2022/05/25 11:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
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The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
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What is the current risk of a nuclear war?
It seems to be less than it was a month or two ago.
I agree with you. It seems the longer it goes, the smaller the risk of that and also of a direct conflict between Russia and the U.S. (only our impression).
Do you believe U.S./NATO can defeat Russia on the ground with only conventional weapons?
Do you believe the UN listens to Russia’s concerns regarding global security matters?
Do you believe the U.S. has ended its long-term plan to conquer Russia, militarily and economically?
If you answered ‘No’ then nuclear weapons are still part of the U.S. tactical plan to hit western Russia while she continues to fight the Nazis in the Ukraine boiler. The U.S. wants Russia to be distracted as much as possible and then launch a surprise attack on Moscow and other critical infrastructure. The fact that Russia will respond in kind matter not to the globalists in charge of Washington, DC’s foreign policy. The loss of American lives will be chalked up to “collateral damage” as a consequence of a first strike.
That is why I advocate that Russia strikes the U.S. mainland first and with everything in her nuclear inventory should the U,S. sacrifice one of the Eastern European NATO member countries as a provocation that Russia will have to react.
Refer to my earlier post for a more detailed opinion about where this historic event is going since the first three months have passed February 24 – May 24.
See; https://thesaker.is/history-is-being-written-before-our-eyes/#comments .
In the mean time domestic issues in the U.S. are now politically charged with no where to blow.
The streets continue to be an active scene w/no solution in sight.
“Do you believe the U.S. has ended its long-term plan to conquer Russia, militarily and economically?”
There is no plan to conquer it militarily. They are waging economic war now, but they can’t “conquer” it economically, so there is no such plan either, and if there is it makes no sense.
There is even less chance then of a first-strike nuclear attack from the same one who gives up on economic conquest and conventional military conquest and who knows how well-armed Russia is with the most modern weapons.
“That is why I advocate that Russia strikes the U.S. mainland first and with everything in her nuclear inventory should the U,S. sacrifice one of the Eastern European NATO member countries as a provocation that Russia will have to react.”
You don’t live in the United States. Maybe in the future Russia could have a leader who shares your opinions, and that’s why it’s important to end the new cold war and the nuclear arms race that goes with the cold wars. I wrote a general comment on that in one of the last opinions at the “Old Potato” Sitrep here (from amarynth) this week.
wrote it close to the end of it.
Generally it is better to avoid advocating violence, especially atomic violence. Imagine a grand space filled with a vast unknowable machine…and Smallman walks in and, just out of silliness, turns a switch…the consequences are unknowable, the decision irretrievable. Violence is like that – it sets into motion forces that have unpredictable, and bad, results.
I agree with “PokeTheTruth”. You have to face the reality!
Reality is that since 9/11 neo-cons have worked relentlessly on a chance to hit key-centres in Russia in a pre-emptive nuke strike.
Further the reality is that no matter what Russia has done to smoothen this doctrine up during the last 20 years, the powers that be have only strengthened their efforts.
Putin has said it several times during the period. They will not fight a new WWIII inside Russia territory. If they are forced out in a war, they will attack first. If Russia’s existence is in jeopardy they will defend themselves with nukes.
These comments of “avoid advocating violence” is Western bs speak, who think reality is made out of talks, campaign and statements.
But reality is not made by talk and MSM. Its made on the ground and your actions, and I am personal grateful Team Professional in Kremlin has caught this universal rule notwithstanding the consequences.
I agree with Mr. P.
I agree with you.
Some seem to like the idea that radio stations (and etc, internet, cell-net, power stations, etc) ought to be destroyed. Others wonder how and why they are not, when they are not, and why, when they are…and consider what these actions and not-actions telegraph about designs of the parties to a conflict. Hint> these questions reveal a great deal.
in re> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8666692
excerpt> ” This tutorial shall give an overview of the history, development, and processing in passive radar and enable the interested reader to further investigate the subject exploiting the presented material together with the cited references.”
and> https://asiatimes.com/2019/10/americas-stealthy-f-35-tracked-by-a-pony-farm-radar/
Quiz Question> Categorize the examples of not-destroyed in juxtaposition to examples of destroyed. Discover correlations to strategic goals and the nature of the several parties. Discuss https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/CONELRAD in modern battle-space.
Extra Credit> Is the not-destruction characteristic of defense, or offense, as suggested by v. Clausewitz? How?
This cafe looks powerful even though it has few customers still. Maybe you can add some dark-colored cafe-restaurant decorations on the left side? It looks like a white wall right now. What could be done in a cafe, I don’t know. Duels or challenge debates at a specific hour (maybe with a known mod, where maybe anything goes). Debates with a judge where each side (which could have many members) is judged and a winner is determined (the classic debates) at some time or moment. True or False questions/contests with certain ratings. A “Let’s play expert analyst” game. The participant must take it from zero to the end, with no ratings or winners. (I played this game close to the end of the “Sitrep 180 Hot Potato : Ritter, Lira, Johnson and Martyanov”). Discussions (like tributes) of great intellectuals/scientists. Maybe have a quote or paragraph or essay of Isaac Newton from the Project Newton for instance; Maybe purchase the “Kant Dictionary” by Morris Stockhammer and you have like a gold mine of cafe discussion quotes, etc. Some name for this too. (Some Ideas given with my coffee.)
There could also be like a time machine experience dedicated to ancient Greece, ancient Rome, etc. They had so many great authors who reflected their different time, religion, worldview, i.e., excerpts from Horace (“How to be content”), Virgil, Ovid, Cicero, Juvenal for Rome; Plato or Aristotle for Greece. Plato is great with coffee. One could also focus on some given century.
fyi> Meeting Of Minds with Steve Allen >https://youtu.be/hKRxZSOqAYw?list=PLSjkhfyarx7PDIsY-UX897d9IzyM2zl-Z I wish uncle Steve was still with us.
Johnny Carson is my favorite, still makes me laugh in those best of Carson and reruns.
I would favor the left side decorations being red.
Meantime, how does one address Wojtek? For myself, well, I’d say that when a bear carries ammo and loads trucks, we call him Comrade.
from wiki / enjoy> “As an enlisted soldier with his own paybook, rank, and serial number, he lived with the other men in tents or in a special wooden crate, which was transported by truck. During the Battle of Monte Cassino, Wojtek helped his unit to convey ammunition by carrying 100-pound (45 kg) crates of 25-pound artillery shells, never dropping any of them. While this story generated controversy over its accuracy, at least one account exists of a British soldier recalling seeing a bear carrying crates of ammo.[10] The bear mimicked the soldiers: when he saw the men lifting crates, he copied them. Wojtek carried boxes that normally required 4 men, which he would stack onto a truck or other ammunition boxes.[11] This service at Monte Cassino earned him promotion to the rank of corporal. In recognition of Wojtek’s popularity, a depiction of a bear carrying an artillery shell was adopted as the official emblem of the 22nd Company.[8]
There has been times when the Cafe was more busy than anything else.
We’ve played a lot in here. And we’ve argued a lot.
If you want to call out some debates, I have two topics, but alas, at the moment too short of time to take part in any meaningful way. We try on the blog to stay away from meaningless speculations and I understand the reasoning for that. But here .. speculation can be rife :-) One of the best ongoing learning conversations in my life, came from idle and fairly drunk speculation.
1. Do you think there is a high level strategic planning organization between China and Russia, quietly planning the change in our world together. If yes, why? And if no, why?
I think yes .. and it is a frustration because I have my Yes written up. I have an analytical article written from the Putin/Xi Jinping meeting and joint communique at the eve of the Olympics. This is done, it needs a lot of editing and a lot of more structuring because I only pretend to speak English. So, I took that communique and analyzed it and brought it forward to the current and I’ve teased out these threads and YES is my thesis. But with all the additional responsibilities now, I have no time for long and leisurely writing and it will wait. But I think Yes.
2. Who do you think carried the day at the Hot Potato? and why … (oh please, short short please – I’m truly exasperated with that topic now!)
3. And another one .. who wants to help me make a list of those that we believe are baddies but we cannot enflesh them? Everyone is aware of my cockamanie idea that most of these ‘invisibles’ are planted scary memes. My list starts with:
Its the Jews
Its the Papists
Its the New World Order
Its the Communists
Its the See See Peeee
Its the ????
And oh yes, De Lepre, are you still in a weather funk and despair? We’re into deep summer which is our rest time. Its hot hot and hot and today I had to put on airconditioning in my office very early, because the next few months will be humid as hell. Soon and for the next +3 months, we will live under aircon. It always feels as if I’m breathing recycled air.
And my 4. is to choose a complete different accesss to what is now and what will be
is, to watch the symbolic life, one has to live, in the universe of psyche, the mirror of
spirit in matter – and everybody does it but – unconsciously, hence as slave of nature
but as companion.
Yes, we all have to live two ! lifes, the material and the symbolic life. And you are right,
the poems have a break, and JUNG is a rare conscious companion – how like thet to find the balance.
The collective stream accompanied by Marx, Lenin, Mao has given birth of the two planetary brothers of human order: mother Russia and father China.
The SMO is a level higher than politic, it is revalation, it tears the masks down – even
in commentariat – and each one, who is going to learn is adopted.
The puzzle of our northern week:
“Twins, Giving Narrators and Neutral Justices while 2 Squares of Intersity”
What happens after death, mundanomaniac?
I don’t know, but I like the sentence, above the entrance of JUNG’s home
in Küssnacht:
“Vocatus atque non vocatus, deus aderit”.
