We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set us on an extremely dangerous collision course with the Russian Federation, as well as with China. Many respected, patriotic Americans, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Cohen, Philip Giraldi, Ray McGovern and many others have been issuing warnings of a looming a Third World War. But their voices have been all but lost among the din of a mass media that is full of deceptive and inaccurate stories that characterize the Russian economy as being in shambles and the Russian military as weak—all based on no evidence. But we—knowing both Russian history and the current state of Russian society and the Russian military, cannot swallow these lies. We now feel that it is our duty, as Russians living in the US, to warn the American people that they are being lied to, and to tell them the truth. And the truth is simply this:
If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States
will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.
Let us take a step back and put what is happening in a historical context. Russia has suffered a great deal at the hands of foreign invaders, losing 22 million people in World War II. Most of the dead were civilians, because the country was invaded, and the Russians have vowed to never let such a disaster happen again. Each time Russia had been invaded, she emerged victorious. In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia; in 1814 Russian cavalry rode into Paris. On June 22, 1941, Hitler’s Luftwaffe bombed Kiev; On May 8, 1945, Soviet troops rolled into Berlin.
But times have changed since then. If Hitler were to attack Russia today, he would be dead 20 to 30 minutes later, his bunker reduced to glowing rubble by a strike from a Kalibr supersonic cruise missile launched from a small Russian navy ship somewhere in the Baltic Sea. The operational abilities of the new Russian military have been most persuasively demonstrated during the recent action against ISIS, Al Nusra and other foreign-funded terrorist groups operating in Syria. A long time ago Russia had to respond to provocations by fighting land battles on her own territory, then launching a counter-invasion; but this is no longer necessary. Russia’s new weapons make retaliation instant, undetectable, unstoppable and perfectly lethal.
Thus, if tomorrow a war were to break out between the US and Russia, it is guaranteed that the US would be obliterated. At a minimum, there would no longer be an electric grid, no Internet, no oil and gas pipelines, no interstate highway system, no air transportation or GPS-based navigation. Financial centers would lie in ruins. Government at every level would cease to function. US armed forces, stationed all around the globe, would no longer be resupplied. At a maximum, the entire landmass of the US would be covered by a layer of radioactive ash. We tell you this not to be alarmist, but because, based on everything we know, we are ourselves alarmed. If attacked, Russia will not back down; she will retaliate, and she will utterly annihilate the United States.
The US leadership has done everything it could to push the situation to the brink of disaster. First, its anti-Russian policies have convinced the Russian leadership that making concessions or negotiating with the West is futile. It has become apparent that the West will always support any individual, movement or government that is anti-Russian, be it tax-cheating Russian oligarchs, convicted Ukrainian war criminals, Saudi-supported Wahhabi terrorists in Chechnya or cathedral-desecrating punks in Moscow. Now that NATO, in violation of its previous promises, has expanded right up to the Russian border, with US forces deployed in the Baltic states, within artillery range of St. Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, the Russians have nowhere left to retreat. They will not attack; nor will they back down or surrender. The Russian leadership enjoys over 80% of popular support; the remaining 20% seems to feel that it is being too soft in opposing Western encroachment. But Russia will retaliate, and a provocation or a simple mistake could trigger a sequence of events that will end with millions of Americans dead and the US in ruins.
Unlike many Americans, who see war as an exciting, victorious foreign adventure, the Russians hate and fear war. But they are also ready for it, and they have been preparing for war for several years now. Their preparations have been most effective. Unlike the US, which squanders untold billions on dubious overpriced arms programs such as the F-35 joint task fighter, the Russians are extremely stingy with their defense rubles, getting as much as 10 times the bang for the buck compared to the bloated US defense industry. While it is true that the Russian economy has suffered from low energy prices, it is far from being in shambles, and a return to growth is expected as early as next year. Senator John McCain once called Russia “A gas station masquerading as a country.” Well, he lied. Yes, Russia is the world’s largest oil producer and second-largest oil exporter, but it is also world’s largest exporter of grain and nuclear power technology. It is as advanced and sophisticated a society as the United States. Russia’s armed forces, both conventional and nuclear, are now ready to fight, and they are more than a match for the US and NATO, especially if a war erupts anywhere near the Russian border.
But such a fight would be suicidal for all sides. We strongly believe that a conventional war in Europe runs a strong chance of turning nuclear very rapidly, and that any US/NATO nuclear strike on Russian forces or territory will automatically trigger a retaliatory Russian nuclear strike on the continental US. Contrary to irresponsible statements made by some American propagandists, American antiballistic missile systems are incapable of shielding the American people from a Russian nuclear strike. Russia has the means to strike at targets in the USA with long-range nuclear as well as conventional weapons.
The sole reason why the USA and Russia have found themselves on a collision course, instead of defusing tensions and cooperating on a wide range of international problems, is the stubborn refusal by the US leadership to accept Russia as an equal partner: Washington is dead set on being the “world leader” and the “indispensable nation,” even as its influence steadily dwindles in the wake of a string of foreign policy and military disasters such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine. Continued American global leadership is something that neither Russia, nor China, nor most of the other countries are willing to accept. This gradual but apparent loss of power and influence has caused the US leadership to become hysterical; and it is but a small step from hysterical to suicidal. America’s political leaders need to be placed under suicide watch.
First and foremost, we are appealing to the commanders of the US Armed Forces to follow the example of Admiral William Fallon, who, when asked about a war with Iran, reportedly replied “not on my watch.” We know that you are not suicidal, and that you do not wish to die for the sake of out-of-touch imperial hubris. If possible, please tell your staff, colleagues and, especially, your civilian superiors that a war with Russia will not happen on your watch. At the very least, take that pledge to yourself, and, should the day ever come when the suicidal order is issued, simply refuse to execute it on the grounds that it is criminal. Remember that according to the Nuremberg Tribunal “To initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.” Since Nuremberg, “I was just following orders” is no longer a valid defense; please don’t be war criminals.
We also appeal to the American people to take peaceful but forceful action to oppose any politician or party that engages in irresponsible, provocative Russia-baiting, and that condones and supports a policy of needless confrontation with a nuclear superpower that is capable of destroying the US in about an hour. Speak up, break through the barrier of mass media propaganda, and make your fellow Americans aware of the immense danger of a confrontation between Russia and the US.
There is no objective reason why US and Russia should consider each other as adversaries. The current confrontation is entirely the result of the extremist views of the neoconservative movement, whose members have infiltrated the US Federal government, and who consider any country that refuses to obey their dictates as an enemy to be crushed. Thanks to their tireless efforts, over a million innocent people have already died in the former Yugoslavia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, the Ukraine, Yemen, Somalia and in many other countries—all because of their maniacal insistence that the USA must be a world empire, not a just a regular, normal country, and that every national leader must either bow down before it, or be overthrown. In Russia, the irresistible force that is the neocon movement has finally encountered the immovable object. They must be forced to back down before they destroy us all.
We are absolutely and categorically certain that Russia will never attack the US, nor any EU member state, that Russia is not at all interested in recreating the USSR, and that there is no “Russian threat” or “Russian aggression.” Much of Russia’s recent economic success has a lot to do with the shedding of former Soviet dependencies, allowing her to pursue a “Russia first” policy. But we are just as certain that if Russia is attacked, or even threatened with attack, she will not back down, and that the Russian leadership will not “blink.” With great sadness and a heavy heart they will do their sworn duty and unleash a nuclear barrage from which the United States will never recover. Even if the entire Russian leadership is killed in a first strike, the so-called “Dead Hand” (the “Perimetr” system) will automatically launch enough nukes to wipe the USA off the political map. We feel that it is our duty to do all we can to prevent such a catastrophe.
