Dear friends,
Today, thanks to the fantastic work of the Saker Community [English Transcription & Translation: Marina (Russian Saker), Katya (Oceania Saker) & CG (Russian Saker) Editing & Production: Augmented Ether (Oceania Saker)] I can share with you a most interesting interview of Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Special Envoy of the President and one of the most interesting and influential representatives of the “Eurasian Sovereignists” and the man who, one day, could succeed Vladimir Putin. Rogozin is absolutely hated by the Atlantic Sovereignists and by the AngloZionist Empire.
This interview is important because it shows what Russia is really doing while keeping up the pretense of “partnership” with the AngloZionist Empire: preparing for war while hoping that it can be avoided. In this interview, Rogozin speaks to a domestic audience in one of the most popular shows on Russian TV. Thanks to the Saker Community you will now see the Russia which the MSM never shows you and the one which frightens the Empire so much.
The Saker
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[from Blue]
The thing about economics is that it is real, when done right, and if done wrong is still real even though people don’t understand what is happeneing. That is, economics is about the tangible and the flow of resources, natural or produced, and consumption.
Rogozin seems to have some understanding of this.
Importantly, a major flaw in the west is the fixation of abstraction and finance, on money, and often it drives policy decisions, and production and consumption, when it should be other way around. Finance and economic analysis should be driven by y=the tangible and used as a management tool, not a slavemaster.
If rubels (or dollars, or whatever) are not there to do what is needed, then find another way to manage the program.
Alan Watts, the Zen guy, told a story decades ago, likening the Great Depression to carpenters showing up to the job and being told they could not work because the company had run out inches.
Let’s not allow financial, or any other abstractions, to stand in the way of reality — but I doubt the West is smart enough to know how to do that.
Impressive fellow. Thanks for the translation.
Now we need someone like this to explain how Russia plans to deal with the non-traditional weapons that the Anglo-Americans are using, such as color revolutions, the fifth column, oligarchs, media, culture, and cheap soldiers of the Nazi or Wahhabi kind.
You might want to comment on the possible Western strategy of a failed state, and what Russia’s response would likely be. Some, such as el-Murid, feel that Russia will basically have to help Kiev/Poroshenko as much as possible, not simply due to a possible Nazi coup, but also because an armed and violent Somalia scenario is just as bad, if not worse.
Thanks to Grieved and others for posting the transcript.
It is interesting how he places great emphasis on the military industrial complex. Which is what got us into this in the first place. When the enemies ran out they created phantoms out of thin air and continue to do so just so they can survive and profit immensely.
This again comes down to where we are humans NEED to be to survive. We definitely can not continue this way. On the grand scale of things, Humans have only been around 100,000 years. And it don’t look likely we will survive another 100,000 years. Compared to the dinosaurs who survived for 200 million years. What kind of legacy would we leave behind? GOD has given us all this vast ability to mold REALITY itself to our needs yet our most urgent need currently seems to organ harvesting in one way or another.
Russian, American, Indian, Chinese or what ever needs to look far longer into how we can survive into the next million years. If you ever played games like CIV which emulate human progress you would find after a couple of thousand years you will find yourself in a police society with a very small population and a small number of fiefdoms which are fighting against each other to destroy the ever smaller area of unpolluted land to live and grow. I had really thought the US would evolve into this frame of mind as they had the best chance to hold together the world and progress towards it. And then came the semen on a dress movie and the petty bickering off why are you living on top of our oil and water.
The next best things that unites humanity is fundamentalism. So is IS the future? Not a very pleasant place to live in no matter what the outcome. We do know there are people who look into the future like those who want to abolish nukes which dont seem realistic looking the current situation. But they are the visionaries who are looking at where the future of humanity lies.
When Spartacus died he was happy to die as a free man and to him that was the most important thing. Pretty sad to think we wont even have that much and maybe not much a future at all.
28 September, 2014 14:56
Well said, you voice in the wilderness.
yes it’s an intelligent interview -impressive overview of a smart power, a vision of a smart warfare and those who will create it..
Andre Malraux said concerning our time:
” The 21st century will be spiritual, or it will be nothing”.
make it something then, and take no notice of satan and his wings.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky:
“Beauty will save the World”.
Thank you Fydor, you voice in the wilderness.
@ Paul II,
Q: …but also because an armed and violent Somalia scenario is just as bad, if not worse.
R: The DPR/LPR forces have shown how to deal with that and turn it into Begonia in no time. The only thing they [KFK] do need is enough rope.
@ Paul II,
Q: …but also because an armed and violent Somalia scenario is just as bad, if not worse.
