First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces. Here is a map with Izium (Изюм) on the top and then two sets of arrows: the red ones show how the operational cauldron in the east of the Ukraine can be locked along the Lozovaia-Pavlograd while the black one shows the same option, but much closer to the surrounded Ukronazi forces along an Izium-Pokrovsk axis.
Which of the two happens first does not matter because the outcome is the same: Izium was the linchpin of the entire Ukie disposition and the last city to create not just a free fire zone in the slowly shrinking bottleneck for the Ukies to escape, but also the city which was defended by the best Ukrainian forces (the 81st UAF brigade).
Boris Rozhin (from whom I took the 2nd map) had this to say about what this means:
In the evening, reports came that our forces kicked the AFU out of Izyum (although there are reports that there is still some resistance in the southern districts of the city), where a part of the 81st brigade of the AFU defended in the city, which retreated from the city and is now covering it with artillery and mortars. The positions of the AFU were actively covered by aviation. Izyum is of decisive importance for the entire northern part of the AFU grouping in the Donbas. The highway has been cut (now with ends) Kharkiv-Izyum. Control over Izyum creates prerequisites for an offensive towards Slavyansk from the northwest. In addition, controlling Izyum, there are opportunities to attack Pavlograd and Barvenkovo, with further cutting of the Donetsk-Pavlograd highway, control over which will lead to a full operational encirclement of all AFU forces in the Donbas.
I full concur with this analysis. For all practical purposes that cauldron was about 80% closed “by fire” for a few days already, this time it will be closed by Russian/LDNR forces meeting each other somewhere in that big no mans land between Pavlograd and Donetsk.
There is also major combat actions happening along the south front, again, I will begin with a map:
The black line is the shape of the cauldron which the Russians apparently intend to lock around the Odessa region. I did not color the entire Ukie coastline in black, because I assume that it is currently under fire from the Russian Aerospace forces and the Black Sea Fleet. According to at least one video I saw yesterday, it looks like the Black Sea Fleet’s Large Amphibious Assault ships are now within visual range of Odessa. At the end of that envelopment Russia will have full control of the entire coastline from Dniester еstuary (or even from the Romanian border) to the Russian region of Rostov-on-the-Don!

A Mini Banderastan next?
Banderastan will now become a landlocked “country”!
This western region is where all the Western weapons and the international Nazi brigades are being concentrated right now. Some estimates say that the force levels defending this territory might be as high as 100’000 soldiers. Keep in mind that the highway between Kiev and Zhitomir has been cut off by Russian forces and that except for small roads, Kiev is slowly being encircled.
Whether Russia will bother with this region or not will largely depend on the West.
Right now the West has declared total informational and economic war on Russia. Furthermore, the USA has a long experience in creating “special pockets” from which to attack a country.
Finally, I would not exclude a NATO movement into the western Ukraine to “protect” the “innocent civilians” and “refugees fleeing the Russian massacres” being “murdered en masse” by the “indiscriminate bombing” by “Putin’s hordes”.
The rather pathetic zig-zags about “yes we will deliver fighters to the Ukraine” and “no we won’t deliver fighters to the Ukraine” seems to suggest that there are still a few folks left at Mons and the Pentagon who understand the risks of such a trick. They also must realize the futility of the entire concept (militarily speaking, this entire plan is absolutely ridiculous, do you need me to explain why?).
God willing, Lavrov will be able to get Kuleba to see the situation as it is and that Kuleba will be smart enough to understand that if these negotiations fail, there will be more negotiations in the future, only in even worse circumstances for the Ukies than today’s.
Next, political news. The Russians have now officially declared all the following countries as “hostile”:
What does this mean?
At the time of writing (14:00 EST) all the Russians are saying is that there will be “financial and diplomatic consequences”. If you find out more details, please post them in the comments section!
I expect both diplomatic and economic sanctions to be announced in the coming days. And they will hurt like hell.
According to Maria Zakharova, Sergei Lavrov will meet his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitrii Kuleba, in Turkey under the auspices of the Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. According to the Turks, the topics will include “a ceasefire and a political solution”. This will happen “in the near future”. This was agreed between President Putin and President Erdogan, at the request of the latter. This will happen during the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.
While I was writing this I got the info that a Polish helicopter brought an Ukronazi delegation for talks in Belarus. According to the latest from Russian negotiators, it was yet another wasted day. But these negotiations will resume as soon as the Ukies get their latest orders from Uncle Shmuel.
The obvious problem is that the Ukie delegation has no authority, so all they do is show up, make some general statements of good will, then take all the (written) Russian proposals and say they need to retire for “consultations”. Obviously, these consultations are not with anybody in Kiev, but with the US and its EU colonies and the latter must at all costs get as many people dead (on both sides) as possible.
And yet, in spite of that, and while I don’t have much hope about any such talks, I will always welcome them: many thousands of lives could be saved if the Ukies capitulate. So even if the possibility to achieve anything is tiny, it is worth trying, even if just a few lives are saved.
However, in the mean time, there are numerous reports from many towns and cities under Nazi occupation of the local municipal authorities warning that anybody using a humanitarian corridor leading to the “occupier force” will be shot on sight and with no warning. There are many confirmed instances of such fleeing refugees being executed by the Ukronazis. The Western presstitutes are blaming it all on Russia, what else is new?
From the point of view of Russian combat operations, today has been most successful and tomorrow promises an even quicker domino effect on the Ukrainian defenses pretty much everywhere except the far west (what I now call the mini-Banderastan).
Politically, the only important news is that Lavrov and Kuleba are supposed to meet soon.
And yet, I will end with an area of great concern to me.
Here is how I see it and PLEASE tell me I am wrong!
- The Ukraine has lost the war, she will be disarmed and denazified
- The West is waging total informational and economic war against Russia and believing much of its own propaganda (which is fantastically dangerous!)
- The Western public has been sold nonsense about the Ukies being at the gates of Moscow and Russia being ready to surrender. Which means that when the reality will become undeniable there will be A LOT of VERY butthurt folks out there pointing fingers.
- Economically speaking, Zerohedge put it best: “Carnage everywhere“!
- Even much worse will be the folks who will try to still overturn this outcome. I am talking about the true nutcases in NATO (and in some sections of the USA ruling elites) which simply cannot even *imagine* that Russia holds all the cards, including the military one.
- I can easily imagine, say, a Polish column with weapons and mercenaries crossing into the Ukraine and being wiped out by Russian missiles. I ask you this: what will NATO do next?
In fact, let me rephrase my question this way: is it at all possible that this war can end without a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, keeping in mind that NATO cannot win and NATO cannot accept defeat?
Sadly, I don’t think so anymore, that kind of folly is a direct consequence of the Western PSYOPs which have convinced the folks in the West of two crucial things: 1) Russia cannot win and 2) Putin is bluffing.
I think that the folks in the Pentagon are smart enough to know that this is all bull, but the Eurorodents inside NATO and the EU?
Wouldn’t a military/political defeat of NATO in Banderastan not risk bringing down NATO as an organization?
Again, please tell me that I am wrong, but I don’t see how this war can stop before Russia shows NATO that nobody in Russia is bluffing and that any NATO country dumb enough to test that will be the target of missile strikes.
So, militarily, this war is pretty much over.
The future of a mini-Banderastan is impossible for me to guess.
But I am seriously concerned that this war might expand and directly involve NATO/EU countries.
And it might involve nuclear strikes by either/both sides.
So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?
Does it?
UPDATE: for the first time Russian TV has shown the Donbass operational cauldron. I added the contours of this cauldron in the making with the think black line:
“Multiple Shooting Victims Outside US High School, Police Say”
“Photos of Ukrainian Military Posing With UK Weapons at Kindergarten Emerge Online”
US is like a poker player. They talk tough always. They even play insane, in a sence that they will wipe out with nukes country like Russia, or attack it.
But they are selfish and greedy bunch. They enjoy the life of luxury. Not in a million years will they attack Russia. That is just their tactic, to pretend that they are reckless in order for other side to be softer in negotiations.
We the Serbs know this quite well, especially in Bosnia they tried that shtick
And you believe which side? The side that’s “winning heroic battles” closer and closer to their major cities each day?
