2022/06/08 09:00:01
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I’ve read some interesting stuff about the depletion allowance and the inter-woven interests of Texas oil men and the CIA with a nexus in Dallas, as well. We all know that every incoming president is shown the events publicly available in the Zapruder film from a different angle on their first day in office.
This whole crisis is ‘Made in the Western world’.
The news is constantly talking about the chronic effects but not about the avoidable cause.
In a country with a blind journal, it is not unusual to float to the top as a chameleon.
I only see similarities with the Middle East massacres where the civilized and Christian West had nothing to do but the oil in that sandbox.
The Middle East massacre was a handshake in favor of Saudi Arabia instead of a clear position against that backward country and not the job as journalist for a lying press is relevant in the global geopolitical picture, but our car that still has to drive tomorrow because as always it’s all about the big money and their sandboxes are the production field of easy oil in exchange for Salafist violence.
Trump said during his election: “Obviously, the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake, George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should never have been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East” but government leaders apparently have the strategic insight of a Neanderthal, including a comic kippa or a mind-numbing bible and want to let themselves be dragged into yet another swamp: Ukraine. So not much is lost. The whole mess is now terminal like the Middle East: crusades back from never gone: our Christian original against Islamic plagiarism.
The jews massacre of the twentieth century is often attributed to a few very bad Germans. In fact, the Ukrinazis only did with Deutsche Gründlichkeit in 1919 long before 40-45 as was their tradition: pogroms, driving out, persecuting, dishonoring and murdering Jewish people.
The same feces are not just recruits, but are on Uncle Sam’s payroll now as useful idiots.
As we are forced to contemplate Collapse, so with the ugliness surrounding Nazism. These topics do not go away. Accepting the Truth means seeing the manifest ugliness opposing us.
“Was World War 2 not dispositive of Nazis? Was that war, which killed 90-100 Million people, merely a battle in some kind of never-ending war?”
What Hal doesn’t understand is the swastika is a symbol of sun worship to the bloodline satanic AZE elite. It precedes nazi supremacism or recent considerations by centuries. It is a potent enduring sign & symbol, which Scripture warns will always be tangible among the enemies.
We discussed several interpretations of swastikas some Cafes ago. Amarynth mentioned the Queen’s Jubilee recently celebrating with a Black Sun emblem. These two symbols are linked, and were perfected during Himmler’s acolytes of the Black Sun.
Also see the right pectoral tattoo of the left-most Azov nazi. This is an excellent depiction of a swastika’s legs being increased to form the true meaning: a Black Sun.
Stripped of Christianity and any wholesomeness, the AZE requires a rallying cry – a negative counter-force to the Spirituality of the Russians and Iranians and others which dominates them and has them on the rapid retreat on all fronts. Every aggressive war needs a raison d’être or banner. Larch referred on a recent Disqus to Ukies but this applies to most western elites: “The key dynamic when examining Ukraine is their schizophrenic psychosis. Banderism and Nazism are just external manifestations that energize their psychosis..”
How the eastern peoples use swastikas is not the point. In the west it has a different marshalling message. It is a desperate prop to try to reverse the tide. So all the former gloss and glitter is being stripped in the west. It is reduced to satanism and human sacrifice. The ugliness will increase and take center place, as in during the last days of the Third Reich. The inner xenomorph nazi bursts out of their chests. An immediate doublethink is imposed, even in formerly sane neutral Finland – or was Finland like the rest of the West in an uncomfortable stasis and holding pattern all along? They are now all coming out, and will increasingly come out, in the days to come. The mental gymnastics they will engage in, and the imagery which they will unveil, will be awe-inspiring, even to those of us well aware they lie.
Also > https://stridertherange.substack.com/p/why-is-it-so-hard-to-finnish-nazism?s=r
a daughter of Nuremberg I speaks > https://larouchepub.com/pr/2022/20220606_us_guilty.html
They can try to run, but they cannot hide, such as with rebranding Azov patches. Operation Z is exposing base natures. There is much more waiting to be revealed.
In the face of the Global Empire an AZE is a figment of your imagination http://thesaker.is/the-very-special-operation/#comment-1104963
“We discussed several interpretations of swastikas some Cafes ago.”
