2022/07/23 14:30:02
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There was a link in the Saker telegram channel to an article on press tv, about threats to press tv reporter Johnny Miller: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/07/22/686065/Press-TV-correspondent-in-Ukraine-
The 13 year old teenager that Johnny Miller interviewed was Faina Savenkova. I’ve seen it, it was short, but couldn’t find it back. But I want to introduce you to something similar:
https://t.me/Rot_Okt/2136 This is another short interview with Faina Savenkova. The interview is done by German free-lance reporter Alina Lipp, whose own canal is ‘Neues aus Russland’. Alina Lipp had the nerve to report about Ukrainian shelling of citizens far away from the front, counter to official German ARD reporting; and deliberately destroying of wheat fields and -warehouses by Ukrainian forces. Alina Lipp is also on (the same) Ukrainian death list, her German bank accounts are blocked and she might await prison of three years in Germany for ‘spreading misinformation’, which is newspeak for doubting the official ‘current thing’ (say, applying the Assange protocol).
Another brave woman is Spanish free-lance reporter Liu Sivaya: https://t.me/UkraineHumanRightsAbuses/7630 , who does a stand-up report here about a destroyed wheat warehouse in Rubezhnoe, Luhansk by Ukrainian forces. Also Liu Sivaya is threatened.
I cannot do much, but what I want is to help spreading their words, and share with you my admiration for their honesty, and foremost their courage.
Cheers, Rob
any news Anatoli Sharya in Spain arrested few weeks ago by interpol on behalf of SBU???
I found a report on world IQ by country study very interesting. Out of the top 10 countries (or territories in 2 cases) the top 6 are all Asian countries:
In order-Japan,Taiwan,Singapore,Hong Kong,China,South Korea (all East Asian). Belarus (yes Lukashenko’s Union State Belarus) at number 7. Followed by Finland at 8, Liechtenstein at 9,and the Netherlands and Germany tied for 10.
While semi-official pseudoscience definitely does convey some information, it’s far too ambiguous to be useful unless you know how it’s made.
Can you see the zombification. This is supposed about monkey pox vaccines, but the demonstrators there are zombies. Is there another name for this?
This is a promising report. Lately I’ve seen on several pro-Russian Telegram sites about a new all-Ukrainian (at least that’s what they say) brigade formed in Kherson,made up of pro-Russian Ukrainians. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of info on it yet. As for example are these men ex-Ukrainian soldiers,or are they just new recruits? Are there any Russian or Donbass advisers,or is the unit 100%,top to bottom made up of Ukrainians? Will they be used as a nucleus of a new “army of liberation” to operate in other areas of Ukraine? We should hear the answers to those questions in the future I guess:
In the Kherson region, the Odessa brigade completed combat coordination – offensive operations will begin in the near future in the Nikolaev and Odessa directions
“In the near future, together with the allied forces, we will begin to liberate the city of Nikolaev and the hero city of Odessa. We will not show any mercy to the Ukronazis, mercenaries and any Bandera scum,” the representative of the brigade said.
Separately, we note that the brigade consists of people from the south of Ukraine, Odessa and Nikolaev regions. https://t.me/voskoboinikovaleksandr/15096
I found a good video update to the above report (English subs):
YURI ANALYTICS The meaning and context of the news about the newly-formed and trained Odessa Brigade – a Russian volunteer unit comprised of Ukrainian citizens from Odessa and Nikolayev willing to participate in the liberation of their home cities. https://t.me/DonbassDevushka/15552
I think I heard instead of retreating, some local cops shook hands with the Russians and are being paid in Rubles to basically do their same job, just w/o western oversite, and that was a couple days ago via radio info.
Probably most don’t give that much of a damn.
Why do they lose? Orange Revolution, like the rest of the bunch, was not as popular as it was painted. The osmosis of freebies is over either way. An indecent kleptocracy will probably be replaced with half-decent one. Many of the most odious types will get kicked.
Life goes on.
I thought the juxtaposition of the two viewpoints was interesting.
If You See the Wolf
If you see the wolf, let me know,
He might be somewhere lurking about.
It’s true we used to be good friends,
But then we had a falling out.
If you’ve heard of that wolf, I’d like to know,
Of late he’s been clawing at my door.
Last week I had him in my sights
Only to lose his sickly spoor.
If you’ve word of the wolf, then here I am;
He’d better hope he finds me first!
I’m sick of his breathing down my neck;
It’s time to end his bloodline so cursed.
If you’re after the wolf, I’m ready to roll
And willing and able to join the hunt;
My blades are sharp, my arms are strong,
I’m not long back from the battlefront.
If you find that wolf, please let me know;
He took my wife, he took my child!
I’m tired of waking to his eerie howl,
Knowing he’s out there, somewhere in the wild.
If you see that wolf, let him know from me;
Of his claws and fangs a necklace I’ll make.
Of his skull a helmet to adorn my head,
And of his carcass a banquet for the crows and the snakes!
The Big, Bad Wolf
He’s the big, bad wolf, one of a kind,
Roaming the steppe and the desert all day.
He’s lean and he’s hungry and he won’t be confined.
You better think twice ‘fore you stand in his way.
