2022/07/20 03:00:02
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On this day in 2012:
In case you missed it:
IIRC, many months ago, or a few years ago, Andrei penned and posted here an article about how Russia might conduct nuclear war with the United States if she found herself in the regrettable situation. I recall he explained that there are many people of Russian blood in the West, including the United States, and that imposes a constraint. Other constraints and preferences were also mentioned. Andrei suggested that, should push came to shove, the Russian strategy might be to degrade the ability of the Unite States to wage war on her. This would argue against incinerating Manhattan, and instead destroying bases, critical industry, and critical utilities or infrastructure that would be needed to wage war. If the first, and limited, round was not enough to quite the belligerence and encourage discussion, then further hindering destruction would be done.
Given the blossoming of the West’s intentions, I would like to re-read that article. And it’s time that responsible people in the West reflect on the demons they are summoning.
Does anyone recall the article I refer to who could provide a fresh link?
[Possibly the work I’m thinking of was the work of Dmitry Orlov, and not The Saker.]
You seriously think anyone is able or willing to do more in this area than their own theocracy?
I mean stuff like this:
So, quite superfluous.
“The London fire brigade said Tuesday was their busiest day since the end of the Second World War, with at least 110 fire trucks sent to blazes across the capital.”
There’s quite some humour in that sentence, hope it’s understood!
Why do so many Russian oligarchs and rich people have yachts, multiple vacation houses, etc in European “Nazi” lands… So strange Russia is a perfect country, but somehow the super rich seem to always be caught in Europe with unimaginable wealth. Hmm
Not just Russia?
One finds that most of the rich elites in Europe and beyond generally don’t reside in their home country anymore but maintain the privilege of citizenship to retain the right to run those countries exclusively and anonymously abroad.
Sweden is a particularly obnoxious joke as almost 30% live outside of that country. The Benelux and Baltic countries are pretty bad as far as absentee rentiers regime.
On the bright side, overthrow of said countries is much easier because of this estrangement.
it’s because the “Russian” rich have, practically, nothing in common with most Russians
Horizontal conflict narratives have for centuries been a major part of how elites control their populations. Catholic v Protestant, Moslem v Christian, black v white, male v female, gay v straight etc etc. It’s a tried and trusted method of channeling frustrations, shaping minds and keeping people’s minds off the real authors of their misfortunes.
Behind the facade of conflict the elites have always shared a common bond of mutual interest. Kings (mostly) knew to honor the divinity of other kings even in defeat. Even when they killed each other they did it reluctantly and in the guise of “natural causes”. They knew their own populations were the real common enemies against which they knew to make common cause.
War was just another method of achieving this as well as gratifying some degree of personal pride.
Nothing much has changed in the modern era. And a great deal of the legacy media’s energy has long been devoted to helping to conceal the reality of the “big (supranational) club” that we ain’t in.
Until, that is, the recent huge error of judgement by the world’s leaders when they chose to abandon the carefully maintained “horizontal divisions” narrative in favor of some New Age, New Normal narrative of “international solidarity and co-operation to beat the virus”.
They were clearly going for some “Independence Day” type hug-fest psychic effect. Humanity falling into each other’s arms and deciding to work together in WHO-created mutual New Normal benevolence to defeat an invisible enemy that will, of course, never be defeated.
It did not go over as planned.
They just tried to sell it too hard too fast. And they blew it.
End Quote
It doesn’t matter whether, as Tommy Jensen recently said:
“Great. I cant imagine Russia would jump on this one, the whole Russian population would get so p.ss.d.”
as the Russians just, mostly, swallow what they are fed, like everyone else:
Do you consider necessary the preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics in which the rights and freedom of an individual of any ethnicity will be fully guaranteed?[1]
Russia SFSR 73% For 27% Against
End Quote
The rest is history.
Just one correction: It was the WHO idea of a introducing a third transgender into legislation, but maybe you are right anyway.
“A new bill compares the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relations” with war propaganda and inciting national, racial or religious hatred”
satisfies the
Horizontal conflict narratives have for centuries been a major part of how elites control their populations
previously referred to 100% in exactly the same way as the original idea by the WHO to introduce the transgender legislation does.
There is no difference – the technique is exactly the same … look, the problem is over there…
Looks like a case of generic Marxism.
Is my professor here? Amarynth. She taught me not to make comments and just ask questions, a rule just for me.
I get a delete from time to time, but it actually makes me happy someone can see things I didnt caught myself.
Indeed, and in tranquilcoup’s case, as the above comment shows, a rare humour, detachment and wisdom, and at other times even, a cool but sharp as a surgical knife ability to express an insightful observation or two without blinking – deliciously terrifying !
Jobo! Thank you very much.
Kay makes focaccia bread. How wunnerful!
Here in America the Babylon, anything related to food is under attack. Here is a current map depicting the destruction.