Eugenia V Gurevich, PhD http://rusaker.net/ |
Dmitri Orlov http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/ |
The Saker (A. Raevsky) http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/ |
I was an anti-war, anti-Establishment activist back in the 60s, 70s. I have seen too much psychopathology and lusting for WAR(cf., Freud’s human “DEATH WISH”) in this brief journey on an insignificant planet. I’m beginning to think that ALL CIVILAZATIONS along with their insane TRIBAL BELIEFS have doomed themselves! Metaphorically speaking, this sphere with it’s molten metal core is about to shrug us off.
That being said, this is one hell of an article!! Thanks
At the time that there was risk that the US may attack Iran, literary genius & poet of extraordinary talent George W was in the Oval Office, rumors circled that a military coup would be launched & this was communicated to the neo-cons. I don’t know how much credibility there is to that story, but I think in this context that a build up towards nuclear war would cause severe ruptures within the Western world itself, there is a good chance it would bring about a general strike in some countries – say Italy for example, which then could inspire others. Idle speculation perhaps, & may be a dose of wishful thinking for good measure. As a general rule of thumb in these situations, I advise myself to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
May God forbid tremendous disaster, We do not want war with Russia, we want peace and
happiness for the whole world I hope the leaders of the USA come to their senses and stop provoking Russia .Well actually is what I want
He’s bluffing. Putin doesn’t have the hutzpah to use a nuclear weapon.
I do not understand why any courage would be needed to use nukes. To the contrary, it seems to me that an awful lot more courage and bravery is required to not use them. Mentally weak and fearful people in positions of power commit the worst atrocities, allegedly to protect themselves or their interests from adversaries (imagined or real).
2016 and to all of you.The Russians,the Americans,The Jews,The Christians and Muslims,The Gays ,the Believers and None Beleivers.The Women and Children.The Youth,Those remarkable beings of innocence.so how have we become prisoners to these few, who dare consider our destruction and what for? What right does anyone have to harm you.I give thanks and I praise you all for your endevour,your remarkable tenacity and genorosity.We are Global Citizens.Free Men/Women.We are not Slaves,Convicts or Serfs.Our parents and Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents.What horror and Terror,have they endured and what for?I do not give Consent for harm to any of you and I know the majority feel the same.How have we been kidnapped by these Monarchies and Religions and Mafia Killers of the Global Military Elite? What i have read below are comments by minds so precious,so devine and thoughtful.What catastrophe awaits us?What annihilation and for what and for whom.Hold your loved ones dearly.Hold your heads high and know.I thank all past generations for there mindfulness,that has tuaght us humility and patientce.2016 the future is ours.No one owns this Earth and dare no one to put borders to deny us free rein on this planet.This is the Only planet we have and no Gods will save us.earth is ours and belongs to us all.From our evolution from the caves to Mars.Yes we have landed on Mars and if we are bright as can be.Then Eternity awaits us.Peaceto you and May you prosper.No More War. No More War.2016 they killing children.Massacaring Children.Slaughtering Children.That is the behaviour of the phsycopath and they must be dealt with .I am not a cannibal or savage or murderer.I am not a Nation or Race or Gender or Religion.I am a free Man/Woman.What say you.
I guess the mainstream media and politicians are last folks who will find that USA is not producing much anything in 2016 compared to early 1950’s. The fact that American industry production is nowadays hardly more than 15% of world industrial production compared to 50% in 1950’s is very poorly known among mainstream media folks. It’s not just because China. That process started very soon after WW2 when Japanese and Germans wiped out American products in European and Asian markets. I know there are folks claiming now that big money comes from “intellectual property” and “selling American dream” like Hollywood, Apple, pop music etc. But if you checked even these more “cultural” things you should easily see how American (and British) dominance is declining even there. The point is that the whole world is not becoming “like America”. China, India, all great Asian cultures, Russia, Africa, Muslim world will never adapt western pluralism (the myth of western democracy). Instead they will evolve in their own way.
Articles like this one still give some hope…
The “powers” and “principalities” that Jesus warned about have taken over the so-called American government. We export war, death & disaster all over the Middle East — all in the name of protecting Israel or advancing its interests. Now we are threatening Russia and crowding the Russians into a corner. Voting Democrat or Republican makes no difference because powerful forces and interests that cannot be stopped have taken over. Meanwhile, fundamentalist Christians in America have severely perverted what the Bible has to say. These fundamentalists supported Gulf War Two and also an attack on Iran to defend Israel. They also claim the Bible says Russia will attack Israel so there is no point in trying to make peace with Russia. Clearly, insanity and evil have taken over America’s political, religious and media institutions.
I agree. More to the point, the Russia has the electronic capability of stopping us DEAD IN OUR TRACKS before we can launch ANYTHING at them. Or, if we pre-emptively strike at targets in Russia, they have the capability of blowing whatever we launch out of the sky before they ever cross the border into Russian airspace. Is that about right?
We’re toast either way.
Well i just woooofed down a half pint of raspberry sherbet ~ doesn’t really matter if i lose those 6 pounds… the US State Dept is bound and determined to rule the world.
Just know as the ashes fall and the ground glows that there are some ‘murikkkans who detest what this country has turned into all because of the US State Dept.
Granted this mess of department Neo-libs and Neo-cons is trained and run by the punks in the Council on Foreign Relations ~ the Revolving door secures that. Ain’t that right FrumpHRC?
If i didn’t have G-kdz i’d petition to be a Russian citizen.
I know first hand the depravity of the US State Dept ~ i’m WIA during the Tet Offensive ~ thanks entirely to the US State Dept and it’s mendacious pernicious desire to ‘hegemonize’ the world thru Full Spectrum Dominance ~
The US of A and all of the harm it has brought on the world must end and i trust the Russians will incinerate the US State Dept and then if possible vaporize and disinfect for any Zio-bots hiding …
@ Darwin26
“Granted this mess of department Neo-libs and Neo-cons is trained and run by the punks in the Council on Foreign Relations ”
They all swallow the same narrative. For instance, the History teacher who taught a neocon moronic generation at the State Department College was the sub-reptilian Carroll Quigley whose ideas of Homo Americanus superiority still infect half-grown minds today.
Discernment, Kim. Discernment is advised. Not riding waves of emotionalism and cheer-leading an apocalyptic end game scenario, out of rage.
There were no “neocons” when Quigley taught at Georgetown.
And in his time, he was rather alone in writing about the workings of the Anglo-American establishment. What could you do alone?
In this interview James Corbett interviews Joe Plummer, author of Tragedy and Hope 101 who quotes Quigley as saying “What these people have accomplished is terrifying.”
Here’s another resource on the subject: https://tragedyandhope.com/ Richard Grove
Discernment, as I asked the outraged one, who inadvertently actually demonstrated the problem I raised, with no self-consciousness, I am quite sure, of that fact. And no interest in closing up that very weak flank in the anti-NWO world of diverse nations. http://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2016-05-24/comment-page-1/#comment-241394
A few others got the point. There is discernment. But it’s not always that easy to come by. Waves of emotionalism are more readily available.
And we see that some communists with hot blood are too ready to “see red” and throw a fit and rather than think through the problems. Obviously these old, tribal characteristics brought up for discussion are a more fundamental reason than Islam per se, that Arab nations are more problematic, in terms of seriousness and rationality, for example, than is Russia. Though Syria shows that here is hope. Libya much less so. Saudi Arabia? An Anglo-American imposed nightmare achieved by profiling and imposing precisely what Quigley described in those two passages. Tribalism, of the warrior, patriarchal, patrilocal variety.
And Evo Morales is an indigenous person, not a descended from people from a country that had 7+ centuries of Moorish occupations. Which civilization had good things in it, but which declined, very rapidly. Why?? One should care about the answer to that question!
Meanwhile, let’s go deeper into the issue of domination and look at Francisco Pizarro’s encounter with Atahualpa at Cajamarca, Peru in 1532. Ummm? That one is very rich in historical lessons that shed light on all of this from a different perspective.
