I invite you to compare this with Batiuska’s article newly posted. http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/operation-z-on-raising-the-iron-curtain-which-hangs-over-europe/
Same thing .. very differently expressed. Is it the end of the imbeciles?
I invite you to compare this with Batiuska’s article newly posted. http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/operation-z-on-raising-the-iron-curtain-which-hangs-over-europe/
Same thing .. very differently expressed. Is it the end of the imbeciles?
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Also he forgets that US has 100,000 troops in Europe. This is called occupation. If Lira thinks that US is just going to let Europe go without killing, he is smoking some powerful shit wherever he is.
I enjoyed this speculation, and I think it’s appropriate to question how European leaders can survive when their people are no longer in a mood to follow them. Labor unions are already demonstrating in Italy. Macron might not have survived if the last election were held today. 38% of Bulgarians polled want to get out of NATO. That’s NOW!. If Russia clobbers Ukraine without threatening to take the fight further west, the propaganda threatening WW3 will be seen for what it is.
The biggest threat Europe faces now is that Russia has already begun looking towards a union with Asia that will compete directly with the European Union. If this lasts much longer, there may not be a willingness to look back.
Gonzalo, Germany has a problem which France, Italy and the UK do not share, and it is: Germany is an occupied country governed by a, more or less secret, constitution or treaty signed at the end of WW2, and recently renewed. It’s a huge problem that must be dealt with before Germany can be German again, and it begins with closing US and UK bases on German soil.
I agree we haven’t heard last of Nordstream 2.
Russia/Putin is not going to deal with ‘Europe/EU. Putin and Lavrov already made it explicitly clear in their Security Dialogue at the later part of 2021, that they will deal with sovereign national states that can make legally binding agreements.
So while I agree that at some stage some national states in Europe will need to enter these dialogues, these talks will not happen with the EU as a bloc. The benefit of this is some states in Europe are already disposed towards diplomacy rather than confrontation with Russia. Coupled with the Chinese BRI; access to Russian exports; the lack of confidence in the US dollar and the already expanding options for trade beyond the US dollar; this olive branch has many upsides. The primary downside is pissing of the Americans and losing access to US and UK investment funds.
Many would argue that this is not a significant downside, and it remains to be seen what economic state the US and UK will be in as things shake out over the next five to ten years, but habits of almost 100 years are extremely hard to break.
So when Russia nukes the U.S., Ukraine will fold. Poland will suck it up. NATO will shiver and fall on their knees.
Very interesting comments.
” after which Russia proceeded to send an entire field army to suppress them ”
absolutely classic Polish wrong interpretation of history.
It was a Soviet Communist army which invded Poland in 1920 from the newly created USSR. That same Soviet army was fresh from murdering large numbers of Russians. It contained many Poles.
It appears to be central to being Polish to portray a fantasy of history, as opposed to real history. Always poor Poland and wicked Russia. The reality was totally different.
Well, interesting take and I’m sure there are those thinking about the mistakes with the sanctions and cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
However, these maniacs of the WEF, climate change, you’ll own nothing and be happy want a collapse. Their goal is to increase energy prices to force green alternatives. Of course, this will cause all other prices to increase which will destroy the middle classes and the economies of these countries. Small businesses have already been hit hard with the covid lockdowns which all the big globalist corporations benefitted from.
Boris Johnson is a clown like Zelensky but I’m of the belief it’s the UK that have orchestrated this whole thing and Washington is taking the orders. Biden is just the compromised puppet they put in front of the cameras as he embarrasses himself.
Although Biden is an incompetent criminal, none of these policies are due to incompetence but with the intentional goal of destroying the west is my thought. It seems too deliberate.