2022/06/22 07:00:01
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The severity and hate ie intensities of this geopolitical change is telling through the details of cruelty, lies, killings and torture. This incoming Principle that will replace the old corrupt order can only be viewed as Providence or as some would have it ‘the breathe of God’. Putin, fired by Providence, a remarkable soul in these times; his being of this time forcibly enforces the powers of Providence far beyond the mere corrupt and incompetent contrivances and machinations of mini-man. The time of the USA is done; its power deflated and its peoples will suffer the enormous wrath of its so-called ‘elite’ grifters while they search for safe havens to hide with their ill gotten gains stolen from those that with gullibility trusted them.
Where can they hide, the question be?
Every man, woman and child must thank Providence for these mercies bestowed upon humanities future, no matter the cost; thank Putin and review in passing their own stupidity in believing the words of those politicians that promised the World all they desired. You got their promise and see now the truth of
theft, lies, torture, murder, mediocrity, and more theft; bombs, blood and death.Thus the past has served their Bankers and Bureaucrats, Wall Street, and let us take a moment to remember the Health Industry of Vaccinations Inc. Now, how do we detoxify ourselves from this Covid ‘spike’ protein injected into us by mandate; government mandate? How do we restore our auto-immune facilities? How do we restore the seed of our God given Humanity? Yes, How?
The evidence is now clear as how humanity has methodically been scammed by the Bankers, the elite and political bureaucrats since Circa 1950 (and well before, I add). It will soon stop in the coming Age, if and only if we all recognise that full responsibility for your life, is yours’ alone. Use your mental facilities; read and reflect that there is more than money to worship.
For example: Look at the person who leads, i.e. that was chosen, to lead the West. Who are the leaders of the West – not the proxy government? Certainly not Americans. Ask yourselves, who are your leaders?
And where is Julian Assange? Could this be you?
The possibility of the death of Humanity has been written,
The Bell Tolls and it tolls for Thee.
– In order to create a new system the old system has to be taken down
– Global trade is to be terminated
– Girls and boys will be made equal, no difference. Procreation will be a thing of the past
The goal of Ukraine war is to crush global economy so a new system can be put into place
My comment: Exactly. Ukraine war was started by design.
Present goals: To create as many sanctions on global trade as possible?
Future: No global trade -> China will lose everything / famine / pandemic / no water
Food shortages
– food shortages will teach people the danger of overpopulation
– food is to be brought under centralized control
– growing own food will be outlawed
– if you persist in activities like growing your own food you will become a criminal
Attack on the food chain, starting grey terror.
Today, the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War, the square in Moskva which has the cursed us embassy, was (re-)named as Donetsk Republic Square.
Thanks Ralph. Hmmm. You reminded me and we had just discussed the summer solstice. So Operation Barbarossa really began on a summer solstice sacrifice of that year. Wikipedia and history books lie again. The guns opened fire on eastern front at 01.00 Russia-time which was actually still June 21 in the decider capitals of the combined west. This fact alone tells us who they serve. And they named it after the leader of the Third Crusade.
The first series of Crusades lasted about 200 years, largely fueled by religious extremism, bloodletting excess population (esp second/third nobles’ son), and pillage.
The current cycle, starting with Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt and N. Africa, is also winding down after 200 years. It is ending on a bizarre note though, with a woke rainbow banner! The Knights Templars finally triumphed in the West – elevating their Baphomet over all other deities. History repeated in a farcical orgy.
“WASHINGTON—The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, today announced the following online briefing:
A Moral and Strategic Imperative
Thursday, June 23, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Register: https://ushr.webex.com/ushr/j.php?RGID=r6c43d40f2b988be5e94f7614ea4a6768
Russia’s barbaric war on Ukraine—and before that on ****Syria****???????????, ****Libya****????????????, Georgia, and Chechnya—has exposed the Russian Federation’s ****viciously imperial**** character to the ****entire world****. Its aggression also is catalyzing a long-overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, given Moscow’s dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the ****brutal extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their ****national self-expression**** and ****self-determination.**** ???????????????????
Serious and controversial discussions are now underway about reckoning with Russia’s fundamental imperialism and the need to “decolonize” Russia for it to become a ****viable stakeholder in European security and stability.**** As the successor to the Soviet Union, which cloaked its colonial agenda in anti-imperial and anti-capitalist nomenclature, Russia has yet to attract appropriate scrutiny for its consistent and oftentimes ****brutal imperial tendencies.****”
This document is full of typos. A quick run through with gobal search and replace should have fixed the problem. Search for the word Russia and replace it with America.
They are without shame and no bottom for their rottenness. Actually its incredible anybody is able to reach such a bottom level of evil and stupidness.
I think however Russia is downplaying their real total strength to get all this evilness out in the open.
Russia could have enormous power hidden behind, think North Korea with 24 mio people with the most well trained military who have a score and pay-back waiting.
Poland lines up with 200 000-300 000 on the border ready to take over when Ukraine is finished, and 1 million North Korean forces arrive to slice all of Europe up……………..LOL.
So, while it appears that Schwab was not present at the most recent SPIEF, plenty of Globalists were:
A day earlier, on June 17, Vujnovich revealed that the WHO, despite earlier threats, would not be closing its office in Moscow.
“The WHO country office is here, has not gone anywhere, is not going anywhere and continues normal work,” she said.
We won’t lie: if you were expecting Russia to leave the WHO in the near future, you might have to keep waiting. You might be waiting for a very long time, actually.
On June 16, Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, participated in a SPIEF panel discussion about how to inject the masses with “next-generation” vaccines. Mikhail Murashko, Russia’s health minister and a member of the WHO’s Executive Board, was a fellow panelist.
Even Dr. Tedros made an appearance at SPIEF (via webcam) but we are saving details about this historic event for a separate blog post.
End Quote
Then there is only Trump left. Like it or not.
A question about the Lithuanian blockade affair. It’s said that some cargo is prohibited and some not prohibited. It is said that road cargo and rail cargo are both controlled.
Let’s suppose a train arrives at control line. And let’s suppose the cargo is thought by control officer to possibly be of a mixed nature… Most cops would assume this, I’m sure.
It would then be necessary to unload the train for inspection piece by piece. Such an endeavor might take weeks…
I wonder what the procedures being employed consist of, as a “work to rule” procedure would have the effect in a practical way of prohibiting traffic 100%. “Just following orders, Herr Oberst!”
I’d welcome hearing about what’s actually happening at that or those control points.
The Alex and the other Alex say they think this affair is very grave and entirely illegal.
A consensus is building Lithuania will not receive the desired frontal attack. Too simplistic and expected. And ships from Leningrad can work around the issue, for years if needed (like with Crimean blockade). At this point, it’s not worth the distraction from SMO and giving NATO renewed life and casus belli. Perhaps in the winter when rigor mortis is setting in.
Many are flummoxed at the EU’s blase and reckless severing of its energy sources. This was laid out in great part in the recent excellent article, the AZE’s unimaginable horror at unexpectedly descending alone into the Dark Age: http://thesaker.is/world-war-3-for-dummies/
However other calculations are at play, so far unsaid in polite company… “an assumption about EU includes the idea of “demand” for HC, of needs. So? Well, how many people will need? All cause death rate
That’s in the US, but serves to raise the matter of need – EU being the trained seals of Empire.”
In addition, the hunger, cold, depressed immunity from joblessness, foreclosures, despair and further expected lockdowns will add significant toll, attenuating factors.
Yes, and thanks!
As many have taught, the best Strategy is, generally, the indirect… They’ll do marine transport for a while and it may be that our Chinese Comrades will take further interest in Lithuania…see the commie news about their opinion about who owns Taiwan Strait (@newsfeed)… The business there is on…they have stated their view of maritime law to the US…and mean to enforce their rights. Global T also has good history of Chinese aircraft carrier policy and program.> “Harvest time for China’s aircraft carrier development through a century’s waves, Victorious voyage” Liu Xuanzun…policy began in 1932!
I saw the death rate article…it dovetails to “Yuval Harari’s Unipolar Dystopia vs the Greater Eurasian Partnership: Two Technological Paradigms Clash”
“I think the biggest question in economics and politics in the coming decades will be ‘what to do with all these useless people?’ I don’t think we have an economic model for that… the problem is more boredom and what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless? My best guess at present, is a combination of drugs and computer games”.
“at present” aheeemmm… later, an augmented attrition rate, no doubt.