I read all the comments and of course Saker’s essay.
Opinion> NATO is at this point essentially an illusion, it must be seen as a dynamic existence, and if we read the Treaty, the art 5 stuff can mean sending diapers…it’s up to the individuals…of course the Zone devils control by bribery, blackmail, and intimidation the cryptonazi bosses individuals in each subject suzerain entity – but this destabilizes those clients…there’s a saturation point too…and if gasoline, and gas, and bread are missing…these “NATO Members” shatter…3 meals to chaos and all of that.
However, when a declining empire loses a major confrontation the result is often general collapse. “NATO, the front for the Imperium, is losing a major confrontation.
They always double. Doubling is the best strategy when the alternative is death…and the Imperium is faced with utter collapse. Yes, the conditions are the fault of incompetence and graft and vice…but that’s irrelevant.
“NATO” cryptonazis are caught between civil revolt or one sort or another due to both political and economic forces, declining authority and power, and their bigbignazi masters…and nobody limited denazification to Ukraine…their backs are to the sea.
Yes, probably a real “NATO” war..and atomic,but mostly just the Imperial forces of Zone A against Zone B, and it may not, I think, go farther than “command and control centers”… I’ll leave those locations to the geographers…
I believe the motivating factor for the US has been since 2001 as follows:
1) Commercial business transactions in Eurasia increasingly are conducted in currencies other than the dollar.
2) Central banks of Eurasian countries will require fewer U.S. Dollar reserves and will purchase fewer U.S. Treasury Bonds.
3) U.S.A. will need to increase interest rates to continue to refi $30 trillion in debt.
4) This year our national budget includes more than $500B in interest payments.
5) Increasing interest rates will eventually become the largest line item in the budget.
6) The U.S.A. sees this as an existential crisis. That’s why we continue to increase the military budget in spite of obvious financial problems.
7) We ‘win’ by destroying Russia, surrounding China and ushering in a new era of Universal Dollar Supremacy; or we watch Bond sales continue to deteriorate and become Great Britain 1955.
The US presidential race 2024 may be looked as as a date by which a real mess must be created to ensnare the next president no matter what he wants to do. My point # 6 suggests only success for the West ends this, in their minds.
Today the US and the West are in a real zungzwang. Now the attempt of any new quantitative easing to unravel the debt pyramids will be superimposed not on the growth of world production and world trade, but on their reduction. There will simply be nothing to provide a new shaft of printed waste paper. And if those who wish to drain the previously accumulated GKOs are added to the owners of freshly printed cash, then this will be the Perfect Storm of dollar hyperinflation.
The second horseman of the Apocalypse is already trumpeting – War. Pestilence chopped off, left Hunger and Death (American capitalism/USA/NATO/EU. )))
Get ready to face death with dignity!
Andrei, Thanks for all the updates. Question for you about the wheat planting.
From that map it looks like Russia controls about half of the wheat growing area in Ukraine. Planting season is approaching quickly (2-3 weeks away) . If the areas are not controlled before then and the planting is delayed or not done that could spell starvation for 10-20 million. NOT in Ukraine as Russia will supply their areas but all the countries like Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc who rely on wheat from Ukraine.
What are the prospects for Russia gaining control of those areas in the next 2 weeks? My SWAG is “Very good” but I’d like a more intelligent view so I ask you.
I would say everything east of the Dnieper will be controlled (apart from major cities like Kharkiv which may continue to hold out simply due to them holding civilians as hostages and refusing to evacuate them) definitely in the next 2-3 weeks at most. Everything west of Dnieper on the other hand — who knows. That could take months, depending on some factors. I’m not 100% sure how the wheat fields are distributed (pretty sure there’s a lot on both sides of Dnieper river) so you make of that what you will.
Hopefully the Nato countries will realize how hopeless Ukraine is against the might of the Russian federation and not directly intervene. So much propaganda, and Nato will eventually understand Banderastand is a Nazi project and so is Nato.
Let them try for the last time and we will destroy them with a preventive massive nuclear and non-nuclear strike as soon as intelligence reports on preparations for war!
The first targets of ICBMs, according to the plan, are decision centers, that is, with the Pentagon, the White House, etc. etc. (warning satellites …, ICBM silo launchers, nuclear submarines, flying vehicles, critical infrastructure) We have enough for two and a half nuclear strikes of carriers and nuclear warheads, probably more today.
You don’t know anything about us/Russia, cowardly losers!
most americans would cheer, applaud, and thank Russia if it took out the Pentagram
Do not answer for US citizens, firstly, they do not agree with you, and secondly, this is bad manners.
Provided that if you were joking )))
Well, I can give you a few reasons to b `optimistic` if that is what you call this…
-The project for Khazaria II seems to have been foiled. Practically all of the territory of it is in Russian hands.
Also, the project known of as israel is extremely vulnerable to any disruption – especially it it`s host animal were to be separated from it physically.
OTOH, israel is not on the hostile list…I mean…what gives?
Israël didn’t no sanction as the 3/4 of the World.
They condemn but without sanctions
Imagine that…
How come?
Are they smarter, that the rest of the world? Are they traitors to ukraine?
…or are they just trying to control whats controllable behind the courtains.
Again, watch the aipac video I posted above.
Does anything get done in ANY of the institutions of the US without having a stamp on it by any of the aipac affiliated PACs?
What we have here, again and again: the case of the tail wagging the dog.
And of course, needless to say: look up who is who in this theatre of operations.
the blinkens, tre neulands, the pyatts, zelenskys, and on and on and on.
You know, You do not need to listen to me, get it straight from the horse`s mouth.
If only You would take Your time to suspend the indoctrination for a few minutes…it`s all been planned and the plans executed judiciously by the usual suspects.
Pres. Putin has just made a counteroffer – down payment offer of a pound of flesh made in Russian blood.
“Setting ‘US standard for democracy’ goes against democracy: Wang Yi to the Global Times”
Wang Yi roks.
Reasons for optimism: Whatever happens, the US (and its vassals) will declare that Ukraine has won. No need to go further than that.
Alternatively, there’s always the movie Dr. Strangelove.
There’s people in Australia saying the Ukronazis won the war and are on their way to Vladivostok 🤣🤣🤣
No, you are wrong, OTANistan left the world of the real long ago and no, there are no more brains in that part of the world.
When the West Nazified is the name of the game.
Russia is facing Nazism for the second time in one century
Andrei, what if the goal of NATO isn’t to confront the Russians, but instead to turn Ukraine into a second Afghanistan? All their actions point towards the latter. If this is true, then the target of the US/UK (which really control NATO) is not Russia but Russia and Europe, and the aim is to create a new region of perpetual instability to profit out of.
A cold hard fact of war is that it’s a zone of opportunity for those will to exploit it. Every war zone inevitably becomes a black market for all the things normal dare not talk about. Illegal weapons, people trafficking, human organ etc. A percentage of the advanced weapons that flood into Ukraine are going to end up on the black market. Given that Ukraine is incredibly poor, the prices will be exceedingly low. Any terrorist with a few thousand euro is going to be able to get their hands on a stinger which can take down a commercial airline taking off/landing, or a javelin that can destroy a bus, armed vehicle (think world leaders), or derail a train.
I think the aim is to turn Europe into the Middle East, a new permanent zone of conflict, and I think it is too late to avoid that outcome at this point.
I don’t think there will be any such thing in Ukraine, except maybe some low-level terrorism of the IRA / ETA kind. The unstable tribal mentality that you find in Afghanistan is simply not applicable to an admittedly disunited but still relatively homogeneous European country like Ukraine.
What’s sad is that the entire western world right now are actually the ones behaving like the real Nazis, i.e. similar to Hitler who seemed to hate Slavs and look down on them as ‘subhumans’. It seems the Western media and many of the Western populations secretly loath Russians with the same type of truly racist Nazi manner, which in some ways is even worse than the “Nazis” in Azov and elsewhere, who themselves don’t even appear to suffer from a tropism of absolute racial hatred as deep-seated as the one we’re currently seeing in the West.
I think a large part of it is simply that most Americans in particular have never met a Russian before in their life.
For example, I’ve heard accounts from U.S. troops in Kosovo who ended up liking the Serbs and absolutely loathing the Albanians.