He’s the big, bad wolf, a dying breed;
Adorned with the scars of many a melee.
He don’t kill for no pleasure, he kills for need,
And when it’s all done, he’ll be on his way.
He’s the big, bad wolf, he don’t suffer no fools,
He’s the enemy of the many and the friend of the few.
He don’t care about laws, no majoroty rule,
His freedom to be is his only due.
He’s the big, bad wolf, he don’t need no one,
He’s always be maligned and misunderstood.
He knows that men speak with forked tongues,
When they say they’re a friend and bring only good.
He’s the big, bad wolf, he is what he is;
He’s staked out his ground and he’s here to stay!
He’s lean and he’s hungry and he’ll fight for what’s his,
Do what you will, God made him that way.
Lodymyr Elensky had some whiskey
Which led him to do something risky
He then tried some fine Columbian
Frolick he did with God’s in heaven
All his wishes would come true
If only in the end he could rue
The rapturous elixir which betrayed
Leading his nation to be destroyed
whiskey fuelled risks
never end up well for those
who practice deceit
before the end of the day
their feet turn to clay and their
time in the sun is fleet
there’s a price to be paid
when you claim to bring peace
when in fact you’re working for war
and the lives you destroy
every single one all must be
accounted for
“To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make…
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.–Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember’d.”
— Shakespeare, Hamlet
The Melting Pot
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose,
It doesn’t matter what you choose;
It’s what you do with what you’ve got,
While you’re in the melting pot.
There’s time to kill, there’s time to use,
To go a round without a bruise;
You’ll try to set up your one best shot,
While you’re in the melting pot.
There’s time to laugh, there’s time to cry,
A time to love and say goodbye.
You’ll wonder if it’s true, or if it’s not,
While you’re in the melting pot.
Sometimes you hope, sometimes you don’t,
That things will go the way they won’t;
You may even think you’ve untied the knot,
While you’re in the melting pot.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose,
It doesn’t matter what you choose;
It’s what you do with what you’ve got…
While you’re in the melting pot!
“Our Sons Must Leave for the War”
Russian title: “Synov’ia uhodiat v boj”
by Vadimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (25 January 1938 – 25 July 1980)
There will be no heartbeat, no heart throb today
Those things are for the flower gardens.
The lead’s in my chest – I am passing away,
It crosses my mind, swift and ardent:
No coming back this time, I’m downed.
Somebody else will set the score.
We had no chance; we had no chance to look around –
And our sons, and our sons must leave for the war.
He thought: “I don’t care. Let all hell just break loose!”
And marched from his trench to the abyss.
I stepped out of mine for the opposite reason –
I cared for the world of survivors.
Before I know, my eyes shut down,
And soon, I will embrace the earth,
We had no chance; we had no chance to turn around –
And our sons, and our sons must leave for the war.
In time for an attack, who is filling my spot?
The coveted bridge, who will reach it?
And deep in my heart, I had wished for that lad
Who hasn’t grown into to his trench coat.
I smiled before I hit the ground.
I know who will set the score
We had no chance; we had no chance to turn around –
And our sons, and our sons must leave for the war.
Explosions have silenced our heartbeat tonight,
But pounded mine with new meaning
That end of me isn’t a final one yet –
It’s somebody else’s beginning.
Before I know my eyes shut down.
I will embrace my earth no more.
We had no chance; we had no chance to turn around –
And our sons, and our sons must leave for the war.
i am not able to find this with subtitles😢
i found a 20 min shorter version with auto translate only.
Zionism before the court of history. Doc movie. 1983. Directed by Oleg Uralov. He was nominated for the State Prize of the USSR.
Shorter clip with auto translated sub
These mental health outpatients (in the main) will have their government sponsored non-hierarchical gender-bender neutral latte-sipping padded-wall ‘safe places’ to cower within and play their “we always win” gameboy consoles plugged 24/7 into the pentagon-miasma matrix world they inhabit. Mr and Mrs “AI” will deliver the frontline victories via drones and superior swarming F35’s and hordes of ‘Allah shouting’ idiot ‘green card’ lusting mercenary proxies from the poor brown regions of the untouchable world these ‘exceptionals’ only visit on the Discovery Channel on a bored Sunday afternoon after church. (/sarc)
I’d put this album in my lifelist at Top Ten. Listen all the way through. It’s amazing. This is the pinnacle, and the end, of the Amboy Dukes’ lifespan.
Mr P, come in.
Sometimes an intelligent and coherent counter is wasted on the reader.
Don’t let the bastards get you down!
An intriguing story given top billing on RT, featuring what exactly? It is a delicious flashback to shenanigans from the cold war Le Carré days. Brings back old memories reading father’s paperbacks by lamp when I was supposed to be asleep.
Mr P and radio-tech boffins: is this legitimate, “that this Huawei equipment was capable of collecting and disrupting Pentagon communications,” around ⚛ silo bases? It sounds fantastical, like selective radioweapon migraine attacks in Cuban embassies, subsequently sourced to breeding crickets? Nuclear radio-commands would be fail-safe and redundant. Or they’re still run from Windows-95 platforms?? Not too long ago I heard of nuke bases still have systems run on floppy disks. And Mr P wondered less a week ago how many of those legacy systems would work if red buttons were pushed. Having knuckleheads starved of funds via MIC bilking and operating by “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” may indeed save all our lives! At best, these new Huawei tech would provide an early warning system, IF they have built in backdoors, which may not be the case at all. I suspect it is more of the paranoia of middle-aged spymasters, with a side dish of Rooskie trolling.
