2022/06/01 10:00:01
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Another tremendous win for the, er, multi-polar world;
This morning, on one of the WEF’s live-streamed panels, Alibaba Holdings President J. Michael Evans claimed that the company is working on an app that could track an individual users carbon footprint.
The former-Goldman Sachs vice-chairman told the audience of the “Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption” panel:
“We’re developing, through technology, an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? That’s where are they travelling, how are they travelling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on our platform. So: An individual carbon footprint tracker.”
Now, to clarify, Evans was only talking about Alibaba’s platform…but that’s a big platform.
The Chinese company is the second-largest e-commerce company in the world after Amazon, with revenues in excess of 715 billion Yuan in 2021 (that’s over 110 billion USD).
And they’re not just an e-commerce platform. Through their financial and technological service companies, Alibaba runs the largest domain name market, email provider and cloud storage services in China, and the largest payment platform in the world.
How long before Alibaba decides to “reward” other “correct choices” that have nothing to do with the environment? Like vaccination, for example.
How long after that do they start punishing incorrect choices?
They already technically have access to the data they would need to construct this system. It would be naïve in the extreme to not see where this leads.
And, of course, it won’t just be China. If Alibaba is doing this then Google, Amazon, Apple and all the rest of them won’t be far behind.
End Quote
Also from J Michael Evans :
“The third thing, we call it “Green Travel”. So, we have within our business something called AMAP – a mapping, think Google Maps or Ways – plus travel destination business. So what we’re going to allow people to do is, first of all, calculate the best and most efficient route and also the most efficient form of transportation. And then, if they take advantage of those recommendations, we’ll give them bonus points which they can redeem elsewhere on our platform. So, they are incentivised to do the right thing, even while they are provided the opportunity to do the wrong thing.”
Now that’s freedom, we will be allowed to do the wrong thing………
Strange expression in his eyes when he speaks, a kind of quietly inspired look, a priest of evil?
For over 50 years these SOBs ignored us. Now they force us? 85 different private jets went to this pedo-festival and they want to monitor us. One of the most respected climate scientists said, in the 1980s that we are beyond the tipping … back then. They ignored it. Castigated it. Castrated it. Now it’s a business model that allows them to commit genocide. Some people say they can’t understand why these miserable Koch suckers aren’t being investigated. Less talk and more lamp posts.
A psychological lesson…
This conversation between James Corbett and a psychologist covers some important concepts about what’s transpiring with people. Gaining an understanding of these concepts may help protect your life and the lives of others – rather sobering but…
The video is about an hour long and some parts, especially during the first half are quite technical. Persevere to the end; there are gems throughout.
Previously in Cafe, particularly in the latter posts, we discussed collapse. This morning we (with Mrs P), decided to examine the term. See dictionary. The German used to describe collapse is also interesting. A falling into itself…more than that. Do read and consider the term…it seems quite apt.
We speculated about the question as to whether collapse was inevitable and natural, but being “goosed along” by such luminaries as Brother Schwab and his esteemed cohort…”curated”, so to say. I thought of “Industrial Society And Its Future” (Ted Kaczynski ) https://archive.org/details/industrial-society-and-its-future-theodore-j-kaczynski
AHH wrote> ” pot-holes that could drown dogs after the rain. But we can [sic] run away, we cannot hide from it now. It is on all our plates. Regardless of the reasons and the curious demented fanning the flames, the grinning Jokers in charge of AZE inner provinces, like the helmsman Charon on the River Styx. ” (Fine turn of phrase there Friend!)… I was a bit shocked by the hysteria seen in Alex C, as the young man speaks of the homeless in Athens and realizes that what we see is no longer a freak show, but more like a tidal-wave of rapid “change” – that it’s personal. Quoth he> “Twenty years ago in Athens you did not see homeless people, now they’re everywhere”, If I recall correctly. His hysteria surprised me, shocked me.
For myself, the homeless were manifest in a small way by 1980, along the coast….helpless women with babies.
And, considering the reality that all things are tied together, we, Mrs P and I, speculated about the astonishing manifestation of sexual perversions…which seem more to do with elaborate masturbation and sadomasochism – a falling into one’s self – a collapse of sexuality in the normal sense of love, giving, and it’s inversion into a demand and taking. And I thought of the Phaedrus, the discussion of love and the good, set in the countryside that was formerly lush and verdant, but which was hot and arid, barren. This collapse too is “goosed along” by captive institutions. They say one of Fine Lady Hillary’s associates was about to speak of vile sexual matters, but, alas, has been found drowned with wire-bound, cement block, in a submerged canoe. Collapse and coincidence and suicide. Imagine that.
“Structures; or, why things don’t fall down” (Gordon) may be taken metaphorically, also good stuff to know.
Also> ” Why Things Break: Understanding the World By the Way It Comes Apart” ( Mark Eberhart ) (quite good!, and also metaphorical) Cracks are ok, until they get too big… Metastasis go poof!
I suspect that “goosing” is precisely what Fine Gentlemen of WEF and Brother Klaus are attempting, with the aim of finding themselves atop the wreckage…but that their bigbigplan is faltered, foundered, by Comrades Xi and VVP – by the rocked shoal of Classical Civilizational Empires with organization, resource, and linkage by land and culture, which may, probably will, survive – and that from the prospective of “goosing” such survival is not to be tolerated, Such would explain their need for world war. Their Plan cannot abide these established Civilizations. Ceterum (autem) censeo Carthaginem esse delendam is rhymed.
“Goosing” may also be seen in “medical” affairs> “Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer “Confidential Report” It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies” @ Global something or other.
Mean-time, at Anoxia, the “big heavy” tiller was a bit much yesterday, and the old corpus suffers from arthritis…old injuries contribute to personal collapse? Well, “decline” anyway. (I have led the life of a roguish roule) Wintergreen mixed with DMSO will help. I have most of the elements for 1400 watts of solar electric power – but many tasks, welding and fitting structure, cables, and so on, develop slowly…I’ll get the juice flowing in August or September, Heaven permitting. Collapse is shaped by structure, and needs dictate the creation of structure…we say that the job tells the craftsman how to do it, or God whispers and we listen…so in collapse we also build, and ? The tilling job is for about 100 M2 of corn…
And a falling together inward upon itself – in a small agricultural town – may not be absolutely terrible.
Duluth falls> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LtrsYVWezY
Persepolis> https://youtu.be/a3bOL8j3ypQ (Impressive!)
I believe Mary Renault describes the Persepolis arson in “The Persian Boy”…but I’m not sure…somewhere in the trilogy.
My cop-o-tronics” receivers tell just now tales of a stabbing, a rape?, kidnap “abduction”, by the creek, in the bush and local homeless encampment…they’re setting up a “perimeter”…very militaristic fellas. It’s dawn, I suppose they’ll bring in a chopper. Medivac, parole officers, a whole lotta cop stuff. I assume that the dope supply profile has shifted from opiate to stimulant… Curation… Town cops and Sheriffs too!
