2022/08/30 21:00:02
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A General to be named to the yet unnamed Operation Enduring Buttplug (an homage to shining star Pete Buttigieg?) – A general is not needed to funnel dollars into a bottomless pit. A general can be blamed for failure – taking the heat off Uncle President Pervy Hair Sniffer.
On the passing of former USSR Premier Mikhail Gorbachev
For our youngsters in the Cafe: Gorbachev’s legacy: Glaznost & Perestroika (basically neoliberalism)
-russia’s GDP dropped by 40%
-real wages halved
-poverty spiked from 2.2millions in 1987-88 to 66millions in 1993-95
-millions died under the brutal regime of privatization and “economic shock therapy”
-alcoholism & suicide became rampant
-half a million (approx.) women were trafficked into sexual slavery
This is exactly why the west loved him! He was much more popular in the West than he ever was in the USSR
As Seraphim said the other day: http://thesaker.is/all-the-way-to-odessa/#comment-1142701
“The West always denied the legitimacy of Russia’s Byzantine legacy. It actually denies the legitimacy of a Russian state. It has to be reminded from time to time the hard way that Russia exists – but history shows us that the West never learns.” [my emphasis]
In this seminal account, Zubok blames Gorbachev for much of the mess that followed the USSR’s collapse & reminds us he was always much less popular inside the USSR than in the West
The Fall of the Soviet Union
But Gorbachev gave Russia freedom, and what did the Russians used this freedom to?
They sold out all their goodies incl nuclear weapon knowledge, their free healthcare system, their high quality education system, their lawful right to a property, their Russian speaking buffer states.
Everything incl their own butt were sold out to a saxophone playing possy smoking Bill Clinton for a cheese burger in the hope they would become like Europe.
And all they got was a long crook nose until a few men in KGB decided enough is enough………..LOL.
I totally agree. Russia as part of the USSR had an estimated population of 148.4 million in 1991.Today the population is estimated at 146-147 million people. Not only has Russia lost 2 million people from the 1991 estimate. But we have to add the 30 years of lost birth numbers to that figure. If Russia had the same rate of increase of 1991 today the population would probably be around 165 million people. Gorbachev’s “reforms” cost Russia over 16 million people. Making the disaster of that loss worse for Russia’s population than her WWII losses ( not the 27 million USSR losses,but higher than Russia’s part of them).
What the collapse did to Ukraine and Belarus was as bad. And in Ukraine’s case even worse. Ukraine had 52 million people in 1991, and at most 43 million people today (including Donbass,but not Crimea). Even if you include the Crimea it would still be 7 million less than in 1991 (not including the millions of lost births from 30 years). While Belarus went from a population of 10.2million in 1991,to 9.5 million today (not including the lost births of 30 years).
An interesting report on the horrible changes is (and that was from 1995 and only touches on the disaster) here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12319057/
And excellent set of takes from China on Gorbachev’s passing:
Here’s the Chinese take. Pretty accurate: ‘Chinese observers on Wednesday shared the mixed feeling about controversial politician Mikhail Gorbachev’s passing on Tuesday. The Chinese Foreign Ministry also extended condolences over his death. While the Western politicians praised his historical role for bringing his country closer to the West and ending the Cold War, Chinese observers considered him as a tragic figure who catered to the US and the West without principle, made severe mistakes in judging the international situation, and caused chaos in domestic economic order, all of which are reminder to other countries to stay cautious about any attempt of “peaceful evolution” by Western forces.
In hindsight, Gorbachev is naïve and immature, some observers said, and he represented a certain historical period of USSR, later Russia, shifting between the paths of “seeking an independent way” and “embracing the West.” Blindly worshipping the Western system made the USSR lose independence, and the Russian people suffered from the political instability and severe economic hardship, which China considered a major warning and lesson to draw experience from for its own governance, observers said.
During his time in office, Gorbachev aimed to re-energize the stalled Soviet economy, which was riddled with inefficiency, overblown defense spending and creeping corruption. He called for urgent reorganization and modernization, but soon expanded his reform to the political and social structure of the whole nation, RT said.
The policy of “perestroika” (restructuring) was announced in 1986 as an attempt to reorganize the economy, and another policy proclaimed “glasnost” (openness) with the aim of bringing transparency into society. He also proposed a constitutional change to move to a presidential system and created a new political body called the Congress of People’s Deputies, according to the Russian media reports.
Gorbachev’s foreign policy, also known as the “new thinking,” marked a period of significant improvement of relations between the Soviet Union and Western countries, replacing the era of Cold War hostilities, and in 1986, he announced plans to withdraw Soviet troops from Afghanistan, but it took three more years to complete the pullout.
On Wednesday, some Western officials and netizens shared some highlights of Gorbachev interacting with Western politicians such as a photo of him with then US President Ronald Reagan and then Vice President George HW Bush by the World Trade Center, and his interaction with then UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who considered him as a man “one could do business with.”
One of the most symbolic moments – Gorbachev starring a 1997 Pizza Hut commercial, signaling Russia’s opening up to foreign business, was widely shared by netizens on Wednesday.
When Western media outlets came up with feature stories commemorating Gorbachev, some compared his legacy with Putin’s policies toward the West, especially Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. The New York Times said “Putin sees the Ukraine war as part of his battle to undo Gorbachev’s legacy,” and Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister who resigned in July, said in a tweet comparing Putin with Gorbachev, urging him to stop military operation in Ukraine.
Some Chinese observers referred to Gorbachev as “the one bringing ruin upon himself.” Over the past decade, Russian top leader Vladimir Putin has been learning from the lessons of the Soviet leader in the 1990s, adhering to the country’s own path, observers said.
“Gorbachev made compromise with the West by accepting Western ideologies, turning against the socialist system but now Putin put the national interests above all,” Zhang Hong, an associate research fellow at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Wednesday.
Russia walked down a path where it had to bear some pain and then returned to its own path of development, which is not blindly following the path of the West, Zhang said.
“Gorbachev was deceived by the West. At the critical moment, he could not save the USSR nor the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Wednesday.
China’s opening-up is based on adhering to the four cardinal principles, including upholding the socialist path and upholding the leadership of the CPC, rather than seeking Westernization like the USSR, Wang said.
Despite that Western media outlets are trying to pay tribute to Gorbachev while demonizing Putin, it’s easy to find out from the public records that Gorbachev believed that the US-led West was the part that instigated the Russia-Ukraine conflicts.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US was “hit in the head by arrogance,” which led to the idea of NATO’s expansion and led to the oblivion of the principles of collective security, but it is not too late to resume dialogue, Gorbachev told RIA Novosti in an interview in December 2021.
The root cause of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine could be traced back to the Gorbachev’s policies, especially when he made compromises without principle in discussing the Germany’s reunification with Europe and the US, leading to today’s tragedy, the Beijing-based expert noted.
“The lesson China should draw from such tragedy is to remain vigilant toward the Western forces conducting ‘peaceful evolution’ in other countries, as no matter it’s Western ideas or plans, Gorbachev had catered to the West without principle, which also weakened the Soviet Union’s influence and strength in international affairs,” he said. ‘
PRINCES OF YEN… a lesson for all countries of the globe… and a very sinister stacking of NZs Central Bank.
With all that is happening right at this moment and with impending liquidity and current account challenges for so many countries around the world, perhaps it is timely to remind ourselves of the endless bag of tricks that the City of London/Wall Street Cabal has at its disposal… including further attempts at consolidating blatant debt entrapment.
This Doco is probably the single best explanation I have seen of how Zone A interests use the central banking cabal along with the IMF, and the World Bank to create ruinous sovereign debt spirals.
These are of course dressed up as rescue packages but they are the polar opposite and are expressly designed to ruin economies so that the Western kleptocrats can then pillage their assets and state utilities. Often these countries can operate for some time without being aware that they have committed economic hare kari.
Even their current accounts don’t flag what is really happening, as initially in spite of their exports usually falling in value significantly, this is covered by the inflow of capital from the loans issued from overseas… this inflow of capital appears on their current account books just the same as income from exports does.
The playbook involves giving incentives for firms to borrow from western sources at low-interest rates and the internal bank lending is usually then left to much more high-risk borrowers. Their economies become far less competitive. Part of the cunning plot is that their domestic currencies are pegged to the US dollar.
Normally currency speculators then begin to sell those currencies and the Central Bank tries to maintain the peg but in doing so squanders their foreign exchange reserves. These countries then find themselves in a position where they think they have to borrow more from the IMF in order to avoid default.
When this happened to Thailand during the Asian Tiger economy crisis they were not permitted to borrow from Japan which had offered them favourable terms… instead they had to borrow from the IMF. These creatures set up their own offices within the Thai central bank itself from where they drew up what amounted to terms of surrender for their economy.
