2022/08/23 22:00:02
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Some people drink deeply from the well of knowledge. Others just rinse and spit.
Soon they’ll say Putin sired Margaret Thatcher and told her how to destroy the UK economy, and then he sired Tony Blair and told him to make himself a war criminal by invading Iraq. And I’m sure the UK pukes can dream up even more crap to blame on Putin instead of themselves. – karloff1
TWEEDLE DEE OR TWEEDLE DUMB… the multi-trillion-dollar question!
Disclaimer… this rant is not an attempt to win any friends nor to influence people… it is simply my 2 cents worth from the South Seas in the hope that it might pose some vital questions that very much need answering. It even highlights a potential happy ending… how very novel.
So here we go then… talk about throwing the cat amongst the pigeons… and remember there is a scroll function if this is not what you want to hear.
IMO the collective visions of the late Lyndon LaRouche actually provide solutions for more than 90% of our current global problems. We are clearly at a critical juncture just as humanity was back in 1933 when the Bankers Conference was held in London. This was an exceedingly poorly disguised plot to get rid of individual national sovereignty and to further consolidate the banking dictatorship centred in the City of London, and of course its proxies mostly centred on Wall Street.
Sixty-five nations attended [interestingly there are currently ~63 paid-up members of the BIS] and it was an initiative that supposedly was about global recovery from the Great Depression. Of course, FDR torpedoed the charade when he withdrew the entire US delegation and the whole cunning plot was severely hindered.
Roosevelt arguably, and at least temporarily, saved the world from that Banking coup and at the same time broke up the Wall Street banking cartel and jailed hundreds of individuals who were key figures in orchestrating the great crash in the first place. He also installed key personnel in the Federal Reserve, forcing them to make capital available for small and medium-sized businesses by taking back the control of issuing credit from this privately owned institution.
This included making huge amounts of capital available for infrastructural programs like the Hoover Dam, The Tennessee River Program, and of course the St Lawrence Seaway… these projects helped carry the US economy out of the doldrums and into a new era in which long-term economic wealth was created for the good of the entire nation. Capital made available for projects like this increases the money supply but it is not in the least bit inflationary as all this money circulates in the real economy and doesn’t concentrate in the hands of a few kleptocrats to be used again to bspoeculatively blow more bubbles.
And yes believe it or not, once upon a time the Western World did actually have Statesmen that had the interests and the well-being of their nations at heart. Most were eventually shot [or poisoned] but at least they did exist!
Putting aside what is going down at Mar-a-Lago right now, Trump has constantly proven to me that he is no Statesman by any stretch of the imagination. In hindsight perhaps if he had possessed the presence of mind to pardon LaRouche and put a stop to the incarceration and slow killing of Assange, then some good karma might just have eventually filtered his way. Having said that he may well have paid a heavy price… such is the long arm of Mr Global.
The true statesmen in Western politics such as the FDRs and the Kennedys are long gone. Look no further than the dangerous lunatics and fundamentalist rapturous religious nutjobs that Trump surrounded himself with in cabinet and in his war room, for recent proof of this tragic reality.
IMO Trump consistently displays an infantile sense of history ond diplomacy… as such he will never ride a white horse, let alone actually come to the rescue of Mainstreet. As far as I’m concerned he unceremoniously fell heavily from his horse the moment he arrived at the big old house on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He would no doubt have had the obligatory visit, a timely reminder of who actually bailed him out of financial ruin, and not-so-subtle references to the well-being his entire family.
Also, do any of us still recall which country was his first state visit in office, and even more to the point, the main purpose of that trip? So too whilst in office, he never so much as lifted a finger to help Assange who was the main reason why he became POTUS in the first place… by exposing HRC for the psychopathic criminal hag that she was. This appalling backstabbing behaviour, all on its own reveals to me that Trump is little more than a soul-less conniving oaf.
In my view Trump’s Uncle Sheldon MIGA [Make Israel Great Again] agenda was glaringly obvious from day one, not to mention his allegiance to the Wall Street Banks who had bailed him out of ruin on more than one occasion. Look no further than the reverse repo debacle in August 2019 to see that he was all about protecting the thieving private banking cabal, and at the same time allowing Mainstreet to be unceremoniously thrown under the bus.
This chicanery was well hidden though as 99.9% of Mainstreet would have a single clue as to what a reverse-repo even was… let alone the Special Purpose Vehicles created that allowed these thieving cartels to move toxic debt off their balance sheets and give the appearance of some degree of solvency.
Given these realities, I regard anyone pinning their hopes on Trump as being some kind of saviour for humanity as constituting a very forlorn strategy indeed. Most of his actions I have witnessed are at best haphazard, and at worst, barely removed from classic swamplike behaviour.
He is even still maintaining bragging rights as the “Father of the Warp-Speed mRNA” clotshots… this just simply beggars belief… this alone I would have thought should destroy any lingering semblance of his credibility forever.
As utterly repulsive as Biden and the Demos are, I was certainly not shattered that they ‘won’ the election because it was my view all along that they would very quickly blow the entire Zone A financial construct to smithereens and in so doing reveal just how utterly despotic this entire charade is… and for all the entire world to see.
This demolition has already past the point of no return and the upshot now is the headlong rush [~90% of the globe based on a population] has already signalled its intention to join the BRIICS+ BRI initiatives, banking/currency models, and trading instruments.
If Trump had remained as POTUS I’m sure the Western Kleptocracy could have dragged on indefinitely, perhaps even for another 109 years, as its true despotic nature would have been partly shrouded by the likes of his bumbling actions… at least for another four years anyway, and judging by the appalling standard in the last two decades of POTUS then almost indefinitely… or at the very least until the economy completely imploded, which is an absolute mathematical certainty anyway.
Thank god though HRC never won in 2016, as she would have had major wars stoked almost immediately. The problem would have been at that stage that even Russia and China combined were still not organised enough to effectively snuff out Natostan’s complete intended hegemonic takeover and its accompanying highly planned financial reset.
I see the Mr Global agenda, along with a completely degenerate kleptocracy, as being so totally embedded in the US culture and political landscape today, that there is no longer any future hope for that country other than to endure complete disintegration and to hope that something functional might subsequently rise up out of the smouldering ashes.
This scenario would have to include a breakup of the Federal Reserve CB system and probably a succession of different states to attain functional sovereignty. Although clearly, this would be tremendously painful and destructive in the transition, this meltdown would be on balance a positive in the long run, for both Americans and humanity as a whole.
I am tremendously excited about the emergence of the new Zone B alliance, especially given its huge momentum since Putin’s masterstroke financial put, and in dealing with the Ukraine debacle. This has the makings of a renaissance of humanity, both financially and socially, unlike anything in our global history.
Here is a copy and paste of part of a recent essay I did on this subject and looking into some real numbers that illustrate just how fundamentally [“fund” pun?] broken the current Zone A system actually is.
… beginning of C &P…
Perhaps then we need to look at a few very sobering numbers that tell us that the present model, where fiat money is created as debt by a global cartel of private banks, is a crazed zombie that will do humanity an enormous favour when it finally crashes and burns.
Here is a list of what I call Zone A or Natosatan club members and I have listed those that show over 300% Govt debt/GDP ratio. This is based on Govt debt [both external and internal added together]. Most of these, except perhaps Greece, will be a complete surprise to anyone that laps up MSM-type dis-information. Note too that history tells us that once a country approaches the realms of 100% Govt Debt: GDP then it is almost impossible to escape a debt death spiral without some form of external rescue or jubilee.
