Dear friends,
First, a small announcement: I am working with a few friends to try to get a daily “Operation Z SITREP” posted in our SITREP section. This would contain the latest news and the maps that so many like so much. This is still a work in the planning stages, but I hope to get the ball rolling reasonably soon.
Next, according to Chechen sources, Chechen special operations have entered the Azovstal factory in Mariupol. This is too important a claim to be accepted yet, but there are many indirect reports which seem to confirm the veracity of this claim. If so, then that means that most of the residential areas of Mariupol have now been liberated from the Nazi terrorists of the Azov battalion. If the combat operation inside or near the Azovstal buildings is still going on, well that means that very soon Mariupol will be denazified which, considering that the Nazi forces inside the city were just about the most evil and yet quite combat capable units available to the Ukronazi regime, the final liberation of Mariupol will mean a huge difference for the entire operation.
Check this video by Gonzalo Lira to get a full picture of why Mariupol is so crucial.

This is a photo of the head of the Chechen special forces of the Russian national guard, Adam Delimkhanov, coordinating combat activities this afternoon in Mariupol (look here: and here to see how much the West hates this man!)
Speaking of Gonzalo Lira, I am extremely worried about him, he has said that he would post a YT report every 12 hours, and by now it has been sixteen (16!). And, considering this, I am frankly anxiously waiting for him to give a sign of life. Gonzalo, if you read these words (who knows?) I recommend that you try to get out towards the Russian lines if at all possible. If somebody has his email, please send it to me, I would like to contact him.
If you have any news from/about him, please let me know.
Now turning to Zone A:
This is the kind of stuff one can see in the London subway, I was told.
True or false? Who knows, but the point is that it pretty much encompasses the traditional British view of the Russian people. Again, these types of “coming outs” are fantastically important for the future of Russia, so I encourage them.
Which brings me to the official narrative.
I think that it is finally cracking. Here and there in the official corporate media, there are articles about some Ukrainian fakes, other articles question the wisdom to go to war with Russia over what is a dead, corrupt, Nazi country 404.
The reports about the Russians losing a million tanks, soldiers, missiles and men are gradually being replaced with more sober assessments and the maps produced by Western outlets are gradually starting to look more or less similar to the maps produced by the various “Putin propaganda outlets”.
I see two things coming next:
- The much announced “Russian atrocity” false flag (several have failed over the past few days, including one chemical one which was thwarted when the wind blew in the “wrong” direction – that is away from the targeted town.
- Poland will try to convince the USA to allow it to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back and conduct a “peacekeeping operation” to create a mini-Banderastan in western Ukraine.
Now there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the USA wants three things:
- A war lasting as long as possible
- As many civilian victims as possible
- To flood the Ukraine with weapons to then direct a “stay-behind” insurgency
I am not at all convinced that the USA will go along with the Polish plan. Why? Because I believe that a Russian Iskander strike INSIDE POLAND (similar to the ones we saw in Iavorov, the ammo dump in Kiev and in Novaia Liubomirka) is a quasi-certitude (remember: Russia IS ready to fight both NATO and the US together!). BTW – the one in Iavorov blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?
Bottom line is that if the Polacks organize another little “peacekeeping training camp” and think that the Russians won’t dare to strike a NATO country they are quite wrong. They are probably too dumb/delusional to realize that, but the folks at the US DoD probably do and don’t need this. Why, well precisely because NATO member or not, Article 5 or not, nobody will come to aid the Polacks against the wrath of the entire Russian military, the manpower and resources needed is not there anyway…
Unless the Russians and the US Americans agree to a partition of the Ukraine. Not likely, but always possible. It is going to almost certainly happen anyway, the only way to prevent that is Russian tanks at the Polish border, and not just for a quick visit, but to create something like the 201st base in Tajikistan.
Anyway, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this is all still in the future.
Want a good laugh?

No, this is not an early April’s First joke!
Here is how low CNN has sunk, check out this truly priceless headline: twice poisoned and still very much alive, amazing! Russian “biowarfare killers” really need more training if they can’t even kill a guy but kill his pets (Skripal), they can’t poison a Russian citizen inside Russia (Navalnyi) and fail to kill that guy (his name is Vladimir Kara-Murza, he is a common criminal) TWICE!
KGB killers are not what they used to be…
What about the events on the front line?
I won’t into details here but I will offer a few bullet points
- Very heavy combats near Avdeevka and Mariupol.
- Combat pretty much everywhere the line of contact, which result in slow positional warfare with artillery exchanges and very careful mopping up building by building and even room by room.
- On average Russian forces advance between 5 and 20 kilometers per day, which is rather fast against a defense in depth prepared for years.
- The key cities of Kiev and Odessa are almost completely blocked, but not fully surrounded yet.
- The Black Sea fleet basically controls the entire Ukie coast and all of the Black Sea itself.
- The Black Sea fleet also prevents any resupply of Odessa from Romania.
- Russia has full air superiority over the entire Ukie airspace
- The Ukies are STILL firing both Tochka-U and Grad/Smerch missiles in the general direction of liberated cities just to create as many casualties as possible, but the Russians have become very skilled at not only shooting down these missiles (the destruction ratio has gone up very sharply) but also destroying the key Ukrainian ammo dumps where they hide those missiles (this is what happened with the big building in downtown Kiev which the Russians totally vaporized with one perfectly aimed Iskander missile. If you have not seen this amazing video, you can quickly re-watch it here:
And here is a video of what the Ukies were hiding under this commercial building (photo from a local resident since disappeared by the Ukie SBU:
And, finally, I want to share something very important with you: the Ukronazi forces cannot resupply or rotate themselves. Why?
- Because moving around when the air is full of Mi-24/35s, Mi-28Ns, and Ka-52s in “free hunting” mode requires a type of courage very few people have.
- Because most roads are carefully monitored by multi-sensor Russian reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities
- Because more big roads (you cannot use small dirt roads to resupply or rotate effectively) are either already physically controlled by the Russians or are “shot through”, which in Russian indicate that while Russian soldiers have reached each other and hugged they can shoot at any location from these roads from any side.
So it does not matter how motivated the Ukrainians are. Even if we assume 100% of the Ukrainians are well trained, well-armed and would rather die than retreat or surrender, they still need many TONS of stuff (food, ammo, water, MREs, medicine, batteries, petroleum, diesel, lubricants, oil and many more things!) EVERY DAY. Just to give you an idea, read this pretty decent discussion of some aspects of logistics by the US military.
So once the Ukies are blocked by Russians, it is essentially over for them. Anybody with a basic understanding of modern warfare can confirm that to you.
Add to this in the very first day Russia destroyed all the Ukie communication centers and capabilities in the first few hours of the operation, and you will see that while the Ukrainian side has “brigades” and “battalions” these are all undermanned and, crucially, cannot cooperate with each other. In other words, they cannot jointly maneuver to support each other.
To put it in the simplest terms, the Ukrainians are not able to conduct any operations, and that is why all their so-called “counter-attacks” always fail and mostly never even materialized. At best, they can destroy a Russian checkpoint, blow up a truck or even shoot down a helicopter, but none of that solves their real problem which is that they are now mostly reduced to WWI type of warfare against a 21st-century ultra-modern military which has the total control of the situation.
