2022/06/15 08:00:01
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You must have heard that pResiden Biden is urging all American farmers and related businesses to buy Russian fertilizer too. Think about that when you are down the bog with no running water. Cheerio, Pip Pip! And keep a stiff up your lip!
There is a logic behind this game, if you view it from their amoral perspective. You first cut internal resiliency (shut down Keystone, stop US frackers and drillers, inflation, have financiers and banksters remove investment to extraction industries due to putative green considerations, sanction the tankers and insurers and trade links, empty the strategic petroleum reserve..), then make a people dependent on the very external enemy expected to eventually retaliate. Soon after, due to piracy or war or goading the foreign enemy or any excuse to cut supply lines, you will have cut these final links necessary for modern life. It is the ancient game played on Africa and the Global South.. now those same skill sets are rolled out by the same technocrats as the chickens come home to roost. Got milk should be “Got Pitchfork?”
I hear there is a shortage of air conditioning mechanics in the deep south, even if you have the money, you might be suffering some time soon, the season is just getting started and his record of attrition is rather astonishing.
Enough of these critters get together with enough of those unhappy critters, and there could be another straw added to Uncle Sams back.
Another straw? they, not just Uncle Sam, are very wll prepared for that..
antitermite Jun 15, 2022 9:21 AM
If you wanted to create a global food crisis, the best way to go about it, is to start a fight between two of the world’s biggest food & fertiliser suppliers.
Now if you want to create an energy crisis…???
Jun 15, 2022 3:19 PM Reply to antitermite
Yes, the 0.001% are laughing while they watch their minions (Ursula von der Lieyen and the Green German harridans) leading the sheeple to the shearing shed, the slaughter house and the freezer. Saving money on feed as well!
End Quote
Who remembers harvest and manufacture as it was in 1950? Three (?) generations of people and their ways, and jobs – the entire structure,,,runs off a cliff when ac fluids, diesel, gas, coal and electric power, or water drought, or HC gets flakey… They used to say that the south would rise again. Maybe that explains the great number of federal bases in the South. Yankee boss man no trust Johnny Reb. But sudden change? Make regrettable outcome.
The South remembers a lot.
“They used to say that the south would rise again.”
We think alike! About ten hours ago, I was reflecting on the South too! Many years ago, once I moved from New England to Virginia, I noticed a sea change – the people were more pleasant and actually liked each other and had a sense of community, esp south of metro DC swamp area.
Southernprepper lives in Georgia. Granted he is a highly focused and motivated individual, but he shares many traits with his people. There remains strong communality, love for land, healthy respect for tradition and God, and a martial tradition. And as the poorest region in USA with a permanently jaundiced eye at the “good intentions” of Uncle Sam, not to mention most livable climes, they will have the least distance to fall and overall best chances of bouncing back.
I am not sure about the mega-urban areas as much. Especially in coastal Florida which has been magnet for retirees and escapees from crazy NY state and blue states and others drawn to DeSantis; they are straining the infrastructure capacity too quickly. But even there, most should have extended families to fall back on. If I was in the US during this storm, I would want to live in the South. A dollar goes further too.
And you bet Uncle Sam fears them and has occupied them for 150+ years with good cause. They have long memories and a better understanding of history and listen to the stories of granddad and grandma.. The South should rise indeed.
150+ years?
A few years prior to that was Worcester v. Georgia https://nativeamericatoday.com/the-trail-of-tears-genocide-on-americas-homeland/
State governments joined in this contemptuous effort to drive Native Americans out of the South. In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the U.S. Supreme Court objected to the states’ behavior and affirmed that native nations were sovereign nations “in which the laws of Georgia [and other states] can have no force.” However, the state of Georgia refused to abide by the Supreme Court decision and President Jackson refused to enforce the law. This led the way for the forced removal of the Five Civilized Tribes.
End Quote
Undoubtedly the Five Civilized Tribes have long memories too but that doesn’t matter either.
Uncle Sam plays its role, along with the others, in Global “Governance” – fear would be good. Unfortunately it is simply wishful thinking.
I think someone made that up b/c its impossible to rise (by yourself that is) in the north, so if it were to be done, it would have to have been in the south, ergo, the south will rise again, not as a region, but as an individual.
Now if the region were to rise somehow from a lone individual, that would be a miracle, which is why Christ reigns in the south but is rarely seen nor heard from, just believed in.
About 24 hours ago Saker Site posted Gonzalo Lira “why I no longer trust…” I had some doubt about the wisdom of Gonzalo being so blunt, and one might imagine he was impolitic. Nevertheless G L mooted some salient argument, and I thought it a worthwhile post to pay attention to. Naturally his general argument might be applied also to himself…
The posting went away.
I wonder if it is coming back…
Meantime, one may assume that, as they say, once a Marine, always a Marine…which is in the case of G L, similarly, “it’s safe to assume that a man will cleave close to his class origin and keep as a foundation a class allegiance”. I suppose that a form of imprinting in both examples. There is in the matter of trust the wise saying> ” Doveryay, no proveryay ” The nazi secret police can intimidate both men and get them to say whatever the cops want. John Young @ cryptome advises “don’t trust”…which seems to be the American version of the venerable and useful proverb.
I’d like to see the very blunt G L videopost return.
Prisoner’s dilemma (cryptome) https://vimeo.com/145453201 may be worth recalling whenever a man speaks….and we are all prisoners in one way or another…
It won’t come back as I realized only after posting that it was from his old channel. So, an abundance of caution and all that (after a quick consult with the boss)
…. Here is the link from the old channel : https://youtu.be/UPB_IZBYsJY
Many Thanks! Seems like G L burned bridge for no reason…and that makes sense (maybe) if we question our assumptions and find an error in them. In the social sense I was sorry to see G L speak his mind. But the fact that he did, or seems to have done, is fascinating. I hope that S. R. responds…if he does that may be even more interesting. When I worked with US Army officers (fellas that astonishingly bragged to me about their experience “running black projects”!) 20+ years ago I saw similar impolitic behavior, even to the point of a pair of colonels at a meeting falling into emotional recriminations that actually led to a fist fight…all that in front of a shocked more or less civilian (Vietnam era veteran) audience …and I wondered if such a crude display of animal behavior might be choreographed, if it might not be staged for some reason – it seemed that stupid. Alas, in retrospect, it was genuine. That event shattered my already doubted assumptions about the quality of the US Army “leadership”…in other words it rammed-home the lesson…and dissolved any residual respect for the officer core. Esteemed L. Austin, of course, well…his morbid obesity alone…
Meantime, I trust SR and GL to cleave close to their respective imprinting and class.
Speaking of which, previously I mentioned Doonesbury cartoon associated with desert build-up for “Desert Storm”…in which the young fodderunits said “no kidding? You really shot your own officers?” Now I remember the reply> ” Lieutenants, mostly”. I wonder how many were shot by brother officers…
“Lieutenants, mostly”
Is it really mutiny when you are defending yourself against being suicided for no valid cause, based on absolute lies? I remember reading as a child about Mutiny on the Bounty and I thought for a while it was a quaint unique story of a bygone era. How much has it been the norm In the history of every Hegemon? It also informs upon the bivouacking strategy of senior western staff and why they emplace multiple perimeters before the lower levels can get to them.. These unlucky lieutenants served as disposable firebreaks and outlets to consume and deflect righteous anger.. I am sure more went into defense against their own men than against the supposed enemy, lol. Which incidentally may include fluoride, similar entrance tests as with cops to screen out or mark the brightest, professionalization, and various on-site distractions such as alternative lifestyles and the real purpose of mass internet broadband as just highlighted by Smoothie. Aggressor generals in this satellite age must be ecstatic being able to comfortably sit oceans away without any frontline grunt access to them!
Pearls to navigate the dust bowl.
Independence from the system.. networking with local community. Everyone brings something to the table and reinforces the whole of the new [local] normal.
(1) https://youtu.be/jN1RziRB808
(2) https://youtu.be/zXRCEIQzeTY
Common sense guy connecting more dots. “Just the facts, ma’am” I like how he explicitly links the ongoing market swan event to the Ukraine war. The AZE has limited response options – a key one is to collapse the economy on everyone’s head, and hope they can rebuild back better and quicker than others. But they have fubared bigtime and are outta time..
Yes, naturally real armies have real generals who lead from the front…https://finance.yahoo.com/news/saw-tank-fidel-castro-used-183219239.html (Fidel in tank at invasion de Playa Giron, suitable for framing!)
Semantic parsing of “mutiny” well said. One might craft an essay exploring the relationships between self-defense and mutiny. I will think on that.
I have been at gunpoint many times, and never felt fear…but before and after gunpoint, well, I did, a lot. As to mutiny…it has bald and also stealthy forms.
More later…
Thanks Mr P, for the songs :
“Everybody knows” by Leonard Cohen
and The Moon’s a Harsh Mistress by Joan Baez
also liked the version by Glen Campbell of
“The Moon’s a harsh Mistress”
You are very welcome dear Sudhi. But I thank you as well.
They say that Chinese boffins and engineers have established that there is water and also Helium 3 on the moon, and will probably soon have a permanent base there, with people, and they plan to stay.