An interesting quote. Reading Roman Emperor Julian’s (331-363 AD) “Hymn to the Sovereign Sun.” He has a reference there to Christmas but it’s not Christmas to him. This text is from Charles W. King’s (1818-1888) translation of this Hymn:
“Come then, and let us celebrate in the best way we can the anniversary festival,* which the imperial city is keeping by sacrifices, with unusual splendor.”
* “Natale Solis Invicti,” December 25th, the origin of Christmas Day – Julian was writing at Antioch, in the middle of his preparations for the Persian campaign.”
On the question that is on everyone’s mind.
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF6hXXQYuzY :
The Fateful Day for the EU has come! Why did Russia decide to Resume Gas Supplies to Europe?
… why did Gasprom decide to reactivate the gas pipeline?
The reason for this decision is that Russia still needs Europe. The Russians have now embarked on the path of real imports substitution. During the transitional period, the Russians need special machine tools from Europe to raise their industry.
However, the Europeans, of course, refuse to sell these special machine tools to the Russians.
Despite the sanctions, Russia can buy European special machine tools from third countries through the parallel import procedure. If Russia decides to leave Europe without gas and destroy its economy, then European special machine tools will disappear from sale, as they will cease to be produced due to the lack of gas for European industry. It is not profitable for Moscow to completely deprive Europe of gas now, as this can significantly slow down import substitution in Russia. That is why Gasprom sends gas to Europe in small quantities so that European gas storage facilities do not fill up. This allows Russia to keep gas prices at a high level and doesn’t not allow the European economy to recover.
In my opinion, Moscow has chosen tactics that are very beneficial for Russia. As soon as import substitution in Russia is fully restored, Moscow will immediately stop gas supplies to Europe, which will lead the EU economy to complete destruction.
“In my opinion, Moscow has chosen tactics that are very beneficial for Russia. As soon as import substitution in Russia is fully restored, Moscow will immediately stop gas supplies to Europe, which will lead the EU economy to complete destruction.”
I don’t think so. It would still be beneficial for Russia afterwards. All that he has said also points in the direction of further trade.
Well, he literally said that Russia will not close itself to the world and he meant Europe. I understood he meant the U.S. also (definitely Europe). He said so this month (RT)..
Europe is expecting him to do that, and is calling for conservation of energy. Not even many Russians understand Putin. He is not like that. He wants to be better than them, They do that. They malign, they insult, they ban…
Moscow has finally realized Europe is an exceptional VIP continent nobody can live without and therefore Kremlin bow for Brüssel’s superiority because they are afraid to get their butt too slammed. EU’s sanctions simply work, but everybody refuse to face reality! :-D.
What about that one?
“What about that one?” I think amarynth thinks it’s great, you’re not some foreigner here. And I’m happy that it’s great for you. The other day you said the mod censor knew better than you and you appreciated his censoring. I don’t say that. ;)
Obviously, the grand objective remains the same, until it’s at 100% completion: breaking the unipolar world order.
The point of not screwing Europe over is that in this situation these countries latch onto the lifeline and ignore their suzerain’s demands that jeopardize them.
Letting them cut the branches they sit on is easy, but then they would just crawl to their master and beg for leftovers, and end up on a stronger leash. This would not improve the situation.
Why don’t the people of Taiwan have the right to unilaterally declare independence?
If the 13 American Colonies did in 1776, if the oblasts of Donetsk do today, then what is it about our principles that denies Taiwan?
The circumstances. Taiwan claimed to be real China and refused to recognize the Mao Government on the mainland which they considered to be its land. The mouse demanded the elephant to be its horse.
This artificial wish could not bear water in real geo-politics. The world had to recognize mainland China and its Government.
So Taiwan does not declare its unilateral independence, it declares its leadership of all China. Thats the difference and why China off-course is a little pessed on this many decades poking stick in its eye.
There was a civil war. One party decamped to the island Formosa, and held it by force. The other party held the mainland by force. Each party claimed to be the government of all of China. I imagine both sides were upset with the other for their hubris.
So, if Taiwan should simply declare their independence after these 70 or so years of independent nation building, would we all agree they are entitled to be their own nation if they so chose?
Maybe another way of putting it is, does the circumstance of a perceived insult to the mainland government overturn a peoples’s right to determine their own government?
I’m uncomfortable with offering the Azov Nazis justification for conquest in Donbass because they are insulted by Russian culture.
Interesting article in RT on the EU hoping to use Nigeria to replace Russian gas imports. Here are several points I find most important about this article:
1. There is a Briton who also managed to grab Italian citizenship as the EU deputy director general of the European Commission’s Energy Department. Which just shows the incestuous relationship that the British have with the EU even after Britain left the EU.
2. That tool had the stupidity to insult Russia saying that they wanted to get Nigerian gas as Nigeria was a “reliable source” .Implying that Russia isn’t,while it is the EU that is the one trying to be an “unreliable customer” instead.