ZONE A [The Natostan Club] these are clearly all basically zombie economies at these debt levels…
Ireland 776%
Greece 589%
Netherlands 520%
UK 388%
Belgium 360%
Japan 350%
France 350%
Italy 300%
ZONE B [BRIICS+] as a comparison…
India 96%
China 72%
Taiwan 70%
Russia 60%
Indonesia 63%
By comparison, the US’s Govt debt is ~94% of GDP [depending of course on who you actually believe]. The real problem for their economy however is the truly staggering total liability per citizen which last time I looked at the debt clock was $511,000 per citizen. And from memory, this figure works out at ~$800,000 per tax-payer. This figure of course includes social security liability, medicare, and unfunded liabilities.
NZ sits at a relatively modest figure of 46% GD: GDP. However, our internal debt is absolutely crippling going forward now with a combination of rising inflation, interest rates,and massive increases in all essential living expenses and no effective fiscal or monetary tools available to address the problem.
I can’t find the figure for Chinese debt per person including internal debt but if you look at their per capita national debt it is 15x lower than Japan’s and 11x lower than the US.
The top 10 countries ranked by national debt per person are all part of the Natostan club with Japan and the US filling the two highest positions [ 2 of the top 3 countries by GDP in the world] and all of the other positions except for Canada and UK are filled by EU members. The EU is in total disarray already and with its number one economy Germany basically being instructed to commit financial hare-Kari by its occupier, it will be the EU that will be one of the biggest cot cases in this impending systemic meltdown.
The grim reality here is that 5 of the 7 of these nations ranked by national debt per person are ranked in the top GDP countries of the world… the exceptions of course being China and India. Add to this the fact that the total global debt of the world is 353% of GDP [ at ~$300 trillion] and the collective global economy is a complete train wreck.
In terms of PPP* GDP China actually overtook the US GDP back in 2014 and now stands at ~$30 trillion compared to the US at $20 trillion. Of course, no one wants to admit that least of all the UN, the IMF or the WB who habitually make up all manner of whopping lies in which they can’t even agree on the figures between themselves. I would have thought they would have coordinated their fictitious figures… but no they can’t even do that!
*[Purchasing Power Parity]
And how about some good news then just to finish off with? Well, actually it just so happens that there is a rescue model right under our noses. It simply involves kicking the global kleptocratic private banking cabal in the guts which in turn disenfranchises the FED, BOJ, BOE, BIS, IMF, the WB and their financial stranglehold on the global economy.
It is a replacement system where money is not created out of thin air as debt, but instead where currencies are created that are backed by a multitude of tangible assets, and where the financial kleptocrats of the world are once and for all rendered completely irrelevant.
…end of copy and paste…
True the transition for the developing countries will also be tremendously destructive as many of the here-to low interest rate loans were denominated in US dollars. In the ensuing mayhem and because the US dollar will actually strengthen, at least temporarily in relation to their currencies, there will be a huge burden placed on them if they attempt to pay back the principle. Methinks they should simply default, wait for the majority of the international community to do likewise, and then declare them illegitimate and cynically predatory in the first place.
And the good news… the new model is already here… right there under our noses in fact, and ready for any country in the world to join up. And the one simple rule to qualify… just play nice… that’s it!!!
What is the essence of this so-called ‘new’ model?… well quite frankly it is almost exactly the Larouche vision and it even contains William Gilpin’s dream of a trans-global land bridge stretching all the way from Calais/Lisbon to New York.
An economic renaissance that could improve the future wealth of the entire world is in the making… all we have to do as individual States is reach out and embrace it.
What’s not to like?!
Regards to all
Trump, and his Global Mafia class, had to use something to kill the clots since the common cold (re-labelled as something insidious) would never do that in sufficient numbers.
Are you talking about Operation Ranch Hand Agent Orange Statesman Kennedy?
Point taken Lemming
Clearly, JFK wasn’t perfect… no leader ever is, and he most certainly got some extremely bad advice at times from his advisers. Including on the act of aerial spraying agent orange in Viet Nam… but compare him and his brother to any POTUS that came after him.
TPTB had so many reasons to kill him it wasn’t funny… and that was because he continually challenged the swamp creatures. I believe the clincher was JFK threatening the stranglehold of da FED. Challenging the stranglehold of the City of London banksters and their proxies got many presidents killed.
at that time the Mafia hadn’t consolidated Globally: How the Mafia Helped JFK Become President
It has now https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2020/may/28/world-leaders-wearing-face-masks-in-pictures-coronavirus
They all look stupid. Meaning we dont have a single world leader on this planet with backbone and guts.
The closest we get is Brazilian’s President Bolsonaro, he call the vaxx ID card a “corda do cachorro” a dog leash………….LOL.
Trump is paying the price for not exonerating LaRouche – an Execute stroke of the pen. Neither did he exonerate Assange, nor Ed Snowden, while he did exonerate Steve Bannon, whom he had actually fired.
The raid on Mar-e-Lago was an exact copy of the FBI raid on LaRouche in 1986. Russiagate was brief compared to 40 years of vilification.
Trump was the man in the moment – history converged on him, even if he abjured. Could history give him a second chance?
And they say history is just-the-facts, m’am.
PS – nearby NZ is https://citizensparty.org.au/
Thanks, bonbon… I will check out this site
What NATOstan sees as an existential threat is the EAEU, Glazyev’s Eurasian Economic Union, not Russia alone.
Kiev got stuck with a choice – the EU or the EAEU.
The solution to the problem then is to join the EU to the EAEU, and the US to Siberia with the Bering Tunnel.
It is so simple.
Who then is threatened – why none other than the maritime Empire, which did not exist until Liz Truss blurted out that Global Britain is the Commonwealth. So NATO is going to the Pacific – AUKUS, Quad,….
Yeah, bonbon… I can’t really decide who is the most spectacularly stupid and dangerous… Truss or Nuland?
Imagine the two of them egging each other on with mutual foaming at the mouth rabid Russiaphobia once she gets her hoof in the door of 10 Downing Street.
I wonder if she will be equally as successful at getting rid of Putin and breaking up Russia as Bojo’s attempt at that trick.
It would be time for beers and popcorn if the overall situation wasn’t so deadly serious.
Have a look at UK Column :
The very last minutes sum up Truss hilariously!
Yes bonbon… Chucky’s Bride… such an uncanny resemblance!
Thank you Col…’the farmer from NZ’, for the comprehensive overview of Trumpian politics and its relationship with the globalist agenda.
All good Sudhi
I posted this rant thinking I would be roasted and ridiculed and yet, so far, not so much as a single person has come out in defence of Orange Man.
I didn’t even bother to post the link showing him gloating and blathering on almost endlessly about how many million lives he had saved with his brilliant warp-speed Jabberwocky. In the same link, it shows him partying with Epstein and Maxwell. But I will right now…
Apologies for the appalling sound quality.
There have been so many opportunities for control files and paybacks given the way this fool has conducted himself for decades.
Cheers from the antipodes
Brilliantly stated, Col.
Ticks all the boxes.
The link in News is bad : whois.domaintools.com/natocdn.net
Not bad.
It requires a Captcha Test to prove youre not a Bot.
