Dear new-to-this blog friends,
Why do I speak of “AngloZionists”? I got that question many times in the past, so I will make a separate post about it to (hopefully) explain this once and for all.
1) Anglo:
The USA in an Empire. With roughly 1000 overseas bases (depends on how you count), a undeniably messianic ideology, a bigger defense offense budget then the rest of the planet combined, 16+ spy agencies, the dollar as work currency there is no doubt that the US is a planetary Empire. Where did the US Empire come from? Again, that’s a no brainer – from the British Empire. Furthermore, the US Empire is really based on a select group of nations: the Echelon countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and, of course, the US. What do these countries have in common? They are the leftovers of the British Empire and they are all English speaking. Notice that France, Germany or Japan are not part of this elite even though they are arguably as important or more to the USA then, say, New Zealand and far more powerful. So the “Anglo” part is undeniable. And yet,
even though “Anglo” is an ethnic/linguistic/cultural category while “Zionist” is a political/ideological one, very rarely do I get an objection about speaking of “Anglos” or the “Anglosphere”.
2) Zionist
Let’s take the (hyper politically correct) Wikipedia definition of what the word “Zionism” means: it is “a nationalist movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel“. Apparently, no link to the US, the Ukraine or Timbuktu, right? But think again. Why would Jews – whether defined as a religion or an ethnicity – need a homeland anyway? Why can’t they just live wherever they are born, just like Buddhist (a religion) or the African Bushmen (ethnicity) who live in many different countries? The canonical answer is that Jews have been persecuted everywhere and that therefore they need their own homeland to serve as a safe haven in case of persecutions. Without going into the issue of why Jews were persecuted everywhere and, apparently, in all times, this rationale clearly implies if not the inevitability of more persecutions or, at the very least, a high risk thereof. Let’s accept that for demonstration sake and see what this, in turn, implies. First, that implies that Jews are inherently threatened by non-Jews who are all at least potential anti-Semites. The threat is so severe that a separate Gentile-free homeland must be created as the only, best and last way to protect Jews worldwide. This, in turn, implies that the continued existence of this homeland should become an vital and irreplaceable priority of all Jews worldwide lest a persecution suddenly breaks out and they have nowhere to go. Furthermore, until all Jews finally “move up” to Israel, they better be very, very careful as all the goyim around them could literally come down with a sudden case of genocidal anti-Semitism at any moment. Hence all the anti-anti-Semitic organizations a la ADL or UEJF, the Betar clubs, the network of sayanim, etc. In other words, far from being a local “dealing with Israel only” phenomenon, Zionism is a worldwide movement whose aim is to protect Jews from the apparently incurable anti-Semitism of the rest of the planet. As Israel Shahak correctly identified it, Zionism postulates that Jews should “think locally and act globally” and when given a choice of policies always ask THE crucial question: “But is it good for Jews?“. So far from being only focused on Israel, Zionism is really a global, planetary, ideology which unequivocally split up all of mankind into two groups (Jews and Gentiles), which assumes that the latter are all potential genocidal maniacs (which is racist) and believes that saving Jewish lives is qualitatively different and more important than saving Gentile lives (which is racist again). Anyone doubting the ferocity of this determination should either ask a Palestinian or study the holiday of Purim, or both. Even better, read Gilad Atzmon and look up his definition of what is brilliantly called “pre-traumatic stress disorder”
3) Anglo-Zionist
The British Empire and the early USA used to be pretty much wall to wall Anglo. Sure, Jews had a strong influence (in banking for example), but Zionism was a non-issue not only amongst non-Jews, but also amongst US Jews. Besides, religious Jews were often very hostile to the notion of a secular Israel while secular Jews did not really care about this quasi Biblical notion. WWII definitely gave a massive boost to the Zionist movement while, as Norman Finkelstein explained it, the topic of the “Holocaust” became central to Jewish discourse and identity only many years later. I won’t go into the history of the rise to power of Jews in the USA, but from roughly Ford to GW Bush’s Neocons it has been steady. And even though Obama initially pushed them out, they came right back in through the backdoor. Right now, the only question is whether US Jews have more power than US Anglos or the other way around. Before going any further, let me also immediately say that I am not talking about Jews or Anglos as a group, but I am referring to the top 1% within each of these groups. Furthermore, I don’t believe that the top 1% of Jews cares any more about Israel or the 99% of Jews than the top 1% of Anglos care about the USA or the Anglo people. So, here my thesis:
The US Empire is run by a 1% (or less) elite which can be called the “deep state” which is composed of two main groups: Anglos and Jews. These two groups are in many ways hostile to each other (just like the SS and SA or Trotskysts and Stalinists), but they share 1) a racist outlook on the rest of mankind 2) a messianic ideology 3) a phenomenal propensity for violence 4) an obsession with money and greed and its power to corrupt. So they work together almost all the time.
Now this might seem basic, but so many people miss it, that I will have to explicitly state it: to say that most US elites are Anglos or Jews does not mean that most Anglos or Jews are part of the US elites. That is a straw-man argument which deliberately ignores the non commutative property of my thesis to turn it into a racist statement which accuses most/all Anglos or Jews of some evil doing. So to be very clear:
When I speak of AngloZionist Empire I am referring to the predominant ideology of the 1%ers elites which for this Empire’s “deep state”.
By the way, there are non-Jewish Zionists (Biden, in his own words) and there are (plenty of) anti-Zionist Jews. Likewise, there are non-Anglo imperialists and there are (plenty of) anti-imperialists Anglos. To speak of “Nazi Germany” or “Soviet Russia” does in now way imply that all Germans were Nazis or all Russian s Communists. All this means it that the predominant ideology of these nations at that specific moment in time was National-Socialism and Marxism, that’s all.
