First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces. Here is a map with Izium (Изюм) on the top and then two sets of arrows: the red ones show how the operational cauldron in the east of the Ukraine can be locked along the Lozovaia-Pavlograd while the black one shows the same option, but much closer to the surrounded Ukronazi forces along an Izium-Pokrovsk axis.
Which of the two happens first does not matter because the outcome is the same: Izium was the linchpin of the entire Ukie disposition and the last city to create not just a free fire zone in the slowly shrinking bottleneck for the Ukies to escape, but also the city which was defended by the best Ukrainian forces (the 81st UAF brigade).
Boris Rozhin (from whom I took the 2nd map) had this to say about what this means:
In the evening, reports came that our forces kicked the AFU out of Izyum (although there are reports that there is still some resistance in the southern districts of the city), where a part of the 81st brigade of the AFU defended in the city, which retreated from the city and is now covering it with artillery and mortars. The positions of the AFU were actively covered by aviation. Izyum is of decisive importance for the entire northern part of the AFU grouping in the Donbas. The highway has been cut (now with ends) Kharkiv-Izyum. Control over Izyum creates prerequisites for an offensive towards Slavyansk from the northwest. In addition, controlling Izyum, there are opportunities to attack Pavlograd and Barvenkovo, with further cutting of the Donetsk-Pavlograd highway, control over which will lead to a full operational encirclement of all AFU forces in the Donbas.
I full concur with this analysis. For all practical purposes that cauldron was about 80% closed “by fire” for a few days already, this time it will be closed by Russian/LDNR forces meeting each other somewhere in that big no mans land between Pavlograd and Donetsk.
There is also major combat actions happening along the south front, again, I will begin with a map:
The black line is the shape of the cauldron which the Russians apparently intend to lock around the Odessa region. I did not color the entire Ukie coastline in black, because I assume that it is currently under fire from the Russian Aerospace forces and the Black Sea Fleet. According to at least one video I saw yesterday, it looks like the Black Sea Fleet’s Large Amphibious Assault ships are now within visual range of Odessa. At the end of that envelopment Russia will have full control of the entire coastline from Dniester еstuary (or even from the Romanian border) to the Russian region of Rostov-on-the-Don!

A Mini Banderastan next?
Banderastan will now become a landlocked “country”!
This western region is where all the Western weapons and the international Nazi brigades are being concentrated right now. Some estimates say that the force levels defending this territory might be as high as 100’000 soldiers. Keep in mind that the highway between Kiev and Zhitomir has been cut off by Russian forces and that except for small roads, Kiev is slowly being encircled.
Whether Russia will bother with this region or not will largely depend on the West.
Right now the West has declared total informational and economic war on Russia. Furthermore, the USA has a long experience in creating “special pockets” from which to attack a country.
Finally, I would not exclude a NATO movement into the western Ukraine to “protect” the “innocent civilians” and “refugees fleeing the Russian massacres” being “murdered en masse” by the “indiscriminate bombing” by “Putin’s hordes”.
The rather pathetic zig-zags about “yes we will deliver fighters to the Ukraine” and “no we won’t deliver fighters to the Ukraine” seems to suggest that there are still a few folks left at Mons and the Pentagon who understand the risks of such a trick. They also must realize the futility of the entire concept (militarily speaking, this entire plan is absolutely ridiculous, do you need me to explain why?).
God willing, Lavrov will be able to get Kuleba to see the situation as it is and that Kuleba will be smart enough to understand that if these negotiations fail, there will be more negotiations in the future, only in even worse circumstances for the Ukies than today’s.
Next, political news. The Russians have now officially declared all the following countries as “hostile”:
What does this mean?
At the time of writing (14:00 EST) all the Russians are saying is that there will be “financial and diplomatic consequences”. If you find out more details, please post them in the comments section!
I expect both diplomatic and economic sanctions to be announced in the coming days. And they will hurt like hell.
According to Maria Zakharova, Sergei Lavrov will meet his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitrii Kuleba, in Turkey under the auspices of the Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. According to the Turks, the topics will include “a ceasefire and a political solution”. This will happen “in the near future”. This was agreed between President Putin and President Erdogan, at the request of the latter. This will happen during the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.
While I was writing this I got the info that a Polish helicopter brought an Ukronazi delegation for talks in Belarus. According to the latest from Russian negotiators, it was yet another wasted day. But these negotiations will resume as soon as the Ukies get their latest orders from Uncle Shmuel.
The obvious problem is that the Ukie delegation has no authority, so all they do is show up, make some general statements of good will, then take all the (written) Russian proposals and say they need to retire for “consultations”. Obviously, these consultations are not with anybody in Kiev, but with the US and its EU colonies and the latter must at all costs get as many people dead (on both sides) as possible.
And yet, in spite of that, and while I don’t have much hope about any such talks, I will always welcome them: many thousands of lives could be saved if the Ukies capitulate. So even if the possibility to achieve anything is tiny, it is worth trying, even if just a few lives are saved.
However, in the mean time, there are numerous reports from many towns and cities under Nazi occupation of the local municipal authorities warning that anybody using a humanitarian corridor leading to the “occupier force” will be shot on sight and with no warning. There are many confirmed instances of such fleeing refugees being executed by the Ukronazis. The Western presstitutes are blaming it all on Russia, what else is new?
From the point of view of Russian combat operations, today has been most successful and tomorrow promises an even quicker domino effect on the Ukrainian defenses pretty much everywhere except the far west (what I now call the mini-Banderastan).
Politically, the only important news is that Lavrov and Kuleba are supposed to meet soon.
And yet, I will end with an area of great concern to me.
Here is how I see it and PLEASE tell me I am wrong!
- The Ukraine has lost the war, she will be disarmed and denazified
- The West is waging total informational and economic war against Russia and believing much of its own propaganda (which is fantastically dangerous!)
- The Western public has been sold nonsense about the Ukies being at the gates of Moscow and Russia being ready to surrender. Which means that when the reality will become undeniable there will be A LOT of VERY butthurt folks out there pointing fingers.
- Economically speaking, Zerohedge put it best: “Carnage everywhere“!
- Even much worse will be the folks who will try to still overturn this outcome. I am talking about the true nutcases in NATO (and in some sections of the USA ruling elites) which simply cannot even *imagine* that Russia holds all the cards, including the military one.
- I can easily imagine, say, a Polish column with weapons and mercenaries crossing into the Ukraine and being wiped out by Russian missiles. I ask you this: what will NATO do next?
In fact, let me rephrase my question this way: is it at all possible that this war can end without a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, keeping in mind that NATO cannot win and NATO cannot accept defeat?
Sadly, I don’t think so anymore, that kind of folly is a direct consequence of the Western PSYOPs which have convinced the folks in the West of two crucial things: 1) Russia cannot win and 2) Putin is bluffing.
I think that the folks in the Pentagon are smart enough to know that this is all bull, but the Eurorodents inside NATO and the EU?
Wouldn’t a military/political defeat of NATO in Banderastan not risk bringing down NATO as an organization?
Again, please tell me that I am wrong, but I don’t see how this war can stop before Russia shows NATO that nobody in Russia is bluffing and that any NATO country dumb enough to test that will be the target of missile strikes.
So, militarily, this war is pretty much over.
The future of a mini-Banderastan is impossible for me to guess.
But I am seriously concerned that this war might expand and directly involve NATO/EU countries.
And it might involve nuclear strikes by either/both sides.
So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?
Does it?
UPDATE: for the first time Russian TV has shown the Donbass operational cauldron. I added the contours of this cauldron in the making with the think black line:
If a Polish military column enters Ukraine and gets wiped out with Russian missiles or even if a Polish airport from which aircrafts entering Ukraine takes off gets distroyed, NATO will, I believe, do the following:
1. Increase PSYOP
2. Impose extra economic sanctions.
3. Maybe send some troops to Poland, but not too much combat-ready.
France, Italy, Germany is simply not willing to risk Russian missiles falling on their heads. Same and even more for US.
I really believe that now everyone relevant to make decissions understands that Russia is not bluffing. The only question will be what to say and how to explain to its own sheeps over CNN. I guess something like “we are way too human and civilized to allow a mad dictator Putin to bring the world into a nuclear war…”.
(Interesting mid-move would be that China steps into Taiwan situation resolution.)
And finally, would our man-loving (sorry for inaccurate translation of човекољубац) Creator allow His creation to disappear in nuclear disaster before the Time has come?
And, by the way, I am happy that Russian list of enemy countries explicitly listed “all EU countries”. This will make Vucic impossible to accept a syrene call to quickly joins EU as there are roumors around can happen.
“France, Italy, Germany is simply not willing to risk Russian missiles falling on their heads. Same and even more for US.”
And that would be the end of NATO as the expanded-NATO former Soviet bloc countries then realize with total clarity that NATO’S promises for members are worthless and that the US, UK etc. see them to be as expendable as the Ukraine itself.
They’d be left with no choice but to make a new deal with Russia or be dealt with by Russia.
Translated from Japanese:
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated at the House of Councilors Budget Committee on the 7th that the Northern Territories are “a territory peculiar to Japan, a territory in which Japan has sovereignty.” When former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in office, he avoided expressing it as a “unique territory”, considering the impact on the Japan-Russia peace treaty negotiations.
Kishida has been a real pushover for Western interests.
You are unfortunately correct. As a practical matter war between NATO and Russia started immediately after NATO began pouring increasingly sophisticated weapons into Ukraine. Putin and the Russian military have apparently been fairly restrained in pursuing these weapons to their source presumably to avoid direct kinetic confrontations with Poland etc. If Poland allows Ukrainian or any other pilots to fly replacement fighter jets from Polish air bases to Ukraine that could change real fast. Will Russian fighter jets engage them over Western Ukraine? And if one of the “replacement fighter jets” turns back towards Poland will Russian fighters invoke their “right of hot pursuit” under international law and pursue it into Polish airspace?
