2022/08/13 11:30:01
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Apropos of the previous Cafe post and civilization/savage Conflict Couple
Thinking about Old Alfred..
“Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.”
Does he not describe as well as say “savage? As in opposition to civilized…
Some more mostly unreported news.
There are scant reports from reliable people that new york city and parts of long island are going through rolling brownouts during this record heat summer.
You have power, just not enough to run the air conditioner at comfortable levels all the time, resulting in a higher overall temp. It’s especially uncomfortable at night for people rich and poor, and crowing cats and dogs alike.
Not wanting to admit this could be the new normal, or the real deal, this bad news shall go unreported and swept under the rug for all except those affected.
And the western electrical grid is hanging on by a thread, the increased cloud cover has reduced electrical demand, as the unusual heavy rainfall is barely able to keep all the air out of the turbines. The rain is predicted to continue, but soon as it stops, this issue shall be revisited.
Doesn’t Michael Hudson also live in NYC?? Here’s what he wrote to Pepe yesterday (from Pepe’s Telegram):
France is highly dependent on nuclear power for electricity-generation. The integrated EU grid may collapse without French nuclear power.. Ergo we have seen the proliferating French nuke plants issues in last years, ever increasing and accelerating in determined efforts to kill Europe. From crazed green new-deal Technocrats shutting them down for prolonged “maintenance,” to sabotage, to uranium fuel sources being steadily strangled (Note the four (4) sources of French imported uranium: Kazakh and West African ones are in Russian hands, and duplicitous Canada (5-Eyes) will eventually give them the “Siemens-treatment” under the terms of her Majesty’s Secret Service), now there’s this:
Europa Delenda Est
New briefing from Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine –
Gonzalo Lira tweets –
“Just woke up to hear that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound was raided by the FBI. That coupled with the Alex Jones show trial and the 87,000 new IRS agents?
Ameri-bros, the Regime is going full-tilt totalitarian—and you’re the one they’ll be going after.
I’m telling you—get out now.”
Some humour from the U. S. Ministry of Truth on Twitter –
“BREAKING: Garland confirms FBI raided Mar-a-Lago to find George W. Bush’s weapons of mass destruction.”
Meanwhile, Henry Kissinger reiterates that the US is on the brink of war with Russia and China “because of the issues that we ourselves have created, having no idea how it will end or where it should lead.” At the same time, in his opinion, Washington does not have the means to resolve the situation it has created and will not be able to turn China against Russia.
Reminded of the philosophy of life by Zatoichi, the blind samurai –
“Talk softly but carry a big stick” –
Yes Sudhi, thanks for Zatoichi, I had forgotten about him! Another worthy Z. One of the YT comments even linked it to current global fight: “Do NOT mess with the Z!” Many years ago I went through a period I watched just Japanese and Korean movies.. Akira Kurosawa may be my favorite director of all, a Shakespeare of the motion pictures. Japan up to the 1950-60s, like the West of 19th Century, was a study in contrast; there were many humane and transcendental impulses. It breaks heart to see what Japan has become today, a broken caricature.
Here’s one of most mesmerizing movies ever. The premise appears to be: what monsters can one design if you lock a man into his room and deliver him food there for years, separate him from family and friends, destroy his job, have him watch TV nonstop and make sure he understands he is being monitored 24/7? Reminds me of the covid ritual.. just waiting for the violence part to erupt in Zone A. South Korean movies have an unhealthy fixation on revenge.. I wouldn’t want to be a gringo there when China opens the SCS Games.. imho South Korean allies will melt faster than the Afghan National Army of August 2021.
Lol, I had Dubya’s handler Vice on mind before I saw your comment. So much of the denouement in motion now involves the Bush crime family – for over a century! I suspect what Smedley Butler stopped in 1930s may come to pass soon – overt Fascism in USA. And a “real Patriot” like DJT will be leading the charge.. Things are slipping outta hand too fast and what is an overtasked nazi cabal to do?? So they are pretend-victimizing him now, ensuring his landslide win to come. “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves – VIL”
A gift to you and Dimitar,
Many thanks AHH
a return gift;
“El Condor Pasa”
by Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel –
Stephan Micus; “Flying Horses”
Thank you Dimitar, for the wonderful music.
Raga Des by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia
“Held Hostage and Violated, with Much Worse to Come”
interesting article by Linh Dinh –
“Born in Belfast in 1950, Brian Keenan sought to escape the civil unrest of his homeland by diving straight into Lebanon’s civil war, for he had a job offer from the glamorous and exotic sounding American University of Beirut. That’s as cool as listing Timbuktu Community College on your resume, no?
Plus, at age 35 Keenan had yet to see the world beyond Northern Ireland, so it was past time he roamed. Just four months into this new life, Keenan was kidnapped and held hostage for the next 4 1/2 years.”
Some Russian humour –
Translation –
During a search of Donald Trump, it was found:
⁃ Parachute straps;
⁃ Bear skin;
⁃ Flag of the USSR;
⁃ Push-button telephone with Russian layout;
⁃ Portrait of Putin on a horse, painted in oil;
⁃ Honey with pepper;
⁃ Hat with ear flaps;
⁃ The second component of the Sputnik V vaccine;
⁃ Encyclopedia about gas pipeline turbines;
⁃ Pushkin’s volume in the original;
⁃ TV signal of the Soloviev Live channel;
⁃ Banknote with a face value of 500₽ 🤔
The Astounding Eyes of Rita; Anouar Brahem
Btw, Gonzalo tweeted he’s been cancelled from Wikipedia.
Re: the RT article about the French river,
I look around the comments to it and an article regarding a similar disaster in Germany and Poland, and there are readers who apparently believe that said disasters are karma for Western imperial activity.
Now let’s put the shoe on the other foot: if a similar disaster happened on the soil of a non-Western country, how does one interpret it?
I am thinking that we, individuals, should think by ourselves about our lives and take decisions on where to live and how to live in face of the days to come.
Tall buildings that are impossible to live in without electricity. Huge cities for which tge food gas to come from very distant places. Electricity provided by nuclear plants that can be shelled abd be tdabsfirned in nuclear bombs.
Too many risks.
Musings on explosive gas issues
▪︎ Brother ez-ED made me chuckle: “The geopolitical atmosphere on the earth right now .. [is] like a room saturated with gas fumes, with a fully lit menorah in the center of it.” Qigong adepts would say this is a focused man!
I may add: the gas was obtained from the North Sea British Petroleum gas fields, the room’s pentagonal walls were constructed by a consortium led by Halliburton and Lafarge, the gas pressurizing turbines supplied by the hapless stooge Siemens, the menorah lovingly crafted by a Lockheed Martin retiree, and the flame lit by a respectful Dr. Albert Bourla. Pelosi selected the (BLM-standard) West African kente cloth scarf, which draped the Ikea custom-built teak menorah stand. Biden positioned it just so in the room center, to avoid placement on the Dragon’s Eyeball or Spine (a no-no in exceedingly superstitious Feng Shui). Yeah, the cheap Baroque imitation interior was designed by a passive-aggressive Macron. He selected highly decorative carved Czech wood wall panels, San Francisco Willow Blue Velvet and Dalmatian lace curtains, and flourishes of Australian faux Emu feathers. Finland donated antlers ripped off Rudolf and Norway miniature framed photographs of Anders Breivik and Quisling. Quite a psychedelic ensemble! The 3 Bs provided ten prim catamites, each holding vessels of used scented Polish oil lent by the miser Draghi.
