Dear friends,
It has now been a month since my last update, so I have decided to post this note to share a few thoughts with you.
First, the boring stuff: my health is definitely doing better and, while I very much regret having had to take that time off, I now am sure that it was the right decision, both for me and the blog. I hope to come back to full-time blogging by the end of July. Again, I apologize to you all for my absence, and I ask for your understanding.
Second, and as I had predicted, the situation in the world and in the Ukraine has changed a great deal over the past couple of months. I will just mention a few bullet-points of what I see as the highlights:
- The “glorious Ukrainians are winning” narrative has now quasi-officially faceplanted (heck, even the NYT changed its tune) and nobody sane is spewing this nonsense anymore. The reality is that the Ukrainians are, on average, losing about one battalion per day, and this is why they are now sending barely trained civilians to the East: most of the (often very well-trained and courageous) Ukrainian combat units are either dead, prisoners, MIA or in “cauldrons” (actual or by firepower) with no chance to escape.
- It is now also undeniable that what began as a special military operation (SMO) has now turned into a open and full-scale war between the consolidated West (aka the Anglo-Zionist Empire) and Russia: the Empire has now “hit” Russia with everything it had short of a direct military attack. The (originally 200’000+ strong) Ukrainian military, arguably the strongest NATO military force (which is otherwise mostly composed of small and thoroughly woked-out “parade militaries”!), especially with the full support of the West (intelligence, weapons, money, political, etc. etc. etc.) is being “demilitarized” and “denazified” by a vastly superior Russian military force (but not one bigger in size: Russia has used only a fraction of her full military power). The outcome here is not in doubt.
- This reality has now been fully accepted by the Russian society which now stands behind the Kremlin (at 80%+) which has made no secret that it is now locked into an existential war against the West. This has been the case since at least 2013, but now the original ratios (roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military) have shifted to what I would call “total war by proxy“.
- The hardcore crazies in the West (US Neocons, UK, Poland and the 3B) are trying hard to trigger a fullscale war between NATO and Russia and, so far, the spineless Eurolemmings have let them set the agenda, however suicidal it might be for the EU and NATO. Frankly, my disgust with Western Europe is total – I never had any illusions about the “new” Europeans – and all I can say is that they all richly deserve each other and what is coming their way. All I can say is this: continue to act like Nazis and you shall be denazified. It is really that simple.
- The leaders of the Empire know that they lost yet again, and they are seeking refuge in their usual coping mechanisms: ideological self-gratification and deep, deep denial. While the EU is committing a straightforward economic, political and social suicide, the Biden Administration has gone “full woke”, as did corporate “America”(meaning the USA, of course, not the American continent): the so-called “minorities” are now shoved down the collective throats of the US people now, no matter how small, or freaky, the said “minorities” are. This is especially striking in the kind of advertisements the US corporations are now unanimously producing. I think, for example, of the morbidly obese black women in diapers (!!!) taking “ballerina poses” YouTube is now regularly showing. Watching these ads, one would think that blacks in the USA occupy all positions of authority and prestige, that most US women are lesbians, and millions of US kids (and even infants!) urgently need a sex change (watch the excellent “What is a Woman?” documentary to see how insane this has all become). When I see this collective woke insanity, I cannot help but wonder whether corporate “America” is not deliberately trying to really piss off the vast majority of US Americans and trigger some kind of major and violent internal crisis.
- The Russians, in the meantime, are passing new laws against the propaganda of homosexuality: while in the past, such propaganda was only banned if directed at children, now this expanded to the entire population of Russia. Just to clarify: Russia is not banning homosexuals and their sexual practices, however pathological, remain fully legal. But what Russia IS doing is refusing to consider homosexuality as a “normal and natural variation in human sexuality” (Wikipedia). In other words, the Russians still consider homosexuality as a psychological disorder which might deserve compassion, but not affirmation (nevermind encouragement). Since “inclusiveness” and “positivity” are now key Western “values” this is also a message from Russia: keep your woke-freaks and their ideology to yourselves, we want none of it!
- In the meantime the Euroukrainians are now planning to ban and destroy over 100’000’000 copies of Russian language books. Hitler would be proud. The Eurolemmings have nothing to say. You know, “#cancelRussia” thingie (meaning both Russians themselves and the Russian culture in all its forms) and all that “it’s okay when we do it” or “our SOBs” stuff.
