2022/06/25 18:30:01
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Just a short update on Auslander.
He and I spoke two days ago. He sounded very strong but is impacted by the drugs he takes.
We could discus the war and he has a lot to say about that. He hopes to be back in a few weeks if he can gather more strength and stamina.
He appreciates all the prayers and good thoughts sent his way.
Thank you, Larch
I include him in my prayers, and look forward to read his posts again.
Russia To Transfer Nuclear-Capable Missiles To Belarus “Within Months”: Putin
On Saturday Putin for the first time informed his close ally Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that he has approved supplying Belarus with nuclear capable long-range missiles. Minsk has long offered to host Russian nukes as a ‘deterrent’ against the West – a prospect which Lukashenko had very provocatively offered even in the months leading up to the Feb.24 invasion of Ukraine. This move will likely be viewed from Washington as a first step in moving toward a heightened nuclear posture in Eastern Europe.
Good news. Lukashenko deserves this gift after all he has done, to get this power toward his adversaries. Splendid. Barbarossa II is moving West now.
That long covid is an absolute bitch – unless, of course, he’s H1N1 symptomatic and SARS-CoV-2 asymtomatic.
Thanks and wish our friend a quick recovery. We need you all for your precious insights. Victory to Russia !
The only thing still cheap is congress. These guys will gladly spend 100 of your tax dollars to line their pockets with just points and percentages.
Let us not forget those special parties, and the pretty pictures…file “epstein”
Yo Mr. P! Right you B. You know there’s a childhood connection between Blinken and Ghislaine Maxwell? They’ve been friends since they were little kids. Blinken’s stepsister is Lisa Pisar and her father was Ghislaine’s father’s attorney. I think the creep state has enough on all western politicians to profit by the suicide of the west and garner the laughs for future sit-coms.
Speaking of creep state, the following leaves little doubt in my mind about the following indicating a large crevice is appearing between Russia and the controlled aggressions’ to follow:
During the special Russian military operation in Ukraine, new OSCE officials were caught in Donbass in the act of spying. They were expelled by the President of the Lugansk People’s Republic.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will hold its 29th annual meeting from 2 to 6 July 2022 in Birmingham (United Kingdom). London has just refused the necessary entry visas to the Russian delegation
WASHINGTON—The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, today announced the following online briefing:
A Moral and Strategic Imperative
Thursday, June 23, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Russia’s barbaric war on Ukraine—and before that on Syria, Libya, Georgia, and Chechnya—has exposed the Russian Federation’s viciously imperial character to the entire world. Its aggression also is catalyzing a long-overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, given Moscow’s dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the brutal extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their national self-expression and self-determination.
US lawmakers attempt to declare Ukraine conflict a “genocide” – media
While the representatives symbolically accuse Russia of ethnic cleansing, the charges are dubious
A bipartisan group of US lawmakers introduced a resolution on Friday accusing Russia of committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The draft resolution reportedly accuses Russia of crimes that Moscow says were actually committed by Ukrainian forces and claims that Russian-speaking refugees were brought to Russian territory against their will.
The resolution, entitled ‘Recognizing Russian actions in Ukraine as a genocide,’ was introduced by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tennessee) on Friday.
London bans Russia’s participation in OSCE forum
The International Affairs Committee of the Council of the Russian Federation has made it known that, under these circumstances; it will not recognize the decisions taken by this assembly in its absence.
Unification of Russian and Belarusian armies
Commission on security and cooperation in Europe
Rep. Steve Cohen, who co-chairs the U.S. Helsinki Commission that monitors human rights and international cooperation in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, issued his own statement, where he decried Lavrov’s “stooping to the basest antisemitism.” The Tennessee Democrat charged that Lavrov and Russia are “clearly disconnected from reality, morality, humanity and sensitivity,” adding that “this level of depravity is consistent with the reprehensible, repugnant and reptilian conduct of Putin’s government.”
The statement is the second such rare showing of joint unity amongst the Jewish House Democrats, who rest across the political spectrum, in the past two months. Their comments follow senior Israeli officials, leading U.S. officials and Jewish leaders offering their own rejection of Lavrov’s comments. Russia has since doubled down, with its foreign ministry accusing Israel of supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
“They were expelled by the President of the Lugansk People’s Republic.”
They should be arrested and tried. The OSCE was giving real-time info directly to Ukrainian commanders to target Donbass. This was discovered month ago. They had set up these tall poles/towers with cameras an they were aimed upon Donbass but it was only after the Special Operation that they were able to find what was really going on and they found the footage was going to Ukrainian commanders’ laptops. They did try desperately to destroy the poles before the Russians got them.
Russia needs to declare the OSCE as a fully biased arm of NATO and that it promotes the destruction of peoples who are in the way of U.S. and other NATO countries’ agenda.
OSCE flies plan conquest of Rus…
Steinbeck> “”Conquest after conquest, deeper and deeper into molasses.” His laughter choked him and he coughed into his handkerchief. “Maybe the Leader is crazy. Flies conquer the flypaper. Flies capture two hundred miles of new flypaper!”
Of course they were part of fascist beast, spies, cryptonazifinks.
https://youtu.be/24VOo7-ctKU (Pete)
Just a note: the CSCE is a direct division of the US government, complete with .gov address, and lies to match.
While I am no expert, the OSCE appears to be a multilateral organization, and about as objective as the EU itself.
Bowder figures in there also. I read the family connections, like a Mafia will military armour.
Cheers M
From Colonel Cassad :
Oh brave new world.
This is the world of the new Cold War with the wars of the main actors on the territory of third countries.
It is an anti-globalized, fragmented world of political-military blocs
. It is a world of a thinning middle class and an explosive rise in inequality.
This is the world of the crisis of neo-liberal centrism and the growth of left and right radicalism
. This is the world of systemic state terrorism masquerading as non-state.
. This is the world of permanent state cyber warfare masquerading as non-state.
. This is the world of a race of conventional, robotic, hypersonic and nuclear missile weapons with a general increase in the number of charges and delivery vehicles.
This is the world of the militarization of outer space and the growing role of outer space in the global confrontation.
This is a world where treaties mean almost nothing, and the borders of states change, because they are not guaranteed by anything but force.
This is a world of total surveillance and indirect state control.
This is a world of total control of the digital environment, censorship and fragmentation of the Internet.
This is a world of profanation of helpless interstate institutions, starting with the UN.
This is a world of increasing value of non-renewable resources and a crisis in the service economy.
It looks bleak, but we’ve all bought a ticket on this train, which it’s too late to jump off. In fact, the brave new world will come only when we go through the ensuing troubled times of the transformation of the world order.
Sadly, just as I predicted weeks ago the lack of forming Smersh units in the liberated territories (as the Soviets were smart enough to do in the liberated territories in WW2). Was going to allow the Ukrainians to create terrorist gangs to commit sabotage in those territories. So now that inexcusable failure is coming to harm pro-Russian supporters there:
Just a couple of reports I saw today on pro-Russian sites,there are many more:
It’s past time to get serious about rooting out these terror gangs from the territories.Before they get strong enough to cause real harm. And people start to lose faith that Russia can bring security. That would be the exact opposite of what should be taking place there. The people should be seeing that they are secure with Russia in charge. And are protected from the Ukie terrorists ever coming to have power over their lives again.
Uncle Bob,
You have more guts and patience to go through those videos, but i think for most of the rest of us, the SMO feels like it is in suspended animation. Yes, nazis are being ground into mince meat and burnt metal, around a thousand daily, but it is a dull background roar unless you are there or following closely online. A larger silence broods over all. Far bigger issues consume us, even though each life in the liberated lands does matter.
There is an acute expectation of the West ITSELF collapsing, if you look at all metrics of collapse. Economically, monetarily, socially, politically, spiritually. The madmen are even accelerating it themselves, as we discuss daily. But like the Ukies, they hang on and persist on inertia alone, far beyond their expiration date!
I see Russians putting a lot of their effort, like a foreman on a construction site, on getting out of the way of that Skyscraper about to fall – a super structure too dumb to realize the charges have already gone off and it is in the seconds before free-fall gravity takes hold. The Ukronazis are drugged-out tattooed Cro-Magnons lobbing rocks spears and boiling oil from the roof of that dead superstructure, oblivious of their fate in the next moment.. It is tricky to calibrate exactly how many to take out, whether it is needed or the resources can be spared. Quite soon, once the building itself falls, they will be easy pickings or flee west..
It is callous on a level, but realpolitik and cold-blooded war priorities, no? Like not stopping the north Donbas offensive even for the shelling of Donetsk. Or not stopping other critical work in other fronts to relieve the long bitter siege of Leningrad during WW2. The body takes precedence over a limb.
US / NATO / various Europeans will need to decide in the very next days whether to hold ’em or whether to fold ’em. Are they capable of “knowin’ what to throw away, and knowin’ what to keep?” The powder is being kept dry for them, in case decisions must be made for them.
The Gambler
Electronic voting machine must banned in the USA or we can never say it’s a fair election. The leadership is criminals that sell out our country for money and vain glory.
I concur! But I want a rant, sorry!
But here in these nations, one bunch of degenerates and liars, are far more subtle.
Here, they rid every council of returning officers, who were sworn to uphold the representations of the people’s act. These individual were used to oversee elections even by the United Nations, to ensure they comply with the international and statute law.
These people could be trusted.
Now, we have politically appointed civil servants, delegating the election process, to yet another, civil service employee, and no one can be held individually responsible, the process is now politically corrupted. Yet MSM doesn’t question the status quo, even when election results doesn’t bear up to any scrutiny, or the private money limit isn’t included in election costs, which in itself stops the potential candidate from being elected even if he or she won the election.
Ruth Davidson gave the result of the postal vote, a grave mistake, even before the votes were even counted. Such is the stupidity of those decadent and ruling unelected hierarchy.
Today, our elected representatives are being wooed or corrupted from there manifesto they stood and the electors decisions and path……..by the bodies of English government.
If in doubt……
Look at Dunblane, to be kept secret for 125 years. Children slaughtered, and the establishment can circumvent the public from hearing the truth.
St Vallery, a battle in WW2 still a secret even today, subject to a “D” notice, knowledge sets us free.
The use of the judiciary to persecute the previous first minister, a today’s version and placid “William Wallace”! He won £600,000 for a vexatious prosecution against him. Then taking him back to court on a vexatious rape and sexual abuse charges against women who worked for him.
Again he had a jury of mostly women, found him not guilty, of all charges, but his reputation is muddied these women can hide behind anonymity even though they were proven liars in court. To make matters worse, (if they could be) if he tries to speak about this court case in public, he will be held in contempt of court, and jailed! English justice in a Scottish court.
Where is the justice, where are those brave men and women who have the education bravery fortitude courage morality and strength to rid us of these injustices and the perpetrators of these injustices.
By now, everyone knows Russia encircled a (possibly) sizeable pocket of Nazis at Zolotoe. Even Western presstitutes grudgingly admit this fact. Russians call it Gorskoe-Zolotoe, and presstitutes label it Hirske-Zolotoe. Either way, same place, same Nazis.
However it’s an open question whether the Nazis already surrendered, and if so, how many prisoners were taken. One pro-Russian website displayed an updated map indicating full Russian control over the pocket, suggesting a Nazi surrender. But a Western presstitute website (ISW Study of War) published a map showing the continued existence of the cauldron, meaning the Nazis have not yet surrendered.
Does anyone know, are the Nazis now POWs or are they still resisting?
Also, does anyone know the size of this force? I’ve seen estimates ranging from 800 to 2,000 Nazis. I don’t know which figure is closer to the truth.
A video today shows more losses of the “elite afu” than some claim. 80% of eilte forces dead or injured, from a direct source. I’d expect more if including mia’s, etc.
Thanks for the link. The report focuses on one elite unit, but what’s true in microcosm may indeed apply to the AFU’s entire cadre of elite troops.
For the moment, my focus is Lysychansk and Gorskoe-Zolotoe. The first is probably cut-off from resupply and reinforcement and has doubtful capacity to retreat. The latter is definitely a fully-developed cauldron which may have surrendered by now.
But it’s not clear how many Nazis are in each pocket.
Thanks bp & amarynth!
It is crystal clear now. And Mrs. A, you are spoiling me. That HTML site is a treasure trove and quite simple. I had PTSD from a coding course of the early 1990s.. but we now have mice, colors, & copy/paste.. Let me test everthing once
To Auslander’s Health!
For boys born in Belfast & cute Family Albums
Boney M
(1) https://youtu.be/xqFgPb-D7_c
(2) https://youtu.be/dzp7h3_PwsU
the second song actually sensitized me to Russian mystique as a kid. A strange yet enduring introduction to the Third Rome.
A tender family reunion
The Apple fell near the Tree? In looks anyhow..
Removing ballistic self-defense (truncheons, shillelaghs, and shoes should do north of the 49th Parallel)
For Sudhi & Dimi
I Promise – Ramin Djawadi
Is all this clear bp?? Thanks for your patience
Oh heavens .. have we created a monster lol!!!!
It coulda been crazier. I enjoy formatting and proportions; many many years ago I wrote tons of papers. My magnus opus was a 25-page paper on Malcolm X and the sex drugs & rock and roll boomer decade of the US 1960s.. I regressed considerably after entering medicine; I reached a point I couldn’t read my own handwriting! The shame..
However colors, differing sizes, borders and other style elements did not activate in my test comment above. Well I suppose this is not an art blog! 😁 Also the last link should have opened at 26:17.
I Promise by Ramin Djawadi
The next four days will see two VIP AZE conferences after which we should have a better assessment of the trajectory of Collapse. Will the Pentagon leap after the crazies into the Abyss?? V Orban and the PIIGS need to lead a stampede out of the NATO tent for Europe to have any chance of survival..
(1) G7 @ Bavaria, Germany, June 26-28
Invited: key BRICS & ASEAN & Senegal (current head of African Union; recently ran point on fertilizers/grain mission to VVP @ Sochi): Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa.
(2) NATO @ Madrid, Spain, June 28-30
They’re trying to finagle in Finland & Sweden any which way they can. The Sultan of Swing is being squeezed like a lemon..
Invited: “Indo-Pacific Partners” Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.. how can those unable to walk and chew gum at the same time multi-task Russia and China? This is beyond absurd.
Narratives are unstuck big time within Zone A. Pretensions are tough when you’re running around stark naked in the global commons!
perhaps bold should be in a slightly greyer tone…….!
Thanks for the craic. But, if no one knows the reason, then they have never had an Imperial yoke on their neck. Cute ditty, just missed the ‘reason’ but then one would have to live under English rule to understand the vile evil that seeps from that inbred cess pool. Even yer wee man had to suck the imperial teat, declaring, “this is not a rebel song”, rebel songs are our history, that no one can rewrite.
Cheers M
I would suggest that anyone looking to do a Dissertation on Hate, visit N.Ireland during the Marching Season to get an understanding of why people would choose to leave, living among such giving caring people.
5 am, yellow moon,
early morning beach walk;
pebbles in my shoe
For Dimitar:
Current Events
Sun down over the ridge,
shadows lengthen, tall pines still aglow.
A whiff of woodsmoke on the air,
I am growing old.
throngs of children
staring in wide-eyed wonder;
a baby sparrow!
self glorification
missing the boat now
alone and empty
saviours in limbo,
emptied of everything;
last boat yet to leave
From this earth to the stars
Feeling the soft vibrations
Finely spread in the skies
Faint dust off the ground
rain storm refreshes
floods the patio
drains are blocked
I have to clear them
beware peoples of washing machine powder that solidifies in domestic drainage systems!!!!!
Oh boy…….
AUKUS, NATO, USUKA ad infinitum add another name to their incompetent organizations to bill taxpayers several times over for the same dysfunctions. Partners in Blue Water Rentals … Port-A-Potties, it should read. Parental advisory.
Europa könnte auch Erdgas aus Nord- und Westafrika bekommen. Die Afrikaner könnten damit so gut Geld verdienen wie die Russen. Aber gegen den Energiesektor Afrikas betreibt die EU Wirtschaftskrieg. Gegen den Rußlands, also gegen die eigene Versorgung der EU-Länder, bekanntlich auch.
Die folgenden drei Texte aus Afrika reichen zwar nicht, diese Vorgänge zu verstehen, aber sie geben eine Idee, worum es geht. Was es zu verstehen gibt. Besonders der letzte Text ist wichtig. Ich bitte deshalb die Leser, den Link zu öffnen und ihn vollständig zu lesen.
Yandex translation
Europe could also get natural gas from North and West Africa. The Africans could make as good money as the Russians. But the EU is waging an economic war against Africa’s energy sector. Against Russia, that is, against the own supply of the EU countries, as is well known.
The following three texts from Africa are not enough to understand these processes, but they give an idea of what they are about. What there is to understand.
Especially the last text is important. I therefore ask readers to open the link and read it in full.
“What happens to African energy industry if lenders cut off loans for fossil fuel projects?
A LITTLE more than a year ago, in November 2019, the European Investment Bank (EIB) declared its intention to phase out funding for fossil fuels. Specifically, it said that it would no longer grant loans for projects involving crude oil, natural gas, and coal as of January 1, 2022 …
Less than a month later, all 450 of these institutions — including, incidentally, the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) — agreed to bring their lending policies into line with the Paris climate accord. …
In countries with large natural gas reserves such as Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, and many others, politicians, businessmen and everyday people should ask their western counterparts why they should decline to extract a resource that could be used to produce electricity cheaply and reliably for both households and businesses.
As a result, I think African states ought to push back against the idea that it’s time for Western banks to stop all funding for fossil fuels. I think that African oil and gas producers ought to stand up for themselves and make a case for developing their own resources …
By The Zimbabwe Independent -January 8, 2021
“Russia-Africa Energy Committee to drive investment and deal-making in the energy sector
The inter-party online conference drew attention to the developments of Africa’s energy market, navigating relations on the continent for Russia-Africa partnerships and highlighting the announcement of the creation of the Russia-Africa Energy Committee aimed at developing clean power and strategic framework towards the continent’s energy crisis.
While the agenda for the United Russia Party is aimed at growing Russian presence on the continent, Presidents and delegates across Africa were able to address their countries economic challenges, technological advances …
„Russia can play a great role in financing energy projects and gas development in Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Nigeria and other countries. Russian companies working on training and building logistics infrastructure can be a path to building a strong local content framework that drives our energy sector” said
NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber.
Guardian Nigeria
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Chamber.
“Help us Fight Back Against the Attack on African Oil and Gas
June 21, 2022
Despite the ongoing efforts by the African Energy Chamber to drive sustainable socioeconomic growth on the back of African oil and gas, a lawsuit has been filed against us aimed at restricting our efforts to make energy poverty history by 2030. …
African Energy Chamber
I see the cigarette and coffee with the debonair style, somedays I miss the serotonin hit from the nicotine and the ritual.
Lol! I hear your pain brother. Like the great David Ginola said, a cigarette with coffee in the morning is “exquisite”. The next sixty were never quite so good.
Around four days ago RT ran an article discussing the gas situation in Germany. Then someone in the comments reminisced of Trump’s warning about Germany’s gas reliance on Russia and saw the present crisis as ‘proof’ of his ‘correctness’.
Excuse me? Was Trump not hawkish towards Russia during his presidency? Was his statement [re: German dependence on Russian gas] not said in a Russophobic context? What point was Trump trying to make?
I must wonder what the Spanish- and Russian-speaking readership think of Trump, his policies and his actions compared to the English-speaking.
(At one point I had the RT article’s link plus the quoted comments saved in a draft on my Yahoo e-mail account, but those got eaten up.)
No word from GL for a few days, plenty of action in that hood, hope he’s ok.
Cheers M
Active on Twitter. https://twitter.com/GonzaloLira1968
By Auslander,
My friends, I am indeed still alive. Having been ‘heavily medicated’ by VCO last evening, Victor Charlie Oscar, aka my charming bride of almost two decades, I had fond aspirations of getting for once a good night’s sleep. Of course that was about the time that our youngest, Kristl’Yannah, decided it was ‘I wannah walk’ time which she signals by dropping her 24 kilo metal food bowl on the tile floor which does indeed give interesting reverberations throughout the family schloss. So much for that plan!
We are fighting this disease tooth and claw 24/7 and although there are bad days it does appear we are winning most of the battles. Only time will tell whether we win in the end, time and Him, but the fight does go on daily and we have excellent sawbones who are working night and day to keep me/us in the fight.
I am in frequent contact with Larchmonter, my best friend and comrade, we’ve been in this fracas for years now, and the only one who knows more than he knows is VCO. I think often that even he knows more than VCO but it don’t matter, the fight in ongoing to the point of another CAT scan later this week. This should complete the scan cycle for the time being, sawbones decided that since I’m ‘getting old’, 75 years now, that he didn’t want the full course of dye that goes in two ‘healthy’ patients so he decided on two ‘old folks’ protocols. I can’t tell the difference (nor can I feel anything from chemo now that we talk of it) but he’s the boss so two CAT scans it be. Fortunately it’s at Hospital #4 which is about ten mikes from the house. With the condition of the roads of the local AO it’s a blessing, they be pretty rough with massive repairs and rebuilds although North Seems to have avoided most of the asphalt massacre of the moment. Hope it stays that way!
So, bottom line, we are both doing as well as can be expected and sawbones is sometimes taken aback when we go in his office, which is generally a one hour or more visit, and we arrive and leave laughing and joking, he’s bluntly honest and says he’s never seen a couple such as we, to some extents staring Death in the face and laughing at him. Of course, what else can we do, let The Dark Lord destroy us? Ain’t gonna happen on my watch!! All your prayers for us are deeply appreciated, every one counts, each and every one!
Kindest regards and listening to the evening gift cards sent to our fraternal brothers up on the other side of the orc border (we can hear each and every one of them as they rend the delicate evening zephyr of a breeze to deliver their gifts in the most timely fashion, which I’m sure the orcs muchly appreciate….damn the lot of them!
Auslander and Victor Charlie Oscar
USA,1931, Royal Rife demonstrated to a group of scientists his invention. It cured all disease. That was also the year that the AMA began their their holodormor against alternative treatment doctors. In conjunction with your existing protocols,here is a few things that might help. Research therapies: Water (+pink salt), grounding,raw food diet,body PH, orgone therapy(Wilhelm Reich). Hope this helps you. Best to you and your’s.
Dear Auslander, nice to hear from you.
I wish you a complete recovery, and 25 more years of good life, together with your wife and “children”.
Thanks for the report, and for the benefit of the many thousands of new readers at the Sakers, if I am not mistaken, your wonderful hounds are regarded as your families children!
Keep up the inspiring journey to health, God moves in mysterious ways it seems, and may your positive and doughty outlook ensure success! [doughty btw means valiant, nothing to do with doughy, unless it refers to the dough springing back under the constant kneading of fates hard hands]
One can hope for others anyhow, to follow your fine example.
P.S. Re: holodormor against alternative treatment doctors
Healing is of course never an alternative to disease, but a prerequisite , and therapies developed and used for this purpose only. were perhaps better called an extension of existing allopathic medicine.
An additional treatment that may prove beneficial and interesting is fenbendazole (фенбендазол), a dog dewormer. It, along with mebendazole, has proven useful in being associated with – if not causing – remissions in multiple types of cancers. Doctors are generally uninterested in off-label use as the drugs are off patent and thus not money makers.