These demands always involve strict Western cabal control of central bank and bank credit creation, major legal changes, and sharp rises in interest rates. As interest rates rise high-risk borrowers begin to default on their loans. Then the banks burdened with large bad debts on their books start to fall over. What follows is a bankruptcy tsunami of domino type effect where corporate bankruptcies and unemployment soars.
In Thailand’s debacle, unemployment promptly rose to the highest levels since the 1930s. The IMF did the same in South Korea… they even calculated just how many Korean companies would go tits up if interest rates were to go up by say 5%… guess what, their loan agreement with Korea demanded… that interest rates immediately went up by 5%!! These predatory loan sharks actually prevent these countries from reflating their economies… they are aimed at completely the polar opposite of economic recovery.
They don’t even try to disguise their racket and demand that the ailing financial institutions can only be recapitalised by borrowing even more foreign money. The tragedy is that none of these countries needs to ever go cap in hand to the likes of the IMF… their own central banks could just print the money to recapitalise their banking system… YOU DON’T NEED FOREIGN CAPITAL TO DO THIS.
Clearly, this is blatantly predatory. To make matters worse the IMF demanded that these troubled banks could not be bailed out internally even though the crisis was created by deliberate overseas predatory practices. Western corporations then take advantage of buying up these artificially distressed assets for pennies on the pound.
When a Connecticut-based hedge fund had leveraged $5 billion in client funds out to an outrageous $100 billion and ended up in crisis in the US just a year later, the rules were suddenly entirely different and the FED organised cartel bailouts by leaning on Wall Street and international banks to contribute funds to avoid default.
These are blatant contradictions when the US makes these sorts of demands on foreign markets when it has absolutely no intention of enforcing any of these rules within its own financial institutions.
This is how crises can be engineered to facilitate the redistribution of economic ownership and to implement legal, structural and political change.
Note too that NZs central bank the RBNZ is not independent in any shape or form and that as a member of the Bank of International Settlements [BIS] it follows their playbook… NB the BIS [a very apt acronym] was a Nazi construct formed in the leadup to WW2 and specifically designed to pilfer and launder war booty!
It just got much worse for Mainstreet NZ though. The RBNZ is being stacked with people that are poised to further entrench reverse-apartheid agendas’ in NZ. Mr Global is infiltrating our central bank. Clearly, this is aimed at further steering even more fiscal and monetary policy in order to aid the control of our country by global corporate entities.
This is becoming more and more sinister by the day for little old NZ and looks for all the world like a global central bank coup de tat… it certainly quacks like one!
Cheers and regards to all
You might be interested in this piece by Elisa Barwick from The Australian Citizens Party.
Thanks, Yuri for drawing our attention to that excellent link.
And what a huge success the Japan Post Bank [formed in 1875] which became a fantastic success story of just how much national banking can achieve. This model, which bypassed the private banking system, became the foundation of Japan’s rapid development into a modern industrial nation.
By the 1990s the JPB had become the largest bank in the world [I assume measured by deposits] and helped massively to limit foreign indebtedness.
There was a partial sell-off, but the Govt still owns more than 50% of it. In the meantime, the JPB spawned Japan’s culture of saving by its citizens which in turn, heavily influenced other Asian economies including China.
Cheers and thanks
You’re welcome, Col. Return favour for your great info. My family and I are currently living out of Australia and watching carefully the developments there. This Australian Citizens Party is pursuing this whole dirty banking business. There is a bill to try and introduce the idea of a postal bank into Australia which will before parliament on 7 Sept. Not holding our breath, but it’s a start and seems to dovetail nicely into the clean-up in Ukraine …and further.
Thanks Col, always appreciate your input.
All good 12!
Cheers and thanks
from Graham Phillips
A breakthrough in Graham Philips fight against the UK government’s illegal sanctioning of me today.
After over a month, I’ve now received access to the documents (redacted,
but main information there) used to sanction me, that is the dossier used to make the case to sanction me,
and the process that dossier went through.
Hopefully I’ll be able to publish these documents in full soon, but for now, I can say this,
it’s there in black and white that they knew full well it was illegal,
and it was the UK government’s shithouse attempt to make my being in the UK untenable,
without access to funds and ‘essential personal services’ (their words)
thereby forcing me out of my own country, and into exile.
However, that has spectacularly not worked out for them at all, and now everything is in my hands
More soon, and thanks again for your ongoing support, we are winning this
We are glad to hear from you, Graham. It sounds likely yours is “legal” issue and will need “Legal Advice, most certainly.
Meantime, and despite the perpetrated “energy” costs being ramped up in the UK, or the EU, we have yet to find a British reporter who stands up to reveal the real powers behind those issues going on in the UK/EU.
In America, we do not have even one well educated journalist willing or able to reveal the enormous issues facing multiple millions of citizens.
None of them ever, or even wish to explain why millions of US citizens are in debt up to their ears; why millions are trying to exist on part-time, low wage jobs, while at least 37-40 Million Americans are totally impoverished.
If you want to see what appears to be developing to many UK/EU citizens read/watch interviews by the only honest economist in the West: Dr. Michael Hudson…. It’s hard to believe, but where you now reside may be favorable to your own existence.
Just how marvelous is China’s development today?
This much: UNBELIEVABLE Mega Engineering, How China BUILDS So Fast, World Records Construction Speed
the world is the
temple of spirit, and you
are its sanctuary
clear-voiced cuckoo,
even you will need
the silver wings of a crane
to span the islands of Matsushima
Matsuo Bashō
A reminder to our younger readers: There was nothing even slightly romantic about the Soviet Union. Gorbachev and later Yeltsin simply swapped one failed experiment of communism for an equally damaging one of laissez-faire capitalism.
I’m not a communist but your characterization is unfair.
The West deliberately used hybrid warfare to bring down what was never really communism in the USSR (how ‘communist’ the USSR actually was, is a discussion for another Cafe):
1 the USSR had stockpiled gold, so the West flooded the market leaving it holding an almost worthless asset
2 Pope John Paul I was assassinated w/i 33 days of being elected to be replaced with a Polish Pope to be used a focal point to bring down communism in the Warsaw Pact nations (as Ive said many times The Vatican is every bit a geopolitical player as the City of London & The Pentagram)
3 The CIA had gone into A’stan 6 mths before the 1979-89 Russian invasion aka The Soviets’ Vietnam as the USSR wanted to protect its investments. The Mujahadeen morphed into the Taliban
4 the PR of Pres. Raygan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, aka Star Wars enticed the USSR to waste billions of rubles on useless research
Wherever socialism/communism has been attempted around the world, dark money from the US has rushed in to prevent it determining national destiny (even Cuba whilst allowed to exist sanctions strangle the economic development of the country being the exception)
If we believe in self-determination, we must also honor the economic development model that each nation’s people chooses.
It’s true there has never been communism because it’s an an abstract and everywhere it has ever been tried it turned into a dictatorship and a murderous one at that. When people finally realized what they’d bought into a dicatorship was the only way to continue it. Nothing to do with the west; the same capitalists that ran the west also ran communist societies. You’ll never see a poor working class communist leader. Those who visited or lived in communist societies in the past half century will know what I mean. Life for the ordinary working person in the Soviet Union was not glamorous.
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Kim il Sung killed more people between them in the 20th century than the previous 20 centuries combined.
I have seen Sovjet from site visits and crossed over to Sweden, just after the wall fall. It was a chocking experience between gray concrete and simple consumer products, to a colourful eldorado of richness.
I think Sovjet had its qualities invisible, inside, like education, classic music, chess, research, sport. But if anyone saw the difference on the surface, its obvious they would ran like hell to Sweden. So I agree with you with the reservation for insufficient knowledge. Seen it, but not lived it.
Adding some detail to the outline …
Gorbachev was a criminal. The destruction (by him, Yeltsin & others) of a system that ensured hardly anybody went hungry was a crime against humanity. In post-Soviet Russia, mortality rates rose sharply; there were at least 3 million excess deaths – a veritable genocide.
Rampant inflation following the lifting of price controls and destruction of USSR led to millions of people losing their life savings. A 1/3 of the Russian population fell below the poverty line. Industrial production contracted by 60% in 1990-99; GDP fell by 54%
“Adult Female Mortality rates rose from 116 per 1000 in 1990 to 178 in 1994: Adult Male Mortality rates rose from 316 to 486. Mortality rates in Russia started declining significantly only after 2005, but even in 2014, mortality rates were higher than in 1990.”