In an happier line. we’re reading Russian Folk-tales about Vasilisa and other stories:
“There once was an owl, a merry bird was she. She flew and flew, perched on a tree, wiggled her tail, rolled her eyes, and took wing again. She flew and flew, perched on a tree, wiggle her tail and rolled her eyes…But that the flourish, just for fun; the real tale has not begun!”
And Mrs P is baking rolls this morning…
“We speculated about the question as to whether collapse was inevitable and natural, but being “goosed along””
Yes, this is my intuition too, but I dont have enough data. But considering the cycles of History, the weaknesses and inadequacies of the satanists, and their ability to simultaneously walk and chew gum.. they are likely trying to ride the wave and drown us at the same time! Arrogant impudents.
Ah, our unique Math Professor, the cuddly Unabomber! That one left a residual splinter in the mind, like Timothy McVeigh, who incidentally is said by some to have been the same cop who “murdered” George Floyd. Shocking similarities, if you compare their photos, allowing for aging. Is everything a sick FF ritual in the West, often recycling the same crisis actors? The lack of originality and imagination will be the downfall of the AZE. I had a middle-aged pal in undergraduate studies who looked like the twin of the Unabomber, and I found him a most gentle giant who berated me for taking a nap immediately after lunch in our Biology club because our GI piping “works due to gravity.” It may be true for a 40 year old with heartburn, but a 20 year old can sleep hanging upside down like a bat. It is the best learning environment to have a college with mix of generations.
Of the Unabomber, his wiki page has a striking section, indicating the Great Reset team have made it their mission to carry out his life mission: the Schwabians engage in “..nationwide .. [culling] campaign against people .. believed to be advancing modern technology and the destruction of the environment. [They] issued a social critique rejecting leftism, opposing industrialization and advocating a nature-centered form of anarchism..”
I think the Alexes will be deplatformed soon. Too popular, too much common sense and their learning curve is too instructive for too many. You can fight algo’s only so long. I noted the same distress in young Alex regarding the trajectory of the West. He is really a lovely human with his finger on the pulse of the times. Saves me a lot of time since I don’t twitter or follow social media except for Telegram occasionally. He reminded me of younger relatives with stupefaction on their faces at start of the COVID Op; after having watched 1001 movies on zombie apocalypses and similar dystopias, it was like waking up to a living bad dream or horror movie. Younger generations have been strongly preprogrammed. Note the young handsome face of the man on Schwab’s ad, “You will have nothing, and be Happy.” In a way it will be relief for millennials not to have to worry about the soul-crushing rat-race – school fees & loans, rent (or where to hole-up), cars, utilities, long commutes, dowries and family expenses, etc etc. All the headaches of modernity taken care.. for a trifling exchange..
Cute TED talk! She’s on the ball, and helping her cohort with the program too.
Even no need for child-rearing for the Transhumanist future! Remember we discussed those external artificial wombs a few months ago. So women will keep their figures until they are recycled at age 25. The coming diet changes have been prepared too – Soylent Green? Maybe just bugs for now.. See the “alternative protein” as Wales’ primary schools are currently testing with bug food “VeXo,” as predicted in a gripping movie starring Chris Evans of Captain America fame, and an old crusty stalwart from 1984:
Note in the clip above, he says, “parts went extinct..” Cut supply chains aren’t coming back? Who has autarchy? The Original Analyst posted an interesting YT prepper channel which led to this clip about Walmart’s ongoing rushed preparations for the coming blackouts and Dark Winter:
Copter-drone home deliveries of Walmart groceries feature in the virtual-reality world of the Metaverse.. are you with the Program?
There is a method to the immiseration of mankind in both Zones. The West has used and is rapidly burning through the accumulated capital of 500 years to leverage the greatest con or sting of all time: to raise expectations to an unsustainable degree, then quickly collapse all. That by age 22 or so you should have your own car, fully stocked home, easy job, disposable income, perhaps a Stepford gal too…. So now there is discontent among the despairing with all governments, as if it is solely their fault. Their minds have been occupied. It’s all about Chaos-generation now, in the hybrid WW3.
I remember as a teen when our world-weary teachers lamented the impatience of younger generations – this was some 40 years ago! Even earlier in the 1940s-50s, they used to save many years to buy a washing machine, share cars if they had one, etc.. Even I grumbled at times eating ramen as a hungry student during the Unabomber days. Yet earlier generations like my father’s jogged 6 miles each way to his primary school in the bush each morning! It has been downhill since for much of mankind.
Alex has a good heart and puts a brave face on things. He takes walks on the more presentable streets.. I have yet to see their homeless. Has Greece driven them out to the peripheries, out of sight, like some privileged cities?
Yet Greeks will do better than most Europeans. Livable climes, they have already been collapsed and thus lowered the standards of living and expectations and had time to build some communal resiliency.. most importantly, they do not have rose-coloured glasses regarding their Gauleiters. And in his case he suffered twice – had his bank account looted in Cyprus! Southern Italians and many Greeks should do OK, provided Sarmats do not fly.
Regarding “the astonishing manifestation of sexual perversions…”, Pompei, Caligula, the Borgias crime family & the Papacy, Weimar Germany and roaring 20s, and Laurel Canyon come to mind. A ubiquitous and all too common sign and marker of end-stage societal decline..
Quiz: what is the medical terminology for the alleged sexual perversion engaged in the british/Clintonite Trump Dossier, which led to supposed kompromat in Russian hotels?
“the old corpus suffers from arthritis..” We had one sadistic lecturer in my medical school, I think he was a Pediatric Cardiologist, who told us we technically start dying as soon as we are born. Atherosclerotic plaque starts forming in our tiny coronaries, and other micromanifestations of disease. I shudder to think of this man on Fauci’s team! Half of mankind would have Epsteined themselves to escape such competence..
Mr P consider stretching carefully and for at least 10 minutes, warming up the muscles prior to manual labor, a form of exercise. You are most fortunate to have a plot of land, to produce thereby and for healthy exercise at the same time!
This is essential starting in our 20s really, eventhough many teens get in trouble for skipping it too. Construction workers I saw for disability suffering from chronic wear and tear followed the OSHA text book: sequelae from use of heavy machinery.. the key cause is often vibrational damage, so the preventative remedy is sufficient oiling & dampening, and shock absorption against “the “big heavy” tiller,” whether of adapting the tool itself or our ergonomics (posture) and adjunct foot wear/clothing/heavy gloving to deflect as much of vibrations transmission as possible. Even our daily routines are a constant strife! Sorry as you likely know most of this and I risk running afoul of ‘Don’t try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs.’ Nevertheless, all of us are forgetful and it’s a good reminder. For some Delaware shysters more than others!
A tablespoon of honest wild honey helps heal most ailments. I eat a teaspoon each morning with plain full milk yogurt. Glass of milk (or whole milk yoghurt) aids work stressed muscles to recover, not merely for its calcium. Scandinavian habit of saunas is excellent, although suicidal now in 40 degree C Anoxia?! So key to healing and prevention is to get the blood circulating, plenty of water, and not to aggravate until recovered. Listen to your body. To your health!