The West still has an infestation of crusader morons. Russia is their current exterminator (sorry about that again, it seems to be a recurring mental health problem in the West).
Alexander the First killed off 500,000 of these guys, Stalin killed 2.5 million or so. This time only a few tens of thousands need to die off to cleanse our societies.
Take the East of Ukraine (should we just call it NovoRossiya already?), make a DMZ North-South line of barbed wire, mines, machine guns and Kalibr missiles and let these guys make useless attacks until they are a spent force. The sane ones who stayed home will eventually get the message…
The big question is can the west Ukraine survive without the rest?
If cut off it would probably strike up big independence movements to go back to hungry and Poland.
Maybe not a bad thing
West Ukraine is better spelt as Waste Ukraine. They have a serious problem understanding what work-ethic is all about. They are educationally retarded, have no industries of any importance and have no value to offer. They deserve what they have consciously chosen – being irrelevent.
What are green dot cities/villages versus the blue dot ones in the green zone?
Cities indicated by a green dot have been secured by Russian/LDNR forces. Blue dot cities are still controlled by Ukrainians.
“In fact, let me rephrase my question this way: is it at all possible that this war can end without a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, keeping in mind that NATO cannot win and NATO cannot accept defeat?”
If history serves as a guide, I read that after the Korean War the US media broadcasted “China doesn’t exist!”. It denied its existence until Kissinger came with his trick in the 70s. I wouldn’t overrule that the West simply tried to deny the existence of Russia and Ukraine, coming up with fake news about Stalinist-style life in the Russian Mordor and even a Netflix series as “Putin’s Gulag” or so, where beautiful blond Ukie girls are molested by snow-nigger orks.
As of the risk of a remaining mini-Banderastan, if the Novorossia Republic is created, I wouldn’t rule out the use of a couple of nukes on that land so as to make the remaining country unattainable to agricultural products for a long time and let those “Habsburg Melancholics” emigrate and be the badly-paid janitors in the EU’s Easter Fronteer (Austria, Poland, Slovakia, etc). Russia may be blamed for that but, given the wackiness of those people I would call it a “bad but preferable scenario”. Just a couple of nukes in water supply regions. That may help to create a no-man land in which is difficult to organize a new Barbarossa.
Sadly, inhere in US most, and I mean most, close to, perhaps, 97 percent of people think that US NATO can go in and attack and defeat the Russian forces I have not talk , not found anyone on the street that wont believe the contrary Too much Marvel hero stuff and Hollywood Rambo James Bond infection.
Notice I am a military veteran.
Meanwhile, Psaki Biden, Fox News, etc are blaming that gas went up to 4 dollars a gallon…in cahoots and in tandem with everything going up in price because Russia…as excuse..
Moreover, a few news outlet indeed critized Biden sending an ad- nauseaum team to talk to Venezuela’s Maduuro after years of sanctions and Guidofication .plus stealing gold, oul refineries, factories, sabotages, etc .
Its sad and embarrassing seen such offering breadcrumbs to a country that havent done anything to us but claim sovereignty and different views.
The initial China phobia for Covid has been redirected to Russophobia and its in each one’ ls heart to decide if such is not a firm of racism…
Meanwhile, an acquaintance whom is a Lieutenant in the Army was telling me that he is
having hedaches and moral problems training the new recruits of the Nintendo degenaration nowadays .
Its complex and puzzling , cos the old tough ones are retiring or not reenlisting, as it seems..
From many of our useless , oublic tit sucker politicians, they are demanding to send aircrafts by NATO..of course , easier said than done when they will stay in their comfy chairs and their out of shape overweighted bodies enjoy expensive whiskey…and caviar.
Most US citizens believe that we cannot be touched nor at risk…
No desire for peace…
Thats worrisome…
I see it the same way ” folks in the Pentagon are smart enough to know that this is all bull, but the Eurorodents inside NATO?” Especially Poles and Czechs. They act irrationally, same way as actor Ze.
Ze is a dead man walking. Disposable useful idiot, with a target on his back. Ukro nazis are just waiting for him to make a wrong move and he is gone.
A few comments:
1.In the scenario written by someone a few weeks ago you published,didn’t it foresee some NATO forces getting involved and being defeated? I’ve never thought that Russia could save herself without at sometime defeating a NATO force.I’m also afraid that NATO is taking the wrong message from the fighting in Ukraine. Instead of understanding that the speed of the operation isn’t as fast as some expected because Russia is trying to save Ukrainian lives and not destroy Ukrainian infrastructure. They may see it as the Russian military not being as strong as they feared. And in that case they might be tempted to try their luck.It may be that Russia is going to have to give them a demonstration of what happens when Russia isn’t concerned with saving enemy lives.
2. If there is to be a mini-Banderastan,that’s a bad idea.First, the Russians would need to move it further West anyway. Confining it to the true Western Ukrainian areas,leaving all the rest to the liberated areas. Which would also give further depth to the defense of Kiev. Second,leaving a hostile anti-Russian neo-nazi rump state in the region just makes a new problem for Russia.As well as a big problem for the rest of “Ukraine”. A de-fanged Western Ukraine as a mini-state,or autonomous region might be an answer.But the danger of leaving it as a “nazi redoubt” to ally with NATO and provide an endless supply of terrorists and spies to sabotage the Russian forces and the free Ukrainians ( as well as cause trouble in Belarus) is too great a danger to risk. Here is the best version of a mini-Banderastan:
3.I’ve never seen the West as enraged before as they are against Russia now. The good from that is it finally exposes for Russians to see how they really feel about Russia. And now is the perfect time we have all talked about for years to bring the Western shell game down. If Russia really is serious about decoupling from their enemies. And restructuring their economy to prevent sanctions from ever again hurting them,now is when to do it. Putin should be able to rally the Russian people around him to make those changes,with the anger from the West’s betrayal. So take that “once in a lifetime chance” and do it now. If not done now,there may never be a better time again.
As a former professional soldier, I agree with everything you said.
“The good from that is it finally exposes for Russians to see how they really feel about Russia.”
And it exposes the same to the rest of the world.
The savagery and madness combined is a very frightening combo.
We are definitely in social psychosis/rabid dog territory.
Giving Transcarpathia back to Hungary in exchange of Hungary exit from NATO would be very good indeed good (that is probably a done deal)!
Giving Galichina back to Poland without condition would be even better since Poles and Galicians hate each other and have scores to settle!
Once in a lifetime chance also to expose the true nature of 5th and 6th columnists in Russia once and for all.
This monday (Zone A) I noticed the first hints of propaganda saturation on the easiest targets. Fear with respect for material issues, instead of the fantastic hysteria, is becoming palpable and gaining momentum. These propaganda easy targets won’t become russophiles, not in years, but may in turn become much more focused on their own politics, which is definitely a plus in my book.
Andrei I am going to try and answer some of your thoughts.
NATO wants to draw Russia into attacking a NATO country. As you and many others have stated NATO is being seen as a dying organization. NATO is losing face all over the world even though the Ukraine is not a NATO member.
NATO cannot afford to lose face and yes there are more war mongers in the USA and EU than most think. I fear if Russia gets drawn into the trap nuclear weapons will be exchanged. No one will win if this happens.
China is remaining on the sidelines for now. If NATO goes all in so will China as they know they will be next. Oh if nukes are exchanged fallout will be all over China with the prevailing winds.
NATO militarily is not weak if they decide to actually do something Russia may well be in big trouble having to fight NATO. Honestly it is too early to actually make any predictions from either side of this war. Speaking from the West no one here can tell you the truth and want to beat their chests as the evil Russian beat up the poot Ukrainians. The media spouts propaganda all day long as does the other side. What is this the 11th day of the war? No one can tell us the outcome at this time. Although the PSYOPS bunch can spout come lies and dam bigger lies to sway the stupid masses.
Yes I agree Nato cannot accept a pie in the face like it is currently getting, and there is potential for miscalculation to send in a “Brave” column that ultimately gets destroyed and things escalate from there.
On another note, I hope that Americans see some of their politicians for who they really are, war mongering hateful and despicable beings.
Im talking about Lindsay Graham. If Americans want an example well Lindsay Graham is it. He should be forced to resign, these people are a danger to the world and have no place in politics at all.
I understand your anxiety. I’m anxious as well. But there is no, NO chance that NATO will involve itself in the Russian intervention in Ukraine. Yes, there are countries that are willing to supply arms and mercenaries. But this is not uniform across NATO and the USA the UK, and others have said they will not commit troops against Russia in Ukraine. Russia will have to take steps to wipe out these mercenaries.
I believe, like you, that the defeat of the Ukrainian forces is only a matter of time. And as the caldron closes, Ukrainian forces will be “forced” into submission – no pun intended.
Let the corporate media have it’s day in the sun. It continues to ask the “hard” questions – why doesn’t NATO act? But it doesn’t ask the follow-on. If NATO asks, will this result in nuclear war? This is all propaganda.
What is more interesting, IMO, is the blowback from the economic sanctions against Russia on the global capitalist economy. The price per gallon of gas in the USA is estimated to rise to as much as $8 a gallon. So is the average American able to pay $400-$500 a week to fill his/her gas guzzling SUV or pickup truck? No. Something will have to give. And that’s just the start. The price of all goods in the USA and throughout Europe will rise as energy is a cost component of all distribution systems, packaging, and food/beverage production. What will Americans do when they can no longer afford meat, dairy, eggs, and beverages? Biden and company were already bracing for a loss of both houses of Congress. But they will be lucky if they are able to win any races at all. As I ask my friends – all of this just so NATO could have a member on the Russian border?
Of course, my belief is that NATO really didn’t want Ukraine as a member. It simply wanted to induce Russia to invade Ukraine and thus be caught in a long drawn out occupation of a country with a strong resistance fed by the Deep State and its weapons producers-benefactors. Russia is too smart to play that game and I believe once Ukraine is defeated and a pro-Russian/neutered if not neutral government is installed, Russia will pull back to its original borders with two exceptions – it will hold on to the entire Black Sea coast and it will find some means to secure the western portion of Ukraine (my hope is that it builds a couple of military bases west of Kiev for this purpose).
So no, no WW3. The stakes are too high and NATO/USA knows it. That’s why Biden has been very clear about no direct involvement. Same with Herr Stoltenberg. In fact, Herr Stoltenberg has stopped making any pronouncements at all. And Germany appears to be rethinking its hardline against Russia as it faces the catastrophic potential of losing the energy necessary for its economy.
What will be fascinating to see, post invasion, is China’s investment in Ukraine. My thinking is Ukraine will most likely come out economically to the plus side once the fighting dies down.
I also look forward to the full report of USA bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. As you know, I have argued against these here in the USA as they appear to be housed at a number of USA universities and military facilities and some stand-alone facilities. What insanity – weaponizing pathogens. Just incredible. And Putin is the insane one???
One card in the mix that I believe is of great interest is Turkey. Erdogan likes seeing the West vs. Russia because he can look like a white knight and act like a mediator. Turkey is not out for the West or Russia. Turkey is out for Turkey. But Turkey sees the EU giving special consideration to Ukraine’s request for membership while completely ignoring Turkey’s long-standing many-year request for EU membership. The obvious racism is here for everyone to see. Yes – the “woke” West is racist against Muslim Turks. Another aspect of this racism is the way they embrace Ukrainian refugees but refuse Mideast refugees. The latter, of course, were created fleeing NATO and USA wars within in their countries – not a war started by Russia. The hypocrisy is there for all to see. Let’s hope Turkey continues to play a middle role. Once Ukraine falls and China’s builders step in and modernize the country, the whole world can then compare what happened to Ukraine vs. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.
Keep the faith Saker! And thanks again for your cogent and excellent analysis.
Of course, my belief is that NATO really didn’t want Ukraine as a member. It simply wanted to induce Russia to invade Ukraine and thus be caught in a long drawn out occupation of a country with a strong resistance fed by the Deep State and its weapons producers-benefactors.
I couldn’t agree more. This won’t escalate to a WWIII. The U.S wants to financially isolate Russia, and bog it down in another Afghanistan. This allows the U.S & friends freedom to confront China.
China is the real target here. It always has been.
This, in my opinion is why Russia has been very clear in its intention not to occupy Ukraine. Doing so would be madness. Demilitarising and balkanising Ukraine is what is going to happen. The Eastern, pro Russian side of Ukraine will deal with securing the borders of their newly establiahed state. The west of Ukraine will become another Idlib.
The more hysteria, the more hype & hyperbole we see coming from the west only tells me that things aren’t quite going as they’d planned.
The west is fragile right now. A huge defeat in Europe will be the straw the breaks the camel’s back. Let’s face it, they won’t start a war they know they may not win.
I agree with your point on the Black Sea too. Theyll secure that territory to prevent NATO from ever moving in.
De jure Ukraine was not a member of NATO. De facto Ukraine was already a member of NATO. Command and control very closely linked. NATO trainers, advisors and offices in bases. Monitoring equipment installed in Ukraine.
“Monitoring equipment installed in Ukraine.”
Thisis also the case in Finland and Sweden, while Norway has already ceded10 bases to US/NATO
“Russia will have to take steps to wipe out these mercenaries. ”
Would these mercenaries be covered by the Geneva Conventions?
If not, Perhaps Russia should make that absolutely clear from the get-go: that any mercenaries sent into Ukraine will be on their own, so to speak. Ditto neoNazi battalions.
But regular Ukrainian Army are covered by the Geneva Conventions.
@Taffy – let’s call them “enemy combatants.” Perhaps there’s room to “house” them in some black sites in Cuba. Waterboarding would be certainly possible. Make sure it’s well known that this is happening.
Russia has stated very clearly that any foreign mercenaries caught in Ukraine will be treated as ordinary criminals.
General Konashenkov spoke of this in his press briefing on March 2nd. “… At best, they can expect to be prosecuted as criminals. …”
So, I think that Russia is on top of that situation.
I don’t believe the west will wish to hurt itself (physically). They are quite happy allowing the Ukrainians do their dirty work for them but it’s a completely different story if they risk getting dusted themselves. And the Russians have already shown they ain’t bluffing.
Unfortunately I agree with you. I do not think that cooler or saner heads are in any position to prevail in the West.
Dear Andrei
thank you for everything you do for mother Russia and consequently all of us. I support President Putin when he said “a world without Russia cannot exist”. You are a brilliant military analyst and your predicted outcome is probably realistic. Now the answer to your question that this is not the end for us all lays in God´s hands. May God have mercy on us.
Stay blessed my friend, Druschba.
They cannot stand down. Looks like all or nothing. Maybe we have reached the fullness of time ( пуноћу времена, за време, до времена и после времена ). With elimination of cauldrons/festungs death cult will do their thing. Andrei, I do share same way of reasoning with You. Western nomenclature cannot back down unless some kind of overthrown of actual governments happens. Sieg oder Untergang !
Hi Saker!
MAYOR CAVEAT with the content of this comment: all the statements I will quote might have been referring to a possible future war in Balkans. I put this in front to make the comment easier to read. :) The original content of the comment follows:
Regarding your dark thoughts about a Russia-NATO war: statements by Serbia’s government officials around 21st and 22nd Feb 2022 make me believe the war will happen, and will be deliberately caused by the EU, presumably during the summer of 2022.
The statements:
By Ivica Dačić, president of Parliament: “They will pressure Serbia, but we won’t bloody our hands”, and also “at any rate, [Serbia] won’t bloody its hands in a fratricidal war”.
Original news article here:
By Aleksandar Vučić, president of the Republic: “Because of that our policy of protecting our country and not going to war will be of key importance. Our military is incomparably stronger than all others, today’s army is multiply stronger than YPA and because of that we have to show greater responsibility.” I presume he was comparing Serbia’s army with the armies of its neighbours.
Original news article here:
Now, this is speculation on my part, but it’s possible the phones started to ring already in the evening of the 21st, and that somebody was trying to put together a coalition to fight Russia. And on the back of that, the two highest officials in full mandate (the government itself is in technical mandate due to the incoming elections), and also leaders of the two most important political parties (by a wide margin) professed the basic policy of Serbia, in principle committing the country to sitting on the sidelines.
In the days that followed, the stance of the EU (far more belligerent than the USA) and especially it’s apparent policy shift from “trade” to something unspoken made me conclude that “EU is going to war”. As an amateur, I would expect any actual military operation by EU won’t happen before the summer since – I think – the EU is unprepared for the war at this point.
What can be done to prevent it? Pray to God Almighty the economy breaks this week (or at least this month), causing chaos in EU and USA followed by hyperinflation, revolutions and civil wars. That would (probably) avert a Global Thermonuclear War and is therefore a most excellent course of events! ^_^
EU has practically no army and no military coordination, it’s not happening. They would be rolled over by Russia. And I know that because I live in one of the most armed nations in EU if not the most armed, and our army is still peanuts compared to Russia’s.
The veiw from here suggests Nato leaders will behave as brazen high school children who feel they can isolate and intimidate entire societies with the antics of hostility and exclusion. I do not believe they have the intellectual capacity to see the possibility of an “outnumbered” opponent not capitulating. They are the list of there allies countryside’s and feel a childish sense of dominance. They really are that stupid. I live in Canada and very few people here are truly adults.
Our way of life doesn’t require much in the way of basic competencies. So most people in urban areas are almost completely non competent outside of there paid trade.
Socially people here have developed into adult children who can only socialize with other close to there own age and basic interests. Almost no one has big picture awareness. I very much doubt any Canadian gen x political hack or gov/military personelle have the ability to make any important decision making gumption to guide anything to keep a disaster form occurring. Leadership has been poisoned out of the population. It is seen as being domineering. Yelling at people to avoid an accident would be seen as abusive.
That said they are followers and cowards and will react to the politics of power like any other cowards. Any way that’s most Canadians. The banderites from canada will run to meet the dreams of glory. Sad foolish children mostly recruited at Canadian Cubs scout groups by cynical Canadian galaicians that would use lonely lost Canadian children as foot soldiers in there plans of war with Russia.
So, in a week or so, we’ll see Russian forces advancing to the line Zhitomir – Vinnitsia.
The rump of the Ukrainian army will be opposing them: conscripts, reservists;100,000 men.
The remnants of the UkAF, flying Polish aircraft from bases near the Polish border.
Poland supplying these bases with aircraft and arms. Also from Poland, overland shipments of arms.
NATO calling for a ceasefire.
Not a good status quo for Russia. Either bomb in (western) Ukraine and prolong the agony there, or bomb in Poland and risk escalation. Or accept a ceasefire and find the *problem* has only moved a few hundred kilometers west, busily re-armed by NATO. The first two also prolong the refugee disaster, which only weighs Ukr public opinion further against Russia.
Then is it necessary to advance to the Polish border? Reduce the *problem* to a government-in-exile? If a ‘consensus’ government in Kiev can be established and an end to hostilities declared, elections declared and the bulk of troops withdrawn, Russia may be on top of the situation. A ‘clean-up’ of damage and return to normalcy also a major priority, to coax refugees back.
But at what point will a neutral government materialize that will defend its border against NATO without Russian troops? On the one hand, Russia must consider how friendly such a government will be, to invest in rebuilding its military; on the other, this has to go hand in hand with major economic assistance to get Ukraine back on its feet. The latter — a visible improvement in living standards for Ukrainians — will be the biggest factor in improving relations.
All this, of course, under intense economic pressure.
And, throughout, Russia will have to face an insurgency covertly supported by the West. It will matter if only because it will keep Russian troops in Ukraine when both the Ukrainians and Russia would rather they leave. Hopefully, the Russian military has learned lessons in Chechnya that will make it a short-lived affair.
Incidents in themselves (an infiltrating column obliterated by missiles) will serve the propaganda front more than anything, keeping the Western ‘audience’ in continual outrage. Would NATO use one as a pretext for intervention? I would consider the following: should US military leadership agree to such an insane proposal, it would be prime facia evidence that said leadership had lost the professionalism necessary to conduct such an operation.
For all this mess are responsible England and France for the Munich pact given Hitler Czechoslovakia without it he wouldn’t able to start the second world war no Jalta no NATO pact and Ukraine would be a free country probably ! England never ever learn from mistakes what they have done!
About your fears Andrei, all is about this: how much economic leverage China elle has on diplomacy….Spring is driving and a lot of wheat seeds must be put in soil if we want to have something to eat. Ukraine is still one of the main grain producers and China are interested since they have chosen not to buy much from USA or Canada. They buy from Brazil for instance…so the neutral vote of this country at UNO last week. So, perhaps China will be able to “tirer les marrons du feu”.
If NATO choses to turn Eastern Europe, from the Baltics to Rumania, into a radioactive wasteland zone, adding the Baltics to their blood sacrificial altar, while keeping the EU as an openly colonial vassal entitiy, Putin once stated that Russia will directly target the imperial decision-taking centres and not the cannon fodder they will present Russia to bleed (some tons of Baltic, Polish and Romanian flesh). Hence, the City of London, the Brussels NATO and EU headquarters among others could be on the verge of total annihilation. I think this week we should hear about a finally serious American team begging for (really) meaningful negotiations.
Psychopaths lie even when telling the truth gives them a better outcome.
Cher Saker, je ne sais pas…le pire n’est pas forcément certain, mais il faut l’envisager.
Regardez les frontières…
– Pays Baltes ,pas vraiment des tigres et trop visibles dans la propagande
– la Pologne…oui c’est sur qu’ils jouent depuis longtemps sur la mémoire de leur feu empire, un peu comme les Britanniques.
– les voisins sur les bords de la Mer Noire…oui je pense que là il faut regarder avec attention, avec de bonnes lunettes, aussi.
Longue vie à vous, Saker !
The failure of the West to come to terms with reality (and taking extreme efforts and lengths to avoid coming to term with it) have lead to this war and all the economic devastation to follow. Unfortunately, that same failure to come to terms with reality can likely lead to further escalation, including a direct conflict between Russia and NATO, and even escalating further once they fail to come to terms with the reality of NATO being terribly defeated either.
Maybe, it’s good for us to come to terms with this possibility of the war becoming more major. Although, there are reasons to hope that this won’t happen, since the hope is that some reasonable people exist even if in weaker positions.
God knows why and what’s His plan. For some reasons, it is given to us to live to see these times, whether we like it or not.
@ Saker
As always, thank you for another superb insight into the current conundrum.
“…I can easily imagine, say, a Polish column with weapons and mercenaries crossing into the Ukraine and being wiped out by Russian missiles. I ask you this: what will NATO do next?
The signs are, the pain-dial is working its way up to all sectors of the world economy, galloping (and long lasting) inflation will cover up the globe, the food supply chain will kick hard the most vulnerable countries, social disruption follows when people are hungry.
I agree with you the leaders in old bastard Europe are full-time idiots, their decisions guided by sheer Russophobia, however, in time the European masses will realize these “leaders” are deciding against their interests. COVID-19 has shown disaffection among Europeans is beneath the skin, riots, insurrections, and social mayhem will be the result of wholesale unemployment, food scarcity, and a newly gained awareness they have been duped.
“…In fact, let me rephrase my question this way: is it at all possible that this war can end without a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia, keeping in mind that NATO cannot win and NATO cannot accept defeat?
You have made a great point, NATO is a prisoner of its own (false) narrative, caught in a Mexican standoff with itself between surrendering to reality (Russia won), and keeping the facade it is not “brain dead” (Macron.)
According to M. Bhadrakumar @ Indian Punchline (,
“…The big picture is that Europeans (and, most certainly the Biden Administration) would have already sensed that the Russian operations have largely succeeded in meeting Moscow’s objectives in the regions to the east of Dnieper River and along the Black Sea coast (which gives a contiguous land corridor from Rostov-on-Don in Russia to Crimea. (See the map below.)
The US hype on supplying fighter jets to Ukraine (when Russians control air space!), govt-in-exile, insurgency, etc., cover up loss of face. The US propaganda war is at a high pitch. Coming so soon after the defeat in Afghanistan, this is a devastating blow to US prestige in Europe (and internationally.)…”
He added that BoJo’s essay yesterday in the NYT ( is a clear sign that “the ‘Beating of the Retreat’ has begun…”
I agree with Bhadrakumar the West is beginning to look for an exit ramp, the signs are all over, energy supplies the main one, but also important countries are falling out of line with the West’s informational war. Look at Pakistan, when asked to review its relations with Russia, Imran Khan told them “What do you think of us? Are we your slaves … that whatever you say, we will do?” India is trying to bypass the dollar to trade with Russia, Lavrov just put the US in check re: sanctions against free trade with Iran. Their house of cards is falling apart by the day.
The US desperation can be seen in sending a delegation to convince Maduro to ditch relations with Russia.
Good luck.
“…Sadly, I don’t think so anymore, that kind of folly is a direct consequence of the Western PSYOPs which have convinced the folks in the West of two crucial things: 1) Russia cannot win and 2) Putin is bluffing.
Again, they fall prisoners of their own false narrative. All the US/NATO is doing, as you have said ad nauseum, is to fight this war to the last Ukrainian. The informational war is a mirage, Russia is creating a new reality on the ground all the presstitutes in the world will not be able to deny. I believe NATO will continue to do a save face operation, of which BoJo already provided the outline, nothing major.
There is too much at stake at this point, to open up a war front against a country that is fully prepared for this confrontation, against which they have nothing to counter. IMHO, they might unleash a low intensity conflict in western Ukraine with a ratline of mercenaries coming in from Poland, et al. How serious would that be for Russia, remains to be seen.
I think that the folks in the Pentagon are smart enough to know that this is all bull, but the Eurorodents inside NATO and the EU?
NATO will not make a move without the US ordering it. CIA may issue the marching orders, but Eurostan does not march in lockstep. Macron is already protecting French interests in Russia, “don’t get out just yet,” and in Germany there is a strong undercurrent of discontent with the idiotic policies of Herr Schulz.
Russia’s military leadership, as Mr. Martyanov assure us, brainstorms strategies 24/7, and Putin carries his responsibility toward the wellbeing of the Russian people as a heavy weight on his shoulders. They would not have gotten into this kerfuffle without the certainty of victory.
And victory will be.
Sleep well, Saker.
Lone Wolf
I believe that America’s approximately 700 billionaires control the U.S. Government and that if and when the existing Ukraine loses this war, Ukrainians will be publicized as having failed, and that many Americans will see this as having been only that, and will continue to hate Russians and to support anything that the (billionaires’) U.S. Government might do to overthrow Putin. America’s (and its vassal nations’) sanctions against Russia will continue, and will destroy U.S.-and-allied countries’ economies, but not Russia’s economy (except for during only the first year or two), and China’s economy will continue growing, and India will try to stay neutral but will ultimately join the non-vassal bloc, of Russia, China, and Iran. I expect this because I believe that ultimately Indians will come to recognize that when they became freed from their British masters, Indians subsequently have become targeted for takeover by U.S. masters, and that Indians will finally rebel against and abandon America — especially as Indians will be seeing the U.S. economy spiral downward from here on out.
But, most basically, I disagree with Andrei’s saying “Sadly, I don’t think so anymore,” and the reason is that I believe that the people who control the U.S. Government, America’s billionaires, would rather be living in a declining America than dying in a WW III or in an extremely nuclearly contaminated world that also faces a “nuclear winter.” In other words: what they want from Biden&Co at this stage is simply bluffing, not actually any “Nuclear Primacy,” which is probably too stupid an idea for them actually to believe in. So, I am more of an optimist. Cheer up!
I’m really glad to hear your respected opinion on this.
Dear Mr. Zuesse,
I haven’t read your thoughts in a while and it is good to hear from you again.
I don’t disagree the Wall Street mavens want to remain (1) living (2) wealthy (3) and influential in Washington, DC politics. But if campaign bribes (oops, I meant to write politely, “contributions”) are that effective then why haven’t the politicos stopped all the saber rattling?
War is profitable for the weapons industry but expensive and requires tax money to fund it. I think it’s easier to make money using HFT (High Frequency Trading) on the difference between the ‘bid’ and ‘ask’ spread of all the investment machinations that are tainted with the fetid smell of financial fraud. The palms of the SEC / FTC regulatory bodies are well-greased too, I’m sure.
I believe there are other malevolent forces at work here that are driving the war narrative beyond the control of hedge fund managers and investment bankers who like the no life threatening risk of short-term casino profits.
The WEF gang are selling global power to the U.S.-EU politically elite (perhaps China, too) and the potential for greater earnings gained from a period of reconstruction after the war in Ukraine and elsewhere similar to the one that lasted 12 years after the American War of Secession.
It’s just another way to make money off of the misery of others.
Yes I quite agree. Just a whiff of a real chance of a nuclear weapon going off will crash markets 90%.
In fact I suspect there’s a lot of work being done on a narrative of blame.
Eric Zeusse’s legendary investigative journalist’s intuition is something I respect and believe in. Therefore, being an Indian, I take heart from his prognosis vis-a-vis India.
At the same time, I cannot but shudder at the thought of the “700 billionaires” watching with apparent indifference as large swathes of humanity – people who get impoverished by increasing prices, become victims of the tyranny of mass hysteria and cancel culture – live through a dark phase of their lives.
Somehow, the parallel with the great Indian Epic Mahabharata comes to mind. When there is general decline of social morality, God arranges for a “constructive destruction” of Evil and all those who take its side. The prospect destruction of one’s own kin in this Religious War caused the protagonist Arjuna to have grave doubts about the ethics of the war he was asked to fight, until Lord Krishna, the incarnation of God, clarified the ethical dilemma through what came to be known as the Bhagwad Geeta
I see a parallel between the Mahabharata war and the war in Ukraine: Putin has repeatedly said that he considers Ukrainians as brotherly people. He regrets having to fight them. But then, he is merely doing his duty to kill those who have chosen the path of Evil. It is their Karma to be defeated and killed. They had always had a choice. They chose death. Putin is merely an instrument of God in sending them on the path they have themselves freely chosen.
I think that if you are concerned, then by definition the psyop is successful. Therefore, don’t buy the madman hypothesis.
The most likely outcome is a new line of contact somewhere west of Xhitomyr. I actually think that western psyops knows how to turn on a dime (they do it all the time), and there will be a new narrative of freedom vs tyrany, plus a somewhat comforting dividend of military Keynsianism. In 2022 Biden will lose congress. Eventually the US will snoop around for a different chink in Russia’s armor. Russia has said openly that its Pacific fleet is inadequate, for example.
Russia has arguably always been far more vulnerable in, say, Syria, than Russia ever was at its own border. Syria is a real nest of vipers and also must’ve also been approx. the same order of butt-hurt for the US. But Russia has been remarkably successful in Syria.
Just some thoughts.
Best regards,
@Shyaku – “Russia has said openly that its Pacific fleet is inadequate, for example.”
This could easily be overcome if Russia were to source ships from the Chinese in exchange for gas and oil and technology assistance (nuclear aircraft carriers). Talk about a win win.
In my opinon Saker, it will continue to get much uglier. We are less than two weeks into this thing. It will be easier to surmise in a couple of months. This is a very long time in coming. Looks like Hungry has opted out of the war, I hope a few others follow suit. Not much hope for Britain, Polland and maybe Romania. France I think has already gotten cold feet and Germany is waking up ( not going to stop buying gas from Russia ). Let us observe and see.
Holland is eager to join. Dutch PM Rutte, aka ‘Lachebekje’ (smirky), has already committed material support to the Ukraine, and herewith he has secured a candidacy for the post of NATO SecGen when Herr Stoltenberg leaves his post. His mission would be to ‘turn over every MH 17 stone’ he may stumble upon.
In Spain at least (where I live), TV analysts don´t think Russia cannot win or Putin is bluffing. Instead, they are pretty sure Russia is going to win in the short term and Putin is not bluffing…because he is gone mad. (They also thought Trump was crazy and dangerous).
Also, they know NATO cannot engage in this war because it would escalate to a world war and Ukraine is not that important.
What they think is: 1) Ukrainians will fight guerrilla style for years and finally Russia will have to leave as happened in Afghanistan to both Russia and NATO; 2) Economic sanctions and propaganda will make impoverished Russians, maybe the oligarchs, to finish Putin.
Some people, maybe 20% (10% communists and 10% nationalists) don´t believe NATO propaganda and somehow support the Russian claims or at least blame on the NATO this result. But around 80% simply believe what every TV program repeat day and night.
I feel pity for the Ukrainian people, how they have been fooled by the UE. Should they enter the UE some day, they would be forced to accept Feminism, LGTBIs, gender doctrine and African or Muslim immigration; they would be mistreated by the UE if tried to resist as Poland and Hungary are being mistreated; besides this, they will always be insulted by the rich UE countries who insult UE poorer countries in every occasion. They should stick to their Russian brothers instead of joining a bunch of egoist countries that really don´t want them in.
Dear Saker,
residing here in an hostile country, your concerns are certainly worrying. However, consider this: NATO-Euros can’t be both poodles and mad dogs at the same time, can they? Both pop guns and loose canons? I amuse myself alluding to the European NATO countries as comparable to the literal and proverbial “Brass Monkey”; and the freeze is coming!
I ponder the failure of contemporary Western Empire operations due to the prosecution of war with not considered concrete political goals but, at best, avaricious commercial ones. What profit lies in nuclear devastation?
And speaking of lies, in the “light” of Western propaganda I am continually reminded of the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. I feel sorry for the people of Lviv (is it the most Nazi city in the world?), because their city may need to be reduced, not least because Western journalists are probably proofreading the very story of it as we speak.
A couple of weeks back, I was completely excluding a hot war b/n NATO and Russia. But now, after seeing the suicidal economic war, I agree with Andrei for a possible clash.
Albeit a fat target for Russian missiles, the madness in the US & Eurodents seems not to subside until it gets complete annihilation & embarrassment. Hope somebody out there with sanity reminds the deranged folks of the collective West that Russian nuclear triad is locked and loaded.
Zelensky is the new Fauci…
“Justin Trudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to join politics.” – Volodymyr Zelensky 7/2/19, twitter
It takes a while for the big tech social media ghettos to run out of dopamine injections.
Woke War 3: The Cancel (Russia-Culture) Campaign…is an extension of…The Russian Trucker Nazis Invade Ottawa Campaign…jmo.
“We cannot allow Russia, to destroy the rules based order Canadians died to defend in the Second World War.” – Chrystia Freeland, 2/24/22 CTV News
Misery loves company…
Build Lies Better…
-Ukraine is Trying to Goad the US into World War III
Glory to the Zeros…
-Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator – so much for Russian disinformation
Drain Ukraine…
-Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Selling out his country at WEF 2020
Turkey is one sad pathetic sack of *. They want to be in the EU for years, but no, the are treated like gum on the bottom of their European shoes. Turkey was granted membership in NATO so they could be used, and like a lapdog they were always there. They fought in Vietnam alongside the US there and suffered lots of casualties, just to prove they are “in” the western alliance in some sense. They support Israel at some level because the US demands it I suppose. Now, people are offering Ukraine EU status (if it survives) and Turkey, good old faithful dog, NATO stalwart, follower of the US even to Vietnam, is not worthy. Being in NATO means you are willing to be US lapdog and define your national interests in line with your master. Is there honor in that?. So is Turkey an official enemy of Russia then being in NATO? Maybe the Turks are getting tired of the unrequited love bit.
“Turkey is one sad pathetic sack of *.”
Their political two-facedness has caught up with them. I guess when you, as a nation, straddle the divide between two great areas of geopolitics, and yet have grand schemes of your own, at some point hard choices will have to be made.
The most dangerous people are the journalists or people of the media Who live in a fantasy of war as a daily film which give them some adrénaline. They are totally inconscious, real bastards, criminals…
They asks as many as possible “if it Will not be good to have ano fly zone in Ukraine?”, “will nato send troops in Ukraine?” And so on.
So yes, the worst is -ok, surely perhaps, highly likely- to come.
I think in this complete Jam, Putin should get us a possibility to save the face. How, I dont know…a new yalta “you take Europe and the western part of Ukraine, you stole there what you want (They agree in any case), and I sell you my gas cheaper and you sell it two times higher to the europeans, they like that. Yes it’s awfull. But better than a nuclear anhilation.Sorry
Turkey is one sad pathetic sack of *. They want to be in the EU for years, but no, the are treated like gum on the bottom of their European shoes. Turkey was granted membership in NATO so they could be used, and like a lapdog they were always there. They fought in Vietnam alongside the US there and suffered lots of casualties, just to prove they are “in” the western alliance in some sense. They support Israel at some level because the US demands it I suppose. Now, people are offering Ukraine EU status (if it survives) and Turkey, good old faithful dog, NATO stalwart, follower of the US even to Vietnam, is not worthy. Being in NATO means you are willing to be US lapdog and define your national interests in line with your master. Is there honor in that?. So is Turkey an official enemy of Russia then being in NATO? Maybe the Turks are getting tired of the unrequited love bit. The Turks do a lot of sneaky anti Russian stuff, and Russia is remarkably patient. They do endless mischief in Syria, and organize anti Russian paramilitary forces all the time. Maybe they are too sneaky to even want as formal friend on either side. They are good enough to be a NATO lapdog. that it!
From Sputnik: “China Urges West to Hold Equal Dialogue With Russia, Consider Its Concerns – Envoy to UN
“We encourage the United States, NATO, EU to carry an equal dialogue with Russia and to face up to the antagonism and problems that had been accumulating for years,” China’s Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun said on Monday.
Zhang also urged the West to pay attention to the negative effect to the security environment for Russia resulted from the eastward expansion of NATO and in accordance with the principle of the indivisibility of security to seek to establish in European security mechanism that is balanced, effective and sustainable.
The Chinese ambassador called on Russia and Ukraine to continue to hold direct negotiations.
“We express the hope that their talks are fruitful where a peace can be created,” he said.”–kiev-end-1093669631.html
Note also 2 usn destroyers entered the Baltic Sea, one being infamous donald cook.
From RT: “China pushes back against the US in the Pacific”. Scott Ritter on China’s opposition to a Pacific “nato”.
It appears Bliken gone deeply mad against Russia or the deep state are in a real panic situation… they perhaps doesn’t realize the outcome can be so disastrous, including for US. Anyways, $ crash likely very soon and perhaps they would see WW3 as the only solution to save themselves from their downfall they created within the last few decades… Another question/observation, has NATO just reduced to a Blinken organization? Yesterday, I read that he was dictating countries can provide soviet-era planes to Ukie and he would be happy to replace/replenish them with F-16’s… or perhaps the MIC sees this as a huge opportunity to make trillions of $’s.
New update from liberated areas of Donbass:
Russia Ukraine War Front: Russia’s New Territory?
I’m an optimist. I don’t think NATO will intervene or do anything that puts the West’s rulers at personal risk, as war with Russia would (I count on their cowardice). Instead the war with NATO will play out on the financial diplomatic and political planes. As regards the latter, it won’t be long before a peace movement grows in the West, fed by the human costs of massive inflation and unemployment. What proponents of peace need to get through their skulls is that Ukraine is not Russia’s enemy, NATO is. We in the West who want peace need to focus on the security guarantees treaty Russia proposed in December that the US and NATO spurned. Their gist is a withdrawal of NATO militaries to the positions they held in 1997 and the removal of all nuclear weapons to their owners home countries. Since no one in Europe felt insecure in 1997, why should we hesitate to return to those positions now? Why should the US and it alone be permitted to spread its nuclear arsenal not only into European countries but Asia and elsewhere across the globe? So long as these measures, plus the removal of sanctions, is all Russia is asking, peace movements across the West have no excuse not to embrace Russia’s proposals and to call on our governments to negotiate a new, peace-promoting security structure in Europe.
Voice from Prague, Central Europe
First, it seems that Ukrainian operation is over, soon.
Second, what to do with the rest of Ukraine, i.e. mini-Banderastan? Would it be a buffer region in between?
Third, if Polish (i.e. NATO, i.e. English Kingdom incl. USA) forces enter there, should Russia answer and enter westward? To stop on the line of contact 1997? Very probably. Follow-up – Suvorov in 1815 – not excluded.
Fourth. I suppose that cards for the future were dealt not later than in June last year at Geneva talks.
Fifth, political moves in many european countries in the last months to the right could be fortified (remember only-few-month-lasted 2nd Republic of Czechoslovakia and its raging authoritarism leading to fascism) and amplified.
There are my first remarks only. Cheers.
Sadly, despite the many informed voices here, all seem to be missing the point of this war.
IMO it is NOT intended to affect Russia, nor even Ukraine… it is intended to push energy prices through the roof, food prices through the stratosphere, and completely destroy the ‘old normal’ economy in order to force the peoples of the world to accept the ‘new normal’ social/economic order.
Hagaellian Dialectic in play.
Those That Rule (or at least think they do) NEED to destroy civilisation to the point the survivors will clamor to be saved.
That is IMO reason #1 indeed, but the will to submit and/or weaken Russia by whatever means (anti-heartland of McKinder) is definitely another.
“US, NATO & EU Sought to Make Peaceful Resolution of Ukrainian Crisis Impossible – Archbishop”.
“However, he wrote, if one were to look at the situation in Ukraine now, without allowing themselves to be “misled by the macroscopic falsifications of the mainstream media,” they would notice that “respect for mutual rights’ has been completely ignored.”
“On the contrary, one gets the impression that the Biden administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make any attempt at peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis impossible, provoking the Russian Federation to unleash a conflict. Here lies the gravity of the problem,” he wrote.
Vigano slammed the mainstream media coverage of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, saying that it is “presented to us as a consequence of Vladimir Putin’s expansionist arrogance towards an independent and democratic state over which he would claim absurd rights”, while Europe “obscures Russia Today and Sputnik, ensuring that information is ‘free and independent.’”
“The censorship against Russian broadcasters is clearly aimed at preventing the official narrative from being disproved by the facts,” the archbishop lamented.”
Your concern that this may draw in further countries, because NATO can’t win and NATO can’t admit defeat, is also a concern of mine. Given how we (in Germany) are flooded with propaganda while being cut off from RT, which might still offer some perspective, how we are supplying Stinger rockets and other equipment to Ukraine, how we are keeping North Stream 2 shut while gas prices are soaring, how calls for setting up a no-fly-zone are getting louder, how the percentage of pacifists has plummeted in the polls around February 24 – all of this is stupid, self-destructive and highly dangerous. We might even constitute a greater danger to ourselves than Putin, Selenski and Uncle Sam combined.
EU politicians are stupid but also cobards, so they will not start a direct war. Also, economic consequences for Europe will start to influence elections (although prices were already skyrocketing since 2020, particularly in countries governed by the left and the greens).
We just heard here in Japan from Vesti that Goldman-Sachs has started buying up Russian securities. In WWII, it is said that the Rothschilds did similarly and it indicates foreknowledge of a deal or victory. I hope this is true. My husband (who watches the TV) says there was talk of a potential limited nuclear confrontation near Lviv, targeting people bringing in armaments.
The Sakers’s site is the most accurate that I have seen, and I thank him perfrusely. I think that eastern Ukraine will be liberated which will take some time, due to the Nazis hiding behind civilians. It is possible that the west can be just bombed, thereby destroying all military infrastructure. Western part will be left to the zion USA to build back, but how is another question? After all, all they know is to bomb not build.
Then it is on to USA\Nato going back to the 1997 borders. 2 ways to ensure this; 1. To point missiles against all of Europe, effectively destroying them in minutes. 2. The same as above but with an ultimatum, including at timeframe. I hope for the latter. Russia can hit all of those Western bases with impunity, unless they hide among the civilian population. Just like they instructed their neo-nazis to do in Ukraine.
Economically, China will support Russia always. 2021, China’s trade to Europe was 679B, USA 660B, Canada 80B, but the trade to the rest of the world was almost 3 times as much. Both Russia and China know real hardship, just a few years ago, and will make sacrifices, as per their highly intelligent government, who always see far into the future. In the west, we never lived through a depression but that is now coming.
P.S. Russia, please give your wheat, fertilizers etc. to the rest of the world first. You can sell what’s left to Zion, at a price you dictate.
To address your question:
“So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?”
Unfortunately, I am not optimistic. Thomas Friedman published an opinion in the NYT yesterday titled “The Cancellation of Mother Russia Is Underway.” The West believes that Russia will surrender and is willing to risk nuclear war. May God have mercy on our souls.
I think that Russia must get the attention of those who have the real power in the West. The first thing to do in dialing up the pain meter would be to cut off all exports to the West. Period. If that is not sufficient then maybe an illustrative non-nuclear strike somewhere. For example: destroy the headquarters of SWIFT in Belgium or sink an aircraft carrier or destroy NATO military warehouses in Poland or Germany or sink Exxon crude carriers in different oceans. I think the West is rightly afraid of nuclear war and the use of non-nuclear weapons by Russia on Western interests might be a sufficient wake up call. Because otherwise, I have no hope…
Dear Saker. We all share your fears about a spontaneous NATO attack even if it may be lost beforehand.
Putin, however, has other ways to realize his goals which seem to go beyond the Ukraine neutralization.
Please read this excellent article by Tom Luongo:
“Joint Chiefs Chairman Secretly Visited Weapons Shipment Hub Near Ukrainian Border: Report”
“Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley made an unannounced visit to an undisclosed airfield near the border with Ukraine last week, a senior Pentagon official has told CNN.
The airfield was said to have been turned into a major hub for the shipment of NATO weaponry into Ukraine, with Milley said to have toured the facility, acquainted himself with the weapons transfer operation and met with troops. The country where the base is situated was not specified.
The outlet’s source said the shipments have not yet been targeted by the Russian military upon entering Ukraine, but expressed fears that this may happen in future.
In all, 14 countries have now sent or committed to send arms to the Eastern European country.
US and NATO military shipments to Ukraine have included Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger man-portable air defence systems, Turkish Bayraktar drones, small arms and ammunition, howitzers, armoured vehicles, protective equipment and fuel. Some of this equipment has already been seized by Russian and Donbass republic forces during their advance.
In addition to weapons, Kiev has also received hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and set about recruiting a “foreign legion” of paid mercenaries, reportedly offering up to $2,000 a day or $60,000 a month for their services. Nearly 20,000 people have already expressed interest, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has said.
On Sunday, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service accused the US and the UK of turning Polish territory into a “logistical hub used to supply weapons and smuggle fighters” to Ukraine, including terrorist militants redeployed from At Tanf, the US-controlled base in Syria.”
The “hostile” declaration allows loans and credits to “persons of foreign states who commit unfriendly actions” to be banned, except when prohibited by Russian law.
It also closes Russian airspace to those declared.
Pessimism is the handmaiden of war.
Will there be a war between Russia and NATO? No. Turkey, Croatia and Bulgaria have already indicated in no uncertain terms that they want no direct part in such a war. There will be many other NATO member states that feel the same way but which, to date, have simply seen no reason to say so out loud. Does anybody really believe that France, Spain and Italy, or even Poland, would go to war with Russia? Not me. Okay, so Germany is once again day-dreaming about the Reich but does it have a functioning military? No, it doesn’t. The only NATO member state in Europe that I can see that might genuinely be interested in a war is The UK, but only if it stays conventional and on the continent. But everybody else in Europe detests the Brits so their powers of persuasion are close to zero. The USA mightn’t mind a war in Europe but wouldn’t participate directly. The days when it tolerated dead soldiers coming home in body bags in large numbers are long gone. And does anybody really believe that The UK and France are about to start lobbing nuclear warheads at Russia? If you do, please go for a walk, fill your lungs with good air, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. It will make you feel better.
btw…why is everyone so surprised about the info-war? Gil Scott-Heron told us way back in 1970 that “The revolution will not be televised”.
The US never gives its people THEE (the truth) answer, they just give them any answer they think will manipulate them in the direction the masters want. So, when Russia wins this in an obvious manner there are gonna be a lot of angry and confused American idiots out there for some unscrupulous politicians to lead off into oblivion.
As for NATO you ask a good question Saker. Should these clowns lick their wounds and live to fight another day or do they realize that Putin still demands that they retreat to 1997 locations or else face the consequences?
I keep getting the feeling that Putin might be punking them to get it on now so Russia can wipe them out as a threat for all time.
NATO will just pick up where it left off once this is over and keep trying to move eastward. This whole thing won’t end with Ukraine. You can just feel it.
It may be now or never, sorry to say.
What I have been visualizing is that “statehood” is perhaps gone (didn’t President Putin hint that already?… it could be split into East Ukie and West Ukie with East Ukie to join the twins DPR and LPR on Russia’s side.. this way the east is “fully buffered”, including the full black sea coast and further inwards until mid-way upwards, which more likely has dual advantages both for the East Ukie and Russia. The west Ukie, I believe, Russia will not bother much except to keep it neutral and under check… internal fire-fight will decide it’s own destiny.. not worth for Russia to get involved, spend money to rebuild and use its soldiers, except to keep a control in that region. Russia will help develop East Ukie, LPR and DPR economically and militarily, I guess. So we have Belarus, LPR, DPR and East Ukie all most of Eastern Russia border zone be a larger buffer for Russia.
An economic implosion in the West will be a serious reality check. Since this can be wrapped around the Dems and Biden, while a lot of the Republicans are starting to trend nativist, hopefully nuclear war gets lost in the shuffle.
“Russia’s ruling party suggests nationalization of foreign businesses”
“United Russia proposes to nationalize the production of those companies which announce their departure and the closure of production in Russia during a special operation in Ukraine. This is an extreme measure, but we will not tolerate stabs in the back, and we will protect our people,” Turchak said in a statement.
He called the companies’ decision to leave Russia “a premeditated bankruptcy,” “a purely political decision,” and part of a “sanction war against Russia.” Therefore, he argued, the main task of the Russian authorities is to “to preserve jobs” and not let the economy “be destroyed from within.”
“This is a real war, and not against Russia as a whole, but against citizens. We will not look at it indifferently. We will take tough retaliatory measures, acting in accordance with the laws of war,” Turchak said.”
In the area of prognosticating what will happen in the future, particularly apropos NATO, here’s what I think:
The mental attention span ‘allowance’ for the average American for performative/virtue-signaling faux-‘concern’ is generally numbered in short cycles of a few weeks at a time. Think of the propaganda news cycles of previous events where everyone changed their Facebook cover photos to BLM flags, or to the French flag when the cathedral burned down, or to the uproar over “Joseph Kony” mania in Africa which lasted a few weeks max.
What I think is that the U.S. ‘media-technology-military-industrial-complex’ has blown its load too early and will be a victim of its own success. You see, when you flood the dopamine too much and too fast you tend to oversaturate your propaganda-target audience, resulting in their getting “burned out” from the informational and emotional over-load. I think the vast majority of western audiences will feel “burned out” by the emotional investment in the hyper-media campaign, and in a matter of weeks, as the various economic destructions of the west come to bear fruit (due to the sanctions, embargoes etc thereof) we will see the attention and narrative of the common hoi-polloi being switched to their suddenly disappearing living standards, hyper-inflation etc.
Thus I predict in a matter of 2-3months, the media-military-industrial-complex will begin having major problems keeping burned out people interested in the war, which will be “old news”, with the same repetitive narratives/footage of burned out apartment buildings playing over and over (people tend to get bored of the same old stuff) and growing protests/riots/discontent will slowly begin swallowing Europe as the price of everything skyrockets up and living standards plummet to new lows.
Thus, ultimately, even if/when the NATO bigwigs attempt to so much as test the narrative of war against Russia within their populations, I foresee harsh backlashes as people’s anger will grow that their leaders are focusing on some miserable foreign war with a bunch of slavs no one likes anyway, to the complete overshadowing of the increasingly dire domestic situations. So in short, I think these globalists will have a very hard time in convincing their populaces of the necessity of any military incursions etc., and if they still somehow manage to do so, it could lead to catastrophic consequences for them domestically as people may riot and their own societies may experience immense civil shocks. Populist leaders will continue to emerge who will preach “no forein interference” at this time who will eclipse the popularity of encumbent globalist leaders and cause a lot of stress to the political systems of these countries.
With that said, all the major world wars also started under similar societal circumstances nonetheless, so the risk is still there, depending how psychopathic the corrupt globalist leaders of each respective european country really is, and how open or closed they may be to reason.
Interesting view good sir. My only thought would be, that as things get harder for the citizens of the West as you describe, Russia will of course be the perfect scapegoat. The issue will move from “Russia invasion blah blah blah we’re bored” (as you say) to “Those Russian bastards are starving us / making us freeze to death ” etc.
Hopefully, the West will negotiate, rather than mobilise. I think Europe will, but not the US / UK. But without their European proxies mobilising, it would be nice to think that will discourage them from sacrificing their own citizens.
Well, that narrative is already being played. Jen Psaki and the Whitehouse has already openly and publicly blamed rising prices on Russia and the conflict. However, the problem for that narrative is the fact that a huge wave of rising opposition voices are challenging them on this in the most visible/public and humiliating way possible. Every top opposition figure, media (like Tucker Carlsen / Fox) is completely lambasting the ‘establishment’ on these claims and is rightfully exposing the fact that Biden is at fault for all the current economic woes and not Russia or any ‘conflict’. So while you’re right that this will be their M.O., it won’t really fly because at this point the growing chorus of voices challenging and exposing them on this is way too strong.
“So, please tell me I am wrong and that the West does still have enough brains to step back from this abyss?”
The propaganda war may be uncontrolled and operating on autopilot. If this is the case its fabrications and faulty data inputs may lead EU leaders into making bad decisions irrespective of their brain power.
The western media is no longer a provider of news and chronicler of events. Market pressures and consumer tastes have warped it into an infotainment medium. Its only relationship to news is the fact that it erroneously calls itself news.
Infotainment is about transforming current events into contextual raw material for the creation of stories. The three elements of an entertaining story are: villain, victim and hero.
Western media’s job is to compress actors and events into these three categories in order to generate a story. In this case:
Villain: Putin
Victim: Ukrainians
Hero: The viewer who supports the Ukrainians by the act of consuming the infotainment.
That’s why there is no mention of the two million Donbass refugees who fled to Russia over the past 8 years. If they fled, they fled from something. From the Ukrainians? No, not allowed. Such an item of information undermines the role of victim and this would ruin the storytelling, i.e., the infotainment product.
That’s why there is no mention of the 15,000 Donbass residents killed by artillery shelling. The question would arise as to who was shelling them. That too would undermine the victim role and ruin the product.
That’s why there is no mention of the 100,000 strong Ukrainian army concentration on the Donbass border (line of contact). If they were shelling Donbass civilians they were concentrating in order to attack them. The conclusion is unavoidable. That’s a problem because suddenly Putin’s decision to “invade Ukraine” becomes legitimate. And yet Putin has the role of villain; his motivation has to be nefarious because good storytelling demands it. So this too is information that has to be excluded from the product. Putin attacked because mad is much better scriptwriting.
Western media is not about deceiving people. It’s role is more akin to that of kindergarten staff. Their job is to keep the children occupied by telling them fairytales. In fairytales there is no complexity beyond wolf bad, piglets good. Likewise in western media there is no complexity beyond villain bad, victim good. Fairytales are falsehoods told to children not to deceive them but to entertain them. Infotainment is the adult version. The main difference is that fairytales aren’t going to get us all killed in nuclear fire.
I like your analogy and metaphors, namely reducing entire populations to the level of kindergarten pupils. Sadly it is true. Around me there is an astounding wall of ignorance, affecting even “educated” people, who are incapable of accepting context because that interferes with the simple narrative of good/bad dichotomy appropriate for developing brains. For them, the “story” started twelve days ago and the narrator is a teacher of morality!
the “Total War speech” *light version, of the new German Nazi Chancellor O. Scholz (funny sidenote, who was also proven involved in the “German Dividend Tax Scandals”.. )
source: german here
sorry for comment spam but the canadian press is running with “ominous reports” that “putin” is bringing in “private soldiers from syria”. sounds dumb on many levels but mainly
1. russia has its own mercs
2. most mercs in syria are anti-russia/assad
3. chechens tho
4. if anyone, they”d use the tiger brigades
seems like desperate hasbara but who knows?
China……The keystone in the arch of this war.
The question is whether there are real human beings among the Western politicians. Most look like zombies on remote control, all under the spell of one diabolic master. That sounds like fiction but the whole series of US military interventions since I can remember also sounds like a bad dream, However it is real. Initially my country Canada didn’t approve of all those US adventures, but that has changed for the worse and now Canada has fallen in line and she has become an unconditional US/WEF vassal. So all the decisions of the Masters are anounced by the zombie commander-in-chief in Washington; the vassals sing the refrain.
In short, have no expectations the Western politicians will behave like real independent thinking human beings with respect to the Ukraine situation.
The sports political drama queens continue their persecution of Russian athletes.
“Gymnastics chiefs act over Russian star’s ‘shocking behavior’”
“Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak faces an investigation over his “shocking behavior” at the medal ceremony at the Apparatus World Cup when he appeared with a ‘Z’ symbol added to his vest on Sunday, the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has announced.”
If one has any knowledge of Italian slang, they may note that “fig” is an apt name for these cowardly bigots.
A report I found on Telegram. I remember reading about this gang of scum years ago. Now that hyena Zelensky has released and allowed them to be armed. A story that fits in to my comment yesterday on the need for a group of hard men on the Russian side to deal with bandits like this. The Russians need to form SMERSH units right away:
A few facts about the Tornado battalion that will make it clear who Ukraine is dealing with today.
They write that the fighters of the disgraced volunteer battalion “Tornado” are free. The Ukrainian authorities released them along with other criminals in the hope that they would take up arms and go to beat the adversary. They went, only the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine turned out to be an adversary for them. The Nazis recaptured a bunch of weapons and military equipment from their own and settled in a settlement in the vicinity of Kyiv, where they behave exactly like their Makhnovist ancestors – women, vodka, waste and shooting into the air. This is just the first example that Zelensky and company have provided Ukraine with a problem of banditry for years to come.
❌ At the time of the formation of the Tornado battalion, every fourth fighter had a criminal record, and commander Onishchenko was prosecuted five times.
The battalion was dispersed by order of the ex-heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Avakov. Can you imagine what the degree of sins should have been if Avakov dispersed him and brought the fighters to justice?
❌The torture chamber was set up in the basement of the Privolnyanskaya school.
❌ The detainees were beaten on the buttocks and genitals, and a certain apparatus similar to an electric generator was also used for torture. During the torture, Tornado employees used marijuana.
The prisoners were forced to do humiliating work. Some of the detainees were forced naked to dance and sing songs, squat with a 24-kilogram kettlebell, do push-ups, etc.
❌One pensioner was hung upside down and beaten, kept in this position for about four days.
❌ Many prisoners were forced to rape each other in anal and oral ways, recording these scenes on video.
❌Members of the “Tornado” at the trial stated that they constantly had at least a dozen prisoners.
The battalion commander forced the “tornado” to “squeeze” vehicles and other property from the civilian population, which was then used by the unit’s personnel or resold.
❌In April 2017, the Obolonsky District Court of Kyiv issued a guilty verdict against 12 Tornado fighters. Former company commander Ruslan Onishchenko received 11 years in prison, his deputy Nikolai Tsukur – 9 years. Another six defendants received from 8 to 10 years in prison. At this point, everyone is free and looking for new “adventures”.
I am pretty much at peace with the outcome. I don’t know what this means as I have never known war. Russia knows war. Their ancestors know war. It resonates in their minds. If anyone on this earth was to lead us through the darkness I would choose Russia. The federation is sober and intelligent and I think they actually care about humanity. I feel truly grateful to Russia.I am trusting them to do whatever they deem necessary. May peace be with you and with us all.
Dear Pamela,
You have expressed my thoughts and feelings about the situation very well – thank you!
With you, I believe that Russia is sober, intelligent and cares about humanity. It beggars belief to suppose that they would set in motion an undertaking with such serious consequences without many months, if not years, of planning, war-gaming it seven ways from Sunday, imagining every conceivable move of the Empire and then agreeing on a multitude of possible countermoves to each of those moves. No doubt they have taken this quote by Lincoln to heart: “When I’m getting ready to reason with a man I spend one third of my time thinking about myself and what I am going to say—and two thirds thinking about him and what he is going to say.” (h/t to
White opened with a pawn push. Black will win with checkmate and without losing his queen.
I think the U.S. is perfectly aware that Putin is not bluffing and they won’t risk war with Russia. The true problem may be Europe. Germany is feeling its “augusterlebnis” (august experience) similiar to 1914. Any reason is gone and forgotten, even condemned immoral. Who asks for concessions is denounced as siding with the war criminal in the Kremlin. I know a couple of leftist and (formerly) pacifist guys who are close to volunteering to defend Ukrainian freedom and democracy. Everyone seems to be ready to sacrifice everthything for something he has no clue about.
However, I guess even the completely incompetent German government is aware about the consequences. But they have lost control and are beeing pushed by the media and the public opinion. The whole scenario is surreal. NATO puppets are dragging their master into war. They should not succeed because this contradicts everything NATO was established for, which means serving American interests.
@ Solidus
“They should not succeed because this contradicts everything NATO was established for…”
It may be a slight slip; but it may be intended to mean literally that NATO was set up for something other than American interests, in which case I hasten to disabuse you:
“The purpose of NATO is to keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down” said the first Secretary General of NATO, Lord Ismay. Another one of his observations, when the Soviet Union expressed its intention of applying for membership – because it was supposed to be a defensive alliance – he noted that it was “like a burglar applying to join the police force”, hence underlying the fact that NATO was set up to arrest the “burglar”.
Still chasing…
Well he was old -fashioned. The “police” now coopt hackers and jihadis all the time…
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Pestilence, War, Gold and Death ! )))
– poland/nato will never enter the territory of Russia and Belarus.
– nato will de facto withdraw from the conflict.
– Russia is guaranteed to win, and NATO, at least, will roll back to the 1997 borders.
Putin was playing for time, delaying the start of the war with the Ustates / nato until the start of the food and energy crisis, the crisis of fertilizers and employment, … which will lead to dollar hyperinflation!
– It seems that for many states/citizens there will be no grain for any money. israel, by the way, bought grain from okraine
It’s time to switch to rubles and gold. )))
China agriculture minister says winter wheat condition could be worst in history
By Hallie Gu and Shivani Singh
BEIJING, March 5 (Reuters) – The condition of China’s winter wheat crop could be the “worst in history”, the agriculture minister said on Saturday, raising concerns about grain supplies in the world’s biggest wheat consumer.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the country’s annual parliament meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that rare heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage. read more –
A survey of the winter wheat crop taken before the start of winter found that the amount of first- and second-grade crop was down by more than 20 percentage points, Tang said.
“Not long ago we went to the grassroots to do a survey and many farming experts and technicians told us that crop conditions this year could be the worst in history,” he said. “This year’s grain production indeed faces huge difficulties.”
The minister’s comments underscore concerns about China’s grain supply at the same time as the war between Russia and Ukraine, which together account for about 29% of global wheat exports, has disrupted supplies causing wheat prices to surge to 14-year highs.
However, Tang is confident China can ensure a bumper harvest of summer grain thanks to strong policy and technical support and the improving crop condition for the grain.
Fuelled by the Ukraine crisis, wheat prices in China soared to a record this week on existing domestic supply worries.
Tang’s comments also come as Beijing has refocused on food security, a long-standing priority for the central leadership that has become increasingly prominent in policy since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020.
China’s state planner said in its own report at the parliament meeting that grain supply remains tight, despite consecutive good harvests in recent years.
PS – Ustates and west in zungzwang. Israel’s prospects are also grim. He was one of the largest consumers of ukrainian grain. Now the attempt of any new quantitative easing to unravel the debt pyramids will not be superimposed on the reduction of world production and world trade. There will simply be nothing to provide a new shaft of printed green waste paper. And if the owners of freshly printed fiat money are joined by those wishing to drain the previously accumulated GKOs, then it will be Perfect Storm.
What the hell “Gold” – Hunger! “Pestilence, War, Hunger and Death!”
No you are not wrong. The Neocons want nuclear war with Russia. And everybody here in the US is just totally zombified. I believe Dick Cheney once said, ” What’s the use of having nuclear bombs if you can’t use them”
I’ve been having so much anxiety since The Dumb Fucks of the West forced Putin to defend itself.
Hi Andrei,
I am 💯% sure the war with NATO is over. NATO+unfriendly countries, especially the USA all know they have to make the choice between life and death, and as spineless bluffers they cannot chose death.what a sad bunch of morons they are!
Wouldn’t a military/political defeat of NATO in Banderastan not risk bringing down NATO as an organization?
Yes, and that’s the reason why Nato will not try to seriously defend ‘Banderastan’: apart fron some minor actions such as supply of ‘lethal’ weapons or even troop deployment that will not actually change the balance of power vis-a-vis Russia. Basically as PR for their domestic audiences and the hapless Banderites.
I have always believed that the professional military in Nato — Germans, French, even the Brits — are capable of thinking, like Vice-Admiral Schonbach, the former German navy chief who was forced to resign after expressing some truth, while in India, about Putin and Russian Crimea. They know that in fact a neutral Ukraine would serve both their and Russia’s interests well. Russia has never threatened their security, and things were very much business-like and friendly before 2014. These people must also be able to see that the present situation in the Ukraine is untenable; perhaps they may even be secretly impressed by the abilities of the RF general staff and RF armed forces.
The Ukraine is a failed American experiment to create a springboard from which to threaten and ultimately attack Russia (and its allies). IOW the US was attempting to preserve its hegemony in Europe and preparing to destroy a potential ‘usurper’ in the form of Russia.
Russia has now paid, and is continuing to pay, a high price to neutralise the incipient threat with the lives of its servicemen, materiel and wealth. It is very unlikely that it will stop until its aims in the Ukraine are met; doing so would betray the ultimate sacrifice made by its fallen servicemen.
We have not really seen Russian fury yet; RF will continue doing what needs to be done in the Ukraine — US/Western public opinion be damned — and look after the interests of itself and its friends not just in Europe, but also elsewhere. If Europe is interested in continuing to exist in its current form, it should start thinking about a new European security architecture that is independent of the US, together with Russia. And yes, that means dismantling Nato.
I think with most of the ukie military now gone, Russia’s focus could slowly tilt towards containing Straussians themselves in this region, and the recovering from the damages they ill mentaility people have caused… but I think the straussians will still be foolish to poke further, via false flag ops or using NATO or other of those ill sorts.. on the other side, Russia may begin to politically strengthen with the rest of the larger world with the Greater Eurasia Partnership… and also to contain the two of the five eyes located in the oceanic region.. for sure, the world is much larger than that of just EU and NA regions. And yes, most of the countries in those regions are struggling, with number of them been a victim of straussians, the klaus and the likes of them.
In my opinion, the Russians should be as open and transparent as possible. Putin talking to the flight attendants. Lavrov giving press conferences. I think those types of things should continue. International media cannot ignore these types of appearances.
The people who are running the United States, however, are crazy.
Over the weekend I would have said war with NATO was 50/50.
Today I’m noticing a teeny tiny change in the MM rhetoric that gives me hope. I think acceptance of the situation is ever so slightly getting the upper hand. I also think they are getting ready to throw Biden under the bus.
Leading market indicators often provide clues as to what the financial world is expecting in the future. They are privy to information we can only dream about. Yes today the markets were crazy with Nickel up 80% etc. But oil reversed big time. Gold has not broken all-time highs. The DAX reversed upwards. Global stocks are down but not collapsing. There is just something about the whole war trade that seems to be slowly maturing.
I really hope I’m not letting hope cloud my thinking. Market indicators aren’t infallible. But war with NATO does not seem to be priced in.
Andrei, thank you for providing information and analysis. I am happy to say as an Irish man that we are not on the belligerent list. We deserve to be by our governments statements and action. Despite that we are not on the list. Hopefully people realise that our ex leader and possibly future leader, who is under criminal investigation for leaking state documents, who called putin Hitler, whose party was born from a fascist movement in the past is full of nonsense will not be our leader in the future. We are taking in 100000 Ukrainian refugees when we have a homeless crisis. Created by those parties in power. We have allowed the USA to use Ireland as a land bridge to all sorts of atrocities and renditions. I shall stop now but please appreciate the Irish government does act or speak for the vast majority of Irish people. We have become a vassal state but those of us that know resist.
This Irish government, not the.
Yes you are, all of EU is.
The European Union in its entirety is on the naughty list. Although Czechia got an honorable mention for some reason.