As an interim, dope and games? Sure. But such a question avoids a decent attitude and easily becomes Action T4…and it’s clear that Harari is prevaricating… Heinlein’s first unpublished novel “For Us, The Living…” takes a decent attitude…properly the nutzlossenvolk must be well-educated and kept employed in art and activities that create the good…at the expense of the State and any rich people. Actually the time under contract to the Army showed how that can work…useless people kept busy and imagining that their work was important – gave them pride and confidence self-esteem and a decent income…people used to read novels at work, others stole, or slept, or took dope, and some worked with earnest effort…a decent welfare program…but you had to show up, display some enthusiasm and discipline…and not so different from the stories I have heard from USSR days….”you need a propeller for your boat?…No problem!” and the foundry at the base casts a prop…(we used to ask: Is this a “Gee Job? ” If it was, then the job got done right away, “Gee” as in “Geewhiz I need a gear for my boat transmission..etc) In Czechoslovakia during USSR> “Fuel for your boat? No problem, 1 liter dilute ethanol 50% swaps for 20 liters diesel” off a canal-boat, bring your own cans and hose… And so on.
It has long seemed to me that the political realm follows, approximately and with different constants, the physics > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electromagnetism_equations
Leaving a “body” outside of the equation is not possible…Harari and Co “need” to eliminate the uncoupled bodies…otherwise there’s a “mismatch” and reflected power that heats the amplifier or the line – sometimes to destruction (that would be revolution). At the same time, the isolation of one system from the other accelerates the mismatch in one, and improves the coupling efficiency in the other…on the global scale? the “other” in this case being China, Russia, India, and so on, and presto! AZE melts. Do I smell smoke?
Returning to blockade>Lithuania ready to expand Kaliningrad blockade – president > https://www.rt.com/russia/557626-lithuania-president-kaliningrad-blockade/ I note that Lithuania exists due to contracts, treaties, and that if these are not obeyed, Lithuania may revert to the status quo ante…and that if this reversion is recognized, then Russia cannot “invade”…which opens, again, the option of “SMO-L”…not invasion, but polite green police come and arrest deviant criminals.
………….In another matter, @ Crosstalk one of Peter’s colleagues mentioned the claim that NATO was built to prevent the resurgence of the nazis, said as if it were true. That does not accord with what Acheson wrote in his auto-bio. https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/557492-west-relationship-split-policy/
It’s astonishing that such nonsense is believed. I wonder if he’s got any more of whatever he’s smoking…
I think the NATO stuff is in > https://archive.org/details/presentatcreatio0000unse
…………thinking about Harari’s useless eaters minds me of Brecht..Die Lösung
Nach dem Aufstand des 17. Juni
Ließ der Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbands
In der Stalinallee Flugblätter verteilen
Auf denen zu lesen war, daß das Volk
Das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt habe
Und es nur durch verdoppelte Arbeit
zurückerobern könne. Wäre es da
Nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung
Löste das Volk auf und
Wählte ein anderes?
After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
Had leaflets distributed on the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could only win it back
By increased work quotas. Would it not in that case be simpler
for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
I would like to know the horrid details about how one searches a train… must be a very humorous routine…
Tomatoes ripening…apricots ready tomorrow…
“Heinlein’s first unpublished novel “For Us, The Living…” [instructs free men:] must be [1] well-educated and [2] kept employed in art and [3] activities that create the good… [4] at the expense of the State and any rich people. [5 to give] pride and [6] confidence [7] self-esteem and [8] a decent income.. [9 and altruism such as] “Gee Jobs””
There is so much wisdom in this. It is the large essence of harmonious, productive, purposeful and moral society. If you desire to dismantle a society, remove those pillars.. and the system intent towards that direction occurred how soon after WW2?? US got too big britches for NWO tastes.. it has been continuously and patiently whittled away ever since..
“On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”” Warburgs were key Bankster financiers of the Russian “Revolution,” so key in NWO efforts in both Zones.
Cosimo might argue with education that it started even earlier in 1910-20s.. I agree, much of the traditional professions’ “syndication” such as the American Medical Association, American College of Physicians, American Board of Medical Specialties, and other concerns influenced by Carnegie and Rockefeller trusts were either founded or significantly reorganized around or soon after WW1. The foundations were being laid for the permanent war state (creating the ideal human functionary in any regulated profession) and the required regimentation and licensing of society. Positive feedback loops of obedience were encoded in order to function in society. The vax passport and QR-code have long pedigree.. it is just more intimate and individualized now. So the madmen Harari and Schwab merely reach the amoral logic of the eugenicist centralization mission.
Some of it was necessary, to professionalize, but they have been taken to the extreme. Doctors were delicensed for treating covid patients humanely (against CDC/WHO “guidelines”), lawyers were disbarred for representing Trump in NY State, educators with emeritus status let go for speaking the truth to power, etc.. It is the rules based order in practical action.
“Do I smell smoke?” yes, brimstone and sulfur, as enunciated by El Presidente Chávez!
“what is yet missing is total collapse of federal power” Texans are impatient and it could cost them. They should do like Cascadia and feign flower-power and listlessness! Stick a flower in rifle muzzles and sing soothing hymns. Collapse is close. No need to be wrecked by enraged madmen stymied everywhere else.
I think if we can get through the next 10-11 weeks, through Labor Day, they’ll freeze the western MSM on the European front.. too much bad news (and the Ukraine may be the least at that point) and Russia avoided being goaded through the hot summer, and on to the SCS.. they are already lining up their S. Korean ducks and firing up the folks with Tom Cruise and Kenny Loggins.
> @ Crosstalk: Southernprepper1 recounts an ongoing heartbreaking list of medication shortages in the US. Babushkas having to drive far to get limited stocks of essential antihypertensives, hospitals rationing saline fluid and getting folks to buy missing instruments, EMS and the State of Utah allowing extension of expired meds (was routine in Army, but they were being guinea-tested on pharmacodynamics for well over a century now, maybe our best test subjects overall).. The international supply chain is truly dying.
That being said, I would recommend listening to the CrossTalk or South Front intro themes when we run out of Viagra. Such stirring tunes, should do the trick! Auditory aphrodisiacs are ancient props – think discreet secluded balconies above dimly-lit orchestra halls, bands in the boudoirs or antechambers of kings during efforts towards generating succession, etc. It even resuscitated the US Navy for a bit after Vietnam, and they are pulling the same stunt with the same song, star and movie right now.
(1986) https://youtu.be/siwpn14IE7E
(2022) https://youtu.be/zKulFpzIwjI
I note this year’s Top Gun has the key mission taking place in 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙊𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣, launching off the aircraft carrier 𝙐𝙎𝙎 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙩, involving bombing “a foreign country’s unsanctioned 𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙪𝙢 𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙩” being guarded by 5𝙩𝙝-𝙜𝙚𝙣 𝙍𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙩.. Lol!! All bases covered, eh? China, Iran, Russia, even the Empire Strikes Back too!
Esteemed !
I am so happy you have made us again the targets of your never ending typographical mockery. But why not through the whole text and instead only in the last paragraph (which must look on your screen as on mine and the MODz’, namely):
I note this year’s Top Gun has the key mission taking place in
, launching off the aircraft carrier
, involving bombing “a foreign country’s
unsanctioned ” being guarded by 5-
.. Lol!! All bases covered, eh? China, Iran,
Russia, even the Empire Strikes Back too!
When imported into Open Office for Android which someone might use for punishing Pill Gäz, your unreadablography looks even fancier, namely thus:
I note this year’s Top Gun has the key mission taking place in ?ð? ?ð?ð?ð? ?ð?ð?,
launching off the aircraft carrier ?ð? ?ð?ð¤?ð¤?ð ?ð¤?ð¨?ð«?ð¡?,
involving bombing “a foreign country’s
unsanctioned ?ð§?ð£?ðª? ?ð£?ð?ð?ð?ð© ?ð¡?ð£?â being guarded by 5?ð-
?ð? ?ðª?ð¨?ð? ?ð?ð?ð?ð©.. Lol!! All bases covered, eh? China, Iran, Russia, even the Empire Strikes Back too!
Waiting for your next strikes
dear bp,
No mockery intended. I am low-tech. I use this site to create bold/italics:
Let me know of a better way to avoid this issue for you. In meantime, I will switch to a simpler systemic of emphasis .
this was the garbled paragraph:
[I note this year’s Top Gun has the key mission taking place in (((the Pacific Ocean))), launching off the aircraft carrier (((USS Theodore Roosevelt))), involving bombing “a foreign country’s unsanctioned (((uranium enrichment plant”))) being guarded by (((5th-gen Russian aircraft..))) Lol!! All bases covered, eh? China, Iran, Russia, even the Empire Strikes Back too!]