- The Western economic Blitzkrieg against Russia has totally failed and the joke in Russia is that while McCain famously once said that “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country” with contempt, “Biden” is now saying the same thing, but with deep envy :-)

Translation: for our Fatherland
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: the West has declared total war on Russia (and, de facto, to all of Zone B) and Russia has accepted this. For a decade and more the West has tried hard to wake up and provoke the proverbial Russian bear and these efforts have finally been successful: the bear is now out, and he is very, very angry. To clarify, by this I am not referring to former Atlantic Integrationists like Medvedev now “coming out” as a Eurasian Sovereignist hardliner (he is clearly setting himself up for a future Presidential election and says all the “right things”), but about the Russian people which are now in what I call a full “WWII” mode (“Rise up immense country” and all that). To the right is the kind of images now circulating on the Russian Internet and which expresses the awareness that Europe was never truly denazifed, at least not in the US occupied countries.
Russia is now determined to finish this ugly job, once and forever. You want to “cancel Russia”? In your dreams only, but Russia can, and will, “cancel Nazism” once and or all. 1000 years of that crap is enough!
From the first Crusades to the invasion of the USSR by the united Europe under Hitler’s command, the West has always has some kind of ideology to justify its wars of imperialist aggression. The interesting thing is that now this is over and rather than justify is acts of aggression in the name of some putatively universal religion or ideology, the Western elites (and, alas, much of its population) have now finally shown their true face which is:
- Virulent anti-Russian racism in its purest form (again, Hitler would be proud)
- Pure and overt Satanism under the label of “Woke” ideology (the last Western ideology it appears) with its focus on the destruction of the family and, especially, children (Satanists know that they cannot do anything against the Creator of all, hence they try to take out their hatred and revenge against His creatures, especially children)
- Overt and even “in your face” hatred to any and all who oppose that agenda (as the French revolutionary Louis Antoine de Saint-Just famously declared “No freedom for the enemies of freedom“, right?!)
The truth is that the real West, the one born from the Middle-Ages (and *not* from the Roman or Greek civilizations!) has always been ruled by cynical, evil, thugs. In the past, these thugs always concealed their real worldview and agenda under all sorts of pious pretexts, now its only “ideology” left is pure hatred and wokism (same thing, really).
I submit that it is impossible to predict what will happen in the coming months and years – there are simply too many variables which can dramatically affect our future. What began as a special military operation (as opposed to a combined arms operation) has now morphed into what one could call WWIII or even WWIV (depending on your definitions). This war will last for several years unless, of course, the Neocons and their associated crazies in the EU get their way and trigger a nuclear conflict: in the latter case it will be short and very final.
Right now the focus is on the Donbass and the southern Ukraine, but we have to understand two things about this:
- The Ukronazis and their NATO bosses have already long lost that war, and all the West and its Nazi puppets in Kiev are doing is trying to prolong this unwinnable war for as long as possible to get a maximum number of Ukrainians killed or maimed and to destroy as much of the Ukraine as possible and make Russia “pay the highest price” for her (quite inevitable) victory on the battlefield. What a paradox! The Russian “aggressors” are trying as hard as they can to save as many Ukrainians as possible (even at the cost of their own lives!) along with whatever is left of the Ukrainian infrastructure after 30 years of “independence”, while the Western “defenders” and even “allies” of the Ukraine want to turn it into a desolate moonscape covered with corpses.
- This is not a war about the Ukraine, at least not anymore, this is now a war for the future of the European continent and even the future international order. As I have said many times already, the Russians fully intend to denazify at least all of the European continent, preferably by economic and political means but, if needed, by military means too. Why? Because the West has left Russia no other choice. For Russia and, I would argue, all of Zone B the choice is both stark and simple: true and full sovereignty (economic, of course, but also cultural, spiritual and civilizational) or subjugation.
In other words, this is not a war Russia can afford to lose and the Russian people know it.
Last time around, Russia lost about 27 million people while China lost about 35 million. That is a total of 62 million people, about two thirds of which were civilians. Keep these figures in mind when you look at the quick and quite radical modernization of the Russian and Chinese armed forces (btw – the Chinese people also “get it” and they fully support Russia, as does the Chinese leadership, even if they try to keep a low profile for the time being and let Russia carry the burden of being on the frontline of this war: simply put, the Chinese are buying time which, frankly, they still need to achieve parity, or better, against the US and its protectorates in Asia such as Taiwan, Japan, ROK or Australia. The Russians also understand that as they themselves were in a similar position between 2000 and 2018. But they know that the Chinese Dragon will have to fully “wake up” sooner rather than later.
