I invite you to compare this with Batiuska’s article newly posted. http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/operation-z-on-raising-the-iron-curtain-which-hangs-over-europe/
Same thing .. very differently expressed. Is it the end of the imbeciles?
I invite you to compare this with Batiuska’s article newly posted. http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/operation-z-on-raising-the-iron-curtain-which-hangs-over-europe/
Same thing .. very differently expressed. Is it the end of the imbeciles?
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That is fairly easy. US is going to incite Poland and Baltic states to provoke Russia and then it will resile from any support. It has never fought for Poland in history even though it created Poland in 1918 because of Woodrow Wilson.
Poles are stupid. They watched France cut them adrift in 1934 and UK in 1939. Now they will watch US retreat and let Europe dangle. The more they fear Russian vengeance the more they will cling to daddy
The US did not “create” Poland. Poland declared it’s independence after the war, after which Russia proceeded to send an entire field army there to suppress them, which Marshall Pilsudski annihilated, and then the Soviets sued for peace.
The constant underestimation of Poland by Russians and Russophiles is ridiculous. If the Poles are so pathetic, why it it when the Czechs and Hungarians started causing problems, the Soviets sent in their soldiers straight away to crush them, but when the Poles started rebelling in the early 80’s, the USSR did jack s***?!?
Cool story, man. You’re almost as bad as the guy who thinks Poland is an American invention. Impressive achievement!
P.S. For those who are not in the know, google “Polish–Soviet War”.
Well aware of ‘Miracle on the Vistula’ my family lived on front line
Gen Weygand and French armed Poland
Sixty million Poles, ten million Czechs, seven million Hungarians – size does matter
It seems 77 millions will kiss Russian asses.
Hungary 1956 seven million people, Czech Rep. 1968 15 million peolple, Poland 1980s, 60 million people (size does matter) and by that time CCCP directed by geriatric politburo (think Brandon) with Gorby and Raisa in waiting.
Poland never ever did reach 60 Million in Population,
Where did you get your numbers?
Just wiki Poland demographics.
The U.S. has aborted more babies than Poland has actual, living, breathing citizens.
What’s there to underestimate, by the way?
Poland handed over 240 T-72 tanks to Ukraine, on a “promise” that Poland would get brand new German tanks in return, but after Poland send the t-72s to to Ukraine, it finds out that Germany doesn’t even have enough tanks for itself, and the Germany had never really promised Poland any new tanks. Now, Poland is MINUS 240 T-72 tanks, even if they were old.
Remember, Poland wanted to send MIG-29 fighter planes to Ukraine?
They had 1000 t-72s in 1989, so maybe they have 750 left. What use are they to anybody in Poland? They just sent 10 or 20 thousand soldiers to UKR, where they were instantly given Ukr citizenship, so they are (nudge nudge wink wink) not Polish. Do the Poles really want to go to war with the Russians? The Ruskies may do an IRAQ on Poland in such an eventuality – not good idea from Polish methinks.
Tests showed Polish modified T-72s broke down on average every 25km whereas Leos went 174km
Biggest failures on T-72 was in modified sections electronics etc
Well, they may have 750 on the ORBAT roster, but the question is: how many of them are operational, how many of them are serviceable and how many of the are just rusting heaps of scrap?
Both Russia and Germany are working together to get the US controlled regime out of Poland. Poland is for all intents and purposes a Germany economic colony, with a US controlled band of puppets at the helm. Germany and Russia want this Trojan horse out of their midst.
That assumes Germany is an independent entity, but have a look at what was set up post WW2 – Germany is ruled from Washington. Russia is run by the Chabad, so who knows what is going on.
And they’ve been wiped out by a few missiles launched from the Caspian!
250 Abrams tanks to fill offshore accounts with dollars
Neither did the U.S. create Poland nor did Poland itself simply “declare its independence”. It was, of all countries, Germany that, being thoroughly victorious on the Eastern front, forced Russia to accept the independence of both Poland AND Ukraine in the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty (1917). That was only repeated with regard to Poland (not the Ukraine though, which was let down badly by Western powers back then) in later treaties as a fact that, as a consequence of the German Brest-Litovsk treaty implementation, had already become the reality on the ground by the time the Western powers participated in treaties.
Brest-Litovsk Treaty was revoked at Versailles
So what? By that time the facts on the ground were already there, Poland had become sovereign for the very reason of German insistence in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, and no Western power would have gone to war with Poland just so it folds back into submission to Russia.
Go read some history ! Paderewski persuaded Wilson to promote Poland. Paderewski became first PM in Poland but never visited again after 1924 because it was chaotic.
France wanted to use Poland as a buffer state to block Germany and signed 1921 Franco-Polish Treaty. US created Poland, France guaranteed Poland.
Poland 1918 had nothing except Herbert Hoover fed Poles because Pilsudski could not.
Poland is like Ukraine – full of bombastic words and intoxicating dreams – but dirt poor and always looking for a rich uncle to fund their esoteric fantasies – if not US then UK or EU.
The entire NET Contribution of UK to EU was used to fund Poland.
Matt de viena is a mockinbird
Still in living memory;
I don’t know what books you got that skewed bit of history, but the 1919-1922 war with Russia is a lot more complicated than that! Poland, as usual, always thinks it’s more important than it actually is, and never learns from its past mistakes. It was the one that pushed deep into Byelorussia and Ukraine, while Russia was in the later stages of its Civil War, it even took Vilna from the Lithuanians! These lands had a small Polish minority which Poland believed gave it full right to annex them. That was when the Red Army attacked an over confident Polish Army all the way back to the Vistula River. Poland had even taken Kiev earlier. It’s truly amazing that this long lost war is kind of being replayed at this very moment. Had Poland not received massive aid by the West, there never would have been “the miracle of the Vistula”! Stalin in 1939 liberated the gains that Poland took when Russia was weak. Poland needs to learn to live with a Russia that is a Superpower, being a part of NATO will not save Poland, Ukraine is learning that bitter lesson right now!
Well stated.
Poland is a nothing, nothing of interest, nothing left, a nothing.. but an irritation.
No one will come to the aid of Poland, no one..
Anything of value or ability has left..
Of all the countries I have travelled in Europe Poland was the top of the list for the country I would neve go back to
I don’t know which Poland you knew. I discovered this country and its people in 1978 and I discovered what Irina Samarina felt in the USSR as she describes in this poem. Poland has since changed, alas, but the Polish soul has remained, I feel it every time I stay there.
@Stray: Country …X… “the country I would never go back to”.
That’s not nice. Like Mark Rothko who stayed on the plane at Paris airport, or my friend who stayed in his Volkswagen from Germany to Spain because he never wanted to set foot on French soil. Or the Frenchman who despised Belgium because the trees on the streets of Brussels lacked perfume. I removed the category “Countries” from my own fave list because Country X was always changing, or skipping from Hate to Fave.
You are clearly a Pola-phile, so let me put it more delicately. Polish leadership has historically and consistently misjudged both its own power and the reliability of perceived allies. They were lucky in 1922, facing a weak Soviet Union still recovering from the Great War and its revolution. But for the most part the history of Poland is a litany of one mistake after another, many times resulting in either dramatic shrinkage of territory or outright loss of its nation-state. The ironic thing is modern Poland is essentially a gift from the Soviets, who granted it much of Germany’s old eastern territory. There’s a reason Churchill called them “the jackals of Europe.” This will end badly for Poland, and as is typical very few will care.
Ah so Paderewski had no problems influence with Woodrow Wilson ? Wilson did not have 14 Points ? Versailles did not have a Treaty ? Locarno did not define eastern border of German Reich ?
Polish schoolbooks show Pilsudski created Poland and turned it into a Sanacja dictatorship by 1926
Delusion is rampant in the space between West and East in Europe
The Poles started the war with the idea to recover the former Polish territories from Russia and create the ‘Intermarium’. The peace treaty dashed their ambitions. So, they actually lost the war.
Nonsense:Having received its independence thanks to the Revolution Poland first invaded Russia, which counter-attacked. When the Poles defeated this counter-attack, they then seized parts of Ukraine and Belarus. Seems they are at it again.
I don’t know if it’s stupidity or desperation out of paranoia.
Their best bet would be to get into a treaty with Moscow. But they would rather die than ally with Russia.
Try ideological pigheadedness, ego and corruption. Theres money to be made in hating dem Russkies, and it helps if you really do hate them, you know, like believe they are subhuman orcs, as the Ukrs says.
It is not simple in the manner you describe….
Let’s imagine the balts and Poland cry wolf and attack Russia…
After Russia defeats Ukraine…..
After months of no…. gas….oil…. diesel…. aluminum…. steel…..fertilizer….wood…. titanium… lead….. nickel.. rare earths…. wheat….. maize…. cooking oil….
Exactly how many minutes will it take to drop their populations by 99.99% ???
20…… 20……… 20…….
Then what????
Well, well, US also created Germany because of Kennedy, Croatia because of Bush and modern Libya because of Clinton…. not sure why they created China.
Recommended reading: “God’s Playground: A History of Poland is a history book in two volumes written by Norman Davies, covering a 1000-year history of Poland.” Wikipedia
Norman Davies is a Polish citizen since 2014.
In 2012 Norman Davies was awarded Poland’s highest distinction, the White Eagle Order, for his role in researching and popularising Polish history.
So? Here in the US they don’t even teach E European history, even Russian history, and what they do teach tends to be BS, such as it was Britian and America that defeated Nazi Germany. If you mention the Great Northern War up to 99.9999% of US citizens you would be greeted with a blank stare.
The history of the Kingdom of Poland and then the Polish-Lithuathian Commonwealth is very interesting, and good on Norman Davies to bring it to light in the English language.
Norman Davies is just biased…😋
But not loved by the present the “America-my-love” government….
US history teaching s renowned for factual deviationism but Kennedy had nothing to do with Germany other than to irritate Adenauer by failing to remove the Berlin Wall Erich Honecker was building in 1961. So angry was Adenauer he signed Élysée Treaty with de Gaulle to get French support. Kennedy rushed to Berlin to try prevent Germany moving away from US and it’s failure to uphold Four Power Agreement on Berlin
“Kennedy had nothing to do with Germany other than to irritate Adenauer…”
… and to declare himself a doughnut.
Poland (several Polish-speaking tribes) was born in 966 when Mieszko I decided to leave the Protestant Germanic empire to become Catholic. This distinction is existential for Poland and until Solidarnosc the Catholic Church played an essential role in this country. Since its accession to the EU, the wave of market liberalism has weakened the cultural and spiritual values of this people, but the majority resists and no color revolution has succeeded in degrading Poland.
A guy in 966 decided to leave the PROTESTANT Germanic empire built on the ideas of Luther published in the 1500s.
Sorry for the dates and my ignorance about clerical institutions. It’s more complicated than my shortcut but the conclusion remains the same: Poland has existed throughout history through its Catholic identity in a Protestant Germanic empire (or which has become Protestant).