That’s it for today. I really have to stop because I have a roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard. I already use a brace to protect my thumb, but even that does not help. So I will sign off for the day and be back tomorrow, God willing.
Kind regards
PS: found a very decent map of the situation on Telegram (the place to go for good info!). Does anybody know where this map is originally from?
And get a load of the horse manure emanating from the Empire of Lies “Ministry of Truth”. Obviously, “rules-based international order” means “Do as we say, not as we DO”:
“US Signals It’s Discouraging Zelensky from Making Concessions to Russia That Could End the Fighting”
by Dave DeCamp
‘… [State Department spokesman Ned] Price said Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to violate “core principles,” including “the principle that each and every country has a sovereign right to determine its own foreign policy, has a sovereign right to determine for itself with whom it will choose to associate in terms of its alliances, its partnerships, and what orientation it wishes to direct its gaze.” …’
‘… [State Department spokesman Ned] Price said Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to violate “core principles,” including “the principle that each and every country has a sovereign right to determine its own foreign policy, has a sovereign right to determine for itself with whom it will choose to associate in terms of its alliances, its partnerships, and what orientation it wishes to direct its gaze.” …’
Except of course when America decides that a country does not have any sovereign rights like when America wages wars of aggression against nations like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, as well as bombs Somalia, Pakistan, etc.
You gotta love America’s Orwellian values.
Their DoublePlusGood!
How many members of the Azov Battallion? I ask because this figure is quoted a lot, especially in social media posts, so as to say fascism in Ukraine is no big deal.
Thanks in advance.
14,000 in Mariupol. That was the bulk of them. Probably a thousand or so that Biletsky has outside the chain of command. Azov is part of the regular Ukie military. Much more than a battalion.
The 67 surrendered in Kiev area yesterday had Azov patches and insignia.
They are revered compared to Adayr/Adair and Pravy Sektor/Right Sektor.
Though they fight hard and it looks like to the death, they are not well led nor did they have a plan to counter the left and right flanking they faced. It seems they thought they could withstand combined arms assault. They couldn’t.
Repetitive stress injuries (especially to tendons or ligments) are hard to shake.
At the core of the pain there is usually a build-up of scar tissue (from a strain which is where light to moderate tearing has occurred). Numerous clinical studies have proven that the supplement “Serrapeptase” dissolves scar tissue.
In fact, It will (over time) rid the body of all “unwanted proteins”….
Including removing plaque from arteries …
It is not recommended by doctors here in the west. Mostly because it cannot be patented 😂😂😂
Stay away from the anti-inflammatories if possible.
Serrapeptase can be purchased online …or any “Vitamin Shoppe” franchise here in the states.
I had a bad round of tennis elbow. Brutal tendinitis where one cannot even grasp a plate out of the cupboard without shooting pains up the forearm. It can last 6 months to 2 years with or without treatment. Yikes!
Serrapeptase is given out like candy by doctors in Japan and they routinely prescribe this all-natural supplement for tennis elbow.
I took it when I acquired tennis elbow and it was gone in 4-5 months and hasn’t returned.
It is an enzyme from silkworms that they use to digest when eating their way out of their cocoons. The cocoon is the unwanted protein that Serrapeptase dissolves for silkworms.
Check into it you’d be surprised at some of the many success stories.
There is scar tissue in your thumb area. It Needs to be dealt with ….
Accupuncture can help in that area too….
Same here. Physio did not call it RSI but I could not hold a plate!!!!!! It was agonising. Heat treatment helped plus some exercised but essentially time. Slight pain now but i can hold a plate and a cup of coffee.
Saker, may I suggest ibprofin 800mg for your pain.
One of the best anti inflammatory’s is fresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which has a ‘similar effect to Ibuprofen’ as seen in published research on pubmed. Dr Zelenko’s team use Omega 3 oils in the pulmonary stage (cytokine storm) of Covid as it is so anti viral and anti inflammatory. Take a shot glass a day, has numerous other properties as well as anti cancer. Excellent to use for injuries and have lots of stories from people.
“That’s it for today. I really have to stop because I have a roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard. I already use a brace to protect my thumb, but even that does not help.”
If you are right-handed, and use your right hand to use the mouse, it might help to start using your left hand instead.
I trained myself to use the left hand with the mouse, and it takes a lot of strain off the right hand.
Same here on the mouse hand changeover and it made a huge difference and I now mouse much beter with my left hand than I do with my right. There is a high level of stress and tension associated with precise mouse movements. There are already many tasks the right hand has that doing some load-balancing can help alot.
Also, I use a narrow “compact / 60%” mechanical keyboard (no side numpad, etc,…) and this allows my shoulders to hold a more natural alignment so there is less external rotation to be held by the arms to bridge a wide keyboard. It has worked great for me since these changes.
Here is an example of these types of keyboard. Lighted as well is super handy. I do alot of CAD work and it makes it easier to have lighting I want, see what I want and need to see, and not have glare. Also, making sure the monitor is at a good height allows the neck to relax alot. My keyboard surface is usually about 6″ below the bottom edge of the monitor.
Nice to see you doing you. Have you tried plugging an ergonomic mouse to your computer?
“BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
During WW2 the uk developed 2 gravity bombs called Tallboy and Grand Slam. These were armor piercing bombs of approximately 12k and 22k pounds. These were penetrating 80+ feet, over a 100 often, and are the the originator of the current “bunker buster” bombs. These gravity bombs hit at a velocity nothing like a Kinzel strikes. The higher the velocity, the deeper the penetration provided a suitably hardened warhead. The Russians obviously developed these warheads for their hypersonic missiles of several different types of warheads for these, specific to purpose. It’s not just all about getting there faster, that increased velocity has additional uses. :)
For a simple analogy, take hand gun ammunition fired into a sandbag. A hollow point (dum dum), whether low velocity from a pistol, or higher velocity from a rifle, or intermediate, goes corespondingly deeper into the bag. Take a regular copper/lead rifle round, this goes deeper still. Now give the bullet a steel jacket, penetration goes deeper. Now increase the velocity by 10, design the projectile using an extremely harded warhead, using tungsten, an alloy, or something better, and penetration of that depth is very feasible.
There is a significant British minority, who have no beef with Russia at all. I personally did not understand why we didn’t rush to include the Soviet Union in business at least. I know that the Russians I’ve met also don’t seem to have a bright view of us Brits. Ridiculous really wen on the few times we have co-operated we did well. We sold you guys a few NENE jet engines and you went on to build a kick ass airforce in the sixties based on our technology. I was brought up to expect a wildly different England to the one in which I live now, but Russians seem to share those exact values. We too were very much “deal capable” and as partners at least in technology we would be very successful indeed. IF I had any facility in languages, I’d have gone to Russia after the iron curtain came down, to seek my fortune, but I think it is some sort of racial flaw with us English rather than arrogance. Being a race of engineers, we aren’t that good at communication skills. I watch videos of Russian kids hanging off old rusty metal at preposterous heights, or people riding urals though running rivers and I slighlty envy the can-do spirit I see.
Steve, I agree 100% with your sentiments.
The old England I knew had much respect for the Russian people. But the ‘England’ we knew ceases to exist today.