My personal opinion now
First, I don’t believe that Jews are a race or an ethnicity. I always doubted that, but reading Shlomo Sand really convinced me. Jews are not defined by religion either (most/many are secular). Truly, Jews are a tribe. A group one can chose to join (Elizabeth Taylor) or leave (Gilad Atzmon). In other words, I see “Jewishness” as a culture, or ideology, or education or any other number of things, but not something rooted in biology. I fully agree with Atzmon when he says that Jews are racist, but not a race. Second, I don’t even believe that the concept of “race” has been properly defined and, hence, that it has any objective meaning. I therefore don’t differentiate between human beings on the basis of an undefined criterion. Third, since being Jew (or not) is a choice, one to belong, adhere and endorse a tribe (secular Jews) or a religion (Judaics). Any choice implies a judgment call and it therefore a legitimate target for scrutiny and criticism. Fourth, I believe that Zionism, even when secular, instrumentalizes the values, ideas, myths and ethos of rabbinical Judaism (aka “Talmudism” or “Phariseism”) and both are racist in their core value and assumptions. Fifth, both Zionism and Nazism are twin brothers born from the same ugly womb: 19th century European nationalism (Brecht was right, “’The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang”). Nazis and Zionists can hate each other to their hearts’ content, but they are still twins. Sixth, I reject any and all form of racism as a denial of our common humanity, a denial of the freedom of choice of each human being and – being an Orthodox Christian – as a grievous heresy. To me people who chose to identify themselves with, and as, Jews are not inherently different from any other human and they deserve no more and no less rights and protections than any other human being.
I will note here that while the vast majority of my readers of Anglos, they almost never complain about the “Anglo” part of my “AngloZionist” descriptor. The vast majority of objections focus on the “Zionist” part. You might want to think long and hard about why this is so and what it tells us about the kind of power Zionists have over the prevailing ideology. Could it be linked to the reason why the (openly racist and truly genocidal) Israeli Prime Minister gets more standing ovations in Congress (29) than the US President (25)?
Some objections:
Q: it makes you sound like a Nazi/redneck/racist/idiot/etc.
A: I don’t care. I don’t write this blog for brainwashed zombies.
Q: you turn people off.
A: if by speaking the truth and using correct descriptors I turn them off, then this blog is not for them.
Q: you can offend Jews.
A: only those who believe that their ideas cannot be challenged or criticized.
Q: but you will lose readers!!
A: this is not a popularity contest.
Q: your intentions might be good, but they are easily misinterpreted.
A: this is why I define my words very carefully and strictly.
Q: but why are you so stubborn about this?
A: because I am sick and tired of those in power hiding in the dark: let’s expose them and freely challenge them. How can you challenge something which is hidden?
Q: but I am a hasbarachnik and I need to get you to stop using that expression!!
A: give it up and find an easier target for your efforts. You will still get paid.
A: I have a much better term.
Q: Good! Use it on your blog then :-P
That’s it for now.
Actually no, there is one more thing, while I am at it:
Open message to those objecting to my use of the article ‘the’ in front of the word “Ukraine”: before lecturing others, learn Russian and learn a little something about the history of the Ukraine :-P
In conclusion, a plea: can we pretty please stop this nonsense now? There are far more important things to analyze and worry about than my use of this or that expression, word or description. If you don’t like it – great. Just consider that I am wrong (-: I often am, so I won’t take offense :-). Can we please stop pretending like Jews and Jewish related issues are The Most Important Thing In The Universe (TMITITU) and deal with the really important issues?
The Saker
PS: IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: you are more than welcome to comment discuss this topic all you want, but I have wasted enough of my time on this kind of nonsense. Not being a Jew myself, I don’t have to share in any ethnocentric notion of exceptionalism and self-aggrandizement and this is why I said that the topic of Jews and Jewish issues is not TMITITU, at least not for me. So I will not respond to comments to this post, sorry. Careful though – I still loathe racism in all its forms, including anti-Jewish racism (even if Jews are not a race!), so don’t bother posting long anti-Jewish rants as I will toss them all to /dev/null. Fact based, logical and otherwise substantive comments are, of course, not only welcome, but requested. Racist shit, pardon my French, is not.
I know about the Bis, but as long as they are not indebted to the Imf they obviously are free to go against the anglos. The latter wouldnt be in a haste to go to war and sanctions would they?
So you dont believe Jews are a race or ethnicity. I guess they have been doing such a great job faking it all these years. And in ulikely case that they are an ethnicity, does that change your outlook? Also are the palestinians an ethnicity or Race?
Saker, love your blog. I am a rationalist with a bent for analysis, so I can appreciate your talent. You are the first person I have known who shares my (analytic) view that Zionism and National Socialism come from the same womb. The contest between the Jews and the Nazis was based on the fact they competed for the same intellectual, moral, and social space … like, as you say, the SS and the SA, or the Nazis and the Communists.
However, I would trace the roots of their competition to a much earlier era. The intellectual and religious roots of National Socialism was Calvinism … an Ideology of Election that premised a cultural and racial exceptionalism. What was Calvin’s contribution to Western Christianity? He “Judified” the Protestant Reformation, becoming one of the most historically important personalities in Western Christianity. In comparison, Martin Luther was a side note. In trying to purify Christianity of its Roman roots, Calvin drew his flocks back to the Old Testament with its core Ideology of Election and its racist assumptions. That moral disease migrated to the United States with the Puritans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and low-church Anglicans. Indeed, these are the WASPS of note … the Calvinist share of the 1% who ran the Deep State through most of American history.
As the Jewish money that fueled the British Empire began to migrate to the United States in the 1890s (an event as historically important as when Jewish money migrated from Venice to Holland and Britain in the 15th Century), the WASP elites had to progressively share power with the Jewish immigrant bankers. If one looks for a date that proved that the Deep State was now a power-power sharing arrangement between WASPS and Jews, it would be 1913 when the Federal Reserve (an idea pressed by Jewish bankers from Germany) was established.
Jewish control of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury, and Congress is now so secure that they do not even need to hide their influence and control. Indeed, to an extend, the WASPS have been pushed aside, as evidenced by their losing control of the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Presidency. Your use of the word “Anglo-Zionist” is spot on, although I would caveat that with the observation that we may be Anglo in culture but Zionist with respect to who controls the organs of state power. Your thoughts?
For some reason or another, I can’t see all of this article, it keeps disappearing? Are you taking advantage of XHTML?
Didn’t Zionism start before the holocaust? Doesn’t it date back to the 1800s. Who, what, where, when?
Aren’t many fundamentalist Christians Zionists?
Isn’t there a financial component to this political movement? How were the Rothchilds involved?
I think it would be beneficial for our movement if you you would rewrite this article emphasizing these points and de-emphasizing the “Jews” / racial element. I generally like Jewish people and Jewish culture and none of them are Zionists. In fact, most oppose Netenyahu and what Israeli militarism.