▪︎ A very interesting video on the immense construction scale of gas pipelines. It highlights the intense labor and engineering and time that goes into it. Recouping the cost is insufficient. Nations can engage in only a few of these per time-period; the allocation of resources is intensely debated in advance and subsequently critiqued. Efforts found to be deliberately misleading after the fact (such as willful misdirection from more fruitful ventures, say Powerful ones Southeastwards from Siberia) are a well of bitterness and recrimination.. There Will Be Blood.. and another data point leading to ruptured relations between Europe and Russia for generations to come after such crude betrayal.
At the end, they raise a further amazing point, to add to the ledger of scores, that
Funny that, right after the Maidan and one month into the “ATO.” Hmmm. Sea Pirates anticipated great crimes to come to Europe and went off whistling innocently? Undoubtedly, as “the world’s 16th largest defence contractor in 2018 .. [and] .. the 85th-largest of any company with a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange,” and with its HQ in London, Rolls-Royce got the “F##k-the-EU” memo! Funny that, Ruuskies recently showed on their national TV an undersea generated tsunami sweeping over the Sunless Isles..
▪︎ Now regarding the corporeal type of vaporized matter, in serious need of venting, what is Medvedev intimating regarding the prospects of the “unshaved fellow wearing a green shirt” ?? NPP Z and a “‘point of no return’ in Russia-US relations” are changing timelines for many little actors on the stage..
None of the people driving the imperial power structure which rules over us are in their positions because of their wisdom or kindness.
According to Martin Armstrong “July’s strong exports sent China’s trade surplus to a record $101 billion for the month, the first time it has surpassed the $100 billion mark. By comparison, the trade surplus in July 2021 was just $56.6 billion.” My guess is this is helped by the USA buying lots of Chinese crude (Read Russian).
On another note he said on the USA Watchdog site:
“Armstrong’s says forget what the mainstream polls are saying about voter support for Democrats and Joe Biden because the real numbers are much lower than the public is told. Armstrong’s “Socrates” computer program shows Joe Biden has just 12% of support in America.
“…Joe Biden has just 12% of support in America.”
That’s the ubiquitous “10% for the Big Guy”….. adjusted for inflation.
Thinking about all the flatfootfinks the Big Guy is said to be hiring to shoot people in the name of the treasury…and how that might form a conflict-couple in view of Wyoming Constitution Art. 19, § 6. Importing armed bodies to suppress violence prohibited; exception. >
“No armed police force, or detective agency, or armed body, or unarmed body of men, shall ever be brought into this state, for the suppression of domestic violence, except upon the application of the legislature, or executive, when the legislature cannot be convened.”
It might be supposed that the legislature might get visits and be arrested so as to prevent convened…but, well, whatever…but they’re a funny bunch in Wyo…might be a fight.
entire WC> https://www.wyoleg.gov/statutes/compress/title97.pdf
It’ll make a great bar review article anyway…as I remember most lawyers in Who do not go to law school, they clerk for established lawyers – like Lincoln did. – gives ’em funny ideas about Law.
The Con Ed voltage reduction confirmation that Friend AHH provided – Thanks! > I note that operating synchronous motors (like the reefer or the A/C) on low voltage tends to overheat said motors, and transformers generally, (they’re essentially very similar machines). It also screws up Power Factor, ie the voltage sine wave and the current sine move further apart on the o scope trace…that’s a not-good. Bad efficiency. Anyway, it might be a good idea to get a gizmo “kill a watt” is nice gizmo and handy, maybe 30 sammybucks. Monitoring the mains at the crib is a way to know when to shut down a load and prevent fubars.
I remember a story from Sarajevo. No mains, rubble, snipers, and a gaggle of unemployed Yugoslavian engineers rigging car alternators and stuff to hand-made dams in the river rocks. Under some sniper fire.
they’re a funny bunch in Wyo
I was once flying to Wisconsin and sat next to a pleasant gentleman from Idaho, an architect or engineer. (Idaho soon to merge w/ Anoxia?). I think they’re a similar state to Wyoming? I was so engrossed in conversation the trip passed in an eyeblink. However when I think of this state I recall it was represented by Halliburton’s “Vice.” What great evil can lurk in the most pleasing environs!! Some dared call Dubya’s period of truancy “the Cheney Administration.” Our fellow commentator Matador recently wrote these memorable words, “Bitcoin falling faster than Dick Cheney’s hunting partner,” lol! (Read the comments, a book in itself on USA psychopathy, not to mention still prevailing correlation of forces between Feudals and their peons..)
Isn’t Wyoming like most of the sparsely settled mountain states a Federalo FEMA playground and essentially a laboratory for misbehavior? Most of Wyo pop could be squeezed into Mar-a-Lago. How much real agency or leeway do they have? And Vice could be wheeled out to mislead again.
A scholar reminds us that Dostoevsky whispers from the Past: We Hate those we’ve Wronged.. The deep Angst and guilt of the betrayer and serial killer.. And what happens when the Wronged can’t take it anymore? Of greater interest regarding Wyoming to the future “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” of continentals is Yellowstone. Some Doomsdayers have long discussed possibilities of the contrived triggering of supervolcano activity at the Yellowstone Caldera, even if this rodeo doesn’t go live. A dormant terrestrial Poseidon awaiting benedictions! Swarms of earthquakes have periodically occurred in last decades, priming the pump too. A psychological Rubicon is being crossed.. every day brings new grief, new expressions of Hate from combined West. At a certain point you put the rabid Beast down.
Smoothie recently had a surprising description of trolls and deviants, and threw in association with “people who were born with their mothers (you know–persons who menstruate) standing vertically”
I had to laugh. This is actually one of the positions favored by some smart mothers.. It ain’t Prohibition anymore with a de rigueur missionary position in the dark, lol. Good thing he did not see water birthing or unplanned car births (an Italian cousin delivered his own that way! Feisty guy, a deft chef. Some just do not make it to the hospital) The first time I assisted with a standing birth, I was a student tagging along the OB ward. We had a most colorful bipolar woman standing on her bed, hollering, preaching and singing lustily. We waited her out, letting her get everything in her system out. Including a safe baby.. Less risky that way. (just don’t drop the ball, as I nearly did the first time! quite slippery)
Soon after, I came to know it ain’t just the crazed, but natural variation, and may in fact be a wholesome alternative, receiving assistance from gravity.. They do need to have underneath them two sturdy pillars. Anything goes to ease this distressing (and exhilarating) moment, provided mom & baby are safe and practitioners can keep up.. often crusty midwives are better for the “alternative deliveries.” saw an old video in early 1980s of a Chinese collective farmer helping harvest the fields; she stopped to squat & deliver and immediately resumed working! I am sure similar stories in pre-industrial Europe, Africa currently, and any place all need to pitch in that time of year. Many stories of isolated folks delivering on their own worldwide.. in fact lying flat on back is among least efficient and helpful postures and done largely for ease of OB/nurses.. Mothers are creative, resilient and blessed. I firmly believe most men could not endure what they do, in childbirth alone
Oh, well, yes…Wyo has more antelope than people, nevertheless that works two ways, it’s wild yet outside Casper and one or two other cities…much, aheeem, looks a lot like parts of Russia and afnamistan. I was not imagining any organized fight, or even any significant resistance to an outside armed force illegally entering… But, there exists an incipient conflict between the Wyo traditions, Law, custom – and the imposed nazi method. I am sure the flatfootedfinks will prevail, for a time…as in 404. And ultimately? We’ll see. We never hear about it, but deliberate near-miss bullets have been known to splutter in front of an intruders “black SUV”, and in forest? Trees have been known to mysteriously fall across the dirt road and block both advance and retreat. They are very conservative people. Protestants and Catholics, mostly, in their own way, but it’s morally significant.