(Summoned and non-summoned – God will be present.”
I like that.
Hi tranquilocomp,
I am not mundo, but as a student of life who has had experiences
with those who have passed over I would be happy to share some
of what I believe to be true.
First of all, God, in the Ocean of Love and Mercy, does not interfere
in human history.
The Voice of God, or the Holy Spirit, the Music of the Spheres, etc.
made all the heavens and beings within them and preserves them.
Finally, the Master Principle instructs people in the ways of the Divine
Order, and works through both the inner channels providing under-
standing and healings through the dream state, and outwardly instructs
through any and every means that is available to It, in order to reach
those receptive to Its messages.
The saying “God made man in ITs own image”, means that “the true
man”, Soul, is an eternal being ( unlike the personality which is temporal ),
and has been sent to the finite universes in order to have experiences
and to learn the consequences of Its actions, to adjust Its behaviour
upon understanding the Law of Karma, and to eventually take Its place
in the spiritual hierarchy as a responsible co-worker with God, according
to Its talents and interests. The purpose of Soul’s many incarnations is
to teach It that the Law of Love is all, and that in order to become Godlike,
It must work in harmony with the Law of Love.
The journey of Soul takes It through any and every experience available
in “the finished creation”, so that It may come to understand the Laws of
Life and work in harmony with them. Soul is given free will, and this is so
that It can define and walk Its own path back to God, at Its own pace and
in Its own time. Every lifetime in the human body serves to give Soul a set
of experiences, that taken together, results in further readying and prepar-
ing Soul for It’s eventual place in the spiritual hierarchy. Soul has a mission
or a specific goal with every lifetime.
After death of the physical body, Soul is met by Its spiritual guide or if It
does not have a known guide, someone else that It may have known from
a previous life or incarnation. No Soul is alone at the time of translation from
the physical to the inner worlds.
I believe there is an accounting, or a judging and weighing of personal debits
and credits from the life just completed, an outcome will be reached and, in
accordance with what is necessary, Soul is taken to Its next place of resid-
ence or is sent back to Earth. Soul’s destiny is overseen according to the
Law of Love, but It needs to be held to account for whatever It has created
karmically, both positively and negatively. It’s said that many but not all, Souls,
arrive in the next world which is often very similar if not an exact replica of the
one we have just left.
As such, there is no death for Soul. It’s journey continues forever. It’s
incarnations are governed by Its karmic slate, so to speak, but Soul
eventually earns the right to pick and choose insofar as future incarn-
ations are concerned. When It has become perfectly responsible, It
takes Its own destiny in hand, and becomes a Spiritual Traveller, coming
and going at will in God’s universes.
God so loved Soul that It gave It life, and this too, is Soul’s destiny, to
receive and give this love to all of life unreservedly and thus serve in
the way that best suits It.
The religious view you described is similar to the religious beliefs of the Greeks and Romans. Plato expounded similar things. It is a religion not based on “revelation” (“he told me last night I’m his messenger to you” type thing), but on reason. I can only respect it and it makes a lot of sense.
It is much easier for me to believe all questions and answers concerning the ‘mystery of God’ are provided just by a simple basic faith and moral life, and the enlightenment received justifies ones relationship with the Creator.
it happens what happens all the time – renewal to maintain the blossom of creation – only that dies which has to die, the other is maintained in the encompassing and will re-emerge manifest at the right place and time. It’s all about images and dancing/rhtytm – thus manhood is all important throughout the world, because it’s seeing holies the creation, all is focused on that, even the skiy is dancing to this tune !
100 degrees and over every day here. Aircon on 24/7. As bad as it can be, the recycled air beats the —- out of the outside air as it’s fire season and it just smells of burning wood, probably until November. California is nothing like it was. It stays hot until Thanksgiving here with negligible rain. Best to ya!
Good morning Vietnam! > https://youtu.be/DpktBGInl60 (It’s Hot!) No fires (yet) @ Anoxia, but yes, “warm”, about 40 C.
That scene is exactly what I was thinking about!
I’m watching a few episodes from M*A*S*H collectors edition. The one thing that confuses me no end, is that all Americans must have watched this? Yeah? And why cannot they think.
“all Americans must have watched this? Yeah? And why cannot they think.”
MASH stopped airing on live TV 40 years ago. Reruns are sexy to fewer and fewer.. This TikTok generation couldn’t stand watching anything with a plot, without CGI or older than 6-12 months.
I think as quality movies largely went extinct in Hollywood in [early 1950s?], common sense TV serials were similarly phased out by 1970s/early 1980s.. part of the dumbing down of USA. And much of the generations that used to watch them are no longer with us.
Watching most TV/Hollywood fare made since 1990s actually leads to frank brain damage! We who watch passively or unwittingly are part of interesting experiments
1. Yes. I read that communique too at the time, and cited something here once. A high Chinese official said it was “more than an alliance.” He gets the last word…must be like that. It’s so close that he says that. Give it one more read and print it if it’s taking too long, not trying to tell you what to do :).
2. This is a good one. You were restraining the Saker side! Fine. The Saker side won.
3. Just take out that papists, communists, see see peeee. The others have been “enfleshed” (first time I read this word, good one). Yeah, I too “pretend” with English. It’s all google stuff.
“The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.”
Call me bias but I think that as an “open thread” it should appear in the Latest Articles section like the other open thread does. Absolutely.
Cafe needs promotion no less than some authors. Amarynth, tiene que estar en la cartelera! Esta medio relegado sino. (google.translate with the last word by me: has to be on the billboard! It is half-relegated otherwise). Half-relegated, nice word in English.
Ukrainian Court Seizes Aerospace Company Motor Sich From Chinese Investors. Motor Sich is one of the world’s largest producers of engines for helicopters and planes. This has got to piss China off. And now it is gone as in bombed. Was Russia showing restraint for their bud, China?
A Ukrainian court has seized the assets and all the shares of aerospace company Motor Sich, one of the world’s largest producers of engines for helicopters and planes.
Ukraine’s state security service SBU said in a statement on March 20 that a Kyiv court ruled to seize all property and shares of Motor Sich, and the company was transferred to a government body responsible for managing assets obtained through corruption and other crimes.
Ukraine f___ed around and found out.
Ukrainian Court Seizes Aerospace Company Motor Sich From Chinese Investors
In pure geostrategic terms, keeping Chinese investment in Ukrainian industrial firms like Motor Sich could have been a constraint on what targets can be hit.
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· 4h
Target of the missile strikes in Zaporozhye was the “Motor Sich” factory which produces aircraft engines
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It has been suggested that the Chinese ownership was indeed preventing Motor Sich from being on target list. Evidently this conjecture was correct! Some say, in previous affray, IG Farbin was protected due to ownership by US fascists…
Below, five guns west proposes a causative relationship, ie “if military power weakened to ineffective…then dollar run.” Yes, I agree, But point out that the causative principle also works well the other way, ie if dollar becomes worthless military power goes to zero. Since naziforce steals property, gold, and dollars at will, what is value of dollar right now? Because savvy investors anticipate events, run on dollar probably precedes perception of military collapse, just as efforts to prop up dollar amount to efforts to prevent loss of military power, and indicate a fear of such an eventuality. It might be argued that the enormous amounts being created by borrowing are a form of run on dollar…as last act is loot treasury, they say.
Is interesting to examine the nazi army power as it is today…unable to “defend” 404 or Taiwan, or the Southern border of CONUS, unable to stop Persian rockets blasting bigbig nazi base…these inabilities seem to imply dollar=kaputski=militarypower=kaputski right now.
Denouement of cryptonazi period? And we get to observe the freak show…or other kinds…https://www.rt.com/news/556032-ramstein-drag-queen-story-time/
How thrilling.
Absolutely Mr. P. I concur 100%. It is a last loot. I think CONgress pocketed the money they need for the midterms. I just filled out my primary ballot. My write ins included Shoigu, myself and Arnold Ziffle. Speaking of Ramstein (loved the link) er, uh, Rammstein …
If the US military is weakened to the point of being ineffective it will eventually lead to a run on the dollar as the only thing propping the dollar up at this point is the full might of the US military.
Well, a hint that will give you an idea on what the reality of things are…75% of respondents to a poll in the US would prefer VVP as POTUS than Biden…! If you don’t want a coup in your country then don’t have a US embassy in it.
loved yer comment: “What?!?!? It’s monkeypox season already. I haven’t even taken down my Ukraine decorations yet.”
keep coming dood or doodette!
in addition to the ridiculous name…
“To be clear, “monkeypox” (whatever that even means in this context), is NOT a Russian bio-weapon. It’s not a Western bio-weapon either. Or Chinese bio-weapon. It’s just another scare story. And a rushed, half-hearted one at that.
Just as with Covid, and despite rumours they would be leaving the World Health Organization, Russia appears to be lining up with the WHO agenda. Already they are “tightening border quarantine” rules, vaccinating healthcare workers and supplying quick bedside tests internationally.”
“MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. The Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing created an autonomous test system for the detection of the possible cases of the monkeypox infec”
This confusion whether or not Russia/China being the resistance to the NWO tyranny can be explained by competition.
Russia/China are thus not against a NWO, they are only against the unipolar concept as they cannot lower their own competences and abilities.
Conclusion: A multipolar NWO but still QR code societies with gen modification, trans-humanism, surveillance capitalism, and global coordination centres within the multipolar frame.
I should much appreciate anyone who would challenge me on this one.
do you imagine any benefit for the average earth QR’d trans-human between a unipolar or multipolar NWO?