Dear Saker et. al.,
What can *we* do to promote peace? This situation, as you and your friends show, has gone way beyond crazy. Write letters to the editor? We get bounced, deleted and labelled ‘Kremlin trolls’. Anyone with any common sense can see the predicament that the US is putting Russia in, and we want an end to it. Now, or preferably yesterday.
Thank you. I will do what I can to pass this along.
What a bunch of FEAR MONGERING. Are y’all that afraid to meet your maker? I thought Christian believers no matter what dogma they subscribe to are un-afraid of dying in this time. Do you need another day to “get right” with Jesus? If so, then start now instead of writing fear mongering posts on the Internet and grab a bible and be at peace with the maker.
Pffftttttt, go ahead and drop a bomb on my roof, anybody. I’m not going to concern myself one bit with it. And no, I’m not in denial of world affairs of the Prince of Darkness, he too will be dealt with in the end.
Those who put their own lives before the one who died on a tree for all mankind will not be saved from eternal darkness. My advice….grab your Bible and pray, as that is the only thing that matters, everything else is from this world, and sorry I’m in this world but not of it.
Kindness regards, and I will pray for all of you who live in fear.
Hmmm, 121 terrace, what do you think the Prince of Peace would say at this point in time?
Wouldn’t it be “blessed are the peacemakers”?
I reckon he’d bless Saker, Dimitry and Evgenia, and all of us who try and awaken others to oppose the warmongers in DC, Wall Street, the City of London, Riyadh, Istanbul and Tel Aviv.
You are no doubt correct. So in that case the argument for peace should be taken to those who can be influenced, and not some internet forum. But that would be to difficult, so lets just rant on a forum that we know the policy makers do not read, or read and dismiss simply because of it’s bias.
Peace can only be made with those who think it is a stalemate and there is no more to gain. That is obviously not the situation here, so my answer above still is the best solution. If The Almighty hears enough pleas for peace he would interfere if that is his plan. Remember He said that we should resist evil in our lives, and allow him to sit in judgement not us.
So, by your statement war and Christianity are complete opposites no? Then why prepare for “pay back”. Isn’t that just the opposite from what you stated?
Kindness regards, and I will pray for all of you who live in fear.
I do not like to self promote on any internet forum, but in case anyone be interested in my thinking about where the human race is now at the cusp of extinction, This book was written 11 years ago and outlines my thoughts on my beliefs about what mankind needs to do to spare itself.
Not a best seller, :), as the truth is the last thing anyone wants to hear/read.
Title: WOES
We are facing a crossroads when the very survival of our nation is at stake. Our decisions will effect the outcome — good or bad. We can have a Republic only if we can keep it. It is in constant need of observance and more importantly, action. Every one of us has to make our own decision based on what the Spirit directs. My only hope, with this book, is to inspire those who are on the cusp of a breakthrough in their faith, in the Father, of us all.
Kindness regards, and I will pray for all of you who live in fear.
Your link to your book doesn’t work for me.
My apologies anno. The link was takes from a quick Amazon search. Below is a workable link.
Download a sample to get the gist, or use the “What’s Inside” tab. The sample will get you 10% of the contents.
I see that this comment software doesn’t like html embed code either. (code that includes the thumbnail also.)
OK here is the hard link.
My sincere apologies to all.
Kindness regards, and I will pray for all of you who live in fear.
I see that this comment software doesn’t like html embed code either. (code that includes the thumbnail also.)
OK here is the hard link.
My sincere apologies to all. I will send anyone a free copy via email in either .mobi or .epub. format. Just request To: Blazer88@protonmail.ch , subject Free Book
Kindness regards, and I will pray for all of you who live in fear.
@ 121 terrace
I think you are missing the point. Many of us don’t fear dying as such, but our children should be entitled to their share of life on Earth and it is our fault if they don’t; it is also our responsibility, not only to our children but to all forms of life, including the nasty ants that occasionally sting me.
Yes, lets pull the comfy blanket of mythology and delusion over our heads, that’ll help a lot, thanks.
Keep me posted
WASHINGTON, June 2. /TASS/. The United States will send three B-52 strategic bombers to UK to take part in upcoming military drills, US Strategic Command said on Thursday.
“Three B-52 Stratofortresses are scheduled to deploy June 2 from Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, to RAF Fairford, United Kingdom, to participate in US European Command’s Exercises Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 16 and Saber Strike 16, and US Africa Command’s Just Hammer,” US Strategic Command said.
BALTOPS 16 drills will take place on June 3-19 with participation of 15 NATO member countries, Finland and Sweden. Around 6,100 servicemen are expected to take part in the military exercise. Saber Strike 16 drills started in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on May 27. The drills held by 13 countries will run until June 22.
“This deployment marks the third year in a row that strategic bombers have deployed to RAF Fairford and trained with US and allied military forces,” US Strategic Command said.
“Integrating strategic bombers with multi-national operations in a variety of scenarios enhances the readiness and capability of US and NATO military forces, which is vital to global security,” said Adm. Cecil D. Haney, US Strategic Command commander. “Ensuring we can operate from strategic forward locations like RAF Fairford is integral to our collective defense capabilities and a more timely and coordinated response during crises.”
“The most recent deployment of B-52s to Europe was in March in support of Exercises Cold Response and Serpentex,” US Strategic Command reminded.
probably on their way to Libya, Raqqa, fly by on Rus borders maybe, any other places?
After repatriation of Crimea ,Moscow showed weakness and retreat,and send wrong messages to neocons.Many neocons believe that if nuke first and suddenly ,”logic voice”like Lavrov will retreat and will strike back.After the first American nuk strike ,and disaster ,neocons hope that Russians will topples Putin.Defeatist and moderate russian foreign policy is dangerous not only for Russia ,but for world peace.
“It has become apparent that the West will always support any individual, movement or government that is anti-Russian, be it tax-cheating Russian oligarchs, convicted Ukrainian war criminals, Saudi-supported Wahhabi terrorists in Chechnya or cathedral-desecrating punks in Moscow.”
This should be like a mantra to be learned at very young age and repeated all the time.
The Threat is coming from the British Crown & City of London Banks and is off shoots Wall Street and Branches in Europe the Group name for this threat is British Empire which done a way with Red Coated soldiers to Black Suits as it hid as a Financial empire but the Transatlantic Financial system is ready to crash. It controls NATO and has asserts all over the World such as Bush Family and Obama. The way is to put a Muzzle on them and countries to adopt Glass Steagall Bank separation to strangle their financial hold and give us honest Banks and reintroduce the American System killed by British Empire Agents. Introduce Hamilton’s Credit System and dump the British Monetary System that was created by the Venetian Bankers who’d descendants are in the BE mix. and establish National Banks of Public Credit .
That is very real to me – Have forwarded it to the Danish “government” and a few others… helping others will do so too, maybe if enough of us do so and ask them to
actually just be honest and consider what they DO know and what you say here and how they can shift gears to a more survival forward movement and give a friendly advice to US government and politicians to do so too….
The USA wants war with Russia and they will keep pushing until they get it. Russia needs to strike first and take down the USA. The strike must be lighting fast and deadly accurate. We all know that Russia hates war, but they must do it if they are going to surive.
Certainly a concerning message, but Hilary at her worst wouldn’t attack Russia directly; send NATO into Ukraine, perhaps, but not invade Russia.
The spearhead forces are too small, even to move in support of a soft coup. Hitler’s massive forces were 80% horse drawn; only the elite blitzkreig units were motorized. Half their oil and most of their blood and treasure was spilled on the eastern front.
NATO’s far smaller forces are entirely mechanized. There’s no way a Western invasion could sustain itself in a war, and horses are no more resistant to radiation poisoning than humans even if such forces were available.
The more untenable real war looks, the more it seems like mere intimidation of the masses. Every now and then a story pops up about how some Russian soldier saved the world by not firing nukes on a (later found false) radar signal.