“The Lithuanian affair may not be as indirect as I expected…(ST) > “Russia Warns Of ‘Non-Diplomatic’ Response”
Symmetries in Perfide Albion.
Wimbledon starts tomorrow, having banned Russians. A week later, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meets, having banned Russians. Will either Wimbledon or OSCE exist in a year? Reality (and SMOs) have a tendency to crash VR bubbles containing Peppa Pig and Pokemons.. Uncle Ben, if alive and observing the current madness may modify his golden statement to “Those that give up freedom for [divisible] safety deserve neither.”
Anglo-Polish Romance
The dashing men’s tennis player, the affable gent Hubert Hurkacz, just finished storming to win the Halle, Germany grass court tournament. A Pole triumphed on hallowed German soil for first time (!), where Federer won 10 sublime titles! In Halle, they had named a street after their demi-god Federer. Both Churchill and Bismarck must be spinning with the speed of Avangard. Let’s watch HH, he is anointed. Last year he defeated the top Russian Medvedev and Federer enroute to the Semifinals. Will he topple the defending Champion, Serb Djokovic? Even the women’s side has a Pole, #1 Iga Swiatek, who is favored.. The British are counting on Poles – in or out of their isles – to take mighty leaps into the unknown these next weeks.
However, Russians say not so fast.. Russian Member of Parliament (and former deputy commander of the Southern Military District) Lt-Gen Andrey Gurulyov said that “London will be the first city to be bombed by Russia if the blockade of Kaliningrad leads to a war with NATO.” Phase Three will NOT countenance nor waste time on Poles or other non-Ukie proxy. We know the real history. We will respond to sender at Orc C&C. It appears as we suspected, no mobilization is necessary and EU and its satellites will be wasted from stand-off distance.
Meanwhile AZE oligarchs do not get these memos.
(1) US oligarchs have turned up the emotional distraction dial – repealing Roe to trigger Dems and further garroting the 2A to trigger Repubs. Not a good sign wrt foreign entanglements and the general peace.
(2) Into the breach! The EU doubles down, admitting the Ukies as a candidate in order to maintain the bloodletting and now The Charge of the Light Brigades may be imminent? Using waves of aircraft and stand-off weapons?
((( Unification of Russian and Belarusian armies)))
“Shoigu.. specified that it was urgent especially in terms of an anti-aircraft defense.”
I understand nothing of any of this, but making a bold or an italicised piece of text is very easy. I cannot type it out for you, because of course the code will execute.
You need to remember b for bold and i for italic.
You only then need the little brackets, greater than and smaller than or less than.
And then you need a forward slash .. like this /
Now go here, and look at nothing else but the two examples, the one for bold and the other for italic .. nothing else, ignore everything else .. only the two examples and they will tell you exactly how to do it. No muss, no fuss.
So you type your less than bracket
you put in a b
and you close by typing the greater than bracket.
When you’re done with the bolded piece you do it again, excepting now you show it is a close of the call, by putting in like this
So you type your less than bracket
you put in a forward slash
You put in a b
and you close by typing the greater than bracket.
No spaces in those simple commands
Thanks, AHH,
for finally reacting (RE mad typography) in a format that allows understanding what is (or not) going on. (I’ll react [at least try to] to the left side of your columns for space reasons.)
(1) The problem you want to fix is minor (only making text BOLD or ITALIC, of which you seem to use ony BOLD) and provided in the tech behind the comment window (and mentioned but unjustifiedly discounted at //yaytech.com/bold-italic/) until Anno Domini 201n(or 202n?)/m?/d?/ when TheSaker.is decided to cryptify these two necessary options – as part of the same worldwide nazi wave that illlegalizes everything else in the useful–and-damaging-nobody category.
(2) What TheSaker.is told you in the now illegal and wiped and banned instructions is:
inserting “” (without the two blanks) before a piece of text will bold it,
while inserting “” (without the two blanks) before a piece of text will italic it.
This is still the case, The Law, The Way, only forbidden to say. (I don’t say nothing, I just play around with my foldable external Bluetooth Keyboard).
It’s that simple – and yaytech.com seems just another encyclopedia to explain how to use snake oil.
I looked at your link and saw that a big number of problems yaytech allegedly killed are still present at my screen – unreadable SaveOurSouls signals. Do what you want, but yaytech seems not to be THE way.
“My screen” is that of a Lenovo [IBM] yoga tablet (stands upright thanks to an in-built mechanism: great!), pretty standard, I assume, for code pages etc. etc..
and [without blanks] does it all! Better than snake oil! Look:
bold and
italic . Wau!
Sitrep on the oil rig & the blockade.
Get your “things” straight my dear followers or believers of the EMPIRE OF LIES:
The new “Uygur Forced Labour Prevention Act” that’s about to be adopted by U.S. lawmakers might just be one of the most cynical pieces of lying U.S. legislation ever, and that’s saying something.
First of all it’s interesting to study the origins of the allegations of forced labor that the law is supposed to “prevent”.
An institution that’s been instrumental to spread these false allegations is called the “Better Cotton Initiative” (BCI)…
Read On !!!
And by the way another American “RIVER OF LIES” corrected:
35 Tiananmen Facts
Nury Vattachi
1) In 1988, an office was set up in China by a relatively new organization with an innocent name – the National Endowment for Democracy. At that time, we reporters HAD NO IDEA it was a CIA spin-off, designed to build relationships with anti-government activists overseas for the purpose of spreading disinformation and destabilising communities in the interests of the US.
2) In the following months, CIA agents helped Chinese student activists form an anti-government movement, and even provided typewriters, fax machines and other equipment to help them spread their message—this information came from a US official. The CIA was already active, an official told the Vancouver Sun newspaper
3) A key player was Colonel Robert Helvey, a 30-year Pentagon veteran of destabilization operations in Asia. He “trained, in Hong Kong, the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques, which they were to subsequently use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989,” according to a highly detailed academic paper by B. Raman, the former director of India’s foreign intelligence agency.
4) When protests broke out in China in April 1989, demonstrators were not calling for democracy, but purer socialism, free of corruption and inequality, which were endemic at the time. Students carried pictures of Chairman Mao and sang the Chinese national anthem repeatedly. Western hybrid warfare includes two key principles:
Locate and amplify GENUINE local grievances, and
Rebrand them as calls for western liberal democracy and freedom. Students called for corruption-free communism, carrying Mao pictures and singing the national anthem repeatedly. They needed their message to be rebranded.
5) The US State Department withdrew US ambassador Winston Lord, and replaced him with James Lilley, a veteran CIA agent who had run operations smuggling people in and out of China.
6) The Chinese protesters were advised by persons unknown to add the word “democracy” in English to their banners, and say they were calling for “freedom”, rather than their actual goal, a purer form of communism. As Westerners became involved, the messages changed to Western ideals, written in the English language, and in this case displaying a pastiche of a well-known saying “give me liberty or give me death” from a US politician from 1775. Students sculptors made their statue in the style of Vera Mukhina, a famous socialist sculptor.
7) The protesters were advised to create a statue and began work on May 27. But, as good communists, students chose to make it as unlike the Statue of Liberty as possible, basing their statue (replica on the right) on the work of Russian revolutionary communist sculptor Vera Mukhina (above). The students were not at all a homogenous group, but they were socialists.
8) On May 28th, 1989, Gene Sharp, America’s top undercover street protest strategist, flew into Beijing with his assistant Bruce Jenkins to offer help. “The students in the square were operating with great commitment and bravery but they didn’t know what the hell they were doing,” Sharp later wrote. Gene Sharp and his assistant flew in on May 28 and stayed until June 6, 1989.
9) As May turned into June, the energy level dropped and there was need to bring things to a head. Student leader Chai Ling gave her infamous talk, where she warned of a massacre “which would spill blood like a river through Tiananmen Square”. She added that she expected to die shortly – but confusingly also said that she no longer intended to stay in China, but wanted to move to the United States. What did that mean? It was baffling at the time, but it would all make sense later. We now know that student leaders were promised US passports, CIA-run safe passage out of China, and enrollment in top US universities.
