2022/07/16 15:30:02
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Oh, the grandeur!
The list of things that people have to worry about is apparently growing, adding to an already full plate of worries, most are saying that if you can break even these days, you are doing better than many.
A lil bit of advice: go get some money you have – or dont have – buy yourself a few thousand dollars of silver coins.The best is half an ounce silver coins just to serve for buying stuff once hyperinflation takes off – face value has no meaning, it’s the silver weight that counts.
Remember what happened in 1923: in Germany, wives had to go to the factories before noon to get half of day pay in order to rush to buy food for supper, otherwise they couldn’t buy anything because the Mark was about to fall thru the floor at 5 PM when the Dollar or Sterling rates would be known at the end of day trading … the afternoon pay would barely buy stuff for breakfast before Forex trading started.
You need some currency at the store … 1/2 oz silver coin will be in between 50 to 100 $ nowadays value of goods … or more, and will be eagerly accepted by merchants.
It may be that tobacco, matches, ammunition, seeds, spirits, soap, salt, and so forth might also be useful forms of trade-value. However, since the forms and memories of local supply are gone, there probably won’t be much commerce of any kind if the trains and trucks stop… Without fuel or safe pathways, they must stop. Most people have no idea how to assay metals, they can’t tell brass from gold, or silver from leaded alloy…but they will trade for a pack of cigarettes or a box of 30.06.
Who among the people can say, right now, how to make bleach in the garden shed? No peeking at wiki. How about recognizing galena and smelting lead? Making from the “5 elements” say, black powder? These sorts of value may be more useful than silver.
The reality will probably be hungry, cold, and horrible, with or without silver, or tobacco.
OTOH, after the bad part, after the enhanced death rate does its work, the survivors will have the choice of free boats…
I am continually astonished by the fact that some prosperous people are too ignorant to pour “sand” out of a boot. In the fullness of time it is expected that they will no longer be prosperous, but be simply gone.
Can’t hunt with gold Mr P, never mind forage….me thinks by weight, the box of thirty ought six and a chambering devise far outweigh the downside, I’d rather die with my devise in my hand (I favour the odds)
than a bar of cold gold.
Cheers M
What I find surprising is the lack of knowledge people have about precious metals and how the power of the day can decree them illegal. Making lead even more precious……and black powder too:) of course.
The only method or recipe that I never got from my mom, is soap. Back in Africa days, we cooked soap outside with fat and lye. Beautiful white soap – I grew up on the stuff. But .. I got all of my mom’s methods, but not the soap.
Been checking on how to can or bottle things .. without a batch of other stuff. And came across this – fruit, small fruit with a skin and I think that is important. Water, heat, fruit, bottles and it is there for a year or more. It needs to be stored in a cool place, and absolutely do the upside down bottle thing at the end. That is how we saved ourselves from botulism. If you open it later, it has to make that sound .. the sound that breaks the oxygen barrier. Tjaij!
No idea of the language spoken, but follow the English subtitles.
Per/Norway thanks. Russia merging man and machine. https://cont.ws/@Anton1993/2332393 .
Its unbelievable they can get the whole planet to jump on this sick dystopia. If I didnt had faith I would be somehow scared. Could it be spiritual powers preparing Armageddon?
@ Tommy jensen
Yes most people will accept the Mark where you will receive it in the hand and the head ( Swedish guy demonstrates the hand chip ) Claus swchab foretells to French journalist about implanting the chip in the brain.
Those who reject will be banned from society. Remember the theistic satanists gave everyone a tast of no travelling outside 5 miles from your county? abroad? no venue’s, clubs, restuarnts, pub’s and France 3ven banned people in some countries from buying foods. business closed and employer’s could only do business if everyone took the vaccine!
Our Lord Christ; but those who abide in me hold out and endure to the end will assuredly receive my father’s kingdom in paradise with eternal life and a promise of peace.
That is the reason why Our Most high Heavenly Father destroys the world and casts Satan and his fallen angels with the anti christ into the lake of Fire just before the End.
Christ our Lord; When the sun and moon is blackend out and the stars begin to fall upon the earth be ready for your redemption for this is when I will appear before you!
And that is the Glory we know at the end, The Glory of God Almighty ending all evil spirits and wicked people, where the last of the dead and survivors who abided in God will be Saved by Christ to paradise while the horrors of the end will come upon the rest.
(May The Power and The Glory Be Upon our Heavenly Father God Almighty forever and ever Amen )
here’s the Lord Jesus Christ as part of the Trinity dream team:
“You shall have no other gods before me… You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:3-6).
End Quote
i.e. a nature similar to the average Mexican drug cartel head honcho.
At least it looks like Tommy has now seen right through the Russian version of his two dream teams.
From his link in Yandex translate https://translated.turbopages.org/proxy_u/ru-en.en.69f2637a-62d3ca22-5f0e16cc-74722d776562/https/cont.ws/@Anton1993/2332393
The draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Strategy for the development of nature-like (convergent) technologies” was posted on the government portal. regulation.gov.ru June 14 (https://regulation.gov.ru/proj…). It was not announced in any way by the authorities or in the media, so it did not immediately attract our attention – the formal public discussion has already ended. However, the resonance that he made in the editorial office of Katyusha deserves a thorough review.
The Explanatory Note to the Strategy states::
“The Strategy defines the key principles, goals, objectives and main directions of the state scientific and technical policy in the field of development of convergent sciences and technologies as the main tool for creating a natural-like technological basis for the economy of the Russian Federation (natural-like technosphere).
The strategy defines mechanisms, ways and means of achieving long-term goals and priorities of sustainable development of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security by creating new nature-like technologies based on the convergence of science and technology, which are included in the natural resource cycle of nature.”
We should start by explaining the term “convergence”, which has long been frequently used by speakers at the World Economic Forum and other digital transformation platforms. It means combining, merging, first of all, biological, natural elements with inanimate nature, with modern technologies. This is the key mechanism for “improving the imperfect person,” as transhumanists believe. Therefore, they are constantly trying to combine the incompatible in terms such as “digital ecosystem”, “nature-like technosphere”, etc. The essence of convergence is perfectly explained in an interview with the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, to a French television journalist in 2016. When asked when mass microchip implantation will begin, Schwab says:
“For sure, in the next 10 years. Of course, to begin with, such chips will simply be embedded in clothing – the so-called “wearable devices”. And then it will be possible to talk about implanting chips in the brain, under the skin, etc. In this way, a direct connection can be established between our brain and the digital world. A kind of confluence of worlds becomes apparent: digital, physical and biological.”