Seems like mass propaganda to frighten Russia into backing down like during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when West and East populations were terrified. Of course, its a myth; Kennedy was willing to deal.
The difference between then and now, of course, was that Kennedy was also a man of his word and could keep it. No Western leader truly represents their country contrary to the global Deep State.
There’s stuff on the table, perhaps beyond the obvious Ukraine/Afghan/Syrian pipelineistan.
Agreed. My personal interpretation is that the military posturing on the part of the US is to trigger a Moscow color revolution resulting in Putin’s ouster. Although this strategy has so far been unsuccessful they seem to have no alternative strategy at the moment.
In any case, the US/NATO certainly do not seem to have the manpower to engage in a large scale land war in Russia.
As you mention, the office of the President is constrained by many forces which do not allow for such scenarios as Obama starting WWIII in October to help Hillary’s campaign chances.
There are a couple of possible scenarios that do concern me. The first is Hillary’s desire to impose a no-fly zone over Syria. The second scenario, which I have not seen so far discussed, is a possible naval blockade of Crimea.
The direct Russian presence in Syria precludes a no-fly zone, and the resources needed would break NATO’s bank. At best no-fly would be part of some diplomatic propaganda show about how unreasonable Russia is about not allowing a no-fly zone against terrorists with no air force. The no-fly is surely no-go, even with American boots already on the ground.
A naval blockade of Crimea; well Putin has built an energy bridge into Crimea and is building a road/rail bridge, both over the Kerch Straight. Tough to blockade Russian bridges without shooting directly at Russia. Blockade is too pointless, NATO wouldn’t survive long on a Russian lake, first shot or no, and for what? The Russian naval base is only useful taken intact, without shots being fired, to advantage a possible future war.
That leaves cleaning up after herself in Libya, re-surging in Afghanistan, Iraq War III, turning up the heat on Iran, and/or sending NATO in to mop up Donbass rebels the way Putin is trying with Daesh terrorists. The last move seems on the surface the most obvious and doable move.
Not that NATO could win in Donbass, but its the move with the least chance of WWIII, and if somehow successful in defeating the rebels, the Russians are unlikely to fuel a messy never-say-die insurgency, so it would be over. Unlike Libya or Iraq.
Or starting something with China.
The trouble with Hilary and many American woman politicians, is the drive to prove a woman is more macho than any man in American politics. Even Bush Jr. had common sense limits as to how far he would go to appease his neocon backers.
US, NATO, Chinese, and Russian leaders should stop and consider whether the near universal power grid failure that will result from EMP will cause all or most of the 102 operating US nuclear reactors to melt, with cooling loss to their spent fuel pools. The entire northern hemisphere will be unlivable, even with no fallout from actual weapons use, or nuclear winter. European and Asian reactors will add to the catastrophe.
I agree 100% and I will sign…I am born in Eastern-Europe and I am proud with people/patriots like you. Thank you from my heart for everything what you do for our Countries, here and there, and for the entire Humanity. Be blessed !
Bellingcat and co been at work in this information war????
MOSCOW, June 2./TASS/. The Kremlin calls absurd the very wording of statements alleging that Russia is reinforcing its contingent on the border with Belarus, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.
“It would be a strong exaggeration to speak about the strengthening of some alignment of forces on the border with Belarus, the very presentation of the problem as ‘strengthening on the border with Belarus’ seems absurd to me,” Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
He said Russian Defense Ministry officials “will be able to explain movement of this units or the other”. Peskov admitted that he knew nothing about reports about beefing up of Russian armed forces on the border with Belarus.
Some media outlets reported earlier that the 28th separate motor rifle brigade had been moved from Yekaterinburg (in the Urals) to the Bryansk region for permanent stationing. The source of these reports is a group of volunteers that was investigating into the situation in Crimea, Donbass and Syria, and which draws conclusions on redeployment of troops on the basis of analyzing social networking systems.
link to MFA usual Thursday briefing……
What would happen to Earth if humans disappeared? Video shows how the terrifying sequence of doomsday events would unfold
A few hours after our disappearance, lights around the world will shut off
Two or three days later, most underground train systems would flood
A month later, cooling water in nuclear power stations would evaporate
Only evidence of our existence will be the things we’ve made with stone like the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China and Mount Rushmore
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3621492/What-happen-Earth-humans-disappeared-Watch-terrifying-sequence-doomsday-events-unfold.html#ixzz4AR1IYfWg
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someone referred to the cornerstone of the Temple too here………..
I think we’ve past the point of no return,the US/NATO global empire want to dominate the whole world the land,sea and air.They don’t want a nation or a group of nations to challenge their dominance,that’s why they are attacking Russia indirectly by bringing regime change in Ukraine, by supporting and financing the armed insurrection in Syria (because Syria is the only country in the Middle East which has strategic relations with Russia and doesn’t trust the US,the Russian naval base in Syria is strategically important to Russia because it the only base Russia has in the and the navy doesn’t need to pass through the bosphorus which is controlled by Turkey a NATO member to reach Russia ports for maintenance and resupplying ),BRICS is also being attacked through Brazil which is still unfolding and of course the sanction against Russia and the engineered fall in the price of oil.I think the US/NATO will continue to provoke to the point Russia must respond and the US/NATO will use that as a pretext to launch an attack probably nuclear and Russia will definitely respond back.
Russia has responded; the Motherland will not be baited.
From the 8th paragraph,
“The sole reason why the USA and Russia have found themselves on a collision course, instead of defusing tensions and cooperating on a wide range of international problems, is the stubborn refusal by the US leadership to accept Russia as an equal partner: Washington is dead set on being the “world leader” and the “indispensable nation,” even as its influence steadily dwindles in the wake of a string of foreign policy and military disasters such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine.”
Russia is playing its part in the fomenting of WW3. To claim the above and leave out who is in 100% control of the U.S. and for whose benefit the “military disasters” such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine were attacked for displays a knowing part in the charade. Either Russia is as dumb and blind as a bag of hammers or Russia is furthering the goals stated for the creation of eretz israel. Russia is setting itself and being set up to occupy the same position as the U.S. did after WW2. One of israels goals is the destruction of the U.S. and Russia is stupid enough to play its part. This when just openly talking about who is behind all this perfidy would uncover humanities real enemies. This I think is why Russia refuses to do so.
@ Joe
Why beating around the bush? You mean Zionism and the Jewish criminal cabal of Tel Aviv, Washington and London.
Yes, and you both are correct that Russia under its current government is just playing its part in the game.
The BRICS plus Venezuela are being destroyed before our eyes, Russia has a permanent seat at the UNSC, but were there any condemnations nor other diplomatic actions (not to dream of some undercover intelligence support) regarding the illegal coup in Brasil? What next with Bolivia? South Africa? India?
Arggh, Russia “is monitoring” the situation and “Will keep in talks with our western partners”.
Russians have a old saying
”Russia never starts Wars it Finishes them”
… and then givews away its victory thanks to Gorbachev, Yeltsin and some greedy traitors across the 1985 Politburo.
So what’s the benefit then?
Sergey Veselovsky: No Forgiveness for the Murderers
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
2nd June, 2016
Exactly two years ago, a Ukrainian pilot, on the orders of the Ukrainian government, fired missiles at the city center of Lugansk.
The state of Ukraine deliberately killed its own citizens.
On 2nd June, 2014, a Ukrainian aircraft, during a series of air raids on Lugansk and its suburbs, carried out an airstrike on the building of the Lugansk regional state administration. As a result of the assault hitting the heart of the city, the Lugansk regional state administration building, and the car park at the front and square named after Heroes of the Great Patriotic war, 8 people died (3 males and 5 females), and 28 were injured by shrapnel, some seriously…
Unarmed. Peaceful. They wanted one thing: the state to respect their human and civil rights.
