the economy and trade credit.
Extra note looks like Iran did kill a CIA type in northern Iraq.
This does look like a major conflict in the making.
All good, dear friend. You too, are a great gift to this cafe.
Great to have you here!
Notice that seasoned economic hitman, with a pedigree of complete financial incompetence as long as your arm… drum roll… Larry Summers is all over the news calling a looming financial crash…. even on the BBC!
To me, this is the strongest signal yet, at least directly from the cabal anyway, that the stage is set to crash the train… big time.
Given that TPTB is looking at giving the hopelessly idiotic jibbering Janet Yellon the big heave-ho around the midterms, as Secretary of the Treasury, it is looking like they are positioning this evil son of a bitch for the job. As if he didn’t cock things up enough last time around. The man is barely coherent these days… duh Col… that’s right, I almost forgot, he ticks both those boxes too.
Clearly, he is making this call, as excruciatingly late as it is, just so he can gloat at a later date that he predicted the crash. Surely though, even an amoeba having a particularly bad Friday afternoon should be able to call this one.
– His father changed the family name from Samuelson to Summers… hmmm.
– US Secretary Treasury 95-99 under Clinton… helped clear the ground for the repeal of Glas Steagal and at the very same time laid the foundation for the 2000 Dotcom debacle
– Under Secretary of International Affairs 93-95
– Chief Economist at the World Bank 91-93
– One of the youngest ever tenured Profs at Harvard at the tender age of 28yo
– Fields of sic “expertise”… macroeconomics and Keynesian Economics – [well fancy that then!]
– A “Harvard Boy” and an integral part of the cabal, along with Jeffrey Sachs, that coordinated the looting of Russia after the fall of the USSR
– A great mate of Epstein and Maxwell
– Frequent traveller on Lolita Express… so likely auditions for the job with a comprehensive paedo control file… what more could TPTB ask for?
Follah me!!!
the Bermas vid i posted in the newsfeed is quite interesting.
In the garden of plenty, harvesting Cherry Bomb peppers, I found a gem. I had a Green Bell pepper growing in a pot beside them. One of the Cherry Bombs must have cross pollinated with the Bell. I have Bell shaped peppers, bigger than the Cherry’s, smaller than a Bell……red as can be and quite hot……saving the seeds for next year……maybe a new variety of pepper should they grow………
……meanwhile, are the lights still on in Kiev….the trains still seem to be running on time…..easy day for Casey…..and you know that notion, just crossed my mind.
Cheers M
Meanwhile Russia lays claims to the eastern part of the Ukraine, as the west refuses to recognize this accomplishment.
Having listened to the bigbigspeech and watched the signing, and the sober faces, and heard the anthem and the chanting (which, please, can someone say what words they chanted?)…having done this, it occurs to me that the event needs a name for History.
Shall it be known as The Red October Speech? October? It’s September! Yes, but we shall have a red October.
Best to all! P
Who has the final say in your house,
who wears the pants.
Who stood alone by your side and waited each day,
through all the years of hard work.
Who waited forever to go on vacation,
to take that promised trip around the world?
We loved and won over who loved and lost.
Who built back after every collapse,
who moved to where we needed to go.
Who stayed strong until the near end,
and had no more to give or mend.
And when you asked once more,
she showed you the door.
Them’s The Brakes
Well, there ain’t no question who wears the pants,
There ain’t no question who knows how to dance;
There ain’t no question who’s right in advance –
Them’s the brakes when it comes to romance!
There ain’t no question who’s got the smarts,
There ain’t no question who wields the darts.
There ain’t no question who understands the charts –
Them’s the brakes when it comes to hearts.
There ain’t no question she’s ready to fight,
Who rules the roost both day and night.
There ain’t no question who has second sight –
Them’s the brakes, she’s always right.
Well, there’s never a question she’s my greatest test.
Never in question, she’s always at her best.
There ain’t no question, there’s no contest –
Them’s the brakes… so don’t protest!
Reasons for the sabotage are becoming clearer.
If the foundation of western thinking is structurally paranoid, (there is a proof of this) ,then for Russia to ride to the German peoples rescue by turning on the NS1 and NS2, would be enough for a destruction mission.
Then by blowing them up just adds to the complication of rescuing anybody, and becomes the resistor of cheapest resort to a full out invasion of Germany and Poland by Russia. Lets face it, they are pretty much already 1/2 way there.
If we accept Swedish seismological report of two explosions, and note that there are 4 “leaks”, then it follows that each explosion made 2 leaks. Yes?
But it is necessary for 4 leaks that each leak had an explosion charge. As a practical matter that strongly implies that there were not two, but four explosions. Two explosive charges on each tube, detonated simultaneously, ie hard-wired in pairs…
Underwater explosion acoustics carry thousands of miles. More or less every submarine or “research ship” at sea at that time, even cruising off the Chesapeake, has a recording of the event, IMHO.
Divers-down, not “drone torpedoes”, as some people claim.
