2022/07/13 04:00:02
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Military Summary channel has reported the Russians purchased a HIMAR launcher and rockets from the Ukrainian army during 07/12 report starting around the 17:55 mark.
A recent multimillion-dollar US Government study reveals three out of four people make up 75% of the total population. Gee, who’d a thunk it?
I ask you to reproduce this speech of one of our African brothers, Blaise Didacien Kossimatchi, otherwise he will not be heard here. Unfortunately, newspapers from Centrafrique are rarely noted here.
Deepl translation
Central African Republic: ”Galaxie Nationale” calls for the definitive liberation of the country from the yoke of neocolonialism and negative forces
The Platform “Galaxie Nationale” through its Coordinator Blaise Didacien Kossimatchi conferred with the press on March 16, 2022. The quintessence of this meeting with media professionals revolve around the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. For Kossimatchi, the CAR has suffered too much and it is time for it to position itself on the right side at the international level in order to stabilize itself. To justify his meeting with the press, the speaker argued that Russia has intervened alongside CAR to bring peace to the country. Reason for which, ”Galaxie Nationale” brings, on behalf of all the Central African people, its moral support to the Russian soldiers who are defending themselves in Ukraine against the shenanigans of the West.
In extenso, the full statement of ”Galaxie Nationale” during this press briefing.
As you know, war is never a good thing and the victims have no color.
Therefore, before I begin my opening remarks, I would like to ask you to stand up, we will observe a minute of silence in memory of the many victims of the tragedy that our country continues to suffer and also in memory of the victims of the war that is going on right now between Russia and Ukraine.
Thank you for your attention.
My dear compatriots, ladies and gentlemen, as you know, it is now more than 21 days, that is to say, three weeks since the Russian Federation, a country that is a friend and brother of the CAR, has been engaged in a war imposed on it by the Western imperialists and whose theater is unfortunately the Ukraine, whose victims are now counted in the thousands, not to mention the consequences for the civilian populations forced into a massive exodus, which the Western media sometimes promote with biased information tending to demonize President Vladimir Putin, who has become the black beast to be slaughtered.
It is a principle of law that no one can take advantage of his own turpitude.
Who is at fault, the West or Russia? For several years now, the West has been implementing a strategy of encircling and suffocating Russia by trying to expand the borders of Europe to the Russian borders. The strategy of NATO integration through Ukraine is part of this scheme, which is aimed at doing everything possible to harm Russia’s vital geographical and strategic interests.
Ukraine has become a playground for the imperialist West which, according to the latest news, with the development of experiments harmful to humanity in general and particularly to the Russian Federation, had no alternative but to act preventively for the protection of its people and its vital interests.
It is therefore a war by proxy, lost in advance, that the West has decided to wage against the Russian people. As we have always done, the National Galaxy, faithful to its vision and objectives which are the defense of human rights and the relentless struggle against imperialism and neo-colonialism, has taken up the cause of Russia in this conflict, which is in a totally legitimate move in the name of the security of its population and its vital interests, but above all in the name of the principle of self-determination of peoples.
The Russian people are indeed facing the same challenges as the French-speaking African states in general and the CAR in particular through the neo-colonialist policies and the will of certain powers, in this case France, to sow chaos in our countries.The support of Russia and its involvement in the wars of liberation that our peoples are waging against the forces of evil financed and equipped by the West call on all of us and primarily on our leaders to give unwavering support to President Putin and the friendly Russian people in this conflict that is being imposed on them.
The neo-Nazis will never win a war of truth against the lies of the West.
As for the press organs in the pay of a desperate opposition and neo-Nazi imperialists such as « Le Citoyen » who support an anti-nationalist position by calling us names, we say that it is fair game and each one has chosen its side. We have chosen the camp of a free Central African Republic, united and on the march for peace and development, despite the opposition griots lurking in the shadows who find a press without content and partisan as a field of expression.
It is time to sound the alarm so that the Central African Republic is finally freed from the yoke of neo-colonialism and rid of all the armed groups and other negative forces supported and instrumentalized by the Western powers that want to keep our populations in indescribable misery and unprecedented security chaos.
We call for a national conscience and a patriotic awakening to block the road to neo-colonialism and Western neo-Nazism that wants to impose itself in the framework of a new world order.
We reaffirm our support for the friendly Russian people in the war of liberation that Russia is waging against the forces of evil embodied by the Western bloc.
