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Posts From Saker Sakerwebsite

Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? …. article by Andrew Korybko

These three additional links support Andrew’s thesis that the US is turning on Turkey: US says Turkey downed Russian jet while Syrian airspace Retired US airforce general says Turkey broke international law The West wants Turkey out. Webmaster Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? By Andrew KORYBKO (USA) Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the

Life in Crimea 20 months after reunification with Russia … by Auslander

Auslander provided with the very well received USA SITREP .  He was subsequently asked if he could provide a reciprocal glimpse into life in Sevastopol. He kindly agreed and I received his work this morning. The article was written under the duress of the current power outage and intermittent internet connectivity. Auslander has also just published a book which is available on Amazon.  As a side note Auslander cannot

Report from Crimea by Auslander

Auslander posted this sitrep in our comment section. I have reposted it here for all to read. (Webmaster) The situation in Krimea and Sevastopol is serious. The power coming to Krimea was actually Russian electric, ‘transshipped’ to Krimea via uke power system, at great cost I might add. Included in this formal agreement and written contract was Russia supplying the ukes with substantially more electric than was ‘shipped’ to Krimea.

Additional links regarding the downing of Russian Su-24

Saker is attending his mother funeral at this time. Scott and myself (webmaster) have been tasked with providing support during this time. Early this morning an open thread post was open so that the Saker community could discuss the downing of the SU-24. Scott followed by posting a SitRep. While we await Saker’s analysis I found the following links quite interesting. This article provide a military tactical explanation for the

USA SitRep November 21 by Auslander

SitRep, Auslander goes behind enemy lines I have just returned from a trip to USA. It matters not why I had to go, it simply suffices to say it was not my choice and it will in all probability be my last journey west baring an emergency that requires my presence. I am getting old and such long journeys are pretty hard in regards to the time and strain of

Review of Saker’s Book by Patrick Armstrong

Toss Your MSM Subscriptions and Buy The Saker’s Book Patrick Armstrong The Essential Saker (ISBN 978-1608880584) is available at (print and ebook). Additional information at and Like thousands of others, I discovered The Saker early on in the Ukraine disaster and quickly added his site to my list of essential reading. His writing is an example of the finest that can be found on the Internet and

Fedor’s video in more languages

Fedor’s video can now also be viewed in these other languages: Français : Italiano : Pусский : Português : Cрпски : Español : čeština :

Msg from Webmaster — Removal of ‘Avatar’ Feature

  Avatar On Monday I removed the ‘avatar’ feature from web site. This was done for security reasons. The commentators that choose to have a custom ‘avatar’ are required to register their email address with Gravatar. Gravatar encrypts the provided email address, uses the encrypted data to provide the same ‘avatar’ to whatever other Gravator supported site the commentator visits on the web. The end result is that the


Thank you all who participated in providing logos and pictures for the new website! I have selected the best ones and put them here on display for every one to see. I also received this wonderful drawing which I gratefully used for the frontpage of my blog.     Also, thanks to Rift and Fedor for their superb videos! Animation video by “Rift” Video by Fedor