To the Third Reich German writers, it was tied to “5000 years of German history.” One of those writers, Jörg Lechler, wrote a pamphlet on the Swastika in December-1935. I have it. He noted that Indians, Chinese and others had their own Swastikas, but he said they all had something in common with the German swastika, that the Swastika had its own innate meaning and so the connections between all swastikas were close ones; likewise, he and other Nazis thought that the connections between the Soviet star, the American and the French star were close.
I never said that most people do not wish to win their (local) lottery or that being a turkey is not normal.
Unfortunately a swastika is also, and always has been, normal.
All of these lead to the problem.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and sense about these important matters A.H.H.
There is an evil that dates far back. It is presenting itself now for all to see (it will become more visible to more people in time).It may present itself in commandeered symbolism (oft times inverted), through irrational actions, or with fantasy pictorals, or with an illusion of what is wished by the so called masses.
Interestingly, it may be that this present evil has no “back”. In other words, it lacks its leader (perhaps dead?).
Regardless, these “minions/caretakers” that are pushing out these plans may no longer be “fully backed”. If so…
a rudderless drifting faction, cannot prevail in their goals as they lack coherence. Coherence is necessary for a Whole win. What I mean by this is that a lack of coherence, whether in strategy, tactics, or, more importantly in the overall mental intent/focus/commitment of the faction/group must be present in order to achieve the “goal”,
Therefore, not only does the West (and its ideology) implode in the end (perhaps with some help) but it’s implosion may reverberate beyond its borders. Perhaps this is both a statement of what is to come and a warning to those outside the immediate impact area (and No, I am not referring to the effects of a fission bomb though that’s not out of the realm of possibility).
I do not know the answer to ‘what is the best defense’; as I do not know how the ‘reverberations’ will affect each and everyone around the globe. What I do know is that the impact will be global, it will be felt in some manner by each individual, it will have an enormous impact on the future of all.
We are not different races. We are all the human race. We will come together, be it small groups, be it large groups, no matter. Those that gather, will gather around certain old gathering points on Earth. We do not need to telegraph these points; they are known. The force driving our gathering is likely to be intuitional and/or divinely inspired impulse. We will gather because it is paramount (now, during, and after this transition period).
This may sound “out there” to some. Okay.
And to others, they understand and know. It does not matter; what will be, will be. We only need direct our energies to the outcome we view as best for ourselves, our human race, our planet.
God speed. God bless. God be with us all.
“I do not know the answer to ‘what is the best defense” ”
I believe the best defence is to raise the consciousness. Align with higher energies.
The gathering together I can see already taking place.
All the best
Yes Puzzler,
you are right. It is at essence a permanent spiritual war. The real “Long War,” not Rummy’s MIC hustle. I have not studied enough to know the overall history or the present contours. It could be, as you say, “it lacks its leader.” As a former boat captain, you found a nice analogy, “𝘢 𝘳𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, [𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩] 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦!” I fully agree. Evil tends to ultimately lack fruit or satisfaction of their aims. Passionate intensity and focus and destruction are insufficient and eventually blunted and undone, often due to carelessness and impatience by their own hands. Or, once in a blue moon they reap the whirlwind, as seen with Operation Z.
“𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘵 (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺) 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥.. 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴.”
This is the horror consuming most of our imaginations no? The bigger they are, the harder they fall.. What will be the impact of the largest Beast since ancient Rome, in terms of the consequences of its implosion? As seen in Mr P’s 1177 BC lecture, we fear it will usher in another prolonged Dark Age. None of us can know how it will really unfold. Yet we are unwillingly strapped onto the ride too.
I agree with Anomalous – a personal and societal recourse is to align with higher energies, or as my Christian brethren say, “to armor up!” The satanists draw upon the negative forces and fallen spirits as seen throughout western oligarchy and even among the Azov satanic shrines and totems; we need a countervailing positive truth to sustain us and to supply us with the spiritual weapons with which to smash them.