It shows IP Address: Nato HQ Brussels
Interesting…Prof Everisto Nebyera pretty much backed up my own hypothesis regarding the potential of the BRIICC+ initiatives and the demise of the hegemon… a very brave man indeed!
Trump was still the best man of a rotten club. Nothing to bet on but still the best. At least he prolonged the time for Russia and China to get stronger in the game yes?
If the Obama team had continued we would have been much worse with non-fly zones and multinationals sucking up all public coffers globally.
Yes Trump’s Joo games and warp speed idiocy and more sucked, but there was and will be nobody else. Live with it, a boot in the face…..forever.
Absolutely Tommy… point taken.
Trump bought humanity more time when he beat the truly horrible HRC in 2016.
I remain tremendously optimistic, as I have faith in the tremendous momentum of the BRIICS+ initiatives that coincide perfectly with Zone A’s crazed self-cannibalism.
There is no saviour left now, other than the global realisation by Mainstreet that we finally have a real shot at a complete global financial and social renaissance… one that will finally rid ourselves of the thieving hegemony of the Anglo-American banking tyranny.
This also depends on the continuation of countries confidently regaining and embracing their sovereign power by joining and strengthening the Zone B alliance and their visions which will render the outgoing private banking cabal system into complete irrelevance and ruin.
I believe this is humanity’s last chance. It constitutes a choice between a bright new future where global finance will come out of the casino and embrace a reality that rewards the masses by finally recognising the true value of labour capital, the production of real goods and services, plus the ongoing investment in major infrastructural projects which will continue to provide long term wealth for humanity as a whole.
We all face an equally stark and simple choice at this junction. It is between an exceedingly bright and equitable future for all sectors of society as opposed to a miserable future existence where more than 90% of us, who were fortunate enough to actually survive the current genocide, would then be subsequently incarcerated in a nightmarish technocratic global gulag.
Just like everyone I’m in love with Kim Kardashian … this is the most in your face antiwar song written in the last 40 years.
How The West Was Won
There is no greater dragon to slay than the dragon of fear.
The Dragon of Fear
Come hither, worm, and show thy face,
Renounce thy convoluted coil!
The crown of wonder you would displace
And my native joy, despoil.
Come, don your dark and baleful wings
And sow thy blights both far and wide;
And in the sickness of all things
Regale the tyrant and his bride.
Come, demon of the battlefield,
Hovering o’er the blood-soaked sward;
Where fighting kings and princes yield –
Take heed my freshly burnished Sword!
Come, o hydra, what good are heads,
Multiplied by powers of ten?
Thy spectres thrive on naught but dread
And haunt the sovereign dreams of men.
Come, pestilence of mind and heart,
And know that only Death misgives;
Of despair you’ve made an art,
That twists and blackens all that lives.
Come, sullen trickster, do confess,
That when of doubt we’re finally clear;
The weight of thy own nothingness
Before the sunburst disappears!
Re: news of the euro going below parity to the US dollar,
On one note, how did the euro currency’s value become so close to the US dollar’s value to begin with (in 2002)? Was this deliberate or accidental?
On another note, living in the US, I always thought that the ‘magic’ behind the euro VS the US dollar, aside from features present in any other currency not named the US dollar, was its use of 1- and 2-euro coins (vs. 1-dollar bills) and the use of 200- and 500-euro notes (the US had not had a $500 bill since 1969). Having grown up with US dollars, I found this setup relatively sleek, modern, and befitting for a currency of the 21st century, as much as I disliked how the idea of a single currency deprived its users of monetary sovereignty.
Comparing the exchange rate of the LMU franc to the US dollar and certain peso currencies in South America during the 19th century (some actually pegged them at a rate of 5 francs = 1 peso/sol) to today’s exchange rate between the Swiss franc and the US dollar (with one franc being around US$1.04) gave me the idea that e.g. the 5-euro note has as much purchasing power/value as a 1-dollar bill once had decades ago, so it made a modicum of sense that there’d be coins of 1 and 2 euros (20 and 40 cents of yesteryear) as well as notes of 200 and 500 euros. Some eurozone members even have had commemorative 5-euro coins.
Long story short, most of the time I wasn’t really worried about exchange rates so much so as the purchasing power of the physical coin and note denominations. Then again, the difference between coin and note does not seem to matter much if large amounts of the currency are being transmitted, be it in banknote form or electronically, and as such the exchange rate can be a factor.
On yet another note, some time ago I stumbled across a reader comment (can’t remember if it was on this site or another one) saying that Canada intentionally keeps its dollar devalued relative to the US dollar and something about not wanting to anger the USA – can’t be sure, so someone please confirm/dispute this.
I’m starting to theorize that the USA, with its pig-headed reliance on 1-dollar bills, is trying to devalue the euro (which have 1- and 2-dollar coins) so as to make the ‘magic’ go away and to tether the world’s economy to a currency that looks unfit for the 21st century. I’m also starting to wonder if the USA was also responsible for devaluing the Brazilian real and Argentine and Mexican pesos, all three of which used to have coins in the equivalent of one US dollar as well.
Coins have no bearing on exchange rate, the exchange rate is determined by the amount of trade between the 2 said country’s. And in the case of the newly born euro twenty years ago, that was a political determination.
The recent strength of the dollar mostly comes from the health care and energy industries.
If said country can not pay the balance of payment, the difference is made up through the exchange rate and only beneficial to those who either trade in or visit said country.
The remainder of the people actually suffer due to the higher costs of their goods stemming from the export side of the equation and reduced supply at home thru exports, as the demand at home remains the same.
Hi Joey… the Mexican peso story is a fascinating and tragic saga all in itself.
The Mexican Peso [once known as pieces of eight] devaluation is a great case study as it was basically the most stable and trusted currency on the planet, with negligible inflation, for close to 350 years.
This all came horribly unstuck between 1910-1914 when a certain hegemonic neighbour interfered by staging a coup. This in turn resulted in a revolution and then some not very gentle political prodding, culminated in a new central bank being formed in 1925… this all sounds a tad familiar does it not?
Of course, the dates coincide almost perfectly with the unconstitutional formation of the FED in 1913 and of course WW1 breaking out in 1914.
Mexico handed the new CB the monopoly to issue banknotes and consequently gave up real silver money and with it the silver backing. Long story short… the peso became fiat, the population became addicted to simulated money, and the rest is history.
Between 1969 and 2021 the inflation rate was an astonishing 962,000%.
Gee thanks a bunch Uncle $am
Yeah, I guess I should’ve added ‘within the past 30 years’ to be more clear.
The Mexican peso I’m referring to is not the original silver one (MXP) but the modern one still in use (MXN). Sorry.
All good Joey… I only mentioned this Mexican angle because it is the most extraordinary example I know of in which a hard-backed currency can be so reliable and stable for such an incredible length of time.
This has to be an insight as to what humanity has to look forward to if we can get the multiple commodity Zone B BRIICS+ system properly implemented. Single commodity currency could never work in our modern world for major currencies, but the multiple ~20 or so baskets of commodities including gold and silver sounds like an absolute no-brainer to me.
The Canadian dollar is always kept below parity with the US dollar strictly for trade reasons only. As for currency devaluation, although I have never read it, was already aware, have you looked into The Economic Hitman. Explains how US economically destroys a country then buys it’s resources for pennies on the dollar. Debt enslavement, usury, market crashes and the like.