The quote and graph on mortality in post-Soviet Russia are from a 2017 article by Subar Denis. Inequality Sharply Higher, Life Harsher in Soviet Russia
As economist Arindam Banerjee points out in a 2020 paper, “The drastic withdrawal of food subsidies [in post-Soviet Russia] was directly related to high mortality rates, akin to a famine-like situation, something not well-recognized in the literature … The total decline in demand for food grains in the former Soviet Union (FSU) during 1990-99 was a gigantic 112.8 million tons … the total increase in world food grain consumption during this period was 148.5 million tons; the FSU demand collapse compensated for 76% of this …”
This graph, from the 2020 paper by Banerjee, shows the drastic collapse of per capita food grain consumption in the former Soviet Union countries following the destruction of the USSR https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbdtA1vVsAEN_01?format=jpg&name=4096×4096
The paper by Banerjee quoted above is: “The ‘Longer Food Crisis’ and Consequences for Economic Theory and Policy in the South”, published in Rethinking the Social Sciences with Sam Moyo (Praveen Jha & Walter Chambati, eds.)
So long as USSR existed it prevented the US from becoming entirely delusional and corrupt. An important balance and limit was lost with the treason of The Great Leader. The cryptonaziwest played him for a sucker, a mark – creating the conditions for both the USSR and, as we see to-day, the “west” to collapse.
Bluntly, Mr G and his cohort not only ruined the USSR, they also set in motion the ruin of “west”.
The hustlers and grifters that played the game on USSR could not beat the mark inside themselves.
“Gorbachev was a criminal. The destruction (by him, Yeltsin & others) of a system that ensured hardly anybody went hungry was a crime against humanity. In post-Soviet Russia, mortality rates rose sharply; there were at least 3 million excess deaths – a veritable genocide.” Yes, but I would add that they destroyed not one system, but two…as ‘most nobody in west went hungry either.
Almost everything you cite does not implicate Gorbachev, but rather those who supplanted him. He was a great man, who chose not to let there be a Russian civil war.
your ruminations on the honey bee in the last Cafe, and the western world’s hypersensitivities with the harmful sequela of its sting (no pun intended), made me connect some data-points I accumulated over the years! I once taught the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis, which focuses on prompt recognition and quick counteraction (say by bee stings) against potential life-threatening swelling in the throat as it can lead to death by asphyxiation. This is done by injecting an EpiPen, or its equivalent via various routes.
Fatal anaphylactic reactions are NOT that common at all, according to multiple sources, such as this systemic review yet it is not only taught prevalently in medical curricula but all schools’ student clinics / nurses stations and many organizations are forced to stock up on expensive adrenaline injectors (at $300 a single-use pop).. Now this is possibly another extortion-freebie to Big Pharma, but I wonder how much of this adrenaline derivative that degrades to adrenochrome serves as a free candy-store to deviants the way Salvation Army and other NGO depots do to some “insider shoppers”?? There are many nefarious layers to the grift and multiple pigs-heads in the trough! The 1990s cult movie Blade even spelled out how blood banks were splurging centers for these deviant elite.. (HDan, another of MANY predictive movies on the return of the ancient Pharaonic Beast…) “..and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and he will speak monstrous things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been decreed must be accomplished..” The more I investigate these rabbit holes, the more I regret.
Kids and insular families are increasingly afraid to venture outdoors due to these fear-campaigns, amplified by the germ-phobia of covid op.. A book on my reading queue is called, “Let Them Eat Dirt.” Can we really reach our human potential with no connection to nature?? And appreciate the Sovereign and his manifold signs too? The war is multidimensional and focused on fully submerging the city slickers into the Virtual Reality of the Meta.
“When a man moves
away from nature,
his heart becomes hard.”
Native American Proverb
Dear Mr P,
Doesn’t it feel like a stymied “Guns of August?” How they must froth at the mouth at the risk of Peace breaking out! VVP shuts down their perfidy left and right. Merely a relentless and boring grind without much fanfare… And each day of additional peace we receive is a blessing..
Found time to catch up on recommended “Geert Vanden Bossche: Warning Against MP.” Was not impressed! This appears a PsyOp. Within the first 45 seconds I noted: (1) his throwing the triple-6 fingers like Trump and other Club members, and as seen in logos of City of Ottawa and Google Chrome browser.. (2) he’s a “dissident” from the WHO (you gotta have the right credentials to get into those orgs from day one, i.e. be a Club member or an idiot, and he didnt strike me as an idiot), (3) said the trigger-word “tip of the iceberg” as was often used of Trump with “tip of the spear.” (4) His interviewer mentioned it was declared a “Public Health Emergency” by the Biden-complex on the 8-4 O’bomber’s birthday, and (5) current numbers were at 6,600 in USA (numerology…)
iow, “by their signs and symbols they shall declare themselves.”
I am also highly suspicious of the interviewer, with the heavy lipstick, long false eyelashes, huge head/ eyes / mouth, mobile Adam’s apple (even if surgically shaved the girth and prominence of the cartilage rings are noticeable with close scrutiny) and distractingly positioned plunging cleavage. The mandible does not match the huge head, indicating further shaving and shaping toward the feminine ideal and oval contour.. so all considered it appears to be Gender Fluid. Voice acting could have been provided to lower pitch (discordant with such deep bony chest) or did it also visit a Turkish vocal-cords surgeon in Istanbul?? As you said about mise en scénes before, it rang all the alarm bells.
The over-the-top presentation does scream mockery.. although insecure/ambitious natural females can ape the style of these creatures per current lamentable fashion. It is also unusual in PhD professionals who usually prefer understated attire.. It cuts both ways (FTM) : a lot of modern western fashion standards, for centuries really since men were forced to shave, is a means of allowing these creatures “to swim unnoticed among seas of prey.”
Regarding overall contours of the terrain, biowarfare remains limited in efficacy and scope given the miraculous immune system, far from fully understood or breached. Starvation, cold, EM radiation and nuclear war are bigger concerns. Of more interest is the predictive programming of 12 Monkeys (and more discussion in a subsequent Cafe here too) as well as the concern of Engdahl about GMO mosquitoes released into the Florida Keys.. Texas and Florida are feared major US targets of the AZE!
Dr. Vanden Bossche may be sincere like Older Alex in his persistent harangue of western Technocrats to come to their senses and reverse course.. but in that case as equally blinkered and in denial of the nature of their subjects and what unfolds.. Regardless of their patient and principled position, and I am far from convinced with VB, events will take their course and are at this point “carved in stone” and outta the hands of either side in the global tussle. Both sides are fully committed to the bitter dregs without room for retreat.
PS – Regarding folk’s persistent obsession with Trump as the acceptable “lesser evil..” Here’s a mirror of the censored Kleck “tip of the spear.” (I do not endorse anything except his breakdown of Trump’s significance and symbolism in the Beast system..) we’ve discussed Trump many times already.. he is a pet project of the Club, being sold as a victim of the FBI/elections shenanigans- a controlled opposition to be swung back into action once the odious Dems finish their demolition job and need to be jettisoned for open Fascism. There are few men as dangerous as buffoon wrecking balls, such as Caligula, BoJo, and DJT! End-stage madness stuff.
PPS – I note your continuing agonizing over Die Linke und Frau Sara W.. I know neither their politics nor much of any politics anywhere, but what do you think of Brother Ma’s opinion of current leftists?? Sounds plausible. Certainly not all are bought. There appears a great disillusionment and falling away (a gelding?) with the dissolution of USSR. And wokeness and tangential issues liquefied what was left of their gray matter..
PPPS – I note the curious situation in each of the major economies in Europe: governments publicly justifying the closure of their industries on the basis of protecting human life. It started with Germany (?) but is spreading like wildfire.
How sincere are the minions of the Black Hole? When did they stop slavishly implementing the madness of the green new deal agenda? I didn’t get that memo.. Isn’t it fortuitous the excuse they have now to deindustrialize? To save lives of course. Generational pedophiles and planetary genocidal maniacs who labored to destroy the health, wealth and peace of their people, now really care?!! The stratagems of the current inadequate cabal of satanists are interesting to watch unfold in real time.
Re: In regards to the adversaries of the idiots.. you forgot, the Earth (always carefully nurtured by the Sun) and God..
Well said. I did not forget the natural systems nor their Designer! As you mentioned the former move too slow, and I once read that the latter – since the Exodus – has largely resorted to checkmating evil at the hands of opposing humans, whether good or splinter factions from among themselves..