This is a world-treasure. One of vast value in power generation via fusion (so they say about He3). Will the Empire of AZE abide? I would not bet that.
One of the things nobody’s saying is that the bigbigfight, the existential survival, and the treasure come together…and moon is bigbigprize, not only prize, but critically vital. Assuming the physicists and popular understandings are correct…the moon is a bonanza of treasures.
There’s going to be a fight over the moon. Perhaps we will see how it goes…I would guess that most of the fighting will come to attacks on ground facilities, but that some will take place outside the atmosphere.
Best. P
In the future lunar rovers will search for deposits of helium-3 and its potential for mining.
The isotope, abundant on the moon, could theoretically meet global energy demands for three to five centuries. Helium-3, the source of waste-free nuclear energy is expected to be worth trillions of dollars.
Solar winds have bombarded the moon with immense quantities of helium-3 because it’s not protected by a magnetic field like Earth is. There are an estimated 1 million metric tons of helium-3 embedded in the moon, though only about a quarter of that realistically could be brought to Earth.
China is the only country to put a lander and rover on the moon this century. There are many obstacles to overcome before the material can be used – including the logistics of collection and delivery back to earth and build fusion power plants to convert the material into energy. Unfortunately, the Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-2 could not land its rover on the lunar surface to search for deposits of helium-3.
China and Russia plan to set up a joint moon base by 2027, eight years earlier than originally planned. The joint moon base, called the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), will be a complex of experimental research facilities designed for multiple scientific activities. Russian space chief Dmitry Rogozin recently said that Moscow and Beijing were very close to signing the agreement on creating the joint Lunar Station.
a keeper> vast tunnel net> https://www.businessinsider.com/secret-tunnel-from-communist-china-to-soviet-union-reportedly-discovered-2015-6 Includes map! (Speaking of China…btw I want to learn about Soviet Air Forces in China prior to August ’45…they were there like Flying Tigers, but in a much more effective form, I believe, and for a much longer period.)
I didn’t read “Bounty”…pop set me to reading mythic stories and Latin…most of which is evaporated. I spent Sundays reading the bar reviews and matters dealing with engineering and physical sciences.
Heinlein though, explored mutiny in his fiction…the bit in Starship Troopers when a pair of instructors discuss a recruit that struck one of them… https://ia601900.us.archive.org/28/items/StarshipTroopersRobertHeinlein/Starship_Troopers_-_Robert_Heinlein.pdf In Mistress old Bob has a sentient computer foment mutiny, but they call this “revolution”. Interesting polemic.
Seems that if an army has the Moral Law there can be no mutiny. Fidel had that. Julius C had it in the army, but not in the Senate…btw The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome, Michael Parenti seems to me to be accurate, and I recommend it. (Mike’s Latin must be rather good.) At one time working for Army some colleagues asked me to sign a petition, a “round-robin” – (which btw was how the “Rough Riders” managed to get out of Cuba) – I was told that if we had been in the Army that would have violated the UCMJ and been incitement to mutiny…I didn’t sign it…we were on a US base in the US, and, well, it’s a low quality army with low quality officers, and it was then too…they might have become hysterical. They were ridiculous and stupid, but also cunning and sometimes, often, vindictive. Our problem however, went away…by other means. The old indirect strategy and all of that. I felt sympathy for the problem, poor fella.
res ipsa loquitur.
Speaking of arson, er, mutiny…>https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2022/06/15/u-s-natural-gas-prices-take-a-major-nosedive-after-a-fire-damaged-a-texas-lng-export-terminal/
Rather gives away the bigbigplan> https://theduran.locals.com/#gallery-post-2284835 (Esteemed Klaus’ plan, actually uses term “useless eaters”! ) (duran.locals is often interesting, and reading is free, mostly) Do take a look!
The southernprepper has many useful important things to say; I hope he reaches more and more people. A real sh*f scenario is gathering. I agree, 1 month of food stuffs will be woefully inadequate for anyone who doesn’t have a fully operational farm or an arrangement with one close by. six months (two growing seasons) would be a better target for supplies; and not just food. Water could become a major problem when power becomes sporadic especially if access to fuel (for generators) is limited or priced out of reach – how to get the water out of the well then? No water, no food production among other unpleasant effects. He’s so on target the “community” piece – I have a feeling that where community doesn’t currently exist, it will form out of necessity. Everyone does have tremendous value and all talents, skills, etc. will be needed; hopefully gratitude will re-enter minds and daily life.
Regarding energy, something came up recently – a medical condition caused by low energy. Low energy caused by energy drain/diversion? Setting that aside. It caused me to think of the energy supplies; like money, it doesn’t disappear, it just changes hands. So, is the energy (oil, gas, coal, etc.) being diverted? If yes, where? to whom? for what purpose? I have some ideas but none so far have the ring of ah ha.
A.H.H. this was in reply to your post (I keep forgetting that the reference doesn’t self-generate on this site).
“Everyone does have tremendous value and all talents, skills, etc. will be needed; hopefully gratitude will re-enter minds and daily life.”
My father had a saying which took me some time to comprehend: “I always benefit from other humans.” You are both correct. Even an evil person provides countless lessons, usually how not to live and what habits lead down the slippery slope.. But every person IS an asset and store of good, if you have the patience and correct combination code. I think as Big Brother disintegrates, not only will communities spontaneously reform along natural lines and size, but a sense of purpose will return to most, removing much apathy and spiritual disease afflicting us today. The future is quite bright indeed.
“So, is the energy (oil, gas, coal, etc.) being diverted? If yes, where? to whom? for what purpose?”
I cannot say as lack sufficient data, but based on Jorge’s articles and other oil industry news, there is a finite storage capacity. At one point during 2020 or early 2021, during an oil glut with low prices, they were running out of tankers having exhausted land storage and used sea tankers for the excess.. apparently many (most?) oil wells cannot just be paused.. continuous extraction must be done to keep them viable.
It could be that TPTB are hoarding in anticipation of lean years for next 7 years, giving them the confidence to collapse everyone else. Remember Lagarde’s numerology (see linked video):
But I think it is more simple. They are collapsing all petroleum/energy products investment, extraction, shipping, maintenance, skills sets, etc.. in order to fully deep-six Petroleum Man and end this industrial age. It is all or nothing in some ways with this industry, and they chose nothing. The satanic BBB concept is uncompromising and truly egalitarian, even with their vassals as we are witnessing in Europe.
There is a history of this denial of access too. I think around the 1920 or 1930s Standard Oil and others capped wells, some deliberately, – see Pennsylvania – for a rainy day – intending to use foreign resources first and also scam folks by raising prices through limiting local source. Big Oil has seen us as enemy prey for well over a century.
A.H.H. Thank you for your thoughts and the links (I viewed/read them – good).
Yes, denial of access and diversion/hoarding as well. There are major underground facilities in the US; many countries. Nix us while they survive to rule another day. That’s their idea anyway.
Like you and the guy from the South, I also see a beautiful future for those that choose it. And as the the guy from the South said, “Let the collapse happen soon so we can begin in earnest to build anew.” (paraphrased). A future from the heart is coming; I doubt the creatures that crawl out of the ground after they think the storm has passed will feel welcome in it.
Thanks for the link. Lira well says that it was “injudicious” for Ritter to announce he had been tortured to death and to call him “gonzo” at the same time. That’s so amazing that I would check it for accuracy if I could (can’t). Ritter needs to restart, visit this website everyday and comment too. ;)
That’s old wives tales, both the reporting and the retelling of it,it’s gossip, that’s my take onit, As for SR, he’s great, so is GL.
As I see it this SMO war is challenging for journalists and all, as it has nothing of the flavour of the events of 2014, despite how deeply connected they are. This is tragic, cold, malign and cruel in another way.
Times have changed, and are continuing to, rather fast… I do appreciate all of the reporting here and elsewhere, and find it variously meets these challenges, from different angles and other ways.
For me personally not everything is clear! Sometimes different commentators mention or question their own need for more focus or clarity in a particular situation. Sometimes military questions, others requiring more experience or whatever.
For instance, I do struggle with the notion of the apparent amazement of Russia’s central bank governor Nabiullina at their current positive figures, and also with the apparent lack of foresight of the effects of sanctions from the collective west. None of it adds up, makes rational sense
If there was ignorance of how these would eventuate, as seems to be the case, then how is this imminent sanctions boomerang crisis being steered? Not only I would suggest, as Lira thinks, by long established practice of remaining silent, but surely also, by very deliberate other means, has to be! Bu who and how ..
amarynth, thanks for that link, glad GL cleared up why he took issue with Ritter’s toe stub. Very plausible that Ritter recieved a get in line memo. Matters little, mere players on a stage, flubbed lines and all.
Cheers M
Could be I needed a little correcting on notions of old wives tales, generally I try to stick to the high road and might miss a few dastardly daring deeds on the way;) No matter, one of the things I meant about the flavour difference between “014 and now Ukraine-wise, was the social atmosphere, the responses. The hero’s that were part of the whole scene then, voluntary soldiers and Dombas military leaders, are no more. Ukraine really was on Fire, igniting fiery responses in relation to unity, the integrity of shared vision on a wide scenario, you can’t replicate this really, divisive stuff has another source altogether, it’s personal orientated.
