Okay, let’s be clear. I am not Muslim. I oppose terrorism. I don’t even support the death penalty. I loathe Takfirism. I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point. I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor.
But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie.
In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the murders in France. Here is why:
Charlie Hebdo for the Darwin Awards
The folks at Charlie Hebdo had it coming. Here is what I wrote about them in September 2012 when they published their famous caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed: Worthy of the Darwin Awards, if you ask me. Excellent, the “gene pool” of the French “caviar-Left” badly needs some cleaning“. Today I fully stand by my words.

Just a stupid dare?
Let me ask you this: what would be the point of, say, taking a nap on train tracks? You don’t have to “agree” with the train which will run you over, but it still will, won’t it? What about taking a nap on train tracks specifically to make a point? To prove that the train is bad? To dare it? To make fun of it? Would that not be the height of stupidity? And yet, that is *exactly* what Charlie Hebdo did. I would even argue that that his how Charlie Hebdo made it’s money, daring the “Muslim train” to run them over. You think I am exaggerating? Check out the caricature which one of the folks who got murdered yesterday had just posted. The text reads: “Still no terrorist attacks in France – Wait, we have until the end of January to send you are best wishes“. The crazy person shown in the drawing is packing a Kalashnikov and wearing an Afghan “Pakol” – the typical “crazy Muslim” in Charlie Hebdo’s world. Talk about a stupid dare…
“Spitting in people’s souls”
There is an expression in Russian: spitting in somebody’s soul. It fully applies here. Muslims worldwide have be unambiguously clear about that. They take blasphemy very, very seriously, as they do the name of the Prophet and the Quran. If you want to really offend a Muslim, ridicule his Prophet or his Holy Book. That is not a secret at all. And when Charlie Hebdo published their caricatures of the Prophet and when they ridiculed him the a deliberately rude and provocative manner, they knew what they were doing: they were very deliberately deeply offending 1.6 billion Muslims world wide. Oh, and did I mention that in Islam blasphemy is a crime punishable by death? Well, it turns out that of 1.6 billion Muslims exactly three decided to take justice in their own hands and kill the very deliberately blaspheming Frenchmen. You don’t have to be Muslim or to approve of the death penalty for blasphemy to realize that this was inevitable and that this has nothing to do with Islam as a religion. Offend any group as large as 1.6 billion and sooner or later you will find 1-5 folks willing to use violence to make you pay for it. This is a statistical inevitability.
Are some victims more equal then others?
So 12 deliberately “soul spitting blasphemers” were murdered and all of France is in deep mourning. The media worldwide does such a good job presenting it all as a planetary disaster that many thousands people worldwide say “I am Charlie”, sob, light candles and take a “courageous” stance for freedom of speech.
Crocodile tears if you ask me.
The fact is that the AngloZionists have carefully and lovingly nurtured, organized, armed, financed, trained, equipped and even directed the Takfiri crazies for decades. From the war in Afghanistan to Syria today these murderous psychopaths have been the foot-soldiers of the AngloZionist Empire for decades. But, apparently, nobody cares about their victims in Afghanistan, in Bosnia, in Chechnia, in Kosovo, in Libya, in Kurdistan, in Iraq or elsewhere. There these liver-eating murderers are “freedom fighters” who get full support. Including from the very same media which today is in mourning over Charlie Hebdo. Apparently, in the western ethos some victims are more equal then others.
And when is the last time somebody in Europe shed a single tear over the daily murders of innocent people in the Donbass whose murder is paid for and directly directed by the western regimes?
How stupid do they think we are?
And then this. Even a drooling idiot knew that Charlie Hebdo was THE prime target for that kind of attack. And I promise you that French cops are not drooling idiots. Yet, for some reason, they were nowhere to be seen that day. Only a van with two (or one?) cop was parked nearby (hardly an anti-terrorist protection detail) and one poor cop was shot and then executed with an AK shot to the head while he was begging for mercy. Is this the best the French state can do?
So what is going on here? I will tell you what – the EU 1%ers are now capitalizing on these murders to crack down on their own population. Sarkozy already met Hollande and they both agreed that new levels of firmness and vigilance need to be implemented. Does that not reek of a French 9/11?
So no, I am most definitely NOT Charlie this morning and I am disgusted beyond words with the obscene display of doubleplusgoodthinking “solidarity” for a group of “caviar-lefties” who made their money spitting in the souls of billions of people and then dared them to do something about it. And I am under no illusion whatsoever about the fact that cui bono clearly indicates that the French regime either organized it all, or let it happen or, at the very least, makes maximal political use of it all.
But most of all, I am disgusted with all those who play along and studiously avoid asking the right questions about all this. I guess they really are “Charlies” all of them.
I am not.
The Saker
All supernatural belief systems of any kind, christian, moslem, jew, whatever are a pox on mankind. That includes “Orthodox christainity” of the eastern, russian or the latin or “uniate” variety.
Any supernatural belief system that makes a claim to civil authority, or the powers of civil authority (which includes implementing an “execution” of any person who affronts whatever variety of diety is claimed) is in reality a subversive organization, subversive of civil society, and should be treated as such by each and every government, worldwide. In this sense, islamic fundamentalism is no different than the fundamentalist christianity present in the U.S.
Your quite misinformed Karl. In Orthodoxy there is always a secular element in governing. That’s the entire point of the doubleheaded byzantine eagle. The state and the Church are to work in symphonia.
What your promoting is the degeneration as found in the imperial homeland where “black friday” shoppers stomp on each other to buy useless crap, devoid of any significance for holidays. Your outcome is to make everyone a consumer and robot devoid of humanity.
Contrast that with the joy of believers who bake delicious food and pastries for the celebration, are united in community, celebrate namedays, cut the vasilopita, observe timeless traditions etc.
in judaism and islam this is impossible as both declare their own law in the form of torah and shariah.
That’s the issue with religious people. Their own religion is always better than the other one, and atheism necessarily amounts in their mind to consumerism.
Read Nietzsche.
Read Nietzsche you say. Yea well… he called himself “the cruficified one”…On 3 January 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental collapse. Two policemen approached him after he caused a public disturbance in the streets of Turin. What happened remains unknown, but an often-repeated tale from shortly after his death states that Nietzsche witnessed the flogging of a horse at the other end of the Piazza Carlo Alberto, ran to the horse, threw his arms up around its neck to protect it, and then collapsed to the ground.
In the following few days, Nietzsche sent short writings—known as the Wahnbriefe (“Madness Letters”)—to a number of friends including Cosima Wagner and Jacob Burckhardt. Most of them were signed “Dionysos”, though some were also signed “der Gekreuzigte” or “the crucified one”. To his former colleague Burckhardt, Nietzsche wrote: “I have had Caiaphas put in fetters. Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner. Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished. Additionally, he commanded the German emperor to go to Rome to be shot and summoned the European powers to take military action against Germany.
This Nietzsche nut wanted MURDER of people and you want us to read writings of an insane looney that to top it off wanted murder to be committed against others & though himself the “crucified ‘One’ ??? NO thanks! you read him.
BTW…Nietzsche had written in Ecce Homo of his fear that one day his name would be regarded as “holy”. LOL No fear Nietzsche, no chance of THAT ever happening.
great post. thanks!
Whereas you consider their view to be as good as yours. Oh yes, I can see the difference at a glance.
Nietzsche is pseudo intellectual garbage for misguided narcissists & sadists & belongs in the trash-heap of history with other over-rated, people/nation destroying shit piles like the works of Freud & the trans-humanist “philosophers” of recent history. “That’s the issue with religious people…” Your comment implies to me you’re just as much or even more sanctimonious in your own ideas than the billions of people you’re ignorantly lumping together under the same tired, pseudo-liberal contemporary stereotypes of religion being fed to you by your TV & the books you find prominently displayed & reviewed for you on the shelves of your Barnes & Noble.
In reply to buzz777:
I don’t defend the present “liberal” ideologies and commercialism in the west. It’s disgusting to me as well.
My point is that any and all supernatural belief systems are susceptible to misuse (God wills it! what can one say?). To the extent that they make claims to civil authority, or to the exercise of powers of civil authority (physical coercion, execution, taxation in any form, etc.) that misuse becomes inevitable. When that claim is made, the belief system, religion, faith, denomination, whatever, in factual terms becomes a political organization, overt or covert, and should be treated as such.
If eastern orthodox christianity promotes “joy of believers” great! So long as it works through “moral suasion.”
There is an old occultist saying which paraphrased goes something like, “There is no supernatural, only the natural which appears super to the uninitiated”.
Everything from remote healing, to levitation – there is much more than meets the eye in a world which has become enamored with the Cartesian/Newtonian/mechanical world model (belief construct).
For a small example please see the following video which provides a glimpse of the ‘supernatural’.
Magus of Java
Speaking of natural/supernatural, I wonder whether some of those who use this words are aware of their real meaning:
Natura = The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or “essential qualities, innate disposition”, and in ancient times, literally meant “birth”. Natura was a Latin translation of the Greek word physis (φύσις), which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord.
So, you can speak of “the nature of God”, “divine nature”, “the nature of the divine”, etc.
I have to confirmed that these type of healing techniques exist because I have personally had one in Manila and my life was saved
I submit that the belief system which is currently drowning the world is not religion , but a religion-free gangsterism using capitalism as its tool. This would be impossible w/o a substantial degradation of the moral basis of the West. Religion is thought to be generally a bulwark against total moral abandon. Even the Islamic killers whom we are pleased to call “religious fanatics” actually owe their training and usually payment to the West and its allies.
“Even the Islamic killers whom we are pleased to call “religious fanatics” actually owe their training and usually payment to the West and its allies.”
Atrocities have been committed in the name of each religion and many “subsects,” e.g., the Inquisition was the product of Catholicism, not of Christianity as a whole. Within Catholicism, the Inquisition was carried out by specially trained cadres. These religious fundamentalist enforcers get special institutional support to execute their function. Just like members of the military, they have to be trained. They have to be paid, also during their training. It really has little to do with their religion of origin. There is a fundamentalist side to every religion. Even those who are motivated by fundamentalist zeal need to be trained—to fight, to torture, to storm houses and terrorize families, to use rape as a weapon and control civilian populations, to harden themselves against human compassion, etc. It all requires training. So, the question is, where does the training come from? Not, What is the religion of the people so trained and steered? It is a pretty big joke for Christians to be casting stones at Muslims, given the actual historical record.
Well, natural belief systems are also susceptible to abuse. Remember eugenics? Social Darwinism? Sadly, so many so-called secularists fall into the same authoritarian thinking that they exclusively associate with religion: ‘Oh! If only we could impose our belief universally, then there would be peace.’
Sorry to disappoint you guys , But I would like to communicate to you some info …
Some people are not aware about the Author Mauro Biglino . He wrote ” There is no genesys in the Bible ” and others . He relates that years ago he was working for the Vatican translating ancient texts . One day he came across a description of a flying sourcer and he translated it as ” disco volante ” the italian version of flying sources . But in a previous translation that sentence was translated as ” the holy spirit ” . Sometimes later Mauro Biglino was fired from his job .
Biglino says that the ” Elohim ” is not an entity but a group of entities , the Bible translation
is non accurate and changes the meaning of words . from page 28 of the book quoted above .
So the credibility of the translation of the bible and new testament is dubious , who know how many
embellishments non backed by history have been added .
Around 300 AD there was the Council of NIcea where all christians experts got together to discuss not only the divinity of Jesus but also pick up the most convenient version of events to tell the public .
According to recent studies , the character Jesus is a compostite of a few personalities that existed in ancient times and a few centuries before Nicea . One of the theorized personalities was Julius Caesar . Incidenta
you seem to have no objections against … natural belief systems.
Belief in the mainstream media, for instance – must be natural, not supernatural. Btw what does this popular, usual reliance in Media represent to mankind?
And enter a modern drugstore full to the top shelves with millions of different trade mark medicines and drugs set to ‘cure’ our maladies from headache to skin cancer. Most of us have a steady and firm belief on them…
Yet my teacher of History used to say there are a lot more naive credo and tribal beliefs in a modern drugstore than in whole of the Middle Age taken alltogether.