Cheers M
In October 2000, Sadam Hussein told the UN that Iraq would not accept US dollars for oil under the UN-oil-for-food program nominally instituted to reduce the death rate of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children resulting from continued Western sanctions after the 1991 war.
The UN permitted remittances in Euros instead; this was an early break in USD petrodollar hegemony. The Euro was averaging $0.90 at the time.
Around May of 2002, OPEC openly announced that it was considering breaking the USD petrodollar monopoly on the currency basis of trade in oil through OPEC. Between that time and the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the Euro appreciated from $0.93 to $1.10.
This early talk of a breakup in the petrodollar continued up to and including talk of an “Oil Bourse” set to open in Iran in April, 2006 to sell oil priced in a variety of local national currencies; the opening was cancelled around the time the US talked openly of an invasion of Iran. By then the Euro had peaked at $1.35 in December ’05, on its way to an all-time peak of $1.58 at the height of the 2008 financial crisis.
The long slide in the value of the Euro started in 2011 roughly when the US started intervention in Syria.
It hit another slide in March 2014, contemporary with the US takeover of the Ukrainian government. A particularly steep slide coincides with the anti-Russian sanctions forced on Europe by the US after the (false-flag?) MH-17 shootdown in July 2014. Coincidently, this whole episode has indefinitely postponed the Ukraine’s central role in a Europe-Asia economic integration that would have relegated the US to a peripheral role in the world economy.
The Euro and the EU have, I believe, morphed from a nexus of anti-US resistance centered in France, originating in the DeGaulle years, to a tool of US control in Europe.
France famously expelled NATO from Paris in 1966 and sent the French Navy to NY to collect the gold the US was keeping “safe” and had refused to return post-WWII. France also insisted on collecting its debts from Viet Nam War loans the US took out to finance the killing 1/10 of the population of South Viet Nam payable in gold and not USD, effectively bankrupting the US in gold by 1968, leading to Nixon’s closing the “gold window” in 1971 (and technically ending Bretton Woods, although not US imperialism).
Before long, the US had established a new basis for dollar hegemony in oil and the “petrodollar.” This, and the continued economic (and military) bullying, is what Giscard d’Estaing, finance minister during the deGaulle years, and president of France 1974-81, termed the “Exorbitant Privilege.” Various currency consolidation schemes were designed to counter US currency manipulation, leading up to the Euro in 1998 under President Chirac.
Anti-US political heresies were entertained at the nascent EU during these years as well, such as the “Gladio Resolution” of November 1991, in which the EU condemned the covert right-wing militias run by the CIA and NATO to commit false-flag terrorist ops in Western Europe to discredit leftist political groups.
At some point, the US subverted any nationalist thinking in Europe and turned the elites into tools of US destruction of the Euro. The $ price of the Euro shows how anything bad for US hegemony benefits the Euro, and any exertion of US hegemony hurts the Euro. I didn’t notice the US’ political takeover of Europe that has evidently happened sometime after/during the Iraq war, but the empirical evidence of it is by now undeniable.
to The Saker: what do you think about the statement of Ruslan Pekhov (a Russian so-called defense expert) saying that Russia doesn’t have modern warfare equipment to stand Western NATO deliveries for warfare in Ukraine ? He says in “Spiegel Ausland” (a German weekly newspaper) that Russia doesn’t have modern GRPS-System to guide its military nor does the Russian military have modern warfare vehicles.
Do you think he is right ? and what do we have to expect ? Thanks a lot for some clarification as the “warfare against Russia in mass media” is extreme here in Europe.
Go ahead, try asking Martyanov (previous thread) that question!
Make my day!
The current war is not between Russia and Ukraine.
It is not between Russia and USA.
It is not between Russia and USA plus NATO.
it is between civilization and barbarism.
My question: what can we, who live in the West, do against barbarism in our countries?
Russia should not fight alone.
Hi Paulo
I believe my post above answers your exact question.
The answer lies in the BRIIICS+ alliance.
The strategy… make as much noise as you can as a citizen within your own country to promote the fact that this is the first real opportunity for humanity, in 109 years, to really kill off the parasitic blood-sucking Anglo-American central banking dictatorship.
Cause for concern in his last point ( I hope he turns out to be wrong)
Former Brigadier-General in the Singapore Army, Foreign Minister & Cabinet member of 21 years) George Yeo
On Taiwan : “[Our] One-China policy goes back [to the] mid-70s. … If there is a war over Taiwan, Singapore will not be involved. I don’t believe the policy has changed”
“For the Chinese in Singapore [74% of the population], do a poll: ‘Do you think Taiwan should be independent?’. I think the majority will say ‘No’. And if SG’s government says ‘we support Taiwan independence’, I think the government will face political problems domestically”.
On US-China : China is happy to let the US weaken itself by playing world’s policeman: “The Chinese know that … there is no profit in interfering in other people’s affairs. Sooner or later [the US] will learn this lesson which we learned painfully more than 2,000 years ago.”
To him, “the greatest uncertainty in the world today is US politics” because “America has not been so divided since the Civil War” and “every institution has been weaponized and politicized”. This is even more worrying than US-China relations.
On China’s Zero-Covid : He believes was a winning strategy: “If you leave aside Western media reports, China during Covid was the least damaged economy in the world. Least damaged! They continue to grow and in fact their manufacturing expanded, their exports grew!”
Westerners assume the lockdowns in China were a new strategy but Yeo explains that it’s actually “the traditional way in China to handle epidemics” which goes back hundreds of years. And adds that even imperial palaces were organized on that basis.
On why China’s direction changed under Xi Jinping : Yeo predicts “it has challenges not seen in a hundred years” which means he assumes the US will attack China, so it needs to “be able to repel the attack”. Yeo believes it’s “a matter of life or death” for China.
[Lecture] An Afternoon with George Yeo: A Private Luncheon for LKYSPP Benefactors & Friends (New) (57:14)
We have not even hit heating season yet – and Japan suddenly reversed it’s post Fukushima nuclear exit.
Germany used Fukushima to implement a deal from 5 months before, to exit nuclear. That deal only became public later, when someone remarked Bavaria had seen no tsunami.
Now imagine Berlin on the way to Canada, begging for LNG it does not have, and seeing the FT report in-flight!
To reduce a major industrial nation to a beggar, made suddenly visible by Russia’s SMO, is incredible – and the cold has not yet set in.
Dear bonbon,
Re: “Now imagine Berlin on the way to Canada, begging for LNG it does not have, and seeing the FT report in-flight!
To reduce a major industrial nation to a beggar, made suddenly visible by Russia’s SMO, is incredible – and the cold has not yet set in.”
I remember Smoothie in his Aug 23 video spoke along similar lines. I don’t think either of you appreciate how truly FUBARed Germany is! It is much much worse. Germany is neck deep in the bloodshed of the Donbas. It has hidden cowardly behind the USA, as has Europe/NATO at large behind the USA. And at times I wonder, as with Israel and USA, who is the tail and who is the dog.