10) But there was a problem. Things were not coming to a head. The Chinese government was remaining remarkably restrained, as was the army. Because the main body of the protesters were asking for purer communism, people were politically on the same page – students and soldiers had good relationships, and even shared food and sang together. Since all sides agreed that corruption-free communism was what society needed, relations with soldiers were generally very positive. Violence finally started when a mysterious group of thugs, some from ethnic minorities, triggered a fight in Muxidi, five kilometers away, attacking army buses with petrol bombs and setting them alight, burning the occupants to death. This was unexpected, because gasoline was rationed and hard for ordinary people to obtain. Soldiers who managed to escape the burning buses were beaten to death. The word “massacre” could be used for this atrocity—although that doesn’t fit the western narrative, since it was soldiers who died. Other military men arrived in Muxidi and, infuriated at the sight of their slaughtered colleagues, shot at protesters (mostly unionists rather than students): there were many more tragic deaths, this time of civilians. In Muxidi, about five kilometers west of Tiananmen Square, a violent mob attacked army buses, burning many soldiers alive, and beating to death some who escaped.
– CIA agents helped Chinese student activists form an anti-government movement,
CIA agents were also involved in taking down the Guatamalan government 1954, and taking down US government 1963, where the American “Mao” was thrown out of the window … or something like that
Very interesting. This mineral is vital for the production of ammunition in the world. Global production coming mainly from China (74%), Tajikistan (8%), and Russia (4%). In the West reserves are in total only 11%. It doesn’t take a military genius to figure out that Russia and especially China should stop selling to Western states this mineral.Once again start remembering Lenin’s statement about being sold the rope used to hang themselves with. Russia/China stop being “that guy”:
Did you know what antimony is?
A semi-metal that is used for the production of ammunition. Cartridges, shells and even some elements of nuclear weapons.
In the United States, antimony reserves will last only until 2025, Defense News writes.
And the main suppliers of semi-metal in the world are China, Russia and Tajikistan.
The authorities are concerned about the cooperation between Moscow and Beijing and are looking for alternative ways to buy antimony, the newspaper writes.
Also used in casting grids for lead-acid storage/car batteries. Perhaps 5 to 10% by weight. Pretty nearly essential.
So, about that famous and well-flogged holocaust…interesting graphic from Bern on anniversary of the war> https://twitter.com/RusEmbSwiss/status/1539540071891800065
“June 22 is the day of remembrance and mourning in Russia. 🗓️ 81 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began – Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Here you will find an infographic about the prehistory of the Second World War.”
Original> Der 22. Juni ist in Russland der Tag der Erinnerung und der Trauer.
🗓️ Vor 81 Jahren begann der Grosse Vaterländische Krieg – NS-Deutschland griff die Sowjetunion an.
Hier finden Sie eine Infografik über die Vorgeschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs.
One may quibble about precise numbers…but the ratio speaks.
……..in another matter…”Fifth Report on Lend-Lease Operations” (June 15 1942)…something that might be interesting so far as the sudden “inexplicable” Policy Change that attended the death of FDR..Policy? Yes “No nation will grow rich from the war effort of its allies.” But we’ll see what the full text says…
Here is a good interview talking about the nazi presence in Banderastan. I want to add a personal point of view to accompany it. There is no way that all these numerous Western press people (reporters,camera people,sound techs,etc) and Western government officials in Ukraine. But “especially” in Western Ukraine can not see the nazis there. All they would have to do in Lvov is roam the streets,go into stores,go into restaurants. For goodness sake just look at the statues of their “heroes”. Talk to Western Ukrainians. The place is crawling with nazis. They don’t see them,only because they “refuse” to see them. And that is a total disgrace for the West:
‘Lviv is packed full of Nazis, Fascists and Mercenaries’ – interview with Steve Sweeney
This video is just a conversation with one still picture in it.
“The place is crawling with nazis. They don’t see them,only because they “refuse” to see them. And that is a total disgrace for the West”
One thing we learned from WWII is that just because someone is evil does not mean you can accuse him falsely, or of anything that it becomes convenient to accuse, and even changing or molding the accusation in the passage of time according to whatever is politically convenient. That is evil too!
I cannot accept “Steve Sweeney” as the evidence. I need lots of present pictures and especially declarations made, but the Ukrainians actually deny the accusations, and that’s not very Nazi because the Nazis did not hide their beliefs.
I don’t base my opinions on subjects from one interview. I’ve studied the area for decades. And especially for the last 9 years. There are countless stories and reports about the prevalence of nazis in West Ukraine.It’s the main hotbed of nazism in Ukraine. The big cities are all decorated with statues of Bandera or other of the WW2 Ukrainian nazi supporters.
In Lvov besides the large Bandera statue downtown there are restaurants serving a baby shaped red cake called “Russian baby”. So when you cut into the red cake you are eating a Russian baby,cute right. Another restaurant (I don’t remember the name) is made up to be like an OUN camp from that period. And you get to play at executing Russians in your play acting. Another cute spot,right. That is also the region that brought the “If you don’t jump your a Moskal” chant,and the “Russians on knives” chant. So no,I don’t need Steve Sweeney to let me know about nazis in Lvov. But for people who don’t know about the West Ukrainians,then he is a good source to listen to.
As for nazis being open about it.Yes they usually are pretty open about it. But some of them are smart enough to hide their ideology. But it’s really not about them hiding their nazism. It’s the Westerners there that hide it for them. Because,yes,they are smart enough to know they better hide the nazism they see there.
Here are a few other reports on this:
Inner terror is at the root of maintaining standpoints of silence. How was it during the second world war, when millions of German civilians watched neighbors, friends, family members taken away, in villages, towns and cities, and leaving for the camps, some awaiting their turn?
The same root cause of fear is largely responsible for the denial of what is happening now n Kiev,
The world is a long way still from attaining equanimity in the face of this terror, and will go also to great lengths to deny it is there, every day influencing their mode of behavior and thought in life.
There is only one way that the forces of Nazism will be overcome in the individual, and that is through compassion. The courage of empathy, the strength to uncover evil with the dispassionate, quiet gaze fired by the certainty of the right, the good and the true.
Hate is blind and leads to madness. There is no private satisfaction or superiority attempt in writing the above, every new day, the challenge awaits and faces us all.
Oh please … that story does not fly.
🇵🇱Dubious creative from typical Poland.
“The only gas the Russians deserve is
“Cyclone B”»
☠️ Stickers with such inscriptions are now pasted around Auschwitz.
If you tranquilocomp, don’t know by now that there are plenty generational nazis in the complete area, and that we have seen exposure of remaining nazi values in most of the EU’s talking heads, you are not looking.
For you, dear reader, turn up the volume, listen and watch very carefully…
The Who – My Generation
Show it in the Sitrep; that’d be great and fitting too.
The Uvalde police revelations with pictures of policemen armed no less than the shooter inside the school within minutes, with the top cop (Arredondo) inside with them, are becoming another world embarrassment for the U.S. It must be hard for some other countries not to watch and pay attention to how things work and don’t work in the U.S., or to watch without thinking about how they would handle the same situation under these circumstances.
– It must be hard for some other countries not to watch and pay attention to how things work and don’t work in the U.S
How do things work in US?
If it happens in a Wal-Mart, the FBI gets involved immediately. I don’t remember if it did in other schools, but I think so (like in the Sandy Hook case, right?). But, in this case, it doesn’t get involved yet. I heard on TV that the FBI is just waiting to receive a final report on it from the local authorities.
How would they react to Arredondo in China or in Russia?
Cops have many characteristics and obligations. One obligation is the willingness at a moments notice to take a bullet and kill a man. It’s pretty low pay for such a bargain…and depends, finally, on character…the border patrol guy had character, borrow a gun and ignore cops and shoot the murderer with no regard to his own safety. Some will, some won’t.
If we give the cops the assumption of good character, then we must assume that those cops were under orders to stand by…stand down..stand back and let it happen…it was curated.
Every cop shop in USA, more or less, has a direct connection to FBI and CIA, and is, more or less, subject to the Führerprinzip. Assume that the affair was curated as part of covert emotional campaign to disarm the nutzlossenvolk and remove 2nd amendment…they sure had the law ready…
Repeat, until?
“If we give the cops the assumption of good character, then we must assume that those cops were under orders to stand by”
Arredondo was in charge and he went inside the school in the first minutes of the crisis, but he did not give them the order to save the children. Instead, he messaged that they had only pistols and were outgunned. The picture(s) of the heavy weapons they had showed this was untrue.