The technologies that are used for this most unnatural “merging of worlds” according to Schwab and Co.are called “convergent”. A lot of materials are devoted to promoting this phenomenon on the World Economic Forum website in the “Strategic Intelligence” section, dedicated to the transformation of humanity in connection with the covid-19 pandemic.
End Quote
The height of inculcation/gullibility, YHWH/Covid.
That is a very interesting report!
The quote below is towards the end, and brought to you from Russia in the language of future technological esoteric/spiritual spea, born of the “antagonism between technology and nature,” truly fascinating….. :
“The global challenge of the 21st century is the need to ensure the sustainable development of civilization. The basic condition for such development is a sufficient amount of energy and other resources. At the same time, in the context of globalization, more and more countries and regions are involved in technological development, which leads to more and more intensive consumption and destruction of resources.
The cause of the crisis is the antagonism between nature and man-made technosphere. This is due to the extremely high energy and resource intensity of man-made technologies, in contrast to the extremely “economical” technologies of wildlife.
The way out of the crisis is possible only by creating a technosphere based on nature-like technologies that reproduce the systems and processes of wildlife in the form of technical systems and technological processes integrated into the natural resource circulation”, – this is how the reasons for the creation of the Strategy are said.
“Global challenge”, “sustainable development” – well, a very familiar lexicon, isn’t it? It’s like reading another manual from the UN, OECD or the World Bank. Further, a sound link seems to follow: indeed, the more we create numbers and electronics in our life, the more energy this system requires. It would be nice for all of us to become closer to nature, to natural life, to give up gadgets, computers, cell phones and leaving for the virtual world to the maximum. However, here, a fundamentally different thing is proposed as a way out: complete copying of wildlife and our reality with the help of technology, replacement of the real world with a virtual one, which supposedly will be closer to reality, erasing the boundaries between natural and electronic with the inevitable complete disappearance into the virtual.
The complete triumph of these very “nature-like” technologies is brightly and honestly described in a short film from Sber called “Clouds”, in which all of humanity was invited to go to a virtual digital platform in order to “create their own worlds” and “clear the earth of itself”.This is the best way to drastically reduce carbon emissions. This is the well-known logic of the Club of Rome, the same “sustainable development” of the UN, the transhumanist Ray Kurzweil and like-minded people, degenerate adherents of the philosophy of anti-natalism, and so on. It is for this that the WEF actively promotes elements of “virtual, augmented reality”, it is for this purpose that foresighters are trying to get children in schools to use neural interfaces, VR helmets, and in the future to build “forests of consciousness” and conduct collective “neuro games”. All this is part of the same “neuronet” project (originally authored by the US defense agency DARPA), which is being implemented through the Convergence Strategy.
The url does not work for me…I wonder if it might be good to ask Host for permission to post the decree in full.
It’s obviously sound and a defining statement, a statement of inflection. A decree worth making a record of.
OK, where do I start.
First, it is for funds for a project and the project number is not part of the URL. That is why it does not work. I’ll get to the WHY in a bit.
Secondly the article is not against regulation, but against funding the person as he seems to have discredited himself.
Thirdly the article is simply a rant that we can see in any media anywhere in the world, fearful of Artificial Intelligence.
Fourth, the commentators are not too worried about that, but they are more worried that funding might be given to a discredited man. The main legislation in Russia has been passed and whoop di doo, they talk about these things in Russia as well.
Anti-Russian trolls report that breathlessly, either to try and convince an audience that Russia is part of the New World Order, or that Putin and the WEF are best buddies.
Five, it is the old anti-Russia troll that is back, and this was probably handed out by his troll farm as good material to trash Russia – good material in that it speaks to what westerners are kicking up about so, he can find an audience easily in the west.
Finally, whatever one’s position on the issues, it is just a sleazy piece of anti-Russian trollery on various levels, from an old troll.
The correct URL is https://https/regulation.gov.ru/projects#npa=128578. You need at least TOR Browser to get there. The # did not work for me and I had to search for the project number. This is a draft, there is no ‘decree’. My bet is that this old troll did not even try.
On to better things. Apparently Zelensky dismissed his Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova and the head of the SBU Ivan Bakanov. The gossip goes that Commander in Chief Zaluzhny was also on the list but this was leaked .. so quickly they said .. the decision in postponed.
But this is not the news. Zakharova quipped .. “Denazification is in full swing.”
“Fourth, the commentators are not too worried about that, but they are more worried that funding might be given to a discredited man”
Do you mean like Larisa Chushikina (July 16, 21: 23), who said:
Therefore, we need a Symphony of the Church, the authorities and the people to see and choose in this crazy world what saves us and what destroys us. Therefore, we need the Russian Kingdom – the Third Rome, a powerful Stronghold of Orthodoxy in the world. The Russian world is a vague concept, based on nothing, and the Third Rome is our Divine mission, except for Russia, there is no one to keep the world from the arrival of the antichrist. Now everyone seems to be in favor of the Russian world, but he does not deny the possibility of building an antichrist state in Russia with a state number assigned to citizens of the name, making them state property. Traditional values do not prohibit the merging of man with machine, turning him into a cyborg, which we see in the strategies and projects of the authorities and mad scientists. Only the Third Rome, as a Stronghold of Orthodoxy, can not accept this. That is, man will remain the crown of creation that God created him, and not be disfigured by man. And technologies should not create cyborgs, but robots-human assistants.
End Quote
All the article author implores his readers do is to write:
a letter demanding not to sign the Decree approving this strategy and at the same time instruct the competent authorities to investigate how such dangerous anti-human and anti-scientific biliberda can be seriously discussed at the state level.
A sample email is like this:
To the President
Of the Russian Federation
To Vladimir Putin
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
On June 14, 2022, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation published a draft of your Decree “On the Strategy for the Development of nature-like (convergent) technologies”. This document was developed before the start of the special military operation in Ukraine and the sanctions war against our Homeland, declared by the “collective west”. That is why its provisions completely contradict the current reality. They once again ” fit ” Russia into a New Brave world of Anglo-Saxon values. Its signing at the moment discredits not only you, but also the entire system of power in our country.