For example, if “Russia” saves ethnic Russians from the Ukronazis by way of a “special operation” only to subsequently gene modify down the road is that not just as bad(/worse) a final destination that Serhei from Donetsk will find himself in?
Tommy, I respectfully disagree. I think 5th columns within Russia were permitted to waltz with the transhumanists and WEF/NWO gargoyles, like the Atlantic Integrationists were allowed with the western banksters, but it was subterfuge and to buy time. The agony of Soros and Heinz Kissinger at Davos indicate they understand they had been deceived. Zone B had made use of their tech tools to preempt coups, internal dissension and biowar..
Some anticipate current events in the Ukraine to be the hors d’oeuvre. A more dangerous phase is in the offing.
A phase will come, where as VVP said, “may be more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.” A period of genetically enhanced super soldiers and the rise of the machines. Does VVP indicate he is a proponent of all this? He speaks for the silovakis. They may make use of the technology, to defend themselves, but they understand the dangers far better than the West. And they are not sacrificing their future and soul to it, unlike some..
Tommy, I too respectfully disagree. The Chinese are essentially merchants at heart. They want to trade for mutual benefit with other countries (BRI) around the world – by buying their natural resources OTOH and selling their manufactured exports to them OTO.
Also China uses a different economic development model (see Ordo-Liberalism) unlike the IMF & World Bank that gets countries into debt then dictates what public assets must be sold and even to replace the growing of subsistence crops in favor of cash crops that then because of the over-supply on the world market the price crashes – and the country is left in:
-even greater debt
-not being able to feed its own people
-having to import grain/rice
The Chinese have also refused to allow billionaire oligarchs (like the Koch Bros in the US; see ALEC) to insert themselves above political authority, i.e. the will of the party/people.
Think of how the world has changed since the USSR’s collapse in 1991. A swathe of ‘color revolutions’ sold to the collective West’s gullible population as ‘popular revolts’ when they were in fact UK-US regime change operations. Then there was the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ turfing out a spate of former Soviet-friendly governments across N. Africa & the Mideast whilst the US invaded & occupied A’stan & Iraq (to keep Iran surrounded). Then there was Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Venezuela & more recent regime change attempts in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and now of course, Ukraine.
Do you honestly believe that Russian and Chinese national elites are so stoopid to allow their civilizational states to just sit there waiting like fattened calves to be the next to go to the slaughter?
The Russian and Chinese national elites are painfully aware that unless they work together, in synergy, that their heads are next on the chopping block.
Neither Russia nor China want war with the West as they see the West, particularly Europe with its population with high disposal income, as potential markets. That’s why both Russia and China work diligently not to antagonize the West but diplomatically & publicly defend themselves.
If either Russia or China fall over, all of humanity has no alternative to the ravages of neoliberalism, what Mussolini described as Corporatism – the marriage of corporations with the State.
If you look around so many Western countries are already at the stage of Authoritarian Populism – the stage immediately prior to fascist dictatorship e.g.
-UK under BoJo
-US has been under the Dual State aka Deep State at least since the JFK assassination, if not before (see Hans Morgenthau’s Dual State Theory, 1955)
-Australia (until recently) under PM Morrison
-NZ under PM Ardern (a former WEF’s Young Global Leader)
-Canada under PM Trudeau (another former WEF’s Young Global Leader) -France under ex-Rothschild’s banker Macron
-Brasil under Bolsanaro, etc
Well said! Thanks
My impression of the Chinese is that one may assume “they’re all about business”…and that this is generally the case whether they speak the Mexican patois of the California Delta towns or the English of the Chemistry Department or Wall Street, or, naturally Han or Mandarin. I suppose that’s a “racist” view. Too bad. (is it racist to admire fine people or to recognize quality?)
fyi/ The cited dual state paper> “The Impact of the Loyalty-Security Measures on the State Department”
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 11, issue 4, pp. 134-140 April 1955 Sad to say paywalled.
The wiki on Hans> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Morgenthau#1955:_%22Dual_state%22_theory
Includes citations for papers on this topic by other authors as well.
This> “If you look around so many Western countries are already at the stage of Authoritarian Populism – the stage immediately prior to fascist dictatorship”, with which I have no quibble, suggests to me the question, “what after that?” And I recall MacBeth’s orders “Hang those that speak of fear!”…essentially admitting the loss of Moral Law, and indicating desperation, and, well, fear. Is this Authoritarian Populism ? Is it “fascist dictatorship”? It’s self evident that there are grave similarities in media today, and from ‘regimes”.
We know how it turns out…Birnam Wood.
“Now does he feel
His secret murders sticking on his hands;
Now minutely revolts upbraid his faith-breach;
Those he commands move only in command nothing in love: now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.” (loss of Moral Law)
See> “The End of Cold War and Shakespeare’s Macbeth” https://offgraun.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/the-end-of-the-cold-war-and-shakespeares-macbeth/
Withal, seems like the war ends with regime change expelling nazis, thus “freeing time”…as to where, this is obvious.
The NWO has two aims: 1. Erase all national boundaries 2. Erase Christianity.
China might erase Christianity but not national boundaries. Russia would not erase either one.
Dumb as a sack of hammers…https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/omg-this-is-horrifying-young-americans-are-literally-stupid-literally (3 x 3 x 3 = 9????)
Evidently the group Comrade Hal found is not the group that wants VVP as president of USA. (I would like to see the poll itself…)
Let’s revisit the idea of the USA re-arming and making modern stuff…what would be the source of the work-force?
I recall that when SMO-404 began there was poll taken in Berlin, and the Germans requested denazification as soon as practicable…wish I’d saved it. Priceless!
Anoxia would also request denazification, but the vigilantes of the sheriff’s posse can probably handle the job if the Red Army is busy elsewhere.
Clownworld report:
Imagine the irony of two of the most “woke” countries in Europe. Who glory in supporting “human rights”,”democracy”,and “liberal European values”.Now being blackmailed by Turkey over their wanting to join NATO. Are going to have to go back on all their “values”,turn on the Kurds,and start selling weapons to the Turkish regime that they stopped doing over human rights. Oh,just how low will the Europeans go to “stick it to Putin”. The Kremlin must be rocking with laughter seeing them debase themselves over that.I know I am:
Henry Kissinger is calling for the Ukraine to cede territory in return for a ceasefire. That’s remarkable, because just one month ago, Kissinger indicated peace would occur on terms unfavorable for Russia.
Is Kissinger privy to war information boding unfavorably for the Ukraine? Has something happened in Donbass this past month representing a significant blow to the US/NATO/Ukraine war effort? The answer to the first question is “yes.” The answer to the second question is “very probably.”
Remarkable is that, for the first time, Zelensky is sounding alarms about the Ukraine’s KIA. He admits his army is losing as many as 100 KIA each week. No doubt, Zelensky’s underreporting the truth. The Ukraine could be suffering 200 or 300 KIA every seven days.
Previously, it was US/NATO/Ukraine policy to avoid admitting any Ukie combat losses. Why the sudden change in attitude by Zelensky, Ukie government officials, and their US/NATO patrons? Clearly these people know something disturbing. Something so awful it can’t be shared with the world.
US/NATO is probably running out of Ukies. It has the political will, money, and weapons to sustain war against Russia. But it does not have an inexhaustible supply of Ukies to do the fighting and dying.
As for the much ballyhooed Ukie counteroffensive at Izyum, well, where is it? The Ukies announced the start of this operation almost ten days ago. But since then, there has been no word of any Ukie advance at Izyum. None whatsoever.
Meanwhile, the Russians are definitely gaining ground near Lyman, Popasnaya, Lisichansk, and Severodonetsk. Even the Ukies and their US/NATO backers acknowledge these reversals. This means 8,000 Ukie troops may end up encircled at Severodonetsk, or be forced to execute a fighting retreat during which they are butchered on the highway by Russian fire control.
If Russia wins at Severodonetsk, it will then shift focus to Slavyansk, Bakhmut, and Kramatorsk. These Ukie strongholds will fall piecemeal to the Russians assuming current battlefield trends continue, which is likely the case. Should the Ukies lose at Severodonetsk, there’s no reason to believe they can hold their other Donbass positions.
The only remaining question, then, concerns the scheduled Ukie summer counteroffensive. US/NATO officials and their analysts in Western think tanks are predicting a major Ukie victory. This is where the talk about an Ukie strategic reserve and new, modern, NATO heavy weaponry comes into play. I’m not a military man, so I don’t know what to make of this conjecture.
But I am convinced about Ukie casualty rates. Such horrifically high KIA and WIA levels are unsustainable for a fake nation/state like the Ukraine, which has a population of only 37 million.
So maybe Kissinger is onto to something.
Indeed, The Old Man is onto something, he’s worried about a nazi defeat. The fine gentleman wants a tactical local “peace”… The Conflict, however, is global and existential, zone 404 is only a “theater”. One function of SMO-404 is the creation of the Moral Law for this global conflict, an alignment of the Russian (and Chinese and other) Peoples.
It would be a grave error for Eurasia and for Russia to comply with such an idea as Kissinger moots >. ” Yet there was still that permanent threat, perhaps the most dangerous of all, the attempt to break the morale of the enemy by ” reasonable peace offers.” [and] “Napoleon clung to this hope. Clausewitz reports that he [Napoleon] declared repeatedly that the Russian Czar would be prepared to make peace with him, because he had taken pains ” never to offend him personally.” This, then, was the mentality of the man who thought he could shape Europe’s future.” (Clausewitz and Russia, Spectator)
When SMO-404 was announced it was clear that the die was cast, and once cast, the decision for war cannot be taken up again. There are no half-measures. The “peace” Kissinger wants would lead to the destruction of Russia. Denazification, the retreat to status NATO1997, nukes removed from Europe, these war goals only begin with zone404, they end on global scale.
The “peace” of 1945 was, as documents make clear, only because UK/USA were unable to match USSR and soon thereafter (August 1949) they were met with the Soviet bomb aka “Joe #1″…Peace in 1945 was a tactical maneuver. That’s the Pirate Way…like scorpion. Sun Tsu and the Moral Law> ” Moral Law causes his people to be in complete accord with their ruler”…and a “peace” that divides the people and their ruler is not peace, but defeat. Story of the girls> https://suntzudo.weebly.com/tzu-and-the-concubines.html
see also> https://militaryhistorynow.com/2012/10/15/operation-unthinkable-churchills-planned-1945-surprise-attack-on-the-soviets/
Evidently “Operation Kiev 2014” restarted “Unthinkable 2.0”, was understood for what it was (is), and “succeeded” insofar as awakening the Bear and the Dragon…and this time the bigbig defense plan is global denazification and the establishment of a fair world order. Properly, “defense” included elements of offense – as we see.
Esteemed Kissinger would be pressing for gloriously smashing Russia if the nazi armies were winning in 404, it’s only defeat that he is trying to avoid.
Silly to imagine nazis beating the Red Army, but for the great geriatric “experts” hope dies last.
I fully agree Mr P.
Kissinger is not smoking anything exotic but dissembling. And his target audience is not limited to Russia. The old war criminal is serving neocons one last time – to buy them time to figure out a way to expand the war and overcome current conventional helplessness, and so he lulls the doves camp in AZE into a false sense of security that peace may be breaking out. The reality is neither side can afford to withdraw an inch.
In case the AZE does fold (highly unlikely), I wonder though whether the Dec 2021 ultimatum terms of “the retreat to status NATO1997” still applies? Especially after the conduct and current role of Germany? For over 20 years the broken conditionality of German reunification was rubbed in their faces. They were mocked that it was not written down – a lie proven in all major archives.
As the SMO offers of settlement keep dwindling for Zhe and his handlers (VVP’s first offer is the best), and the Ukies will permanently lose more and more territory, so would subsequent NATO terms to Nazi HQ. Could it go all way back to “retreat to status 1949?” As the US Jupiter missiles were removed from Turkey in 1962-63, the Turk and Greek admission in 1952 may be on the line now, especially if NATO openly enters the war. Greeks arming of UkroNazis and countless US bases and transit territory for arms, as well as Turks’ closing of the Straits and drones and mercs will have consequences too. Either way, whether through vassal escape or forceful external roll-back, NATO appears doomed in the near-term. V Orban’s emergency decree is a promising first step for the first track. Thieves fall out and will hang separately; the demonstration using 15% of RAF capabilities on the Ukie hill on which the entire western camp came to die is beyond stunning and provokes a life-saving reflex in some central and eastern europeans.
Status 1949 !!! Marvelous!
All good points.
@ http://thesaker.is/w-bushs-iraq-ukraine-slip-same-truth-as-kerrys-implode-sanctions-iran-slip-in-2013/?inmoderation some relevant ideas…like since Europe and US now have greatly different populations, how stable is the fake aristocracy? How does an incompetent junta manage change? How can nazijunta pursue war without Moral Law in place? Is Moral Law achievable with disparate populations? (see Sun Tsu)
Will SMO-404 and so on trigger violent change in AZE?
I agree, VVP treaty offers are like Dutch Auction in reverse. Best offer is first offer. After that…
If this report on Col. Cassad is true,it would explain a lot:
In the context of Andrzej Duda’s visit to Kyiv yesterday, they recalled a fact that, frankly, paints the agreements concluded in completely different tones. Namely, an attempt at revenge.
The man in the old b&w photograph is Mikhail Ivanovich Duda, a Ukrainian nationalist and good friend of Stepan Bandera. It is his blood that flows in the veins of Andrzej Duda, because he is his grandson.
Born in 1921 in the village of Soroki-Lvovskie (Lviv region). A member of the OUN since 1937, in 1939 he was sent for sabotage training to Germany, where in 1941 he joined the Roland battalion (together with Roman Shukhevych), and after it was disbanded from October 1941 until the end of 1942 he served in the Okhrana.
In the ranks of the UPA since 1943. And an interesting fact: during the autumn of 1945-winter 1946. Duda took part in the battles with the Poles. He was also noted in the Volyn massacre.
So hugs with Zelensky are also an attempt to rewind time and return missed opportunities. By the way, every time Polish propaganda reacts surprisingly hysterically to the story of Duda’s grandfather. So it’s not clean here.
On spiritual war and mass build up of ego’s in tight places, while indefinitely bordered, it is transitory in nature. The new has to arise and it’s intense, and sometimes to step back and observe the battle for what it is, an exhausting process of resistance to a non personal peace, and at any cost, blocking free thought.
Going into that letting go space for a moment perhaps new voices are found, strong ones that need to be heard, quiet ones who would like to share something if they felt listened to. Whatever, it’s a universal thing, like Bach, and connects.
Be thou with me
Breaking: Russia to send a billion cans of baby formula to the USA.
Well, it had to begin with something…Berlin air-lift 2.0…. Only this time it’s the Russians sending food. (propaganda film> https://youtu.be/R_O94G8Qbpo ) Incidentally, actor “Clift” was often not at his best, due to drug use, they say. Film is subtle rehabilitation of nazis.
Speaking of dope…when VVP spoke of drug addicts and perverts in 404, did he exclude perverts and drug addicts in all of AZE, or simply refer to 404? Some people might imagine that nazijunta “aristocracy” of AZE are dope addicts and perverts! Imagine that….
As to outcome of bigbigwar and nazi defeat by Reds…nazis are phucked> https://www.bitchute.com/video/jTHhA3sUmiwZ/ (add this to https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/omg-this-is-horrifying-young-americans-are-literally-stupid-literally )
Like Daniel read: Mene mene teakel uparsin No wonder Herr Kissinger is freaking out. No wonder Good Lady Hillary spoke of nooses. No wonder Esteemed Bush41 spoke of lamp-posts, and that fine gentleman O’bummer of pitchforks… Well, can anyone expect anything but defeat from dope addicts and perverts? Interesting though, how they know their fates and persist in their enterprises anyway… God, it seems, has a sense of humor.
Like Chaplin, I think> https://youtu.be/w-N_z6-T2CM (Monsieur Verdoux on Trial) I like to think that it’s the fascists that form the set of mass murderers…Capitalists, nazis, fascists, pirates…and murderers.
I remember Russia sent over a whole load of ventilators to help with C crisis.. USA rejected them some silly excuse.. perhaps they did not even return them .Heck .
Wow, this has to be satire – or that part might have been scrubbed from Bloomberg. Are you sure it’s Russia donating because 100% that is one the few things that could collapse VVP’s public support overnight (half joking). Watching how big a deal the infant formula shortage is here in the US on the heels of the 40 billion dollar aid to Ukraine (hint: moms are not happy to say the least ), couldn’t imagine a nursing mother in Russia being pleased that their nation’s supply is being shipped off to a nation that is doing it’s best to get Russians killed.
More serious note, if one more infant formula factory goes down in the US and stays down, I could see a situation where the US pirates baby formula by establishing a convoluted connection to Russian businesses as a pretext. US laundering the formula through the EU who in turn launders the formula to the US.
Or the EU gives it’s supply to the US and the EU back fills their stocks by seizing formula destined for Russia and any other nation the EU deems to have violated sanctions.
Also, ocean piracy. There’s a precedent: seized shipments of Iranian/Venezuela crude oil. Find a cargo ship carrying the container, find a reason to interdict (violate sanctions or drugs), US Navy / Coast Guard seizes ship and sail it to US controlled port. Offload containers and (maybe) release ship – after extracting ‘concessions’. Then auction off /distribute formula. Works for semiconductors and any other strategic resource too. The open ocean piracy scenario might actually become a thing if the supply situation devolves to the point where critical items become unobtainable to the US or the EU.
Well, one thing is the angry mothers. Another thing is all the angry adult Americans getting charity pacifiers from China and donated baby formula from Russia when the shelves are empty :-D.
I made a comment over on the latest sitrep! But it needs musical accompaniment.
Anyone – send this to Borrell?
Retreat> https://youtu.be/TAw39iaUYno
(also at sitrep)
Play it again Sam!
When Xi and VVP made treaty ultimatum, they probably made their best offer…now, since blood’s spilled and treasures liquidated, the cost may rise…the Dutch Auction in reverse…price goes up a bit every day there’s no deal…take it or not.
Along these lines> “Washington abused its position of power to outsource weapons research” (Lavrov)
see> https://www.rt.com/russia/556133-lavrov-biolabs-military-research/
The implication seems to be that a bio-weapon enforcement amendment is now added to the ultimatum.
Take it or not.
Incidentally, Comrade VVP almost seems to gloat> “Putin predicts failure of the West” So? So the cost is going up. https://www.rt.com/russia/556125-world-policeman-stop-freedom-nations-putin/ I note that our Chinese Comrades also chimed in…the old tag-team routine. Very droll.
