2022/09/20 18:00:01
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For sheer depravity, consider the powerful politicians who cavorted with Jeffrey Epstein on his Lolita Express to that private hideaway island in the…American Virgin Islands. Then there’s the case of the Franklin scandal, in which boys and youths from the Father Flanagan Boy’s Town, were flown into DC and driven to the White House when Daddy WarBu$h, the former head of CIA, was running affairs for the shot callers. Some sources maintain that some of those youngsters were never heard from again.
There is indeed a business like show business. It’s the news
Interesting article by Rostislav Ischenko, about why the Russian Command made a politically risky, but absolutely correct decision from a military point of view, to withdraw from the Kharkov region –
A poem about depression.
Blue Day
It’s the strangest day,
There’s a demon on the loose;
I’m trying my best
To keep it at bay.
I guess the pigeons
Have come home to roost –
My defences are down,
It’s a blue day today.
Was it something I did
Or something I took,
That I lie in trance
Thus betrayed?
Where is the hand,
By hook or by crook –
To pull me out of this
Mess that I’ve made?
Everything I say
Comes out wrong.
Nothing I do
Cuts me any slack.
Just yesterday
I used to be strong –
But today is blue
Heading into black!
Who laid the bait
That got me hooked?
And who’s, the promise
That led me astray?
I’m as sad as a clown
Whose goose is cooked –
My defences are down,
It’s a blue, blue day today.
Tori Amos; Smells Like Teen Spirit
I just want to go flyfishing for salmon. I hate this! And I remember a late night in France… We drank… The night portier, an undertaker and I. We all agreed that the little people, we, the small people…
This was 15 years ago…
We are patient. But patience is not forever.
I saw this coming 25 years ago. WAR.
War because of our stupid politicans. Idiots. Cretins!
I sit on my porch. Watch the golden eagle almost daily. I see the kestrel. Close to my house is a small stream with trout. The landscape is beautiful. Cows. Green grass. A small gravel road between the farms.
I think that this is paradise. We live in paradise if only we have eyes to see it. Gods creation.
I wonder what is wrong with people?
We all have the possibility to choose our life.
I have a poor pension. But I am rich!
I have a small house built more than 100 years ago. I have a dog and two cats. I have firewood. And my own potatoes.
And I see Gods creation every day.
What is wrong with people?
. ..
Hundreds of flies
By the case
lay about
Catch more dust
Than hallowed trout
Cheers M
no bigger thrill than walking up a mountain stream, finding a nice pool, then laying a fly down near some structure….you never know what lies ‘neth the surface
What is wrong with people?
Generally speaking, a lack of consciousness.
Humanity is still at the stage of being unwilling to accept responsibility for
its actions. Someone said something along the lines of ‘in order to see a
man’s true nature, give him power’. Overwhelming power and wealth in
the hands of the few leads to devastation of natural resources and lack of
regard for the rights of the individual.
Human beings tend to thrive best when there is neither too much nor too
little for our needs. From what you’ve written, Frank, you are a good
example of this.
We need also to remember that Earth is a training ground for Souls, which
visit and revisit Earth time and again, to have yet another chance at ‘getting it
right’, and also to reap and sow whatever we have in our little ledger of
karmic debts, both good or bad.
It is never too late to turn over over a new leaf, and this is ultimately what
life is about; turning over a new leaf and becoming that which we can only
dream about.
‘We know what we are, but know not what we may be.’
Dimitar and Sean,
I agree with you. Thanks for your replies.
I live in a rural area. A rural area with not the best reputation… It is a border area. People in the old days, a little more than 100 years ago settled close to the border. It was convenient when the police or authorities came… you just had to run a few meters to be on the safe side :).
100 years later it is still considered a bit of a lawless area. It is not “lawless”. The law is that you can live as you like, do what you want, as long as you don’t hurt your neighours. A law of common sense. Common law as it is called in England.
Life here is very liberating. Once you are accepted. Accepted in the tribe. I don’t know how to explain it.
Maybe seen in a historical perspective people who live here were refugees.
Everybody here knows deep inside. But we don’t talk about it. Especially not to the authorities :).
We have people here from many countries. Your origin does not matter. What matter is that you are a good person.
If you are not good… you may be picked up in a car a late evening and taken for a ride… and then you move and find a job somewhere… You can here these stories between a glass of whisky and the wall.