We ask you not to sign this document and to deal with its initiators upon the withdrawal of the Control Department of your administration.
End Quote
WTF is “anti-Russian” in any of that is anone’s guess.
With all due respect, I don’t think that is an entirely fair representation of the report. Concerning the url perhaps yes. However, what is so interesting is the direction of the whole presentation, particularly the language that is used. On the point of it being a rant that one could find at any media outlet of the world fearful of Artificial Intelligence :
Fair enough, but trouble is, this is something I heard as an accusation many times from those who are unwilling to engage in conversation themselves about some topic, be it the Ukraine, Putin, Russia, Covid etc, anything ,one can’t say any more, the enquiry door is slammed shut!
It is symptomatic of the rapidly developing signs of the times, give away your freedom to converse, to explore and share ideas, to have a different standpoint considered even.
One cannot do anything faced with this, how many hundreds of despairing comments have their been on this site alone in the last months about this situation in relation to Putin, and Russia? A dilemma that has seen an exponential advancement in the last five months…. It is a horrible human predicament and without exaggeration the cause of great suffering.
If this freedom is voluntarily given away, one is actually playing directly into the hands of those involved in the development of Artificial Intelligence! Of this I am not especially interested in btw, But, what I am interested in is language, how we use speech, how it is capable of expressing a conviction that arises in the soul in ones psyche, or however you want to describe the inmost part of who you are, as for instance in, I know who I am. I am not merely a conglomeration of atoms and systems parts but far, far more. So, from this aspect, I found the report truly fascinating.
I better stop there, but for other readers may I suggest reading the translated media report with critical thinking, (I mean not reacting), as it is about the best example I’ve come across in manipulation knowledge and concepts towards specific ends, and fascinating.
Thanks for the evocative soap memories and details amarynth, white soap in Africa!.. there have been some wonderful comments on here recently about the vast lands of Africa…
Oh geez Agatha, I was friendly to that writer. I did not even say anything.
But, if you are interested in language, take a look at what he does in that article. He describes the proposal or the draft as a fusion (my own word) of technology and science. And then in his next sentence, he jumps to the fear message … and this is in general … Oh Boy, they are going to do this to humans! And the writer of the article brings in a biological slant and he does that himself, because of provocative language. There is no sign of that anywhere – it is the writer’s own flourish. The draft explains that new law is needed for a new direction in research.
Now let me pull that right out of the emotional scare, and give an example off the top of my head. Scientific research leads to a new material .. just say. They make something new, very strong and impervious to bullets … say. Technology takes that and creates a new suit for soldiers, to protect them. And the two spheres, science and tech work together on this new suit for soldiers. Outside of the emotive and provocative language, it is simply a proposal to set the law together for this kind of collaboration.
Let me tell a story that illustrates, but there is very little known about this. So, in China some researcher cloned three babies. We think they are female babies and they must be about 12 years old now or a bit younger. There was no rule of law against this type of research. When it became known, the people were horrified as they did not find this positive or at all moral or acceptable. The Chinese authorities had to develop new law, the researcher went to jail and the clones were put in a very protective environment with their families, in order to protect them from the press and other scientists who wanted to prod and ‘research’ this phenomenon and the children that resulted. But, new law had to be developed.
We, as a society is on the cusp of major technological leaps. We either develop in this direction as a species, or we kill one another off in wars. Technology is neutral. It is what you do with it that counts. So, of course, the pendulum is going to swing wildly in the direction of technocrazy people, and people that simply want to create something better. There is nothing new here.
My interest here is gmo foods and farming methods and techniques. The technologies here, in terms of food, are also reaching scary horrible peaks with factory-produced plastic food.
And to end, it is up to us to recognize what is presented in provocative language and why. Russia is not our problem here, and neither is China, although there are some gene ‘therapies’ there that I don’t like. Here is an example of our problem, and the trajectory, as well as the researchers, are the very same as something frequently discussed here .. bioweapons.
“And then in his next sentence, he jumps to the fear message …”
Oh boy, here is the archetype of precisely that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSbwYyyCIJU
Perhaps it gets to all wearing hazmat suits. These western people are dangerous.
Another of your many precise and essential comments, thank you. Suspicion confirmed.
It is WEF who is pushing it. It is pushing it through industrial plants where employees cannot refuse. General public might be added later. They are calling it fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. Installing 5G would be the first step. A lot of things will change once 5G comes.
Thanks to dear friends for your well wishes. 🤲🏼🙏🏼 I wish to all joy, carefree feasts and laughter even if surrounded by buzzing pests and mindless minions. We appear mired in the seven years of trials and tribulation and need to withdraw into our homes and beautify our inner worlds. And have babies!
Regarding the monkeypox ritual. In a way it is a mockery. As in Planet of the Apes, where Astronaut Charleston Heston is horrified to learn after some apocalypse that apes have taken over planet Earth in the future, and humans are their slaves. Also evolutionists’ dogma that we are descended from apes.. I note Charles Darwin’s lifetime and worldview overlapped with that of General Albert Pike, the occult idiot savante who was sole Confederate rebel with a statue in Washington DC. Both were Club members working to lower human dignity and the divine consciousness and getting us to grovel. Men with deep malice. And among Transhumanism targets is to so degrade and lobotomize humans as to make apes more capable.. They are also cursing us. “A pox on you monkeys!” Our response to all this should be: 🖕🏼They are as an implacable an enemy as Azov rats. The only sane response is a personal SMO on the crazies.
Brief deep dives:
01. Numerological patterns
02. Historical patterns from Kubrick’s 2001 and more recently
The maelstrom churns..
As Russia has refused to oblige with a generalized War, and the cost of living crisis breaks out, Gargoyles & gaslighters are wheeled out with the desperate need to implement soft martial law.. Technocrats are too cowardly to declare open martial law. Like declaring war or quaint torchlight night marches are just not done west of the Oder river anymore. Don’t bother reading beyond the title, it has the same boilerplate (Trust the Science, Follow the Stats, the SMO is to Blame like the grain..). But read the comments.. they will energize hope in mankind.