“… And now we are experiencing what came as a result of those times,” the minister said. This seems ambiguous to me, perhaps it is not so in Russian…but the statement seems to imply that the Minister believes that the various “pandemics” came/come from the nazi labs. Subtle, but that does seem to be his position… (I would not disagree) If so, perhaps the honey offer is to let the past attacks be forgotten, provided surrender comes promptly, or to rake the crimes up at trials… I dunno. Tea leaves.
For Dimitar, who has come back to the Cafe after some time, do hope the same for Anomalous (Fionbarra).
God is ever overflowing
everywhere, overflowing
incorporeal, corporeal
every man has too much of God
There is a lot left
even after dividing a lot
With different people
having different levels left
In this excess,
I tremble with fear
to further empty, my empty sack,
as if something formless
would spring forth.
Formless love, formless light
Overflowing from a heart so bright
Empty of hate, empty of fear
In peace and poise rejoices the seer
Knowing the heart, setting it free
Clearing the eyes, learning to see
Thank you Sudhi. Springtime gardening and house moving / renovation is taking up my time lately. Hoeing and whitewashing etc etc etc. Many etceteras
Welcome back dear missing Poets! You need to plant your banners high, and frequently, before this Cafe becomes another war room. Where are lovely Janice and Dimi lately
Apropos 3x3x3 and those lacking basic calculation skills.
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙣 𝘼𝙕𝙀 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤
[Verse 1]
Lookie here got ’em all lined up
Same bitchy girls and boys
On their hands and their knees
Slithering through the streets
Programmed to seek and destroy
And it all adds up
And it all adds up
[Verse 2]
Oh my my, no one’s on my side
Too paranoid to listen to me
You can cast me out you can tape my mouth
But you can’t get a stone to bleed
And it all adds up
And it all adds up
You know I love it when you say you’re afraid
But you hate it when I’m making you shake
Hang the truth from a noose
Put a hit man on the loose
Now you’re counting on him making your day
There ain’t no magic bullet
There’s no cure for the weak
There’s no sympathetic shoulder here to put you to sleep
You’re a long, long way from where you thought you would be
Every murderer has a motive but you ain’t killin’ me
And it all adds up
Got something to say
It all adds up
Say it
[Verse 3]
Riddle me this before I take it back
Been stealin’ my shit for years
So kiss my quiet bad man’s fire
Cause you know I’m gonna bring you to tears
And it all adds up
And It all adds up
[Verse 4]
Shake shake shake
Call in all the snakes
Been itchin’ for the new payroll
Bang bang bang
Go down the new slang
You can’t keep all the money you stole
And it all adds up
And it all adds up
You know I love it when you say you’re afraid
But you hate it when I’m making you shake
Hang the truth from a noose
Put a hit man on the loose
Now you’re counting on him making your day
There ain’t no magic bullet
There’s no cure for the weak
There’s no sympathetic shoulder here to put you to sleep
You’re a long, long way from where you thought you would be
Every murderer has a motive but you ain’t killin’ me
And it all adds up,And it all adds up
And it all adds up,And it all adds up
Thank you Fionnbarra, and welcome back…
“Empty of hate, empty of fear”
May fair winds blow
forever near
Ze may imagine himself and his doper pals and sodomite buddies as a nazi werewolf? Possibly, you know, the old times and all the fun…https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/nazi-werewolves-who-terrorized-allied-soldiers-end-wwii-180970522/
(caution, article contains this false line> “In the final months of World War II, as the Allied troops pushed deeper into Nazi Germany and the Soviet Red Army pinned the German military on the Eastern front, “, and probably more “errors”.)
Is false two ways…(1) USSR was an ally (2) Red Army didn’t “pin down”, they attacked through.
Still, the article probably details the modern dreams of the nazis…
Less risible, poor Elon! https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3178939/china-military-needs-defence-against-potential-starlink-threat ( China military must be able to destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites if they threaten national security: scientists. Researchers call for development of anti-satellite capabilities including ability to track, monitor and disable each craft. The Starlink platform with its thousands of satellites is believed to be indestructible) also> https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/05/china-must-be-prepared-to-destroy-elon-musks-starlink-system-chinese-researchers-say/
Stumpy says the Chinese can do it, won’t take a bet against it…not that I would bet against Celestial Kingdom…not only will they be able, they probably will demonstrate it….maybe I can get odds on that…
Well, Russia has already “jeopardized the world” by their irresponsible amateurish behaviour creating “unsustainable environmental garbage” in Space.
Against all International Rule Based Usury Orders. Just saying.
See> http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/introouterspacetreaty.html
“Rules” either “usurious” or not, do not seem to be mentioned. (Usurious??) “Jeopardized world???” C’mon amigo!
The Elon’s birds are being used as weapons, people say…and that is prohibited, by Law.
Chinese People are not stupid. They mastered war theory while Europeans were naked savages eating each other. Use sky birds as weapon, sky birds die. Of course assumption of smash may be rash. Laser blinder machine makie no see. OTH, Elon’s diabolical birds make for good passive radar…then there’s ECM. It’s a matter of big tactics, or small strategy, it depends, but it’s an option.
I was thinking about methods…Solar wind influences the birds…and several methods to tumblecrash birds without creating broken bits immediately come to mind. I was thinking electrostatic ionized gas…puff puff puff…from antisat bird. Solar wind recently crashed many Elonbirds. God makes suggestions! I wonder what iodine or mercury gas would do, corrosive! Conductive! And I am simple…Ruskie/Chinese boffins are not. (you do not want mercury or iodine around aluminum or magnesium! (which is the body of birds))…then there’s electrostaticly induced drag… I’d bet Chinese boffins will find elegant solution to skybirds, probably turn them to advantage. Meantime AZE relies on them….which implies a strategy…
Chinese and Ruski(and many other) boffins can kill those birds anytime, and when, if, they decide, then they will do. Probably according to law.
Its a bit difficult to translate your comment, but as I understand it you claim Russia/China use science in the way it should be used: To benefit mankind. This is also my impression so to a large extent.
As example both Russia and China have 1000x safety levels on their EMF than West.
“Against all International Rule Based Usury Orders. Just saying.”
Dear Tommy,
I don’t think Mr P understood you were being sarcastic (weren’t you?). And thanks for reminding me of our Boss, I miss his “Just Saying..” Has this phrase moved to the EU from USA too?
“Its a bit difficult to translate your comment”
Mr P’s comment was the first new comment I read upon awakening yesterday and it made my day! Some people consult the star readings, others the sports boxscores, others their poignant photo albums, I calmly peruse Mr P commentary! They are a seamless journey through history, contemporary escapades and glimmers of the future, capped with considered erudition and stoic magnanimity at the craziness and foibles of our Gauleiters.
These were some of the themes that stood out for me:
(1) “Chinese .. mastered war theory while Europeans were naked savages eating each other” Lol! Nearly choked on the coffee!! And this phrase may not be merely historical, it may be anticipatory given current trends:
‘Founding generations start nation. Following generations grow nation. Stupid generations build empire. Last generations lose nation. Repeat.’ [commentator kiwiklown] Similar sayings available in every region on earth.
(2) “Laser blinder machine makie no see.” I still had Vietnam in mind after that hot hot broadcast, so – “Me love you long time?”
(3) in “2001, A Space Odyssey,” Stanley Kubrick intended to prominently feature nuclear space war preparations between the Powers, but may have tired of it after Dr Strangelove. And too explicit for his handlers? Note Chinese and Nazi space vehicles, in addition to US & Soviet! He was a guy quite connected to the Pentagon and Deep State, and perhaps these terrible visions of the future in part led to his self-imposed exile to a hermit existence in England. And it was fascinating he chose the year 2001 as explicitly the year in which he “eliminated from his film the theme of a nuclear stalemate between the United States and the Soviet Union.” Quite predictive! In our real 2001, we saw the Cheney regime officially working to end the stalemate through treaty withdrawal and reaching for full spectrum dominance.. Starlink and other celestial projects being part of the package.
(4) “Solar wind influences the birds” Flashback to one of my all time favorite movies, “Tron: Legacy.” So many VIP elite messages in this underappreciated one. Flynn/The Dude says in the Solar Sailor segment, “[ISOs are] .. the miracle, man. Everything I ever worked for. A ditigal frontier to reshape the human condition.” The perfect sales pitch for transhumanism and ceding total control to the worthless Technocrats. Imagine their unfettered ability to hack you like this? It shook Pepe up, as he was discussing Papa Schwab’s even crazier underling Dr. Yuval Noah Harari.
I am unworthy of your kind praise, amigo…just old man…But thanks!
Two thoughts arose from your post…
Both come from Heinlein’s stories, but probably have a basis in his chats with other men of his class, especially about, I guess,1945-46, when he was involved with engineering and high altitude work.
1) the elite of the German Nazis escaped to Patagonia (Rocket Ship Galileo)
2) life extension is achievable (Methuselah’s Children) via “young blood”
One may speculate as to how Bob Heinlein heard these rumors, but I imagine it was over beers outside the Lockheed Factory, or in (!) Laurel Canyon (he lived there).
Both appear to be true.
I note that “life extension” would naturally be a profoundly attractive form of blackmail, especially if it involved the appalling crime of “milking blood” from babies and small children…which seems to be the method. I also note the remarkably advanced age of many figures in the pantheon, aheeemmm.
I believe the German nazis used to drain the blood from the young and use it for transfusions. Well, the doomed kiddies were not going to need the blood anyway…and note Albright’s 1/2 million was worth it…logos samesame.
This is just an educated guess, but the direction of the country’s current domestic troubles appear to stem from money, or the lack to obtain enough of it in a timely fashion.
