2022/08/03 01:00:02
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Sometimes I wonder, with Stupidistan going all out and the level of strategic stumbling in ‘Merca, could it all be part of the plan? Gives me a feeling that ‘some’ in the USofA want it to colapse… Almost too good. Or is it just sheer incopetency and the good old decaying empire decadence?
There is a global elite. When you have big corporations, multinationals and coordinating International organisations, you need something to coordinate the overall global logistic.
This coordination group is the British Empire, City of London and Pentagon/Nato as their military arm. Queen Elizabeth is Chairman for NATO and a number of other global groups who coordinate the global chess board.
When you operate on this level you are planning 20-50- to even 100 years ahead. Like Directors or Board for a multinational company are planning 10-20 years ahead, and directors and governments need to plan 5-10 years ahead, and directors for small companies need to plan a couple of years ahead.
Their job is to have the overall view of the said situation that normal people dont have.
At some point they decided to align the too rich West with the too poor third world, especially US, also with the aim to get richer, and it was decided to get rid of the sick dollar and the middle class which had outlived its purpose, and turn the power centre from US to China, thus raising up exploiting the third world like West has been raised up and sucked dry, thus aligning the global use of resources for further profit.
Such a global plan need very long term planning. Be confident that whatever happens in global politics and politics everything is planned to detail.
To conclude: The recession of US and Europe, downing the dollar’s as primary reserve currency, and raise of China is planned by the global elite.
What was not planned was China’s OBOR and Putin and Russia’s sudden possession of hypersonic missiles and a modernized military.
As my father’s fathers father and his grandfather’s father said: “A plan dont exist in this world that cannot be smashed with hammer”. My grandpa said that and he was right.
Later many famous nobilities stole his idea and changed it to their own version to avoid paying fees for our intellectual property, thus Mike Tyson: “Everybody has a plan until they get a punch in the face”.
Thats why everybody today hate a certain person and a certain country, and to some extent suck up to China.
Even if someone plans for a hundred years, it does not mean that the plan will work as planned. Did Pentagon planned to lose in Vietnam?
Yes they planned the outcome of Vietnam too.
I got the final proof. I had this feeling all the time as there are too many signs of deep involvement in the green bs and need for global issues at both China and Russia. The slow snail in Ukraine too.
I mean why do Russia starts at the lowest hanging fruits in Ukraine leaving all command centres in peace letting the entire EU establishment visit Kiev under a war? This can only be so if everything is agreed and planned. Enjoy:
This one from Per is another proof: https://cont.ws/@fritzmorgen/2345113 Green globalist elites popping up all over Russia like popcorn.
Tommy, while it’s true that the Elites plan 20, 50 – 100 years in advance if Russia & China were “in on it” why did Rothschild say Putin had “turned his back on the New World Order” after the Russian Federation’s reunification of Crimea?
The US is aiming for world domination via the Wolfowitz Doctrine which was rolled into the Bush Doctrine after the 2001 WTC demolitions
The Russians & Chinese are using a different economic model than the collective West.
Historically France, Germany, Japan, & the US developed economically behind trade barriers – quotas, tariffs & subsidies for their nascent industries. Only the UK (who had a head start) preached Adam Smith’s false doctrine of “the invisible hand” i.e. free trade.
So the Chinese used Ordo-liberalism borrowed from Germany, to economically develop & lift 800 million of its people out of poverty.
See: https://www.eastasiaforum.org/tag/ordoliberalism/
In the meantime, since the 1980’s, the West slipped into Neo-liberalism, called “Thatcherism” in the UK & “Reaganomics” in the US.
Neo-liberalism is characterized by:
– tax cuts for the rich
– *real (i.e. adjusted for inflation) wage suppression for everyone else
– grotesque inequality of wealth
– privatization
– deregulation
– environmental degradation
It has resulted in the total triumph of finance capital over both agricultural (in the 1900s) & manufacturing capital (in the 1970s).
A graph from 8 SEP 2020 is of the ratio of the US stockmarket to US wages divided into economic eras:
– ‘the Robber Baron’ era 1860-1900
– the rise of the Labor Movement & Antitrust Laws
– ‘the golden age’ of capitalism &
– the neoliberal era from the 1980’s which has taken the stockmarket to wage ratio to a record high.
Hence, in the US over these last ~40 years we now have the situation of the 47 richest billionaire oligarchs in the US owning as much as the bottom 60% i.e. 198 million people.
But worse still they have inserted themselves above political authority i.e. the will of the people of a democracy. This is what Hudson was talking about when he said there’s no vehicle to express disapproval / dissatisfaction with the economic system.
On the other hand, Russia & China want to develop the Global South i.e. third world based on trade for mutual benefit via the Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU) , SCO & the BRICS+ nations
They will extract the natural resources of central Asia as well as China pushing its labor-intensive steel, glass & cement manufacturing plants ‘down the road’ to the ‘Stan nations. This will create a market, especially, for Chinese manufactured exports.
Two utterly different economic models – one short term & one longer term.
If you were correct, all of humanity would simply have no hope of a better way of life; a higher standard of living.
“all of humanity would simply have no hope of a better way of life; a higher standard of living.”
If these people are the the “happiest” in the world then a higher standard of living has little correlation to a better way of life:
Why the Piraha People Live in the Moment and Are Considered the Happiest in the World
Not quite beating it per capita, yet, but there are more Chinese than US Billiomaire’s.
