2022/09/10 07:30:02
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Part of the Pirate creed is “never trade honestly for something you can steal.”
Once upon a time, parts of Europe were settled by Vikings. Their business model was to travel the world and rape, kidnap, pillage and plunder whatever they could get away with. Call it piracy
Today the West tends to smile kindly on the descendants of the Vikings, and we ignore the deeds of their ancestors.
“Ignored” is not the same thing as “renounced.” I think the appeal of piracy as a national business model is strong today. And Russia would make a tasty prize.
Russia’s “crime” is that she will not spread her legs and yield all to the erstwhile Vikings.
Major losses being reported around Izyum / Kharkov right now. The loss of territory doesn’t bother me so much, my fear is the civilians left behind for Ukronazis to torture and murder for being ‘collaborators’ or ‘saboteurs’. I know you hate so-called doomposting and this is only a small part of the bigger picture where Russia is in control overall, but what’s going on right now is worrying – for the Russian population in Ukraine more than the overall military objectives which no doubt Russia will eventually win. Defending the Russian population in controlled areas should be the no.1 priority in my view, the alternative would be a catastrophe for morale.
Perhaps it’s a good thing I’m not in control because I would be calling for mobilisation with orders to carry out the often-repeated threats of taking out the decision making centres in Kiev, because I believe fewer civilians will die long term. That’s not something I thought I’d ever say but something needs to be done urgently.
Feel free to call me a troll / shill / stupid or whatever you want, but this is my view. It kills me to see what’s happening right now and perhaps my rationality is clouded by that negative emotion. But the reason I support this operation is precisely the defence of the Russian population who have been persecuted and slaughtered for so long. So I pray that Russia steps things up very soon to fulfil that promise, even if not a full declaration of war then significantly more support than is currently being provided to defend areas under Russian control.
KV.. by asking questions you are not trolling. We all ask questions and many of us fail to understand the “why” part of “what” and “where “ sort of speak. I have often wondered about the decision Russia has made was to use such a small force in their SMO, however that is their overall strategy. Part of both strategic and tactical warfare is to retreat. However, concern for civilians can, in many cases, insist they evacuate the areas the military is holding or operating in. We insist people leave their residence to a safe area when we see a major storm coming, some will and some won’t the choice in many cases is theirs. The way Russia fights wars is strange to many but they are concerned for lives of civilians and military, and prove it daily. As a civilian I would evacuate the area, but again that is my choice.
btw, the issue of the Kharkov short-term gains has exposed many’s current fragility and lack of perspective and perhaps even suggestibility to mind-control. Larch made an excellent point several times that this SMO has achieved the transformation of modern war to (1) stand-off missiles in combination with (2) what Pepe calls dronification. The premium is on attriting manpower and capabilities, not holding terrain, so we will increasingly see “attack & retreat” classical warfare as delineated by our Saker recently. Many have yet to either understand or accept these necessary changes, in the setting of permanent proxy wars, capable industrial warfare, and focus on saving your own manpower.
Brother Blackring has over the weeks reminded us (including today) that a necessary tactic of emptying cities of dug-in UkroNazis is to feint weakness and draw them out, where they can be chewed up, as happened repeatedly around Kharkov itself, to the Kraken and other suicide squads. So what is a better carrot than removing regulars and garrisoning with light Rosgardia and police forces and sending national political and military leadership to remote Vladivostok?? The bait was taken, PR optics be damned. Denazification and demilitarization proceeds relentlessly with success.
However in addition, the cases of Dima and MoA (whom I was always skeptical about, as far as the limits in which he was permitted to speak the Truth in vassal Germany) and more importantly the countless Telegram channels and armchair generals (decried by Smoothie and many) raises an even more important topic: has the Empire moved the mindwars to its advantage INTO the Allies’ mental terrain? i.e. They have caused though an inadequate narrow salient at horrendous cost, and which affects little in overall SMO final result, the perception of Russian reversal.
This is extraordinary. I ignored all this as have been busy lately, only follow 1 TG channel (Pepe’s) and usually rely on trusted data aggregators. So I didn’t appreciate the degree to which so many were emotionally played and moved like a school of fish into a contrary position. WHY?? It is important to understand this mindwar tool they leveraged, forcing usually bright committed “aether-warriors” to succumb to foolish despair and dissension.. how did they manage to trigger so many diverse enemies at once?!!
is it hooking the lack of patience and hypersensitivity of younger generations to the PR optics of this age? Getting 6th Columns to come out due to misplaced anger at pace of SMO and that NATO/deciders were not yet hit? Getting surviving 5th Columns to come out in last push to reverse their catastrophic losses since Feb 24? Wss it 5G signaling and potentiation of unfortunate corporal metallic products and achieve the Singularity in impudent Lemmings “Toys’Rus” of little Faith? Etc. Etc. Regardless, they are throwing the kitchen sink in the mindwars, raising Doubt, Fear, Recrimination etc. What a terrible Trial of faith to so many! They squabble over minutiae while winning so handsomely..
It has been fascinating watching Russian-supporting camp taking an unnecessary knee, apparently largely due to external influence. Maturity, Grit and Patience are always called for in the tactical ebbs and flows of seismic world wars of this scale.
agree on all point AHH
” The premium is on attriting manpower and capabilities, not holding terrain, so we will increasingly see “attack & retreat” classical warfare ”
So if war ever comes to your town, you better chose your side and move with it as needed. Or move out while you can. The chance of war coming to your town?
Here is an AP report that the US is increasing spending for artillery ammo. Also this operation is basically a massive trade show for war machinery. Recent events have order desks buzzing:
“Allies push for US weaponry after seeing impact in Ukraine
… the Pentagon has been working with the defense industry to increase production lines to meet both U.S. and international demands for certain weapons. And he said some countries have already begun asking about buying the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS.
…right now industry is producing about 14,400 rounds of ammunition for the Howitzer artillery gun every month, but the plan is to work up to 36,000 a month in about three years.
Even that amount, he noted, may not meet demands. So the U.S. Army has contacted other companies around the world to buy 250,000 rounds of that ammunition.
[in other words nearly 18 months worth of production, and they laughed at Russia looking in other places to increase production. And why extra armed forces are being added. Russia obviously knows what’s coming. The main reason why Russia is not sending unrestrained numbers of human resources to become cannon fodder. Every soldier will be needed.]
In some cases, LaPlante said, there are easy solutions to increasing the production capacity and in others it requires more creativity. Restarting the production of Stinger missiles, he said, forced contractors to come up with alternative parts to replace obsolete ones.
Sasha Baker, the defense under secretary for policy, said the new U.S. defense attache in Kyiv, Brig. Gen. Garrick Harmon, is trying to provide greater insight into what capabilities the Ukrainian forces are using most.
She said Harmon, who was appointed in July, gives the U.S. better oversight and the ability to get “real-time information about what the Ukrainians are seeing and experiencing and what they might need.”
LaPlante said he will meet with acquisition and weapons officials from other NATO and allied nations later this month to talk about how to resolve supply chain issues and ramp up production of needed equipment. He said the group will also discuss how the various nations can increase the use of equipment that is interchangeable and operates more easily with other allies’ systems.”
In other words, long term planning. Ukraine is the test war. And the gun show. There is much bigger brewing.
Yeah like mother nature and starvation.
We have things going on behind the Ukraine curtain in West.
They are rolling out 5G, Digital Identity, Face Recognition, Smart Cities. Inflation, Energy prices. Soon E-money will be rolled out, Social Scorecards.
Controlling a confused sheep to the confrontation with East and looting Europe down to the stone age blaming some scapegoat, Russians, China, Clima, anybody, anything. Do as we say, or we will leave Europe behind as a dustbin.
Holy crap AHH,
talking of unnecessary knees, i can only assume that you have no qualms about child abuse (like the god who has a seeming boot on your neck) to the 3rd and 4th generation.
The psyop has pulled the wool over your brain but there’s still hope. You just need to realise that if a deity says it is perfect but then explains, in its own, revelation, that it is not then it is, in reality, a liar.
Time to stand up.
Faith, good for business, eh.
It’s starting to look like it is all going pear shaped from Russia. Have NATO been underestimated?
there can be little doubt that the ukrainian military/defense has been *grossly* underestimated.
It is a forced war. Russia was forced by NATO to enter into this NATO planned war. Russia entered into this war forced and so far this war is going in accordance to NATO’s plan.
Perfidious Albion at it again! This list is by no means exhaustive.
Elizabeth should only be remembered as a symbol of the brutality the British Empire unleashed on its subjects.
1 Malayan Emergency, 1948-60 British authorities launched a 12-year-long war & terror campaign against the Malayan communists, setting fire to homes and farmland, relocating 1 million people into concentration camps✝ and spraying crops with Agent Orange to starve insurgents.
2 Repression of the Mau Mau rebellion, 1952-60. In OCT 1952, the British launched a brutal counterinsurgency in Kenya to put down the anti-colonial Mau Mau uprising. By 1960, the British had killed, maimed or tortured 100,000 Kenyans, and detained 160,000 in concentration camps.
3 Covert war in Yemen, 1962-69 Britain backed royalists attempting to seize power from Arab nationalists, backed by Nasser. They secretly supplied fighter jets for airstrikes, and millions of pounds of weapons to royalist forces. 200,000 est. were killed in the war.
4 Propaganda offensive in Indonesia, 1965-66 British spies launched a propaganda campaign targeting Indonesian communists, printing newsletters urging army generals to “cut out” the “communist cancer”. This led to the worst massacre of the C20th with ~1,000,000 people killed.
5 Bloody Sunday, January 30, 1972 During a march in Derry, Northern Ireland, British military opened fire on a crowd of protesters, shooting 26, 14 of whom died of their injuries. During the fray, 108 rounds of ammunition were discharged by 21 soldiers firing their weapons.
Operation Legacy* was a British Colonial Office (later Foreign Office) program to destroy or hide files, to prevent them being inherited by its ex-colonies. It ran from the 1950s – 1970s, when decolonization of the British Empire was at its height.
Administrators urged records be burned or thrown into the sea, in order to erase any evidence that could potentially “embarrass Her Majesty’s govt” Because of this operation and its destroyed evidence, we may never know the full scale of the British empire’s genocidal campaigns.
Ref: https://www.liberationnews.org/five-of-the-british-empires-worst-atrocities-under-queen-elizabeths-reign/
✝ It was the British who invented concentration camps in the Boer War 1899-1902, btw.
* How Britain Destroyed Thousands Of Colonial Files
More here :
After Queen’s Death, Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn’
Over 120 Countries, but Never Israel: Queen Elizabeth II’s Unofficial Boycott – from Haaretz :
Even more here :
The Queen has left her mark around the world. But not all see it as something to be celebrated
We need to be prepared for this … 11 SEP 2022
There’s different reasons for elections per region: republic or federal city.
A few here commented on the Enron spot-price fiasco from 2001, repeating at the Ranch at the Crooked EU.
Now Reuters lets the elephant in the room free :
Sweden, Finland step in to avert Lehman-like situation for power companies
Lehman, in 2007 was THE derivative outfit, not even a bank. By 2008 it’s collapse nearly brought down the global financial system, precisely because of derivatives.
Nominally paper, $2 Quadrillion hangs in the balance.
I would suspect the RF has the ultimate hypersonic derivative payload on trajectory. And Reuters early-warning may have been sleeping on the job.
Noting, and repeating, Brother AHH’s most apt statement > “There is no peace in the breast of the wicked”. (Isaiah, if I recall properly – and also noting that the Biblical Hebrew is a sort of mnemonic short-hand from which modern translations are only approximate. My “King James” leaves out “breast”, etc. Recall the the King James Bible translation is a political one.)
“Peace” in this example might be understood to exist in the breast, and in the Home, or Nation, when the people have what they naturally need, justice, fair moral environs, work, children, gardens, and so on…and not necessarily what they might be tricked into lusting after. Here we might posit that the Cardinal Sins…which are sometime listed as> “pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth”, lead to “turmoil”, etc, and Crime. Associated to this observation, the vices being curated in naziland all tend to create turmoil, and violence, crime, and ultimate ruin.
We may see those characteristics well-represented in nazis, and in their endeavors, wherever they lurk. And, of course, strongly characteristic in those who presume to rule the globe, and in Charleyboy and his patrons.
It’s astonishing that the recent (in English translation) reference to the US junta as “The American Dictatorship” by VVP has not been much repeated in nazinewsfeeds. Can it be that, if it were, the People, nutzlossenvolk, might agree with VVP?
As if to confirm his stated view, witness the political police raiding and otherwise intimidating those who do not abide the junta’s diktats. (“b” @ MoA, I tend to agree, is under some pressure in servile Germany) The political “lawfare” by nazijunta provided a charming proof!
In the matter of 5th and 6th columns, the mindwar, and the recent transient “gains” of quisling nazi force 404, it’s good to bear in mind that the Red Army has never been defeated. We know this, because Russia exists, as otherwise there would be no Russia, nor, of course, a Red Army.
https://youtu.be/44Q5xXk8Rzc (The inspection of Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov of the capture of Berlin 8 May 1945)
To-day is a quiet day @ Anoxia… Pretty moon too… Our owl hoots softly…and I’ll jingle the coins in my pocket. Good luck and change afoot!
And yes, expecting some ever so thrilling 911 surprise tomorrow.
“No rest for the wicked” – double meaning. No limit to criminal energy as cops say, and they get no rest.
Indeed a double meaning…as the wicked man’s energy means that the good man will naturally hunt/haunt the wicked man – sometimes to the gallows. Even as the wicked’s lust can never be sated. Even his own lusts hunt his troubled breast.
Its opposite. “No rest for the good man” – double meaning. The good man should be stressed to his limits, so the wicked man always have weak victims. Criminals until our pensions as cops say. Fixed.
True, Tommy. Hence, Strategy of Tension
The UK has now a choice of 3 9/11’s :
The death of QE II
Coronation of King Charles III
Prime Minister Truss.
Add the immanent Lehman Energy derivative implosion, and General Winter approaching.
It never rains but it pours!
I’m fully satisfied and slightly amused by the present screamfests against Russia and China — they are irrefutable proof that these two countries and especially their current leaderships are outing the collective West as the debris it is (with a little help from the West’s politicos and presstitutes).
The big difference between the UK (Europe) and the Titanic? The lights were still on when the Titanic went down.
From Col Cassad today on the situation:
Hi Everyone,
We said we would slow down and clarify when the situation had become clearer. Well. We do not sugar coat anything. We are announcing a major defeat of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. For the first time the Ukrainians have gone on the offensive and they have beaten the Russian Armed Forces and they have won.
First this post will – with the attached video from the Russian Ministry of Defense to translate what General Konashenkov said: “In order to achieve the goals of the Special Military Operation, a decision was made to regroup troops in the areas of Balakleya and Izyum in order to build up efforts in the Donetsk direction. Within three days, an operation was carried out to curtail and transfer the Izyum-Balakliya group of troops to the territory of the DPR.
A number of distracting and demonstration activities were carried out with the designation of the real actions of the troops. In order to prevent damage to the troops of the Russian Federation, a powerful fire defeat was inflicted on the enemy using aviation, missile troops and artillery.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federaion destroyed more than 2,000 Ukrainian and foreign fighters, as well as over 100 pieces of armored vehicles and artillery in three days.
So now the second post.
To restate. This is a major defeat. All territory gained by Russia in the Kharkov Oblast save the most northern parts, looks like it will be completely abandoned. This will severely shake Russia’s credibility in Ukraine, in Russia itself and in the world. The Russian authorities promised that ‘Russia is here forever’ and it quickly abandoned Kharkov – which is a city founded by Russian Tsars and not in the Russian imagination a foreign city.
The Ukrainians – by all accounts punched forward with a powerful fist – their most powerful yet and barely grazed the Russians. From 6 to 10 September they attacked and whenever they met resistance from a Russian unit of appreciable size they were always halted or thrown back. From 6 to 10 September 2022 the Rosgvardia and then the VDV fought while being heavily outnumbered in Balakleya for 4 fays and prevented the Ukrainians from capturing a town they had clearly reckoned to capture on day 1 or day 2 of their offensive, judging by UKR telegram posts and a number of false claims they had captured it and/or overrun the garrison. Russian forces throughout all of this demonstrated high morale and never retreated until ordered to. This makes the complete abandonment of the position utterly baffling and questionable from both a military and, in this author’s opinion, political standpoint. Military the Russians tied significant Ukrainian forces to Kharkov city and to near Izyum and Slavyansk that were not directly in front of Donetsk. Now the Ukrainians can concentrate their forces.
This leads to the conclusion. More Russian troops are not on their way, the Russians were taken by surprise at the force of the blow – and Putin is not releasing more troops to the operation.
The contrast between a masterful defense in Kherson and – at the operational level, tactically Russian forces performed at worst acceptably if not better – the abysmal defense of Kharkov Oblast will have consequences. Now is that the time to doom though – and not to be optimistic. Now is the time to be angry. If you are Russian, demand that more be done. If you are Ukrainian and live in areas where the Russians are, demand that they protect you and be serious. If you are not Russian, urge these things – for the Ukrainians have made no secret of what they will do to those they see as ‘collaborators’ which is to say anyone who so much as accepted Russian humanitarian aid packages. It is encouraging that Russia has begun more seriously evacuating civilians to keep them out of harm’s way but they should never have been put there in the first place.
The responsibility for this goes to the very top – to the political decision makers. They have choices they need to make if they want to win – and we should do whatever we can to urge them to do it.
“they” don’t want to win, “they” just want to keep the second leg, after con-vid, going.
The not so Great Reset is 100% on target.
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” wrote Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in an article published on WEF’s website. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
The reset will fail if Russia and China opt out. That may be what this is all about.
Off course. With -$300-600 trillion in a black hole, every man on earth must be mobilised to save JP Morgan, Blackstone, Rothschild and Goldman Sachs……………………..and Israel. We are in it together :-D.
“The reset will fail if Russia and China opt out. That may be what this is all about.”
Good luck with that https://off-guardian.org/2022/08/09/covid-ukraine-the-real-enemy-an-open-letter-to-vanessa-beeley/
“We saw China initiate the “covid” scam, then the US, Europe, Canada and Australasia pick it up instantly and Russia, Iran soon after.”
But that is what they always do. If they see they are losing, they always adapt the winner’s strategy. I knew it would arrive.
First they invest and fight like devils to preserve the unipolar order. When they see the multipolars are winning, they turn on a coin and take over the management of the winning idea pretending they are still bosses.
And as you can see, the sheeple (you) are jumping right into the trap……………LOL.
They tried at a point to create “The Blue Dots” in competition of OBOR but gave up. The new one is off course they (US/EU) are leading the multipolar world.
Laughable at best and too soon to call.
Well it may be, just a little, too soon to call but it’s increasingly looking less than funny, at the very best.
I see a lot of people calling for Russia to declare war on Ukraine. I don’t agree with that move. To do so would trigger the UN to be legally involved in calling for ceasefires ,peacekeepers ,etc. I think that may be one of the main reasons Russia hasn’t taken that step yet.
But there are other steps that can and should be taken. 1.Russia has several million people in reserve units. A call up (not using the term mobilization) of around 10% of those would double the troops for the SMO (and I think by now it is obvious they are needed). 2.Start attacking the weapons the Ukrainians are getting at near the Ukrainian borders in Western Ukraine. 3.Start hitting the decision making centers in Kiev and Western Ukraine. The centers Russia keeping threatening to attack but doesn’t do. 4. Start attacking the infrastructure in the non-liberated areas in Central and Western Ukraine. It’s monstrous that we see the Ukrainians destroying the infrastructure in eastern Russian speaking regions with impunity. While in Kiev and Lvov the Russophobes are partying hard in safety and security while Russian speakers are terrified in the east.
And most importantly 5 & 6. 5.The Russian leadership needs to understand fully that they are fighting a global war against the West/NATO. Optics are a huge part of that war. The parts of the world that supports Russia,does so because they believe Russia will win. If they didn’t they wouldn’t support Russia. No one wants to back the loser,and have to face the revenge of the winner later on. It isn’t a matter of justice,or who is more legal,or right and wrong. We make an error to think it is. It’s a matter of survival. And if Russia doesn’t understand that,she is in for bad trouble ahead. Why did people respect the USSR? One of the main reasons is one Saker talked about several times in the past. In Lebanon the kidnapping of the Soviet diplomats,and the way the USSR got them released. The world will always support the winner,and that is the truth. Russia can not afford to be thought losing.Not now,not in this war she can’t. 6.Along those lines,Russia needs to start better understanding the West/NATO actions. While I don’t believe they will fully involve themselves in this fight in Ukraine (unless they believe Russia really is losing,then all bets are off.One more reason Russia can’t be seen as losing anytime). they will go right to the edge. I remember they waited until the 2008 Olympics and Georgia attacked the Russian peacekeepers while Putin was distracted away in China. Then they sprang the maidan coup while Putin and the Russian leadership was distracted with the 2014 Sochi Olympics (I remember at that time worrying about that happening,and sure enough it did). Now it shouldn’t have been a surprise that they would get the Ukrainians to pull some trick while the Russian leadership was distracted in Vladivostok.What use is having the FSB and SVR if I can figure that out and they seemingly can’t.
Support for the government and the SMO is strong in Russia today. But failures and mistakes like the last few days will tank that support. Russia isn’t a dictatorship,and the criticism of these failures are running rampart throughout Russia right now. The Russian people and social media are beginning to demand answers and accountability. And the government needs to answer them and get this situation turned around quickly.
Uncle Bob, I realised a long time ago….decision making centres in Kiev or Lviv those are NATO US red lines……and they have not been crossed once by Russia in 6 months…..and now we get MOD mumbo jumbo, blah blah…..seen a black yank Merc….kinda full of himself….to his credit….they have earned it. No air cover, mainly infantry, manpower rules the day and if I’m not mistaken Ukraine out numbers Russia in man power and can throw fodder at Russia for years if need be…….I don’t think the Brit’s will wait years…they have always lusted for the return of British Crimea….and there are no shortage of Ukrainians will to die on behalf of England. And all the civies that cooperated with Russia, the politicians, local police, all face a grim outcome if things go further south from here ….pun intended, Mariopol is in the crosshairs.
Cheers M
Mainstream culture is one giant psyop geared toward keeping people fueling the oppression machine. Not because of some grand conspiracy (though there’s plenty of that too), but because the manufacturers of culture have a vested interest in preserving our unwholesome status quo. The media are owned by plutocrats who have an interest in making sure everything they’re putting out sustains the imperial status quo upon which their kingdoms are built. The Pentagon has more influence over Hollywood than people like you or I ever will.
Misery on earth is the business model:
The anger is rising quickly,even from people featured in articles here in the past:
#YURI Here we give you quite bitter and sarcastic comment of Yury Podolyaka:
It turns out that it was not a defeat at Kharkov, but a “cunning plan”?
“The official statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the situation in the Kharkiv direction: “In order to achieve the objectives of the SMO, it was decided to regroup troops in the areas of Balakleya and Izyum to increase efforts in the Donetsk direction. Within three days, an operation was carried out to curtail and transfer the Izyumsko-Balakleya group of troops to the territory of the DPR.
A number of distracting and demonstration events were held with the designation of the actual actions of the troops. In order to prevent damage to the troops of the Russian Federation, powerful air, artillery and missile strikes were inflicted on the enemy.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed more than two thousand Ukrainian and foreign fighters, as well as over 100 armored vehicles and artillery pieces in three days.
#YURI comment. Smart people told me yesterday, Yur, that you are spreading panic, this is not a defeat, this is all a very cunning plan. And I didn’t believe, and in vain.
That is, if I understand what has been said correctly, and I can’t HELP BUT BELIEVE the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, right? It turns out that everything that happened from September 7 to September 10 was just a very cunning plan to withdraw the Russian army from Balakleya, Izyum and Kupyansk. It is a pity that hundreds of thousands of people who trusted us were not informed about this plan, and the Kharkov Administration, apparently was also not privy to the details of this plan, and therefore it had to escape last night from Kupyansk, as they say “with only pants they wore”, and the Russian army, as I understand it, in full accordance with the plan, left a large amount of fuel and munitions, which is now taken over (as I should understand) in accordance with the same plan, the APU uses for its intended purpose against us”.
Did I miss anything? Did I understand everything correctly in Konashenkov’s message?
But in 1942, the Sovinformburo was more honest (from June 25, 1942): “June 25, in the Kharkov direction, our troops fought the advancing enemy troops. After hard fighting, our units left Kupyansk.”
PS By the way, if I were the MoD of the Russia, I would have already started preparing a speech for Gen. Konashenkov about the plan of the abandonment of the north-eastern parts of the Kharkov region (it will have to be done soon).
PP.S. And the residents of Kherson asked me very much that when the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation begins to put into effect a plan for the planned withdrawal of its troops from Kherson to Donbass (naturally “to achieve its goals”), let the Ministry of Defense take the trouble of warning them about it, well, at least a couple of days in advance. That’s all I can say about the official statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation regarding the situation in the Kharkov direction.
“And the residents of Kherson asked me very much that when the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation begins to put into effect a plan for the planned withdrawal of its troops from Kherson to Donbass”
There really needs to be a citizen army in these areas, as they cannot count on Russia troops to protect them with their lives, while they cannot discount Ukrainian soldiers executing them if they take over.
@Uncle, reread the Art of War.
Some quotes from Carl von Clausewitz –
The first, the supreme, the most far-reaching act of judgment that the statesman and commander have to make is to establish the kind of war on which they are embarking.
Everything takes a different shape when we pass from abstractions to reality.
A fast-moving environment can evolve more quickly than a complex plan can be adapted to it. By the time you have adapted, the target has changed.
The first and most important rule to observe is to use our entire forces with the utmost energy.
Casualty reports on either side are never accurate, seldom truthful, and in most cases deliberately falsified.
In war, the advantages and disadvantages of a single action could only be determined by the final balance.
The defeat of the enemy means the destruction of his forces, whether by death, injury, or any other means to make him stop fighting.
The aim of war should be the defeat of the enemy.
The best way of compelling the enemy to do
our will, is to destroy its will for resistance.
Ukrainians fantasize about cannibalism,who would have guessed ,right:
More Ukrainian insanity:
“…Ex PM of Ukriane serving cake shaped as a Russian baby & all frantically fight which body part they’ll eat & how better to cut it up. Ukranian Nazis.”
“‘Yats is our guy.’ — Victoria Nuland.
Their guy: Symbolically carving up a Russian baby for dessert.”
Russia has still not understood it. There is no Nazis nor Terrorists, only moderate freedom fighters.
There are laws of nature, they understand that pretty good.
When considering the war for the minds and the lies, it may be worthwhile to regard the model for the mindwar pioneered by the German nazi State…which may be seen by some to have not been defeated, but only “rescued” and cultivated in a metamorphosis, not only in westeuropean and easterneuropean arena, by, as is obvious, in the Americas…Withal, an essay, one of several> https://nymas.org/radioproppaper.htm
see also searchterm> “Volksempfänger”
……………meantime, dercopradio says that a fella has been “cited” for public defecation at a bus-stop in the nearby town, (courtdate in November…) and the sheriffs are diligently seeking their boat, which was stolen last night. How Jolly!
This link made me think about the public perception of Hitler. Up to 2010-2015 Hitler was still Hitler as told in history books.
Slowly they started in media to insinuate very slightly that Hitler not was that bad as we had been told. I took myself in searching, finding out Hitler’s oil paintings, jailing a Rothschild, Versailles injustice on the German people, etc. and became in doubt, and could hear among my fellow men that they had sympathy hidden under the skin.
Actually I only had the Nuremberg racism laws as factual. Could the rest have been manipulated?
But by Russia’s start in Ukraine and later Lavrov made it 110% clear that Hitler was Hitler the bad man as told.
Just yet another exercise in the confusion media brainwashing can make.
There is what Stalin said about Herr H > he escaped, presumably in a tacit or explicit deal with Dulles and BIS, and Franco, to Spain, and hence to Argentina…and the money? (it was mostly about the money, and treason) Bormann was there too. There ‘s physical evidence and testimonial proof… Hitler was a hustler, who became his own mark, and became a mythic fall guy…and a nasty fella if we accept S. Delmer, Bella Fromm, Howard K Smith, and the rest… In “west” all but a very few German and other nazis escaped. (including her royalness family!) However they say that those who were caught in the East were subject to a more rigorous fate, generally. It’s important to remember that in the forest at night when the dog hears the wolves howl, he too howls like a wolf. Or he’ll be eaten alive. Some notationally nazi men were socialist-minded, and some were even Communists at heart.
In recent times Herr H and Товарищ Сталин have been, in a mythic propaganda campaign, equated. Somebody is paying for a massive campaign…and rich people spend to profit. I’ll leave them both to be judged by Heaven…but I expect Herr H was sent to the “group w bench”. Stalin did what he had to do, and he saved the USSR from dissolution and rape. The “equating” lie is vile.
It’s a deep link… The paper I linked to is well worth a careful read and saving too. It’s the micro-model, and easy to understand, and then see in macro all ’round. It outlines much of a History that’s “not in the canon”…but which is vital to know, and study. (There’s more History too, relevant, but not in the paper.)
……….Speaking of BS, aka “propaganda”, there’s no distance ‘tween a well-told long lie, a “story”, and a “good” movie, or Shakespeare…all same genre, maybe different “flavors”…(See Rumpole & Show Folk, if you have time)…
And sooo? I considered how I’d outline a script for “Movie404” in view of the nazi advances…
the script for propagandawest>
nazi advance continues and einsatzgruppen engage in pogroms of genocide in captured area.
RU slows nazi advance.
nazis use nuclear gadget
404 and their naziowners claim that RU did it.
after that nobody knows…but it gets hairy. movie would then move to Kremlin bunker and the agony of the “evil” dictator and his “servile finks”…and Great Intellectual Bidet would make grave and wise decisions, surrounded by sodomite finks….the juxtaposition and camera cuts, the building tension…Oh, Where’s Rock Hudson and Sterling Hayden when Hollywood needs them? I suppose Hollywood would insist on a slutty chick spy too, maybe one in each bunker…or maybe a tranny, (is Mike available?)
Later All, and let’s pray for the good. Pax. P
I mention this, ’cause I think that will be the propaganda story, any moment now…I imagine, maybe intuit, that’s the bigbigplan running not-in-404, but in their bosses delusional plan, “elsewhere”.
It may be a real possibility that 404, which has made several recent remarks about N Gadgets, will try for Crimea, and use gadgets…thus “drawing in” (Remember Yugoslavia?) the rest of the nazi armies…talk about direct threat to Russia! It looks hairy to my eye. Pray I’m wrong. It’s late, and I’m tired… I’m probably wrong…but that’s the way the nazi delusional compulsions run…and Sunday is ever so special too.
I am hoping Martyanov’s latest assessment is correct. The major question is if the AFU will stay out in the open. Some tentative indications is that Chechen cleaners are being sent in to prevent the AFU from entrenching in the urban areas. Nerve wracking to say the least.
Until The Cow Dies
voices carry,
the dead are silent but the
living seldom are
the trough is full;
beggars of the spirit gather
and drink from the swill
after the goose they go;
having stolen one golden egg
they’re after another
until the cow dies,
life is a cow to be milked till
‘milk no more it comes!’
fools can never hold back,
they believe that “being on a roll”
will last forever
what you want and what you get;
you never quite know until
you take it home
after the deluge;
the strong become weak and
the weak become strong
your own worst enemy;
he who has the last say
also had the first
a better stanza 6;
the pigeons will come
home to roost only when the
wolf is sick in bed
Digitisation, Depopulation, Transfer of Assets to the 1% (IMF, Blackstone, Vanguard, State Street, IBRD, owning 60% of the whole worlds financing).
QR coding everyone and everything. https://www.globalresearch.ca/octopus-great-reset/5792380
The tools are hybrid; virus, food, energy, inflation, interest rate, ?. Survival kits. 6-10 mth food reserves.
Another dimension for cafeistas’ to consider, Charles as Head of the Church of England, (in the US Episcopalian; in other white-settler colonies, Anglican)
King Charles III’s Roman Catholic sympathies
Now that Charles has taken the throne, what’s not widely known is that Charles has shown far more Roman Catholic sympathies than his “Low Church Protestant” mother.
Which of course became apparent in the days of Pope John Paul II when his mother blocked him from having mass with the then pope, and then later on, moved his wedding date with Camilla (who was married to a Catholic and raised her children as Catholic, at her request; apparently her ‘ex’ had a number of affairs and she halted the marriage) to attend JP II’s funeral.
When Camilla and Charles went to meet Pope Francis she wore light shades of gold when protocol says Protestant queens/consorts should wear black which is code for saying: “I am not a closed book on the subject”. Seeing that her father also converted, Camilla understands the faith and the issue of QEII’s religion and its fakery.
Then to spite the Calvinists in Ulster, Charles went into a Catholic Church that is at the center of a marching dispute in 2015. ‘New era’ as Prince Charles visits Belfast Catholic church
Then, there’s how Diana mocked Charles’ spirituality while making his nightly prayers:
Royal RAGE: Princess Diana would ‘hit Charles over the head’ during his bedtime prayers
Then, let’s not forget how the now King was at the mass where Cardinal, now Saint, John Henry Newman was canonized who, the now King, has been quoted as saying that Newman was “a thinker ahead of his time” and a “fearless defender of truth.” QEII would never have said such a thing!
UK’s Prince Charles praises Cardinal John Henry Newman
Then this:
Prince Charles marks 100 years of society supporting Catholic archbishops of Westminster
And this: Prince Charles reads poem by Jesuit for Catholic school’s Easter meditation
And, speaking out against the ‘errors’ of Russia is a very strong Roman Catholic tone.
Ukraine war: Prince Charles praises people’s bravery amid Russian aggression
And, the now King praising a Catholic missionary society (Aid to The Church in Need) in a Protestant church: Prince Charles praises ‘inspiring faith’ of Christians in the Middle East
When Charles talks about being a defender of faiths. He has made the point that his idea of “Defender of the faith” is not to defend Protestantism at the expense of other religions. I suspect what he’s saying is, he’s also a defender of Catholicism and Orthodoxy – but he has to mention the others, so as to not trigger the Protestant radar screens. As to Charles preferred Roman Catholic position, I suspect he would rather attend a traditional Latin Mass on the quiet, to a “Susan from the parish council” while pretending outwardly he is a Protestant.
Also, be not surprised that if UK Labour is elected, they get lobbied by the royal household i.e Charles and his boys to remove the “Protestant provisions” in the Acts of Succession and Supremacy on the grounds that such things are discriminatory in C21st society.
And if that happens, he might just convert.
For a so-called Protestant, he seems to hang out at Catholic churches far more than his “Low Church” mother ever did.
I’m starting to wonder if he’s going to be the one to lay the groundwork for a possible Roman Catholic Monarch that is a generation away.
If so, we can know with certainty that he’ll have The Vatican’s blessing. (As I’ve said, ad nauseum here in the cafe, The Vatican is every bit the geopolitical player as the City of London & The Pentagon. Its been working at ‘reeling in’ the Protestant & Orthodox Churches since the respective Schisms)
Note 1: There’s a High Church of England, a la ‘Roman Catholic-lite’ and a Low Church
Note 2: “Susan from the Parish Council” is the flagship of a series of satirical social media accounts lampooning the perceived state of the Church
Uncle Davy,
IMHO, the betrayal you allude to goes much deeper, systemic really, and precedes the birth of QE2 or even her recent ancestors. The more I contemplate the rosy profile of the US Founding Fathers, irrespective of their many worthy documents, initiatives and impulses, the more it appears a deceit. They maintained essential allegiance to the “deities” of their transatlantic Masonic network. Perhaps the specific dispute was not even monarchy (indirectly maintained in guise and with dishonest new terminology) but the need for A Clean Start (where have we heard that again?) and to lesser degree odious taxation and overhead rent..
Image manipulation is everything to these incestuous bloodline creatures.. if you were in their shoes, a known permanent predator worldwide, how would you obtain periodic breathing room? You rebrand. You permit pieces of your bloodlines to periodically splinter off and feign sovereignty. We see it every year with their proxies obtaining new names, acronyms and/or shoulder insignias, etc.. like shell companies with multinationals and international raiders and crooks.. nothing new under the sun.
I suspect the same occurred during the interesting rule of Henry VIII and the Anglicans (the British Reformation). Or perhaps they were gradually returned to the Vatican fold? Regardless, Zone A Pirates are currently circling bandwagons and consolidating in the face of overwhelming resolute opposition from Zone B. I saw this most impressive video from White Board Gematria a couple years ago, but YT nuked his channel. Therein he demonstrated the subjugation of Protestantism and ending of their Reformation in its 500th year in 2017, under auspices of Frances.. it was almost like planned obsolescence! They repudiated the Reformation! With nary a squeek by its leadership worldwide. In fact they participated in solemn ceremonies with the Pope.. btw, this may be why the Templars Knights emblem has been resuscitated. It harkens to a period of near-singular Purpose in western affairs, the first series of Crusades, beloved to the British (Lionheart) and Papal domains alike.. Their current push to maintain and expand Hegemony requires a similar consolidation and focus..
Under secretary of state for political affairs: Much thanks for your explanation in the last Cafe. I wasn’t sure whether you were serious which is why i explained the opposing perspective.. (it is hard to appreciate satire until you get to learn a person) So yeah, many continue to be fooled by the pomp and prim pretensions of the British purple ones..
Fortunately Russian deciders are not fooled. This has been repeatedly demonstrated since week 1 of the SMO: on February 27 they put strategic forces on high alert which explicitly followed comments by Liz Truss (oh boy, let’s stock up on antacid and iodine now..); by national TV simulations of Poseidon-generated tsunamis rolling over the Sunless Isles; by calling out the shameful UN British delegation behaviour, unprecedented since the League of Nations in forbidding the holding of a requested urgent meeting over an international crisis; by public humiliation in executing their two mercenaries at the Donbas trials; by sailing their destroyers through the Irish Sea, fleets through the Channel and parking off Ireland/Britain, etc. Enough warnings to get through even the cranium of the studiously ignorant.
So Russia maintained focus and pressure on Perfide Albion and signalled they consider it a key Head of the Hydra. And if the modern Phoenicians do not cease and desist, Trusst may be their Last PM.
Btw, what are Stimpy’s odds that the “SMO” terminology will get upgraded within the next 4-6 weeks? Given ever increasing lusty occidental involvement, which now threaten so many villagers, the Bigger Britches of bigger deployments require a Bigger Designation, no?
Tommy Re: “AHH Maybe, but it is worth to consider? I cant use it for anything.” You are right about the big picture. That is why I hardly discuss these things.. We little people cannot know one way or another. But it is more than academic to those who have the resources and can dig up the truth. Imagine if it was a clone. It would reveal a lot of who is really the power behind the throne, based on little discrepancies and deviations with the original [admittedly limited] model.. It makes the hiding of Mr. Global more difficult – or at least the hunting down of his lieutenants that more easy. In fact, I think at this point, a lot of the game is assigning names, faces & other biometrics and coordinates to targeting software. This is where clone-acts and desperate deception intersects with and seeks to escape drone-wars and ultimately hypersonics..
Re: This link made me think about the public perception of Hitler. Up to 2010-2015 Hitler was still Hitler as told in history books. Slowly they started in media to insinuate very slightly that Hitler not was that bad as we had been told.
Exactly. I had left the West in this timeframe you describe, so didn’t see the mass seduction and mindwashing. However, I noted the appeal to intellectuals and historians even in earlier decades.. doesn’t the PR begin insidiously with these more difficult barriers to Untruth? As Mr P notes, and the Saker has also written extensively of it over the years, there is a drive to equate Nazi and Soviet deeds. A subset objective of rehabilitating nazism. You could say this was a successful campaign where it counted – among Europeans now supporting UkroNazis, in part due to these subliminal and subconscious manipulations.
@AHH “Perhaps the specific dispute was not even monarchy (indirectly maintained in guise and with dishonest new terminology) but the need for A Clean Start (where have we heard that again?) and to lesser degree odious taxation and overhead rent.. ”
I agree.
As Chomsky said the US was the first nation in history established as an Empire. It was :
1 always the need to have two of everything – twin towers, etc, etc in case the first one fails
2 to obscure where the real (financial) center of power lay: the City of London
3 for it to do Britain’s fighting
re: “We see it every year with their proxies obtaining new names … like shell companies with multinationals and international raiders and crooks” also explains why the US is “agreement incapable”
from the Wolfowitz Doctrine, rolled into the Bush Doctrine after 9/11 …
“Unilateralism – The doctrine downplays the value of international coalitions.
[quote] “Like the coalition that opposed Iraqi aggression, we should expect future coalitions to be ad hoc assemblies, often not lasting beyond the crisis being confronted, and in many cases carrying only general agreement over the objectives to be accomplished” [emphasis mine]
Like the British, after being fought to standstill by a guerilla movement, they signed the Waitangi Treaty w. NZ Maoris, and then went away and interpreted it to their own advantage.
They never have any intention to honor an agreement.
re: “I suspect the same occurred during the interesting rule of Henry VIII and the Anglicans (the British Reformation). Or perhaps they were gradually returned to the Vatican fold?”
I suspect its the other way around. With Pius XII’s death in 1958 & Vatican II in the 60’s, it was the RC that’s been “protestanized”. I suspect that the PTB seeking to establish a NWO, need a titular head like the British monarch for Britain’s former colonies & the English-speaking world to be ‘World Monarch’ keeping the 3 centers of power intact:
1 London, the financial
2 The Vatican, the spiritual &
3 The Pentagram, the military
Just a random hypothesis I’m working with, atm.
Mr P,
that b&w footage of Zhukov you posted above with him inspecting the Berlin rubble of May 1945 is absolutely horrifying!! The reel has the most fitting score, a mournful dirge. Especially in light of the gleeful madwoman who replaced BoJo and the relentless mindlessness of Oceania which leads to inescapable denouement. (Dear Tommy, note well @ 1:25 the caption, “the dead body of Hitler’s double..” How many doubles did he have? To this day, Hollywood snickers not so subtly of the many “gutten männer” that escaped to the Americas)
.. and most impressive Daimler-Benz at 2:30!! German aesthetics and engineering Lol
As you know, a theory I have entertained this last year was the contrived physical obliteration of the Anglo part of the AZE at hands of the now dominant Zionists.. Eschatology reigns supreme. The Ancient Snake is shedding its sclerotic Occidental skin. They seek to constrict the world, remove both the West & Russians from the Stage as Superpowers, and set up HQ from a smaller shop in Jerusalem – all via catastrophic nuclear war. It only takes one side to force the issue. None of the shocking developments in eventful 2022 have so far disproved this hypothesis. In fact it has bolstered the raison for inevitable drive to the Götterdämmerung.
Re “Charleyboy and his patrons” I was thinking of his Ascension too! Much of this passing of the torch may be about him.. Recall his decades-long Green Portfolio, to rival any madness seen by Habeck and the deindustrializing Greens in DE or His Majesty’s Secret Servant the Bankster Mark Carney of Canada, etc.. and the seminal 2021 COP26 conference was held in Glasgow, Britannia. The Green Madness was always calculated to receive the baton from the pandemic, a one-two deep-sixing of the global economy and Petroleum Man. What better Steward than Charles III?
Bonbon, see Tucker Carlson’s recent nauseating Ode to the departed Queen which bizarrely became Nostalgia for.. a benign civilizing Empire which never genocided any except the Boers! The Truth and its enemy minions will Out..
September appears the most predicted month for the Club – after the 10 days mourning for the Queen ends with her funeral on the 19th, then a German parliamentarian let slip something planned for around the 24th and the Vatican wants bank funds pulled in by the 30th.. So an emotional event, (a European Pearl Harbor-type event), appears scheduled between the 19th and 24th.. I recall September 23 is also a heavily messaged number of the Club. Resuming heating homes with dung and huddling dark nights together in flea-infested blankets requires a major shift in Narrative. This appears imminent.
Reminiscing on tunes from youth, such as from September (sung by a signature band of the Club), hopefully we can make it to late December!
Jimmy Flies By:
I’ve benefitted a lot from Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF to her fans) since early 2000s when she used to be with my alltime fav geopolitical blog, the British “Sanders Research Associates.” A very sharp lady who follows the money trail of the Banksters and Financial Vampires. For example, she knew something juiced the sea-bed leading to [Fukushima or the Bali earthquake disaster] just by noting the wave of preceding shorts and movements in the market.. But how many are so equipped? Or live to tell the tale?
She has two recent sayings I always keep in mind, (1) Misery is a Business Model (which Father expanded to point toward the geographical location of Europe and Switzerland in particular), and (2) nevermind Conspiracy Theory, it’s the way the world has always operated. “If YOU are not in a Conspiracy, START or JOIN one.”
When I wrote about the “movie404 script” I was unaware of the twitter video Brother Turner posted of the member of Reichstag, er “Bundestag”. The video and audio reveals, I think, a highly agitated speaker. And there are “harrumphs” from audience… Yes, “it” looks like the nazis are going to double the bet with infernal gadgets. Tispis (MIT nuke expert) once wrote that the worst possible nuclear explosion would be when a nuclear weapon detonated on the containment of a nuclear power station…that was, I think, about 1978 or so. That was in the political/scientific organ “Scientific American”, and had nifty maps. The maps were of the US, but of course that aspect was part of the political propaganda…white propaganda. (My previous post above https://nymas.org/radioproppaper.htm includes, in case people haven’t read it, definitions of white/grey/black subgenre of propaganda)
Fleas…I note that the Great Philanthropist Billy-The Ghateskid is said to have cooked up “spanish flu” and I remember that they also cooked up “the black death” germs… I previously mentioned typhus. But yes, your implication…fleas, filth, “Volksempfängerfunk”, with no ‘net. One might expect Wagner playing endlessly.
I am curious about the speaker in the video…his CV and history…who is he, I wonder…
To the list of indicators may we also note and add that Rabbi told the Jews in RF to leave, rather reminds me of Al Franken and “the Jew call” he told about warning him about 911 demolitions. The Rabbi’s call is consonant with Jewish Legal Tradition, I believe…
Now then, let us recall that Russian intelligence services probably have the bigbignaziPlan…which recalls to mind some very recent and very quiet executive meeting(s) at the highest level in Kremlin.
Bless us all…it looks like Plan R is actually afoot. But “Kissoff” may beat’emtothepunch. Father would have done…he learned street fighting like Putin did, but in New York’s Bowery during and after W1, and in 1940’s Los Angeles – and had the scars to prove it…
Whatever happens, we’ll have to suffer it.
I like your remarks about Charley. I wonder how his street fighting skills are, eh!
Keep kool all. P
I’m trying to stay kool but even our ACs are struggling against 45C!
“Yes, “it” looks like the nazis are going to double the bet with infernal gadgets… To the list of indicators may we also note and add ..”
I think another indicator may be Russia pulling/saving its best men out of the theater.. I note around Kharkov and most of the Donbass really since Day 01, they have refrained from deploying the best men or equipment. It has been mostly local militia, PMCs such as Wagner, and Chechens.. but even this group has been thinned in recent weeks – a natural coincidence of tempo and/or rest & rotation or timed to an expected major FF??
A major constraint on Russia from the get go has been acute awareness of these looming and endlessly messaged WMD events.. some have clearly been BS (part of AZE mindwars) but they are capable of such perfidy and thus were hamstrung to a degree.. Clearly Russian redlines and warnings against using WMD will not deter the suicidal. It is most fascinating to watch. The Parasite has apparently convinced the Anglo and European portion of its domain to commit open seppuku. It’s rolling out in slow mo.
Why would Twitter have a German vassal publicize it? It is a gauntlet to Russians; “What ya gonna do Bout it, sucka??” i.e. white propaganda to the opposing elite. Again, like late February, they are being maneuvered to strike first. imho, part of their calculations involves getting Russia to strike first.. and it has nothing to do with swaying Zone B or other humans.. ironically elite satanists fear the Lord more than believers! They know the Rules and Consequences. And they fear immediate Judgment, and so ever futilely try to deceive Him by maneuvering their intended victim to strike first (through unending salami tactics and 1,000 little daily cuts).
After these months of the SMO I finally begin to understand why the Roman Republic was forced to completely annihilate the Phoenician bastion of Carthage! Out of pure rage and to obtain some peace, they even salted the most fertile and industrious farmlands of their era, and blotted their memory from History! Their greatest foe Hannibal meant “the Grace of Baal” or Moloch/Satan.. ever were “the greatest” generals and conquerors animated by darkest spirits, merely being a new skin-suit in the real eternal war.
“I am curious about the speaker in the video…his CV and history…who is he, I wonder…”
I don’t understand, which speaker? The Sep 23 video doesn’t have a speaker. Do you mean the content creator?
Father would have done…he learned street fighting like Putin did, but in New York’s Bowery during and after W1 cc
I wrote a paper over three decades ago on the Bowery.. might have been on a work by Stephen Crane, I forget.. one of best novels i read, “The Cabinet of Curiosities” by Preston and Child, explored it indirectly.. featuring nazi-like human medical experimentation! Subsequently several other books and movies of the period (see Scorsese’s “Gangs of New York 2002”) drove home the point this was something that coulda featured in A Tale of Two Cities, the absolute cynicism and callousness! Kids working age 5-6, no occupational hazards protection, in fact complete contempt for human life and dignity in the mindless drive for profit. The Bowery in its long history also served as a magnet for destitute immigrants into this notorious NYC slum. How far from Ellis Island to the Bowery, where the American Dream died for many, as soon as they’d arrived? How many times was it destroyed, and even literally covered over by elevated rail tracks? Darwinism on steroids, the complete 180 reversal of the soyboy woke NYC of today. They wouldn’t have lasted a day in those conditions back then. The Robber Barons squeezed their bloodmoney outta the entire underclass.. Respect to your Dad for surviving then getting out!
Thanks for the kind reply, Brother.
““I am curious about the speaker in the video…his CV and history…who is he, I wonder…”
I don’t understand, which speaker?” (it’s 24 September, my error!)
The gentleman speaking in the video is the object of my curiosity https://twitter.com/i/status/1565716868484177921 Since he seems to have spoken rashly, in abject remorse he may now be seen to jump out of a tall building…who can say? But what’s his name and CV, etc?
(Brother Turner, just now, claims mucho stuff’s afoot…actual declaration of W, bigbig Ruski blasting of target 404, how nice. Quite a presentation for Brother T…nifty pictures and all of that)
I ought to have said, about Father’s days street fighting…at that time he was the scion of a wealthy family. His private school was located in the Bowery. He had to fight the gangs every day. When the time came for Harvard or Yale, for which he’d been prepared, his father was in dire financial circumstance… He led a brief and turbulent life, Manichean, in a sense. He did not live to see JFK murdered in Dallas…but he knew a confidence game,and a snow-job, when he saw one. Withal, he had the skill to know when to strike first without wasting time. He was a very kind and good man, and a wonderful father, beautifully educated. Sometimes, in recollection I smoke one of his old briar pipes. He taught me some fighting skills, but I lack his street smart reactions. That said, I have never lost a fight, though I have left in a hurry many times too!
Perhaps you have read “the financier” ( Theodore Dreiser )? The antediluvian bifurcation of the Quaker Tribe, if I may call it a tribe, produced notational Quakers who believed that great wealth was proof of God’s love, as well as another set that lived a moral and frugal life in farming and law/medicine – and who regularly smuggled the enslaved people to Canada, at mortal peril to themselves. Father was caught between these irreconcilable features. Mother did not suffer from such moral contradiction…it was a stressful youth for me. I never expected to live this long, nor to be so fit in the elderly phase.
Maybe there will be time enough to go fishing before the war gets to the “strike first” stage…and the critical kinzalzoneCONUS do not include Anoxia…so, as Carlin said, we’ll have “a front row seat” at the final act of the freak show.
Keep those children close, Brother!
Baal is a semitic word, it means lord. It refers to God, the Lord.
Perhaps you have it backwards, AHH old mate. The Romans were the devil worshippers.
@AHH – Tucker Carlson is prone to dunking in the deep end – an Establishment shill with presidential ambition.
Worse is Steve Bannon – any comment there on Her Heilness?
“Worse is Steve Bannon – any comment there on Her Heilness?”
Sorry bonbon, I can’t stand to watch either. I have rapid gag reflex! I found the Tucker clip by accident on the Armstrong site.. so many royalists popping out of the woodwork! 🤨 it can’t be miseducation so hats off to the mindwashers. Tribalism or blood is thicker than water..
Wow Mr P,
Merz of the CDU is no maverick shooting his mouth off. This was calculated as I suspected.. He smells like a John Kerry (the wooden wannabe “JFK”). This is a golden member of the old boys club. Wiki is a loaded horrorshow.
▪︎ Was a rival to Merkel in his youth, giving way to earn millions in law “mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, and compliance.” All will be household terms in Germany’s near future..
▪︎ A private attorney for “the German Chemical Industry Association in Bonn and Frankfurt from 1986 to 1989.” What a better hitman to take world leading BASF & gang down? It is like sending Don Corleone’s lawyer..
▪︎ A devoted globalist and fanboy of NATO/US who returned to CDU leadership near retirement of Merkel.. a handoff to the Bad Cop?
▪︎ besides leadership privileges handed by his AZE masters, his party niche has been “financial markets and the national budget..” – the ideal Technocrat to emplace as Deutchland is being starved of energy and lifeforce collapsed? He will literally determine who gets the little juice, when, on which conditions and at what price.
▪︎ He has worked to check Schröder for eons, “he was the opposition leader in the Bundestag during Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s first term..” – so the latter can wine & dine Russians in Moscow as much as he wants but his nemesis roams Berlin..
▪︎ “Merz advocates a closer union and “an army for Europe.. Merz is Catholic and of French Huguenot descent on his mother’s side..” Is he the “conservative” primed to take the baton once crazy Greens-Scholz are jettisoned, like Trump with the Dems? And his mixed background, professional law training in mergers, and open advocacy for union (w/ France, who else?) in the setting of Wolfgang Schäuble’s recent opinion of sharing French nukes, clearly indicates old irredentism stirs in Olde Europe. Too little too late? What’s their hail Mary?
Regardless, this was ideal man to send messages on behalf of the Empire.
Mr P I have been kissing the kids so much lately I leave bruises, they think I am best Dad in world, and the wife is getting jealous!!
Please no one ask “where’s Gonzalo Lira?” (That includes Sean..) He has no electricity now! And how will he make those gallons of coffee now??
A very good book on what to expect from King Charles the 3rd. by Joan Veon back in the late 90’s. A very powerful man working behind the scenes.
@Jerry, While Charles has worked hard to establish his enviro credentials. I suspect it serves the City of London better to maintain the illusion of the division of labor between the US as military muscle OTOH, & the UK as the brains trust OTO.
Unless the ’50 states’ disintegrates, too much has been invested in the American psyche of freedom (from monarchy/tyranny) & democracy for it to morph back into a British colony, altho in truth it still is.
I suspect the stronger motivation is the establishment of an anglo-American NWO w/ Charles as World Monarch & a united church: Protestant & Roman Catholic (they’re intent in subduing to Orthodoxy) centered on a protestanized Vatican.
More great stuff:
Thank you Russia!
The new symbol of the Russian Armed Forces is quite noticeable. In fact, it is the reverse of “annuit coeptis”, a symbol related to the new world order and the illuminati, and a motto on the reverse of the great seal of the U.S. (adapted from Virgil’s Aeneid IX:625).
The reverse symbol is clearly visible in the recent video by –
“Evgenii Poddubnyi from the front lines” (1.35)
Hold on there buddy. Dont trigger lemmings and other crazies among us! The mindwashing and graphite products are already straining their flimsy grasp on lucidity. I love conspiracies more than most, but even I have my limits.
(1) It doesn’t look like the Masonic symbol.
(2) Russians have their methodology for armored vehicle markings from Day 01 of the SMO. Could this be an adaptation to armored vehicles from Belarus, with a down pointing triangle to emphasize the “O?” An “O” can otherwise get lost among similar markings or appear like part of a number with a zero.. Sometimes a triangle is just a triangle, and not their accursed Pyramid. Let’s get clarification from Auslander and other knowledgeable folks..
A gift to connoisseurs of Numerology:
Tommy started to ask a question about the Queen and the number 96.. I knew he was onto something, but there are more talented folks to explain the riddle. True to form, here is WBG again, who has carefully followed their numerology and actually ties in many themes we discussed over the last year, especially the seven biblical years cycle and Simpson’s 4 Horsemen..note so many possible September days and even the cloak with the Cross of Malta she wears, which i just showed too. This is a VIP anteroom of the roman catholic branch of the Club. He ties in the Pope’s inauguration of Agenda 2030 (sustainable development), during the start of Lagarde’s last seven-year cycle in Sept 2015.. of which Charles III is now Steward to commence the new seven-year cycle beginning this month. A truly evil AI appears to run the Club. And it is seeing off its most devoted footsoldier in quite a style.
Tommy, keeping the real Queen on ice for a couple years serves the additional imperative of adhering to their demented Numerology.. in her case to reach 70 years of reign at age 96 and die on 9/8 in the year of 2022, with all it portends. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, with these tormented creatures revolves around sticking to the preordained mathematical script. Imagine the suffering minions forced to manually count for them “auspicious future dates” in the many ages before computers.. 😂🤣
Don’t over think this, maybe she just cried 96 tears all the way to death.
Dear AHH,
“The down pointing triangle to emphasize the ‘O’ ”
could just be a taunt on the planned great reset, bringing about a new world order…
Didn’t mean to say it was a Masonic symbol.
Moreover, the Russians very well understand such symbolism.
The last photo of “Queen”, with Truss, doesn’t seem to be of a person who is on her death bed.
I cheated. I made her die at 6.9. So it was not planned by deep state dark cabal forces as I wanted it ;-).
Round and round we go,
where we stop,
the merry go round knows.
Add the story’s,
add the parts,
if the sum is less,
change your dress.
The Queen is dead,
and wont come back,
but the bus is on time,
so get in line.
Crazy’s in the air,
and chaos on the streets,
better to take 10 days off,
and get you some sleep.
Down is up and up is down
When the devil is in town.
Good is bad and bad is good,
When the devil’s in the ‘hood.
Wrong is right and right is wrong,
When the devil tags along.
Loss is win and win is loss
When the devil is the boss.
Who keeps up w/me,
Who keeps up w/you,
the devil of course.
The Devil may keep up with us, but only with the part
of us that belongs to him. Soul does not belong to the
Devil and can never belong to the Devil, but It may be in
an inert or a sleep state with the mind running the show.
Some signs that the Negative Force has control of someone
is being set in one’s ways to the point of not being able
to tolerate any one else’s viewpoint, being quick to judge
others, easily angered, interested in gossip etc.
Soul’s vibrations are so high that It needs courser bodies
to experience the reality of this world. The Negative Force,
aka The Devil, or the Lord of the Lower Worlds, provides
Soul with psychic bodies, including physical, emotional,
causal/mental bodies or sheaths that Soul is furnished
with during Its incarnations in order to much grosser
vibrations of the psychic worlds.
Soul of Itself does not belong to the Devil, and the Devil
has no jurisdiction over Soul. The Devil is tasked with en-
trapping Soul, and does this through baiting Soul’s weak-
nesses creating attachments to mental passions, which
polarises Soul’s attention on those passions, blinding It
to Its higher interests.
Glad we escaped him, he does have formidable numbers and credits but his relationship to soul is interpretative and therefore, must be judged.
With equanimity they keep going
Will without affect their anguish also go
Not knowing whence they be going
They still keep going those who must go
Found Bundestag speaker> Friedrich Merz, cdu. There’s a wiki and more…he’s the fella speaking of 24 September…
For the doubters …
“Russian Aerospace Forces, missile forces & artillery are launching precision strikes on AFU units & reserves in Kharkov region.
“Strikes resulted in elimination of military personnel & equipment of units of 14th & 92nd Mechanized Brigades & 113th Territorial Defense Brigade of AFU as well as deployment point of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov Region. Enemy losses were over 200 servicemen.
In addition, during the day, concentrated fire strikes destroyed AFU units in areas of PRISTIN, BOLDYREVKA, SINIKHA, BELOYE, KOMAROVKA, GOROKHOVATKA, KUPYANSK, SENKOVO and PODVYSOKOYE of Kharkov region. 250+ Ukrainian servicemen were destroyed.
“On Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction, high-precision missile strikes destroyed a temporary deployment point of units of 36th Brigade of AFU Marine Corps near NIKOLAYEV. 100+ servicemen of the enemy were lost.
“In total, from SEP 6-10, Kiev regime losses were more than 4,000 dead & more than 8,000 wounded in these 2 areas [Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction & Kharkov] alone.”
M. K. Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline
My note: It pays to be patient – demilitarization is proceeding nicely.
Again for the doubters:
4 hrs ago #Breaking “Donetsk leader has fled to Russia and resigned is what Ukraine and other western media sources are reporting. This is just more lies and propaganda, here is a video Denis Pushilin released an hour ago from center Donetsk stating all that is fake and DPR pushes forward.” (in Russian, 2:20)
An interesting article on the situation in Russia/Ukraine with some historical contexts. Here is an excerpt from it:
Donbass has come a bloody path to be with Russia. What will “Donbass Golgotha” become for the Russian world, Russian history?
– In my opinion, this tragedy, for all its severity and irreparable losses, allows us to learn several lessons.
The first one is historical: under no circumstances can momentary political benefits be bought at the price of cutting off to someone the lands inhabited by Russians. And if this happened for any reason, the status and rights of the separated part of our people must be reinforced concretely guaranteed – both on paper and with the help of military bases, if necessary.
Second lesson. It is impossible to solve the “Russian question” on the borders of the Power, without having decided on it within the country. This will still have to be done when the regions where the right to be called Russians have defended with arms in their hands are consolidated in one form or another with Russia. While being Russian in the Russian Federation is somehow embarrassing.
Third. It is impossible to give the internal spiritual space at the mercy of Western liberals, and at the same time fight for geopolitical sovereignty. It doesn’t happen. Let me remind you that before the invasion of Napoleon, the entire Russian elite spoke French, and after the victory this fashion passed without any royal decrees.
I hope it will be the same now. Well, the main food platform of the capital cannot be called Food City. It can’t – that’s all.
Fourth lesson. For disrespect for the historical memory of neighbors should be punished. Demolished the “bronze soldier” – sit without gas, think. Stupid? How about imposing sanctions for disapproving same-sex marriage? There are other lessons, but about them next time.
– Will the front-line soldiers fit into modern society upon returning home?
And one more subtle point. Now the so-called scandal of 1946 has been forgotten. By the way, Boris Slutsky has an excellent poem about this. The bottom line is this: the front-line soldiers returned home and saw what was happening in the rear. “For what blood was shed!” – then these words were on the lips of many. There was a conflict, although the rear during the war years worked heroically and harmoniously.
Stalin , as a wise voluntarist, found a way out: front-line soldiers began to actively receive education and become widely involved in state structures, law enforcement agencies, science, and culture, greatly ousting, and even ousting, the pre-war elite, although they did not sit out in evacuation.
I am sure that the restoration of the country, and the subsequent breakthrough into space – all this was largely fed by the will, energy and disinterestedness of the front-line soldiers. I still found them: amazing people, energetic, honest, fair, with powerful sovereign thinking.
Gorbachev’s collapse was also predetermined by the fact that he relied on a different human type, on a generation that decided to take a break after the trials that fell to their fathers.
If our government, after the victory in the South of Russia, does not rely on people who went through the crucible of Donbass, it will lose a lot. And if she again trusts the clinical hedonists of the zero years, which now prevail among managers, she will make a fatal mistake, the consequences of which are unimaginable …
Yuri Polyakov: After the victory in the South of Russia, the authorities should rely on people who went through the crucible of Donbass
For those who think that QEII shouldn’t be blamed for the atrocities Her Majesty’s Government committed around the world:
Her Majesty and the UK Armed Forces – A former Chief of the Defence Staff reflects on Her Majesty’s unique contribution to the Armed Forces of the UK by General the Lord Houghton of Richmond GCB CBE DL
1. “The sovereign, however, does formally remain the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces”
2. “It is this relationship that The Queen developed, and which involved her in a role that combined many elements, the most obvious of which were leadership, support, custodianship and inspiration. It was a role that demanded a remarkable mix of insight, subtlety and personal example. The insight required was derived from a huge amount of formal and informal sources: from cabinet papers, official minutes, visits, lunchtime conversations, more formal calls from Service chiefs and cabinet ministers, no doubt less formal ones from family and friends.”