Must be banned Wikipedia like a reffer…
@Paul: “Poles are stupid. They watched France cut them adrift in 1934 and UK in 1939.”
Even more stupid than that. In 1938 the Poles accepted advice from France and UK to reject Russia’s offer of an anti-Fascist pact, and team up with Nazi Germany and Fascist Hungary to dismember CzechoSlovakia.
We are all Poles now.
How many Europeans does it take to open a gas tap?
..The leadership to get smart enough to get well with the Russians…yes one could hope..but it’s not about that from their perspective.
This all a part of agenda 2030. It is more a war on the populace of Europe than it is with Russia.
They want them on their knees and they are using the conflict.
And the virus scares of course.
So, you’re saying the western elites want to destroy their own nations by 2030 while the rest of the world thrives?
For the rest of the world, think of fammine and collapse when the USD has the plug pulled.
That is the idea anyway – but like all good plans – they fly out the window after the first punch.
F the WEF
I dont see how food shortages could be more than temporary, a most 6-month long difficulty for the global south, until local replacement production kicks in…if the ordinary people smarten up and kick out their western oriented and imposed leaderships while reorienting their agriculture
Stop the plantation agriculture focus on food for the people. They can also still grow coffee, cocoa and such crops but in quantities focus on the growth of high quality locally developed and owned manufacture that locals can afford and enjoy, while some exports at high price can be developed
But this is a great opportunity for the Global south to take back their egion under nationa control kicking out the forreign control and its comprador class. And as the consequences of such development hits home in the west additional impetus and drive for the ordinary western people to rise up in revolutionary take over
How much wheat is grown in North Africa ?
“Characteristic North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa
2019/2020 18,399 8,427 “(in 1,000 metric tons of wheat)
I realise the question was, what’s the phrase, ‘merely a rhetorical flourish’ – not really intended as more than a dig.
However, I googled what you could have, had you wanted to contribute positively to the discussion – although why Poland vs USSR has dominated the discussion so far I have no idea.
Further, in terms of Africa and wheat (although I’m sure they produce other grains) “The most important wheat producing countries in SSA are Ethiopia, South Africa, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Zambia in descending order. Ethiopia accounts for the largest production area (1.7 Mha) followed by South Africa (0.5 Mha).” Russia supplies “32 per cent of the continent’s total wheat imports “out of a total of “54.8 million metric tons” which I think works out as 17.5 million metric tons. So that the shortfall could be due to somewhere else. The USA imports 100 million metric tons despite producing over 50 million metric tons. 404 provides 12% of Africa’s imported wheat.
Although I’ve forgotten why I even went to this effort…
Go read Agenda 2030, then you may understand.
I agree.For me, being aware of Agenda 2030 is the only way to make sense of what the Masters of the Universe are doing.
One world order = eliminating sovereignty in Europa
by the nature of events and the stage that makes a lot of sense.
The intent seems preparing the European people for insertion of a controlling computer in their necks to hack conrol of them by computer control hence all the vaccinations. This is what the Canadian government also appears to be well on the way in preparation for.
The western governments are truly afraid of national revolutions in their own states that will replace the Deep state and billionaire mostly Zionist clubs.
And that is a massive Zionist fear of all…it is flowing from them against the ordinary western people and Europeans with arevolutionary tradition at this stage of capitalist hegemonic decline would be scaring the pants of the Khazars
So the ordianry population of the west indeed would be seen as threat #1 to the Khazars… followed by China, Russia etc. The Khazars must secure their home bases first and that means absolute control of wesern Europe, the white commonwealth which is Canada/Australia/NZ and the USA
absolutely agree …. Bitter pill true for EU political Class ….. But the idiotic west (Washington criteers) will need to be taught a military lesson … to back off….
So we wait and see
As M.Hudson expressed in one of his interviews here ” …hunger, food crisis, economic collapse is not some kind of mishap – it is the goal of globalist elites.” . They will make the populace beg for solution and “solution” will be given, in exchange for a total, absolute slavery.
That might work … if the western elites control the entire world.
Byt if they only control 15-20% of the world, the “slaves” will get support and information from elsewhere and eventually revolt.
It is hard to know how much of the world they truly control and how much they pretend to control.
Saying that, I agree with you that “their” solution can work only when subjugation is complete.
BTW, Many people are now discussing that Russia purposefully exaggerated the supposed corruption within its military forces, and created an illusion of a “near state of collapse” in economical sphere.
The game of “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. “is played here very masterfully.
I dont think Lira is right in Europe breaking ties with US. Europe is too infiltrated in all their institutions for that.
Italy is filled with US bases and all European countries have re-organised their national military into small mini-Pentagons.
What will happen is what you write. Europeans will collapse, beg for slavery and be happy, and live in a triple Gulag society for the next 70 years sucked dry to the last penny by Wall Street.
The Europeans are at this very moment working 24/7 in their suicide trip to build 5G/Smart Cities/Vaxx camps/IOT/Digitalisation. Everybody are on Green Sustainable Deal fiat €Trillion Funding, toward a new life as Cyborgs.
To save the planet and environment off course.
May those with a death wish be blessed with its fulfilment!
Your point is very valid, however they are now in improvising mode which is extremly difficult for ideological Zombies, so they hope somehow they will come through this and Russia & China somehow will be bent onto their knees. Very, very much depends now on Russia and also China how they will move, if they move extremly clever the whole of Europe will fall into their hand de facto, not necessarily nominally…but the immediate future looks very dark here in Europe…
I’m afraid you’re right. Having seen how people willingly locked themselves in their homes, cut off all physical contact with even their nearest and dearest (allowing loved ones to die alone), and then submitted to an experimental jab that caused most of them – at the very least – to feel like shit while doing nothing to stop them getting or passing on “covid”, I guess it won’t be difficult to get them accepting basic ration cards just to survive. One thing we can be sure of, the scum who rule us will never back down. The stakes are too high as their own necks would be on the line if they don’t maintain their grip on power. I really fear that if push comes to shove, they are willing to provoke a global nuclear war. Russia really does hold all the cards, and must play them wisely for all our sakes.
This is in accordance with my comment about austerity in the previous discussion? All of Europe, The Ukraine and Russia have a common enemy. They have no choice but to stand together, against the source of austerity, which is the Woke.
The thing about the Europeans is that this is all kind of flippant. They are just doing what is easy to do in the short run, so they will flip fairly easily if things get tough.
If they knew what they were doing and were organized, the hard truth is that Europe could buy food away from the poorer countries. Not that they would admit to it an honest way. The plan would be to start buying stuff now, don’t wait until the inventories run down.
Energy is another matter. Not enough out there and reallocating existing supplies would not be easy, and probably can’t be entirely done in the short run.
When the USSR broke down, they should have realized that if the US was not willing to make nice, the choice was between America and Russia, and Russia would have been the better choice in that circumstance.
When saying Europe you mean the EU. When talking about the EU you mean this undemocratic political union and not the citizens. Citizens are smart enough to understand the situation, but the undemocratic EU leaders are living in fantasyland. We have no power to remove them.
The first week after the war started was unbelieveable. EU leaders acted like 4 year old hysterical toddlers. And we get exactly what 4 year old toddlers would do in charge. Everything they did is to break indefinitely with Russia. Even crawling back will not be possible. And one could think there’s more behind this decission.
They use it to ban oil and gas for their Green Deal. A carbon free EU. A global power powered with solar panels and windmills. And this is a lie, technical it’s impossible which only leads to scarcity and poverty, total economical collaps, we didn’t need this war for self destruction. Citizens understand that this future can’t be but they put everything on it, banning oil, gas, petrol cars,…. for technolgy that doens’t exist and will never work. To back up ‘green’ energy we need massive gas power plants and have to reopen coal power plants.
Ofcourse this is under pressure from the USA. But it’s not just Russia, they break the world in parts, good versus bad. China is also on the menu.
Western countries are in fact bankrupt. Therefor we keep printing money and still we need more. We need money for green energy (waste of money), rebuild army, carbon free economy, so many things and we don’t have money. Poverty is up, more people struggling, you can expect protest and unrest on the streets. You aso believe EU leaders live in fantasyland? Choices made now will destroy the EU future for decades, admitting your mistakes doesn’t mean you can change everything back in 1 day. When having blaockouts building power plants that actually work like nuclear power you need 10 years to build. When needing minerals you have to open mines and processing factories, the EU is preparing a total dissaster. Mayeb Russia can conquer the EU at that stage, we gave away most of our weapons to Ukraine.
Talking about food. After taxing CO2 (you don’t see it, you smell it and it makes plants grow) which is taxing yourself into poverty they have found a new fetish: nitrogen. Who’s to blame? Farmers. So in the EU they are making farmers to stop. They close agriculture and livestock, that means less food. This must the first time in human history that a nation decides to produce less food. Living i the EU and seeing so much stupidity is terrifiying. These are the same people dealing international relationships and the Ukraine war. Oh and when to money is up the EU will fall apart.
‘We have no power to remove them’… but we Do have the power to ignore them. If national governments actually start to disobey EU ‘dictat’, what exactly will/can they do?
Civil Disobedience. If only small countries try this, they get penalized… but when Germany does this, the fate of EU council is sealed.
Remember there is a de-population agenda behind. Kill the old and the kids, and kick the people out that dont work for food.
@James – you are absolutely correct that it won’t go back to the previous status quo, even if the EU got on its knees and begged. The display of raw Russo-phobia was just way over the top. Banning Dosteovsky and Tchaikovsky… is there a word for beyond stupid? EU and US broke too many fragile constructs.. said too many nasty things – Russia / China are not browbeaten and abused spouses who would accept false promises and get back together again.
Hence I’m thinking what’s next after the Ukraine situation resolves itself in the short-term.. NATO can’t even fight anymore… maybe Russia gives/sells oil and gas to one of the smaller EU nations just to make a point and rub it in.
Related to that – the covidians (the ones with all the jab and mask mandates) were also the same brainwashed ones that jumped on the Ukraine ‘good!’ train.. In case folks aren’t aware… the mRNA jabs have severely damaged the immune system of those that took it, especially if they took 1 or 2 boosters. Portugal is still keeping track of proper stats, places like Denmark stopped when it was getting obvious the jabs were doing the exact opposite of what they’re supposed to do (hint – ends up enhancing infection, spread, illness). So with quite a number of the EU countries hitting 80-90+% jabbed, you have an already hobbled population getting sicker with each passing month. African hordes coming to take it over, or would they prefer Russians *snark*.
How true, their incompetence is now a systemic given, they cannot backout either way and foremost they really are bottomless stupid – we saw all this during the Plandemic – however that is nothing in comparison to what is coming now, when logistics chains brake throughout, they in their absolute incompentence will be swept away with the tide absolutly certain, just by everydays necessities and there are still enough people out there who are not totally incompetent, naturally they will start to act in a decisive manner from day to day more – locally at first, then regionally then state wide. The human loss will be staggering all the while…No one will listen to the State Propaganda anymore, and organize alternatives – there are millions of amateur App-developers out there etc.,etc.