The Texas shooter, seems to be an example, he had a money argument w/ the grand mother, about paying a cell phone bill,( he had instead purchased some weapons with the said monies), and shot her during the argument. The act caused the closest registered cops (who were back door school guards), to rush over to the scene abandoning thier posts. Meanwhile the shooter gets in grandmothers car and drives it off the road at a desired location and procedes to shoot into the air rambo style and runs to the abandoned school door where the cops were posted, gaining easy and unknown entry into the school.
Now legally(if this is true), none of this is admissible to the public, but since something has to be said about it, the educated said words do not add up to the desired answers and the whole mess gets swallowed up in the political civil war, and the misery of life goes on.
This is the apparent script here going forward, but no one in authority believes any consequences are about to arise from there persistent action, or reaction as it may be.
Looks like another set-up to me. “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.” William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs, the same asshole that killed his wife with a gun playing a ‘William Tell’ stunt. He was a heroin-addled freak.
In addition to the polite good sense and custom > ” De mortuis nihil nisi bonum”, The argumentum ad hominem is understood to be fallacious, so, since one always puts forth his best argument, we assume that you have proffered for us all a fallacy and attempted deception and diversion. Use of argumentum ad hominem is considered to be concession…evidently, therefore, you agree with Burroughs. So do I. Where we part company, however, is that I say so, while your position tries to conceal this truth, perhaps even from yourself.
Is what famous and esteemed poet and artist-writer said in famous quote not true ? Is there now an effort to take guns away from the people that didn’t do it, or not?
In addition to Burroughs, Uncle Karl Marx spoke to the matter> : “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary.”
And, naturally, also the founders of the USA in the form of Basic Law made and make the matter quite clear.
For Zelensky!
“High Heel Sneakers”.
What a trumpet sound! The song begins there, really. Elvis, most underestimated singer of all time, reaches its level twice, when he lets out a noise that you don’t know where it comes from.
This Cafe has no music.
“High Heel Sneakers” by Elvis Presley
This Cafe staff is great, that’s all there is to it. They keep all customers happy. They even have a room for fights. I’ve been called an “outreach operative” wrongly. Another one said I post bad msn news on purpose. Grr, ISEEYOU and Lone Wolf have done so publicly in different places here. I challenge them – individually or together – to a debate on the issue of the propriety of publishing msn, or on anything they want to debate about. Anyway, let’s hope they come to air their differences. They questioned motives, intentions… (debate gifts).
I’m listening to MSNBC news in front of me. I see a lot of honest policemen. They are talking about the attack in Uvalde, Texas. It looks like terrorism. I hope they explore that, though it’s already channeled in a different direction. Some facts that call the attention:
-He shoots the grandmother in the face, but she survives. She goes across the street afterwards. In all likelihood, he knew he had not killed her. It’s not that it didn’t happen, but it’s odd.
-There are things the media is calling odd. They say the school was stormed after 60 minutes and there were policemen outside just waiting maybe because they did not have comparable weapons to the one he had. It’s an oddity, too.
-The oddity that most definitely demands a lot of thoughts: Did you see that pick-up truck in that ditch-canal? That’s deep down. The vehicle landed in that position. The driver was barely hurt if at all. That’s not normal. It’s not like in the movies, where the guy does get out from a crash like that as if nothing happened. The crash itself is odd. It needs to be explained why or how he crashed, who saw it too. Somebody must have seen the crash in a school zone. I hear nothing about it. They are two different things – his crash and what he did right afterwards. Is there any relation between these two different things? Just these two anomalies call for a terrorism investigation, no? I think so. In particular, again, how does that vehicle land there like that, and how does he not end up hurt after descending a few meters so, with the front looking bad enough to expect the truck was going fast? The damage on the car reflects the crash against the guardrail – but maybe not the fall down there. It does not look like the truck flipped over. If it landed straight down like that, you would think a man can’t walk out of it like he did. Terrorism is not a common or frequent evil, and it’s as evil as anything can be. No major oddity can be ignored, period.
Recalling the well-timed death of FDR just in time for Truman to use the bomb to intimidate Russia (Stalin said poison)…recalling FDR’s quote> ““In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” “Odd”? You bet. A set up with a dead patsy. It’s ordinary and works with appeal to emotion…another flaky “logic”. That’s what Texas Shooter story is. Cui Bono?
FDR’s death? I don’t see a reason why it would not be a stroke, a natural death.
That odd image of the pick-up truck in the deep ditch canal actually looks like one of the many evil pictures of the Hate (the enemy!). It may be a perfect picture of “Hate.” Hate is so intense and old that I wonder if it is hell itself. A closer scrutiny would be needed to know it.
It may well have been a stroke. However there was no autopsy. Stalin said poison. David Irving seems to say either poison or smothering, maybe both. Both men had / have good sources for their opinion. I would add that General Groves said, prior to the death of FDR, “The bomb is for Russia.” If FDR had lived the bomb would not have been “for Russia”…we have means, motive, and opportunity, and knowledge in advance……as well as the funny business in ’44 at the convention – where the very popular Wallace was dumped by a rigged procedure (by big money “Texas Oil Men”) and the unpopular Truman was installed as VP…and Truman says in his autobio that he knew FDR was near to death….and of course the dictum “no accidents in politics”. Absent an autopsy we are left to consider that there is an astonishing chain of coincidences that led to the repudiation of Yalta and betrayal at Potsdam, as well as the astonishing failure to arrest and prosecute the people who had been trading with the nazis – such as the Dulles brothers and Prescott Bush, and the “cold-war”, and the rehabilitation of the nazis in Gehlen Organization and in German Governemnt. As to stroke, again, warfarin in low does over a few months would seem to do the job, though he was not alone at death, and the scene was not preserved…so perhaps the presumed (by Stalin) poisoning failed to do the job on time, and he was helped along with a pillow or two. Withal, stroke, if it was, does not mean “natural”, a strokes result, inter alia, from some poisons. The corpse, the best evidence, still exists. Forensic science has advanced. I myself would very much like to see a competent and unbiased, independent, forensic autopsy. see https://www.amazon.com/As-he-saw-Elliott-Roosevelt/dp/B0006AQWS8 and so on. If you like I can add to the reading list. Interesting that the corpse still is available.
So, they say the patsy had a nifty 5000 buckie gun…sure looks like the fella had a sponsor, like James Earl Ray and Oswald, and Sirhan and and and, and the boys in Boston…
Whole lotta coincidences, and a whole lot riding on them…big money too.
If it “may well have been a stroke”, I can not believe in that alternate explanation of his death.
It was amazing what Putin revealed in one of his interviews with Oliver Stone. That the secrets to the nuclear bomb were given to Russia by the scientists in the United States who had come up with the nuclear bomb. “From the horse’s mouth!” So far Putin. I deduce the obvious from this, which is that those “American” scientists were horrified by the two nuclear bombs dropped by Truman on Japan; they felt such responsibility that it made them decide to ‘help the world’ by passing on the secrets to the Soviets. It is amazing that they successfully did this.
Putin pointed out that a couple that was executed in the United States for allegedly doing this was innocent. It was the scientists themselves who shared it, Putin indicated. He made clear that the scientists were not spies nor had shared the secrets because they worked for Russia. He said the scientists wanted a nuclear balance to exist (what I recall). Obviously, Truman’s quick use of the nuclear bombs decided this for the scientists. It is curious why or how such obvious big news never make it as big news and remain as before they happened, but it’s on youtube).
Klaus Fuchs was the primary spy at Los Alamos. Ethyl Rosenberg was probably entirely innocent – she was put to death as an attempt to get her to testify against her husband. She kept silent. Her husband was a minor spy. It was a political rodeo to create a false pharmākos, as the fascists were unwilling to credit the commies with the ability to make the bomb, the story had to blame the soviet bomb on spies.
There was really only one nuclear secret. That was the fact that it was possible to make bombs of a practical kind. After that the rest is engineering. Simple atomic bombs are more or less trivial, just expensive…fella has to build the machines to make the “poot” and shape it…and that’s time-consuming and spendy. https://www.atomicheritage.org/history/nth-country-experiment
and> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9779997-atom-bombs
and > https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008TRU7SQ/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0
And yes, the boffins were quite clear that the gadget would have to belong to everybody, as otherwise it would lead to tyranny.
During W2 under Roosevelt the Soviets had open access to all US arms and industrial establishments, by official policy. The “Atlantists” in the US were reticent about that., and uncooperative…but the Soviets ought to have been involved in the Bomb Project – by Policy – and were excluded… Boffins short-circuited that.
Bombs on Japan were deliberately used to intimidate USSR (Alperowitz, The Decision to…)
They were also “effects tests #2 and #3″…which is why the two targets had been left intact. The notational numbering was later changed to conceal this fact. Yes, US willingly and by deliberate intent used Japanese people and cities to test the bomb’s effects… nazi is as nazi does, they say.
FDR was likely on anticoagulants, hence lowering the probability of stroke..
I do not know the particulars of his medical regimen, however it has been standard for many having his sedentary lifestyle (wheelchair-bound) to be on blood-thinners given known increased risk of blood clotting. Might anticoagulants become standardized in our new-normal? In recent decades, aspirin or warfarin has been given for long-distance air travel in the high-risk patient, if they qualify according to various algorithms and/or personal risk profile or prior clotting history. Warfarin was initially used as rat poison (!) in late 1940s but soon thereafter become dual-use as alternative to IV or injectable heparin. Heparin was available though during the time of FDR and must have been considered as a preventive for a VIP, and even earlier as an affluent New York blue-blood.