FYI, Mr. Lira yesterday had a discussion about Russia, Ukraine, economic woes, and many other topics here:
Apparently in Kharkiv official notices are being posted on apartment doors….vacate…needed by military. Hint….have plan B.or is he back in Kiev
The Russians took back the town’s they left around Karakov over they last two days. They are currently about 30k from Karakov. Might explain the ‘firing position’ notices showing up on apartment doors
I found the Duran interview interesting in that GL brings up the die-off in Crypto. That may be a market cliff. Time will tell.
Cheers M
and here a glimpse on the archetypal weathers this week and the works and worries the gods are
linking – always connected in order with the rita, or the asian yoga, in the geopolitical world.
First of all for the old astrological diary is a complete manual for psychic healtha and cognitive freshness.
Apparently there is a movement to confront the devil on his details of his plans going forward.
We dont know who the confronters are, but collectively it appears enough brits have come out the closet to ring some somethings, and thus they collectively, are being equated with the devil, and I can not disagree, but I dont believe this will resolve any war or economic related problems.
Hello, has anyone seen Lone Wolf and grr around here? I want to see them here.
The story of a pirate who had a near death experience.
Old Peg-Leg
Old Peg-Leg the pirate, his days now numbered,
Dreams of the high seas and treasure he’s plundered.
Squandered on whores and gambled away,
In no particular order, on no particular day.
He’d come down to the docks to be near the water,
Partake of the air on account o’ his aorta.
Punctured not long in a desperate bid;
Some damn fool avenger, some unhinged kid.
The griper was hot and fast as a scud,
He drew without warning, his attack was a flood!
Old Peg-Leg went down with a terrible thud,
They counted him out when they saw all that blood.
But Peg-Leg was aware of people on his case;
His mind ticking over in some other place.
He felt no alarm nor any holdover –
No bodily pain, a clean handover!
He started seeing pictures; there he was as a kid.
The smell of tide over the outskirts of Madrid.
Being chased and encircled, that most treacherous breg;
Humiliated roundly before snapping his leg!
Finding and losing the dearest of loves,
The rain of redemption, the cooing of doves.
The pictures went on and on without end,
Till he was slowly brought back to the voice of a friend.
The weight of a sentence was gone from his back;
Old Peg-Leg breathed deep, back in the sack!
“Whatever lies left, of this life dissolute
‘Tis sweeter and cooler than the finest of loot!”
Old Peg-Leg the pirate his days now numbered,
Dreams of the old days and treasures he’s plundered.
“I rode the high sea, right o’er the great trench,
This heart pried open, my one recompense!”
RT tells of trouble with turbopumps https://www.rt.com/business/557250-russia-eu-gas-flows-stop/
Squishing CH4 into a long steel tube and forcing this dense fluid to blow down the pipe seems simple at first glance, but it is not. I am not expert…but wish to speak to this matter in brief>
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds_number
For practical purposes this means a number of compromises – a series-chain of gas turbines run on bled off gas and drive turbo-pumps, which add force to the fluid flow along the path. These pumps are distributed along the tube, as otherwise they would be useless due to R number. Compromise? Yes…what gas density? What R number? What tube diameter? What irregularities in surfaces? …and so forth…many variables and assumptions. Bigbig complicated matter, and much depends on the price of the fluid at each end…for example cheap fluid at inlet and outlet means you can bleed off more fluid and run less efficient pumps – but most of those assumptions may change, and there can be corrosion and dirt that damages surfaces…in turbo the actual power-gathering stages are the actual turbine, although the compressor blades follow similar shape..anyway they are very delicate outside of their design conditions, a greasy thump-print on a turbine blade can lead to a failure, even an explosion…and explosions next to a compressed combustible gas can be, uh, “bad”..
I recall a GT that the local utility was installing as a “peaker” – and they had the machine suspended on a crane about 2 meters off the earth while (incredible!) the “suits” walked about underneath. A moment later…they dropped it. We sent it back to Scotland to be repaired… oops! Let me get my check-book…
And a hydroturbine “runner” that had to be flown (! It was a steel casting about 6 meters across and Heavy!) …had to be flown from powerstaion on American River to East Coast of Canada to be machined…and they made small error…about 4 cm of error…and had to do the job twice… I hear it’s still not running… Originally it would have been repaired in New York State…all that capacity is gone, along with the craftsmen who kept the skills. One generation and — proof!
RT> “Gas supplies via the pipeline dropped from 167 million cubic meters per day to just 67 million cubic meters.” (I don’t know the specifics, but the lower figure may be the “natural” flow when there is only one pump, the one at the inlet stage, or not. Do read the story on Reynolds number…
“We should ask Siemens, why the gas pumping units must undergo maintenance in Canada,” Chizhov said, adding: “I don’t want to give any advice, but I think they could have learnt by now how to repair [turbines] themselves.”
No chit.
In future Ruskieman will avoid flaky turbopump suppliers and make them under their own control, and of course, by such effort the Asians buying gas will be assured reliable supplies.
see inter alia> https://gasturbineworld.com/pipeline-compression-turbines/
“Originally it would have been repaired in New York State…all that capacity is gone, along with the craftsmen who kept the skills. One generation and — poof!”
The complexities, subtleties and fragility of modern technology is beyond comprehension to 99.99%. Arthur C. Clarke hit the mark when he said “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” And it requires diligent maintenance and the skill set to continuously do the maintenance job.
Was it only jobs that were off-shored? Or were plans to wind down Petroleum Man begun even before the court selection of the Cheney Regime? Today, Younger Alex posted the shocking statement by Tucker Carlson of the words of the Chevron CEO that “I personally don’t believe there will be a new petroleum refinery ever built in this country again..” Determined deindustrialization proceeds apace! It reminds of the silent intent of the state – we need to watch when big wheels are set in motion, like the Soviets carefully moving their key industries beyond the Urals before Barbarossa began. The wheels have been turning in the US for a long time.
So we coast on momentum and prayers. Living off the fat of the past appears near universal now. An arab friend of mine, observing the suicidal tendencies of the GCC, said “Grandfather desert bedouin, father Rolls Royce, son bedouin..” The same saying exists in every culture!
“In future Ruskieman will avoid flaky turbopump suppliers and make them under their own control”
I think this Siemens fiasco is a God-send. Like with oil, it absolves Russians of the blame when the lights go out.. ‘They did it to themselves.’ And an excellent excuse to cut gas… which is opinion of mercouris too. Now with two year delay to fix NS1, the crazies need to open NS2 to even REACH a dark winter!
I would add, another consideration was to throw another fragmentation grenade into the NATO tent. In fact would Stumpy take a bet that Russians have already mastered this pump technology and have it import-substituted for the southeastward Power of Siberia(s) portion?? I would think 8 years to iron-clad this cash-cow is sufficient! This is turning into a Mel Brooks skit!!
Mrs. A and the Original Analyst astutely note the Canadian molasses rate of Chinese de-dollarization.. something bemusing many of us for a while.
I could be wrong but I have thought for a while, even before the $130-300 billion Russian forex were stolen, that the Chinese were dangling their Treasury holdings the same way the Russians did. Sometimes you sacrifice an arm to save the body. What price would civilizations pay to finally end the Vampire parasiting them for 500 years?
There appears to be a tag-team where each sacrifices something dear to them. Russians sacrifice the precious lives of their men to militarily defeat the Hegemon, and the Chinese sacrifice their huge dollar holdings and position within the dollar system to monetarily-economically defeat the Hegemon. You cannot prosper or peacefully coexist until the AZE is defeated. This consideration overrides all others.
And both have the measure of the AZE – that they cannot help themselves and will rob at some point. It is a confidence game too far. The AZE will continue to shoot itself in the foot (and head), by undermining all trust in its good offices and the dollar system, thereby helping birth the very system which will replace it.
Turbocompressor has many propitiatory secrets, but it’s just engineering…Ruski make R181 they can make totally bitchen turbocompressors…give ’em 24 months…meantime less elegant machine work just fine…is a matter of engineering economics as these behave under econcopolitical forces. Stumpy says no-bet. Knowing shape of machine is mathematics, but actually making the metals and bits in a way that they can be created and assembled and will run hot for, say, 20 years 24-7 with a nice safety margin…that’s a learning curve and depends on the educational and industrial environments…can’t be done with “affirmative action grades”….it’s a civilizational treasure, like iron or bronze was/is.
AZEnazijunta presumes to gamble with Celestial Dragon and Arctic Bear…
see lost skills> https://youtu.be/RE0qmAl2zqw
There are few honest/truthful Western reporters today. Eva Bartlett is one of them:
“Western media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth about civilians killed in Donetsk shelling”
If they keep kicking the bear, it will run onto their territory chasing them back no matter how long it takes.
Fun discussion> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v8P3qevuOI
If we suspend disbelief and watch S R with the eye of casting director we can see General Turgison… I see S R, in friendly humor…is a natural actor.
The discussion itself is good.
“Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter return to discuss the cracks in the US/NATO/EU narrative, plus the End Came in Ukraine, and the blame is shifting to Biden because it’s how badly Americans are hurting. The November mid-term elections will hear Americans not just speak, but shout!”
(Cracks? Fissures in tapestry…of lies)
“If we suspend disbelief and watch S R with the eye of casting director we can see General Turgison… I see S R, in friendly humor…is a natural actor.”
Yes you hit the perfect analogy. Something rubbed me wrong about him long ago. I really do not like being led down garden paths.
George C Scott, Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, etc.. what made them fascinating to watch was not merely the dynamism and presence, but the realism. You really were watching a psycho, a bad lieutenant in action, a mad marine.. but the sincerity was not in doubt. They said their lines with such conviction, not a shadow of doubt.. There is something in each of us which tends toward gullibility, especially when watching clean-cut forward leaning common folks with an “awe-shucks” expression. We live in an age teeming with snake oil salesmen!
I see some SR in the famous Turgidson scene where he earnestly sells the need to get our hair a little mussed.
“Seems that if an army has the Moral Law there can be no mutiny.”
Yes, this is the heart of the matter. Aggressors lack it. Their generals fear their own men. They have to create narrative bubbles based on falsehood. Often not to hoodwink the rest of the world (who know the score by now, and shameless AZE could care less if they know) but to justify the horrendous suffering their storm troopers need undergo. They despise their lemmings but still need the manpower. So they lie so that some can sleep, and endure the losses and ultimate sacrifices war requires, and so their families can console themselves. In fact much of AZE PR consists of internal numbing pablum for the total war effort the entire society is roped into.
“we were on a US base in the US, and, well, it’s a low quality army with low quality officers.. They were ridiculous and stupid, but also cunning and sometimes, often, vindictive.”
Lol! You have excellent survival instinct. Where I was born we say, “We should be afraid for the one who is not afraid!” You usually can’t beat Fear (within limits) tempered by historical knowledge and appreciation of basic human nature. And best to avoid the attention of short-fused violent men with guns bearing grudges.
“Speaking of arson, er, mutiny…>”
Some appear determined to sever all of Europe’s energy sources. Here may be another case of arson:
It really is looking grim for Europe. Even Russian grain is being blocked to Europe, in addition to the negligible amounts from the Ukraine this year. Africa and Turkey may have secured the lion’s share of exports for themselves.
What you are talking about is something one must feel. It takes too long to work it through logically with the brain. There is a crack somewhere, or a hole in the bucket Dear Liza …..
In that specific one, there are sentences to be parsed – and the positivity is just too positive. But then again, nothing is completely wrong always. What it feels like to me, is Pompeo .. Its kinda the same feel.
Come Back Liza (for Sudhi too!)
“A song about the love between a man and his woman.”
w/ 1960s civil rights footage
modern Norwegian rendition
A joke I will never forget. Harry Belafonte as an 80+ year-old was once caught sleeping on a live TV interview.. his team first spun it off as meditating since the live-feed dropped, then excused it by saying that even sleeping, more of his brain synapses were firing than George W Bush awake, hahaha.
A similar one – Bill Clinton under general anesthesia for a minor heart procedure was noted to have more engagement and charisma than Al Gore awake.. 😂🤣
First they came for the Canadian Truckers and supporters.
Then they came for Russians.
Now they’ve come for the Chinese https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chinese-banks-freeze-billions-deposits-officials-use-health-qr-code-bar-protestors
Who’s next?
“First they come for me, then they come for you.”
Yet another fantastic win for the multipolar world – on a roll.
amarynth will probably stop by shortly to tell us it is either fake news/dodgy website or, somehow, lamb dressed as mutton.
What we really need is a Brigade, or two, of the good ole Southern Georgian’s (like the one’s circa 1832) to perform an SMO and sort this all out. There’s only two foreseeable problem with that … first: they’ve mostly all likely been jabbed but their QR scan will report covid positive and render their weapons inoperable … second: Azov Battalion remains would also love the Southerner’s historical ethnic cleansing roots.
Here’s more proof of the agenda moving forward. After so many incidents, coincidence must certainly be ruled out. 97 examples within slightly over a year.
Today is a difficult day.
Today is the day that I have to fight blooming hatred.
Yeah, it is Julian Assange. Yeah, it was expected. But oh, the bastards!
There will be a new appeal.
My husband had a surgical procedure yesterday. The complete environment is not healthy for humans for sure, and we could not avoid this for various reasons. As he was still somewhat under the influence of happy juice, he asked me – honest question – expressed while somewhat high! “So what do you think”, he says. “How are we going to fully take our world back. What are we going to do with the hegemon”?
I was not high, not under the influence of happy juice, only bad hospital coffee. But before I could stop myself, it slipped out. “We’re going to have to kill them in some form or another. It may be with kinetic means, or with economic means, or some other means, but we’re going to have to kill the influence!” That is harsh talk from me!
Pepe Escobar on his telegram is just in a black mood, while we both are sitting waiting for Mr.Putin’s speech at Spief on the live stream. This is now been postponed for the second time, from yesterday to today, and then again for an hour today, because of very severe DDOS attacks.
See, they’ve silenced Assange, they are trying their best to silence Mr.Putin.
We’re going to have to kill them in some form or another – what I mean by that, is kill the influence. So, I am fighting hatred of course, but I hope for a massive prison country, between the borders of Canada and Mexico but perhaps we can include Canada! That is harsh talk for me.
OK, here we are, breaking up in places and so on: https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/RTlivestream:8
We’re going to have to silence them!
Echo your senditments. Wellness prayers to your husband.
Thank you for the link.
Hang in there dear Mrs A. Dont despair! Each of us in tested.
It is a time for righteous anger, but keep an eye on several things: they suffer even more, are running out of time, and the military-technical was conceived precisely to kill them.. they are essentially reduced to cheap PR victories – media-torturing a jailed journo or shelling civvies in the Donbas.. these are their cheap vindictive kicks.. for terminally degenerate arrogant oppressers there is no other solution than the hammer. In fact, IMHO “diplomacy” since the silovaki emplaced VVP in 1999 merely bought time for this necessary moment.
Very interesting moves as masks are really being dropped in Zone A. Global NATO rises from the electrified slab like an ugly concoction from Dr. Frankenstein’s lab.. 𝗝𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻 and South Korea to attend NATO summit in 11 days.. Sweden & Finland will also attend. They all appear to use the plausible-deniability approach of the UkroNazis in order to circumvent Turkey’s blocking action, as well as global opprobrium. iow, they will be NATO without being named NATO, as we saw in Ukieland of the last 8 years. The opposing side will draw appropriate conclusions and expand their Action Plans..
A Sober Hal had your same premonitions:
“Clearly these people are not going to stop until they ARE stopped.. We are in the wrong and we are setting the stage for a comeuppance for OURSELVES the likes of which humanity itself will be lucky to survive.”
Several thoughts> Can we speak of a “SSMO-China” that ran from 1937 to 1941? (a “Soviet Special Military Operation”)
Many US people know of AVG-China aka “Flying Tigers” Naturally there’s a wiki…FT became Air America and they say ran dope for the see eye eh…major reason for Vietnam criminal war, so they say.
Many other people may know of Soviet Volunteer Group. There is a wiki on that too.
see> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Volunteer_Group Inter alia the Soviets smashed the fascists in Taiwan…since there are monuments and graves, I assume most Chinese know this history. The Soviet Group makes the FT episode look very small, insignificant. The Soviet aircraft were pretty sexy too…
Book>Chudodeev, Yuriy (2017). На Земле и в Небе Китая: Советские военные советники и летчики–добровольцы в Китае в период японо–китайской войны 1937–1945 гг [In the Skies and on the Ground in China: Soviet military advisors and volunteer pilots in China during the period of the Sino–Japanese War 1937–1945]. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-5-89282-717-1 is perhaps available and readable by some, not, alas, by me. At least one Soviet pilot rammed a Japanese aircraft…speaking of the Moral Law…
One may speculate about the second SMO-Taiwan, “CCPLA-SMO-T”…which many expect…I wonder if they’ll bomb the same airfields…history and rhymes…and everybody loves a surprise!
………….water pump in grid-power-down> modern well pump and solar go nice together as they are well-engineered. (pun not intended!) Getting the water is easy – but the setup is spendy upfront. Nearby Anoxia the ranchers take the solar route, as utility lines cost even more, and isolating from grid means tax advantage and budgeting control, and reliability – cows die quick w/o water, and good luck going to court…. Sexydownwell pumps will accept DC at a wide range of voltage, and simply pump in a more or less linear response to power (watts) in…great for stocktanks and potable storage tanks…of course the factory might burn down…get one (or 2?) now?