Thank you very much.
Bangui, March 16, 2022
Blaise Didacien KOSSIMATCHI
Centrafrique : ‘’Galaxie Nationale’’ appelle à la libération définitiv du pais du joug du néocolonialisme et des forces négatives
In Mali, there is concern that Mali could become the next theater of this wandering war that has been raging in changing countries around the world since “Kosovo” and “9/11”. There is news that a considerable part of the weapons for the Kiev regime is not delivered to the front line at all, but disappears elsewhere.
These weapons may reappear in Africa among local terrorist gangs. Attached is a proof of MINUSCA’s support of such terror gangs in Centrafrique. “Pyromaniac fireman” is the name given to this principle in Africa.
Deepl Translation
Dimbi: The Minusca hosts the CPC rebels and provides them with war materials
At dawn on Sunday, 5 a.m. on the Sabbath, rebels and mercenaries of Ali Darrassa’s UPC attacked the town of Dimbi in the Basse-Kotto prefecture in east-central CAR. The Central African Armed Forces (FACA), with support from their Russian allies, were quick to strike back at the attackers, who suffered human and material losses as they fled into the bush.
According to local sources, the attack left at least a dozen dead, including 12 rebels killed, one FACA element and two others wounded during this rebel attack in the town of Dimbi. The rebel assault was launched around 5 a.m. against FACA positions based in Dimbi.
Meanwhile, the FACA continued their sweep to take control of the town. According to some sources, reinforcements from their Russian allies were immediately deployed by air from the outlying towns of Dimbi.
For the time being, the town, which was under threat of rebel attack at dawn on Sunday, July 3, has returned to calm under the reinforced presence of Central African armed forces determined to eradicate the presence of armed groups in the country’s remote localities.
According to reports from the population of Dimbi, during the attack, MINUSCA peacekeepers were seen providing material support to the rebels. Once the FACA returned fire, many of the rebels took refuge in the MINUSCA compound where they are currently housed.
Recently, the Central African Armed Forces have been facing a series of surprise rebel attacks in several locations in the country, particularly in the center-east. But thanks to the training of Russian instructors, FACA soldiers are pursuing and destroying disparate rebel groups.
patrick, Bangui, July 7, 2002
Dimbi : La Minusca héberge les rebelles de CPC en leur fournissant des matériels de guerres
Horrific to see how integrated UN is in all these NGO’s, used as trojan horses for destabilization everywhere.
Voltairenet.net wrote about SAHEL being the next target for their terrorists “assets” and surplus of weapons, as they realise they cant get through in Ukraine without being smashed.
SAHEL is a better place with vulnerable small villages that the Western Oligarchs are more used to attack and My Lai. Glad to hear the Russians are with you.
Why “horrific”? The virtue signaling aristocrats and the obsolete office of the ruling theocracy belong together.
It would be a lot more alarming if they were still competent enough to not be obviously the same gang and specialize deeper.
Now, when UN bobbleheads feel so forgotten and starved for “causes” that they go for something utterly retarded, like “let’s jump on Whine About Gamergators bandwagon and give our deluxe soap box to some whore from SomethingAwful cesspool”? That’s just hilarious.
Nahh. Sadistic massacres on villages are not hilarious.
I have seen UN troops in some conflict countries doing a more or less proper job in accordance with their purpose. But this was 10-30 years ago.
Its as if the whole thing just grew more and more evil year by year.
And my own scandinavian country Sweden has troops in Mali…
Dear John Magufuli,
Please contact me so that we can change your work into a proper essay for the Saker Blog. It is important information for all of us. In the comments it will disappear.
My email address is at the end of each page in the black colored area.
Just recalling echo from future (of Germany?, of “West”?) in form of Faust…the original legend more than Goethe’s play.
If it is in-fact a predictive legend, it’s sure got legs. >500 years, more or less.
Overlay of Faust’s principles onto relationships of now makes for creative ideas.
Legends are, often, useful devices for discovering flaws and latent contradictions in a race or nation, or a family.
Along such lines, reading Guterman’s “Russian Fairy Tales”. Interesting, sometimes a story ends with one player being eaten… (I must have been read these stories as a small child, as they’re all vaguely familiar.)