Any idea of the area in square Km and approximate population of western Ukraine from zithomir to the Polish border?
According to Bloomberg and other RIA Novosti, Russia has now broken the world record as the most sanctioned country on earth, passing North Korea and Iran by a wide margin with almost 6,000 total sanctions.
When will Russians and ccp issue a detainment order for hostile billionaire oligarchs such as soros? It makes me seethe to see this cockroach walking around yapping his proboscis.
As far as the US pushing Nato into the war I doubt that is the plan , as what they were after they already accomplished the seperation of Europe from Russia,attempting to financially cripple Russia,getting Russia into another Afganistan , making a fortune selling Lng to EU , arm sales etc.
VVP said all along his plan to get in but not stay that was the biggest challenge to pull off and even if He does get out with a neutral somewhat Ukraine He still has the rest of his security demands to finish ie. nato withdrawel to its ’97’ borders an thats an even bigger challenge , regardless the world has shifted for the west, their impotence an weakness means they are not kings of the mountain anymore, and its only a matter of time their reign of terror ends.
” is it at all possible that this war can end without a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, keeping in mind that NATO cannot win and NATO cannot accept defeat?”
Unlikely. The US is getting desperate. They are even willing to talk with Venezuela to get oil and talking of capitulating on JCPOA to get oil.
If these don’t work out and they start losing on all fronts, they could start to think that the nuclear option is the only option they have.
So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?
Does it?
No brain left, we are living the times of Nero, Caligula.
Madness only reigning.
The west is mostly driven by promotion of LGBTQwhatever rights and gender politics … they want to destroy christian values today personified by Russia.
Remember, Nero wed two men and consummated his wedding in public party!
The world media and western diplomatic corps are gay strongholds.
The media is proudly displaying photos of Volunteers to bolster the Naz-battalions in Ukraine. They are stating that there will be 100,000 of them. What is there to do to discourage this media trend? I can’t imagine these international mercenaries are going to be given any quarter. Disgusting. “Friends” keep the war burning, Ukrainians keep dying. It’s better to not have such friends.
I suspect that you are not wrong. In fact I was saying this exact same thing last week when it became apparent that there is no way that the Ukraine wins this. At this point, NATO involvement seems likely, but then again the US is does not have the resolve and the backing of the general (moronic) populace. Thank God for small favors!
WW2 and especially WW1 would have been decided differently if Uncle Schmuel would not have intervened at the 11th hour. Unfortunately there is great hubris and and even greater track record of American aggression in Europe. And much to your dismay, and mine as well, my viewpoint is an OUTLIER within the US in that I see NATO as the aggressor.
George Webb is a good researcher on the Ukie/CIA biolabs and Kolomoiski angle. He argues that the Russians should give more prominence to this issue so as to win the PR wars.
@ George on March 07, 2022 · at 8:23 pm EST/EDT
>i>”…Russia is facing Nazism for the second time in one century”
Only this time, the Nazis are being supported by a global, terminal, capitalist mafia led by a neo-Nazi, fundamentalist, neo-conservative fringe, hellbent on destroying Russia. The world has changed for the worse, the masses have been corrupted by a system in which they are vassals in permanent state of consumption, not different than worms in a decomposing cadaver.
Russia is the last refuge for the souls that refuse to become vassals.
Lone Wolf
I think the West has something of a bottomless well when it comes to delusion so I would not be surprised to see them walk to the brink of annihilation then swiftly about face, leave the field, and declare victory.
The West’s ability to psyop itself into believing something may be unmatched in history so it’s plausible to consider they might well convince themselves 2+2=5 once they are confronted with extinction.
I think you’re absolutely right to ask the question. I pray daily the machinations of tyrants and evildoers comes to naught.
These guys are passing out on the champaine bubbles, I dont see victory declarations coming any time soon.
Here are a few more videos from the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Video showing a Su-35 in action during the special operation:
Video showing tanks and other armored vehicles moving through Kiev oblast:
Video showing other highlights from the special operation:
Some people living in the EU regimes commented the last time that they are not allowed to view YouTube videos from the Russian MoD channel. I suggest to try viewing them on the MoD’s VK page:
Looks like zionazi/nazi anonymous assets are cyber attacking Sputnik now. Getting a lot 504 time out messages. They post this message “Lets stay in touch no matter what. Follow our Telegram channel to get all the latest news:“.
I’ve been trying to gauge the actual depth of American support for the Ukraine.
Hostility in the media is unrelenting and appealing one-sided. The narrative has been tailored into a story like that sounds a lot like Star Wars, or the Alamo, or even the American Revolution to the vast majority of Americans.
But there is a wariness. It isn’t just blowback from the lies of Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a lot of people who remember Viet Nam. Outside of public media, about half my friends are openly skeptical of the warmongering. I had an email exchange with Josh Marshall at TPM. Until Russia invaded, he believes that NATO overreached. Now he is a lost cause and his site reports what the Ukraine side says like it is 100% true. The more conservative portion of my acquittances think Biden is corrupt and it is just a political stunt to shore up his popularity. I would not be surprised if Trump decides to run on a “I can make a deal with the Devil (Putin) and end the war” platform.
My belief right now is that the hostility to Russia and support to Ukraine is broad but shallow. It could change vastly with just a few compelling videos of atrocities by the Bandera faction. Everything I’ve seen to date isn’t clear enough.
If I could provide on bit of advice to Russia, it would be to put video cameras on the evacuation busses, tell the hostage takers in Mariupol that they are livestreaming and drive in to pickup people to evacuate. The Americans want to be the good guys — support for the Ukraine will evaporate if the busses get shot up by the defenders.
many people have zero clue as to the ongoing hostility inside the ukraine for the past many years
I suspect that people here could be categorized something like this:
a) anti-russia/ pro-war with russia no matter the circumstances
b) thinks nato/usa should go to war to ‘save ukraine’ because they believe the propaganda
c) unsure, but thinks its a terrible situation and just want peaceful to be found without resolution without escalation
d) lost trust in media/governments, suspicious the whole thing might be fake
e) pro-american / anti-war, suspicious of all governments involved, just wants usa not to be involved
f) aware of the vast difference in ‘news’ between what nato/usa says vs what russia and other sources say, and horrified of their own governments actions that continue to march toward open war with russia
even people like myself who would put myself in group F, admit our information pool is very shallow thanks to the great american firewall of propaganda
For all the vassal states sanctioned by Russia, Singapore really seems like a mystery to me. It is easy to see South Korea and Japan bend their knees to their colonial master but a tiny nothing on the map dared to lift its finger toward Russia without seriously considering its own national interest first in this is just hard to fathom. What are they in for? By contrast, none of the ME usual suspects are hot on this western sanction trail.
Its really bizzar, it’s the losers telling themselves that they are loosing, but to continue to send in the troops for moral purposes.
It parallels with the titanic, which never really did slow down, it kept going full speed until it filled up with water and sank with all aboard. But some twins were waiting nearby for the arrival, and once the news hit the wires, they were off to be rescued and read world wide of the miracle.
God exists right in front of ones own eyes, and most can’t even see it.
And the media is no exception, it’s all built by the theater, for the theater.
My daughters are Russian, my eldest is 28. She spoke to the mothers of boys that she went to school with, who are contract soldiers. One mother whose son is a VDV NCO, told her, “My son may die defending Russia, his children, your children, but there will be no more Kristinas and Kiras.” Look up the Gorlovka Madonna to understand this. This conversation was in Sverdlovskaya, on the other side of the Urals. I am sure that the majority of Russians support this Special Operation. For a mother to expect that her son may die, is amazing, but it shows the Russian attitude to defeating the Fascists –
Explanation of how Russia is handling its debt obligations to preclude default.
Some help, please. I’m trying to find some links to Donbass atrocities to respond to this person on another forum I belong to. I think there are many on the fence that could be swayed if given correct information. This is what this person posted:
“I mean, the ‘ghost of kiev’ is good story to rally the Ukrainian troops and whatever, but it unfortunately was completely unfounded and probably a hoax. I need semi-confirmed videos of the shelling of Donbass by, well, ANYONE over the past eight years but so far I have found bupkis.