I think that in China and Russia they wouldn’t automatically accept it as a case of maximum stupidity and cowardliness. Beyond the case specifics, a security agent cannot act like “caido del catre” (“one fallen out of the bed”). President Biden has not given the order to investigate, but a Texas congressman has “requested” that the FBI get involved now. They (FBI) may have been waiting for a request, together with the final report from the local authorities, before getting involved; we have to wait for their response since it’s only a request.
The following tube is from 6-16 and contains info on uvalde shooting. Also, what’s happening in and around the USA. Some info is black ops related. Big problem in the USA. Any questions, duckduckgo or……..
Can you ask if an investigation should last more than 24 hours before the culprit is identified and revealed? Would it be too much to ask something normal like that?
I remember the Las Vegas-Nevada case; it was “solved” in less than 16 hours (counted) and that was that.
Woops, phone glitch. And then there’s spell check.
Lithuania, the history of Kaliningrad or Königsberg, as it was from the thirteenth century until 1946, but where or how on earth to start with its fascinating, incredible past, that is the question…
To begin at the beginning : amber, the organic gem with multiple uses, arts – no stringed instruments without its application, technology, binding materials, medicine and healing,jewelry..
The fossilized remains of resin from now extinct coniferous trees, it belongs truly to the Baltic countries, with 90% of world reserves there. Between 35 and 140 million years old, and not stone, being only slightly heavier than water, amber can be any shade from pale gold to darkish red, like hardened sunlight – earthed sun, pure amber, as it was always spoken of.
Of course, we all know the largest segment of the US homeless population are her military veterans, used as thugs in useless wars for no reason and insane after realizing not a single one of them ever defended their country from any credible threat. They just beat, robbed and killed mostly civilians since the early 1960s. Being a miserable murdering cretin eventually takes a toll and you wind up doing what you were trained in the military to do, live on next to nothing while you enriched congress, the president, the Pentagon lackies, grifting military contractors and Middle East weapons manufacturers.
Time for China to break their habit of kicking cans down the road (unless it is Taiwan or Hong Kong) and wake up and smell the roses. South Korea under their new pro-US stooge President is getting into bed with NATO. Getting lined up to join in some form. That is all kind of bad news for China.
So it’s time for a heart to heart talk with the South Koreans. Remind them how important for them their trade with China is. And how if China was to decide to massively help economically and militarily North Korea. It would be a real bad slap on South Korea. So while South Korea can be the US’s stooge like they are now. If they decide to expand their anti-Chinese polices they will have to pay a heavy price for that error. After all North Korea could use economic help from China (and Russia). And need heavy upgrades to their Air Force and Navy. Both of those actions would be fitting punishment for South Korea :
Asian nation seeks NATO mission
South Korea is looking to bolster its ties with the US-led bloc, citing the “unpredictable” international security situation
For those interested in US politics and economy. And there dealings with China and Russia,this is one of the best interviews I’ve seen lately. Comes under the heading of “calling a spade a spade” style analysis:
” ROBERT BARNES Joins For Ukraine Update, Inflation Crisis & Political Upheaval”
Solstice and the Lurk Before the Jump
“In Cancer we are averted from the Sun, in the world of night and shadow, protecting the feeling from the blinding brightness of ratio and noon. To Cancer in the zodiac belong the two hours past midnight. “Down south” we say, down is belly, below are the entrances and exits of life. Water-element, hormones, ‘south’ is: feelings, Africa – the nocturnal dance at the fire, music in the soul-ribbons.”
25. Week in this dramatic 2022:
Big parade! https://starwalk.space/en/news/what-is-planet-parade
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (and less visible, Neptune and Uranus) and crescent moon.
Dear Mr mundanomaniac, many thanks for your posts!
true love is always
ready and willing to give
of itself to others
A life without love is a waste. ‘Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?’, don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center… either you are out, yearning.”
— Shams Tabrizi
at the park
swinging on the swing in the summer sun
to reach the very outermost highest point
up there in lights ecstatic time embraced
winging free between love and yearning
on a wooden board held by two chains
swinging between
longing and exultation,
hope springs eternal
Shams represented the Master Principle, which Rumi acknowledged
upon meeting him, by saying; “Today everything I thought of as God, I
met in the form of Shams i Tabriz”.
“Even in hell, if you are with me I would not want to leave.
And if I find myself in heaven without you, those wide open
fields will be confining to my breathing heart.”
I think this is very good news. EU member Bulgaria ousts pro-NATO government in no-confidence vote
Lots of low probability events occurring this year, and this one is no exception.
Five planets are moving into a rare alignment, which will be visible from Earth this week. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are lining up — in that order — for the first time since December 2004.
But even rarer than that is on Friday morning, the moon will line up between Venus and mars to take the place of the Earth for a once in a life time conjunction of revolving rocks in alignment.
Be there, (again), or be square, as they say in the business. All eyes are on father time.
Now, if they’ll just not crap all over the sky, so we can see the lunar event.
Al Stewart on topic::
But our rulers don’t read enough history or listen to Al Stewart.
Hello, is Tommy Jensen here? As I was saying, Tommy, we should reject some things for being false.
Hey, I thought you jumped to the future. You riddle is easy. The key is here:
2+2=4, 2+2=5, 2+2=7, 2+2=3, 2+2=8 > 2+2=4 saying 1 only truth…………and many lies.
Grass basic colour is green, red, blue, black > green saying 1 only truth…………and many lies.
This is the universal principle.
To your hypothesis, I would like examples as all chapters I myself questioned, I found an symbolic explanation.
What you are telling me is, you are reading the bible literally.
This what non-believers do, and as such you can never see or find it. Your heart, Sir.
The Jews did a little of that with their Bible; they read it like you say believers should, but then came the Christians and they did a lot of it, and the Jews didn’t like it one bit, and I cannot blame them for that, other than for having done some of that themselves.
cum grano salis> Site: “Natural (whatever)” often seems somewhat hyperbolic and hysterical…nevertheless Searchterm “RED ALERT: Entire U.S. supply of diesel engine oil may be wiped out in 8 weeks… no more oil until 2023 due to “Force Majeure” additive chemical shortages”
If this story is substantially true…
Longtime ago Wix Corporation lecturer taught class…mostly about filters…but mentioned that modern lubricating oils are maybe 1/2 actual oil…(that’s from memory…but whether it’s 1/2 or something else, they’re loaded with additives) Anyway IMHO the article is probably substantially true…a choke inflection of economy of west…just in time for wheat harvest in Kansas in July – of which I have fond memories.
Methinkum me go Tractor Supply this morning… We change LO twice a year in the old pickup, and twice a year in the motorcycle…and, well, start engines maybe twice a week…no big deal for us…we only roll perhaps 50 miles a month…but very big deal if one has a locomotive, or a power plant, or any engine that’s important…and warranties require LO changes. Quite probably the shortage/inability will include grease…greases are a very big deal.
If they can’t make LO for diesels, they can’t make LO for much else…and that includes just about every sort of prime mover and gear train…and aircraft…machine condition? > stop.
It’s quite pleasant @ Anoxia digs…quiet…much reduced road traffic. We like that. I’d get a bicycle, but why go anywhere? No diesel, nothing in store…
Yes, the end of Petroleum and LO = the end of machines. I have a compensating vision of the rise of Paul Bunyans and a healthier lifestyle. No more overweight soy boys with lattes? We still have to account for Starlink and Skynet, but that is the task for the revolutionaries of the future.
Mr P, I hate to say it, but the diesel issue was anticipated months ago. I posted something back then on MFC. A deliberate sabotage of the fuel of the truckers and long-distance haulers essential to the US food supply chain. The usual suspects are ensuring 2022 is the Year of Famine. Diesel also moves world trade – so circumscribing it severs world trade. Additional impetus is the accelerated need for collapse given unmitigated catastrophe on the war fronts abroad; perhaps the Alexes’ third option of moving the Wurlitzer to CONUS and its travails has won out..
Btw, the ongoing EU ruminations (plan) to introduce delusional price caps on Russian energy will have same practical effect.. Russia already messaged it would halt all its supplies rather than submit to that nonsense. Both sides are maneuvering to ensure the other one is holding the bag when the music stops!
europe is truly FUBARed. not only is russian gas being cut, but other suppliers with scores to settle like Algeria are piling in.
Remember the shenanigans against Algeria by NATO and EU over the decades? sending the extremist cadres and MB against them, trying coups, fomenting war between them and Morocco (which is turning into the Israel/Kurds of north Africa, with Nuland visiting them recently), Macron insulting them recently, etc etc.. They have long memories and have been on Russian side for generations. I would recommend Pontecorvo’s powerful docu-drama “The Battle of Algiers (1966),” which shocked me as a kid and continues to inspire the nonwestern world. It will soon have relevance in NATOstan itself as faux democracy is openly discarded.
Libya also lost capacity to supply Europe due to infighting. Last I knew Warlord Haftar in this byzantine war was a Russian proxy? If oilprice is telling the truth, he is the proximate cause of Libya fully shutting down..
MS having all of the Ukraine’s cloud data has many serious consequences. They likely had prior local access, but vacuuming data at their leisure presents many security issues for Russia. For example, kompromat on millions, esp. of Russian-Ukrainians living in Russia, or to threaten relatives still living in the Ukraine. False identities based on real dual citizens can be generated at will, for focused insertion ops. It can tailor military vehicles parking and basing habits of nazis to focus on civilian homes of families separated by warzone, to make Donbas/Russian strikes impossible.. It can provide understanding of most critical infrastructure (in terms of usage and bottlenecks and physical locations) to attack at the worst moments, to generate most mass pain and attribution to Russia as the front reaches those locales. I could go on. Information is power and it is easy to destroy.. Ukraine engaged in the worst treason and dereliction of duty in ceding these data crown jewels, with which their people can be dismantled from oceans away…
About the diesel and LO… I missed your post on the business…but I miss a lot… I am not surprised about it… the store still has oils, spendy through. And w/o the fuel who needs the LO?
The Lithuanian affair may not be as indirect as I expected…(ST) > “Russia Warns Of ‘Non-Diplomatic’ Response Over Kaliningrad Blockade” and see> https://twitter.com/The_Real_Fly/status/1538577885971288064 Includes link to treaty being violated.
Returning to diesel…regulations oblige ships to use near land , generally, #2 distillate (diesel juice). Anecdotally, I was aboard Jeremiah O’Brien and as guest observed raising steam on #2…beautiful old “up and down” ship engine. I’ve raised steam and run turbines to “set trips” and so forth, but a reciprocating engine is much more exquisite. We used a old time diesel at our previous digs atop a small mountain, used in concert with heliotropic solar. Since weak aspect is storage one lives offgrid as Navajo word suggests> “T’ashaa’ biik’ ah go” (long time since I heard that word and I may remember incorrectly)
Old time “Lister 6-1” – but mostly just if we needed to equalize battery. That engine is in storage…but since it will run on olive or corn oil…well, I suppose I’ll go buy some Delo 400 and fill the crank-case again and see about a foundation project.
I note that UK passed law making scab labor contracts legal as the union labor only asks for 7% in the face of something like 15% inflation…recalling “rumpole and the summer of discontent” with some amusement.
Battle of Algiers > disk on shelf. I don’t want to see it again.
Later old man… Best. P
Ruskie oil “price caps” is rhetorical deception of course https://youtu.be/eNpis3pogck (I won’t pay, Ghost Busters)… And we know what happens after that! “Ok, no deal…” (Often followed by “Don’t call me, I’ll call you” … communications and deals suspended sine die.)
I have long been skeptical of the data and claims about CO2 and C Changes…seems to me that true or not the ultimate systemic driver is economic advantage and power over people…withal (ST)> 50 to 1 project interview with David Evans…dated, but new to me.
I saw Ghostbusters at an AMC theatre 10km from the Pentagon when it came out.. a gem! and full of messaging, and of the nature of the demonic activity infesting the AZE swamp.. deconstructed some time ago by Brother Casey I think
“we’re past the voting [to change things] stage, we’re in the collapse stage.” southernprepper1
Yes, I agree “Battle of Algiers” may not be relevant anymore for Zone A. For that there needs to be a physically occupying terrorist force facing organized determined resistance. None of that is evident.
And we see the ongoing dismantling of all facets necessary for modern life, including the policing forces, who if not resigning en masse seeing the writing on the wall, are hamstrung by burdensome fuel quotas and reduced vehicles availability due to missing parts; rather it is a Mad Max scenario, even without the nukes burstin’ in the air.
I downloaded a movie recommended by Smoothie in a recent interview with the Swiss Piero San Giorgio, called “The Postman (1997).” Starring Kevin Costner, it is about gangs and warlords and survival in post-collapse society in your neck of the woods, Cascadia (can northern Calif be considered in Cascadia?). This appears more true to script than a revolution against a foreign occupier.
Southernprepper1 also thinks it will be a [slow] burn to the bottom.. Sort of like the 5th century Roman elites running for the Venetian hills and leaving the plantations and cities to fend for themselves.. regardless, the emphasis is on establishing a community network for group resiliency. The lone sheep are picked off. Everyone brings something unique to the table. Each life is precious. Even sedentary infirm elders living alone bring a store of knowledge, hope, perspective and wisdom for the group to survive on.. youngsters can man the barricades, preppers share stocks, farmers til, mechanics and engineers fix what can be salvaged or repurposed or brought out of deep storage.. and so on
btw I also commend Amarynth and Herb and all Saker team for their effort in these last weeks. We have stayed informed and engaged in trying to understand what is going on in accelerating global chaos. Change is always stressful, even positive ones in the long run. They helped us keep our eye on the ball.
It is interesting the Telegram scandal reveals another weakness of Sovereigns! Telegram is headquartered in London.. and its CEO is controlled from Germany?! The BND (& MI6/CIA) has access to all its data and users??
This the same BND formed from the Gehlen Organization which warred on Russia for 80+ years! And it now currently controls the online messaging platform of the Russian state agencies and former President, with which the combined west is openly again at war! There needs to be import substitution, not mere protests from Maria.. Medvedev at least jumped the iPhone pot, but straight into the BND Telegram fire. The great Chinese Firewall of native suite of Apps and internal control comes to mind. The InfoWar and CyberWar will only increase and a secure information platform is needed.
One of the key revelations of the The West’s unsustainable attrition on the killing fields of the Ukraine has revealed the degradations and limitations of their once vaunted MIC. Fragile showpieces, inefficient, working on JIT replacement, burdened with graft, without reliable fuel source or supply chains, etc.. Russian “quantity having its own quality” has left them naked, and they have the quality to boot. And like the door to cauldrons always being kept slightly ajar for mice to enter, the Ukraine is open for them to empty their materiel which will not be restocked anytime soon.. + 200,000 of their sole significant proxy has catastrophic irretrievable losses. Imagine SOFs parachuting to secure european nuke depots and other key points – so what stands between the follow-on and an easy march to the Channel??? Von der Lugen and Trussed manning tanks? Here is a key document, full of usual bland agitprop and lies, but one can still smell the panic between the lines.
I want to rest in this cafe, but my post is on Immanuel Kant…we’re working if you read. I got my coffee here at least. You know, the owners of this cafe do not really want it to become the #1 attraction. Little gossip is fine before this. It goes against the “priorities.” Anyway, that’s my explanation for why they don’t beautify this cafe. Imagine if the left wall were cafe-decorated, someone said in red, I say in brown or black. It could be the most beautiful page… unfair advantage, we would love it too much.
I think it’s good to help “memory.” They say one of the ways is by reading. I suggest that reading Immanuel Kant may achieve the improvement (perhaps). Kant will give the closest thing to a “physical warm-up.” He gives the mental stretch (or warm-up). You feel it! There is a physical sensation in your head. There are better examples than the one below. It’s just what I am about to read in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, his main work. It’s not sad, really, but most likely I won’t finish this book especially because of the way I read it. (To know him, it’s not necessary to finish it, I believe.) I read the same Kant texts in more than one version (translation) and in English and in Spanish. You can imagine I will never finish it so, but it’s the mental stretch – the memory exercise – that becomes like the main thing too. I have the first English translation of 1838 (an original copy), the second edition of 1848 (new edition) with its minor changes by the same translator (working copy), Muller’s 1881 centenary commemoration translation, and one more. On the Spanish side, I have the first Spanish translation of 1883 made in Madrid (a 1943 Buenos Aires re-edition of the same), and the recent top-notch Gredos edition from Spain; and I have two German editions (which I very seldom will read to check a translation or learn some German), one of them a 1789 republication of the first edition. Kant published two editions, making some changes in the second edition, so the translations normally include both editions.