Previously I, somewhat tongue in cheek, outlined an “origin myth” of chimpmanandwolfdog, which does not exclude occult or celestial hand in creation, but sets aside the Abrahamic, more or less. Seems to me that all the animals conspired to make man, and they probably still do…while man seems much less perfect than the other. Does “westernman” have a latent racial need to return to his chimp-ness? Laying Faust onto this question…
Faust legend seems to correlate to the very beginning of western industrial (coal & iron) revolution…to the grasping at worldly power and stimulations, using amplifiers. They say that first God whispers… Can we understand legendary Faust as such?
Easier than that Mr P. There’s power in names, as the ol’ saying goes: “Naming ‘the demon’ gives us power over the demon.” The caveat of course is, giving it its correct name.
Unlike all other continents which begin & end with the letter ‘A’, Europe is named for Europa, a consort of Zeus, who was abducted.
In modern history (1648’s Treaty of Westphalia), when hasn’t Europe been ‘abducted’ either from strong national powers within it, or vested interests, e.g. City of London / Wall St or, as currently, subjugated by a foreign power, i.e. the US?
Uncle Davy, that’s a most perceptive analogy. Is it a mere analogy? Many other civilizations consider Europeans captive tribes, whether to self-worship or beholden and tormented by demons. Perhaps these shepherds of theirs mock them openly through naming too? Giving them a unique sub-continent starting with a branded Scarlett Letter “E.” And they will be raped again and again, like Sisyphus and Prometheus, as happened the first time to Europa at the hands of Zeus..
The more I learn of the West, I realize why some of its most sensitive intellectuals flee to Buddhism and the aestheticism of the Himalayas and the Far East, to get as far away from their kind as possible!
yes Mr P,
With these types of contracts, the terms are fixed and the bill is always due. Existence in the west is contractual and merciless. There are no Jubilees.. Hudson speaks of organized cabals of oligarchic human devils holding usurious rent extraction supreme over all AZE-controlled territories, in lieu of government functioning as stewards over society fostering benign and harmonious civilization. And so with nonhuman devils and the technologies and favors they provide.. as human devils’ game results in the 99.99% being in ever increasing debt and oppression, so they themselves are in ever increasing bondage.. and this is what jew-conspiracists do not learn. Jews are mere fronts and mediums. Sorcerers, Banksters, shysters, actors, etc. Who is Mr. Global??? I submit whatever he/it is, rides jews, Anglos and all other dupes like a donkey, over the rest of us.. but the term of their tribulation and rampage is thankfully fixed and short. A beautiful horizon presents itself to us today, if we can hold on..
Yes there is spontaneous and ingenious human innovation and invention, but a curious fact of History is that which elevated them to dominance over mankind in the last 500 years, was inspired via the most consequential, harmful and hegemonic tech through the device of the dark arts. This is indisputable. In every field you look at, at which the West serves as a Siren or in which wields a Cudgel, whether the soft power of music, based on known rhythmic math and frequencies, or more overt maths such as space engineering and rocket propulsion. Fascinating how the two cornerstones of NASA were two such bent men – one a satanist who called himself the Antichrist and the second an imported nazi!
Here’s a young foolish but eloquent occultist singing the praises that foundational western STEM is built on witchcraft – the very scientific method which is acknowledged to arise from the labs of the esoteric alchemists who were wizards at night.
I have two higher STEM degrees, but there’s a dark side which without loving and patient morality inevitably leads scientific adepts to the cruel calculating genocidal Technocracy prevalent today. At root is contempt for other humans and supremacism, for the heart turns cold and pitiless.. Perhaps ancient Stoics, hermit monks, Luddites and pastoralists had a point, in the big scheme of things. City ways and these types of knowledge lead to hell on earth. We need to take care of the knowledge we acquire; it’s double-sided weapon and fiesty, like riding a tiger. What profit is progress if we turn into Yuval Noah Hariris?? It is then better to never have existed!
Few aspects of Western glitter & gloss at close inspection have a contemporary wholesomeness, like the magnificent old European cities built on the plunder of others. Faust, like most notable enduring Arts, was not fiction.. I heard when satans, like a psychoactive drug, have so made oligarchs addictive to their services and need their technology desperately, this is when betrayal is set in motion..
Fortunately, once such knowledge comes out, like ink or salt in water, it dissolves widely. The “intellectual property” can only be preserved so long. And those defending themselves quickly balance the perfidy, as Medvedev indicates below, by “securing technological sovereignty.” Or as we recently discussed with Manhattan Project well wishers, horrified at realization they were working for satans, spread the technology to the USSR to balance the terror.