If you live here you have to take responsibility for your actions.
And people here care about each other. I love it. It is like my childhood.
Call it freedom.
I understand the good folks in the East and Southeast of Ukraine will be voting to join the Russian government and be a part of Russia. Has anyone more information on this ?
Skip, see my comment from last nite at previous Cafe:
– “Referendums in Donetsk, Lugansk & Kherson on reunifying with the RF … launch a partial mobilization without actually doing it officially.
– Why? Simple, because Russian reservists/conscripts can be deployed to territories in the former UKR without the need to change the definition of the SMO [a legal definition under international law, btw] its scope, or transforming it into a real war.
– This means the professional Russian Army, Donbass People’s Militias, Wagner PMCs & Chechens can stay permanently on the frontline without [being concerned] about what happens at the rear.
– The inclusion of Lugansk, Donetsk & Kherson into the RF could lead to an expansion of Russian military presence on former UKR territory to 350,000 soldiers without mobilization, the added 200,000 would be on duty as if they were on the rest of Russian territory.’ – via The Eurasianist
Also Putin to make a national address 10 a.m. Moscow Standard Time (MSK)
interesting timing, I think the mystery date being bandied about, Sept 24th (9s and 6s), the big surprise, is an all out Ukie offensive against the Republics…..the new referendums are due to take place starting on Sept 23rd till the 27th but Dima was saying it’ll be over on the 23rd, the majority will have voted….the referendum was cancelled recently, maybe to take place in November, now it’s front and centre in three days. If the big Ukie plan was to attack on the 24th, dastardly Russian screwin’ with the numbers again, they’ll be attacking Russia…..Dima said the Ukies were very angry atm….no kidding, now they gotta go a few days early and risk screwing the numerology….
Cheers M
“If the big Ukie plan was to attack on the 24th, dastardly Russian screwin’ with the numbers again”
Good call Sean. I agree. Ruskies are preempting shenanigans again.. big moves underway. And most delightfully in preempting, they may be forcing the hyper-superstitious to get off their accursed numerology. 😂🤣 but time runs out. It is already the 21st today… how fast can the Keystone Kops countermove on the counter?
Col may become uncomfortably prescient when he said “Methinks this week will comprehensively signal the end of the Western hegemon and the dawning of a new age for humanity.” Unfortunately until they’re buried, evil gets a bid too.. let’s see what spoilsports do.
Uncle, you’re welcome.
African Proverbs
Dimi/Frank: “The heart of
the wise man lies quiet
like limpid water.”
Folks nowadays are ungrateful for bounties..
Old Man @ Anoxia:
“Wisdom is not
like money to be
tied up and hidden.”
Thanks Brother. The registration procedure occasioned a time for reflections, and of course the affairs are changing…
All’s well @ Anoxia. Sleeping dogs. A beautiful sky too, at early morning.
Anybody verify that Russia has closed its airports? Not much activity on flight24 radar
I should have said in Moscow.
Lavrov & team were en route to UNGA, New York
Those who drafted and approved the 13 American colonies’ Declaration of Independence from the British monarchy in 1776 provided therin a clear and principled justification for a people to renounce their association with a government that had become intolerable.
I am unaware of a competent refutation of their reasoning.
By American principles, the people of the Donbass have the God given right to have declared their independence. And today, they show proper principle in putting to popular referenda whether they should ask to join the Russian nation. The objective is liberty, and the methods are democratic.
I would expect the United States to applaud the referenda. As they have not, it appears they have renounced their own independence and their own principles.
I’m aware that tyrants do not recognize plebiscites that cast them out. Such people do not recognize the rights of man.
Everyone has a right to have liberty, if they have enough guns, or friends with enough guns, to earn that liberty and to keep it. Having a nice referendum only makes things seem more elegant.
Rusty, recently Alex the Elder held forth on the ICC and Kosovo decision, and the history of the laws of nations…mentioning that in law (then and now) the secession of the US Southern States circa 1860’s. (The Confederacy was recognized as a legitimate Nation by several established Countries, and was entirely legitimate. FWIW I agreed with his view. Indeed, as some say, the “civil war” was wrongly named. In reality it was “the Northern War of Aggression”. Naming is a powerful opening to deception, leading to “the old army game”…which is code of any enterprise of swindle. At one time most Americans understood this.