Germanic lands are under the open control of the crazed. An Austrian chancellor advises his flock to console themselves with alcohol, German opposition Die Linke replies to Mr P with a demand of free meth.. The City of Lights is told to turn off the lights! The Nosferatu scion, a Demolition expert, a savvy Bankster with his job done, takes the quiet exit ramp, ceding the pitchforks piñata role to the next fool. The Economist mocks Europeans that Winter is Coming. this is Biblical. something about 1/4 of the earth given over to demonic torment in the End Times.
Armstrong foresees Abe’s exit heralding a wave of killings and even a presidential assassination in 2022.. Imagine Sniffin’ Joe having one last utility as a sympathetic device to boost the Dem’s chances?? These coming events were predicted in the Simpsons and other occult media. I thought it was Trump, but Sleepy Joe may get the call, keeping in mind lyrics of visiting his tomb and the ascension of the Lotus. Many thought it couldn’t get worse with Dubya, but we aint seen nutin yet. The depths of shame in USA have yet to be plumbed. The Cackling One will instruct us how it is properly done.
PS – Pepe reads our comments, so be courteous!! He praised our Larch in the past. We asked our Pipelinestan and he delivered in a big way. Turks AND Europeans both are lovingly ensconced in the Russian Nutcrackers. Obrigado fellow nomad!
Dear AHH,
Biggest congratulations to all! Hug and kiss the little one for me. Nothing is more beautiful!
👶👶 😊😊 🌼🌼 🌸🌸 🌺🌺
A timely analysis from ВЗГЛЯД:
Why Is Serbia Frightening Europe With Hell And World War
15 July 2022, 11:16
by Dmitry Bavyrin
The Third World War has already begun, it is a war of Western countries with Russia using hands of Ukrainians. This is the position of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić – and this is a very bold position by the standards of today’s Europe. The future, in his opinion, is even worse – the intransigence of the EU and the US in the conflict with Russia will lead to “Hell on Earth”. What does Vučić mean and what is he trying to achieve?
Both at home and abroad, Aleksandar Vučić is called an outstanding specialist in sitting on two chairs at the same time. Most say this with exasperation, implying that it is time for the Serbian president to decide, but some almost with admiration.
For years, he has been navigating “between the streams”, maintaining good relations with both Russia and Europe – and receiving bonuses from conflicting capitals: from Moscow – phenomenally cheap gas, from Brussels – investment funds. But at the same time, Serbia remains where it was – on two chairs at once.
However, after Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, Vučić was faced with the fact that he would have to choose: either special relations with Russia, or further European integration with Euro financing.
They delivered this ultimatum to the Serbs, of course, not in Moscow (official Moscow never demands such things), but in Brussels-via Berlin. Moreover, it was formulated in a humiliating form for the Serbs – the demand for the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation (from which the Russian Federation will be neither hot nor cold, but this is a matter of principle) came in one package with the demand to recognize the independence of Kosovo.
The situation for Vučić is a dead end. Serbia is a poor country, and in order to save any budget, it needs cooperation with both Russia and the EU. Nevertheless, he rejected the ultimatum – and since then, he seems to have changed. He became even more eloquent than usual, but also more nervous, which was clearly shown in his interview with the Serbian TV channel PINK. Two passages deserve special attention.
First, Vučić urged to stop saying that a local or regional conflict is taking place in Ukraine, since we are talking about a new world war, in which “the entire Western world is fighting with Russia through Ukrainians”.
Judging from Russia, there is nothing new in this thesis, Vučić acts as Captain Obvious. But not from the EU’s point of view. From the EU’s point of view, what the Serbian president said is rabid Russian propaganda, because the West is not at war with Russia, but only helps Ukraine stand up against aggression.
In general, this statement breaks the paradigm of Brussels and, quite possibly, will infuriate it, for which Serbia will have to pay. And we must understand that Vučić does not say such loud things just like that – he is an experienced politician, a good psychologist, and in the days of Slobodan Milošević was responsible in the government for propaganda, including military propaganda, so he knows the value of words.
It is better to quote the second passage in full – it is so vivid:
“I know what awaits us. As soon as Vladimir Putin is finished with business in Seversk, Bakhmut and Soledar, and then with the second line – Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Avdiivka, his offer will follow. If the West does not accept the offer we will go to Hell – and they won’t accept it.
I am afraid that a much more serious military conflict awaits us than the current one. I hope that it will not unfold in the Balkans. We will do everything possible to save the Serbian people and Serbia.”
“Business in Seversk”, by the way, is already being completed. And Vučić named the date of a new conflict in the Balkans earlier – 1 October, when in Kosovo (by fault of that same Brussels, we note) new ethnic clashes risk starting on a predictable pretext. But what is more remarkable is the awareness of the Serbian President about the geography of the special military operation.
This is not some special knowledge – military experts from different countries explain all the same things on a daily basis. But many Western politicians who supposedly wake up and fall asleep thinking about Ukraine will not always find its regions on the map, like British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, or will not immediately remember the name of its president, like Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (her Zelensky became Kerensky).
But Vučić listens, remembers, delves, worries. He can be understood as one of the world leaders who is genuinely interested in ending the conflict.
According to the Hamburg account, everyone is interested in this in one way or another, including those who will never admit it. But most of Vučić’s Western colleagues only talk about the desire for peace, but in reality they are striving for a military and political defeat of Russia and “war for the last Ukrainian”, encouraging official Kiev to take suicidal actions.
In turn, Asian countries are trying to use the situation to their advantage. Some, like India, now get oil at a discount. Some, like China, are quietly happy that the West is spending forces and resources on the Russian Federation that could be used against it. There are enough “third laughs” on the planet.
And Serbia is one of those countries that have only economic and political losses from everything that happens. It is easy to imagine how much Vučić wants to return to his comfort zone – to sitting on two chairs, which implies cooperation with all sides of the current “world war”.
Predicting “Hell on Earth” to the whole world, he seems to have two goals. On the one hand, it is trying to frighten the EU and make its position more compromise on Russia – and therefore on Serbia, too. He himself does not believe in the success of this venture, which he admits (“they will not accept it”), but “it was worth a try”, especially since in the European Union Vučić is treated as a person with whom Putin can be frank.