Yeah, I know, most folks in the West don’t know that, or don’t care, but the point is not what the folks in the West do not know, but rather it is what the people of Russia and China know and understand quite well. Only an utter fool would doubt or disregard the kind of determination which sits deep inside the souls of the Russian and Chinese people to never allow the West to subjugate them again. Ever.
[Sidebar: yes, I know, the Japanese Empire which attacked China was not part of the West (yet), but that is an extremely superficial argument which fails to understand that it was precisely Western imperialism which created the conditions, in both China and Japan, which resulted in the Japanese imperialist attacks against the entire Asian-Pacific region!]
The above does not even begin to cover all the amazing developments which have taken place in the last few months. Not only have there been truly huge changes INSIDE Russia (and they are only accelerating), but also in Latin America, Africa and the Middle-East. And I will revisit all these topics in about a month or so, when I will come back to full-time blogging. Besides, in a month or so many of the things I mentioned above will become even more obvious for all to see so rather than trying to establish “fact X” we will be able to actually discuss and analyze it, its reality having been quite established.
[Sidebar: please remember who told you the truth and who lied to you over the past months. There were many, many such liars, ranging from the official propaganda machine (aka the “free press”) to the “Putin has lost it all” emo-Marxists and assorted 6th columnists who, whether they understood it or not, served the purpose of the Empire’s PSYOPs. Also please remember that Andrei Martynov, Bernard and Gonzalo Lira not only spoke truthfully, but they were right and their detractors totally wrong. We all owe them an immense debt of gratitude!]
Frankly, before my forced break, I was getting really frustrated trying to prove to misinformed or even fully brainwashed commentators that the official narrative (produced by the biggest strategic PSYOP in history) was a load of bull, based on lies and/or on a total “misunderstanding” (and I am being kind here!) of the real world outside the “mental Zone A”. Now most of that narrative has collapsed.
I am also confident that a month from today, things will be even more obvious than they are today.
So, my friends and readers, I leave you in the (very competent) hands of Amarynth, Herb and the rest of the Saker team and I very much look forward to my full return, God willing, in a month or so.
Kind regards to all, and many thanks for your support!
PS: yesterday I was re-watching the superb movie by Costa Gavras “Z” which, at the end, lists all the works of art, literature, music, etc. which the (US CIA backed) Greek “colonels” banned and I thought to myself: “what leftist director would make such a movie today about how the entire West is now doing the same with all things Russian?“. None, of course. I also noticed the sweet irony of Costa Gavras’ movie being called “Z” (which in Greek stands for “Ζει” or “he lives”) and I wondered if the copyright owners of the movie will now have to rename it since the letter “Z” is now banned amongst doubleplusgoodthinking russophobes. Finally, there are some in the West who want to create two categories: “good Russians”, who are expected to publicly denounce their country and President, and “bad Russians” who refuse to do so. Hitler wanted Jews to wear a star of David, so could we see a day when “bad Russians” in Zone A will be told to wear a “Z”. Right now, no T-shirt or mugs printing companies in Zone A will accept to print a “Z” on their items (I know, I tried and failed!), but considering the collective rage and insanity of the western ruling elites, maybe the letter “Z” will become obligatory for “bad Russians” in Zone A? Just kidding, of course, but rewatching the movie “Z” felt quite eerie anyway.
I believe ukraine losing a battalion a day is understating the losses. Even the ukrainians are finally admitting losing up to 1000 a day. These are regiment size losses. I believe on some days they may be losing 1500+ a day. And I am estimating that on average they are losing 7000-10000 a week, estimate probably 160-170k+ losses since start of the operation.
There are reports that UAF army is has 90% losses. And most of the army is now territorial defense militias.
Welcome back Saker!
Apart from the military aspects of the war in Ukraine there are major shifts happening in the diplomatic, political, economic, trade, financial sectors as well.
Well worth keeping a close eye on these too.
Many years! I appreciate your blog and the information contained therein, glad I found it. We look forward to your return!
Dear friend
With a name like yours, I have to ask: have you seen the superb movie “Man of God” about Saint Nektarios?
If not, I highly recommend it.
Kind regards
Speaking of Greek! Picked this FIRST EVER footage of MR KINZHAL’S ARRIVAL near Bakhmut (captured by Ami and Limey mercs). It took out an ammo storage bunker 136 m underground!
Here in New Zealand what is going on in Ukraine is not being covered in any meaningful way. There is the nightly Spews – “Russia has just leveled another city” – any mention of shelling the East & preventing civilians leaving via humanitarian corridors – that’s all Russias doing. Ukraine is once again only days away from reversing Putins ‘Bucha’-rist gains & pushing Russian troops back to Moscow. You get the drift ! But it has slipped from leading the nightly Spews to taking 10 plus minutes before it gets a mention. Fatigue IS setting in.
Meanwhile petrol is at NZ$3.05 to $3.25 a LITER with another $0.25 increase when a temporarily removed excise tax is reinstated next month. Never mind the increases due to barrel prices & currency fluctuations! Food is going through the roof – I don’t know how a lot of people on lower incomes/pensions/etc are even surviving . . . and it WILL get much worse. We are already helping the daughter & grandson out & can foresee them needing to move to ours if things get a lot worse. I DO count my lucky stars though that we are not in a war zone . . . at the moment.
And where is our ‘glorious leader’ JABcinda Ardern ?? She’s doing a Boris Johnson – she’s running away to Spain to sit in on the NUTO conference as an “observer” & dodge the growing criticism at home No doubt she’ll be feted & schmoozed & think it’s all wonderful, no doubt signing us up to join NATOs wet dream of a Pacific outpost. Our army will comprise largely of conscripted meth addicts & woke gender benders looking for safe spaces I regret to say. We are still 15 months at least away from the next general election, all she has is “I saved you all from Covid 19” but that ain’t gunna cut it next time – K1W1s are finally waking up (well, enough are) to her narcissistic bullshit & seeing that she’s just spin & accomplishes nothing. When I talk to people about President Putin, about what a colossus he is in the realm of leadership I get blank stares. People throughout the Western world can’t seem to see that ALL the Wests leaders, without exception, are morons !! Only interested in their own vainglory & squirreling away as much as they can loot & care not how they leave their own peoples, countries or the world.
I’m getting angry – I gotta go !
Cheers, Chris in Ch-Ch
NZ has been rather low-profile lately; as if it had escaped from the Five-Eyes-Club.. Thanks for the heads-up!
Glad to hear from you again. Z is of my all-time favourite films (be assured, no one’s renaming it).
There is a full-scale cia junta now in Greece, frantically expanding arbitary “anti-terrorist laws” with over 3/4 of the entire country hostile to us, nato, eu, the whole ugly lot of them.
Looking forward to your return,
Great news – to hear that you are recovering, and of course for the summary.
Take care.
The thing that scares the tripe out of me is the serious contemplation and discussion of using nuclear weapons followed closely by bio weapons.
The discussions love to use words like, ‘surgical’, ‘limited’ etc
As though either Russia or America (or indeed China) would not see it as an existential threat and respond accordingly.
I frankly have lived my life …. I am concerned for my children and grandchildren
As to ‘Pure and overt Satanism under the label of “Woke” ideology … ‘ …. what world will they grow up in? Somehow this evil has to be stamped out
You dont have to count your children in, its enough to insist on our right to fight for good against evil as long as we are here.
About russophobia: I am learning russian.
Me too!
Do you have any particular resources to recommend?
I do DuoLingo lessons on my phone every day, supplement that with miscellaneous other resources. But without a teacher and a real textbook, it’s slow going.
Good luck to both of you – may that effort yield many joys to you!
He lives.
You live. You recover.
Russia live.
That’s great. I hope that the fools in command won’t push the nuclear button. I feel sorry for the dead, the maimed and their relatives.
I do wish to see the end of the woke side story. I do wish to see the end of the worst brainwashing attack on humans in the West. That’s the best part of such things.
Get well. Love and be loved.
“…the Kremlin (at 80%+) which has made no secret that it is now locked into an existential war against the West.”
Putin believes the West will change its elites in the near future, so he has a clear idea of the problems those elites caused in order to be replaced. In this existential war, he is likely to try not to stand in the way of those revolutions he alluded to as being inevitable. He sees the West going down on its own. This probably defines the military limits within said existential war, which comes across as more of a spiritual war than a military war anyway; the Saker alluded to the spiritual nature of the existential war here (and before).
