Dear Mark,
I want to use this opportunity to send you a sincere big bear of a hug! Your replies were perfect. I also want to express here my admiration for your restraint. We both know that for you and I each death, each person wounded in this ugly war is a wound on our soul, but for that BBC presstitute it’s just an opportunity to make yet another snide comments expressing his full contempt and hatred for the people we love. As Alexander Slozhenitsyn once said about another such arrogant russophobic liar “за это надругательство над всеми погибшими и подавленными — пусть его рассудят Небеса!”
Warmest regards to you and your loved ones,
The Saker
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He states that the SU 25 was flying at the same height and speed as the 777 airliner. This is not possible as the service ceiling of an SU 25 clean, no weapons drop tanks etc, is 11,000ft below the cruising height of 32,000ft that the airliner was at. Also the 777 is faster.
So the statement is not true.
Anybody have any idee what’s going on? Was Russia’s evidence so strong that the U.S. could not disprove them? They are still spinning, but were will this go.
The US is keeping everybody’s attention on a land based missile (BUK) and away from an air-to-air missile which is what brought down the airliner and could only have been fired by the Ukrainian Air Force.
So their admission that it wasn’t the Russian’s is damage control and a complete distraction (Red Herring)
Furthermore…Russian TV show an air force colonel who claims that BUK would blast the airliner to pieces…it would mostly disintergrate in the air and you’d have a HUGE debris field with small pieces scattered over many miles. An AtoA missle would cripple the plane causing it to crash largely in tact which would be consistent with the debris field. The fighter came within 3-5 km, squeezed off a missile(s) and ducked back down. The airliner was diverted into its path and ordered to descend several thousand feet to assure the fighter could reach it with missiles. The 3 BUKS that were moved into Donesk were backup andwere quickly removed.
why don’t my posts appear? The truth is out and all over Russian TV. BUK would blow the plane to pieces and you would not have the debris field so small. An AtoA missle(s) were launched which disabled the plane and it crashed largely in one piece. I linked to posts showing rod damage to the left wing a few days ago…typical damage from AtoA..and they showed the cockpit sprayed on the left side with holes. The attack was aided by changing the airliner’s course and altitude. The BUKs in Donetsk were backup and were quickly moved out afterwards. Nardami
@Anonymous 02:15
Thx for those links, they may prove to be somewhat useful in the overall strategy of attempting to counter the false narrative. The primary issue at this point is that, as usual, the past several dya of deceptive coverage and disinfo propaganda has left it’s mark.
Considering the entire MSM has ignored these latest admissions by the US, it is up to all of us to inject these nuggets into the clmments on the various presstitute publications ASAP.
It would also be worth considering avoiding being duped onto arguing with the neo-hasbara elements.
A small suggestion, since the counter narrative has been preset that “Putin” is responsible for providing moral and material support tp the rebel/separatist elements (pardon the odd word play reference), would be to counter with the facts regarding Syria, where the US/Sauds/etc have been providing such support openly for the past 3+ yeats.
Basically we use their own narrative on one front to counter their own narrative on the other.
As a footnote, here in the Nation formerly known as Canada, the MSM has completely ignored he above infos. This might just be an unprotected Achilles heel that is ripe for slicing…
Btw: if anyone outside Canuckistan has a few moments, please take a peek at the following article and let us know if the comments are visible since it seems as if the limited articles that have comments enabled are not accessible to outsiders. We have a theory cooking as to why, but need some verification. Not only that but it will help us counter some troll bait.
Anonymous @ 02:15,
Greetings from sunny Santa Barbara. Pleased to report that both your links show at this moment 858 comments. Interesting how quickly the media tries to demonstrate that the authorities are in control, answers are on the way, and, by golly, soon enough everything will be back to normal. Such was my reaction to the piece.
In my view, it’s a disaster that the flight’s black boxes are to be sent to the UK for analysis, thus providing infinite opportunities for mischief. Then, too, there are reports of the crime scene having been littered with decayed corpses and uniformly fresh passports. Kinda makes you wonder.
Good luck, by the way, in dumping Harper! Canuckistan deserves so much better.
fortunately, no-one takes the BBC seriously. It’s obvious to all brits that it’s a mouthpiece for the US State Department.
However, the BBC provides its propaganda service to the US State Dept for free. Which is another annoyance for the Brits who have to pay for the propaganda being shoved down their throats.
First: Mr Sleboda only speaks the truth!
However, he should have focused on QUESTIONS, about sources and veracity.
His explanation means nothing to the mainstream public. They are primed to see this as Russian excuses and propaganda.
I am very sad about the way the progress of the resistance seems to be going.
One point of optimism: In Holland, this is an official day of mourning (Respect to the fallen victims!).
The anti Putin sentiment is still large here. But common sense is slowly waking up. People start understanding that angry US accusations without any evidence fall into the pattern of their very long list of lies.
Perhaps it is timing, but Putins approach seems to be VERY soft!
What the hell is going on???
Many writers make up their own narrative, one of the very worst ( disgusting!) is here ( use Google or Yandex translate):
Putin is already denonized! Sanctions WILL be implemented!
Plain and simple you can add the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to the list of western corporatist propaganda outlets. The Canadian Public will never hear or see the truth if the CBC can help it.
Plain and simple you can add the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to the list of western corporatist propaganda outlets. The Canadian Public will never hear or see the truth if the CBC can help it.
Plain and simple you can add the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to the list of western corporatist propaganda outlets. The Canadian Public will never hear or see the truth if the CBC can help it.
Greetings from shady Canuckistan and thx for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated. Hopefully we can purge ourselves from the neocon nightmare and you can prevent another one from occupying the WH while at the same time purging their toxic influence in Congress as well.
@BRF, sadly, you may be correct, but we are doing our best to correct the issues that plague the CBC.
Your overall contributions to Crosstalk and other glimpses of your insight into politics has greatly widened mine, living in England I would have little chance of broadening my outlook, for which thank you.