I could peruse Saker comments for hours on end to find said video evidence, but I won’t because it’d take too much time and effort. Da Redditz has so much unconfirmed video data regarding the current “Russian invasion” to fill many sepulchers with and yet the eight years of Donbass bombing by Urkonazi terrorism hasn’t yielded much more than a couple popcorn fart blog entries and buried articles.
Color me skeptical. Not all of that evidence could have been swept underneath the internet carpet. No way.
Perhaps I should scour the dark web”
If people can be shown the 8 years of shelling then the justification for todays actions are clear.
A dozen vetted vids, pics, and documentation would go a long way I think. Americans… you gotta deal with that short attention span. It’s just not possible to know the truth of why this is happening without the background history.
Thanks for any help.
Check out Patrick Lancaster’s videos on YouTube. He’s done a good job documenting what’s happened in Donbas.
The Washington Times reported tonight:
Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia says Russia will carry out a cease-fire on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. Moscow time and open humanitarian corridors to evacuate citizens from Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy and Mariupol.
He took the floor at the end of a U.N. Security Council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine on Monday to make the announcement.
“This proposal doesn’t have any demands about the citizens being sent necessarily to Russia, into Russian territory,” he said.
The Houston Chronicle also reported:
“There’s also evacuation offered towards Ukrainian cities to the west of Kyiv, and ultimately it will be the choice of the people themselves where they want to be evacuated to,” Nebenzia said.
Macron is campaigning on building an exit ramp for Eurostan out of the Russian current check status against NATO. He got the message, and he knows Marine Le Pen will take votes from him on the Russia file. After all, he’s not that stupid.
Macron urged to treat Russia with respect
French President Macron: It is necessary to respect Russia, without it it is impossible to build a lasting peace
MOSCOW, March 8 — RIA Novosti. French President Emmanuel Macron at a meeting with voters urged to treat Russia with respect, the head of state quotes Figaro.
“Our duty is to continue to talk with the Russian and Belarusian peoples,” as well as “with their leaders” and “always respect Russia as a country,” the newspaper quoted Macron as saying.
According to the head of France, dialogue with Moscow is necessary for pan-European security.
“It is impossible to build a lasting peace if Russia does not participate in building a large-scale security architecture on our continent,” the French leader stressed…”
Lone Wolf
Quote: “Again, please tell me that I am wrong, but I don’t see how this war can stop before Russia shows NATO that nobody in Russia is bluffing and that any NATO country dumb enough to test that will be the target of missile strikes.”
I am going to preface my statements by saying that at some points I will try and think of some rather devious solutions for team blue (the Empire) so please don’t confuse these statements for my own personal beliefs.
At this point NATO can’t seriously trouble Russia militarily in Europe. I was talking with a Finnish military type the other day and he was very gungho on joining NATO in order to stop Russian aggression. He is foolish and wouldn’t listen at all. I understand Finland has a rather violent history with Russia but still…. The Empire needs to buy time in Europe in order to develop hypersonic missiles and defensive ADA, train and equip a combined forces Army. The Empire also needs to keep Russia tied down and busy in its Western and Southern military districts.
The best move is to negotiate with China, Iran, and Venezuela. China should be encouraged to reevaluate the Treaty of Aigun.
China should also be encouraged in reuniting the Xinjiang province and given a free hand in dealing with its Uyghur population.
A peaceful reunion with Taiwan should also be on the table with some conditions.
I believe if China plays this role with such historic gains, Russia will be split in two and will negotiate from a much weaker position in Europe.
As far as city attacks go in European cities, they present some advantages for the attacker. Most European cities are of the radial ring type with a market place as the center (Main force bypasses. Second echelon forces execute frontal holding attack and attack from the rear). Combat in cities go at a slow pace and take a longer commitment. There are intense preparatory fires and special units trained for house to house combat. Reconnaissance forces are especially needed to be successful in this type of combat. Russia will obviously prevail in Ukraine but it is going to take time. Poland or Romania would be very foolish to intervene as Russia can easily do to them what is being done to Ukraine. I don’t think there is going to even be a Western Ukraine that is unfriendly to Russia at this point.
Economically this war might prove fatal to the Empire. Quick and adroit decisions need to be made or the Empire is finished, IMHO.
The West is now incapable of stepping back.
The reason: they are not in control of their actions – they are on autopilot and the autopilot is not conscious: it is unconscious.
We are in the hands of God – it is no longer our choice.
It’s like the sermon that I once heard in an Armenian Church. The priest said “God can withdraw his grace from the US”. From the perspective of the psychology of the unconscious which is the repository of our collective demons and angels it can judge us so out of balance that a required punishment at the hands of our own demons is required.
The West thinks it is in the heavens of its own greatness – it thinks it is God on earth – which is a massive inflation. The unconscious acts in a compensatory manner. It will send you your own daemons to pull you down.
The West exhibits all the symptoms of being pulled down by its inflation. It’s already over for the West but it is so unconscious of itself that it keeps doubling down on catastrophic failure and strengthening its enemies.
God finally has taken up the sword to chastise the idolatrous apostate West, and has chosen Russia as his sword, just as in the past he has used the Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Romans to chastise idolatry and apostasy.
As in every case, though, the idolators ultimately destroy themselves through their megalomaniacal delusions, with the external sword only finishing the job.
For the operators – I know it’s not strictly on topic, but it is in the area and I think it is important, otherwise I would wait for a new café.
The best Russian blogger that covers the war in Ukraine is by my opinion Yury Podolanka. Saker sometimes uses his maps. He was always only in Russian, but a few days ago people started translating him in English. It is just beginning, so be patient. I am sure it will get better. But he truly is fantastic, and I am very happy that others also can hear him.
Excellent – thank you. I winder how many more cases of “drunk Ukies shooting each other” are going to be presented as “heroic resistance”! :-)
I’ll be going to bed soon and I have not been able to read what at the moment are 314 comments. Therefore, I do not know if what I’m going to write has been said before. Please forgive me if it has.
Mr. Lavrov should not fly to Turkey because I think that he is putting himself in grave danger, either in the air or on the ground, by so doing. I don’t put it past either Turkey or the US to do something dastardly to Mr. Lavrov, especially that latter. Anyone other than I remember General Qasem Soleimani? He was on a diplomatic mission, too.
Yes, he is entirely too valuable…
The pain dial wheel is turning, and the first waves of what can be a tsunami are rolling to shore. Macron is reading the papers, and he’s now changing the tune about Russia. After all, he’s piggybacking on Putin to be reelected. I wouldn’t be surprise if heads start rolling at cabinet level, beginning with his Russophobic Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, who declared war on Russia’s economy.
Now he’s asking the French to “make efforts” against the rise in energy prices, I don’t think that’s going to go too far.
The French were angered by the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions
Readers of Le Figaro: France punished itself by imposing anti-Russian sanctions
MOSCOW, March 7 — RIA Novosti. Newspaper readers Le Figaro linked the deterioration in the quality of their lives with the anti-Russian policy of the French government. Users expressed their indignation in the comments under the article about the increased spending of the French on fuel.
The material says about the sharp increase in gasoline prices, recorded last week in France. According to the author of Le Figaro, the rise in prices is associated with the geopolitical situation, including the calls of Western politicians to impose an embargo on the import of Russian energy.
Readers of the French newspaper perceived the situation with prices differently. According to many, the standard of living of the French is negatively affected by the government’s decision to join the sanctions against Russia.
“Sanctions are imposed against Russia, and France suffers from them,” the comments wrote.
“We are punishing ourselves with sanctions,” another user added in response.
“These prices only prove that the sanctions are useless,” other Le Figaro readers agreed.
“With a government like this, we need to learn to use our cars less, to heat our homes less,” another commenter wryly noted.
“Think about what it is like to live with such prices for millions of fellow citizens who barely make ends meet, we will all suffer in the end,” the Frenchman concluded.
Lone Wolf
All good points Andrei, as to your concern that NATO may simply not be willing to stop, but I wonder too if Putin will be willing to stop. (Either side is able if it’s willing.) How can Putin stop without having any certainty (and how can he?) that NATO and the West will not continue pressing forward with their campaign to assimilate Russia into their globalist vision? The only way to peace is going to be if someone decides to stop. Will either side be willing to do that without being forced to do it?