An entertaining read on the subject is my cancer story.rocks . I wish you, VCO, and the little ones all the best.
I’m betting that w/in 2 maybe even one year, that the public will be reintroduced to these two organizations and the sneaky behind the scenes deals that go with them.
But can the economy withstand a further decline in the work force, especially the health care industry.
(SSS), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System
And Conscription, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_the_United_States
The big one, someone has been waiting for, is just around the corner.
I think that ship has sailed. We live in Guidestones days, on Deagle timetables, under Build Back Better regimes, with 999 red Luftballons rising daily. Zone A has shelved conscription and fully bought into the Cebrowski-Rummy privatized, netcentric, robotic A.I. dronewars… In fact FEMA camps, billions of DHS rounds & “plastic casket liners,” severing of fuel, food, supply chains and igniting a hot summer indicate their main focus is on “the internal enemy.”
This is what makes the tableau of AZE waging war on Russia-China at the same time as trying to cull its own population so fascinating and mindblowing. What do they have or are counting on to fight for them? Clearly it is not the population of lemmings. Their technology appears limited, otherwise drones, ISR, enhanced SOFs, etc.. would have carried some weight on the killing fields of the Ukraine. But it could be sufficient for a demoralized, unorganized, debilitated domestic front, no?
(1) this old article has aged well. Imagine the evolution of technologies and mindsets now.. ubiquitous automated weapons systems, in the setting of panoptic surveillance networks, internalized tracking mechanisms (self-assembling metallic thingies in the magic potion), AI, drone operatives broken in after decades of M.E. “practice,” under the control of dispassionate Eugenicists.
Tom Burghardt
(2) The mind itself is a key battlefield now. Mindwars, especially suggestability of the unaware, creation of Manchurian Candidates, and “Lone shooter nuts,” under various influences to augment the effect, appears to be expanding to the unprotected masses. This can be even more individualized than with standard brainwashing of TVs and radio. Again, it appears to work best targeted at controlled naive internal civilians.
Psycho-Neurobiologic War
(3) Hollywood has signalled this for a long time – the coming hunting of Deplorables and other Patriots and likely most to be honest. We should pray the satanists are overturned before they can release the hounds. They excel at killing women, children and civilians.
Interpretations of symbolism by Brother Casey
British Vogue July issue: release of the Red Horse?
On the offing of increasing heat and range of wars: Domestically, includes US “civil war,” with US Supreme Court ringing the opening bell with repealing of Roe vs Wade..
it could be an artificial Jean Sharpe-like shadow services legerdemain as last time with BLM & Antifa to riot and burn down cities to set the mood. This time cities would really ignite, as many are barely hanging on, angry, and looking for an outlet for that anger. Externally, it indicates deepening expansion of the bloodletting, with the 3Bs and the plump Polish pump being primed.
If you’re interested in transhumanism, he also had on 24th June an excellent decode of two important Will Smith programs, with links to “I Pet Goat 2”, use the search term “I Am Robot is I Am Legend…R.Evolution”
Westworld and many others explore these themes – a robot evolution (rEVOLUTION) where synthetics hosting demons will mingle widely and cannot be distinguished from normal humans. Their mass-production may be realized now. Are these the “Trump cards” being held in reserve to wage war on Zone B?? The Rise of the machines?? That which gives them the crazed confidence to face Asian land powers sans credible human armies? And what of EW, hypersonics, the vast distances of Eurasia they would need to traverse and conquer??? What loons. As they underestimated the size of Russian economy and resiliency to defend against Sanctions from Hell, and superior industrial capacity to sustain Op Z’s attrition war, so it should prove with their Hail Mary reliance on technology. It is rather back to square one of M.A.D..
Vogue may also signal the potentiation of 5G effects on those susceptible to their injected metals, leading to increasing mass formation psychosis, of turning many into literal remote-controlled zombies. A time perhaps to bolt for the mountains! A delirious summer beckons, like a Mississippi cat on a hot tin roof.
The battle of LA, 2-24/25, when, over the course of 3 hours, hundreds of unknown aerial craft overflew Los Angeles. Two craft were “crashed “. One for the army and navy. This began the USA’s space/tech programs. Those programs have advanced ,tech wise,approximately 40y to 1y progress for public domain.This is 70+ years. Research link below.
And, we haven’t even discussed what was going on in Germany. Hint: Vril.
Indeed SS may again select… The old Arlo Guthrie routine as in “Alice’s Restaurant” would, considering how infirm the population of selectables are, fill the “Group W Bench” … it may be assumed that the Group W fellas and whatevers would be selected and forced into Physical Rehabilitation Camp. That ought be be highly amusing. So, what about the kids who “self-identify” as dogs…do they get assigned to K-9 teams…how jolly! Woof! Given the opportunity one might self identify as a General…
I remember the fellas who had to run from near Palmdale over San Gorgonio to their pick-up zone…it’s a long long run…
Now that the kids all seem to have heart trouble…such a “hike” (50 miles of mountains) would kill many of them.
But SS would tend to enhance control over the young and control the unemployment rate a bit. I suppose they could be used for special experiments too.
If war were “declared” (Tonkin Resolution was said to be such a thing, even though it was not…so probably, today, they’d simply wave a paper and say “war!”)…well USC 10…no SS necessary. (ST) “USC 10 militia” there’s lots to read… #246> “(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
My reading, definitions and all that stuff…unless the laws have changed, has been that in wartime the militia becomes the Army of the United States…presto, yerselectted, boy! They’d simply make the announcement that you have to report in or there will be a warrant issued.
Kaliningrad is to Russia’s western flank what Crimea is to its SW flank
This presentation has a few errors but is still a useful visual overview of Kaliningrad’s importance to Russia. And the increasing desperation of NATO moves – first cutting the surrounding EU-Russia air links (how much did that have to do with Kaliningrad in mind?), now the land links, and lastly the coming sea links.. In some regards it is playing out like 1962 Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba all over again.
Kaliningrad’s Strategic Secret
For sleeping aides, some play soothing sea sounds, or use ear plugs, or count plump Polish Patriot batteries, or listen to Smoothie reciting salvo equations – but how about this guy’s silky hypnotic voice?! Very relaxing and calming like a metronome or swiss clock pendulum.
A non-sequitur…but touches on matters with which you may, possibly, not be familiar…https://youtu.be/AOKtV2eGKpM
Ed Haslam ties the weaponization and the murders and the people together…at one time I was skeptical.
Watching your K Strat Sec…
And Thanks!
Thanks and wish our friend a quick recovery. We need you all for your precious insights. Victory to Russia !
It’s lost now, but I recall an interview online about 2000…a Soviet bio-boffin said that Soviets had figured a way to insert a deadly, 100% deadly, virus into a virulent bacteria such that the bacterial plague would spread the virus as a passive agent that released only as the bacterium died…establishing a delay mechanism such that most everyone would carry the virus for an interval…then the second wave of plague would kill them. It was a way to exterminate nearly the entire human population.
AHH wonders > “This is what makes the tableau of AZE waging war on Russia-China at the same time as trying to cull its own population so fascinating and mindblowing. What do they have or are counting on to fight for them? Clearly it is not the population of lemmings. Their technology appears limited, otherwise drones, ISR, enhanced SOFs, etc..”
That “shoe” seems to fit… Of course the nazi’s abilities have progressed since the Soviet time…and the theme, the specific bio-agency, has probably “improved”.
Withal, they grab the pretty girls and young blood sources, retreat to deep bunkers and release the agent…rather like “cobalt-thorium-G”…no doubt they won’t have to stay down there for a 100 years…perhaps 10…
I definitely recall the Soviet boffin’s interview…he was evasive about the actual product so far as USSR actually creating it…but clear that they had established that it could be done…which strongly implied that they had made the agent – how else can one know?
If that interview is genuinely disappeared, that alone says something.
I should have better qualified my statement.. As biologist, historian and spiritually grounded person, I am not so convinced anymore of unaided mass biowarfare. Even the worst plagues would need to overcome a most formidable defense mechanism: the human immune system. History has shown these waves of plague tend to burn themselves out, no matter their virulence, provided honest resolute leadership employs quarantine and other stringent precautions. And Eurasia has the experience of millennia of satanic enemies heaving plague-infested carcasses over their besieged walls, bringing gifts of poxed blankets, and many other shenanigans. Countermeasures are well established, and are being updated for the AZE as we see in Shanghai (in addition to delicious economic war).
However, the ongoing massive “known-unknown” of the satanists is direct access breaching of the mucocutaneous barrier, via injections. Now many of THESE may be doomed, but even there, the human immune system under divine protection and the inspiration of prayer is beautiful to behold and beyond our ken… some Eschatologists I listened to hearkened to interpretations of Scripture that the magic potion would only harm those “not of the blood,” i.e. outside of Protection. The rashes and sequela spoken of in ancient texts only afflicted some.. now that would be an interesting research project – plotting spirituality vs sequela. The spiritual dimension to this war is paramount and little understood, even by the top idiot savants.
And the lack of efficacy of this biowarfare (ultimately derived by unknown ingredients in the potion) is further signalled by their panic at the lack of adoption of vaccines worldwide, having been mostly limited to developed Zone A.. The Russians and Chinese largely had their own potions, which the WHO and West refused to “authorize” no? That would be another fascinating research project – contrasting the ingredients vs disease burden by the respective Zones.
And so the unleashing of the Red Horse of War and the other horse bringing Famine, as these are far more efficacious in culling.. I think of all the above as a suite of poisons simultaneously deployed, with the sum designed to be irresistible and conducive to the overall objective. A perfect storm.
But these are such complex and fragile maneuvers, and I agree a significant component of their brain trust is already underground in deep mineshaft lairs. So I wonder of the likelihood of their C4ISR to effect the desired chaos and mutual culling? A necessary adjunct to wiping clean all surface dwellers is to possess trustworthy and capable Grim Reapers. Ultimately you need reliable aware hands-on executors of these designs. Not many would be available, knowing they would also be consumed in these above-ground efforts (fanatics make for poor executors; it is more reliable to field a James Baker type realist). And how many could avoid expected enemy attrition, as these unfolding plans become evident, leading to further unlikelihood of carrying out the grand designs? So their already limited stock would be quite meager in the last critical mile! Open hunting seasons would blossom among both domestic and foreign enemies..
Sorry for being long winded, but I am trying to express why biowarfare of the kind needed for the big plan is unlikely to succeed, except in various strictly-controlled Zone A territories. Perhaps this is what Erdogan meant by their panic, even more than losing the Ukraine. They embarked on a solo suicide voyage and face the fate of Azovstal!
“But SS would tend to enhance control over the young and control the unemployment rate a bit. I suppose they could be used for special experiments too.”
This is an excellent possibility and in fact likely. They needn’t call it SSS (interesting the similarity in symbolism with Heinrich Himmler’s org) – just activate militias as you said. Some rounding up of the youth is planned.
These youngsters would additionally afford them (1) a way to break up and finish off the family institution, (2) deprive target societies of needed young defensive cadres, (3) a pool of easily-controlled guards at FEMA camps and policing actions, (4) elite mind-washed hunters of the Deplorables and sentient adults and self-sufficient remote communities in need of neutralization. The youngest of all would be the most suitable to their device – merciless true-believers of the new order, neo-Janissaries lacking compunction.
White Whale 5th Wave
Correct.This article should help your understanding.
IMHO this is fear porn. Even if true, how much of their research, facilities, investigators or capabilities will survive the global SMO?? The satanists are wanted men without any refuge above or below ground. They made all of mankind (including patriots in Zone A) their unrelenting enemy and accordingly reap the whirlwind. The reality is devils and their minions are quite weak; their main weapon is Fear. Why do Scriptures (1) recount to us tales of the earlier peoples who were able to feast and sleep and laugh while surrounded by murderous satanic mobs, and (2) remind us not to fear? 99% of their conjecture is pure BS.
If we remain steadfast, live within our means, and keep ourselves clean inside – they do not have a chance. The coming changes are in the long run positive, so let’s not waste lamentations or hyperventilate over the dying Beast of Babylon..
Mr P, yes I watched your link to Ed Haslam. Was new to me, thanks! A determined eloquent man. Unlike most, he was fortunate to find catharsis. I think a good segment of US population never recovered from the JFK event.. even many Republicans and others hostile to his politics.. an unending trauma never permitted to heal by the bastards behind it, wasn’t it?
US GOV’s contemptuous handling and whitewashing of it delegitimized it for good among sentients worldwide.. I was born after that era and come from a part of Africa even more shamelessly corrupt, so I didn’t have innocence to lose. Additionally, I read L. Prouty’s CD-ROM and interviews and had excellent Professors trained at U of Wisconsin, so I had moved on and became busy with medicine, then in last decade have been mesmerized by the developing WW3 scenario which really developed over Iraq starting in 2003 and ignited with Syria in 2011.. JFK, endless wars, hollowing-out of USA, walks in the wild side of WMD, – they are all connected and inevitable increasing corruption aren’t they? Instead of having been smashed into 1,000 pieces, and the military/media also being curtailed, they grew to own and run everything and here we are. They met the immovable Russian object and found their nirvana. Now the Russians really are coming, and the helmsman Charon is due his toll.
btw that photo of LHO w/ Rafael Cruz, LOL! The sins of the father continue to haunt us! And what made him turn into a preacherman? A growing bodycount around him to make the Clintons blush?
Re: conflicted killers!
Son of a Preacher Man
Regarding shenanigans with Polio and cancerweapons.. I am aware, thanks to CAF, John Rapoport, occultists and others.. The real story is mindblowing and too salacious to discuss in polite company. Let’s just say it involves numerology, Soviets, Elvis, Trump and even the one afflicting us today, the “Gates of Hell!”
(1) The Elvis Effect
(2) A Spoonful Of Sugar..
The game with vaccinations is quite old, even the Spanish Flu of 1918 was largely generated after inoculating army boys in Kansas who then spread it worldwide.. It is an old racket, which CAF once mentioned is linked to the end of epochs every century or so, when it is necessary to reboot the ponzi financial system. Perhaps Imperial plagues are better understood as essential economic weapons, ancient props whose methods were inherited from the Moloch-worshiping Phoenicians and other Sea Peoples.
Watch and weep > “Vaxxed II – The People’s Truth (2019).”
I enjoy long-winded…it’s a symposium and salon after all, sometimes smoke-filled, with sherry. Anyway while I and also Mrs P recall the Soviet boffin, and believe his sincerity…I am sure they were onto a diabolical methodology, well, acknowledging precisely your observations that it won’t work properly, many people would not die, I did say “most all”… While (and I think it was smallpox related, derivative) it might partially work, it would also screw up and fail..recalling great General> “Kein Operationsplan reicht mit einiger Sicherheit über das erste Zusammentreffen mit der feindlichen Hauptmacht hinaus. Nur der Laie glaubt in dem Verlauf eines Feldzuges die konsequente Durchführung eines im voraus gefaßten in allen Einzelheiten überlegten und bis ans Ende festgehaltenen, ursprünglichen Gedankens zu erblicken.” (Bigbigplan invites enemy to vote, or payback happens)
I accept the Soviet boffins’ claim as probably sincere and probably true, but doubt that the gambit would work as he feared…and assume that such a form of mass murder might be 50% effective…and I would note that what might happen after that is impossible to predict, but would probably destroy the original criminals themselves. Even 10% would probably sweep away the originators.
The same prescient dictum applies to the camps plan…
‘It is almost impossible to remedy during a campaign an error in the primary concentration of the troops, no plan of operations can with any certainty reach beyond the first encounter with the enemy.’ (Moltke)
So far their celestial bigbigplan to rule the world looks pretty fubared…so I can imagine the half-azzed injection rodeo is also fubared…after all pauci regnantis delirant…we can’t expect their plans to actually work as they intend or imagine. Of injections, these seem heterogeneous…ST howbadismybatch………..
Moving to the matter of the History, the Ed Haslam presentation, said to be his final presentation, is pretty
comprehensive. I hope you checked that….but it’s just history, academic. The matter leads together Mary Meyer, and cancerweapon, Oswald, Mark Sherman, Ferrie, Garrison, and leads out… Because I initially saw technical problems with Haslam’s thesis when I read his early book, I discounted it…be he’s rectified these, I think. And I think he’s right.
Janissaries, yes….I have thought of them, but not extended the idea to a sterile class of time-doomed einsatzgruppen…. Your salient point! Let us keep such a matter in mind as horrid parade proceeds to…”resolution”. And pray. I am recalling the Good Rabbi S, who taught that if God speaks and man does not listen, He throws rocks. It’s expected that the nazis will find themselves well-rocked.
Meantime…apricots and peaches a-canning today and tomorrow. Nice peppers, and the corn got planted…it’s 40 C… and we rise at 3… Maybe scooter ride later, after doggie swim time.
It is a pity much of this hybrid WW3 takes place in the shadows, out of media coverage, except fleetingly and without context for casual observers.
An interesting rumour – remember that ex-General Russian MP who warned London would be first to be struck if NATO expanded war to the Balts? He also mentioned European satellites would be hit too. Could they already have been hit? Perhaps it was EU and not US ISR which was backing and providing “the eye in the sky,” to the UkroNazis and they have now been dealt with. The sequela may also have prompted VVP’s evac to the bunker and flying of nuclear bombers a few nights ago..
Falling satellites
–> “ESA’s Swarm satellites are not the only spacecraft struggling with worsening space weather. In February, SpaceX lost 40 brand-new Starlink satellites that were hit by a solar storm just after launch.”
A sobering implication of this is, if true that European capabilities are now circumscribed, the US would be forced to directly involve itself, with all that implies. As Russians keep emphasizing, they are forcing action to directly engage the C&C in Oceania especially CONUS. They maintain this stance linguistically, diplomatically, politically, and perhaps now militarily. One way or another, it will come to a head over the turf of the continental 48. Proxy wars and interminable salami-slices of attrition war will be brought to an end.
In the trades, there is tradition and pedigree. Son inherits from father the shop, tools, skills set and the mindset.. And so with criminals and their M.O.s. Note “the Spanish Flu” was documented to originate in Kansas after the Rockefeller concerns pushed mass inoculations using their preferred standard guinea pigs.. and that “the China virus” popped up soon after the 2019 Wuhan Military World Games were attended by US army boys.. even their arts predicted this generations ago. Mary would Poppin’ us with her umbrella ferrule tip, then relent and give us suga to help the medicine go down easier..
The stylized process behind Polio is most informative, as even outlined in the short news clip I posted above.
(1) a debilitating new superdooperscaryvirus arises (due to whatever etiology) and its fearsomeness is hollered by the MSM.
(2) A concoction is presented, with initial mass hesitance.
(3) It is injected with initial harm to many, in some places exceeding the risk from acquiring the disease.
(4) Celebrities, esp the Belle du Jour, are rolled out to emotionally popularize it and to sensitize folks to the urgency.
(5) shortly, a less invasive and pleasant [oral] formulation is provided, even quite sweet and pleasant to kids!
So all are strapped into an emotional rollercoaster ride during this elaborate ritual. It even calls into question the competence and beneficence of the Authorities! This is soon thereafter affirmed by various stratagems, involving apportionment of blame, misdirection, moving the narrative along, relieving of media fear-pressure, etc… Meanwhile the training of all has been conducted and the screws of control tightened. War has been used by oligarchs over the millennia to effect the remolding of societies to their will; plagues and famine are as effective.
It is an elaborate ritual.. many have commented on this, esp. since 2020, – of note being researchers and psychologists who observe dark elites and their rites of worship. Mankind is initiated into processes few understand. Even being 3-6 ft apart while submissively masked are elements of satanic ceremonial circles in their temples! Watch Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut again. Nothing new under the Sun.
EWS ritual
I don’t know about London and nuclear, but war within these shores yes. It won’t be very nice; we will receive rocks, be rocketed?
Some interesting commentary regarding the progression of speech laws in Russia. The video by Inside Russia is about an hour long but the commentary part is only about 30 minutes (the remainder is Q&A).
Perhaps we have all witnessed the slow creep in our own countries – each one having its own flavor and level of impact.
Most concerning, to me anyway, is the neighbor, family, and stranger ratting out potential. I recall this occuring in the USA on a limited scale during the initial period of 2020 – 2021 new “temporary” rules implementation.
It would not surprise me to see this again by 2023 with a much greater adoption of the practice. Seems to be the direction certain personages would like to take us.
It would be of interest to hear what people are experiencing in their countries; it may assist us all in gauging the “local” timing of macro trends in relation to speech caution going forward.
In the UK as far as I know, freedom of speech is pretty much a personal matter in terms of how one wishes to speak and address different subjects, and there are no laws prohibiting free speech as yet. Things began to get tense with Covid and potentially serious and then fizzled out.
I listened to the first half hour of Konstantine from Russia, who outlines the steady but slow development of prohibitive laws on the right to protest and freedoms of speech from the 1990’s, and which from February 22 have become very strict indeed. In his own words, and these are factual, measured, and careful, they now have to watch every step they take and every word they speak.
Thank you Ras for your response.
Good to know that the UK is not too restrictive at the moment.
I find it interesting that, as individuals, we restrict our selves in many ways dependent upon our environment.
For instance, I restrict myself from sharing information – that in my opinion – could be beneficial to those I know locally and on a much larger scale. I do this because of self-preservation (more for later use than now) and for the preservation of those that choose to follow a certain path.
I am so inclined to just blurt out the knowledge I have gained; however, it may be misused, That is my concern. So I drip here and there and hope people who can make good use of this information, can glean it and spiral it up from there.
We are all caught in the conundrum of what to share and when and with whom.
Crime doesn’t pay anymore, London gaining speed on the slope downhill. . .
Neither does dying, and the slope is called momentum, or is it a downward learning curve.
Public services will continue to break down. At least that will be the case for the immediate and short term future. It is imperative that we each fortify our own situation and then we may be able to assist others.
Are the biking and walking lanes about to have to go one way?
Some professional determined that each person on average has $10,000 worth of car related expenses per year. And people are needing to find less expensive ways to move about.
But, with the city looking more like a concrete jungle of walking, jogging, running, foot biking, motor bicycling, motor cycling, 3 wheeled cycling, 4 wheeled cars and trucks, even the jungle looks more like a disheveled ant inhabitant than some well organized and lubricated machine.
No one is yet talking about solutions, just the problems, and even those are being used to distract from the real threat, mother nature and adult education.
These guys risk walking the hypocritical tightrope when it comes to energy usage.
We don’t want you to use it (and will give you money to stop), but its okay for us to use it, you know like just temporarily.
Like what? 20 years tempo??
As we add up the signs of a collapsing society, a big one just got checked off the list.
Law enforcement is so desperate for recruits that they are now enlisting marines as LEO candidates.
These are trained killing animals folks, people don’t enlist into the marines to belly up to the bar and have a debate of some sort. These are people who want to kill you if you don’t believe in their, or their tribes, ideology.
And now they being used to bolster the ranks of the cops, against a questionable citizenry.
From today on, the citizen will be assumed guilty of something, until they come in and prove they are innocent.
This is really comedic material, the resources needed to complete his task actually reside in South America, while they are going to concentrate their efforts in the “high north”, the artic, someone is going to have to inform him that these two places are in different directions.