3. Russia has 24% of the World’s total gas reserves. Once you add in Russia’s friends in that total it is 57%. Nigeria on the other has just 3% of the World reserves. Not sure how “reliable” Nigeria is going to be for the EU. Especially as they can only provide around 14% of Europe’s needs today. And their entire production can only rise by 35% in 6 years time. By then the EU will be gone as an economic power at the rate they are committing suicide today.
All the more reason to prep today.
I’m going as far as to check the location some of my currently inexpensive foods, some of them in fancy jars and at discount rates, to find a good number of them from Poland of all places, and even made as recently as 4/2022.
I know damn well you send in a few million refugees and i’m willing to bet a good number of those foods are not going to be on the shelf and even if they are, not at the currently discounted rate.
So its got me having to stock up on 2 or 3 years worth right now so I can cushion the future inflation hit later and break even at a 6 or 7 year timetable.
You do that for enough items and it can keep ya busy.
Uncle Bob,
Nigeria, as the rest of the Global South after 500 years, is not in a giving mood. OP Z and the Ukrainian debacle has opened a Pandora’s box; the West is naked and out of mojo. The world is amazed to see it throw spears and boiling oil against Russian Gatlings and Hypersonics! And Africa is brutal. Demented aggressors can be skinned alive.
Nigeria is angry at what was done to them recently: assassination of their OPEC sec-general, biolabs issue shown by Russians at UNSC, a generation of rampaging Salafi boko Haram extremists, increasing sea piracy and sabotage of their oil & gas fields, shameless French-AFRICOM preparations to launch the Sahel offensives, etc. and to top it off the contrived European grain, fertilizer and inflationary USD wars. It is payback time! They will do to Europe what KSA did to Biden: murmur sweet nothings and update Putin the next day!
Excellent insights by Pepe et al in this roundtable hosted by GL. He pissed Pepe and me off at times w/ interruptions, belittling his POV, etc. At worst times too when Pepe was gaining steam about sphynx-like China and other deep matters usually not spoken of. Pepe can be intimidating with his scope and eloquence and is better 1:1 or among older panel.. Nevertheless worth the price of admission, to hear his wide-ranging and nimble mind explore the emerging construction of BRICS+, BRI strands, the dominant moment of the Eurasian Integrationists @ Kremlin, byzantine politics in China, Iran at the central crossroads of the Heartland, mass zombiefication in formerly joyous Italia, coming food riots in Germany, Istanbul and Moscow now being two main magnet European cities with salons enjoying unparalleled freedom of intellectual debate… a good mix altogether
btw, at 1:25 Pepe discusses the method of lying by the NYT and MSM papers. As that 1960s BBC show I discussed some weeks ago, the BS is prewritten long in advance and the job of staff correspondents is to add the trite local color and quotes for the emotional shaping or triggering of gullible readers.. Even the Aussies are getting partially into the narrative reveal.
Pepe stopped squinting and grimacing and his usual good cheer returned and he even sang Armstrong! I hope you can get him to expound on China soon Amarynth. This is about to erupt. 20+ years of working at Asia Times has given him unique experiences, insights and contacts.
Europe is screwed! Young Alex adds valuable color from Greece, and appears near tears.. he says the only remedy to wake up Euros and end the Wokeness tyranny of the Technocrats is B’s remedy, “Cold, Dark and Hunger.” Last thought: is there a need to extend the BRI to Europe now?? 10 months ago I asked where cargo behind the nuclear icebreakers was headed. Maybe to Latin America and W Africa?? Partially for year-round arctic resource extraction and bases resupply?? There may not be many stops planned in Old Europe
Indeed, it’s much like fall of Warsaw Pact all over again. No one likes the Nu-Vatican, including itself, and it clearly shows weakness the second time in a row.
And since any military intervention in Africa would require to send more than token amount of loyal troops away… When a civil war is close, this option becomes kind of unpalatable.
The whole monkey business about the “monkeypox” has finally become another “global emergency”. There is already a vaccine for it. Worse, the “monkeypox” is a STD, according to the news. A new PSYOP to scare the cattle into complete extinction.
From today’s RT:
Serbian interior minister claims foreign spies have been pressing him into taking anti-Russia stance
24 July 2022 17:56
A major foreign intelligence service has been pressing Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin over his attitude towards Russia and China, the official revealed on Saturday. The minister expects a large media campaign against him to kick off next week.
“One of the largest intelligence services in the world, if not the largest, told me that my stance was unacceptable and that if I do not change [it] and do not abandon the policy that I am pursuing … then I will not be a member of the government and they will do absolutely everything to smear me,” Vulin told media outlet Pink.
One good sign is that unlike the many sick depraved music artists in the West. We see that some of the popular music artists in Russia are showing that you can be popular and patriotic at the same time. One of those I’ve heard about for a few years is a good example.
Here is the first time I saw him singing a recycled version of a classic Russian song :
And then after an edgy remake of his appearance he’s become very popular among Russian youth:
(For the troops in the SMO)
Let’s get up
While we are still alive with you and the truth is behind us
There, from above, someone looks at us with native eyes.