……………….”Stumpy”> This is his son> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7Mirkd3CT4 and the kid’s tunes> https://youtu.be/z0J3ossUzhU?list=PLv2lHsd2e5YqIk5lb-arTyflj1brIKNMQ
Stumpy ran the bookmaking for Mickey Cohen. I don’t remember if his office at The Asbestos Paint Company was on Melrose or Beverly… Hollywood looked pretty and had many fine qualities, but just under that thin veneer…it was a sewer. Cohen? He’s the guy who famously said in apology “I never killed nobody that didn’t have it coming.” Mickey went to school with the guy that was Sheriff – and they were close pals…
…………….”Turbocompressor has many propitiatory secrets…” ought to have read “proprietary”……less than ideal in machine design is not a big problem for ground-mounted turbomachine….it’s just inelegant, but it works ok, and it can be fixed later…machine run long time. I’ve overhauled steam turbines built in the 1930’s, and at least one I know of is running today near the dragstrip @ Samoa…yeah, it’s not ideal, but it makes money and even a very modern replacement would not be significantly better. Samoa? see>http://www.samoadragstrip.com/ (turbomachine @ a sawmill or a paper mill or something just down the road)
…………….”It could be that TPTB are hoarding in anticipation of lean years for next 7 years, giving them the confidence to collapse everyon…” 3 thoughts> An old pal in the 1970’s was motor engineer in Canada punching wells up past arctic circle…and he said the petro came up so sweet he ran the diesels on it straight from the well, and they’d drill, cap, move and setup, drill, cap, etc…
And> Corbett on the Rockefeller pere> https://www.corbettreport.com/meet-william-rockefeller-snake-oil-salesman/ and> https://www.corbettreport.com/rockefeller/ and etc. Apple falls near tree…
Bigbigplan seems to be Action T-4 on global scale> https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/action-t4-nazis-euthanasia-programme.html?firefox=1 (and) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4 Recalling that HC petro-fluid has become the precursor to carbohydrates and proteins, and collapse 1177BCE was (evidently and in big measure) result of lack of carbohydrates and proteins…
About capping> I have the idea that ignorant PTB types expect that wells ruined by poor practice and now considered “lost” will in the future be recoverable by some not-yet-known agency…this assumption may be foolish and wrong, or maybe not…the point is that they may believe it.
“One may speculate about the second SMO-Taiwan”
I noted the Chinese taking full advantage of the Russian SMO to create the legalisms for their own SMO. Poetic! Hal had a piece on it a few days ago. The cruelest blows being dealt so softly! It has been the bastardization of language by the AZE which began all this. They stopped declaring war before I was born.. Now the shoe is on the other foot.
When is a war not a war? Perhaps it will be mere pest-control activity, cleansing Motherland provinces of nazi outriders? The One-China Policy and [98%?] UN recognition of Taiwan as sovereign China territory obviates need to declare war, just as UN prerogatives did for the Russian SMO. And it keeps the global commons, especially Zone B quiet, with less chaos. The Nazis will be denied their grand SCS war in which to rally ASEAN, Africa & others against China, while at the same time, if needed, Taiwanese proxies can be ground into burnt metal and scrap in as leisurely and boring fashion, without hardly a media hiccup, as the other SMO.. if the celestial civilizationals get their way, AZE will be erased via the same clinical, mundane, industrial yet silent involuntary euthanasia as Aktion-T4. Sidelined with nary a whimper.
“water pump in grid-power-down> modern well pump and solar go nice together”
Yes, this is all good for the medium term. But what if supply chains do not return within the needed replacement/maintenance period? This is a strong possibility. Solar panels may be a one-shot, as they’re quite energy-intensive to make and made of exotic materials in future short supply locally. Trade link bridges to the West are being burnt for generations. We need self-sufficiency at the local level.
I have visions of oxen, mules and other beasts of burden turning the water wheel, for larger lands/communal wells, or by hand for smaller plots. Until society purges its cancerous current elite and sufficiently reorganizes on larger levels, we may need to think really simple.
(A) “Now they’ve come for the Chinese”
My understanding is, admittedly without all facts, it’s part of hybrid war on China – which then responded spasmically using ham-fisted tactics. This is based on several points, (1) it stinks of the usual AZE modus operandi (2) the campaign against China began a few weeks ago with sanctions etc; (3) significant steps were taken such as threatening war while Biden was in Japan, and serial US delegations visits to Taiwan etc; (4) it’s part of a coordinated media rollout by AZE-based media such as Zero Hedge and this:
Do you remember how quick & insidious they can be running a color coup on top of natural grievances and protests? Gene Sharp comes to mind, truly demonic – some baton was handed off to him by Bernays, albeit on massaging the minds of foreigner useful idiots rather than local lemmings. He was even caught and kicked out of China by the Little Helmsman!
So perhaps they started a small fire in the rural provinces, as noted by Hal, or rode the usual local corruption (or knock-on effect of Evergrande real estate bankruptcy) occurred which through rumour and innuendo was deftly spread to Shanghai (the Gaijin shanghied the truth?) A panicking local Shanghai bureaucracy (apparently rival to big honchos in royal Beijing) then rode the convenient health emergency to shut it down. Then the famous Great Western Wurlitzer jumped into action to fan the flames..
plausible? We will see. But whether true or not, expect 101 similar stories to be rolled out, a la Ukraine, with colorful embellishment, since ‘Tis the Season of the Red Menace of the Yellow Peril © Larch. Let’s wait for our China experts to weigh in..
(B) it isn’t only about water to regenerate memories and maintain good health. There is urgent need for detoxification too, esp in regard to deliberate heavy metal loading for most people lately. I heard of some water treatments? I am a low-tech guy, preferring cupping, fasting and herbals, etc but there is tech used by CAF and I think alluded to via Mr P’s grandfather (gas tubes and gizmos). Let’s share this too. Soon few will have access to allopaths and need to know how to treat themselves safely on the local level. I am stocking up on basic emergency supplies, minor surgery, antiseptics, etc.. fitting out my niche in my community.
Canada did a huge cross country assaying back in the 70s I knew a driller who told me that Canada floats on oil. He told me where I live, in MB has more oil reserves, and better quality, than AB.
Younger cousin was punching test holes all over SK and MB several years ago. They’d test and cap. Lots of oil, no processing capacity.
Just read a report, recent, still punching holes and capping.
And that’s why I laugh when someone tries to boot the Peak Oil Can down the road. 2nd largest country on the planet, with oil and gas reserves very similar to Russia…..making Canada a storage tank masquerading as a third world country. It’s not ‘peak oil’ it’s peak processing capacity. Lots of sanctioned countries have their oil/gas facilities under producing or off line, requiring a ‘peak’ behind the ‘agenda curtin’. Canada is a quasi sanctioned country, US has blocked oil to process and Canada needs to get US permission to sell oil to foreign countries (NAFTA).
And I’m not pushing oil over any green tech, except green tech needs carbon to process. Better ‘open source’ technologies is more the answer. Open technologies…..that was a Tesla idea, and no not the car stealing company guy, the Electrical Genius guy.
Cheers M
An eccentric brilliant man with perspectives drawn from broad sources and critical thinking.
Today’s conversation covers the dollar, ruble, BRICS/West, etc. – Jim always provides me with new info and angles to consider.
From Oz, humor> https://youtu.be/ELaBzj7cn14
what’s the difference between energy system and energy market?
………………Amarynth, dear, I too have heard the same ideas as they relate to nazijunta….and note that it is the murderers fault when their crimes are stopped by violence in self-defense. A bit like Mikey Cohen’s apology (above). Bear in mind, there are not so many topdognazi, and that they murder children.
VVP give good speech.
Best wishes for you all.
Hope all goes well.
Comrades VVP and Lavrov recently spoke…Lavrov to BBC saying “do it”, or yankeespeak “bring it mofo” and VVP at St Pete…all, both, mind me of classic scenes.
https://youtu.be/dlTTbmxHrv8 “let me tell you something…”(lebowski)
https://youtu.be/1BbOZkwWYY0 (Over the line, the “red” line…You’re entering a world of and “rules” are important…
and https://youtu.be/qLs6gVCGJ5w (are these nazis?)
vondewhat dressed like a parrot…and spoke…like a nawsee?
There was a scandal about her thesis and plagiarism…like parrot.
Will she too fly away…
which tends to thoughts> “Russian president predicts ‘change of elites’ in West “…tictictic…
MeanWhile… have a walk through that CHINESE PARK OF SOME WONDEROUS ENGINEERINGS:
ALSO Science
And all COSMOS & Co.
And some Life & ART:
Tong Bingxue 仝冰雪
Ind. Collector & Historian: Visuals of China, Past & Present. Author: History of Photo Studios in China, A Life in Portraits.
And some real foreign people living there:
Essential reading !!! Glazyev poses essential questions, extremely important!!
Minor text problems irrelevant!
Russia is fighting for the preservation of mankind 6
The West has no image of the future: chipping, artificial intelligence and dehumanization, LGBT, the destruction of the family, the cessation of all forms of human identity – this is an image of death, not a future.
We are now addressing the fundamental questions of our being. And a special military operation is a catalyst for this process of understanding our place in the world and of course, we need an image of the future. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the special military operation, which was originally declared as denazification, demilitarization – we understand what this means for Ukraine – is now gradually rising the stakes on this front.
Everyone is already saying that this is a global hybrid war, although it was clear from the outset that the special operation in a much broader context should be considered. Now many believe that this is a civilizational war, where different worldview systems are opposed. It is clear that this is a war of good against evil and a war for the survival of mankind in the long run.
Before talking about the image of our future, I would like to draw your attention to the patterns of long-term socio-economic and political development. We – I mean a group of scientists of the Academy of Sciences who work in long cycles of economic and social development – firstly, managed to foresee this particular war of 2022. Back in ’14, it was clear that the challenge we faced, which resulted in reunification with Crimea, would certainly affect the entire Russian world, including the territory of Ukraine. I even got a book called World War Last: The U.S. Starts and Loses.
Somewhere what we see today was almost accurately formulated, including the number of Armed Forces of Ukraine and the role of the Americans and the British in this occupation of Ukraine, as well as the cultivation of Ukrainian Nazism. All this was predicted almost to the point of detail. We continue our research. According to which the peak of the confrontation falls on 2024. This is a forecast that my colleague gave 10 years ago, when there was no current military operation and even before 2014. And then there were no new political seven-year cycles.
Why is it 2024 and why are we in this situation of hybrid warfare? The fact is that the modern period is characterized by two simultaneous revolutionary events. The first is the technological revolution, which used to be talked about a lot. It is called differently, we say that this is a change in technological modes. And always this change in technological modes occurs through the economic depression, which in this cycle began in the world in 2008 – with the beginning of the global financial crisis.
And in the course of this transition phase, a new technological order has already been formed, a well-known complex of nano-engineering information and communication technologies, which is evolving not only into the economy. But in the ways of warfare, too. What we’re really seeing is that we’re not just facing an adversary that’s based in the Pentagon and MI6. Our troops are facing artificial intelligence. This is already a war of the new technological order.
But a more important point is the change of world economic structures in the context of our current topics. The change of national economic structures is a process that occurs once a century and during which the system of government changes. Previously, we would have called it the process of socio-political revolution, but, speaking in a modern way, this is a cardinal change in the institutions of world economic relations, production relations and the entire system of management of socio-economic development, which is accompanied by a change in the centers of the world economy.
The world economy is rapidly shifting to Southeast Asia, which already accounts for more than half of the increase in gross domestic product. And in this new center of the world economy, a completely different management system has been formed compared to the one in which we live today. I must say that the change of world economic modes, you see in this picture above. These are world economic structures with a cycle of change once a century. And at the bottom are the technological, the change of technological modes, in which the cycle of shift phases is about 50 years.
Technological modes are well known in the literature as long Kondratiev waves, more precisely, the life cycles of technological modes and their growth phase are a long “Kondratiev wave”. The growth phase of the world economic order is a secular cycle of capital accumulation.
Once a century, there’s a dangerous resonance when we’re faced with a technological revolution, a socio-economic revolution, and a socio-political revolution at the same time. Not only is the technology changing, it’s the mindset that’s changing. The ideology is changing, if you will.
As an example, let us cite the previous phase of the change of world economic structures. This is a process that always, unfortunately, takes place through world wars. World wars in this case are due to the fact that the ruling elite of the previous center of the world economy does not want to part with its hegemony and tries with all its might to keep it, up to the unleashing of a world war. 100 years ago, when the colonial world order changed to the imperial world, he went through two wars, through the First and Second World Wars, between which there was a great depression.
The colonial world economic order is a system of production relations based on a private family firm. Politically, the Greatest scope of this world economic order was received by the British Empire. Where the combination of the institutions of state administration, the core of which was the monarchical rule of Great Britain, with private capitalist enterprise, gave rise to the English bourgeois oligarchy, which managed to organize large monopolies of the commercial and manufacture type, which ensured the dominance of Britain in the seas and oceans.
This is the world economic structure of the colonies, where the Russian Empire also played a significant role. This way of life exhausted its possibilities for development by the end of the nineteenth century. This was due to the fact that the possibilities of using slave labor were exhausted. The model is well described by Marx. When people were trafficked as a human commodity, on a huge scale – not only in the colonies, but also in the metropolises. People were operated for 12 hours a day without days off. Private capital used such labor as the main source of enrichment. There was no labor law, no trade unions, no welfare state. All this appeared with the imperial world economic order.
But here it is important to understand that the UK has reached the limits of development and countries with more progressive systems of governance have begun to step on their heels. Including the Russian Empire, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the United States. British intelligence agencies provoked the First World War, as a result of which Britain became a world leader. It would seem that it intensified as much as possible, but only 20 years passed – and the Great Depression was dragged in. No measures to save the British Empire helped. They then – as today the United States against China – waged a trade war against the United States, imposed an embargo on the import of American goods.
It ended with the fact that during the Second World War, the British Empire, although it remained among the winners, could not use the victory due to the archaic nature of its system of government. No one needed her anymore. It was no longer making any economic progress. Economic growth based on the exploitation of slave labor ceased to yield surplus product. The British Empire collapsed just 2 years after World War II. This is important to us now from the point of view of historical analogy.
A new world economic order. We called it imperial because for the first time in the world it covered almost the entire planet. Two-thirds of the world. The other third was the Soviet Union. His world economic structure was based on a social state, on vertically integrated large production structures. On the issue of money and the use of money not so much as capital, but as an instrument for financing economic growth.
In general, the world economic structure was in three ideological varieties. The first two are well known to us. The Soviet system with scientific and production associations led by the Communist Party, which built socialism with a claim to communism. The American system, which was based on transnational corporations and the boundless emission of the dollar, which allowed them to conduct world expansion.
And the third system, which sunk into oblivion thanks to the feat of the Soviet people, is the system of European fascism, in which German National Socialism, together with the Italian corporate state and with Nazis of all stripes from various other European countries, tried to impose on the world their Nazi version of this world economic order.
I would like to note that the colonial world economic order actually turned out to be absolutely uncompetitive. Britain lost the war in Europe to German fascism in just two years and only the might of the Soviet Union and the help of the United States, a country that already had a new system of government, managed to crush this fascist scenario. And then Britain’s colonial system ordered a long life.
That is, this historical experience shows that the change of world economic structures passes through public consciousness, of course. And the emergence of a new management system, and this is primarily the relationship between people, cannot but be combined with a new system of ideas, views and principles.
Now we have a similar process going on. We are moving away from the imperial world economic order, where only the United States remains. There, this transition began with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Just like 100 years ago, it has been going on for 30 years. Just as the previous transition lasted almost from 14 to 1947. So the current transition has been going on for a third of a century.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was the first to fail the requirements of scientific and technological progress, we now see the collapse of the United States. The U.S. is no longer a world leader. In an attempt to overcome the global financial crisis at the expense of money pumping, the United States eventually led the situation to the breakdown of the entire financial system and the growing inflation, which already reaches 30% at the prices of enterprises.
We saw the self-discrediting of the American system in the last presidential election, which was actually rigged. America is no more attractive. In addition, compared to China and India, which have been brilliantly passing over the past 15 years, both the US and the EU, despite a fourfold increase in the monetary base, have not been able to embark on sustainable economic development. The efficiency of the Western management system – if we take the efficiency – the money issue is 20-25%. Only every 4th or 5th euro that is issued goes into the manufacturing sector.
In China and India, a fundamentally different system of governance has formed, which combines strategic central planning with market competition, where the state plays a dominant role in the organization of money circulation and provides private business with unlimited access to money, if this leads to an increase in public welfare.
All forecasts show that by the end of this decade, the old world economic order will be reduced by more than half by now, and the core of the Asian accumulation cycle – China India, the countries of Indochina, Japan, Korea – will already absolutely dominate all macroeconomic indicators.
This process is irreversible, but the closer this transition is obvious to all, the less forces remain in the core of the old world economic order, the more aggressive they become. And here the same mechanism of hybrid warfare that the British used in the First World War and in the Second World War works. We called them hybrid because the wars were for territory.
Within the framework of the new world economic order, wars are now for the consciousness, for the minds of citizens of different countries and, unlike the war of the last century, the current war is a war, first of all, for dominance in the public consciousness. Therefore, the main front is the information-cognitive front. Here, the issues of ideology are the main ones.
The second most important front is the monetary and financial front, where the United States and the European Union still dominate. And only in the third place are tanks, missiles and aircraft used, which in fact, within the framework of this hybrid-world war, are designed to punish the defeated. That is, to destroy, to destroy any desire for resistance and the like.
Just as Great Britain unleashed the First World War, when it already understood that the combined power of Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary exceeded the British and a few years remained for a turning point in world leadership, so the American ruling elite started a world hybrid war. At the same time, as we can see, the US trade war against China is unfolding. The sanctions war against us has been going on for more than 8 years – and this aggravation of geopolitical tension today results in dramatic events in which we are fully involved today.
What is the difference between the new world economic order and the previous imperial one? Notice that the state that is formed today in China and in India, it absorbs all the achievements of state-building of previous eras. It is a social state. It is a democratic, legal state, but at the same time it is sovereign. That is, the peculiarity of the new world economic order is that the leader state does not try to impose its models on all other countries.
If in the imperial world economic order there were three models, two of which took place – Soviet and American, and the third, which did not take place – the German fascist. They tried to remake the whole world in their own image and likeness. Everywhere create the same fractals as in the center.