We have many hoodwinked people, the Ukrainian refugees arrive in England to meet the ground well prepared, as it were, the islanders are to Open their homes and extend their benevolence and generosity to welcome them into a spare room here or there… I know a family who have already been accepted into a home with an annexe with its own kitchen and bathroom, I don’t know how thy are fairing, but the house owner of multiple properties I know is filed with good will and an over riding sense of his own worth to the world.
In Poland, the situation is a little more dire, there having been some 4 million refuges entering the country since the SMO start,
The refugees there are mainly from the west of Ukraine, and are not wounded, poverty stricken civilians, and receive rather generous subsidies for having made it there, well dressed and by car.
At first, (Feb 2022) the Polish locals were full of natural humanity, and likewise welcomed them into their homes, but by this stage the good will has drained and there are many social tensions, as the refugees are demanding, and the elderly Poles are poor…
Poland is an ambiguous, made up country in many ways, the history is astounding – I daren’t provide as link it’s a bit contentious, I’m sure people will understand, and I hope others will share their thoughts and knowledge..
God protect Mother Russia and all good Slavic people !
Thank you!
Yup. After a while, Poles will be in the mood to talk about things. With EU wobbling as it is and Baltic states running on who-knows-what besides “Russia bad Nazi good” to the point they alienated even some NATO troops… who knows how this may end.
The above comment was made after hearing a report concerning Poland, albeit on a highly reputable channel, but that I was unsure about the wisdom of referring to here.
Perhaps it would have been alright… who knows, I will will give a clue or two and stay safe!
The other day during the recent heatwave, I was listening to a channel, windows wide open to let in a breath of fresh air, and the unknown presenters dogs started to bark in the background. This caused my neighbours dogs to bark out of surprise and great interest! Another time, one of the presenters twins began to cry, (as babies do), and by this means I am able to convey the down to earth, every day, and good natured authenticity of the presenter.
There were, and are, and will be, reasonably good reports pointing in every direction. Because there’s just not much that can be said about Poland with certainty. Their position is precarious, yet promising. Their factions (or at least attitudes) seem to range all over the spectrum. Old scores with all the neighbors. They are far from stupid or servile, but whatever they do, it’s going to be a gamble for a while, and they know it.
Wherever the reports come from, and there will be precious few on Poland, the world is being swung around, shaken and dropped, and anyone with real care, intelligence and historical oversight will be able to do justice to some aspect of peoples life in the country. Care begins at home; home is where the heart is and can be in any country.
“Sun in the dyad with Mercury, the sovereign of the day with the smart precursory advisor, today in demanding resonance with sacrificer Pluto, in the complementary opposite state (State etc) of Capricorn.
From ‘Rita’ a mighty resonance by state to the lap of us single beings, from the sacrifice for the community to the inner clue of sovereignty of the individual.
The element of pain and heat, Mars, increasing to the weekend, the square with : Sun/Mercury in the coincidence of Taurus and Leo, community and group-membership and individual pecularity, whereby the former is marsian charged and has to mirror the spirit of the coming common ‘father’ Saturn in Aquarius.
Such heavenly script (and twoo others) are demandig their players in the 29th week
on the northern hemisphere.
Originally written about two years ago. Time brings small but important edits, which transform an old into a new poem all over again. I recall HDan liked this then, hi Dan. A tongue in cheek nod to the fairer sex; ladies what would we men do without you?
The Fish of the Sea
Some fish have scales of silver and gold,
That bedazzle the eye and bewitch the soul.
Many’s the hour I’ve watched form the lee,
Such are the fish of the deep blue sea.
Some fish have fins to help them swim,
To guide them through the waters at whim.
Many’s the time I’ve wanted to be
Down in the depths with the fish of the sea.
Some fish have tails to propel them along
Toward the melody they hear so strong.
Many’s the night I’ve wanted to flee
And follow the song of the fish of the sea!
Some fish have wings to carry them high,
Out of the waters and into the sky;
Many’s the day I’ve spent on the quay,
Trying to net the fish of the sea!
O’, the fish of the sea have a mind of their own,
From the time they’re born to the time they’re grown!
Many’s the day I’ve set them free,
Back into the ocean where they’re meant to be…
Some fish have scales of silver and gold,
That bedazzle the eye and bewitch the soul;
Many’s the while I’ve laughed with glee,
Thinking I’d caught a fish of the sea!
lol, after all my talk of edits, I missed this one;
O’, the fish of the sea have a mind of their own,
From the time they’re born to the time they’re grown.
Many’s the moment I’ve set them free,
Back into the ocean where they’re meant to be!
A Further Fish Tale
Scales, fins, tails, wings;
God made the fish that the fish may swim.
God gave the word that the fish must sing,
And filled the ocean right up to the brim!
North, south, east, west,
In the shoals and the kingdoms of the ocean depths;
The fish did play and the fish did jest
Through a hundred thousand lives and deaths.
Red, white, yellow and blue,
The seas rich gems and the seas great fears,
Through the storms and the billows and the hullabaloos
Brought the fish to its knees in bitter tears:
For days, for weeks, for months, for years,
Condemned to a thousand furlongs of sea;
Said the fish in a swoon through bitter tears,
“Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?”