On the other hand, the Serbian President warns the population about falling living standards in the future. In advance, it tries to remove some of the responsibility from itself, shifting it to the big players. They say that when giants fight, if the mice are not trampled, you are already lucky.
Ultimately, Vučić, promising hell to the whole world, wants to get out of his personal production hell. And he is well aware that the opposition, united against him personally, and not for the EU or for Russia (there are both some and others in the anti-presidential coalition), will definitely take advantage of Serbia’s economic problems, that is, it also pursues an internal political interest.
This approach may seem selfish and cowardly, but Vučić needs to be given credit.
He rejected the EU’s ultimatum, and did not go against the opinion of the people, expressed in an unambiguously pro-Russian way.
At the same time, Vučić has no doubt that the entire Western world has been ordered to deny that the special operation of the Russian Armed Forces will achieve its goals, repeatedly repeated by the president, for the complete liberation and protection of the people’s republics of Donbass. Only then will a certain “window of opportunity” open for negotiations and the end of the military part of the conflict – but it will quickly close due to the irreconcilable position of the West, which is not so much saving Ukraine as opposing Russia.
With all its disadvantages (and the motley Serbian opposition does not like Vučić, to put it mildly, for a cause), the current president of Serbia can go down in history as a voice of reason in a mad era. How little, it turns out, is needed for a European politician who is counting on joining the EU to be such: not to share Russo-phobic attitudes and to be aware of the national and economic interests of his people.
I wish there were more of them. Maybe then “Hell for all” could still be avoided.
On the other hand … it now transpires that Serbia is actively participating in supplying Banderastan with ammunition: check Alex Christoforou’s report on that yesterday’s Antonov cargo plane crash in Greece,
So much about Vučić’s “skilful balancing act”. Russian government is of course aware of this, but is keeping it rather low key (a balancing act of their own, one might suppose).
From one of Per/Norway’s RSS links:
Surprisingly coming from a UK news outlet like the Telegraph, after having been told time and time again about British (or more specifically English) Russophobia.
Then again, since nothing is truly monolithic, it does leave me wondering about one of the major political parties.
The Telegraph is sometimes given the moniker ‘Torygraph’ for its (alleged) Conservatory leanings. Assuming that such a connection exists and that the views expressed by the editors of Telegraph represent those of the Conservatory party and/or vice-versa, what is the overall opinion of Russia among the ‘Tories’?
Manturov, Russia’s Industry and Trade Minister who was also a Deputy Prime Minister,
“It is necessary to make a turn from a market-oriented industrial policy to a policy of ensuring technological sovereignty,” Manturov stated, adding that this notion is fully supported by the Russian government.
The world has seen what “free-markets” really are!!
Turbocompressor NS1…just a note. “Timetable for return of Nord Stream turbine revealed
The Russian pipeline equipment left Canada for Germany on Sunday, Kommersant reports ”
Until the machine is installed and running, has run for perhaps 1000 hours, it’s unknowable whether or not it will run properly. They’ll be checking vibration and probably the oil chemistry for indications, perhaps peering inside with imaging devices, but are limited to indirect methods…as the only proper inspection involves disassembly.
Utility SMUD actually dropped a gas turbine during installation, obliging return to factory in Scotland.
In turbine-generators it sometimes happens that tools are forgotten and left inside, only to, after a time, loosen and fly through the blades…I know of a “mag-base and dial indicator” left inside of the intake on a Siemens. There are also subtle methods of incipient sabotage. In the turbine stages even a greasy thumb-print can lead to failure.
Installing the machine is an act of faith. Well, this is always the case, it’s true even of a small engine, but usually without the stress of a war. It’s hard enough to avoid critical error even when all are pulling as one. They tell us that in Canada there reside many nazis…
My wife read out to me yesterday it was actually six turbines sent to Canada for repair, not one.
Once the Ukraine has been placed firmly under Russian control … the time will come for international denazifyzeWeFaction. Gonna be difficult because WEF has it commissars at all levels and parties of western ‘bought and paid for’ governments, military and intelligence…..maybe get to make use of those chambering devices at some point. Rope’s cheaper, I know….but out west here, it’s a shoot, shovel, shut up, kinda place.
First 1 then followed by 5 – whether that 5 during the SMO actually moved needs verification.
Looks like Rolls-Royce units – Siemens apparently bought that outfit before Brexit…
As you say.
So…6 machines, where are the other 5?
With these my own ears I was astonished to hear the “S+S+S” from a “game warden” about 100 miles SE of Anoxia. Game wardens hereabout are cops of a sorta wannabie character…this particular fella managed to shoot a man dead while being a wannabecop. We have some very dangerous animals, big cats, bears, wild hogs https://youtu.be/y687Zqbvxlk Actually, from his demeanor, it was clear that he wanted to kill a man…so I wasn’t surprised when, later, he did. The prosecutor decided against charging him. There was a third man, an eye witness, but he’s not been seen since the shooting. Maybe he’s simply on the lam, maybe not.
Ordinarily I would not have spoken with GW, but I was trying to keep him in one spot, if you take my meaning. This encounter was ‘waybackinth’woods.
Those woods have always been populated by eccentrics and desperadoes. Here a reference to an affray down south> https://cdnc.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=d&d=AL19100114.2.2&e=——-en–20–1–txt-txIN——–1 (Rancheria Massacre) The wiki on Rancheria Tulea massacre is also interesting. At a party with neighbors I met a grandson from a survivor lady of one of the many extermination marches. When we lived back in the woods, 11 miles from grid on a rancho, it was necessary, prudent, to keep a loaded rifle. When the real cops raided the desperadoes they came with two choppers and pretty much an infantry squad, M16’s and body armor. I found that cowardly and dangerous in itself…cops can make mistakes and shoot at the wrong fella! The desperadoes usually are neither well-armed nor well supplied with munitions, nor are they proper marksmen. The raiding cops are clearly terrified and free to shoot.
At the Dock Holiday Bar there’s a story about poison oak and cops. I won’t repeat it, only noting that urushiol readily dissolves in many organic solvents.
Dog was pacing last night, couldn’t settle, which is a two way street, I got up, let her out, she bolted. Called her back, musta been kaiotes. Ten mins latter, back pacing, I let her out again, ‘cept this time I took a flash light. Full grown bear ripping my garbage box apart. Gotta love country life.