see “You men from the bank?” https://youtu.be/EXjnXWQSDl4
The Hal-a-burnt fella – the man with no heart – a con job…the Wyovolk are like rural people generally, gullible. There’s oil and gas, but it’s all rolled up in a sort of geological crepe – slugs of petrostuff here and there, with dry holes right next to a fat spot – and many ranchers depend on the income from one or two fairly marginal wells…and lots of coal. I recall Father doing work with respect to uranium deposits too. Hunting is in Wyo a significant source of meat. As “spy” I once, more than 50 years ago, took a job with a geological survey company near Riverton, to get access to their maps. Quit after a week. Most incipient conflict seems to “simmer along, with the occasional burst of “steam”. Most Wyovolk are poor, somewhat clannish, skilled and armed with good rifles. Recalling Winston C and his reports from Afnamistan… “impecunious illiterate tribesmen armed with the finest Martini-Henry rifles”. One thinks of fable of tortoise and hare. And what happens to armies that come to Afnamistan…
Yellowstone> Recalling that God may decide to throw rocks, there are wonderful fine examples of pyroclastic bombs, and of course really big eruptions, global significance eruptions, as you know.
Let us pray that He holds Yellowstone with a smile, ’cause “ifin He don’t”… well, you can’t print the way out of a supervolcano eruption.
Withal, I await with interest the possibility that the Wyo cops and the flatfootedfinks may have a highway stand-off, guns drawn, at loggerheads…a tiny affair, and possibly nonviolent – but very significant. A fine signal model to study. Of course by then the entire global scene may be vastly different, with nazis too busy elsewhere to trouble with Wyo. A thrilling escapade!
An interesting feature in Wyo is the Catholic lapsed Sephardi Jews whose families have lived in the US West since the European diaspora – following the Alhambra Decree of 1492. Some even continue to eschew pork and light a candle on Friday evening, but don’t know why. For them the mitzvah sedekah remains strong, and I have seen this.
Best to All!
Well, it sure is a real miracle. My wife delivered all three of our children at home. At a time when it was frowned on. Finding good midwives was a God send …and an Dr who was from the old country. He even said, any issues just call, I’ll come to the house. Not something endorsed by the College. The most painful for me as man was on the first, I was passing a cloth for my wife to bite down on…..she missed the cloth got my finger……the next two, I passed the cloth with tongs….just kidding. Awesome life experience though.
Cheers M
Let’s not leave God (Jesus Christ) out of the equation when we talk about the world leaders for He’s I charge and still in control as Psalms 2 points out ;
“….Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”….
Great video of Saki strikes:
Very good image of Saki
The only struck [check]box I see is your persistence. This entire issue has been debunked and discussed to death in last days. A complete nonissue, either a limited local sabotage or error. There are hiccups in any war. Will not affect the SMO grind one iota.. Did you not learn the last time?
Here is more educational material from Larch’s prehacked account.
The desperation to score something somewhere anyhow is palpable.
Mods, how can we defend the Blog and Integrity and Galactic Civilization itself by having both arms tied behind our backs??? I did not even cuss with the deleted first response!!! Dont force us to use triple entendres to pistol-whip what appears trollery to our jaundiced eye. It lacks the same heft as bluntness. A spade needs to be called a spade, whether sincerely mindwashed or on the clock.
(MOD: Defending the blog must not include insulting fellow posters. This post doesn’t,the other one did. And so you see this one is posted here. Make you point without insults or any other rules violations and your posts will go through.)
If it was missiles one would expect similar further events. We shall see.
The US appears to be be preparing to intervene.
Sleepy Joe let it slip about the deployment of the airborne troops in Ukraine a while ago.
Maybe it would be helpful for them to watch the Pushkin poem video:
“So send your embittered sons to us,
There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,
Among the coffins” …
Oh,and tell them it would be nice if they brought their own body bags with them. They are expensive,so just to be sure they get one,have them bring their own.
Sarmat-2 and Poseiden will ensure that the show is fully inclusive and diverse.
If you see what I mean.
Missile strikes are ramping up in Kherson Oblast, how many of these are precision missiles isn’t clear.
One in Nova Kakhovka appeared to have the same signature as the blasts in Saki.
Yes, thanks for the link! I recall recently F22 aircraft firing missiles into SMO404 Rus controlled area. F22 being only capable platform. F22 being a US aircraft. Thus US did already directly involve itself against Rus target in 404 – if the claims are valid. The two reports dove-tail. F22 has very small radar cross-section, but missile debris had naturally serial numbers. And then too, one ought to assume that GRU or whatever designation it has, has many spies within US military structure. Just as they did in previous nazi criminal army. funflick about that> https://youtu.be/zIzOma9Pyv8?list=PLA6274B0CEF58CEB0 (17 Moments of Spring)
The explosion near Saki was real. Being a little closer than most posters here and also having enough rank to ask real questions and get answers, the official version is ‘accident’. Unofficial version is sabotage. We warned them repeatedly about taking in all this orcs who chose to stay here after our revolution, but why listen to me?.
Thank you, Auslander, for giving us inside information from Krym.
I look forward to more extended reports from you.
And I hope that you are fully recoverd by now.
Best wishes
Dear Auslander,
Good to see you here and I hope you are well.
Thank you for confirmation it was sabotage – interestingly enough, Ms Simonyan also said the same thing on the day from her sources and I remember the Head of the Crimea parliament declared a terrorist alert and a five kilometre radius around the base closed. After the drone attack in Sevastopol, I was a bit surprised that this sabotage happened as I would have thought everything would have been on high alert…….as you say, they allowed traitors to stay.
The issue now is how are the MOD going to react as this was a direct attack on Russia.?
A gvt in the lurch, no longer on the perch,
the drive has been a long quiet silence extending into the night,
once and a while a radio signal comes in, the tires are barely humming.
A comfort settles in, then, slowly riding slightly downhill, a tunnel appears,
then a light at the end of a tunnel.
As the unexpected light ahead gets brighter, bigger,
A twinge, a nudge, is everything ok, am I where I think I am?
The light grows large fast, suddenly a loud roar from the tires below,
its the cold steel rails of a bridge over troubled water, and some big city lights
from the windshield, doing 55.
Automatic brakes engage, fine tune the location, divert around the concrete
jungle and back into the dark silence of, before.
Before, where you have to still finish the rest of the long, harrowing, trip.