“Scales, fins, tails and wings,
Of all the fish in the wide open sea;
I gave the word that the fish must sing
And the fish that helps itself, helps me!”
God Gave the Word that the Fish Must Sing
Scales, fins, tails, wings;
God made the fish that the fish may swim!
God gave the Word that the fish must sing
And filled the Ocean right up to the brim.
North, south, east, west,
Through lifetimes strewn across its breadths;
The fish did play and the fish did jest,
In the shoals and the kingdoms of the ocean depths.
Red white yellow and blue
The sea’s rich gems and the sea’s great fears,
Its storms and its billows and its hullaballoos
Brought nought to the fish but a harvest of tears.
For days, for weeks, for months and years,
Condemned to a thousand furlongs at sea;
Said the fish and the fish did prove sincere,
“Lord, why hast Thou forsaken me?”
“Scales, fins, tails and wings,
Of all the fish in this wide open sea;
I gave the Word that the fish must sing,
And the fish that helps itself helps me!”
A well balanced, sober analysis of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
How different our world would be today if this 2012 plan for Ukraine had been adopted:
The project of federalization of Ukraine from 2012. Very informative
There were more than quite a few missed opportunities by multiple participants over long periods of time.
Almost as if the future destruction was a foregone conclusion for some reason, as if someone had known this (denazification) event had to take place to reverse its longstanding entrenched tyranny.
Mercosur is a South American trading organization or bloc.
They just declined a speechy by Zelesky – the twitters and blogs are too funny – ¡no pasaran! they say. Of course it is somewhat of a road sign .. you cannot pass here!
But, it is a powerful slogan used in the Latin American countries and can be translated as .. We Do Not Give You Right of Passage in our World! And of course in a more crude manner, FU!
A few more tidbits of the Latin world.
The US government is attacking Mexico for nationalizing its energy industry
The US claims it violates the neoliberal trade agreement USMCA (NAFTA 2.0)
Wall Street complains it’s “hurting US corporations”
The US wants Mexico to re-privatize its resources and if you read enough Michael Hudson, it is easy to understand why.
Panama is in uproar against the new-liberal model – street action now for two months already.
It would take a series of full articles to tell the scope of the resistance against the single polar hegemon in this world. We don’t see enough of it on the blog, but it is huge, it rages and the Monroe Doctrine is at last being torn up! People to follow is Ollie Vargas and Ben Norton. Kawsachunnews is trying to bring broad coverage.
Maybe they don’t need a comedian?
I bumped into this by mistake, but it seems to be a financial website totally dedicated to misinformation, you cant contact them, the information is easily disproved, and the only reason for it to exist is to attract people who have money, but cant speak english very well and naturally want to find an easy way to make money.
Interesting presentation of the Chinese ambassador to the U.S., Qin Gang, at the Aspen Institute:
“Fireside Chat with Ambassador Qin Gang”
Syriac Orthodox, Suryoyo, Church, Aramaic
Translation (not official) :
Wa Habibi (My Beloved)
My beloved, my beloved
What state are you in?
He who sees you, for you would cry
You are the one and only sacrifice
My beloved,
What blame have the nations put upon you?
They melted you with wounds,
To which no healing would do
When in the dark orchard at night
The God Creater kneeled and prayed
Life was praying with the One
Who gave life hope and prayer
The olive trees are crying
As the lips of men quiver
My beloved how will you go?
Has loyalty gone forever?
My beloved, my beloved
What state are you in?
He who sees you, for you would cry
You are the one and only sacrifice
As we (Biden Administration and western politics of Europe) transition to a position of political weakness, the military will secretly lead as the political system follows and continues its downward trend. Not until the military machine either runs out of resources, or folds its cards to the laws of nature, will this transition be complete.
It could be short like 5 years or it could be long like 20 or 30, although I doubt the will of citizens to fight for very long (with simple street guns and a lack of ammunition), will challenge the latter.
Thanks Mrs. A & Sean for well wishes!
I am not superstitious at all, or care about Ley Lines etc… but was dispassionately observing their designs. They are highly ritualistic and predictable. Like serial killers, they have their M.O., which actually helps us identify their handiwork, as noted by Scriptures..
For example, the truther community is having a field day currently decoding this ritual. (1) The fact the Guidestones stood for 42 years, and even 2.5 years into covid, indicates the overweening arrogance of its owners. The people behind it have the same mentality as Zhe and Ukies demanding concessions from Russians to even negotiate at this late point, crazy demands such as returning all territory taken since Feb 24, and even Crimea! They lack shame, common sense and basic interpersonal relations. Psychopathic sociopaths! Punch drunk on Hubris.
(2) They built the Stones 666 nautical miles from the Capitol.
(3) The Stones and its capstone’s shadow at certain time of day mimic a plane hitting two very tall skyscrapers..