R: The DPR/LPR forces have shown how to deal with that and turn it into Begonia in no time. The only thing they [KFK] do need is enough rope.
Pensioner beaten who tried to stop the vandals from demolishing the Lenin statue in Kharkov.
I hope they could manage to fulfill those long term programs. Russia has always had an enormous scientific potential and I hope and wish for the best. For example only few days ago I read about the new generation nuclear reactors which can utilize the large dumps of processed fuel from the current generation reactors. Thus solving the critical problem of storing and disposing of the highly hazardous to the environment materials.
Thanks to the team of translation and transcription.
To me this man that I did not know, fell myself sympathetic yet when he said that from now on, “the USA should send their astronauts to the international space station with trampoline”. It seems to have a great sense of humor, which always helps, even in the worst times.
While it is a shame to spend so many resources to developing defensive new technology, it is a sign of sanity in the Russian leadership’s claim that all this technology can be applied in parallel civil use to improve the lives of people.
So, as you said, Anonymous at 29 September, 2014 05:38,
” the XXI century will be spiritual or will not be”,
but first we must neutralize the “axis of evil”.
There is no other choice if we want to live in peace and devote ourselves to spiritual growth and encouragement of other higher virtues.
I hope to see it and live it, but, if not, I will be happy to see the new generations to live a future drive towards continuous improvement of humanity, without wasting energy on issues that are not worthwhile.
Has the US turned its attention to China? It looks like a Maidan has sprung up in Hong Kong.
I find myself lucky that I know Russian. Translation cannot convey all the nuances of the live speech.
More GCC politics..
The friends of my enemy is my enemies enemies enemies friends enemies enemies friend. And just WTF would we do without friends??
The tiny and very rich Persian Gulf emirate of Qatar has become a hostile target for two nations with significant influence in the U.S.: Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Israel is furious over Qatar’s support for Palestinians generally and (allegedly) Hamas specifically, while the UAE is upset that Qatar supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (UAE supports the leaders of the military coup) and that Qatar funds Islamist rebels in Libya (UAE supports forces aligned with Ghadaffi).
What did Camstoll do for these millions of dollars? They spent enormous of amounts of time cajoling friendly reporters to plant anti-Qatar stories, and they largely succeeded. Their strategy was clear: target neocon/pro-Israel writers such as the Daily Beast‘s Eli Lake, Free Beacon‘s Alana Goodman, Iran-contra convict Elliott Abrams, The Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin, and American Enterprise Institute’s Michael Rubin – all eager to promote the Qatar-funds-terrorists line being pushed by Israel. They also targeted establishment media figures such as CNN’s Erin Burnett, Reuters’ Mark Hosenball, and The Washington Post‘s Joby Warrick.
One U.S. government cable from 2009, also published by WikiLeaks, identified Saudi Arabia, not Qatar, as the greatest danger in this regard:
Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.
The writer of that cable complained that “it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority.”
The important point is that Qatar and the UAE are supporting different factions, but it’s more complex than the phrase “supports forces aligned with Ghadaff” suggested.
The US needs low oil prices for economic growth, but most shale oil Fracking is sold at a loss even with such high prices. Any lower and they would not be viable and the pickle is to hurt Russia Oil and Gas prices need to be far lower. The Saudi’s need high oil prices to bribe their population and hire expensive hookers. So there are many pickles in the jars.
On the same Topic if Russia wants to hurt the US they could lower the price of Oil and Gas.. Making a lot of extra oil/gas exploration/extraction companies go out of business. It would bring in less income but it would hurt the US a lot more than Russia in the short term. BUT it would spur US economic growth because cheap oil is fundamental to industrial production. Ah Russia has a pickle there too.. With higher prices the US can export Oil and Gas to Europe and reduce Russian gas consumption. Ofcourse Russia can sell for lower prices currently. BUT arctic drilling is as expensive as shale Fracking. So leaving that aside for now until later when it would really do some good might be a good idea… Things like Oil, Gold etc never expire and go bad.. a million years from now you could still dig it up and they will have value. Unlike anything else now on the planet like ego’s and opinions and people just waiting to jump on others because they are so much smarter and more intelligent than others.
“The financial crisis is only partly financial but mainly an energy problem”
MK Ngoyo, believe me, the situation in Australia is similarly abysmal. If there is a creature with an IQ of over 100 amongst our political caste they are hiding their light under a bushel. As for moral sanity it is a concept beyond their understanding. Moralising, of course, and inflicting your own perverted moralism on others, the weak and powerless the favourite targets, we have a-plenty, but spiritual understanding, empathy and compassion are for losers.
How do we fix capitalism? I dont think we can. It is the same reason why it is so difficult to change the actions of the US once it is set in motion. Even when it fails, you try twice as hard to make it work. But a bad tactic is still a bad tactic even done with twice the effort.
Since the NY FED is one of the member FED banks that sets US financial policy, you would think it would work in a way to benefit and protect the people it supposedly serves. Well they dont serve the people but the member institutions but the end result is to serve the well being of the people.
When Rumsfield said that they live in a new Reality where real world concerns were none of their business and that the Reality they create will be looked at by others in awe and when they figured it out the next reality would be out and it would be looked on in greater awe. And here we have one of the most powerful financial institutions thats part of the US FED that issues the US$ that seems to be living in its own Reality. By looking at the other institutions like the government, the justice department the military, they are all living in their own reality which does not have much basis to the reality to the rest of us live in. It has more to do with invasion of the body snatchers. Capitalism wont work when you ignore reality. Then you get crony capitalism. Not only that but this gets absurd and that coming from the regulators who are supposed to watch the banks who run the world. Each higher levels gets into ever higher realms of absurdity. In essese the USA is loco! Out of their minds.. Lost it.. whoohooo.. NUTS!
“[Goldman executives] responded with a bunch of explanations that all relate to, ‘We can do this,’ ” Silva told his team.
Privately, Segarra saw little sense in Silva’s preoccupation with the question of whether “should” applied to the Santander deal. In an interview, she said it seemed to her that Silva and the other examiners who worked under him tended to focus on abstract issues that were “fuzzy” and “esoteric” like “should” and “reputational risk.”
A confidential report and a fired examiner’s hidden recorder penetrate the cloistered world of Wall Street’s top regulator—and its history of deference to banks.
How does one see the subtitles?
If I download the video, how can I watch it with the subtitles on?
I found a great online resource to download the .srt file containing the subtitles. One needs just to paste in the youtube adress.
For downloading the video itself use Firefox or Google Chrome addons.
Re: Hong Kong Occupy
Totally CIA-MI6 funded.
100,000 demonstrators is meaningless in Hong Kong. They do this number all the time over any number of issues. Blocking traffic in Central is new.
The Hong Kong populace has two yet-to-be-heard-from groups. The wealthy business class and the poor who are getting poorer and squeezed more and more will have the last word, just like Occupy Wall Street went nowhere, rightly so.
Neither of these groups will support spoiled students who have every privilege and most of whom will leave Hong Kong when their education is over.
The Central government will never give in and their strategy is to let the protest suffer its inevitable collapse and long-term damage to itself.
Remember this about democracy in Hong Kong. There never was any voting under the British rule. It was a colony. They voted for nothing until the Mainland took over. Now, the West is busy trying to stir trouble. (What’s new?)
Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong are the primary targets for destabilization against China. All have long histories with OSS, CIA, MI6 operations that have since 1949-50 been fruitless.
It is never about democracy. It is about trying to destabilize and cause regime change.
I think it’s hilarious how Dmitri Rogozin repeatedly refers to America and Europe as “our colleagues” or “our partners” just like Putin, Lavrov, et al. always do.
This would be be equivalent to Joseph Stalin referring to Nazi Germany as “our colleagues” or “our partners’ during WW2!
After all, America and the West in general are nothing more than the geopolitica successors to the Nazi Third Reich–which incidentlly they covertly financed and supported before WW2.
Daniel R.,
Disagree on that. Smashing Kiev doesn’t bring order. What if Kiev and Lvov have a war? Or Kharkov and Dnepetroprovsk? Can the NAF stop that? What if the Odessa oblast has its own civil war? And, of course, the US might be helping both sides in these fights, just to ensure the failed states stay failed.
This doesn’t mean that what the Kremlin is doing is right or will work. At a minimum, though, it might make sense to try to build up the NAF by giving them decent salaries and trying to take more ground, such as Kharkov, before trying to smash Kiev. In the current environment, the only thing that could follow Poroshenko is a Nazi regime.
Of course the thing in Hong Kong has US hands all over it. But the number of folks unhappy over the decline in the quality of life there is way more than just students. It is huge. Rents have doubled in the last few years, and wages are largely the same. The shopping locusts do not help the average person at all, and have helped get the PTB there even more addicted to ridiculously high real estate prices as the foundation of the economy. Now we can probably add Russian money running from Europe for a small amount of balance to the hot money from China.
Democracy is really a cry for a government that cares about the concerns of the average person. The elite students are not really behind the protest. For one thing, elite students go to school overseas, and are apolitical. Soros employees are in action, but they aren’t really elite.
By the way, if you haven’t looked into it, the Tianmen incident was a total color revolution scam, with fake and incorrect reporting dominating in the West. Gene Sharpe had been there not long before it started, and you get the idea.
Hi elsi.
5 weeks ago and very much in spite of myself, I took some time to learn the gayatri mantra, partially with the the objective of changing my circumstances and finding new work.
It’s not much but I take a few minutes each day and try to clear my mind.
Last week I got an unexpected offer for new work. I start tommorrow, in a new town, with a new life. It happened so fast. I’m very excited.
infowars and others (eg in Germany) are reporting on what looks like plans for mas enslavement of Ukraine people. If true, will likely spread westward and cross the Atlantic too.
Saker: It would be a great help to English speakers like myself who want to download these videos if your translation team could incorporate the subtitles as a permanent feature of the uploaded video. Currently, the subtitles cannot be downloaded and saved. I have tried the free software programs that supposedly download the “on/off” subtitles, but in vain.
Thank you.
After having seen this video of Dimitry Rogozin, a man for whom I’m feeling the greater respect and sympathy, because he’s a mixture of an idealist and a practical efficient man, I feel better, more optimistic. He’s a man of great energy and confidence. I’m a Serbian living in France, and I’m preparing my son to work in Russia and for Russia, because I believe that Russia has a briliant future, as a big power and protector of christian values in the world.
Vladimir Putin is a wonderfull president, and I’m confident that his politics will be continued by his successor Dimitry Rogozin. Like Putin, Rogozin has a visionary project for Russia.
Thank you very much for this nice interview.
I think that it is safe to say that when Russian diplomats and ministers use the terms ‘our partners’ or ‘our colleagues’ there is more than one level of meaning.
In the first level there is irony – the US and EU are showing by their words and actions that they are anything but colleagues and partners and so the studies use of such terms serves to highlight to the world the reality.
Secondly, the usage illustrates the truth that the US and EU should> be colleagues and partners and s the usage is a rebuke aimed at the US and EU.
Thirdly the usage tells the world of the wishes of the Russian leadership – that they want to be colleagues and partners.
This usage is not an accident, it is considered and used carefully.
I typed this out where it is easier to read.
I’m so happy for your new job.
I’m not Buddhist, nor do I have experience with these mantras, but in my recent trip to Tibet and Nepal, I could hear this, Om mani padme hum, I link above, and felt great being, something that also happened to me in some places, like Boudhanath stupa in Katmandú.
Time ago I knew about Cymatics and it is clear that some sounds sorted the matter, so it does not seem far-fetched that a mantra repeated over time can have a beneficial effect. The same I think of therapy with Tibetan bowls.
Although I am not a practitioner of any religion, but of Catholic education, I am very interested in the wisdom contained in certain ancient doctrines.
Tibetan monasteries are full of piles of books, from where one is standing up to the ceiling. I wonder what kind of wisdom is contained there. It would be interesting to study this, but we think it would take several lives. I would like to delve into these issues, the problem is time.
Now we have other priorities.
Let us dream of a peaceful world and to dedicate ourselves to this knowledge.
Imagine where we could get!
I leave you a link to teh first part of a serie. I hope you, or anybody, find it interesting.
elsi said… I’m not Buddhist, nor do I have experience with these mantras..
I always wanted to go to Tibet ever since I heard a song in a Chinese restaurant a long time ago. And I got close but I don’t think I will be able to do it. So I started finding things that remind me of it. But I found I am not that peaceful..
If you get a chance see if you can listen to..
The Buddhist Monks-Sakya Tashi Ling
Waterbone – Tibet
Red Buddha – Tibet Trance
Oliver Shanti Looking From East
Mysteria – Tempting the Muse
Mystic Rhythms Band – Mystic Rhythms
mystic rhythms band – the sacred ones
I also found a lot of native American music which is not similar but they hold similar beliefs in a way.. You might find them really surprising. While they ask their spirit guides to do things the Tibetans do it themselves. But since it is not like building a dog house, the result of both is the same, letting a higher power build it for you. You need the music to get into the state. Also your mind has to be malleable. Which is why they smoke some leaves that make you see visions. Now that weeds are legal, it might really help :)
Ofcourse my own belief is slightly different, And more catholic.. When they say we are made in the image of god I believe it as we are part of god. Like a cell is part of us. So all of us are part of the same one god. And like a cell, we dont have much power over the entire body, but we each have some power. And we can get god to scratch by giving him a bad itch..
That was pretty inspiring. Thanks for posting it, Saker.
Thank you very much.
It is extremely encouraging to see that there is a country, in 2014, which really operates like a democratic country, with senior officials hard-talking (not bullshitting) in front of a live studio audience. Can you imagine Obama doing that, or any other leader anywhere in the West?
Many, many thanks.