On raising consciousness
There are ‘truths’ emerging. One is quite unsettling; I will not put it in further detailed written form for many reasons. Another truth does have to do with what you and Fionnbarra have stated – a rise or evolution of consciousness (no matter the belief system behind it as long as its core resonates with goodness/love). If the information and connections on a macro scale are close to accurate, then what we are experiencing and witnessing is likely a shift in stellar system orbit (this view follows the philosophy of Tesla and others that each and all stellar bodies move on a spiral path in general along with shorter term “fixed” elliptical components. If a system enters a certain newer rung on the spiral trajectory that pulls it into a (slightly?) different/stronger goodness resonance pattern (closer to the core of the Universe; i.e. Source/God/Great Spirit/etc.?, then that would affect the inputs organic transceivers recognize and tune to. Healthy for those that adjust their resonance and not so much for those who are unwilling or are unaware of the need to make this adjustment. Perhaps it is simplest to state that we all follow our own path of least resistance and our journey unfolds accordingly.
If the above scenario has merit, it also is on a time table. And, if the other emerging ‘truth’ is valid, then the window for that path to fully materialize is finite (and based on observation, not many years off – less than ten – until it closes if not forever, then for a very very long time). A certain calendar may have tracked and marked this stellar transition; a mark denoting a conclusion – convergence – divergence – beginning.
Perhaps those that are committed to this, in my view, undesirable path, have certain quantifiable objectives that must be met by a certain point in time or face extreme punishment from the entities they have chosen to resonate with. If this is accurate, things will continue to escalate until the objectives are met or the window closes.
“Listen to yourself, not the noise in the world. Only you know what is right for you.” – Richard Bach
“Inner peace doesn’t come from getting what we want, but from remembering who we are.” – Marianne Williamson
One other obtuse comment without elaborating on context – the links in the fence have been weakened and the repair crew can only patch but not restore. Fix a hole in a ship’s hull with a worm eaten plank and it will leak less for a time but ultimately will fail and the ship will sink. So goes the information suppressor currently being ‘patched’ with chaff.
Hello Fionnbarra,
Agree. Our consciousness needs to and will evolve in those that choose this path. This path is also very hard to see for those that do not have a well functioning moral compass.
Glad to hear you are seeing evidence of the gathering; may it continue with speed and unwavering intention.
God Bless Fionnbarra,
I ad my astrological considérations since the Summer of 2014,
Little by little I try to improve my weekly addition to the geopolitical drama.
I’m with this contra-lie- crowd since 60 years.
Since 40 years I’m marching with the zodiac as ‘compass’.
An outstanding weekend awaits all of uns on the northern hemisphere –
this week is radiating believe me, increasing till Sunday.
Here is why
Did you know that the USA distributed more medals after the invasion of Grenada than the number of servicemen which participated in it?
And it took the 82nd to overcome a few Cuban engineers with AKs. Glory indeed!
Did anyone observe what happened at the French Open this weekend?
Curious patterns and messaging with numbers…
Nadal, the tennis player who is currently the Western oligarchy’s preferred player, defeated Zverev who had a freak accident in the semi final.
The accident, which propelled Nadal to victory, took place on 03.06. It was Nadal’s 36th birthday.
At 6h 06, after exactly 3h03 minutes into the match, the score was 7-6 6-6, Zverev had a freak fall…
After Zverev’s strange accident, a “climate activist” ran out on central court and chained herself to the net with a message on her t shirt “1028” days (Apparently this number referred to a UN report, which couldn’t be found, so all is left are the numbers)
During the final on Sunday, Nadal then won 6-3 6-3 6-0 . It was his 22nd majors (slam) win.
The number 22 featured in WH memo right before the war in Ukraine started. The WH released a memo 22.02.2022 at 2h22.
As for the strange 1028 number 1 and 0 combinations are commonly used in freemasonry (like their b& w chequered floor.)
Day 28 coming up is 28 June. The Vidovdan prophecy claims that this date marks important historical &geopolitical turning points.
(28 June 1914 assassination of Archduke Ferdinand leading to WWI
28 June 1919 Versailles Treaty signed which eventually led to WWII)
I have no explanation for the how the numbers aligned during the accident, or how they all appeared afterward. Could all be coincidence. The satanist elites are superstitious though and they see it as a sign & a signal to act…
good points with the numerology! You have a good eye.
I very much agree about Nadal being their horse.. at this point it has the subtlety of Benny Hill. Also losing on all fronts in reality, they are down to sports and other tightily controlled fake environments, such as the media PR victories, to make their side feel good and prevent mass formation suicides.