(4) On the capstone is carved deist Thomas Paine’s book “The Age of Reason,” published in 1776 (another 76). The phrase “The Age of Reason” itself encodes to 1776.. to cut an esoteric story short, they emplaced the capstone/time capsule of the Stones in 1982, and it came down in 2022 – so mocking the biblical 40 years in the wilderness, which would give forth to a nascent ‘Age of Reason.’
(5) So the overall intent of this demolition ritual is a coming out event, a proclamation of the new epoch of their desired NWO..
(6) They demolished the Stones on Dubya’s birthday, the common denominator, the man reading I Pet Goat while “presiding” over 911…
and recall its 10 Commandments.. (C.1) “Maintain… balance with nature;” and two strident repeating injunctions to (C.10) .. “leave room for Nature.”
(7) So it begins and ends with nature for them, the key “ingredient” on their stone tablet menu of horrors.
This goes back to the Club of Rome’s rationalization of depopulation and deindustrialization using climate scare, environmentalism, sustainability, counting carbons and cow flatulence, etc.. Mark Carney and the green new deal fascists will not go away and leave us alone. Aspects of environmentalism may be legitimate, but not at all proven to be human-driven but rather cyclical at end of epochs as we discussed with 1177 BC lecture. And they are really confident and on track for Zone A, well underway in “leaving [a lotta] room for nature.” Note a lot of the current frenzy and madness at simultaneously striking out at Russia and China while maintaining pressure on Iran started after they rejected the COP26-Glasgow conference agenda…
One aspect of the psychopathic elites which really hit home for me (that the system is irredeemable) was the gender-bending and cross-dressing mockery or humiliation-rituals that Club members need to go through. Many celebrities, whether in Hollywood, music industry, politics, media, appear to be reversos upon close scrutiny or forced to dress up in attire of the opposite gender. What is termed Male-to-female (MTF) transgenders and Female-to-male (FTM) trannies. The synthetic formulation of estrogen and testosterone in the 1930s interwar years did wonders, making it near impossible for laymen to tell whats what. It is easier for physicians and those who know basic human anatomy to see the underlying skeletal structure, which gives them away no matter the hormonal “transitioning,” costume, voice acting, surgeries, botox, wig or makeup.
For example, let’s see several benign samples. I found this old classic by one of my fav teachers, Mr E. What if the effeminate Senator from South Carolina (songbird’s sidekick) told the truth for once in his studded life? The sublime irony! An introspective delight for Mr P on the peccadilloes of the USSC.. no branch is immune to the lure and hypnosis of the Stage and honoring their demented gods of the Sacred Androgyne. The mockery cuts deep.
Here’s a famous “conservative” Senator, with another famous role in life? The wonders of rubber masks… or do they come from same cloning template or are tools in an inbred cesspool?? Rumour has the short sickle has several actors sharing a rubber face too, undoubtedly animated by the voice and haughty carriage of an annoyingly NY-accented demon.
Once a system sinks to such degeneration and continuous gaslighting, and is led by gleeful charlatans, the only remedy appears to be Medvedevian Judgment, something akin to what befell S & Gommorra.
Armstrong is the first to put into words our musings from late last year: that they hope “cutting gas supplies to Germany will force NATO to invade Russia.” We said back then it was a toss-up. The operation to empty Old Europe appeared towards either a Drang nach Ost to take over Russian lands or Southwards towards bolstering the flagging and increasingly untenable occupation of Palestine..
Armstrong is an old-school dreamer like many others, who cannot bear to contemplate the rank calculating evil. He like many attributes everything to incompetence, lack of education, degeneration, inbreeding, nepotism, etc… this is valid up to a point. But they are of a highly specialized, trained and successful individuals of a now dead era.. and none a shrink nor versed in Eschatology, leaving a big chink in their armor.. he even says above why incompetents are driven to the fore: “It has reached the point that people who I know personally, who would be qualified to lead, are simply not interested due to the WOKE culture.” So the advancement of the Woke pawn has many purposes. Among them is to deprive societies of the qualified leadership necessary to captain the ship of state and make course corrections. This is not happenstance and part of system intent, or machine-intent per Mr P.
Also continuing the wokeness thought, spoken of in the recent Macgregor-Napolitano video linked to by Amarynth, it serves to turn off recruitment of “virile young men” needed for US armed forces. Macgregor nails it, that there is systemic intent to “destroy the force, ruin morale, destroy cohesion, destroy discipline.” This cultivated wokeness results in deep distrust and disrespect for authority and the father figures of the nation. It is the larger component of dismantling the family unit, as the nation is broken down, brick by brick, per NWO diktat, which views an independent, sovereign, optimistic USA as its foremost enemy and obstacle.
Alabama: the transformer blowing up @ Hoover Dam appears to be preprogrammed sabotage.. didn’t Mr P say hydro is the most reliable form of power generation in any nation? And this major work, among the global engineering marvels of the last century, supplies by itself enough power for 8 million Americans (so 2.4% of national need at least, and even more if accounting for Californian global breadbasket). So it was a given the criminals would attack it to degrade the grid… there is a famous kids series, also made into movies, called the Transformers which had an episode dedicated to blowing up the Hoover Dam, to free some “All-Spark.” What are the odds… its being decoded now in various truther channels but I haven’t had the time
Dont know so much about that, but like someone said, I’ve got my best guys working on it right now.