Best yet, wouldn’t Israel be better without Zionists? What a wonderful tourist attraction it could be if they really loved God and their neighbors, which is a part of the Old Testament and Jewish Rabbinical law as in Christianity.
I’d like to share these two insightful articles:
I came across the Protocols only recently. I was amazed finding there all aspects of the new world order. I quoted parts of them & added that the 99% & 0,01% should be substituted for Jews respectively Goyim. But few people responded in an objective way.
I think at least since the murder of JFK people could be “mature” enough to deal with these texts & take measures.People are niminy-piminy in respect to the Protocols, but very casual as to the slaughtering which is going on abroad & at home (911).
Please re-read the article you posted this on. Then also please read the posting rules especially Rule #4
I meant by the sentence “the 99% & 0,01% should be substituted for [‘]Jews[‘] respectively [‘]Goyim[‘]” that the Protocols are in reality not about Jews & non-Jews but about the 0,01% & the 99%, i.e. not about any religion or ethnicity.
Addendum: I agree fully with the article.
Connection to this topic
In my view it’s more to the point to characterize Jews as a cult. To say they are not a race probably misses the point as well: as a cult they adopted a eugenic strategy. Why would the founders of the cult do that? Perhaps because they esteemed themselves to be some sort of special breed, and they very well may have been. As with animal breeding, all it takes to make a race is selection. That’s why Limousine cows are called “la race Limousine”. Jews do indeed practice eugenic selection, that’s why Jewish physical and psychological traits are apparent and preserved. One ought to consider the impact that realizing one’s Jewishness is also hereditary has on the individual who has been “educated”, as you say, as a Jew. Many are brought up in religions but not all have a hereditary element. (The Indian caste system comes to mind.)
The distinction commonly made between Jews and Zionists is surprisingly feeble. The Jewish cult is a race cult, an antique race nationalism, as is clearly stated in Deuteronomy 14.2, and in Joshua, Esther, Exodus, and Numbers. Zionism is nothing more than the contemporary expression of the Jewish cult, i.e. of Judaism. The argument over when to cook the bird is silly, because that bird is going to be cooked sooner or later. It seems Gilad Atzmon understands this as Baruch Spinoza did before him. That’s why they both renounced the cult. By the way, Upon the urging of the rabbis, Spinoza was kicked out of Amsterdam by the Gentile authorities, and while there is no chance the municipal authorities would do the same today the Jewish authorities refuse to this day to reconsider their “cherem” against Spinoza.
Absolute psychological domination of its members is something the cult of the Jews shares with all cults. Consider the purpose and the effects of circumcision to begin to understand the Jew cult’s totalitarian nature. Spinoza thought that circumcision alone was enough to keep the cult going.
On the issue of non-Jewish Zionists, I would say that there are great numbers of people who because of “education” (brainwashing) are what you could call synthetic Jews. Among them, Christians who believe in the crux of the Jewish cult, the so-called “chosen people.” In fact, apparently a great many Christians have transferred the idea of “the chosen” onto themselves. Then there are all of the synthetic Jews who figured it was a good career move, or rather that a good way to commit professional suicide is to go against the Jew cult. “But I was only criticizing Zionists!” doesn’t make it, does it? Ask Dieudonné and Alain Soral.
You missed a very important aspect. The original meaning of Anglo-Jewish came from the high rate of intermarriage between the two groups in the late British Empire. It wasn’t just Churchill’s father who did this (for money), it was very very common, and still is. They were called the Anglo-Jewish group or establishment. So, they aren’t two discrete totally separate groups, they mix a lot, and have for 150 years. Witness the Clinton girl only recently. This is very common amongst them.
Hello, I’m the writer of a Dutch blog about Donbass, and it saddens me a little that you have fallen into this trap of anti-Jewishness in general. You write that this is not the most important topic in the world, not for gentiles anyway (that’s us), so then why do you make it so. You conveniently gloss over major issues with your – in my opinion superficial and not well worked out at all – definition of Jewishness. To list a few: the Jewish people are vastly outnumbered by all the Europeans, and also within America. The Jewish people are by no means safe in Israel, but this zionist state acts as a convenient bridge head for the American incursions in the region (European if you prefer, Americans after all are Europeans). You forget that every nation (Israel is a nation) has its criminal element, and they do what they can to get rich – this includes Israel. But, you tell yourself you don’t forget that it seems, however by using this term you make it all about that, which shifts the focus from what it is really about: criminals, pure and simple. What does it matter if these are Anglo – Zionist – Jesusfan – atheist – Voodoo – Hindu – Black – Chinese – [the list goes on and on and on and on] “criminals” ? First you define that Jewishness is a culture, and then you pretend that G.W.Bush is part of that culture, when in fact he bows to the Pope and clearly desires to be seen as a Jesusfan (to get elected) ? Sure he panders to Israel a bit, keep that little attack dog for the Empire in the middle east happy. Is it in Israels’ interest to start a war now with Syria, against Assad, to get the maniacs of ISIS to run that place, which is sure to result in war with Israel once ISIS controls that territory ? What is Jewish about the zionist rebel state anyway, as you correctly point out somewhat. Oh, “it’s the anglo-zionists,” but of course. What’s the use of that ? So there are no Dutch criminals involved ? Of course there are, what do you think of Shell ? We are neither anglo, nor zionist. Until that you correct this problem, I will unfortunately see myself forced to ignore you work – which is sad because it might be useful in teh struggle for peace, democracy and rule of law in Donbass (however which way the people there wish to pursue that objective). Greetings from Earlier there was a similar incident, where the anti-maidan youtube channel posted a radical rant by an Islamist scholar, with vicious anti Jewish vitriole. All of this is merely fracturing the front against the enemy, it’s a destraction, a waste of time. I won’t go further into all of this, although it is a most interesting and unusually complex topic, involving anything from ethnicity, to law, thousands of years of history, empire and more. Oh by the way, in a real sense of the word I consider myself even anti-Zionist, because the Zionist don’t care about the Torah law, but i’m not Jewish either. You damaged your page with this, because there are people who just can’t stand anymore any hint of starting the pogroms anymore, this Nazism and fascism, this “grand Jewish conspiracy”, and that’s a sad thing. I realize you will object to this characterization, and think you’re not doing it – however in my opinion you are. Bye. There is no reason to make it about this, so don’t do it. By the way, the 1% is not the “deep state” either, the real deep state seems to be much is smaller then that. 1% of the American equals 3 million people. They hardly are the ones pulling the strings all together, even when they sortof function as the cushion upon the throne for those who do. Oops I made it too long again – my usual mistake; easily made on such a complex topic as Israel. Good luck with your work, although I will have to do without.
Hello, I’m the writer of a Dutch blog about Donbass, and it saddens me a little that you have fallen into this trap of anti-Jewishness in general.
Nonsense. I have clearly stated that I was speaking about an ideology (Zionism) not a people. I even clearly spelled out my own view as so:
“I reject any and all form of racism as a denial of our common humanity, a denial of the freedom of choice of each human being and – being an Orthodox Christian – as a grievous heresy. To me people who chose to identify themselves with, and as, Jews are not inherently different from any other human and they deserve no more and no less rights and protections than any other human being.”
I really wonder what it would take to be sufficiently clear on that. I am sorry to say that if having written all this you STILL persist in accusing me of being anti-Jewish, you are either terminally stupid or terminally dishonest. I fail to see any 3rd option here. Sorry.
The Saker
Hello, Thank you for your valuation of freedom of speech that you would allow me to make statements on your page, I very much appreciate it.
About your arguments, how about mapping your opinion about Zionism and Jewishness, unto another random nation, and compare the extend of what is logical. Let’s take France, or let’s take Portugal. Why would French need a homeland ? Their language is something they learn, their religion and culture is that of the Republic (I belief it is currently the “5th Republic”). They are Jesusfans, and there are also a lot of socialist/communist people, and many who don’t care about a strong ideological affiliation. Their State system, election system, it is all ideology, isn’t it. They have laws, and a common historical background, but this is all culture. It is taught, it is lived, but they can talk French and demand equality before the law (very important for French people) when they are in Germany. They don’t need a homeland, because it is all a culture. You can also become French, and if you are French you can stop being French if you wish. You can immigrate, you can become a Muslem or go over to Voodoo – things not traditionally French. You see ? The French don’t need a homeland either: it is all a culture, there is no biology to it (to paraphraze you).
Now compare this to Israel. Israel has a religion (the Torah), while many are socialists or communistic, and a lot of them don’t even care either way. Sounds a bit like France, doesn’t it ? They have an historical language, which is of course unique just like French is unique. They have their own thousands of year history, a common biological root – certainly according to them. It’s all the same, isn’t it. You can become Jewish (if you try hard enough), or leave that nation. So, what’s the difference ? One difference is: the Jewish people have been dispersed for a long time. So, what happens when a nation gets dispersed like that ? Typically it eventually is lost, it morphes into the other nations. The fact that this has still not happened with Israel, means they are even more a defined Nation, culture, tribe, then many others are. It is not the first time either that a whole nation is uprooted, see for example the period of the great movement of peoples due to pressure from eastern tribes (Europe).
Then there is another angle to this: why wouldn’t any group, biological or not, have a right to a homeland ? If they are large enough, they have to live somewhere, no ? If they want to form a coherent nation on a territory, are serious and large enough, I belief it is a fundamental human right to form a nation. Of course Israel is such a group, it is more then a little obvious. Does that mean that zionism is correct then: no that is not the same. According to the Jewish religion itself, zionism is unacceptable (!). First the Jewish nation would have to repent back to their Constitution (Torah), and only then are they supposed to go back. I say all this in an attempt to make you realize that you seem to not have thought about this with much sincerity, or while being reasonable.
I also don’t like it very much, that you are implicating that there is something wrong with the Jewish people as opposed to any other people, because they are persecuted all the time. Certainly they are, and history shows they have every reason to be fearfull of a repeat of that, but this persecution is just as easily explained out of the tribalism of the other tribes, out of their own religious intolerance which used to be a heavy handed tyranny even against members of the tribe itself (State religions and the like, usually the Jesusfan religion was forced unto everyone by violence), and the fact that the Jewish people have an unusual ability to stick to their own traditions no matter where they are. Would that result in tensions: probably, and it did. How can it not ? Blacks used to be slaves, and in fact Israel itself took other tribes slaves when they still had their land (as their own history records).
The problem with your article, in my view, is that you say one thing, and then you backtrack on it somewhat almost as if to give yourselve cover. Although that’s your free choice, it’s mine to argue that this is what you are doing. Example: the world is destroyed by the Swiss-Hindu alliance. Hmmm, interesting. Or another that’s a bit more realistic: the problem in todays world, is the Catholic-Anglo combine. Then write many many articles with the word “Catholic-Anglo combine” and over and over again insinuate those are the problems of just about everything, the “core problem” as it where, the core group causing the wars, the Plutocracy, etc. Then, in an article somewhere, you as it where sneak in after the fact and say that “Catholic-Anglo” combine – or let’s say it’s the “Protestant Venetian party”- that you don’t hate the Protestants at all, and that “Venetian” mean only the tiny ruling class of financial oligarchs that came about in Venice centuries ago. You see how that works ? You’d create an atmosphere of resentmetn against the (supposed) Protestant-Venetian party, the protestants and Venetians in general, and where you specify that you demand rights for all protestants and venetians, and don’t even mean what you seem to mean by that, that’s something that will – and generally cannot – make a similar impact.
The Jewish people are responsible for murdering Jesus, right ? Angry about that ? It’s all their fault isn’t it, they are the bankers, and it’s really not even the Anglos doing it, am I feeling you correctly ? Haven’t we seen all this before ? I say: an honorable nation, blames who for their problems ? Themselves. Not even the anglos, not even the Vatican, we all do it ourselves. We choose to have this economic system, and looking back at the wars we started, we have gotten what we deserve. We would have no problem whatsoever to deal with any insidious Vatican, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox Jesusfans, Jewish, black magic, Voodoo or other influence upon our overall situation. We are ourselves to blame, which is a hopefull thought because we can then correct ourselves, and that is all we have to do.
Good luck with your page, Viva Novorossia. My guess is that I must be terminally stupid then, because if I was dishonest then I would know it. I fear and don’t want to see, another holocaust and making the Jewish people the scapegoat. I don’t want another massacre, I don’t want the guilty criminals to get away because the raging masses have been duped again.