I, Veselovsky Sergei Mikhailovich, declare the following. All citizens of Ukraine, who put on uniforms and took up arms to participate in the genocide called the “ATO”, and those who made decisions about the beginning of this operation, are war criminals who violated the Constitution and trampled on all norms of International Law and morality.
There can be no justification.
It does not have a Statute of limitations.
Call on the leaders of member states of the UN Security Council, all people of good will
to condemn war criminals,
Ukraine seized by the coup and purposefully destroying the population of this country, by forcing the violent and illegal mobilization of some citizens to kill others.
I ask all who agree with me, to join this statement.
Sergey Veselovsky
Lugansk after the airstrike on 02.06. 2014. What was not included in the OSCE report [18+]:
WARNING -very graphic video , eg lady fatally injured and still asking for someone to phone her daughter……..
May there be justice for all victims as recorded in the White Book.
@ JJ
It both saddens me and fills me with revulsion for those criminals. They don’t deserve forgiveness. Yet our recent history is strewn with execrable criminality from airmen, from Guernica, Hamburg, Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, drone killings and… the list is too long.
BTW, how do you manage to supply so much info. Do you sleep?
actually some days awake from 4 am stressed out, but maybe that is from work.I am in hiatus between things going on at work too, so whllst waiting for the next ‘event’ and getting in early I scour my usual sites…….hence many typo’s being in such a hurry-sighs.
blame all the israeli firaters in government today whose loyalty is for israel only, who are screaming for ww3, we have to get rid of these people from government or else we all die
Sign the international petition to stop ww3 and leave NATO.
Very good intentions…… snicker. But I can not sign without giving them my email and/or phone number to be added to yer another database, so no thank you.
If they were true in spirit with their petition, then they wouldn’t need personal information. Plus they do not reveal to whom this petition will be sent to.
I’m old enough (74) to know much about the Larouche PAC plus the person behind it.
Why don’t you tell us what YOU are doing instead of snickering (your own term is very accurate) about people who are doing something.
Sure, they should never ask for any support and just cease to exist, so they could also do little or nothing. I get it. I GET it.
The petition is covered in the Russian Media:
Who else is doing this, 121terrace?
And what are you doing to get western europeans to give a voice to this urgent question, besides snickering????
@ Anonymous
And why are you hiding behind Anonymous? Terrace 121 is entitled to refuse giving his personal info and, perhaps, there are other less intrusive ways to sign petitions, e.g. through churches not controlled by Anglozionism.
Are there any with international scope? Get real.
It’s a simple matter to block emails, if one chooses to do that.
US runs 761 military bases outside the US, russia runs approx 16. So who is the real threat?
I am sad to read the comments on how people are feeling afraid and are asking what they can do and who can do what to stop the coming nuclear war.
At the same time it is good that there are people realizing what is happening around them and doing their research outside of what is fed to them through the mass media.
However, most of us already know that we have reached a point of no return and that it is time to prepare for the coming nuclear war. If you will survive it and you now have the knowledge of what is going to happen, then you have a responsibility to yourself and your family to practically and physically prepare for this coming war.
Because let me tell you that there are people who have inside information and who wield a great amount of power and fortune (a number of billionaires among others), who have prepared themselves and their families for the coming war. This information on bunkers and transportation systems are available online.
How to survive a nuclear war:
And I wonder what good will an SMS do if people have no where to run.
There is nothing that the Western societies at any level can do anymore to stop the madness of their elite. The nuclear war could take place in 1 or 2 years or in 10 years, but it will take place….and the weapons produced and are now continuously being upgraded are there for one reason and that is to be used and they will be used.
The people of this world (from the West and East, all the people) and their leadership (political, social, economic and religious), with an exception of a few, have surrendered their souls a long long time ago to the most unprecedented forms of corruption in the history of humanity and the time has come to for these souls to return to their creator on a scale unprecedented in human history.
If God would globally punish mankind for only 1 single thing on his Earth, then it would be the absolutely corrupt and unjust global economic monetary system of Usury and Debt.
Allah in the Noble Quran points out:
Whatever good befalls thee (O man), it is from Allah, and whatever misfortune befalls thee, it is from thyself (4:79).
A warning of a preemptive attack on a missile base in Romania is in stark contrast with the rest of Putin’s remarks at the press conference and during the rest of his Greek visit, which was devoted mainly to visits of orthodox museums and monasteries. He gave no hint of such a warning at any time since. At the Greek press conference, Mr. Putin did say “we have to respond now,” but he did not say how he would have to respond. I can think of several other alternatives: (1) Further economic sanctions against the EU. After all, the remark was in reply to a reporter’s question about how the anti-missile defense deployment in Europe could affect another Gazprom pipeline. (2) Further buildup of Russia’s missile defenses along the border with Europe and placing them on high alert. (3) Closing Russian air space to Romanian planes. (4) Beefing up Russia’s radar and satellite monitoring of Romania. Yes, I agree that Putin’s words were rather shocking, but could it be we are over-reacting a bit?
There are other countries, besides the U.S.A ., that should be on the list.
Well … this article reminded me of a think tank’s projection that came out year or so ago predicting the population of the USA dropping to 65 million by 2025 (link below). Perhaps, tin foil hat firmly on, the next war has already been planned and is now in the starting gate …
This article reminded me of a think tank’s projection of the population of the USA declining to 65 million by 2025 (see link below). Perhaps, tin foil hat firmly on, the next war has already been planned and is now in the starting gate…
I was not born in Russia, yet I consider myself an expat living in the USA, I was delighted to read this foom other Russians who feel like I do, If a nuclear war is to start (God forbid) I wish that Russia survives and it has the best chances to survive with its huge land mass and scarce population , which is also spread out across the country, but id it does start all my family in the USA would perish, my lovely children will be gone, but I will not feel the pain because I will be dead too. Even so, I am for the destruction of the evil empire, even if my family dies in the process, I cannot agree with the Saker who once said something like “I hope that Russia will not retaliate for the sake of humanity”.It is precisely for that that Russia should retaliate, I do undertand from where the Saker is coming from though, he has famly in the USA,just like I do, and he sees the utter degeneracy and is digusted by it, but not to the point that he wishes the US to be obliterated, I do.
I agree with your last two sentences,
and I add, I hope to survive but if I really do it will be by God´s undeserved mercy.
There is a Hindu story about Lord Krishna who fought a big war in which all people on the battlefield and also all animals got killed, except a little locust. The insect had come to the feet of Krishna to show Reverence to Him, knowing He was a divine being. In response, Krishna took down His helmet and covered the locust. She survived.
I absolutely agree. Russia is no threat to the world. But unlike the US it has been attacked by Napoleon, Hitler and the Anglo-Americans and will justifiably fight back. What Russia is, is a threat to hegemony, the fantasy of the heirs of Hitler, the neo-con-zionists, are pursuing as we speak. As for John McCain, the pipsqueak “songbird of Hanoi” masquerading as a hero is a piece of drivel trying desperately to be the man he thought he was and he’ll never be,probably an apt metaphor for the USA today!
In order to defend against the American threat, you have to understand the nature of the American threat.
Filmmaker E. Koohan Paik has stated that “Americans have made the peculiarly imperialist combination of ignorance and arrogance a national identity.”
This is very true and could be further developed by adding DECEPTION as a defining facet of the American national character.
The Americans specialize in spin-doctoring reality itself–all in order to deflect blame away from their own limitless criminality onto others, whether that be “enemy nations” like Russia, China, Iran, etc. or more contrived bogeymen like the Illuminati, New World Order, Masons, or shape-shifting lizards.
Through it all, Americans desperately try to avoid admitting that the true threat to much of humanity is themselves.
This psychotic American mentality is how they rationalize in their own warped minds that their aggressive military encirclement of Russia, China, Iran is morally justified–oblivious to the prospect of a global nuclear war that they are guilty of provoking.