So I figure they can find out how the thing exploded.
My bet was on too much consumption burning up a wire that leads to an oil cooled transformer, that then explodes.
This individual – Jim Lee – (has some very good knowledge of network systems as well as frequency effects) had some interesting things to say about US infrastructure vulnerabilities.
I saw a report today that China has now placed tanks on the streets in front of the banks that have stolen people’s money – a brief mention was made that the account holders were issued bank bonds in lieu of funds – this is also stated in the US bail-in policy that was put in place in 2012? in preparation for the next “bust” cycle. BTW, I agree with your assessment of Armstrong – to be taken with a grain of salt – I also find it interesting that Socrates is based on Pi but the Pi number it uses is the ‘loner’ Pi of 3.141592… A different Pi has been revealed that is directly connected to Phi (in other words, connected to life) 3.14460551029… (not a loner). This suggests to me that the predictions of Socrates and therefore opinions based on that data have a built-in fallacy; it is the nuances that tend, over time, to have significant influence over outcomes.
There is a bill in the US House that includes the implementation of Martial Law and lots of ‘goodies’ in association with that. This simply suggests that certain things will begin occuring meant to ‘enable’ the roll-out of this ‘rule’. Last I heard, Sri-Lanka is now under military rule (who’s next?).
For those who think the military personnel will refuse to obey unlawful orders due to conscience, I suggest you listen to this https://www.brighteon.com/c73c2bb1-a1e1-485c-a8ef-4a30852e4fec
and/or this https://www.brighteon.com/d3041e41-4fef-41e1-84b0-893f6fd21a5b
I have watched many tactics employed to weaken Western countries (economic, social, military, etc.) that look to culminate in not only civil infighting but in a ‘defense’ system that has been depleted of its stores and has demoralized/diminished/morphed the minds of its personnel; in other words, these ‘nations’ will soon be ripe for the picking. What will the non-brain washed citizenry do? Time will tell.
I also agree with you that the Guidestones were destroyed more as a statement of “game-on” than any indication of the “good guys riding in”. I have not seen anything – zero concrete that indicates there is any ‘team’ of “good-guys” working against the psychopaths. Practicality would suggest the mindset of ‘you are your own savior’ is of greatest benefit; if assistance shows itself at some point in the future – hurray – but counting on that seems rather foolhardy.
As a possible ‘funny’, I’ve heard (from a person purported to know) that they have the ‘alien invasion’ planned for 2024; who knows? maybe they’ll push that up to 2023. Ha! Fun times.
The Chinese stuff is again very falsely reported.
Yes, a small rural banking chain changed deposits to bonds or what they called an investment product. The people went nuts and protested their heads off outside the main bank tossing it with paper! This was already a few weeks ago. The depositors are now being made whole after an investigation, bankers heads roll and some stupid folks took video of tanks (regularly going past a whole other town with people standing there at peace and taking video of this regular tank brigade rolling through) and said the tanks are protecting the banks.
Please don’t make me go and look for links. This was fully reported in the Chinese media and I picked it up in social media. Nobody expected that these people will not be made whole. Everyone expected the banks to be punished in some way. This has nothing to do with a bank run.
The Chinese social media are laughing their heads off at the US reporting. Even Associated Press has to fix its reporting
Everything reported in the ‘free world’ about China is wrong .. 99% of it.
Here is Arnaud Bertrand: https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1550146410879651840
Thank you for input on the “tanks at banks” situation. It is not just Western media that is reporting this incident. India media has also reported it – here is just one https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/china-deploys-tanks-to-prevent-people-from-withdrawing-money-from-crisis-hit-banks-grim-reminder-of-tiananmen-square-incident/articleshow/93023031.cms
Anything the AP reports is highly suspect as is my opinion of any other MSM news outlet (including China’s) and it is prudent to include many alternative news outlets in the ‘suspect’ group as well.
The coming days should shed more light on this situation including the status of account holders in Chinese banks (China is not the only country with banking problems – it’s just showing its face there at the moment; banks are in a very precarious position all over; call it cyclical if you wish; based on my research, they are in a far more perilous position than the 2008 financial debacle – the can was kicked down the road and then they doubled/tripled/quadrupled/+++ down on that bet.) The ruble and the banks with strong connections to that currency are some of the few that appear quasi-resilient at the moment.
All I have to say is that you know nothing about China and you are projecting your US fears about banks on China.
If you paid me the attention to look at my links, you would have known already what India said, and you would know why that is.
To look at the western media in full retreat, and say you cannot trust them, why sir or ma’am, of course not. They are dead scared that they will but sued to their last pennies.
I re-iterate, you know nothing about China and its banking. Please go and educate from Michael Hudson.
Show me that you’ve read some China sources.