In the new world economic order, world economic sovereignty is being restored. This is a fundamentally important point. The state in this new world economic order restores moral values. It is a humane state, just, intellectual, responsible and, in short, ideologically, it is a socialist state.
But in China, we see the familiar image of the Communist Party at the head of this state. India has the largest democracy in the world, but let’s not discount Gandhi socialism. All these traditions are alive and the management models – I draw your attention – in China and India are quite close. State control over the banking system, unlimited lending to the growth of production, the use of the market for the purposes of economic efficiency of market competition.
The state stimulates private entrepreneurship, and infinitely stimulates if it brings income. Hence the growth of the well-being of the people. If private entrepreneurship is destructive, engaged in speculation, trying to cash in on the destabilization of the economy, such entrepreneurship is strictly blocked. Both China and India have strict exchange controls, and the export of capital is not allowed. Money is provided from 0% to 4-6%, depending on the priority of loans. Targeted credit emission is widely used as a strategic planning tool.
We called it integral, because the state gathers society here. It gathers different social groups around the main criterion – the rise of public welfare. Accordingly, all economic policy is built under this criterion. Let’s compare the essence of the economic policy pursued in the new world economic order.
Here, comparing the existing models of the Washington consensus, I will draw attention to the main difference. First, the goal of economics is not to make money in any way. The goal of the economy is to raise public welfare.
So hence strategic planning, hence the use of money as a tool. Hence progressive taxation and practical measures to ensure social justice. All the requirements of the welfare state are in education, health care. Which should be free, ensure the reproduction of human capital in the most complete way. The tax system of the tax budget is focused on development, and not just on the so-called “functions of a police bureaucratic state.” Prices are regulated based on the desired proportions of the reproduction of the economy.
In labor relations, cooperation dominates, the antagonism between labor and capital disappears completely. In our understanding, the people’s enterprise acts as the dominant form of private property. An enterprise in which workers are also owners.
This is how Huawei, Xiaomi and others grow up, which grow out of cooperatives. That is, this is an economy of social partnership, where money profit and everything that torments our economy with the export of capital, all this is limited in the system of economic regulation so that people’s income grows. And the entrepreneur grew in proportion to his contribution to the rise of public welfare.
And here there are no questions whether industrial policy, agricultural, scientific and technical policy is needed. These are all obvious key areas of public policy that manage the market mechanism in the way necessary to raise public welfare.
Turning now to the ideological versions of this new world economic order. In China, the construction of socialism continues. Although with Chinese specifics, but this should be understood in this way. If Soviet socialism sought to make the whole world happy, we wanted to achieve a socialist system all over the world, spending a lot of money on it, then socialism with Chinese characteristics means that the socialist idea and the national idea go together.
And in China, we see the following slogans – this is a society of universal prosperity, this is the great revival of the Chinese nation. That is, here the idea of socialism and positive nationalism, which does not claim national exclusivity, but prioritizes the well-being of its own country, is a key characteristic.
We see the same thing in India. A combination of socialism, a market economy and a national idea. The national idea, although it is applied in terms of the growth of welfare. This is understandable for a country that has a gigantic population that has lived in poverty for centuries. For them, the rise of well-being is a key point, no national idea. Moreover, unlike Soviet socialism, which grew up in the atmosphere of a “besieged fortress” and at the same time inevitably had mobilization features and suppression of personal freedom for the sake of saving society and the state, there are no such risks here. Not in China, not in India.
But it is obvious that the further development of the world in the foreseeable future will take place in the same way as in the 20th century, where there was competition between the communist Soviet Union and democratic America. Now the confrontation will unfold between the “democratic West”, communist China and democratic India. The question is where we will be.
There is a third version of this ideology of the new world economic order. In fact, it is a continuation of the Nazi Western, so to speak, ideological vector. Racism dominated the English empire in the 19th century, Nazism dominated Europe for a long time during World War II.
And now the receivers of this misanthropic form fill it with the content of posthumanism. An electronic concentration camp, everyone must march in formation and obey the requirements of the World Health Organization or other analogues of the world government.
That is, it is the idea of a transition to a posthumanistic, posthuman state, when people are seen as an instrument of manipulation. More precisely, the object of manipulation – and the ideology is built under the atomization of society.
That is, the main ideological vector is the deprivation of people of any collective identity. National identity, gender identity. In general, human identity even. People begin to perceive themselves as anything – cyborgs, animals, plants.
Dehumanization is underway, and this kind of posthuman material is being built into easily manipulated and artificial intelligence, replacing, in general, ideologists, imposing its own models of behavior on this post-humanity and forcing people to behave in the way that is necessary for the world artificial oligarchic management.
At the same time, we see the development of methods that allow us to bring this posthuman society to any state. To the point of collective self-destruction. I’m sure if they start injecting a vaccine with some poison, there are already mechanisms, most will build up and take this vaccine.
We are in this transitional global state on the periphery, frankly speaking. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we found ourselves on the economic periphery of the United States. Our country was used as a typical peripheral country, from which billions of tons of resources were pumped, capital was pumped out. The brain drain from us to where the Bologna system was needed.
Those who pushed the Bologna system were all embarrassed to say directly that the Bologna system is needed in order to facilitate the brain drain. That we trained qualified personnel here for free, they could easily and naturally roll over, receive master’s education abroad and stay there. We have been made into a peripheral country with all its characteristics.
Now, after the West went to war on us and erected barriers in almost all directions, we are talking about a paradigm shift in governance. But we must understand that so far this change in our management system has not even affected at all. It’s on the other side of the barriers that have been erected that our governance system has hardened. That is, they made it difficult to export capital, but I note that as soon as the situation has stabilized a little, our monetary authorities again begin to export capital.
Again they begin to stimulate the export of capital! At least take away in rubles, at least take money from us! That is, our “monetary power” works the same way as before. They are not given the opportunity to create conditions for the outflow of capital, in fact, the possibility of applying the budget rule has been canceled, but all this still remains and the budget rule has not gone anywhere yet. It simply cannot be used in the conditions of seizure of foreign exchange reserves.
We introduced mandatory sale of foreign exchange earnings in order to stabilize the exchange rate. Now they want to continue to leave foreign exchange earnings abroad, perhaps they confiscate it in the same way as state foreign exchange reserves. That is, our monetary policy remains deeply peripheral, it still goes according to the rules of the IMF and the Washington Consensus.
Because of the sanctions, society suddenly realized that we are a very rich country, that we could live twice as well as we live, because the outflow of capital has stopped. As soon as the outflow of capital stopped, the ruble immediately rose, purchasing power increased by 1.5 times and the strengthening of the ruble went further. That is, until now, the main objective function of the “monetary authorities” was the enrichment of currency speculators.
This is what the Central Bank worked for. Inflation targeting is ridiculous, because the main factor in inflation is the devaluation of the ruble exchange rate in a situation where the formation of the ruble exchange rate is carried out by speculators, primarily international speculators. And only 5% of transactions on the Moscow Exchange are transactions for exporters and importers.
Obviously, the ruble exchange rate was manipulated all these 8 years. On this, tens of billions of dollars were taken out of Russia. It was currency speculators, where american speculators played the main role, who were the main beneficiaries of the monetary policy. Now, due to political sanctions, this has become impossible. We are being forced, forced to move to a new management system.
What should be the management system? There’s no need to guess here. We see examples of a new system of governance in China and India. This is, of course, a mixed management system, where the main setting works for the purpose of improving public welfare. The state is engaged in strategic planning.
Here is Elena Vladimirovna Panina, one of the authors of the law on strategic planning, who put a lot of effort into its promotion. We have had the law for many years. But at first its implementation was postponed, now it ends with the writing of tens of thousands of documents on strategic planning, but there are no mechanisms for its implementation.
Although if you look, we have everything separately. The mechanism of private and public partnership, special contracts, multilateral investment agreements, special refinancing tools that the Central Bank could use to bring cheap loans to increase investments. Individually, all this is there, but in general the system does not work.
For many years, we have been proposing to move to a system of advanced development, where emphasis would be placed on the strategy and modernization of economic development on the basis of a new technological order. According to our estimates, we could achieve growth of at least 8% per year, using idle production capacities, saturating the economy with money and allowing enterprises to receive loans at a maximum of 2-3% for the final borrower, for financing investments, for increasing production.
This is the fullest possible use of our scientific and technical potential, this is an in-depth processing of raw materials. We have no restrictions on economic growth, except for the artificial high cost of credit created by the “monetary authorities”. Enterprises can not take a loan not at 18%, not at 11%, you need to bring a loan at 1-3% per annum, as is done in China and India.
In the Eurasian Union, we are fighting roundwood exports, we have imposed an embargo, but for some reason timber is being taken to China. Because in China, the state allocated as much money as it needed, at 0.2% per annum for 10 years – in order for business to create an infrastructure for processing, packaging and harvesting Siberian timber.
They created the infrastructure, they then began to provide our procurers with interest-free seasonal loans and, not being able to take a loan from us, our loggers go to China and take loans there. And they bring them timber – voluntarily and without any coercion. Within the country, they do not have the opportunity to take loans to harvest timber in the season and then, having sold the products, return them back.