> Alabama..yes, 1/2 way…and they’ve been there before>https://www.greanvillepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/soviet_flag_reichstag.jpg
https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs (Anthem)
A. Dugin> “Putin’s words are much more important than unity with four new political subjects: it is a fundamental declaration of war against the modern West and the modern world in general. This is the manifesto of Tradition. I cannot imagine the depth of the consequences of this. Just as in the Old Testament David threw a slingshot at the giant Goliath, so it is today. It was an eschatological, religious discourse.”
Maria Zakharova> “Today everyone has chosen their own path. Bloody butchers, killing women and children, [choose the path] to the NATO dump. And we – to the future 🇷🇺 Will it be difficult? Yes. Because falling down is always easier than gaining height. But you remember: wings historically prevent us from crawling. Forward, together, in the name of light and with God!”.”
Gunna be a hard rain and a Red October.
Another segment of society is going to become homeless, and this is just a warm up to the future, its made up of the same things as today.
From the article.
Lack of Insurance: In the Florida counties hit hardest by Hurricane Ian, fewer than 20 percent of homes had flood insurance, new data show. Experts say that will make rebuilding even harder.
Iran has arrested over 200 people, US, UK ‘directly’ involved in recent riots.
Iran’s intelligence has taken a giant leap forward.
I credit our lady intelligence advisor from the Two Lands as a significant part of this. This excerpt is about Israel but she also points to great success and Chinese infiltration of the US which I did not include. There are approximately 5 million Chinese in the US-how many millions are reporting to Beijing?
excerpt, August 4, 2022 By Dr.Nadia Helmy
By analogy with the previous point about the possibility of recruiting their intelligence men and diplomats and subjecting them to our conditions – which I tried to draw the attention of the countries of China and Russia to – China has succeeded in achieving an unprecedented penetration of the files of all American and Israeli diplomats and intelligence men alike. The Chinese helped in this, and their absolute and unparalleled success in penetrating the depth of files belonging to the Israeli Mossad and all its employees or dealers, which led to the disclosure of the data of tens of thousands of Mossad employees, the Shin Bet security service, the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, and the Israeli Institute For biological research, the Israeli military forces, which include: the names of the most prominent pilots, intelligence personnel, members of the special forces, and nuclear scientists in Israel. Israel fears that many parties will benefit from this information, such as: Iranian intelligence, Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as many other intelligence agencies, which do not maintain friendly relations with Israel.
Iran’s Intelligence Ministry: US, UK ‘directly’ involved in recent riots
Friday, 30 September 2022 7:31 PM [ Last Update: Friday, 30 September 2022 7:34 PM ]
Iran’s Intelligence Ministry says the United States and the United Kingdom were “directly” involved in the recent riots across the country.
Dozens of terrorists affiliated with the Zionist regime and anti-revolution groups have been detained during the recent days of unrest, the ministry said in a Friday statement.
The ministry underscored the behind-the-scene circumstances surrounding the foreign-backed riots that followed the death of a 22-year-old woman from Kurdistan, named Mahsa Amini, who collapsed in a police station and died in hospital despite intensive medical care and resuscitation efforts.
Violent protests erupted across the country. Security officers were attacked. Public property as well as police vehicles and ambulances were vandalized.
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry said in the statement that the major elements behind the riots were largely foreign citizens, members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) in Albania, and individuals working with other anti-revolution terror outfits.
“In the past days, the forces maintaining the country’s order and security have faced a diversity of cult-like groups, agents of foreign spy agencies as well as direct involvement of the American and British governments and their Saudi followers; and fooled agents of rioters on the streets,” the statement said.
Iran condemns foreign interference over Mahsa Amini’s death
Iran says it will not allow interference into its own internal affairs regarding the death of Mahsa Amini who died in police custody.
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry underlined that 49 MKO terrorists had been arrested for actively propagating fake news, inciting the rioters to organize acts of terror and destruction, directing slogans and being present on the streets to damage public property.
The ministry said 77 members of anti-Iran terrorist groups had also been arrested in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
The statement pointed to the detention of five members of Takfiri terrorist outfits with 36 kilograms of explosives that were to be used to carry out bombings in gatherings.
The ministry further said 92 people affiliated with the former US-backed Pahlavi regime had been identified and arrested in the riots. It added that nine nationals from Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden, among others, were arrested during the riots.
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry said a significant number of pistols, various types of machine guns and cartridges as well as shotguns and ammunition were seized.
Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:
A US P8 sub hunter flew over the NS pipeline, met up with a refueler, then on return, dropped down to 10’000 feet and flew along the course of the pipeline. Between the hours of 2.30 am and 4 am on the morning of the sabotage. Spy Glass is a very interesting app.
Cheers M
https://thecritic.co.uk/The-next-Great-Depression/ this is a fairly good article likening the U.S. Great Depression to the new upcoming European Depression. Was trying to get this in the news feed.