Anyway .. anti-China propaganda campaign here tooth and claw, because it only exists to manufacture consent for something deeply horrific. What really gets me, is that they don’t even know what they are doing.
Our banking system is bad, be scared. Well, China is worse .. be scared of China! And bang! they fall for it!
Puzzler, I really don’t know the workings of the Chinese banking system. I think it is difficult to say it’s in some kind of deep problem similar to, or with comparison to, a Western nation. I heard the Chinese ambassador say that 800 million people have been saved from poverty in China. Their middle class is growing unlike anything seen. They produce so much that I think it must be difficult to print too much money (possible, but not needed with so much tax revenue available, just my sense). Whatever problems they have, my ‘feeling’ is that they could fix them quickly because they have a strong authoritarian system which can help to solve it quickly. I keep in mind that China is producing for the whole world. It must be difficult when you’re producing like China to engage in great “malinvestments”, which is what causes the busts in Western countries. Your interest itself shows me that you know much more than you communicated here.
if you’re at school, and a teenager decides to knee jerk at something they vehemently disagree with in a class conversation, they may hijack a discussion out of frustration, boredom, or because they feel trapped, misunderstood, angry, or deliberately even, whatever the reasons the discussion is ruined and no ones happy.
Hi Tranquilocomp,
I’m curious, what does tranquilocomp refer to?
In response to your question, reading what Lemmings_r_us posted below may provide a more macro understanding of the global situation.
Regarding the financial system in general – the world is running on fiat currency – history demonstrates that All fiat ‘money’ eventually returns to its intrinsic value of Zero. The whir of the printing machines contribute to this but the core and ultimate cause of a currency’s demise is lack of confidence. This can be brought about by inflation and scarcity – both of which we are witnessing in various degrees around the world; it will get worse and that will cause greater domestic unrest as well as provide support for the war beast to roar in its full ‘glory’.
The Eastern (seems it will include most nations except the West) developing fiat (likely CBDC) currency that has stated it will be back (or pegged) to some basket of commodities will be an attempt to continue the fiat system moving forward. Plans by those alluded to in Lemmings’ post have long been in place to move the financial center to the East and out of the West – we can see that is well under way. One could trace this movement back to the 70’s when the deal between China and the US was first formalized – move industry to China and weaken the West by tuning it into a ‘service’ economy – more specifically, a financial instrument economy – note the quadrillions in derivitive debt – global. While China has been accused of stealing Western technology, it has also been suggested that that technology was given/sold to China and other Eastern nations – I tend to think it is far more the latter than the former. China, because of its culture (more oriented to the whole vs. the individual for instance), it was also designated as an ideal society to test and develop the social credit system that is desired for All cultures/nations.
They (meaning those truly behind the shenanigans we are observing) have used and are using asymetric war strategies and tactics to bring about the ends they wish – reference the WEF gameplan – read Klaus Schwab’s book if you can stomach it. Bassically, Open War was declared on humanity in 2020.
I have always found it most useful to practice – following the money – to gauge which way the wind is blowing and who are involved. The biggest gorilla in the room right now is Debt. Personal debt is in the stratosphere, sovereign debt is in the stratosphere, corporate debt (excepting those that feed at the money printing trough) is in the stratosphere. Obligations are being defaulted on – China has some issues in the Real Estate sector with Evergrand seeming to have been the first visible hand to push the boulder now rolling down the hill.
Other nations, including the Western ones are facing similar problems with bad debt tied to R.E.; real estate is just one example of what is having a destructive effect on financial systems.
Bottom line, in order to bring about the new system planned by those that believe they have the ‘born’ right to dictate to humanity how we will ‘live’, they believe they must first destroy the old systems. I must say their commitment and perseverance is commendable – note, they will not stop on their own – psychopaths never do. However, psychopaths really don’t have friends, just cohorts and minions that are expendable. Therefore, they have a strong tendency to “eat their own tail”. It’s the period in-between that is the most dangerous and most destructive. Our challenge is to survive this period of self-destruction.
Hello Puzzler,
“I’m curious, what does tranquilocomp refer to?”
I came up with it more than 20 years ago, I think I was the only one with it. Later I saw one in Asia (bugged me!). It’s “tranquilo companero” or “take it easy, companion/friend.” Secondarily, it meant I’m tranquil. Regarding what he says,
“history demonstrates that All fiat ‘money’ eventually returns to its intrinsic value of Zero. The whir of the printing machines contribute to this but the core…”
I think it remains to be seen. The classical liberal economist Henry Hazlitt, when he was 95, said he was less sure of all dogmas. That zero value was only anticipated by economists like him (Mises, Rothbard mainly) in the final situation when the system would collapse and when there would be general chaos. Normally (in the business cycle theory), the fiat money only produces the booms and the busts.