They smiled like children and walked into the sky
Let’s get up
And get closer to them
Let’s get up
As long as the Lord is with us and the truth is with us
We will say thank you for giving us the victory
For those who found their sky and are no longer with us
Let’s get up
And we’ll sing the song
Let’s get up
And our eternal memory beats stronger in the chest, between us
Let’s get up
Heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts
To end
Let’s get up
And remember all those who were lost in this fire
Who went to die for freedom, not for medals
I know that we will definitely meet you
Let’s get up
And we’ll tighten again
Let’s get up
And our eternal memory beats stronger in the chest, between us
Let’s get up
Heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts
To end
And his latest patriotic song.The ending in the video is pretty funny:
I breathe this air
The sun in the sky looks down on me
Free wind flies above me
He is just like me
And I just want to love and breathe
And I don’t need another
The way it is, and I can’t be broken
And all because
I am Russian, I go to the end
I am Russian, my blood is from my father
I am Russian and I am lucky
I’m Russian, to spite the whole world
I am Russian
This song takes to the sky
And calls me along
And my heart is on fire
Lighting the way home
Where you just want to love and breathe
And I don’t need another
This is who I am and you can’t break me
And all because
I am Russian, I go to the end
I am Russian, my blood is from my father
I am Russian and I am lucky
I’m Russian, to spite the whole world
I am Russian
That’s wonderful. This is allowed, though. You know what it is, what it means, how it comes, how it grows, the naivete.
MORGENSHTERN: The Russian 6ix9ine
Yes, Russian youth pop/rap music culture,and youth society in general is almost as bad as the Western one (it’s mostly made up of 5th column Russians aping the Western “woke” crowd). Which makes it even better to have ones like Shaman who appeals to the young being patriotic instead. This is an example of a regular piece of his work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdiSGO5Qfzs
And an example of how his song ВСТАНЕМ/LET’S STAND UP is being used for patriotic videos in Russia:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpqP6cvIOqQ
On a side note,it’s so ironic to look back on the music of my youth and see what the “society” considered “edgy,and wild” back then. It’s laughable considering youth music today.
PS,here is a good song from Donbass too:
Arise Donbass! Вставай Донбасс! – (Donetsk Separatist Song)
Uncle Bob,
Thanks! Shaman’ success is very healthy sign of ‘Esprit de corps’
“This is who I am and you can’t break me..
And all because
I am Russian, I go to the end
I am Russian, my blood is from my father
I am Russian and I am lucky
I’m Russian, to spite the whole world”
That is the mature reaction to being bullied. Defiance is a powerful motivator. Every human learns it at some point as a child.
One of the most charged, gripping and consequential tennis matches I ever watched was the 2019 Wimbledon men’s final. Novak Djokovic had the same response then as Russians now. He rode and used the crowd’s energy eventhough all 15,000 roared for his opponent. He did this alone on the hostile hallowed turf of Perfide Albion. It takes breeding, guts, will and a laser focus.
In the panel above hosted by Gonzalo, they spoke of the current quixotic fixation of western Technocrats with blocking third nation’s photo-ops with Russians. They themselves ran from common gatherings in Bali G20 meetings. I happened on Lavrov’s take:
The branch of political ponerology? The Book on rites of exorcism? It is becoming sad, like Lady Macbeth trying to wash her hands of blood which cannot wash away..
An old famous TV ad expresses part of this AZE obsession, of why they behave so, even as they find themselves stripped naked, alone and under the spotlight of global ridicule. Very dangerous times. There’s a breathless atmosphere like in late July 1914
Heh. You know the expression “the lady doth protest too much”, right?
Oh well, at least it’s not full of saccharine.
Cafe dance floor, Dean Martin-Ann Margret.
Will there be another Dean Martin (‘man’s man’ kind of singer)? No, it’s sad. Another Ann-Margret (sexy, ‘bold’)? No, it’s sad. Today someone like her could be fighting in the UFC.
But we have youtube:
Only in America, eh? There are beautiful duets, but like this nowhere else. It’s humble in some ways, doesn’t say it, this ‘foreigner’ says it (foreigner everywhere!).
She’s Swedish, Americanized too.
I always “wondered & pondered” who was responsible for ruining one of the best “Understanding Russia”(RUSSIA BEYOND THE HEADLINES aka RBTH) websites, in english, internet-wise. Rumors put the blame to RT and *Mrs.S.”, and now here’s proof:
The media project Russia Beyond The Headlines, launched by Rossiyskaya Gazeta in 2007, was handed over to the company that manages the RT television channel. Already in 2017, a project created to “better understand Russia” will abandon the printed version.
The Russia Beyond The Headlines (RBTH) project has been transferred to the ANO TV-Novosti company, which manages the RT television channel, Vsevolod Pulya, editor-in-chief of RBTH, told RBC. “The decision was made in order to improve the efficiency (meaning dumb it down) of that media,” says Poole, who will continue to work as editor-in-chief.
Russia Beyond The Headlines is a project of Rossiyskaya Gazeta for a foreign audience. RG is the official press organ of the Russian government. The newspaper receives compensation from him for publishing laws. In addition, “RG” earns on advertising and subscriptions. She spends these funds on her own publishing projects. One of them is us, RBTH.