In summary, one needs to be very clever to ride a crisis of such a proportion, there are absolutly no signs such a type of cleverness exists in what is called western elites, if so they would have had made preparations which cannot be hidden, but which do not exist at all (For instance catastrophe mititgation round-tables and connected facilities – nothing is there, not to confuse with those garbage money funded ‘event-exercises’ where a handful incompetent idiots sit in front of monitors reading four bulletpoint presentations..and then go home and feel important, very helpful to create mayhem, but not real problem solving).
They wanted it this way, they will get what they asked for !
The European so-called leaders are not really leaders, but those, who could win the last elections in the given country. But, that was in the “peace” situation. All of a sudden the “peace” situation vanished on February 24th, and all of them panicked. And, they took bad decisions. They looked at an old partly (or fully) demented guy across the Big Pond for leadership. Well, who’d look for leadership from and nearly 80 year old guy? Would you?
Would you ask advice on your business, your job, your family life etc from your grandpa, who is past retiring age? Lira says the European “leaders” of the unfriendly countries are imbeciles. Oh yes, they are!
Which kind of fool would go to the next town to buy food, when the supermarket is across the street?
Oh yes, Europe can’t survive without the resources from Russia. They are (or were) simply cheaper. And, of much better quality.
In December, 2021, President Putin approached, separately and collectively, The USA and the other members of NATO concerning collective security for all. This was rejected, and derided. Nuclear weapons around Russia’s border poses no threat to Russia. True?
No! Would the USA tolerate nuclear weapons of other powers dotted around its border as no threat?
This is NOT a war against Ukraine. It is about Russian security, which is seriously threatened by powerful and incorrigible liars. Remember, “white speaks with forked tongue?” This is still true.
This local combat operation, while limited to Ukraine, is NOT about Ukraine and will NOT stop with Ukraine. The USA and its NATO minions will have to think carefully: of THEIR future, of the world’s future, and of global, collective security.
Russia has asked them, separately and collectively, and very politely, for them all to consider this. No threats were issued. But in the wings, as already explained in 2018, stand a formidable array of weapons: Sarmat, Poseidon, Avangard and many others. Russia will not go down alone.
The West needs all of its best brains to work out what is necessary for collective security for all nations of the world and they need to do this pronto, before it is too late.
The US does not want collective security, it wants total dominance. It’s system cannot survive a multi-polar world.
I don’t buy it. American control of Europe goes far deeper and reaches far too broadly for Europe to muster the kind of independent agency it would need to save itself from the cliff it is currently intent on racing towards. This is existential for America. It will pull out all the stops to bring Russia down even if it means bringing Europe down in the process, and, at least in Europe’s case (unlike Russia’s), it has ample power to do it. The capitulation of Europe to Russia will only proceed as far the Americans permit. Only if America’s economic strength is shaken sufficiently could Europe, if it chose, emphasize its bonds with Eurasia over its bonds with America. But that requires China. My view: neither Russia nor Europe can shake America’s grip on Europe; only China-Russia can.
This is my sense. Fear, generational vassalage, inertia are potent habits. Unless a true grassroots popular movement topples vassals in the Old Europe, like a successful Yellow Vests.
The key assumptions may be lacking of a sane faction which has room to maneuver (cache, clean hands or ability to escape the 360 surveillance state, can negate Diebold and election tricks, access to the Kremlin, a willing listener at the Kremlin..) and time. It may be too little too late. The cancellation of Russians and the POW tortures etc were watershed moments too, hardening both sides.
Americans are in similar agony. There is an effort as seen by the writers of Biden’s NYT OP-ed to slow the train. How long will damage control by the less crazy / more rational faction prevail? I agree with Older Alex, it is a flimsy hold, easily overturned if by some miracle the AZE can even temporarily reverse or slow the tide of Operation Z by whatever stratagem. If a battlefield gambit is not possible, perhaps some emotional FF in Zone A.. or nothing dramatic, just to quietly neutralize envoys or leaders of the sane faction. Both the Europeans and the Americans confront a crazy faction that has gambled everything and cannot retreat.
Cant retreat, but it can go clinically insane domestically.
These city critters work all week to party like hell on the weekends, and now as the party is apparently ending, the gamble of being shot doing what you love vs the need for release, is going to find another group of restless citizens either going bat chit crazy at home, or turning into the next lone wolf terrorist whack a mole.
Looks good on the big screen though, just not in my hood.
Interesting times or just changing ones.
I dont buy your opinion Midge put forward so strongly, American control of Europe. Indeed american control of any nation or region of the globe could never be as complete as you describe. There is nothing in nature could bemade as complete as that. I mean there is opposition to the staus quo right now isnt there! Not every western Euro nation is on board with the US against Russia.
We know that! That is as clear as day. It is the US that has become isolated as almost the entire world is on the Russian side, as is increasingly pointed out in all media, literally 24/7…including the people of western Europe
And even some of those Euros on board with the US are there not because of coercion or bribery etc., but by ideologcal orientation. They are there because they want to be, by political/ideologcal choice, working honestly, committed to their view of Europe, the Euro future they want and are prepared to fight for, no matter how despicable some of us see that view of Europe.
Of course the stage is existential for America but for oligarchic/Khazarian America – not all of America, the vast majority of America in whose best interest it is for the American elites to indeed lose existence as they rise up take over and reorient America into the positive path available and consistent with American survival and future general prosperity in a multipolar world indeed in a similarly prosperous state.
I dont understand you and most who comment here. It is as is if for your people a declining hegemonic US is impregnable, will have all the resources necessary to continue dominating the world, while the American people suffer and are increasingly rebellious, putting enormous pressure on the broken American treasury! Are the oligarchics going to give up their billions to meet the financial commitmetnts American state as it falls apart? Or is the treasury going to print endless dollars that no one will honor – could afford to Honor?
The only option that would remain, remains right now to the broken, aged minority and few hegemonic state, is to increase bribery and general corruption od the entire nation but that is going to cost too much on all levels. They dont have the resources for that.
Their real alternative is to kill off the majority of ordinary Americans as fast as they can to keep themslves in place.
Soon the military will overthow their leadership and break apart when they are not paid. Some will likely take over Washington. The American state already has no money to function. The American national debt which the government must manage and service cannot be paid…it’s too big!
The existential state and stage of the American system involves you too and all Americans…your lives are absolutely on the line, endangered by the state itself in whose interest it is best you all die, if its intent is not to re-orient itself into a positive socialist path focused on interest of the ordinary Ameican people.
We have Covid/Monkey Pox and bag of vaccines to faciliate that. And that is preparation of computer chips inserted in your bodies and you know what that means. And the speed of this project appears to be incrasing spurred on by the apparent urgency of the growing failure of hegemonic state as nothng they do works…especially the Russian sanctions now back-firing big time, and their inability to get states such as India to work with them against Russia
You should be fighting big time for yourself Midge, tooth and nail which would be the same as fighting for America- but for the real popular America where a true positive prosperous future lies for America… not with and for the old rotten American imperium, with is tantamount to suicide. All of you should be similarly fighting for the real America, not talking as you do for the dying and suicidal state.
To stand with those guys it would be better to pick your poison and a pleasant location, lie down and die, rather than standing with Biden and that Harris woman, in the process of sick, insane, crazy collective suicide they are leading
The Europeans cannot break from the US. The US has soldiers all over Europe. These soldiers are not there to protect Europe. They are there to control Europe. Any European leader who tries to break with the US will be disappeared one way or another. It’s the same with Japan and South Korea. The American soldiers are there to control them not protect them
That is exactly the point. There are 30,000 Yankee soldiers stationed in Germany. Why do you think?
US has very few soldiers in Europe – max 40,000 and not many combat soldiers. It is an illusion and US would not be able to reinforce across Atlantic if Russia opposed
i disagree.
Russia will have to take over all the way to the sea, to England if Need be, to deNazifie.
No one wants that. But Russia will be sure to not have to fight this war yet again in another 77.
That is what Z means. 7 and mirror 7 forms letter Z. The second 7 is upside down. Backswards.
Demilitarize means to prevent further threat, ever.
Refer to your own earlier video.
The West USHato has nothing to offer; no peace , no love, and nothing but the blues.
Luckily mother Russia is strong and sane.
Unlike the weak Nazie West. The fascist Americans must lose.
Russia must win.
“Z and 77”, Thanks for this light.
On May 2, 1945, the red flag of the Soviet Union flew over the Reichstag. It was the symbol of the fall of the Third Reich: the Red Army erased Nazism as far as Berlin.
77 years later, the filthy beast is reborn from Western collaborationist Nazi relics: Operation Z (like 7 mirroring 7) is then declared to continue the unfinished denazification.
The Evil Empire, which had created Hitler in Germany, creates a new monster in Ukraine in the person of Zelensky. Denazification cannot be done without the total cancellation of this Evil Empire. The weapons will howl but will remain powerless until the day when flowers grow at the end of the cannons. On that day the guns will be silenced and humanity will be saved.
Faced with this decrepit world of a dying society, which is becoming more and more demonized at the frantic pace of technological modernity and artificial intelligence, only a return to basics appears as a hope. The future of humanity will be original or it will not be!
Everyone will have a choice. Those who understand will survive, the others will disappear.
It is a matter of intellectual class, not of nations.
No European war is won until Italy changes sides. :)
As an Italian… I think you get the point… ;-)
Most of our population don’t want war and think that negotiations are the only way to solve this situation, BUT our government (remember who our non-elected premier is…) doesn’t listen to people.
It is very complicated to describe our political situation, but the parties that have these “doubts” have divisions whitin them… (governative faction that will do anything to continue to stay in Parliament, in 2023 we’ll have elections and after a recent reform our Parliament will be reduced of 1/3 of the total…)
On June 20-21 our premier will speak to the Parliament and there will be a vote, that could break up government alliances.
I don’t have much hope for that…
The only party at the opposition (22% in electoral polls) is filo-NATO…
It’s all about resources. The proxy Ukraine war failed. Does NATO military cross the border into Russia? Remember, President Putin, never another war on Russian soil. Germany flattened because of Hitler, France flattened because of Napoleon, Italy flattened because of Mussolini. Remember!
The plan is destroy the E economy, blame it on Russia, bring in the digital currency prison state, then maybe bring Russian commodities back online, when the population has decreased enough.
Ask any 5 year old:
2 Nations at war
Nation #1 gets all its war making hardware and factories blown up, but Nation #2 gets to have rules against getting its war making hardware and factories blown up.
Who wins?
What is wrong with the Kiev junta and the “West” that they can not understand what any 5 year old can understand?
Think the pact was formed years ago between Germany, Russia, China maybe Italy and France. Remember the attacks of the US on Deutsche Bank BNP etc after the financial meltdown 2008. We have seen Merkel crying. But to get the US out of the EU takes decades of planning and manouvring from the real powers behind Germany, France Italy, governments simply come and go, you calculate that. Haven’t seen Germany or France doing anything real damaging to the Russian SO yet.. Sending old military crap etc. Theathre I would say, windowdressing fooling the US. Why build a NS2 after coup in 2015, why if you expect to dominate the whole of UKR with its pipelines? Germany and Russia saw this coming. Anyways hope we will see a deap surgical removal of the corrupt liberal cancer in the EU.
Who are these people that reached an agreement? Putin is the only one left as head of state. The US military sits at the table when any EU decisions are made. The occupation army in there since WW2 and it aint goin nowhere by itself.
@Bert, I agree – Germany, Russia, and China have been planning this for a long time. USA has been playing a rearguard action on this since the 1980s!!! In fact, Andropov planned the retreat and ‘implosion’ of the Soviet empire precisely to be able to focus Russia on core competencies, remove the Soviet threat to the axial ends of Eurasia, and to integrate the Russian economy (especially gaz) with Germany and China. France and Italy are part of this game as well – being as they are appendages to the German economy.
The removal of the USA from Europe not only will destroy the American empire, but it will allow for the rebuilding of European civilization. The American ‘culture’ must be removed.
You may not be far from the truth! Remember that the first act of the ‘Perestroika’ was the opening of the Urengoy-Uzhgorod gas pipeline. In 1984 SU became the world’s biggest gas producer (587 bcm of gas per year).
Let’s remember that ”The Soviet plans to build the pipeline were strongly opposed by the Reagan administration. Americans were afraid that Western Europe would become dependent on the Soviet gas supplies, giving an energy leverage to the Soviet Union. They also feared the Kremlin would use the export revenue for military purposes. In December 1981, the US implemented sanctions preventing American companies from exporting oil and gas technologies – necessary for the pipeline construction – to the Soviet Union. In June 1982, these sanctions were expanded to cover subsidiaries of US companies in Europe…Washington’s Western European allies, however, refused to boycott the pipeline. The foreign ministers of the European Economic Community called extension of the American sanctions illegal and sent a formal note of protest. From the European perspective, participation in the pipeline project was seen as an opportunity for the depressed steel and engineering industry in Europe and as a way to diversify from the OPEC oil supplies. Therefore, Western European governments insisted that contracts already signed between the Soviets and European companies needed to be honored. This led to several European companies being sanctioned by the US. Reagan reportedly said: “Well, they can have their damned pipeline. But not with American equipment and not with American technology.” The efforts by the US to prevent the construction of the pipeline, and its export embargo of supplies needed to build it (1980–84), constituted one of the most severe transatlantic crises of the Cold War… (as per Wikipedia).
Older people remember that some people feared that the ‘fall of SU’ was a trap. Rather a judo movement!
You are 100% correct! There were even ‘unexplained’ sabotage events on the pipeline! Very good book about all the pipelines SU/RU has built is ‘The Bridge’ by Thane Gustovson
Yes, the implosion of the SU was a trap. It was set in motion by Andropov. He handpicked Gorby. Do you remember Gorby talking about ‘Common European Home from Lisbon to Vladivostok’?
The invention of precision-strike standoff weapons made the Warsaw Pact buffer zone unimportant to SU, especially since SU was subsidizing all of them. Better to offload them.
Another key point is that if the Cold War went hot in Europe, the very prize of Germany would have been destroyed, so SU had to find another way to get Germany without destroying it in the process.
Wouldn’t you think that it was a new-NEP? Didn’t Lenin say: “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”? It is exactly what happened.
People like to blather about Sun Tzu. But didn’t Russians clearly applied one of his precepts: ”Appear Weak When You Are Strong”? Feigning weakness when you are strong or professing ignorance when you are informed. Allowing your opponent to win small victories or gains so he may fall victim to greed or an inflated ego, which will confuse and hinder their strategy when the truth is revealed.
Aren’t they masters of ‘Maskirovka’?
Why did Putin praised Gorbachev and Yeltsin?
I’d like to see a Ukrainian Kadyrov come out of the woodwork, a person who is willing to work with Russia, kick the US and EU assholes out of Ukraine, and crack down on the banderites. In return, Ukraine gets oil pipelines, oil transit revenues, and big discounts on oil and gas. I think Russia could swing it. It would be a small price to pay for keeping ukraine out of US hands.
Those pipelines in Ukraine are old and need replacing which is why Nordstream 2 was built
Now the EU is Green and Germany has Habeck oil exports to Europe will bring Ukraine nothing
What Brother Lira describes is a revolution in Europe, and with it, it seems reasonable to expect, “denazifications”. I suppose “revolution” can be of a pacific and legal character, or, ugh…not.
Denazifications? Well, would anybody expect VVP and RF to make contract with new governments while nazis still free to roam about?
Trial in Kiev, Trials in Brussels, trials in Berlin…y’all wait. Trials in Rome will see the finish of SMO404. You’ll see.
I wish that I did not have to agree with the video above!
I wish that I could respect and admire the “leaders” of my own country as much as I do those in Russia. However, throughout NATO the “leaders” are enemies of their own people, while in Russia their “leaders” are friends of their own people.
Russia has been driven by the demonization of ethnic Russians to become motivated to defend their people from that demonization. Of course, abstractly, that demonization was not necessary, and then, defending ethnic Russians would not have become necessary. However, the ruling classes who have come to dominate NATO countries have a long history of hating Russians, which was especially the case with respect to the “namestealers,” or the “Khazari Mafia,” (or whatever label) that became integrated into the ruling classes of NATO over the course of several Centuries.
Global demographics manifest Idiocracy. The demographics of NATO countries are directed by their ruling classes in ways which are (deliberately) destroying those countries.
An integrated set of policies are (deliberately) collapsing the economy of NATO countries. Given that overall cake is being baked. The situation provoked by NATO in the Ukraine is like the icing on that cake, while we await to see what the final decorations on that cake may become (assuming it odes all turn into an exploding cake.)
Pretty well everything that is happening is due to morbid social habits working through their devolution into runaway criminal insanities. To underestimate how serious that situation is enables one to presume that recovering from that descent into MADNESS is superficially possible.
The actually existing situation is runaway Money As Debt backed by threats of Mutual Assured Destruction. It is barely possible to exaggerate the degree of criminal insanities that situation demonstrates.
The video above presumes that various peripheral NATO countries could superficially wake up out of the nightmares that they are living through, and then that would be enough. However, upon deeper analysis it becomes clear that the roots of those collective insanities go deeper and deeper.
Russian “winning” depends upon a special military operation continuing to never trigger those operations changing gears from relatively conventional weapons to atomic weapons. That presumptions continues to be the rickety foundation of everything else. Namely, that since Russia has an abundance of weapons which could destroy NATO countries, hence, Russia can continue to use relatively conventional weapons to grind down and conquer the Ukraine.
So far, that “bluff” has prevailed (indeed, because it is not really a bluff, in the traditional meaning of that word.) Russia has adopted the attitude that it is better to gamble to save Russia (including ethnic Russians left outside after the collapse of the USSR), than to lose Russia entirely.
The philosophical problems that arise from European countries coping with the consequences of a Russian Victory in the Ukraine flow from that FAILURES to cope with the new situation of Russia being able and willing to gamble with the fate of the entire world, a kind of “bluff” in a game where there is no genuine respect for the rules of the game anymore.
I wish that I could think of a better word that “bluff,” or a better analogy to compare current conditions to. However, the underlying issues continue to be that that, during the lifetime of those still alive today, weapons have become so many orders of magnitude more destructive than ever before in human history, that nothing makes sense.
All the firepower combined, of all the ammunition being used the Ukraine, would fit inside the firepower of one tactical nuclear weapon, with room to spare. Changing gears from using conventional weapons to nuclear weapons changes the frame of reference beyond recognition.
Given the threats against Russia, I find it understandable that Russia has played the weapons of mass destruction card in the only relatively rational way remaining, namely, as the ultimate deterrence, in order to allow an old-fashioned warfare to continue in the Ukraine.
I repeat that Russian Victory would require even more radical reassessment than the video above suggests.
In general, political events have been cruising on the autopilot of morbid social habits for decade after decade, while simultaneously becoming similarly more insane. Since the first generation to grow up with weapons collectively becoming trillions of times more destructive than ever before in human history is still alive today, and that generation has NOT changed the ways that it thinks, but rather continues to drift towards disasters, it is barely possible to imagine what the peripheral NATO countries are supposed to make of their defeat.
It is painfully obvious that “We the People” do not meaningfully control the governments of the core NATO countries. Rather, for the vast majority of those people, their ruling classes are far worse enemies than Russia, or even China, or whatever.
However, even all of that remains relatively superficial compared to the total package of the Empire Of Lies.
The video above suggests that more of the NATO countries would be forced by a Russian Victory to rethink through many presumptions. While that would indeed be the case, I would suggest that a Russian Victory would become most problematic due to it having depended upon being able to credibly threaten to change gears from relatively convention warfare towards unprecedented warfare.
Tragically, we have gone past the points where anything but external shocks are going to possibly wake people up out of their runaway nightmares. I agree that Russian Victory would be a significant external shock, which could require Europe to reconsider.
However, “we” mostly continue to live in a world where there is growing Grand Canyon Chasm between prodigious progress in physical science, without any matching progress in political science. During my lifetime, weapons have collectively become trillions of times more powerful, while the only corresponding changes have been that politics has become trillions of times stupider, due to the almost total failure to come to terms with that situation.
From my point of view, the most interesting aspect of the situation in the Ukraine has been the development of the Russian “bluff” which is NOT a “bluff,” that enabled weapons that are billions and trillions of times greater to fend off themselves, and so, allow conventional warfare to grind away.
Russian Victory would be much more than for their special military operation to prevail. It would also advance the collective criminal insanities which have grown up around the development of weapons of mass destruction, which somehow have been otherwise ignored and treated as if those do not exist.
The ruling classes in NATO countries depend upon being able to continue to enforce frauds, despite those becoming about exponentially more fraudulent. That situation, in turn, depends upon deliberately ignoring and misunderstanding the laws of nature as much as humanly possible.
That is the underlying situation that Europe should come to terms with in the face of Russian Victory. The triumphs of the Empire of Lies are many orders of magnitude greater than presented in the video above. Globalized Neolithic Civilization is many times more criminally insane than presumed in the context of videos such as the one above.
The return to reality driven by the physical grind of conventional warfare in the Ukraine continues to be no greater than coming to terms with the realities of the powers of destruction of the conventional weapons being used, except inasmuch as that is all allowed to happen because of the Russians “bluffing” with a full house of mass destruction weapons, within overwhelming Mutual Assured Destruction scenarios.
One can not understand NATO unless one recognizes that its core is the MAD Money As Debt system. Up until recently, it was NATO that used the MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction, threat to back up their “money.”
In my view, the most important consequence of peripheral NATO countries, or even core NATO countries, coming terms with Russian Victory entail coming to terms with the successfulness of Russia playing through the threat of Mutual Assured Destruction.
Overall, Russian Victory inside that context would mean that the biggest gangsters, the international banksters, would be losing control over the combined money/murder systems, which they had previously been able to almost completely dominate for generation after generation.
Russian Victory would indeed send shock waves through Europe. However, there are no good reasons to believe that enough people would change the ways that they think enough to comprehend what was happening, namely that an economy based on being able to enforce frauds had reached some real limits, due to Russian Victory, through conventional war, effectively backed up by the threat of extremely unprecedented war.
At the present time, the only ways that Russia could be defeated would require some collective annihilation of civilization. Short of that, Russian Victory in the Ukraine would become the cherry on the cake that has been baked for several Centuries, whereby the entire political economy became more and more based upon being able to continue to enforce frauds, despite that requiring an about exponentially increasing fraudulence.
In my opinion, the video above was probably right, within its own frame of reference. However, the overall situation is many orders of magnitude worse than any of “us” are able to fully imagine at the present time.
Progress in physical science has enabled various technologies to become awesomely improved. Many things became cheaper and better. However, at the same time, political science went backwards, whereby things became more expensive and much stupider.
Every day, progress in physical science gets further and further away from political science, which, so far, is NOT really progressing, but rather, going backwards, faster and faster …
A longley way of saying knowledge is power? The masses do not know who rules them, so they have no power. The masses have been indoctrinated into submission, look at some middle school exams from the late 19th century and compare it to todays university tests – people in the west graduate from uni and caint spell, caint write proper and have trouble readin – sure caint think, so no sudden penny drop coming. Those that see, already see, those that dont are intelectually blind and will never see, there will be no pulling back the wool from their eyes. Those Khinzal rockets hit with the power of a nuke, so they are in effect mininukes. Current sixth generation nukes can be dialed up and down in explosive force, and can be quite clean, as seen in Beirut a while ago, or 911 now 21 years ago, so you can rest easy on that point, no mutual destruction on the cards, that is just theatre. It looks as though there are 3 camps of masters, but maybe that is also just shadowplay, maybe there is only one, putting on a show to push us into a new box. Time will tell, but the prediction of a shithouse winter in Eu looks like being on the money. Keep well Eric.
Indeed, “a longley way of saying knowledge is power.”
The crucial difference which I emphasize is that physical power has an inherent reality, while the power of lies is much more problematic. One can regard it like the difference between old-fashioned money, which was metal coins to pay mercenaries, compared to the current money-as-debt, which has no inherent value (other than the history of having been backed up by force, through the taxation systems, at home, and other means abroad.
Social pyramid systems based on physical violence are becoming more and more divorced from the systems of enforced frauds. Sure those frauds are still somewhat enforced with physical violence. However, those frauds were mostly able to cruise on autopilot of multigenerational social habits establishing abilities to drive about exponentially increasing fraudulence.
Globalized systems of electronic monkey money, backed by threats of force from apes with atomic weapons, are the manifestations of the rise of knowledge over power, in ways which have become runaway criminal insanities, due to the growing distance between physical facts versus fraudulent accounting systems.
Thanks. Interessting thinking.
Getting rid of these current crop of EUrodent imbeciles from power won’t be enough. These people will have to be prevented from having any authority whatsoever in the future. There will have to be detentions, trials, and arrests. If this doesn’t happen, those neo-liberal bastards will keep on popping up and causing problems.
I’m very sorry guys, but once again today I disagree with Gonzalo. This time even stronger than in the case of his previous video. Obviously he has not the slightest idea that the countries he mentions (Germany, Italy) are US occupied territories. They are not only simply countries with US bases in them but they are also command centres and something like air carriers. They give the backbone of US oversea military infrastructure. They are the “hinterland”. Largest command centres, largest bases, largest airbases, largest hospitals, largest communication nodes outside of the USA. Without them the US wouldn’t be able to fight wars anywhere in the world. In addition these countries host a part of the US nuclear arsenal. Do you really believe the US would simply give them up?!
They gave up Afghanistan. We know that. So why not Germanistan and Italistan once they’ve served their purpose?
Last I heard they have 1500 soldiers in Afghanistan, and remember that Al Quaida and ISIS are both CIA creatures, so how have they given it up exactly? Remember the last election was rigged using Italian satelites and German datacentres. The occupation is deep and not about to end. Same in Japan and Korea.
You are correct that the USA is going to be very forceful about the potential loss of its European territories, and you correctly detail the extent of US infrastructure in those territories. However, is the US empire willing to trade NYC for Berlin? Or are Germans willing to let Russia rearrange stones in Berlin so that the USA might be able to stay? Russia has escalation dominance over the USA in all theaters, but especially in the European theater, due to its much more advanced standoff weapons. If Russia uses those weapons, not only will the USA lose Europe, but it will also lose Japan, Korea, UK, and Latin America. It’s smarter for the USA to make an accommodation with Russia now with the hopes of later dividing Russia/EU from China. Without Russian assistance, China cannot defeat the USA in the Pacific without starving itself to death.
Depends on US households paying European prices for energy to keep corporations from exporting to Europe. Americans will start paying for their empire in higher food and energy costs since they failed to pay taxes and ran deficits and $30 trillion in debt
Sorry Gonzalo – the big decision in Europe happened already.
You are right – US has tried to split Russia and rich EU. The real game is US trading block vs China trading block.
And the Europeans were hoping to play both sides of that split. They can’t (they never could), but Ukraine has forced the issue and Europe is stuck permanently with US.
On the other hand this is a big red flag for the rest of the world – Brazil, India, Pakistan, even Saudi!!!! pretty much all but Japan & S Korea is moving towards China. It has been a failure for US everywhere except Europe.
(btw Johnson is not an imbecile – gets a lot wrong and not very likeable – but if you think he – ditto Trump – is an imbecile you have just got it wrong).
I think you are overthinking stuff.
You should use the term “China-led” Eurasian axis–China is incapably of dominating by itself.
The reality is that Europe offers nothing of value to the rest of the world anymore–it has no resources, its military equipment is second-rate, none of its products are especially unique or even superior, and even many of its universities are totally woke with failing standards. The U.S. at least has some natural resources and technology centers, but it, too, has greatly diminished value. Unfortunately for the west, its specialty of invading and toppling nations is not a very viable export item these days.
In terms of political nous, Johnson is a blithering imbecile. A City of London puppet.
Such is the vacuum/dearth of cognitive dissonance in British politics that an opportunistic ambitious lightweight (metaphorically speaking, physically he’s a tub of lard ) like Johnson was able to run on an anti EU ticket.
Only the MSM keeps him afloat and they could destroy him next day, pending their master’s instruction.
Americans believe they became “independent” after “the American Revolution”, that they “won WWII”, that they “ruled the world” after WWII, that CIA or some nutcase killed JFK because he did not approve the “American war” on Communism. Then that Obama is “born American”, that CIA is “American”, that Zuckerberg is an a good “American name” and so on …
Video makes complete sense. Nothing radical, nothing wild. Just plain common sense. But… I have to ask why did this not dawn on the Europeans much earlier? Perhaps that is for another video…
Writing from Italy here. The country is boiling. You hear everywhere in the cafes, bar, restaurants: Washington is our problem. People is discussing how to get rid of the occupiers, you see no ukrainian flags on the balconies, and Putin is seen like a role model, and a wise politician from i guess at least half of the population. But really, our first problem is that we’re full of american nukes. And the political spectrum, is 100% guided by the US embassy in Rome. So, no easy way out unfortunately.
USA is not going to detonate those nukes in Italia, because Russia will retaliate against NYC.
Russia has a knife at the USA’s throat because Russia has much more advanced standoff weapons than the USA.
Remeber la Brigada Rossa, Aldo Moro, Bologna railway station, Operation Gladio, jets cutting cablecar wires, and how the Cia with the Commora, Ndrangheta, P2 and P3 Masonic lodges, et al. decimated the Russia leaning polititians, It aint no easier today. Viz. Estreilla
Its the same all over Europe, Scandinavia too.
PM Oluf Palme decimated/Sweden, Norway/Anders Breivik massmurder, Germany Bader/Meinhoff terror, IRA in UK, Rammstein base in Germany, Nato Headquarter in Belgium, m.m.
European vassalage to the USA is contingent on two things – that the USA can secure for Europe the flows of energy it needs, and that the USA’s security umbrella is credible to deter the Russians.
Russia post-1989 has played a very deft strategy (in bed with the Germans of course) to economically integrate Russia and Europe both through pipelines and through cross-border investment. For the Europeans, access to Russian resources and Russian market has been the key to Europe’s post-1989 economic success. The idea that Europe is going to throw this all away because the USA tells them to is not credible, unless of course the USA can reliably threaten Europe’s energy supplies and its security…but the opposite is true, Russia is able to supply Europe’s energy and Russia is able to deter the USA. The Russian security umbrella is about to be extended over Europe, while the US umbrella will be retracted.
The USA has tried for 30 years now to stop this Russia-EU integration, most notably by trying to create non-Russia gaz pipelines to Europe. Nabucco, TANAP, TransCaspian, Qatar-Turkey, etc. How many of them were actually created? Russia literally has a lock on Siberian, Caspian, and Persian Gulf gaz.
Russia knows very well how to play the Eurasian game – use energy resources to built most advanced standoff weapons, acquire control more energy flows, build even more advanced standoff weapons to protect those resources. Let the energy-starved regions manufacture whatever widgets Russia needs – this is the same model the USA used post-1945 when it controlled the seaborne oil flows from the Persian Gulf to the axial ends of Eurasia. Russia just did it with pipelines instead of a navy.
As Russia removes the USA from Europe (Germany is paying for this btw), the vile American culture will also be removed, and finally European culture will be able to flourish again. We will see some incredible changes in Europe in the near future, perhaps even the end of multiparty democracy, and most certainly the end of the state religion of holocaustianity.
Good to begin the morning after discussion.
Imo we will see a separate ‘Nuevo-russia’ allied with but separate from Russia, consisting of the 9 oblasts that lean/ speak Russian, and anchored by Kharkiv and Odessa, with latter the capital. Ukr gets passage thru Odessa for exports, imports scrutinized. Russia will want to control but not occupy the west… if poles invade they will regret it, long range missiles plus even Nazis don’t want them.
Re after… I would have said, Russia would simply tell eu we are willing to trade, but if we can’t buy what we want from u there’s no trade, so then u can’t buy what u want from us.’ This means either end all sanctions or buy from somebody else. (Eu has deficit with Russia, so purchases anyway would be reduced.)
And this in turn would shift eu away from the us in a major way… eu would be ignoring us sanctions. What could us do? Sanction eu? Us doesn’t export much that’s critical. Take their nato ball and go home? Us wants to stay…
Nato is another issue. Granted, it’s long past it’s sell-by date. Does eu public think it’s needed to keep Russia at bay? Maybe seeing nato helpless without nukes sways minds? And how desperate would they be this winter without oil gas? Maybe a partial retreat, removing nato from border countries? Poland not a front country but quite rabid, unlikely to agree. Change to majority vote?
Imo the brexit divorce from eu facilitates eu shifting towards the east. Brits dna would never agree to split from us, and now eu is free of that entanglement.