I read an interesting article (source lost) a while back which claimed eight (8) US Presidents were successfully assassinated, not the official four.. quite remarkable if you consider the short history of the USA and that Biden is only #46. That would have been ~ 1/4 (25%) of all US presidents murdered as of Nov 22, 1963 (8/35)! Quite a dangerous country to be a Head of State; do Mexican journalists have better odds? Most of those were apparently prior to the remerger with the British Empire, sometime during the Wilson years?? The British never conceded anything in 1776. They merely bided their time and applied unrelenting pressure, as we see US applying to Cuba and others since WW2.
Note the preferred style of assassination has evolved since WW2 to be that which “causes little excitement and is only casually investigated.”
Hence strokes, cancers, heart attacks, accidents..
The context of suspicious deaths must be investigated, as well as subsequent rapid changes in policy. Mr P mentioned some key context and policy changes.
I would add the key policy changes of the original mission of the IMF, WB and Bretton Woods, all led by FDR’s Harry Dexter White, an opponent of the British. These institutions underpin the USD as reserve currency and established the Washington Consensus..
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Dexter_White
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Уайт,_Гарри_Декстер
What I have come to enjoy since switching to Yandex is the difference in wiki in english vs easily-translatable Russian. The Russian site (2. above) emphasizes “White testified and defended his reputation before the.. Commission of Inquiry on Un-American Activities in August 1948. 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠 at his summer home in Fitz William, .. New Hampshire.” This is mentioned prominently in the single paragraph introduction on the Russian site, and mentioned in passing in a subnote many paragraphs down in the english version.. He died at the extremely advanced age of 55.
During the change in regime, a similar pattern can be noted with other “FDR men.” For example, only 7 months later, JFK mentor and the first US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, fell 16 floors from his ward room in the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) in Bethesda, Maryland, allegedly screaming “the Russians are coming!” A tidy and brisk change indeed from the prior course of the FDR administration!
Bit of a ramble…
We have read many of the same documents. Zachary Taylor, I recall, was on the list of odd departures….he’s a distant relative…
Cancers…Dr. Mary’s Monkey / https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Marys-Monkey-Cancer-Causing-Assassination/dp/0977795306 (Commandante and Comrade Hugo…and, it is said, the mob fixer from Dallas, brother Ruby., and many more…we assume) see also> https://www.fff.org/2021/03/05/when-ben-bradlee-and-james-angleton-obstructed-justice/ (some say that good man Angleton personally did the whack on Mary)
Speaking of Mary> Mary Meyer’s murder is also interesting (Mary’s Mosaic) , as is https://youtu.be/nvpkE29X3tM Dorothy Kilgallen’s
Many may recall> “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt
Then there’s the so called “Businessman’s Plot” …generally speaking when a scheme to realize an important goal fails, the plotters simply try again…like 911…as a rule the tactics change and they tend to double down on force and violence….like 911… Like the school teacher moonlighting at the cathouse said, “you’re going to do it again and again until you get it right.”
In both examples…Prescott B figured in the B Plot, the Dulles boys in the second…https://www.c-span.org/video/?400034-1/the-devils-chessboard Additionally, there were other attempts. Nobody went to jail…and the relevant Dickstein Committee transcripts are, I think, still sealed…Brother Smedly gave secret closed session evidence. The plotters were facing prosecution for treason…or so they feared. One may speculate as to what J. Edgar knew…and what the mob knew, and where the nazi money went…funny about Bormann’s skull, found in Berlin, where it was not (Engineer’s Thumb routine!) and then it was…but it had red Patagonian clay a-clinging to the bone.,,,Herr B was the money man with that good man Allen D as “colleague”….and Stalin said Hitler escaped through Spain…and witnesses say they saw the Great Leader in…Patagonia…follow the nazi money. Funny too, how Hess died…
For purposes of understanding US History the rational assumption, based on the preponderance of evidence, is that FDR was done to death for political agenda of war with and defeat of USSR and in particular, Russia – for purposes of global hegemony…as we see today. Resisting this agenda was/is The Trumpster’s bigbig sin. His time in office fubared the plans that esteemed Hilary had for war…gave cunning Ruskie more time to prepare… Well, you know what they say about plans…and first contact.
BTW, it may have been a hemorrhage, not a clot….just a smidgen extra warfarin ? Irving opined that the “portrait artist” (a white Russian) and her colleagues, all present at the death of FDR, possessed cyanide poison disguised in the artist’s paint box, if I recall correctly. Me? I bet smothered…look for tiny hemorrhages in eyes…
A general principle of Conflict Theory (a hobby interest)…principle is that Betrayal is the shadow of Victory…for quislings the victorious moment is the ideal time to dispose of the king and insinuate a traitor, and it saves their hides, and necks.
Speaking of Quisling…yes indeed, the Brits never accepted either the revolution or the outcome of 1812
The murder of Lincoln officially recognized that there was a conspiracy…a British “hand” was active and in a sense causative of the US Civil War, and the endeavors of Mr Booth and his cohort…Now we politely speak of “Atlanticist” and so on…but no man serves two masters…Quislings and nazis.
Her Royalness giving nazi salute> https://f6h6i8w5.stackpathcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Queen-Elizabeths-Nazi-Salute500x291.jpg
Stephenson of MI6 mentored, more or less, Donovan and crafted OSS and naturally CIA.https://www.nps.gov/articles/wild-bill-donovan-and-the-origins-of-the-oss.htm
Also naturally, the post war pogrom and purge of the leftist personnel under the rubric of anticommunism.
BTW Sterling Hayden (General Ripper) was one of the purged…in war he spent a lot of time running weapons and supply across the Adriatic from Bari to Yugoslavia, by tatukkatakukka fishing boat under nazi air cover. Brave man, badly used…in Strangelove we see him express the anger, and the truth. He hated nazis, joined the CP too. I believe he says he was fairly fluent in Macedonian during the war. Again, Betrayal and Victory…witness the postwar (more or less) US purges…which began with FDR?
They say that at the apex, at least in fascist states, the difference between organized crime, government, and big business is indistinguishable. They say Hoffa bribed Nixon…but talked too much…
https://www.amazon.com/Heard-You-Paint-Houses-Teamsters/dp/1586420771 Then there’s the Kennedy matters…and Martin, and Malcolm, and many more.
For nazis/fascists, quislings, and criminals >It’s all about the money…https://youtu.be/iweFwlMhQWI
To Mr. P
I’ve read a couple books by David Irving and respect him immensely. Where did David Irving talk about FDR?
This should be an anthem for today in Russia (the only one version saw with English subs):
Arise for Faith, o Russian Land | Farewell of Slavianka | Kuban Cossack Choir
Translation –
“Every time the darkness deepens in the west, people die in the fertile lands of the Russian south. A restless crossroads for life was chosen by our ancestors. But it is in hard battles that the steel of our national character is forged.
Recently, more and more I recall the gospel lines: I did not bring peace to you, but a sword!
Our DON detachment marches through the scorched lands of Ukraine, forests cut by fragments, through destroyed villages and cities. With a fight we return our native land, on which evil has again come. Again, the Cossacks pour their blood on the path to the west, leading the sun of peaceful life.”
I thought to invite those interested to walk a mile in my mocassins and visit my spam box with me. It is seldom necessary. Selecting things became so surreal that I figured nobody will believe me if they don’t see for themselves. So, I categorized a bit. Usually most of this I don’t even see.
You all know why spam mail is so stupid yes? Aaah, you don’t know .. it is simple. Those that construct the garden variety spam messaging *select* .. they specifically select for their target market, the stupid and gullible, for those that are easily conned. But, that is not a problem, as the email providers just automagically put that in the spam box never to be seen again.
Then, there is the business spam – like – You need one of these widgets so buy it now! Easy to get those in the spam box never to be seen again. The Tin Hook Solar Mounting System stayed in spam. Snowy Wang at least had an interesting name. But, I found one this morning that I want. Walmart Express has a special on booze! They caught me there as I am short of cooking booze! We’re moving to mango season and then it is mango and papaya chutney and I need that one tasty dark rum for that. (A tiny drop of that in pancake batter works!) And some sherry, for a real sherry trifle. Also reasonable red wine for beef stew as we ate our last stocks from the freezer and I have to get cooking.
Then, there is the money spam – like – I have a deal for you, invest now, or you might have a deal for me, can I invest now? A slew of partnerships and project funding. So, easy to deal with those. The UN impersonators are sending a bunch of these. Of course, the Ukies are collecting like crazy. Usually, I don’t see those.
Then, there is the 4th category. Oh My Lord! There are 3 Christs and The Thundering Voice of God. One flat earther (not my flat earther friend but a spammer) One Baron and one Queen (not sure of what type that Queenie is). I have truthtellers, dinkum! real! the ultimates with the ultimate truths. I have those that send me information that we’ve already posted on here .. Hey! Did you see this! . and it is a Saker article.
Its a mess. The Tik Tok marketeers are just a pain in the neck. Evidently, The Thundering Voice of God has a hard time getting through, so, he has taken to spamming. Oh Boy!
These are the tricky ones that need to be clicked to go to the spam box forever, or to the trash box. Perhaps they send me a piece of junk now, but just maybe in the future, they have something more serious. So this is tedious trash handling. This morning I did not sort the trash but threw it out wholesale and they will forever and automagically go to the spam box and I will never have to see them again.
I’ll send a message to the God that spams. If you really want my attention, perhaps just whistle!
Phew! Done now.