“One could trace this movement back to the 70’s when the deal between China and the US was first formalized – move industry to China and weaken the West by tuning it into a ‘service’ economy – more specifically, a financial instrument economy – note the quadrillions in derivitive debt – global.“
Off-shoring of those jobs is explained also by a combination of the low cost multinationals wanted, and the “free-market” ideology in foreign trade. With politicians looking elsewhere, maybe the Chinese giving “gifts”, this disadvantageous trade (in long run) could have happened. Absent evidence of that…complot, I think it’s not right to present it as what happened. We can visualize bad politicians and smart Chinese dealers (like Trump said) as something more realistic, right?
“Basically, open War was declared on humanity in 2020.”
I saw the opposite, that things are not centralized like that. Who stopped Trump from firing Faucci? Or from stopping the Lockdowns which he could have done (the NY Governor seemed relieved to have Trump take all the responsibility)? Nobody, really. In Belarus, they reacted better, also in Sweden. All could have done the same. We don’t know the origin of Covid too. The same voices don’t say much about worse, clearer things, tellingly (indicates they don’t have the ‘gift’ to know that).
“Personal debt is in the stratosphere, sovereign debt is in the stratosphere, corporate debt (excepting those that feed at the money printing trough) is in the stratosphere. Obligations are being defaulted on – China has some issues in the Real Estate sector with Evergrand seeming to have been the first visible hand to push the boulder now rolling down the hill. Other nations, including the Western ones are facing similar problems with bad debt tied to R.E.”
What is the source of his information? Do the Chinese report this? I don’t know about their banking system. Thanks.
“This goes back to the Club of Rome’s rationalization of depopulation and deindustrialization using climate”
You may find the Club’s base precedes 1965 by a long way
Researcher Jul 21, 2022 6:53 PM
One world government already exists and has for centuries. There is no political representation of any population anywhere. It’s an illusion.
The mechanism of voting provides NO basis for enacting the public welfare or will since public interests are continually ignored, and the public cannot transfer power they themselves don’t possess to one group or one person. Populations have simply always been lied to and brainwashed (using repetition and subliminal messaging) about the purpose of governments and voting.
Countries (like dictatorships, religions and monarchies) were formed by the “the order” which isn’t new and has always been worldwide in its reach, wealth, power and influence. All the countries and borders are manmade by this one organization. Countries do not really exist as sovereign nations since they’re all centrally controlled through the financial and legal system. They were created specifically to rule over human populations using the divide and conquer technique, exploiting tribalism, fear and orchestrated, planned wars.
They (governments, countries, monarchies) are mechanisms for farming, controlling, taxing and systematically culling large populations of humans. It’s highly organized, using the monetary system, taxation and “governments“ as the basis for human enslavement.
If one group (The Order/The Family) controls and owns the entire monetary system – central banking – retail banking, stock exchanges, insurance and real estate (the FIRE sector), that same group also controls all governments, major corporations and institutions of power and influence such as religions, NGOs, charities, education, think tanks and media. And they do, because the monetary, legal, secret societies and familial ties that bind this group together throughout history, prove that there is one system operating already, using multiple supranational organizations.
The superficial appearances of separation of countries and the legal constructs that hide them (contract law, corporate law), are being removed, so that the existing state of worldwide governance can be revealed using orchestrated, pre-planned faux climate emergency and faux health emergency pretexts.
End Quote
“Cantinflas” (Mario Moreno) was a great Mexican comedian, in case you don’t know him. Charles Chaplin said he was the greatest comedian. This is from his movie “His Excellency”, where he speaks to the communists and then to the capitalists about the bad state of the world (with subtitles, 17 min.). After this speech, he walks out and a poor man approaches him in the street; he gives him his coat and keeps walking (the movie ends).
His Excellency- part 1 (1967, Mexican movie released or distributed by Columbia Pictures) Cantinflas
His Excellency- part 2 (1967, Mexico) Cantinflas
European company’s are beginning to be nationalized because they need profits just to pay off current obligations, and as soon as the profits from Russian gas stop, so does the ability to pay off their obligations.
This is happening in Germany so any other country in that same boat, will have the same solution.
All that is left is the western midget battle of competing currencies.
Some readers of this site have explained effectively why Russia continues to supply gas to Europe and how a cutoff would negatively affect each side.
Assuming Putin and Gazprom know what they are doing, and keeping the above in mind, how does one respond to some readers’ claims that the gas supplies will enable Europe to send more weapons to Ukraine to harm Russians? What’s a good counterargument/rebuttal, if any?
Oh Joey,
NATO is running quite low on their arms stocks.. Many refused to send more several months ago, stating risk of leaving themselves defenceless. So more arms would need to be made, in order to be sent. Yet they lack the industrial capabilities for rapid manufacture. For example, Russia launches enough cruise missiles in a month that it takes USA to make in a year (iirc)! This fact alone proves Smoothie’s lectures on superior industrial and metals-making capacity. And like Nazi panzer tanks, western arms are labor-intensive and not as easy to churn out. And even more importantly, those armaments factories need A LOT of energy (see Smoothie’s lectures). And guess the practical effect of lowering NS1 to a trickle (~30% capacity now?): They are being forced to choose between fueling their industry or keeping their people alive, simple as that. Many countries, esp the ones that count – Germany, France – have already announced lockdowns of industry to save energy for the people…
So the claim that “the gas supplies will enable Europe to send more weapons to Ukraine to harm Russians” is a fallacy and not realizable for years.. they are simply not being given enough fuel to do that. They would need to find alternate energy, rare minerals, rebuild armaments industry to capacity, not to mention R&D years-time to field weaponry which can compete with current Russian arms.. it is like Jorge’s lecture of the impossibility of switching refineries on a dime..