In the early nineties I had the privilege to work with the Yakovlev Aerospace company it was the only time in my career that I was sincerely thanked for my efforts. I had the company of a fellow professional who was the translator so no problems with communication.
At the end of that period I knew that we in the West had screwed up an opportunity for closer cooperation (and that it would come back and bite us in the ass).
How things would have been different if America had adopted German as a language and not English?
To show the local support for the Russians here in Dorset:
“In 1953, having returned to the UK, Houghton began work in the Navy’s Underwater Detection Establishment (UDE) in Portland and picked up his spying career with the help of a work colleague, Ethel Gee, who had access to material of a higher classification. Both lived off the proceeds of spying for many years before they were discovered.”
“It is not clear just how much sensitive information had been leaked to the Russians by this group over the years. However, Lonsdale claimed that Houghton had passed 350 test pamphlets on anti-submarine equipment, including some relating to the UK’s nuclear submarine fleet, which gives some indication of the volume and nature of the compromised material. Ultimately, the Admiralty believe the intelligence passed to Moscow from Portland helped in the manufacture of a new and more silent generation of Soviet submarines.”
“Both Houghton and Gee were tried and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment each. They married in prison and were eventually released early. Lonsdale and the Krogers were all exchanged in prisoner swaps with Russia before serving their full sentences.”
The real story is that Ethel was so horrified with the stuff she was typing up for the Admiralty she spoke to her work colleague Harry Houghton, who was more worldy wise than Ethel, and he arranged to pass it on to the Russians. They didn’t do for it money and Harry wasn’t an alcoholic, they did it because they could telll right from wrong.
This appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, copied from the New York Times –
I can only presume that this is to lay the groundwork for the false flag that appears to be in the wind – i.e. Russia is losing and losing badly, so they have to resort to desperate measures to try and win this war.
This would appear to be a US narrative made of whole cloth, and is extremely dangerous if it leads to an excuse for US and NATO intervention. Surely the US realises that such an intervention would lead directly to WWIII and a nuclear exchange. Can they be so rash and foolish??
What a complete bogus and laughable article. If the sky was “raging with Top Gun style dog fights” we’d have videos of them daily. The sky by far is the easiest and most expansive thing to see and film, with no obstructions there. Yet there’s no videos of such because Ukraine’s airforce doesn’t exist apart from a couple pocket Su-25’s that hide in forests and show up once in a while to be shot down quickly. Ukraine certainly has no dogfighters left (like Su-27) and if they do they’re hidden and not being used.
The article is so fraudulent that as “proof” of their thesis, they posted a 1 month old video claiming to show a “dogfight” which in fact shows 2 Ukrainian MiG-29’s flying together in formation on the first day of the war before they were both immediately shot down. Even in the comments you can see people correcting the lie and stating the obvious, that these are both Ukrainian MiG-29’s. Not only is it a fact that both planes are MiG-29’s, it’s also a fact that Russia has not used MiG-29’s in this conflict and only Ukraine has used them until they were all destroyed. The lengths they go in their propaganda and lies is extreme and pitiful.
Thats australian media. Murdoch or stokes. Aussie pm sends coal 70k tonnes …to where ? Which port is unloading this to a power plant for the brave ukranians ? Beyond stupid.
Reading today’s blog entry ‘About Rumors Which May Not Be Rumors’, I watched the YT video by Alex Christoforou, in which he mentioned the rumor that Biden may be working with Poland to enter the fray in Poland, as a last ditch effort to reverse the obvious defeat of the Ukraini forces. That would be a terrible development surely, as the NATO doctrine of if-you-attack-one-you attack-all will put us a a fast collision course with a much broader war involving NATO? Another rumor is that Belarus is set to invade the Ukraine in response to missiles that were fired into Belarus (and thankfully destroyed).
Can anyone substantiate these rumors?
Report from Ukrainian politician/journalist Anatoly Shariy tonight who has released the true death toll of Russia’s strike on the Nikolayev barracks a few days ago has leaked, and it’s even higher than Russia’s estimates. If you recall official Ukrainian estimates were only ~80 died. Russia estimated ~200. Now the Ukrainian politician has apparently leaked the info that the total number is in fact 294. He stated this during a livestream which can be seen on Telegram.
and he says he will be publishing the names of all 294 dead.
Btw an F-22a crashed today in Eglin base in Florida. They’re calling it a “mishap” on the runway which the pilot had to be rushed to the hospital. U.S. loves using cutesy euphemisms to hide the embarrassment of their accidents. I saw a photo somewhere, it was no “mishap”, the plane was nearly overturned and in serious damage.
The truth is a U.S. Marine Corps Osprey crashed during NATO exercises last week killing 4-5 marines on board.
an F-18 crashed and exploded just a week or two ago
and of course the infamous F-35 crashed earlier into the ocean which was just ‘retrieved’ by the U.S. a couple weeks ago from the bottom of the sea
It seems the U.S. airforce is arguably experiencing more losses than the Russian airforce in Ukraine, and U.S. is not even at war. Yet they call the Russian force incompetent?
Vaxxcidents…..move along.
“the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved.”
Could be focused pressure wave. Or, more probably, extreme heat, conducted via existing air vents.
“The best place for a Cossack to keep his sword is in a Pole!!!” Taras Bulba
” in the very first day Russia destroyed all the Ukie communication centers and capabilities in the first few hours of the operation”
But the US Awacs and E3 flying in Poland and Romania are trying to do it for Ukrinazies, though unsuccessful,
For your stress injury to your hand, maybe look up and try topical arnica gel (not the oral stuff)–a very old/ancient and dirt cheap remedy for sprains, osteoarthritis, bruises, etc., etc., (also used as a veterinary medicine “horse liniment”)…
it is widely available in almost every drugstore or online.
Since it is, of course, not patented and therefore not profitable for drug companies it is not widely used or promoted–but it works
KE round penetration is mostly a matter of density, and speed. Also tenacity, and hardness of the kinetic round count.
The kinetic energy is half of mass times velocity squared. For a certain level of desired KE, speed is the most important factor. Ten times the speed gives you the same KE like hundred times the mass. With hypersonic delivery vehicles that’s the way to go (speed).
To concentrate the KE in as physically small round as possible, high density materials are used. Pindos & Co. favor depleted uranium, as a byproduct of their nuclear program. Unfortunately DU is highly toxic (not that pindos really care). Russkies favor Tungsten (similar density but no inherent toxicity) See AP(FS)DS.
Concrete has high hardness, but is brittle, that’s why rebar is used to reinforce it, and confer more tenacity. Schock(waves) is/are the main mechanism to destroy concrete (ubiquitous hammer drills use it). Also SW will produce damage further away form where the penetration actually occurred.
At very high speeds, the impact will also generate extremely high energy that can vaporize the materials.
To design a maximum destruction penetration round is a complex matter, but I’m sure Russkies mastered it.
Gonzalo posted an hour ago on his twitter account, check it out:
You should use dictation, either software or send an audio file to a channel supporter to transcribe.
might be best for Gonzalo to lay low until the Russians get near.