And to your health as well!
Corbett tells tale that Timothy McVeigh “execution” was sham…that the fellow lives yet…so? So maybe you’re right about odd coincidence.
The wrists, mostly…polyarthritis, old injuries, one knee is a bit off, tendons ripped away – but it works pretty well and I don’t limp unless from fatigue, perhaps I ought to have stayed in Law School and avoided motorcycles, adventure, jackhammers, and so on… Remember the thesis (https://marianemeth.com/ promotes this idea) that every person has a fundamental assumption? Mine is “I don’t know”…so of course I couldn’t stay focused on any specialty. I had to know. The world of physical work seems to have saved me, generally health is better than any of my children’s, BPR 110/65/55 more or less, and 20/20 corrected, tinnitus not bad either!…but big heavy, be it a sawzall or a tiller or a few hours of motorcycle, and the hands go on strike…a price paid. And certain deadly diseases have, untreated, been beaten by natural immune processes..I’m told that “only 1% survive and clear away this infection”. Hard work and plenty of good food and fun…and luck. There is a bit of shrapnel in one hand that I’d like to see gone…but of course we are all close to death…so I’ll keep it. I am surprised that I did not know Maria N in the 1960’s, as we attended some of the same schools and classes, same teachers, knew many of the same people, wrote papers on the same topics.
” So key to healing and prevention is to get the blood circulating, plenty of water, and not to aggravate until recovered.” One grand-dad was MD, (did surgery into his 80’s) and left his widow, inter alia, a diathermy machine…alas now gone to electo-grave…and the tubes would be gassy by now anyway…but I wish I had one… Takes three days to let wrists quiet…dampening vibration is a complex undertaking…changing method is easier…water the soil, hire a kid… BTW Arnie Coro (CO2KK) tells tale of finding one and building a nice transmitter with the old tubes…old stuff in Havana! (Using a variac and similar power supply, old tubes can often be brought back to suitable low density gas-state by very slowly raising their internal temperature…tube physics is sehr kool, (at one time I got to play in the vacuum tube lab at Berkeley))
As to Law School…it was obvious to me even in 1960, according to my parents experiences and expertise, that US law and deep state made a false couple…that the choice was to be involved with a fraud one way or another, either teach or try cases, or perhaps do legal research… I’d rather work in a foundry, make steel, overhaul turbines, and did. Nearly every thing I built is gone. I was acquainted with the highly esteemed fella that “defended” Sirhan..and heard certain stories at the time.
Speaking of which> “Bombshell: Sixty Years After Her Death, New Evidence Suggests Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered by Bobby Kennedy and LAPD Covered Up Murder” was not new to me. (I don’t think Bob did it, the barbiturate was by enema I think, but it was obviously an improvised organized political murder…and Bob was blackmail-able as a result…but did not “pay”, so he “paid”.)
Quiz reply> Urolagnia (but I cheated and looked it up) Weimar? Yes especially, I have letters from the Weimar period…rather antisemitic, and hysterical too…I have some saphic friends, “spinster ladies”, and I have spoken to them about how Wiemar’s license turned to the nazi noose in 10 years. I even have a certificate of non Jewish ownership issued by the Third Reich! Times, Change, like lightening…
I used to work with some clowns…trade people, fitters and wrights…and many of this class are natural actors….Nesdon Booth, the actor, for example was a a tool and die expert machinist at North American, and would quit to take a movie gig, and get re-hired…alas, he died far too young, fine actor too…anyway we had at least two “unibombers” and a perfect neighbor guy from “Tool Time” >howdy neighbor! Nesdon btw, winged it…no real education in the tool and die trade…we find a few nutty geniuses in the skilled trades…Coster-Mullin, (Atom Bombs) another example. Many have been to jail, an eclectic class…great fun.
De platforming…perhaps it’s anachronistic and nostalgic…but if, if, the schism and conflict between zones and factions advances slowly to intensity it may indeed become again, create again, but with near perfection, an Eiserner Vorhang..and what will remain will be HF Broadcast and perhaps some uhf to portable “phones” and satellite receivers…anyway “radio”. Again “if” it goes that way…the Alex and Alex Show…who can say?
For a smile> “I remember as a teen when our world-weary teachers lamented the impatience of younger generations “……Radio and Miss Brookes…https://youtu.be/As8-sD6ltkM?list=PL9YqesNNwsxP6JzX5E3sHxCkLOuMAqL1S
“𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 1400 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 …𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘚𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳, 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨.”
Please Mr P, we do not want to be deprived of your voice. Strongly consider moving up the timetable of the solar juice.. events overtake us. Summer commences in 2.5 weeks and they will use “system overload” as excuse for rolling blackouts. This is guaranteed for CA, among top targets as a breadbasket and under a compliant Dem party..
Yes the quiz answer should be right. If he viewed or smelled it, rather than directly participating, then the term is “undinism.” I do not remember which it was, and never bothered to plumb the depths of that Dossier. btw, they were doubly mocking him (if it wasn’t true, which I do not put behind his class at all and in fact he likely did far worse) – first that he was slandered, and secondly mocked, for one of his nicknames is the “Golden Boy.” Remember his penthouse decked out in Apollonian gold? He once referred to himself as the Golden Boy on a radio show. And the GOP rolled out his Golden Calf at their convention! So Golden Showers was a well calculated double entendre.. all life’s a theater to the freaks (Shakespeare).
Regarding the sexual perversions, two shenanigans stick out. The first is the attention to detail (the devil is in the details) with so many categories and subcategories. I remember being perplexed why during my training, what’s up with the shrinks?! Did a pervert write their DSM bible? IMHO what the Anglo Zionists excel at more than anything – more than monetary control or military force – is psychological warfare. This is why Bernays is so celebrated by them and may have been given extra hearts and longevity adjuncts like David Rockafella; check out his lifespan.
Process: they create a 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒎 for the weak. Make them feel guilty by establishing whole new categories of sin (didn’t what went on behind the walls of a couple’s bedroom only concern them in the past?), giving them a specific name for an indulgence or sin. The 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 soon appears: exposure on the MSM and local gossip vines using some celebrity / big local fish prop. Then they provide the 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. Classic hegelian dialectic driving social engineering. Shrinks & Big Pharma make their money, the Borg has tightened control through fear of shaming and division of the populace, and in the process they have destroyed how many countless lives through grief, humiliation, unnecessary and dangerous psychotropics, etc. – albeit some of the egregious ones who harm others do deserve it. So this is an old game.
The second is more insidious. How many millions have been stuck home out of work or forced into work at home, due to lockdowns? So many new millions now have time and recourse to this free pornography and other exposures. Millions were now stuck at home, essentially paid to surf porn, and having access to what was formally accessible to only the leisurely class and bored teens. All this is perhaps a bigger Psyop during covid than most realize. These online indulgences have been documented in many scientific studies as one of the most efficient means of inducing mass demonic harassment and even possession. They used clinical language but you can read between the lines; many resultant mental disorders are clearly spiritual and manifestations of external attack. We discussed it a few months ago during WW’s discussion of entrainment. There are many ways to induce madness. But how many millennials believe in devils and these old tales of superstition? They also vacuum data as remarked by CAF, leading to a piggy bank of future kompromat, as the end-point of porn addiction is often child-porn.
Note by end of 2020, 3 of top 20 websites visited were frank porn, and another 6 were social media on which is shared alot or has posted a lot of adult material. Almost half.
“𝘕𝘦𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘯 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘩”
He was in one of my earlier favs – the Twilight Zone! I was glued to them even as a kid. He died quite young. Those must have been days when American Dream was tangible; you didn’t need to be high to imagine it, only limited by work ethic and attitude. And do we really need “real education in the tool and die trade?” The human mind is unlimited and many BS degrees are just that for most professions. Most hands-on work is like a surgeon trainee’s procedures pathway – “See one, Assist one, Do one.” Practical supervised training is much faster, and you can read on theory off-hours and listen through anecdotes. The period of apprenticeship may need to be longer, but you are gainfully employed. Are Russia and China’s ongoing educational reforms factoring in these needed changes, as adjuncts to the complete divorce with suicidal western ways of thinking?
“𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦, 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯’𝘴, 𝘉𝘗𝘙 110/65/55 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴…𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘯…𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬.”
‘A life well, and fruitfully lived, leaves few regrets.’ Long ago father was in a deep coma for a while (before marrying) after a head injury on a motorbike crash. When I helped treat I-95 highway injuries in the ER, among the worst I ever saw involved bike injuries. So i have aversion to bikes. At least powered two-wheelers. Searchterm: “degloving motorcycle injuries.” Caution! Extremely graphic and can traumatize. Imagine going 100mph on the highway and skidding off, your body “skating” on the hard surface.. the skin comes off like molting season.
I’d keep the shrapnel too. They might pull a fast one and intubate you, especially in Newsomes state, and we know where such paths lead for the elderly. Have allopaths become handmaidens to the grim reaper in Zone A? Goodness, I am going through a midlife crisis questioning many doctrines and WHO-rubberstamped “guidelines.” I suspect many professions, esp in Law and Education are having similar quandaries. Masks are truly off in the Wild West.
I agree, finding reliable youth within the community is best for manual labor at our age. On the other hand, persevering offers many benefits. Why do I sound like a daoist Chinese Master?! There are approaches to supporting the wrists during bursts of use though, similar to any weakened area. Wrappings or sleeves or simple bracing can immobilize and lessen jarring, albeit at costs of lessened flexibility and danger of reduced blood-flow if too tight for too long..
Other approaches work on strengthening surrounding musculature of weakened joints. Home physical therapy to bolster the hand and forearms, like fist-pumping a soft tennis ball etc. It can be surprising how much function we can regain, but we can be limited by pain if have advanced arthritis, so take care. A single session with your doc and a knowledgeable physical therapist can establish boundaries and then you are good to go with home exercising. Unfortunately much of western medicine (symptom management over cures) emphasizes pills and pain control rather than regaining function, unless you have a good PCP or orthopedist or PT! There are many additional alternative approaches, from pain to reversal of damage.. cupping, acupuncture, magnets, herbal therapy .. whatever works. Arthritis is a common ancient condition with so many remedies, I am hopeful for you.
I calculated the force instantaneous that would produce 100% death on a bike, or skateboard, at about 8 mph, depends on what hits what…worst configuration was about 5 mph…I used the old handbook for hangmen, with which we can get a solid result without calculus. I’ll keep the Harley, but it’s becoming iconic as I don’t ride it much. Back in the wild days (I think I crashed my first bike in 1963) I hit a patch of wet gasoline once – thrilling flames, couple of cars, flew through a garage door (closed), just missed a very thrilling dynamite explosion…some gang had a contretemps with another… I recall an MD I used to know…he’d hit a patch of cindered road (cinders look just like concrete) riding an old 1940’s Indian, and laid the bike down sliding along a barbwire fence. And oh boy he he have scars! Maybe he had sulfa, but that was before proper antibiotics. Tough fella. I have found that bird-strikes and deer/boar are the most dangerous problem…we’re not going to ride any but 2lane back roads…a turkey in the face at 60 mph hits at 88 feet per second…I’d say borderline between very bad and worse. I’m careful as hell, but only got hurt once, so far, at least in a serious way. My kid, on the other hand…whoooboy!
” I suspect many professions, esp in Law and Education are having similar quandaries. Masks are truly off in the Wild West.” Even in the late 60’s professor of law at UC was obliged to grade according to race. Politics of the Academy…the call from the Dean…you know. Mercouris remarks with alarm/fear/sadness on the evaporation of law…years ago at big English to-do the mascot was a giant eye, and all things save one were worshiped…Magna Carta was absent. Well, that’s the basis of our law, or so they used to teach. “Rather chipped away” John Mortimer said (Rumpole)
Of solar…years ago I bought the elements of the block diagram. inverters and charge controllers and panels…so what of structure? Ah! Oil well casing – nice astm tube. But it’s an evolutionary “design-build” which means I’m faking it…it’s heliotropic so mildly complex, and building has to occur in imaginary time…which is to say consider corrosion and fatigue and wind moment. There are grease fittings, telescopic tube sections, concrete footings, struts…It can go fast if need be, meantime nice genset tested monthly. Like with boats, you have to play “what if”.
If free from mains I’ll have a minimalist supply…reefer/freezer/ lights…but the assumption in design was as a robust UPS that probably or usually had mains a few hours per day. The battery is quite modest, about 500 amp hours. But we get lots of sunshine..
Time for curated doggie swimming lessons… Later old man. P
Mr.P.-excellent thoughts,and excellently expressed.I am just about “getting on with it” too-but I am tended towards drowning in JD and Coke(Coca-Cola i.e.).Aside-my good lady clocked (spotted-eng.slang)me in my stripey long johns and mini kilt and thought a Zaouli dancer had broken into our back yard.But we are getting on.Thank You.
“Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
In our case, the robber barons have deceived people and hired them on as omnipotent moral busybodies.
A remarkable essay, which, I think, is well-worth the time spent to read.> searchterm>”China’s High-Speed Trains. America, Where Are You? Larry Romanoff ”
I suppose it dove-tails to “collapse” in one zone, and prosperity in the other, with which the junta of zone cannot abide…anyway, it’s about trains, commerce, and it’s really fascinating.
High speed rail requires extremely high population densities to keep the required frequent maintenance low enough per passenger mile.
America:s cast open spaces make all transportation even fiberoptic internet expensive compated to in coastal Asia and Europe.
The only thing that keeps rail affordable in Russia is a shortage of automobiles keeping more people riding light and long distance rail. And light rail and local public transportation is still heavily used because the cities haven’t been turned into violent ghettos.
“𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘴.”
This raises interesting memories and contrasts with the hollowed out USA.
I was once taught that the CEO of General Motors in 1950s had the swagger to say, “what’s good for General Motors is good for America.” Nevermind he was misquoted, the sentiment largely holds. This was at same time the US version of the Autobahn, called the Eisenhower Interstate Highway system, was being built. Such a joy to drive on, until you hit NY state! And the third leg of that potent monopoly of Big Auto – Construction – Big Oil, namely the patient splinters of Big Daddy’s Standard Oil waiting to coalesce again like mercury droplets, would also play a big role in denying Americans a viable public transportation infrastructure.
Wasn’t it politics from day one rather than logistics? What role was played in the simultaneous “White Flight” to and creation of Suburbia in 1950s? Homes constructions, the Banks, the GI bill, a university education for each, it was a new virtuous circle and positive feedback loop back then. Countless new prefabricated laboratories to iron out Huxley’s brave new world.
So was it really reducible to merely “vast open spaces,” for the cost-prohibition of neglected public infrastructure, at least in Gangster America?!
You could even factor in additional incentives for creation of “violent ghettos” by the encouraged inner cities segregation, alcoholism and drugs (useful learning done earlier on Indian reservations and among immigrant Italian/Irish ghettos, etc), and what Malcolm said in early 1960s saw 1 in 11 black males in jail. How much role was played in all this “societal engineering” by Big Oil, the Big Three Auto, Construction, and Banks? And even the ascendant war materiel companies benefitted – acquiring a partly complacent, fully divided populace on whose backs to earn bonanzas. The unofficial American way of life, an enduring con, subsequently exported to many regretful countries!
“anyway, it’s about trains, commerce, ”
Yes, I very much agree with the Chinese eminently sensible mentality of “you build it and they will come.” This proactive creative instinct used to be dominant in West too during its rise, before the death cult took over. Another relevant misquote: “The business of America is business!” Now all the energy goes in the opposite direction – deconstruction, destruction, devolution, dissembling, demonology, despair & deviancy.
I was looking for the Romanoff link on trains on his website, and saw he just wrote a detailed essay on the con I described above! My father broke this con down to me several decades ago. It was well understood by those who wondered at how Americans were largely denied a public transportation system in stark contrast to Europe and other developed nations. In addition, Big (Standard) Oil and Big Auto of Ford and GM were/are heavy burdens in USA. Everything depends on oil products in modern societies; why we should be known as Petroleum Man. Electricity generation, transport, fertilizers, plastics, factories and foundries, heating, construction, water and sewage, countless millions of associated jobs, etc.
And the most efficient means of collapsing us is in its abrupt withdrawal and/or denial, as we see happening in real time in Europe and CONUS.
Romanoff also adds a key lubricant or salve I forgot, Mr. Casey’s and Bernays’ brainwashing propaganda, to make all this palatable to the oppressed.
and on trains: https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/7219/
The history of the Pacific Electric Company in Southern California is, may be, a microcosm of the process.
PE owned hydro-power sources, these were a prize. They still are.
The cars were sunk in the ocean and some were sold.
I well remember LA when it had rail…a pleasant walk, a token that cost 7 1/2 cents (I rode for free), and board a car with a conductor and an operator…that was the MTA, I think the PE cars cost a dime. I was told, by men who remembered, running from downtown the PE to Santa Monica went through open country, and boys would take their .22’s and shoot rabbit from the PE car, which the conductor would stop so as to let the boys grab their rabbit…on the beach they’d roast the meat over a driftwood fire. searchterm> “pacific electric mount lowe”
Used to work with a fella that had been in management of the Rapid Transit (the MTA)…told me it was all about the money, transport was simply a way to leverage power and money, quite secondary, even incidental, the worse the service the more money…monopoly sic.
Searchterm> “10 energy slaves”. These are actually rather close-coupled to “quality of life”, and sourced by oil, gas, and coal. The extraction/supply networks are brittle. The power supply, the energy slaves, can stop almost overnight. They say 9 meals from chaos. As you say ” Everything depends on oil products in modern societies; why we should be known as Petroleum Man. Electricity generation, transport, fertilizers, plastics, factories and foundries, heating, construction, water and sewage, countless millions of associated jobs, etc. And the most efficient means of collapsing us is in its abrupt withdrawal and/or denial, as we see happening in real time in Europe and CONUS. ”
Starting with the 1177 BCE business, I was thinking of what was the energy source then…wood/charcoal, grain. Both are Hydrocarbons…and they stopped. We see this in the Phaedrus, the wooded silvan creek is barren and hot…the trees’ shade gone to charcoal fires.
“The Financier” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Financier relates to the shenanigans that evolved ’round urban passenger rail, the financial aspects…and the fella that invented (some say) the wrongly named “Ponzi scheme”. Fella did some jail time… the “novel” sails quite close to the truth, er “wind”. He was of the Quaker line that imagines Jesus loved money, or something horrid along such lines, that wealth is evidence of God’s Love.
The Chinese train system is mostly electric…and thus trains going down regenerate power and feed trains going up…though losses are large, they are less than diesel, and electric can be from coal, gas, uranium, and even some solar and wind…a protean and adaptable, non fragile, and frugal engineering approach to a basic value generator…transport.
As to maglev, it’s low maintenance…another frugality….spendy upfront, cheap to run. This sound engineering is one of the foundational advantages of a Communist State in a Civilizational Empire…something Pirates will never do.
In other news, that of Anoxia and the affray and stabbing…the stabber stabbed to death his also homeless brother, his name was known, he had a court date, kept it, and was arrested… Poor sod. Bad dope, I suppose.
“The cars were sunk in the ocean and some were sold.”
This west coast urban and regional passenger rail shenanigans is new to me! I was taught many (spontaneously, magically, poof!) became uncompetitive and somehow politely gave way to the Auto Age, as folks’ tastes evolved.. Those objective school texts and teachers collegiums, prepared with the assistance of the altruistic Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations. They have made us like the Army, the Best We Can Be! Are they an agenda-item of the Op Z denazification mandate? So you are saying rail companies were dismantled AFTER functioning usefully, their cars ditched in the ocean etc. Incredible. The cynicism and one-track profit motive minds, the general good be damned.
I had a different experience on the upper east coast, at least within metro Boston-Cambridge. In the 1990s they had a useful subway and bus system, with linked commuter trains all the way to Rhode Island. Even then necessary maintenance investment was being strangled; riding the jarring, swaying, screeching subways plunging through unlit tunnel corridors could bring on a panic attack or induce labor.
Beantown had two major projects then, neither of which favored public transportation: (1) building the Big Dig autoban – THE nexus of domestic corruption of that decade? Whitey Bulger’s folks and all. And even after they “completed” it, ceiling panels in its tunnels collapsed transiting cars right after opening day.. and (2) emptying the inner neighborhoods in a gentrification wave. A lot of the business of Boston was education and they needed safe ample space, as well as the housing bubble being pumped up in the good times leading to 2008.
I wonder how much the impulse to not build / withdraw public transportation had to do with dividing Americans and limiting their connectivity? At least since LBJ and the failure of Guns and Butter, when it became clear more drastic pacification was needed in the setting of circumscribed finances and a restive antiwar population increasingly not with the program. The same impulse appears at work now worldwide with blocked land and air borders. Fascists and road blocks and the visceral need to micromanage (ihre papiere bitte!).
” worse the service the more money…monopoly sic.”
Yes, this has extended to all industries. They learned quickly that products made to German specifications did not make alotta money. They lasted forever so folks only bought once. Not good American business practice! So “improved” planned obsolescence (deliberately shoddy engineering), long before products were outsourced to Asia or non westerners. Maybe this is why an electric grid remains in the US?! Imagine if they had been made to post-ww2 standards.. This mentality persists in electronics, how many keyboards function well after a year or so now, and Microsoft pioneered the game with viruses and bugs requiring constant upgrades (in addition to useful backdoors). I wonder what “western quality” will signify in 10 years vs “Chinese quality?” As we mocked Chinese shoddiness in last generations, the shoe may be on other foot soon. Unless the small trades of sincere generational Master craftsmen returns, but even then they could not compete with the workshop of our world.
The wiki on the PE is very good, but…the dog doesn’t bark…zero mention of the powerhouses.
You’ll see, it was always about leveraging the money and grabbing sources of rente income, but the hydropower ownership is never mentioned…there are basic technical advantages in a distribution system network pretty much if you have sound base-load, and hydro is ideal.
As in Chicago, it was all about the money, real estate schemes, influence, corruptions.
Huntington was an oil guy, the railroads ran the state government at that time. California was corrupt, some of this history at> https://archive.org/details/cabeuroh_00005
Litta Belle Campbell tells some tales of the 1920’s…http://mojavehistory.com/interviewcampbelllitta.html
One of the few lady lawyers, and an inside eye. Also an acquaintance.
PE in comedy> https://youtu.be/uDqtgoznzQw (Harold Lloyd drives a Pacific Electric trolley in Girl Shy (1924))
After a long time again two unreadable first lines – either because of your special quotation marks or your special way of *bold*ing text (if combinded with quotation marks? or yet something secretly else, how exciting!).
If your quotations are worth presenting why don’t you make sure they are readable? I don’t know what the problem with your hard/oftware is which causes this effect, and I do not know how many readers cannot read these parts of your texts – obviously it’s not important enough for a spontaneous storming of The Saker’s Fortress, but if you find the qutatiuon important enough to present, why don’t you make sure it arrives?
Perhaps you live in the illusion that if you transport text from an internet source which there is already *bold* or *italic*, this effect will be rendered here, too. This is not the case
Would yout first two lines have been completely meaningless without adding this invisibility trick?
How about using *..* markers or similar.
Also there is always the possibility to go the legal way and insert formatting markers (from the HTML language, it seems) with at the start for bolding or for italics, and or for ending bolding/italics. These instructions were part of the post windows in the good old times, but now “we all know everything, thus no need for explaining anything”.
Yes, I do wonder whether this problem occurs to others too (“Oh, it’s AHH again, he’s helpless…”), or whether they don’t read your comments anyway, or whether my standard Lenovo tablet has been secretely sabotaged by the Evil Forces just for misrepresenting AHH’s messages, nobody else’s, and only those parts of them that were meant to be either italic or bold.
Sorry for mentioning this again just because you did it again. Oh, yes, of course, your texts are great, that’s why I try to read them.
P.S. This is partly meant to be ironic, I hope it will be correctly deciphered.
Where’s Martyanov?
mine is a short contribution: this is, what it’s saying:
Fortunes of War – in Two Weeks New Borders
here is the Category Guide for the Russian hacker site i posted in the newsfeed.
And here is their Telegram acc
A really sad video of a Ukrainian war crime . Just one case out of so many . Those who committed this crime need to be tried and hanged for it. There needs to be justice for those innocent victims:
Cluster Bomb Kills 3 In Kherson Ukraine (Special Report)
Very interesting article about Russia’s dominance in the field of self-propelled howitzers and artillery –
“Recipe for defeat: blunders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, after which the Russian Army quickly advanced in Ukraine”
He is a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine.
He has created his own Investigation Center, where he exposes the crimes and lies of the Ukrainian authorities who seized power after the Maidan events
Was talking to the farmer who rents some land from us. He was saying they got over 3/4 planted, almost 2000 acres, so that’s good. Hopefully other farmers will be as lucky, but the rain here is…..annoying.
Anyone else dealing with unusually high winds?We have been getting regular blasts in the 70-80k and a few places recorded 100k+. Was joking with my wife, extra wind from all the artty Russia is using.
Cheers M
I have read that after artillery in W1 it generally rained…gun-smoke made nucleoli for condensation goes the theory…but blasting the soil adds H2O to air, like deep tilling. So a dual agency, in theory.
Variable and typical winds and temperatures @ Anoxia
The great unwashed UK masses are currently doing their best to avoid the four day marathon of her right Royal Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Genuine source of dubious forbidden jubilation’s strictly hidden. Queen Elizabeth II is not amused..The Royal Air Force have saluted Buckingham palace, the Pope has sent a tribute, the countries streets throng with crowds and all is well.
Senator Cruz says there should be only one gate in schools and with many armed men standing there to protect the children. In high schools, there are usually two or three gates open because there are typically more than 2,000 students there. If you have only one gate, it would be a nightmare for parents who leave their kids at the gate and then go straight to work, and very inconvenient for students, and it seems it would be traumatic to remember the cause of it all every day of their lives when they see the armed guards placed there to defend against the attack that shall never happen at their school (that’s the truth).
I don’t know how he proposes something like that. It doesn’t show caring for the daily routine of students and parents, the actual well-being of all of them. I am against banning anything under terrorist pressures or unique attacks of this kind. There’s no need to worry about bans, however, because these Republicans would rather have only one gate per high school as long as that assault rifle can be purchased by an 18-year-old kid. Needless to say, the position of the Democrats is the more reasonable one by far, but the Republicans are right about there being other priorities that can leave no room for such bans. Both don’t address any of the causes behind the fact that no other country in the world has such a unique and unprecedented problem. One of the actual causes is the media work or 24-hour coverage of each monstruous attack. If there were no media coverage, would the last wave of such attacks have happened (three or four mass-murder attacks in one month or two)? If you assume the killers are mentally disturbed only, the answer must be “no.” If it’s terrorism, the answer again is “no.”
Main cause Texas was somebody gave an impecunious kid about 6,000 dollars worth of weapons and ammo and sent him on a mission. The attack was quite obviously a part of an illegal political agenda to disarm the people, and not isolated – part of a comprehensive occult policy to concentrate all power in the junta. The Policy is implemented through violence by appeals to emotion…always a red flag
Is there a picture of the 18-year-old? I have not seen one. That is always shown. I see how you think so, but it can’t be that. It does not move the Republicans one iota no matter how many times it happens. It isn’t that.
The opposite would make more sense in that scenario you have in mind, that the purpose is not to ban them. They need to be banned, like they are in any other country I have heard of. Can any 18-year-old buy a Kalashnikov rifle in Russia or in China? I doubt it. I think such weapons don’t belong in any home other than that of a soldier or policeman. An individual is not allowed to buy the latest tank or fighter plane. The same applies to assault rifles (ought to). The real problem are the people killing with guns, and where do those people come from, and how, are the obvious questions. One has to ask how is it that so many of the killers are teenagers. Banning the weapons now ignores the real causes and that’s bad. I’m glad the Republicans are not budging one iota.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun…” Mao Tse-tung
It’s a world full of guns, people ought to put them away, stop waving them around, and they should go target-shooting at the park on Sunday. In a civilized place, they do…but the time machine, the door into Summer…is closed. Boys without family go wild, add dope and mix with propaganda and ignorance…even then the guns and the dope has to be provided by cops.
The shooting spree is a psycop…guns are their problem, not ours. They didn’t scruple to do 911, why would they not embrace the shooting spree?
A Mexican farmer I knew told me what happened in Mexico, where they outlawed guns pretty much, there’s one gun store… He told me nothing happened except that they stopped putting the guns on the rack in the pickup. Everybody who wants a gun has one, especially in the countryside. So he said. I’d expect the same in the US. I think that in Canada every body’s guns fell out of the canoe, so it’s like Mexico…so I think.
Just now on cop radio they’re hunting for a fella that waved a pistol around and fired twice…big cop adventure hunting desperado…some guy with no shirt and a tattoo….on the lam. He doesn’t worry me.
Has anybody noticed that these shootings mostly happen in schools, churches, supermarkets etc rather than i airports, sporting events, where there are tons of people? Where big money interests could be damaged? Just wondering.
Why schools too? This latest one couldn’t even say why.
Tranquilo, I learned during slick willy’s impeachment there should be limits to idealism. US politics is a Swamp, where the worst float to the surface. It’s all theater.
“[𝘚𝘦𝘯 𝘊𝘳𝘶𝘻] 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭-𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.”
(1) Hardly any Senator is selected at this point without being a sociopath. He was nearly a winner in GOP primaries, indicating he is one of the boys fully with the program..
(2) He lacks empathy. He took a vacation to Cancun while his home state was suffering a massive snow storm leading to a dark winter for millions of Texans. He was shamed in front of the entire country and world wide.. He just reads scripts for a living and feeds at the trough.
“𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘊𝘳𝘶𝘻 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯.”
Part of this is the excuse to roll out QR codes and biometrics for a resistant US population. Normalize it first at schools for safety reasons, then it will become accepted everywhere during the next wave.. part of the smart digital control-grid.
“𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘲𝘶𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮”
Yes, the US constitution and 2nd Amendment are a major PITA for some. They are diligent though, and where there’s a will, a way shall eventually be found, unless Medvedev’s 4 horsemen arrive first..
It’s not a bad as you present it. We would have to get esoteric or mystical to take it further. There is much evil, and evil is stupid (in reality). Peter in I or II said that one shouldn’t rile against the evil powers. The apostle Peter did not write any of those two letters (the Peter of the gospel was too humble and would not write because his master had not written). The truth is that the adversary of all humanity is a stupid one. It is “hate” and “hate” has zero intelligence. Would you agree there is goodness and intelligence and that they are more powerful? I most certainly believe that.
“Medvedev’s 4 horsemen…” is an unfortunate symbolism.
re “the time machine, the door into Summer…is closed. Boys without family go wild, add dope and mix with propaganda and ignorance…even then the guns and the dope has to be provided by cops.”
So it is, the ‘good guys’ hand out the poison
re: The truth is that the adversary of all humanity is a stupid one. It is “hate” and “hate” has zero intelligence. Would you agree there is goodness and intelligence and that they are more powerful?
The fact that evil is “stupid”, meaning ultimately that it is time and space bound delusion, is too confounding for most people to contemplate, but who all the same would certainly agree, in principle, and from the dear old standpoint of personal interests, that yes, goodness and intelligence are far more powerful
“Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York . . .. .”
sean de Lepre.-Theoretically-couldn’t tell you which ”theory”-’twas farmers caused artillery by allowing the most useless dopes on their patch to run off -build cities and steel mills etc. and make guns and such stuff to get the land back that they couldn’t run in the first place.Correct me if I am wrong.
Look at that ugly thing! That water drone should not be called a ship. Ships and boats are beautiful things (well, mostly).
The truce in Yemen has been extended. This is good news!
💬 #Zakharova: Russia welcomes the decision taken by the Yemeni government 🇾🇪 and Ansar Allah movement on June 2 to extend the ceasefire in the country for two more months.
☝️We hope that extending the truce helps cement the positive shifts in the intra-Yemeni conflict.
and after he sitereps, speeches and Guests – the cafe … well, in poetical moments,
the personal spots, where the uniqueness is in demand.
here is such a place for mundo, which is like Pisces, in the unconsciousness of us,
dealing with what is becoming:
We’ll get into religion/philosophy one of these days, mundanomaniac, in this hidden cafe. The Saker used to post on that too (I wasn’t around then).
…get into it if tie and coat are not required to enter this cafe.
Probably the Saker did join in the discussions, including also specialty Russian recipes that he loved and gave the ingredients and cooking methods here too, why not, = I don’t think formal attire are required to eat at a burger cafe :)
Delete this comment mods, go ahead feel free, g’night all.
“specialty Russian recipes that he loved and gave the ingredients and cooking methods here too, why not,”
That would be great for this cafe, Russian recipes. I like Russian food (different). The chocolates and the ice cream are very good. The chocolates may have been Ukrainian but not for long (!). Cafe talk-joke. I like the rest, but there is some similarity to Italian food (i.e., pelmenis and raviolis). It’s great food.
The New York Times reports that this happened in Uvalde-Texas that day at 12:11 pm:
The New York Times reports that this happened in Uvalde-Texas that day at 12:11 pm. The police told the parents the following:
I tried to post this quote twice already. Quotes are posted often! I think it has news value. It is an odd thing the police told the parents outside the school in Uvalde-Texas, when they were anxiously waiting because they already knew there was a shooter inside the school. A caption below a picture says:
Would you as the police have told the waiting parents this in the same situation? There have got to be other places around the school, behind which they can be asked to wait. You as the police know that some children may have died already because shots have been fired. (It’s another abnormal thing that happened.)
fz-mod: there was some code in the quote that made it bounce
Here I include the text of The New York Times caption without that quotation mark:
A police officer with a megaphone announces to the crowd outside that “When the kids get moved, we’re going to move them to the back of the funeral home,” referring to Hillcrest Memorial Funeral Home across the street. “That’s where we want y’all waiting at,” he says
Then came tranquilocomp’s earth-shattering comment: “Would you as the police have told the waiting parents this in the same situation? There have got to be other places around the school, behind which they can be asked to wait. You as the police know that some children may have died already because shots have been fired. (It’s another abnormal thing that happened.)”