Based on factual history where this global money cabal and empire invested in both Hitler and Bolshevism and Mao and present changes in China, I see only illusion in your comment.
“Russia and China want to “drop the dollar”, “develop the global south”, and “make a different economic model”, “make a new multipolar order””, yes but by accident this is precisely what the global bankers also planned and wanted to do.
And when we see the 10 most important Russian finance bankers, Russia’s central bank, China’s investment programme all are deeply involved with Wall Street’s oldest usury bankers and sustainable green clima nwo, I see everything goes precisely as planned by the coordinating global elite, as usual.
They are not idiots. Off course the Western style and global imbalance couldnt go on forever.
I notice you ignore the Rothschild quote re: Putin & Crimea.
And you provide no evidence for: “by accident this is precisely what the global bankers also planned and wanted to do.”
What is asserted without evidence – can be dismissed without evidence
By the way, I never claimed that the Russia-Chinese economic model of trade for mutual benefit sought to exclude the role of usury.
Eliminating usury from national economies and freeing humanity from being debt-slaves is still a long way off.
“Usury is generally prohibited because if it was allowed all manner of evils would ensue … It is clear that practically every evil follows from usury.”
– Pope Innocent IV (1243-54) Commentaria Super Libros Quinque Declataria
Uncle Davy,
probably better to trust the exact opposite of what any Rothchild says..
Im not a professional and therefore do not have the long list of referenced links, but I have tried with a few links which represents my conclusion.
Agree, Its the same enslavement, they call it just by different names; slaves, usury, social scorecard, chip-passport, digital identity, QR society, communism, social engineering, m.m.
In long term planning there will off course be deviations and troubles.
If Russia invents superior military technology compared to US, why should they be satisfied with a position among the cabal as inferior regional power?
If China invent a new OBOR strategy which give them superiority in creating value, why should they be satisfied with a lower position as vassals to amateurs in London and Wall Street?
I see it as a power fight about positions in “the Club”. The goal is the same “NWO”. But I could and will still be wiser about the subject. But this is my status so far.
An interesting post I saw today on MOA detailing the best move China could make:
Yesterday in the thread I posted the idea:
In the end, and as Michael Hudson would testify, it’s ALL economic.
Since China’s economy is built, largely, around manufacturing ‘stuff’ that is sold to the USA, she has been slow and methodical in the ‘dispute’ with the USA.
However, any sort of military action between China and the USA would disrupt that.
Given that fact, I would counsel Xi to allow Pelosi to fly into Taiwan under the announcement that THERE WILL BE A PRICE TO BE PAID. No China jets in the air. Let her tour the entire Formosa. Let her leave.
Currently the USA 30-yr bond is at about 145.
Pelosi’s plane leaves Taiwan, sell 100 BILLION$, 200, whatever it takes to CRASH the bond market down to par (100).
No shots fired and the USA economy DEAD.
Today’s market action:
Chicago Board of Trade › T-BONDS Sep 2022 (CBOT:ZB.U22)
142.59375 -2.34375 (-1.62%)
They blinked, and got punked. They look honestly retarded whingin’ about an old lady taking a vacation. All that huff n puff, for what? Maybe Russia can find some spare, one size fits all, balls for Asian export.
Cheers M
Lots of pics of the old girl getting the Royal welcome. Bull Shit Walking and Talking……the American way.
Well, as a snapshot in time, yes…but C Man play inscrutable judo…I’ll wait and see who gets it in the end. (That’s not a pun, I assure you!)
Ever-sober and glorious extra fine Lady spreads mad cow disease, and present a face that is launching 1000 ships…
The Reef
How the waves crash
And splinter the wrecks,
Hurled on their sides
Out on the reef.
How the ghosts wail,
Craning their necks,
Hoping for a taste
Of sweet relief.
Now the fisherman will tell you,
The locals will too;
There’s something or someone
Out past the reach.
How the ships from the old world,
In sight of the new,
Came to grief on the rocks
Just shy of the beach.
Sometimes in the morning
When the waves are still calm,
Or in twilit moments
Of fading light;
The sound of sad keening,
Of those come to harm,
Can clearly be heard,
Lamenting their plight.
Is it he, is it her,
Is it baby ungrown;
Is it the moment of death
And of fear instilled?
Is it the memory of a love
With no way back home;
Is it the warmth of young bodies
And lives unfulfilled?
How the waves crash
And splinter the wrecks,
Hurled on their sides
Out on the reef.
How the ghosts wail,
Craning their necks,
Hoping for a taste
Of sweet relief.
I’ve always loved the melody and mood of this old Breton song of lost love which inspired today’s poem.
Four very different but equally touching versions.
Alan Stivell; “An Hani An Garan” (“The One I Love”) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUgbS6vxMqI
Pauline Josselin; “An Hani a garan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwLkg_o0-u0
Bran; “An Hani A Garan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAx2lrI7GtQ
Denez Brigent, Lisa Gerard; “An Hini A Garan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGCjaRX4qe8
▪︎ The most poignant lines grace memories of the elegant, speedy and spirited Yankee sailing ships. A recounting of the celebrated clipper ships of New England returning home after the longest voyages. They did so furthering the addictions and subjugations of the Chinese Century of Humiliation in the Opium wars and adjuncts of war. It is surreal, how beautiful the vessels of the Sea Pirates! The highest endeavors of their civilization are these ships, which invariably bring death and destruction of diverse form.
Other Snippets of History
▪︎ A brief history of the Voentorg Building, 1913-1994, the main military department store of Russia. As Auslander said of an old salvage ship still operating from pre-WW1, ‘waste not, want not.’ The Voentorg was on a block which was home to and social club of several literary giants of the last two centuries. Even a noble named Naryshkin, related to current foreign intel head??
▪︎ A soft spot for polar bears, spent countless hours watching footage of these majestic beasts. An excellent documentary is David Attenborough’s ‘The Frozen Planet.’ This was a recent satisfying story of the Siberian rescue of one.
“Evening Storm”
Russian title: Shtormit ves’ vecher, i poka…
by Vladimir Vysotsky
All evening it’s been raging, and
The bubbly froths of foam
Cover ruptured seams of sand,
I look on from above, and see
How the waves smash their necks.
For those thus perishing I feel
A faint compassion – but from afar.
I hear the death rattle, and the moan,
The rage of those who did not survive,
They who gathered speed well in advance,
Braced themselves to breast the barrier,
Then smashed their heads against the goal.
For thus perishing I feel
A faint compassion – but from afar.
Oh, frothing, white waves of fate.
Growing more beautiful with death,
At the summons of the warlike trumpet
The waves rear up and whinnying,
Fracturing their extended necks.
And for the dead ones we feel
A faint compassion – from afar.
Again the wind combs the waves,
Disheveling the foaming crests.
The wave fails to clear the barrier,
Someone beneath it trips it up,
And the frothing filly collapses.
For her that fell, someone will feel
A faint compassion – from afar.
And very soon my own turn will come,
The wind will blow, push me to the edge.
I have a feverish foreboding –
That I too will crush my backbone,
That I too will break my neck.
For me, the doomed one, they will feel
A faint compassion – from afar.
Thus through the centuries have many
Sat on the shores and watched
Attentively and sharply how
Others alongside of them
Smash heads and spines against stones.
For those who perished thus they feel
A faint compassion – but from afar.
But in the sombre, seaside dusk,
In the secret, whale-infested depths,
A single, unbelievable wave is born.
Toward the shore it storms and rushes
And swallows up the onlookers.
For those who perished thus, I’ll feel
A faint compassion – from afar.
I’ve known “John” for a few years and he recently told me some of his experiences as an artilleryman in the US Army in Europe circa 1967. I tell some of what he said because it’s interesting, and because past doctrine helps us consider what future doctrine might be.
His unit included 155mm self propelled howitzers. Each time they went into the field, they took a compliment of conventional ammo for each of these howitzers, plus one atomic artillery round. The maximum range was 18 miles. This was less than the maximum range of a conventional shell due to the greater weight of the nuclear projectile.
His unit also had nuclear land mines available to them. These were the size of a trash can. He said these were problematic because of the risk that your own people might run over one by mistake,
He was based near Munich. When Czechoslovakia uprose in 1968, his unit was deployed toward the border of Germany and Czechoslovakian, along with their single nuclear round.
One of his assignments when on base was to verify each day that all of the nuclear munitions were present and accounted for. This check was performed by a team of three. He and a counterpart each had one half of the combination to the storage area. The third person had no part of the combination, but had a firearm. The job of the first two was to unlock the storage (and I inferred conduct inventory). The job of the third was to prevent the first two from absconding with the goods, under threat of death.
I vouch that he said these things. I cannot vouch that thy are true, although I have no information that would refute his words.
In the 1990, I visited the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Kirtland Air Force Base. (https://www.nuclearmuseum.org) One of the displays described nuclear powered artillery shells. The had a photo of howitzer, looking forward, to a mushroom cloud in the distance. IIRC, they had an exhibit that described a “portable” nuclear device that was touted as useful to a saboteur for blowing up a dam.
Following are some personal opinions, and questions that cross my mind.
* If the US deployed nuclear artillery shells with howitzers as a matter of course in the 1960s, why wouldn’t they do that today?
* If the US forward deployed tactical nukes in 1967 as a matter of routine, why wouldn’t they do that in 2022, especially if tensions were high?
* If the Ukraine armed forces are willing to disperse butterfly anti-personnel mines over cities, why should I think that UAF would not fire a 155mm a nuclear artillery shell at a Donbass or Russian city?
* I think the odds are better than 50% that the US has stacks of nuclear munitions on the ground in Poland. I believe that odds are 100% that they are present in Germany, e.g. at Ramstein Air Base,
* For planning purposes, I would assume that the US has nuclear ammunition for HIMARS. I would expect that the US does deploy nuclear rounds when it deploys HIMARS to Eastern Europe. This follows from US practices in 1967.
* Russian concerns that the West could and would fire nuclear rockets and “short” range missiles at the Motherland are rational concerns.
* A nation must not restrict it’s legitimate activities because of threat that someone will nuke you in response. One must take other defensive measures.
The story is consistent with https://youtu.be/nH6xkjMNdnk (Ltcmndr Robert Green UK) and with stories I personally heard from a US Army tank commander who was in Germany in the 1960’s, and in after-dinner chat at a Scout re-union in the 80’s by US Army captain (now dead), one “C.H.”…though the latter fella was involved with nuclear demolition, er, “earth moving” He said “smaller than an oil drum”.
Diabolical machines in 404? Well, of course, would be my assumption…after all nazis do not scruple to murder entire cities…it’s how we know they’re nazis…
Richard Rhodes provides some details on the N rounds for cannon. I too visited that museum…the atmosphere was bizarre, and deeply not-good.
Getting symmetrical compression in such a small machine constrained by bore diameter and other problems is itself fascinating…the seductive aspect of the physics draws the mind to the not-good.
In the setting of Pakistan’s deepening return to vassalage marked by allowing that Kabul strike a few days ago,
South Asia is at risk of “Local nuclear war, Global suffering.” This is in great part being led by compradore elite strongmen – abject ahistorical Generals in their little Labyrinths. It affords AZE countless opportunities to light a fire, as we see now in the Balkans, Azerbaijan, etc.
Something I pondered for some time was highlighted in Mr P’s linked TEDtalk by Robert Green on “The Insanity of nuclear deterrence.” Eugenicist crazies can unleash a nuclear winter even without a general conflagration. Nuclear war & fallout remain the most efficient means of mass culling – and it doesn’t necessarily have to be between the biggest superpowers. Within the Indian subcontinent exist sufficient firepower to achieve a prolonged fallout. This is the study by Alan Robock and Brian Toon he cites, of global effects from using just 100 combined low Hiroshima-yield devices.. this blots out the sun from the northern hemisphere leading to crop failure and generalized famine. Here’s a podcast. A typical AZE play is to pour poison into the far side of the pond with the target being all dwellers around that pond.
Btw, thx Mr P for this most interesting talk! It makes clear the visceral passion of the last generation of New Zealanders to nuclear weapons and why AUKUS doesn’t (yet) include them.. but even Germans were worn down to openly supporting nazis again! And with a Global Young Leader automaton running things, how long until nukes are massaged as “Atoms for Peace” again? The AZE Technocrats and shrinks are adepts par excellence at PsyWar and perception management.
Thanks for the thanks amigo! BTW Robert Green’s aunt was, he is sure, water-boarded to death by MI5…official secrets act was accepted by both himself and Aunt Hilda. (see his book, and related videos.) And the finks thought she’d been talking out of school with her nephew… Hilda was at Bletchly Park durch der Krieg..
About the infernal gadgets… Ted Taylor who was a genius at designing these machines even before, I believe, he got his PhD…spoke at length about his expectation that nuclear explosions can be directional in some significant way…this ties into Project Orion, the atomic space-ship…and this came from discovery at Bikini tests of bigbig H machines. Reflectors and all that. Withal, it may well be that diabolical occult nazi cadre has been working on building machine to achieve nuclear drilling… see inter alia Richard Rhodes and Project Orion.
………..Speaking of infernal machine, it seems big bridge in 404 that nazi keeps trying to drop was built to stand against a nearby H-Bomb blast….perfidious USSR commies !! “It’s not fair!” (nihilists scene in Big Lebowski)
………..about the new Saker rules… I will wait and see how these changes work out – hence yesterday’s silence.
…………about Anoxia…thrilling copchase recently, chopper and a wild ride of about 100 miles ’round the jurisdiction, starting with hunt for a hit-and-run and a hunt that lasted 24 hours or so…ended with the desperado, who had a scanner and was by that means able to avoid “spikes” tactic, etc. Ended with the fella blowing a tire and blasting under chopper lights into a forest/orchard, then setting fire to the auto, and a lengthy foot chase in a creek. Cop-o-tronics gave reported speeds as 100 MPH! I suppose there was dope in auto, hence desperate arson to incinerate said dope. That started a fire in the grass and brush…75 acres they said. The fella went to Crossbar Hotel with only abrasions…disciplined cops.
About a month ago it was reported that two cats from South American, here illegally, got busted on main N/S highway with several pounds of fentanyl … but were almost immediately released without a court, ie by the cops on scene. As a lawyer might say, “they knew somebody, somebody was running those cats.” Not even a whisper after that… Many cop-calls are for people over-dosed on this stuff…what a remarkable coincidence!
And? Many housed and employed persons here are no longer able to afford to eat properly. We are fat with garden and chickens…and have begun to “gift” food, bread and eggs and fruit to neighbors…and are canning like mad.
AHH, I am especially interested in your opinion regarding endocrine disrupting agents from the several “environmental” sources including “tin” can lining – particularly as these agents affect “gender dysphoria” and fertility.
Best to All!
China should send its fleet to surround Hawaii, say they are sending Chinese #3 person to recognize Hawaii as an independent territory illegally occupied by USA and, if USA doesn’t like this, announce China is ready to fight for Hawaiian’ democracy and self-determination and prevent USA’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression.
Come Providence Come
Destiny, the carrier of fatality has wrought the West with Chaos along with its own destruction; so be it.
Chaos, that is the time of immense insanity and totally fractured Order, serves the dregs of humanity, the contents of its sewers, and composes for those of no Soul and which the Spirit has left.
Providence will bring better once the trash has been purged.
Brilliant song from a new Seattle band, 3rd Secret, containing Kim Thayall, gtr.
Matt Cameron, drums ( Soundgarden ), and Krist Novoselić ( Nirvana ) + two female vocalists.
Haunting with acoustic guitar ( open tuned, vocal melody in Aoelian scale ), dark and haunting.
3rd Secret; “Winter Solstice”
Hi Dimitar,
I’d be delighted to further discuss Rumi and associated topics with you, mate. Indeed there is heaps more to share.
So, what’s on your mind?
Hello Al-Kaftarbaz, nothing in particular is on my mind at the moment. I thought it would
be nice for you to drop into the Cafe as it’s a more relaxed space and there is freedom
to discuss a wide range of subjects. Finding the occasional like-minded soul in the
process and enlarging our viewpoints as a result of the sharing can be very rewarding.
I enjoyed reading your posts in Pepe’s article on Rumi, and was about to launch into
a reply to one of your posts last night but was too exhausted to do so. Hence the idea
to mention where I am in the event you wanted to comment here and so begin/
continue discussions etc.
I have been posting here for about 4 years at least, mainly on the subject of spirituality,
although I always focus on what I consider to be the nature of the Soul, and rely on my
own experiences to support what I am saying, as well as my own theories based on the
understanding I have gained as a student of life all these years, while avoiding dogma of
any kind as much as possible. I do not give myself any pressure to post but wait till I have
something that excites me, usually a poem, or some point that may have come up in reply
to another’s posts.
I am married with three children, two teenaged daughters and a son of ten. I am a visual
artist by vocation, but my creativity extends to wherever my inspiration leads, and my other
creative outlets include music and poetry. I have my own business, enough to support my
family. That’s it in a nutshell.
Have you visited the Cafe before? You sound familiar and I had an exchange with an
‘Anonymous’ perhaps a year or two back who you remind me of, and I wonder if you are
one and the same since we discussed the nature of Divine Spirit and touched on the
Persian poets such as Firdusi, Hafiz as well as Rumi.
In any case, welcome, Blessings, D.
what’s right for me
is wrong for you,
what’s right for you
is wrong for me
slander and mockery
is a guard for the market
of love and a cleaner
of it’s dirt
those who love me
love me for what I am,
those who hate me
hate for what I am not
for my son;
clad in emerald ocean
and sunset gold;
my heart’s delight!
nine ocean stones,
each initialled with the
first letter of your name
They say the Lion and the Lizard keep
The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep;
And Bahrám, that great Hunter—the Wild Ass,
Stamps o’er his Head, but cannot break his Sleep.
—quatrain 18, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám.
1884 (2nd ed.) FitzGerald translation
Hi Dimitar,
I appreciate the introduction and the warm welcome. Indeed, I did go by Anonymous a year or two ago, but I am no longer the same person I was then. I’ve had a very crazy year. A real rollercoaster ride, with too many ups and downs to count. At the moment I’m trying to just slow down and relax, chilling on the coast in QLD, in anticipation of a nice summer ahead.
Would love to read your reply over on Pepe’s thread, if you still feel like writing one. I know Pepe appreciates and takes note of the comments on his articles, so perhaps he would enjoy it as well.
It was a pleasant surprise, seeing an article focused on a more spiritually oriented topic appearing on the blog. Quite refreshing. I hope that Pepe will keep up his spiritual quest, and continue writing about it and disseminating these kinds of ideas. Who knows, another Golden Age of spiritual pursuits may be just around the next corner, eh?
Cheers, mate!
Hi Sudhi :)
No worries, thanks for the reply, Al-Kaftarbaz. Yes, I will go over Pepe’s article again and perhaps cut and paste
from your comments and add some thoughts. But I may need to take a little time as I have some pretty major commitments atm. which leave me without a lot of steam at the end of each day. So, if you’re about just keep an
eye on the Cafe in coming weeks.
Gold Coast, huh? That’s not far from one of the locations that I frequent; northern NSW, ie; Byron Bay area.
Happy we’ve made acquaintance and good to have you here. Cheers for now, and speak soon.
Love it, thanks, Sudhi.
From what I could gather, Kaftar bazi or the Play of Pigeons is an Afghan national sport – one of the calmer sort. It is a familiar sight in Kabul’s springtime skies: pigeons flying in thick flocks, circling and dipping, reacting to a man on a rooftop waving a stick.
However, “Kaftar” means something else altogether Persian.
It is the same thing in Persian.
Assange interview on how the people are fooled into war> https://t.me/NoAgendaLara/952
At last Cafe I posted (#106) on implications of China and Russia continuing to build large surface ships, as these are, now, at present, mere targets. I hope this is disputed or discussed. I hope there is some other rational purpose, but cannot think of one…implication is that R and C expect an eventuality that AZE or “nazi regions” will within the design-life of these ships be in or near “stone-age” condition.
Canning to-day. Tomatoes. Anoxia had a splutter of rain yesterday…gutters a-dripping at dawn. 104 F to-day…106F forecast for August 4.
Best to all.
Our tomatoes are big but still green, last year this time I was eating them already. Rain and cool here the past few weeks.
Today we are doing relish and mustard pickles.
I was poking around in some old fashioned pickled beets recipes, and although I’ve made them before, one recipe mentioned using the boiled beet water for the brine……well, ain’t that the secret…..o…m …gee, best beets ever, even the brine juice is drinkable.
Cheers M
“I hope this is disputed or discussed. I hope there is some other rational purpose, but cannot think of one…”
It may not be as bleak Mr P. As you know the Chinese, like most Asians and non-westerners, think different. Perspectives and communal planning looks forward generations, tempered by the introspection of millennia.. Russia is a hybrid with a similar outlook capability, certainly under current VVP team. They do not yet espouse a nihilistic, zero-sum mentality, still being on their upward phase. I like Soleii’s parable of the Iranian leader planting trees. Or in military-speak, hope for the best / plan for the worst.
Among best case scenario is the continued decline of the West to parity or non-aggression capability without absolute dissolution. The criminal oligarchy is overturned and with loss of the reserve currency, brain-drain recruitment from the 85% Rest of mankind (and thus loss of innovation, esp in critical STEM R&D), decreased access to rare earths & energy, the sequelae of magic potions, etc.. they are thus incapable of hypersonics or significant rearmament / reindustrialization for generations. They subside gently into their eons-long parochial backwater mentality of NW Asia. Israel deprived of its western host & lifeblood also withers. Most flee Dodge for Patagonia or New Zealand or plead for readmittance to the Pale. Those insisting to stay join Zhe and Bandera in Valhalla..
There would still remain high seas and littoral piracy and middle size powers seduced by AZE “lifestyle” over the years. It is for them, that still need policing and dissuading. Better to Speak Softly and carry a Big Stick! And some of those pirates needing the deterrence could be off California! Reminds of middle school biology lab with earth worms – cut off the head, the severed part still continues along mindlessly according to its dna code.
Bizarre Flotsam retrieved from the Maelström:
▪︎ a message in a bottle, capturing a time capsule in July 2022.. a directive on the current WHO guidelines on “precautionary measures.” The terminally Muzzled don’t gets it in the end?
▪︎ Some History Professors present with shell-shock in their courses.. we need to forgive their insanity. Here’s one forced to grudgingly acknowledge “a good answer.”
▪︎ Pepe titillates: the artist formerly known as Mr. iPhone goes rogue with the crazies. Note the slippery and slimy saturnalian has a gun solely dedicated to him. And who’s he being forced to call?? Yuval Nosferatu Harriri to call it all off? Pelosi’s night trader on behalf of the Chinese? Or merely a trolling VVP to repay all that wasted virtue signaling time?
There has been non-stop conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians the last few months, and it has slowly escalated to this.
Palestinian militant commander dead in airstrike against Gaza. Islamic Jihad responded with 100 rockets.
Israelis living in settlements near Gaza have been packing up and leaving since last night. The Israeli government is advising residents not to stray too far from their bomb shelters.
Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel: bait to draw Russia, China and Iran respectively into WW3. Too late for Europe, but is there any chance West Asia and East Asia will avoid war?
Maybe the reasoning is that R and C big ships can be protected with better air defences than any ship-killer the US is likely to be able to field in the near future. So maybe only US big ships are “mere targets” not R and C ones.
Remember that the western MIC is purely profit-driven not military performance-driven, and corrupt as hell. and remember that US STEM capability is collapsing fast while Russian and Chinese STEM capabilities are soaring.
Conclusion: R and C big ships will be protected by STEM for the foreseeable future; US gig ships will be mere big fat targets.
Russia leaps ahead of China in another fantastic win for the multipolar world
In fact, commuters can’t stop fantasizing about paying with their faces. It’s what they crave. It’s plainly obvious the people demand more Face Pay.
Liksutov understands their cravings; he has the medicine:
“Among the disadvantages that we still need to work on, passengers indicated a small number of turnstiles that can be passed through using biometrics. Most stations have 1-2 Face Pay turnstiles installed, at some stations we have already increased their number at the request of users… [A]fter updating the turnstiles in the metro, at least 200 more will be able to accept payment by biometrics. If necessary, we will further increase the number of such turnstiles.”
We know what you are thinking: can my small child also pay with his or her face?
Sure, why not? Probably soon:
“Passengers are asking to implement Face Pay passes on social cards, including for students and schoolchildren—we are discussing and evaluating this possibility.”
Maybe some of you feel uncomfortable about transitioning into a payment system that automatically deducts digital rubles from your Sber account when a camera recognizes your face? But why would this bother you? China is already doing it—and Russia is doing it better, according to Liksutov:
“Facial recognition fare collection system is being implemented in China, but we are ahead… Face Pay has been tested on local self-driving buses. Moscow is the first city in the world where the facial recognition system for fare payment works on a large scale. The service is available at all 250 metro stations, as well as at the Kutuzovskaya station of the MCC.”
Did we mention that Face Pay is “safer and more reliable than paying with a bank card,” and is also very, very convenient? Sergey Sobyanin is committed to making sure every Muscovites is safe and forever-free from being inconvenienced:
“Payment by biometrics in the Moscow metro, launched on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, is an important stage in the development of our ticketing system and a convenient way for passengers to pay for travel, which we will continue to develop.”
According to local media reports, Moscow City Hall has been flooded with Thank You cards. As Katyusha.org wrote, every patriotic Russian supports the ongoing construction of “a biometric concentration camp in Moscow.”
Remember: Face Pay is 100% voluntary.
There will never be a point in time when not-paying-with-your-face will be discontinued, due to being unsafe and inconvenient.
That will never happen.
End Quote
I have no doubt that you probably are right.
But the digital world will never be anything else than a new manipulation programme from Wall Street, “safer and more reliable” absolutely…..for Wall Street.
Its a safer and more reliable way to get your money, than having you walking around with silver and gold coins in your pockets controlling your own money, your own life and your own destiny.
This manipulation scheme is already rolling out in West. They couldnt wait out of greed to start already.
There is at present countless of cases where people get major sums >$1000 pulled from their accounts because of fines invented from the blue air with the advise to go to court to get them back.
The police wont lift a finger. So good luck with your “leaps ahead” and happy duffer smile.
No Saker open thread or sitrep for awhile. Hoping amarynth and staff are on a break, but they are missed. Lots of news on the Ukie side, a front line report from a soldier in Pinsky(sp) their losses are off the charts. No reserves, no rest, no morale, 15 reserves made to the front, one was still alive in the morning. The SMO organ grinds on, no word on the monkey though.
Cheers M
Also reported Zel requires women aged 18 – 60 to enlist. This is on top of previous announcements of recruitment of aged men and child ‘volunteers’
Australia’s ABC News refers to this as “his secret weapon”
I read something today that I found to be extremely interesting.
President Putin’s message of greetings to the participants and guests of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
“…We believe that all NPT-compliant countries should have the right to the peaceful use of the atom without any additional preconditions. We are ready to share our experience in nuclear energy with our partners.”
I don’t know but I am reading this wondering if nuclear energy technology is going to be made available to some partner/friendly states for which there is currently no UNSC resolution banning the sharing of such technology. If so this is a significant statement to make that appears to have slipped by under the radar.
Kind regards
Its the usual suspects who block all access to cheap energy…….London/Wall Street.
All vassal countries are blocked and I believe Russia and Putin will need to back up their beautiful energy coop offer with military protection of any said country.
I believe nuclear energy should/could be the foundation for any country’s energy consumption say maybe 20-30% and spreading the risk with a variable of other energy forms.
Here from Russia “Floating Nuclear Power Plant”. https://youtu.be/egOWcA0fev8
Press release on (then) forthcoming visit of Lavrov to Myanmar:
“Practical cooperation in the field of peaceful atom is intensified. The 4th meeting of the Joint Working Group on Atomic Energy with the participation of ROSATOM and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation was held (May this year). A package of interdepartmental memoranda has been signed to strengthen the legal framework of cooperation, including cooperation in education and training. Russian specialists are involved in the development of the national programme (“roadmap”) for the development of nuclear power in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar”
(machine translation)
Mama mia. Thanks to Per/Norway again, another major key to the picture:
40 000 Israeli officers infiltrated in the Russian army in Medvedev’s time as President in 2010.
Moscow Chief Prosecutor P. Goldschmidt fled to the United States march 2022, broke out in a public revelation his hatred for Putin’s policies. Yeltsin’s policies in the looting period was better.
A note of the hard job Putin and Team has. Imagine a new Judea-Bolshevik take over starting up a Beria period in Russia again, all lost :-(.
Somebody important to the elite has to have passed, for they had to pull the ultimate prefabricated pick me up, from deep in the playbook of political survival, its one of the last quick pick me up tools left in the political tool kit. And means they are up against the wall somewhere probably with a gun to their heads.
“Just over an hour after sunrise on 31 July, long-time al-Qaeda boss Ayman al-Zawahiri walked out onto the balcony of a downtown Kabul compound – reportedly a favourite post-prayer activity of the veteran Egyptian jihadist.
It would be the last thing he would do.”
Now since this feat cant be duplicated or repeated or actually used in real life, for we see no martyr celebrations in the Arab world, its not even reported outside the western MSM.
Its just bluster when it comes to using this mechanism against any real foe, but it works good for imaginary ones though, and they hit it out of the park too, this is a two week ad bonanza for the mains, but keep a private eye on funerals and changes of mind also.
After the Kabul airport massacre there were reports from local journalists – I wonder what they are revealing about the Zawahiri allegations … anyone following them? I wonder what the Afghan government version is? Innocent father of 14 small children (or whatever)? Was there in fact a real hit, and who/what got hit?
The chute of American gladiator life is hardly noticed by the decade, but go two or three out and the graph looks cliff like.
The kids are now pre aging and cant make to school until 8:30, they voted on it and won, it should go viral in a year or two coast to coast. Too many cob webs, or cant think straight that early in the morning, or whatever, don’t feel right until 8:30.
They know, and so do the adults, that quality learning must now wait until 8:30 or it wont work at all.
I wonder if 9 or 10 will side by as easy, 11 o’clock is already reserved for the nearly dead, so is a squeeze play about to be witnessed?
I know my warning signs, and this particular one is troubling on a many a scale, but the future horse power of the country comes to mind.
As mundane-astrologer, at least since Feb. 2022, my inner musings turned around this ‘where is the
decisive constellation’, which signifies the ‘final break’ in this historic year. Repeatedly I referred to rare heavenly facts like Saturn in Aquarius, rare but happening every 30 years for 2,5 years,: or Uranus in Taurus, happening every 84 years for 7 years, better was Pluto in Capricorn, evey 248 years for 26 years, but all that falls short, given the current opening of an empire-free multipolar world, which hasn’t existed since 500 years.
Now I seem to have found the presumably specific trigger. It is signified by the ‘long waves of fate’.
It’s a cognition without precedence: in my weekly of the 31. Week, I refer about the technique, to discern and the meaning of this historical constellation, lastly happened 1.618 vears before now.
Somebody Please Explain‼️
How will any “new Leader’ of current Kleptocratic Western DemoCrazy matter to Julian Assange⁉️
AngloSphere “DemoCrazy” has corrupted the instrument of authentic Democracy.
We see that for, Julian Assange, western democracy pertinently erected an iconic sample of its complete degeneracy.
It seems that even debating viability of current political establishment is at the point of utter ludicrousness.
For example, it would seem unreasonable to site constitutional or even universal human rights in defense of Julian Assange, when every segment of constitutional mandate, favoring Julian Assange, is blatantly discarded and thoroughly violated, by every “democratically” elected official governing the crucifixion of Julian Assange.