(My family took both sides in the “civil war, as they had done in the Revolutionary War – and the family has never re-united…however all of the family rejected slavery. A bifurcation manifestation that may be similarly evolving in 404, and which is pursuant to the German-European nazi curation of the W2 period and post W2 curation by see eye eh.)
Speaking of the NWoA, I note that the US Southern States remain well-garrisoned to-day. Entirely coincidental, who would doubt it?
Best! P
@AHH thanks for the reference to Saker’s comment re: Switzerland
The Game Did Change..
There’s a glow, a bloom, on Smoothie’s cheeks.. like a young one in love! Just after 14:00 he let slip, “..peer to better than peer competition or war…”
And how he waxes on about the Samarkhand Summit. Will the Nov Bali G20 even be held now?? Or sans “the International Community.” The Spiteful Saxons may implode and instantly decompose outta sheer envy and malice and overflowing bile. Even China moved their 20th National Congress to Oct. 16 (5-year planning) from planned November.. “It is close my Love, everything may be over by October, my Love!”
The Corpse Devourer
Step lightly, step lightly
Companions so stout,
The Corpse Devourer
Is out and about!
He’s tempter and taunter
And gauntlet of lures,
He’s sower of pestilence
And bearer of cures.
His blood drenched bouquet
Poisons each well;
It stinks to high Heaven
And reeks of deep Hell!
With madness upon him,
He waits at the gate,
The Feeder don’t mind
If you’re early or late.
Live well, live well
My comrades in arms,
Before you take leave
Of this world and its charms;
In the wink of an eye
This life it will pass,
Make use of this day
As if its your last!
Speak softly, speak softly,
My own true love,
And be grateful for time
Gifted from above!
Let the Guzzler await
Till we’re finally done,
And drink from each other
Till the rise of the sun.
Step lightly, step lightly,
Companion so dear,
The Corpse Devourer
Is nearer than near;
Be staunch, be staunch,
My listless heart…
And know that true lovers,
They never will part.
Well the pain dial will be turned way up soon. Intel Slava z and elsewhere reporting partial mobilisation announced by VVP.
Also was stated by Russian officials that any attacks on newly joined territories after the referendums will be treated as attacks on Russian soil.
I’m stocking up on popcorn.
Hi Col, the farmer from NZ,
I’ve posted a link to the thingy in the Newsfeed I thought you might be interested in.
Its 57 pp if you have the time.
This comes after the revelations by Columbia University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs who claimed same last month, in a vid link.
Why that is significant is because Sachs headed up the prestigious UK medical journal The Lancet Commission on the thingy.
Interestingly, The Lancet hasn’t made any public comment. ;) ;)
Uncle Davy, Thanks for the headsup of document Renz — I read the 57 pages.
About not the thingy, but previous thingies> See Jeffery Kaye @ medium…something totaling about a thousand pages about thingies used on Korea and China, with supporting really indisputable proofs.
I rather expect that our Brother AHH might possibly also be interested in Brother Jeff’s work.
Best! P
There’s a hulking brown bear on the horizon, the infamous beast from the east again, and it’s a quiet, sunny and still September day where we are, no howling cold winds and snow as yet…. It is said that synchronicity exists between centenary times, if so, what terrible forces prevail now that were set in motion one hundred years ago, and who needs a war now and a crazy bomb anyway?
In the winter of 1922 at St Petersburg, fires were lit on the streets to keep warm, from old furniture probably, and the Russian people went hungry and starved to death, a great many too. Now look where we are in Europe, what goes around seems to have come around at last.
Tis only just begun, this love
So don’t be dismayed yet
There’re more trials to come
More challenges to be met
Its morning, filled with clamour
Each hear the clarion call
For every sluggard
Tis high to wake up
Will wisdom not sprout
In the valley of my heart
Why sow seeds of desire
On such a barren soil
These are the stains of love
Tis indelible and ingrained
In vain dost thou labour
To wash your breast clean
– Mir Taqi Mir
Some corrections of the translation …
Tis only just begun, this love
So don’t be dismayed yet
There’re more trials to come
More challenges to be met
Its morning, filled with clamour
Each hearing the clarion call
For each lingering sluggard
Tis high time to wake up
Will wisdom not sprout
In the valley of my heart
Why sow seeds of desire
On such a barren soil
These are the stains of love
Tis indelible and ingrained
In vain dost thou labour
To wash your breast clean
– Mir Taqi Mir
Some people are astounded by the aggressive tactics used over the years by the FBI, their need to target their citizens for control social and economic destruction, and the concern that why is no one going, or able to go, after the FBI.