For example, mere months after the 2014 Maidan, the German multinational Bayer courted & soon bought Monsanto, which along with Cargill and Dupont own 40-70% of the prime black Ukrainian soil through the tactics and shenanigans of the Economic Hitmen of the IMF during Porky’s misrule. iow, another naked landgrab just as with Barbarossa I for the key breadbasket of Europe. Back then these Anglo-German interests ensured the Holodomor in 1930s (forcing Stalin to pay in Ukrainian grain) and then continued the “pruning” with Barbarossa I; and so are the bio labs and last 30-year siege and war on Russians in the Donbas a continuation of the same Generalplan Ost.. none of this is an original approach or a secret. The fools gambled everything on taking over Ukrainian grain (minus the slavs), and collapsing Russia and getting its energy (like Baku oil in 1940s) via hybrid war. They meticulously maintained the Banderites in Munich and other Bavarian locales since the 1920s. They lost on all counts. And thoroughly exposed their inner nazi as well as being unrepentant genocidal Eugenicists in the process.
So Russia should now implement the Morgenthau Plan in self-defense, AND without permitting relocation of German industry to Russia proper, as they’re clearly culpable and part of the generational malignancy. The entire German oligarchy is is under Judgment (Medvedev). Note Medvedev, doppelgänger of the last Tsar, spoke while hosting ww2 vets! Who said this message was solely for proxy Kiev? And they know it @ nazi HQ. This is why Wolfgang Schäuble, powerful senior German politician, called for nukes sharing with France in the last month. The rasping feel of the rope burn as the noose tightens!
Imho, Russia would have cut off Germany months ago and let them eat each other, if they didn’t have the albatross of effete and fair-weather Zone B partners, who needed to be shown how evil and hypocritical the West truly was through their naked actions these last six months. That they wouldn’t blink in genociding all mankind through withholding food, fuel and causing hyperinflation on spurious grounds. This realization, more than robbing $300B Russian forex, has served as timeliest of smelling salts!
So Russians had to pretend that the morons were committing suicide, but assuredly the greater part was gamed, choreographed and finessed by a grim Russia escorting the Germans down the yellow brick road straight into the abattoir! When a short-sighted drugged up and deviant lemming gives a superior Force the binary choice of either kill me or I will figure out a way to do it to you, they will be obliged.
So I respectfully submit you and Smoothie are exceedingly kind. The best case scenario for Germany is no longer the idyllic pastoral state of Morgenthau Plan, but the subjugated, isolated native American reservations of the past, with subsidized beer on every half block, and no industry whatsoever. At least for a couple of generations until they lose the know-how and would not be a threat for the advanced civilizations for another half millennium or so. And Russians will ensure it to preserve themselves from these genocidal maniacs, who know not when they are conquered and will keep waging Totalen Krieg for another 1,000 years.
N.B. I have no ill-will towards Germans! I in fact like them. Like VVP, of all westerners, I have closest affinity for and understanding of Germans, having lived among them six of best years of my life. I am just calling it as I see it. The many decent people do not count in their crypto-feudal system. And the consolidated Germanic oligarchs who reign, based around intersection of Bavaria, Switzerland and Austria, are fully sworn to Mephisto.. note how even the killer of Dugina was supposedly in Austria, at this junctional nazi HQ on the continent! Birds of a feather, fleeing to the communal breeding nest..
It is what it is. 🙁
Are the USA and UK no more deserving of a Morgenthau Plan then since they call the shots?
‘fraid there too many Gnostic crystal ball gazers around here. Reality does not work that way.
And Scheuble seems to have lost his marbles – right at his back door, Büchl, are 200? US B61 gravity thermonuclear dial-a-yield bombs. Some more in Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Belgium. Of course like the USSR, only the Pentagon has the key. Do not think Macron would give Scheuble the keys!
Col. Macgreggor expects a Berlin government resigning. Better would be a NATO exit – to make Brexit look like a kaffeklatsch! Even a hint would be enough to make D.C. choke on the coffee. NATO is the problem as now everyone sees. Freeze for NATO – nein danke!
‘Reality does not work that way.’ Well strike me down, finally there is someone on earth to enlighten us on how reality DOES work, at long last !!
The SMO is delivering that lesson, do not skip class!
Just noting that intel slava to-day has a post that includes presumably US “special forces” remarks to the effect that 100% of their “Carl Gustav 8.4cm’s” are being removed from them, and generally…with the idea that these weapons will be sent to 404. (FWIW the CG is a shoulder-fired rocket launcher, it isn’t going to change the scene in 404 much at all (if any get to 404), but the significance is that the US fellas and whatevers seem to feel as though they are being disarmed, or, one might imagine, being betrayed by their “leaders”… Many might agree.)
I also observe a “telegram” in the language from Rus in referring to 404, Now? It’s “The Ukrainian terrorists”, is no longer “Ukraine”.
This seems to imply that Rus has abandoned any idea, or diplomatic pretense, that 404 is a legitimate state. We’ll wait for the Rus SC meeting of August 25 – but I think they’ve taken that position already….the sabotage and murders in Rus and the bombardments of NPP-Z, etc. Henceforth, it seems, 404 and anybody that helps 404, will be understood to be outlaws, criminals, brigands. So it seems.
And a remark about That Great Military Genius the Zfella…They say he’s become paranoid in all directions. Yes, he has serious matters to fear, but let us also understand that he’s addicted to massive free cocaine and amphetamines, and, over the course of heavy use, very grave “transient stress psychosis” would occur anyway. Withal, in view of all the dope, he and his cohort are most all of them, barking mad.
More generally, nazi HQ not in 404 seems to have used drug intoxication on, to control and to induce suspended disbelief, on quisling “leaders” in Europe, ref the Great Fine Married PM Finland and the rest. And let us also recall that the Great Men (and the whatevers) in Shining City on Hill are most all taking powerful drugs of the category SSRI etc, as well as, presumably in may cases, salting these with coke and so on.
Naturally, just now, these foolish people must be having a high old time….but they are inevitably going to have the worst drug hangover of all time. Quite possibly in jail…
Speaking of dope…they say that the “well-nourished” Herman G was a dope fiend and a pervert…he decided, evidently, to use powders – heroin, amphetamine…and the last powder was cyanide in jail…obtained from sympathetic US guards… This latter bit, the sympathetic guards… Somehow I doubt that the Russian jailers will evince the slightest sympathy to nazi leaders, wherever they’re caught.
One might imagine that this dope method of creating delusional people might be new, but then there’s That Great Military Leader (and coverup artist extraordinaire !) see http://www.talkleft.com/story/2003/11/13/911/66488/otherpolitics/Colin-Powell-on-His-Drug-Use (“ambien”))
I wonder what was in the famous “tube” at Bigbigspeech @ UN… ground up “ambien” ??
They say That Great Man checked out by his own hand, perhaps he had a bit of trouble BSing his way past St Peter. Checked out? Yes, with overdose of his favorite stuff. So they say.
………..sleuthing ’round for the Powell bit, I ran across old video >https://twitter.com/i/status/1562099163508121600 (The Young A Jones! ) Thrilling!
A ‘Tsunami of Shutoffs’: 20 Million US Homes Are Behind on Energy Bills
Surging electricity prices spur worst-ever crisis in late utility payments.
1 in 6 households cannot pay.
Incredible how occupied Europe is ‘in-sync’ as one politico campaigned?
Its coordinated and carefully planned and calculated campaigns. What starts and is popping up in US arrive also in Europe a little later.
Of course i’s carefully planned Tommy,
the Global Mafia has already moved its centre of operations (including psyops) to the East. Better conditions won’t be maintained much longer for the useless eaters there either though.
A must read !
Again ZH found something :
EU: Controlled Demolition?
The Tale of the 3 Marie Antoinette’s clinches it!
So bonbon,
in summary, it seems the plan is (i) kill as many as possible with the clotshots and, for the remaining balance (ii) organise a 5 to 10 year SMO in order to freeze those who knew better than to take the scamdemic jab.
(iii)to have cold showers with Euro 100 bills, that Sweden in 2002 rightly called Schappe Lappen!
(damp rags…) No kidding, a NRW politico proposed damp rags, but will end up using Euro Notes. Even worse than 1923 hyperinflation.
The better to control you with, he does have some serious competition though, the health care monster, the court monster, the tax monster, the gentile dental one, the ring around the collar one, and don’t forget Mr. Monetary too, its a small tribe and most of you aint in it.
I used to believe that the 3 Baltic midgets should be independent. That including them again in the RF would be a problem for the RF to digest. I still basically still think that. But there are some changes needed.
1. The Russian language and Orthodox eastern areas of Estonia and Latvia need to be separated from those 2 pro-nazi states and annexed to the RF. Those 2 states have through their pro-nazi Russophobia lost the right to have those territories any longer.The mistreatment of their minority can’t continue to be tolerated.
2. The pro-nazi Russophobia of their regimes can’t be tolerated any longer. The rump states remaining will need to be regime changed. Demilitarized and denazified,and pro-Russian governments put in place.
3. Lithuania has no territory that is ethnic Russian that would need to be separated. Though some questions might be asked about whether all the territory they gained after WWII from the Soviet largess,they are worthy of keeping. But either way a regime change to remove a Russophobic regime,and a demilitarized and denazified, pro-Russian government put in place is a must.
Those states have shown themselves to be,by their locations,and actions. Too great a security threat to the RF to be permitted to operate as enemies of Russia and Russians any longer. The Kaliningrad problem,the mistreatment of Russian minorities,their aggressive pro-NATO actions,and now the nazi ideas coming out of Latvia. Shows clearly that they have sealed their fate.And after the SMO in Ukraine is finished the next one needs to be in the Baltic region:
” And after the SMO in Ukraine is finished the next one needs to be in the Baltic region:
https://www.rt.com/russia/561447-latvia-russian-community-isolation ”
Most unfortunate, but looks like where it may head soon. The hatefulness Latvian government shows toward ethnic Russians in regard to the war memorial is extremely telling about mental state of the government. Nevermind the fact that ethnic Russians are 26 percent (ie not a small number) of the population right next door Russia and adding the ethnic Belarusians, it’s closer to a third. For a government openly declaring to wage ‘isolation’ on close to a third of it’s population screams psychosis. Also, define ‘isolation’. Isolation in the sense of internment camps (Japanese-Americans, WW2) – or isolation in the sense of trapping people in burning buildings (Odessa). If a pretext can be found, maybe a lot of both?
Scenario: Latvian government goes full Maiden on a third of it’s population (ethnic Russian’s/Belurusians) with a feeling of impunity because unlike Ukraine, Latvia is actually a member of NATO. And to twist the knife, Latvia imports and coordinates with Ukrainian ‘talent’ to do the wet work so that it’s own hands stay clean while as the Latvian government itself smiles and turns a blind eye. Leading to the exact same setup that led to the formation of the DPR/LPR. Seeing the brutal repression that awaits if they do nothing, ethnic regions have a referendum/petition to join Russia. What happens next is an interesting question. Does article 5 apply to a NATO member in the middle of a civil war or to stop a secession to a non-NATO member?
I get the reasons why VVP opted not to intervene in Mariupol in 2014, the insidious nature of mission creep, and contraints that Russia was operating under at the time. But I also note the immense grief it took to finally liberate it from the Nazi’s fully entrenched because of the eight year head start. So in the context of 20/20 hindsight that VVP has, I wonder if he wouldn’t honor the referendum and arrange a security agreement similar to South Ossetia.
For me, it was Russia was not able to withstand the sanctions and eviction from SWIFT in 2014. Militarily it would have been much easier for Russia but its economy was not ready. While the West had 8 years to redo the Ukrainian military, Russia had 8 years to get its economy ready and strengthen relations with China. It did get Crimea with Sebastopol in 2014 and in 2015 saved Syria with its Russian naval base in the Mediterranean.
They say that God sends signs to man…accordingly медведь has been seen “visiting” both Comrade Hal T in Pennsylvania and one of the very beautiful parks @ Anoxia…rather bracing the American Space, as it were. Медведь was unarmed…as if it would matter in the least. Comrade Hal even posted a picture of his visitor! Very droll.
I see that many Great Leaders of Celestial Wisdom, known for their selfless charities, expect to meet @ Jackson Hole https://www.usnews.com/news/economy/articles/2022-08-22/jackson-hole-takes-center-stage-as-the-center-of-the-economic-universe-this-week
Perhaps медведь will visit them too.
This cafe has forgotten, about our own life and every day and our beyond of ourselves after life, needing to be reflected in life.
Again the cafe has become another mini- ‘Saker’. I mentioned it again and again over the years: what happened to the soul today, this year? What does the collective soul
in us in a time, where true statsmen do a heavy human lifting on the planet?
Merely Dimitar’s poesy is leading through the mythic chamber of fear and horror, banning the monsters in poetry.
But the monsters are within us, deal with it.
“John Pordage, the English mystic and alchemist of the
XVII century says that “our inner Earth” and “our
inner heaven” are “tainted”, namely from peccatum
originale of luciferous hubris. Psychologically by this is
meant the collective guilt, i.e. we all have that fiery devil
within us, which in Germany has broken through, due to
the borderless unconsciousness and hubris of the
individual. It is a maniacal fate, which inexorable runs
its course and it would do also in us if we would break the
authority of compact and law in and with ourself. That
doesn’t hinder, that we constantly are circumblazed
by the flames of hell. All we have within and outside to
carry off of this guilt of unconsciousness.”
C.G.JUNG, Letters, 15. 1. 1944
I deem astrology helps to reveal the factual poesy of a time.
hence my 34. Week:
‘Aggression Against Life’ – or Verbal Energy and Cordial Prudence -Two Weeks Mars Square Sun’
it is not pursuit
of knowledge that leads
to man’s salvation,
but understanding
of the ways of spirit
Engaged in ones Zeitgeist
Knowledge and Wisdom
Seeking something beyond
In the path to Salvation
the spirit and all its ways
seen by unknowing minds
is unsubstantiated notion
lacking reality bearing truth
Re: “Are the USA and UK no more deserving of a Morgenthau Plan then since they call the shots?”
I was focused on Germany, the main topic of bonbon and Smoothie in last days. The Anglo powers have their own karma enroute too, but that is beside the point. German oligarchs are extremely cynical and duplicitous and IMHO have condemned their people to at best devolution and backwardness. Their fate is now bound with the crazy neocons. This is not yet apparent to most casual viewers focused on Anglo perfidy. To put it in context, their actions are more grievous and for a longer duration than Carthage against the Roman Republic.. how did THAT end up for Carthage??
Thanks Uncle Davy for this reminder.
Yes we discussed the fascinating parallels between that 1918 ritual, started on US soldiers in Kansas, which then served as vectors as they deployed overseas. Note the pattern created by the same actors: problem, reaction, solution. Which invariably entailed the solution-goal of masking, distancing and invasive procedures.. a tiresome fetish no? Every religion has its idiosyncratic rites… Did they honestly (transparently) invite mankind into their initiation ceremonies?! And note the same pattern commenced with the Wuhan International Military games of October 2019..
And Overall: war + plague + famine, leading to massive deaths. Cui Bono? Same template a century later.. CAF noted a unique book by an economist historian (I forget title) that tracked these contrived smaller scale Resets every century or so, at least since medieval European times. Banksters’ ponzis can only be maintained so long.. and their cruel gods’ bloodlust must be sated too!
Sean, Mr P: we had discussed safer methods of storage than traditional lined cans (with God knows what the Eugenicist multinationals lace in that liner). Another thing to keep in mind as the temperate areas of Earth heat up is avoiding hitherto cheaper plastic jars and containers.. extrapolation from a relative’s tip: beware plastic peanut butter! So again, better to make your own peanut butter etc at home and store in glass, or plastic rated to withstand leaching its toxins in increasingly hot ambient conditions..
Re: the geopolitical paralysis of the moment.. is it really so? Perhaps Decisions were made and deeds are yet to catch up? A Rubicon is about to be crossed.. as the west lost the sole capability to dictate sanctions (see EU gas/oil woes) and prerogative to dictate diplomatic/political solutions on global stage (see SCO / BRICS, current UN being sidelined) and what was left of its moral standing to even the oblivious (see its universally acknowledged perfidy in prolonging the Ukraine war, and the celebrations over Dugina, etc..) now two items on the Russian menu will really deflate the hot-air balloon: (1) war-crime tribunals and (2) strikes on exceptional territories, probably starting in continental Europe and/or UK.. the Emperor is Naked doesn’t begin to tell the tale of the moment. Maybe the Finn partygirl has cause to party like it’s 1999?? The music is about to stop!!
The cruel calculations of deviants
A gem by MKB. He appraises from the Western angle. While we were waiting for Russia to commence Phase Three, the West started its own Phase Two.. The arrived War of Terrorism being openly proclaimed by the West has clear objectives: stripping legitimacy from the Russian political leadership in the eyes of the Russian people. The one thing guaranteed to get them to respond and counter-escalate.. remember an objective is emotional enraged reprisal attacks anywhere west of the Dniepr all way through California and to the Pacific. And if they will not, a FF can be manufactured to need. The basic idea is to make Russia’s justified response appear an aggression.
MKB finishes with prosaic observation that Zircons are being mass-produced in Russia.. like that gun shown in Act One, must be used by Act (Phase) Three?
From Mr P RSS feed: https://www.rt.com/news/561509-india-tomato-flu-outbreak/
I saw that too and considered the fortuitous timing, so soon after India refused repeated entreaties to cut off Russia ties and in fact accelerated dedollarization.. As with Germany, the AZE leaves no option for mankind – it is a stark kill or be killed. Will the unrepentant deviants be escalating on their Ladders of Chaos even at the moment they are being nuked?? Certain paths or roles in life appear carved in stone.
Yewbetcha, my Friend! I saw that Saudi gave 404 grom2 with maxrange 500km…How nice. And NPP-Z went offgrid…the term they use is “security measures” , which means they started the EDG’s (emergency diesel generators). That’s a Big Deal. Oh yes, they get (30 day?) test starts, but what about bunker fuel? With incoming 155mm shells, and rockets? They say they arrested saboteurs too. I hope those fitters are on overtime + hazard pay! It’s bad enough in the snow…
About tomatoes…which are in season…down at the Dew Drop somebody told a story about some crazy fella> “Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Warning Against Mx Vacns”. I think he was drunk.
A quack, who would doubt it?
Best to All P
Never doubt Dr. Bossche…….one of the foremost in the field of viral study, we have Dr Briddle up here in LaLa land where unlicensed politicians practice medicine and medical doctors become pushers of poison. Now, me not being vindictive, any drug pusher on a soap box pushing their vile vial that succumbs to their own hubris……well, just proves….there is a God.
Cheers M
Canning in my sleep, woke up, worried the freshly picked tatters would turn green overnight……yikes.
Thanks my friend! I took him very seriously…
I gotta go process table grapes into raisins…
The new olive trees are doing really well, considering the 40+ C we’ve been having.
Same for the bees…
And, oh boy! I tested the forge and it’s really neat!
Keep Kool!
According to The Guardian, insects can be turned into meat-like flavors, helping provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional meat options, as supposedly, ‘the scientists’ claimed to have discovered. Mealworms, the larval form of the yellow mealworm beetle, have been cooked with sugar by researchers who found that the result is a meat-like flavouring that could one day be used on convenience food as a source of protein.
Furthermore, according to The Gaurdian, new age scientists can turn the resin on wind turbines blades into gummy bears as dessert in order to
#StopGlobalWarming ;)
The Gaurdian, seems to be channeling Marie Antoinette, and demands for those living in scarcity –
‘If they have no bread, let them eat insects and windy gummy-bears’!
If you wanna save the planet yes. If you wanna make the world peaceful with green freedom and without republican racism and fascism yes.
If you wanna do something for the poor and vulnerable and for small kids gender freedom yes. Then mealworms and resin gummy-bears is the way forward.
The legal term is called set in, and yes, even though its a pain in the neck and no matter how long it takes, every T must be crossed, and every dot must be counted for.
I just watched this Duran livestream with Brian Berletic. These guys are always good to watch and I do follow all of them. @ 34 mins they raise the issue of the USA’s “irrational fear” of becoming a “normal” nation. I argue that this is in no way an “irrational fear” rather it is completely justified:
I completely agree regarding the USA’s fear, along with the collective West’s very real fear that they have in becoming “normal” countries. I disagree with the panel that this fear is “irrational” rather I believe this fear is completely justified for the following reasons:
Paramount is their control of the monetary system. This is an existential necessity for the USA (and the collective West) due to their out-of-control national debt levels. $30 Trillion + for the USA alone. While the USA enjoys the fact that the USD is the currency of global reserve, this has no concern to it as it simply prints more money. When the West loses its control of the global monetary system (and this is now happening very, very quickly) the financial weapons that they have imposed on the rest of the world will be turned against themselves. Look to the examples of the theft of Venezuelan gold, the theft of Russian central bank deposits and all of their other sanctions against Iran and the rest of the world generally.
These financial vulnerabilities will be compounded with their own, now exposed, energy vulnerabilities.
India, China and Russia leading the way to a parallel monetary system which will blind the West from the new economic and trade arrangements being completed. India and Russia have announced that they are now able to conduct all trade between themselves outside of the SWIFT system in their own currencies. This trade includes not only food, energy, and consumer goods, but perhaps even more importantly, in technology and weapons/arms.
OPEC + has refused to eject Russia as a member of that cartel. Saudi Arabia has announced that it will sell oil to China using their own national currencies, putting an end to the Petrodollar.
I used to be puzzled by the West’s belligerent policies since the fall of the USSR and particularly since Mr. Putin has been the President of Russia because it never made any sense. Anyone paying attention to the dynamics created could see very plainly that they were pushing (and had in fact pushed) Russia and China together.
The incompetence and naivety of the West’s leadership has been emblematically demonstrated by the fact that its foreign policy was based upon 4 foundational beliefs:
1) That it could maintain control of the global monetary system;
2) It believed that it had the ability to destroy Russia and achieve “regime change” through economic sanctions, theft of Russia’s central bank deposits and the expansion of NATO;
3) That the rest of the world (including China and India) would support the West’s sanctions against Russia so that the West would be able to preserve the “Rules Based Global Order”; and
4) That China and Russia could/would never form an alliance on the basis that China and Russia saw each other as competitors as they each harbored their own goals of world domination.
The West’s complete miscalculation regarding its ability to destroy Russia failed for 3 main reasons. 1) It completely misunderstood the relationship between Russia and the West vis a vis the rest of the world. 2) It completely underestimated the autarkic nature of the Russian economy and its military strength. 3) It also failed to recognize its own reliance on Russia for the supply of stable, cheap energy and commodities which simply do not exist anywhere else on earth. The statement that Europe became “addicted” to Russian gas is a false premise. The fact is there exists no other replacement supply. By failing to understand this relationship, as well as its own economy and the foolish imposition of sanctions against Russian energy, fertilizers, food, commodities etc. it has destroyed its own economy.
Europe had long been relying on the fact that Russia has always though of itself as a European Nation and it has always sought acceptance into “the fold” so to speak. Russia tried over and over again to gain acceptance, but, once Putin came to the full realization that Russia would never be accepted into NATO when Clinton told him so in 2000, he correctly identified this existential threat and quickly made the pivot to China. He repatriated the Russian energy industries amongst others and got the oligarchs under control. Shortly thereafter, in 2001, China and Russia entered into the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation and all territorial disputes were resolved between the two of them removing any roadblocks between their complete cooperation.
The West’s catastrophic failure to read the tea leaves, particularly as to the technological developments in block-chain and alternative banking structures as well as the new relationships between China and Russia along with the softening of the disputes between China and India has resulted in the very imminent demise of the West.
This complete miscalculation on the part of the West in its ability to destroy Russia and then use it as a model to the rest of the world’s nations to convince them they need to “bend the knee” has completely backfired.
As a result of this failure to destroy Russia, the West has exposed themselves in two ways and have accelerated their own collapse.
Firstly, the theft of Russian Central Bank deposits and the seizure of Russian citizens assets outside of Russia has destroyed the rest of the world’s faith in the global financial system and every nation on earth is looking for an out. They all recognize that they are exposed and that they are next.
Secondly, Russia’s Special Military Operation is now recognized to be a success by all except the West. Demilitarization of Ukraine has not only been achieved but in addition the demilitarization of NATO has also been done. The West is now exposed as a paper tiger, which was already being surmised after the botched retreat from Afghanistan in 2021.
The hard power of the West has now been lost and the Global South has been outright refusing to comply with the West’s diktat.
Biden’s Middle East tour was a complete failure, and the USA, as well himself personally, have been diminished in the eyes of the world. No nation has agreed to the ridiculous demand that an embargo and a price cap be put on Russian oil.
The Blinken African tour has been an embarrassment with African nations (South Africa) publicly admonishing him for his attempts to bully them into joining the sanctions against Russia.
By contrast, Mr. Putin’s and Mr. Lavrov’s travels have been nothing other than spectacularly successful.
Mr. Xie is travelling shortly to Saudi Arabia where he will be warmly, welcomed in the face of both Biden’s and Blinken’s humiliation and Saudi Arabia’s announcement that it will seek membership in the BRICS.
As a result of all of this the West now finds itself financially and militarily on the precipice of its own demise.
The $30 Trillion National debt of the United States along with the catastrophic national debts of the rest of the West will be used against them once they lose control of the global financial system and once the USA becomes a “normal” country that has to pay its debts using other currencies.
I stumbled across this over at MoA and decided to read it, when i was on page 10 i decided it was worth to share with others.
Run little man
“You are a ‘little Common Man’. Understand the double meaning of these words: ‘little: and ‘common’.
Don’t run. Have the courage to look at yourself!
‘What right do you have to tell me things?’ I can see question in your apprehensive look. I hear this question from your
impertinent mouth, Little Man. You are afraid to look at yourself, you are afraid of criticism, Little Man, just as you are
afraid of the power they promise you. You would know how to use this power. You dare not think that you ever might
experience your self differently: free instead; open instead of tactical; loving openly instead of like a thief in the night.
You despise yourself, Little Man. You toy: ‘Who am I to have an opinion of my own to determine my own life and to
declare the world to be mine?’ You are right: Who are you to make a claim to your life? I shall tell you who you are:
You are different from the really great man in only one thing: The great man, at one time, also was a very little man but
he developed one important ability: he learned to see where he was small in his thinking and actions. Under the pressure
of some task, which was dear to him, he learned better and better to sense the threat that came from his smallness nod
pettiness. The great man, then, knows when and in what he is a little man. The Little Man does not know that he is little,
and he is afraid of knowing it. He covers up his smallness and narrowness with illusions of strength and greatness, of
other’s strength and greatness. He is proud of his great generals but not proud of himself. He admires the thought which
he did nor have and not the thought he did have. He believes in things all the more thoroughly the less he comprehends
them, and does nor believe in the correctness of those ideas, which he comprehends most easily”
Dr. Fauci has retired, and Megyn Kelly is pessed, really really pessed on his attitude.
Some disturbing news that doesnt make the headlines.
The Fed wants to keep raising rates b/c they need the money and the old playbook seems to be as good a reason as any.
Yet the last time this occurred we had a strong country ready to go to work.
But going into it this time the citizens are exhausted, they are stressed about the future and this only weakens the human capital economy.
So w/a strain in place and now add a side of stress, these are things that slowly collapses or erodes an economy.
On an equally disturbing note, with all the fanfare of the latest 3/4 trillion dollar inflation busting bill passed recently, (w/a 1/4 trillion dollar side of student debt relief), was a package about green renewables, but this package was for the financial side of the equation.
The tangible side of the package is not for US citizens, but for foreign country’s who did not contribute to global warming and now want to green up their grids w/o adding to global warming.
This can only be for predatory reasons once said promises dont become reality, and in reality, many places at home are going to have to go w/o electricity when they might have been able to use some of that equipment going overseas.
You got a link, alabama?
Nope, short wave radio info.
But it does seem like the US wants to fight to the last Ukrainian, and I do have a link for that.
@AHH I’m now absolutely convinced of your theory that the US Fed (which is neither federal nor a reserve) is trying to destroy the ECB by raising interest rates. Europe is now caught in a pincer movement: high interest rates AND high energy costs: €1000/MWh
The no. of bankruptcies in Europe are skyrocketing whilst Russia is benefiting from high energy prices and a strong ruble
Countries are ditching the $US: https://www.rt.com/business/561513-russia-india-dont-need-dollar/
Natural Gas costs in Europe are up 1,000%: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/europe-energy-crisis-natural-gas-electricity-surge-eurozone-recession-russia-2022-8
Germany hammered again by her US master: https://www.dw.com/en/germans-use-up-their-savings-to-face-inflation-report/a-62896597
The rough translation of Powell’s Speech at Jackson Hole, Wyoming: [quote] “Hello ECB? Suck Satan’s c*ck” Tom Luongo
Powell was “clearly showing an awareness of the possibility, indeed possibly even the likelihood, of recession,” in his comments at Jackson Hole, says Larry Summers (For those who dont know Summers is Charles W Eliot University Prof & Pres. Emeritus at Harvard. Sec. of Treasury for Clinton & Dir. of NEC for Obama
Full convo Wall St Week: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-26/powell-says-history-warns-against-prematurely-loosening-policy
Reminder of Kissinger: