2022/07/30 13:30:02
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‘Western Values’ on Display
An employee from the Scandinavian nation’s Consulate General in Murmansk raised eyebrows online after telling staff at a hotel in the northern Russian port city that she “hates Russians” and that as a Scandinavian, she is used to “clean rooms.”
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has slammed a Norwegian Consulate General employee over “hateful” and “xenophobic” comments she recently made during a stopover at a Murmansk hotel.
On Saturday, Russian Telegram channel Mash posted a video ( https://t.me/breakingmash/36943 ) of an agitated Norwegian diplomatic employee, identified as one Ms. Elisabeth Ellingsen, picking a fight with concierges at the Azimut Hotel in Murmansk over an apparent double booking mix-up and being given a room that was insufficiently clean. (The police started a check on her statements. The consul faces criminal charges under the article “Incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”.)
“I only want to tell you one thing: it’s fine, we are leaving in a couple days…This is f*cking irritating, because the same thing happened with my colleague. She was removed from her room on the fourteenth floor for some other reason. You’re just f*cking up everything. This is a disgrace. Just give me another room and stop f*cking [around]. No, I’m not waiting one minute, it’s already late,” Ellingsen said.
“I hate Russians. Just give me a room. I’m just standing here until I get a room. How disgusting, how well is that room cleaned? You know I’m used to clean rooms. I’m from Scandinavia, not some Russian woman who’s just washing like this,” the diplomat added, gesturing a scrubbing motion. “It’s not clean. Can I even sleep in the bed? Oh my God, what the f*ck?” she asked.
“You know I think that this hotel is a disgrace, and you people in general [are] also a disgrace,” the diplomat added.
Commenting on the rant, which racked up over 400,000 views, Zakharova quipped that “Western values are becoming more and more impressive,” and characterized Ellingsen’s outburst as a bitter display of hateful nationalism.
“I will not quote her words in full, but will simply say that in her choice of vocabulary, this representative of a foreign state did not restrain herself, exposing her maliciousness,” Zakharova wrote. “At the moment, the Russian Foreign Ministry is working out options for responding to this outrageous act of hatred, nationalism and xenophobia, unless the Norwegian Foreign Ministry gets ahead of us – which would be the proper thing to do,” she added, in an apparent hint that Oslo should recall the bad-mannered diplomat.
What a truly depraved, low life creature! This type of exhibit of verbal ineptness and mental degradation is unacceptable for any human being but the fact that she is a diplomat…is simply beyond words. Shameful, disgusting and unforgivable.
She should go back to Norway and polish her tongue by licking some stone moss in the icy caves of Spitsbergen – for the rest of her life.
There is a precise short phrase in English, that we have no similar in Portuguese: “shit happens”. It does not choose where and when. It may be in a five star hotel, at the world best restaurant, in a humble place. Shit happens. A double booking, an air conditioning with problems, a steak overcooked. What should we do? We have to deal with it using good manners, compassion, allowing the respinsible to be calm and solve the problem. We are not perfect and should tolerate other faults. Or else, go to a cave and live there, alone…
I’ll take the cave and tend to my carrots.
see> https://youtu.be/kKIh3UHjupM
“Norwegian diplomatic employee Elisabeth Ellingsen: “I hate Russians” “
Storm for nothing. These Karen moments happen every day when people get stressed. Many people get hysteric and berserk when the travel doesnt go after plan. “But my mom is waiting for me…….”.
“… These Karen moments happen every day …”
To Scandinavians? We will take your word for it.
Why not? There’s little difference between Americans born in Washington, Helsinki, Tokyo or Moscow.
Of course shit happens every day and to many people. But most of then try to find a peaceful solution, or even, stand their ground until a solution is provided, even recurring to the police or to a lawyer.
Of course there are people that do not respect other people and say nasty things or even kill them. But this is not what an civilized human being does.
I am 68. In my life I faced situations much more adverse than a double booking or a not so clean room, but I am not even proud to say that never I did anything like the said diplomat. Not even proud because that is the minimum that a human being should do. At least it was what mom and daddy told me…
I admit its a bit special to stand in the middle of someone’s country and yell “I hate all of your race” because of a simple inconvenience. But even then I see her as a typical Karen.
While we are discussing the vulgar woman allegedly a “diplomat”, the use of the word “shit” is similarly vulgar, not at all descriptive of the situation at hand, and indicates a deficiency in vocabulary or at least laziness in not taking the time to think of a word to accurately describe the situation. “Shit happens” was invented by witless drug-addled hippies back in the sixies as a conversation stopper and adopted by succeeding degenerates too lazy to learn English and how to communicate accurately but convey the impression they are profound. It is typical of the unlearned that they expect everyone else to learn the slang they invent because they are too lazy to learn even their native language.
Wow. So Norwegians are “ugly Americans” too! What a diplomat. Sheesh 😲
Let the Fine Lady of Graciousness and Civilized habit speak that way to her boss… or a cop…or the bartender down at the Dewdrop Inn.
That is a fine sugestion…
Alas, it’s not even “xenophobic”. The appropriate summary is: “welcome to the real world, bitch”.
In other words, she moved outside the designated area for oligarchs and their top lackeys and pets, thus discovered how it looks like for all those insignificant insects. It’s not even slums, but even slightly-above-average is to posh like slums are to mediocre.
This disconnect seems to always happen in the times of decadent oligarchy. Just like when the top boyars referred to a lass Ivan IV wanted to marry as “slave”, and she was a minor noble. Or “let them eat cakes” meme from the times of Marie Antoinette. It seems likely that it’s about to end more or less the same way as either of those did. I mean, weaving of large baskets may become a profitable craft some time soon (it’s not an investment advice).
That behavior is the exact opposite of diplomacy which consists of fundamental good manners and patience at all times under all circumstances. This is apparently a weak and profane woman definitely in a job that is not her calling, akin to American personnel at the Moscow embassy showing their complete lack of decorum by conspicuously waving the middle finger in their display of basic vulgarity. I believe it is indicative of a sense of complete helplessness where all the “diplomat” can do is lash out at working people in a petty fit of pique.
If she detests scrubbing, I wonder if and how she cleans her own quarters? To me this is an embarrassing display of the vulgarity of bureaucrats at all levels. It goes a long way to explaining how the FBI have become a collection of low-life thugs willing to threaten and kill ordinary harmless Americans.
Too bad about the word “American”. It’s what we and lots of others have called ourselves from long before I was born and I am fully aware there is a vast North American continent and a vast South American continent and, yes, I can and have been able to name the countries in South America and love the working people there and everywhere, especially my fellow mechanics and welders in Russia. I love to watch their repair videos and see the foreign built heavy trucks and engines that are so much identical to the ones here. I also notice the names Caterpillar, Komatsu, ESAB, etc., and especially Stihl all over the world. Quality talks and working people think alike.
The U.S. has lost all the wars of the 21st century and superiority in armaments. AM points out that U.S. military power is supported by the hegemony of the dollar and not by any mythical competitiveness of its economy. The dollar and military power are in fact in a symbiotic relationship, fueling a hypothetical superiority that Hollywood productions are in charge of spreading.
I see the American military as an orange county chopper A long on image showy gaudy grotesquely overpriced garbagewagon that breaks down after 50 miles on the highway And the russians as a honda XR500 you can bash it smash it ride the railroad tracks offroad onroad and it just keeps going Which would you have confidence in? Thats the best analogy i can come up with (ok lame maybe… i tried)
From my point of view, that’s a good analogy.
Give me a ’96 Corolla (32 mpg at 80 mph) or Avalon (25 mpg at 70 mph) with automatic transmission and it will run forever with normal maintenance and synthetic oil (great radio, CD player died).
Give me an ’01-’08 Outback with 2.5i and automatic (32 mpg at 80 mph) and it and all the instruments and electronics inside will run forever with normal maintenance and synthetic oil (lousy radio, good sound playing .mp3 and wav files).
275,000 on all and going strong with original engines and transmissions.
Also, a ’96 F-350 with 7.3L and not good maintenance is still running reliably at hard labor at 375,000 or so miles.
Another news from Slovenia. From the yesterdays first page of RTV Slovenia site. There is a solution for the gas crisis. Nigeria, Niger and Algeria will start building pipeline from Nigeria via Algeria to Europe. They have been delaying construction for more than 40 years, but now it’s the right time. They will start to build soon. And also another one from Nigeria on the coast to Morocco. Now Algeria is Europe’s best friend. No more democracy and human rights, just gas. No more civil wars and local bandits across the new pipeline, maybe they will hire Wagner group for security. Europeans are getting desperate. Now we get such reports that everything is fine. Yes for now when it is summer and some gas in storages, but winter will come soon, sooner than gas from Nigeria.
I recently discussed why Nigeria is unlikely to help the West.. forces are in motion larger than continents involving multiple civilizations.. Both sides marshal ranks and they become strictly arranged. The only ones who appear oblivious and mere objects of Fate are western populations kept in the dark.
“They have been delaying construction for more than 40 years, but now it’s the right time. They will start to build soon.. Now we get such reports that everything is fine.”
These are soothing lullabies one sings to a child as it is put into a [permanent] sleep. Let’s look at the logistics and facts required. These new pipes are not even on the drawing boards. These projects take years to build. It requires iron-clad long-term arrangements with reliable customers. And the Algerian pipe itself lacks sufficient expansion capacity – so it too needs new “streams.”
The routes of these putative pipes go through seas infested with pirates (the largest being US Navy) which have no interest in new energy sources being created for and fed into Europe. The Cebrowski-Rumsfeld project has moved into Old Europe..
How will Europe pay for these new investments? Its industry, currency, and bureaucratic structures are currently in hospice care. None of them may exist this time next year. Even if European potential was viable next year, there are the green crazies who will sabotage alternatives as seen with NS1 + NS2. Private investors will not participate as there is no prospect of return.
Lastly, Russians and Africans are coordinating carefully, and long before Lavrov’s trip. Nigeria and Algeria are members of OPEC+. All have vested interest in cooperation among producers to regulate their market, without allowing external interference and sabotage between members. And Africans have ancient grievances against Europe, which continues to prey on them to this day. Do you think Nigeria and others will step outside their signed agreements for such people?!! When they have the opportunity to help hammer in final nails of the coffin of a remorseless centuries-long tormenter? The existential decisions of strange cultures are often unaccounted for by material and insulated people..
So in summary, all this is gaslighting of Europeans by their satanic gauleiters to give time for the involuntary euthanasia to take full hold.. The issue is not energy, or Russia, or getting alternative sources, it is the western Technocrats permitted to share our oxygen and blight our world and create permanent strife, and who will assuredly kill most of you unless you take prompt action! Waiting for the hunger and cold and dark of winter to spark folks is too late.
Sean, very true. Most in this age are foolish, not only the docs. It is as if most deep down sense the show is about to end and are splurging on one last round. they think they have house money. As I observed several decades ago, Canada has two other structural problems. The cold weather and reduced compensation vis-á-vis American docs.. and for generalists, a system which pays specialists 2-5x more for less work-time.. so they are drawn like moths to the southern border, with the exodus starting slowly many years ago. Decades ago, one of my hospital instructors was a Canadian, in sunny Virginia; and he said many more went to Florida! The US has milked Canada of all that’s good – oil, tremendous fresh water, and many other resources, including docs. Unlike for most other countries, it even made foreign medical graduate transfer to US medical licensing boards easier. So the Philippines and others lost valuable nurses and Canada its well-trained docs (at public expense!), many who moved to greener (and less bone-cracking) sunnier climes..
Uncle Davy, thanks for shocking article on the 1765 – 1938 $45-Trillion heist from India by the British. As the article notes, this is a low number, not including onerous debts, years-lost to periodic famines, decreased lifespans, and I would add lost opportunities trading with others, and industrializing much later. And war deaths and casualties were significant too, as they were embroiled in both world wars by their Anglo overlords.. The huge contribution of Indian soldiers is shamefully minimized to this day.
What I find as curious is its publication by Al Jazeera (formed by BBC and MI6 cadre), and a British Professor at a British institution who is also a “Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.” Most incongruous sources to reveal crimes of such scale! Why?? What’s the agenda? It’s never the Truth with those people. Or perhaps weaponizing the Truth to further dismantle a rickety structure? Reminds me of statues being toppled and classical artists and reasonable leaders being cancelled in the West. It is of a piece with Wokeness, blacks reparations, dismantling civilization itself. A perfectly targeted storm from the same demons behind Uncle Schwab with intent to level all mankind. Or am I reading too much into it, and it was a misguided, indiscreet effort which in effect demoralizes, and externally raises hatreds and bakes in conflict between Anglos and the Indian/colonized world?
An old tweet by Indian parliamentarian
Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) Tweeted:
A genuine apology; teaching unvarnished colonial history in British schools as part of an honest history curriculum; & establishing a museum to colonialism, would together constitute serious atonement. When a wrong has been done in your name, “I’m sorry” goes a long way. https://twitter.com/ShashiTharoor/status/1116046048147922944?s=20&t=7x8H5oEiRddMluOp57B6zA
Yes I take your point re: Al Jazeera’s BBC and MI6 origins.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with your “weaponizing the Truth to further dismantle a rickety structure … with the intent to level mankind”
Given our discussion with Sudhi, it was the $ figure that I hadn’t seen quantified before.
I suspect its more of the same:
1. divide and conquer this time (given the UK’s huge population of Indian descent &
2. make white people feel guilty/ashamed, in much the same way the holocaust is used, (since the Allies didn’t bomb the railroads til approx. 1943)
*The huge contribution of Indian soldiers is shamefully minimized to this day.*
AHH…much appreciated and many thanks..
Interesting humour of BBC with MI6 spooks/poofters filming in a stately English home, often with the bust of that Bitch – Queen Victoria – beside the decorated, noble and objective Indian-Pakistan veteran!!
Yes, my semi-literate working class English mother fleeing family scandals (unmarried eldest sister 18 getting pregnant leading to double suicides on father*s side) found consolation and re-inflated pride in being *white and English* in 1946-49s India.
Being *Memsahib*, as an excellent rider so was *top notch* at Country Club and Polo trainer, even suggesting dressage tips to Indhira Gahindi..!! (no photos of that…)
Meanwhile in Calcutta, her newly hooked Danish husband would drive past piles of dead Hindu and Muslim bodies on his way to work….during often chaotic and bloody run-up to Independence…
Met Jim Corbett, in the Himalayan foothills, Ranikhet – author and infamous *Tiger Hunter* and pedophile !! (signed book).
As was Lord!!!! pedo-Louis Mountbatten, whose wife and his own lusty exploits were common knowledge to upper class English and Indians.
Thanks IRA for finally getting rid of that SOB…
Yes, *Pukkah Memsahib* (proper and real Madam!!!) so relished wallowing in the glorious Anglo-colonial tradition that next stop was Bangkok, Thailand with more bowing..kow towing.. servants and the Polo Club.
Finally ending up in Rrrrhhhodesia – 1959-1976 .. then it was *Yes, Madam* and I was *Picinin Baas*..
As LBJ, US President Lyndon B. Johnson famously said :
*If white working class/trash cannot be better than a nigger – who can they be better than!!!*
Relief to know Indian Navy has finally commissioned their home-grown aircraft carrier – sincerely hope it will see more *on deck flight* activity with fewer mishaps/accidents than the English QE — whatever..
You’re welcome. The more one learns of the upper class, and if one is intelligent and with moral compass, the more grateful one is not to be born among them! (“Behind every great fortune there is a crime. — Balzac”) Much more honor among loinclothed coolies pulling a rickshaw.. I agree – I once read that Lady Mountbatten, a Jezebel, was used to seduce Nehru and turn India aside from much of its early promise..
“found consolation and re-inflated pride in being *white and English*” It is the same race-game in USA, and now increasingly Europe (among reasons so many brown people imported) – to divide & conquer. Father also noted many young men were expressly brought in to help replenish a decadent people who had sunk below replacement rates. But the criminal oligarchs have by now so centralized wealth, and emmiserated all and left nothing to the imagination concerning the disparities and their role via organs such the WEF etc.. that this appears an epoch many and more likely not most of them shall be put out of their misery the old fashioned way. What was done to British India has in effect been done to all men worldwide, and it’s an age of redressing grievances. Interestingly, the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep plan foresaw this. The NWO is an equal-opportunity leveler – of elites and us peons alike. The Dune series foretells this, the suiciding of useful idiot elites at the hands of the Antichrist..
1946-49s India was extremely traumatized, and whose effects are still with us. The satanists lit a fire of Hatred among neighbors and cousins (like the Ukraine) to last 100 generations. Millions were brutally uprooted and killed during migratory Trails of Tears, especially in the Bengal.. Artificial borders, as usual, were deliberately drawn to perpetuate permanent enmity. Its denouement may affect us all, if the Anglo-Zionists achieve their aim of triggering nuclear war on the subcontinent.. I love India and if peace breaks out hope to visit someday. One of my good friends lives in the south, near Sri Lanka.. I studied Indian history many years ago and remember that period of the cruel sundering of the Bengal.. West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh are a severed people, like the Pashtun divided between Afghan and Pakistan by the cruel Durand Line. The many arts of Calcutta’s Rabindranath Tagore are poignant and inspired me in my youth.. he also inspired the national anthems of three states – India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka! Thanks for your anecdotes
I note that at Duran locals there exists a claim that the 404 stooge has been given ultimatum – 4 weeks to surrender or office corps will do it for him. Mutiny? Insubordination? Or maybe bs.
They don’t say “surrender”, but “negotiation”. But that’s surrender…considering the situation…
Ops! They did say “surrender”
Quote from D/L
“Rumors from internal Ukraine –
The military has told Zelensky the battle against Russia cannot continue and unless Zelensky negotiates peace within 4 weeks it is the intention of the Military to order their units to surrender, nationwide
Zelensky responded that he would simply fire all the commanders, and was told, “You’ll have to fire all of us because we’ve already spoken to the entire Ukraine Army officer corps and we are ALL in agreement.
Our troops are decimated, the forced conscripts cannot be trained in enough numbers or fast enough to make any difference, the economy of the country is completely wrecked, and continuing this fight is simply national suicide, we won’t do it”
We have heard this via 2 sources in last hours
Lets prey its true”
(I seem to recall Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg’s little rodeo with his cohort and the special delivery briefcase…)
You know those guys go about 72 hrs and then forget everything beyond that, that doesn’t actually explode.
A month is like a lifetime over there.
Assuming you’re right, poor memory…
I note that it’s only a claim. But I do not know these fellas forget after about 3 days. I rather imagine, to the contrary, that, whether the claim is true or not, that many of the nazi officers in 404 are terrified. And that their terror is renewed hour by hour, day by day – such that forgetting is probably irrelevant. 4 days ago, I am told, a man was terrified. Then he forgot. But 3 days ago he was again terrified…and forgot again…and then 2 days ago, then to-day. And that with each day their degree of terror increases.
The claim, if true, may be self-serving – as it might look nice at their trials, a propaganda lie attempting to mitigate their guilt and moderate their fates when they face possibility of trial and death looms.
Stauffenberg’s colleagues are said to have had ideas along these lines, and to have sought a deal with UK/US… As we know, That Great Man, Dulles in Bern, was working along these lines as well…and to a considerable extent, he succeeded.
Or in my case, they could be a democrat.
….wander… Elensky did bomb Azov creatures (POW) 70 deaths? for the 2 nd time..he better watch his back he piss off lots of army officials….also neolib/russophobe/warmonger Blinken…blink now after more than 5 months suddenly he want talk to Mr.Lavrov
A perspicacious observation. Even nazis may object to murder of their own captured men by their own Fuhrer. At some stage even these officers, if they do not stand for their own troops and mercenaries, these same forces may — well, fragging is always on the horizon. I do not imagine they long to be tried for these murders, nor being shot by their own subordinates.
“Infinitely able and capable Blinkie” may prefer Lavrov dialogue to the alternatives, dialogue with Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and the god of war, the cannon and what that god says.
I note that in History both victory and the reciprocal of defeat, is always accompanied by betrayal, which sometimes succeeds.
Zhe leans even more on Nazis to preserve his Chair? She misses much subtlety, such as Jewish oligarchs looking to cut losses and thereby jumping ship, but the overall drift may be on the mark. Will Zhe turn on fast-dwindling jewish population of UkroNaziland? Jewish Zionist oligarchs similarly didn’t bat an eye in 1938-1945.. Historically, nazi fanaticism soared during the Volkssturm phase of the Third Reich.. these beasts need to be fed a steady diet of fresh meat. we should expect more ugliness such as shelling their own POWs, cleansing of minorities, etc.
In this the Year of the Chinese Tiger, Anglo-Saxons should remember James Bond died last year in the Year of the Ox (originally scheduled to die in the appropriate Year of the Rat, but the movie was postponed due to covid). Many years ago in 1974, in another Year of the Tiger, the Chinese had the measure of Nixon-Kissinger’s tricks, as well as a beady eye on Bond himself. (gift to Sudhi, Anomalous & Romantics) Interestingly in his last movie, Bond died last year from a missile strike on an island in the Sea of Japan near China.. Pity they turned off the flighttracker
I don’t think it’s rumour, they sent the glorious, elite, President’s Brigade to the front……hmm, I’d nay be sendin’ me best lads out into that….but, was a hand forced. Needless to say their train ride east ended ingloriously in a train station to nowhere.
Most Brigades have been degraded, many have lost complete combat capabilities, parts of the front are re enforced by infantry only. Four weeks to surrender is a life time for the grunts at the front……. can’t end soon enough.
Found it odd, Z man and G7 Nazis had a wee pic nic in Odessa today, complete with photo shoot.
Cheers M
I think you might be right Mr. P
I’ve had the spidey-tingly feeling (completely unscientific) for the last couple of days now that Ukraine is on the verge of surrender.
If this article is accurate, it wlll be the first step:
Stauffenberg made 1 fatal error – ho informed the Brits in advance, a typical aristocrat foible.
Churchill’s diary (declassified in the 2000’s) showed the refusal to negotiate with generals. Result, mass executions. And the army kill rate went up by a factor of 11 after – all blood on Churchill’s diary, sorry, hands.
Looks like Z has seen the diaries. Now likely comes Liz – diaries likely classified till kingdom come!
I think you’re right…and of course the cabal used a one-armed man for a two arm job…
Far more generally, it seems that with Victory and it’s mirror of defeat, the dark god of betrayal always lurks….everybody all gung ho, until they decide to stab one another in the back. This seems to apply inside both parties to a conflict, and in alliances…well…it’s a strong correlation.
WRT the spat with the Norwegian lady:
All I know is, the USA has occupied Norway and other European countries for at least 70 years, going so far as to control the media and narratives, so it makes sense if the lady (who looks to be younger than that) were a product of such a system of indoctrination.
I don’t know what makes Martyanov pretend that the situation in the imperial heartland – the USA – is any different from, let alone better than, in her colonized vassals in Europe (save for Poland, the Baltics and Ukraine). American Exceptionalism appears to do big numbers on one’s thought processes, doesn’t it?
I’m hesitant to jump ship and stop reading ‘Smoothie’ based on the good reputation he gets here and there.
Any advice?
If you stop reading Andrei’s blog, it’s your loss, not his.
Yeah, I’m probably just one reader of out of many, so it’s not likely to make a big dent. At least the other Andrey (the Saker) and Bernard (Moon of Alabama) still have integrity – I don’t remember them holding the USA, its people and its “culture” to that high of a pedestal.
I don’t think saying that everyday Americans don’t automatically hate Russians equates to holding American people or what passes as culture on any kind of pedestal.
I notice he does seem to like some American music. I don’t share his musical taste, but fact is music is the most universal language & rises above politics.
By ‘pedestal’ I meant in comparison to everyday Europeans.
Word around here, and I have some doubts, is that the young people are going to step up and right the ship so as to prevent it from sinking.
Now I live on land so that isn’t so much a problem for me, but my concern is Casey and the train, and just when do you jump off the train before they drive it off the economic cliff
Good call! Wreck of the old 97 https://youtu.be/BC5mB8v_Brc
Step up or not, a wreck is a wreck…and like it or not, they are subject to the vector objective of emerging reality.
Not sure what you mean or how it resolves the situation. By ‘jump ship’ I wasn’t talking about the USA.
I have yet to convince myself that the situation can be resolved, the evidence points to the truth dying somewhere and a trust lying everywhere else.
The west, or the collective west, is a euphemism for what is distasteful, a term used as an unbrella under which a host of evils prevail worldwide, and a way to articulate in general terms what is pervasive but has its seat in the USA, with functioning, red alert centres of outreach in varioius other centres.
As such it is a highly emotive term and used as a form of waeponry,a tool.
Thanks Alabama
This is a question I have as well. It would be really nice if we could get Hudson to talk to us about what the best way is to protect our savings is.
@Digby, the answer to you query: “I don’t know what makes Martyanov pretend that the situation in … the USA – is any different from… Europe” is because of Trump Republicans – who still see Trump badly done by by: -accusations of Trump-Russia collusion
-the Steele dossier
-his ‘lost’ election, of course more recently
-the revelations of Burisma & Hunter Biden.
There’s still a sizeable minority of Americans (maybe as many as 40%) that see Trump as “their guy”
Of course if Trump runs in 2024 & gets back in, the US war machine will turn its attention to China.d
Kinda hard to follow. On the one hand I could understand if it has anything to do with Democrats’ Russophobia (e.g. Russiagate), and some can interpret this as Republicans being less Russophobic. On the other hand, if one considers the hawkish Russophobia Trump dabbled in during his presidency…
I guess I am not sure what your issue is?
This woman is supposed to be a diplomat and she seems to be a diplomat just like the rest of the west.
This is how Russia and Russians are treated by the west. It is massively embarrassing for those of us living in the west, but for Russians and Asians who live here it must be horrific.
Why the anger at Andrei? Are European countries making any effort to say no? Are they making any effort other then joining nato and sending arms and giving sanctions? The West as a whole is a disgrace and has been all my life Andre is pointing out how crass they really are.
Well, apart from taking the Norwegian diplomat’s racial tantrum as evidence that “most Europeans” hate Russia (I won’t doubt that there are those who do, but still…), he goes on to say that most Americans on the other hand don’t hate Russia. That is my beef.
I figured that, logically, since the not-agreement-capable USA is the one pulling the strings (running the media narrative, etc.) and geographically separated from the Eurasian landmass by two whole oceans, there would hypothetically be just as much if not more Russophobia in the US, not less.
I have yet to see or hear any good evidence from Martyanov to back up his claim, and until I see it I find it hard to believe.
“All I know is, the USA has occupied Norway and other European countries for at least 70 years”
Europeans were fighting each other even before the U.S. existed, and some of them fought with Russians too.
That may have been the case then, but this is the present day we’re talking about right now.
“And the Candles are Melting”
Russian title: Oplavlyayutsya svechi na starinnyj parket…
by Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky
And the candles are melting
Out to the aging floors
The rain falls on shoulders
Like silver off epaulettes.
In a frenzy there fizzles
The golden champagne.
Let times past fly away,
I’m not one to complain.
In a pre-mortal anguish
with a back-looking glance,
The scared stags leap forward
Towards the deadly advance.
Someone points his long barrel
At the innocent breast…
Let bygones be bygones,
Come what may, if it be best.
With a heartless abandon
A clever hunter takes aim
With razor-sharp arrows
Into sunset’s red flame.
In the tempest of sound
A sad note cries shrill.
The past leaps and bounds,
Come what may, if it will.
Finally, a western journalist who has woken-up to Zelensky. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEPWgMXut_8
About the Elensky’s Vogue photo shoot –
Pedro Gonzalez published the summary of UA swamp setup about 2 months ago: https://im1776.com/2022/05/27/servant-of-the-corrupt/
“tranquilocomp” is going to South America for two weeks; he should be back in two weeks when “denazification” is over.
Have you guys checked the “Dashboard” above? It’s great.
Something from my own archives:
This is from the UK Daily Telegraph dated 13 September 1998 >
Sir Rocco Forte, the man who introduced Britain to velvet banquettes and sacheted portion condiments, has been attempting to roll his hotel business across the grief-stricken plains of Russia. It has not proved a great success.
Earlier this year, he bid for outright ownership of the St Petersburg Astoria. a hotel much admired by Hitler and of which Sir Rocco already owns 25%. He was thwarted by a group of Russian businessmen who entered the fray at the last minute and trumped his bid. Awkwardly for Sir Rocco, they have chosen to remain anonymous.
Now the hotelier is crying foul-play and urging the governor of St Petersburg to investigate the matter. “We want to know exactly who they are,” says Sir Rocco’s spokesperson. “There is something very odd about all this. We’re hoping the governor will clarify things.”
There are so many layers to read into this story>
– The article was written at a time when British journalists liked writing a lot of stories about Russia, as being “a quirky place offering humorous incidents,..”
– Rocco Forte, not really a bad sort, far less of an opportunist than his father, but with the same alpha-male arrogance and sense-of-entitlement.
– Sure it was odd and frustrating to get this type of push-back when the Forte father and son inariably got their way.
– Great business opportunity noted with the 25% share…so he wants more, to extract even more RRI.
– It would have resulted in more glitz, less substance, higher prices to maximise returns from foreign visitors, attracted by the low prices.
– Typical situation at that time, where Russian sovereign wealth was siphoned off with the help of unpatriotic Russian bureucrats… except that in this case, there was ‘push-back’…
– First evidence of push-back by Russian ‘investors’ at the time…
– Not surprising that there was push-back in the case of the iconic St Petersburg Astoria.
– Not surprising that the Russian investors remained anonymous and probably threatened the St Petersburg Governor not to sell-out to a foreign investor.
Karma smoothes out Soul’s rough edges, while love refines the human heart.
Truth is not some precious book
Gathering dust up on the shelf,
Warranting only an occasional look,
No matter what you tell yourself.
Truth is the boundless source of Life,
Of everything that is or aspires to be;
From the chains that bind you to strife
To the key in the end that sets you free.
Truth is the Breath of Life Itself
That God breathed into Soul, and said; ‘Live!’
And every man’s one true wealth
Sustaining all who’ve leant to give.
Truth does not apply to some
Or exist in part outside the whole,
But like the beat proceeds from the drum,
So truth proceeds from the heart of Soul.
Truth is the golden thread beyond time
That binds the earth and the firmament above.
And ever more and more sublime,
For those who learn the ways of love.
the ultimate goal
of the spiritual seeker
is not the gaining
of knowledge but the
understanding of truth
re: announcement of mandatory evacuation of Ukies from Donetsk
“Great results, can be achieved with small forces”. – Sun Tzu
It just means anyone who stays is press ganged cannon fodder for the front, men, women, and geriatric pensioners.
And if soldiers are shell shocked coming out of that…….the people that stay…..OMG!
Cheers M
Its shaping up to be some terrible times ahead for the EU, among the future inflation headaches to consider, it seems that among all the crowing of held up grain shipments, most of it goes to the EU for the purposes of making beer.
So even if deliverable, that will raise the short term costs of the calming brew while in a chitstorm of growing shortages, and nothing causes a riot like a shortage of beer.
For anyone following statistics and hmm…..anyway, GLs new vid this am is, hmm, statistically interesting.
Cheers M
Nothing the informed here are not aware of, but somethings you just can’t hide….Yee’s either deed, or alives.
Gonzalo Lira in his latest vid is picking up on something at the core of it all.
Will be interesting to see if he pulls that thread all the way to the underwear.
Then I can say “tried to tell you guys.”
Thanks for that TerraHertz
He’s right re: both mortality & natality
Friend from Australia works in a funeral parlor in its biggest city.
For the first time they have to sign a declaration that they will not reveal causes of death of the deceased.
Also the majority of funerals coming through are:
– youngish men (20 – 50 y.o’s) from heart attack
– still born children &
– stroke victims
As a former US Army intelligence analyst and interrogator, I offer what I consider valid proof of the guilt of Ukraine in the murders of their own POWs last week in Olenivka..
From a military standpoint, when you are holding enemy POWs it serves your purpose to take care of them for 3 reasons.
1: International perceptions count – Russia cares what the world thinks, which is why it took her 8 years to answer Ukrainian atrocities being committed against Russians in Ukraine.
2: Intelligence collection – dead men tell no tales. If you kill them, you get no HUMINT. (Human intelligence)
3: POWs are bargaining chips. Think ‘Griner’, and her value in a swap should Russia want someone returned. A dead person is of no value for a swap.
4: Ukrainians have been actively killing Ukrainians in this conflict. The stories are rife.
Now for a very good reason that Ukraine would want her POWs dead..Dead men tell no tales…
Here it is..
2 weeks ago an AMAZING thing happened in Ukraine, that has all the earmarks of GOD helping Russia.
M6 (yes, British Intelligence) organized a deal with a Russian pilot. He was approached in Ukraine by agents and offered a total of TWO MILLION dollars, (where would bankrupt Ukraine get that dough?) and the relocation of his entire family to a European nation – if he would fly the incredibly advanced Russian aircraft – the TY22 YC Strategic Bomber – into a secret air base in Ukraine, and turn the craft over to the UK/US military.
(Obviously they were hoping for a repeat of the 1976 flight of Viktor Belenko – who – flying the advanced-for-its-day Russian aircraft – the MiG-25 – defected in his aircraft to Japan. That airplane was dismantled by the West and reportedly used to help design the US Air Force F-16 – which came out in 1978.)
But the West and Ukraine misjudged the Russian character.
The pilot informed the FSB (Russian Federations Secret Intelligence Services) who were waiting for the meeting that was set up. When 2 beautiful Ukrainian women met the Pilot and handed over not just money, but the coordinates and an air map of the secret base, FSB agents moved quickly in to arrest them…
Then a few days later.. A Russian bomber DID visit the base.. and took it out of service.
THIS most LIKELY so upset Ukraine that they were taking no chances with any other secrets being revealed by anyone. Whoever was a POW in that base in Olenivka, Ukraine.. they made sure to shut them up.
Russia stood to gain nothing by killing prisoners they already had. Ukraine stood to gain everything.
VJCB Author – THE TYRANNY of MASKS bit.ly/3oJrJX6
With Bellingcat’s paws all over the pilot story, that is barking up the wrong tree.
Sounds as though you’re right:
Representatives of the ICRC found a reason to refuse the offer to participate in the investigation of the attack on the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka
“Representatives of the ICRC tried to explain their refusal to participate in the investigation by the fact that they allegedly do not have a mandate to participate in investigations. An interesting statement. That is, the ICRC has a mandate to check the detention of persons who committed war crimes and hid behind women, children and the elderly in Mariupol, but the organization does not have a mandate to participate in identifying those who eliminated these persons …
It is noteworthy that the statement of the top of the ICRC is at odds with the statements of the Ukrainian representatives of the committee. Those a few hours ago announced that the Russian side “does not allow them to investigate.” Based on all these statements, it turns out that only the Ukrainian side of the committee has the mandate to participate in investigations among ICRC members?..
Why did the International Committee of the Red Cross refuse the offer of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation? It is quite obvious – for the reason that the investigation will lead to the Ukrainian side. Moreover, we will also have to explain about the strange “coincidence” – the blow was struck shortly after the members of the ICRC inspected the place where the captured “Azovites” were kept in Yelenovka.”
The legalism of the Russians is tedious but steady and grinds finely in uncovering reality to our bemused and magicked brethren around the world. This is above all a war for hearts and minds. Many sacrifices are being made by Russians, gritting their teeth, in showing mankind the real nature of the City on the Shining Hill.
Generations of brainwashing cannot be overcome overnight.. And the shenanigans and partiality of these international organizations was seen by the observant in every war since the 1990s Yugoslav wars. My father was a diplomat in Europe then and noted how UN troops and MPs committed crimes on the side of NATO. Just a few weeks ago, OSCE was caught providing targeting coordinates onto the Donbas, and then shamed and evicted.
How many remember or had internet and unfiltered media to see that in the past?? It takes time for the scale of the criminality to sink in. Every false flag and atrocity digs their grave deeper. And raises the moral ground of the defenders, and the outrage and hatred in all men, even within Zone A, of the bestiality of the criminals’ conduct! They are reduced to pure terrorism in the Ukraine now, but so compressed in time that even the dull-witted can connect the obviousness.
Russians said in the Great Patriotic War, “they cannot kill us all.” It is back to this impregnable calculation. And what will be the recompense of all this, once Russians decide to show all they have to the command & control deciders? They leave no alternative.
The same will be done to every international organization controlled by the West too, especially the NGOs and transnationals such as Lafarge and those providing privatized logistics, mercs, terrorist infrastructure, media support, etc. These are the cogs and lifeblood of the Hydra beast of death. Cowardly despicable fronts providing plausible deniability. They are all blackhearts and utterly shameless in practicing Totalen Krieg. Denazification and demilitarization entails holding them all accountable and building genuine alternatives. Otherwise we will never enjoy peace on Earth.
Col. McGregor, in Pravda !
McGregor: German government will resign for the sake of Berlin’s friendship with Moscow
With UK, Bulgaria, Italy, Estonia, already gone, maybe it is catching!
The new ones will be more in line with a new green gender world for clima change;
Liz Truss in UK, Die Grüne in D, a transgender in Italy, a new Saakashvili in Bulgaria and Sviatlana in Estonia, making friendship with a green environmental City Counsel in Moscow, and we have peace!
Even Biden and Obama cannot oppose a combination of this character, but then we have awful Trump coming in as a planned wild card.
To be more serious, I think all the serious German guys we had in the past have been purged from the majority of key positions.
30 Jul, 19:25
UK’s Johnson could identify as woman for NATO Secretary General race – diplomat
According to Maria Zakharova, the number of genders recognized in NATO member states makes it possible to Johnson to pick one that fits him most.
Zakharova is having fun!
Only that way is there a chance as NATOstan Emperor!
While Johnson finds his inner woman, Liz Truss looks for her inner Churchill. What a circus!
At least 1 EU country has a President that thinks aloud!
President Michael D. Higgins of the Republic of Ireland published a letter by his wife Sabine to the Irish Times on the Presidential website.
The Russian Ambassador found it reasonable. And it echoes what the Pope just said also .
The President of Ireland was urged to explain for the words of his wife about Ukraine
Irish President Higgins got into a scandal because of his wife’s words about the conflict in Ukraine
Attacked by leaders of both establishment parties Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael (like CDU and SPD of Germany) shows the true face of these parties. The letter proposed negotiations for peace.
With a 2022 seat at the UNSC will neutral, non-NATO Ireland propose negotiations along the lines of the international proposal now being circulated ?
Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations
The organizer of this conference is second on the Ukraine BlackList :
Speakers promoting narratives consonant with Russian propaganda
From Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).
Acting head of CCD, Shapovalov, charged that people who deliberately spread disinformation are “information terrorists,” subject to be tried as “war criminals.”
Is it old news? Kosovo attacking…see> https://t.me/intelslava
“Gunshot wounds reported among Serbs at the Jarinje checkpoint
The Serbian population of Kosovo and Metohija began to build barricades, the national television of the republic reported.”
Awchit. It’s now.
Just happening now, warnews247 has coverage Deputy PM of Serbia talking about denazifying the Balkans. Maybe nothing, remove the pea, switch the cups.
Cheers M
Will somebody please confirm – if possible – that this 26 sec video is in Donetsk city:
https://t.me/s/faceofwar [Their local time 17.31; 11.4K views]
War imminent in Kosovo?
Attacks on Serbs, barricades being built, Serb military planes moved to border, all in the last couple hours. Kosovo military police moving to border. Visiting Spanish official left in hurry from Belgrade, cut visit by a day.
Intel Slava Z
🇷🇸🇽🇰 Serbian President on the situation in Kosovo: ‘All I can say is that we will ask for peace and ask for peace, but I will tell you right away: there will be no surrender and Serbia will win. If they try to start persecuting Serbs, bullying Serbs, killing Serbs, Serbia will win’
🇽🇰🇷🇸 Special forces units of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo are deployed to the border with Serbia on the eve of the expected operation against the Serbian population
More at Intel Slava 😟
This should raise some eyebrows.
A secret WW3 moment?
This City is less than 50 kilometers from the russian Cherson-bridgehead and was target of heavy rocket-attacks the last few days, because the City – according to the Russians – holds several ‘crack’-ukrainian mech.- and tank brigades, possibly earmarked for the ‘big’ offensive against the Cherson bridgehead..
It’s foolish for this man to reside there – but who knows what really happend ? In a snake pit like Ukraine most of these type of stories have several layers attached to them.
I dont know where to start, so many lies by the BBC!!! Gave me palpitations, but I ploughed through fearlessly, for your sake and to seek the truth.
Focusing just on the headline story, the killing of the grain king Vadatursky, i saw too many indications that it was a Ukie atrocity, among them:
(1) Zhe and gang rushed to immediately attribute to Russians, which is standard MO with false flags
(2) the precision of the strike hitting his bedroom (if the British Bull##tting Corp deigned to tell the Truth). Why would Russians kill one of the key man needed to move along the just signed Grain Accords?
(3) it is easy to settle scores amid mass bombardment of a city. Perhaps he was cooperating too well with Turks and Russians in moving the grain? A move by three letter agencies to threaten other oligarchs who may cooperate too? Once in awhile they break eggs to make their omelets from hell.
(4) sore losers looking for another way to sabotage the Grain shipments. Killing him would snarl up logistics and introduce a period of delay at least. Grain shipments were supposed to start THE VERY NEXT DAY by Turkey’s plan. See RT right now.
(5) he was very wealthy yet at advanced age of 74 still living on a front city being softened up in a war. Iow, he appeared to be an honest patriot with nothing to fear in a city about to be taken by Russians. There ARE some legit businessmen oligarchs, more common than pink unicorns.. The legit crooks fled the Ukraine on their jets in the days/weeks before SMO started..
(6) Russian way is to call for international investigations on these type of events. Especially a VIP at heart of helping move the grain. Perhaps this was calculated to introduce a delay now in the attack on this city? In the big picture, this type of shock also allows bloodshed between cousins & the war to drag on, at least through midterms, and until a new Wunderwaffe bs is introduced. They ARE insane remember.
These are off top of my head. It could be simple bad luck. Or nazis parked something close by, using his home as a shield or to deliberately draw a strike.. everyone’s a hostage in UkroNaziland. These c&c satanic sobs are a menace and need extreme prejudice!
Some PR stories are clearly done just to demoralize and degrade the global commons.. bad news must seep out hourly and depress all, drip drip drip like poison in an IV. Lack of hope = less will and effort to revolt against existing Beast system; less effort to police needed in Zone A..
And for Zone B, If they can’t beat Russians fairly, they will drag them down and make associating with them seem unsafe through these glitzy rituals, thereby making potential allies hesitant to support and expose themselves. Bastards!!
Or even worse, say they declare the new target practice machine has been perfected, and there is no where to hide, come out with your hands up, we have the country surrounded, all of your dignity, belongs to us.
Now if that message doesn’t scare the top brass, perhaps some trusty probability will do the trick.
Well, it does smell fishy.
There was probably more than one reason, for everyone who had to agree on this.
The puppeteer “advisors” are okay with this due to problems with grain.
But the Kolomoisky/Zelenksky gang probably was mostly unnerved since he was too close to them and knew too much. If Vadatursky was in a city that might be taken pretty soon, he probably didn’t fear this. And should he shrug and cooperate with Russia, who knows how far he may go? He could sing some interesting songs, and was a dude who would be heard. Then they outlive their usefulness and the possibilities of their happy foreign refuges could wither. I mean, Europe already refuses to sacrifice itself for this farce. What if the new regime in Kiev (friendly to Vadatursky) demands extradition of their predecessors on lots of criminal charges and brandishes some actual evidence? Would then governments of Europe want to antagonize them just to save a bunch of dethroned kleptocrats?
This comment was in the wrong thread and has been moved here. mea culpa.
As everyone’s dog knows, the Russian Federation (and Belarus) have been subject to endless sanctions, often bordering on the absurd and idiotic. Here I want to focus on chess.
Yes, that’s right, chess. Russia and Belarus have been prohibited from participating in the current, ongoing Chess Olympiad 0f 2022 in Chennai, India. This prohibition, as well as moving the event from Russia to India, was the result of the decision of the governing body of chess – FIDE – under IOC direction/approval.
Now I should just add that individual players in the Russian and Belarus Federations can still play under the “neutral” FIDE flag (such as GM Ian Nepomniachtchi in the recent Candidates event) although some, like Crimean GM Sergey Karjakin, were sanctioned anyway. In Karjakin’s case, FIDE sanctioned him for supporting the Russian SMO. So much for FIDE’s alleged desire to stay away from politics and merely promote chess where everyone is welcome.
Anyway, what I find somewhat interesting here is that China is not under sanctions as the Russian Federation is. And yet, despite being a strong favourite to at least win a medal in the event (China has won Gold twice in recent memory) , China is not participating.
Why not? Other than a rare nod to acknowledging the obvious in the absence of the Chinese team (mostly wrt the US and Indian teams which now stand a much better chance at winning outright) , not a word can i find in the chess press about this issue. It is rather like a conspiracy of silence; no one says anything.
Now I should add that FIDE’s hypocrisy was already on display before the Russian SMO. The Iranian team has been put under extreme scrutiny when it comes to their players vs Israeli players. FIDE wants to punish the Iranians for boycotting Israel and this issue has been a kind of stick to beat Iran with … to the obvious glee of the usual belligerent suspects such as the US and its satellites. It’s even become a kind of crowbar to separate Iranian players from their team. So any country that boycotts for un-approved reasons could be in danger from the sporting bureaucracy. OTOH, of course, boycotting Russia is a kind of cancel culture badge of honour.
Anyway, I hope all this is not “clear as mud”. What I want to know is … why is China not playing? Is there some simple reason that I’m missing? Is it an unofficial/unspoken boycott, perhaps in support of the Russian Federation?
The silence is deafening.
There may actually be a plan in DC to rid themselves of the troublesome “priest”…”And King David sent…”
see> https://cdn.locals.com/images/posts/originals/70528/70528_3t49hle862qk1ga.jpeg (if you can).
Withal, This Great Lady known for her sobriety does actually seem to be going…
Howdy Mr P,
What’s up doc? Who’s the “Priest?”
The atmosphere’s oppressive! August just began and it feels interminable. RT had to remind us it’s the 108th anniversary when Russia marched in to support Serbia – the guns of August and all.
They are in zugzwang.. as sean mentioned above the clocks ticking with acceleration on All Cause Mortality.. they need a conflagration to cover. BEFORE the autumn flu season hits.. as his Honor said, “that [one] will get attention this time.”
But each move brings checkmate!
Are they thinking to overturn the table?
I agree, the Frisco Skeletor is an offering to Ares son of Zeus.. but other calculations may be afoot too. A hung succession? they keep announcing he’s positive.. Imagine Sleepy Joe keeps sleeping to join Bandera.. an alternative to external conflagration is sparking absolute internal chaos. if the Lotus assumes acting POTUS, who gets to select the VP as she’s currently the deciding vote in a 50-50 Senate? Red was tempted to coup after the 2020 stolen election.. what are devils whispering now to beyond desperate Donkeys? Imagine Obomber back in the WH via diktat, on top of emergency rule.. that may be the needed spark
Morn’g Doc! The general idea is a bit like David, Uriah, and Bathsheba, or of King Henry II of England with Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket (priest) – the implication is the Great and Famously Sober Mrs Pelosi might, as nazis tend to do among themselves, be scheduled for special handling. No doubt at 82 she’s “expendable” and many in nazi junta might rejoice by getting a “2fer” – martyring the Fine Lady. Some persons might say she’s a priest in hell. They say F G Powers’ U2 was downed by sabotage..for similar reasons of State, occult State anyway… We know, of course, nazis by their crimes…like blowing little girls in half…surely they would not scruple to do the same for the Fine Lady.
Who would dare to doubt that the honest and ever-able, and available, Barak (I think that means “thunder???) might be “called” to shoulder the burden?, if call… Another nazi coup…
Not Doctor Rammat> https://youtu.be/dEPPfTOAgSs (clip of Doctor Benway), Burroughs was a cynic and in a literary form tells us all about the nazi nature of what he knew, his class and those who rule. Perceptive cat. “Naked Lunch”, the film, may be painfully true, as art foretells. Ugly, however, with a critical eye and bourbon. Avoid before bed-time…bad dreams.
I read to-day that Bosporus is regrettably blocked both ways…pure coincidence, as a cargo begins to transit from 404.
“overturning table” Yes. I have a story that I copied from a posting @ MOA some time ago… “Walter” being a pal, I kept it… ;)> And I liked his terminology… (The stuffed 2 headed horse actually exists, with bullet hole behind the bar> Buckhorn bar Laramie)
I used to patronize that bar, when I had a little bit to do with the university and a graduate class in always flaky “creative writing”. I was invited to a seminar. A drop-out from every school I ever attended, and with no BA degree, or indeed any degree from anywhere… Anyway, the class liked to meet at the Buckhorn.
>An Illustrative Sketch>
Wally was sippin’ a brew down at the Dewdrop Inn and watchin’ his pals Dirty John , Wrongway, and Half-Sack hustle a stranger at Poker… Sally the doe-eyed blond bar-girl slipped into the back, “probably to snort a line of crank”, Wally thought.
The game went on and things got tense. The Stranger was winning, a lot. Wally spied that the back door was unobstructed…and thought “good, now let’s see the game”.
There musta been a thousand bucks on the table when the Stranger called with a winning hand.
Wrongway pulled his .38 – “let’s see those cards of yours, friend”.
Stranger kicked over the table and dove out the open front doors, money and cards went everywhere, Wrongway’s cannon went off and blew a hole in the mirror by the stuffed two-headed horse. Everybody’s ears wuz ringing and the place wus filled with gun-smoke.
Unfortunately for the Stranger, Deputy Curtis Hicks was right outside and collared the Stranger…who had practically tackled him.
“Is y’all finished shootin’?,” Deputy Curtis shouted into the smoky Dewdrop, as he snapped the cuffs on the Stranger. (Curtis usually comes by to collect contributions on Thursdays, and it was Thursday)
“Yeah – is that you Curtis?” (Wrongway passed his gun to Wally, who slipped it into the opaque and filthy dishwater filling the sink behind the bar).
Curtis came in, shoving the cuffed Stranger before him, and the Stranger began to whine about the cash. Curtis shut his mouth for him with a tap, and the Stranger spit out a bloody tooth. The fellas picked up the money and the cards and set up the furniture, Sally came back and slipped behind the bar, ignoring us, sniffing now and then with her doe-eyes bigger, wider, than before.
At length everybody figured it out. Seems the Stranger’s cards were marked. He knew it.
Talkin’ funny with a little bit of blood drippin’ the Stranger told us why he kicked over the table – “I wus in a zuswang” he said.
“What’s that?” asked Wrongway.
“You don’t play chess, Ah reckon”, replied Stranger. “It’s when you can’t go back and you can’t go forward – yer screwed either way”.
“Whadda ya do then?” Curtis wanted to know, tapping the guy with his billy.
Half-Sack and Sally slipped out back, for some reason, but at the back door she turned her head, shook her bangs, and called out loudly answering the question for the Stranger…”That’s when you kick over the phuckin’ table! Curtis, yer an idiot!”. Half-Sack had ‘hold of Sally’s ass as the door slammed.
Wally reached ’round an’ drew a re-fill from the tap.
We all chipped in, well, not Half-sack, but the rest of us chipped in, and Curtis took the guy to the Greyhound Station and bought him a ticket to Laramie, 100 miles away. He left with the hundred bucks we gave him.
“Ah always leave a fella a way to git out, git away…it’s better. That’s what the Sheriff sez”, remarked Curtis the following Thursday foldin’ his $20 contribution as he finished his brew.
Mr P we need to take care with the lovely ladies of the TFI Global. At times, they make Hal look sober! I appreciate them for my daily fix of Hyperbole. And they have their curious ways – openly lovestruck with Russia, schadenfreude with Europe, undisguised savoring of malice with China. But they have perspective at times, and enlargen the debate from their unique Indian vantage.
Regarding corruption of corporations and conspiracies thereof.. Here’s a humorous yet revealing take on the ivory tower theorizing versus the graft of the real capitalist world..
I am afraid they will do in the wily Sultan. He is past his sell-date for the AZE. Maybe that is why he is taking panicked step of closing the Bosporus. The AZE needs the Straits sealed to Russia.. Eschatology says NATO will remain in charge of the Dardanelles and Bosporus through the Big War, only subsequently will Constantinople be released to the Allies.. And the Syrian Arabs and Kurds, like in the first Crusades (Saladin was a Kurd), may play key roles, via Syria and the famous Cilician Gates crossing onto the Anatolian Plateau. I will suggest Pepe visit this legendary pass through the Taurus Mountains. He will remember Xenophon’s history and epic journey there too. Even then the ancient Kurds played a role on the homeward march of the ten thousand mercenaries..
The Spaniards “remember the Maine” too and slipped in the stiletto in the gathering dissolution of the US’ European project.. We heard revenge is a dish best served cold, but after 124 years! This is supposedly a principled position by Spain, to avert secessionism in Catalonia, etc… but what irony – as the US helped bury what remained of the Spanish Empire by stripping lands in its neighborhood, so Spain is helping bury the US by stripping projects of hegemony in Europe. The isolation of Oceania and the Anglos gathers apace..
Cybernetics! “the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things.”
Matt Ehret made one more crucial key video which in my opinion should be to everybody’s knowledge as this is at the heart of the whole game.
Enjoy: https://rumble.com/v1e3ms9-understanding-the-great-reset-as-a-cybernetics-religion-dentv-with-matt-ehr.html
Good call Tommy J!
I would suggest reading from father of this> Book> Cybernetics: Second Edition: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Which, in first edition, I read back in ’59 or ’60.
I note> If communication stops, so does life of machine, systemic failure whether it’s “the red wire” or a bullet in the back.
The sentence “If communication stops then systemic failure” is not fully correct, no information is also an information. However when it’s information processing stops a machine might stop or self destruct in most cases but not necessarilly in all cases that depends on the energy converting mechanism, it could also hum along for some time though not forever because the law of thermodynamics does not allow it – unless it can oscillate between being above and below the Planck-border, it then could hum back along in intervals forever – but that would be a very, very and very specially tuned tiny machine.
The base ‘problem’ are the limits of the theory when implemented in matter – and there is no machine without matter. Because matter can have an infinite number of properties a working theoretical model under certain circumstances might not be sufficient to describe a defined state being present – thus all control theories have limits and Cybernetics can be seen as a sub-section of control theories.
One can go further and will finally arrive at the beginning again, that a theory in order to be one must have a theory of it’s negation – almost devoid of any meaning, but just….
I’m amazed someone didn’t already figure out, (and prevent), that, at one time we had many business all trying to keep the price of something low, and that as misfortune would meet some of these business, then there would be fewer of these business attempting to try to keep prices low, and customers coming back.
Now at some point in time, the cumulative loss of the number of business’s doing said business, converts to fewer business doing the same work though as all the ones before it, (lets take baby food, or banks, or oil, or real estate, take your pick), until just a few large company’s do all the business but now not to keep the prices low, but to keep the prices high. And further more should one of these large business run into some kind of trouble, the price then once again rises from the supply and demand side of the equation.
And to think no one foresaw the consequences of crossing over the threshold of low prices verses the greed for profits, and the consequences from poor legislation, and this easily could been prevented by having good legislation, to prevent it from becoming so in the first place. Its called truth in design and truth in advertising, none of which has yet to be addressed on a legal plane.
So if shorty shows up at your place of business or at your store, you can look no further than past current and future, bad legislation, and the phrase, you get the leaders you deserve and the consequences that time delivers.
Well…somebody has thought of it…longlongtime ago. See inter alia “15 U.S. Code § 1 – Trusts, etc., in restraint of trade illegal; penalty”
2 July 1890…
also https://www.jstor.org/stable/725339
In Kansas the railroads were fleecing the farmers by restraint of trade, ruinous freight rates and all of that… ( https://www.kshs.org/kansapedia/walter-r-stubbs/17113 ) Stubbs gave a big speech about it…but I can’t find it. Much the same in California – the railroad owned the state. They set rates favoring their interests, and impoverishing the rest…which brought very “profitable” real-estate deals. Essentially these conspiracies (all corporations are by definition conspiracies) “sanctioned” some, and more or less bribed the rest by such means. Not all conspiracies are illegal, most are not prohibited. The fellas planning a surprise party at the watering hole, jury deliberations…and so on.
But in the end, the nazi fascist flatfoots prevailed…as we see, and suffer under.
US Transcendentalists opposed building the the railroads, as they understood what such power would do to their Country.
As to courts…well…what happened to Scalia? And we know about “elections”.
Oh!! Wait! I found Stubbs’ (1909) speech> https://kslc.org/DocumentCenter/View/1041/Walter-Roscoe-Stubbs—Address-to-the-House-of-Representatives-1909?bidId=
Back to California, see http://mojavehistory.com/interviewcampbelllitta.html This real Lady is a fine source, she knew everything about the reality in California from her time.
Warm regards. P
So you’re telling me it wasn’t enforced by anyone who had some brains, or this was a deliberate grade A disaster, I would believe either one.
Well stated. I did mention Scalia…
So a ramble along> But I am pretty sure this act was a deceptive one, The Sherman Act was “intended”, advertised, sold, to control corrupt corporations and individual gangs of capitalist devils…so they teach…But in application it was used to control working men trying to organize or on strike. Such deception is simply part of the capitalist gag. Man, you think 404 is corrupt?…they’re amateurs…Pinkerton Agency handled some of the “special treatment” department…read Labor’s Untold Story or the history of the IWW for unspeakable stories…machine guns on women and babies, castration, lynching stuff…Hooray USA!, enough to barf.
Under FDR it was used in a better way, and under JFK with the steel companies when they double crossed him, at least I think so. He used IRS too. The reaction to FDR enforcement was Truman and Taft-Hartley etc sec, and then the anticommie stuff…since they couldn’t use Sherman Act on unions anymore, they gutted the right to strike and purge of the “communist leadership”….which required only a word…and welcome to slavery. I knew personally a fella who was professionally involved with the AFL-CIO merger business, and two company goons with drawn revolvers tried to take him for a ride. It didn’t work out the way they planned…but it was/is that corrupt.
Sometimes, in the past, before the unification of organized crime, big business, and the dark or nazi state..sometimes Sherman Act was properly enforced…resulting is “reform”, naturally. Or so I think.
Excuse me – this is off the cuff. It might take a week to prepare the lecture properly. I am probably in error somewhere.
They say that UK stooges also intend to provoke China…https://www.latestly.com/socially/world/just-in-british-mps-plan-visit-to-taiwan-latest-tweet-by-disclose-tv-4027289.html
I recall a story about US mafia sending representatives to negotiate with Hawaiian dope mafia. The Hawaiian’s disappeared them, except for their ears, which they sent back to mainland in salt with note: “Muuum Good! Send more!”
So you Mr P is promoting cannibalism to resolve all our geo-political problems, muuum good?
Bill Gates is now going for artificial laboratory beef, the liberals want us to live on bugs, Wall Street have banned us from drinking filtered rainwater, and my government wants to inject me in my butt once a month .
I have decided to move out in the wood to live off grid. I cant take this clown world anymore.
Dont break my heart again https://youtu.be/HJ98D2NesJU White Snake.
9 hrs ago: New York City declares state of emergency over monkeypox
25 mins ago: California declares a state of emergency over monkeypox
Cali is the US largest state by GDP. The US is already in recession.
The shakeout of the US middle-class continues …
(Please ignore the reference to covid in this article)
Having lived in the US recently, I have to say that for the first time I realized there’s a massive undiagnosed mental health problem in the US.
After all these years, what a former intel agency Director Bill Casey had to say, has come home to roost:
In Europe its the same, I assume the whole Gay7.
The key to overcome it, is to recognize it, find a true mental platform, push the false perceptions away, and work forward from there.
For my case I found the bible to be the foundation to discover up true reality in everything else.
“To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal” – Henry Kissinger
The desperate US elites are artificially creating a crisis in Chinese Taipei so as to provoke Beijing and have an excuse to tell their EU lapdogs to completely cut off trade with their largest trading partner China as a plank of Washington’s all out war against Europe.
The US’s goal is to deprive Europe of cheap energy and manufactured Chinese goods, ultimately turning it into a poor third world bloc without any international relevance. It will also be highly inflationary as cheap Chinese manufactures will have to be sought from elsewhere.
It also deprives China of a politically stable, high income market for its manufacturing exports. As China’s services sector of the economy grows, she can eventually replace the EU market as it pushes the labor-intensive industries of steel, concrete & glass production down the road to the ‘Stan nations: Pakistan, A’stan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan & Kazakhstan.
The US Neo-cons have already achieved the first plank of their strategy (depriving the EU of cheap energy) by using its proxy, Ukraine, to attack Russians who was forced to react. Now they’re adopting the same tactic by using Taiwan to attack China thus forcing China to react.
Prompted by AHH over several Cafes I’ve come around to the conclusion that this has to happen for Europeans to finally wake up to the fact (if they ever do) how they’ve been used since WWII’s end – and to finally expel the US from Asia’s N-W peninsula. When this happens, the former EU member-states will become fully integrated in China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). This may take another 20 – 30 years to come about so keep watching this space.
In the meantime, as the US’s internal contradictions grow more stark, observe the dissolution of the states themselves. Cali & Texas will lead the way (the Lone Star state was a republic before joining the Union remember).
Thanks to Per/Norway for this one, the secret life of plants and all living things spiritual connections, really eye opening especially with regard to our personal plants in our homes.
Confirming Indians Big Chief’s comment that all is spirit and we are able to realize this with our own plants.
Meet Biden’s new Monkeypox czar:
Surface ships are toast essay. (FWIW I think large SS have, now, very limited practical utility outside special application…targets can be very suitable in some situations, and we understand that a quality of nazis is their contempt for their own men.)
I found this essay more or less prescient, from April 2009.
Essentially, the essay is founded upon the opinion of the USN Institute, or its reasoning…yeah, reasoning..and essay is damning. Essay>http://exiledonline.com/the-war-nerd-this-is-how-the-carriers-will-die/all/1/
I note that it would be very fine if Friend Smoothie critiqued it. The big ships are still being built in large numbers by the very State and People who built DF21, and the sons and daughters and Ruskie cousins…the entire genre of supermissiles …which seems to undermine both the author and the USNI paper it references. Evidently, since the builders are not stupid…well, the logic is obvious.
Fun example of useful target @ 1:52 https://youtu.be/4OcM23Hbs5U (Walter H shoots a gold target, fine literary foreshadowing, like Taiwan!)
For the AZE the big ships are cash cow, a mad cash cow, they say, anyway I’ll accept that a “rational” view… But Why is China building aircraft carriers if they’re making toast? Why is Russia building big surface ships?
The implications that occur to mind are, well, they expect to be able to put them to proper use as aircraft carriers, and other ship types…thus: against “stone age” opponent(s)…Soooowhuzdat? Is it that our Chinese Brother harbors the idea that the AZE may become “stone age”? (proffered uses this phrase).
Please name another target…but it just seems to be AZE, in the fullness of time, as Rumpole says.