AND… Scott Humor
The state keeps acting on its behalf as if it is more important than the citizens, and ergo its survival should come well before the citizens.
Now just how far the state will go to protect its self is an interesting question, it has a weak case and a strong ego so what follows a dead state is also a good question, I would hope it would be the citizens.
There may be a bigger giant in the room causing all the recent worldly economic turmoil and scramble for trust among allies.
Since like for ever, industry has always chosen the more advanced technology over the pasts accomplishment.
Solid state won the battle of the tubes both on the economic electronic cost front, and the volume needed to produce front also.
The chip came in and quickly industry adopted and innovated, they always have had to have the fastest and smallest chips the world could provide, and the west was the sole electronic leader from day one, that’s a long time to have all of industry dependent on your products, like close to a hundred years.
But here’s the problem, somehow, (with the chinese supposedly stealing all of our tech), the Chinese have newly constructed the worlds smallest and fastest chips to date. The enthusiasm behind these chips and the promises they bring to future industry, has the industrial world in celebration.
Yet this has the potential to decimate the American chip industry and what better way to signal your frustrations than to send somebody to spark a conflict somewhere (like Taiwan) hoping to tamper the excitement and dampen the celebrations.
Japan has decided it has to release radioactive water into the ocean, it would be a good time for a bad reaction to doing such a thing, if those concerned felt they were going to be negatively affected by this release.
War can not be far behind.
See the problem?
Do you know that the UK’s 3 most influential Foreign Policy ‘thinktanks’ are all funded by an array of the world’s largest arms & armaments corporations?
See for yourself.
See chathamhouse : about-us/our-funding/donors-chatham-house
See rusi.org : about/support-rusi/funding –
See iiss.org : governance/fun
As I’ve remarked many times before, “War is a racket” i.e. all wars are bankers wars – US 5-star Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler who foiled the “Business Plot” the 1930’s fascist coup attempt spearheaded by none other than Prescott Bush, daddy of Papa Bush & granddaddy of ‘Dubya’
AFAIK no one was charged with treason or jailed, so much for democracy!
Uncle Davy you had an intriguing post at end of last MFC. I think most misunderstood what took place with Biden’s visit. It was of a continuum with the Trump foreign policies (Biden to Donors: “Nothing will fundamentally change..”) It reminded me of Hans & Gretel: the hapless Arabs and world-weary Iranians are being fattened for the slaughter.
At the speed life force ebbs from the AZE, they may have only one last major aggression in them. They may choose the Persian Gulf over Taiwan, but I am not sure (can anyone say with certainty, even themselves?) The Arabs do start to smell something rotten, but they are fully ensnared NPCs at this point. “For when they shall say ‘Peace and Safety,” then sudden destruction cometh upon them.” The die appears cast for the sucker-punching of Iran, sacrifice of peninsular Arabs, closure of Hormuz and $1,000 barrel oil to attack modern industry in Zone B and bring down the Chinese-Indian economies returning to their traditional global preeminence. At this point, unless forcibly stopped, and short of nuclear Armageddon, their last card appears to pull everyone down and hope to escape attribution among the generalized chaos and rubble. All AZE has to offer is Death and Destruction..
I realized reading this, in context of all the other shenanigans involving cutting off gas and oil sources of Europe, that the Russians mainly built NS2 not due to seduction by Merkel or any German, but they knew what was coming. The culling of Europe by its satanic oligarchs and shadow forces was planned, foretold, and widely known by other global elites several generations ago, as part of the methodical construction of their desired NWO epoch.
Russians were helping their neighbors, by opening more lifelines for redundancy, and also to avoid attribution of the epic suiciding in motion. Their superhuman patience in maintaining contractual obligations, in the face of total war and shameless criminal barbarity such as theft of national wealth, cancellation of citizens, etc etc.. had the larger purpose of being able to wipe their hands clean of the crazy Europeans if they do achieve their passionate longing of literally leaping off the cliff.
Dancing in the Dark
Its an intriguing proposition you put forward on September 24, 2021 in the MFC – and not one that I had thought of.
You: “The real target appears to be Europe, and possibly other compliant developed countries”
… and
“I am not sure whether the motive is to level all down to serfdom as part of the Great Reset, or whether as Ishchenko noted years ago, the Anglo-US part of the Empire is in process of eating its former allies as resources to loot and plunder elsewhere have shriveled up.”
You are in good company with Prof. John Mearsheimer already warning the Australians that she will “sacrifice its prosperity [trade with China] for its security [ANZUS alliance]”
So, I agree with you:
“At this point, unless forcibly stopped, and short of nuclear Armageddon, their last card appears to pull everyone down and hope to escape attribution among the generalized chaos and rubble”
as it has been suggested by numerous others, that if the A-Z Empire cant get what it wants, i.e. world domination, it will bring the rest of the world down with it.
W.r.t Europe I think this has to happen for the Europeans to finally see for themselves how they’ve been duped by a confidence trick – and to finally expel the US from Asia’a N-W peninsula. This will allow for the total integration of the Eurasian landmass in the EaEU & China’s BRI.