I will add:
– Zverev is a rising German of RUSSIAN extraction.. powerfully won the last Olympic Gold in tennis (huge upset of Djokovic).. this young Russian gun faced off against the aging warrior of Old Europe.. a sports reenactment of current Operation Z?!! It is like they are sticking pins in a voodoo doll, trying to influence the real battle. Also the emotional PR battle for Latin America, the Philippines, south Europe, Catholics, etc.. using the Nadal hook defeating a Russian. The mind games are mind blowing.
– Nadal was cheered by French fans for perhaps the first time since playing there from 2005.. quite a role reversal. The French used to despise his dominance, and in particular over their favorite Federer. But this late romance can bloom for aging champions taking their last bows.
– Nadal defeated his Serbian nemesis Djokovic enroute. So he defeated both the #1 Serbian and a dominant higher ranked Russian-German. To be fair, the wily matador was favored against everyone not named Djokovic. He is perhaps the most intelligent and hardy clay courter ever.
– Nadal was a long-shot since arrived injuried this Spring with a recently broken rib and a serious foot injury. Djokovic said after his loss: “”I’m not surprised at all.. It’s not the first time that he is able, a few days after he’s injured and barely walking, to come out 100% physically fit.”” To be fair, Nadal did admit getting numbing injections into the foot before each match.
– “The accident, which propelled Nadal to victory, took place on 03.06” they use this to also mean 3×6, or 666. This is Nadal’s 666 year too.. more grand slams (GS) victories? Sports is as carefully shaped as democratic “elections.”
– at the beginning of the year, the 3 horses were at 20 GS each. Djokovic miraculously won 3 last year to finally catch up. If you drop the “0” as often done in numerology: another 2-2-2
– Like with Messi/CR9 et al, they are all sad victims and playthings of the devils, as with all other mega-celebs .. The supernatural physical abilities also indicate some may be channelling forces best not admitted inside..
Overall they are products used for messaging and emotional manipulation of billions.. As with politicians, it is all scripted..
– Again, drop the zero and add the resultant 128 days to June 3, the date is October 9, 2022. If you take just the 28, which is a major pandemic signal (28 Days Later zombie movie franchise) and add 28 days to June 3, the date is July 1. 1028 can also mean Oct 28 using US dates convention, or Jan 28, or Dec 8 or Aug 12. It is endless. I agree something is being signalled, these satanists do not waste VIP circus moments like the French Open and the presence of a global brand like Nadal.
June 28 events:
– 1389 Ottomans defeat Serbian army in the bloody Battle of Kosovo, opening the way for the Ottoman conquest of Southeastern Europe (so unleashing of the Sultan??)
– 1967 Israel annexes East Jerusalem (major scheduled west asia war? many signs underway now)
– Elon Musk’s birthday (this synthetic may be the red horse of the AI or AC; he has also taken over the Twitter dramas from Trump)
October 9 events:
– 768 Charlemagne and his brother Carloman I are crowned Kings of The Franks (Macrons recent ominous silence, and French overall clear ambition to take over Europe may result in bizarre realignments soon)
– 1290 Last of 16,000 Jews expelled by King Edward I leave England (I and many anticipate jews will be evicted from west soon, another funneling to Occupied Palestine. So narrative change coming.. perhaps Club member Gonzalo is prescient in naming the Kagans et al.. they are being fattened, a ritual whenever Nazism comes to the fore)
– 1665 Due to the Great Plague of London, the British Parliament meets at the University of Oxford rather than the Palace of Westminster (date of unleashing a really lethal wave?)
– 1854 The siege of Sevastopol begins during the Crimean War (date of the expected suicide Charge? For sure, the crazies will eventually make a move on Crimea)
– 1941 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt approves an atomic program that would become the Manhattan Project (an auspicious date for a nuclear FF?)
– 1944 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrives in Russia for talks with Joseph Stalin (date of official submission, lol? We can dream eh? This is MY forecast mrs A 😁 )
– 1963 British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan resigns and is replaced by Alec Douglas-Home (BoJo bites the dust? But doubtful he’ll last that long)
But all this is a losing game with the madmen, as any permutation and adding/subtracting a day or counting the final day may apply according to their [il]logic. I’ve stopped wasting precious time trying to decipher their “forecasting of the day of the crime.” And they will maintain their crazed fixation with numerology even as they drown, part and parcel of their curse and burden in their tormented existence.
Interesting insights AHH!