Western Democracy no longer reference nor refer to laws of constitutional decree – Western governance now relate to the despotically undemocratic ‘Rules Based Order’ – injustice, really, at its Core.
Western DemoCrazy has become utterly meaningless and must be replaced…but how?
Divine Order Shall Prevail.
Yourself explained it:
“Divine Order shall prevail”. Your conclusion is full valid :-).
Zelensky is irrelevant‼️
Actually, it is the Anglo Sphere’s Conglomerated Corporate Plunder & Pillaging Syndicate setting the stage of most savage looting, not seen in world history since 80 million indigenous people were slaughtered in the Americas.
It is the Anglo-Saxon concept of capitalism – insatiable profiteering subordinate only to Greed.
I may be about to win another award.
Dental schools across the nation not only test their students on a local level, but they get tested yearly and locally by a national organization whos responsibilities include the veracity and integrity of the not only the material being taught, but insuring that said material meets a certified standard that in theory could be applied globally, but to date so far, I am aware of only a national interest in testing schools.
With that said, I won best mouth of the country for my certified school in 1996, as the patient. Today I only go in for my bi-annual cleaning at my local dentist. But recently they had a new machine that you step into and an open helmet revolves around your head and neck, they said they were looking for something that shouldn’t be there. And I can only imagine that once they don’t find anything that is not supposed to be there, this could lead to another award, best head of 2022.
Great link at non-MSM news here :
In exchange for launching both Nord Streams, Russia should demand Germany’s neutral status.
ex-Chancellor Schroeder is correct – turn on NS2.
BUT since the Rubicon was crossed, there is a new price!
“Otherwise, running at full capacity of both “streams” is tantamount to feeding meat with blood to a wolf, which will then pull you in a pack of its own kind.”
Col. Douglas Macgregor expects the Berlin Gov’t to resign, freezing, but instead better to heat up NATOstan with a NEXIT.
It would make BREXIT look like kids play.
Just imagine the info-flak!
After all Macron said NATO was Brain-dead, Trump said it was not worth the price, and Germany apparently upped by $100 billion, its 2-cents, sorry, 2%.
A cool breeze
Through the house blows
Changes in life
God’s hand
The dice throws
Dry hot Weather
Desultory tieless Spaniard
Many a black Feather
Alabama in bold
Best mouth he told
Revolving helmet probed
Neuralink nanogold
In tragus pinhold
Not to slide too deeply into the metaphysical arena, but recalling the teachings of my learned Rabbi friend that when God wishes to speak to man, first He whispers…and then if man does not listen, He throws rocks… Recalling that teaching, I not that lightening struck at Lafayette Park, fubaring 4 people there…this park is across the street from White House…
Trouble behind and trouble ahead…
….and you know that notion
Just crossed my mind……
Sweet home Alabama,
The hooper’s marijuana!
A tasty phenomena,
Or Yanqui propaganda?
A heady melodrama,
In the sunset panorama
Of Biden’s oblongata.
“Trouble behind
and Trouble ahead”
Zhe in a bind
Deep in the red.
Bosses unkind
Killed overhead.
Kherson in a grind,
Liars in dread.
Ruskies baselined
The nazi spearhead
As you say Tommy, the apex is the opposite of stupid.
I also imagine it as being, globally, quite small. We have been told, for example, that the British Cabinet could find no good reason to go to war with Germany yet, 3 days after George V instructed them to find cause, war was declared.
One doesn’t need travel down from the vertex far though before ignorance and inculcation reigns supreme.
As far as VVP goes, I’m not sure if you’ve seen through him yet.
Martin (from Soviet East Berlin) initially idolised him (often linking to videos of the “Unknown Putin”) but left here actually knowing the true character.
In any case, if it ever becomes operational, i will not sign up to the new posting authorisation scheme so, at the moment, can only wish you the best and hope that you decease with the blue pill entirely if that hasn’t yet happened.
I will keep watching, you post some brilliant links and the Cafe will still be interesting, if a little less so ;-)
I’ve convinced myself that we are only hearing the grade A side of the equation on every level of life, much of the rest of the equation still has yet to be located and published as the truth.
And during the learning of these truths, there are failures as well as discoveries.
Many of the failures are derived from questionable internet sources or industry choices, which do not have to include established institutions. And these outlets are not derived from the poor or even the middle class, which leaves the former grade A controllers of all, as the most probable culprit of many of todays social ills. The signs are all over the place.
The poison pill option has invaded too many industries. And the consequences appear to be showing themselves over time as the reduced available efficient horsepower of the country that we once were close to achieving, but going forward will be a great struggle to simply break even.
All the right stats can be employed, yet the collapse is well under way.
Its just one more future headache for overloaded boats.
It seems people are having to elect to simply drive the wheels off the car during these inflationary days. B/c after the high cost of the used car, they can no longer afford to repair the car, with the cost of everything else.
This is another troubling aspect of living in the usa, better at wrecking than protecting, treating than preventing, scamming than insuring.
Interesting times ahead? Indeed.
Let us remember the dead today, and Hiroshima’s murdered people. Long time ago a was school pals with a Nagasaki survivor…he had stories…
As the same nazi cadre is murdering children, the born and the in utero, and still bragging about it.
US bombing Chinese cities… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvJgLrgju3k
Gadgets are illegal> https://youtu.be/7tod8qh1MNA
The “rocks” being thrown might be ignored by satanic nazis, but they are in bald plain sight…
The Man in Black https://youtu.be/6pAvKBwCTTU (Belshazzar)