Immanuel Kant (from the 1848 edition):
“ XV. Of the possibility of a Conjunction in general.
The diversity of representations may be given in an intuition which is merely sensible, that is, is nothing but perceptibility, and the form of this intuition may lie a priori in our faculty of representation, yet without being anything else than the mode in which the subject is affected.”
We just want the mental stretch. Do you see what I meant? Sure thing. Doesn’t matter what he says (chuckle). Yeah, the word “perceptibility” gives the meaning up to that point, so “intuition” and sensible” are his names for the forms of that perception. In ”the form of this intuition” (he had to use “form” too, grr), he means that the mind has its own way of apprehending things or objects independent from all experience and in this way provides the “mode” in which the “subject” is affected. In just this fragment it’s not clear what “subject” is referring to; it could be the things or objects the mind apprehends a priori. Things like “space” and “time” are apprehended a priori independent of any experience, “cause” too.
Microsoft published a rather interesting report on “Russian propaganda”, Russian cyberwar, et al.
This really begs a question, where did that Microsoft, all so publicly committed to privacy, got that accurate data (or did them not?).
Then they go on with sing wr in Ukraine as a tool to advertise Microsoft and other western “public clouds” to keep and process aboriginal nations crytical data.
Fedorov was “prophetic” to predict the war as early as February 17th. Well, it is easy to predict what you kickstart yourself, isn’t it?
The propaganda vehicle to copy all Ukrainian national data to Microsoft cloud was “prophetically” predicted “missile attacks and artillery bombardment”, however that prophecy was not fullfilled and instead they had untraceable and almost unproveable “destructive cyber “wiper” attacks”. So very prophetic…
It is then just assumed (good citizens do not ask questions) that is was Microsoft public clowd that defeate those cyberattacks, and that Ukraine won’t be able to twart those attacks on her own. I can only recall that Microsoft (GitHub) and Amazon (S3) unleashed massive DDoS attack on Amazon competitors (like DHL) and Russian media and Russian gov’t sites. That attack was very effective in the first two weeks, but after 4 weeks Russian infrastructure was reconfigured/increased and (from inside Russia at least) that cyberattack is hardly noticeable any more. So i assume Ukraine also could adapt to cyberwar on their own, and that is why Microsoft advertized “missiles and artillery”, to misguide readers from the actual events.
i also want to remind about “Internet2” – it is a common point that thewre is a “public perimeter” of any network, and there is internal, secure volume. While DDoS attacks coming from public internet can indeed overwhelm “public gates” it does not necessarily have any effect upon *internal* network. There is no unavoidable translation from inaccessability of public e-government to people and foreign media (goal and effect of any succesfull DDoS attack, like one being run by Microsoft and Amazon against Russia) to paralysis of *internal work* of government (or any other targeted entity).
Now that ALL of Ukro-government data was, on the false pretext of “missile bombardment”, donated to Microsoft cloud, we can only guess what use Western governments would make of that data trove.
i was reading it to find what they consider “concumptions” (found it on page 15).
journo-lamers from RIA Novosti did not bother to read and process, only to copy-paste. Journalizm today…
But that document is pretty damning indeed.
Next batch, not sure if i would bother to read this bowel of excr… advertisement further past page 16…
Now, this is one (more) big pile of shit.
1. “render machines unbootable” is what “script kiddies” do against illiterate home users. Serious attackers do not do this, because for any serious target it would only mean an hour or two of disruption (until the machine is restored from a regular backup copy). This “sophisticated” attack is akin to WW2 era spies coming out of the dark and starting an overt killing spree, with rubber bullets. The only effect this can have is exposure and elimination of malware/spy.
2. “Ransomware” and “file encryptor” (which is the same, goal and method) is absolutely an army toolbox. Because what else do nations need armies than wriggling ransom out of panicking home users, who did not bother to backup their stoves of home porn. for any remotely serious target this would be the same as above: consider encrypted data destroyed and recover it from an hour-ago backup copy. Frankly, this equation “army = ransom” is so western an idea that i can not help thinking “projection”.
3. Furthermore, “.Net capability” to double-delete files is so absurd, it clearly is “из пушки по воробьям” or Rupy Goldberg machine. Military weapon has to be self-sufficient and rugged. Depending on very complex (thus, fragile) .Net infrastructure (and then of a specific certain version – and there are many – which can be NOT installed on a specific machines) is akinf to “Nigerian virus” joke (e-mail: i am Nigerian hacker, i am almost illiterate so i could not make program deleting your files, so please delete your files yourself and then send this letter to all your friends. Thank you.). Even USA DoD grade multi-pass deleting does NOT require any .Net (see “Eraser” FLOSS for home use, if needed).
What “private sector” even means here is opaque to me. But “24 trillions of data uploads Microsoft gets every day without scrutiny” is an interesting figure. I can only remind, that starting with Microsaoft Office 2016 (or was it 2019) all the documents you edit in Word or Excel; are automatically uploaded to Microsoft servers “for compatibility checking”.
User can find and tick a checkbox prohibiting this documents donations, but that requires to know about it in advance. Also it was shown that Windows 10 ignores some prohibitions of “telemetery” uploading, so those privacy checkboxes in Microsoft products are are often “make belief”, placebo.
So, Microsoft – by their own words – gets 24T documents (auto-generated briefs or copied verbatim from naive users) daily, promising in exchange give their users security. Microsoft says “we would spy on you but in exchange we make sure no one else will”.
But then Microsoft says “more than 29%” – as much as 1/3 !!! – non-Microsoft attacks are succesfull.
How can this be considered a fair deal is beyond me.
That was pure bliss.
Microsoft LITERALLY CLAIM that publishing Russian point of view and uncomfortable for the West facts – “pre-position false narratives in the public
domain on the internet” – somehow defeats “IT administrators scan their most recent network activity”.
This is beyond absurd.
I would casually mention that West was “planting false narratives to sit unnoticed” centuries before Internet was conceived (Internet was designed as US Army military device against a swiping USSR nuclear attack, so it could not be even envisioned before 1970-s).
I would also mention that West used to say that existing of false narratives is a necessary price for freedom of speech and freedom of scientific inquery, because there is no any “a priori” formal ditinction between true and false narratives, but only “a posteriory” crytical review.
So basically Microsoft just added to the propaganda that censorship in the West should be automatic, all-encompassing, and retro-active like “antivirus” engines. I wonder how long it would take for similar retroactively censoring “antinarrative” engines to become part of Microsoft Windows Defender.
If publishing “Putin’s propaganda” was LITERALLY claimed to disrupt “IT administrators” work, then the logical implication is to make the censorship mandatory.
This long debunked hoax is still promoted. With the typical Western twist “we would discuss where the hospital was empty or not after you accede to the bombing event and to it being done by Russia”. And with the demand to retroactively destoy any counter-arguments, because any references to “false” history in perfectly Orweilian modus opoerandi are retconned as “pre-planted false narratives” literally equal to “unnotices computer viruses”.
Here it goes. Microsoft advertises their automatic “antinarrative” software, ready to proactively destroy backup copies of “wrong history” before public has chance to find and read and save it.
I can only yet futily again repeat the need for automatic “copy-on-read” serverless (p2p) networks (real ones like i2p and maybe ZeroNet and maybe Matrix) and the need to distinguish it from gatekeepers-based “Web 3.0” hoax.
Exactly. Microsoft uses the opportunity of war in Ukraine to sell their global anti-dissent services to TPTB.
The interesting thing here is the implicit definition of “consumption”, which actually means “reposting”, “retweeting”, archiving, backing up, copying and re-publishing.
It is not “reading” or “watching” or “lisening” as a layman idea of “consumer” would suggest. It is – “aplificating”. It is about “enablers” and “influencerS” not about “sheeple”.
RIA Novosti jounolamers prooved to be mere copy-paste speedrunners, not journalists :-(
Page 16 features “Top 5 Russian propaganda articles in the US based on visits (February)” and that is presented as a proof of “pre-planted narrative”.
Microsoft: And it’s possible to identify, as shown below, the specific reports and narratives that attain the highest consumption levels…
None of those 5 articles were given a specific date attribute, which should be required to proof they were “pre-planted” whatever that meant.
None of those 5 articles were given hyperlink or any other exact attribution, only a selective quote and blurred out “screenshot”.
Sounds damned, until we recall that in the Orweilian newspeak Microsoft chosen to use instead of English “accessed” means “reposted” and “discussed” by public.