A late 60s TV spoof where a French homosexual police officer knocks on the door, kisses Dean Martin on both cheeks and spells with his mouth the words, “Love you.” Martin sits down to sing and is smiling but too distracted and tells the producer to restart the song, saying “the kiss upset me.” Today, a spoof like this is unthinkable. The freedom he had even disappeared without facing any opposition to speak of:
Starting at 1:31
Great, keep the spoofs coming ; )
it’s good to laugh at silliness that’s funny, and the madness of woke nonsense likewise, humor and freedom are not understood now – that’s funny in itself- see the link, so far, the English laugh at this kind of idiocy, but it will lead to tears, fury and vented frustration soon enough… of course it will.
This one is from Per/Norway too and funny: Will Russia sign up to a recent WHO dictated Globalist 3’rd gender? https://cont.ws/@Anton1993/2332385
I have learned a lot of Hollywood movies which predicts many things under the cover of an ordinary story.
Thus the “Underworld” trilogy about the fight between the ruling eternal living bloodsucking Vampires and their also eternal living underdogs the Werewolves.
A fight which ends up in the Underdogs via Science create a new specie which can conquer the bloodsucking Vampires. Enjoy: https://youtu.be/JXkVOWhZQXo “Underworld: Michael turns into a Vampire”.
Tommy, there is new legislation in Russia.
LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia
A new bill compares the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relations” with war propaganda and inciting national, racial or religious hatred
Great. I cant imagine Russia would jump on this one, the whole Russian population would get so p.ss.d. Just saying Russia is being challenged on all fronts even from the holy WHO :-).
Tommy, a faller at the last hurdle, has just remounted YHWHKremlin dream team.
Unbelievable, nearly.
“Orange Blossom Special” – Roy Clark & Jimmy Henley
One of the best versions of this timeless classic.
Alex the elder has a serious topic> “Russia Prepares for Decisive Donbass Battle, Zelensky Purges Officials, EU Leaders Defiant Ahead of Energy Crisis”
It seems that the nazis sold the superdooperM777 to the antinazicommies and now there’s a massive stink… I believe Lavrov spoke that these guns are crewed by US Marines, probably.
That could prove to create an awkward aspect if those fellas wind up in the brig.
I think you meant the newfangled super-duper HIMARs Mr P? M777 are not really viable in the Ukraine.
You were recently disturbed at the demolition of the Georgian Guidestones, which NOT coincidentally fell on July 6 (7.6) birthday of Dubya Bush (who was also 76 yo!): apparently these Stones were on Ley lines, which Brother Casey calls “Death Lines” which cover the USA in a satanic pentagram. Most mass murder events (like on Full Moons) happen to fall near these lines too.. to cut it short for the accursed Stones, they are strongly linked with the 911 Towers, and they were built with an eye toward Numerology, also like the Twin Towers, with a scripted timeline including date of destruction.
This was a loaded show – see science article at end on “Vortex Sensing Diffraction Grating,” which may have worked, via Lasers, on the aluminum-coated facade of the Twin Towers, leading to the planes’ notable holographic effects, and perhaps to the unusual dustification phenomenon which led many to assume a mini-nuke had been used.
12 Monkeys appears to have foreseen the Monkeypox attack on Florida (mon-“keys”, just after mentioning Florida, aka the famous Florida Keys). Casey also explores the biblical mockery ritual aspect of Shinzo Abe’ sacrifice, which gets weirder and weirder. Apparently it follows Cain & Abel (Abe with an “L”), and our own ‘Honest Abe,’ – pronounced “Ayb.” They enjoy their periodic reenactment of assassination of Abel. A truly demented and unoriginal Matrix.
Lockdowns and masking are multi-pronged weapons, like the UkroNazi Trident of Neptune. Of note, Russians call their feared atomic torpedo drone by his older Greek name, POSEIDON. Wiki notes above several interesting links to the mythos of Poseidon’s Trident. This Greek God used it to strike the Island of Delos, affixing it Atlantis-like to the seabed.. The key corporation and owner of Westworld is called Delos.. is the AZE soon bound for Uncle Davey Jones’ Locker, via Poseidons and otherwise? The potency of this weapon (mocking the Staff of Moses, which split seas and rock to bring forth springs) was instructed to the youth via the old golden Trident of King Atlan.. Funny how many AZE martial forces have this pagan emblem, of wiki note, “the crest of the United States Navy SEALs and on the badge of USS John S. McCain.. [and most relevant the SLBM nuclear] Tridents.”
These two tools of the permanent health emergency are back on the menu, ostensibly to curate the cost of living crisis in a deflationary soft martial law.
I am in interested in this comment on effects on children.
Masking is a critical mindweapon of war on children’s development, especially on preadolescents. They derive a significant cue and sense of security from seeing the full face of peers and humans. Eyes without a face is terrifying! Depriving them via masking is traumatizing!!! It breeds insecurity, decreases development, and is an assault, like MK-ULTRA. And as deliberately designed as this mind-control original by Operation Paperclip operatives in sunny California and other pleasant suburban and academic hellholes. It subconsciously teaches them the world is unreliable, a jungle to be avoided, and will help them acquire certain training and induced tastes. Perhaps foremost it helps drives refuge into artificially comforting, “controllable” environments such as the Metaverse… Pink Floyds The Wall movie (1982) links all these strands of masks, adrenochrome, antichrist rituals, and the function of dividing Walls in the regimentation and control of societies, starting with the young. Also nifty clues of how holographic images of planes were projected onto the Twin Towers 19 years before 911..
Lockdowns-driven school closures led to the phenomenon of 70% of 10-year-olds unable to read simple text in the last year.. so as our elders were culled, our children were (mis)shaped towards malleable lifelong intellectual impoverishment, learned helplessness and Russian-like cancellation. They call this devil’s brew “learning poverty,” a form of gaslighting, as if forcing economies and schools to shut down was not the culprit, but lack of internet access and basic means! And how many lemming Global South governments followed these diktats, calculated to harm the competitiveness and abilities of their future?? Ignorant leadership is our nemesis in both Zones.
