2022/09/17 06:30:02
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Ukies are selling land to hedge funds, acquisition and merger specialists (corporate raiders), asset managers, land-farming companies, while Zel and Co. also say they want all “their” “sovereign” land back. So, they can sell it to FIRE folks? Includes fly fishing with Les Claypool of Primus … Piano-Dick-Tater
Here is a US Defense Department mock-up of one of the “Orgihund” (оргійний собака) organization’s heavily armored combat jock straps. I hope we don’t get in legal trouble for exposing this double top-secret military brief, but it was left by Joe Biden on one of his many recent trips to Delaware.
We figured it was declassified since he left it on the sink in a Texaco bathroom in New Hampshire along with the nuclear football codes and other tactical nuclear information and schematics that he was gifting to Zelensky with this month’s meth and cocaine supply, nestled in an Easter basket on a bed of wadded up cash. It was all right there, next to the 55-gallon drums of tactical military grade KY Jelly.
Jockstraps Along the Dneiper –
Just a note about thoughts that resonate and trouble>
The “Reichstag” speech by Friedrich Merz wherein he speaks somewhat mysteriously of 24 September, it seems, does not stand alone, but in a context. And they say that on October 1 the German Army will control the streets (and the homes?) of Germany. One cannot but suspect that these two matters are connected. It’s natural to assume, under the present opposing of forces, that some bigbig increase in violence is planned, one having to do with 404, and Germany/OTAN/CONUS. People speak of Дед Мороз and Berenzia. I believe that recently the Germans were “trolled” – asking rhetorically about how it worked out last time, not to conflate the Napoleonic with the nazi affray.
MEP Martin Sonneborn tells Ursula what’s what> https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1570531198853844993
Such subtlety!
Talking of Greeks, is the banner photo of this Cafe a Greek cafe? It has the traditional white-washed exterior.
Mr P, “Der Traum ist Zerbrochen.”. It is over between Germany and Russia… Now I better understand Merz’s openness. Even satanists need closure. Germany tried the last 80 years or so (“Ostpolitik”) but they are throwing off the subterfuge and letting their inner nazi roam wild now. It must be a relief in a way. To stay so closeted is positively unhealthy.
Putting it all in sweet context was our Young Intrepid Greek (not the loverboy), who hit it out of the Park recently, reviewing Germany’s ominous consolidation, after many resolute steps such theft of Gazprom assets, Rosneft refineries (including our dear Jorge’s favorite piñata the Schwedt Refinery servicing Berlin from near the Polish border!) and the recent MUST-READ interview by Russian Ambassador to Germany, .
Young Alex said, “militarization, nationalizing the means of production, centralization, and fighting Russia.. it seems we’ve been here before!”
Yeah, there is the whiff of increasingly stiff and brisk Bavarian aroma, corked circa February 27, 1933. Older Alex smirked sadly and made the rejoinder, “If you’re a German, ask yourself this question, when you tried that before, how did it turn out? Not very well for Germany..”
Oceania Responds Resolutely: “Ignorance is Strength.” Older Alex underappreciates it significantly. (aren’t we all in denial regarding where events head?) ALL of the West, especially the Anglo domains, are on the hook this time. No tidy division of labor or simulacra this time. Russians are polishing, fueling and/or otherwise loading Sarmats, Zircons, Poseidons & other weapons of Doom as we breath.
PS – btw, in our warp speed world, Ambassador Nechaev’s words to Izvestia regarding NS2 are now dated. He’d said, “It all depends on the German side..” This has since materially changed. Concurrent with the SCO Summit, and bearing upon Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, Energy Minister Novak said would deliver to China “at a capacity of 50 billion cubic meters.” This allocation matches NS2’s 55 bcm capacity, leaving plenty for other suitors such as Pakistan, India, S. Korea, when NS1 is permanently shut too. Did you hear the flowery cringe-inducing phrases of the new Pakistani leader?! Vultures gather over the still-warm corpse of Europe! So full redirection southeastwards it is.
“Der Traum ist fubar…Old Otto must be seething as he surveils the scene> ““The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia.”O v. B
Looks like Plan R is running…bigtime shelling of many places in liberated 404, including NPP-Z, and US media finks blather on about how Putin is desperate and losing badly…creating in audience-mind the misc en scene for the false flag nuke.
But bigbig and also little Plans do go wrong…Just seconds ago @ Anoxia via cop-o-tronics> they say a fella dumped trash in the dry grass, set candles and lit them, also in the dry grass, and made haste to depart. He was observed…and the nearby people simply put out the candles and called the Sheriff. Perhaps Brother President VVP can do the same…
Rain is in the offing. Let us pray it’s not a “hard rain” (Bobby > https://youtu.be/T5al0HmR4to )
Down at the Dew Drop I overheard a couple of ranchers talking about Lyudmila Pavlichenko !! They’re not in favor of fighting the Red Army, I guess.
Off to stack wood…
▪︎ I note increasing assassination of Russians in Novorussiya, NATO armor moving into Moldava from Romania, Iran/Turkey partially mobilizing in increasing standoff over Armenia/Azerbaijan, the Pope’s weasel-words on arming the Ukraine (in fact a rung DOWN on Chaos Ladder, towards “Just War”), US Senate’s current “Taiwan Policy Act” about to start process reneging on the agreed upon foundational One-China Policy — which would lead to diplomatic rupture and all entails, etc. etc. So AZE doubles down all way into the depths of the Maelström. Will be interesting to see Zone B countermoves and if can avert the started sequence of the Samson Option underway..
▪︎ Stokers shoveling coal in the Titanic… an imminent return to the hell of former paradigms?
▪︎ Dear Uncle Larch, I note you continue to disparage the Older Alex. (you didn’t even deign to smack aside the Younger one, lol. He wasn’t even worth discussing!) Could it be the speed at which he talks and his British tics?? No remedy for the latter I am afraid; it is what it is and I acknowledge a hit or miss. Did a Greek loverboy once steal a girl from you way back when?? I’ve had greek acquaintances before and confess a few can have the homeliness and sense of cohabitation as termites!
For the former, I have learned to listn to him at 2x speed, which is easily intelligible.. whenever I hear him now @ normal speed, he in fact sounds retarded! He talks at frustratingly slow pace.. but smoothie and other sharp objects respect him for a reason.. Sped up he is not a chore at all, and it actually enhances his logically satisfying thought processes. At normal speed, he must be laborious indeed to quick-witted Californian cats I suppose. Try sped up, you’ll be amazed! And the historical lessons he weaves! I enjoy those often more than the news and new data.. he raises pleasant memories of old beloved History teachers… He has become essential as a reliable, erudite, historical, efficient data aggregator, sometimes ahead of the ball as with Izuym, whose retreat he called days ahead..
Mr P says he was kicked outta the british bar, to our great fortune and regular continuing education. But in your case, as you spend 2-3 hrs/d trawling primary source material, he’s not essential at all! So pl understand our perspective and stop pissing in our communal punch bowl. We shall not desist unless he becomes a goose-stepping, Edwardian or Windsorian heil-saluting reprobate, no indeed. Now, if he does an unexpected “Ritter-about-turn,” that can provide useful information about state of Airstrip One too. All Good Things come to an end in our wicked world.
▪︎ God Bless you Tommy, you are a Joy!
(1) Every time little devilish minions pop-up outta the woodwork, I grab my popcorn, wait, and sure enough, a relentless wise young-old bloodhound comes along! Or as we say – “for every hot air balloon, there is the appropriate gauge decompression needle.”
(2) I did see and very much enjoy the “The Last of the Mohicans.” Fabulous epic score by il Maestro Ennio Morricone. Was there a more versatile actor than Daniel Day Lewis recently? He took his job so seriously he reportedly burned out and retired young?? He was the oilman in “There Will Be Blood (2007).”
Re: “I just find the number idiocy amusing as I like math more. But the BBB is double 666. b = 6….I believe.”
