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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Short message from Andrei

Dear friends, Two quick messages: First, by now most of you have heard that Alexander Dugin’s daughter has been murdered in a car bomb.  The target was clearly Dugin himself.  All I want to say at this point is that Dugin never was the “‘Russian world’ ideologue“ as RT so stupidly wrote.  (The same goes for another supposed “ideologue of the Russian world” German Sterligov). How many times did you

Week-end music or some beauty and joy in our tragic times…

Today I want to share a few musical gems with you with the hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do! First, I want to share a superb version of “The Water is Wide” by Tommy Emmanuel and Stephen Bennett.  Tommy Emmanuel is an accomplished multi-style guitarist whom I very much appreciate, especially when he plays acoustic (his electric guitar music is much less interesting).  Before seeing

Sabotage, terrorist and other diversionary attacks are a real risk for Russia (+addendum)

Interesting news two days in a row.  First, the Russian MoD did conclude that the explosions at the Russian airfield in Crimea were the result of a diversionary operation (I use the term “diversionary” in the Russian sense of “diversiia” meaning sabotage/wrecking).  And today, the Russians have announced that they have arrested two employees of the Zaporozhiie nuclear plant (one guard and one engineer!) who were providing the Ukrainians with

Will the Ukraine be partitioned next and, if so, how?

Interesting info today.  First, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has, through the statement of a Colonel General, made the following statement (translated by my friend Andrei Martyanov on his blog): (emphasis added) Translation: MOSCOW, August 16 – RIA Novosti. Western curators have practically written off the Kyiv regime and are already planning the partition of Ukraine, Foreign Intelligence Service spokesman Colonel-General Volodymyr Matveev said at the Moscow Conference on International

Short week-end news and music

First, I am delighted to announce that the Latam Saker (Latin America – in Spanish and Portuguese) is back up and running.  However, please write down and bookmark its new domain name: Please not that the previous domain name ( is currently not used anymore. A big THANK YOU to Herb and all the others who worked behind the scenes to bring the Saker Latam back online! Second, the

A short vademecum for aspiring trolls

Trolls have been the bane of this blog pretty much since the Euromaidan, and I have had to do all sorts of things to try to limit their toxic effects and I did call them out quite often.  Today, I want to do a nice thing for aspiring trolls, which is to give them a short vademecum on how to be the best troll you can be! I will make

We all *must* speak up in defense of Graham Phillips!

Dear friends, After seeing and then posting this video by Graham Phillips I got too disgusted by what was being done to him by the British authorities that I decided to contact him and ask him a few very basic questions about his situation in the hope to introduce him to a larger audience, give visibility to his case and to try to offer him as much support as possible. 

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Dear friends Today I had the honor and immense pleasure to spend one hour talking to my friend Michael Hudson and I am happy to share this video with you.  I have immense respect for Michael, both as an economist and as a friend, and want to clarify this because some trolls have viciously attacked Michael in the comments section and I want to make something abundantly clear: any rude

Nancy braves the Chinese dragon and wins?

So, it appears that Pelosi landed in Taiwan. This is a HUGE victory for the invincible USA and China with all its hollow threats has now lost face.  That is how those evil commies are – they only understand the language of force, and when faced with the united forces of democracy they cave. Right? Right?! Well…… Yes, if your expertise in international relation, military matters and China (or Russia)

Brandon shifts the narrative on Banderastan

President “Biden” (i.e. the “collective” Biden, not the actual Bradon) penned an interesting article for the NYT entitled “President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine“.  The entire things is behind a paywall, and it is not really worth reposting it here.  But I do want to comment on a few of “Biden’s” theses. First, I will ignore the obnoxious habit of calling the USA “America”, when

Small update about the blog and Andrei

Dear friends, I just wanted to update you on a few things. First, the Saker blog is almost back to normal.  There are a few things to still polish up, like the weird looking guest analyses sections, and the Latin American Saker blog is still down, as we are still waiting for the folks who run it to give us the needed data to fix it. Second, I feel that

Update about the site from Andrei

Dear friends We are back up, but we are still fixing/changing a few things.  Obviously, I cannot share what we have done and are still doing.  But the progress is real and I wanted to share that with you.  Still, two of our Saker blogs (Italian and Latin American) are down due to the changes we had to make.  We hope to get them back up next.  Please stay tuned.

Saker blog under attack – URGENT request for help

Dear friends The Saker blog has been under attack for many months, but we kept it quiet.  Our webmaster and sysadmin Herb  has successfully beat back all the attacks, but now the enemy has upped both the scale and nature of the attack and we are barely hanging on.   I have two urgent requests: 1) If you are an IT security specialist (or can contact one you know) and

Quick update from Andrei on this and that

Dear friends, It has been almost a month since you heard from me, so I decided to post a short update. As I indicated in my initial post, I had to take time off for health reasons.  I don’t think I have any obligation, even implied, to go into details, but just to reassure you, I can promise you that my problems were a common but painful combo of GI

Message to the Saker Community from Andrei (UPDATED)

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! I hope that those amongst you who are Orthodox Christians had a peaceful and joy-filled celebration of Holy Paskha. My family and I had a wonderful celebration and we are now back at home. First, I want to share with you a quick “state of the blog” update: the blog is doing *fantastic* with something between 7 and 10 million pages served each month. I