Re: Baal is a semitic word, it means lord. It refers to God, the Lord.
Perhaps you have it backwards, AHH old mate. The Romans were the devil worshippers.
Yes you may be technically correct (I am not a linguist). However evil is insidious! And the patterns of History consistent. They seek to corrupt what was originally wholesome or neutral and rebrand to themselves. Like simple colors like orange or red or the rainbow nowadays.. they are most unoriginal and small-minded. “Jesus” is similarly proclaimed Lord by many satanists today! What they dont say is that it is merely a title for them, really a conjunction of “Ya-Zeus,” or whichever demonlord they worship in order to fool the Christian majority among which they live..
so with changing the original intent of Baal (if it was so). For example, the famous narration of Jezebel recounts her pioneering idol worship of Baal among her people.. the city of Baalbek in modern Lebanon was similarly an ancient Phoenician city, having kept the same root word. Most Christians and Muslims are oblivious to the historical roots of their cherished names, symbols and emblems.. Even the capital of the Abbasids, nowadays known as Baghdad, consists of the merger of two idols, Bagh and Dadd! It is sad ongoing mockery and self-debasement, but most worldwide are ahistorical.
Baal (also Ba’al) appears the same as Pharaonic Ra, or Greek Zeus, Roman Jupiter, etc.. Satanism is proud and arrogant and in your face hegemonic, like the masonic symbolism all over US capital or on the USD bills and in their emblems. Nothing new.
Further the Phoenicians, who spread through much of the southern and eastern Mediterranean, were famous worshipers of Moloch the bull god. Recently, and not ironically, the Vatican proudly displayed this statue of Moloch (to which were sacrificed children) in front of the Colosseum, which once sacrificed Christians.. quo vadis?
As for the Romans, yeah they were pagans too, but not as oppressive yet. Not overflowing with decadence and rank satanism. Evil is relative. Phoenicians and their later dominant Carthaginian offshoot (like USA offshoot later taking over from the British) were much more destructive and absolute in their thinking. Think neocons high on meth and adrenochrome. They were a direct Sea People analogue to the British Empire. They controlled much of the sea trade, the agriculture and dominant military technologies of their day.. i.e. Food, Weaponry, Trade, the Connections between Peoples (shipping, swift, USD, WB, IMF..) – see a pattern of Hegemons throughout history? They seek to lord the very air over others. And this is why every iteration of Hegemony has led to their absolute physical annihilation at the hands of an opposing coalition desperate for some Peace.
Unfortunately much of the Phoenicians’ history is lost to us. What was not erased by vengeful motivated Romans has been covered up by their current spiritual brethren to hide the continuous spiritual lineage and eternal modus operandi.
AHH….curious, are you familiar with the origin stories of the black Africans, Rastafari, Salassie. I still wonder why during two Iraq wars Phoenician archaeologists escorted and protected by US military would be on archaeological digs in the middle of a war zone…..thieves, or looking for loot, to say, ‘oh, look we were here first’….like Rastafari having their ‘origin story’ stolen by pale faces from the east…
Cheers M
Baghdad is a Persian word. Baga-data, it means “given by God.” The format of the word reappears in ancient Persian names quite often, like in Romanized ‘Mithradates’, Mitra-data; “given by Mitra”.
Baga was never a reference to any specific deity though, it always just referred to God.
Even today in Iran there are people named Khoda-dad, God-given. It simply implies that the parents prayed to God to give them a child, and when the child came, they named him based on the prayer. Another version is Allah-dad, also common in Iran. Or Ali-dad, which means that the parents prayed to the Saint-Imam Ali to give them a child, etc. I imagine Hannibal would have been somewhere in the ballpark of the modern Iranian name of Khoda-dad.
Couldn’t help but chuckle at “Ya-Zeus”.
Zeus is from the proto-Indo-European root dyaus, which means sky or heavens.
It just so happens that I am a linguist, and a historian, mate. Mr Stanford, at your service.
Let me try and explain another way of looking at Deus-Zeus-dyaus. A little sidebar first. The proto-Indo-European (pre-Sanskrit) deity was Dyaus Pita(r), which literally meant Sky Father, and is also the root of the word Jupiter. In ancient Iran, the equivalent was Dei, which is still a month of the year today.
The Daoist still retain quite a bit of ancient lore in uncorrupted and unconfused form. For example, they say that the body and the spirit are two parts of a whole, yin and yang. The body is like the Earth which is yin, and the spirit like the heavens-sky which is yang. The body is solid like the Earth, the spirit is ethereal like the sky, etc, etc.
Dyaus-pitar, or Zeus the Sky Father, is simply a way of referring to the counterpart of the body, aka the spirit. People associated it with all kinds of nonsense over the ages, so new words had to be made all the time. Today my people the Iranians associate Allah with a bunch of hogwash that has nothing to do with the spirit, hence a new word needs to be made soon.
The spirit is one. It is the force that animates everything. The spirit of the Earth is no different than the spirit of AHH, for example.
As Rumi and others have said, mankind’s problem is separation, separation from the spirit. The illusion of duality between body and spirit, and the consequent separation, is the root of all of mankind’s maladies today, whether you ask the Sufis or the Daoists.
Yin and Yang must be brought together. Yin and Yang together make Dao. The body and the spirit need to be united as one.
To call Zeus, or Baal a demon is a very clever trick to come between the body and the spirit and estrange them further.
There is much more I could tell you, about the linguistic connections, about Roman history, and even about the Sea People who brought about the Bronze Age collapse in the Mediterranean region, but alas, so little time, old mate.
“are you familiar with the origin stories of the black Africans, Rastafari, Salassie.”
Only superficially, there are “1M+” origin stories in Africa! I gave up decades ago. Africans sure can tell stories, lol! And iirc once I heard they considered Salassie “a god”, I lost interest.. too much ganja frying circuits?
Yes, I discussed the expeditions to occupied Iraq a few months ago.. mostly by esteemed high cabal occultists from top Unis. I agree, they were looking to loot, but not mere plunder. Like nazis they were looking for ancient Wunderwaffe.. ancient totems, clay or stone grimoires and perhaps dna.. think digging up Aladdin in his bottle under mountains of sand lol! iirc, the orientalists focused on the ruins of Babylon after 2003, under British occupational jurisdiction.. it brought to mind the Iraq opening scene from the Exorcist, where an ancient imprisoned demon was released. Those former wicked peoples must have also had portals on their territories. IMO, not a coincidence this cinematic link in the archeologic search of fallen former Powers. The last dregs of Truth remain in western Arts! Here’s one intriguing Exorcist decode. Truly the wicked ever toil after delusion and work to increase their toolset of perfidy!
Al-Kaftarbaz / Mousa / Mr. Stanford,
I had a familiar déjà vu sensation of going uphill! Or smashing my noggin on granite! Thanks for telling me who you are. It may be prudent to agree to disagree on these topics, such is the gulf.. I remember you are really set on your understanding of things. and thats ok as there can be genuine divergences of opinion even between two folks on the same topic. There is a need to countenance an opposing opinion though, as what we are taught or learn can be off, even from the best universities. You should know the understanding of a topic changes periodically, even within the same discipline, culture and era..
I am a dark-skinned African (albeit westernized like you to an unhealthy degree, lol) and you are Iranian. I acquired my trumpeted degrees in East Coast Yanqui-land and you acquired yours in La-La Land West Coast. Right there is trouble! Sooo different. And you appear unique and an outlier even among Iranians.. 2-3 Iranians disputed strongly with you several months ago regarding your assertion that Khamenei and new political team were rotten and shouldn’t talk to society about having more children (I pointed out they merely wanted a replacement rate of 2-3 kids, same as any sane leadership) and Iran was going down the tubes. You changed your tune 180⁰ from supporting IRGC last year in a gungho way.
If you are traveling to-and-fro from open prison-plantation Oz, you must have the received metallic products so take care! Pray and understand these products need constant vigilance as we do not know all their ingredients and how they can influence us. As physician who has studied, taught and treated behavioral medicine in the setting of new harmful technologies, I am afraid for most in this age, especially those injected by western Big Pharma. Pray, do cupping,
fasting and other natural healing, and fight off anger and subtle external influences. It is real.
Our divergence of opinion maintains a wider scope and possibility for understanding the past and better protects the group wisdom going forward. It is foolish for us to fight! We just approach things from really different perspectives. Let’s just appreciate the intellectual exchanges without fruitless conflict ok.. also write poetry exchanges w Dimitar and others! We appreciate Rumi.. Tell us how you see things, and accept different views without shooting on sight! That enhances our forum.. arguing with you once led to my biggest regret on this site. I will not go down that route again.
I’d written the following yesterday to better express myself, before you told me it was you, so take it for what’s its worth.. remember I mean well. But am as firm on my position too
We are talking past each other about two different concepts. I try to explain one perspective of history and you focus on contemporary understanding of one language, and which goes over my head. Language, its meaning and usage changes over time. Much of History is concealed, distorted, fabricated. I try to keep an open mind.
“Baga was never a reference to any specific deity though, it always just referred to God.” which God? To whom? The devil is in the detail. Why assume all understand it to mean the same “god?” Why assume it was not transferred long ago, and expropriated, or forced onto a people and they forgot the root after 100 generations? The way Israelis currently pretend they invented Falafel and Hummus.. most cultures live in myth, merely following the paths of their fathers through habit.
From my perspective, the same argument applies to Bagd & Dadd, etc.. it means something innocent to most today, what was it originally 3-5,000 years ago??? None of us can be certain. However we can see what satanists do in every era and culture, and using our minds, we can extrapolate and look backwards with sadness. They always seek hegemony – as expressed in controlling, shaping, mocking, abasing, and to institutionalize blasphemy. Little of innocence remains in most countries now.
What I told you regarding Bagh-dad is not my opinion. I have neither the expertise or the language skills in that department… however a trusted sincere elder expert, knowing Eschatology and half dozen languages and that culture in detail and who wrote on it over decades, explained it many years ago.. the patterns I see everywhere else confirm his truth.
what we currently understand can be superficial and incomplete, as shown with Baal, “Jesus” and most things.. the mindwars started on Day 01, ages before social media. The original intent behind many things has melted in the mists of time. The current good use or intention of most names or symbols cannot change that. Please review and appreciate the central point of my last post.. it is not to win an argument, which doesn’t interest me, I respect your perspective. Ultimately neither can conclusively prove it, lacking the full true history. I merely seek to posit a contour of the wall of Plato’s cave. Language and naming are extremely important. We need to comprehend how it is weaponized by mockers, and subtly altered over time, even if 99.99% are convinced otherwise due to rote cultural practice over the last 50 generations. Otherwise we are no different than GHW Bush who said, “I will never apologize for the United States of America, ever. I don’t care what the facts are.,” after that Iranian airliner was shot down out of the sky.