He said that the Chechens liked his original video so they might show up and find him.
finally i took the risk and entered one of the popular social media portals here in poland which i consider to be home of semiretards and knownots but still good place to scan for public opinion. i’m pleasantly surprised to see that change is in the air, rabid russophobia ceded and anti ukraine and anti government sentiments are brewing, people feel we may be dragged to war with russia by degenerate zelensky and our current ruling class together with media, i can feel some pro russia overtones and many questions western propaganda, so not all is lost, if public opinion changes gov gonna have to adopt their plans too
I dont believe he actually ‘went’ into the Ukraine at all…
Kabuki Theatre ….
Hi Saker
How do we know that Russia blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock.? Is there confirmation from other side? Possible that they just hit it without damaging it?
I let Gilbert Doctorow explain it to you:
“the target of the first Kinzhal strike was a “nuclear attack hardened” structure 60 meters underground and protected by reinforced concrete dating from Soviet days. Inside this bunker were Ukrainian missiles and other munitions of high value. In other words, thanks to the incredible energy of mass and speed, the Kinzhal using what they characterized as one of its weaker potential conventional, as opposed to tactical nuclear charges could”
I don’t know how to fully interpret the video, being a newb to military matters, but —
You can see the first thing, next vid frame after the missile strike, is what looks like a plume of dirt coming straight back up out of the hole.
After that, two plumes come up on opposite sides of the strike. From the size of the fire clouds, it looks like hydrocarbons are burning (rapidly). Explosives, gunpowder, rocket fuel, etc., are essentially hydrocarbons, rigged to burn when triggered. And I don’t think the missile was big enough to contain that much hydrocarbon. So there was something down there, lit up by the missile.
Of course this is merely a guess, and not anything like analysis.
A correction to my armchair “analysis”. I have watched again at 0.25 speed, and the two flames erupt at the same time as the dirt plume. In the next frame after impact. Neither the IR imager nor the visible camera are really fast enough to capture the action.
How tall is the vertical structure that looks like a billboard or marquee? 100 feet (30 m)?
Based on the distance the missile falls between frames (my rough guess is 150′) it is traveling at least 4 times the speed of sound. Faster, if my guess is low. Minimum of Mach 4.
And, it does not take very long to burn a ton of tetryl . . . one video frame maybe? Remarkably, the damage appears to be mostly limited to the missile strike location, leaving nearby buildings standing. Probably broke some windows, though.
“The reports about the Russians losing a million tanks, soldiers, missiles and men are gradually being replaced with more sober assessments…outlets.”
Those reports may have exaggerated, but we are likely to know from the Russian government – someday – how many died, as well as how many were wounded. The Western press is widely reporting that 9,861 died thus far, citing Komsomolskaya Pravda. The point is that it could be several thousand dead, indicating a hard Ukranian resistance. There is no need to underestimate the Ukranian resistance (for them, it must be a “war” for the country they love).
“The pro-Kremlin tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article claiming 9,861 members of the Russian armed forces had been killed and another 16,153 had been injured, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, according to an archived version of the article and screenshots from Wall Street Journal and ABC News reporters.”
The publication officially reports: “On March 21, access to the administrative interface was hacked on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website and a fake stuffing was made into the publication about the situation around the special operation in Ukraine” –
In addition, the Russian Defense Ministry keeps records of the dead, wounded, missing and captured, but not tabloids. For comparison: in 10 years, the USSR lost about 15,000 people killed in Afghanistan.
Here’s what else I thought: if we discard the rhetoric of officials, diplomats, journalists, and look only at the facts, it turns out that the situation is as follows – NATO, led by the United States, is at war with Russia and Belarus. The rest of the countries observe neutrality. The immediate battlefield is the Country 404.
The Russian Defense Ministry reported that 498 soldiers (correction: not 1500 soldiers) died and 1597 were wounded in the first week. It reported this because it showed an impressive feat and success, right? There is a reason for not reporting that information anymore, and it could be that the “special military operation” became much more difficult, obviously. I appreciate the meaningful silence. If the first information had been a lie, they would just keep lying.
“In addition, the Russian Defense Ministry keeps records of the dead, wounded, missing and captured, but not tabloids.”
Someone may have ‘leaked’ the information to the tabloid, or the tabloid released what is known by some media?
I said the point is that many thousands may have died, indicating a hard Ukranian resistance. War is like that (with ups and downs). In the end, the stronger side wins anyway, right?
“The publication officially reports: ‘On March 21, access to the administrative interface was hacked on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website and a fake stuffing was made into the publication about the situation around the special operation in Ukraine’”
Or not, it’s possible they were hacked. I’d say “9,861” is a low number for some foreign hacker. We’ll have a better sense about this number when these statistics are next reported.
#1 Komsomolskaya Pravda is a tabloid.
#2 Whatever the resistance of the Banderites, it will be broken.
The usual KIA / WIA ratio in 2WW was 1: 3, Vietnam the same. Wikipedia etc. they cite for some conflicts even higher numbers. Russia’s official report corresponds to this (500/1500 +), while the second assumption states 10,000 / 16,000. From this one we could assame the intensity of the fighting as the Japanese at Tarawa or 300 Spartans. The least we can say, if they are already lying, then the Russians are doing it consistently and logically.
“…the Russians are doing it consistently and logically.”
The Russians reported this information one time, after the first week. If I recall, they actually said they did so to correct the wrong information from others.
An excellent background article about the situation in Ukraine:
Summary of the assessment of the situation by this blogger:
“Clearly, the best outcome would be for a military man from Russia with no history of doing politics or business in Ukraine to come in and take the reins as a vizier or military governor of sorts for a time. This solution may offend committed ideologists and apologists for Liberal Democracy (read: Oligarchy), but the hard truth of the situation that Ukraine finds itself in is one in which literally no one who was anywhere near the reins of power in that country for the last three decades has his hands clean. These people all looted, collaborated and murdered with near impunity for 30 years. With Russia now performing a political prison break from the Liberal Oligarchic Occupation Government right before our very eyes, we can only hope that Ukraine will be able to follow suit and break free from the shackles as well”.
Pushkin is credited with the apocryphal chapter X of the novel “Eugene Onegin” (most likely a hoax), in which there are such words:
“Властитель слабый и лукавый,
Плешивый щеголь, враг труда,
Нечаянно пригретый славой,
Над нами царствовал тогда.
Его мы очень смирным знали,
Когда не наши повара
Орла двуглавого щипали
У Бонапартова шатра.
Гроза двенадцатого года
Настала — кто тут нам помог?
Остервенение народа,
Барклай, зима иль русский Бог?
Но Бог помог — стал ропот ниже,
И скоро силою вещей
Мы очутилися в Париже,
А русский царь главой царей”.
“The ruler is weak and crafty,
The bald-headed dandy, the enemy of labor,
Inadvertently warmed by glory,
He reigned over us then.
We knew him very meek,
When not our cooks
The double – headed eagle was pinched
At Bonaparte’s tent.
The thunderstorm of the twelfth year
It’s time — who helped us here?
Frenzy of the people,
Barclay, winter or Russian God?
But God helped — the murmur became lower,
And soon by the power of things
We found ourselves in Paris,
And the Russian tsar is the head of tsars”.
Something will help Russia this time too…
According MSM Ukrainian forces are starting offensives to push RF forces away from areas they have earlier taken under control. Based on what?
I got a new clean computer and before loading anything went to YouTube and typed in Ukraine. The YouTube feed was a endless series of videos showing the victorious and clever Ukie’s crushing the peacekeepers.
Normies and Polticians are in for a big surprise.
So it does not matter how motivated the Ukrainians are. Even with we assume 100% of the Ukrainians are well trained, well-armed and would rather die than retreat or surrender, they still need many TONS of stuff (food, ammo, water, MRE, medicine, batteries, petroleum, diesel, lubricants, oil and many more things!) EVERY DAY.
I find it interesting that over the decades of the US campaigns to “throw crappy little countries against the wall”, it seems that every time one of the ‘crappy little countries’ started making military headway, the various ‘human rights NGOs and foundations would come out of the woodwork demanding ‘humanitarian supply corridors’ which we now understand to be an euphemism for corridors to allow for the resupply of enemy fighters with every thing from food and medicines up to advance military hardware and munitions, as well as new fighters.
I guess this time around with Russia, that ploy isn’t going to work. How can anyone believe the hypocrites who starve entire nations though sanction of foods and medicines (Yemen, Syria, Libya) while crying that Ukrainian civilians need – wait for it – foods and medicines. Those resupply have one goal and that is to keep the chaos and war running without end.
This ‘special operations’ is splitting open and exposing the decades of hypocrisy that the US and West hides behind to maintain their goal of creating chaos aimed at the likes of Russian, China, and Iran among others.
I guess it ends right here. And none too soon. Any efforts to resupply and keep the Ukrainian proxies fighting needs to be met with extreme prejudice. Russia needs to meet their goals quickly, lock a stabilized Ukraine in place, and then start the war crimes tribunals so that the world’s public can see what is actually taking place under the auspices of so-call ‘freedom and democracy.’ The faster this ends the better, and it never ends with endless resupplies.
Alex Christoforou in his daily broadcast yesterday from Greece standing in front of the Russian memorial covered with flowers and Russian flag:
“Good morning from Athens, Greece. I’m in front of this memorial which is dedicated to the Soviet soldiers that fought to liberate Europe from the Nazis, and specifically liberate Greece which was occupied by the Nazis from 1941 to 1944.”
Intro: Sky News interview with Ukrainian man of Greek descent “So you will stay in Mariupol, you are not thinking of leaving?”
Answer: “How do you leave? If you go to the street, The Azov may find you, who are Ukrainian fascists, who are capable of anything, and they kill you. How can you leave?”
@ Larchmonter445 on March 22, 2022 · at 11:10 pm EST/EDT
14,000 in Mariupol.
According to recent estimates I read just yesterday, it has been reduced by half, to approx. 7,000 +. Many are leaving in disguise, and many have been killed.
Lone Wolf
The previous commentators who considered the Kinzhal effect are on the right way. I would add and interpret a few more facts.
According to Russian MoD, Kinzhal took 10 minutes to hop 1000 km, which means 6000 km/h (1.67 km/s) average speed. To alleviate heating conditions (air friction) it would be natural to apply two-mode speed, hypersonic cruising at the most of trajectory, and hypersonic speed-up at the end, to break through target air defence, and gain more kinetic energy for max strike effect on the target, Kinzhal’s max speed of 9 Mach (3 km/s, near-sea level).
I think it would be interesting to draw some analogy to cumulative effect of so-called shaped charge, usually found in cumulative anti-armor grenades, where the blast is focused into a jet of hot gases, with hypersonic speeds. The explosive itself, without any accelerating arrangements, has very high detonation speed, within the range 1.6 – 8 km/s (confined detonation, rarely achieved in practice), just to get an idea of magnitude (see eg
Also, according to so-called PREM seismic profile of the Earth, speeds of compression seismic waves through the Earth crust are about several km/s, depending on the geological structure.
In a synthesis of previous facts we can consider the Kinzhal blast effect as a combination of kinetic impact, cumulative effect (where two hypersonic speeds are superimposed) and a mini earthquake of very high relative Richter magnitude, causing penetration, reverberation of incident and reflected shock waves, causing serious cracks at any discontinuities in solid rock, which inevitably exist in huge ammo dump. Add to that ventilation openings and corridors from the entrance to complete the picture.
Here is Colonel Cassad providing an estimate of Ukronazis left in Mariupol.
Briefly on Ukraine. 22.03.2022
Mariupol. Street fighting continues. According to DPR estimates, with 14,500 personnel at the time of the formation of the boiler, about half remained in a combat-ready state in Mariupol. The rest were killed, wounded, missing, captured or infiltrated into the Zaporozhye region…”
Lone Wolf
If there are really 7,000 combat ready defenders in the tiny area of unliberated Mariupol, then its rather crowded for the defenders. Food alone for 7,000 combat soldiers is like 20 tons a day, water close to 30 tons.
by my count essentially all the civvies have escaped. Mariupol had a population of approx/ 400k before the peacekeeping mission started.
It is very troublesome that Russia seem to wining on the battlefield but taking hits on the organizational civic level.
There are more and more signs about Russia not addressing some key issues regarding administrating liberated cities. It borders to criminal negligence if not intentional subversion.
For details, check Юрий Подоляка channel
I urge anybody with any connection on the high level in Russia should try to adress this.
2 examples:
1. Russian forces bypass some (pro)Russian city and leave it without any order to chaos and after few days and even two weeks Ukraine administration is back using left behind (criminal negligence) weapons to arm territorial defense and take back the power.
Soon we (are going to) read about new attacks in the rear.
This is most notable in Sumy region.
2. Russian border custom still considers Ukraine as abroad, preventing easy delivery of humanitarian help by the civic organization that need to apply for export permits (you can imagine administrative burden) for passing the custom.
So Russia is rapidly going to lose harts and minds of the local population with such (non) actions.
” BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
Here is an explanation:
The GBU-57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) can penetrate about 60m of concrete and this is just a regular glide bomb with no assisted propulsion that weighs 14 tons in total and has a warhead of 2400kg.
Conversely, the Kinzhal weighs about 4 tons in total (according to various sources) with a warhead of approx. 500kg but it travels at a much higher rate of speed (at least 10-12 times higher than a regular glide bomb) which gives roughly x3 the kinetic energy of the GBU-57 meaning that it should easily be capable to penetrate up to 120m of reinforced concrete.
Truly a superweapon,
I haven’t come across any Russophobic nutcases around London recently, but the media is so over the top that it wouldn’t surprise me.
We do, you understand have a rich history of the Establishment in the UK supporting Nazis. The Daily Mail was an enthusiastic supporter of Hitler as an ‘anti-communist’. Quite a few parts of the Royal Family had similar sentiments. The City of London certainly joined up with Wall Street for some investments in Germany. The UK was OK with Hitler walking into Austria, Sudetenland and Bohemia, after all.
So it doesn’t surprise me, although it does sadden me, that the whole Establishment is now kissing the arse of racist, Russophobic nazis who have embezzled $1bn the past 8 years.
And given the completely primitive nature of the average UK mindset (anti-intellectualism is mainstream opinion here), it really wouldn’t surprise me to see people calling for dead Russians. Pavlovian dogs is what we have here where rousing the populace to hate Johnny Foreigner is concerned: the Press have it down to a fine art.
I have, as an antidote, been politely suggesting here and there that bumping off Jens Stoltenberg, Jen Psaki, Nancy Pelosi and Liz Truss might be acceptable given the general belief that bumping off Vladimir Putin is acceptable.
I have told one ‘independent’ journalist that if he continues to call Russia’s attack ‘unprovoked’, he might like to have his children murdered to teach him what provocation looks like. I doubt he will listen, but at least he has been told.
My definition of racism is ‘killing your children is OK but killing mine is an act of war’.
Here’s my definition of racism:
“We can forgive them for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with them when they love their children more than they hate us…”
I’m willing to bet you recognize the quote. ;-)
This video implies that the shopping center in Kiev was hit by a Kinzhal hypesonic missile.
I tried to do a basic calculation by stopwatch timing the missile’s descent and doing some math calculations based on perceived height of the shopping center next to it, given that it’s about 9 stories, 10ft on average per story x 9 = 90ft. Then calculating how vertical distance worth of ‘shopping center heights’ is to the edge of the frame above and how much time it takes the missile to traverse that. My estimations concluded a speed of roughly 600-800mph basically subsonic or just about supersonic at Mach 1. Now my calculations could be wildly off, and there is the strange fact that on video footage from multiple angles the missile appears to streak downward with a trail of fire which could almost suggest it has been ‘superheated’ due to intense air pressure at very fast speeds. One must remember Kaliber cruise missiles don’t have a rocket exhaust behind them when they strike, and Iskander ballistics likely strike with their burners off (though it depends on the missile type as Iskander has many variants) so the fact that this munition came in flaming hot seems very peculiar/interesting.
Beautiful France:
Heating oil:
Month Price in Euros 1000 l
November 850
March 1750
Today 2450
Rationing at 500l per household.
Cheers from France
The only thing worse than a pandemic or a war, is the gvts reaction to it.
I am surprised that in a such corrupt country like Ukraine, the army still operates quite good. They do not massively surrender. I think Ukr. army gets their salaries from USA.
Do they hate Russia so much that they are ready to sacrifice their lives for oligarchs?
The Ukrainian army is funded and trained by NATO because Ukraine since 2014 was a de facto NATO country .
Does anyone have these sites the Saker is talking about on Telegram. Thanks in advance.
On cultural genocide
For almost 30 years the West has been practicing derussification, ie. the cultural genocide of the Russian people, its culture and history. In Ukraine, this policy has progressed to physical genocide.
Euromaidan and the dictatorship it has established seek to deny Ukrainians the right to their own language, culture, religion, history and identity. It is being replaced by Galician nationalism, its foreign language, its racist world view, a heretical, hate-based fake religion and Nazi history.
The flag of Ukraine – now seen throughout the West – has become a symbol of white supremacy. According to the ideology, Russians are not “White”, nor do they share European “Western values”. Only northern Germanic blood is valid and valuable. Ukrainians almost count as White, but only if we first eradicate the Russian language and other forms of Russianness.
They might have a huge arsenal and strong fortifications. But that is useless without logistics. Their logistics do not exist anymore. Just a matter of time until the whole Donbas front collapses.
We been hearing that for 2 weeks when it happens then we can celebrate but till then just repeating that doesn’t mean anything.
Russian Colonel General On Ukraine: Without Hysterics And Insults
The building that was destroyed in the video was
Located at “Retroville, Pravdy Ave, 47, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04208”.
Polish anti-Russian messianism is quite an unpredictable thing. So far historically, it has managed to only get Poland a big fat zilch and a lot of corpses. No reason why it would be any different now, should they try to once again allow the anglos to throw them into a military blender. The Poles think they are ´saving western civilization´ from the barbarian red bolshevik hordes. However, I don´t see them doing anything here, as much as they would want to, without the protection of Mama NATO´s skirt.
I don’t understand the thinking when people say Russia might welcome the Polish peace keepers and allow them to annex parts of Ukraine.
Poland has missles pointing at Moscow.
What’s stopping them moving them into the parts of Western Ukraine they annex?
Closer to Moscow as a NATO country ?
The thing Putin is trying to prevent ?
Makes no sense to me.
From “Military Chronicle,” Need Yandex to translate.
The most recent chronicles of fighting from all over Ukraine – noon on March 23. The Ukrainian army will be defeated in any scenario (30 videos, 2022)
The battle for Raisins, or rather for the territory south of the city, the village of Kamenka is gaining momentum and is becoming one of the most important points of the war. On the morning of March 22, the APU tried to maneuver the armored group, which was up to a tank company. They were driven off by air and artillery strikes. Right now, the most powerful artillery strikes are being carried out on the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kamenka area (towards Slavyansk). The APU pulled up to two more motorized rifle battalions to Kamenka. There is no video from there, aviation and air defense are actively working. The Russian Aerospace Forces began to process the supply lines of the Donbass group, attacking warehouses ammunition, fuel and lubricants stocks in the area.
The Russian Armed Forces and the DPR army are developing an offensive in the direction of the Marinka-Kurakhovo highway. The first line of defense is partially breached. The enemy has moved to the second line of defense, the heaviest battles are expected for Kurakhovo.
Poland is training forces on the border with Ukraine. Kiev has reached an agreement with Warsaw on military assistance in case Belarus enters the war with Ukraine. Poland is ready to provide modern heavy weapons, as well as instructors as volunteers, although a full-scale invasion is not excluded. The Polish General Staff has begun the stage of resupplying units of the 18th Mechanized Division to the wartime states and two more brigades with contract soldiers.
The Russian army and air force destroyed over the past day: two ” Tochka-U “on the northern outskirts of Kiev, 8 anti-aircraft missile systems, including 6 “Buk-M1”, one S-300 and one combat vehicle SAM “Osa”, 8 guns and 3 artillery reconnaissance stations produced by NATO countries.
The Ukrainian military is trying to leave the encircled Mariupol, disappearing into the stream of civilians, and even put on women’s clothing.
Lone Wolf
I can tell you Ukraine is not in the headlines nor the main story here in Melbourne Australia. Neither on mainstream TV, radio or newspapers. It’s been like that for more than a week now.
Andrei – as a sixty year old British man, a Londoner, I can honestly say I have never met with any overt anti-Russian sentiment (outside of general cold-war media scarification response back when) anywhere, in any work or social environment (and I used to go to football back in the days when some pretty ‘robust’ political views would be expressed). I simply do not recognise this claim that there is an underlying russophobia amongst the population at large – the ruling clique may well be different, but then they hate us as well! As with most Londoners I no longer live in London, so who knows what ethnicity would have been responsible for the sign you showed.
The Italian parliament voted to send arms to Ukraine, but apparently the people think differently. According to a pool, 69% of Italians think that Italy should negotiate with Russia and find a mediation substantially with this country, while 21% on the contrary is to firmly oppose Russia. In short, nothing new from the Italian land. The people have not recognized themselves in the choices of their ruling class since the sack of Rome by the Visigots in 410 AD.
It looks like the deployment of NATO troops to 404 is becoming a strong possibility. Allegedly, Poland has deployed armored troops to the border with Belarus, ready to enter Ukraine the moment Belarus join the Russians.
The deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine will be a direct clash between Russia and the alliance
Explanation from Lavrov on the reason for the entry of NATO troops into Ukraine – this will lead to a direct war between Russia and NATO.
If NATO sends peacekeepers to Ukraine, it will be a direct clash between the armed forces of Russia and the alliance (c) Lavrov
Accordingly, the deployment of NATO troops to Western Ukraine dramatically increases the likelihood of a nuclear war.
However, as I have been writing for several years, new rules of “coexistence” will most likely be formed as a result of some remake of the Karabakh crisis, when the parties will come to the brink of nuclear war and will be forced to negotiate under the threat of destruction (or the whole world will not agree), So far everything is going as expected – escalation continues + the topic of direct war between Russia and NATO is becoming more and more possible in certain scenarios. And where there is a conventional war between Russia and NATO, there is a nuclear war not far away.
Lone Wolf
It seems like Russia has not only lost the psychological war; it is also losing control of the military operation as well. And why? Because its supply lines are stretched thin, and Ukraine continues to receive reinforcements from who-knows-where.
So in the end, if this operation does not end quickly, Russia will face a quagmire if not worse.
Question #1: In what ways have you determined that Russia has lost some kind of “psychological warfare”?
Question #2: What exactly would have happened if Russia had won a “psychological war”?
Question #3: Is the figure of speech “psychological warfare” a journalistic cliché, a concept with unclear scope and content?
There were reports of Wali the Canadian mercenary meeting his maker but I saw a recent youtube video of him gloating that he is still alive and committed to fighting for Ukraine.
Have to be wary about disinformation from both sides.
How did the Russians strike that deep? We will all find out exactly how sooner or later. History will reveal it sometime after the war is over, is my guess. The important point it that they took out a very well defended, safe, position very close to NATO in one single shot and probably without any warning that it was going to happen; surmizing this from what we have been informed. It doesn´t matter if we or the CIA or anybody else understand this. It only matters that Russian military command knew exactly what it was doing. I don´t doubt that a ton of people on the other side gasped when this happened.
As the Ukranian military gets ground down on the daily, with many units at only a remnant of their initial combat strength, the real pain is getting poured on heavy. I see it as the escalation that folks here and other places were looking at occurring and it is coming at the very worst time for the AFU. Something tells me the spanking will only intensify.
I don’t understand how using a proxy army or force dissolves the US from direct responsibility, liability, and moral and legal guilt. It is like hiring someone to kill your enemy, supplying him/her with the weapons, and then providing all necessary information about time and opportunity. If proven in any court of law obviously the US would be as guilty as the party who pulled the trigger. So the US actually, in this opinion, declared war against Russia in 2014, after initiating an international crime overthrowing the elected Govt., that was the 1st shot fired. That is why nuclear Armageddon is now discussed as such a possibility, the US is attacking a fully capable Russia. But that is what they had to threaten in order to bring Germany back under control by nixing the NS2 and attempting to enforce the oil and gas sanctions in all of Europe/Nato, much to everyone’s loss and jeopardy and laughably replacing the resources with US fracked gas floated across the ocean at twice the $$.
Unfriendly countries will have to make payments for gas in rubles. Source: Zerohedge.
Oh, boy. That will be funny.
From Gonzolo’s Telegram feed. He seems to be ok. He just posted a comment a few minutes ago regarding Russia’s Gas for Ruble scheme.
“Sorry, my T’s and F’s, For not posting the second I wake up. I did some chores and was talking to some good friends, and so didn’t realize the time.
From now on, I promise that the first thing I’ll post here in the morning will be a simple message:”
NATO’s meeting tomorrow will be crucial for the future of Ukraine, Eurostan, and possibly the entire planet. The Russians warned US/NATO if they send so-called “peacekeepers” to 404, they will be at war with Russia.
Poland has already divided Ukraine: the Poles revealed the battle plan for Lviv! And no one is asking Kiev anymore? (2022)
On March 24, exactly one month after the start of the special operation in Ukraine, an emergency meeting of the heads of government of NATO member countries will be held in Warsaw. The arrival of US President Biden for this summit is announced.
The main issue that can be discussed at it is the deployment of NATO peacekeepers to the territory of Ukraine. This is an initiative of Poland and a number of Eastern European countries supported this initiative. The United States will definitely not participate in this mission, but it will not object to it either.
If the decision to create a peacekeeping contingent is made and it is created, then Poland will play the first violin in it and it will actually be given the mandate to act. This is followed by Hungary, which has repeatedly stated that it wants to protect the Transcarpathian Hungarians, as well as Romania, which wants to regain Transnistria and possibly other territories up to Odessa.
It is assumed that a third force will be created, which will attract the attention of the Russian army. In theory, if NATO forces invade a non-member country, they can do whatever they want at their own risk. Poland risks being drawn into a dangerous military conflict with a nuclear power, and there is a version that the Poles are playing these cards to draw Russian forces to the western part of Ukraine and thus help the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the east, where they are methodically drawn into the cauldron.
Lone Wolf
Can we all pay Nightvision to write a daily sitrep or analysis for Saker? Good stuff
This are excellent news, a response to the US/Eurostan economic war on Russia.
Putin instructed to supply gas to unfriendly countries only for rubles
The President noted that Russia will continue to supply gas in accordance with the volumes and prices under the contracts.
NOVO-Ogaryovo, March 23. /tass/. Russia will refuse to accept payments for natural gas supplies in compromised currencies, including dollars and euros, and will switch to settlements in rubles. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday at a meeting with the government.
“I have decided to implement a set of measures in the shortest possible time to transfer payment for – let’s start with this – our natural gas supplied to the so – called unfriendly countries for Russian rubles,” he said. That is, Putin explained, it is planned to abandon all compromised currencies in such calculations.
At the same time, the head of state stressed that Russia will continue to supply natural gas “in accordance with volumes and prices, according to the pricing principles set out in previously concluded contracts.” “Unlike some of our colleagues, we value our business reputation as a reliable partner and supplier,” Putin said.
He again clarified that the changes will affect only the currency of payment, it will be changed to the Russian ruble. The President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to issue a corresponding directive to Gazprom on making changes to existing contracts.
“At the same time, all foreign consumers should be given the opportunity to make the necessary transactions, and it is necessary to create for them a clear, transparent procedure for making payments, including the purchase of Russian rubles in our domestic foreign exchange market. I ask the Bank of Russia, together with the government, to determine the procedure for performing such operations within a week,” Putin said.
According to the president, the West has shown everyone that obligations in euros and dollars may not be fulfilled.
Russia will sell gas for rubles
In its own way, a historic decision. Putin officially announced that in unfriendly countries (which include the United States, the EU and other satellites), gas will be sold only for rubles. Accordingly, those who do not want to buy for rubles will not receive gas. And there was also a reservation that they would start with gas. Logically, oil is next in line.
After such statements, the dollar immediately fell below 100 rubles per dollar.
Even before these statements, it was reported that Chubais had left his position “on sustainable development” and fled the country.
Putin also said that the existing gas supply contracts will be fulfilled.
Lone Wolf
There is an eyes of the abyss glare in the comments, basically a confusion of a relative confounding and retreat of the Imperial US led West with ultimate defeat and collapse. This is a big, big mistake and underestimation. I can guarantee you the big wigs in Russia and China and rest of the world are not making it.
Are we going to suffer the bleating of non-Western elites about their superior enlightenment and virtues? Pass me the bucket. The West got their first, made and deserved the pie. Now the other pricks want more of it. That is all this is.
Nuclear War Rhetoric is Heating Up:
Gateway Pundit:
‘Your Warsaw Will Disappear in a Split Second” – Russian Talking Heads Threaten EU with Nuclear Strike – Threaten Invasion of Poland and Lithuania
Oh, those silly heads. After all, the short-sighted average person in the West might think that they are speaking on behalf of Russia’s leadership. In fact, Russia’s position is clearly reflected in:
– “National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation”. (Presidential Decree ¹ 400 of 02.07.2021) –
– “Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation”. (Presidential Decree 25.12.2014 № Pr-2976) –
The documents are open, a link to a collection of Russian laws, use an online translator.
“The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and (or) its allies, as well as in case of aggression against the Russian Federation using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened”.
For the deaths in Ukraine to stop and for people in the West to feel safe, the U.S. senators running the Ukrainian puppets need only snap their fingers for the Banderites to lay down their arms. And Russia will calm down and return to its northern forests and fields.
No i do not think Russia will strike directly at a NATO country. As we have seen, the Russians have certain citeria to meet before they decide to go into the next phase or escalate. I think it will take one or two more “trip wires” before they do it.
After all, right now anyone who crosses over into Ukraine is fair game.
Anatoly Chubais, Russian oligarch and Putin advisor, resigned. Allegedly, he left Russia, was pictured withdrawing money at an ATM in Istanbul (pic not clear, it could be anyone), but Russia refused to comment on whether he left the country or not, stating “it was a personal matter.”
Lone Wolf
Gonzalo is live now, so thank God he is ok!
Andrei, take some omega 3 fish oil for your hand
Regarding RSI, I’ve learned a few things in the office furniture business and from personal experience.
1. In the body everything is connected to everything. Thinking globally can help a local problem.
2. The top of the monitor should be no higher than eye level. Correct monitor position keeps neck and shoulder muscles relaxed.
3. Use chair arms mainly to enter and exit the chair. Don’t rest elbows on the arms while using the keyboard and mouse. You need your arms and upper body to absorb vibrations.
4. The rows of keyboard keys should be level, not sloping uphill toward the back row. When the rows slope uphill you have to bend your wrists to address the keys, which stresses the infamous carpel tunnel. The little props built into the bottom of the keyboard should be kept in the folded position. The keyboard will feel a little strange after you correct the slope issue, but you’ll probably adjust in a day or two.
5. If you are right dominant and use the mouse with your right hand then make some changes. Try using the mouse with the left hand. Or switch which mouse button does what. In other words, if you do most clicking with the thumb then switch buttons in your mouse settings so you do most mouse clicks with your pinky finger. If you use a standard mouse then try switching to a trackball.
6. If you suspect mouse use is a problem, then learn some keyboard shortcuts. Also use the keyboard’s arrow keys and page up/down keys as alternatives to navigating with the mouse.
7. Take breaks from computer work more frequently. Your body wasn’t made for sitting still for hours at a time.
8. Wrist supports are okay, but don’t use them more than 8 hour per 24 hour day.
9. Keep you wrists straight when you sleep. Many of us curl our hands inward when sleeping. With a little awareness you can change this habit.
10. Although you can do all of the above and more at once, it is easier to fix one ergonomic issue at a time. Give yourself time to adapt. Then make another change.
11. Don’t be shy about investing relatively big bucks on things like your monitors, keyboard and mouse or trackball. These are your physical interface with the computer. They are important tools of your trade. Your health is worth the investment.
12. Stay far away from quick fixes with prescription medicine, injections or surgery. Use these interventions only as a last resort.
None of the above is as beneficial as seeing a competent chiropractor or physical therapist who can both treat your symptoms and help you identify ergonomic changes you can make.
Good source for war maps:
CRP a/k/a Gonzalo Lira had a YouTube livestream a few hours ago. He is still surviving. I would think that Kharkiv is almost pacified by the Russian forces.
Albright the butcher is dead.
That is a big domino, can you say the clinton cancer hat trick?
That picture in the London underground reminds me of the: “Boers = Boars”
propaganda during Anglo-Boer wars. The first race-war in South Africa was launched by the English as they considered themselves a superior race to the Boers. (This is in fact literally true and well documented, but scrubbed from history). In South Africa we have a saying, “A leopard never changes it’s spots”.
The AFU counteroffensive attempt on Izyum failed. The knot around the neck of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tightens ever tighter (2022)
70% of Mariupol is under the control of the DPR and Russian Armed Forces. Russian special forces themselves conduct a kind of guerrilla war against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, for example, an enemy column hiding in the forest was destroyed near Chernihiv, and Russian intelligence was revealed earlier near Kharkiv. By the way, the rubble in the Kharkiv Regional State Administration is still being sorted out-for three weeks, three dozen bodies of theroboronts were taken out.
Briefly on the Raisins. Fighting will continue in Kamenka (south of the city). The Russian Armed Forces are in Kamenka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to counterattack with small tank groups of 2-3 vehicles. In the morning, another air and artillery strike was carried out on Kamenka, as well as on neighboring Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, and in the latter only fuel and lubricants brought for the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
To the south, units of the Russian armed forces advanced another 2 kilometers during the day and are fighting against units of the 54th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine on the southern and south-eastern outskirts of the village of Novomikhailovka. Kurakhovo is still 17 km away.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine have almost no reserves left for the defense of Kiev. Teroborontsy and reserves pulled out from the western regions have long been launched into battle. Ukrainian resources report that this night another ammunition depot was destroyed in Nikolaev, strikes on places of concentration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are carried out every day, it makes no sense to list them all.
Farmers in Ukraine do not want to risk starting sowing, knowing that war can come to their fields and everything will be destroyed.
It is still unclear whether the Poles will send their troops to the territory of western Ukraine. There is a desire, but the whole event is associated with many risks – the UN said that the deployment of peacekeepers requires UN approval. In addition, Kiev asks the Poles to transfer tanks and air defense systems to them, and not to send troops.
Lone Wolf
Latest on Mariupol:
during the WW2 ,nazis was the tool of the US companies,exactly as today
Madeleine Albright dead at 84
Good. The thing escaped a quick trip to hell via noose but, hopefully, the subhuman war suffered immensely before its demise.
Credibility of dollar and euro ‘destroyed’ – Putin
“Putin argued that the penalties showed it “makes no sense anymore” to sell Russian goods in the US and the EU while receiving payment in dollars or euros. He said that the ruble will be used for the sale of Russian natural gas to, what Moscow considers to be, “hostile” countries.
“During the last few weeks, as you know, several Western countries adopted unlawful decisions to freeze Russian assets,” Putin outlined during a government meeting held via video link. “The West has de facto destroyed the credibility of its currencies.”
There is a saying in the usa “suicide by cop”. Are we witnessing israeloamerica committing suicide by Russia?
I thought we could all use a laugh right about now: