“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” – Carl Jung
Yes, we will have a captcha. Yes we are under ddos protection. This is both excellent, but also frustrating.
I will say, seemingly this time the intent was to take us down, forever. It was a new world to watch the server statistics, see The Saker Blog being restored, and within 2 or 3 minutes after that, the take-down starts, with ease. But do remember, the Russian hacker group just took down most of Lithuania, so it is all part of the new warfare.
I do not have much more to say, except thank you so much for all the wonderfully supportive emails and thank you for the donations. We could do with some more of those at this stage and always your prayers.
Thank you to certain unnamed techs for the supportive work with Herb, and thank you to Herb for running just about round the clock to solve this.
We may hear from Andrei (The Saker) as well.
Kindest regards to all
Update: We are still fixing things, so patience is still a virtue.
UPDATE! Bear in mind we are still using only http and not https. Refer to this: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/https-has-been-disabled-use-http-thesaker-is-to-access-our-site/
Accessed via y.k.w.s site but will try direct tomorrow. Didn’t bother to send a ‘message of support’ When I’ve got a ‘puter problem the VERY last thing I want or need is being disturbed or having to answer emails. Besides, “have you turned it off then turned it back on again” is getting close to the limit of my technological expertise.
I’d figured it was fairy serious even though a DDoS attack doesn’t sound very ‘sexy’. Good to see you’ve managed to overcome the forces of fascism & the foot soldiers of the highly tarnished ‘Rules Based Order’ !! Well done to all involved. Will send a fairly small donation next pension day . . . . fixed income + 7% inflation (Yeah RIGHT !!!) + 20% at least rise in the price of food / 20% DECREASE in the size or weight of products + petrol will correlate to . . . less than I’d like. But it all adds up so I keep getting told.
Cheers Chris in Ch-Ch
It is wonderful that you are back. While you were inaccessible to me, even with the http workaround, I was able to get limited access via the Wayback Machine: read-only, for articles through July 8 only. (My Brave browser actually asked if I wanted to look for an archived copy.)
If you could find the time to archive every day, or more frequently, that could be useful in future situations. Just a thought. (As if you have nothing else to do. LOL.)
You know what you are doing is important when people try that hard to silence you.
\o/ yey!
It’s good to see you up and running. Good luck.
Thanks so much to all concerned. Especially all the above named and the helpers for getting this fantastic blog back up.
Wait for us all to be criminalised
“Expressing Russian perspectives and appearing on Russian media outlets amounts to committing treason; the people doing it must be punished, says Polish MP Radoslaw Sikorski.”
telegram New Resistance
Site back up! I see the saker is also something of a phoenix.
The Vineyard may need a volunteer cybersecurity group to support Herb in the future (because this is going to keep happening).
a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for your professionalism, which is a true
sign for the Putin-forces on our planet.
Would you mind, to give us the time-mark of the rebirth?
I would love to give the reading.
Thank God and man
Thanks a lot.
Thank God you are up and running again. It was like loosing a family member for a few days, not knowing where they are. Thank you Amarynth for keeping an eye on the vineyard while the boss is away. He is fortunate to have such good people around him.
Слава Богу)
Огромное спасибо!
Google-translate from mod:
Thank God)
Thank you so much!
Any idea who’s behind it?
Although we can all guess….
you have been soarly missed. well done on coming back…
Welcome back.
My Saker withdrawal symptoms are beginning to ease.
American Democrat fascists continue their Burisma war fetish even as they Abrandon Bandon…I mean abandon Brandon. You’ll never read it in Amerikkkan news media but citizens are fed up hearing about US supplied weapons showing up on the black market, and 60 Billion in US aid being “matched” by 6 billion from Europe…
So happy to see you back!
Welcome back! I’m so happy The Saker is online in Poland again! Thank you Saker Staff for all your efforts to restore the blog!
Parabéns! Venceremos! Abraços desde o Brasil!
Congratulations upon your continuing survival. Many of us have been counting on this blog, and also Moon of Alabama, for more factual , trustworthy, and insightful news about the developments in this early stage of WW-3.
It is a World War , because it is resetting the global trade and financial paradigm.
Missed you terribly here, in the Monster’s brain!
Ever so glad to see «Ze Saker» back!… Made our day.
Regards always to you all, Phoenix’s faithful heroes.
We’ll prevail.
Amarynth; when the site was down i tried with “www.the-saker.is” and i got through…
Great to see you back!!….after trying in vain for days to log in to Saker it’s amazing how quickly the page loads up now. I did use some other sites like Readovka and Southfront to keep up with the war news from the Eastern Front but there is nothing like Saker for informative articles, Sitreps and high level debate.