As I have repeatedly and explicitly stated that the war in Ukraine is the central part/catalyst that triggered phase 2 of the “Great Reset”. Here are 2 excellent articles that corroborate my thesis.
unfortunately the turkeys keep on keep on keep on keep on … voting/hoping for xmas (e.g relative newcomers Mr P / A.H.H).
At least this forum helped an old favourite (Martin From Soviet East Berlin) see the writing, from a similar position to them, on the, er, Wall.
In any case, it remains an intersting / infuriating place, i’m sure you will agree and while there’s a will there’s a way … keep on trucking.
Seems like a little elaboration is in order. It is not Putin/Russia per se that is to blame but the rather the machinations of the planners. Just just be clear, we all(especially by now) realize that it was a reactionary measure and at that point no other realistic option was available…hence, the SMO. As an example, it is not Russia’s fault that they cannot export these commodities (particularly wheat and fertilizer products). For, sanctions on Moscow’s financial sector has a dramatic impact on its commodities sector. VTB Bank, one of Russia’s largest banks that is now the target of U.S. sanctions, handles almost two-thirds of Russia’s commodity business. These financial industries are the underwriters and are blacklisted having an indirect effect. In addition, global maritime shipping companies announce they’ll stop operating in Russia. Essentially, exports are being interrupted as international companies abandon long-standing business ties and extricate themselves from the country amid massive Western sanctions. While, in the Black Sea ports, such as the one in Odessa, Ukrainians have planted mines, which obviously disrupt shipping capabilities (as we are all aware).
The war in the Ukraine uh?
Are you all not embarrassed that you are carrying water for the current message in the western world? It’s Putin’s price rise that caused it eh!
I can’t even interact. Shamelessly this stuff is posted here .. But …. it is presented that you’re against it, so it is fine to still say it is the war in the Ukraine that caused your pain. Either way, you’re posting your message.
I’ll post tomorrow, when it is complete, the transcript of an interview with Mr.Putin about this shameless accusation that either Russia or the War in the Ukraine caused the pain.
Look to your own administrations as to who caused your pain.
“6. This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international rules-based order anchored in Eurasia.”
Yeah Right! Give me a break! This is the new projection eh .. It’s All Their Fault!
The western puppies are sick puppies. They cannot innovate, they can only take someone else’s words and coopt them.
There was a brilliant comment somewhere in the commentary.
“Unfortunately, Americans today don’t just want to be lied to… they demand it. “
Have a great dragon boat festival!
If you want to understand modern, 21st century American tv news, you need to watch an old movie from 1976 called “Network”. It attempts to capture the shift from ‘news’ as journalism with ethics and standards to ‘news’ as a commodity which is sold for profit.
Here’s a short taste. As a subtext, both the anchor and the news manager have been told that they are being fired for low ratings and low profits.
And of course, the later scene with Ned Beatty as the corporate boss is legendary, but I’ll leave finding that gem as a task for the readers. Network (1976) Ned Beatty should point in the right direction.
Today of course, we live in a world where a small handful of mega-corporations control almost everything you see, and the only ethic and the only standard are both to maximize profit. Tha-Tha-Tha-That’s All Folks!
One Hundred Days in the Spring of 2022:
Proxy War and Proxy Peace, Rostislav Ischenko –
“All wars are similar to each other, but none repeats the other. Ultimately, they are all different. Operations in Georgia, Syria and Ukraine were carried out by the same army (the last two are better equipped technically), but their pattern is completely different. The amount of funds involved, the time frame, the risks, the potential result cannot be compared. The stakes have increased substantially over time. In Georgia, Russia, in case of a loss, risked only its authority in the Caucasus (including the Russian territories of the North Caucasus), the failure of the Syrian operation would weaken Moscow’s global position. Well, in the case of Ukraine, Russia is fighting for its existence.”
Barack Hussein Obama. Not that I am superstitious, but it does call the attention that the name of the first president after 911 was “Barack Hussein Obama,” because anyone knows that, in 2002, everybody would have fainted had they suddenly known that this was to be the name of the next president, right? “It can’t be!” (2002). You don’t have to be into astrology to look toward the stars for a real event fact like that. The first time ever that someone with a fully Arabic name won the U.S. presidency happened right after 911! “Is that all?” is a reaction in 2022, but not in 2002. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy.” It is, of course, respectable to conclude that it is only a coincidence, but this respectableness comes from sort of looking toward the stars from where it comes as the answer (as coincidence, fate). I don’t believe it’s purely a “coincidence” for an instant; I think there is a transcendental meaning which I can’t know, but nothing that is related somehow to 911 looks positive…I’m glad Obama won in 2008 and not McCain.
Old times people spoke of the “old army game”…there are variations, but all share the same character, no matter which shell you pick, there’s no pea…no matter which card you pick, you lose…https://youtu.be/jkhWPRqeBxQ McCain was also “song-bird” and covered up abandoning POW’s…really controllable…while the Oh Bummer was an original child of the company…heads I win, tails you lose.
More generally, the true story of capitalism, the swindle in the swindle swindles the swindler and so on…sally and WC >https://youtu.be/YhajwXTlGQU Does WC pimp his virgin, or bring justice, or what? BTW the Story of Ester can be read in much the same way, little more brutal though…
@there are variations, but all share the same character, no matter which shell you pick, there’s no pea
The old gay army game, good to the last drop as they say, and even today.
And the way to win the shell game is to actually pick up the 2 shells that you don’t believe contain the pea, and when they dont, cause none have one, you leave the magician to either pay the prize, or show the pea.
Yes, that beats the game. In “Sally” that happens, btw, and that scene forecasts, foreshadows, the plot. Both films are complex and actually rather “Marxist”…Dempster herself followed the pattern too, married a stock-broker and retired from film. Brooks, less practical and perhaps more conflicted, went to Berlin…but ultimately submitted to the capitalist’s game. Brooks being the brave lady, and following her fate. Brooks came ’round again later and wrote.
Never heard of the chaps nor the movies, life is complex enough as it is to add too many variables and still make sense of it all at the end of the day. I’ll stick to transportation, energy, and food and be happy w/it.
404 and submarines? https://www.rt.com/russia/556601-ukraine-germany-submarines-weapons/ This raises a cartoonish prospect.
Let’s assume that 404 is entirely land-locked and denazified, but “has submarine” and “government in exile”…of course it takes years to train crew, so the submarine is a legal fiction…and let’s assume it’s a German submarine with a token 404nazi skipper…and they torpedo a Ruskie ship, or fire flying bombs at Ruski ship…after attack submarines do not surface and raise flag…so it would be propaganda story that sub404 was even involved, or even existed…the reality might be that the yanks simply sank Ruski ships and claim they did not. Claim 404 did it. Since that’s the simplest assumption…
Tipperary Song https://youtu.be/2zajdE5U2e8 (great audio! U96 Tipperary @ 4:10 starts)
(AZE subs have played this game before “The Ship With Two Captains (USS/HMS Seraph) by Terence Robertson”)