And the maralago incident is just one further example of a now political targeting of a rather public citizen and since somebody is wrong about the whole affair, why is no one being prosecuted, either Trump, or if Trump is not prosecuted, why none of Trumps lawyers are able to target and prosecute the FBI for targeting their own citizens and if it can be found, even worse.
The problem with not going after the FBI is a continual aggressive russiaphobia both on part of the MSM , but the soon to be Ukrainian battle field also.
And the more disturbances, the more danger of a collapsing global economy as scarce resources are devoted to war, and not the economy.
The answer is you’re not seeing Trump as a Psy-op being played out on the American people.
He’s there to create polarization within the US polity. By getting 50% (Repubs) of the population not even to listen to the other 50% (Dems) – billionaire oligarchs can pretty much do as they please. Its nothing other than divide and rule: split the opposition (the people) so that it ceases to threaten the wealthy’s power.
As Antonio Gramsci said all those years ago:
“The historical unity of the ruling classes is realized in the State” [emphasis mine]
Could the maralago incident have been staged? To keep Mr. T on the screen and to invigorate his followers? One wing of the bird presides over the economic and social demolition of CONUS. The other wing has an individual to usher in to take control. Oligarchs do not give up easily.
50 anos depois do registro deste trabalho sensível e belo, é necessário lembrar como o humano pode se tornar estúpido e vil
Everyone should watch the first 20min of the Tucker show in the newsfeed imho, it is about child mutilation.
The new prisoner exchange has gone down like a lead balloon inside Russia. The cynic in me would say that they were timed to be announced right after the mobilization order to cover for the unpopularity they knew would be coming. Giving up 225+ Ukrainian soldiers, Azov nazis, and foreign mercenaries to get only 55 Russian and LDNR prisoners in return is mostly condemned by the Russian public. My suspicion is that the real reason for the Russians agreeing to the exchange was two fold. One was because it was MBS and Erdogan that were pushing for it. And Putin wants to keep good relations with those two. And believes agreeing to that would help with that posture. But most importantly,is number two,and that was getting Medvedchuk released. Putin’s personal relationship with Medvedchuk,and his potential use in a post-war Ukraine trumped the unpopularity of that exchange to Putin.
“quien vigila a los vigilantes?”
In modern sensibilities: “Who watches the Watchmen?”
Excellent practical discussion as Garland helps deconstruct the bubbling boiler in the West.
☆ anticipated uprisings on West-404 streets.. who among the Praetorian Guard can oligarchy rely on to save their hides?
☆ historical timelines of Imperial Collapse..
☆ a portion of intelligentsia break through the Simulacra (from contrived Left / Right divide) to reorient into new factions? i.e. “fact-based” principle vs the Slaves to the Narrative. It doesn’t end well for the old imperial elites (neocons) as sentients flee their madness..
☆ what were among “the Quid” for the unpopular merc / Azov exchanges? Keeping the Sultan on side and reopening Mir card operability in Turkey? Lowering Saudi willingness to suicide themselves against Iran and join Zone B? War is an extension of politics.. and would death penalty be available in the Donbas a week from now anyway? And what the price of a dear Russian POW?
☆ what typically awaits on the other side of desperate Dark Winters? “Famines hit in the Spring.”
☆ Erdogan’s message from the SCO Summit is underappreciated: VVP decided to roll up the Ukraine quickly. By the end of Winter? This would mean (1) Winter War in the offing. (2) big unleashing of the General Staff, with all NATO bluffs to be called shortly. (3) unless crazies escalate to the Samson, all pumped up lying Narratives will deflate beyond repair. Game Over.
it is enjoyable following the thought processes of a professional sleuth in tandem with a historian and lawyer. They discuss parallels with a 1917 St. Petersburg square where Cossacks changed sides, leading to the fateful cascade that ended 4 out of 4 ancient monarchies and all way to final Liberal Cult act today. ➡️ “The difference between
a democracy and a dictatorship is that in
a democracy you vote first and take
orders later, in a dictatorship you
don’t have to waste your
time voting.”
Heinrich Bukowski, German-American Poet
On everyone’s mind is how to massage the implosion of AZE in a manageable way.