It is being said the ruling idiocy is mainly rooted in egyptian tradition
Yes, this is apparently so. There were traditions even Ancient Egypt inherited, such as from Babylon and Sumer and Yemen and the worst of all evil from before the Flood.. but Egypt was their last real Hegemonic golden age, and why they harken to it and build pyramids, obelisks (penises) and domes (wombs) everywhere.. the magic in Egypt was out of this world, simply overwhelming and terrifying in its simulacrum, even Moses was scared at times at what confronted him and needed comforting and strengthening from the Lord. Occultists say the same as you regarding the Egyptian pedigree of the ruling idiocy. In 2021, the satanists had an elaborate ceremony in Cairo, heralding the return of their accursed Pharaonic era. What other tricks are they up to? What did they do with the pharaonic black goo (dna) found in the royal urns?? Use existing tech to reverse transcribe and clone?? So it may not be mere “rooted in egyptian tradition” – they may be actually walking among us again – see another predictive movie on the Return of the Accursed Pharoahs.
looking forward to more of your insights..
The Ununited West,
Re: “and always beginning with “hello my dear friends”… in that Russian way where what is true can be modest and gentle and with unspoken power.”
Yes, Smoothie (Martyanov) is same way.. reminds of a Native American proverb:
“If a man is as wise
as a serpent, he can afford to
be as harmless as a dove.”
Re: “Sleep is natures great restorer, mind altering substances stuff it up – – huh, sleeping pills to stay awake”
I am reminded of shrink Bill giving patient Rodney sleeping pills to be taken “at the opportune moment”.. lol! Unfortunately it’s not mere fiction. A lot of sleeping pills force-fed to elders have such very long half-lives (when their effects wear off) that they’re never fully “with us” while on them.. a striking example of zombiefication in practice.
Uncle Davy,
Re. “The Turkish Army will withdraw all its military forces present on Syrian soil” – Spokesman for Presidency of Turkey.. Note: Uninvited, US still occupies eastern 1/3 of Syrian stealing oil & grain”
Maybe even more than denying Syria its wheat, oil and water, there is the imperative to establish Kurdistan aka “Israel North.” This was always planned since Sykes-Picot drew up their evil lines on the sand. iow, to let Kurds percolate for a few generations and then use their angry negative energy to destroy the four targets of Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey.. and it gives these minions vicarious pleasure to use the descendants and kin of the great Kurd Saladin, who foiled them in the first Crusades, just as they use Russian Ukrainians to attack the Russian Federation.. using brother to kill brother for achieving their corrupt ends is an added delight for them.
You nailed it AHH!!!
…” we’ve discussed Trump many times already.. he is a pet project of the Club, being sold as a victim of the FBI/elections shenanigans- a controlled opposition to be swung back into action once the odious Dems finish their demolition job and need to be jettisoned for open Fascism. There are few men as dangerous as buffoon wrecking balls, such as Caligula, BoJo, and DJT! End-stage madness stuff.”
Closing Prayer from the Navajo Way Blessing Ceremony
Walking in Beauty:
In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
Today I will walk out, today everything negative will leave me
I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body.
I will have a light body, I will be happy forever, nothing will hinder me.
I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me.
I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me.
I walk with beauty around me.
My words will be beautiful.
In beauty all day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons, may I walk.
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.
With beauty before me may I walk.
With beauty behind me may I walk.
With beauty below me may I walk.
With beauty above me may I walk.
With beauty all around me may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
My words will be beautiful…
beauty speaks
to the highest within man;
a spring in my step
So you say the giants are coming back. Sure, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
But the good thing is, that our Father didnt appreciated it, and he will probably be even more pessed this time.
“After the end of this old epoch, Europe, I believe, will love the russian spirit, as it has ventured the impossible: to bet on work, quality and sovereignty and to rise so unobtrusively like possible, and to rise as a paragon for the world instad of cowardly ducking away, like rest-Europe then did in front of the hegemon.
The russian spirit has won already, a human world has begun to emerge, a new happyness is in the world waxing and waxing towards a more meaningfull , hence more intensive life of everyone.”
Mundanomaniac, 35. Week 2022
“Mercury – Inpired by Jupiter in the Apocalypse in Europe and Vice Versa”
Wauw wauw. A little candle light in the darkness :-).
Comrade Victor G…who as an elem fella has memories…”My 70 Years…” @ MR article is provided option to subscribe to his Letters from Berlin, withal, https://mronline.org/2022/08/24/my-seventy-years-and-the-departed-gdr/ He occasionally emails out his newsletter, which is very kind. And he will reply, sometimes, to emails! Withal, a wonderful old fella.
an excerpt> “and yet the GDR had probably come closer than any country in the world to achieving that legendary goal of abolishing poverty, while sharply decreasing the frightful, growing rich-poor gap based on an obscene profit system. But it could not afford the immense assortment of goods—foods, apparel, appliances, electronics, vehicles and travel which the West offered, above all the USA and West Germany. The GDR citizenry took all its amazing social advantages for granted and dreamt of scarce bananas and unavailable VWs, of Golden Arch and Golden Gate—without realizing that these are largely available and affordable due to the poverty of children in West Africa or Brazil, of exploited pickers in Andalusian or Californian fields and orchards. Some are just now beginning to realize that those billionaire giants, after cheating so many people of color, wrecking world climate and wielding ever deadlier weapons of annihilation, may soon feel impelled to squeeze and break the comfortable middle classes in their own countries. The start is already felt by many families.”
Do visit VG and MR and read his entire article. He’s a good man, and a man with memory. One with an 1,100 page FBI file!
…………………AHH Dear Friend, thanks! I too took note of some oddities in the M.P. presentation. A pregnant Misc en Scene… But rhetoric can be subtle, I’d like to understand the disease on a biochemical and medical level, as well as the “political” level. Grandfather (surgeon/MD) would tell us to “wash your hands and keep your “pants on”, and chop wood, carry water”…
I recall Heinlein of Laurel Canyon in “Methuselah” (novel) he posits young blood as primary fluid to prevent/slow aging… Well, what would a USNA graduate engineer do, and hear about? Especially just down the road from the secret base and film studio?
I did not know that adrenaline degrades that way… I want to look at the structures now…!!
More later.
Best to all! P
Regarding the “The GDR citizenry took all its amazing social advantages for granted and dreamt of scarce bananas and unavailable VWs, of Golden Arch and Golden Gate”.
Well they got their ‘bananas’, while the cleptocracy gleefully took (privatized) almost all of GDR’s property – possibly the biggest scam of all time without a fight – a feast as none before… certainly in Europe (in Russia the sell-out was only partially – and not wholesale on a silver platter with all the trimmings).
Astonishing ! Nobody even uttered a word, there were some minor procedural skirmishes on the surface (Neue Heimat scandal for instance) but by and large everything went very smoothly – all the while the Government even had the chuzpe to legislate a solidarity-tax raised on income for all Germans to ‘aid’ the poor eastern part….
Hi HDan!
Yes, I can add nothing significant…
Enjoy! https://youtu.be/wlgOBXNIjRU (back in the DDR)
“But rhetoric can be subtle, I’d like to understand the disease on a biochemical and medical level,”
Mr P, his words have been consistent for last two years. He said nothing really new. He is not against mRNA or mass vaccinations per se, but only against it during a pandemic so as to not increase resistance and enhance infectivity. Common sense stuff. He didn’t even intimate what others such as Dr. Luc forthrightly said, based on established immunologic principles; i.e. the first shots impart AIDS to many/most recipients, facilitating a host of opportunistic infections, such as cancers, reactivation of herpes and other viruses, even potentiation of simple infections which can become deadly (like influenza in elderly w/ comorbidities –> pneumonia –> last straw). iow he is the permitted truth-teller, the “clean insider.” To maintain credence in the System going forward. I reminded of the role Canada and Switzerland and Austria used to have in the Western system in the good old days, to maintain the image and show that all were not corrupt materialists and part of the soulless Club.
To be honest, I was so pissed off at the tableau, and the way he was using word-jargon to lose people and scare them, that I stopped listening after half way into this. His background is unbelievable: he worked at GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI. Good God – does Fauci have a more benign background?! My strong impression was of two Club tools playing off each other and smirking at viewers. This negative vibe grated as if I was watching CNN or pompous BBC – unendurable.
I think these “expert dissidents” are being rolled out “to decry” the obtuseness of public health administrators and greed of Big Pharma, to absolve Science (as managed now) and hold it innocent of what comes. Remember after mass inoculations started in mid-Dec 2020, it was expected to see the significant sequelae 18-36 months down the road.. and here we are in early phase of that window this very winter. They are mudding up the waters. Hal intimated as much in recent post where he graphically showed sores not the pox sequelae being the issue.. AIDS victims have the most bizarre lesions and opportunistic infections..