This is not my strength Tommy. From my understanding, It depends on the specific cypher you use to encode the alphanumeric code. The simplest ones have A=1, B=2, C=3.. so there, BBB (without adding them) = 222. And you are probably right in certain interpretations, as you said, with B=6. Any equivalence can be made. It is truly demented stuff. How many math geniuses with abacus-like minds were/became mad? In fact being Asperger or near on the Autism Spectrum provides clear advantages in this discipline. See the movie “A Beautiful Mind (2001) among many.
I think this BBB also means the Blood Brain Barrier. Satanists often have stacked functions. For example, COVID-19 had a dizzying array of purposes, among them: (1) a ritualistic initiation ceremony into the Novo Ordo, (2) a satanic religious ritual (like in that scene from Eyes Wide Shut), (3) a means to nuke the global economy, (4) a means to decouple supply chains and end globalization, (5) a means to finish off West, (6) a training in Fear regimes (Pavlovian psychology), (7) habituating people to submissive antisocial postures (masking, distancing, lack of hand-shaking…), (8) creating survival dependency on Universal Basic Income and centralized handouts, (9) an excuse to digitalize everything, including humans, (10) normalizing Public Health officialdom control over “sovereign” nations worldwide (the White-Coat Clergy), (11) normalizing regular injections and collection of biometric data, (12) killing off small enterprises in lieu of a few large multinational corporations, etc etc.. This is why covid-19 is so celebrated by them and has been planned for 100+ years.. it is literally the gate or portal from the old to the new normal.
For BBB, they settled on the Brave New World mechanism of control — via mind-control technologies. “You will have nothing, and be happy.” It is easier to control people this way than via the jackboot of 1984. This is what remains for them to master (so they hope). The objective is to control subliminally, via seemingly random suggestion from any of 360⁰ projectable screens always within visual distance of all individuals nowadays (see in Minority Report movie here how a screen instantly recognizes as you walk by and tailors a message for you), or via inserted memories for “high-value targets.” This is the end-point of the total surveillance state. Those humans outside of divine protection and living within the cities will have scant protection. Unless they are completely isolated and self-sufficient nomads/rurals, or hermit Luddites within society, or they end the very state. Russia currently appears primed to activate the third option for all of us.
“God Bless you Tommy, you are a Joy!”
Absolutely; although, like most, incredibly gullible:
Well, you must admit we are dealing with incredible smart people here. All planned for 20-50 years down in the tiniest detail.
Russia forced into war with Ukraine, and then forced into nuking the whole shit with everybody LinkedIn with a Face in a Book in complete passivity.
Back to the good old days after that. http://zen.yandex.ru/video/watch/621748282083ae12ca04f0a2 Its actually a nice song, see true love at 0:42. Most people deny it but love exist and is around us.
you said here http://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2022-09-13/#comment-1151395
Maybe it was majic pixie dust, imagined in an imaginary world…..still doesn’t change the reality, in my house we all got sick, five people, one very sick and one died. Sheer coincidence obviously. Mind you, a doc looking at the same symptoms in different people might go out on a limb an infer they all suffer from a similar ailment……’might’…
End Quote
In 2018 four of six family here were seriously ill. Flu tests (no idea what form they took) all came back negative and diagnosis was of “a viral” ILI (Influenza Like Illness)
From which (2014):
Of the 10 million deaths of children <5 years in 2000, 1.9 million were estimated due to ILI….[]…Pathogens detected in ILI cases vary widely. The limited number of ILI studies which tested for multiple viruses and bacteria found the percentage with Influenza A usually <25% (range 8%–52%), B 0.7%–10%, and no pathogen found 20%–73%.
“Did someone repackage a flu and pass it off as new, to introduce a novel experimental therapy designed to treat cancer….on an international scale, against people’s better judgement, forced….too Orwell for me….just trying to fly under such madness.”
End Quote
The better question would be:
How, based on the reported ILI studies, can the presence of any single pathogen be said to be causative of an ILI (rather than asymptomatic for that pathogen) in light of the fact that there was no pathogen found in all studies (at a rate of between 20% and 72% cases). Is co-infection from the unknown “no pathogen found” pathogen not as likely/more likely to be causative of the ILI?
The same question applies to the “novel” virus of 2020.
Since the novel 2020 pathogen is widely reported to be highly asymptomatic
(1 in 3), it’s difficult to know whether to call it or any other, alleged, pathogen as pathogenetic.
Only with a logical answer can you really know what we are really in, together.
Correlation is not proof of causation.
Lemming, you got me, touche. Wish I were more bright, your depth of knowledge dwarfs mine.
Cheers M
Brilliantly perceptive: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Responds To Mrs Olena Zelenska of Ukraine – OpEd, September 16, 2022
FYI: Waters also champions the cause of the Palestinian people.
Ahh Roger … I agree wholeheartedly but …
“The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 35-day (16 October – 20 November 1962) confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, which escalated into an international crisis when American deployments of missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of similar ballistic missiles in Cuba. Despite the short time frame, the Cuban Missile Crisis remains a defining moment in US national security and nuclear war preparation. The confrontation is often considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.”
You can google that.
US Overseas Deployment of land based Jupiter MRBM Missiles & Nuclear Warheads – you can google that ..
In April 1959, the secretary of the Air Force issued implementing instructions to USAF to deploy two Jupiter squadrons to Italy. The two squadrons, totaling 30 missiles, were deployed at 10 sites in Italy from 1961 to 1963. They were operated by Italian Air Force crews, but USAF personnel controlled arming the nuclear warheads.
One squadron totaling 15 missiles was deployed at five sites near İzmir, Turkey from 1961 to 1963, operated by USAF personnel, with the first flight of three Jupiter missiles turned over to the Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (Turkish Air Force) in late October 1962, but USAF personnel retaining control of nuclear warhead arming.
And everyone still thinks those “damn Commies” started the Cuban Missile Crisis…
“by putting nukes on Cuba” … & they has absolutely no idea that an earlier & ongoing US Overseas Deployment of land based Jupiter MRBM Missiles & Nuclear Warheads DIRECTLY aimed at Russia & its Warsaw Pact Allies was responsible for it.
Cuban Missile Crisis, when viewed in light of US activities then & now illustrates the ‘Empire’ has not wavered on its course since the end of WWII.
About (more) astonishing coincidences…
“Zelensky’s keynote address at the National Defense Industrial Association’s (NDIA) annual Future Force Capabilities Conference and Exhibition will occur over video on September 21. Zelensky is expected to make his pitch to U.S. defense companies for more weapons to aid in his country’s war with Russia, Reuters reported.” (Austin Texas) In person, not by electro-images! (Is cocaine legal in Texas?)
“Five Eyes intelligence network meeting hosted in Queenstown” (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/five-eyes-intelligence-network-meeting-hosted-in-queenstown/BAGMZZC722JYDVSFZZGTOKTKZQ/ )
“Massive fire engulfs 42-story China Telecom office building; no deaths immediately reported”
(Associated Press) (miraculously the steel building did not collapse at 1 gee, or collapse at all!)
Finland removes the right to strike…https://yle.fi/news/3-12627624 (for nurses anyway, but what’s next, the right to quit? And the name for when you can’t quit is?) It’s to be expected that “work-to-rule” routine will be what’s left…will they then erect a gallows? (That’s how the kept up V2 production at Mittelwerk.)
(Reading in the details in W1 the run-up and the affray was attended by plenty of similar “suspicious” events.)