@ Anonymous
You put it a tad more elegantly than I would. The criminal insane neocons and the Jewish humanity-haters driving the Azion empire are a scourge to humanity, all in the name of “democracy and freedom” at the barrel of a gun or nuke.
RT saying this am are having a new programme regularly re all this
‘On Contact’: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges joins RT America
Published time: 2 Jun, 2016 14:39
Edited time: 2 Jun, 2016 15:55
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A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist is joining the RT America team. Author and social critic Chris Hedges will host a weekly interview show called ‘On Contact,’ which will air “dissident voices” currently missing from the mainstream media.
Hedges will interview the black sheep of the establishment, leading discussions that can’t be heard anywhere else.
“The absence of dissident voices from the airwaves, including on public broadcasting that was originally designed to allow those not beholden to the power elites to be heard, has turned the media landscape in the United States into an echo chamber for the powerful and the wealthy,” Hedges said.
“Chris and his decades work are a true embodiment of RT’s motto ‘Question More.’ He is unafraid to be a rare voice of dissent in the American news media, however unpopular his position,” said Margarita Simonyan, RT’s editor-in-chief. “Perhaps if voices like Chris’ weren’t ignored by the political and media establishments 13 years ago, we could have avoided a lot of the travesties plaguing the Middle East today.“
anyone check out
It has already been posted as a latest article on the site. Feel free to comment on it there. Thx. Mod.
A Hindu prophet who was famous particularly during late 1970s and 1980s in the West, Sri Haidakhan Babaji (+ 1984), said that there will be a mass destruction WW III “soon”
(only by the compassion of God Almighty and His angels and saints have we been spared by now, I say)
and no country will be spared of its consequences.
in one country, he said, five per cent of people will survive, in another, twenty-five, but nowhere will be safety during this cataclysm, which he saw as a necessary phenomenon of Nature obeying God´s Law in order to wipe off sins and sinners, similar to the biblical Deluge. No wonder… there are many places particularly in the West but also in China and all other countries where, literally, Sodom and Gomorrah are turned loose today.
If I shall die during this Cataclysm it will be a justified death, even if I am no part of the core of this “abomination of desolation”. In fact, almost all of us are so degenerated that we deserve death…
Additionally, he said something like that: “Russia will survive… I dont know how, but Russia always gets thru.” He also saw a comparatively good outcome for India. And, according to one single quotation, for Israel.
What he recomm ends for everyone to have a chance to either survive or find a comparatively peaceful end is
1) Repeat the Name of God according to the religion one adheres to, i.e. the Heart´s Prayer, which is so well known in Russia and in parts of the Catholic community – in India it is called nama japa and in Islamic nations it is known as dhikr – and sing the Praise of God, i.e. psalms, Quran verses, devotional Hindu songs, again according to what religion one believes in;
one should be really busy doing this, according to him it works like a medicine, dose-dependent, it is a medicine for our planet and humankind which all Believers have to produce and give to the world NOW.
2) something even more important, as it can be done even by atheists, agnostics, people without any wire for spirituality, sinners and desperados: DO USEFUL WORK but dont do it for your own sake, for money, fame etc., but just to do it right and to be useful to God, others and the world.
To be industrious in order to be a good human being and to be useful is called Karma Yoga. Babaji saw this path as the highest yogic path, more powerful than kriya yoga and asanas and all that other Hindu stuff, because Karma Yoga changes things in mundane life, here and now, on this planet and right before our eyes, while all other Yoga methods, according to him, work mainly in the invisible worlds and for the Beyond.
Karma yoga, however, is not a warranty for spectacular success and fame, but both a means and a manifestation of steadfast Will for the Good Side. “Failure” of a project done with this intention will happen frequently, but in fact is no failure, because the good will and bhakti (sacrifice, commitment) with which it has been done leaves traces both in Heaven and on Earth. Sooner or later one will see good consequences even from failed karma yoga projects.
The people who unite now, forgetting differences in opinion, race and social status, to remove the rubblew and mud in the villages and cities in Germany, where deluges came down during the last three days, are Karma Yogis during this activity, and display the good magic of Karma Yoga in the world. The selfless soldiers and helpers who covered the Tchernobyl ruin in 1986 / 87, risking their lives and in many cases losing it for the benefit of their motherland, were first-class Karma Yogis, and their heroic commitment perhaps has saved not only their country but the world.
So now, reader, go out
and be a Karma Yogi too!
LOL. India?!?!
India is a close bosom ally of the Anglo Zionist Empire, if not an actual part of it.
India itself has thus allied itself with America and is now Israel’s best friend in Asia.
Israel and India’s Growing Alliance
India-US military cooperation “robust and deepening”
Indian warships enter South China Sea
Indeed, Andrew Korybko, who is a major contributor to this Saker website, has explicitly warned of India:
“Right now, the prospects look regrettably dim that sincere multipolar influences will make a comeback in the Indian establishment anytime soon, so it’s in the grand strategic interests of Russia and China to thenceforth regard everything that India does with the utmost of suspicion and begin painfully asking themselves whether the US has in fact succeeded in turning the South Asian giant into a Trojan Horse for sabotaging BRICS, the SCO, and the emerging multipolar world order in general.”
from: India: “Politicizing Terrorism” in Order to Pressure China
Beware the Indian Trojan horse that serves the interests of the Anglo Zionazis in the BRICS, SCO, or other multipolar groups under attack.
Moreover, with the rise of the BJP and Narendra Modi, India domestically is a Hindu fundamentalist entity that worships what in all honesty is a pagan religion.
Treachery and pagan idolatry lie beneath India’s pious mask.
Excellent article. I intend to publish a link to this at Quemado Institute.
I realize Donald Trump has become very controversial, even among relatively enlightened US polciy critics such as Paul Craig Roberts and Eric Zuesse. Yet some of us who have studied recent global affairs sincerely see Donald Trump’s foreign policy as lending great hope to a broader friendship between the US and Russia. It seems tragic that Trump has been perpetually vilified by the media, to such an extent that one wonders if any man can retain his dignity under such unfair attack. But worst of all, if Trump fails to be elected, perhaps our last chance for peace will have been squandered. How can people be so blind?
Quemado Institute strongly identifies with the Russian viewpoint on American aggression. We support Donald Trump in his desire to be friends with Russia and to get along with other countries, a pillar of his noninterventionist policy.
You gents can be sure that if one nuclear missile hits the U.S.,the World’s Greatest Country,Russia would also become a smoking ash heap.You are all insane.
Those cowards initiating the 3rd world war are right in deep bunkers in switzerland, just like they did during the 2nd world war and got away with murder.
They are the ones who should be STOPPED to avert the biggest disaster in human history on this planet.
Hope someone is listening to put an end to this very real threat.
The money printing debt creators ( Central Banks ) hold the cards. Even Russia has to lose its natural resources for paper issued as debt, to trade with other nations. If Russia can gather some allies to break the mould and issue their own debt free money backed up by resources, it’s end game for the criminal money lenders.These same vipers of course killed Jesus and are supremely confident that their God is on their side. Well he is and he goes by the name of Satan.
I’ve been reading The Saker since 2014. My mother introduced me to the blog, as well as other important sources of information. I am a former U.S. Marine, who at one time was the poster child for American Patriotism. Because I am an intelligent person, I am this no longer. At this point in time I am terrified. I’m so terrified and I don’t know what to do. No one believes anything I say, no one will listen to anything I tell them, and I’m afraid to broadcast on social media. Am I a coward? What would you have me do? How can I help save the country I live in from total damnation? I’m a musician, a writer, a lover, and a kind person. I love all people equally. While I am more priveliged than most, my life is also difficult. I am worth negative dollars (-$94 in the old checking account), and have no idea what being wealthy is like. Why should I have to die? I have a family that loves me. Thinking of their faces in the fire breaks my heart. I want to help save the world but I don’t know where to begin. Please tell me what to do.