VB may be also be inserting into the Narrative that “the MP virus will become more transmissible to cohorts other than homosexual men,” which on surface is ridiculous even if airborne (which he conceded may happen) as so few are being vaccinated against MP.. And note the device of using homosexuals like in AIDS in 1980s to scare the entire population. In an expertly spun drama, one relentlessly builds the intensity of the pathos, to, as Dubya put it, “to catapult the propaganda.” They seek to build a oppressive atmosphere of siege in the minds of their targets. That nothing is safe and no one can be trusted and I should stay home, get in the fetal position and just die. Bastards! This is why I unplugged in mid-2020.. it is most unhealthy to stay rapt and to focus on the minutia of their satanic mindwars. I’ve seen them break men more intelligent and spiritual than me.. and at this point, we know the overall contours of their agenda, their tools and tactics, not to mention their motivations. After a certain point it is masochism imho
What will really kill most? This is open to debate. The catastrophic cost of living crisis where many (most?) many not afford to eat even two square meals, maintain sufficient heat, and live surrounded by increasing lawlessness and despair?? That is what killed more in last 2.5 years due to shuttered economies and joblessness/loss of income. And should go to stratospheric levels indeed in next years. Could these coming waves (of essentially starvation and criminal neglect) be blamed on new “pandemic waves??” Part of narrative control is to get ahead of the expected problems (which YOU caused) and misdirect and give them a single identifiable and relatable name. A bugaboo like MP. Is this crap even real?? iow, Jack up the Fear even more. Even the immune systems of healthy young folks should be going to hell watching the soul-crushing chaos surrounding them!! It will be like living in Medieval Europe during the Black Death!
The reality about the biochem and medical is that no one knows how it will affect the majority. Remember a well-fed creature raising its slimy snout from the swamp to say this was a live exercise?? It really is.. Many Big Pharma and governmental functionaries (Aussies and a Pfizer VP comes to mind) were caught saying this was a global study or experiment.
A minority on both sides of the spectrum will be either completely unaffected (imho due to either strong innate immmunity/genes or divine intervention) or wiped out.. angels can be the size of massive mountains or as small as an atom.. soldiers sized to patrol to the needed task. And they wield the whip hand, not the puny mortal demons or their human gimps.
what about the majority? we do not know. And it may not harm most at all! See my discussions with Paul on Saker community site, how this is “an inner space” as uncomfortable and unfathomable to them as outer space, or the “doctrine-mongering” of the generals spoken of by Smoothie. Much is hot-air. As with all-else, they pull theory outta their a##es to fit the need and to sound authoritative and competent.
I think part of the panic we see in their MSM and movements is that the magic juice has not culled ENOUGH so far.. merely slowed birthrates and tipped over ACM for the susceptible, like the last straw on the camel’s back.. imho they are fishing in a deep cold and dark ocean, and as with the SMO, their propaganda (the fear-mongering and BS) is 99% compensation for their actual miniscule capability.
we need to focus on prayer, reducing stress (and thus boosting our immune systems and fighting off any potential air-borne plague), and building resilient local social networks.. we should be far more worried about “starvation, cold/heat, EM radiation and nuclear war.” Over and out big brother
Hi PaulSch,
thanks for your link on Myanmar.. I have some friends from Rangoon, very beautiful gentle folks, unfortunately they are quarreling tribes caught between two giants (China and India) like the Poles caught between Germans and Russians, and thus fertile playground for the Empire..
Brian Berletic is sharp and cuts to the key issue – the USUK pouring gasoline on fire.
I would add three other key issues:
(1) to pit India and China against each other. The border & water issues between India and China, as well as contests over their smaller neighbors are being used to generate exploitable frictions.. AZE has no chance against China on land, but if it can somehow maneuver the Indians to leap off the cliff and confront China the way Germany was maneuvered to suicide themselves against Russia, then all bets are off..
(2) The AZE seeks to cut off China’s detour through Myanmar and escaping the crucial SLOC of Malacca Straits, the key bottleneck enroute to China. This latter is even more pressing as AZE seeks to strangulate maritime trade and oil going to China, as it did for Japan prior to WW2.. an ongoing passive Chinese counter is to focus on the terrestrial silk road and its 1,001 train tracks, Power of Siberia pipelines, and waiting out the Sea Peoples imminent implosion..
(3) “Burma” is additionally a visceral issue for the British.. a painful phantom pain of lost glory.. it used to be part of “the Raj” crown jewel of Empire. Note all the white men he talked of were either Aussies or Brits. Myanmar is a British file more than American, the NED notwithstanding.. It was site of a memorable humiliation in ww2 and many anti-British wars over the centuries.They have many generational compradore elites (as in Hong Kong and other former colonies) to use as proxies..
Ultimately the ongoing Fall of the West, with loss of reserve currencies and resultant poverty, will (1) dry up funds and minions to continuously stir up trouble; malign actors will be reduced to the local terrain where they can be expunged at ease. The days of projecting power from 10,000 km will be over soon. (2) result in disillusionment in compradore elites and force them to stop parking their loot in London.. this is the big shoe waiting to drop. Once the glamour fades and the naked wretched and wrinkled witch is evident even to the half-blind, the World Island can get its house in order..
“..Remember after mass inoculations started in mid-Dec 2020, it was expected to see the significant sequelae 18-36 months down the road.. and here we are in early phase of that window this very winter..”
“…The catastrophic cost of living crisis where many (most?) many not afford to eat even two square meals, maintain sufficient heat, and live surrounded by increasing lawlessness and despair?? ”
Let’s see here…(looking at what’s on the horizon). Poverty (er..’cost of living crisis’) for sure – anyone can see that. So no heat, less food of much poorer quality, reduced access to medical services. Includes reduced or no access to common over the counter medicines because of finances. Also reduced ability to travel (fuel/fare). Heat vs food vs hygiene vs mobility vs medicine/personal care. Pick one. Or any two if in a better situation. It all circles back to poverty.
Going on from there: no heat means freezing conditions or cold, damp living space for months on end. Ideal for black mold and other stuff. Cold showers are not conducive to hygiene for those not accustomed. Cold is also taxing to the immune system. Calories required is increased to stay warm, (but it might not be available ie food vs heat) ie > more < weakened immune system. In households, it'll means sharing blankets or huddling together in a common living space. Also no ventilation so as to keep in whatever heat. Ideal for respiratory disease. About those blankets/winter clothes: are they being washed regularly? Will be it be affordable to do so? Well I guess that depends on whether the dryer is gas or electric and given energy prices; not sure they'll be running that much. Means more wearings between washes. So expects more skin infections to start off the progression to illness leading to….(for more than an unlucky few)
Overall from a system view, opens a giant door for death if the majority of people have a 'less than 100%' immunity going into it. The time to bolster good health is now so that there's enough to carry through the winter.
P.S. I expect a ton of house fires and an equal number of fatalities due to carbon monoxide poisoning. How many people who are using wood stoves for the 1st time in a long time know or remember the proper safe operations. And for that matter, coal heating? When's the last time the chimney and flues were checked?
If I were in the insurance industry (life and property), I know I'd stock up on heartburn medicine. Going to be a rough year. If I had a policy with the same company, also heartburn. Policy holders usually pick up the slack on renewal, all things being equal.
Those unwashed blankets and the huddling up together unwashed…and with ruined immune response and poor diet… Well, I’d say lice and typhus might find a home again.
……………I note “Die Linke Genug ist genug – protestieren statt frieren! ” (https://www.getrevue.co/profile/team-sahra/issues/genug-ist-genug-protestieren-statt-frieren-1327535?utm_campaign=Issue&utm_content=view_in_browser&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sahra+Wagenknecht ) We’ll see how things go.
My adventures as commentator on WaPo’s forums have come to an end.
A week ago, WaPo published an ‘article’ written by Ukrainian propogandist-in-chief Iuliia Mendel. It was titled “An independent Ukraine, with its achievements and flaws, is worth the fight.”
For obvious reasons, I didn’t bother reading Mendel’s ‘opinion piece.’ But I commented on the title of her ‘article.’
Here’s what I wrote:
‘”An independent Ukraine, with its achievements and flaws, is worth the fight.”
“Please overlook Ukrainian Nazism and continue supporting US/NATO’s war of aggression against Russia.”‘
Ten minutes later, WaPo emailed my Dear John letter. Looks like the love affair is over. Here’s what the email said:
“Someone with access to your account has violated our community guidelines. As a result, your account has been banned. You will no longer be able to comment, react or report comments. If you think this has been done in error, please contact our community team at comments@washpost.com.”
I’m banned. Permanently. No more seven day suspensions for me.
But I’m glad to part ways with WaPo. Hanging out on their forum is a really bad habit, like chain smoking. Or not bathing. So, no love lost here.
Hope you folks find this amusing.
I would suspect that hanging out on Wapo would indeed be extremely hazardous ,,,hanging out on Telegram channels can be more rewarding as in this from Patrick Lancaster’s channel today
Last chance to see this Brazilian icon, Milton Nascimento, perform live as he is on his final tour before retirement. Milton is 80 years old.
Milton and I are from the same state, Minas Gerais, I grew up listening to his music, unique voice!
The clown world continues as if nothing has happened nor ever will happen.
France invent another new secret police surveillance deep state force with 3000 police officers, The Climate Action Force to hunt climate criminals.
The British Queen’s personal colony Canada will build interrogation rooms for climate criminals.
EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarcic called for the rapid creation of a Europe-wide “Civil Protection Force” to enforce climate laws across the EU.
Ordinarily I’d post this in the newsfeed , but …
Now this will really set the cat amongst the pigeons:
13 mins ago: “Poland has decided to officially demand reparations for World War Two from Germany, the leader of the country’s ruling nationalists Jaroslaw Kaczynsk announced”
Some may remember film “The Cruel Sea”, in which Corvette suffers a propeller shaft bearing lube blockage requiring emergency stop and repair. Fast forward to Her Royalness’ new carrier, which it is claimed had a similar problem, on a bigger scale. In film a rag had been forgotten and found its way into L.O. piping, and thus its way to blocking oil to the bearing. Modern ships have system to assure shaft lube… Such a problem in niftynewcarrier is a flabbergasting admission of incompetence on several levels. IMHO ship will be laid up for months, perhaps a year, and there will be a big cover-up.
About the VB and MPV, and subtle rhetoric> It seems as though VB is creating idea-focus upon the MV, while distracting from actual cause – the obviously weakened immune response of a large number of people, and particularly away from the cause of the weakened immunity. “Watch This Birdie, and don’t look at the actual cause” a standard feature of confidence rackets. I too had some discomfort watching the MP video, but as I have often noted, the lies, properly examined, reveal the agenda…rhetoric includes deconstructing lies. In fact, deconstruction is probably the most important value of rhetoric. I watched VB all the way through. Maybe the MP is souped-up, one way or another, but I doubt it. Bet the reality is simply the weakened immunity caused by youknowwhat.
I gladly note VVP’s schedule cannot accommodate the funeral of bigbigtraitor. Perhaps he’s read the full file on That Good Man, yatink? The few Russians whom I have heard speak of the bigbigtraitor detested him. They were quite outspoken.
Shocking UKR attempted attack of Z-NPP overnite, repelled 2 x 320 on barges attempt to storm onshore but drown in reservoir. 64 others on land , at least 47 KIA, some wounded a few captured. Its rumored that MI6 masterminded the attack which would explain why BoJo met with the comedian 2 days ago.
Plan was directed by MI6 located in suburbs of Kiev
Its believed that the attempt was to take the IAEA inspectors hostage, blame Russia & demand that the RF leave former UKR territory
“Against strong military advice, President Zelensky ordered the attack” – UK’s Evening Standard
Sorry, link is a graphic describing the Kherson offensive – not the UKR attempt to storm the Z-NPP & take the IAEA inspectors (who were held up for hours by UKR before entering the plant)
Apparently, there were two barges with 320 (not what I said) additional troops that attempted to cross the reservoir, but were sunk en route – presumably drowned
In fact, some Ukrainian Telegram channels reported that 700 troops were involved
Its hard to believe 70+ years after the Second War, there’s one nation-state that acts rationally, i.e in its own national interest:
“As long as gas cannot be transported by train or in backpack, Europe will not be able to get rid of dependence on Russian energy resources. …
Budapest will not even discuss introduction of sanctions against Russia in energy.Hungary constantly faces political blackmail while defending national interests. Liberal mainstream wants to maintain appearance of being right, so it puts pressure on those who tell the truth. …
However, the energy issue has become the biggest exposure of the liberal mainstream. Because, it has turned out that there is no European security of energy supplies without Russian sources.” – Hungary’s FM since 2014, Peter Szijjarto
@AHH we had a convo how Rockefeller manipulated the American Medical profession to discourage the public from using natural remedies & towards pharmaceutical prescription drugs as they could be made from oil.
There’s also a long tradition of the Anti-psychiatry movement. Perhaps the best well known are Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing & his seminal works The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness & Sanity, Madness and the Family and Polish-Swiss psychologist Alice Miller who wrote The Drama of Being a Child renamed The Drama of the Gifted Child given the controversy it caused.
This book Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis by James Davies PhD, is also highly recommended.
Amazes me Uncle that as a species we survive millions of years and within the last 100 we can’t survive with out the current medical system. By their deeds you shall know them.
My doc signed a national letter tasking the Fed gov to allow them to practice medicine as they were taught and that they had other forms of treatment outside the experimental mandated procedure the government was ‘pushing’.
When I went looking for an exemption, he was a mild little mouse …told me to take the mandated procedure, because he did, and he was fine, so you’ll be fine too……left the office with a firm FU floating in my head. He’s a good doc, just ‘they got to him’ his lifestyle, his world, far more important than my health.
So I personally have no issues with people who research as best they can, see the Community Page, and then seek out the old remedies that got us through be the last hmmm……..millions.
Cheers M
I still go back to him, just with a bit of a jaundiced eye……..the cafe house Doc be lucky he gets to practice what he was taught and to use his judgement based on intuition, rather than mandated political madness. More of the like is required.
Hi Uncle Davy,
Love all things Ronnie. My daughter and I went to see a play about him in Dalston called The Divided Laing or The Two Ronnies. YT links below Dorothy Rowe admits to being shocked at how hated Laing was by her fellow shrinks. Truth hurts, eh? A book I would recommend is Clancy Sigal’s Zone of the Interior about David Cooper’s Villa 21 in Shenley and Laing’s Kingsley House in Bow. The transcripts of young schizophrenics talking with their families in Sanity Madness and Family changed my life. Best wishes!
@Sean totally agree with that. I think theres even a biblical passage that states “all the seeds and plants on earth are for our food and healing”
I still pick Milkweed (Asclepius, named for the Greek god of healing) out of the lawn/garden edges, using the stem as an applicator to treat skin cancers. And once I’ve applied it, I can tell its working (mild discomfort, haha)
@Clem Thanks for the heads-up. Didnt know they’d written a play based on Laing. Look forward to seeing it.
Sanity, Madness and the Family changed my life too.
Uncle Davy, much obliged, thanks. I was fortunate from young age to have skeptical mentors who didn’t trust the shrinks or the WHO.. they saw how their DSM (especially the controversial DSM-V) rendered most human conditions and variation and transient issues a pathology in need of counseling and/or medication. iow, they created a lot of harm in our society, especially city slickers networked into the Medical Cartel.. and I was into conspiracy websites (Rense and other real wierdos from the inception of the Internet) so I knew about the red shields and the roca-fellas and other crime dynasties. But they appear front men for the august bloodlines never mentioned no?? The ones who gave them their seed money and commissions.. maybe Larry Romanoff will let us know one day, he’s been patiently digging away
Dear North East,
Thanks for your feedback.. I have little to add. Fully agree. what is likely to do in most is grinding poverty and deprivation rather than WMD, the same way SMO is grinding the Ukraine to extinction.. + let us not forget the contrived weakening of the immune systems of so many.. and unimaginable hunger and thirst in the barren dependent megacities too.
“The time to bolster good health is now so that there’s enough to carry through the winter.” Yes. Those of our brethren living in colder climes must adapt like Bears – put on the fat now for the lean winter and hibernation period ahead.. also make peace with your Lord in your way. As Tommy said, the difference for many will be on a prayer.
I used to live as a student in the ghettos of Boston in mid 1990s.. every winter we had neighbors nearby or in the news with fires or inhalation deaths (often desperate single mothers with their multiple children, whose electricity had been cut or were squatting!) due to place-heaters and indoor-fire smoke inhalation from improper ventilation.. I note Germans recently ran out of wood stoves from panicked buying.. as you said, how many remember the safety rules or will respect them due to arrogant self-confidence or have maintained their chimneys? And medium term: how much density can the northern latitudes support without any petroleum products? This seems their plan, to force mass movement to livable climes which do not need heating.. so wouldn’t the survivors be forced on an Exodus southwards??
I and many tend to be dreamers and hopeless optimists.. (maybe not as complete a dreamer as John Hammond, eating ice cream and planning his next theme park as dinosaurs eat his current guests!) However I have noticed your earlier comment is unfolding in real-time. Such steady soberness and unflinching gaze! I usually cannot do it, except with patients. How do you do it? That’s why I am a big-picture guy. The details in our sad world have become too dripping bloody and horrible to contemplate for too long.