Has anyone out there read this Executive Order 14067? I read it but it is too dense for me. It has lots of soothing, positive words which make me nervous. What does it mean for the ordinary citizen?
Hi Theodora,
How are you? IIRC you are from Oregon? How’s the weather? Any unusual seasonal changes? My uncle left Tacoma Park nearby, which used to have endless drizzle in the 1990s. Do you see drying and less rain / green? Oregon should be among most lush locations.
Re: Executive Order 14067, it’s not my bailiwick but it appears part of the digital centralization and preparation for fallout of dedollarization. It is directed at primarily the DoJ enforcement arm in the US.. The Banksters are marking their territory.. Digital currencies were a predictable ponzi observed by CAF and discussed now for several years. One of my first arguments with dear Amarynth was over this coming trap! The Banksters temporarily allowed the bitcoins to serve as a magnet for the coming digital era (priming the pump for millenials and savvy entrepreneurs) and during covid as a lucrative sink for dollars preventing escape into competing bullion or into real estate, which they wanted Gates et al to corral for food and collateral..
Now the hammer is coming down in race for CBDCs, which cannot tolerate such bitcoin competition, at least to current unsupervised degree. Australia had similar legislation stripping anonymity from cross-border transactions, either late last year or early this year. San Francisco, a nexus of Bitcoin Mafia, also earlier set a US precedent by forcing a digital currency exchange under federal subpoena to reveal the blockchain owner! Current moves by Iran and others to pay in digit currency are also being ruthlessly countered. Bitcoins were extremely lucrative, but their window is rapidly closing as they require the infrastructure of the Beast: proprietary hackable internet cables & sats, as well as hardware/software with backdoors not to mention the energy of states. They are being gently suffocated with a few snitches and honeypots left around as beacons for the moths.
What does all this mean?
Banking controls such as came to Canada during the Truckers Revolt? I defer to Mr P and others observing Lawfare for long time.. the minions can be creative in interpretation in eras of Executive diktat.
And as regards getting out of Crypto: as Kenny sang, “we have to know when to hold em and know when to fold em..” if we are risk averse, prudent to get out now, otherwise time it perfectly afore the bottom falls out.
Best Regards
Thank you AHH and Mr. P for your take on Executive order 14067. I can hardly wait for the practices and procedures to carry this thing out.
My current habitat is Eastern Washington state. Western WA and Western OR are verdant with 40 to 60 inches annual rainfall. And not much above sea level. Eastern WA gets 15 to 17 inches annual rainfall and is a couple thousand feet above sea level. Eastern WA culture differs as well. More guns, less woke-ness and has the poorest zip code in the state. .
Current climate report in these parts. Hot but not as hot as last summer. Cool wet spring. Wheat farmers were happy. But now even with temps in the 80’s the heat feels hot on your skin. Lawns are crisping up even when watered and fertilized. Some vegetables are not doing well even when cared for.
Is this geoengineering destroying the ozone layer letting more UV C hitting the planet? Or is the sun revving up for a massive solar event as happened 12,000 years ago according to native stories and some contemporary scientists.
Yes. see text> https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-14067-ensuring-responsible-development-digital-assets
Mean? Ugh, well… Just speculating…some might say loss of all privacy along with a loss of independent agency. But I am awaiting the Clarification that Time brings… A rational position, particularly because the decree seems to be without a basis in law, it cannot be objected to effectively.
Probably our master class will be kind and let us know all about it…it sets into motion Changes that “shall” proceed over many months, including more decrees, etc.
Perhaps, at this moment, the most interesting aspect may be that the implication is inescapably that said Class expects to remain in power.
Such persistence ! Cooling system is an essential feature… As always, the propaganda telegraphs the intent…and the attacks confirm it.
“THE UN Secretariat blocked the visit of IAEA representatives to the Zaporizhzhya NPP The Russian side asked for comments, but did not receive an explanation. Although agreements that the IAEA will visit the facility by the end of August were reached at the UN Security Council on Thursday. Moscow has repeatedly stated: the shelling of nuclear power plants by Ukrainian troops endangers the nuclear safety of the whole world and the catastrophe will be more large-scale than in Chernobyl. Attacks on the station have recently become massive. After the latter, the thermal power plant and cooling systems of nuclear reactors were partially damaged.” (machine translation)
Original> [all caps is original from telegram post, kindly excuse…]
“Секретариат ООН заблокировал визит представителей МАГАТЭ на Запорожскую АЭС
Российская сторона обратилась за комментариями, но объяснений не получила. Хотя договоренности о том, что МАГАТЭ до конца августа посетит объект, были достигнуты на Совете безопасности ООН в четверг.
Москва уже не раз заявляла: обстрелы украинскими войсками АЭС ставят под угрозу ядерную безопасность всего мира и катастрофа будет более масштабной, чем в Чернобыле. Атаки на станцию в последнее время стали массированными. После последних частично повреждены теплоэлектростанция и системы охлаждения ядерных реакторов.” https://t.me/s/Pavlova_Maria_live
Escalate to deescalate? Deescalate to escalate later? Escalate for the vicarious pleasure? Escalate without bounds in a professional manner? Decisions!
A flabbergasted Older Alex concludes from reading Simon Tisdale, one of the Oracles of the Abyss, “there is absolutely no point of escalation that some people in the west are not prepared to reach…” cue NPP Z, the Gulf of Finland (I visited at Helsinki in mid-80s), Krim sabotage, attacks on Tartus base, what else?.. what do they have in common? Prodding towards what?
And as you said about trying to halt Time, the Reality threatens to crash their Metaverse.. at this point, is that even deadlier than the unfathomable horror of dedollarization?? What WOULDN’T a chronic addict undergoing rapid withdrawal do, to avert the agony?
I am monitoring shocking weather changes all over.
Am I attributing too much to weather modification shenanigans? Europe’s and the US breadbasket’s drying and desertification and much of the northern hemisphere too, raises the question of Actor. I can see HAARP tools directed inwards in Zone A (and dependencies) passing quietly unmentioned, but it would not be tolerated by Russians. Their permafrost and Artic is melting at accelerated speed too. There is a UN treaty which establishes ground rules, in order to avert thermonuclear responses. Here So what gives? I remember when Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” agitprop came out, Father whilst agreeing with significant changes underway, scoffed at human agency.. he even corresponded with native Americans (Ennuit? It was tribesman near the north pole) who remarked the “wandering of the Sun,” with it appearing from a different “entrance” each morning.. so huge cosmic changes are in motion, noted by many and evident worldwide. Something to parallel 1077 BC seismic changes leading to drought, famines, mass movements, resource wars, etc..? The Beast may merely be trying to ride the current, and merely “goose it” towards its survivors’ benefit. The true Actor though appears Divine as the tabula is being rearranged (the real reset) for the Second Coming
There’s something about Medvedev which raised an itch that wouldn’t go away. A Portrait today reminded me. There’s haunting similarity with the last official Russian Tzar. Perhaps he graphically reminds his pal VVP of the larger aims too?! A good symbol to keep around.. I’d like to see the family tree. Add a reddish tinge and beard, voilà! The irony is surely not lost on the Transatlantic Trotskyist Haters, of the ancient face on their current Telegram Tormenter.