Thank you so much,
– Robert Dominic Sweeney JR.
Hi Robert,
First, your are not alone, but you must realize you are part of a minority………and being in the US, it would make you a strong candidate for someone other people see as nuts or exaggerating regarding your ideas and comments that you are communicating to them…This more so than in for example Europe or other parts of the globe. The US is indeed the most indoctrinated, brainwashed and isolated part of the world.
Also you are not alone to be afraid of posting on social media and announcing your ideas and thoughts to the world.
Be assured that you cannot save your country…..This is something you must accept now.
If you are responsible for a family, a household, then this is the most likely people that you can control.
Also another thing, you must accept that everyone will and has to die. But that does not mean you cannot prepare yourself or increase your chances of survival by moving to other safer locations within the US or even thinking about moving abroad (Southern Hemisphere, etc.). But it would be something you need to plan for and it requires obviously some money. If you plan quickly you might find a better paying job where you can save up to move to a place temporary to find a job somewhere else. You will be surprised how things can work out.
And most importantly, in my opinion is to believe and pray to God to help you out in whatever difficulty or situation that you want to change, like researching what to do next, guiding you to move somewhere else or finding a job. And the reason for prayer is simply because you do not have control of everything that happens to you. You can struggle and plan and try to execute, but there will always be forces working in your favor or against you, which you have no control over.
Robert, please try to live healthy, relaxed and grateful. Try to let go of fear, if you can. Live in the light…..
As an expat living in the USA I would llke to add my signature to this, as if nuclear war happens, my children would die.
please convert “pruduprexdenie” to “preduprexdenie” in russian version of this article
Thanks for taking the time to warn US people. I truly agree and know you are correct. But, what everyone must realize, and no doubt Putin knows this well, the US Neocon leadership are psychotics.
They are not sane.
They only have the power they have because we gave it to them. Russia takes her power back by making sure she can defend herself. Look at Europe….a mess due to the US policies. But what do they do? Continue to do as Washington tells them. No, the only way for the US people to help change this is by taking their $ from big banks, not voting, not eating GMO, not watching or listening to mainstream media, not eating fast food, not buying into the terror trap.
If anyone thinks that Russia will be a pushover, there are spectacular pics of Russian air prowess being demonstrated in the Crimea at
The way “they” (the controlling puppeteers) see it, the world population needs to be culled. The problem is in the manner in which they plan to achieve this. They have prepared underground infrastructure for themselves at the expense of everyone. All they need to do is crawl under, initiate an avalanche of false flag events here on the surface, then wait for us to go about the dirty business of turning the exterior of this planet into a Mars doppelganger. Then the only “humans” remaining will be the evil dwellers below.
What’s presently happening has apparently been predicted in the Bible.
There is a Satanic cult known as the “beast from the sea” (aka the “first beast”) of Rev 13, which has corrupted the people of the U.S. and has subverted the U.S. government. This beast is apparently the same as the fourth beast of Daniel 7.
This Satanic cult, which made the deal with Satan that Jesus rejected (Luke 4:5-8), was the perpetrator of the 9/11 false flag attack.
The purpose of the 9/11 false flag attack was to overthrow the rule of law in the U.S. and to consolidate power in the executive branch, creating a seat of unaccountable, unprecedented worldly power.
Having created this seat of power, the first beast then installed into it the most evil person it could find. This person is apparently the second beast of Rev 13 the, “beast from the earth”, a political puppet ruler who takes orders from the first beast, the so-called “anti-Christ”.
The creation of this seat of political power and the installation of the anti-Christ into it is apparently what is being described in Daniel 7:8.
The U.S. government – led by the anti-Christ – no longer has any legitimacy whatsoever, and has become an “image of the beast” (Rev 13:15).
All high level government offices in the U.S. have been purged of reasonable people and they are now occupied by people who are demon-possessed.
The beast’s agenda is to use its “hammer of the whole earth” (Jeremiah 50:23) to forcibly impose the Satanic “New World Order” on the whole planet. This would be the fulfillment of the Satanic agenda on earth (Isaiah 14:12-14).
The 9/11 false flag attack may also correspond to the opening of the first seal of Rev 6, whereupon the U.S. government and its “coalition of the willing”, pretending to be the “victims” of the false-flag attack, went forth on a “white horse” (apparently signifying self-righteous hypocrisy), “conquering and to conquer”. This then naturally leads to the “red horse” of the second seal (Rev 6:3,4), which may be correspond to Russia’s re-emergence on the world stage as a military superpower opposed to the beast’s Satanic agenda of world conquest. (Go Russia!)
For abiut 800 years all the gold stolen from the byzantium and other places has been accumulated in Switzerland.
Then they caused 2 World wars so far and going for the 3rd.
They should be targeted, why should they be neutral and enjoy all the spoils of war, when they are the ones responsible for causing it to happen?
They should be a target also.
Excellent attempt at delivering the cold war spin….geeze, you guys been here since then? First of all, surely you’ve heard of mutually assured destruction, so check on us being toasted. This whole globe would glow and any “Israels” left standing would soon expire from radiation poisoning.
Indeed, There is, for the first time ever, the opportunity for Americans and Russians alke to join hands again at the “Danube.” Russia needs us as we need Russia. Agreed, Putin aware, but doubts existing or past U.S. neocons realize the moment’s accretive aspects….However, there is hope…
Remember: “With Uncle Vladimir And Uncle Donald, All Things Are Possible.”please stop using all caps – changed this once
I and many others here in the US are aware of the US hegemony and unreasonable relations with Russia. I must say that if it comes down to a nuclear war. and I pray it doesn’t, I will fault only the psychotic , and the weak individuals we have in our government.
US thinks that WWIII will be like WWI,and WWII. in which US soldiers fought in other countries. All they lost were soldiers in the front line. I do not think WWIII will be same. US main land will be a war field instantly. Russia and China are Aware of the fact that any NATO war is led by US. No cover. they know the snakes head. Americans should not toil to mess the world. Must learn what has happed in Iraq,Afganistan,Somalia,Libya etc. Even ISIS has become difficult to win with global efforts. If US is thinking to create fear on Russia, what if unexpected happens!!
Can somebody critique this? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/05/russias-valiant-hero-in-ukraine-turns-his-fire-on-vladimir-putin
According to this guy, there were Russian troops in east Ukraine and the Crimea was annexed! Who have thunk it….
I entirely agree with the authors. It has long been apparent that the US must not, cannot, wage war against Russia or China since as you have said even though at best both nations would end in ruins, what satisfaction can the “winners” feel as they emerge from the still smoking debris and realize that their country is essentially non-existent.
The ongoing demonization of Russia and Putin by the American MSM and the White House is perplexing but it is probably a meant to distract from the reality of an imploding ruling class elite. It certainly not from those mean old Jews. I for one am pleased that Putin is engaged in a series of meetings with BiBi. Russia, of course, is a rehabilitated nation, following decades of refinement from the punishment of the Czars, Communists, horrific war from the Nazi invasion. Only the Jews suffered more. Just as the US did 90% of the heavy lifting in the Pacific Theater of WWII, the Russians did the same in the European theater. Many do not appreciate that by the time the US and UK managed to make their landings on France, the Russians had been pushing the Germans in the direction of Berlin for well over a year.
Yes, Russia is a great nation and Putin is a great man. What was prophesied at Fatima has become true. It may well be that Russia will protect the world from a reborn Caliphate. In any case Israel will surely stand until the end.
All fine and well, but why would anyone with this knowledge want to live in the USA ??? I’d say support your country from within if it is a beacon of righteousness, even if that means you have to suffer material loss.
Joy to the people! Death to the enemies!