However, the crazies always double, including home front suppression. I can’t help thinking the panel underestimates the crazies. They brought in foreigner mercs to Ottawa to help shut down the Truckers. Gene Sharp’s cookbook is solidly experienced; all color coups did not trust local proxies in the crunch time — Israelis, Bulgars, Georgians, etc. were manning the sniper nests above each square. Why would it be different in the West? Further, automated, anonymous and remote attack systems (dronification) is a major prop of the Technocrats. Now a judo move by Zone B would be to interfere in these shenanigans, to level the playing field for native patriots – information and technologic transfers with plausible deniability which solve the problems of all sides at expense of crazies. Wouldn’t that be sweet comeuppance for 100+ years of proxy wars and internal meddling of others?
Last, there is no discussion, as usual, of Eschatology.. some issues require more than limited modern psychology or psychiatry. Polite reasoning and secular discourse is inadequate to appreciate the unhinged nature and deeper motivations of the crazies. Examples around around us abound; why do moths plunge into the Fire? Ends of Epochs see bizarre sacrifices. Misdiagnosis or treatment of lower order diagnoses merely addresses superficial visible symptoms..
My favourite version of Katyusha –
First frost last night….what a scramble yesterday, trying to clean out the garden. Leaves are beginning to fall, tress revealing what they hide……a prisoner swap, sensing a change in the wind, the beginning of some form of détente. Starts somewhere I suppose, one hopes for the best…..but how could Russia live with any form of NATO presence in the Ukraine. Perhaps, as the grain belongs to the US, or their conglomerations, maybe they will take their gmo balls and go home….the grain deal ends in October. It’ll be cold then.
Cheers M
There seems to be two main feelings in Russia about the prisoner exchanges. Neither one is approving,but one a little bit closer to that.
The one:
The war will be long, very long and bloody, that is absolutely clear. It is also absolutely clear that Russia’s victory is inevitable in any case.
Andriy Yermak, the head of the OP of Ukraine, on the exchange of Medvedchuk: “We exchanged 200 of our heroes for Medvedchuk, who has already given all possible evidence to the investigation. And 5 heroes-commanders of Azovstal – for 55 Russian prisoners who have no interest for us.
Information about the exchange of Medvedchuk turned out to be true. There are no words, except for one thing: the authorities do not understand the society in which they live, and those people whom they are going to mobilize. https://t.me/mig41/20680
And the other:
I agree that we must remain human no matter what. But I do not agree that if you are hit on the cheek, then you should turn the other cheek. This exchange of prisoners looks like an insult, it just so happened.
Voenkor Kotenok: Some details of the exchange look generally like surrealism – Erdogan promised to keep the leaders of “Azov” in Turkey in the status of internees … “until the end of the war” (!). But we showed philanthropy (who needs it – others say) to the enemy, saving lives. This is mercy to the enemy, not counting on reciprocity. These are qualities of a different, higher order. Because we are Russians! God with us! And this will definitely count for all of us and Russia as a whole.
The spiral of history – traitors in Little Russia have always been drawn to the Turks, Mazepa and the so-called. “Black Cossacks” can be cited as an example. What is the test of faith if there is none? It’s convenient, after all – he killed and hid with the Gentiles, chewing kebab.
But back to the main thing – thank God, they pulled out their people. This time. And we are expecting in the party our exchanged guys, pilots (and not only), who were terribly mocked in captivity.
And the conclusion for those who are in battle is simple and true – to remain human, no matter what! This is the key to survival in the war. This is the guarantee of our victory. https://t.me/voenkorKotenok/40671
PS, There is this one also:
By Evgeny Poddubny – Russian military reporter:
Since this already leaked into the public field… Regarding the lack of information about the exchange, I can say that such negotiations love silence. And the state has the right not to inform the public about the course of these negotiations. Such are the rules of the game.
I have said more than once, to get our guys out of hell, you can change them at least the hell of a bald man. And it is. 87 soldiers and officers, 87 of our Heroes. And spit on image loss. Although, with certain approaches, it would be fashionable to avoid these losses.
In Ukrainian captivity, people get literally broken, beaten to death, kneaded into a bloody bowl. And to me personally, 1 of our soldiers is more precious than any Nazi bastard. The leaders of Azov will remain in Turkey until the end of hostilities in the status of internees, Erdogan said. I hope so. I did not cover the fighting in Mariupol, but I understand the righteous anger of many fighters. But, guys, 87 lives have been saved, 87 boys are at home. Wives, children, mothers, fathers, who did not expect to see them alive, will at one moment become happy again. And in my opinion, it’s worth it. For the sake of 87 of our heroes, you can change anyone. Do not wring your hands, they say, Azov people, Medvedchuk … Just think about the fact that 87 of our guys are alive.