All Anglo-franco-zionist hypocricy is a pox on mankind. Charlie Hebdo was very good at attacking all religions EXCEPT the ZIONIST religion. Note that in 2008 famous cartoonist Maurice Siné was fired by Charlie Hebdo editor for writing improperly and drawing “improper” “anti-semitic” cartoons on the news that Sarkosy’s son was planning to marry a jewish heiress. See
It’s funny you should say that, considering that atheism actually has a higher body count. Check out the book “Death by Government” by Rudolph Rummell. In the 20th Century, the Soviet Union and China alone, ran up a bigger body count in the name of maintaining avowedly atheist governments than all of the religions in all of human history combined. By your own reasoning (not mine) atheism is a pox on mankind. You might want to rethink that. Or at least come up with some rinky dink double standard to explain it away.
And it’s downright disturbing watching you go on about how all those people are alike. If you’d kept going, you’d probably have told us how religious people have natural rhythm and like fried chicken and watermelon next.
In addition, there’s something incredibly stupid in first arguing that anybody who offends a group of people deserves it when they get murdered, and then go off on a bigoted rant designed to do that very thing. Do you think that you yourself deserve to die? Or have you not thought it out that deeply?
Saker, I transfer here the comment I made yesterday in the open thread on Orthodox Christmas on this topic.
Along the same lines of what you think, I do not believe in coincidences. I forgot to add Russian journalists killed in Donbas. I am not Charlie.
elsi said…
First, my condolences to the families and friends of all those killed and injured today, both in the attack on the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris (France) (12) as to those killed in the attack in Sanaa (Yemen) (31), both attributed to Al Qaeda.
Second, my rejection to any kind of extremist terrorism, including the state terrorism.
Third, I would like to make some clarifications:
-The style of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo I consider it of bad taste. Here I have to say that humor is always recommended and of course I support free speech, but, remember that one’s freedom ends where another´s begins, and must not be confused freedom to speak freely to miss respect for others.
-The freedom of expression includes, in addition to activities such as the satirical humor bordering on disrespect and legality, as harmless activities that constitute a basic human right as expressed in their own language (be it Russian or French ) especially in one´s own country.
-Call struck by the wide coverage of the bombing in Paris and negligible for the attack in Yemen.
-Call striking that some political leaders in Spain erect themselves now champions of freedom of expression when the government they represent just approved the fateful “Gag Law”.
-Call striking that European and American leaders set themselves up as champions of freedom of expression when they have not said anything, neither have done nothing about the continuous monitoring we are subjected by the US government.
-Call striking that all European and American leaders condemn this attack but have not heard them condemning the attack on the House of Unions in Odessa (where they were burned and tortured over 100 people by neonzais hordes) and terrorism exercised by the junta in Kiev and the battalions of assassins against Ukrainian citizens of Donbass.
Fifth, given the information circulating about the origin of Al Qaeda, IS and islamic extremism in general, is very striking the coincidence in time of several bloody attacks with increasingly reported presence of demonstrations in Germany against Islam and the imminent elections in Greece where a large majority for the left is predicted. All this brings us to the fateful 11S and makes us think if someone does not prepares us something big.
07 January, 2015 21:30
Spot on Saker.
Tony Cartalucci has some good backgrounders on the causes of this attack.
The death of common sense in media is similar to what happened during and after the 2014 Eurovision song contest.
Review of Voltaire Network and Thierry Meyssan himself yesterday about the event:
True, all true. It is part of the parallel narrative that is being constructed as the Russia Insider editor so aptly put it the other day when he appeared on Crosstalk. Pussy Riot can walk into a cathedral and do an act of blasphemy in the middle of a sacred service and it can be called political protest and be celebrated in the West. It is as if there are two parallel universes being constructed with the media only given the right to selectively visit each and define the trip for us. It is a clever form of double talk and it is crazy making. If these are the only types of martyrs the French can come up with, they are in deep do-do. But of course this means the government can pose as the anti-immigrant force in France and thus derail the anti EU, anti immigrant movement. Clever and not so crazy after all.
Try doing so called holocaust humor in France which is offensive to many and against the law.
and we still don’t know if this operation was a muslim revenge or just another USA/Mossad operation to demonize Islam in Europe or even put a bit of mess just after Holande declare that the sanctions on Russia must be lifted…
Right the second time…
So the 18 old teenager, was a mole planted inside the group, to make a credible story, and to complete the entire picture?
And what about 12 people dead, and many seriously wounded?
and congratulations for the new site!
Bravo Saker,
Very salient articulation. I had the exact same debate in my staff room yesterday. It did not feel so good to be surrounded by people running wild with blinders and chasing single minded judgement like it was a prize to get in on.
New blog format looks good. Keep up the good work.
Dear Saker,
I fully agree.
this video depicts the ‘muslim terrorists’ walking up to a french policeman lying on the floor, shooting him point-blank in the head with an assault rifle, and we see ZERO blood/brain splatter, ZERO lurching/jerking motion from the bullet’s impact, ZERO pieces of flesh flying off.
perhaps the saker would be interested in analyzing the attack, response, and video footage from the perspective of a military analyst, but from my layman understanding, this video is very strong evidence that the entire attack was at least partly orchestrated with actors and fake gunmen.
I have suspicions along the lines of junnies. Why are two gunmen able to disappear in Paris despite a massive manhunt and their car being filmed on video. And why is the official explanation for why the camera tracks the gunmen? I’d thought they were supposed to be fixed camera surveillance videos until I actually looked at this one.
Unless you are talking about another video, the one linked was shot with a hand held camera and not CCTV. Those things don’t have sound and are steady.
the policeman was also of Arab descent
Someone did such an analysis of the Boston Marathon street scene after the bombings. It sure looked as though some of the wounded were actors.
Nailed it and also were was nsa?
What I was thinking all day is pretty much the same: “Where are the “I am Danny Donbass” demonstrations?
And what about the numbers, the murdered in the Donbass are 200-300 times more.Barely a peep from my neck of the woods.
But you hit the nail on the head and dares to say it.
Well, I think the author misunderstands French values regarding freedom of speech and communautarism.
He says : “Oh, and did I mention that in Islam blasphemy is a crime punishable by death?”. Well, that might be true, but it is not in French law and rather obvisously, the law applied on French soil is the French law, not the islamic one.
France has never been, until recently, a multicultural state. Thus, the French has never defined themselves in terms of community, but only in term of nationality. In France, you’re French before being black, you’re French before being muslim, you’re French before being gay, etc.
I know that this is complicated to understand for most human beings, but that’s the way it works in Frnace. At least, it’s the way it used to work.
By freedom of speech, we the French think that every body can say anything. It means that there are no restriction, even if something can offend, shock, etc. To put it in a nutshell, we think that “a piece of freedom is not freedom”. You can debate about anything. And that’s part of the core of French values.
It means you can “spit in somebody’s soul”, even if it’s 1.6 billions, or even 7 billions. And it means the state protect you in this right.
Thus, the fact that the killed one belonged to gauche-caviar, that they were supposely part of the establishement, that France as a colony has been supporting terrorism abroad (Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria…), that “Je suis Charlie” is rather ridiculous (especially when published on US social networks woking with US spy agencies to violate privacy of millions of people, agencies which support this very islamic doctrine in the middle east), etc. has nothing to do with the fact that one of the core French values was attacked. Mixeing all these facts together is irrelevant.
I’d like to stress also that one of the killed was an economist who recently spoke in favor of leaving the €uro. Establishment you say?
It seems that the author has lived in France, yet I’m afraid he has failed in understanding the French and their values.
If we shut up about the prophet what’s next? Ten years ago, I used to work as an educator and at the canteen, pork wasn’t served anymore. That’s what’s next: a commnity imposing its own rules using violence if necessary.
Thats fine and dandy in a homogeneous society. But as your own post says France is multicultural now. This is by her own design.
Charles Martel is rolling in his grave as his ungrateful offspring have undone all he had accomplished.
I’d say it’s more a capitalist design.
Let me explain: in the 70s, 80s, 90s, many africans were literally imported into France. The logic was the following: important economic growth, underpaid immigrants workers ready to accept any job, also allowing to lower the non-immigrant wages and/or to blackmail them. It was really in the capitalistic interests.
And guess where the multicultural model has been imported from… Murica! The USA has never liked the French integrationist model. There are many reasons for that. I’ll just give one: this isn’t theirs, and France must convert.
Then came the 90s. High unemployment rates. As the offspring of these immigrants, parked mostly in the outskirts of big cities, had had less educated parents, an education of lower quality, discrimination by the employers, etc., lots of them become unemployed. No job, no dignity. They stopped recognize themselves in the French society. They felt rejected. Later, it become hatred against France. It’s also important to note that the whole French principles and values were destroyed by neoliberalism and capitalism. Some started to look for another source of belief. And now, you see the result.
I understand that the integrationist model is rare and not easily understanble by foreigners. But truly, if one doesn’t speak about this in this case, (s)he’s almost positive to be irrelevant.
Sorry, this is nonsense. The Mohammed cartoons do not represent any core French values. This can be demonstrated by a simple conceptual experiment. Imagine, at just about any point in French history, promulgating a cartoon that portrays the Virgin Mary as a street whore and her son, Jesus, pimping her, and imagine what would happen.
The whole idea that this kind of provocative filth represents some sort of core western value is pure nonsense.
All of these things, the Mohammed cartoons, Pussy Riot, Conchita Wurst, form part of a whole. They are deliberately orchestrated provocations. The people who can’t see this probably also believe that Maidan was a genuine popular revolution rather than a CIA orchestrated color revolution. I adore this site because it’s one of the few people where most people basically get it.
Perhaps you should open your mouth after researching what happened.
Catholics do not like seeing Jesus flying out of his mother’s vagina in a cloud of miraculous light either.
Freedom of speech is a core french value. Period.
Free speech is a core French right, eh? Yeah, right. Tell that to Dieudonné or Robert Faurisson. It clearly isn’t a core right for them. Maybe free speech is a core French right, but only if, like the aging hipsters of Charlie Hebdo, you actually have nothing to say.
The problem is that you and the rest of the “Je suis Charlie” crowd do not understand the difference between free speech and gratuitous provocation. That’s why you fall for these ridiculous narratives like Pussy Riot or Mohammed cartoons. You may also think that Conchita Wurst is the pinnacle of western civilisation for all I know.
But let’s keep our eyes on the ball here. First principles. Surely it is obvious that whoever is really behind this is quite intent on engineering a certain psychological atmosphere. And they do that because they believe that such an atmosphere will further their agenda. So, first, try to figure out who really staged this. It certainly wasn’t muslims. Second of all, try to figure out what their agenda is.
No… I think Free Speech and Science are the pinnacle of Civilization. And I think those who think otherwise are barbarians.
People do not get offended by Gravity. What causes offense shows something about them. Freedom of Speech is the freedom to cause offense. I too am offended by things, like Pussy Riot’s stunt at the Orthodox Cathedral, or people “parading” their sexuality. But I still defend their right to offend me, and I may even learn something from it.
Well, okay, let’s examine another hypothetical case. Let’s say some such satirical magazine portrayed the current president of the USA and other distinguished individuals of African descent, like Koffi Annan etcetera, as a bunch of monkeys living in a tree.
Would all these “Je suis Charlie” types be screaming about the sacred freedom of expression? Can’t you see that the cartoon I just described does not actually express any real idea per se! It’s just purely and simply a vile racist provocation intended to be insulting and hurtful to a certain group of people.
I submit that nobody would defend such a cartoon. Well, unless it was directed at Arabs or Muslims generally. Then it suddenly is hallowed freedom of expression. Think about it guys. Can’t you see that this is just a completely insincere game?
Isn’t the point though, that mocking someone for a choice (such as their religion, for example) is seen as “fair game” whereas mocking someone for the way they were born (race, sex, disability) is NOT ok because they didn’t choose it? Of course it’s still horrible to mock someone for any reason, and maybe one should expect retaliation, but IMO there is a big difference between mocking someone’s race as inferior, and someone’s religion. If someone is willing to believe and follow a religion, surely they should be able to defend it/be prepared to put up with mockery? If I make an argument, such as “I think X statement is true”, I’d be prepared for people to question it, or laugh – it wouldn’t be very nice for them to, but they’re entitled to.
The other point is, whatever Islam says, the law that applies in France is French law, and they broke that one. The cartoon was essentially poking a big stick at them, but I don’t think they should have “expected” a massacre; they were within their right, in France, to publish it.