At any rate, I agree current leaders are unable to shift. Macron and draghi are neolib bankers installed by banks, they have to go. stohl too. Imo Macron was brought in more bc the melanchon threat than Le pen, remember us bankers preferred trump to Bernie. One problem is that macron has a new 5 yr term.
Us 2024 election unlikely to offer anybody competent, maybe not even sane. Biden, Kamala, buttigieg? All demonstrably incompetent. Granted, dems have long favored loyalty to donors over competence. Otoh we have trump or selected by god pence? Seems we’re f’d.
Anyone familiar with the bureaucracy of the EU and the US state department knows that you will NEVER run out of imbeciles.
Once you allow/invite the Americans into your home it’s nearly impossible to rid yourself of them. Putin managed to evict them causing all sorts of psychological issues. That’s why they love VVP, lol.
You’re either with us or against us said Bush, BankCorp & the CIA Deep State. Russia says, I don’t care which clubs you join, become a member of, just respect Russia.
They made their beds, so let them eat shit. If the peons wish to vote in imbeciles then let them stew in their own piss.
Europe had sanctioned itself.
Electricity, gas, fuel, food, coal, fertilizer, construction materials, housing prices had gone up drastically, and going up steadily.
There’d be much less food production this summer.
Come winter, or in just 5 months, the heating problem would begin.
The future looks pretty bleak!
When France, Germany, Italy and eventually UK beg Russia for a negotiation, asking food, energy and resources. Russia will be in a strong position to ask for de-nazification in these country and the whole of Europe.
Here is my take on the lunacy of Europe and cutting off Russian energy. This goes on until the blow back really starts to hurt Europe, meanwhile Russia, that is not hurting much from the embargo sanctions, is happy to sell its oil East. What is not being discussed is that those sales involve contracts with other countries that REPLACE the energy that formerly was delivered by similar contracts to Europe. So when (IF?) European countries decide enough is enough, they may find that the Russian train has left the station and that oil is no longer available. This has happened time and time again when the West sanctions Russia, and Russia’s response has been to produce its own products instead of getting those products from trade. Russia has become stronger and self-sufficient. So while Washington tries to extend and prolong the war, the blowback results will become even more serious. The pundits seem oblivious to this – as does European leadership.
I penned something similar a few weeks back on another thread. Scarce resources, old EU contracts never to return. Jorge covered the topic thoroughly over the last few weeks.
I wanted Russia to cut the umbilical today and ask Germany/EU to get back to them when the SMO is complete, declaring force majeure.
Starve the beast, like they starved the Nazis in Mariupol.
The skeleton in the closet is 9/11.
True. 911 was done by “Washington” – also known as Israel, Neocons, the CFR and the US State Dept, and the CIA. Weren’t these the same people that assassinated our president and installed our first Jewish President Johnson? Started a war in Vietnam that military rednecks in USA could care less about.
Israel did not exist during WWI and WWII, and the world have not changed much since then
I think you seriously underestimate the stupidity and self-destructive/suicidal intentions of the Marxist political elite that is in power in the EUSSR.
When I (Belgian living in Luxemburg, fluent in French, German, English) see/read interviews with EU politicians, then they *want* the destruction of our wealth and culture.
IMHO the EU/Western/NATO political elites are people are brainwashed by a combination of Das Kapital and Mein Kampf, blended with the ideology of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and using Mao’s Cultural Revolution as a template. Similar to the crazy ideas of Pol Pot who wanted to return to the Year Zero, these EU fanatics want the *total* destruction of the European culture, identity and wealth so they can start with a clean slate to build their green-inclusive-diverse-LGBTQ-vaccinated-eco-friendly-you-own-nothing-and-will-be-happy Utopia.
Our EU (+ US, UK, AUS, NZ) politicians are the “Little Schwabowski Urban Achievers” (™ © ®) and useful idiots for the WEF, while at the same time the WEF are probably the useful idiots for the CCP.
Lol. ISWYDT. Mind if I do a J? For those who don’t know, The Big Lebowski. While Russia achieves de-nazification, Europe will achieve de-gazification.
I can’t recommend the Oliver Stone interviews of the Russian President enough.
It was only a matter of time before the whole thing blew. Europe demanding US protection (NATO) while filling Russia’s coffers. I suppose that is what the phrase the razor’s edge implies. Looks like the EU fell of the razor , pushed by none other than the US , UK , and Canada . Ukraine was the anglosphere’s insurance policy against Eur- Asia integration. Nord stream 2 was the US redline as much as Ukraine was Russia’s. The US has already won its objective of driving a wedge between Russia and most of the EU. The Russia are well on their way to winning their objectives. The Ukrainians have being played big time and by the time they figure it they may have no country left.
The US really has no skin in this game. Seriously the US will gladly fight the Russians to the last European if necessary.
So what’s makes Finland and Sweden so keen to join in the fray?
Good commentary.
Europe turning away from the US is going to be difficult. The US has been balls-deep in Europe since WWII.
I am an American and I think the USA funding this in Europe maybe be ending. Putin and Russia plus Biden destroyed the petroDollar. The USA ability to keep printing dollars may be ending.
Putin created the petro-gas-gold backed ruble. This may also mean the end of euro and European central bank’s ability to print euros. October is start of winter as Gonzalo pointed out. This is just over 3 months away. Food shortages coming a lot sooner.
Poland has a tumor called Brzezinski. Hopefully no metastasis 404
His father was the cancer…
By the way, most Polish MSM is slowly mentioning the high prices of fuel etc are because of buying from outsiders from faraway countries. Sort of (still) blaming Russia for stopping the gas flow, forgetting that they themselves were fighting for full embargo of everything from Russia. 😋
Poles were (Polish–Muscovite War,1609–1618) the only ones who managed to conquer Moscow and stay there for several years. (Schiller’s Demetrius drama). Possibly their political élite may be stupid nowadays (and often in history and will lead Poland to an adventurous and disastrous policy.
I am very sad that Poland, unlike Orban’s Hungary, is not able to free itself from historically developed Russophobia. (By Esperanto I have many Russian and Polish friends).
Poland has Russophobia because the USA has been stoking that sentiment since 1945. Poland is a critical component of the USA’s cordon sanitaire strategy to physically separate Germany and Russia, thereby controlling the pipelines between the two, and to keep a nuclear missile knife at Russia’s throat so that Russia could not extent its security umbrella over Germany. Unfortunately for the USA, it stepped into a trap with Ukraine and is now about to lose its entire European vassal empire.
Russian phobia exists long before, centuries in some cases, since the soul of nations was captured by that heresy called “Vatican” (self-styled “Roman Catholic Apostolic Church”), who fight tirelessly, for a thousand years now, against the Orthodox Church, direct heir to the apostolic tradition.
Observe the behavior of the nations, towards Russia and the Slavs, in general, before and after being captured by the Vatican forces…
The Venetians and the Anglo-Saxons are the armed and financial arm of the Vatican (In fact, they directly influence the appointment of the popes, and when he deviates from the path and “pretends” to be Christian, he is eliminated)
This is the thesis of the swiss writer Guy Mettan. Russophobia is the political theology of the west. The origin of this unique phenomenon (after all Russophobia (or Serbophobia because Serbs are considered the Russians of the Balkans) doesn’t exist in Asia, in the Middle East, in Africa, not even in South America. Russophobia is a european phenomenon directly tied to Rome schism from 1054.
Poland is still dreaming of the good old Polish Empire (Map) http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/uploads/monthly_2019_11/1555089223_Screenshot(40).png.f0a89d0f48112fc725189bf66ee376aa.png . Poland with nukes could easily take over Russia in a 14 days blitz krieg (sarc).
Mi estas ankaû Esperantisto! Salutojn el Novzelando
Wishful thinking, unfortunately. I left USA in horror over the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I wound up in Germany, although it was clear that Schröder’s and Fischer’s opposition to the invasion was a poor imitation of Chirac’s and de Villepin’s. I didn’t expect to hear so much cowboy music on the German classical radio channels. And I found almost universal, in Western Germany, the description of the 1945 Americans as liberators, rather than as conquerors. Of course, whoever was liberated in 1945 Germany was not a Nazi, not responsible for anything. German guilt is intertwined with USA salvation. The huge USA embassy in the center of Berlin oversees the Holocaust Memorial. Two generations of protestors have failed to dislodge the US Air Force from Ramstein. The ease with which Biden hustled shapeless Scholz into form was foregone.
Germany can’t countenance that the Nazis of Ukraine are a continuation of the Third Reich. USA can’t countenance that that horrorshow was kept alive by the CIA beginning soon after WW-II. Germany and USA are doomed to protect each other’s sick souls by standing up for Ukraine. Germany and USA won’t/can’t split over Ukraine, regardless of next winter’s weather.
The Berlin Deutsches Historisches Museum (History of the Germanic People) section about WWII seems to have been curated by the US Empire. I was quite shocked that there was no deviation from the US Imperial narrative. That’s how tight the US has a grip on Germany.
I have come to the conclusion that Germany will be freed from the US Empire by a color revolution. Yes a color revolution similar to the Arab Spring revolutions – one sparked by food and energy shortages as the masses realize that without Russian gaz, Germany ceases to exist. The Warsaw Pact countries in the 1980s were freed by breadline-induced color revolutions, and the same will happen to the NATO Pact countries in the 2020s. When you think about it, perhaps Russia and Germany planned this out long ago.
The problem is there is very few, sovereign European countries.
The Empire has such a Totalitarian grip on most, that resistance is futile.
Only the miracle of the internal Revolution can save the day.
I have this before on this site. The peoples of Europe must rise up on their own. Their leaders are in chains.
It’s being reported that this disturbing comment was recently made:
“In a TV interview with Al Jazeera Television, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, said “This is not a forecast, but what’s already in play. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are galloping ahead, and we can only look towards God.”
Nothing disturbing about it…..God guides the Russian hand. I suspect the Horsemen will receive a ‘head in the bed moment’ in the not to distant future.
Cheers M
It is eupherism for end-of-the-world.
The EU wants the disaster and chaos in order to serve the WEF idiots with their great reset idiocy. Hopefully the peoples of Europe will go full pitchfork. Heads must roll…
Time will tell how if Gonzalo’s geopolitical prognostics are realised.
What is clear but missing is this.
The European Project is dead. It died long before the Russian SMO. The brexit debacle, the demise of the Euro currency, the ECB unable to prevent the financial destruction of all European countries, and the entire Eurodollar system is doomed. All this was predictable. The destruction is purposeful, because nothing will stop the currencies’ destruction so the pretext is an externality like Russia, sanctions, aliens, green agenda, a viral threat, anything that can be sold to the gullible public.
Because of the shortfall in oil production and energy that drives the debt-based Eurodollar/ USD reserve global system. This is well understood by those who have benefited from the continued existence of a monetary system where wealth is extracted from 99% for the 1%.
When the US Fed reverses QT and begins adding trillions to their balance sheet in another round of accelerated QE and debases the USD to destruction taking the Euro and Yen with it.