PS – a gift to Tommy soon, regarding mindblowing stuff from Underworld, which I studied for several years…
Indeed, yes, meant super-duper HIMAR not magic cannon. In either case the expectation is USMC runs the machine. I am reminded of several past matters, F. Powers among them, and the Korean held US flyers POWs who confessed to germwar.
The 911 matter, I will stick to a simple and practical, yet audacious, demolition job done by experts with access….with all that implies.
In G G S and 911 the most interesting aspect is the hasty destruction of the crime scene and physical evidence. The second most interesting aspect is the elevator contract.
I wouldn’t read too much into the occult side of a Ley Line, were that the case, travel by star would also be considered occult. Traditionally in my part of the world Ley Lines were navigation systems, safe paths(today we have maps)…yee’d nairy wanna fall in a bog hole late at night. Especially alone.
Cheers M
Belated congrats on the baby btw……. rare humans that will wet themselves laughing by just making facial expressions at them. No words required. A favorite of mine to pass the time in checkout lines…which as you point out, human cues, especially facial, are so important for proper human development…even language barriers can be overcome with facial expressions.
Did you ever have a boss that you actually liked, and missed if he was not there?
Well, I have such a boss, and if all remains copacetic, he will return to the blog by the end of this week. Today I started thinking about that, and it is a question of Thank God! Besides just sharing the workload perhaps I will have time to chat over here, and just do a bunch of things that remained undone these three hot months. Today I started gathering comments for a Here Comes China column, which I truly like to research and write. And, there is another plan or two in the brew.
It is always humbling to see the tremendous reach that the Saker Blogs have. It sometimes is like the iceberg theory .. what you see, is only a little. Someone messed with us this last week. I am glad I am not that someone. Over the time that I was blog sitting, we had one database crash that took us down, one very serious cyber attack, well more than that, but one that took us down hard, and a variety of other things. But, really, The Saker Blog is global and long since way too big to be managed as a one-man blog. Nevertheless, I am quite pleased with the idea of my boss coming back at the end of this week. Think I’m going to treat him like seeing the Buddha on the road just for a little bit!
Besides all that, there is hot stuff brewing in the China Seas. China Demands US Halt $108 Million Weapons Deal With Taiwan. Beijing has also demanded that Washington cut all military ties with Taipei. OK, they are not kidding. There has been three clear warnings in the language of .. If you mess with us, we will shoot you.
“Someone messed with us this last week…”
The “+1 mercenary”? Long ago, I said two “positive” things about the Zelensky govt., that it allows free speech to a friend of the house out there, and that it allowed the media – The Kiev Independent – to post critical things of his government (they quoted commanders who were unhappy with their leaders). That’s all. I may cite these two instances as proof of objectivity. I challenged Grr and Lone Wolf to come here and debate, but they don’t want to. To my consternation, it turned out you agreed with them and even surpassed them. I’m naïve too! After I proved my facts in the Sitrep, I thought you might apologize (!)…just don’t feel bad, young woman. I must be objective in my comments (among the others). I used to debate a leftist on facebook during the 2016 campaign. I wrote that Trump had not meant to be disrespectful about something and explained (deep explanation). He responded with a string of expletives and then said, “You broke me. Are you happy now?” It was just a comment. Towards the end of the campaign, this (great) leftist surprised me with another message, “You’re the king, JK, I just can’t quit you” (good thing). He was straight, I believe. I wanted to share this nice anecdote. I agree with them on some issues now. I should change my nick to “the pink panther” because, at the end of the day, I’m just trying to “comment.”
No, I was not referring to you. I was not referring to anyone within the Saker sphere.
Why do people not want to debate you? It is not good news. But I’ll say it. Your grasp of the context of anything to do with Russia is lacking. It would be like debating a potato while actually making an ice sculpture .. and I don’t mean that in a harmful way. I’m just trying to illustrate and in my kitchen, I’ll easily debate a potato and try out in words what I am thinking. Your Russian context is lacking so, it won’t be a debate, it would be like a classroom with a student that thinks he knows it all. Not worth anyone’s time. One cannot teach context, one can only learn it and in my experience, I only get context from a tremendous amount of reading and information gathering and testing it.
You yourself did not understand your supposed facts and seemingly you did not go back and read for full context. This is not the US where a little quote is used to make the daily news. We know where it comes from, why it was said, what were the drivers in most spheres, emotionally, historically, currently, the values, and what came before and what came after. The Russians waffle on for a long time with many words.
So, not good news. Questions .. ask questions .. Why did XXX say YYY? You’ll get a long way further with the knowledgeable people here although many are just unwilling any longer to go into a teaching mode.
“We know where it comes from, why it was said, what were the drivers in most spheres, emotionally, historically, currently, the values, and what came before and what came after.”
Good Vineyard. Still, you didn’t know that Putin ‘invited’ (asked) the Ukrainian soldiers/army to stage a coup, which is more easy to know. You denied it and said I invented this. Lone Wolf commented on the current Sitrep that we won’t know why the Russian troops got so close to Kiev and other cities when the SMO started, calling it a “state secret.” Notice this respectable opinion implies that the reason the Russian MOD gave for it is not true. It’s rejected in the context of his opinion. Officially, it’s no state secret. I presented you a quote from Russian Nightvision about what the Russian MOD had said. Lone Wolf may be right, however. Like Lone Wolf, I seriously doubt the reason given, but ‘doubt’ implies a sense that it could be the truth from the MOD also (needless to say). You can accept what the MOD said or you can reject it, or have no idea, but you can’t say it did not happen or have your own facts. “Questions .. ask questions .. ” The MOD explained why: Is it like the MOD said, or is it a State secret?
I’m going to spend the minimum time on this. Putin wrote a letter at the end of last year that was published in some of the major European newspapers. He explained his views in that letter. It was to the Ukrainians (not the nazis). He explained that they are fraternal and they should not go to war against one another. In the ‘coup’ commentary that was carried in the NYT, the Times of Israel and in RT – we nobody considers that a call for coup because it was not. The man was begging! He was begging the Ukrainian soldiers not to go to war for their openly Nazi leaders, about 10% of the real Ukrainian army. He again referred to the fraternal relationship.
Your context is missing. There was no call for coup. With or without the Ukrainian soldiers the denazification and demilitarization would happen. Putin was begging not to have to shoot fraternals.
