2022/07/09 16:30:16
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Watching Germany with the focus on early indications of Change and “good treaty with Rus”…maybe they’ll materialize, and maybe they’ll succeed. Because Marx and “the left” might have some ideas in political analysis … I keep eye on https://www.sahra-wagenknecht.de/
It seems logical that “die linke” ought to be able to see reality…but they seem to be caught in illusions.
It’s mystery…can the lady be so naive? A contrived posture to avoid dissonance? Is such a not-left all that lives?
By degrees, it’s very amusing, die linke moves away from illusion…it’s very slow.
When Germans make good treaty will the left have a hand in it? Is good treaty possible without the left?
I am becoming increasingly despondent about Germany’s chances. A collective madness has taken firm hold. And they appear to have run out of time..
En excellent Historical review and tying of threads
a good reminder from Brother Karl of a squandered moment in history when there was a fork in the road during the FDR administration towards a more wholesome future. He explores the latent nazi in most western elites which overcame this positive impulse..
The unreasoning violent impulse of the current Nazis has an ancient logic: “For the stark truth is that the violence preached by the Nazis is the devil’s own religion of darkness. So also is the doctrine that one race or one class is by heredity superior and that all other races or classes are supposed to be slaves. THE belief in one Satan-inspired Fuhrer, with his Quislings, his Lavals, and his Mussolinis — his “gauleiters” in every nation in the world — is the last and ultimate darkness.”
and this is why a Drang nach Osten inevitably arises as noted sardonically by Zakharchenko (RIP):
“[11:29] Every time you come to Russia with a sword, “from a sword you will perish”. Unfortunately, dear journalists, the West tries to invade us with a regularity of 30-50 years.
[11:42] That is, every 30-50 years the Western civilization tries to impose on us their opinion and their way of life.
[12:16] The West comes every 30-50 years to get what it deserves. Now in 2014, they are slightly delayed.”
It is sisyphean isn’t it, this deep need for Europe to launch itself periodically against Russia? And it always ends the same way..
Considering the over-all, I wonder whether Wallace-the-policy ever had a chance…and if an elected Wallace might not have simply brought us Dallas so much sooner. They tried several times with FDR.
I recall a quoted scene about the oil…during W2 the US, I believe, so abused it’s petrofields that about 1945-46 an advisor to president pointed out that another big war could be fought only “with somebody else’s oil”. and that plans ought to be laid out accordingly…
I can maintain no pretense to being competent in Marxist Theory. Nevertheless it seems like Marxist analysis is pretty sound…prescription for action not so great. Die Link must be, by definition, “left” and is presumed to rely on honest analysis…of facts and history, and the good, and the not-good.
Something about Die Linke simply doesn’t make sense to me. They’re delusional, or pretending to be. I speculate that occult forces fubar DL… (Joti Brar in UK perhaps less disconnected, equally helpless.)
Germany, the place abides,…and when the garrisons of occupation depart, then? I recall Enoch Powell’s famous speech…
Meantime Germany the volk… well, these are a different people now. No longer the people that handed Varus @ Kalkriese his azz. I suppose after occupation comes civil strife, for a time.
Best to Saker and all the cohort.
Raccoon comes at night to eat peaches…a beautiful Summer, but yes indeed, we too are constantly aware of looming frosts and Winter. Raccoon tastes each fruit, and then another, teeth and claw-marked evidence strewn about. Corn sprouted nicely. Expected 42.78 C to-day! A thrilling prospect while we consider Winter….and set water sprays over chicken run.
42.78 C = almost 109 in F. Wow … we were supposed to have 112 sometime this week and we’re in mountains. Raccoons come to my place everynight and steal animal food. Possums too and a nice skunk once in awhile. We’re doing tomatoes, potatoes, peas, peppers … the usual. And flowers.
Someone said there would be no peace on Earth until Germany, (the manufacturing powerhouse), and Russia (the cheap energy powerhouse), unite.
Each century the two battle it out over who is to rule the union, which never occurs for some reason.
This time it’s Washington who doesn’t want, or cant afford, this union, and they will find a way to fight to the last willing American too.
I give this a 2-5 year span until the fight over a draft, in an already tight labor market, verses the need to hold off the Russians at any apparent cost.
Kalinka – Russian folk song :
The song “Kalinka” has long become one of the symbols of Russia. Often, it is mistakenly regarded as a folk song, however it is not the case. The song was written in 1860 by the composer and folklorist Ivan Larionov. It was first performed in Saratov as part of a theatrical entertainment that he had composed.
Kalinka – Lyudmyla Zykina
The song with paintings by Russian artists
Repin, Levitzky and Nestorov –
from the lyrics:
“Ah, beauty, soul-maiden,
Do you love me!
Ay, lyuli-lyuli, ah, lyuli-lyuli,
Do you love me!
Ah beautiful, the girl of my soul,
Fall in love with me,
Ay, luli-luli, ah, luli-luli,
Fall in love with me.”
Whatever be the analysis, IMO the song seems to symbolise Russian folk music.
Marvelous! Thank you for sharing :)
So glad that the Saker blog is back. Hurray!
My favourite version has Maria Zakharova dancing to it.
Can’t think why !
A partial explanation of why the fighting in the DPR is not different, or as some would like (translation by Yandex):
‘”Troika”. From subscribers
I know that many of you, even those who have clenched your teeth in silence, still ask the question: Why is Donetsk still being shelled?
And how to stop the daily “arrivals” in Donetsk, Makeyevka, Spartak and Gorlovka, the death and injury of the civilian population.
You must understand that it is impossible to take the Avdiivka fortified area from which the attacks are being conducted head-on or from the flanks. Without huge losses among personnel and civilians taken hostage.
A layered fortified area has been created there, which can only be demolished together with the foundation, heavy weapons and aircraft with concrete-piercing and anti-bunker bombs.
To stop the shelling, they must be moved at least 100 kms away, which in fact means access to the Dnipropetrovsk region of ukraine.
Aircraft and bombs? No, you can’t!
There is the largest coking chemical plant in Europe located on the territory.
Warehouses are full of dangerous chemicals. Direct strikes on it will lead to a huge environmental catastrophe, poisoning the soil and water for decades.
On the approaches to the city, carpet minefields, a network of cast and buried concrete pillboxes, automated artillery positions are located in dense residential buildings.
A frontal assault will lead to heavy casualties. Therefore, the tactic of circumvention and slow strangulation is the right and necessary solution.
All the arteries of communication are cut and the blockade begins, specialists in opening fortifications go to work (the Syrian experience).
Shelling civilians is a psychological and exhausting tactic, the goal is to force them to go head-on, to bear losses…. Apparently, this is a variant of the dislocated principle of blood feud, “you are our control point, we are your children”…
It remains to clench your teeth and wait. Add alarmists to the ban.
The Avdiivka boiler will be ready soon!
Work hard, brothers!
P.S. But then you need to understand why in 2015 they were left there, when it was possible to cut out a deadly tumour. Why and who made the decision to retreat and give them the opportunity to strengthen, who gave them this time, for which today they have paid with their lives. But that’s all later, then when the world will be.’
And yes, I know people in Donetsk, and I talk to someone there nearly every day via video.
I’m so glad that bloody cursed warmongering shit fbj (not to be confused with fjb) is going to be out soon.
I read somewhere that Dnipropetrovsk was like Ihor Kolomoyskyi’s personal fiefdom.
Thank you!
Very informative.
Nice header pic, fond memories of an old friend………
Cheers M
Is that a wood-stove in Europe?
This was a memorable Wimbledon for the ages and catastrophe for the British, after they banned Russians and were punished by tennis community with losing ranking points (huge for pro players, and some top players then withdrew).. During its fortnight, (1) they saw a Russian and a Serb win, (2) svelte BoJo bite the fat black Novorossian dirt, and (3) a Belgorod launched for the Russian navy, pregnant with six Poseidons..
More good news. The Saker’s and many of our dreams of a resetting of the Russian elites appears underway. Existential self-preservation tends to focus folks! Here is an encouraging piece on Patrushev which also has the big picture.. (thanks to Pepe telegram)
Well, during ion’s time in Germany, wood stoves would have been a main source of heat. He was a great artist and deep thinker, he sure is missed in here…….today he might call the German wood stove, a recyclable incinerator, wood and coal may be hard to come by.
In WW2 Belfast when the coal train would rumble down the track my mom and uncle would run along behind it gathering the coal bricks that fell off. No money for fuel or food……I’m sure today it is the same in many impoverished zones still under the colonial yoke. Shame we all may be there soon…..
Cheers M
Interesting analysis of the current state of World affairs :
Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine by Declan Hayes
It may be difficult to access this article without VPN,
(some paragraphs from the article)
The Gambler, Dostoevsky’s superlative novella about the gambling addiction he was afflicted with, is a remarkable tour de force NATO’s leaders should read before they gamble what is left of their own depleted resources away on the unlikely event they can take down China and Russia.
Gott Mitt Uns
NATO, like the Swedish mercenaries of the Reformational Wars, like the Waffen SS, and like their ISIS proxies, believe that Gott mitt uns, that God is on their side, that God loves their fecklessness because that is what they pay their media to parrot back at them. POTUS George Bush repeatedly said as much, that God, through the medium of notorious war criminal Donald Rumsfeld, instructed him to destroy secular Iraq, to loot its museums and banks, to rob its oil and to put over a million Iraqi women and children to NATO’s self righteous sword.
Casus Belli, Casus Foederis
NATO’s criminal conspirators have never needed a genuine casus belli as war and plunder are their stock in trade; it is what they do. Although their terror campaigns against Iraq, Serbia, Syria and Yemen verify all that, Europe’s interminable wars prove this conclusively. Trying to divine a common casus belli between the Italo Turkish war, the Second Balkan War, the Finnish Civil War, the Hungarian Romanian war, the Hungarian Czechoslovakian war, the Polish Ukrainian war, the Polish Lithuanian war, the Armeno Georgian war and all of Europe’s many other wars is, like NATO’s war on Russia, a lost cause. All the more so if we try to understand casus foederis, how alliances, such as those which presaged The Great War, the war to end all wars, turned Europe’s regional bush fires into global firestorms.
Although you can never have too many friends, NATO, the Five Eyes and Anglo America’s other criminal fraternities are not benign confraternities but confederations designed to normalize not only their plunder and pillage but their boasts that they are tooled up to prevail in the nuclear showdown they are making inevitable to preserve their criminal empire which their God, of course, endorses.
Media Mules
Although many previous articles here have grappled with NATO’s media machine, few of them match this Jonathan Cooke gem which outlines how NATO’s media, which accounts for a staggering one third of the CIA’s entire budget, more than the combined budgets of the world’s three largest news agencies, is so intimately intertwined with NATO’s intelligence services.
Gone, it seems, are the days when Anglo America’s finest were lions led by donkeys and in are the days of them being led by pampered jackasses, all of whom seem to be as arrogantly empty headed as Truss.
Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland
If Germany could manage to cough up the Ruhr after Versailles, then paying back Russia for its current transgressions is possible, even though Germany’s trade surplus is now kaput and Deutschland racked up an impressive €1bn deficit in May, its first deficit since 1991 and all because it refuses to use the Russian raw materials she depends on to stay competitive. Though that is good news for NATO lapdog Von der Leyen, it is bad news for responsible Germans as their future is bleak and that is even before their overdue compensation for their vandalism of the Nordstream pipeline and the tankers they stole is factored into our spreadsheet.
WEF WWF Silence
Although German manufacturers have made some muffled complaints about how their country is being destroyed to serve NATO’s Ukrainian interests, the World Economic Forum has been uncharacteristically quiet. That august body, which has so much to say on everything imaginable, has nothing to say on Ukraine, Taiwan or any of the other kindling NATO is using to set the world ablaze. Even the World Wildlife Fund, that darling of NATO’s Royal families, seems unconcerned at the ecological carnage Ukraine is experiencing. It is almost as if NATO sees no worthwhile angle for them to spin and Europe’s Royal families have been ordered to put a sock in it.
Rubber Hits the Road
God does not play dice and neither do the leaders of Russia and China. Though the Anglo Americans have gambled their empty IOUs on bringing China and Russia to heel now and forever, that cannot happen as the Indian sub continent and Latin America will not choose starvation and permanent servitude over peaceful co existence with Russia and China. Because the NATO empire has gambled and lost, she stands to sink into historical oblivion as countless empires from the Aztecs, Hittites and Sumerians up to Hitler’s 1000 year Reich have before them. They should have the grace to cash in their chips, pay their gambling debts, take themselves, their weapons of war, their NGOs, trash media and dreams of conquest with them and bow out from the world stage as gracefully as those buffoons can manage. NATO is a beaten docket, whose race has run and whose chips have all been lost.
One of the best analysts around:
Sri Lanka: Debt Trap Diplomacy & Putin Price Hikes? Or Something Else?
Now, this may not be a big cup of tea for a lot of readers here, but I found it interesting.
To be honest, until coming across this article at the time it got published, I thought that Chris Pratt would be some run-of-the-mill Hollywood actor. Didn’t know he’s Christian, or that he would be the target of the woke mob – maybe I’m really out of the loop and should get out more.
All I knew of Pratt until that point was that he is to play not only Mario in the upcoming Super Mario film, but also Garfield (the lasagna-eating, Monday-hating cat) in his own upcoming film. To my pleasant surprise the article proceeded to discuss the former.
It’d be interesting to see how Pratt’s vocal talents would manifest themselves and whether the finished product would be any better than last time. Although there’s something I’m concerned with:
Illumination is known for its Despicable Me films. So far I have not planned to see the newest Minions film for reasons I have yet to put my finger on, aside from being Hollywood-tier – if it’s Hollywood, then it’s likely to suck. (At least it’s doing better than Lightyear, last time I looked)
(And moreover, why an American company? Couldn’t they do the Mario film with a Japanese studio?)
Chris Pratt defended James Gunn.
Gees, guys, it’s Hollyweird, leave it be. Like, if there is anything high on the Anti Empire boycott list, US movies would be first to go.
Wasted brain cells.
Cheers M
it’s a publicity stunt……..same old, same old.
Exactly. As alluded to earlier, what’s with the choice of the US to make a film based on a Japanese IP?
OTOH if a film were made in another country based on characters that originated in a US movie, would that film still be ‘American’?
Clem, I’m not familiar with James Gunn either, so I wouldn’t mind an explanation with regards to that one. Thanks.
Who recalls Tortilla Flat (Steinbeck)…a feature there is “The Bear Flag” (which may be a subtle obscene pun). Hollywood and The Bear Flag are both of the same character. They both employ actors. Say! I hear Sally’s got a new gal down at the….
I haven’t seen anyone anywhere reach what, to me, is the obvious conclusion about the Abe assassination. That he was burnt a few days out from the election to create a martyr to help the LDP achieve the 69 seats it needs to overhaul Japan’s pacifist constitution and remilitarise.
Joseph Farrell (GizaDeathStar.com) has an interesting commentary about the Abe assassination.
the senseless, dreadful war in the Ukraine thunders on continuing to lose land, troupes and moral over the country and no one seems to have the power or mind to stop the ruination, though there are voices in many places including the Ukraine, Europe and the USA who speak about the pointless prolonging of losses and destruction. if people want to make light of it all,l then go ahead, I wont on the site of a serious military analyst, and it seems that the inevitable defeat and crushing of the lives of so many could very easily lead to a wider war and a nuclear exchange and that all of this has been deliberate strategy to invoke.Perhaps I am wrong but I don’t think so, and the prospect clearly weighs on the consciences of a great many who can hardly believe this is likely to happen and that nothing and no one seems to be able to stop it and lift the weight of confusion, uncertainty and despair of what it will mean..
So we are now being prepared for nuclear war… Swedish state media. Google translate… Headline: Expert: This is how Sweden can support NATO’s nuclear weapons forces.
From the article: “Sweden is prepared to deploy military forces for “all the Alliance’s missions” and “accepts the crucial role of nuclear weapons”. It appears from a letter to NATO that Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) wrote last week.
– For example, Swedish aircraft will be asked to participate in the annual NATO exercise “Steadfast Noon”, which concerns support for operations with nuclear weapons, says William Alberque, director of the prestigious International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)”
So my home country has gone completely nuts…
The letter from swedens foeign minister.
My advice is run for the hills!
There is similar messaging in the USA. The advance PR declares the intent. As Japan was dealt an emotional blow, more is prepared for further AZE inner provinces.. the show must go on, and Narrative must hold, at all costs.
Rank desperation takes hold, as economies’ life-support systems themselves beep-beep into the flashing red. Gremlins and Gargoyles wheel out to the fore the internal nuke FF card. I recall determined calculating Russians torching Moskau rather than let invading orcs take it. A similar process appears underway in NYC / AZE. They need another emotional Pearl Harbor type event… Whether they will then use the remains of the day to merely bark and wall off their shrunken fiefdom, or to activate Plan R (strangelove) in a nuclear Armageddon, we will see soon enough. Requiem for a Dream.
Highly metastatic situations often bring surprises> https://youtu.be/a90dhP5f7-M and
They say that on 15 July bigbigmeeting in Rus… somehow I doubt that the topics will be pizza and pilsner.
One might reasonably expect that the next shoe might be about to drop…perhaps on those fine people that keep sending to nazis n 404 diabolical machinery.
The PSA-Nuke cannot make the slightest difference in terms of effect of kinetics…so it may be seen as serving two non-kinetic functions> first, “be afraid and obey us!” , then if nuke happens “we tried to warn you all, so your injuries and all the dead are not our fault!”
It’s an accepted truism that all oscillators amplify and that all amplifiers oscillate…feedbacks happen. Any time we build these machines we introduce metastasis. All modern human activities depends on this category of machine. N Gadgets are amplifiers of the “one-shot” category.
Fun with feedback> https://youtu.be/zU46hQ_xO0k (Nitrogen Triiodide)
Keep your eyes and fingers…don’t fool with stuff, or machine with no emergency stop feature.
I want to lay a bet with Stumpy about how long it will take Japan to build their nukes… I say 6 weeks from art 9 change….unless they have already done it. They have tons of poot.
Meantime @ Anoxia, a red dawn over mountain…no kidding! And the cop-o-tronics tell of the same fella ODing again on the fentanyl … cop> “Oh, him? Again?”… If you know people who know how prisons run, you know how the dope gets in…via the guards. That alone tells us how the dope gets into AZE and small towns and villages…and why.
yes, the pace quickens. It is indeed a cruel hot summer, first most for the technocrats used to their sumptuous summer frolics. One senses the losers are permanently done with vacations of any kind or season.
Escalations appear imminent on the Atlantic front. Badhrakumar opines the Chinese front is being frozen, understanding they cannot handle both fronts, Pompeo’s vacuations of fighting both simultaneously notwithstanding.
The July 15 meeting in Russia will be a watershed moment. As the US has urinated all over Russian red-lines, a corresponding golden shower can be expected. And Germans and French entering their “energy emergency protocols” understand well what one of the logical steps will be – no more gas. NS1 is unlikely to be restarted in 9 days, unless various surrenders have been signed..
“how long it will take Japan to build their nukes… I say 6 weeks from art 9 change….unless they have already done it. They have tons of poot.”
The problem for the Japanese is not technology. They are adepts. It is they cannot retreat. They are fixed on tiny islands, which can be repaved liberally. Chinese and Russians have all the space in the world. It is a lose-lose game for them to follow the AZE lead.. more intelligent generations understood this, and kept quiet. I do not know their current thinking.. If they are led, as the rest of AZE, by honorless supranationals, it is Game Over.
PS – Interesting the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine, now being touted in Florida, is produced by a company called Bavarian Nordic. Quite the Bavarian theme this summer. In fact even Hitler in his early days was a Munich rabble rouser. Vanguard and Blackrock, as well as a company tied to the WEF are among the largest shareholders..
PPS – naming the poot above “the demon core” is highly apt. A yemeni elder once told me that djinn (or devils or demons) accept payment for their services from corrupt humans in two coin only.. I forget the first but he mentioned the second was uranium (or more generally radioactive metals??) It must serve as some aphrodisiac or stimulant to demon lords?? I didn’t want to ask questions. Or perhaps such a rare, difficult to obtain currency among themselves. So those mine sources and its control have been fought over by humans for millennia.. interesting the prominence of two uranium zones being currently fought over by Russians and AZE – Mali/West Africa and Kazakhstan, both critical to the French nuclear industry as well. In fact, an interesting lecture I will share shortly indicates the world HQ of the Templar Knights was/is in southern France, also considered ancient masonic lands.. Napoleon invaded Egypt before Russia for many reasons, among them to obtain esoteric wunderwaffe?? does not our Saker say the Franks are the central pillar of modern western civilization?
The recent Madrid NATO summit had a scandal involving a place we recently discussed – Mali. “Yeah you heard it right,” the AZE hypocrites want to fight Russia on every terrestrial (and extraterrestrial) space imaginable, and also do not hesitate to perpetuate slave labor, sadistic warlords and colonial resource extraction (and scratch the back of host Spain and keep more vassals such as France compliant). It is black-noir and double-dealing straight out of the sordid Great Game of Rhodes and the British East India Company. It involves the Wagner group, western MIC, Big Oil, Nestle, “French” uranium, AZE extremist proxies, local comprador grouping ECOWAS, and the Spaniard Borrell’s “OUR AFRICA.” Another nail in the coffin of AZE. It will not end well for Europe or NATO at all.
15 July>Considering the long (since civil war) History of US persons providing secrets to Rus, sometimes for money, but significantly because they saw it as the good…considering that History I assume that as this time too is pregnant inflection some, perhaps many, “insiders” are spilling US designs to Rus…the design for attacks, provocations, and so on, and of course most is already public, but details, schedules… Bearing this assumption in mind…
And recalling that Rus has also very fine analytic skill, and also remembering that Rus Policy requires various things, as is stated and repeated. And in view of monstrous weapons…
I wonder about the golden shower of course, but more than that, I wonder what possible false flag or provocation by AZE that Rus knows all about might be a major topic for discussion in Kremlin.
Just as SMO404 was forced by intel about nazi design and schedules, so, I suspect, is 15J “SMO GS” driven by urgency created by “secret” AZE plan.
I assume that there is a scheduled bigbigprovcationplan from AZE that Rus knows all about.
Freezing China “front” takes two parties…China may not agree to freeze.
Is unclear as to whether Japan making gadgets is good or bad…but the things are diabolically seductive for engineeringphysicsfellas…they call out man to make them. Pu is well-named. My bet is that Japan will build asap. It’s probably a bad decision, since it cannot be undone.
It occurs to me that if things go very wrong the “mine shafts” with reliable small reactors might be the only environments habitable…though cooling limits the set of suitable loci…gotta have the delta T.
Another indicator proximate fubarevent>TSA management directive 3300.4 COG
Keep cool doc…everybody loves surprises and a carnival. https://youtu.be/cmCKJi3CKGE
AHH interesting .
Do you remember anything else this Yemeni elder told you.
PS the first one wasn’t blood(shed) by any chance
Hi Kfeto, that’s all I remember.. I was not interested at all in the ‘dark arts,’ nor was my friend.. western elites have drunk deep of it, look where it has brought them! Any God conscious self-respecting people stay away from this filth. Merely the first steps of attracting their attention requires degrading blasphemy.. and how many power-mad crazies sell their souls cheaply?? As many satans worked for King Solomon in his mines, apparently similar arrangements have been in place with western oligarchs over the last 500 years, accounting for much of their Teknologia and Pharmakeia. The bill is due now. Satans always betray, hating all men, even their temporary allies.
What stuck in my mind though was their strong desire for uranium or fissile materials. L. Prouty considered nuclear energy the most bountiful and sufficient source of energy for all human needs, but Big Oil and other interests have kept it off the table.. the artificial winding down of Petroleum Man we see now was done earlier for other forms of energy too.. Mr P talked of Ford cars a 100 years ago running on simple fuels etc. How many revolutionary patents were sabotaged. Big Oil companies make Fauci look like a kindergarten cop… interesting Prouty wrote those words of nuclear energy when talking of Antarctica, where he was sent during JFK’s murder.
“I assume that there is a scheduled bigbigprovcationplan from AZE that Rus knows all about.”
It isn’t a secret if more than 2 people know about it.. AZE was able to comfortably choreograph FFs in the past, even with advance mocking warning, since they had dominance over citizens and non-peer foreigners alike. But they are in the bitter mile now, against peer enemies who have options and recourse. I sure hope the five points is well-stocked with XXL adult diapers! They had counted on enjoying CRT, gender inclusivity and fighting little green men, but Milley’s crew pulled the short straw. All joyrides must end sometime! Or as Brother B would say it, “Judgement of the Nations.”
Most are aghast at Liz Truss replacing the Clown but it is my hope she fails upwards. The choice appears between her and Rishi Sunak. The latter is dangerous for India! He is married to an Indian brahmin billionaire’s daughter and will be used to sway India through their gullible fifth column elite away from multipolarity. This trick may do it. The key to Chinese is said to be love of wealth, and for Indians?? It may be access to the Anglo Club, replete with private club boxes at horse races and such worthless pomp. Give them front seats and roles, as was done for Disraeli and many since. Zone B is gonna face a tsunami of temptations, each according to their weakness.. I agree China may not accommodate any “pauses” so that the AZE can first digest Russia, as presumptuous as that is in itself. But they will be tempted, like the US in W1+WW2, to sit most of it out while its rivals duke it out, and mutually weakened, cede the next century to them. We will see the color of all their characters shortly.
I think a lot of these emergency directives and public safety announcements are more messaging to Russia-China than for internal altruism. They have no good will towards any at this point, especially those they’re busy culling. And as Hal said, it is ridiculous to ask folks to wait for cell signals after an EMP event, etc. They are gaslighting Americans.They do message to Rooskie that they are against the wall and baring their teeth. It is a tad little quite late now! Bring yourself down off the ledge; hysterics will not impress anyone. What a sh##tshow
Never seen a lapdog hopping and wagging that much :-).
I live in Atlanta Georgia, u.s.a. and am posting my sitrep. Finding anyone to intelligently discuss the event’s in the Ukraine is impossible. No one cares! Period! The average Joe is so brainwashed he has no idea who nato is or what the acronym stands for. They have no, zero idea of the empire they live under. No idea that our military is the most aggressive, destructive force on the planet! They constantly thank and congratulate anyone who has ever served or is serving in the military. Every business immediately offers discounts to military personnel. Average Joe continues to make plans as if this fake dollar will continue for ever. No idea or concern that the u.s. president is running a crime syndicate. In short, average Joe is brain dead and absolutely addicted to their phone and viral fart video’s.
The brain dead average Joe is well represented by Uncle Sleepy Joe!
Zooming out, most do not have a chance after 100+ years of professional industrial brainwashing. And as an astute Georgian notes, this is compounded by a perfect storm of hardships leading to many being overwhelmed. When your society is disintegrating, foreign adventures of imperial stormtroopers are low to nonexistent on the survival radar.. The west is being leveled to the condition of the Global South: the chief consideration of most is now where to get the next meal and how to keep a roof over the head. Very grim.
I used to read and hear of Marines jokes, but its getting out of hand now. The third entry below also explains why larger cities and bases are dangerous now. Will we have to declare the entire Anglo-Zionist construct “non-compos mentis?”
Ways to use a Marine
(1) “Someone has to get killed let’s send a jarhead or two” – under Urban Dictionary: jarhead
(2) flip McDonald’s burgers @ Kabul in 2021.. just before the great airport Escape
(3) As Russians shape War fronts, get Marines to shape social mores on Home War fronts
Exchanging positions. Russia threatening to hit Kiev Command Centres, US/NATO threatening to install nukes in Sweden. The truth! https://cont.ws/@SonOfCont/2328861
Someone dismiss this and say it is still pussy footing and snail running.
A couple of posts from Five Guns West Jollity Farm today, individually handled by our own elderly obsequious butler Ol’ Scrotum, our wrinkled retainer.
Is President Putin the cause of Joe Biden’s imbecility?
And … You Don’t Know Richard – Parts of Jimi Hendrix in Iceland Museum