Forgive me, but your arguments are both silly and confused. Now you talk about homelands. I don’t oppose anybody having a homeland. What I do oppose is ethnically cleansing Palestine on the basis that 2000+ years ago somebody lived there and considers the Torah as a real estate deed. What we see in Palestine is a slow motion genocide perpetrated by an Apartheid like regime, hell bent on violence and war, and hell bent on using the USA to attack its enemies. I disapprove of all of that. In fact, all of the wordview and ideology of both Judaism and Zionism is based on racism, on Jewish exceptionalism. And since I reject any form or racism or exceptionalism, I reject this one too.
Okay, unless your comment become more logical and more focused I won’t bother replying any further. You might also reconsider using “Jesusfans” because it shows all to well where you come from, LOL!
Hello, thank you for your reply. On your arguments I could add: to oppose the way the Palestinians are treated, is not quite the same as to say that the major cliques that rule and ruin the world are therefore the “Anglo-Zionists”. You used the word Apartheid, which is a Dutch word created in South Afrika, under Dutch rule (or at least, Dutch people ruling South Afrika for themselves). Is therefore the core clique that rules the world and causes much or more then anyone the grave problems in the world, the Anglo-Dutch axis ? Few would say so, perhaps in part because currently the Apartheid regime in S.A. has collapsed and the genocide or threatening genocide is now going in the other direction. There are a great many Dutch people murdered now in S.A., and the threat of all out genocide is significant. The Amsterdam-Johannesburg axis that ruled the world (say) has collapsed. However this is the logic you put on the Jewish people now: they oppress the Palestinians, and therefore are responsible for half of the world great problems (!). When however you put the same logic on another people, like the South African Dutch Apartheid regime, it becomes clear that the logic does not have much depth to it. It is quite possible that in time the Zionist state collapses, just as did South Africa. Is then half of the world problems, solved ? Only the Anglo side remains ? Of course this is not true. What if Israel made peace with Palestine, would much/half of the world problems be solved ? I doubt that very much. I think therefore that you are making an unfair elephant, out of one of a large amount of “little Imperial attack dogs” that are currently operating under the American umbrella. By what reason is the Dutch nation, having had their own world Empire (unlike Israel), not included, for example, as in the Anglo-Dutch-Zionist axis ? How about Spain, which sided with Hitler, was recently a dictatorship, and has rather questionable democratic rights ? How about Italy, a source of a vast Empire, the source of the modern Republics ? In terms of size, there are a number of very large groups in the world, among which: The chinese (about 1.2 billion), the Indians (about 1 billion), the Americans (320 million), the NATO and E.U. Empire (in the order of 800 million or so), the Catholics (Wikipedia: “Church membership in 2011 was 1.214 billion (17.5% of the world population)”), Islam is also enormous. Does size matter in terms of world wide influence ? I would think it has something to do with it. The Jewish people are tiny compared to these numbers, they don’t really control their land as a people, and in my opinion are in Israel (‘the holy land’) at the behest of the Brittish Empire and then American Empire, for reasons that they want. Those reasons cannot be any good, because we know how evil these Empires are. Notably another force in the world is the Brittish crown. However with all that said, I still think it is wrong to say that the world suffers under an supposed Chinese-Anglo-Catholic-Hindu-Russian-(etc)-axis. It’s not really the regular Chinaman who controls all this, and it’s not the regular Catholic either. I would hence favor an expression like “the ruling class” (as by definition, they rule), or “the criminals” (every group, nation and religion has its criminals), and in the current timeframe with the overwhelming dominance of the American-western Europe axis you could say something like “the Western Empire.” You could also say “the new world order,” since more and more we see this mania coming out that the whole world should be one Govermnent, under the western Imperial cliques of course.
About exceptionalism: exceptionalism runs high just about everywhere, and certainly the Jesusfans have no shortage of it. They are going to make it, and only them, the rest will go to hell. I would like to say about Jewish exceptionalism, that they have an unusual propensity to record and complain about their own historical ills. What nation keeps a record such as the Torah, Prophets and writings (Tanach), that is full from beginning to end with the ills, crimes and other misdeeds of their own nation ? A more typical approach is to sing the glory about yourself, ignore what went wrong as a forgivable mistake. With all the anger that exists within the Jewish culture against their own wrongs, when they say that they have a very special religion and law that they absolutely must keep to at all cost and which is something no other nation has, I find that not distasteful. But let’s not make this a religious discussion, because then it will surely never end.
About the name Jesusfans, I use it because it is a non-insulting term for the Jesusfans. They think Jesus is the greatest. To think that Jesus is a great advisor to Israel however, or a messiah or ‘the’ messiah (not a god) of the final redemption, is deeply insulting to the Jewish people and religion. Hence I think it is a fair description, that avoids making the mistake of assigning a title to the Jesusfans that they do not have (namely, to follow a or the ‘messiah’). It is after all well known that no Jesusfans follow the Torah law, and perhaps at no ohter time in history is this such a grave problem as today, because the Torah law stipulates debt forgiveness and land distribution. Debt forgiveness would flush out the world debt problems once and for all, and land distribution solves the problem of unemployement. Thank you if you wish to allow this comment on your page, I very much appreciate it, thank you. Your reply is, as you indicated, not really necessary – I know what you will probably say. We both have our view, and apparently we will have to agree to disagree. Good bye, Viva Donbass (which by the way is significantly orthodox Jesusfans, but that doesn’t stop me one moment from supporting them in their horrible phlight against the Kiev Nazis.)
Allow me to join the discussion on this issue.
First of all, Jos, had you read through Saker’s elaborations on this you would have found that much of your criticism is void and has already been addressed at various points. If Saker’s very clear rejection of racism above isn’t enough for you, it is also pretty obvious if you follow Saker for some time that while the US elite is largely made up of Anglos and Zionist Jews, this in no way means that all Anglos or all Jews are part of the elite. Of course they aren’t. But if an elite is made of certain ethnic groups, why can this not be mentioned? And even more curiously, “Zionist” isn’t even an ethnic marker as it refers also to Zionist Christians etc. So despite that “Anglo” is an ethnic marker and “Zionist” is not, all the criticism of the term “Anglo-Zionist” is directed at the latter.
Now, to deal with some of your statements:
“to oppose the way the Palestinians are treated, is not quite the same as to say that the major cliques that rule and ruin the world are therefore the “Anglo-Zionists”. You used the word Apartheid, which is a Dutch word created in South Afrika, under Dutch rule (or at least, Dutch people ruling South Afrika for themselves). Is therefore the core clique that rules the world and causes much or more then anyone the grave problems in the world, the Anglo-Dutch axis ?”
No, of course not. It does not follow, just because the Dutch colonized South Africa, that the world is ruled by an Anglo-Dutch axis. Nor does it follow that because Zionist Jews with Anglo assistance colonized Israel-Palestine, the world is now ruled by an Anglo-Zionist empire. There is no causal connection here, nor do I think anyone has implied that there is.
“However this is the logic you put on the Jewish people now: they oppress the Palestinians, and therefore are responsible for half of the world great problems (!).”
Same logical fallacy. No one has applied the above “therefore” causal connection. Your argument suffers from flawed logic at best, dishonesty at worst.
“By what reason is the Dutch nation, having had their own world Empire (unlike Israel), not included, for example, as in the Anglo-Dutch-Zionist axis ?”
Because they don’t hold much power today, perhaps?
“However with all that said, I still think it is wrong to say that the world suffers under an supposed Chinese-Anglo-Catholic-Hindu-Russian-(etc)-axis. It’s not really the regular Chinaman who controls all this, and it’s not the regular Catholic either. I would hence favor an expression like “the ruling class” (as by definition, they rule), or “the criminals” (every group, nation and religion has its criminals), and in the current timeframe with the overwhelming dominance of the American-western Europe axis you could say something like “the Western Empire.””
Firstly, why cannot a powerful elite be mentioned by its ethnic or national loyalty? Suppose, when Gandhi wanted to end British colonialism in India, should he then have refrained to talk about “the British”, for fear of hurting the sensibilities of some poor British workers on the English countryside who did not have anything to do with the colonisation?
Secondly, you suddenly state that it would be okay, after all, to call “the overwhelming dominance of the American-western Europe axis” by the words “Western empire”. Well, by your own reasoning, I could then accuse you of inciting hatred against Westerners, indirectly providing excuses for a future Holocaust of Westerners.
As for “Jesusfans” – by the same logic one could call religious Jews “Mosesfans”, then? I have to agree with the Saker here: LOL.
If you read Jewish encyclopedia which I am sure you might have done, then you will see that it is exolicitly written that since elizabethan time of english piracy the Jews decided to align themselves with what they called “protestant muscular sectt (which they thought was not really a religion but worship of ill gotten money) . That is why the Jews wete hpily taken in by the English war criminal Cromwell and since then the Jews have served protestant English race and that race only with diligence.
Only recetly in last twenty years have Jews got double loyalty -first tobanglisaxon masters and then to other Jews,
The World has suffrred enough from the English plot for too lobg -Jews are just small patsy.
I once typed ” jew ” into google and was told it is a racist comment. Anyway still looking for a definition I asked wikipedia and the answer by way of a definition was it seemed endless . I think the author of this very good article has defined jewishness much more concisely and therefore better.
I once spent several hours researching the question, and never did find a definitive answer.
Here’s a long article on it — and hardly exhaustive.
Greetings, Sir:
Despite the fact you posted this deeply insightful commentary more than fifteen months ago, I request you copy edit and clarify the meaning/intent of your following short paragraph:
– When I speak of AngloZionist Empire I am referring to the predominant ideology of the 1%ers elites which for this Empire’s “deep state”. –
As you can see, your thought is never satisfactorily completed. I believe you’ll agree the concept you’re trying to underscore is a most important one.
Though unmet, you are my teacher, thank you; I am your friend.
Mann, Kalamazoo
You have not yet groked the thing. Google “unconditional election” please.
Keep up the good works. When there are no longer any false arguments, declarations, lies, violence and wars to hide behind the truth will be all that’s left. Truth alone cannot set you free, but it is the only place to start.
Good for you Saker – but PLEASE read the new, NEW book by Gerard Menuhin (the son of the great violinist Yehudi Menuhin – “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil.” It is really, really worth your time. It available from either or – a wonderful bookshop.
Also, I recommend a great book by a great man “Hitler Democrat”. by General Leon Degrelle and the amazing, breathtaking “Hellstorm.” by Thomas Goodrich.
I agree with what you have written here and I admire the clarity with which you have stated your views and distinguished them from others that you (and I) don’t share. I have one point to add to your analysis, which is that the ideology and practice of Zionism is extremely useful (for purposes of elite social control) for not only the Israeli Jewish ruling elite but also for the American (mostly non-Jewish) ruling elite as well, which is the reason why Zionist Jews are present in the ruling circles of American government and society disproportionately to their numerical proportion in the population. I discuss this a bit more in my article, “The Israel Lobby’s Power Comes from The American Ruling Class” at . My view is opposed to the “tail wags dog” view of people such as James Petras, who argue that Israeli Jews (the tail), by some mysterious ability, force American ruling class non-Jews (the dog) to adopt a pro-Israel foreign policy unwillingly and supposedly against their own (American ruling class non-Jews’) interests.
Thank you very much, this is extremely enlightening, and every one needs so much to have a clear idea on all these things nowadays in particular. Hoping you will study the “anglo culture” in a next article. From where I am, a culture caracterised by non mixity and violence, but I’m just discovering this. Where do you stand?
I have different analysis from: [ Fifth, both Zionism and Nazism are twin brothers born from the same ugly womb] but all the other opinions are credible.
I think western Jewish bankers in Europe and Germany realized the dangers of German nationalism even before WWI, as well as any nationalism, so they financed and developed Nazi to obliterate it later and also to exterminate some Eastern Jews and create a Holocaust. I find the analysis of YesConcepts [The Reasons Historians Call WWII A ‘Jewish Creation’] acceptable.
Let as a question here:
Will Zionism and Pan-Turkism Use Terrorism to Replace Russia?
There is serious conflict between the supports of Yiddish, who see the future of Jews as being in Russia, whereas the Zionists see the Jewish future is in the Jewish homeland of Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish intelligentsia is split over this aspect of Jewish ideology. Zionism cannot operate just in Israel but it must have a wider living space like in Russia.
Thank you for your article; however it is wrong on 3 basic topics:
1- most Jews are Jews from birth and they solidarity with each other. So it is a nation; they share the same culture: Judaism.
2- The main heresy about Zionism is to retake the land God has taken away from them without consulting God, without obeying His commandments and worst of all: rejecting their Messiah!
3- Anglozionists are not English dominated by Jews Zionists; they are English freemasons elites Zionists; from the 17th century (Cromwell) they invited the Jewish elites involved in Kabbalah to join them in England. It is an association between Anglo elites and Jews elites and they were and still are both Zionists!
I agree with your thesis (& Atzmon’s) with some minor quibbles.
The choice to not ‘be Jewish’, or to shed ‘Jewishness’, is not merely a personal choice. This was well demonstrated by the Nazis’ obsession with finding evidence of Jewish ancestry extending back over generations, even in families who’d converted to Christianity more than a generation prior and who were entirely ignorant of any Jewish heritage… imagine their surprise as they were issued yellow stars to wear & were welcomed to Auschwitz-Birkenow! This ‘racial’ obsession was also mirrored in the American South’s system of racial apartheid when even people with only 1 black ancestor 3 generations prior and who were visually indistinguishable from individuals of ‘pure’ European ancestry were labeled “octoroons”, segregated, and discriminated against by reason of their ‘race’.
My other issue is the suggestion (both by you & Atzmon) that whatever discrimination Europe’s Jews suffered was somehow brought on by their own actions – although not specifically stated as such. This line of thought neglects the impact of 1,300 years of institutionalized Jew hatred promoted by all branches of the Christian Church based on the ‘Jews killed Jesus and are forever condemned’ litany. This is not to excuse the horrific crimes of modern Zionist thought, but it is critical to include all threads of the historical narrative if one wishes to have a complete picture. That this is unique to Christian culture is evidenced by the absence of Jew hatred & anti-Semitism in other regions of the world with long-standing Jewish populations (India, Japan).
THANK YOU for insisting upon “THE Ukraine.”
I thought I was the last man living who continues to use that wording.
Ditto for The Crimea. The Sudan. The Gambia. The Congo. And so on.
kind regards.
Another outstandingly fine account.
But there is one not unimportant detail that should be dealt with: that if you will research the genealogies the Anglos you will find that they are, in large measure (for whatever significance this may or may not have), of Jewish descent. Begin (for the sake of an arbitrary starting point) with the infusions of immigrant oligarchs from Venice into the Royalty in the Medieval era (which Lyndon LaRouche has brought to attention) and in particular to the extent of the dynastic alliances of the landed gentry with the daughters of the financial oligarchs during the 18th century. (On the eve of WW II, almost all members of Parliament were, as offspring of Jewish women, “Jews” — the pro-Nazi opposition at the time made much of this, although you would not suspect it from reading current accounts of that time).
On this basis, the two could be seen not so much as allies, but as complimentary aspects of one and the same agenda (as when Disraeli faced almost no opposition when he used the British government to further the interests of the Rothschild family).
Well, u probably are an interesting person to talk to. Either that or a dangerous psycho ala Hannibal lecter.
I.e. U certainly have managed to maneuver your way through much of the ‘official’ version of stuff and have attempted to come by some truthful understanding of he world using your own noggin so good for you.
But for all your protestations against the Jews being tmititmti whatever you wrote up there u certainly spned an awful lot of time in this article as an e.g. explaining us. U even had some astute observations. And yet what ‘forced’ u бяхлал, (translitterate to hebrw the rush is fo the x soind) to write this addendum – YOUR unforced preoccupation w/ us (the Jews). And while u do have many astute counter PC observations on Jews themselves. ( the ironic historical fact that zionizm as concieved was nothing more than goyish nationalism adopted by Jews who thought they could become Germans/Russians etc. of the mosaic persuasion etc. But were disappointed in the results). (Hertzl’s first grand plan was to force a mass baptizm on Jews the world over and the original Zionists wanted to go to Uganda but realized that ugandism would not charm the masses in the same way the building of the ‘3rd temple (Moishe dayans term)’would.)
Oy, as usual my Jewish mind suffering from circumcisional PTSD is not staying focused like a straight goal oriented Russian/Ukrainian would be.Where was I?
Unfortunately, your acceptance of orthodox noztri theology which based on what you define as heresy seems no more than secular humanism with room for god and therefore hopefully eternal life as reward for choosing the right path (your own). Good greif said charlie brown.
No but seriously, for all of FIFA faults – and there are many – I personally cannot stand this cowardly opportunist who cares for naught but his smelly yashvan (tush in modern Hebrew literally sitting device) a genocidal? Racist he probably is as is I acc. To your definition of the term as meaning someone who feels his group is so soecial.
Gods firstborn as per moses vs. Pharoah, no need for those rascally racist rabbis there. Yup we are Yoshke-acepted -Torah confirmed racists and for that we are no doubt the antiyoshke aka Satan and to be eternally dambed. Oy, Charlie brown. Ribbono she’ll oylam.
We are hurting the ingrateful migrant Arabs who only moved to Israel en masse cuz we started to build what sam Clemens described as a total desolate wasteland into the only fertile land in the Levant?
Sheesh. Yes. It was 7 British backed Jewish armies who invaded palestine 600,000 unarmed Arab Holocaust survivors. As soon as they declared a state because we could not tolerate splitting Palestine into 2 since we were racist who could not countenance any Arab presence on our land.
U see while u have a decen head and there at interesting things tonlearn from this site. Malicious antisemitic lies like this make it like tryingba to find a submarine in a desert where you have to try not to die from the stench of the shit surrounding the kernels of submarine parts.
O by the way didn’t yoshke ponderick believe in the divinity of the Torah. He would know, no? After all being god himself h wrote it?
Good post. Thanks. jew paranoia is truly absurd. They are the victims of their own propaganda, and the devices of their ‘leaders’. The biggest lie of all time is jewish persecution. Nobody has ever been out to ‘get the jews’. The truth is, I don’t think anybody give a s- about the jews. But the jews are mentally disordered, and from this disorientation comes an obsession about themselves, their mythology, and all the rest of it. Based on that, they started playing games with money, not wanting to be integrated into the world (and therefore part of its creativity and productivity), purposely stayed separated as not to touch the ‘unclean others’ out there. To stay afloat, they became experts with monetary alchemy, market speculation, and getting in between the bid and the offer. As they began to more substantially insert themselves into the affairs of the 99.2% of the world’s population, some of their money schemes were particularly galling, and in the day and age of non-politically correct, were called out and rebuked – what the jews refer to as ‘persecution’.
‘Persecution’ is anything that prevents to forward advance of the (now) unholy marriage (took place right at the turn of the 20th century) between crony money changers (eg Jacob Schiff, et al) and the twisted minds (devious as well) of Talmudic Zionists. As sun set on the 19th century and began to rise on the 20th, there was no ‘persecution’ of jews happening anywhere, but when these freaky jews from the Russian (self imposed) jewish ghettos hatched the conspiracy to force the jewish state on Palestine, they needed to invent persecution to gain sympathy for their cause.
There are links to scanned copies of very old newspapers back in the day that show one story after the other of how “6 million jews” were being persecuted in Russia. Yet when reporters from the London Times went there to report on this big story, they did not find any. Quite the opposite. Jews were running the show in many places, so unless they were persecuting themselves, it could not be happening. These stories were spiked back at the editor’s desk in London, where many jews had infiltrated, so the truth about the fake ‘persecution’ would not come out.
As historian and senior reporter for the London Times Douglas Reed points out, in The Controversy of Zion, the entire purpose of the talmudic zionists was to leverage the satanic myths of the yahweh god, manipulate the dumb christian, extort and blackmail political leaders, defame and destroy the opposition through the media they controlled even back then, to by any and all means direct events to result in a jew state in Palestine. The jew money changers joined forces because they saw an opportunity to capitalize on the agenda and make them very rich and powerful. This merger happened right at the time the jew controlled federal reserve was created, because unless it had been, there never would have been enough ‘money’ available to ‘pay’ for all the pre-planned wars (by the zionists, which is a matter of record, no later than 1903) required to meet the ultimate objective.
I think the author of this article gives the ‘anglo’ way too much credit, and there are a lot more jews involved in this than just the top 1%. By now, while there are exceptions, jews are fiercely tribal in their mindset, they embrace the mythology, and push come to shove are always jew first. Further, their own book teaches them all except jews are low animals, not entitled to the dictates of the conscience.
Anglos were outmaneuvered and outflanked by the jews ~100 years ago, and now, with the jews firmly in control of the money systems in the west, are master and any ‘anglo’ at the ‘top’ are slave. The ‘anglos’ go along and are useful servants for whatever bone of money and fame the jew tosses them, but the power is in the hand of the jew.
And if it were only a phenomenon of just a ‘few’ jews at the ‘top’, how is it, then, there are so many jews all throughout banking, education, media, government, courts strata that work in tandem to promote the same agenda, when supposedly only “1%” of the entire tribe is committed to the evil agenda?
And how many jews are willing to stand up and tell the truth that there was no targeted jewish persecution during WWII? And that only a very small number of jews were killed or badly treated during that time, with percentages relative to the jew population, just like everybody else, where the non-jew, in raw #s and %s felt by far the greater brunt of the miseries of the war? How many will stand up and tell the truth that the jews controlled the narrative and converted the war into a war against the jews, when it was against all of humanity, where jews only suffered as a group proportional to their numbers, which would be the natural consequence of any war? And how many jews will stand up and tell the truth that the “6 million” killed in “gas chambers” – or anywhere for that matter – is the biggest propaganda lie ever?
Not many, that is for sure.
This levitical mythology has to go. It is the foundation neo faux israel rests upon, and is a provocative canker sore negatively impacting the whole world. Granted, the evil spirit, in the absence of the levitical scam, will look for a new host, but let’s deal with the one we know about now, and stop pussy footing around it “for fear of the jews” before they totally f up the entire world.
Just discovered this blog through Solari Report. What an interesting guy! Putin: watching a recent documentary of the Kremlin I noticed, high on the walls, the Freemasonic emblem of the two headed Phoenix and the telltale number 33 given honored position in the splendid hall.
Is that not the organizing allegiance behind CFR, Bilderberg, Rothschild etc. beneath the Illuminati Roundtable?
pol.zionism (racist ideology made >1880) = “jew”-only ruling in Erez Israel (not only in Palestine)
= privileges “Jews”/NA*tional-ZI*onist Jews (NaZiJews) = discriminates Nonjews/Gentiles/Nonzionists.
working strategy = #zionFearmongering = “defend from” aka combat Gentiles/Nonzionists
Dear Sir:
Just discovered your website. Read with interest your thoughts on Anglozionism. Enlightening. Disagree with you on racism. I am Anglo/Hannoverian — half breed English and north German. (Also an Orthodox Christian, by the way.) Proud I am of my ethnic heritage, and aware if its virtues and shortcomings. Have spent much time with dogs and horses and believe anyone who has must be racist. Percherons are not Arabs. Chihuahuas are not Great Danes. Each has their virtues, and each their weak points. So it is with us two-legged critters called human beings, and I believe that is called racism.
Best wishes. FP
‘Anglo-Zionist imperialism’:
The alignment of far-right politicians across the world with the Zionist state of Israel proves the validity of this definition time and again as in the Robert Jenrick case given in this news item. Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. Great to see that there are Jewish brothers and sisters running a campaign titled “Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism”. US imperialism being that of white Anglo-Saxon protestants who have directly followed on from the British empire, “Anglo-Zionist” seems to be the most precise and historically correct description of today’s dominant imperial power. It is the main enemy of humankind and environment for the last 50+ years…the alignment of the Zionists with the far right/proto-Fascistic regimes of UK, India, US and Brazil has clearly demonstrated the fact that Anglo-Zionist forces are the world’s main imperial power. These imperial forces have redefined ‘anti-semitism’. All criticisms of the genocidal actions of the Zionist state of Israel are officially classed as ‘anti-semitic’…. and just like their Indian servants (the Indian Fascists) blame the muslims for the northeastern Delhi pogroms against muslims in February 2020, in a leap of faith, the genocidal Anglo-Zionist imperialists accuse their critics of “holocaust denial”! We all remember how Anglo-Zionist imperialism’s main accusation against the UK socialist Labour party leader Corbyn was anti-semitism. The real holocaust/genocide of the 21st century is happening now in Palestine…. and people in Yemen, Kashmir, Brazilian rainforests and numerous other Afro-Asian and Latin American regions who have pitched themselves against Anglo-Zionist imperialists’ environment destroying conquests are facing different stages of genocide. We need to remind everyone that the Zionists don’t represent all Jewish people. Humanist Jewish people support the Palestinian people’s just struggle against Anglo-Zionist imperialism.
So smart, strong and honest analysis!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! …
Respect and best wishes! Go ahead! The truth will prevail!….