What Microsoft actualyl said was that
* Russian-speaking audience was most attracted – to repost and/or discuss – with pro-lockdowns articles, while
* English-speaking audience was most attracted – to repost and/or discuss – with anti-lockdowns articles.
How should one interprete it is an interesting question, for example it can be interpreted that lockdowns in Russia were too soft and too much ignored (as perceived by Russian-speaking online active strata), while lockdowns in “anglo-saxon world” were on contrary perceived too harsh and too much enforced.
There can be other interpretations of course, but none of them include “Putin’s evil machinations” implied. Whatever Putin’s plans could be, Microsoft reports on PUBLIC ACTIVITY of reposting and dicussing, whilke using NewSpeak to conceal it and misdirect readers.
Microsoft again compares apples to.. to something they do not specify.
Microsoft compares RETWEETS and DISCUSSIONS of “Russian narratives” to WSJ… what? reads? reposts? somethign else?
Microsoft chosen to conceal it.
Of course, Microsoft swaps cause and effect. People’s growing grievances naturally manifested themselves to pro-active search of information, then later to discussing the information found, then later to direct action influenced by this discussion.
Microsoft advertisement’s target audience of course prefers to read chronicles upside down, to be comforted with inversed idea that public protests were caused by their discussions of imaginary grievances “pre-planted by evil overloard Putin himself”.
More interestingly, Microsoft covertly changed the language here, from “consumed” and “accessed” they moved to “read”.
Which seems to put us against a choice.
1. Microsoft lied. They still measure (by the means of RPI antinarrative engine they described above) what was reposted and discussed, not what was read.
2. Microsoft did monitor private lives of Canadians and does know what they were, privately, reading. Microsoft did not want to admit it, but got a Freudian slip.
Chose your poison.
“Chose your poison.”
I’d be dead if I had read such a long comment with my coffee. Seven pages in Word. (I felt you didn’t like mine or something.)
Dude, if it is hurting to read imagine how hurting it was to write it and to read through Microsoft BS.
Actually i did not read to the end, i suupose there would had been enough for yet enother article.
P.S. those comments in one piece: https://the-arioch.livejournal.com/99609.html
It’s okay if it’s from your blog, thanks.
Major overnight changes, Lisichansk forces tried to retreat, under orders, lost an entire brigade. Russians asking captured or surrendering Ukrainians “where are the rest of your soldiers”, the reply, “they have been killed”.
Several generations of Ukrainians no longer exist……sad, esp as it was and always has been a loosing effort.
Cheers M
When they call your name,
Better run and hide…….
Patient # 9……….Beck still rules.
Where is region of instability?
The stability of networks, specifically of western US electric net, is not my area. I understand that hydro at some level is, however, essential to stability. Given drought and diminishing available hydro it seems as though we are nearer to instability now than we were before…and I suppose, given the unknowable and untestable character of this very complex and dynamic network, we shall have a thrilling surprise.
The real and expected lubricant and fuel matters will add their own unique and unpredictable influences…spare parts…all sorts of technical effects…many potential triggers.
What level of hydro is expected to probably attend instability/collapse? 5%? 30%? I speculate something like 30% would be a divide between probably stable over Time and probably unstable over Time… I recognize that the entire concept of a power grid being stable is an impossibility over Time…all machines have a death wish…a machine intent-set, one of which is machine death. Actually it’s dynamic stability, more or less “predictability”. As in are the light on when Luckup Company makes aluminum, and are the lights on when they don’t?
I believe that some manifestations of instability can result in a collapse-restart, and some can result in collapse-no restart (as in major physical destruction that cannot be repaired or replaced for a long time)…and suppose there may be combinations of both…I’m out of my area, and suspect nobody knows for sure, but there are honest experts and math boffins…whole lotta whatifs.
(Recently AHH wrote of “system intent”, which I conceive to mean about the same as “machine-intent”. That’s also something Heinlein wrote about. Grandfather surgeon spoke of “perversity of inanimate objects”…)
An informed opinion about network and power grid stability would be welcome. Is it nearer 30%…
Rather than any sort of emotional address of the moral or political matter, but simply to make easy the texts of the two USSC cases>
here is Roe >https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep410/usrep410113/usrep410113.pdf
And here is Dobbs> https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf
I note that a key feature of Roe was privacy. Since 1973 actual privacy has, it seems, become, in large measure, imaginary. Of course, since there have been women and the sorority they have sometimes helped one another aborte by design. They will continue to do that.
There’s a lot of reading in the two cases…
It seems like a fruitless matter to discuss abortion…heavily curated emotional divide-to-rule politics…but the legal arguments…Ah! These touch everything…
such as> Scalia’s very odd circumstance of death, and the odd coincidences…generally…make me speculate about the privacy of Federal Judges… (Scalia and Roe are an item)
It will take, I think, a day or two to read though the cases…until that’s finished there little to speak of.
Aaron Hawkins from Storm Clouds Gathering:
“Central banks are hiding the truth about what is driving inflation and how bad it is going to get. They want you to believe that what is happening is a result of government stimulus in response to the pandemic. Total nonsense. Look up quantitative easing. Look up the Fed balance sheet. That 8.9 trillion dollars worth of assets that they purchased to prop up the economy in the years following the 2008 crisis dwarfs the stimulus. Every dollar that sits on central bank balance sheets is money that was created out of thin air and injected into the system. This is what created the inflation we are seeing now. Raising interest rates can’t bring it down. That would only work if the inflation was caused by excessive lending, but it wasn’t, and they know that it wasn’t. The only way to prevent Venezuela style hyperinflation at this point would be to remove 8.9 trillion dollars from the U.S. economy and approximately the same amount from the EU economy. This would obviously have catastrophic consequences and draw attention to their insane monetary experiment, so instead they are playing dumb. They acknowledge that raising interest rates will likely cause a deep recession, but what no one seems to be talking about is what happens to interest payments on government debt as these rates climb. With the U.S. national debt sitting at 30 trillion, the prospect of a full fledged default isn’t just likely, it’s inevitable. When the U.S. government defaults, the global financial system will grind to a halt (as will international supply chains). Most people can’t even imagine the implications.
This cannot be fixed. That’s why they cooked up the “Great Reset”.”
Probably Arron is correct. I am not sure central banks are successful with their hiding, though. Looks obvious, a public “secret”….a machine intent.
” grind to a halt (as will international supply chains). Most people can’t even imagine the implications.”
Also domestic and EU supply of course…and the big collapse problem seems also to be liable to end any possibility of natonazi support for 404…as the natonaziamies won’t be paid or equipped. It’s up to Russia with 404, and with the EU, and also with US…is there any cogent reason to have negotiations when entire structure of opponent is collapsing?
It seems to imply also that CONUS will be unable to supply or pay cops…property taxes, if paid, will be worth nothing…Counties will revert to volunteer posse, with horses… Big Cites? Well…
The decision in New York v Bruen about gun permits and laws —-and Heller, neither of which I have yet read, seems to suggest that even as Dobbs is used to make people riot and distract, the entire or nearly the entire legal frame for any limit on guns is shattering…can a permit even be required, a “background check? I doubt it. Even the limitations with respect to felonies is now, I think, highly questionable. But I want to read Bruen and also Heller to see how they argued, and what their lordships wrote… (ST)> “The Spirit of Scalia and the End of ROE vs. WADE John Derbyshire” seems relevant. Looks like the strange ghost of Scalia has not ascended to Heaven…and been forgotten.
Starvation, powerdown, no gas, and riot and no gun laws…how thrilling…is it a perfict storm? I suppose the vigilantes committees will bring back hanging. It would be nice to return to voting by show of hands at the Courthouse…, next to the scaffold.
Vigilante Days and Ways Paperback – Nathaniel Pitt Langford (amazon has paperback reprint)
Since we seem to be on the cusp of a revolution it’s nice that more or less everybody will be lawfully armed…think about the alternatives! Otherwise, more or less everybody would have been illegally armed.
I have been told that even the Mennonites have now established militias. How jolly.
Nice one, US leaders. Throw a little Roe vs Wade into the mix and the US may look forward to a summer of rage. Nice way to get eyes off the loss in the Ukraine and progressing the loss of 85% of the world. Let’s fight internally if we cannot fight externally.
It is Putin’s fault of course .. wonder how he did it :-)
(I am not commenting on the issue itself at all).
Oops, I was wrong. It is not Putin’s fault, it is China and North Korea. I kid you not.