I personally am not superstitious, what I fear is that the satanist crazies will use the weird tennis accident to brush aside any rational, thinking argument…believing satan’s supernatural force is with them.
Adding 28 days to June 3 also crossed my mind btw and October date is also a valid interpretation.
See you back here at the cafe afterJune 28th …fingers crossed nothing will happen.
I always appreciate your comments Serbian girl
I don’t waste time on superstition too. But it is prudent to observe designs of the enemy.. I was into tracking their language for a while, but it is disgusting and belittling and a huge waste of time. I felt better once I stopped paying attention to their numerology. I saw those deep into it becoming paranoid, losing the very taste for life, and I didn’t want to end up in that place.
It appears to be the oldest extant form of language today, supposedly inherited from ancient Babylon. Given our countless bewildering languages and tribes and modes of thinking, math and sign language are the most basic ways to communicate since Babylon. But there is nothing to fear. It is merely another language. They communicate with it among their different sects and vassals around the world. Key media such as the Economist, NYT, CNN etc openly broadcast their language which is then interpreted using certain cyphers. We should never fear. The small-minded are far weaker than us…
“𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵…𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯’𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.” This is how they maintain control over the fearful and ignorant. However if you pay close attention – like with a magician’s sleight-of-hand act – you can see how scripted it is. A sports ball may have a magnet in it and take an unexpected bounce or trajectory. Players’ very bodies can be choreographed, like ballet, especially with an extremely fast demon inhabiting the body. I like the analogy of “bullet time” pioneered by the Hong Kong action flicks and popularized by the Matrix: this is how easily they can speed up reaction-time, and accordingly determine match outcomes without 99.99% understanding what took place.
Often if you look carefully into the eyes or body language of the eventual loser, you can tell there is resignation in advance.. “The Force” is against him/her that day. So any event can be engineered to purpose at the precise time.
At this point, there is little honor left in organized sports. They are run like a mafia racket. But an amusing brief entertainment for our kids and the family, as well as inspiring wholesome exercising for the body..
The first time Epstein was caught, a possible lengthy prison sentence was stopped by unknown higher ups. Epstein went back to doing what he had been shortly thereafter. Who were the powers that be that changed it into “Epstein didn’t kill himself.” This time there ample media attention – everybody heard about the Lolita Express and Epstein’s island. This time Epstein was either murdered in a NYC prison or spirited to Israel. Although Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted even Elon Musk comments on why other than a few well known sexual predators outed in the beginning, no list of blackmail victims is forthcoming. Her father was well known to be an agent of Israeli intelligence. I would think that if Mossad thought he had outlived his usefulness he would have died in an accident or been suicided with little media attention. Remember when the ‘DC madam” hanged herself in a shed in Florida.
ColonelCassad reports that a Russian, Vitaly Khotsenko, has been appointed Prime Minister of the DPR.. Although his background is solid in the energy-science-industrial-development sectors, it might be seen as sending the wrong message to the nearly liberated citizens of the Donbas, but time will tell..
“But you can’t appoint a Russian citizen as Prime Minister of another state?!
Why can’t I? I can..”
I’m not sure why you expected anything different.
To those that follow domestic US politics.
I found this on GAB .. interesting if true. Can anyone confirm?
This may be connected to something else. We all know that the African nations voted in a bloc to reject the new pandemic proposals to the WHO, which would just about control the whole world and all who live in her.
But, did you know that the proposals themselves came mainly from the US WHO Contingent? We had Mansoureh Tajik write a burning text about this, from an Iranian perspective, but true on the whole: http://thesaker.is/how-to-trick-the-islamic-republic-of-iran-into-being-party-to-health-regulations-that-are-hazardous-to-its-health-survival-and-independence/
Here is my thesis .. and bear in mind I don’t know the people or senators involved. The US is getting just too much uphill now, and cannot force its way through the UN or UNSC any longer.
We also see this with the current Summit for the Americas, any decent leader in the Caribbean, Central and South America boycotting the proceedings (including AMLO from Mexico, sending his foreign minister) and the counter Summit, People’s Summit22, that was pulled together by a raft of organizations to stand against the Summit for the Americas.
So, the US WHO lost against the African WHO contingent, this Summit for the Americas has already failed, they’re losing their war in the Ukraine, they’re losing against China – the trend is one of losing everywhere.
So, now with all that uphill in the international organizations, they quickly want to leave the UN.
Hope this is understandable as it gets very thick very quickly. https://seemorerocks.is/african-nations-force-who-to-back-down-on-pandemic-treaty/
So my question is how probable or possible is it for that Bill to pass?
Zero chance. When or if Republicans control Congress, it’s possible but very unlikely because the U.S. wields power at the UN, and I don’t think it would leave it to China and Russia to fill that void. Mike Rogers is a Baptist Congressman from Alabama, a lawyer, who apparently has a strong provincial mindset and proposed this bill. It reflects an old desire (I guess). It’s more linked to Biblical interpretation than to the latest events, but he must believe that to pass his bill would make America greater. It could be that he has presidential ambitions for the longer term (he’s 63).
Amarynth, guess what? No, I have a question. Why does he have his mask prior to going in but takes it out to go in?
President Joe Biden Visits Jimmy Kimmel Live
Oh no,the US finally have “proof” that Putin hacked the DNC to help Trump in 2016:
up bright and early;
turning moist shovel loads of dirt –
white winter beard
the bread becomes crusty
as spring breaks into summer
what then will winter bring
Cold, Dark and Hunger ©
Patriot steel and thunder
Traitor ripped asunder
By Golly Doc, them’ s fightin’ words
Puttin’ down the pen, picking up the swords
Buckle up, lock and load
Ahead of us a bumpy road
Not forgetting the armour of light
Shielding us from the forces of night
Those left standing in the end
Will be those aligned with the Higher Friend
I come not in peace
To those who fleece
My brother sheep.
I come with swords
and fiery flame
held high aloft
cold dark fjords.
Ok I have reached my limits. Quite brash of me too! I couldn’t resist answering Sudhi, remembering Brother Batiushka’s refrain. I should stop, before Dimi chides my amateur lack of form! But I am delighted to have brought you out of your cave dear Anomalous
flooding waters
lambs bleating
sabotage rocks
helping hands
silent grace
these refrains, valiant ditties, wise rhymed anythings and rhythms of be-with-’em or lose all rising freely like uncensored incense from who knows which non cultic-cultural sources
rhythm is everything
pulse is the world’s,
black birds singing
dawn and twilight
they never repeat
precisely anything
but take the same tones
singing them melodiously
in countless variations of
unuptured sequences,
of unpunctured beauty
the pigeon family
have one refrain,
it’s really enough
and all they need
it begins and ends
repeating the same
over and over again.
the soft chant of om
to all and very sundry
– _ _ – –
short long, long, short short.
with one rising and falling
melody curve like a bridge
for every single line
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
– _ _ – –
Seven Black Jays
Seven Black Jays
Seven black jays in ecstatic trance,
High up on a windy branch;
Congregation in full swing,
As fervid throats take turns to sing:
What do they say, what do they mean;
Are you well, how have you been?
Perhaps to share some wisdom gleaned,
Perhaps to vent a little spleen?
Is it the wind and the joy that flies,
Is it the place where abundance lies?
Is it the storm in yonder skies,
That sparks the passion in their cries?
How sharp the beak that bears the brunt,
How sure the eye that guides the hunt;
How firm the claw and fleet the wing,
Are these the things of which they sing?
But by and large, I must onfess,
At what they say I only guess;
Their vocal skills bear me along,
My heart it thrills to hear their song.
Seven black jays in ecstatic trance,
High up on a windy branch;
That congregation in full swing
As fervid throats in rounds do sing!
“a diplomatic own goal” by the USA.
“Richard N. Haass, who was the adviser to former Secretary of State Colin Powell and director of policy planning for the State Department, summed up the disaster superbly in a tweet: “The Summit of the Americas looks to be a debacle, a diplomatic own goal. The U.S. has no trade proposal, no immigration policy, and no infrastructure package. Instead, the focus is on who will and will not be there. Unclear is why we pressed for it to happen.”
The above quote is from an article by Cuban journalist Rosa Miriam Elizalde. Here is a longer extract:
Storms at the Summit of the Americas
“June 7 was a bad day for Luis Almagro, secretary-general of the Organization of American States (OAS). During the ninth Summit of the Americas, a young man declared to him what he is: an assassin and puppet of the White House, instigator of the coup in Bolivia. He said that Almagro cannot come to give lessons on democracy when his hands are stained with blood. In another room at the summit in Los Angeles, Secretary of State Antony Blinken seemed to be doing no better: several journalists rebuked him for using freedom of the press to provide cover for the murderers of journalists and for sanctioning and excluding certain countries from this meeting. “Democracy or hypocrisy?” could be heard over the loudspeaker that day.
In reality, this stormy summit began with a large diplomatic stumble for the United States, when several Latin American presidents announced that they would not participate in the summit because of the exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, as dictated by the White House, while the U.S. State Department still claims the open and unrestricted nature of the meeting’s call. Its website says, “Throughout, the United States has demonstrated, and will continue to demonstrate, our commitment to an inclusive process that incorporates input from people and institutions that represent the immense diversity of our hemisphere, and includes Indigenous and other historically marginalized voices.”
Hypocrisy seems to be the glue of this summit, and mainstream U.S. media and analysts declared the June 6-10 meeting a failure before it even started. On June 7, the Washington Post assured readers that “This week’s Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles will be remembered for its absences rather than its potential agreements,” focusing its attention on Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who was the most mentioned political figure in U.S. networks and media on June 7 and 8, even more than U.S. President Joe Biden, according to statistics from Google Trends. Richard N. Haass, who was the adviser to former Secretary of State Colin Powell and director of policy planning for the State Department, summed up the disaster superbly in a tweet: “The Summit of the Americas looks to be a debacle, a diplomatic own goal. The U.S. has no trade proposal, no immigration policy, and no infrastructure package. Instead, the focus is on who will and will not be there. Unclear is why we pressed for it to happen.”
As can be expected of a meeting for which the invitation list had not been declared just 72 hours before it began, apathy seems to dominate the debate rooms, to which almost no one goes, according to witnesses. Even so, the United States government did not miss an opportunity to secure the appearance of participation by the civil society groups on which it bets, and it met with the envoys from Miami, paid for by USAID, and awarded them with more money. During the summit, Blinken promised a new fund of $9 million to support “independent journalism” to those who already receive $20 million a year for promoting “regime change” in Cuba.
This political pageantry is happening in what is essentially a bunker, because the Los Angeles Police received more than $15 million to police the summit and militarize a city famous for its homelessness and belts of poverty. The U.S. Democratic Party elite, meanwhile, remain out of touch with the reality of their own country, shaken by daily massacres, increasingly powerless to meet the expectations of citizens, and with most decisions and legislative projects stalled. They are replicating the clichés of the Monroe Doctrine—America for the Americans—and demonstrating what appears to be a commitment to isolationism with respect to Latin America.
The United States rarely takes into account the differentiating features of its Latin American neighbors: cultural, linguistic, religious, and traditional—in short, those that grant and promote a genuine way of understanding life and its miracles. It might seem incomprehensible at this point, but the U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America is articulated and carried out from exclusively ideological approaches, with simplistic decisions that end up harming everyone—including and especially the United States itself.
Defying the storm, the People’s Summit for Democracy has been installed at the doors of the meeting of the friends of the White House. Sponsored by some 250 organizations, most of which are local unions, the counter-summit is marching through the streets of Los Angeles on June 10, whether or not the authorities, who have done everything possible to silence the alternative meeting, give permission. But the media blockade is not having the expected success. Almagro and Blinken have gone viral on social media for reasons beyond their control, and they will not be the last to prove firsthand what the outrage of the excluded looks like..”
The empire seems to be coming apart at the seams. Perhaps the example of the sound thrashing of the US proxy in Ukraine is having its effect halfway round the globe as well.
Notes from the deteriorating US situation
▪︎ The US long had a two-tier health care system where the wealthy had top-notch access. There is a developing similar two-tier supply-chain system..
Also on top of deliberately cut supply chains (see Long Beach, LA ports and Shanghai at China end, via inflation, high fuel prices…) you have price gouging too..
▪︎ notable price increases every few days, at longest every 1-2 weeks, for most stores products and at gas stations.. Did a Lousiana senator invite Zhe to his state when he said, “buying cocaine and running around here is cheaper than gas?” There’s stiff competition for ex-Junta Alley in Miami now.
▪︎ a truck driver reports spending a thousand dollars a day ($1000!) just driving on east coast routes.. most states now w diesel > $6/gal. This is unsustainable and will grind to a halt what remains of the key US supply chain haulers.
▪︎ recurring stories from police and EMTs nationwide unable to do their job due to mishmash of vehicle shortages (decreased maintenance due to lack of parts & costs, high fuel costs), attrition of manpower due to vax / wokeness / overworked limited staff, and thus prioritization towards most serious crimes/accidents.. take home: we cannot rely on ambulances or police patrols arriving in a timely fashion. Each will need to know basics of emergency medical care and provide for their own safety as best as can..
▪︎ folks continue to cut back on spending throughout the economy, focusing on essentials.. It is a time to use each dollar wisely and look ahead. This is unfortunately killing off what remains of small businesses, feeding the cycle of mass joblessness and immiseration. As local trading and networks wind down, so will social interaction and harmony, feeding another cycle of distrust, alienation, hostility and lack of cohesion.. in conjunction with decreased police patrolling capabilities, this will spark the long building anger and expected civil war. Dangerous times ahead.
▪︎ many medium and large companies continue to scavenge missing parts from one branch or unit to feed needed parts at their other branches.. many parts are on order backlogs of many months to > a year. Hoarding of parts seen by certain companies in order to guarantee continuation of work into the future.. feeding the overall parts shortages.
▪︎ get to know your local farmer! As supply chains are fully cut, these will be remaining life-lines.. establish a relationship now, so they know your face and will save some of their limited stock for an established local customer.. As we discussed last Fall, when Mr P and I were considered fragrant exotic kooks howling at the moon, the 2022 Year of Famine predicted by the Simpsons is upon us..
In the vein of Mr P’s clinton body counts where victims allegedly shot themselves twice in the back of the head then still had the wherewithal to take care of their families in officially-confirmed suicide-murders (in that order), here’s the latest: “[former Clinton advisor, Mark] Middleton allegedly managed to hang himself from a tree and simultaneously shoot himself with a shotgun.” It must be admitted that most crime families lack the panache and insolent audacity of the Clintons.
Pres. Biden said to Jimmy Kimmel in his show a couple of days ago that the oil companies were not exploring for gas because they just want to repurchase they own stocks. That’s simplistic. He said they would be forced to change this behavior by a future law(s). Nobody listens to the oil companies either, you see. (You start not listening to this one and that one and finally you don’t listen to anybody!) They complain about bad laws and/or regulations or restrictions that don’t allow them to operate as they want to.
link to banned site removed … mod
A German walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender tells him:
“That’ll be 100 euros.”
The German is in shock.
“What do you mean, 100 euros? Yesterday it was only 10!”
“Well today it’s 100.”
“But why 100, dammit?!”
“I’ll explain it to you now”, the bartender says. “10 euros is for the beer. 10 more – to help Ukraine. 20 – assistance to the European countries which have imposed sanctions and are not members of the EU. Another 10 – to help the UK for the successful implementation of its sanctions against Russia. Another 10 go to the Balkan countries to help them to buy heating coal. And the remaining 40 euros – they’re for the gas subsidy to the EU and the fund to help maintain sanctions.”
The German silently took out a hundred-euro bill and handed it to the bartender. The bartender took the money, put it into his cash register, and then took out a 10-euro note and gave it back.
The German is confused.
“Wait, you said 100 – I gave you 100. Why are you giving me back 10 euros?”
“There’s no beer.”
People spend a lot of money only because they want to look stronger or good (like this time in my opinion). Some incur huge debts to do it. We all know it.
I watched this great tango singer perform in person twice:
Jorge Falcon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAcrRzBsdA (Remembranzas en vivo)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-Mo2xAOsQU (Yuyo verde)
Some folkloric music Argentina has…
This was his biggest hit. The announcer said “his creation” because he turned this “song” into a tango (in five seconds).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ju4UyLYY7M (El amor desolado)
I live the Peruvian huaynas. Picador de los Andes for example …
lovely to hear his songs with wow brass and thumping rhythm especially from cd much better than the tube if course… got about 15 of this genre..Very many talented singers of this style.
Flor Pucarina lovely too.
Gets to you.
I like Andean music, especially the charango and zampoña sounds. I liked the second link.
This looming recession shall be different in that, by the time it is reported, for the first time, it will not be over.