And so we find ourselves today at the gates of alchemists’ eternal goal, transmuting matter from “a lower state to a higher state.” This was never droll research turning lead into gold. It is shaping humans into the ideal automaton. Transhumanism, involving inoculations, Fear, pestilence & deprivation, obedience and submission training, and acolytes such as Yuval Harriri with their over-complex blueprints and technologies. Westworld season 04 is an absolute horror-fest, of turning us into infested super-machines. I will expound soon, after working up the courage.
Transmutation comes with hefty delta E, they say… either way it’s messy, I think.
I wonder if you and all might be glad to read from essay written by Malone… Howling at the Moon The Administrative State has a Temper Tantrum https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/howling-at-the-moon?r=a0vtc&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Bigbigplans that are fragile and nonadaptable and conducted by insane delusional … I could go on, as smoothie says, they are uneducated…such plans screw up.
I look forward to hearing from Rus what sort of micturition is to splash out. Makes sense that they are anticipating… I recall dining with a formidable and wealthy Jewish lady of some years, a Swiss lady…she spoke much W2 realpolitik about the spies in Switzerland…a rough word. It makes sense that Rus knows the bigbigplan, and the schedule. I bet they’ll telegraph it too…because plan is inflexible…hubristic flaw an’ all that.
Everything was open to me…and all of it looked dark. Recall Einstein, looking back…they say he said he’d have avoided physics and been a plumber. I think that’s a pretty good path.
At site I see as hysterical, yet interesting essay> searchterm “Study reveals monkeypox virus was MANIPULATED in a lab and released intentionally to cause an outbreak”
The claim seems to fit the “MO”…. I wonder how MP might be dealt with by persons inoculated with the stuff….recall the “doubletap” . Oh well…
Peter and the group Crosstalk did well today, but I thought rather more sombre than usual.
Medvedev put it bitingly clear in his Telegram :
Dmitry Medvedev
For the first time in 20 years, the euro and dollar exchange rates equalized. Predictions about the onset of a systemic crisis in the euro area are beginning to come true. First, the EU members shot themselves in the head with a sanctions pistol. Now they are reaping the bitter fruits of a decline in production, supercritical food inflation, the loss of competitiveness of their goods and the expectation of winter in ice dwellings without our gas. In global terms, this is confirmation of the extremely ill-conceived nature of the sanctions against Russia. Sanctions don’t work. Sanctions are harmful to the Europeans themselves. The euro is weakening.
And of course, the European currency, which is getting cheaper relative to the American one, has become an excellent marker of the one who pays in hard currency for the bloody crisis in the Square. Washington, together with London, bred the Europeans like thimble-makers. It is known that war is the continuation of politics by other means. When starting an economic massacre, it was necessary to calculate their own monetary and economic problems, and not just introduce bad restrictions. In the White House this formula, unlike the Brussels dogs of war, apparently knows incomparably better. They punish their loved ones much less often, measuring out the consequences for a long time. But the “useful European idiots” suffered much more at the mercy of the Americans. But they are not at all sorry, since it was the Russophobes from the EU who unleashed a hybrid war with Russia and opened a wide economic front against us.
However, the solvency of Europe worries us little. We need to deal with the adaptation of our economy to the new very difficult conditions. Solve problems in industry, including securing technological sovereignty. There is still a lot to do here.
And the best protection against the rotting euro will be the transition to new payment methods in trade with our reliable partners, including the use of national currencies – the Russian ruble, Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, etc. In the future, it is also possible to create a new reserve currency of the BRICS countries. The modern world is clearly not enough of the dollar, euro and pound sterling. For now, $1 = €1. Keep savings in rubles!
Jul 12 at 2:11 pm
Highlight mine – surely means theLondon School of Economics bred the EU thimble-makers or shell-game con-artists. We all know here who graduated from the LSE!
Gah. Which translation software this was? I’m not a native English speaker, and still cringed. So, would like to avoid accidentally using the same.
But the gist of it gets through, yes… «the drowning man who climbs on your shoulders to save himself is understandable—except when you see it happen in the drawing room.»
As a native English speaker, I have heard dialects that make one tolerant, Cockney, Geordie.
The breeding meme gets through. I liked the thimble-makers.
Anyway the original Telegram link is there for Russians to check.
Please forgive me if this has already been posted, Mods
What an incredibly lucky break for the US: 3 days after the assassination of Japan’s most notorious China hawk & proponent of re-militarization, Shinzo Abe’s LDP wins a super-majority & immediately rams through Constitutional amendments allowing Abe’s career-long dream to be finally realized.
See this in the context of the US’s China Containment Policy, esp. the Three Island Chain Strategy (only the first 2 Island Chains depicted) – the red lines are strings of bases containing China off its E. Coast. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_Chain_Strategy
Recall over the last ~40 years that China has lifted 800 million of her people out of poverty. Now the neoliberal capitalists of the ‘collective West’ can’t have that, can they?
Shinzo Abe’s Goal of Revising Japan’s Constitution Moves Closer After LDP Election Victory
A summary with links, from India: https://www.indianpunchline.com/japans-kishida-steps-on-russian-oil-slick/
indianpunchline looks decent, even despite some old party lines (there’s also «see not Great Britain, hear not of Great Britain, speak not of Great Britain” 🙈🙉🙊 anomaly, but in India this subject probably is a huge flame-bait).
As to Japan and Russia, it seems unanimous that there is some escalation, but not a runaway one, just a few threats on both sides.
Also (see also TASS link at the end) faction politics in Japan. Local opposition to rocking the boat in this weather increases, what’s with that, how do you call it, “sanity” thing.
As the EU starts to crumble,the scramble for money ramps up. One of the most ridiculous players in this game is Poland, trying to scam Germany for WWII reparations. Even though Poland and Germany have signed several treaties over the years since WWII settling that issue. The current Polish regime hopes to get even more money from Germany.
Poland in WWII suffered more losses than any other country in Europe (outside the USSR of course). But they also gained enormously from the end of the war. True they loss some territory in the east (maybe slightly too much,but not by much).But the vast majority of the territory wasn’t ethnic Polish territory. While on the other hand,Poland gained large amounts of territory in the west that was mostly German ethnic territory.Which was emptied of most of the German population and replaced by Poles from the lost eastern territories. Poland went from a state with only 67% of the population ethnic Poles. To a state made up of a 97% Polish population. Taking away the problem of a lack of Polish national unity that plagued pre-war Poland ever since it was reconstituted as a state at the end of WWI.
Ever since Poland entered the EU,Poland was consciously made the “golden-child” of the EU (mostly because of German agreement). And was showered by hundreds of billions of Euro’s in payments to build Poland up. But now Poland is not receiving those massive gifts and is trying to find another source of ill-gotten cash to make-up for the losses. And has decided to try and shakedown their German neighbor to get that money. If the German government was a truly sovereign government. That stood up for German national interests, they would not accept those Polish demands. They would bluntly remind Poland that the territories they gained from Germany at the end of WWII was worth untold billions of Euro’s. And the many millions of Germans expelled from those lands also would have reparation claims that could be assessed against Poland for their losses in those lands. Poland is making a huge error by wanting to reopen an issue that was settled over half a century ago.
Hillary found it just as futile, they make a good pair.
Not necessarily an error. It depends on how they assess possibilities.
Also, the attitudes are all over the map there. So it’s hard to tell what those who started this even want. Are they just greedy? pro-EU? pro-New Warsaw Pact (without Politburo)? Nationalists? It may be what it seems to be. Or roundabout backstabbing. Or it may be excessive enthusiasm with grand visions.
If they see the fall of EU coming, they see possibility of these issues re-opening soon enough anyway.
Also, so far the International Community™ holds Germans collectively guilty of everything, ever. So no great compensation will be wrung out of Poland until EU falls or they leave. They have a safety net.
EU is not starting to crumble. We in EU have never been crumbling.
On the contrary we are extending and widening our interests to the East, South and North as we already have all the West under our control.
We are outspending Russia. We own Africa. ME is stone-age and our oil-allies. Turkey still stand on our doormat howling. Latin loves Europe.
Germany has put almost €1 trillion on the table to a new European army and you call that crumbling?
The only problem Europe has is London, and London does not especially means crumbling.
So If anyone say just one more time EU are crumbling………………….!
errrr ..Turkey has announced it wants to join BRICS….
Turkey was never part of EU so thats not an argument for crumbling.
It’s a week of Venus’ possible transmutation of a greedy bitch into a
social custodian. Michael Hudson shows, that such ‘romantic ideal’
was custom in earlier mankind.
The zodiacal order this week provides archetypal intensity for this concept:
28. week 2022
On The Planet Where I Come From
On the planet where I come from,
There is no fear, there is no hate.