Very good that he changed his mind about “punting” Western Ukraine to Poland, etc. Who is going to run an SMO so that Poland ends up gaining Western Ukraine? (That could get him “deposed” all right.) He says now that the purpose was only to stimulate our thinking so what he “postulated” then didn’t really matter. Hope he understands how the big gaffe happened. Those gaffes can return in another form. If “the purpose of the video” are not the points in the videos other than when they are correct, that’s like the gaffe “enfleshed” (word learned here).
About Europe in the future, I have no idea what will happen.
Come to think of it, things may go back to normal too – to more business – and quickly. By October, maybe (so that’s why I have no idea!).
I wonder about the predictions in this video. I have no problem with Russia marching West to Moldova and then south to reabsorb Odessa. But why would Russia want to occupy the northwest of current Ukraine?
A new Novorossiya might be sufficient. Full control of the northern Black Sea coastline, less effort and destruction so less to rebuild and less loss of life.
What Europe, the WEF, want to destroy the society and remake it in their own image?
I am afraid there are no smart people in Europe that are waiting in the wings to take the people of the EU to paradise. The “leaders” Europe are eager, for whatever reason to drag the people of the EU to the pits of hell. Gonzo had too much coffee in his water this morning :) But we love him for sure!
Lira the Prophet. I do hope that they are smart enough too..especially cutting ties that bind to America.
Von der Leyen is unable to make peace with Russia. The disaster will be horrendous and she’ll accuse everybody without taking any responsibility for this mess. I’m expecting her crying against Putin’s stooges and explaining her failure to Russian interference the way Hillary cried. Corruption, lies, double crossing, hypocrisy are never considered as a factor. I heard Laurent Attal admitting that France was sending weapons to Ukraine since 2014 while France was supposedly implementing the Minsk I and II. I heard Macron mad at Australia for reneging about being double crossed on submarines. He was submitted by Australia the treatment he gave Russia. I bet that is only one example of what’s happening in the Western world.
Sadly funny that Lebanon, in a way, is going to be better off than Europe under the guidance of Von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz, Draghi, Johnson and the most important one, the collective called “Biden”, aka the people controlling the teleprompter.
These people are losing their power, knowing their are, clinging hard on it and trying to lie their way out of their demise.
Look at Lebanon now. It appears to me as the future of Europe.
Rothschilds own the $US AND the EURO !
This is war by Russia and China on the Rothschilds criminal banking system !
BRI and BRICS are the ‘tools’ they will use to destroy the Rothschilds !
Already under way incase you haven’t noticed
A comment on the depth of feeling in Russia today against the pro-western elites in Russia:
Zakhar Prilepin: Yavlinsky left, they write.
I remembered once again one simple and common thing for our generation:
because these people were in power.
In 1991 they took power and used it.
These people were the executive and legislative power, these people owned all the media, they were lobbyists for any decisions, masters of the situation.
Others have gone the distance – from Gusinsky and Kozyrev, who have long since left the country, to Nemtsov. But many only now, or in recent times, have made the final choice by speaking it out loud. Do you know their names:
Koch, Nevzlin, Aven. Burbulis. Yumashev and the “family” in general. Of course, Khodorkovsky and now Yavlinsky. Well, all the other names –
after all, it was they who ruled Russia, and claimed that they were the best choice “for this people.” Well, these are all ministers, heads of parties, senators, top managers. Young reformers of perfect tailoring.
They managed to rebuild for themselves and buy up the “cultural elite” in Russia. And now we have this elite, and we marvel at it.
But they did not rebuild the people. They were lazy, maybe, or disdained to do it. They hoped that the Sharikovs would die out and everything would be fine. But the wrong people got caught by them, and ruined everything.
They started their careers fighting against the Soviet Union, the Dzerzhinsky monument and the “legacy of Stalinism” – and moved on to rejecting any bonds, any form of national pride – from the Immortal Regiment to the Russian army, as such.
And suddenly it became clear that all this time they hated Russia.
This is a simple, but absolutely terrible thought: in Russia 33 years ago, people came to power who wished her physical death.
No, of course they will say that they wanted a “free Russia”. But it all turned out to be sheer demagoguery.
If in any war you are rooting against Russia, then your “free Russia” is abandoned Russian cities, Russian soldiers killed, capitulation, lowered colors, CIA advisers in every cabinet, “Russia has no national interests” and “Russians must repent “.
It’s good that you left.
Too bad you ate the brains of millions of people.
And the worst thing is that today, correcting your terrible and shameful deeds, the best Russian peasants are dying. https://t.me/zakharprilepin/11276
Захар Прилепин
On a related item. I remember a Russian TV commenter did a program during the maidan in Kiev. He make a lot of good points on how it came about. And what Russia would do if Ukraine was seen as aligning with NATO against Russia. He was point on on everything. But one other point he made has stuck with me the most. He said ,”make no mistake brothers.When the Ukrainian nationalists tear down statues of Lenin. It’s not Lenin they are attacking.They see that as attacking Russians”.
Leaders in the US and NATO can think this thru as Mr. Lira has, or they merely listen to him and be persuaded. In either case, the “ergo” for them is that Russia must not win. For Russia, Russia must win this war, and for US/NATO, Russia must lose. Ergo, this war will escalate to nuclear weapons. This is not good.
Lira’s right that sometime soon, after the Russian victory, the Europeans will move further away from the US, and that Russia is integral to Europe. But that’s really just another way of saying that once the Soviet Union collapsed, Nato became irrelevant. Soon that will become obvious in a much bigger way. The big surprise about the outcome of this war won’t be that Russia gains some territory, or that Ukraine is neutralized, but that Nato is done for. If Europeans feel there is no military threat from Moscow the American military presence in Europe will finally be over after 80 plus years.
The only problem is that Gonzalo is assuming that European elites are subordinate to and being held hostage by American elites, rather than the other way around, which IMO is more likely to be the case (viz., the Davos/WEF, the Bilderberg Group, the R*thsch*lds, etc.)
JFK’s Americanism was not a accepted. Since then US has not been deciding themselves
For the European countries to break with Washington is, indeed, very plausible. What is also plausible, and even likely, is that America will break with Washington by throwing out those who have controlled America’s foreign policy since the Cold War (was supposed to have) ended.
Remember Trump and ‘America First’? Trump (whom I did not vote for) criticized NATO and was removed from office in a questionable election. He was impeached the first time for advising Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. He was impeached the second time (after being falsely accused of encouraging an insurrection against Congress) in order to prevent his running for another term. In both cases, the impeachments failed ONLY because of Trump’s support among rank-and-file Republicans. Many Republicans in Congress actually despise Trump but dared not incur the political wrath of their constituents.
Yes, Europe is due for severe economic problems and was so even before the sanctions. Ditto for the US, although our economy is far more resilient than any in Europe. But the economy, ‘wokeness’ extremes, a demented President, corruption in the defense and health care industries, are coming together here to form a perfect storm in the November elections. Add in the Ukraine fiasco and Americans are going to fed up with Europe and with the Washington crowd that supports Europe, maybe including the UK if it doesn’t get rid of Boris.
I am okay with Trump, but he never focused on so much as even trying to change the Washington establishment. And the Republican establishment? Less crazy policies then we have now, but they are mostly a fake opposition. Unfortunately we are largely stuck with the government we have for the foreseeable future.
Trump had 4 years and wasted them.
A Shabbat Goy he worked day and night for Israel not USA.
He sent lethal arms to Ukraine.
He murdered Soleimani even though he was on a US-instigated peace progress in civilian clothes to respond to Saudi overtures at a meeting in Baghdad brokered by Iraq
Trump tore up treaties and showed absolute disregard for long-term stability in a dangerous world.
I think it is important Mitch McConnell worked against Trump, and that 2020 election was stolen. Trump was legit president, while Mitch McConnell and Biden are selected by the elite.
On surface DEM are Obama + Media + Open Society + Antifa + US Left + Big Tech (all nazis) working together.
“I think it is important Mitch McConnell worked against Trump, and that 2020 election was stolen.”
Correct. And, remember that it is Congress – not the president – that has the power to tax, borrow and SPEND. Congress funds the National Security Council. The Senate approves Ambassadorial and Cabinet appointments. The president has very little power without support in Congress, especially the Senate.
Secretary of Defense, Mattis, resigned when Trump wanted to take troops out of Syria and he had to appoint an acting Defense Sec to replace Mattis. Only his last National Security Adviser, Doug MacGregor had a brain and he came in as Trump was about to leave office.
We really don’t know what kind of president Trump would have been had he had more support in Congress which, along with MSM, despised him.
“[Trump] murdered Soleimani…”
Soleimani may actually have been a rogue hit. The day after the hit, NSC anti-Iran hawk, Richard Goldstein, resigned for ‘personal reasons’. Trump worked with Khameini through a Swiss back channel to mitigate Iran’s retaliation to a face-saving one that didn’t kill any US soldiers.
Yes, Trump claimed he ordered the hit and bragged about it. However, a president cannot be seen as not being in charge of a huge war machine and nuclear arsenal. And a good boss takes responsibility for his underlings.
Recent Lavrov interview with Serbian press
“We are learning from all of this. Never again should we rely on these people [NATO nations]. That doesn’t mean we won’t talk to them at all. When they get ‘crazy,’ we’ll see what they tell us. In no case, from now on and forever, should we allow any critical spheres of life of our state, the lives of our people to depend on investments and technologies from Western countries.”
Seems like Russia fully intends to move on. Russia’s future lies to the East… a new multi-polar BRICS world… while the EU shrivels to insignificance, dragged into a New Dark Age tethered to the FORMER Uni-Polar Hyperpower.
WWI was started by Europa. President Wilson was blackmailed. WWII was started by Europa. Pearl Habor was by design.
WWIII will be started by US? My bet is Europa, as a continuation of WWI and WWII.
Castro was European elite. Justin Trudeau is European elite.
Both the US dollar system and the Euro are threatened by the ongoing SMO. No more payment for cheap oil and gas in worthless currencies due to their schoolboy error of seizing Russia foreign assets/reserves and hence both the US and EU are trying desperately to save their financial system from serious foundational fractural problems. The EU right now will desperately ride along with the US because they have no other choice until the sh** hit the fan in coming winter. Winter is coming !
Gonzalo points out that the rubber will meet the road in Europe in October, start of winter. October is not that far away as we are almost in the second week of June. Great analysis.
As he pointed out these corrupt disgusting leaders are all WEF people who pushed vaxxes, lockdowns and other tyranny. Time to start building guillotines.
Close your eyes, click your heels together three times, and say…
I dunno where you live, if that even matters to begin with, but what is Putin’s opinion on an impoverished, enslaved neighbor on his country’s western border and how it affects Russian interests?
Gonzalo makes some interesting points. I hope that he is right.
However, the world would have to turn upside down (again) before Europe trends towards sovereignty. I just cannot see spineless Europe gravitating towards Russia even if Europe needs Russia for its own survival.