Alex the Elder…his speaking style, the composition, generally follows the legalistic form of argument, I think. Reading briefs and Law Review articles was a sort of hobby for me as a child…and sometimes I still do that. Yes he presents slowly and with repetition – that’s the form. I enjoy it, if there’s time to do so. It’s said that he was “struck-off” because of a “forged signature”…”morals”. Maybe he did and maybe he did not, but in the real world it’s pretty ordinary…in the USA anyway, to save time, and keep billable hours trimmed to ease the financial burden on a client. A case of “show me the man and I’ll find a crime”. IMHO he was either set-up or focused upon…for political or other purposes. I’d like to know – what other cases was he involved in at that time period. The President of the California Bar Association himself was, some say, set up over Grand Jury transcripts – miraculously discovered on his table, by the judge no less, in court…he faced ruin…but all was forgotten when he pleaded his (innocent and set-up) client guilty in another case. That poor sod languishes yet, and is always denied parole. RFK (jr) has an opinion about that fella. Would anybody doubt that the two cases were unrelated, no, of course they weren’t. Mere coincidence.
I read about Michael Crichton. Impressive man, impressive character too.
A note about “science”..and rhetoric. Science, as we all know, is a method of inquiry, and so it shall be forever. When the term become “the science”, as we often see to-day, it isn’t science, and it becomes more or less bullchit. In the latter usage it becomes some form of deception.
Best to All! P
A crude attempt to set the misc en scene >
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. You will change the face of war unlike anything since World War II’: Biden tells Putin not to user nuclear weapons as his forces are beaten back in Ukraine – and warns of ‘consequences’ if he does
President Joe Biden warned Vladimir Putin that Russia would face ‘consequences’ if they decided to use nuclear or chemical weapons in Ukraine
He urged his Russian counterpart to avoid using the weapons while the Kremlin’s forces suffer defeat after defeat in the Ukraine
Ukrainian forces, backed by military aid from the West, have successfully been beating back Russia in key cities as the Kremlin’s front line recedes eastward ”
Ok, now it’s plain to see… tictictic….what a jolly prospect!
This is some of worst theater I’ve ever seen, it doesn’t even garnish my time.
Something is wrong in this theater.
West politicians gather in Kiev with Zelenski who perform on TV and meetings worldwide while Russia do limited SMO in Donbass (because Russia dont want to fight a war).
Wouldnt it had been easier to take out the command of UAF in Kiev? No we cant do that because this would stop the war.
Right now we have street fighting in Belgrade because of a parade. There isn’t any problem respecting rights in Serbia. Rights on a personal level. They have a prime minister. A woman and a lesbian on a second function in the state for quite a long time. The problem is different. The purpose of the parade is to humiliate Serbia. They were humiliating by bombing, then by Kosovo and then by friendship with Russia and then by parades. This parades are a must. A few years ago Montenegro mobilized half of the country police force for one event. If somebody in every state would want a concert, rallye, cycling race, religious festival that would demand half of the police or even 10%, the answer would be no. But not for the parade which is composed mostly of foreign citizens. We know of the attack on Serbian orthodox church, no is another one. It doesn’t matter that croatian catholic church has the same views about family and society. No Serbia is a problem and should be punished. Many diplomats are present at the parade today. We know from which countries. They want to push their agenda to everyone, especially to those on the east. Every country must have this circus on the street for one day even that most of this people are ordinary working people who are what they are at home and are not jumping like monkeys half naked.
The correct response would be for a mass counter-parade to stop the other one. Shut it down,and don’t let police stand in the way. If they do stand in the way,let them feel the peoples wrath.If there are foreign diplomats there interfering. Then let them feel the peoples wrath as well. Maybe they will never try that again. See a solution is actually pretty simple where there is the will to find a solution.
Dear Topol,
we have to pick our fights. The evil is overwhelming atm. it is like with masks.. the criminals own the mindless police and other enforcement wings of state. When we are in their jurisdiction, play along. The BS will not last long now. They have fatally exposed themselves. Either forces within society will destroy them or the Lord sends enemies to cauterize. In fact, they reached a stage where they’ve nearly finished destroying themselves.
So they hold a freak-show parade. It gives the men who count so many opportunities to observe who goes, what they say, who funds them, which media give them positive coverage, who gives them permission, how the churches speak, etc.. Serbia is a hostage like 1990s Russia. But at the same time it is like Russia right now which keeps close count of every atrocity, crime and killing in the Donbas and to every Russian worldwide. The ledger shall be balanced. And so with brave dignified Serbians. In fact the fools help us tremendously by exposing themselves! A whole new paradigm is coming. It will be that much easier to toss out the trash.
Re: “Science, as we all know, is a method of inquiry, and so it shall be forever. When the term become “the science”, as we often see to-day, it isn’t science, and it becomes more or less bullchit. In the latter usage it becomes some form of deception.”
You have said it as well as ever Mr. P. I was in despair early during the corona op when I started to understand the depths of the betrayal of what was unfolding. They want to make people hate science — that is clearly part of the Mission Objectives. Science is a valid, legitimate and necessary tool in order for us to have wholesome lives. The modern scientific method merely reformalized to Enlightenment sensibilities (and in some ways constrained by Magi such as Newton). This natural use of our intellect and talents had different names over the many millennia. But like the hypocrisy of the clergy who participated in all of this and closed their houses of worship and changed the very rites of worship, based on worthless and groundless diktat, it is designed to breed nihilism and distrust and divergence with ALL authorities. Dumb, superstitious, defenseless cattle are easier to abduct and feast upon at will, no? The Rockefeller blueprint for covid era spells it out — according to them, we are in this phase of the scenarios:
BBB means not merely leveling economies and politics and the nation states, but ALL constituent institutions, to start afresh. All authorities and disciplines are under attack – whether religious, historical (BLM, wokeness, WW2 memory…), scientific, political, tribal, academic, so that society is atomized and all the easier to prey upon.
PS – Armstrong, along with Biden, joins the chorus for next week, saying, “It appears that the volatility will rise after this coming week.” Does he additionally intimate an October Surprise? Perhaps the cancellation of elections and other institutions to follow unpleasant September surprises? The last image on his article is apt, with the one-eyed AntiChrist staring at you (from Game of Thrones TV series) and the caption so beloved of Trump and BiDon: “Winter is Coming.”
Really important CrossTalk the other day. They lay out what is happening very clearly:
CrossTalk: NATO’s war on Russia
All the NATO countries are just chucking their weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine uses them to kill and terrorize civilians day and night. All these countries, including “traditional allies” such as Greece are guilty.
Greece Sends 40 Tanks to Ukraine, Gets German Hardware in Return
Greece will send 40 of its Soviet-built BMP-1 IFVs to Ukraine after it reached a deal with Germany on Friday according to which it will receive from Berlin the same number of the more modern 40 Marder IFVs.
Until May it has provided the following equipment:
122 BMP-1s and their ammunition;
15,000 73-mm rockets;
2100 122-mm rockets;
20,000 AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifles;
3,200,000 7.62-mm cartridges;
60 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS;
17,000 155-mm artillery missiles;
1,100 RPG-18 anti-tank missiles.
On Slovenian national rtv site we have a report from Belgrade today and one picture. One person, who looks like Jesus Christ infront of St. Mark’s church (crkva svetog Marka). This church is near Serbian parliament and on the back side is a little Russian church. This person wears a rainbow flag in the manner like Christ (in the catholic churches we have stations of the cross and on those 14 pictures Christ is dressed like that) On the head he has a crown of thorns and on his hands signs of wounds (painted). This picture is a pure provocation. But if the subject is Christian (catholic or orthodox) this is allowed. Among guests and speakers was American ambassador and EU parliament reporter for Serbia.
Anti-war and anti-government demonstration in Paris today. Quite a lot of people.
It’s fun to watch Die Linke starting to grasp the whatever…Selbstgemachte Energiekrise: Könnte Nordstream II uns helfen? ( Sahra Wagenknecht) https://youtu.be/U3JInRxTJek (self-made energy crises)
One may speculate as to whether or not the lady is holding back to avoid Overton Window and political problems.
Has autotranslate feature.
Let’s not forget that at one time the communists were strong in Germany…and that they especially live now in rapid change… I’ve a long-shot bet on the commies, er “left” in Germany…long-shot, but I expect to collect from Stumpy on it. War creates change, which is what it’s all about…
Really interesting report from the front today:
ASB Military News
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian military began to complain about losses from the use of Iranian kamikaze drones Shahed-136 aka Geran-2 by Russian troops.
They write that only in the zone of the Ukrainian 92nd brigade, as a result of strikes by these drones, two 152-mm self-propelled howitzers, two 122-mm self-propelled howitzers, as well as two armored personnel carriers, and before that also a 155-mm the towed M777 howitzer — were hit.
Ukrainian Armed Forces say they want to receive “more advanced technologies for protecting against these drones”, or for the US intervene and somehow disrupt further deliveries of Iranian drones to Russia.
This really shows the difference between Kharkov direction and Kherson direction. From the Kherson direction, we barely get any information. From Kharkov, constant flow of information. This is because Russian regular army fights primarily in Kherson. Kharkov is mainly people’s militia forces. Russian troops leak no info, not even about these attacks on Ukrainian Armed Forces equipment with the new Iranian drones. In the end, we learn about it from the Ukrainians — who undoubtedly don’t publish the actual number of losses of equipment.
ASB Military News
Official Telegram of ASB Military News
“According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian military began to complain about losses from the use of Iranian kamikaze drones Shahed-136 aka Geran-2 by Russian troops.”
If this is true, then Russia needs to get more of the Iranian drones. Also any volunteer Iranian soldiers or militants who want to fight should be allowed. Iran has a large population and they will need practice for the upcoming war against Israel and/or NATO.
Both Russia and Iran need to test out their weapons on the Ukrainian-NATO forces and stop holding back so much as it is costing lives in Donbass, other parts of eastern Ukraine and in Russia too.
Russia just hasn’t supported the Donbass and its own soldiers with enough weapons and anti-aircraft.
re: Iranian drones. Yet Another BS From WSJ – “No, really. The bunch of the so called “journalists” from this tabloid rag are at it again” © Andrei Martyanov’s Blog
Prior to 2000/2001 the Taliban had banned the growing of poppies in Afghanistan. When the “Empire of Lies” showed up the area of poppy cultivation exploded with the latex shipped offshore for processing into heroin before it showed up in the west. Pepe Escobar referred to this as “the ratline” and it was an opaque way for the sack of putrid DNA known as the CIA to fund it’s genocidal tendencies. As an aside, with the Taliban once again banning poppy growing I wonder if the illegal construction of a refinery on Syrian land along with the theft of grains and crude is just the “ratline version 2” Once these large convoys cross the Syrian Iraq border what happens next seems rather opaque as well.
To get back on track China and India in particular are able to purchase oil and gas at discounted prices. According to the western shills at OilPrice.com China is on-selling Russian fuels at market rates.
“Russia is selling liquefied natural gas from the Sakhalin-2 project in the Far East to China at a 50-percent discount and still making a profit on it, Bloomberg has reported, citing unnamed traders.”
“Russian supply is still making its way into the market, just with a reorganization of trade flows via market participants who don’t take issue with accepting Russian cargoes,” Saul Kavonic, an energy analyst at Credit Suisse, told Bloomberg.”
“Bloomberg reports that data shows China’s imports of Russian liquefied natural gas rose to the highest since at least 2019 in August.
China earlier this year appealed to the Empire not to raise interest rates as it would destroy the economy of emerging nations. Like that was going to happen! With the collapse of emerging nation economies the USA could cherry pick the best of emerging nations national resources at severely discounted prices.
Enter Eurasia. While I don’t agree with everything Armstrong has written here it would be way to funny if Eurasia has turned the tables on the west again and is using (at least part of the profits from) western nations to shore up the finances of nations that the Empire of Lies has deliberately sought to destroy. Pakistan, Argentina and Sri Lanka have received to date $32.83 billion from China. China doesn’t have to reveal its investments effectively keeping things very opaque.
However, as Smoothie X is want to say “But hey, but what do I know”
Paul Craig Robert’s latest – the comments on this missive are disabled.
I get that the stakes are high and nothing is more dangerous than a trapped dying animal. Not sure how I feel about his “take.” Perhaps some things are best passed in silence.
Love is a Smoke Made with the Fume of Sighs
Lovers concur that love is a smoke,
Made with the fume of sighs.
It twists and it curls and hangs in the air
Until it eventually dies.
Lovers attest that love is a plume
Fed by infernal fires,
Destined to fade and to go the way
Of all unnatural desires.
Lovers agree that love is a fog
That smothers and puts down the will.
Where angels and demons fight to prevail
Over the soul fo the kill.
Lovers contend that love is a mist,
A paradise lost and regained;
A malodorous tale of deceit and betrayal
Whose purpose is never explained.
Love, to lovers, is a will-o-the-wisp,
Fair and faint and oft perfumed.
Yet fire, to which we slowly submit
Until we’re finally consumed.
Per warnings from @Pepe Escobar’s `Samarkand Spirit to be driven by responsible powers Russia and China’. And reiterated by @Lone Wolf
Watch out for “…the usual suspects releasing all manner of Toxic Tricks against legitimate Eurasian integration.”
Seems some people never learn.
If The Devil makes you an offer too luscious to refuse? Run don’t walk. No one out-fiddles The Devil.
Toxic Tricks against Armenia. Again.
Kevork Almassian @kevorkalmassian
The attacks against Armenia came the day after the EU struck a gas deal with Azerbijan. EU leadership is giddy over this.
Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848 Please stay at home, stop making a mess !!
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi Sep 17, 2022
‘Today, I am leading a Congressional delegation to Armenia to highlight the strong commitment of the United States to security, economic prosperity, and democratic governance in Armenia and the Caucasus region.’
Kevork Almassian @kevorkalmassian
I can think of 3 main reasons for Pelosi’s visit to #Armenia:
(1) The midterm US elections in November w/Democrats needing US Armenian votes.
(2) To help Keep Pashinyan in power at any cost.
(3) To anger Russia.
To note, throughout history, no country benefited from the US. Remember, Syria, Libya, Afganistan, Iraq, …
Patrick Lancaster @PLnewstoday
Seems Azerbaijan is willing to do anything to destroy Armenia. Their media claim that mobilization in Azerbaijan will be announced on September 20, right after Pelosi’s departure from Armenia.
ArmenianBreakingNews @armbreakingnews September 13 2022
Iran is moving military equipment to the north at the Armenia/Iran and Azerbaijan/Iran borders.
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi said that a new war in the South Caucasus is unacceptable and Iran is carefully following the developments.
September 15 2022
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi: ‘Iran’s relations with Armenia should not be endangered, communication channels should not be closed. Iran’s position regarding the territorial integrity in the region is clear, & the issue of Armenia’s security is important for Iran.’
ArmenianBreakingNews @armbreakingnews September 15 2022
Protestors from Baghramyan Avenue are going to go to the office of the second President @RobertKocharyan with a request to lead the protest movement.
The protestors are demanding Prime Minister Pashinyan’s resignation.
@khalediskef September 17 2022
During the past week, the number of cargo flights between Israel and Azerbaijan increased significantly. The Azerbaijani army uses SPEAR MK2 (Israeli-made 120mm mortar) in the attacks on Armenian positions.
I have seen way too many, purportedly Armenian, posts lauding The Hag’s visit and the Hag’s rhetoric.
Iran’s gonna stay the course. Iran has suffered the pains of Hell at the hands of the empire. They know US and EU meddling only respects one strength (hint: it does not start with an ‘M’. It does not start with an ‘N’.)
Armenia is (was ?) reputed to be good friend of Russia.
Pashinyin is a traitor to his country and his people.
Next Front up:
US courting Kazakastan. Needs their help in economically isolating Russia.
Been watching 7 decades of this stuff. I’m sick.
You said… “Pashinyin is a traitor to his country and his people.”
I do not dispute your observation… I merely put forward what I have seen from my own personal perspective… I could well have misinterpreted this situation.
Admittedly a lot of my viewpoint is based on the wonderful doco “I Am Not Alone”, which follwed the 40 day peaceful revolution which unseated a tyrant and swept current PM Nikol Pashinyan into power. This film ids very difficult to access as it is basically a step-by-step blueprint on how to conduct a peaceful groundswell revolution within a republican governance model.
A lot has happened since that revolution with President Armen Sarkissian’s resignation in Feb 20221. Then there was the subsequent resignation of Simonyan in March 2022… he only held the position for 40 days… which means that there have been 3 Presidents since 2018.
Also, PM Pashinyan is now being accused in many quarters of being a traitor to his country and even a George Soros/Mr Global shill! Recently there are reports of demonstrations in front of Parliament in Yerevan calling for his resignation
Sarkissian said in his statement that he did not succeed in what he wanted to achieve since the “Velvet Revolution” of 2018, when the team of the incumbent Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan came to power.
He stated that in the early 1990s after the breakup of the USSR the people of Armenia had the opportunity to create an independent state, and to build a country that would ensure the security, progress and prosperity of the Armenians. And he personally believes that the main reason for the existence of an independent state is the ability to take on and bear responsibility, both for their victories and defeats.
In his statement, he openly writes that accepting the position, he assumed that…
“the presidential institution would have tools, opportunities to influence foreign policy, economic, investment policy, relations with the diaspora, as well as the ability to promote national interests in the international arena and form a new scientific, educational and, high-tech environment”.
“Inspired by this historic opportunity, I, like many of my compatriots, dedicated myself to this mission. For various reasons, my participation at different stages changed [I was the Prime Minister of Armenia, the Ambassador of Armenia to Belgium, Luxembourg, the Vatican, and to the UK], but I did not stop believing in our ultimate national success. And this was the main motive for my consent to the proposal to become the President of Armenia”.
“The question may arise why I didn’t resign before now? The answer is obvious, since I have taken responsibility as President of the Republic, I was obliged to do everything in my power to avoid further deepening of the internal split and possible clashes that could lead to extremely negative consequences. I tried to use the authority and connections gained as a result of many years of work, as well as my international political and economic potential to build a strong, stable state”.
“We have a paradoxical situation where the president has to be the guarantor of statehood, without actually having any real tools to do so. The Constitution also provides for the supremacy of one state institution over another, creates obstacles for the participation of well-known diaspora specialists in the management of state institutions in the historical Motherland, etc. We are a parliamentary republic in form, but not in content”.
…end quotes…
Just my own gut feeling but I gained the distinct impression that both Pashinyan and Sargsyan were men of honour and courage whose overriding concern was avoiding bloodshed. Indeed it almost seemed too good to be true that a President and a PM of this calibre and honour in one single country, could actually be a reality in today’s global theatre.
Personally, I think he and his family’s lives have been threatened by the financial cabal because they most certainly cannot countenance a man like this that they don’t control in this strategic area. Hopefully, the drunken idiotic Pelosi’s pending visit to Armenia might shed more light on this.
I may have it completely wrong, but it seems to me that Pashanyan’s stance re the Nagorno-Karabakh region is because he wants to avoid further bloodshed and knows full well that Armenia’s small population of ~3 million is no match for Azerbaijan’s 10 million, backed up by Turkey’s 84 million.
My understanding is that ~80% of this region is populated by Armenians and, although it declared its independence in 1991, it was never recognised by the international community.
On the northern border of course is Georgia and they are another absolute wildcard and just announced that they are intent on having a national referendum vote on going to war with Russia.
What a mess… all I can say is that much could be revealed in the next few days with ongoing meetings with all the players involved in these organisations… SCO/RICS/CSTO/CRRF/RCSA/BRIICS+.
The fact remains that the Caucuses are once again another potential explosive powderkeg.
Your reaction to my hypothesis would be very much appreciated.
Cheers and warm regards
PS If you don’t mind me asking, which country do you currently reside in?
@Col…’the farmer from NZ’
Greetings from the empire of Hipocracy & Lies.
Thank you so much for valuing my opinion.
I am not myself Armenian. I’ve only followed Armenia rarely in the past.
I stumbled across a great grassroots information source, seems honestly run, honestly reporting:
The Armenian Weekly https://armenianweekly.com
Note: there are back articles that cover 1st person accounts by genocide survivors and their descendents. Some of it vicerally terrifying. The Turkish villagers who carried women and girls to safety -out from under the noses of their executioners- will reap a great reward.
Armenian Weekly, September 14, 2022 Lillian Avedian
Ms Avedia’s article covers current Azerbaijani violence / land grabs / government corruption / and excellent diaspora comments.
The documentary “I Am Not Alone” is amazing. Honestly, I was moved to tears just watching the Trailer. (Thanks, Col, for that lead.) I did conclude I had been dead wrong calling Pashinyan a traitor.
The trailer is all over the internet. I expect the movie is excellently crafted. Such on-the-scene reporting is a consistent tool of our hero journalists, who are the Saints of the modern age.
But here it appears to have been used against us. And against the Armenian people. So we miss a beat. ..blink.. and the whole world has changed. Mr global just swept your chess pieces off the board. All’s fair in love & war. Right?
Oh what a tangled web they weave… Confused, I am compelled to keep changing my mind.
Mother Russia, however, sees everything – And she is not pleased with Armenia!
It appears Pashinyan took the poisoned bait – when? Possibly his election was aided by “the usual suspects”.
Here in the empire, altho we’re no longer in the belly of the beast, more like between the jaws of the beast, there’s enough peace & quiet to comb thru our information machines. Even tho they are surveiled and mined against us. We have time to make up our minds; and to change them.
Armenian people can’t judge and prioritize facts, plan defense – they’re too busy burying their dead, and evacuating bombed out towns.
Azerbaijan rapes and tortures PoW’s, young women as well as young men, photos their corpses, and distributes the pics for sh*ts and giggles. A new video shows Azerbaijani soldiers and Turkish soldiers desecrating Armenian Churches and Images of Jesus.
A reminder that the EU calls Azerbaijan a reliable and trusted partner.
US, EU, Turkey, Azerbaijan, did plan and they did it with the complicity (payoff) of Armenia’s leaders. The Armenian people had no idea until Azerbaijan stormed their borders. Azerbaijan intends ethnic cleansing (genocide).
Podcastor Kevork Almassian gives a brief synopsis of the Pashinyan government’s cozying up to US.
US may have helped to put him in power.
@kevorkalmassian, 21-tweet thread beginning Sep 18, 2022 2:59pm. Must Read.
@armbreakingnews Lovely photo of breathtakingly young soldier. The mother of the martyred soldier Hayk Melikyan to Pelosi:
“I am here to say that our country is not for sale. The blood of our children is not for sale. I am here to express my outrage at your double standards that let the killers carry out their planned crimes.
“I’m here to shame you for your fake democracy, which has destroyed the term democracy and is now associated with uncleanliness. Today, under the auspices of democracy, one state after another is being destroyed.”
“During Pelosi’s visit, it seems that Pashinyan, Pelosi and the Journalists are more worried about “democracy” & hating Russia rather than the Issue of the PoWs. No one mentioned anything about the PoWs. To make it even worse, no Journalist asked a question about them.”
True history: Pelosi is a crook. Has always been a crook. She literally learned her trade at her daddy’s knee. Mafiosa.
However, lovely visit to Armenia. Many assurances of support and protection. Veiled threats against Armenia for their security arrangement with CTSO/Russia.
US delegation: Pick a side, Armenia. However, nobody’s ‘Asking’ Armenia!
{Who let Pelosi and the congress-critters in, anyways?}
…continued next post
@ Col…’the farmer from NZ’
A few more lines, before it all becomes old buried news, m/b within minutes.
Iranian Farhikhtegan Daily, the main pillars of US’s Armenia-policy are:
(1) Strengthening the position of “Westerners” in Armenia, who enjoy the strong support of Armenian
Lobbyists in the US.
(2) To show Armenia that the US does not abandon their own (against backdrop of US withdrawal from
Afghanistan, this goal is unlikely to be achieved).
(3) Get geographically closer to Russia and Iran.
(4) Pushing Russia and Iran out of the region.
(5) Opening a second front against Russia so they will be forced to withdraw resources from Ukraine.
Boisterous demonstrations (purportedly Armenians) taking place in favor of Empire, demanding exit from CTSO. -There are also wonderful Armenian pro-russian demonstrations! But is it already too late?
More backstory, @armbreakingnews
“Iranian suicide drones supplied to Russia are inflicting considerable losses on the enemy. They destroyed howitzers & BTR armoured vehicles. A reminder, Pashinyan’s regime refused Iran’s offer to receive such drones 2 years ago.
“Russia’s new Iranian-made Kamikaze drones strike Ukrainian US-made howitzers. It was undetected by US-made radars. The Shahed-136 drone delivers pinpoint hits nearly 2 thousand KM away, even on the move. Imagine if Pashinyan agreed to Iran’s offer.”
back to the present,
There’s a consensus forming that says deposed PM Sarkissian – altho lining his pockets somewhat – would have readied the country militarily and protected the borders. He had consistently done so in the past. So was Pasinyan a Trojan Horse?
“While Russia is preoccupied with the Ukraine war, Azerbaijan launched a massive offensive on Armenia proper to force Yerevan to provide a “corridor” in the south connecting Azerbaijan to its Nakhichevan enclave.
Enboldened by the victory of the Second Artsakh War, Azerbaijani parliamentarians began calling for the establishment of “security zones” and “buffer zones” within Armenian territory, with the aim of neutralizing the
latter’s army and establishing the proposed “corridor” inside Armenia.
In the face of this aggression, Armenians were caught off guard by the passive reaction of Russia as to defending its ally under the Colective Security Treaty (CSTO). However, Russia’s military inaction could be attributed to Moscow’s awareness that the US and GB are probably pushing Russia into another bloody conflict – to drain the latter’s military and economic resources.
Additionally, from the Russian point of view, Armenia’s Prime Minister, who ascended to power after the “Velvet Revolution”, is not a reliable partner. Pashinyan’s critics say it was a “Colour Revolution” engineered by the United States and European Union.
It’s been reported that Pashinyan is ‘anti-Russian’.
Sound bites from US media op w/Pelosi-face:
– Rules based international order.
– Progress of “Democracy” in Armenia.
– Connection to CTSO/Russia is a concern, but it’s o.k, your friendly neighborhood democracy, can work around it.
Great meme. I neglected to note which thread: Guy in ancient greek armour says, “We’d like a deal, – no, no we don’t need any payment, (ha ha) don’t worry about it. Here’s this lovely wooden horse.
And a Direct quote from the other side: “Military attacks on sovereign nations have no place in the rules-based international order.”
ArmenianBreakingNews @armbreakingnews
The #CSTO mission headed by Secretary General Stanislav Zas has arrived in Armenia. Most probably it is the Russian IL-76(MD) that landed in #Yerevan.
Russia’s IL-76(MD) airborne assault plane, for transportation of troops, military equipment (including medium tanks), delivery of urgent cargo to troops will be landing in Armenia soon. The aircraft did not use the Azerbaijani airspace.
Russia’s president Vladimir Putin will address the nation, along with Russian Defense minister Sergei Shoigu at 20:00 Moscow time.
Have a nice day,
An excellent interview of Gerald Celente complete with his usual animated and highly entertaining and energetic Italian/Bronx style passion… which BTW, he makes absolutely no apology for… FAIR ENOUGH… there is only one GC!!!
Remember too that he was once on the other side [1970s] when he worked for a major Chemical Company. The overthrow of the Shah of Iran and then Jimmy Carter’s New Years’ Eve visit with him was one of the catalysts that eventually turned GC around.
At that stage, he transformed a purchase of $5000 in gold into $750K which by gambling and partying he then subsequently reduced back down to $150K.
At the 30-minute mark, he talks about the meeting he had with Van Morrison backstage at Forest Hills regarding the key to a successful freedom revolution…
Screen Shot 2022-09-18 at 11.48.30 AM.png
Gerald makes the point that to try to at least partly counter the Yanky Doodle Dandy [do or die] US Mainstreet habit, the key to gaining more support is through the arts… music/publishing/painting… actually, any kind of art to help bring the freedom renaissance to this higher level in peoples consciousness.
50 min mark… the massive monarchy crap and glorification of the British Monarchy is more conditioning to get the flock to look up to murderous slimeballs in positions of authority. This is at an all-time high now with the passing of the crown from the old Lizard to King Charles the Turd [TURD…that’s actually how the Irish pronounce THIRD]… a Mr Global eugenicist of the highest and most idiotic shill degree.
When the US revolution went after the thieving monarchy they had less than 5% of the popular support… yet they still won the battle… although since then they gradually lost the war. And here we are today facing imminent global financial collapse because the banking kleptocrats were never properly targeted, let alone dealt with.
… and IMO the quote that says it all…
“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
― Samuel Adams.
I come back to my same old position… the two races I enjoy the most in my life and travels, both company-wise, and inspirationally, are the Irish and the Italians… here are two prime examples of the passion they bring to the table.
BTW, I was permanently banned from Greg Hunter’s site years ago as a commenter because one of his pets G500 opined that he hoped that the Mosul Dam in Iraq would burst…due to lack of maintenance… and only because the occupation made this logistically impossible.
G500 went on to say that this would be great because it would immediately kill tens of thousands of Iraqis and destroy their main food-growing area downstream, which would in turn then “eliminate 100’s of thousands [from starvation] of potential terrorists !
I pointed out how despicable this comment was and not a single person in the 100s of commentators had the guts to agree with me. This is a so-called “Christian” site, with Hunter himself being a proud fundamentalist rapturist.
I was absolutely gobsmacked that Hunter supported G500 in his murderous view and then continued to cuddle up to him as one of his favourite long-term contributors/commenters. From that day on I viewed Hunter as being both dishonest and opportunistic.
Having said that, he still manages to draw good people for interviews… but he will always make me cringe with his past history of outrageous hypocrisy.
My memory is long… and leopards in my experience don’t change their spots.
Gifts of choice Arab Proverbs…
▪︎ Dimitar, Sudhi, & Poets:
(1) “Lovers don’t finally
meet somewhere.
They’re in each
other all along.”
(2) “Whatever is
forbidden is desired.”
(3) “Do not feel lonely;
the entire universe
is inside you.”
▪︎ Tommy:
(1) “You are not
a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire
ocean, in a drop.”
(2) “Beware of him to whom
you have been charitable.”
▪︎ Toy’R’Us:
(1) “The greatest danger
for most of us is
not that our aim is
too high and we miss it,
but that it is too low
and we hit it.”
(2) “The mouth should have
three gatekeepers:
Is it true? Is it kind?
And is it necessary?”
(3) “Close the door that
brings in the wind,
and relax.”
a dream meeting,
the distance between us bridged
early this morning
Re: “A crude attempt to set the misc en scene” >
Exactly. I had same foreboding for weeks. The mindless relentlessness of their adherence to the absolutely shredded Narrative bespoke not mere gaslighting but need to explain why Russians would need to use a nuke. A victorious force (heck even a sane defeated one on its own land, which is what Novorussiya is!) would have no need to use WMD.
Russians need to be shown defeated in some, any, even Virtual Reality form. Full stop. Even miseducated, drugged-up, hormone-ladden, GMO-chomping, diseased, 5G-blasted and fearful sheeple would question the logic of the easy victor using nukes. Hence the entire Narrative being singularly shaped (for several months now) to message the Russians are losing. Not due to mere wistfulness but to justify what comes.
I was catching up on Smoothie’s latest from Sep 16 and even he was bemused at the crazed strength and bizarre frequency of the Wurlitzer noise, showing a sarcastic piece by his friend called, “Putin and his army on the ropes again!” Both assume it is mere incompetence and the need to keep westerners in the VR bubble. This is partially true. For what ultimate purpose though? Remember they are slaves to numerology and the satanic occult. “i Pet Goat 2 (2012)” is their blueprint for perfidy in these days.. and therein it shows a nuke will go off across the Black Sea from Constantinople…
The decision was made. And despite the mindblowing unraveling of the war it is too late to change tack and countenance reality. They gambled everything. They are also slaves to the script. And will see it through. It is sad. We await the hopeful preemptive Judo move.
Meanwhile, another expected ingredient was added to the bubbling European stew. As only 10-30% of arms to the Ukraine reportedly arrive to be pulverized by waiting Russians, usually being diverted for other purposes, a Stinger was apprehended in Germany.. Are some expecting Russian retaliation for dastardly behavior and prepositioning guerrilla warfare tools for when the Russians come? And/or merely to keep natives busy at each other, make air travel impossible and hard-close the borders? So much evil afoot for Europe. It is as if the Bill for 500 years of perfidy is being collected in a single Winter!
I get the gut-wrenching, apocalyptic feeling that US neo-cons are insane enough to set off a false-flag tactical nuke. Why. Because these psychopaths have a ticket to the US bunkers and the ensuing MAD results will leave these fools with their vaunted Gaia sans the “useless eaters.” They are setting up the scenerio for the Western public now.
“Russia is losing badly and is on the ropes and desperate.” They’re not.
“Russia in its desperation will consider a tactical nuke.” They expressly pointed the world to their nuclear doctrine.
The psychopaths generationally hate Russian and ethnic Slavs, just about as much as they hate the common masses of humanity. I don’t put it past they to go for the “Ultimate Solution” and take the steps to kill off both.
I believe it is well within their insane vision to set off a false-flag nuke and then wait for Mutually Assured Destruction in their bunkers like Morlocks in an H.G. Wells novel.
‘Tis strange how winter approaches, things are ‘heating up’ …
Civil mobilization in Germany against energy prices and the economic blockade of Russia. (1:17)
“History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” – attributed to Samuel Clemens
Fast forward to today and it’s strange how history in German is starting to rhyme with the rise of totalitarianism and the visceral hatred of ethnic Slavs, especially Russian Slavs in the 1930s. One would have thought that a lesson was learned post WWI and WWII. Perhaps not.
Its happening!
EU Executive recommends blocking €7.5billion in funding for Hungary over corruption – 1st such case in the 27-nation bloc under a new sanction meant to better protect the rule of law.
What a coincidence! Perhaps they mean “the rules-based order” Haha!
EU moves to cut $7.5bn funding for Hungary over corruption
“The 27-nation EU bloc has three months to decide on the suspension of funding for Hungary over charges of damaging democracy”
First snow in UKR – Carpathian mountains.
Winter is coming!
According to the logic of Ze, how many Ukrainian soldiers are worth a tub of manure?
As Uncle Davy and Hal carefully note, first snows fell on the Carpathians mountains of the Ukraine.. Is Hate and Fear of Russians sufficient to heat the breast, bottom and brotherhood of nazis in the coming weeks? Hal also notes in addition to Iranian drones and Korean munitions, the Chinese now wade in??? Hmmm. Perhaps Grandfather Joe has cause to panic, wake up and mumble something about defending Taiwan? And that relaxed Turanic court sofa and Baklava gathering (which included Luka and VVP) had cause to be so happy! The ghosts of Chairman Mao and his gun cometh!
Checked in on southern grunt in the gorgeous state of Georgia (key Heist locale on Nov 2020), who took time off from prepping to take stock and to say, “I know, as I get older and older, the US is not the good guy..” The US Dollar and US military are fading quickly.. there is a certain “reality-check” and wisdom available only from shafted grunts.
It was the Turd of SepTEMbah… and now approaching the 25th of SepTEMbah, the cap-stone on the Week of Death? the last date is Rosh Hashanah (thx to kjell108 who deigned to peek outta his Cave to inform us)
I am good to go — stocked up on candles, diapers (for the babies!), and the bookmark is still stuck on the page to read by candlelight, “Annushka rose early, why she did not know, actually she had hardly slept at all, so..” Some gems should be saved for the non-electric age, no?
I felt that my little boat
had run aground, and in the depths
lay some strange object.
And nothing had happened ? Nothing . . . All still . . . Rollers . . .
Nothing had happened ? or was it that everything had happened,
and we had come gently into a new world.
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Nothing had happened ? or was it that everything had happened,
and we had come gently into a new world.
Only you can decide.
A universal moment of every indevidual is how I interpreted the poem, that moment of freedom, what will I do now? He only has a little boat, his life’s gone aground, one can move on as though nothing had happened, or everything. The universality implies a dscision can be made for the benefit of all.
If you are saying, as I understand it, that we essentially have a
choice after an experience that either adds to the upliftment
of the whole ( the universe ), or detraction from the whole, then
I agree with you.
Moving forward, or regressing in a spiritual sense, is a decision
we make within ourselves, and does indeed affect the whole.
The Deity, however, and the spiritual hierachy allow Soul Its
freedom to have the experience It wants. Usually, we advance,
then regress, then advance, then regress ( a little less ) and so
on. This is how spiritual unfoldment occurs; very slowly, and
over many lifetimes. No Soul is immune to the Call of Soul, and
will eventually completely embrace Its own higher nature and
become, so to speak, a Light unto the World.
So when I say, that “only we can decide” what I mean is, we will
have experiences from time to time which come as a test, and
are given to us by the spiritual hierarchy in order to see how we
react and what we make of it, and this often puts as at odds with
the outer world, and even friends and family. We eventually learn
to be silent about our inner experiences and this makes all the
difference where our inner lives are concerned.
a pair of old shoes
discarded by the wayside;
road of no return
Vladimir Putin: US companies already own much of the land and grain in UKR. That really began after the coup in 2014, with Monsanto and others. Read more here:
Ukraine opens up for Monsanto, land grabs and GMOs 11th September 2014
… and Gawd, what’s happened to Switzerland?
Last month, the Swiss Republic abandoned its ancient tradition of neutrality & impounded Russian assets, marking the end of a 200-year tradition that had served it well.
Last week, the Republic abandoned its tradition of democracy: Swiss legislators ignored a successful petition to force a public vote on the purchase, saying there wasn’t enough time to hold the vote before Lockheed Martin’s offer expired.
Is the Swiss government being blackmailed for money laundering? It’s just as corrupt as any other.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Cafe, for your edificaion and general moral improvement :
Rostislav Ishchenko latest was quite interesting, about how to neuter banderism and ukranianism in the new territories.
Divide into competing groups + moving families from their native villages in good old fashioned Soviet style, imho i think he may be right.
A couple of days ago I posted a demo on the streets of Paris. As I dont speak French I didn’t understand the context but asked a French friend what it was all about. Her reply, received y’day:
“[The video] is a reference to a massive démonstration lead by Florian Philippot and his group The Patriots on the 3rd of September, 2 weeks ago. The French news channel LCI, which is huge here, falsified the images pretending that a Russian news outlet was showing images of a fake demonstration from 3 years ago – to malign Russia and encourage France to declare war on Russia.
In reality, the humungous demonstration was from the same day and thousands of people flooded the streets of Paris with Florian Philipot, who is amazing, and called for Macron to be voted out “Macron Destitution”.
Yesterday, the 17th of September, Florian Philipot was joined by scores of Yellow Vest leaders as well as important figures of the anti-Covid vax movement, and once again Paris was seething with demonstrations absolutely everywhere. The city came to a standstill.”
So as it turns out the text I posted was a sarcastic reference to the 2nd September fake news on LCI, ie it said that they hope that the lying media won’t, once again, say there were no demonstrations and that the Russians are lying.
The rest of her reply is pretty much confirmation what us non-Europeans already know – if youre following the VoS Newsfeed (but it is nice to have it confirmed):
“Things are crazy here and all across Europe. We’re facing Carbon and Energy mandates and serious food shortages. Anyone in Switzerland who dare heat their home to more than 19°C faces up to 3 years in prison.
Rolling blackouts for Italy. German industry is collapsing because of electricity and gas cuts. Great Britain is on it’s energy shortage knees. Rolling blackouts and “Smart Counter” surveillance for us here in France, as well as “Sweater Fridays”, where everyone is encouraged to don sweaters in public buildings and work places as heating will be maintained at 18°C.
AND the Satanist psychopaths are preparing a return of mandates for this winter.”
NOTE: For those unfamiliar with Philippot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florian_Philippot
As some here have already remarked, Harari is a huge player at the World Economic Forum (WEF) and has given numerous conferences there. Please watch these short videos. This is blood curdling stuff.
(Of course, Hariri’s concept denies the existence of the human soul, that aspect of us that is divinely-inspired; the spark that reflects the Godhead – whether we believe it exists or not – its still within us. In other words, we are so much more than just the physical body & the mind).
My point is the Elites are really preparing the public to accept some kind of massive depopulation programme – so what was considered to be human activity can be taken over by humanoid automatons, hence very little need for humans. Of course whoever controls the technology, the technocrats, will control who is born or not born. There’s no respect for human life, human dignity, love or any of the human emotions – and its truly Satanic.
Mar 6, 2022 Yuval Noah Harari – Transhumanism and Eliminating Free Will (4:35) https://youtu.be/QuL3wlodJC8
Mar 24, 2022 We Can Hack Humans | Dr. Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab (6:25) https://youtu.be/3vrkTl9Sv6Y
Apr 16, 2022 Yuval Noah Harari: An Inorganic Future (17:28) https://youtu.be/2hmlUkaHLNE
Jan 25, 2018 Will the Future Be Human? – Yuval Noah Harari (29:43) https://youtu.be/hL9uk4hKyg4
I was just over on moa, a poster mentions Mr Puntin’s comments in regards to what is happening with the Ukie grain….same person feels western countries will hoard their grain restricting the market, causing fake shortages and of course famine.
I’ve lived in grain country for the last 30 years, not much changes, same basic crops, rotations, and yields….but this past year I’ve seen major construction on many grain farms putting up rather expensive galvanized metal silos, some are putting up multiple. Like they plan on storing alot of grain. Probably a coincidence. Who’d store perfectly good grain to cause famines?
Cheers M
▪︎ Uncle Davy asked, “and Gawd, what’s happened to Switzerland?”
The Saker responded, they were taken over decades ago by Empire, lock stock and barrel, like the rest of Europe… and current kowtowing serve as demonstration to other Powers that this is private property and to stay away..
▪︎ Whereas one segment of Humanity, grown bored with wealth, civilization, and advancement, indulging in demand destruction.. the BRI and Pipelinestan rise as purpose in themselves? There will be no end-stop in Europa, but each BRI node and former waystation is now appreciated in itself and built up. Oceania broods and turns inwards. Afro-Asia also turns – but aside from the soul-crushing devolution and contemplates a separate wholesome future. Maestro Matthew weaves a stirring tableau of railways, pipelines and interwoven connections with the bewildering variety, beauty and (hopefully strength) of majestic Persian carpets. Aren’t “flyover territories” worldwide undiscovered pearls to the industrious Darer? Zone B’s necessary “Demand Creation??” As Europa falls away, this INSTC, not the CPEC or other nodes, may be the key segment. What seismic changes underway!
▪︎ Water Wars, cont.
This is a good reminder of the manufactured droughts, especially among US farmlands ranchers and California, which have since ww2 served as foodbasket to much of humanity. This was from over a year ago, but nicely compiled from various US regions. You eradicate self-sufficiency worldwide, creating dependency on a few or single source, then collapse that single source to maximize and generalize the global suffering and collapse. It is an old trick.
Note John Podesta’s preparatory conference has Africa in Room 2003 = 23 (in occult drop the zeros) or 2023.. Hmmm. Does denying Russian fertilizers, fuels and grains now make sense? It is always a stacked function. Weather modification + 1,001 other shenanigans. The only good minion of the AntiChrist is the one pushing up daisies.
▪︎ February 2 (2.2.222) and September 23 may be symbolic bookends sealing the West’s fate. The former date saw two significant machinery set in motion: (1) SMO rumbling into life and Germany halting the NS-2 civilizational bond with Russia. (2) If the satanists enact another 9-11 this week, again harming Russian bonds, and all indications are that they will, it will mark the necessity for its repeat “rubblization” — but far worse than 1945 Berlin. Germany has deliberately put itself into a position where it lacks sufficient energy to get through the winter. The former could be said to have been forced upon the West, as Russia preempted, but this latter is the final throw permitted to it before it is discarded into the trashbin of History..
btw, reviewing photos of the Queen’s funereal, it was brilliantly timed. (thx to The Ununited West commentator) To begin what may turn out to be the seminal week, and inviting dignitaries from around world on a grand tour of pomp. An emotional tethering (like demons to the wicked) to the occupants of a top class berth of the Titanic. It will keep enough from scampering off to try their luck with multipolarity in these turbulent times, humans being creatures of habit and all..
any signs of big changes on the ground in CONUS-404, esp Cali / Florida / upper mid-West?? Like Germany bringing troops onto streets on Oct. 1?
41mins ago:
“Breaking The Russian place leadership in Kherson has said it has been decided to hold a Referendum to Join Russia” – Patrick Lancaster
and Immediate Referendums!
The Public Chambers of both the Lugansk & Donetsk People’s Republics appealed to the head of the republics with initiatives to immediately hold a referendum on recognizing the republics as a part of the Russian Federation.
Gvt raises rates when they need money.
Even during these times of high tariffs, high prices (gvt gets paid by the %, so as the price goes up, so does the gvt revenue), high administration costs (tapping public monies), so when all these things are still not enough to fund gvt pet projects (like war), the gvt reacts by raising rates, and constantly needing revenue money packaged w/ trendy wrappings and bows.
By now alarm bells should be going off in places heard by few, but destined to affect many. And the latest bell seems to be the amount of external debt held by the gvt. We are not completely certain who the major players of this debt are, but its got gvts aggressively raising rates every two weeks so I cant see these gvts as being external to one another.
So the combined debt has to be external from the euro and the dollar, and we can assume if the debt suddenly became privately unfriendly for some reason, gvts would suddenly panic about their ability to repay the new unfriendly debt, and still control the political narrative of east vs west.
The signs of internal stress are streaming around in days, but I think this debt debacle is far from being resolved, and a side of social unrest could upset the apple cart over the next few weeks and months.
– If people of the Donbass express their will to be part of Russia, we will support them – Russian Parliament Speaker Volodin. Referendums to join Russia announced in multiple parts of Ukraine that Russia liberated. Looks like Russia is up to something big.
– The head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik signed the law on the referendum on the reunification of the Luhansk People’s Republic with Russia. We are waiting for a similar document in the DPR.
– Kherson region to undertake referendum at the soonest:
– Zaporozhye region (Central-Southern Ukraine) wants referendum
– The head of Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Pushilin submits draft law to DPR Parliament to hold referendum on joining Russia from September 23 to 27 2022, saying “the Donbass is returning home!”
– The referendum on the entry of the Kherson region into Russia is also scheduled for SEP 23 – 27 via @AZMilitary
All, my, friends, tell their pain story,
the pain story, is the one to hear now,
the pain stories, are the ones to beat.
The pain di al, is a little higher now.
the pain di al, stings a little longer.
Hey Now!
Clip a little chip,
take a little slip and see.
Take a little trip, take a little trip,
take a little trip with me.
Take a little trip, take a little trip,
take a little trip and see.
The pain stories, come more often now, the pain stories, come too often.