All are content with what they have
And all create and amend their fate.
On the planet where I come from
Everything is as it appears to be.
People are born with a single face
And the truth written on it for all to see.
On the planet where I come from,
People are happy to help if they can.
They go out of their way time and again,
To alleviate the suffering of their fellow man.
On the planet where I come from,
There’s no more pain than there needs to be.
Old wounds lie buried beneath fine scars
And people agree to disagree.
On the planet where I come from,
There’s a time to live and a time to die.
People understand there’s a price to be paid
For every deceit and for every lie.
On the planet where I come from,
There’s a clear and persistent shining star.
It’s there to guide and to show the way
And accepts and loves each as they are!
Turn! Turn! Turn!
Song by “The Byrds”
Lyrics :
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose
Under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose
Under heaven
A time to build up
A time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose
Under heaven
A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose
Under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rain, a time of sow
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace
I swear it’s not too late
The lyrics are taken almost verbatim from the book of Ecclesiastes, as found in the King James Version of the Bible (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8), though the sequence of the words was rearranged for the song.
The “gifts” of the israelis…. & don’t think for a moment those “gifts” would not be given to Russians if they would had been in the place of Ukrainians. Crappy helmets that they ( Israelis) would never wear themselves.
My motto: Trust israelis at your own peril.
Another US National ( read mercenary) caught in Ukraine….……….oh well….should had stayed home relaxed, feet up, eating….
The Unz Review got it right:
Come Home, Slavic Man: Putin Offers Full Russian Citizenship to All “Ukrainians”
… this puts every “Ukraine” person in a position where they have to question their identity, and the value of the US-enforced fake “Ukraine” identity. For hundreds of years, Ukrainians were Russian, and “Ukraine language” was a bastardized field peasant version of Russian using Polish words and strange grammar. It was basically Russian ebonics, and creole.
So, all of these people now have the option of just embracing Russian identity, becoming Russian again, and forgetting about this whole stupid experiment in independence, which is just an artifact of the collapse of the USSR.
(I guess people in Galicia have some claim to being linguistically diverse enough that they can claim some kind of separate national identity – but what for? So they can go do child anal, gender pronouns, and mass immigration with the EU and NATO?)
so those who do not sign up can be investigated for neonazism…??….but beware of infiltrators too for sabotage.
Just to note that Georgia Guide-stone “bombing” created a putative or presumptive crime and the locus became a crime-scene. You know, illegal explosives, a bomb, no permit, and so on… So?
So the “authorities” responded by demolishing the crime scene.
The matter is some sort of misc en scene.
Possibly the “guide-stones” had become a liability to the mythic narrative the nazis desire to spin….perhaps a bit too frank about the nazi population reduction policy.
Regarding Monkey Pox and other gifts being unwrapped, 12 monkeys was a 1995 movie. It stars our bald friend Bruce Willis, a star of the Club in many of their signature movies. It makes alotta sense now. You even posted something about African [macaque?] monkeys dumped in Pennsylvania in January, where cages were broken open in a high way “accident.” There’s a method to their madness:
01. White Coats run mine-shaft quarantines in the Permanent Emergency Code Hmm, where have we seen experiments on prisoners?
02. Games vegetize you; chemical restraints; a plague of madness
03. TV: LookListenKneelPray; Industry: we don’t make things anymore; Consumers buy toilet paper & get brain implants
04. Contact tracing
05. Crazy majorities; Germ Theory; hand washing
06. Florida-monk-Keys; a Bearish future sweeps the world
I could go on, but there are too many clips and memes.. see all remaining clips- 8/10: World War; 10/10: “Zoo Animals run free.” or is it Zoonotics freed? Also the sweetness of air after living like worms underground, and the clip, “12 Monkeys: The virus at the airport (HD CLIP),” showing efficient dissemination techniques.. It is as if Rockefeller’s 2010 Operation Lockstep was the general schematic but this movie has the zeitgeist and nuts & bolts. Coexistence is impossible with such demented evil. They need to count trees in Siberia or otherwise be put out of their misery.
I am starting to suspect, except for some without a rudder, all this is agitprop like Himars and wunderwaffe.. they make plans, and start to carry it out, but there is a Lord above all who has the last say. Much is Fear porn. And they are quite weak..
For example, good news – our second child during covid was born yesterday! And wife was vaxxed, like most extended family, but oh boy, the power of prayer!!! All good, thanks be to God
Hearty congratulations!
12 M was unknown to me. I thought Willis was good as Tom Mix in “Sunset”.
Of Die Anstalt…as in 12 M, Broca’s “King of Hearts”
You’ll recall “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” and Ed Haslam.
I see the coke has worked magic on nazistooge Ze of 404… Hungry ghosts…
“For example, good news – our second child during covid was born yesterday”
Congratulations A.H.H. May the child have many years of happiness
Dear AHH, wishing you many congratulations
on your new bundle of joy !
when the source of joy
settles in your house, say
may the blessings be
It turns out that the Sri Lankan revolt that many people (me included) thought was a public uprising. Is now exposed to be a US plotted “color revolution”. It seems the US thought the old corrupt Sri Lankan regime wasn’t loyal enough to them. And too willing to cooperate with China and Russia economically. So they trained ,and funded groups to bring that regime down. Russia, and China most especially, need to fully grasp that the US is at war with them. And that they will target governments around the world that don’t serve them. Russia and China if they have any chance at all to win this war. Are going to have to get off their duffs and start organizing some protection from the US for nations that might support them.Because you can take it to the bank if they don’t,they will lose this war for a multipolar war. And that will be the end of our hopes for the world being freed from the US empire:
US Fingerprints Found Behind Sri Lanka Unrest
Its just incredible they can go on and on with the same concept for decades without any Intelligence in any country acting. Kazakhstan Pakistan, Sri Lanka, anywhere.
It should/would easy to stop beforehand, some “stay behind network” must be infiltrated in the high level administration.
I’d certify it a one India policy and treat it like Taiwan issue, like a warm up batter about to go up to plate.
Could very well be. India is off course the most important player in this area. .
Can they influence the brits though, or get off their train before it speeds off the cliff.
Well, I know Maldives is also on the India hook. No, I think you are right, India will handle it.
Did you pick up the narrative change with Biden’s visit to Israel?
It is now no longer the ‘international community’ because of course they cannot count themselves any longer as the international community being only a small percentage, but here is the narrative change… It is now the Free World.
The usual SOS. Meanwhile, from America the Babylon, the “weather report”.
The Free and Civilised World, against the Axis of Evil Dictatorships ;-).
I saw Carl Bildt (Bilderberger) cartooning Russians as orcs on his twitter (I think). They are not pretending anymore, all veils are off.
Intel Republic, [14/07/2022 16:36]
Security situation in all of Ukraine is unstable and may deteriorate without warning – US Embassy in Kiev.
Subscribe @Interrepublic
Z and V, [14/07/2022 16:52]
[ Video ]
‼️🇺🇦 There are reports that Volodymyr Zelensky has been hospitalized in a Lviv hospital. This is reported by sources close to the Verkhovna Rada. The information is being specified.
Rumors have already spread that this is an overdose.
May be needing the manual for recently deceased? (Beetlejuice).
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Jul 14 2022 21:28 utc | 149
There’s still room for it to deteriorate?
So, is he going down more like Kirov (removed while being turned into a martyr to be “avenged”) or like Frunze (removed while keeping the polite appearances)?
Not that the natural causes are impossible, just that the circumstances are conducive to unnatural ones.
Kirov and Zelinsky are quite a novel combination concept, Kirov being no comedian, and active in the days days when brute force was not presented behind the footlights of the mocking popularization of war and politics, but presented on the world stage for what it was. Hollywood has become virtual, and human gullibility has no limits.
Is there any confirmation of this, or is it just rumor (or wishful thinking)?
I doubt he OD, but something could very easily negatively affect their tribe and he would wind up in the same place.
Some indirect corroboration that something is up:
Why now comes to mind.
If Zelensky is indeed incapacitated, well…I remember a serious dogfight over scraps. No one wants to be stuck in the middle with teeth biting at anything that moves over the bowl. To break it up, have to come to terms with getting bit.
Will know in a few days. Zelensky shows up to ask for more billions, it was a rumor. If he doesn’t and there’s a dogfight for control, then it’s true I’d say.
Did i find a hidden gem on the interwebz?
I certainly think so and hope a few others also will experience the bliss i felt.
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Beautiful angelic voices❤☦
Why is there no mention on the saker of the rockets in Vinnytsia?
Why do people not go and read the latest SitRep where all available information is reported.