In your other thing .. oh man .. Nightvision said something and relayed something that the Russian MoD said about Kiev. I’ll tell you why I ignore that. The Russian MoD has not yet graced any of us with explanations for their actions at any time. If anyone told you that the MoD explained their actions, it would be the first and only occasion. So, sorry .. The MoD did not explain their actions. They simply said what they are going to do. All decent analysts described the Kiev move as a fixing operation.
So, waste of time to even pay attention.
Thanks for the response.
“Putin wrote a letter at the end of last year that was published in some of the major European newspapers…”
This RT coverage (link below) is from hours after the start of the SMO (no relation to the 2021 letter). This is the coverage I have been referring to:
“Putin tells Ukrainian military to ‘take power into their hands’”
https://ww w.rt.com/russia/550628-putin-address-ukraine-military-power/
It’s this “take power into your hands” statement of February 25 that I commented asked or invited a coup to take place.
Then we should let you know to take very great care with reading RT. We’ve had plenty of articles and writing here on the blog about then. You cannot trust them unreservedly and nobody does.
I’ll give you an example. I just read the readouts of the Russia/Iran/Turkey meetings. And they are extensive under the Astana format. There are two and I’ll post them up on the blog. Here is the one – the other one is not complete:
You know what RT just published? The most provocative statement – and nothing more!. I look at that and say .. Troublecausing Bastards! Yellow journalism, instead of properly reporting.
With RT one has to be exceedingly careful. We cannot live without them, but we sure struggle to live with them. RT? Meh! They have some good points, and good documentaries, I like their telegram news ticker because it is fast. This is why we prefer to post the full transcripts formally translated from professional Russian sources because RT is full of ghastly yellow journalism.
Here the same from another Russian source on 02/25/22:
“Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a meeting of the Russian Security Council, addressed the Ukrainian military. He urged them to “take power into their own hands.” “It will be easier for us to come to an agreement,” he said.”
Russia recently released a document, internationally, detailing the bio labs the US had been running and the types of work being done in the Ukraine. How do you think they got to the info? Amazon? When they went, they went to the labs they could reach, for evidence, it was not without risk. The labs they couldn’t reach, well covered by the places far removed from the Donbas that were destroyed in the first 48hrs. Do I know, not really, just applying some logic as to the why the Russians went places, pinned Ukie forces, then left. A police action of the SMO.
Cheers M
The man who was the actual MOD on March 25 was Sergei Rudskoi, first deputy chief of the Russian General Staff. Reuters reported the same thing as Nightvision did on the same day:
“Rudskoi said Russia’s military had considered confining its operation just to Donbass but opted for extending across Ukraine to damage its military infrastructure and tie down forces so as to prevent them reinforcing the east.” – Reuters (03/25/22) They say it, Nightvision said it, we said it here.
“The most important part of today’s announcements by MOD however was the confirmation that of several objectives we have up to now been merely speculating on, which are: 1. they do not plan to storm any cities and are in fact using the cities merely to stifle reserves and keep them from going east 2. the Donbass is the main priority and current objective. So this proves that all other forces in Kherson, Kiev etc are merely pinning forces meant to allow the successful capture of the Donbass cauldron”. -03/25/22, Dashboard
If you google the name of this Russian General together with “March 25”, you’ll find other sources whose reports make clear that Nightvision and Reuters understood the General correctly.
We had a fixing operation. Why? We don’t know as the General did not tell us. He did not tell us the whole story. We will know this story after the SMO.
I’m done. Never been happy in the nitpicking world. Have fun with the googling!
But, I am not sweet on he US these daysl
Let’s see ..
We talk about the destabilization of country’s and it begins with said country’s ability to pay off their 10 year bond obligations. Country’s that cant pay are then infiltrated from the financial direction and not so much the military one, unless the military objects to the new conditions of the financial arrangements, then a military conflict arises.
Current examples of country’s walking the 10 year interest rate tightrope are Brazil who’s 10 year rates jumped to 13+ percent, but their 10 year current obligation is 9% and rising for the 4 years.
And even worse is Turkey who is borrowing at 18% for a 10 year bond to pay off a current 9% 10 year obligation.
Now one might ask what happens to the lenders after the cost of default, and cost of maintaining a new financial system, verses the potential extracted resources, once the kitty of all 3 runs dry.(i’m thinking Ukraine)
Now I can see offensive debt levels and a few central banks being bombed out as a reason to restart the system, but how long can the citizens survive the lack of banking activity after having been traumatized by a pandemic, all time high debt and inflation levels, supply shortages, and finally, short tempers?
I promise you there wont be a need for excess sunglasses going forward.
In a meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei blamed NATO expansionist policies for the Ukraine crisis and stressed the need for US exit from the east of Syria.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said –
“Ongoing world events show the necessity of stepping up bilateral cooperation between Iran and Russia. There are many memoranda of understanding and contracts between the two countries, including in the oil and gas areas, which must be followed up and implemented until the end.”
He stressed the need for “Economic cooperation between Iran and Russia as a necessity that are in the interest of both countries, especially in the wake of Western sanctions.”
“War is a bittering and difficult issue, and the Islamic Republic is not happy at all that ordinary people suffer from it, but as regards Ukraine, if you did not take the initiative, the other side would have initiated the war. Westerners are completely opposed to a strong and independent Russia.”
He further described NATO as a dangerous entity that sees no boundaries in its expansionist policy, and added, “Had (NATO) not been stopped in Ukraine, they would have launched the same war sometime later under the pretext of Crimea issue.”
“Of course, today America and the West have become weaker than before, and despite their efforts and the huge money they spend, the success of their policies in our region, including in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, has dramatically decreased.”
“An important issue in Syria is the occupation of the oil-rich areas east of the Euphrates by the Americans, which should be resolved by expelling them from that area,” the Leader underscored.
“The Islamic Republic cannot stand policies and plans that lead to the closing of the border between Iran and Armenia,” Ayatollah Khamenei went on to warn.
There is probably one of these per turbine, so 1/15 less available power, and if it were a turbine related issue, perhaps from low water pressure, you can sure bet a few engineers are not going to sleep well tonight.
Maybe the turbines are interchangable with the ones at Hoover dam, one of its was just taken off line….. turbines, damn things are dangerous.
Cheers M