Ah! My Fried! Hi…
escalation > (from telegram )” Forwarded from Donbass Devushka (M V) Over the past two hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have inflicted about 25 heavy artillery strikes from American M-777 howitzers on Energodar and the nuclear power plant area, Rogov said.”
(the not-to-named fella, who can be regrettably impolitic and blunt, also has a telegram whatever, and posts interesting near time stuff from liberated 404)
And yes, they scruple at nothing, and this is their very weakness. It’s a sad period, and worse yet to come. I have no doubt about the outcome. Perhaps that’s faith. It’ very strange being an old rogue Quaker-bred fella… Anyway, the bad fellas don’t win. It was a whisper, eh?
…………………Weather. I have read of the canon, such as it is, respecting the changes. And read some Russian geophysical papers that do not appear in westcanon, AZE, whatever. Recalling the dog that did not bark, and other similar inquiry vectors, I hold that occult may be able to do a bit, but not much more that add a (5%?) or take away the same…from the overwhelming Master of Earth’s climate, the Master of Light, and the Lesser Light…anyway, for a hoot>
Our Mr Sun, 1956 Capra! https://youtu.be/VEfomqnif34
Withal, It is almost entirely a matter of the solar flux and atmosphere, which is complex, and Earth flies in this tenuous fluid, and there is gas exchange, stuff coming in, stuff going out, and the magnetic and plasma stuff – well, I think nobody really knows, but it matters. And it’s happened before, more or less. I would not doubt that some agency is making it worse, but I doubt CO2 has much influence at all.
(I also have saved geophysical papers on abioticpetro. It is. Even a 7 grade general science kid could follow the chemistry. A Ruskie paper… He nails that the stuff originates from outgassing and a bit of funny business in the rocks. The “petro” comes from primordial purse. Coal is another matter, but the oil and gas is our original gift from the Almighty. Note that this does not mean that “petro/gas” does not accumulate is spongy places, and there is a limit to rate of suck.)
“There’s something about Medvedev” Yewbetcha!
I can’t imagine why, but a story occurs to me, overheard down at “Dink’s Place” at the crossroads…. Seems that the cryptonazi bike club with “red and white”, whose life long president just recently died, was seen by GRU / KGB as insinuating itself into the biker class of Rus, opening club-houses, and recruiting, etc. The story goes that Rus then curated a motorcycle gang, or took one over, the first “president” had “road name” of “dentist”, and he turned the growing “Night Wolves” over to “surgeon”…. You get the gag… The foreign bikers? Some got into a gunfight… Anyway, in the fullness of Time, Night W became several things, they put on glamorous dope-free concerts, and they do quiet things…they were important in rescuing Viktor Yanukovych, for example. The US lists them as bad whatevers. Broadly, they serve as a magnetic attraction to bikers, and an alignments of loyalty to Russia, “yawanna be in the club, yaggota be a patriot” Some say they deal dope, but if they do it’s to discover evidence, and I doubt that they sully themselves with stuff like that.
Gospodin Medvedev recently advised the Z fella to go back to acting or face tribunal… Since the Alex Twins apprehend that some sort of dubious plan respecting the person VVP may be afoot, indeed, if occultforce doesn’t like VVP, then imagine!
Later & Best to All. P
Please show me the HAARP tools you are claiming to see. Also provide and explanation for the climate change effect they may have (last I heard they were responsible for quakes).
I have serious issues with the bagatellization of the underlying science because of the ridiculous political and economical situation and response to the climate change problem.
It is not 1900 when we had scant sensors providing data about planetary and cosmic phenomena.
There is just wordgarble in your post about cosmic changes and then some pointing to religious texts. That doesn’t cut it.
We have pretty exact measures about sun activity, let me tell you it stayed the same or eeven declined about since the 70s. But we have a +1K global mean temperature delta since the 70s. In absence of any natural forcing, there is only one conclusion: The increase of human GHG emissions (CO2,CH4) is the forcing responsible.
Surely there is corruption in academia and science. But don’t treat the honest 99% like they have no clue what they are doing.
The first place to begin ones study on human weather modification is with the Pentagon White Paper published in 1996. It discusses climate change to force migration famine and capitulation. Titled, Owning The Weather. To learn where they got the genus to modify the weather read all you can find on an obscure historical figure, buried under exceptional bullshit, and you’ll have a better understanding of the aim in weather modification. His work has never been surpassed but then a genius like Dr Tesla only comes around…..well other than the arch and the wheel genius is rare.
Cheers M
How does one hide human weather modification without causing a stamped of nuclear traffic jams, and jumpers. Well, one might push, with the help of easily manipulated children, a silly Global Warming story like the Popular Mechanics type Global Cooling stories run in the seventies. Should anyone apply logic, planetary evolution and common sense to such a silly idea just change the name of the Documentary to Climate Change. Which is actually real as the climate is not static anywhere on this ball floating through space and human timelines………cold here, ate my first ripe tomato last year Aug 1st. Ate my first vine ripened ’22 mate’r yesterday. Finally getting some rain here, just in time to flood out the farmers…..
Cheers M
Ain’t no change in the weather
Ain’t no changes in me…..
Let me do it. You are living not the dream but in a dream. “dont treat the honest 99% with no clue…”???
You and the 99% “honest” live in a two-dimensional world. All your sensors ends up in a flat-screen and/or a paper report + you have titles, professors, institutions, notabilities to make conclusions and say something in and from these reports yes?
And your conclusion and question is all these notabilities would not say what they say if it wasnt true, why you want us to explain why they should/could be wrong from this two-dimensional position.
You and your honest 99% miss the last link to reality, to the three-dimensional world.
When I in the Engineering world make drawings and descriptions after registered site conditions, they are all followed by a note “everything should be checked, approved and stamped by the Supervision on the factory and again checked and approved on Site. Why?
Because everything in the three-dimensional world are one. Just 1 cm described too big or too small door, window, brick can ruin the whole construction process and result.
Every equation we make must be one and only one conclusion! Therefore our two-dimensional world of drawings, methods, descriptions and responsible architects/engineers must be checked again and again out in the real three-dimensional reality.
We now go out and make the third link, where you stopped at the second, in the three-dimensional reality, and we check your registered sensors and the 99% “honest professors”.
The first one is Clima change which I even have from the horse mouth itself:
“In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” (TAR, p.774.) IPCC Third Assesment Report.
Then we go out and check your second CO2:
In short: The fear of global warming allows a few powerful people and they alone to get rich.
In conclusion: The effects of CO2 on the Climate are hypothetical and in any case marginal.
https://www.voltairenet.org/article208187.html (read it).
Final conclusion: We have now checked both your sensors and your professors/institutions on the factory and also on Site for errors in the three-dimensional world, and conclude both Clima and CO2 are financial paper instruments without any true basis in the three-dimensional physical world. Period.
@AHH re: the similarity.
It is said the soul keeps coming back to our own soul group.
Previous to Russia’s SMO, I haven’t been a Medvedev fan, thinking of him more as an Atlantic Integrationist (AI) than a Russian Sovereignist (to use Saker’s terminology).
I got goosebumps (confirmation) while watching that vid.
Theodora, thanks so much for feedback, and to Mr P. I am delighted weather is largely consistent. I meant to say Tacoma, not Takoma Park (in MD state). I used to visit the Maryland one and mistyped..
I hold that occult may be able to do a bit, but not much more that add a (5%?)
Yes, that sounds in the approximate ballpark. A minor focused effect, which can nevertheless be devastating.
Data-points continue to accumulate. I am reminded of the drum beat to war during contrived aggressions, such as 2003 Iraq. When the dirty decision was made, there was a tsunami of leaks and reports and anticipatory action, so that once it finally started, it was actually a relief. They are quite practiced at manipulating human psychology and emotion. We tend to need resolution in order to move on.
More from last day:
▪︎ Romania distributes potassium iodide to its population and donated 1 million pills to neighboring Moldava too. What memos did this NATO suicide squad member receive??
▪︎ Banned French mines with magnetic target sensor are now used by UkroNazis. So they explode if even humans patrolling on foot on demining come near!! Diabolical, adding to the scores ledger.
Darkmoon, ironic you, a most sober science boffin, use the handle of one of my favorite floridly-exotic conspiracy sites of a bygone era, lol. if you take the time to peruse the links within the posted UN Treaty wiki above, it provides ample evidence for climate modification capability. it is not limited to earthquakes. And no longer a state secret.
CO2 (whether bovine flatulence or other) is not the main culprit, as many commentators already posted the data. Have you considered, in light of the major moves to cull/deny beef and animal protein to mankind (essential to good health & child growth, and sound brain maintenance), and to kill off the petroleum industry (deindustrializing) and auto industry (limiting mobility & economic opportunities of serfs) that the CO2 hoax is a legerdemain being used to roll in the Dystopian Digital Panopticon? Read the 1960s Club of Rome edicts, being rolled out atm.. The fascist Technocrats are Green gremlins and midgets above all.. These facts alone should give a thinking being pause. And to do due diligence on their manufactured science.
And not merely widely known cloud-seeding, done for generations (for example in Soviet era to reduce rain over Victory Day parades, or over Ho Chi Minh trail to increase rainfall during Vietnam war in 60s) but HAARP was used to heat ionosphere too. Lastly, one doesn’t need to be climatologist to appreciate nazis will be nazis – if they have the tools, and they always lack goodwill to those they do not control or cannot easily pillage, then they will use the said tool. They will not provide us the results in Science et al. We need to compare trends, and extrapolate, and deduce.. Did you see in last 2.5 years how many competent scientists were hammered for speaking the Truth about covid?? Cancelled, delicensed, fired, mocked, even killed! So it has been for the Climate Op, even much much longer..
Please don’t get angry at the messenger! I sense you are in Denial stage.. I went through the five stages of grief too, once I learned some of core concepts I was taught were absolute BS. It is our Fate, those living or trained in Empire of Lies.. they lie for many reasons.. nazi habit of keeping to need-to-know basis compartmentalization for all, even among highly trained professionals in EVERY field to.. keep dumbed-down, avoid sabotage, maintain evil course, keep everyone off balance and afraid to even look beyond their very narrow area of high expertise, etc.. in fact it has reached a level that as my Father said decades ago, “some of the stupidest men I know are physicians..” many become arrogant and vain based on worthless titles, high salaries, and a little miseducation. “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” Especially august MDs and PhDs.. I have observed more common sense in the illiterate or laborers or simple busy housewives. We shouldn’t get fixated on western science. At least continuously test every theory, preferably against opposing rigorous standards such as Russian as Mr P astutely notes with abiotic oil theory.
Don’t flame! I am trying to give perspective from my own pained learning process in the dawning of absolute lies we are all marinated in. In hindsight the best professional advice was given to me by a sky-high hippie ex-vet roommate who blew the most exquisite glass bongs for a living in our common area, watched X-files 24/7 while standing and who carried brass knucklers in his trenchcoat when he needed to venture out onto the concrete jungles: “assume everything from Uncle Sam is bullshit until proven otherwise.”)
a story occurs to me, overheard down at “Dink’s Place” .. Rus then curated a motorcycle gang, or took one over,
This is not merely highly plausible, it in fact explains what is happening.
(1) the most insidious and powerful means of soft power subversion by AZE is cultural. Hollywierd, music, blue jeans, the Walkman, Big Macs, iPhone, etc… and biker groups.
(2) old Soviets being highly sensitive to these manipulations would be expected to counter early, and in fact with Judo move, to use these elements which attract former military cadre and macho men, towards the general good (and honeypots exposing the snitches, 5th columns too).
(3) Ergo VVP rode with them in the past, marking this as Patriotic territory. Brilliant!
(4) in usual spiteful manner, AZE retaliated to losing this plot and human intelligence by sanctioning leader of Night Wolves.. too late, that horse’s outta the barn, a beautiful story overall.
Uncle Davy, exactly! I went through same trajectory as you, and I would think many here on Saker forum. I agree with those who think he was fooling the West all along, playing Good Cop, to tide over the period of weakness while Russia furiously rearmed for Operation Z. They may assassinate VVP, as painful as it may be, it has been the rule. Even before Nicholas II, I believe 2 or 3 Tsars in 19th century were knocked off.. It is their default move. And they lived to regret it each time. As Mr P says, “indeed, if occultforce doesn’t like VVP, then imagine [what awaits them with his successor]!”
There are also stories about the US counterpart club and “secret” liaison with the apparatus of the State, the occult mirror, more or less. It’s not secret…
I wrote, a few hours ago, about a perhaps prohibited topic that might particularly interest the medical minded people, but, alas!
Since I do not see my post relating to a medical report/story, I assume I violated a Policy. For this I am sorry.
May I say that “it” was at naked capitalism?
But perhaps my post simply went poof… We are blessed with good moderators who demonstrate great patience.
That is what I’ve been doing for a good number of years. Case in point,
Andrey Martyanov’s idea that USAian citizens are any less Russophobic than European citizens, as if the latter doesn’t consume the same CIA-run media, live under the same CIA-run indoctrination system, etc. as the former.
O’ Rose
O’ rose so wan, rose so fair,
Why hang your head in such despair?
You used to be so strong and bold,
Until the invisible worm took hold.
O’ rose so red, rose so rare,
Raise your head and say your prayer;
Let your fragrance fill the air –
The slitherer is driven from its lair!
Noticeably missing amarynth, did she leave a note she was taking a break, maybe I missed it.
Miss the balance she brings.
Cheers M
I don’t really understand this story. It says that Russia is concerned that planes and helicopters that ex-Afghan government troops flew into Uzbekistan and Tajikistan might be allowed to get to Ukraine and used against Russia. When reading this I thought WTF. Those two countries budgets depend on Russia. The several million guest workers from those countries in Russia that send money home are vital to their economies. Their other trade with Russia is vital to their economies. And at least in Tajikistan’s case Russian security troops are there protecting them from terrorist infiltration. How about someone with power in Moscow (yeah ,I’m talking about you Putin) makes a call to the leaders in those countries and tells them that they better not let Ukraine get those aircraft if they want the money from Russia to still come to them. For goodness sake,you have the power to stop that,use it:
It’s strictly business Uncle Bob, nothing personal. And a way of Central Asian states & China to get rid of potential trouble from $85 Billion of Afghan “gifts” left behind by Uncle Sam.. As with NATO hardware plunging into the Black Hole of the Donbas, it is an efficient means of demilitarization too.. I believe Larch gave some stat several weeks ago saying the lifespan of rotary and especially fixed-wings is measured in minutes and hours? Certainly it is a one-way flight for most aviators, who should all be given Heros of the Galaxy awards (in advance).. And Russian forbearance has already had HUGE dividends – consider the wily Sultan and his Bayraktars.. rapidly neutralized and now a chastened Sultan is dancing with Zone B. Perhaps a similar stronger binding of UZ and TK to Eurasia will be among its fruits? As Smoothie said, the pumping in of ANY weapons system in isolation, without sufficient ammo/protection/training/repair.. and part of a netcentric whole, means zilch – it is a cynical PR exercise in effect.
Mr P,
very interesting observations from Older Alex –
(1) he infers the last hush-hush Russian SC meeting met to decide on the NPP Z issue. We should see countermoves now. I would think kinetic, as the politico-diplomatic track was made via UNSC and media.. so bringing in more AD, SOF hunter teams, focused artillery, swinging the front even more toward this direction, etc.
(2) he says saw a source indicating Russians were not as concerned with damage to reactors.. what?! I don’t buy this soothing pabulum. I remember Arnie Gundersen saying back in 2011 Fukushima days, the bigger concern is with the [less hardened] spent fuel pools, containing orders of magnitude more fissile material. Especially if they lose access to cooling water. I had to stop watching Arnie back then – I never saw more a soul-crushing horror movie, enunciated in a steady gentle relentless presentation of the facts! I almost preferred the Hyperbolic Helen Caldicott. With Arnie the terror was inescapable and relentless.
Unless the Soviets stored in more fail-proof arrangements than US-Japanese systems? And further, as you indicated, cutting off the cooling water or accessory grid is as critical. iow, they may not be able to fully avert sabotage if a determined enough escalatory push is made. Easy to break eggs! So a practical solution is to neutralize the fool trying to hammer the eggs.
Gundersen reminds us in the linked video above the absolute horror of a USA going belly up while unsupervised, having at least 23 Mark-1 reactors with worse maintenance requirements and specs than Fukushima Daiichi unit 4! Perhaps this is among considerations of slow methodical grind of SMO given the nazi C&C monkeys wield the ultimate unpinned grenades!! There are many ways to destroy mankind, the fast Strangelove way or the Fukushima way..
Regarding the imminent and ongoing “necessary evil” denouements,
Many oligarch criminals and their minions will not make it into the tunnels and mine-shafts. And even for those that do, Azovstal set a terrible precedent for what awaits the satanists. The last insouciant to understand the wisdom of Father Niemöller’s words, that all their sociopathic plotting and deviancy have rendered them isolated and at the mercy of their own hired thugs in a world ruled by the Law of the Jungle, will be the Financiers and Banksters and august Bloodlines.. They sawed off the very sturdy branch on which they were born, sustaining them, when they overturned natural law.
BTW darkmoon, I forgot regarding CO2 (thanks Tommy and/or Per):
“Let me remind you that the most radical way to reduce CO₂ emissions is to avoid having children. This is exactly the kind of propaganda that is being carried out in the West today, under this very slogan. The interim goal is to reduce the world’s population to 500 million people.. Here’s the Guardian for illustration – “Do you want to fight climate change? Have fewer children.”
So depopulation is another practical effect of listening to their Lies. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
The point is not whether the equipment would make a big difference to the fighting. Though I would argue that any equipment provided to the fascists in Ukraine that might kill or injure either a Russian and LDNR soldier or citizen. Is important,for that alone. The point is that those states that depend on Russia for their survival would allow military weapons to go to Russia’s enemies from their states. Is an direct insult to Russia and should not be permitted.
Uncle Bob, with absolutely no disrespect, what you’re missing is the martial art strategy of using your opponent’s energy to overpower him.
By allowing an attack (thrust):
– it reveals for all to see what your opponents’ true intentions are; and
– allows you to capture said equipment to research & (hopefully) learn to defend yourself against such technology to prevent future attacks
As a judo black-belt, the genius of Putin is he does it time and time again.
You confuse handling of issue by the elite with the actual well-researched reality. The elite is exploiting climate change for their own reasons, they do nothing substantial, because the ones suffering and ultimately dying from the resulting weather changes are the poor.
You are quoting some gatekeeper stuff which is repeated ad nauseam about depopulation. Tbh climate change is already doing that by decreasing arable land through dry spells and heatwaves, or other extreme events.
Let me repeat: actually, really fighting climate change by reduction in general commercial and individual traffic, stopping any military actions, massive reforestation programs, education towards a more balanced approach towards nature etc would greatly benefit the poor by increasing living standards.
The “green” agenda is the opposite of this, because the elite knows that letting climate change run its course will cost the lower classes greatly.
“Tbh climate change is already doing that by decreasing arable land through dry spells and heatwaves, or other extreme events.
Let me repeat: actually, really fighting climate change by reduction in general commercial and individual traffic,”
You are fixed and fixated on your ideology. Refusing to listen to sincere advice above or research anything.
– All you see is “decreased arable land” through climate phenomena.. but not the deliberate sabotage?!!! What about emptying Lake Mead reservoir into the Pacific, leading to desertification of farms and land etc? Google it! Forcing countless countries in the Global South to lose self-sufficiency via Economic Hitmen and structural agreements of the IMF by enforced single cash crops for export? And then suddenly withdrawing that imported food, as Africa and others are learning to their horror? Shutting down 1/3 of Dutch and other farmers? Is that Climate driven too? What about decreasing arable land through sanctioning Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian fertilizers? Jacking up fuel costs, esp nat gas which is used to make local fertilizers in Europe etc? Are these natural phenomena too? The reality, even with climate change, there is sufficient land to grow food, but it requires protection from western sabotage, shenanigans and ill-will. The main issue is Eugenicists with a long reach.
– All you see is human agency and CO2 driving climate change. You refuse to countenance the opposing view of natural cycles, that human element is NOT determinative. Did you step outside your comfort zone, the establishment POV of western universities, journals and think tanks of the last 4-5 decades? All key elements dictated by psychopaths top-down, as with the covid op. So what is the point of “reduction in general commercial and individual traffic” if the effect is miniscule or none?? Why did China-Russia-India and others walkout on the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow last fall? Whose scientific establishment is honest, rigorous and trusted today, yours or Zone B’s? You and zombies in Zone A following the piper can deindustrialize, park the car and go fully green. Yes, you are welcome to bow down to the rote mantra of “the actual well-researched reality.”
We can agree to disagree. I will not waste more time
This will be my last reply, it is just running circles.
1) The whole human-emitted greenhouse gas problem and respective research is way older than you think. Look it up.
2) You are still confusing the political reaction to a problem with the actual problem itself, which makes any fruitful discussion about the issue impossible, but you obv. aren’t interested in gaining actual knowledge about physical facts, but choose to run around with wordgarble about the political establishment.
3) In respect to the issue of Covid.19 (which has nothing to do with climate change) and Zone B: Look to China?? They seem to take it rather seriously.
4) There is not only top-level academia, you disregard and ridicule all the in-the-field researchers and meteorologists who do the groundwork and overwhelmingly present data, which shows a serious global warming. They are all bought and dishonest and corrupt?
5) You present no alternative. If you deny the role of human activity in the global warming, what is your explanation or at least theory?
There is no “running in circles” in the physical world as we there only have one truth:
Clima: “In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” (TAR, p.774.) IPCC Third Assesment Report.
CO2: In short: The fear of global warming allows a few powerful people and they alone to get rich.
In conclusion: The effects of CO2 on the Climate are hypothetical and in any case marginal.
https://www.voltairenet.org/article208187.html (read it for substantiation of the above).
Well, did you look for example at the distribution of hottest/coldest years in European countries? Global warming is not marginal it has substantial effects on weather, and Europe is one of the most stricken regions at the moment.
97% of Germany’s surface is considered dry, and that has been the case in quite some years past 2010.
There is not only the meteorological data you seem to abhor so, but ample eyewitness account from individuals to agrobusiness.
I am harping on this topic so much, because it is a classic example of how the elite frames public opinion and splits up the opposition. And too many are falling for it.
It’s co-opting. They did it with the traditional left/progressive movement and created the woke insanity. They did it with the classic environmental movements, which are/were concerned with many more issues and created the “fridays-for-future” and “green” e-mobility idiocy. This is just divide and conquer as per usual.
There is almost zero real action by the west concerning CO2 output by industry and commercial traffic.
There is no action concerning reforestation and creating natural counters.
Because the elite wants climate change to happen – it will make living way more precarious for the poor, so they can be bullied into submission. Not speaking of the ecological catastrophes waiting to happen concerning water and food.
So you didnt read my comment at all, but are stuck in your own imaginations. Yes there is divide and conquer but if you have your universal principles in order its not a problem.
I repeat: “we are dealing with a non-linear chaotic weather system where no predictions can be made”. This is confirmed even by IPCC.
Take an interactive map on drought and wet seasons over 100 years in Australia, you see same conclusion, there is NO pattern at all, it is complete casual too dry and too wet from one year to another.
So the conclusion is we as humans can only adapt us to this universal non-linear chaotic condition, and we can know the financial world manipulate our perception of reality for profit only.
So your “individuals see” and “meteorological data” are too narrow a perspective as you are trying to freeze something which move, and you are trying to make the basic condition non-linear chaos into a controlled static world. You cant.
Its the same as saying 2+2=7 and water is dry because I/we need it. You can say it, write it, but it becomes futile when you connect it to the physical world.
This is unscientific babble. Chaotic systems also follow certain rules, else they would be in a state of total entropy, which the earth’s climate clearly is not. You cannot predict the exact state the system in, but you sure can make assertions about the general state.
I am so puzzled by this rejection of this specific science (analysis of large data masses, coupled with physics) when it has applications everywhere. For example insurance companies issue their policies because of general assertions about the system.
And that is what climate science does, it can make statements and predictions about the general state:
– mean global temperature
– with a degree of certainty predict the frequency of heatwaves/precipitation changes (already done and confirmed for Europe)
– with a degree of certainty predict changes for specific parts of the globe due to apparent patterns
– formulate theories about further consequences (which get revised every so often, because it IS a chaotic and very large system)
It cannot predict the exact weather in Paris 5 years from now.
Misunderstood in the way off course you are precise right. The chaos has a root and limits, and this was also my blame against the misuse of our universal conditions.
If we know the root we can contain our assumptions. The reason why our weather changes all the time is the earth’s relation to the sun and its interconnection to the planets.
In its circulation the earth goes closer to the sun, it gets hotter. By the systems own regulation the earth goes back and longer from the sun thus colder and regulated in again.
You see the above fits into our history of ice ages and tropical ages and in between, and the weather systems chaotic but within certain limits character. It is a simple and absolutely logical explanation.
Taken further into account the earth circulate around itself and the moon circulate around the earth while pulling in the earth to tide and flood, we have our unpredictable weather but within certain experienced limits in our areas to plan our things.
The key word is adaption. If we understand the nature acts as is natural for it and our job is to be flexible and adapt us to its different conditions, we are living along together with our nature and conditions.
But if we think we can control the earth and its relations to the sun and planets and way of function we get a lot of well deserved bs and futile absurdities. All the best.
I do hope you read the relevant medical stuff at naked kapitalismus. Sehr seltsam, I think. Changes at CDC website, the differential about the not to be said about the simian affliction…well now… The African source say “it” is, uh, well, do not be down-wind…and at one time, very recently, another changed their claim… hummm.
There might be a Policy…eh? Late in the season for planting seeds, eh?
…………..”Our friend Arnie…and the BWR…Mr G said, wrote, “the fuze on Fukushima was lit (1967?) in the US-GE office…” (but I do not have precise quote) . Those BWR’s tend to “slug the “head gasket” an spew…not ‘nuf bolts! Engineers quit rather than sign off…But yes, loss of ultimate heat sink and then people must run away. Not qualified, yet to say that from my innocent eye an inert projectile from a match grade artillery machine might telegraph a nice message to the guncrew, MV squared and F(i) and all of that…. 5 or 6 miles from a good tube on a calm morning very probably would (imho) liquidate the offending operators with minimal effect outside the LZ-Projo. But the Ru SC are experts…like Gertrude, we’ll leave the nazi crew to heaven, and Rus, or Birnham Woods and MacDuff. (ref Hamlet, and MacBeth, for those who do not quite understand the citation)
Two GE engineers warned me about their BWR’s about 1985, verbally, and gave to me the engineering handbook for them, and a T-Shirt! Same day WPSS cancelled 26 BWR projects…people stood in line at faxmachine…
Concussions, near misses, are not good for pumps shaft-motor shaft alignments, and, if alignments are even a few thousandths of inch off, couplings fail…after that…well, it’s Time to Failure of pump. 100 hours? 10? 1,000? It depends on load and design, coupling chosen, and misalignment, but it is “bad”. Like Ghost Busters “crossing the beams”. Most rotating machinery fails are due to misalignment. Note also that this characteristic applies equally to EDG (emergency diesel generators) and their supporting auxiliary machinery.
……….Previously I cited/mooted the post Soviet Sherlock…the matter of these films is that while following very generally the ACD formats, they telegraph a juxtaposition between Sholto and his Master, as a servant of evil in disguise, between that and the Good. The well-nourished Victoria does make a cameo, in one, and gifts to the Detective as thanks her favorite Собачка. Post Soviet “White Tiger” also telegraphs this. Evidently this conflict couple abides in the Russian “way of knowing”… This is a dire force vector for those who fear the “pitch-forks”. It means that the Moral Law is very strong in Rus, part of their “soul” as a nation.
Later… Best to All. P
An interesting daily reporting show by a English ex-pat living in St Petersburg Russia. He gives a daily rundown of important articles in the Russian press:
LIVE STREAM: Tuesday August 16th 2022 – News From Saint Petersburg
RF President Vladimir Putin speaking more bluntly than ever before about the toxic role of the US in the world. (1:27)