I’m sorry. You’re confused. Gratuitously causing offence to people is not what is meant by free speech. Flashing, exposing your naked body to passers by on the street, for example, is not freedom of expression. By the same token, walking up to a black man and calling him a “dirty nigger” is not free speech any more than the Pussy Riot stunt or these cartoons that denigrate people’s religion and culture.
I would defend them publishing a cartoon of a black person as a monkey. In fact they did so, with an illustration of a black french minister. And I would disagree with them for doing so because doing so is stupid.
What is important is that people learn to analyze for themselves what is stupid, rather than be told what is. So yes, Dieudonne and Faurisson should have freedom of speech. Germans should have the freedom to read Mein Kampf. And hopefully develop the critical ability to see the flaws in it.
The mere notion of thoughtcrime is incompatible with advancing as a civilization.
Free speech as well as science and wisdom can also be misused, a misuse caused by selfishness, corruption, material desires and material interests, as well as individual and group interests. Material desires place humans against the realities of the world. Corrupted independent human beings resist acceptance of reality and even if they do accept it, they do not obey it.
Lol, freedom to offend.
Try execute your freedom to offdend on some street thugs. Then, try to complain to the police after they beat the crap out if you.
Excellent comments, Jonathan. Bravo! Indeed, just compare the treatment of Dieudonné, Soral, and Faurisson courtesy of the political class in France to that enjoyed by M. Bourgeois Hébreu-Lézard. Honesty dictates I confess that I’d be truly elated to see the latter’s head being chopped off — by sword or by guillotine (he should be given the choice).
I have a few objections about this and Jonhatan Revusky’s comments:
1) Disagreeing with the saker doesn’t mean I’m opposed to Dieudonné’s, Soral’s, or Faurisson’s freedom of speech
2) The fact that freedom of speech is restricted in France (I said: the _fact_) doesn’t mean the french approve it
3) The fact that freedom of speech is restricted in France (I said: the _fact_) doesn’t justify the killings of this drawers
4) One of the killed was actually an economist saying that France should leave the eurozone. Establsihment some said?
5) Disagreeing with the saker doesn’t mean I like the “Je suis Charlie” stuff. It’s actually ridiculous.
6) Disagreeing with the saker doesn’t mean I like Konchita Wurst. I don’t.
7) I’m still waiting someone to explain me where is the limit “between free speech and gratuitous provocation”
8) There is much to say about atmosphere in France. This has been lasting for years and these events were not unpredictable. Not at all. This case has more to do with the failed integration of african people who immigrated in the 70s, 80s, 90s. This has also to do with la gauche-caviard (leftist) hoping gaining votes by giving up secularism, and a weak right.
9) For sure, we’re going toward a civil war as none of the _real_ problems have been adressed.
10) This may be a plot. Who knows. But blaming America for everythig (which turns out to be often true) doesn’t change the fact that the French society _DO_ have some real problems.
Mr.Tchang you said” –I’m still waiting someone to explain me where is the limit “between free speech and gratuitous provocation”.
Answer: “Do unto others as you have them do unto you”.–Jesus Christ
Translation: If your brother feels deeply in his heart/soul that what you draw/say feels like you are spitting on his soul. DON’T do it because it’s mean spirited or/and you might put yourself in a dangerous position.
Btw…There is a group of people (Zionists) that adore to dish it out but hate to take it and are always crying “victim” and “anti semite” when it’s done to *them*.
HYPOCRITES the lot of them.
Yes, freedom of speech in France seems to be for people like the aging philospher Jean-Paul Sartre, who participated in the 1968 student strikes in Paris and passed out fringe Maoist leaflets to prove a point, got arrested, and was released by DeGaulle, who remarked “you don’t arrest Voltaire.” If you’re in a certain elite where you’re like “Voltaire”, and engaging in “satire” rather than serious speech, you can do these things, but “Voltaire” never seems to be black, Arab, or blue collar white nationalist. and if you even suggest that the Holocaust might have been exaggerated, you’re facing fines and jail. See this little piece by Noam Chomsky, in which he gets in hot water with the French intelligensia for signing a petition in defense of Holocaust revisionist Robert Faurisson’s right to “freedom of speech and expression.” — http://www.chomsky.info/articles/19801011.htm.
I agree
What Dieudonné is doing is called “Incitation à la haine raciale”, “incitement to racial hatred” and it is illegal. There are other things which are related to freedom of speech but illegal like publishing outright lies about someone. It’s called defamation.
I also find it awkward that the whole world is erecting “Je suis Charlie”. Even my wife, married with a French man, but living outside of France, doesn’t understand what this fuss is about.
I truly think that it is difficult to understand how painful this is if you are not French or living in France.
We’ve been stabbed in the heart. Like it or not, understand it or not.
You have the right to say anything you want about this tragedy. At least in France, you do have this right. Not sure about Russia. So carry on and continue your reasoning. But I think you are wrong about most of it.
Except it is illegal to deny the holocaust. So not all speech is free is it?
^That’s true, and I’m against that too. If people wants to deny the Holocaust they should be free to do so. Mind you, I do think it’s a bit retarded to out right “deny the holocaust,” I’m prepared to entertain the figures were inflated for propaganda and political reasons, but to completely deny it happened: it’s madness. Non the less; denying something shouldn’t be written into law, especially a law that stinks of favoritism. Because apparently… it’s perfectly OK to “deny” that Russia won WWII and ignore the 6 or so million casualties the Soviets suffered. But noooo, let’s all focus on the poor little Jews and the glorious Western fallen. Also: never-ever mention the horrifying mistreatment of German civilians by the conquerors. Nope.
“Freedom of speech is a core french value. Period.”
Please explain the Dieudonné’s crusade to me, why is he constantly prosecuted ?
Why was Robert Faurisson jailed ? why Vincent Reynouard was Jailed ?
I think I remember another one maybe Hervé Ryssen was also jailed for his books ?
Freedom of speech in France is not a core value at all.
You even have laws against it. Gayssot. Pleven. Taubira. Perben. . .
”…at just about any point in French history, promulgating a cartoon that portrays the Virgin Mary as a street whore…”
Here you go, slightly different from what you wished but this cover of the satirical newspaper Hara Kiri is depicting the virgin Mary as a transvestite: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aTCbFrCE2N8/UjX8BlTGLVI/AAAAAAAAJVQ/Mb7B9D0U3K0/s1600/Hara+Kiri+num+195.jpg
The point is: some (bad) drawings are not worth this massacre.
(Copied from my other comment as now I realised I can reply directly. )
What French values? Neocolonialism? Perpetual rape of Africa? Selective speech rights? When people can insult everything without repercussions then one can take that comment seriously.
Also they should not fund terrorist if they want their freedom of speech. The terrorist they trained and funded came back home to roost and now they act all surprised. Give me a break. The attack occurred years after the questionable images. Something smells funny.
Ask Dieudonne, David Irving, Robert Faurisson about France freedom of speech.
But I kinda of agree, but not with the establishment and certainly I don’t think one should insult for the sake of proving you have freedom of speech. Antagonizing and demonizing a group for your so called freedom of speech leads to freedom of hate or maybe freedom to lie and distort. Which describes MSM perfectly.
Ten years ago you could serve pork in school in France. Ten years ago, you could walk in peace in Syria, Libya, Yemen… etc. 25 Years ago Britain didn’t have that many Iraqis, my GP is now from Iraq and he didn’t appreciate what the Empire has done to his homeland. Now we have people from Syria, Iraq and Libya. But the amount of refugees we took is pittance compared to the amount of refugees neighbouring countries had to take or the amount of suffering we brought.
Al-CIDda and its ideology spread after the 911 false flag due to the USA activities and something tells me it’s all a ruse. The fight on terror is a fight to spread terror.
“By freedom of speech, we the French think that every body can say anything. It means that there are no restriction, even if something can offend, shock, etc. To put it in a nutshell, we think that “a piece of freedom is not freedom”. You can debate about anything. And that’s part of the core of French values.”
But… that’s not true, now is it? You are for instance forbidden to debate the Holocaust, no? Just one example but it alone debunks your entire comment.
“You are for instance forbidden to debate the Holocaust, no? Just one example but it alone debunks your entire comment.”
I have family in France and I did my studies in Paris (6 years) – and I share Mr. Tchang’s understanding of the French ways of thinking. As for the holocaust it is official Western policy to suppress criticism and so even “Charlie” would not go against that.
As to Charlie’s Islam critiques I am of a divided mind: on the one hand I partly share the outlook of the posters who say that it is of bad taste to make fun of other religions. On the other hand not all religions are apparently sacred:
– in many places (f.ex. Iraq, Lybia,Syria, Nigeria) jihadis attack other religions as much as they want to (and not only with words) yet we must not criticize another religion?
– in other places Christian worshippers are ridiculed (Pussy Riot in Russia, desecration of French churches) or persecuted (Copts in Egypt) yet we seem to accept that with nary a comment.
Do we have a double standard there?
So maybe you could say that Charlie should not have mocked Islam in toto but should only have targeted the jihadists. But even there you can have second thoughts, because even though there are also many tolerant Muslims, Islam starts from the basic premise that all humans who do not recognize Allah will burn in Hell for all of eternity and must be either conquered or eliminated (http://quran.com/) which is unfortunately an easy way into extremism. So there really are reasons for second thoughts – but I still agree that Charlie’s approach was somewhat crass.
P.S.: My basic impression anyway is that this attack smells fishy and mainly serves the interests of those who want to create chaos (this is also the conclusion of Meyssan .
I guess that after thinking it over I would finally vote for “I am Charly” for the simple reason that I feel it is an important responsibility of each citizen to defend oneself against abuses from his own government as well as from other organized powers.
“I guess that after thinking it over I would finally vote for “I am Charly”
Given your attempts to whitewash and defend the ZPC/NWO assault on the people of Tibet and the old Dalai Lama feudalism there, I would be genuinely surprised if you weren’t.
all right, I don’t have an opinion on the holocaust thing but I have a firm opinion on the freedom of speech, and that means that you are either have freedom of speech or you don’t. Now if there is a single topic that cannot be discussed then that renders the entire concept of freedom of speech hollow, it means you don’t have any fucking freedom of speech because they are subjects you cannot speak about. It is like being pregnant, you either are pregnant or you are not. Yes, Islam, the Catholic church, Russian people can be mocked and insulted, but there are plenty of taboos.
Except that I was 2yo when this stupid law was voted. Debunking… what?
@Avatar you said:
“By freedom of speech, we the French think that every body can say anything. It means that there are no restriction, even if something can offend, shock, etc. To put it in a nutshell, we think that “a piece of freedom is not freedom”. You can debate about anything. And that’s part of the core of French values.”
Not really…Dieudonne ring a bell to you?
In France as in many countries the only ones that can speak are the ones whom are authorized to speak.
The French citizen- Dieudonne, cannot speak IN your France.
as someone said earlier….
“Try doing so called holocaust humor in France which is offensive to many and against the law.”
just ask DAVID IRVINE about that, he was fined 22000 euros because, as judge said, “it was something he would have said, EVEN THOUGH HE DID NOT SAY IT”
its a bit obscure i know, but listen to his lectures on u tube….
If the freedom to insult peoples faith is a “core French value”.Then it should be remembered that in Wahhabi circles the right to kill people that insult their beliefs is a “core value”.So as long as the French cartoonists understand they sign their death warrants in insulting Islam then all is good.Its like waving a red flag in front of a bull.Or going up to a biker gang in a bar and saying “yo moma is a hoe”.You take the risk of death doing that.Its your “right” to do it.But don’t look to me for sympathy,because I know its stupid to do those things.The West plays with fire with these terrorists.They use them to attack governments they hate.But don’t understand they will also turn on them too.They somehow don’t realize those terrorists hate them as well.
Aggre with most of your comment, except that:
1) France belongs to the French, not Wahhabis.
2) How about a pink flag in front of the bull?
I agree that France belongs to the French and I don’t mind killing the Wahhabis or French deporting all disloyal Muslims to wherever they came from but
– we have a number of discrepancies.
1) France does not have freedom of speech, it is a repressive society with a number of taboos so great that there was a parody magazine on Charlie Hebdo, the satirized got satirized.