A war would wipe out most of Europe and North America. What then the white race? We would be gone and the rest of the world would be easily controlled by the elites.
This would be genocide on a scale never seen before.
The two world war in Europe were also genocides against the peoples of Europe.
The first world war was the elites sending the peoples against each other in a completely senseless war.
(Just coincidentally, the Fed got established the year before, and it probably had significant role in war financing. As I understand, there’s a publication from the US Senate, Document No. 23, 76th Congress, 1st Session, titled “National economy and the banking system of the United States” by Robert L. Owen, “Former Chairman, Committee on Banking and Currency”. In it, Robert L. Owen even states:
“Under this act $40,000,000,000 of liquid money was created to finance the World War. It financed not only the United States but financed to the extent of billions of dollars Great Britain, France, Italy, and their allies. “That one act won the war,” said John Skelton Williams, the Comptroller of the Currency.”
Also, it should be investigated, who were in charge of the Armaments companies. For example, Rothschild had significant influence on the armaments giant Vickers.
By the way, these circles also had family ties with each other. For example Frederic Adrian Delano, uncle of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Followed by Paul Warburg, who also had considerable influence in the creation of the Fed. Paul Warburg’s brother Felix Warburg was married to the daughter of Jacob Schiff. Jacob Schiff was burn in Frankfurt in the Rothschild family house and his father was with Rothschild. (Schiff also had considerable influence in the creation of the Fed.) The Warburgs had connections with the Rothschilds for a long time. E.g. in 1872 they participated in the second French postwar loan floated by the Rothschilds.)
The second world war was largely a function of the first world war. (It may be noted, that it also lead to the situation for the establishment of the state of Israel. Coincidentally, some elites were interested in such a prospect for sime time. The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was addressed to Rothschild.)
about 60% of the us public in this stanford-dartmouth survey support dropping a nuclear bomb on iran that would cause 2,000,000 civilian casualties… even when other alternatives exist… it is extraordinary that in a democracy with ‘free speech’, ‘free press’, ‘free academia’ such attitudes and shortages of critical decision information can persist.. i wonder how many ordinary americans know that 6 of the top 7 american generals, including eisenhower and macarthur opposed the use of atomic bombs in japan…
a public brought up on professional wrestling matches and tv serials like ’24’ seem to be triggered to belligerent aggression as a first response to any disagreement…
‘ Even when we increased the number of expected Iranian civilian fatalities 20 fold to two million, 59% of respondents—the same percentage supporting the nuclear attack with the lower death toll—still approved of dropping the bomb.’
sample size was 620.
Согласен, Россию на колени не поставить.
USA and Russia must work together, not making the war comes so near and thinking carefully about Chinese benefit of such controversy.
The author took a sober view of the situation. Appreciate a lot this article
Dont ever forget Mother Russia lost 27 million lives in the Second World War. Are you prepared to let that happen again.. You appear to be surrounded by NATO and western Imperial forces. The only way to peace is not war, but sit together and talk peace. Trillions of dollars are spent annually on war and weapons but nothing is spent on peace. What is wrong with humanity….. Power, greed and world domination seems the agenda for the elites. While tens of millions live in poverty and destitution …
Commented on this truly incredible essay on the The 4th Media. Thank you — all people throughout the world need to read this … deserves to be blazoned as main headline piece in every newspaper or online news site on the planet… in a perfect world first of all, the need would never had arisen for it ever to be written, but at this point in time we live in a world, where the real voices are not heard, are not listened too, until it could be too late.
Not that I want to come across as negative — rather that perhaps one has to confront that at this moment in time, humankind seems to be living through a terrible reality of abject evil, which most of the global population discount a fear mongering, or rubbish altogether, while tragically only a few are aware of the grievously grim state of global affairs. Virtually western leaders controlled by the global bankster gangsters have gone rogue.
The Saker, 2 years ago:
http://thesaker.is/why-the-us-russian-nuclear-balance-is-as-solid-as-ever/ — “I don’t care if McCain or Hillary are in office – if they even suggest such a move they will be told in unequivocal terms by the US “deep state” something along the lines of “shut up, sit down and get back to your business”. I also have met enough US force planners and officers (including one Chairman of the JCS) to make me confident that they would never allow such a crazy plan to proceed. Yes, there are a lot of crazy and arrogant US politicians, and yes, there are even some lunatics in the military, but, as I said, the folks actually in charge of nuclear deterrence are really the cream of the crop, especially those on the middle level (not top commanders, not the guy who turns the key – the operational commanders, typically with a colonel rank). So unless we assume a case of collective and suicidal insanity all this talk about a US-Russian nuclear war is absolute baseless nonsense. Good stuff for movies, but absolute nonsense in real life.”
So, why the big change? Why was talk of U.S./Russian nuclear war “baseless nonsense” two years ago, but not now? Am I missing something?
I grew up in Cold War era made the military my career and fought for US interests. Well schooled in the theoty of Red Agression and infiltration. They were successful by insidious means. We held them in check militarily, fortunately no nuclear exchange. I was a true believer. Now wonder why the McGovern, HHH, Clean Gene, the Great White Whale and the like saw the Marxist Soviets as the good guys up until 1990 or so while we were the villians. Now when Russia is nationalistic not imperialist those who wanted to sell out for over 30 years want to play “bad ass” with a fighting force that they have done wonders to undermine, demoralize and decay. Rodam Clinton refers to both Vladimir and Trump as the new Hitlers. Wouldn’t it be appropriate to release all of her emails including those so personal she had them wiped clean. I have respect for the skills of the old GRU and KGB and their successors so I have no doubt the have all her communications catelogued and indexed. Of course the Mossad and the Chinese also have them but they are on her team. The new non-Marxist Russia and the suicide contemplating USSA are the only ones at serious risk.
Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016. Some call this “fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great.
America is destined to die in Nuclear War before 2017 gets here. The Day of the Lord is a year long event and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation. It begins on the Day of Trumpet (Leviticus 23:24ff; October 1-3, 2016) and ends on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 23:27-34; Revelation 14:20ff; Rev. 15-Day of Atonement typeology; Rev. 16/19 Armageddon; Joel 3). The other day that that the Day of the Lord begins is on Day of Atonement (Joel 2:15).
I agree with you guys. Well said. How can Clinton pose as a Liberal when in fact she is a neo-con right winger in the pocket of her Wall street sponsors. She is one of those insecure ladies who tri to have to balls and act as if they are tougher than the toughest. It is a pose, a bluff, behind it there is nothing but empty posing and play. She is a total nobody.
A fight with Russia would be disastrous for them and the world. Russia would be sent back to the stone age along with everyone else. However,, Russia has thousands of underground bunkers just waiting for a nuclear war. There is no winner of a nuclear war. So, a few more folks may survive in Russia than the United States which would be devastated as well. The United States really has no bunkers or readiness for a nuclear attack. Russia does not want war against Gog… But they will defend and I dont blame them at all… Just sayin!!
Our current leadership wants nothing more than the destruction of america. Its a sad day in america, Obama thinks he is above us and Russia. Hopefully our friends in Russia & around the world will ignore the foolish ideas of of the leaders of the USA. I am hopeful that new leadership, coming in 2017 will be more peace loving, and respectful of Russia & other nations as well.
I’m so glad that this article appeared. The decision makers in the Western governments must look at themselves before blame Russia. What they actually did in Yugoslavia, Libia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kosovo etc. even can not be compared with the honest and peaceful reunion of Crimea with the motherland – historical justice to triumph.
The Western leaders are clever enough to understand that in some cases the current borders of Russia are completely artificial. They were invented by the fanatic revolutionists like Lenin as a leader and meant nothing for Soviet people until they were internal ones. Is it possible to expose the world to a deadly risk, protecting the borders created by the ardent Communists of the distant past?
Natural allies, I would think ………. but America is totally under the political control of Oligarchs whose only interest is money and greed …..