“Poverty (er..’cost of living crisis’)” Lol. I am no snob pal! Perhaps only a dreamer who doesn’t like shoving terrible news down folks’ throats.. so I put a gloss on it once a while (not to make it more palatable as with the Technocrats.) It is an apt term I recently learned from Mercouris.. never forget, even during its Descent, the West is a paradise compared to other 85% of humanity. Most live on < $2/d, and in such grinding poverty and uncertainty of where the next meal comes as would blow most minds in Zone A. Even poverty is relative..
“The new World Order will be built against the West, on the ruins of the West and at the expense of the West” © Per/Norway
Thought provoking perspective! Thanks Per.
Some shocking revelations therein..
(1) the desperation of the Image-conscious satanists preparing for waves of homeless. This really started years ago in larger southern cities by moving camps and tent cities off the central streets, criminalizing sustaining these poor, and keeping them carefully off the media screens. Now: “Democrats are preparing legislation requiring hotels to accommodate the homeless for free without the right to evict under the threat of nationalization.. That is, the country of migrants, dirt and homeless people is intensively preparing to receive almost 4 million more homeless people”
(2) “the entire fleet of CH-47 Chinook [Army] helicopters (about 400 aircraft) was laid up due to the risk of engine fire. Cause: Some kind of rubber seals in the fuel system imported from China.” What fortuitous timing, ahead of various suicide efforts on the Pacific front! Passive-Aggressive Sabotage by the Celestial Civilization, or a necessary internal triaging excuse to starve the world’s worst energy-hog (the 5-points) of petroleum products? Every barrel will count going forward..
Similarly US stocks of many other armaments are being lost and sucked into the hungry Black Hole of Novorussiya.. Ritter complained a few days ago on Judge Napolitano’s show (thx again Per) that active Marines & Army were being stripped of Himars.. even ammo stocks are catastrophically low, unsustainable in any new US campaign. “We [should] not tap into that which protects us – that it cannot be touched – but it is apparently it’s being drained as we speak.. it all went to the Ukraine!” Hmmm. If true, even CONUS is stripped, not merely the EU vassals. The effect is GlobalNazi demilitarization, by hook or by crook. It really is down to a nuclear gun now. Maybe some want that outcome?
And as the Author finishes, with “Greetings to our [minion] Zbigniew Brzezinski!”
HDan, we discussed the return of the Accursed Pharaohs and their strange gods and system recently. IMHO, this spiritual battle is the inner most doll in the Matrix Matryoshka. They have strange visceral and permanent Hatred of Orthodoxy and all who espouse it – whether the Second Rome (sacked in a prior Crusade; 30 years ago I saw the looted replica of the Horses of the Hippodrome of Constantinople mounted on St Mark’s Basilica in sinking Venice) and Russia currently. Remember AntiChrist means AGAINST Christ and his followers, and enmity towards all his peoples and power centers. I just remembered I saw this deep-dive which explored the X-men Apocalypse movie’s symbolism. This talented storyteller breaks down the loaded trailer.. Note how much is packed into a 2 minutes trailer for a kids/youth movie! Satanists are enacting the Book of Revelations in their twisted way. Another metric why they are hell-bent on nuclear war, famine, plagues, etc.. to level all mankind (and Build Back Better thereafter). It also informs why West is not blinking at all in current circumstances even as they are losing everything to these suicidal sanctions regime. They are counting on “Principalities” to sustain them and catch them on the other side of the rainbow, after Russia & Allies have been dealt with.. Dead Serious times ahead.
Err Tommy, we may not be cuddly old coots like Larch and Auslander, but we aren’t far off the beaten track either! How did we get into a back-and-forth on scatological matters? And this on a post by the Rector Batiushka no less, Lol!
A few months ago Dimitar and Janice had such a searing heartfelt back-and-forth poetry exchange that made me blush and quickly swerve out of the Cafe to give them privacy, but that was understandable by two very gifted artists going out on an emotional limb. But we do not have that excuse. I remember decades ago Father giving me a sad look when I cussed thinking it was cool, merely saying “don’t bring the toilet into our living room…”
ya, it’s a maze – your “They have strange visceral and permanent Hatred of Orthodoxy and all who espouse it ” regarding the ‘old’ Egyptian ‘gods’ is a key because the line Sokrates – Jesus – Mohammed are calling them out in detail.
I took a deep dive into fct (fond of conceptual technologies) – an outgrow of the “Predictor USSR” – a group around Vladimír Zaznobin and some of their works, especially their analytical work regarding Mikhail Bulgakovs “The Master and Margerita” which is a seminal work of the 20th-century regarding christianity, but also the Entry “The Last Gambit”. There one gets a deep healing, in the sense of being grounded and ‘secured’ while being an outgrow of as they call it the “biblical project” – which we in the west cannot escape, because it being our civilizational foundation – whether we like it or not. There it’s the trinity of Information, Matter, and Measure which is the basic foundation of the World (or more precise description – never to forget that ! Any representation is only that) in opposition to the egyptian base: Energy, Matter, Time, Space which are the outgrows of the ancient primordial elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air.
That album poster immediatly got me blink back to 2016 when Metallica’s the “Hardwired to self destruct” – Posters were hanging out everywhere – razor sharp – but uncomfortable at the same time. Do they wish that to happen or calling it out, in order to defuze the scenario (Matrix) ??! To this day I don’t know the answer.
Btw. there is one scene in your linked vid – that inset- with peoples all wearing full face-masks – intefering into everything – THAT is their little dirty, childish dream – and all that is with that AI, semi-intelligent Robots, Trans-human nonsense.
There is no Nano-tech which will EVER get close to even a single living cell – simple as that – the nearer you get the more energy you need and the more senseless it will appear, just like that CERN machine which only deepens confusion – but it surely looks extremly pretty for those who like to control everything and yet the more they try the more it eludes them – as we can now follow daily in awe and astonishment.
While another One seems to sit like a Buddha – and everything flows into his hands without effort..lucky are those who are in trust with God..
AHH It was just a joke that pulled the other. Simple as that. A necessary pause in all the heavy stuff :-D and hard work pointing out all Putin’s, Xi’s, and America’s failures from our armchair in our off grid bungalow.
“Lol. I am no snob pal! Perhaps only a dreamer who doesn’t like shoving terrible news down folks’ throats.. so I put a gloss on it once a while (not to make it more palatable as with the Technocrats.)”
Apologies. After re-reading what I wrote, it did come of as a little heavy, I admit. Bed-side manner needs some more work.
“noticed your earlier comment is unfolding in real-time. Such steady soberness and unflinching gaze! I usually cannot do it, except with patients. How do you do it?”
[If that isn’t rhetorical satire question…laugh out loud]…You wouldn’t believe how often I get asked that same question. As easy as breathing (easier!) if one approaches a collection of events as a math problem. As a close analogy and better description to the methodology: balancing a stoichiometric equation (good old high school chemistry). Both sides of the equation must balance, The total unit of each kind of element one one side must match the number of each kind of element on the other side. Mix and match until you get a solution. >> Within the constraints of the system of what’s possible <<. Of course, there are complicating factors ie 'reaction' kinetics, timing, distribution of outcomes, etc.
The following also helps: we were all given notice by the groups in power and their predecessors and their predecessors predecessors. Literally, everyone was given notice from a over a century past to this very day. I'd wager no one received a text message on their latest gadget. Instead it was delivered via a multitude of fractals, micro and macro. Hints if you will. Becoming heavier and heavier as time goes on. In everyone's favorite novels (especially science fiction), fables and Grimm brothers fairy tales, cartoons, movies, television shows, social media memes, whitepapers (private sector, DoD, academic research), authoritative books (some very old), NGO policy roadmaps, think tanks, and given form in implemented policies ( results, not stated intentions). Functionality follows form. Form is shaped by environment. Environment necessitates function. Might have mixed that up, but I'm sure you get the idea.
It turns out that raging misanthropes in power have an informal code of conduct among themselves: Victims are usually told in detail exactly what will done – well in advance. The loophole is that it's up to each misanthrope group to determine in what forms the notice takes and for how long. Delight in teasing their prey right up to the moment the prey realizes it's not a game. Partly because they get off on it. Partly because of their level of confidence and contempt toward their victims. And if the victims choose to do nothing by distracting themselves with the provided distractions, it's viewed as implied consent.
That Great Intellectual and Military Genius who was threatening some say, 75 million US citizens last night, said, promised > ” [to] make sure no one, no one, ever has the opportunity to steal an election again.” Precisely, then, which election was, according to Esteemed Leader, “stolen”? (see the blaze dot whatever) https://cdn.locals.com/images/posts/1000519/1000519_jl2139w71apgjuw_full.jpeg
Meantime The Ever Sober Son is been exposed preparing himself “…sliding down the water slide naked and pulling on his schxxxg…” Whaddaguy! (gate pun dant whatever)
New Alas, returning to something important, reports RAND paper on 404 from 2019…which outlines the fubar… Gee, I though planning a war of aggression and making a war of aggression were criminal, in fact, “the Supreme Crime” (Nuremberg Trials) When do the finefellas @ RAND turn themselves in?
Topical cancers, cures…the Red Indians in these here parts used “poison oak” – and it works. Fine for warts too.
In many places they cultivated “soap lilies”…which paralyze fish, and kill lice. These plants still grow, often adjacent to unused “grinding rocks”, and generally near creeks – handy for washing and getting fish.
Speaking of these fine people, the original “Chester” from “Gunsmoke, D. Weaver, did a very good film about Ishi.. ( https://youtu.be/J0ZI-T2MhR0?list=PLm9blC3QFHKkAC_oGUDZIHQlTz3hxR76L (part one of nine))
wow, I’d ignored Sleepy Joe and US matters lately, but that is a pregnant image. Are they completely losing the plot in CONUS404? Where is he? In front of the WH? Is it All Hallows Eve already, the witching hour, and he’s the living jack-o’-lantern? Red and Black, Fire and Brimstone.. Maybe he descended the Chaos Ladder, he couldn’t get back upstairs and they’re filming in the basement! Or he’s trying to scare Russians with dire scenes?? Madness. It is all messaging and posturing and screeching curses at this point.
For the domestic captive population, he may be signaling the opening gun to the Simpson’s January post-election pandemonium. We thought it would be following the 2020 election, but the phrase ” [to] make sure no one, no one, ever has the opportunity to steal an election again.” indicates a second forced feeding of Dems is in the cards..
Of natural remedies, I am big-time believer in honey.. It is the ultimate antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal. Even aphrodisiac, a wonderfully complex and all-purpose remedy for any human ailment, if you know the proportions and right types for the right problem. Certain varieties cause you to sweat, expelling toxicities; some can cost $hundreds/kg! We give our kids a teaspoon first thing each morning as a prophylactic. It can be taken orally or applied on the skin. I helped treat an elderly patient who failed multiple antibiotics for post-knee replacement infections.. the knee joints are partially avascular and difficult to heal with systemic pharmaceuticals.. Her post-op wound had been left open, and we applied it directly topically.. it turned the tide..
Caution though with pregnancies as it can function as abortifacient, esp the strong pure types.. it is used in many cultures as maternal post-delivery astringent, to help fully cleanse out.
Some honey was recovered from Pharaonic tombs (after millennia!) and found to be still edible and effective. Powerful medication, a real Mercy.
Sun is a free, abundant and unappreciated salve! It helps generate essential vitamin D which boosts our immune system, calcium intake for strong bones, and boosts our mood and sleep potential.. Ignore the cancer scare mongers, unless you are among small minority with high risk factors, then load up on the supplement..
One of my American lecturers once joked about the British medical system and their lack of sophistication – or was it proper Victorian rigidity? – vis-à-vis the Ancient Egyptian docs. Diabetes existed back then too. How did the two respective groups diagnose it? Egyptians poured the urine of suspect patients on the ground next to ants.. if ants ran to drink from it, being sweet, it was confirmatory. The technology of the advanced exceptional British docs, ~3 millennia later? They tasted it themselves! 🤓🤔😂
thanks so much for the ‘Pas de Deux!’ Sublime
“CONUS404” !! Marvelous!
Mother used to “dose” us with honey every morning…disparate pathways find many of the same true things. Dear Mrs P keeps bees, We have had hives die from insects, but probably those colonies were weakened by agricultural chemicals first. To cope, I made steel hive support that presents insects a single pathway up a column to access the hive, and this single pathway is then slathered with grease or sticky contact paper. We built also shade structures and keep plenty of water available and cooling spray nearby. Anoxia sometimes bathes in warmth…43.4 sometimes. Our corn this year is right next to the bees. It’s perhaps 12 feet tall! The soil here is a complex of volcanic and riverain alluvium, with deep layers of pyroclastic bombs – withal, no amendments are necessary, just composting and rotation. We do add wood chips for moisture and temperature control, and aesthetic reasons. This encourages the mycelial network. Mrs P recently found a very old centrifuge-expeller bevel gears and all, casting shows “A.I. Root – Medina Ohio” – that’s the home of “Gleanings in Bee Culture” (since re-named), which was the first scientific journal to publish the news of the Wright’s powered flight. The journal continues to-day, I believe (not a pun!).
It’s perhaps informative to consider why it was that conditions permitted the Wrights to do it…they used to speak of “the American System”… That was then. Now, of course, that’s all gone.
Diabetes…I have a vague recollection that ancient Greeks checked suspect urine by taste. The ants (!), now That Is Civilized! BTW concentrated urine (I think goat urine is preferred) was/is used to harden steel at the forge…and, of course, was used to make gunpowder. The last Mexican governor of California once made an XO> “save all urine!” – in order to prepare the powder to fight the invading Americanos. Funny what they leave out of the syllabus…
Keep well! P
Thx Mr P!
I think I will be posting less in coming weeks. Schools are back in session and a 2-yr old and 2-mo old are handful indeed. When I was talking about Patience with brother Straight-Bat, I am learning it anew daily, in the School of hard-knocks!
You are a good man, tilling the land and bringing the healthiest possible food to the table. I am not as good with hands (outside of small procedures) coming from nomadic stock. Father was in his youth the doc of the large animals.. Most of my tribe is spread throughout Africa I think! Meat and milk people. But hardy survivors too in our own way, used to subsistence and not needing or asking much, living in a harsh arid and savannah land inhospitable to most.
I think you are in groove with the soil, plants, bees and insects, even in harmony with the occasional visiting raccoon, fox and anoxia bear. Do you have water security? An own well or communal one is ideal. This is what gives nomads the greatest anxiety – no water = no life.. hopping from oasis to oasis.. this takes precedence over solar or any power.. Anything coming down from Lake Mead, or piped, or via the tender mercies of Noisome will be circumscribed shortly..
“they used to speak of “the American System””
The great crime of what unfolds is the deliberate unwinding of this system (how soon after WW2? during Truman years even??) and all over the world too. Imagine this system in the hands of Good – all problems coulda been solved before my birth, in all corners of the world! The Sorrows of Empire (chalmers).. Their goosing the coming End of Epoch will make it harder on all to navigate and survive the flux.
Diabetes – I am learning its solution has been available for millennia. On every continent among every tribe. But the usual suspects do not see any profit or rather they seek to profit from misery and disease management.. many good docs recently killed for trying to publish solutions! imho every land has MANY local solutions. A vet I knew from Liberia self-treated via a local nut in his land. Whether the solution is to boost sugar uptake into cells, or to boost pancreatic secretion of insulin, or to reduce GI absorption of carbs, etc. etc. there are many local herbal solutions. Avoiding unhealthy western diet is sufficient prevention for most too. Big Pharma is dying, along with the West. We will soon have opportunities to relearn ancient folklore and natural healing.
btw, I love and used the honorific “big brother,” on you recently, forgetting the term is soured in the West. I meant it like the east and SE Asians use it of the Chinese, or the Chinese among themselves to their elders, NOT the way Orwell corrupted it for us. It is an ancient practice I find most respectful. in my culture we say Uncle or Auntie instead, but it’s the same principle. But don’t say Auntie nowadays to some westernized middle-aged ladies, it reminds them they are no longer 25 or 39 and you could get smacked right quick!
Take care friend
Reading the Hatch Act (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatch_Act ) wondering if the Great Leader’s bigbigspeechimtimidating voters might possibly seem, at first blush, to have been felonious in that it might be argued to have violated said act. He spoke, they say, in official capacity, not as a political construct, er, man.
I’ll see what odds Stumpy will give…
P. Tchaikovsky – Pas de Deux
(The Nutcracker)
Its obvious that Europe has had an energy crisis for some time, and the Nord stream 2 was to allow repairs to an older pipeline and then give Europe the energy freedom it so desired.
But enter the unknown equation of a cancellation and no alternative to replace it, does not make the crisis go away, it enhances it.
I don’t how many times or who I was addressing, that caused the crisis’s, just what were they thinking verses the reality on the ground, but a denial was the common denominator.
Yet with this case, denial yes, but at what cost?