We are now firmly entrenched in Cold War 2 and this is its first serious skirmish. The only thing keeping it from going nuclear is what kept the first one from going that way: the fact that both sides face mutually-assured destruction. Nuclear weapons only deter nuclear war, but there are also always potential accidents. The bright side is that we are no longer headed for a monopolar world in which we have a global hegemon, an absolute superpower, and we avoid the consequent absolute corruption and decadence that would follow, a process already well-advanced before the Ukrainian situation erupted.
German press is preparing the public for a heroic ( and long ) Guerilla war. Washington thinks the ISIS model is a winning solution. The strategy remains for Washington to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.
Therefore, the peacekeepers need to liberate the entire territory with installation of a neutralist government post liberation.. Leaving western Ukraine as a rump state will only lead to further destabilization and warfare.
Answer to your question – Lesving a rump Ukraine will invariably lead to NATO-Russia military skirmishes.
Ukraine Update #6
Paul Craig Roberts
Russian same mistakes as in Syria.There is no such things as ‘light war’ or ‘slow war’, it is seen as weakness.
Having got into the predicament where saving Ukrainian civilian lives means maximizing the lost of lives of Russian soldiers, the Kremlin has been forced into the position of supplicant, promising to end the offensive “in a moment if Kiev meets conditions.” Zelensky is Washington’s puppet and Washington intends to prolong the conflict in which the Kremlin’s noble policy has Russia trapped. Once again, the Kremlin is wasting time in negotiations.
It is a shame. A quick, decisive, even brutal victory after which the Kremlin dictates, not negotiates, the conditions for Ukrainian independence would have convinced Eastern Europe, and most likely Western Europe as well, that it is a disastrous policy to enable Washington’s provocations of Russia. It is even possible that NATO would have broken up as members realized that NATO membership brought danger, not security. As Washington’s continuing provocations will eventually cross a red line and result in nuclear war, it is most unfortunate that the Kremlin chose such limited goals.
PCR has the same USA pathalogical problem. He wants his game to end in 60 mins + OT or 90 mins + injury time.
He cannot play Chess.
As opposed to the Putin-fanboy pathological delusion that the Russians have an unlimited luxury of time, when in reality the longer this thing is dragged out, the more confidence the US neocons and deep state (who initially looked ready to write off the Ukraine) will gain and the better chance they’ll figure out how to turn this into a quagmire for the Russians. Not to mention the always-present chance of a sudden uncontrollable escalation, even if accidental, which triggers a nuclear exchange, a chance present for as long as the hot war is dragged out.
Not to mention how pathetic it makes Putin look on a personal level, to all but his most ardent personal worshippers, that he remains so desperate to engage in self-evidently worthless talking with Ukroscum who never will talk in any but bad faith and would be killed if they ever tried to talk in good faith, and even to CONTINUE halting the military action over and over for the sake of these worthless talks with worthless interlocutors.
The Ukronazis must look at one another and say, “I can’t believe we keep getting away with this scam over and over. At this rate we can still be holding this position and fighting for the next hundred years.”
For me it’s most of all the REPEATED halts for worthless “negotiations” which cause me to lose confidence that Putin has the belly for what’s necessary to wage this war going forward. He did a superb job preparing Russia for this moment, but that doesn’t mean he’s the right guy to actually be the wartime commander in chief.
Only the most blinkered personality-cultism would deny the possibility of this common historical phenomenon.
I tend to agree with PCR. Can you imagine US/NATO meeting with Sadam or Gaddafi, negotiating peace? What are military objectives? What is the exit strategy? This is obviously a war, not a police action or “special operation”. I do not understand what exactly is Russia hoping to achieve. There will be no denazification and demilitarization without total victory. There will be only Banderastan 2.0. I can only see this as a sign of weakness. Russian military looks unprepared and not very efficient, they had resources and many years to develop (or buy) large number of attack drones, loitering munitions and other modern weapons and equipment. This way, they are loosing too many people and also expensive hardware (like Su-34s) is lost. Not to mention the reputation of strong and modern military force. And all that for yet another “Minsk agreement”?!
Brothers don’t kill brothers. Brothers don’t destroy brothers chances to get back on their feet. That’s how I believe they see it. To the western observers, they want a clean line of victory vs defeat. They want surrender and want signed documents. Like divorce papers.
No wonder y’all don’t understand Russia, it’s people or their blended eastern philosophy
I’m sure by now many of you have seen the viral video of the Russian POWs denouncing the invasion, with 9 minutes of heartfelt talking points about the good Ukrainian people and no evidence of neo-nazis and so forth. I guess anything is possible and it could be legit…or it could be another make believe psyop with actors. While it has no bearing on the war, it is one more thing that the West will soak up as evidence that Putin is making up stuff and they can show it to Russians to try and make them doubt what they are doing. Any thoughts on this?
Some of the prisoner ‘confessions’ have been outed as fakes already and proven, while others made under obvious duress and coercion/threat of death so one can safely dismiss anything said in such videos. You would say whatever they told you to say also if they were holding a gun to your head just off camera.
That certainly violates the Geneva Convention. But the U.S. has done that many times.
Yes, let’s not forget the house of horrors of Abu Ghraib prison where U.S. had prisoners raping each other, electroshock, terror and torture via dogs, photos depict all of these things. Glib, brightly beaming and smiling female officers walking naked collared prisoners around inhumanly on leashes. We’ve seen the type of horrors the U.S. inflicts on its POW’s. The U.S. has no moral standing to accuse anyone of violating any geneva codes.
Meanwhile the liberals among the western social-media vermin are openly chirping “Yes this violates the Geneva Convention but so what, it’s worth it.”
More than a number are SBU, posing as Russians, they show passports, Russian soldiers don’t carry passports into a battle zone..
One is pretending to be a Russian officer and full of apologies, he is an officer but of the SBU and is a Neo Nazi
By the way the biggest irony for me, and the way to catch any pro-Ukraine propagandist and humiliate them:
Ask them why did they support the overthrow of the democratically elected government in 2014. They will answer, “because we support the self determination of people. The people chose to overthrow their corrupt government and put in a new government.”
Ok that’s fine. “So, then why do you not support the self determination of the Donbas people as well?” They also chose for themselves that the government is not right for them and so they voted and determined their own path of independence.
How can you logically support the ‘self determination’ of one people but not the others right next door? It doesn’t make sense.
Last post of the night.
The house of cards is falling apart, slowly but surely.
Erdogan is a businessman, and he would exploit any loopholes in the “sanctions curtain” to make money, and extend a hand to the man who saved his behind from certain death. Rubles? Why not? Anything goes with Erdogan.
Erdogan allowed the use of the ruble in trade, media reported
A Haber: Erdogan told President Putin about the possibility of using the ruble in trade
ANKARA, March 7 — RIA Novosti. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during telephone talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin said about the possibility of using the Russian ruble in trade, passes A Haber TV channel.
Telephone talks between Putin and Erdogan, devoted mainly to Ukrainian topics, took place on Sunday and lasted about an hour.
“Details of yesterday’s talks between President Erdogan and Putin have appeared. President Erdogan said that Turkey and Russia can use “the dollar, euro, ruble, gold and yuan in trade,” and the Russian leader, in turn, will give instructions to send 30 ships loaded with sunflower oil and wheat, which are in the Sea of Azov,” the TV channel reported…
Lone Wolf
Anti-censorship host file to escape Western info-prison
Just a quick thank you for providing this. I am too stupid to use this info but thanks anyway.
Russia has everything it needs for itself. Russia could just redraw the world map, highlighting only Russia, and China, and label everything else, ‘Here be Barbarians’. Russia could then refuse all forms of international trade, and within two years, the Barbarian lands will have collapsed.
Further, Russia has already moved to making the buying and selling of precious metals, tax-free, to stop the flooding of rubles into USD/Euros.
Russia could now move some of its gold reserves into a national, and digital, gold trading account, for the Russian people. The bank customers gain any gold appreciation, and pay the costs of any gold depreciation.