I suspect Iran & Iraq will be spared under the auspices of Russia & China. Of course, India is always the wild card, as its diaspora see themselves as the successors of the British East India Co. – rather than its victims. Look at Sunny Rishi vying for the UK PM-ship talking up war with China at the moment.
W.r.t to Arab absolute monarchies KSA, the Gulf States, etc, their top military brass are still trained at Sandhurst, UK as well as their intel chiefs. The City of London still holds the whip hand when push comes to shove in these ‘kingdoms’ established by the British between the Wars.
Lastly, I hold no hope for the other Five Eyes nations – Canada (an entirely made-up nation of French Canada, British Columbia & the Hudson Bay Co.), Australia & NZ – who are too institutionally, historically, culturally & linguistically embedded with ‘Mother England’.
Sorry, should read:
Rishi Sunak vying for the UK PM-ship talking up war with China at the moment
… and AHH more evidence for your astute observation:
24.07.2022 How the US is Killing its Principal Competitor – the EU
“By pursuing the policy of weakening of the national elites and economy of the European countries, the United States managed to remove Europe from among its competitors. In striving to become the sole “owner of the world”, Washington managed to destroy the old Europe and, leading the new political elite, with a focus solely on the White House to take its place there, to eliminate the then existing balance of opinions, finally weakening the European states. As a result, today both the European Parliament and the laws adopted by the US proteges in the EU are aimed at absolute abiding to the instructions coming from the White House. These instructions do not reflect even a visible European sovereignty and many of them are quite contrary to the interests of the residents of Europe. … ”
Or seizing initiative, or… There are always many reasons to do or not do something.
And even more reasons to preserve one’s capabilities to do anything.
The problems Energiewende was going to cause were quite obvious long ago. And some stupid games were to be expected. Not necessarily Ukraine, but it was on the table at least after Orange Revolution.
Former French ambassador to Russia, Jean de Gliniasty: Western values have become weaponized and that “the only time when values take center place in diplomacy is war.”
“[Values] have become a diplomatic tool, they’ve been weaponized. The invocation of these values, as a result, forbids us from speaking to others. Because if you truly have values, you believe they’re superior to others or even the only true ones.
So when you erect values as the ultimate diplomatic tool, in fact you de facto forbid yourself from speaking to others because they do not share your values. You build two different worlds and it’s very difficult to establish a dialogue.
The only moments when values are expressed and become the alpha and omega of foreign policy is war. It’s the crusades, it’s the jihad: ‘my god said that’ is the ultimate value, it means war as there is no possible dialogue.
So, I believe that diplomacy means, without renouncing one’s own conviction and even the conviction that one’s own values are superior to others, it means speaking to others and recognizing others despite values. I will end by saying that the invocation of values is often either an admission of one’s powerlessness or, on the contrary, an ambition to dominate others.”
Here’s the full i/view (in French)
UKRAINE, RUSSIE : L’ÉCHEC DE LA DIPLOMATIE ET DE NOS “VALEURS” – Jean de Gliniasty (1:07: 51) https://youtu.be/7zcLVrhI2lU
Note: Use the cog at the bottom RH side of screen for Auto-translate & select your language.
Many business and peoples are feeling the hangover from excessive debt consumption. The first business cure is to reduce advertising to bring balance back into the books, and for people the first cure is to stop buying cloths.
So in response i’m guessing one can expect lower advertising costs, and as well lower clothing costs as money has to keep flowing to pay all the convenient obligations.
Sharpen & EDUCATE your GREY MATTER on CHINA – go there, read, think or RE-THINK…
倪明达 (Ni Mingda)
BEng(Hons), DipIT(Distinction), DipEng(Merit) | Chinese diaspora | International relations analysis & commentary
(Ongoing Adrian Zenz SMEAR & DRECK campaign all directed by Pompous & Co.)
And Did You Notice:
Tiangong | China Space Station Another historic moment:
Shenzhou-14 crew entered #Wentian Laboratory Module at 02:03 UTC.
Follow !
Some more China info at below link.
Amarynth wrote: “Mr P, come in.”
That was a very kind and much appreciated post, Thank you!
Hello my friends. Anoxia is hot in this season, and our solar electric project demands starting work at first light. Apropos of nothing special, the first light from a proper nuclear gadget is “burn through” when the busy little bits just begin to vaporize the casing…this is tricky to photograph…anyway by 9:00 local the heat and glare make careful work impossible for me, or at least highly discouraging…I detest re-work and errors. So I have been spending mornings (arise at 3, generally), on the S P. Since we’re frugal, and poor (I am told), this project uses salvaged steel…every mm has to be gone over with a “flapper disk”, the survey of “best compromise” for positioning of the panels means excavations, concrete, getting the transit out and shooting grade…so ? To-day I finished erecting 3 parallel steel masts that rotate on greased sleeves – azimuth control…nylok nuts and hard washers and welding…I’m about out of argon…Next I have to make the horizontal spars…which rotate to vary the elevation…this means setting up a dummy fixture on the bench…and of course I must make three spars with sleeves and so forth. Busy.. Withal, this is my apology for absence.