Previous World Wars lasted many years, such is the western empires thirst for greed and lust for Russia’s vast resources. I feel that chaos is exactly what the empire wants in order to save itself. I truly hope that I am wrong.
Actually, the main trend in Europe is panic among elites. Russia is about to win the war and to win in economic war (confirmation by the Guardian). Erdogan is conscious of this panic, and the pope is to. The pope is crying : “peace, peace, négociations”, “war is inadmissible”. Were was he when his clerical fanatics killed the people from Donbass during an eight years war?
The US are trying to save their “leadership” and Blinky declares that it wasn’t the goal of the US to “cancel” Russia and that the US are “friends” of the russian people, but not of the president they have unanimously elected.
The present situation is simple : Europeans are conscious that they are the loosers of the economic war. US are affraid of the impact of Russian victory in Ukraine on their “leadership”. Russia is everyday more condifent in herself and her agenda for the future world order.
That is nice to hear, but by listening to this, it seems to me GL does not realize the degree of control the US have on EU policies,and amongst the leaders of EU countries (that are raised and picked from childhood to become what they are, by the way)… This cast already choose economical suicide for us, and will continue.
And EU populations are widely and happily supporting this. Don’t forget that our media have repeated over and over that the russian do eat babies dipped in fresh blood for breakfast for many long years now (20+). And most of “normal” people in the EU just believe it.
I know what I’m talking about, I live in France, and when you speak with regular folks there, you realize how much the most stupid, senseless propaganda is actually effective on the long run. No one thinks anymore here, they just repeat whatever lies TV spreads. And it doesn’t have to make sense. Welcome to Zombieland.
Point is, our “leaders” will keep on doing what they do, and remain loyal to Washington whatever happens. I mean it. If allying ourselves with jihadists, then with neonazis can’t get you to understand that, I don’t know what can.
And our populations are already beyond any hope of understanding what happens, because they are not even trying. So whatever calamities fall on european countries (hunger, misery, inflation) politicians just have to blame it on Russia, and it will work. Do not expect any change of attitude from EU leaders or EU populations. End of story.
– the degree of control the US have on EU policies,and amongst the leaders of EU countries
You are talking about a dementia patient + a trans not knowing whether Ukraine is NATO member or not.
Or who are you talking about?
Europe can’t break with US. They need protection. Europe will work out agreement to buy Russian energy from India.
Sooo… if the Ukis have got missiles and enriched Uranium… and the will fire it into Russia and/or DPR/LPR?
The west says ‘well it wasn’t us’! It was that madman in Kiev… except that Vlad and Dmitry have said that they will punish whoever supplied the missiles.
We’ll have full nuclear war and the west has ‘plausible deniability’ for the history books? 🤷♂️
Good, clear logic.
However, the idea that DE, IT, FR will simply ‘break with the US’ is a bit fanciful .
Give credit to you opponent, else you will suffer an unpleasant surprise.
The US decision makers will have game-planned this scenario…and have counters in place.
The US is such a big market any threat of sanction on these Industrialists will keep them in the fold.
I see the only mechanism of breaking the link as coming from below, en masse.
The people will rise.
The Industrialists & the powerful will feign effort to suppress but not too much; as long as they can keep their benefits they’ll go along with it.
This will not happen in the next 5 minutes, obviously; there is not yet enough pain for a violent reaction.
But not too long now.
What you think?
While the US may be a big market at present, things are going south here fast. The economic situation is getting progressively worse. The US doesn’t produce much that the world needs. Most of our medications come from China, along with a lot of other things. There may come a time when those bases all over the world become a liability and the soldiers there could quite possibly become hostages. I wonder how the Mighty Wurlitzer will spin that.
Alastair Crooke, Al Mayadeen 5 Jun 2022
Russia-Ukraine conflit: an african perspective
Dmitry Medvedev’s post today, 6th June 2022. (machine translation)
Scary sixth pack
The European Commission has adopted the sixth package of sanctions to now certainly tear the Russian economy to shreds. But, apparently, the goal is not Russia, but the fire of the world revolution in the economy.
Only some people forgot that the revolution devours its children.
1. Phased oil embargo.
There is no way to immediately abandon our oil. Their own citizens and businesses can put up against the wall. Therefore, they decided to stretch the project for several months in order to find alternative sources of supply. Now Europeans will have to scour the world in search of raw materials of the same quality. In doing so, they will face a shortage of certain types of fuel, such as diesel, which is needed for trucks and agricultural equipment.
And they know that they still need to find “gray” schemes to get our raw materials, somehow pay for it, bypassing their own idiotic sanctions.
And this is despite the fact that truckers are already on strike in Italy, Poland and Hungary have blocked the entry of foreign cars, the bastard authorities in Warsaw have refused to supply raw materials to Ukraine at all and will now only sell them. It seems that the “club of the people’s war”, which will properly warm the European officials, has already been swung.
They tried to pack another pig in a bag – a ban on insurance of tankers with Russian oil in order to complicate deliveries to third countries.
Europe is not at all interested in how this measure will affect our partners. This problem can be solved – the issue of supply insurance can be closed at the expense of state guarantees within the framework of interstate agreements with third countries. Russia has always been a responsible and reliable partner, and it will remain so in the future.
2. Sanctions against the National Settlement Depository of Russia.
All for the sake of shouting loudly: “The goal has been achieved, there is a default in Russia.”
This is just another lie. We have never refused to pay.
Will you get what? Russia will not pay, Russia will not return, although we have all the possibilities for this. And the investment sector will be dealt a crushing blow. European imbeciles in their zeal have again shown how they consider their own citizens, their business as enemies no less than the Russians. As a result, no one will receive anything – neither here nor abroad. Investments have turned to dust.
3. Disconnection of Sberbank, Moscow Credit Bank and Rosselkhozbank from SWIFT.
Another attempt to “seriously” prick. Banks continue to operate normally, domestic transactions do not depend on SWIFT and are carried out in the standard mode.
Talented Europeans can continue in the same vein: introduce new, as they like to say now, 100,500th package of sanctions. Judging by how the restrictions work and where the economic situation in the EU is heading amid the ridiculous anti-Russian horror stories, something has gone wrong.
My comments; this is a very good opportunity to get rid of the so-called marine insurance mafia. State guarantee is much surer.
The European Union and the Euro
Carlos Cravalhas, 28 May 2022
There could be a complete disintegration of Europe due to hunger and energy shortages?
The ruling elite will roll out the goon squads with riot gear, tasers, tear gas, rubber bullets, less-the-lethal-(lethal)-weapons, and militarized hardware and unleash it on the peasants and the commoners. All the while scream for unending hatred toward Russia and ethnic Russians.
We haven’t seen ugly yet. Imagine Nazi Germany on steroids.
“Europe cannot survive without Russia”, and Russia cannot survive without the West – not a chance. Even the anti-imperialist Greanville Post admits it:
A good, bold analysis. He expects discussion so here goes.
His point about immigrants in the EU is solid. They are and will be an expensive powderkeg. I would add that Ukraine refugees will include a huge number of criminals running loose – and people desperate, traumatized by war. Good luck with all that.
I don’t think Russia needs to seize all of Ukraine if they land lock a rump Ukraine. There is too much trouble in dominating a hostile population. Taking Odessa will give them huge leverage over what’s left of Ukraine.
There could be a defect in the view that EU is simply under the thumb of the US. They went above and beyond US sanctions madness – as Janet Yellen even observed. The craziness goes deeper than just bribes and blackmail by US. Still, winter will be interesting.
Nuclear weapons and 40 tons of plutonium in Zaparozhia
I watched a previous video by Gonzalo Lira. He does not fully understand the technical aspect, although he is spot on about the political signaling.
Mr. Grossi of the IAEA said in Davos something to the effect that there are 40 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of uranium-235 at the Zaparozhia nuclear power plant. Nothing in this information is secret or even new. None of this material should be “weapons grade” or usable in weapons.
A nuclear reactor operating at 1000 MW electric / 3000 MW thermal burns up about one ton of uranium-235 in a year. As the U-235 cannot be fully burnt, 40 tons might be enough to power the six reactor in Zaparozhia for one or two years.
Spent fuel rods cannot be immediately removed from the reactor site. Usually they are cooled in water tanks for a few years. We can assume that all the fuel rods from the last eight years are still in Zaparozhia.
Neutrons from the fission of uranium-235 turn some of the uranium-238 in the fuel into plutonium-239. Let’s assume that burning up one ton of uranium-235 produces one ton of plutonium-239. (Approximately three neutrons are released in the fission of uranium-235. One neutron is needed to maintain the chain reaction. One or two might end up creating plutonium.) In eight years the plant, operating at a 100% utilization rate, would burn up about 8 x 6 x 1 = 48 tons of uranium-235 producing about 48 tons of plutonium.
Unfortunately for weapons builders the plutonium from water-cooled nuclear power plants cannot be used for nuclear weapons. Additional neutrons from fission will turn plutonium-239 into plutonium-240, which will cause a plutonium bomb to fizzle. Weapons-grade plutonium has less than 7% of plutonium-240. To produce plutonium for weapons, fuel rods have to be changed often. In a water-cooled reactor this means opening the pressure vessel which may take several weeks. Graphite-cooled reactors, like the RBMK reactor used in Chernobyl are better for plutonium production, as fuel rods can be removed without shutting down the reactor.
what if…
After 2014 Ukraine stopped using Russian fuel rods from Rosatom and instead received American fuel rods from Westinghouse. There have been constant complaints that the Westinghouse rods are poor quality and not suited for the Soviet reactors. What if one of the Westinghouse rods developed a “leak” after three weeks of operation. The reactor would need to be shut down, the pressure vessel opened and the “leaky” rod removed. There might be tens of these “leaky” rods at the Zaparozhia site.
In a comment on May 4 PavewayIV suggested that the Zaparozhia plant might have been secretly producing tritium for some undeclared nuclear state.
When Russian took over the Zaparozhia nuclear power plant only two of the six reactors were operating. Afterwards Russians informed that they are only operating the two reactors with Rosatom fuel rods, while the four reactors with Westinghouse fuel rods were shut down. This may be the same state that existed before the takeover.
Why were the Westinghouse-fueled reactors shut down?
1) The Westinghouse fuel rods were crap and could never be operated reliably.
2) Ukrainians shut down the reactors in panic when the invasion began and tried to remove any evidence of weapons production.
3) Russia shut down the reactors because that were not sure of the safety of the Westinghouse rods.
4) Russia shut down the reactors because they want to extract evidence of weapons production.
5) Russia keeps the reactors shut down and is waiting for IAEA inspectors to arrive before they open up the reactors and extract the possible evidence of weapons production.
Whatever the case, Ukraine is actively blocking any IAEA inspection of the Zaparozhia nuclear power plant. They are still a sovereign state and the IAEA would need their approval to enter the site.
Lira has no idea of how corrupt the European political and business leaders are as well as how much they actually hate the people. The companies are going to be sold to US, top management cash in and do not care at all about the company’s going concern and even less about the people in the countries.