2) As obedient servant and an obliging whore of the Fourth Reich, France arms and equips Muslim terrorists and promotes violent Islam as well as sponsors murder of civilians in Libya, Syria and other places. Well if you do this you might expect some retribution, no?
3) It looks almost beyond a doubt that some murder agency of the transatlantic Fourth Reich was behind this false flag attack.
Freedom of speech is not only French but European and Western core value. True. However I am not sure if You understand the meaning of “freedom” properly. According to the classical philosophical definition human freedom is based on truth (which constitutes another core European value). Accordingly, You are free to speak, write, sing or paint the truth everywhere and anytime. But You can not make false statements, accusations or slander anything or anoyne in the name of freedom. Imagine someone defamating French values or French history. I believe the French have every right to defend their own freedoms as long as they respect freedoms of others in the name of truth. So let us start from this assumption. Simple.
It’s the first time I see someone linking the notion of freedom to the notion of truth. And I do have read some philosophers. Maybe that’s the one called Botul that you are talking about? ;)
Really, I don’t think your definition of freedom relies on anything which has to do with philosophy.
Once against : “A piece of freedom is not freedom” (Stirner, this guy prentends to be a philosopher).
Well, it looks surprising that You haven’t noticed much of the Christian philosophy of truth based on Plato and Aristotle and one expressed by Thomas Aquinas. Not to mention the Age of Reason, Leibniz and Descartes. What may be defined as common definition of liberty is that the free human being is the one capable of using his or her intellect and will. In theory the use of reason naturally excludes wrongdoing or slandering. In his famous treatise John Locke stated: “Freedom is constrained by laws in both the state of nature and political society”. He thus rejected Filmer’s notion of liberty for everyone to do what he likes. One’s freedom is limited by the rights of other members of community. I suppose that Your concept of liberty is more based on Rousseau, Marx and Nietzsche who emphasized more of permissive notion of freedom. I am Polish and there has been much discussion about the freedom of speech in my country since the fall of Communism. Sadly, very little was left in Poland from the lectures of John Paul II who perfectly restated the crucial dependence between liberty and truth.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
I think one should differentiate freedom of speech and thinking with freedom of doing anything. In the second case, it’s just what is called a society which obviously needs some rules to exist. Having no rules in a society can in no way be called freedom.
It makes me think of the free market. In it, freedom is the one of the free fox in the free henhouse.
In my previous comments, I was speaking of freedom of speech and of thinking. (Cf anarcho-capitalism.)
You miss the point if the article. It’s not about whether lynch law is or should be legal.
It’s about being conscious of consequences of your actions. Piss of enough people and you’ll get what’s coming to you. Doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, whether it’s legal ir not, whether it’s denying your freedom or not: piss of enogh people and you’ll pay. No law will stop that.
You write “What may be defined as common definition of liberty is that the free human being is the one capable of using his or her intellect and will. In theory the use of reason naturally excludes wrongdoing or slandering.” Humans are never free since we have no free will to use our intellect. We are influenced by others to act in certain ways thus our intellect is only capable to rationalize within the brainwashing that we have been exposed to.
You mean that the filth in that Charlie Hebdo rag was… truth? Anyway there are no such things as Western values and freedom of speech is not linked to truth, the US Supreme Court even ruled that speech does not have to be truthful and could be anonymous because there are things people are just afraid to say if they had to reveal their identity. Meaning you are either have freedom of speech (and I must admit that the transatlantic Fourth Reich is much freer than France in respect to the freedom of speech) or you don’t.
Mr Tchang
Is it lawful to deny the holocaust in France? No, then by your own definition you are not free. What about Julian Assange? Persecuted for free speech? Je suis Julian anyone? If a footballer in England does a Quenelle he is banned! Freedom of expression? This was of course a terrible crime but if I left my wallet in plane view in my unlocked car and it was stolen would it be a crime? Of course, but the police would say I was an idiot.
I agree that by my definition, I’m indeed not free.
Is that why questioning the Jewish Holocaust is a crime?
Mr TChang,
Everybody can say anything? Really? How about criticism of Jews? Drawing cartoons on Holocaust? Drawing cartoons of Israel? Why is that a punishable offense, I don’t understand? What kind of hypocrisy is this? So as jews the Magazine/cartoonist can criticize/abuse Muslims and the rest can’t do the same with Jews, huh? Then I say french law is stupid law and not even close to a secular, democratic country. There is no freedom of speech or expression. Its just used to denigrate people. The same magazine which you say was expressing its freedom actually fired a cartoonist for drawing a simple cartoon against sarkozy – calling it anti-semitism.
So the whole argument of yours – freedom of expression in France, state protects you, goes down the drain. Its sheer hypocrisy.
The policeman dont seen to be shot in the head. I watched the video a lot of times, you can see a hole forming on the ground and no splash of fluids. Theres some sort of colours near the neck of the policeman that may look like fire discharge, if he was indeed shot, it was near the neck region and not the head.
Still not 100% sure this was not a false flag attack by French Breivik types. The cop who was executed was a Muslim himself! The 18 year arrested old was in school during the attack. The names mentioned arrive from an identity card, found in the card. You have got to be kidding me.
Whoever did it, this will give great stimulus to the Pegida movement.
Meanwhile in Germany: “Putin, help us!”
Kind regards,
Good points. Those ID cards sound peculiar to me, like the passports left at the scene of 9/11.
Saker, my response to your “Christ is born.” “Glorify Him!”
Keep in mind that in the U.S. every communication is spied upon and that is my thought for the New Year. :( God help us all.
I fully agree. Funny how they defend freedom of speech from nazi danish cartoonist, yet attack Minute magazine for a racist caricature of Christiane Taubira as a monkey… even more knowing they published themselves a cartoon of black french humorist Dieudonné as a monkey… who cares about logic anyway ?
Not to mention the attitude of Danish prime minister at the time… Rasmussen…. now secretary at NATO…
Well-stated, Saker!
Consider the contrast in the treatment of Dieudonne by the French government with their respect for Charlie Hebdo’s right of the free speech:
Dieudonne was playing to packed houses, mocking Jewry and exposing their streotypes in an unflattering way to the amusement of thousands. The Minister of the interior decided to ban Dieudonne from making public appearances, declaring him to be a public safety risk. The French courts upheld his decision “in the interest of public safety”.
Right. I would like to see what Mr Tchang think on Dieudonne case, which is also French and live in France under French law…..
Well I think the way he has been censored was absolutely outrageous.
As I said before, a piece of freedom is not freedom.
Mr Tchang —Unfortunately, for all of us, the fact still stands that it does not matter what you or I or anyone think is “absolutely outrageous”… fact is —there is no freedom in France of speech unless it is authorized speech. Charlie was authorized, Dieudonné was /is not.
BTW…Zionists own France ( and many others). Zionists are France’s Lord & Masters.
For those that do not know who the greatest comedian of our world is—Dieudonné is his name. …here he is with English subtitles:
I have to say I found it sort of… refreshing to read Saker’s point of view on the events. It made me think. I can understand his point, but it leaves me unsatisfied.
There is an aspect to things wihich has been omitted. Islam was only one of Charlie Hebdo’s targets. The weekly cartoonists hit on EVERY self-righteous (as they perceived it) person of power, corporation, religion, etc. The christians and the jews got their share. So did the french presidents (including De Gaulle).
Let’s say that we see them as playing the « king’s buffoons », saying things that are impossible to say. Too « tabou ». And when I saw their covers, I have to admit that very often I thought « Damn, how dare they ! But f€€k, it IS funny ! ». A tendency to attack everything held sacred by the powers in place is also part of our culture, thanks to them. They sure bit hard, but their enemies were the power, the clichés, the inhibitions, the bullies, the « goodygoodythinkers »…
If I imagine François Hollande making Charlie-Hebdo go to jail under no charge, and all of the team « disappearing » (Caucescu, or Pinochet, or KGB, or Guantanamo-like), it would somehow ring kind of boringly unsurprising to hear someone say : « They tickled VERY powerful powers and they got what they deserved ». Did they need to do it ? Some will say no, they thought they did, and contray to so many journalists, they were most definitely sincere and fighting.
Also, Cabu was 76 I believe), and a long career behind him. He created characters like Le Grand Duduche, le Beauf which became part of the french culture (kind of like Mafalda in Argentina maybe — in a different style obviously). Wolinski, at 80, also had a long career behind him. So yes, when people grow up with cartoons characters, and authors, and magazines, they tend to feel like they are a part of what constitutes them. And when we say « I am Charlie », well, it does actually mean something. Alas, we shouldn’t expect someone — who calls us « hypocrites » — to suffer the loss of a family member the same way we do. Empathy does not come that easily on our little planet.
Tres bien.
The hypocrisy is all the more evident when we consider the venom that is heaped upon “Holocaust Revisionists” who challenge the law-enforced myth, preventing legitimate study of history.
I wrote a comment on the other blog about how many reporters the US killed because they did not agree with what was being reported by them. Or how the ukies kill Russian reporters or Turkey killing the PressTV report for reporting on the ISIS connection.. Over 400 reporters have been killed in the last decade while doing their jobs.. So when I see how europe stands in solidarity with these writers who make fun of others and think its satire when they are offending so many people I cant stand with them or even offer my support as I offered to many other reporters. I had to accept how imperials kill reporters who’s writings might offend them so do I accept this as the same. Even if I never agreed with such hubris that some think they are better than others. Its not just making fun of Muslims but also of those less fortunate. If they wanted to run with the big boys, they do have to take the risks.. except in this particular case they thought they could hide behind the skirts of their imperial masters and was proven wrong. They sure are not in the same category or scale of truly brave and courageous reporters who wade into danger to report the news for us. All these guys ever did was to put other brave souls in danger because of what they were doing.
There’s a flaw in your reasonning: what is “so many people”?
Would 1.5 billion people be ok to make fun of?
Or 1 billion?
Or only 100 millions? 10 millions? 1 million? 10 000? 100 people?
Again, the cynism in western policies in the rest of the world has nothing to do with your argument of the number of the people offended.
Mr Tchang, you said: …”If we shut up about the prophet what’s next? Ten years ago, I used to work as an educator and at the canteen, pork wasn’t served anymore. That’s what’s next: a commnity imposing its own rules using violence if necessary”…
“Se le ve a usted el plumero, o de qué pie cojea” as we say in Spain….
Citation which I do not understand :)
(Google translate doesn’t help, neither my Spanish lessons long time ago.)
Look, Tchang, you know very well what I mean, do not crazy…..
It means that you portray on these last words. All of the above I spare.
How stupid do they think we are?
Very, very. That is why they have been pulling off so many staged events and hoaxes the last few years. In the case of the cop shot in the head, there is little visible movement, and no blood or detritus.
Not pretending to know what happened at this event, but it has many signs that don’t pass the smell test.
If it is a new 911, what wars are coming?
A very convenient ‘moslim/terrorist’ narrative to mask an operation that has every hallmark of Gladio, NATO’s secret army in Europe. And as we know, moslim terrorism became instrumental in Gladio 2.0, starting in the 90’s of the last cenury. Is it because of the political crisis and social explosion in France? Is it because of the change in position of Hollande regaring the sanctions against Russia? Perhaps both. Fact is the whole of Europe’s elite is jumping on it to brainwash everybody in a desperate attempt to facelift their horrible image.
Forgive me, but I am going to post my comments here and then cut and paste them onto the new blog. Don’t trust transitions very much!
Excellent post!
Those in control of the West have “carte blanche”, to use a French expression, to do whatever they please to move the Sheeple here and there and everywhere. The key enabling factor is their complete and utter control of the Western Presstitude Lamestream Media. Hence the Narrative.
This is a blatant False Flag operation. Pepe Escobar has a very good analysis out already on this French 9/11: bit.ly/1AIRPLq
It has Mossad or ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) markings writing all over the “carte blanche”.
About the French hypocrisy:
Has any Frenchman or Frenchwoman cried for the 40,000+ Libyans murdered in the “liberation” of Libya?
Have they shed a tear or apologized for their Colonial Terrorism committed in Haiti, Africa, Southeast Asia, etc.?
Not to mention the Rwandan genocide where they had a decisive role.