The west has shot its wad and disarmed itself conventionally on the killing fields of the Ukraine, with all that implies…
The optics are not good for the AZE as it circles ever faster in the drain. Russia does not need effective PR – the crazies do it for them. (1) The chief of Murder Inc. opines that Putin is “too healthy,” and (2) the proud eugenicist son of eugenicists buys up valuable farmland not affected by biblical drought in the USA. Read the comments! An educational buffet to rival the Saker website.. The food chain both external and internal are relentlessly being corralled by the evil Technocrats.. And denial of food to lemmings, addition of vaccines into lettuce, the farming of vermin and other frankenfoods, etc. are on the agenda. Russians are wise to highlight these shenanigans and hypocrisies and evil intent. Gloves are coming off – if they falsely accuse the SMO as culprit of the food & fuel shortages, the truth will be highlighted, even on the lukewarm RT staffed by 5th columns.
The Sultan of Swing IS surviving though, facilitating grain ships from Odessa to Africa and other points, while earning a buck to keep himself afloat. Can you imagine Erdogan AND Assad outlasting all AZE crazies?!
The Autumn Wind works hard to cool the Pirates’ heated Guns of August. The paved road is running out for the Desperados. Novorossiya is about to be taken in full, with no signs of let up, decrease in material, wasting of Russian warriors, tanking of their economy or discontent with Tsar Vladimir. And meanwhile their own populations die of heat (> 1,100 in sultry Iberia alone in last week), scream of inflationary pain, leathery quartermasters grouse armories are empty, and bozo pols acquire the Zelensky curse with increasing contagion.
It is most interesting that that although kicked out Boris Johnson is still caretaker through the whole month of August. Imagine the harm a conceited narcissist with nukes, yahoos of the Intermarium at his beck, and nothing to lose can do to the security of mankind! No British Puppet will replace the Clown until September. So going through all that – Kissinger’s comment of having about 2 months left to reach a deal with Russia, the final push to liberate entire Novorossiya, and the threats conveyed via Vucic – all culminate in an inflection point in August.
We should recall the overriding Nuclear Primacy doctrine remains in effect and is the fail-safe endpoint of Full Spectrum Dominance of the AZE. It informs the method to the brinkmanship madness of the crazies. Dr. Strangelove was a documentary, like every other work by Kubrick… a reveal where events are headed at the hands of the crazies.
Many have said BoJo is Zelenski’s key Western handler. The fiasco of trying to fire the SBU & prosecutor general heads quickly being overturned on the same day indicate the Ren & Stimpy, I meant BoJo-Zelenski crazy tandem trying to set the world on fire will be given this one last month. Maybe Clown Inc. will be used for a false flag or a final catastrophe to ensure the sinking of Europe..
Great point about the energy. They talk too much about supporting Ukraine for countries without oil. Gasoline prices are high. Interesting info. on the high production of weapons in Russia. The U.S. adopted a different system – more authoritarian – for its high production of weapons in WWII.
I threw a spoon under the bus, its name was will,
and then the bus driver reported me.
They hauled us all in to see who done it.
Yeah I said I did it, the spoon was being disruptive,
it refused to put out the fire, it refused to teach the lord,
it refused to listen to reason, and refused to relinquish control.
So yeah I threw a spoon under the bus, but I did not throw that baby.
I surrender. What’s it about? I thought I had an interpretation until I reached “baby.”
In reference to todays spoon fed baby’s, who are being thrown under the baby food bus. And I did not do that.
Here’s what happens once a critical mass has been reached …
Eurasian politico-economic integration continues apace.
“Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian revealed on 21 July that, according to information from Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Riyadh is ready to move on with “talks from the security level to the political level.”
On the same day, Amir-Abdollahian announced that Kuwait and the UAE plan to send ambassadors to Tehran soon.
Last week, Anwar Gargash, adviser to the Diplomatic Affairs of the UAE President, also revealed that Abu Dhabi is in the process of sending an ambassador to Tehran.
Amir-Abdollahian went to say that Tehran has informed Riyadh of its commitment toward political dialogue and the restoration of bilateral relations between the two states.
Last week, leaders from various Arab Gulf states, including Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and President Joe Biden gathered at the Jeddah Security and Development Summit in Saudi Arabia on 16 July.
“The United States is invested in building a positive future of the region, in partnership with all of you – and the United States is not going anywhere,” Biden said at the time.
Soon after President Biden visited the region, he left with dashed hopes of establishing military alliances and normalization deals between several Arab states and Israel.”