Something like that.
This is the irrepressible Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov’s take on the prisoner exchange –
“Extremely dissatisfied with yesterday’s exchange. Even the whole situation is incomprehensible to me.
Whenever combat or tactical decisions were made, we, active participants in the special operation, were consulted. And here…
I understand that at the top in the Ministry of Defense and the FSB it is much more visible, but I believe that criminals recognized as terrorists cannot be exchanged for servicemen. I would understand if there was an equivalent exchange – a soldier for a soldier, an agent for an agent. We have a lot of prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whom you change at least a hundred to one, they will still remain.
We completed the exchange on Ukrainian terms. It is not right. Our fighters crushed the fascists in Mariupol, drove them into Azovstal, smoked them out of the basements, died, got wounded and shell-shocked. The transfer of even one of these Azov terrorists should have been unacceptable. And therefore, it is not surprising that the fighters who liberated Mariupol and are now at the forefront draw their conclusion – do not take the Nazis prisoner.
By the way, those of the Nazis who insulted the honor of the Chechen people during their time in captivity fully answered for their every vile word, bitterly regretted and tearfully repented of their deed.
I repeat, the above is my personal opinion, and it does not affect our main unshakable principle in any way: any order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is executable!”
Akhmat Sila !!
The real September Surprise may be the declaration of the [accessional] referenda. Along with the understandings reached in Samarkhand Summit, Russians indeed stole the thunder.
So many positives from the declaration of holding immediate referenda. It appears the key AZE false flag target is Zap NPP (Europe’s largest). The clear intent to subsume these territories removes all ambiguity in world’s understanding of the party behind coming WMD incident. Russia defends and seeks to protect hereditary lands.. Russia clearly outlines it is not a dispassionate callous outsider.. hence howls of rage from West as their plausible deniability is rapidly stripped during the last mile.
MKB: “Why Ukraine referendum is a big deal”
So AZE is further constrained and hemmed in, forced to act NOW before they accede into Russia proper. Was all this presignalled to the enemy? Timelines given in advance? That which gave the German Merz and other minions the confidence to state the date of Sep 24 (actually still Sep 23 in Land of the Plumed Serpent, if carried out early morning in Sep 24)?
Yes, the latter is determinative! As Martyanov emphasized, gaining 100,000 km² and more importantly 5 million new citizens (in just this tranche, not including rest of waiting Novorussiya) to help redress demographic challenges will be key.
A lot of this revolves around legalistic maneuvering to address what VVP termed “nuclear blackmail..” around Z NPP.
Yet they still persist! New NATO “offensive” about to be urgently mounted, to make use of remaining time window. Indicating intent to use it to mask real dastardly objective. Poland just started distributing iodine pills. West remains committed to “Suicide by Russian cop” strategy.
It is said Russians are slow to saddle. It is also said in the Fable that the Turtle won over the fleet arrogant Hare, who overslept within visual distance of the finish line!
Brother, a note about the 24th…
The Whitewater investigation was ruined when the Oklahoma Federal building was demolished by explosives.
The 911 financial audit of Pentagon “misplaced” billions was destroyed, billions went missing in the explosive demolition of the two towers and building 7 and the explosion at Pentagon.
“They always double”. Well, that’s their only avenue, is it not? This reveals a foundational inability and weakness, one which must be obvious to Judo Master. When you know what an opponent is going to do…
It may be that the Plan was/is to stage a FF that shuts down the “grid” and “destroys” similarly many incriminating records – this blamed of course on Russia, followed by a FF atomic event in 404East, which naturally will be cast as a Russian crime. In collapse, they say, the last act of the rulers is to loot the State – Bormann and Dulles worked that gag in Berne – I believe Herr Bormann began that process in ’43, and it worked and saved the nazi enterprise – as is plain to see to-day. The FF, if it goes, might be expected to also solve the problems associated with those troublesome elections and with the people who might vote the wrong way.
The very recent actions by Russia, ongoing, do seem to have put the fellas in 404HQ-West on the back foot.
In W#1 the Russian advance ruined the German plans for France…screwed up all the rail logistics and created the ground that led to the failure to take Paris and the rest. I have the idea that we are witnesses to a somewhat similar fubaring of the Plan for the 24th. I expect that the bigbignaziplan24S cannot be changed at this late date.
This idea is only slightly better than speculation, and soon enough we’ll see.
” “slow to saddle”, but ride fast”
Not sure how Russia sees the “freed” nazis from the swap, but my opinion is that such status is actually a parole, and is conditional in that such people may not return the war and to do so would violate their parole…constituting a crime. Also they are not relieved of criminal liability for their previous crimes. The “freed” nazis may find that they are under indictment for whatever crimes they committed while in the nazi army…and when, God willing, the war ends, these men may face extradition and trial.
“Point of No Return” with the Alex pair and Brother Nixon was indeed a very interesting discussion! I have the idea that Alex the Elder is understating somewhat, not that this is a fault…such a rapid ruin means that most people are experiencing matters in latency.
@ Anoxia we got in all the field corn just before the recent rains.
Best! P
Yes thx Mr P. Earlier in the year, I saw your Jeffery Kaye biowar posts on Korea and China. I skimmed many of the details back then. There’s only so much a heart can endure.. Once you see and recognize the designs of the Enemy, is it ever different?? It is do or die — they need to be expunged forthwith. So it has ever been as they leave no path open for coexistence. Now we both know why your mom wept in the 1950s too! Somethings only world-weary Elders can sense and know is coming..
Re: “The 911 financial audit of Pentagon” Yes. Rummy spoke on September 10, 2001 about $2.3 TRILLION missing from the Pentagon alone… FFs are always a stacked function with so many beneficiaries, as with JFK’s murder.
Re: “In collapse, they say, the last act of the rulers is to loot the State.. I believe Herr Bormann began that process in ’43”
I understood from some military historians that it was clear when the Nazis failed to take Moscow in 1941 (and the Baku oil soon thereafter too) the outcome was clear.. Stalingrad merely made it painfully obvious to the wildest most deluded dreamers.. As in WW1, the last 4 years or so were about bleeding the Land Powers on both sides, pork for the MIC, and the Banksters cementing Bretton Woods, reserve currency and other chains of servitude.. FWIW, CAF has said the looting of the USA commenced around 1995 (the original missing $21 Trillion, now over $80+ T??) when they decided to pull it.. and when you add the fact the infrastructure was allowed to rot away due to lack of maintenance since at least the Nixon days.. It is amazing the sheer momentum, residual wealth and individuals’ will that can continue propelling Empires for decades!
Re: “I expect that the bigbignaziplan24S cannot be changed at this late date.”
I agree. They are slaves to numerology and the mathematical script, likely planned several generations ago.. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Re: “Not sure how Russia sees the “freed” nazis from the swap..”
I forgot to mention an interesting perspective from Garland yesterday, repeated by the New Atlas guy (I don’t follow him, but was repeated today by Young Alex): the parole is actually an inducement to current serving UkroNazis to surrender rather than die in place.. If the worst of the worst can be reprieved, it will actually encourage the majority lemmings in the AFU. And create dissension amongst themselves and weaken resolve to fight. Thus it will save Russian lives and speed up the wrapping up of the Ukraine altogether. If true, and I do not see why not, it is a worthy gambit.
PS – Uncle Davy, thx so much for that Eva Bartlett clip from the man in the Donetsk market! His response to the psychological toll of the UkroNazi’s shelling is so moving and spot on:
These are people who went through the Fire and were tempered. Zakharchenko’s men will be handed this planet on a plate, at the expense of the very satanists currently tormenting them from Oceania and all other vassal points.
Во Московската народна библиотека се чува Летопис од VII век чиј автор е Јеремија Русо. Во тој документарен научен труд, Јеремија го запишал следното: “… Ние, Русите и Московитите, сме потомци на древните антички Македонци! Ние, денес, го зборуваме јазикот на кој зборуваат античките Македонци на Македонскиот полуостров, кои освен со други земји, триста и седум години владееле и со Египет…” И не случајно, во Патријаршиската црква “Света Софија“ во Охрид, во 955. година од Охридскиот Архиепископ Тимотеј покрстена и крунисана била Руската кнегиња Олга, а во 987. година од Охридскиот Патријарх Николај покрстен бил нејзиниот внук Рускиот кнез Владимир, кој за да го зацврсти братството со Македонското Царство на Цар Самуил се оженил со неговата внука Македонката Марија од Охрид со која ги имале децата Борис и Глеб, првите Руски светители, патрони на Руската Армија! Руската кнегиња Олга е првата покрстена христијанка во Русија, како што е Лидија Македонката од Филипи првата покрстена христијанка во Европа, во Македонија! А, рускиот кнез Владимир го воведе христијанството како државна религија.
The above, is a copy/paste of a Facebook post by a Professor of Macedonian Language and Literature, Tanja Nankova. I will translate for readers of English;
In the Moscow National Library is kept a chronicle from the 7th Century by an author named Jeremija Ruso.
In that documented scientific work, Jeremija wrote the following…”We, Russians and Muscovites, are descendants of the antique Macedonians! We, today, speak the same language that was spoken by the ancient
Macedonians on the Macedonian Peninsula, who, apart from other countries, for 307 years ruled Egypt.” And, not coincidently, in the Patriarchal Church, “Sveti Sofia” in Ohrid, in the year, 955 from the Ohrid Patriarch, Timotej, Christened and crowned was the Russian “Kneginja”, Olga. In the year 987 by the Ohrid Patriarch Nikolaj was Christened her nephew the Russian “Knez”, Vladimir, who, in order to strengthen the brotherhood
with the Macedonian Kingship of Tsar Samuil married her niece, Macedonian Maria from Ohrid with who they had the children Boris and Gleb, the first Russian “svetiteli” (saints or spiritual teachers) the patrons of the Russian Army! The Russian “knegina” Olga (Queen or Tsarica, I am guessing), is the first Christened Christian in Russia, just as is Lidija “Makedonkata” from Filipi, the first Christened Christian in Europe, in Macedonia! And, the Russian “knez” (Tsar or King) Vladimir was he who brought Christianity to Russia and made it a state religion.
It is remarkable that the Russians know all of this, which has been confirmed by Putin himself who has stated
that the Russian alphabet comes form Macedonia. I sympathise for what Russians are enduring today at the hands of the West, but I know Russia will endure. Nor do I doubt Macedonia will never be wiped out by the
collective West who is determined to divide and rebrand Macedonian identity and heritage as “Greek”, Bulgarian” even Albanian. But they forget that ‘Macedonianism’ has survived for longer than two millennia already, and cannot be wiped out as it exists in the collective memory of Macedonians everywhere.
Please watch: beautiful, heart-felt, straight forward message from Donetsk citizen
“Man I met in a Donetsk market yesterday spoke about the upcoming referendum to join Russia, and about the psychological toll of Ukraine’s shelling.” – Eva Bartlett is an indie Canadian journalist reporting from the Donbass (Eng. subtitles, 2:09)
Now that the 3 relevant Earthly Queens have died and are silent in the grave, the quest of their everlasting life so far in vain, where do we go from here,
start the great London economic fire that got out of control?
Or whisper sweet nothings into the Frenches ears until their teeth fall out,
or wake the dead to judge the living, for life must be lived, it must go on, even if not understood why.
Aw, you mean Jane Mansfield, Angela Hitler and Brigitte Bardot?
But Brigitte, tanks God, is alive:
These Queens would not excite you.
For they are, The Queen of England, The Queen of Jones, and The Queen of Beauty.
Now I’m not sure about The Queen of England, but I know you are not presented gifts upon sleeping with The Queen of Jones, but they do (industry and business) present items upon being with The Queen of Beauty.
And I still have my item from a scarlet relationship of beauty, its was a meter stick, and it’s still functional today.
This is a bit ‘legalistic’ but worth persevering with, for clarity …
Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute, author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia George Szamuely explains: The Western powers hate referendums – well, not all referendums, just some referendums (2:20)
Historical Note: How did Hawai’i become the 50th US state? The sugar corporations stacked the islands with their employees to vote for joining the Union.
Stumbled upon this article, you may enjoy his humor …
The Changing Face of Foreign Affairs: the West is in Serious Trouble
“NATO seems to think it is ready to go to war in Europe. Think so? What do you plan to use for gas? Do you have tanks and planes that run on bullsh*t?”
Mark Chapman is “born & raised in Canada … The family into which I married is Russian, and this blog has a noticeably pro-Russian slant”