,So what is going on here? I will tell you what – the EU 1%ers are now capitalizing on these murders to crack down on their own population. Sarkozy already met Hollande and they both agreed that new levels of firmness and vigilance need to be implemented. Does that not reek of a French 9/11?’
All said, Saker!
After all, Cameron intends to even check toddlers now in kindergartens for ,terrorism’!
See zerohedge: The war on toddler terrorism….
Leaves one speechless.
I am NOT Charlie! http://bit.ly/145PI7m #JeNeSuisPasCharlie
Take your other TROLLING FOR SHEKEL Schlomo´s and go back to Jerusalem Post and kill.every.arab.com and stay there.. You are not fooling anyone here.
This was just after France recognized Palestine. Norway got their Zionazi “payback” from Breivik in Utöya, a man with well documented zionist israeli connections.
Pepe Escobar today:
Cui bono, then, with killing Charlie? Only those whose agenda is to demonize Islam. Not even a bunch of brainwashed fanatics would pull off the Charlie carnage to show people who accuse them of being barbarians that they are, in fact, barbarians. French intel at least has concluded that this is no underwear bomber stunt. This is a pro job. That happens to take place just a few days after France recognizes Palestinian statehood. And just a few days after General Hollande demanded the lifting of sanctions against the Russian “threat”.
Wow, this is the first time in my life I have been accused of being a ‘Schlomo’. Well, for every thing there is a first time, I guess.
It is absurd to rule out that this was indeed what everybody thinks it is: an Islamic revenge for ‘insulting the Prophet’. It is the most reasonable & likely assumption. Not even the NWO lefties doubt who did it. Here is an undisputed example of an Islamic revenge killing, the murder of Theo van Gogh:
But we can’t be sure yet.
But not everything is a false flag or conspiracy.
As Freud said: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I, too, am rather skeptical of the false-flag idea. After all, who stands to benefit politically from all this? Answer: Front National. Le Pen, as we all know, is anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-intervention, anti-immigration, and pro-Russian. She stands for everything that the system is opposed to. Why would the elites want to make things even easier for her?
“Funny how they defend freedom of speech from nazi danish cartoonist”
Flemming Rose is a ultrazionist Jew of Ukrainian descent. Using Danes and Denmark as launching pads for his attacks on Muslims. Similarly in “Schlomo Hebdo”, where We have a number of Zionazi´s lurking in the background.
Imagine if both these hard core Zionists staged their attacks from Tel Aviv? Would everybody be “charlies” then?
In my opinion this is a false flag. After all, the infamous Red Brigades were linked to Gladio. Charlie Hedbo easily could be an op unto itself whose job it is to stoke racial tension.
And then again, the right to express myself freely (for whatever reason… even if it is a financial reason, even if it shakes your beliefs) shouldn’t be a reason to risk my life.
You bunch of fools! How dare you say that they had it coming? They did put themselves in danger by standing up to the fascism of the extremists, but to imply that they deserved their fate is absurd. Somebody has to stand up and make fools out of the extremist Islamists (or any other deluded group) to jeopardise their power. Satire is a powerful political weapon and has been effective in eroding the power of many regimes and groups. We do not fear what we can laugh at and the aim of terrorism is fear. They were brave men and women whom we should thank for their sacrifices
Fools that insult and offend others are NOT heroes. Take your Zionist hasbara to Mea Shea’rim Israhell. And if you don’t like what Saker said on his very excellent article then go to to Israel that murders Palestinian Christian & Palestinian Muslim children daily.
Those Palestinian children are the REAL victims not the jerks that died yesterday.
First time im visiting this blog and have to say excellent logo and layout. Regarding sakers comments about charlie hebdo spitting on the souls of 1.6 billion muslims worldwide I have to say I agree, but I was under the impression that this magazine also poked fun at catholics and jews or am I wrong in that assumption ?
Unfortunately it is now a trait of us humans that unless shit is happening on our own doorstep we just couldnt care less. This is what ordinary people in Iraq, Afghanistan, libya and Syria have to live with day in day out every single day. Going out and never knowing whether they would be coming back alive. The basic human right to live in safety without constantly fearing for your life has been brutally removed from the aforementioned countries by the Anglo zionist empire of the west, and then we have xenophobic citizens of these same western countries complaining of being flooded by immigrants and refugees who are desperately fleeing the horrors that have been unleashed in their own countries by western policies. You just couldnt make it up. If you break it you own it.
I would say we are witnessing the culmination of the American strategy to “help facilitate Islams self destruction” and to “reduce Islam to the status of a cult” as was being thought to US military commanders.
By nurturing these psychopaths and directing them the US is achieving its aim of turning the world against muslims through association as most people are too ignorant to think through what is happening. Ramzan Kadyrov was absolutely correct in stating that these takfiri scum are enemies of all muslims everywhere and agents of America, and Sergei Glaziev was also right in saying that its in Washington that Nazism will have to be defeated as its the same bloody hands directing both takfiri scumbags and rabid Ukrainian fascists, and truth be told both groups are ultimately the same.
They attacked Catholics as well.But I’m not sure about Jews.
We live (theoretically) in a free society. Yes, free speech. But above that, Freedom, to me, means the Freedom to accept responsibility for your actions. If you wish to rant, rave, insult and just generally be an a**hole to/and about people, cultures, events etc. THEN you better get used to having the consequences coming home to roost in whatever form. Those that brought those consequences “home to roost” also have to face the consequences. That’s reality. And they all should quit whining about it and stop running home to momma (the state, the media or whoever) crying how unfair the world/people treated you.
So I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Exactly my thots. If you think “The State” will protect your rights…………. you have no clue. Welcome to Politics.
Charlie’s “art” did not delight Muslims only, to be sure.
St. Paul says that the salary of sin is death!
That being the case, it’s clear that the salary is paid by the employer.
After all, these “Muslim terrorists” identified by identity cards that they lose or by passports found intact between rubble of molten steel would not pass the test of a drunken chimp. Yet, they pass the test of a multitude of people.
Anyway, I absolutely agree that a strong position in favor of the freedom of expression must be taken. I’m going to demonstrate for the freedom of expression of the millions of children who get murdered every year before birth.
I am NOT Charlie too, after all!
Speaking of sin, I think I can help with some few but clear facts about LtC Bednov murder.
Any attack and murder of one human being upon another is a most grave and mortal sin. God will be the final Judge and His verdict is Eternal. Regardless of who the perpetrator(s) and victim(s) might be.
Meanwhile, sanity is most desperately needed in this world!
Conspiracy theory???
Why did you post that grotesque head picture? Some of us try to avoid such images. You should have at least given the reader a warning. May I suggest a system where you have to hover of the image to see violent or sexually explicit images.
Agree with most of everything said.
The offending images are years old, so why now? Something does not smell right.
Second, the West has nothing sacred anymore apart from the holocaust. To hell with the French press and freedom of speech. It’s all a damn lie. Try to deny the holohaox and see their true nature unveiled, their love of freedom of speech will be thrown out of the window. What is happening to Dieudonne, the quenelle or what happened to David Irving is French freedom.
Third. There is no excuse for the murder. They should be hunted down. But again I have to say something does not smell right. I can’t help but think it’s a convenient false flag. It’s hard to discern the reality now considering how prone they are to using false flags. It’s hard not to be slightly paranoid. Paris Shooters Just Returned from NATO’s Proxy War in Syria
Fourth, the world does not mourn about some Charlie. I don’t give a rat’s arse about some cartoonist. They destroy whole nations but somehow the murder of 12 individuals seem to outweigh the millions. In any case the victims family must be in mourning.
@Mr Tchang
What French values? Neocolonialism? Perpetual rape of Africa? Selective speech rights? When people can insult everything without repercussions then I can take that comment seriously.
Also they should not fund terrorist if they want their freedom of speech. The terrorist they trained and funded came back home to roost and now they act all surprised. Give me a break.
I am not a big fan of freedom of speech for the sake of insults only. They made no point, they just antagonized. Someone starts insulting my wife or daughter in front of me, most likely I am going to punch him one and you and everyone else can shove freedom of speech up your jersey. In saying that, person who did this should be caught and jailed. But before that, many of the intelligence servicemen, government officials and serving army should be sentenced for war crimes.
France should respect other nations integrity and stop with the pillaging and raping with the empire. That outweighs their so called freedom of speech. Maybe then it will be respected by others.
I quite agree with you on France foreign policies.
But as the killers are French, your point is irrelevant.
By the way, I have a question for you: how do you define an insult?
What point was invalid? The killers are French but they were created by the successful destabilization of another country, which France took part in. And considering what is happening in Syria is a continuation of Libya, my point is more valid.
I was just giving an example on personal level that freedom of speech has its limits. The word insults is perhaps not the right word.
It’s hard for me to define the limits. For example many think that pornography is freedom of expression, I do not. Freedom of speech at its core is designed to protect the rights of the citizens from governments and tyrants alike.
One can be critical and even hostile to an ideology/religion but in a manner that suits a debate. That’s it. Also there is a place for everything. I can expect rude jokes and profanity in certain establishment, but I do not expect it in Parliament.
Drawing an insulting cartoon with someones prophet is pointless. Not only have you vilified a billion or so people who are just going about their daily lives, in the current environment of mass slaughtering we are doing, one would think you would be a little more cautious if not considerate. I do not condone the violent reaction, but really what was the point apart from goading the fringe element.
Saying that, I saw the video and there was no blood. The whole event is questionable. And again the suspects are on the watch list.
Jonathan Revusky said:
“Free speech is a core French right, eh? Yeah, right. Tell that to Dieudonné or Robert Faurisson. It clearly isn’t a core right for them. Maybe free speech is a core French right, but only if, like the aging hipsters of Charlie Hebdo, you actually have nothing to say.
The problem is that you and the rest of the “Je suis Charlie” crowd do not understand the difference between free speech and gratuitous provocation. That’s why you fall for these ridiculous narratives like Pussy Riot or Mohammed cartoons. You may also think that Conchita Wurst is the pinnacle of western civilisation for all I know.
Well, I’m actually an occasional reader of this newspaper. Guess what: it is (was?) one of the only newspaper codemning the djihadists in Syria when all other newspapers where talking about “freedom fighers”. And these drawings participate(d?) in that debate.
The use of the past between parenthesis is, I think, very important.
Then, about the limits, I really think that everybody has its own definition of the limits. That’s actually why freedom of speech was invented at first and I feel really offended that anybody has forgotten that (but I won’t kill anybody though).
What’s the point about drawing this drawings then? Well, let’s not draw anything anymore and this question won’t be raised anymore.
But the drawing was drawn and question has to be raised, why?
.. (New line alternative. Hope it works)
Freedom of speech and press as far as I know came about with the American constitution.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
And it reasoning is quiet obvious and it had limitations as the laws ascribed. Here, we have laws against defamation/slander. We have (UN) laws against War propaganda though they aren’t working at all. We have laws against certain type of porn, though according to many it is limiting their freedom of expression. We have laws against certain types of cartoon porn. We have hate laws though they are thoroughly abused. We have… many laws the curtail freedom of speech.
No civilised society through out history has had 100% free speech. And no civilised society can exist with such a system. The closest however might be the USA.
There is a way to approach matter and then there are ways to aggravate and agitate the other. How does one define it, I think Uncle Bob comment below is good. It should be pretty obvious to the sensible. I am not a support of freedom of speech for the sake of freedom of speech. It has to bring something to the table; truth, science, great literature, joy. It has to uplift humanity and not degrade it. But that’s my personal opinion.
Hypothetical situation, would you defend the guy who just got beaten because he happened to make fun of a child at his funeral in front of the father? Is that freedom of speech? Would you feel the same way if you were the father? Would you defend his right? Where do you draw the line? There is a line and we all know there is. Those who think it is either 100% free speech or nothing, either have nothing sacred or are just looney and don’t really comprehend what it really entails.
In a porn trial a judge said “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [“hard-core pornography”], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.” That could be the answer to your question on defining an insult “I know it when I hear it”.
Well, another could have judge differently, no? That’s why appeals eist actually.
I think that if you want to restrict freedom (oxymore), you have to answer several questions including:
1) who is entitled to restrict it?
2) how these people are chosen?
3) up to which limit can they restrict freedom?
4) can these limits be changed, by whom?
5) if so, who choses the people who can decide to change these limits?
6) etc.
And centuries after, you finally chose secularism and freedom of speech.
That quote noted by Uncle Bob was the final appeal of the relevant case involved. It was made by United States Supreme Court Justice Stewart Potter in 1964.
The following link notes the quote and the case before the US Supreme Court, the final arbitration entity of law in the USA.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_know_it_when_I_see it
The Constitution of the United States addresses all the items you listed in your comment. Whether the interpretation of the laws is the correct is another matter!
And the Supreme Court Justice was Potter Stewart, not Stewart Potter.
The comment re porn “I know it when I see it” was made by US Supreme Court Justice Stewart Potter in 1964 in a case before the US Supreme Court.
Here is the link to the history of the quote and was widely noted at the time. I well remember Justice Stewart Potter’s quote!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_know_it_when_I_see it
No sympathy for the zionist hate mongers. They cynically disguised ethnic and religious hate mongering as legit satire. They were part of the zionist campaign to demonise Muslims for “greater” Israeli lebensraum interests. Millions of people have been slaughtered for these interests and those who promote these Israeli interests are accomplices to that slaughter. The Charlie Hebdo are no different that the nazi propagandists who demonised ethnic peoples in the 1930’s prior to pave the way for the coming nazi slaughter. The braindead supporters of these hate mongers holding their support demos show their own zionist indoctrinated prejudice. They are no different from those who supported the nazi bigotry in the 1930’s. While the way they are being manipulated is different, and the prejudices are different, the underlying supremacist psychopathy is the same.
The more info that comes out, the more this terrorist act looks like another set-up. Things like the “found” ID (seems to be a trademark of these things). The French knowing who did it so soon. The quick organising of the je suis charlie marketing scheme. The Paris mayor telling people to come out in support. The similarities in this terror act to previous falseflags are many. Will there be emails discovered of warnings to stay home from work that day to certain Charlie Hebdo workers? Will mysterious profiteering evidence show up to have happened around Charlie Hebdo just prior to the attack (put options)? Will evidence of extensive Mossad shadowing cells surface?
Excellent comment.
вот так You are both right and mistaken.
The Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were quite old (some were in their seventies). They came straight out of the Mai ’68 movement, which was quite satirical and anti-authoritarian to begin with. They had individual careers that extended much further than this particular magazine.
They were in no way “Zionist hate mongers” (as in Pam Geller, Geert Wilders) and actually made fun of Jews, Catholics and Muslim extremists alike. In that way, they also differed from the rest of the “gauche caviar” (leftist establishment), which applauds the Pussy Riot provocations but does not dare criticize Mulsims or Jews.
In other words, they had one thing that is sorely missing these days, which is consistency.
As to the way the attack unfolded, I agree it has a lot of false flag elements and raises a lot of questions.
thank you
Kadyrov’s response also on similar lines
“MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has strongly criticized the ex-chief of the former YUKOS corporation, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, for addressing the media community with a call for publishing more cartoon images of the Prophet Muhammed in the wake of the terrorist attack in France.The Chechen leader believes that by making such calls Khodorkovsky has positioned himself as “an enemy of all Muslims of the world.”
The Chechen parliamentary speaker recalled that Russian president had pardoned Khodorkovsky and secured his release from prison to let him reunite with his ailing mother.”
And adds Khod. should be keeping out of politics and have no political ambitions.
I made a first analysis of the “Police officer shot and executed in the street” footage. It is a strange video plenty of inconsistencies and characteristics of a preprogrammed and staged event for the camera.
These are my first impressions, but it is too soon to jump into definitive conclusions (Now the time is to gather more info so to later start trying to connect the dots).
What I suggest to the Saker community, if you permit, is to download the aforementioned video (as other stills and footage of the event) and to carefully analyse it looking with eyes that see to things that seem strange – inconsistent et al.
You are the strange thing.
The cop killed with shot to the back of his neck. Everyone expects him to be a “headshot”, lots of blood.
Bullet goes right through his neck, hits the sidewalk in front of him as it exits.
The guy is dead.
Now what do you make of those facts?
Must there be a complete conspiracy for every act of madness and terror?
These guys know how to shoot. Every expert with combat experience said they were trained well with their weapons. Tight groupings, single action accurate fire.
What’s the conspiracy?
Everyone has a camera on a phone all over the world. We see it for every incident except missing airplanes. This was after five minutes of shooting. It was the getaway, wasn’t it? Cameras were running.
You insulted me! Should I kill you now?
Have you ever thought about the difference between a civlized human being and a barbarian?
A civilized man can control his urges and emotions (sex, violence, hate, …), a barbarian cannot. Nevertheless he wants to be considered a human being and therefore he invents reasons for his lack of selfcontrol. Religion is such a reason, a reason to kill, to rule over and abuse women and children, to cheat and steal, …
Why do we Western people bother to try to integrate and educate them. We cannot and maybe we should better treat them for what they really are: just barbarians … all of them in their own particular way.
So,what are those that train,arm,and fund those “barbarians”.Are they “civilized” or are they also “barbarians”.We know that before the neo-colonial era and then just before the illegal creation of Israel the Islamic world was slowly moving to a more secular society.Where Muslims,Christians,and Jews in those countries would live in peace with each other.But since the West found it was in their interests to stir religious hatred that has changed.One after the other the countries and leaders that espouse the freedom for their peoples to co-exist together have fallen.There are only a handful left now.And they are under attack.On a day to day level I fear Islamic terrorism,no doubt about that.But I fear more,the men in the West that stoke that terrorism for their own interests.Those people are enemies to both,the “civilized” and the “barbarians”.And actually,I would say they are the true barbarians.
I am not going to be stigmatized by the what my ancestors did. Yes, they were barbarians too. But overall Western Europe has changed a lot, not saying all is well though, but compared with the present barbarians we’re civilized yes.
Moreover over a about a thousand years we created modern society. Almost all you use now, we have created, technology, moral, political organisation, … . If you had not had us you would still be hanging in a bananatree.
@wildebeest… You said:”But overall Western Europe has changed a lot, not saying all is well though, but compared with the present barbarians we’re civilized yes .Almost all you use now, we have created, technology, moral, political organisation, … . If you had not had us you would still be hanging in a bananatree”.
Bananatree eh? BANANATREE?!?! Your old Western old racism has NOT changed.You still consider the white race above other races. No, wildbeest, overall Western Europe has not changed at all.
Thank you for reminding us.
Superior? Yes, I guess so, but not in the sense you understand. We’re not ‘natural’ superior because we’re white and European, we’re superior because we wrought for thousand years to get where we are and the rest didn’t follow suit. And now you blame us for your laziness!
Envy and allegations will get you nowhere. An,d this site has become exactly that. It lives up to your fear and envy and fuels hate towards the West.
You’re not even able to distinguish the Western elite and the common population, you’re unable to distinguish that the elite of developing countries plays willingly along with our elite as they have common goals, you’re not able to understand what ‘Je suis Charlie” is really about, you’re not smart enough to understand western values, you love dictators and usurpators, you give in on corruption and injustice, … take up your responsibility and get your house in order.
Look at what happens on this site. The Saker praises murderers glike Givi, Batman, and many others. In my language a hero is a man who saves the live of another man. A mand who kills whatever his reasons are is a coward and barbarian. And I repeat, I will not take responsibility for cruelties of the elite that rules everywhere for their own benefit.
The West is too easily associated with the elite but they are everywhere.
Absolutely! I am an Indian and am appalled at the self-righteousness of these europeans and ffrench :
(a) We iin Asia and Africa were perfectly civilised before the North Atlantic terrorists came marching in. Mostly from the air.
(b) Britain created pakistan and arm-twisted the Muslim league leader in India in the 40s, Mohd ali Jinnah to make unreasonable demands. Then they partly ditched him and still created Pakistan but in a manner disadvatageous to muslims in India but advantageous to themselves.
(c) Indian Muslim soldiers fought in WW1 to save France. Right from the start. At the battle of Ypres, in Belgium in 1914, Khudadad Khan of Northwest frontier Province, (now in pakistan) , was exceptionally valiant and was the first Indian to be awarded the Victoria Cross. What does Charlie Hebdo mean by showing Prophet Mohamed wearing a Pathan cap and mouthing violent banalities.? Is there no gratitude in France? Khudadad Khan was a Pathan. No frenchman has ever fought for India or for Pathans.
(d) The nonaligned movement in the 50s onward gave huge space for secular tendency to flourish in the third world. Indonesia, the world’s largest muslim country is largely secular. The feudal puppets like the Shah and the Saudi king , so beloved of western imperialism, were thoroughly discredited at that time. President nasser also created a socialist atmosphere in Egypt which diluted islamism. In 1961, Cyprus was ruled by Archbishop Makarios, and was the target of British and western intrigues.Turkey, a Muslim country, threatened Cyprus with its navy, and Archbishop Makarios appealed to President Nasser. Nasser intervened and Turks went back. So., a Muslim leader of the third world, came to the rescue of an orthodox xian President threatened by a Muslim NATO member ! When India liberated Goa, the west backed Salazar, a Catholic theocratic dictator of Portugal, and we escaped Security Council censure thanks to a Soviet veto.. This, even though Salazar was a pro-Nazi “neutral” in WW2, whereas Indian soldiers (2.5 million) fought alongside the allies. At that time, Sukarno was also facing off Netherlands in west Irian. At Nehru’s and Sukarno’s requests, Nasser blocked Portuguese and Dutch naval vessels (“NATO” vessels!) from entering the Suez Canal. Oh! the fury at brown-skinned upstarts blocking white men carrying a watery burden!The Dutch and the French had no business to be in Asia. Roosevelt and Stalin had agreed, in Tehran, in 1943 that the French and the Dutch (both then under Nazi occupation) would not return to asia,. The loathsome Winston Churchill , was isolated in his disagreement, but no sooner Roosevelt was dead, Churchill and the Brits brought the French back into Indochina and the dutch to Indonesia. (A different matter that the Indian troops sent by the Brits to Indonesia killed the British commander, Brigadier Mallaby)
(e) The sorcerers in the White House/Downing St/PalaisD’elysee responded by staging in 1965 a holocaust in Indonesia to slaughter 1million people and overthrow sukarno, by activating Israel to defeat Nasser and myriad other blood-soaked startagems, They also manipulated the conflict between India and China
(f) Our only hope is that Vladimir Putin succeeds in countering US hegemony and we stick together.
@wuldbeest…you said:
“Religion is such a reason, a reason to kill, to rule over and abuse women and children, to cheat and steal, …
Why do we Western people bother to try to integrate and educate them. We cannot and maybe we should better treat them for what they really are: just barbarians … all of them in their own particular way.”
My answer: You speak of the IsraelisZionists stealing lands,slaughtering children, elderly…The ones as you well said correctly ‘RULE OVER US( US & Europe). You speak of the apartheid nation that has a death choke hold on all of our necks.
Yes you must be speaking of —IsraelFirsters Zionists .
History is filled with stories of despot psychos who slaughter others because they hold ‘unacceptable’ opinions or beliefs or insist upon their rights to free speech. These stories are not about religion but about insatiable quests for subservience and obedience–and despots seem to especially enjoy their sadistic displays of cruelty. Charlie Hedbo staff are just the most recent victims of such psychos. There is little difference between the killers in this case and Charlie Manson or between the killers in this case and the Right Sector in Ukraine.
The same publicity gets one American life like 10 west Europeans, like 50 east Europeans, like 100 Russian or 1000 blacks or 1000 Muslims….
A life of an american cat gets more publicity then a life of a Russian, Muslim or black man…..
Well, I’m definitely not Charlie neither.
Charlie hebdo is a concept, whose name is printed on sheets of paper. I feel myself like a human being, a living person.
This being said, this event presents some characteristics of a false flag :
– According to Vice News source, the guys were well informed. That very day the controversial figures were present for some kind of meeting. This does not happen often.
– According to the same source, they asked for names before killing those they wanted. The attack was precisely targeted.
– On the video that shows a policeman being killed, we can see how the two guys were cold blooded, had very precise movements, were professionally handling their assault rifles, one of them taking even care of taking some shoe left next to the car before leaving. However, one of them had the courtesy to let his visit card, oops, sorry, his ID card in the car for the police to identify them.
– Shortly after the event, CH website was fully replaced by the symbol everybody has to unite around : “Je suis Charlie” in many languages. The psychological dimension of this detail is pretty interessant, as it makes people to identify themselves to the tragedy, like if it happened precisely to them. Psy-op typical symbol.
– One of the guys pointed out as a squad member
– According to Meyssan, the way true Jihadists would have acted is slightly different, they would first have targeted material symbols of the offense.
I would rather be very cautious with this type of events.
Pax et vineam.
Qui bono?
It has the looks of a false flag operation.
Gladio all over again?
It certainly does look like a gladio attack. Certainly, the Charlie Hebdo staff did not deserve to be killled for their opinions in such an attack any more than Saker deserves to be killed for his controversial and hate inspiring views on events in Ukraine. I apprecriate most of what Saker writes but I think this article is totally off base.
You don’t even have the BALLS to give a name. controversial and hate inspiring views on events in Ukraine?
People like you get paid by the word? Certain words and implication brings a better paycheck?
Really.. Grow a pair you toothless pik..
“Religion, a mediaeval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms. This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today. I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. ‘Respect for religion’ has become a code phrase meaning ‘fear of religion.’ Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.” –Salman Rushdie
Thank you, Mr. Rushdie!
Je suis Charlie
I’m the unnamed murdered civilian of Ukraine
The soldier torn to shreds by fascist junta
The unknown child shelled at Donetsk
The forgotten murdered millions
In the battle against terror –
Sorry – what was your name again?
My name is willing pawn of Russia’s foreign policy. I thought being russian exempted me from respecting the territorial integrity of my host country, I was sure because Putin told me he would back my play and guarantee my safety, should I meet violent resistance from the host nation. I bet wrong, Ukraine refused to bend to Russia’s will, and I paid the cost. Putin is hedging his bet now because unlike Crimea, Ukraine intends to make him pay for every inch of its territory he trespasses upon, and the cost is growing exponentially by the day. Donbass victims are the price Russia is paying for encouraging her diaspora to disrespect the territorial integrity of the nations in which they’re guests.
It was the US that overthrew Yanukovich, not Russia. It was Kiev that initiated hostilities against the people of the Donbass, not Russia.
You’re a tool.
No worse a tool than yourself my dear Putin apologist. Only I restrict my tooling to reality where as you permit your tooling to roam fantasyland. Why do you think no country lifts a finger to support Russia’s cause? The reality is none of them want their arrogant russian residents to think they can get away with subversive activities in Russia’s interests. Remember Putin’s speech at the beginning of the crisis about how he would defend Russians everywhere? Where is he now? All Russia’s neighbors support Ukraine’s sovereignty in this fight, because it’ll put a humiliating end to Russia’s arrogance in the region. Whatever happened with Yanukovich was internal to Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign state and can join NATO irrespective of Russia’s dictates. The lesson of Donbass will go a long way in teaching Russians the limits of Russia’s abilities. They bit more than they could chew, and no one will pity them. Deal with it.
I will tell you why no western country support Russia . Most western countries are occupied countries where the mass media is controlled by the secret services and the leaders receive sacks of money from the CIA . So in most EU countries the corrupt leaders obey Washington and if they do not do so , a colored revolution or a coup d’etat could happen . I woudl say the most of EU population backs Russia and are fed up of the USA criminals .
2015 will put an end to your Banderastan dream,deal with it.
“Guests” ? Here is where you Ukrainian fascist nationalists make your fatal error.The Russian speakers of Ukraine are not “guests” in their own age old homeland.The borders of your fake state were wrongly expanded to include their homes.If anything you are the “guest” in their land.That worked barely,but worked.Until you became drunk with power and decided their land was your’s and they should be forced to kneel to you.Not be treated as equal citizens ,but as “guests” you “allow” to stay in their homeland.When you decided to become slaves to the West and enemies of your fellow citizens you signed the death warrant of a united Ukraine.
Dear Ukro,
[ Note from moderation: Dear commenter, I decided to cut out this part of your reply. It was getting to personal towards the previous commenter. It’s against moderation policy. Lets keep it decent. Thanks ]
It’s quite clear the West has the admirers it deserves. On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t be too harsh here. Deep down, I think that the Ukros actually do have their hearts in the right place. It’s their brains we gotta find :-)
Indeed. And for what reason are innocent people in Donbass being killed? Because they want self-governance and independence. Such a sad world in which we live. We all need to work to build a world in which love, reverence for life and freedom are primary values.
People need to learn from the cats. Cats are nice, but if you keep teasing one don’t be surprised if you get scratched. Little kids know about this stuff, but westerns government and the media don’t?
With the US and western empire now, everything gets turned into a major crisis,
You don’t have to believe in or practice a religion to respect those who do or recognize and appreciate the inherent value of it, even if there are those practitioners or clergy who abuse it (what can’t be abused?) or go crazy with it.
You want to believe that the Prophet (PBUH) flew to Jerusalem on a horse one night, or that Jesus rose from the dead? Well, these are nice stories, filled with neat symbolism and meaning. If you want to think this was literally true then I think it’s going a bit overboard, but OK — your choice, and everyone uses stories. You want to believe that atoms are material and energy and consciousness is qualitatively something else and there is no ‘spiritual’ reality? Well, — OK — your choice and they are nice stories too, and have some meaning, and if you want to think that’s the literal truth then I think you are going overboard and don’t understand how models of existence work, or how limited our brains and stories are. Whatever…
But for me mock or dis anyone or think they are dumb when I know how dumb and limited my own thinking and perceptions are is just silly and arrogant, and it’s teasing the cat gods. Not a good idea.
I was mute here -brazil- wondering on possible explanations for the parisian slaughter and when would be able to take a whatever sensible position.
But when next morning I saw on TV the sacred figure of Bibinetanyahu labeling it a “savage attack” etc I frankly burst into tears.
i couldn´t help it, folks.
thank you for your sanity, it is badly needed these days.
I am afraid to look at my Facebook, all my friends posted “Je suis Charlie” today. I cannot have friends anymore….they are too stupid to even begin to discuss these things with them.
Are events in Paris the Hegemons warning to France and the others she spoke for in advocating the easing/lifting of the sanctions on Russia ?
If you think your friends are bad, you should try my family!
Saker, most excellent essay on “Charlie.” Thanks again for bringing some sanity into a world where the West controls the news and inundates us with daily lies and BS.
Saker, you are “Right On” your blog ” I am Not Charlie” is the one serious analysis of this type of Western activity. You truly are a voice of reason in a journalistic world of “stupid’.
Thank you so much, keep up the good work.
Prof. Lomshek
I’ll dring to that, Profesor Lomshek.
I am surprised that a number of Shaker’s friends dumped him over his Charlie letter.
Shows, how Pavlovian Conditioning masquerades in peoples’ minds as divine revelation.
I agree with Saker the hypocrism of ‘the crowd’. Anti-terrorist demonstrations are OK, because terrorist actions cannot be legitimated. Freedom of speech is OK, with respecting the beliefs and opinions of others. Provocations (like some politicions and writers do – and even the cartoons do) ask for a reaction. The analogy with the cats who are teased is clear en understandable for everyone. Killing those people who provoced is rejectable, if you are born in the Western world. However, other cultures have another opinion when their prophet, leader, or God is abused. Who is right? Everyone, according to their way of thinking.
Are some dead people more worth than others? Is it fear, because it is near, why so many people demonstrate now? 1000 death persons by Boko Haram, many civilions killed every day in the Near East and Afghanistan/Pakistan, Children dying because of hunger….. It is only a news item, but I did not see many demonstrations because of these facts.
It is the way we see the world, the distinction between we and they, in stead of thinking inclusive. It makes me so sad that way of thinking is still so far away – and even relatives and dear friends do not understand if you try to explain what you mean.
The West, or better to say UKUSA and their vassals want to direct terrorism there where they want…to Russia, China, Syria, but it doesn’t work like that.
Terrorism is impossible to control or direct.
Can UKUSA, France etc. learn it?
Mr. Saker,
Your remarks show great courage.
I also, am not Charlie.
Their racist cartoons definitely, spit on someone’s soul. The arrogance of the imperialists must be resisted. This attack is highly suspicious. Where were the French police?
And, yes, where was the outcry when the Anglo/American/Zionist Oligarchs destroyed Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, butchered Indonesia in 1965, divided Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon, and attempted the same in Egypt? Their terrorist attacks killed millions of humans.
Freedom of religion necessitates respect for all beliefs, religious or not. The divine spark exists in all. The disrespect and assault on Muslims (as well as against Russians) that is pervasive in the Oligarch puppet media, endangers us all as our societies may decline to a Dark Ages.
Within the Oligarch controlled United States, armed and uniformed Police are “marching” on Washington (the nation’s capital) this Saturday. The police are angry at any who dare criticize their recent spate of racial murders of young black men (and one young African American woman – and that was right in front of the ‘White House’ – and received a standing ovation from the Ukrainian Rada-er-excuse- the American Congress).
Our societies may/have declined to a new Dark Age. Let’s brighten it up with…
For the Novorossyan Partisans!
For the Democratic Republic!
Peter J. Antonsen
Imperialism never met an enemy it couldn’t create.
Some researcher with time on his hands should run a table showing the column centimeters and broadcast minutes for the Gaza 2,100 compared to the Paris 12!!!
Hate begets hate. Violence begets violence. Your words are true Saker. Thank-you and Amen.
While I vehemently denounce violence in response to speech, to wrap up this issue in a freedom of speech banner is more than a tad ridiculous. A couple of though experiments illustrate this nicely:
If I were to go walking in New York City it would be my right under the constitution to tell everyone on the street exactly what I thought of their trendy style of dress (for the sake of the experiment I find their style laughable). Now its entirely my right to do this and if anyone assaulted me for so doing, theoretically I would be in the right. Okay. But does this mean I shouldn’t expect that eventually someone will kick my teeth in?
Another: A KKK newspaper, Charlie Klanbo, publishes articles and cartoons lambasting blacks as racially inferior, backwards, and dumb. They publish cartoons mocking Dr King, depicting him as a drunken whore-monger. Is it their right under the idea of freedom of speech to do this? Absolutely. But after Charlie Klanbo is firebombed by the Black Panthers, how many US senators, congressmen and leaders of society are going to stand up and declare “I am Charlie Klanbo”?
That’s where the hypocrisy comes in. The West views Muslims as inferior backwards people worthy of contempt. So when someone is deliberately insulting to Muslims, and a single Muslims reacts with anger or violence, the group as a whole is condemned, the proof being the actions of the lone individual. The freedom of speech banner is unfurled, the insults perfectly acceptable. But switch out Muslims for a group seen in good standing by the West, blacks or Jews for instance, and the scenario changes completely. A Klan mouthpiece mocks blacks, the Panthers torch the building. Neo-Nazis parade through Manhattan, get spit upon and garbage hurled at by the city’s Jewish residents. Who in the US would jump to their feet and defend the Klan’s or the Nazis words as freedom of speech? Who wouldn’t insinuate that by their hateful words they themselves had played a crucial role in what transpired? The violent acts against this constitutionally protected speech may eventually be condemned but they would never be used to indict blacks or Jews as a whole or trotted out as vindication of the original insults. The fact is because Islamophobia is the flavor of the decade, when we mock Muslims they simply must smile back and praise us. If they react negatively in anyway to our provocations it only proves their inferior nature. Their not like ourselves, who can go around flipping the bird to everyone we see and never have to worry about getting punched in the face.
Excellent points Don Wiscacho…
Don Wiscacho, very well put.
BRAVO! Saker! Excellent article.
I am NOT Charlie either. He was extremely, extremely offensive to Christians too.
Congratulations to the new site! And kudos to your ongoing work and teambuilding for a better and more tolerant and understanding worldview.
Transferred from ICH:
This is without a doubt the best, most honest [start edit]and true scream of disgust… thank you !!!! …. I agree with every word… every word[/end edit]. To spit at one man’s religion is disgusting – to spit at 1.6 billion peoples religion is BEYOND words…. …. and yes it is 99.9999% likely a false flag… Western governments are depraved.
The people we the people must wake up and do I SAY DO something to correct this insanity. We need a new system and we need people who are sane.
[Moderator note: The moderation policy states no screaming via CAPITAL LETTERS. This comment has been approved, but the screeming has been edited out.]
Well, I am Charlie. And here’s why: fear and intimidation is a form of censorship. Humour, literature and art should not be cowed into making choices about legitimate and illegitimate subjects.
If you received a death threat saying you must call yourself Charlie does that mean you would? Of course not.
I am Charlie because I believe in freedom from fear and intimidation, the freedoms of speech and expression but mainly because it helps me share my condolences to those who have suffered and lost in this act of terror.
Finally – the train/tracks analogy verges on the non sequitur. ‘Bad train’ – it’s something one would say to a child.
Nathanael@ Go on then to Israel and say :” Israel is apartheid ! and is a criminal Jewish state that murders Palestinian children daily”……. see how long you’ll survive as “Charlie” there.
Try it go on…..and this song will be played for you very soon after:
Does anyone remember the text attributed to Albert Pike predicting 3 world wars? The first to destroy Tsarist Russia, the second to establish Israel in Palestine, and the third to eradicate Islam?
With such wild and volatile swings in the market for the price of the lifeblood of the economy (oil) in such few decades – the reigning narrative is that a ‘supply glut’ and dampened demand have caused a sudden collapse in oil prices – over 50% in the past year. Analysts are screaming about economic catastrophe, rightfully pointing out that today’s situation shows many of the same symptoms as that of the 2008 financial crash. US shale, which helped to create the ‘glut’, is unprofitable at these levels and bankruptcies have already began.
War – that famous ‘driver of economic growth’ – just so happens to be a convenient solution to everything. So many oil producing countries just happen to lie in the Middle East and just happen to be Islamic. Ever hear about that top-secret Pentagon report on 9/11 implicating Saudi Arabia? And how some top senators are pushing for it to be released? Ever hear about PEGIDA and anti-Islam / anti-immigration movements all across Europe? The magical PR capabilities of the Islamic State, broadcasting their gruesome terror in the name of Allah to the whole world via social media?
Those pesky Middle Eastern countries refuse to lower output so that the oil price can normalise. Well, perhaps the ‘perfect storm’ of factors will bring about a war so massive, worthy of the title “Third World War”, and destroy production capabilities all over the Middle East. No more ‘glut’, prices go back up, the world cowers in fear and buys shale and tar sand oil for a premium, saving the ‘Western’ economies.
In God We Trust, Amen
If you watch that video of the officer it is clear there is missing blood, debris (an AK 47 goes through like butter), no motion if the body, no recoil, nothing.
What a coincidence that so many people were ready filming a 1 minute scene just at the right time and with no talking or emotion when someone gets shot. Especialy the footage from a roof, what a coincidence.
How unfortunate that the “third terrorist” has a waterproof alibi and turned himself in, as soon as he saw his name.
How unfortunate that despite almost a dozen “wounded/dead” only 2 ambulances made it, on an empty(!) street in the middle of paris (laugh).
What great police work that they found the identity and id´s from these “terrorists” in zero time, yet were not able to catch them o.O
The list goes on an on….just watching the video calls bullshit all over it. My opinion? This is another punishment for french because they don´t want to fight in the east, they want to deliver to russia, they don´t want sanctions etc. And when the next elections come along, there is a big fear that La Pen will win, and she is clearly anti EU and NATO.
Just human scum, what really suprises me is the media though, i mean how many bullshit can you spill out until you ask yourself what the hell you report to the masses.
Spot on.
APOLOGIES to AVATAR…. I meant my post to—Mr Tchang .
Sorry again Avatar.
Carmel by the Sea
To be brief, the odds that this was a false flag or a hoax are extremely large. The key is the “Mighty Wurlitzer” of AZ Media was prepped and primed for the event, same as MH17 and so many other events.
Mossad? NATO/Gladio? Hoax with crisis actors? It doesn’t matter.
Saker, do you see it as relevant that in November Netanyahu directly threatened France with violence if they recognized Palestine? He said, “it would be a grave mistake” to do so. It seems pretty clear to me that that was a threat, evidently followed through with. Additionally, there is this from Arutz Sheva two days before the attack:
“Liberman, Mossad Men Reportedly Met Top Arab Official in Paris
Foreign Minister reportedly met a high ranking Arab personage in Paris, together with Mossad agents.
There has been a series of confusing reports and counter-reports according to which a senior Israeli minister – apparently Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman – met on December 25 with an Arab personage in Paris. Liberman is denying the reports and there are conflicting versions regarding the identity of the person he met. Initial reports named the person he met as Mohammed Dahlan, a Fatah terrorist leader and the chief rival of Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas, but these are now being denied.
The report that the meeting was an unauthorized one are also being denied.
According to Maariv Online, Liberman met an unnamed Arab personage – not Dahlan – at the prestigious Raphael Hotel in Paris on Christmas day. Officials from Mossad were also present at the meeting. The trip was authorized by the government but all the people who were aware of it signed confidentiality vows.
The earlier reports gave a completely different version of what transpired, and a different time frame as well. According to these news items, after a senior Israeli minister met Dahlan, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent Abbas a secret communication in which he told Abbas that the meeting was not authorized by him and does not represent the policies of the Israeli government.
Dahlan, a former Fatah official, was expelled by Abbas in 2011. He also lost his parliamentary immunity following allegations of corruption and involvement in the murder of ex-PA head Yasser Arafat. He currently lives in the United Arab Emirates.
Both Palestinian and Israeli sources told Walla! News that a senior member of Israel’s cabinet held a number of meetings with Dahlan, regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict, in several European capitals.
Following a report of these meetings, Abbas’ associates reportedly attempted to determined if they were held on behalf of the Israeli government and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Palestinian sources claimed that Israeli Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) chief Yoram Cohen told Abbas, on behalf of Netanyahu, that these were not official meetings, when he spoke with him in Ramallah, just before early elections in Israel were announced in early December.
When asked for comment, both the Israeli official and Dahlan denied any meetings between themselves. Dahlan added that he has no connection to an Israeli minister of any other senior Israeli figure. He further claimed that the publication of these reports are intended for internal Israeli reasons, which he does not wish to be a part of.”
Pretty odd, no?
Thoughts anyone?
A good read.
Христос се роди!!!
Saker, you are really missing the point. This is not about 12 white dudes dying, it’s about the current battle the West is fighting between 2 competing ideologies:
* Economic Freedom
* Freedom of speech
The corporations and the state pretend to stand for both, but only stand for economic freedom — freedom of speech, homosexuality, whatever are fig-leafs to them. It’s obvious if you pay attention: AP pulling any cartoon that might offend advertisers, Apple pulling 3rd party software that might offend its users, the NSA listening to everything, again and again these people do not believe in freedom of speech..
And there there are those of us who believe in freedom of thought and speech, who may not necessarily agree with the elites’ foreign policy positions, or with the destruction of the planet by growth at all costs. We believe in the supremacy of rational thought, not in worrying about what might cause offense to people who have not learnt to think. It is us who mourn this attack on freedom of thought, and it is not hypocritical for us to do so.
Defending someone’s absolute to say whatever they want without retaliation is not the same as defending what they said. It’s called free speech. You either believe in it, or you don’t. Few people do.
The sight of Europeans out in the cold “demonstrating” in support of journalists who lie to them and cops who fail to protect them is one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever seen.
Western imbecility and depravity duly accompanied by truly wonderful cretinism. The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie never ceases to amaze, eh?
Your writing is the first on this topic that I have agreed with fully. I do not believe in god or in any religion. But I feel others have the right to believe as they wish and, as long as they are not overbearing in their beliefs and actions, have a right to have their belief respected. Attacks on the core beliefs of Islam should expect and deserve to suffer the consequences. The same is true of Pussy Riot, although their consequences were not as dire.
Saker, You sound like a closet jihadist yourself. Spitting on souls…hmm. That sounds like a really good jihadist excuse for killing everyone that displeases anyone. The constitution was designed to protect us from such dangerous bigots and their ilk, but unfortunately the law enforcers have become the law breakers.
Pepe escobar says it well….
“And yes, I am Charlie. Not only because they made us laugh; but because they were sacrificial lambs in a much nastier, gruesome, never-ending shadowplay. “
mudpuppy = “Charlie” = BHL = Bourgeois Hébreu-Lézard
Twenty-five years ago, some “artist” immersed a crucifix in a jar of what he said was his own urine. The installation was shown in a museum, under the name Piss Christ. The “artist” wanted to offend, and succeeded.
I would not support the jerk getting shot, but I would congratulate any volunteer who tarred and feathered the “artist” and the artistic director who awarded $15,000 of public funds to the project. I would feel exactly the same way, when other people’s religious symbol or sacred books are desecrated,
Besides the fact that this kind of juvenile behavior bothers me, we are dealing with jerks who have started riots and communal violence in Africa and Asia. These are war makers, who start conflicts not out of anger or greed, but out of spite.
@Mudpuppy OR MudZionist?
Here some music to cheer you up! from France:
So long as there are those who believe in medieval myths, we will be easily divided and remain a conquered being.
BTW, the killers were not Muslim, they were operatives of those fomenting the “clash of civilization.”
Ain’t religious wars grand?
All those countries that form NATO can only be described as fascist including France; this so called satirical magazine is only furthering fascist policies. I am afraid to say that in the UK rather than living in a freedom loving democracy I am living in a fascist totalitarian state which has no constitution. This is the great thing about Saker’s blog it makes one aware that there are others who can tell black from white.
The GREATEST comedian of our world——Dieudonné .
Dieudonné is the one that speaks truth but does NOT have freedom of speech in France.
Here he makes fun of freedom of speech in France among other things in “free” France:
With english subtitles ( see below). ENJOY!!!
ENG Subbed Dieudonné Mahmoud, Part 1
Great show that trashes religious myths. All brands of religious myths are the same, freedom of thought is not tolerated, it is heresy, blasphemy!
Off with their heads!
“As soo as a topic begins to smell like shit, it usually catches my interest.” –Dieudonné
Hmm. So the muslims are accusing Charlie of spitting on their soul, and the punishment for this heinous crime is to spit back onto Charlie’s soul with deadly weapons? Yeah that’s sounds fair. But wait, didn’t jesus say to turn the other cheek? So did the jihadists turn their cheeks when they fired their weapons? If so then it was ok, right?
I also am not Charlie, and I do question the media coverage – not that it is not an awful thing when a murderous attack is perpetrated anywhere on anyone for any reason, but that there is comparative silence when on the same day this happened in Yemen:
I am among the slaughtered innocent students. I don’t see these as having been recognized in the manner the news (even RT) is trumpeting the Paris killings, and that is a very sad thing.
Yemen has suffered terribly, much more than France has suffered because the killings were inflicted upon the youth of the country whose training was for the stability of civil society. That is worth mourning. To print what one has the freedom to print may be something worth dying for, but to die with one’s potential for good cut short, that is something to give attention to and to mourn.
Tomorrow the protomartyr Saint Stephen is remembered by the Orthodox, and two days later the innocent children slain at the first Christmas by Herod. My prayers are with the Yemeni parents. God bless your brave children for wanting to help their families and their nation.
False flag? check this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FJvyVLeLJ4. Is that a bullet impact on the pavement besides the policeman head? Do you see any blood? Besides, the newspaper was supposed to be under high police protection. Is one cop high police protection?
In any case, they had it coming. They were not civilians. They were people in a crusade against Islam. They were people who knew they coud harm more with a pen than with a gun, and they did it. They used a pen, and a torrent of obscenities for years. Does freedom of speech authorizes you to insult your neighbour each and every day? I think not. They did it, and they made a living out of it. They were able to put their hands on a finance line, and to get paid for profering obscenities and insulting people. They were mercenaries. My sympathy and compassion goes to the children, women, and innocent men of Irak, Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Donbass. My compassion is for the victims, not for the accomplices of the killers. In all this disgusting display of conformist emotionnal thoughtless public reaction, my first thought is this: ok, this is tragic, yes. But where is the sympathy and compassion for children of Syria? of Lybia? of Afghanistan? of Donbass? aren’t they human beings too? when will people start thinking by tehmselves?
Some Notes To Consider:
– Little mention in the press about how one writer was fired over linking Jews to wealth and power. The magazine was also very much a Zionist rag.
– The Russian opposition have all come out in total Je Suis Charlie mode.
– Kadyrov has labeled Khodorkovsky as an enemy to Islam.