That is, we see a real possibility of reaching high growth rates of at least 8% per year, so I cannot agree with the forecasts of our official departments, which draw us (following Washington) minus 8% this year. Where does the minus 8% come from? From the World Bank and the Monetary Fund.
From Washington, they are trying to impose such a pessimistic forecast on us that “you will have minus 10, because you started a military operation.” Where does the figure of minus 10% come from? The EU cuts off exports to Russia and imports from Russia too. Further, according to the econometric model, they hypothesize that Russian foreign trade will shrink by 30%. And according to this model, which, in fact, is an extrapolation of the existing interconnections in the economy, they say that in this case you will have minus 10% of GDP. Although the president tells us that we need to seize opportunities.
At the last Eurasian Economic Forum, he said that foreign companies are leaving – and maybe it is better, let them leave, let them create these production facilities ourselves. Let’s do import substitution. Let’s fill the outgoing quota of the European Union with our own production. We will develop cooperation in the Eurasian Union and develop relations with our Asian partners.
That is, if we deal with the development of the economy, where money is not an end in itself, but is an instrument for lending to production, then we can quite easily go this year without a recession. On the contrary, we can make an economic boom out of this crisis and the departure of European competitors. The boom in entrepreneurship. To do this, you need to give loans.
It is necessary to realize the goals of raising public welfare. And not by simple cash injections of people to maintain life, but by creating new industries, new jobs. The President has said this many times, but as a result, what we have today in terms of measures to stimulate economic development is, in fact, a continuation of the Covid small relaxations in terms of regulation. Unfortunately, in terms of reducing the bureaucratic pressure, there are probably no real opportunities for increasing import substitution investments and implementing long-term development programs.
Concluding my speech, I will say that the image of the future, I think, is quite obvious. If we understand that before the end of this century, it is likely that the American hybrid war will end in failure for them. In their Russophobia, which is in their subcortex, they may not realize this yet. Therefore, having China as the main enemy, they attacked us, since Russophobia is embedded in Anglo-Saxon geopolitics.
Geopolitics, which teaches American and British politicians, is based on books of the 19th and 20th centuries – from Halford Mackinder to Zbigniew Brzezinski, and everywhere the main idea is “how to break up Russia.” Geopolitics is a classic pseudoscience on the topic “how to destroy Russia in any of its historical forms.”
They became a victim of their genetic Russophobic orientation. They lost to China in the trade war and now they are clinging to us. When Crimea was reunited with us, I repeatedly said that there would have been sanctions in any case. Would they be reunited with Crimea or, on the contrary, disgraced, there would still be sanctions. And today’s war, we also understand, was inevitable. Just 8 years ago it was possible to do without war and take the entire south-east of Ukraine without a single shot, people themselves went to us.
Now we have to correct this delay at the cost of great effort and sacrifice.
But this conflict was inevitable precisely because of the genetic Russophobia of the American-British ruling elite, which is the core of the essentially ideological and economic Western world, and they seek to erase us, as they put it, without any equivocation, I would say.
Don’t underestimate that. When the Polish prime minister says “erase”, it means to erase naturally, as it was in 17, when the Russian Empire was erased. As it was after the Troubles, when the Muscovite kingdom was erased. That is, there were precedents when Russia was erased – erased ideologically, culturally, up to the destruction of all monuments, wherever they could reach, to the burning of chronicles and the like.
That’s their plan. They think Russia is the key to world domination. In their delusional minds, it is. In the foundations of their Anglo-Saxon geopolitics, since the time of Mackinder, they have been teaching that in order to control the world, you need to control Eurasia, they call it a big island. In Eurasia, the main one is who keeps control. it’s Russia.
Therefore, in order to control the world, it is necessary to seize Russia, to fragment it, to destroy it. Then the next goal is the destruction of Iran, it’s obviously perfect. And then they think that by taxing China on all sides and isolating it from the rest of the world, they will maintain dominance, maintain hegemony.
This is an absolutely utopian project, they will lose the war. They are already losing a key advantage before our eyes. Those notorious sanctions, because of which we lost foreign exchange reserves and our offshore business today does not know how to continue to work.
In fact, from the point of view of further prospects for hybrid warfare, this is a hoax of the trump ace, because they had the main advantage in the issue of the world currency. And then they played their trump ace. They no longer have a world currency, no one believes them anymore – neither politically, nor ideologically, not economically. A mass exodus from the dollar began.
The Chinese are selling dollar reserves. Their satellites are afraid to do this for now, but here who sells dollars faster will lose less. Clearly. Let’s not forget that half of the dollars that Americans print on a huge scale are outside the United States. This wave of dollars is coming back to America today. If earlier it was believed, they say, it is good that capital is being drawn into the country, now the avalanche is clearly acquiring inflationary consequences and the collapse of giant financial bubbles that make up the Western financial and economic system is not far off.
Today we are thinking about creating a new settlement currency that would be tied to commodities. We are building a conjugation with China of the union “One train – one track”. We are trying to restore international law in Eurasian integration and strictly adhere to the principles of voluntariness and respect for sovereignty, mutual benefit and transparency. That is, we are creating an attractive image of a new world order. A new world economic order.
The trouble is that without outstripping economic growth, our vision of the future will not be convincing. Please note that our Eurasian ideologues, for example, Trubetskoy, they brilliantly foresaw in the late 20s of the last century the collapse of the Soviet Union, which had just gotten back on its feet.
He said that after the state of workers and peasants exhausted itself, a new community would be formed, a supraclass one. The Soviet Union will lose its ideological core and collapse. Then the era of nationalism will come. The fragments of the Soviet Union will be seduced by nationalist ideas in order to bring our big country together again. And then it is necessary to overcome nationalism and eradicate Nazism, of course.
No national or other exclusivity should be allowed! And the basis for a new union can only be an understanding of the commonality of its history. Notice how the Chinese intercept the slogans of the Eurasians. China calls on all peoples to unite with a shared future for mankind. What are “nations of common destiny”? These are the peoples of one country. This understanding of the common destiny of mankind is, in fact, the ideological basis of the greater Eurasian partnership that our president is talking about.
But in order to be a leader in this partnership, and not a periphery, it is necessary to ensure an advanced pace of economic development. This requires the ideology of a common cause, a common good.
In conclusion, I will briefly say that this ideology must absorb the achievements of socialism. It is no coincidence that both China and India are dominated by socialist ideology, with different political constructs. Socialism as an idea of the common good, where the main meaning of the state is service to society. The state does not serve certain social groups, as we have an oligarchy or bureaucracy or anyone else. The state is seriously and truly engaged in improving public welfare.
Therefore, of course, the socialist idea must be present. Without it, a new way of life is impossible, besides, it has already developed. Socialism must return again as the dominant ideology, the core of the world economic system of Southeast Asia. If we look at the Japanese model or the Korean one, we will also see familiar features of socialist ideology. This is a state that plans, a state of development.
As for the issue of ethical values. The new technological order really challenges humanity in the sense that the transition to a posthumanoid state is technologically possible. The emergence of cyborgs, manipulation of consciousness, artificial intelligence. These are all signs of a transition to a post-human civilization, and if we lose our traditional ethical norms, if we allow this new oligarchic world government to dominate, do not expect good things. In this case, humanity is finished.
And, since we are on the front line of hybrid war, we can really assume that the war with the West is for the fate of mankind. And the West today has no image of the future. Universal chipping, artificial intelligence and dehumanization, LGBT people, the destruction of the family, the cessation of all forms of human identity – this is an image of death, not of the future. This is what the West brings us. Since we are in direct confrontation with him, we can assume that we are really fighting for the preservation of humanity.
The question is what the ideology should be here. Obviously, it should be based on traditional values. In short, it should be a largely disgraced image of Christian socialism in Europe. With the understanding that we have not only Christian socialism, but also Islamic socialism, Buddhist socialism. I would call this ideology a socially conservative synthesis. A combination of traditional moral values that have grown out of great religions with the demands of social justice, the welfare state, and the state of development.
Thank you
“If we understand that before the end of this century, it is likely that the American hybrid war will end in failure for them. In their Russophobia, which is in their subcortex, they may not realize this yet. Therefore, having China as the main enemy, they attacked us, since Russophobia is embedded in Anglo-Saxon geopolitics.”
That’s it! The subcortical Russophobia – an indicator to any psychologist of severe first-line trauma, close to birth. And in the history of mankind how many suffer such trauma – the majority? Even with modern health care.
This is no laughing matter – and explains the rampant irrationality over millennia.
Dealing with such traumatized needs a rubber room, and better childcare!
Just a remark that relates to Brother Assange and others who make public certain matters.
“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” 18 USC 4
Once a man becomes aware of war-crimes, or any other felony, it is a felony to conceal the information…
Assange is, in essence, being prosecuted for the “crime” of failing to conceal a crime…
Crime? Yes> https://youtu.be/HfvFpT-iypw
Gonzalo has a new vid up today. He says it’s for US citizens and is asking them to share it.
Interesting, alt US web sites having been posting Lira vids for the past few weeks. I my book, that’s making head way, and really addressing the target audience.
Cheers M