AHH asked “Mr P and radio-tech boffins: is this legitimate, “that this Huawei equipment was capable of collecting and disrupting Pentagon communications,””
Essentially all modern electronics emit “tempest” information, but much is very low power in a noisy realm…like a cocktail party, one places ear close to voice. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_(codename)
As to “disrupt”…if it can do this the only way to know is to steal one and analyze the capability in a proper radio-electronics laboratory…I think that part of claim is flaky. I would assume that our Chinese brothers collect everything they can, and that they collect a great deal, as moribund institutions generally, and militaries especially, follow regular procedures. Merely observing the traffic density and pattern can telegraph much. This is, of course, not limited to electronics, and most of this stuff can be done by anybody.
Igor…why the gas tap is open, a little…
Rational VVP and cohort have stated their agenda, and said that the elites will be replaced…they want a moderately prosperous west that has been reborn, like Phoenix, in a new and non-nazi (non-piratical) form…this includes Europe, and in the fullness of Time, North and South America. Europe is being brought to revolution, to say it baldly. So is the US…all part of global denazification. This time there can be no stopping at Berlin, and modern weapons make a military solution impossible…that aspect is available only for special circumstances. The project, overall, is to create Peace and moderate prosperity under law…modern systems and weapons make this necessary. The limits on gas are part of a slow process of creating the revolutionary vector while avoiding excessively rapid change that is not controllable. Of course this is beneficial to Russia, and also to the globe.
Rusty: “Why don’t the people of Taiwan have the right to unilaterally declare independence?” The Chinese fascists, with no capacity to escape, were transferred by US 7th fleet to Taiwan to prevent their utter defeat and (inter alia) keep the heroin supply and other graft going, as well as prepare to invade China from two starting points> Taiwan and Korea (where US violently established the Korean fascist quislings for this purpose) The Chinese in Taiwan have never been sovereign…but of course they may imagine otherwise. The matter of “rights” depends first on Power, which they do not have. Naturally they may say what they like, and learn then about just how sovereign they actually are…in case they want a lesson. Time’s running out though…and this time US Navy cannot save the fascists on Taiwan. This time the Commies have a great navy and air force, and rockets, and so forth. Their party’s over and they have stayed too late.
Alabama : “…keeps acting on its behalf as if it is more important than the citizens, and ergo its survival should come well before the citizens…”
Seems to me that when a State is for the people it lives a healthy way, and that when a State is not for the people, it begins to die. We might ask, which is more important, the mule or the plow…when it is the farm that’s important. We might ask, what States today are for the people, and which are not….and then observe which States are healthy, and which States are not.
AHH> “At the speed life force ebbs from the AZE, they may have only one last major aggression in them.”… AZE has great capacity as a wrecker, and little else…they’ve been wrecking things long time, it works, but the secondary effects in both internal and external mount in Malthusian exponential way…and here we all are. I agree, just about down to the denouement. US has very good subs and nifty “gadgets”, but other than that… Of course, as General Ripper said, “Two can play.” The affray at Taiwan may be a real rodeo…and what happens if, say, with 30 minutes warning the picnic table in central courtyard at 38°52′15″N 77°03′18″W goes “poof” when a “meteor” strikes it? I note that wrecking is a semiskilled activity open to all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrecking_(shipwreck). In USSR it was a criminal activity, and it’s a not-good.
Meantime, Mrs P has tried her hands at making raisins, Very good! Now for vacuum canning or bagging, and to-day is for making jam from peaches and plums.
Inside in hot of day I have project electronic> an impedance matching transformer for an end-fed long wire NVIS antenna. This stuff comes in kit form. Our digs are not in a good radio location…noisy!…see NVIS > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near_vertical_incidence_skywave Previous LZ was quiet and elevated.
Best to all
You have a long ways to go grasshopper in determining what is good for a region, and there by also good for a state, I was referring to the state, as in the gvts state of mind, and also that relation to the citizen, and their state of mind toward the state. Clear?
Clear? Yes, quite. But also a non-sequitur. Is this Clear? Perhaps not. I do not see that I made any recommendation, rather an opinion. But perhaps it was not clear… I am astonished to learn that any government has a state of mind. And I did not confuse State with Government. I guess that’s the nature of non-sequitur. Thanks very kindly for the response…quite clear, in a way. Regards.
In another line…essay https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/how-the-usa-lost-its-anti-imperial?r=1cjhc&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email is very fine. Perhaps too simple, but very fine.
Well its rather simply, subjectively clear, particularly where votes don’t count.
Evidently, in many examples from History, votes count, but only for the juntas that decide how to count. See> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/caught-michigan-news-channel-posts-results-primary-election-not-another-week/
As we see, we both understand clearly. When junta decides the count, they generally seek pathways that undermine or outright reject benefits to both the people and the State, but tend to create short-term Power for the junta. The curated German nazi manifestation being, I think, a fine example. The also curated nazi junta in 404 also presents such and example, as does the US nazi manifestation and ruling junta. Note that junta cannot represent a State’s or a people’s best interests.
I question, additionally, the idea that a misinformed and ignorant, emotionally motivated group is especially capable of good decisions… Withal, generally, voting is operated as a consent-manufacturing machine…a con-job.
Speaking of confidence games> see> “The Confidence Man” (Melville)
I like how votes were counted in play> The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Brecht) In example representative of State votes for the good. Rather as Ruskie votes for good of people of 404.