A remarkable and notable statement by British Bishop Richard Williamson about Putin…
“Among heads of State there is only one who is standing up to the forces of evil…”
Yup! Comrade VVP!
Who says clergy are cowards? The Bishop has courage (and he’s right…though I’d guess and bet Comrade Xi is also not disposed to accept nazi rule)
An observation:
In the home town of my parents in Germany I saw one house in the neighbourhood with a Ukranian flag hung out at the door (blue and yellow). It was only one house in the whole neighbourhood, but it was a visible political gesture. About 10 days ago I discovered that they have now taken down the Ukrainian flag and replaced it with the rainbow “pace” flag (c.f. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_flag) I guess we could call that progress.
Yesterday (earlier comment):
“…ocean piracy. There’s a precedent: seized shipments of Iranian/Venezuela crude oil. Find a cargo ship carrying the container, find a reason to interdict (violate sanctions or drugs), US Navy / Coast Guard seizes ship and sail it to US controlled port. Offload containers and (maybe) release ship – after extracting ‘concessions’. Then auction off /distribute formula. Works for semiconductors and any other strategic resource too. The open ocean piracy scenario might actually become a thing if the supply situation devolves to the point where critical items become unobtainable to the US or the EU.”
Here you go:
There’s an established history of marine barratry by the US State Department:
And this:
No reason that it would stay limited to ‘yachts’ or ‘Russians’. Even if the bill didn’t /won’t pass, the legislation is never more than one US congressman away of being tucked into the next pro-Ukraine bill.
So nation-state piracy it is. There’s probably going to be a lot more of this. Overland as the EU economy imploded, and on the open ocean as the US industrial sectors begin to starve of supplies. My guess is that it will eventually extend to semiconductors, spare parts, industrial chemicals, metals and rare-earths, medical / medicine, and definitely food (grains). Behavior was seen with protective gear (KN95 masks and ventilators) at the height of the Covid panic. EU nations outright stealing ‘impound’ cargo passing through their borders and then negotiating with the victims (also EU) to “donate” a share of the equipment.
Future possibility – if only out of necessity, starting at the most extreme: cargo ships armed with anti-ship missiles – multiple Club-K shipping containers per ship. Coalition of naval escorts, convoys, ‘private contractors’ – part or all crew, or a simple boycott of colluding US/EU ports. Note that the insurance company know precisely which ship is carrying which cargo down to the container. That will have to be addressed. Maybe through an anonymized cargo regime.
No doubt the tactic will expand, as you say. The History of such tactics or small strategy includes W1 and W2 German helfkruzers, including under sail (v. Luckner in W1)
The response was Q Ships and arming the merchant ships.
We may expect a modern equivalent.
The tactic raises insurance rates, a lot. But it’s not very productive for ordinary cargo, except at the start.
I have a grandson who has learnt Russian at university whilst studying something else despite all sorts of obstacles. He was all set to go to Russia for a spell and consolidate his efforts and no doubt have a good time. However February 24…
Is it possible (or sensible) for Brtish or EU students to go to russia for the academic year 2022-23. Obviously the various foreign offices say no but they would wouldn’t they. He had thought of teaching English at the same time to pay his way. He is quite smart.
Naturally his mother is worried he might get into some sort of bother because of the war and attitude of the British in particular.
Anybody got any ideas?
P.S. I don’t know if this is the right place for this but never mind.
This café is the perfect place ;). I venture to answer. I think the British are the ones to worry about, which is good since you know that side. I’d tell my grandson to certainly wait after the war. There must be Russian people or websites where he can practice his Russian.
Well to work there you still need accreditation, my son is looking at the prospects, he is currently teaching some ESL to a fellow in Siberia. It looks just like where we live with a similar climate (nicer this year). The main issue is rate of pay. His goal, ESL for US company paid in US $, while working from Russia……funny guy, but nothing wrong with dreaming.
Cheers M
Hey Theophilus
A few tips.
Get a job offer first
Go to the Russian Consulate and ask them – with job offer in hand.
Transportation: you will have to fly to a friendly country, and fly on to Russia from there.
Money: carry it with you but you may not travel with more than a certain amount, so, I envisage problems here. Do not depend on getting money from home .. sanctions.
And, go through all these obstacles and do it. But be careful, different countries are now kidnapping citizens of other countries.
Thanks for the replies people! Clearly not straight forward.
Let us also consider this:
in the first wave of COVID-19 there were lots of deaths – as a doctor I can assure you that wasn’t a hoax: we saw many, many people horribly sick and dying early 2020 and it clearly was a new kind of disease we never had to fight before. Well, does anyone remember the Russians going to help the Italians, who died by hundreds? Russia did this without asking anything in return, even if a short time later the virus hit Russia too. Lots of Russian medics and nurses went to Northern Italy to help, risking their lives. No talk of vaccines or antivirals then, there was nothing like that, only physical protection like masks and gloves.
And look at Italy’s gratitude: they send Howitzers to kill Russian soldiers now (pictures at Intel Slava etc).
If this doesn’t illustrate the differences of West vs East in our time I don’t know what ever will.
Although I’m silently still hoping that enough Western European common people will revolt and condemn their governments for this hellish behaviour.
Recalling “coincidences” and False Flag manipulations, and in remembrance of the innocent people murdered, evidently to further sinister political objectives…an interesting speculation about Second Amendment Law and the US Supreme Court. >https://slagfa.substack.com/p/nysrpa-v-bruen-an-analysis?s=r
There are cases that seem to going in direction that the Bideen Fellas and whatevers probably don’t like.
If anybody imagines that the nazis would scruple to murder a few Hispanic kids for a political goal, such as disarming the general population, take a look at 911, or listen to that fine lady> https://youtu.be/omnskeu-puE
Some may expect more intimidation against the Court by the Bideen.
Incidentally, ignoring Basic Law and USC undermines the Moral Law…weakens the nazi junta and further alienates it from the people.
Its over. The rest is losers game. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/ukraine-army-collapsing-zelensky-now-saying-must-face-reality
I saw a thread,with certain questions about someone, the good Gonzalo, and whether they were misplaced and delusional. or striking by their courage in breaking thorough accepted behaviour, is debateable, the point is why not ask questions and express thoughts as they arise.? Eruptions of explosive violence in the world are no more than the denial and enforced repression of what is spiritual, and this means everything, . Yes absolutely all life. We have the power and are about to extinguish it,and everywhere people act and continue to sing and dance and eat and make merry as though it was for ever. Anyhow, to actively engage in the of restraint of free thought and freedom of the soul feeds the powers of darkness and works against the wellbeing of the planet. Human ecology and the green energy of the spirit sustain life. Be honest before God.
Further reports coming in from the Texas shooter suggest he over estimated his abilities, but still achieved his terrorist goals.
Having brought 600 rounds to use in his theater, he dropped off 300 rounds for his semi automatic in a back pack on his way to the school (probably what would have excluded him from being a registered marine), he was fully upper body armored up.
Once in the school, apparently to prevent further loss of cops and recruits, at least in Texas, you no longer send in local law enforcement to be mowed down in an attempt to save the children.
They now have border guard patrol personal imported to attempt to take out the lone wolf rambo. These guys have a registered will to fight to the death knowing 1 in 3 will die in the attempt, but the country will be defended at all costs.
So once this crew arrives and suits up, 3 of them blast into the room to remove the offender, and as in most of these cases, the first in takes the fatal shot, and the second takes out the offender, this case was no exception, no local law enforcement were harmed or used as political and media fools and tools, and the people who removed the offender are never heard about or given credit for their actions.
In addition the emotional and financial costs are mounting as each shread of evidence has to be dna tested and separated from the blender so as to be given its final right of burial, you really cant make this stuff up people, except on a computer.
(Apologies if other commenters have already posted this).
“After this morning’s news that the Ukraine Army is COLLAPSING, we now have official confirmation from Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba himself, that he is being told to begin negotiating with Russia to end the war.”
Ukraine Foreign Minister Admits He Has NOW Been Told to “Negotiate” with Russia
Oops, somebody messed with the Chinese illustrations in junior school textbooks and man .. they are up in arms baying for pitchforks and tar and feathers and Redo those books NOW!
Goes with the Russian move to move to a university educational system that produces educated students.
I’d like to know more about the Russian educational system. I believe the civic component is probably more emphasized there, imagining a mixture of collective pride and humility or pride for ancestry, but I wonder if it’s more focused or organized than that.
The link below has many interesting observations made by Russian school students.
Gay Men Need a Specific Warning About Monkeypox
“ A disproportionate number of cases in the recent monkeypox outbreak have shown up among gay and bisexual men. And as public-health authorities investigate possible links to sexual or other close physical contact at a Pride event in the Canary Islands, a sauna in Madrid, and other gay venues in Europe, government officials are trying hard not to single out a group….”
Another school shooting! Well, graduation party anyway…
“The shooter, identified as 37-year-old Dennis Butler, began shooting at dozens of people gathered for a birthday/graduation party at a Charleston, West Virginia, apartment complex before he was shot, police said.
A woman at the party brandished her legally owned pistol and shot and killed Butler”
(When Mr P was a kid we had a school rifle team, the public school even provided rifles and ammo, and a range…and it was ordinary that the Principal had a gun, generally a snub-nose .38)
story goes on> “No injuries were reported.
“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives,” Sgt. Tony Hazelett, the assistant chief of detectives for the Charleston Police Department, said.
After she fatally shot the gunman, the woman and party guests waited for police to arrive, and all reportedly cooperated with the investigation, law enforcement said. ”
I imagine the lady will get a medal.