Russia now has a freely floating, gold-backed ruble, with the minimum of government intervention, and Russia can now move into its natural abundance, free from debt, while the rest of the world moves into financial darkness, and death by famine.
Russia can now enshrine three laws of asset money. Firstly, the power of money creation, must be held by the sovereign nation. Secondly, the creation of the monetary unit must be an authentic measure of human labour. And thirdly, customer collateral must be monetised as interest-free customer assets, with the Titles to the collateral, held in trust for the customers, until their loans are repaid. Welcome to a financial light, upon the land!
Taiwan Government/People are so stupid and prostitute. They are not even recognized as a country at UN, and they still sanctioned Russia, unsolicited. And Taiwan people are cheering this. I feel really shameful and little depressed. Because their ignorance/negligence.
Let’s hope they do a deal behind the scenes …. ala Cuban Crisis
I am sure Putin knows it is vital that America ‘wins’ the spin and let America trumpet that it won
Then everyone can sip vodka and relax until America needs to be slapped down again
Andrei: “So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?”
I believe that any analysis has to start with who actually controls the action. This is not the US state; it is a small group of ‘people’ (actually psychopaths) waaay above the “Biden” level. These ‘people’ are state-less, religion-less, and amoral. (There may even be a non-physical ‘order’ controlling this level.)
I suspect that we are presently-seeing some version of the classic Problem -> Reaction -> Solution gambit by these ‘people’. In broad terms, it looks like slowly increasing World Chaos (the Problem) until the world populace screams for relief from their misery (the Reaction). Ukraine and sanctions/counter-sanctions are part of this. Then, “out of the blue,” some Solution will be offered. The grateful population will instantly accept it. It will only be later that their true Intent will be discovered. It will be nasty…
Within the Ukrainian theater, Russia needs to find a way to make these ‘people’ (the True elites, who are promoting the Problem) really suffer if they don’t back off. It does no good in the long term for Russia to leave the True elites untouched. They have no downside to promoting further World Chaos.
Russia has to find the ‘soft points’ in the True elites. Then, Russia has to let them know that whatever they find ‘irreplaceable’ (favorite collections, chateaus, yachts, people, etc.) are at risk if they keep pushing. Make sure they know it is not an idle threat. You will know you have found those ‘soft points’ when they back off.
Always strike at the head of the snake, not the tail…
I like the way you think. But you know as well as I that is all wishful thinking. Those entities at the top are well secured and insulated from any “decapitating strike”. Us Russophiles tend to start slipping into too much of the unrealistic mythmaking and fetishization of Russia. While we duly recognize Russia as a last bastion of light in the world against the darkness, we have to keep ourselves from slipping from reality into fantasy. At the end fo the day Russia is ONE country against the entire world, there is only so much it can do. It is the wounded soldier with a dozen arrows sticking out of its back, bleeding profusely but still putting up a struggle. These ‘elites’ control almost the entire globe, don’t expect any magical fairy tale ‘decapitation’ strike on them.
Nightvision, I partly agree with you and partly disagree. I agree that those ‘people’ will be hard to find. That is their modus operandi. And, you might die if you got too close. However, any stone cast into a lake leaves ripples. It might be possible to track-back the decision-making tree. Exposure itself might be a weapon, for those who hide from view…
I see it a little like The Lord of the Rings. No one good-guy character did it all. Sam saved Frodo. Galadriel saved Sam. Ironically, Gollum saved Galadriel (by losing his balance). They all had a Task, and collectively they got the One Ring to Mount Doom in Mordor. God took it from there…
In that Trilogy, the good-guy characters had to – first of all – identify the source of their Problem. Then, each character only had to do their part. With that clarity, the One Ring got where it needed to go.
I see our world situation in the same way. The elites have everything from Men to Orcs to Balrogs (so to speak) under their sway. However, good people have everyone from Men to Hobbits to Wizards (so to speak) on their side. Identifying the Task of our ‘Age’ is the important thing: Whomever the Elite really is/are, Wherever they are, and Whatever is their vulnerability. From there, some unknown assortment of ‘characters’ will do whatever needs to be done. (Russia will be one part.) And then, God will give it a final ‘tweak’…
(I set my response within a fairy tale, but the theme’ is deadly serious.)
Why not count in China? They ought to know full well that they can only be secure if Russia is secure.
India has been a fence-sitter ever since its inception, but Russia and China could cause severe problems for India by arming Pakistan. The Pakistani prime minister was hosted in Moscow on the day the invasion started and came back speaking highly of the experience. Coincidence? If all else fails, China could put direct pressure on India’s Northern frontier.
Count in Pakistan, as Russia and China could arm India.
Count in Iran. The Iranians are currently being woed by the US because of the oil, but Russia and China could make life very interesting for the Iranians by arming Saudi Arabia/Israel.
Brazil and Mexico are still sitting on the fence, as is South Africa as are a number of other large countries like Nigeria, Egypt, Indonesia. (Correct me if I’m wrong on any of them.)
Saudi Arabia is not joining the sanctions bandwaggon either, and neither does Israel.
So far, it’s only the collective West that is trying to cancel Russia. The collective South not taking part in it shows how deeply despised the collective West is. It does not help if Ukrainian nazis invoke memories of colonialism and white supremacy at its very worst.
We’ll see, of course, to what extent the collective West will be able to coax members of the collective South into rhe Western camp.
I think Andrei is aware of the current equivalent to the Nomenklatura of the USSR.
Kolomoisky, Bezos, Schwab, the anonymous movers of the foggy bottom gang, et cetera. .. I don’t think there is any magic to it, but sociopathy is clearly involved.
Of course, the world’s problem is that they are now shooting up their own smack, believing their own lies, strung out on their own meth, whatever metaphor you like. They are stupid.
If the west continues on the same path, the only things will be in high demand are bullets and guillotines. That will happen when the misguided won’t be able to say put it on my visa please. I think no one can be that stupid. But the smart entity who is in charge know how to put front misleaders who will deliver the west and the dollar. The wealth is being transferred east deliberately. This process has begun long time ago.
So many excellent comments but one line of thinking seems to receive less attention than it deserves:
Follow the money.
The world is at the end of a debt cycle. The final stage of a debt cycle is usually marked by major conflict.
The world economy (apart from Russia) requires hyper-inflation to be able to climb down from unsustainable mountains of debt.
Hyper-inflation rmeans impoverishment, impoverishment requires repression.
The war hysteria that has broken out in the West provides the perfect framework for engineering hyper-inflation whilst keeping the population subdued in a hypnotized state of anxiety.
Given the astronomic levels of debt, hyperinflation requires time to achieve its purpose, something like several years, maybe into the low tens of years. The war, thus, cannot end too soon and it cannot stay at a level that allows people to get used to it either.
This brings the prediction that ongoing escalation is to be expected, though not up to the level of a full-scale armageddon. Things must get a lot worse before they can get better. In the short run it might take the form of large, organized formations of mercenaries pouring into Ukraine semi-officially. That would have the added benefit of stripping Western societies of its more combative elements, which might, otherwise, form a resistance potential. Beyond that, escalation probably requires NATO getting involved directly.
The UK MFA(the one who was seated on a tank and went to Moscow), just said: it is going to last ”a few years”.
How does she know?
She was seriously shell-shocked…
in childhood
A year or two ago I read in a comment to Moon of Alabama that the only thing that will bring Americans to their senses will be a crushing military defeat.
At the beginning of this war I thought that the west would at least take into account the weak hand that they hold. Unfortunately, they’ve done the opposite and doubled down. I’m no expert, but I’ve also been thinking that this will end in war with NATO. They refuse to back down even though they will lose. I would understand their behavior if Russia side were the aggressors, but the West is at fault. Unfortunately they will drag US all down with them.
Both China and Russia have much more AU in reserves than the west is aware of. The CIPS transfer system is much further along, ready to be implemented. A gold trade note may in play in the future. Would that not be a site to see?
I believe you are right there, and they won’t be pointing fingers at their own propagandists. What they will be doing is squealing about Russia “bombing cities to rubble” and “mass murdering civilians”. In order to achieve this, Ukranazi remnants and the mercenaries being sent in can always be ordered to bomb some cities to rubble and mass murder civilians.
At this point Ukranazistan is over, but the only hope for Ukraine to defeat its real enemies – which of course do not include Russia – is to switch sides. If the regime cannot be made to do so then what’s left of the military should, without delay. Surely the generals at least cannot but see that the situation is beyond hopeless?
Imagine that the EU is going to publish a ‘road map’ to get free of Russia energy, today(i’m reading it, very long
285 pages), they say they will do without RU Gas next winter..what a joke. Are these people paid 30k eur/month
to wriite such a BS.It seems that even Germans don’t believe a single word of it. I will post it later.
Saker, one very important question: do you believe it is possible that there are top secret negos going on now, at the very very top, even bypassing Biden?
Between Russia and US Deep state?I mean really secret 100%?
Nobody cares about negos with ukies, it is just a show.
Same with both Brussels fake entities EU+NATO.
And if yes, who would be talking to who and where?
As in the past it happened in all wars.
Yes these top secret talks are happening but not how you’d expect. They don’t happen at the governmental level because how government works is there are strict protocols for any formal communications between any governmental entities, and as such everything must be recorded, with certain personnel in the room watching and overseeing. For instance a president of a country cannot simply have a 1 on 1 meeting with another leader, it is forbidden and would strictly break various protocols of how such things are conducted.
So for certain highly sensitive ‘messages’ to be sent between parties, the way it is done is via nominally civilian intermediaries who come and have an ‘informal’ talk with a leader, which no longer has to follow protocols. For instance, something like a Kissinger (who holds no “official” governmental position) coming to have a ‘private dinner’ with Putin, and carrying hidden messages from an opposing deep-state/country etc., and then a message sent likewise in reverse. This is the role various people like Jared Kushner and such played in the Trump administration, or Hunter Biden for the ‘big guy’, etc. The lower ranked the person appears to be the less ‘formality’ and protocol is required for their meeting someone in an opposing government. Messages and negotiations are often done in this way on sensitive matters that can’t be spoken of “on record” via standard governmental protocol of high level “meetings”.
“Saker, one very important question: do you believe it is possible that there are top secret negos going on now, at the very very top, even bypassing Biden? Between Russia and US Deep state? I mean really secret 100%? Nobody cares about negos with ukies, it is just a show.”
Well, I’ll butt in with my own perspective on your veryy relevant question.
I would point you to the follow (just recent) rant by Bernie Sanders — no doubt being trotted out as usual for the pre-election (mid-terms in this case) rally of the wanna-be’s. There is an audience reaction (unbseen and probably canned) in the second clip to asses by tone etc. (*)
However, the short sentence I suggest thinking about is this: “U.S. Senate
Senators Sanders and Durbin on Russia and Ukraine” [February 10, 2022 | Part of the U.S. Senate]
“My colleagues, we must never forget the horrors that a war in the region would pose and we must do everything possible to achieve a realistic and mutually agreeable resolution 1 that is acceptable to Ukraine, Russia, the United States and our European allies and that prevents would be the worst European war since World War II. That approach is not weakness. It is not appeasement. Bringing people together to resolve conflicts without war is strength and it is the right thing to do. Thank you, Mr. President.” [17:58 – 18:05’ish]
The key critical deconstruction emphasis is on the order and three names mentioned — i.e., “Ukraine, Russia, the United States” and [by way of after-thought) … “our European allies.” To me this implies that the real force-field vectors are Russia & USA (actors) played on the stage of Ukraine (place) with some yapping poodles in the front-row noodle-clapping seats (end-times for them) as a controlled conglomerate abstract entity — these latter are more Brussels selected than national-level elected representatives.
Btw, I am not quoting Bernie Sanders to imply support. His voice is simply a convenient window into a deeper bouble-bind (rock and hard place) dilemma emerging in the USA today. Of their own making mostly.
(*) I won’t post the link here as it will likely trigger filters etc. Simply search for “The Russian People Are Not Our Enemies” – Sen. Bernie Sanders On Putin And The Oligarchs” [1,272,927 views Mar 2, 2022] and the “Late Show”and “Stephen Colbert”.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are using civiian populations as human sheild and putting their command posts in civilian houses. I found that on the net, an independent journalist reporting from DPL. Here is the link;
The Chechens found suitcases with billions of dollars. The Germans are willing to keep buying Russian gas, now personally I wouldn’t sell them any no matter how bad we needed the money I’d break europe first. Also there’s a lot more videos and news coming out about why the wars hasn’t been reported since 2014. People are starting to catch on they’re getting the word out. In my opinion long bus can’t go back to Ukraine and I don’t see how Russia can go back to normal relations with the Europeans either. That’s just break them off let those guys all tank including America and deal with the rest of the world only. In other words let them stew in their own shit.
Break the US and you wont have to worry about the EU, and you keep the EU more aligned with you.
Once the US is broken, NATO will cease.
Many are interested in the grand theatre of politics, but when Homer Simpson cannot fill the tank on his pickup truck, and his fridge is empty, his rage will not be directed at Russia, but at his local politicians, and their failures!
This is the true terror of the political parties, that their petty obsessions, will be revealed to have brought ruin onto the people of their nation.
And there will be some, in the shadows, waiting for such a moment, to deliver their poisoned apples, in the form of ‘grand solutions’!
I agree this sounds logical for sane people, but don’t forget that they fake the markets, the stats etc when it becomes really necessary, I mean for the survival of the kleptos in power.
Capitalism does not exist since 09/11, after lehman 2008-2009, they invented the so called ‘plunge protection team’ which denies any ‘too big fall’ of the markets.
Faking commodities markets is more difficult but possible, it is only always about ‘1 0 1 0 1 0’ xls.
With AI even more possible.
Interest rates(real) are or very low(US) or negative (EU), less inflation, really very negative, which is the biggest transfert of wealth since before WWI. Thanks covid which accelerates the move.
And if this ‘great reset davos thing’ was real?
Here in Europe(western)they talk about blocking oil and gas prices, of cause blocking inflation is not possible without increasing the interest rates, but if they do, it will be the mother of all depressions.
Practicle to delete their ponzi of hundreds of trillions/quadrillions of debts and derivatives.
But it can fast go out of control.
I don’t understand why they open the stocks exchanges in Moscow today? Are they crazy?
Same for the ruble, close the market, fixed rate for the time necessary.
But it seems that Putin has no control on that, and the CBR is infested of 5th colomnists working for the IMF.
IMF which forecasts that 8 millions Russians will lose their job in 2022, two M would recover it in 2023.
RU would contract 9%..
How do these people can forecast all this in such a detailled way as nobody even knows what will happen today?
It will probably come down to the fact that the RF once again has to come up with something how to lead the West out of its self-set trap…
And I have no idea what that could be, especially since the West is riding itself deeper and deeper into it …
Ukie Gov. of encircled Sumy says he will order Russian Food trucks trying to bring supplies to civilians in city attacked.
Unfortunately the Anglo-Zionist lunatics in charge of the West believe the loss of NATO life is the needed justification to escalate, Recall none of their children or even children of their servants will be on the frontline. Other people kids have to die to secure their goals.
Thuis a bloody nose is just a reason for the next war.
Novak: Russia has the right to impose an embargo on gas pumping through Nord Stream 1
According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Moscow has not yet made such a decision, no one will benefit from this
MOSCOW, 7 March. /TASS/. Russia, in connection with unfounded accusations regarding the energy crisis in Europe and the imposition of a ban on Nord Stream 2, has every right to make a “mirror” decision and impose an embargo on gas transportation through Nord Stream 1, which is 100% loaded. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak told reporters about this.
“But for now, we are not making this decision. No one will benefit from this. Although European politicians are pushing us to this with their statements and accusations against Russia,” Novak stressed.
According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Russia has nothing to do with the rise in oil and gas prices on the world market, this was the result of irresponsible statements by European politicians.
He drew attention to statements by European politicians on energy issues, in particular to calls to get rid of Russian oil and gas. According to him, European officials are once again trying to shift the problems and failures of their own energy policy in recent years onto Russia. “As a result, we are seeing a sharp rise in energy prices. I responsibly declare that Russia has nothing to do with the current rise in prices and market volatility,” he said.