Nah mate, you don’t need a vaccine to travel to Australia. You never did. But Iran, well…it is a shame what they have done. Mandatory vaccination for all. And currently nobody can travel to Iran if they are unvaccinated. You are greatly misinformed, it seems.
Regarding Baghdad, suffice to say that I speak Old Persian well enough (as well as anyone can speak a dead language) to understand what Baga-data means. And I did not learn this at Stanford, I assure you.
I am sorry that you did not understand what I tried to convey. You could have used it to great benefit, but instead you chose to see it as an argument against your musings. There is no need to get defensive, old man.
Happy days
“You changed your tune 180⁰ from supporting IRGC last year in a gungho way.”
The gungho way in which it was done, you can attribute to youth, AHH — I am probably in the same age bracket as your grandchildren, I think — but not to ignorance. The situation in Iran has deteriorated spectacularly since that day when we spoke of the stock market heist, etc. There is no way that I could convey to you all that I know. But the fact that I changed my tune 180° as you say, and moved as far away from Iran as I could, ought to tell you something.
Just last night, I was talking to my mom in Iran, and she said, and I quote: “It was a good land this (Iran), it is such a pity that it fell into the hands of this lot (the Islamic Republic).” She has practiced medicine in Iran for over 30 years, treated wounded soldiers in the war, and was always upbeat about the future, rarely complaining about the situation there. But the things that have happened in Iran in the last few years…mate, I just don’t even know what to say or how to say it. We are heartbroken. And I speak for my mother and myself and my close friends.
The Islamic Republic sold its soul. And we who believed in its righteousness and defended it, we are the fools now.
Maybe it was/is all a game.
After all Khomeini arrived from Paris, and later the recent team had triple passports even to Israel, children educated in US universities and UK. Some says Rouhani was selected by Obama. Can we trust anything?
So the more Iran got involved with China and Russia it deteriorated you say. We may end up realizing the US interventions were always right :-D.
respected engineers from anoxia,
two concerns with hits on the Ukie power plants.. the non-nuclear ones cannot be repaired for MONTHS at least following Russian “kalibration” right? You had mentioned earlier in the summer so many delicacy issues and needing to obtain millimeter engineering fittings and clearing out bird poop and debris.. so all this talk of “keeping calm” by authorities is pablum, to prevent panic, no? So without ability to pump water and to receive most supplies, the cities and towns lacking self-sufficiency need to evacuate ASAP to avoid starvation, no? They are functional death traps right now, no? Unless they can somehow manage to redirect juice from western regions (and pray those are not hit either). But even there Hal is reporting blackouts to the Polish border..
[N.B. – latest article says all 15 TPPs were built prior to 1991 and thus an “irretrievable loss.” Ukies likely do not have know-how anymore.]
So this still poses the Q: why are they telling everyone to stay put and stay calm when it is really a time to panic?? Are they working on culling more efficiently?? we shouldn’t forget ALL slavs, whether banderist or Russian, are their target. The local gauleiters really could be that ignorant and lack the understanding they need to evac asap.
Second, our author A. posted, “Two Ukrainian nuclear power plants at once – Khmelnytsky and South Ukrainian— began shutting down power units due to the inability to transfer the generated electricity to the grid.” Lord have Mercy. A dozen potential Z NPPs.. without cooling (which requires a grid). Not only is the Ukraine screwed, all downwind northern Europe too.. In fact if Russians do not do a single other thing in the next year, they are still screwed!
(2b) Did Russkies in essence reverse the nuclear gun? The terms for continuing to inhabit livable terrain require negotiation and their benevolent permission? Such as stringing up every banderist and foreign agent and playing the Old Anthem at every town square? the stakes were raised no???
Playing the old anthem – thanks for that @AHH
in the comments under the vid:
“Only a nation that has sacrificed so much can produce such a beautiful anthem”
Truly moving.
This one, and Wales’ Land of My Fathers – are truly inspirational! (Grandma was of Celtic descent)
Well, I don’t know what power stations were knocked offline, but I believe that a TU160 fired the entire bay rapidly, and other birds splash’d out from the sea, from submarines and corvettes…and that the targets were switchgear and transformers, obviously they nailed a big petrofuel tank farm, maybe some troop trains too…but, well, you know, stuff happens. Nukes, generally, need a steady grid and load, they “like” to run in steadystate for months at a time, and grid/load instability more or less obliges the operators to reduce power – maybe to zero, but also, depending, maybe to 20% or so…the machine is “happy” only with a stable a solid load. It’s desirable to make Change as slowly as is practical. This is also true of big thermal stations, or even the little steamers in a WW2 Destroyer…(a Megawatt = about 1,341 horsepower) I assume, too, that concussions have created steam leaks at flanges, etc. Coal-steamers are pretty rugged, and generally fixable…transformers and switchgear not so much. All the powerstations in 404 are Soviet-built…and, I think, all built prior to 1980. A lot depends on past maintenance…40 years + makes an old machine, and all machines have a death wish, as I say.
In 404 t’s liable to freeze at night any time, the people with little water will mostly be cold and in the dark…such a condition may not induce great passionate support for nazijunta404, even among the nazijunta404 itself… “stay put and stay calm when it is really a time to panic…” They’re better off staying put with blankets and family/friends. Longtimeago I did 50 miles on freezing night…and had to run / walk / run /walk to keep from freezing…my feet were bleeding and the blood froze to the asphalt and tore away skin, and I kept running / walking because I had to…believe me, it’s better to stay home.
I understand that the SMO-404 has become, or shortly will become, Anti-terrorist Action 404 (ATA404), and that henceforth the targets will include command and control Kiev & etc, and that rail and power is going to stop, and stay stopped until the nazis are under arrest of dead…mostly dead. The model would be Chechnya, I think. Recall the Lawyer Putin always follows the law, which, in the matter of violence, obliges proportionality…it seems that he’s followed such a basic principle.
“Nuclear Gun reverse”… In a sense I suppose… The constant natonazi shelling and other attacks on NPP-Z are proved now, and they’re major criminal violence in Law. That makes the transition from SMO404 to ATA404 almost axiomatic…404 is now to be seen as a Criminal Organization – an outlaw not protected by law, aka “terrorists” …as in Chechnya – and there the action was to kill every single terrorist, if I recall correctly – I may be off on that.
Actually I doubt it’s worth trying to fix any powerstation in 404, Russia seems to have decided that they’ll be knocked out as fast as they might be fixed, and RF has endless ammo (stories that compatible NK ammo is also being stepped up…ringers to the soviet caliber – copies – interchangeable.
One might imagine East Alliance is forming up to defeat West Alliance (if that’s an alliance).
> That Good Man Herr Merz… What would Zhukov have done with such a man? I think your assessment of his character and function is dead accurate.
Best to All…time to tune in to the eccentric Mr Turner…I want to hear his declare war story”’
(as to “engineer”…I did study for the EIT exam, but didn’t take it. At that time it consisted, here, of 4 consecutive 4 hour sessions of algebraic calculations, 90 seconds average time (open-book, but if you didn’t know what you were doing, you failed miserably). Since then, I hear, it’s been stupidified in the cause of “equity” or some such horsechit).
“..So without ability to pump water and to receive most supplies, the cities and towns lacking self-sufficiency need to evacuate ASAP to avoid starvation, no? They are functional death traps right now, no? Unless they can somehow manage to redirect juice from western regions..”
Yes, I believe it’s called ‘demand destruction’. In this context, I take that term to mean that in order to reduce the draw on the power grid from the NPP/TPPs, measures are taken to ensure there’s no one [left] on the receiving end to use it. Outside of Ukraine to ensure energy spot prices fall, measures have to be taken to eliminate competitive bidders [nations] on the market. Hypothetical musing. But when I look at what Europe will have to do to get through the winter with their industries intact and without total collapse, I wonder.
The way EU has played this so far with their bravado, I’d be forgiven to think the EU was sitting on dozens of clandestine Fusion PP’s – all set up ready to go. Way behind schedule if that was the plan.
Easy power is off, but being a semi prepper and I ain’t in a terror zone being supplied with endless gifts, generators of all sizes and shapes are nifty things…..
Cheers M
Getting our first frost warnings this week.
US/NATO are attempting to swarm Russia. If Russia (& China wh/ will inevitably be drawn in) goes down – we ALL go down! This is a battle of geopolitical world order, not just US/NATO v. Russia, hence The Saker’s excellent description Zone A v. Zone B
– In Yerevan, Pashinyan arrived at the government quarter, it seems like an emergency meeting is already underway
– Reports incoming PM Nikol Pashinyan will soon hold an emergency meeting of the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia
– The Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia Armen Pambukhchyan gave an order to put the rescue departments of Gegharkunik, Syunik & Vayots Dzor regions on high alert to respond if necessary. This is due to the tension on the border.
– Pashinyan held a telephone conversation with Putin in connection with the escalation on the border with Azerbaijan
– Pashinyan considered the actions of the Azerbaijani side unacceptable and stressed the importance of an adequate response from the international community.
– Pashinyan provided details about the provocative, aggressive actions of the Azerbaijani armed forces that began at midnight in the direction of the sovereign territory of Armenia
– They agreed to be on operational contact.
– At the moment, there is still shooting, but its intensity has noticeably decreased, heavy weapons and UAVs are not used.
– On the Armenian side, as a result of Azerbaijan’s aggression, there are demilitarised & wounded – from the statement of the Press Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Aram Torosyan
via @AZmilitary1 on twitter
Thinking about the mysterious 24 September I thought of the Al Franken 911 story … and decided to look up the Hebrew date and Torah reading. September, “Elul”, is the last month in the Hebrew calendar, and the 24 th of September is the 28 of Elul… 5782 is the year.
The readings?
Deuteronomy 29:9 – 30:20
Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9
To get the reading right, use a Jewish Bible, the numerations may otherwise be incorrect.
Reading on this subject one can scry out all sorts of nonsense…but the subject may be interesting, and who can say, one may scry out a valuable insight, or even get to a sort of truth… Doesn’t everybody love a surprise?
Withal> https://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/day.asp?tdate=9/24 (y’all probably ought to read that)
(I spoke with Stumpy about a bet that the zionazifellas would “do a job” on Persia that day, but he said no bet.)
There’s a new start on the way for sure, the King (long live the King), has gne to Ireland, or headed to the North of Ireland; a the rags write it, and ‘the Queens coffin spends its final day in Scotland’, shout the headlines, but is the dead body in it? Not wishinhg to show disrespect for the deceased, however, there’s a farcical element to all this, the high pageantry display and honour seeming to have risen from the dead in a gahstly show of the past, every nuanced, pondered word and detail of the rituals ordered progression a gleeful statement of societal and economic collapse, chaos and loss of political leadership
There are differnt ways of seeing things of course, but I wanted to mention that here for the record, have a great day, aftetrnoon, or evening everyone, and big thanks for the input on here.
Anyone noticed increase in air traffic southern England since Sunday? Sounds like jumbo airlcraft, is everyone leaving the country?