Novak recalled that Russia provides 40% of European countries’ gas consumption and has always been a reliable partner, while Gazprom fully fulfills its contractual obligations for gas supplies. In addition, according to him, gas supplies through the territory of Ukraine were increased to 109 million cubic meters. m per day, which is equivalent to about 40 billion cubic meters. m per year. “This is transit through Ukraine, and it is 100% fulfilled today. Also, deliveries are made through Nord Stream 1, Yamal – Europe, Turkish Stream, Blue Stream,” the Deputy Prime Minister noted.
Archbishop Vigano issues statement on Ukraine and the wider geopolitical and spiritual battle we find ourselves in, a masterwork!
ON THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS: A Message from Abp. Viganò, Former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S.
Written by Carlo Maria Viganò
Seems to me putin has played to the american fiddle, eu and russia are completely isolated for decades to come, nord stream 2 is buried, russia will be economically crippled. And all that for what ? If maidan is an american coup, doesnt russia have smarter means to organize their own russian springs ?
To say that all the ukrainian forces are nazis is quite an exageration. Yes there are some radical people in some small groups, but ukrainians in the west are a majority of centrists if you look at votes. But i guess politically, balance does not pay off anymore.
8 years of brainwashing can’t be overturned by installing a puppet govt. You also forget the fact that the entire Ukrainian state is infested with Nazi ideology.
Besides, Putin apparently was quick to thwart a Ukrainian attack on Donbass.
“eu and russia are completely isolated for decades to come,”
How can you say that when both the EU and Russia still do trade?
source e magnier
#Russia Major General Vitaly Gerasimov, Chief of Staff and First Deputy of the Army of the Central Military District has been killed near Kharkiv, #Ukraine on March 4th. Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky was killed on February 28th.
Saker what do you think about this latest US Congress crazy idea?
19m🚨Congress is debating an EMP first strike to disable Russian planes.
They’re calling it a “non-kinetic no-fly zone.”
Here’s a better name: “WW3.”
Separately, some members of congress are beginning to advocate for a non-kinetic no-fly zone – something to the effect of using electromagnetic pulse, sonar, and cyber to keep Russian jets on the ground so they can never take off. Unclear how much support this will end up getting.
This proposal is so insane that it would be funny, if there weren’t lawmakers pushing it.
To ground Russian jets with an EMP, you’d need to detonate a nuclear warhead.
The “non-kinetic” option is literally a nuclear first strike.
The claim that “sonar” could be used to ground Russian fighters is… incomprehensible?
It uses sound waves to detect objects underwater.
It doesn’t magically stop planes from taking off.
Even our best electronic-warfare systems don’t have that capability.
The closest thing to a plausible claim here is the idea of using cyber attacks to disrupt Russian flight operations.
It’s highly unlikely this would work: at most, there would be secondary impairment of Russian C&C.
The planes would almost certainly be able to take off.
But if it *did* work it would be the form of cyber attack most likely to escalate to full conventional war.
If cyber is used to disable kinetic assets, the line between cyber and kinetic operations blurs.
The Russians would be very charitable to respect the distinction.
In sum, this is all so completely insane that none of it will happen.
But the fact it’s being discussed at all is an indictment of our political class.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe in a “non-kinetic no-fly zone.”
Dumb enough to be a member of Congress.
question: who vote for these idiots?
Mercenaries from the US, UK, Sweden, Lithuania, Mexico, and India joined the war in #Ukraine. Their respective countries agreed for these to be involved without falling back to any “act of terrorism”, so they can fight #Russia.
Sounds like somebody’s been watching too many Marvel movies. An EMP attack would not stop at military targets just belonging to the Russian armed forces. It would knock out computers, electronics, electric grid, etc., over a wide range. Possibly all of Europe. That’s just plain dumbassery by a bribe taker in Washington.
News from Eretz Israel, or Holocaust Again
– All over the country there are mass rallies in support of the struggle of Ukraine, Russian passports are burned, people refuse to speak Russian. In the city of Ashkelon, the issue of dismantling the monument to the war-fighters against the Nazis was again raised. (supposedly they want to replace it with another one, but they don’t offer options, the main thing is snatya)
– An independent Israeli court confirmed the decision that the Alexander Compound would not be returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. In a word, the drug addict was released in vain.
– Well-known in Israel “thinker” Yuval Noah Harire noted in a television interview that Putin believes that Ukrainians are Russians, and only a handful of Jews who have taken possession of Ukraine prevent them from throwing flowers at Russian tanks. He (Putin) is a psychopath and an anti-Semite.
– Religious Jewish circles emphasize the fact that Putin launched a war against the Jew Zelensky on the eve of the Purim holiday, and therefore the fate of Amman and Stalin will inevitably await him.
– One of the most popular topics in Israeli newspapers is the mass rape of Ukrainian women by Russian soldiers. Well-informed Ukrainian ministers allegedly claim this….JMoWX4ptIo
The Israeli qahal rallied against the enemy – Russia.
According to polls, 76% of Israelis support Ukraine. This also applies to immigrants from the former USSR – among them, support for Ukraine is 75%. The split is observed only among the Israeli Arabs 35% for the Russian Federation, – 45% for Ukraine. The Jews of the Promised Land demand that air defense systems be transferred to Kiev to protect Ukrainian cities https://news.israeli…ics/101277
I sense the mood is slowly swinging towards asking if Zelensky is right in his head. People are slow to wake up, and they still have not grasped the connection with the utter madness we have experienced over the last two years, and the current situation.
They will most likely not get the connection with global warming either, which will be the next ace up the sleeve, if I am not mistaken.
It is really worrisome that people are so gullible.
The most popular TV commentator here in USA (Tucker Carlson) has been saying the American establishment is blood-thirsty against Russia. So an alternative to the anti-Russian propaganda is being heard here.
Propaganda can be effective, but maybe people tire of it after 7+ years of “hate Russia!” obvious lies.
Maybe Putin could go to the U.N. and show pictures of the children killed & injured in the Donbas by the Ukraine new-Nazi forces. Pictures are more effective than words.
Here is the map us westerners is shown today:–article23143824.html
scroll to 02:00 h
Souce, ISW, OSW, CIR, NYTimes, BBC, Correctiv, Bellingcat
All of your analyse excellent, thank you very much for your good work.
Only point I disagree is the fear of nuclear war. Their will be no nuclear because
that would spell mutual annhilation. Western warmongers and the whole western
capitalist class knows it too well.
I don’t see any long term resolution that doesn’t require a thermonuclear catastrophe. Maybe not billions killed outright, certainly 100’s of millions going to billions in a matter of a few weeks at most. No matter what the Russians do in Ukraine, the Empire of Lies will continue to harass and subvert and lie in any way they can dream up, so defeating the Ukronazis will only provide partial and temporary relief at best. The real adversary is overseas, and until it is defanged and demilitarized there will be no “peace”. The West will continue to agitate until it stumbles across a fatal red line.
b) Russia will position hypersonic weapons, including nuclear- .. A fascinating article from late December
fascinating article from late Dec…………..Martyanov’s
b) Russia will position hypersonic weapons, including nuclear- ..
Ukraine is finally nothing but a useful idiot in big western game. This has happened before. In early 1940 western powers gave tons of sympathy to bravely fighting Finns that “help is coming”. In the end real decisions makers in Finland undestood those rosy promises were pure smoke and castles in the air. Just in last minute (before their Armed Forces collapsed) Finns made peace with Stalin.
You’re wrong. It’s not because west are lyers that you can say wrong.
First, Finns made a major defeat to USSR in 1940.
Then, Nazis came to fight with finns until 1945.
It’s only near the end of the war that Finns felt in absolute dishonor in accepting mocking Stalin’s condition: ok we don’t totaly distroy Finlande but you turn your guns against tour fellow Germans troops. And they did. Mannerhein ordered to immediatly turn guns and shoot and chase every german soldiers with wich they fought shoulder to shoulder agaisnt Russian for five years
Absolutly desgusting.
“Due to the unprofitability of production due to the wild growth in energy consumption in Europe, 40% of the capacities of plants for the emission of nitrogen fertilizers, the same number of aluminum plants and 50% of food consumption have been suspended.