I think if Russia absorbs all of Ukraine, that’s enough for it (more than anybody else can dream of). I think it would then try to go back to where it was before in terms of its approach to the West (friendly approach), but now independent from it I think that’s the intention. Putin must be looking forward to having good relations with those upcoming Western leaders, and he has to be looking forward to peaceful relations and economic development; he has the long-term economic development plans. He has the richest country in natural resources. He doesn’t need war; he didn’t want this war…
Thank you Saker! You are a hero as far as I’m concerned. Looking forward to your complete return – God Bless you!
Losing battalion a day is losing some 500 men daily which is around 100 killed and 400 wounded. Normally 75% of wounded are not serious cases. For instance the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 9 June that they had 2,048 soldiers killed and 8,459 wounded (4.13-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio).
RF lately claimed to have captured 6,489 Ukrainian soldiers of which some 4,500 from Mariupol-Azovstal area. So some 2,000 from other fronts which is not very much at all.
These figures are suggesting that Ukies has lost during 120 days battle most likely 12,000-15,000 killed and 7,000 POWs. Claims of over 30,000 killed is exaggeration because then they would have lost around 120,000 wounded.
” it was precisely western imperialism which created the conditions, in both China and Japan, which resulted in the Japanese imperialist attacks against the entire Asian-Pacific region!”
I’m aware that the US provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor (see “Day of Deceit”), but my understanding was that the Japanese were rather nasty, racist imperialists (rape of Nanking was in 1937) who required no encouragement from the West.
Perhaps you will elaborate….
There are hardly no cases during military history when enemy losses have been higher that the opposity forces have claimed. Most common are cases where real losses have been 20-70% of claimed. Both Ukies and RF military are exaggerating enemy losses. I won’t recommend anyone living in rosy fantasies of “huge enemy losses” because that’s what military history has taught us. Be skeptic. Doubt. Be critical.
Andrei, It is good to hear from you. God willing, we look forward to your return in a month or so.
It should be apparent that NATO has zero chance against Russia in a conventional war in Europe. Look how easily the Empire’s proxy was trounced. I am sure that this event is not part of “the plan”. The sanctions also have failed miserably.
I don’t think the Empire of lies is going to give up at this point. Perhaps, a study of Napoleon’s Continental Blockade is in order.
The US has a very large Navy and Russia has a number of Naval choke points particularly in the winter. Maybe seizing ships and cargo can achieve what sanctions could not. The Union Navy used tactics like this against the Confederate states under some legal pretense in the past. I think even before the Civil war began but I would have to look this up.
“If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity they will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
with the sword they will be killed.”
Dear Andrei, I guess you are right on the Western leadership, that is a tyranny. But history is a tricky thing, often you make friends with your old ennemies, that is diplomacy. Nobody knows when the western empire will fall apart, it is very composite, very intricate, one string moves many others. It can collapse quickly or last few years. The western supremacy is doomed for internal reasons, western leaders know it, but they want to buy time, that is politics.
Nothing is black or white, nothing is Z or no-Z. We are living a time of troubles et we are all hoping to get through. The best thing Russia can give to the world is the great wisdom she gained through unbelievable XXth century sufferings. At the very end, if we get through as we hope, we will have to settle peace, truth and reconciliation.
Hate is enough. As far as I am concerned, so-called modern “Messianism” is a fraud, a very dangerous lie, because the Messiah is for real, and nobody has any right to speak of Him as if He were not there. There is no need for any Messianism, from any country , from any ideology. We only need friendship between peoples. As a French, I love Russia. We need Russia to be Russia again, and time is coming (soon?) when France will be France again. Vive Henri IV, vive ce roi vaillant… much love, dear Andrei, if the Lord is for us, who can be against ?
Make the west desperate and you have a waking giant in a rage. North America and Europe are greedy, not poor; fat, not stupid.
For those new to objective news sites, such as the ‘Saker,’ Bernard can be found on ‘Moon of Alabama.’
Would be great if India & China put aside their differences.
The level of real irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has crossed all critical boundaries so much that the office of President Zelensky is forced to spend about €3.5 million every day to disavow these shocks from the population and the European audience.
€2 million goes to Euronews and smaller European media outlets from Germany, France, Italy and Poland, €1 million goes to LOM and TG channels from the Baltic States, the near-political establishment of Ukraine and the CIS countries, the rest is distributed for bonuses
According to MI6 data, which were transmitted to the European Commissioners and MEPs, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at 1.06.22 are 176 thousand killed and 41 thousand seriously wounded without the ability to return to the Theater of Operations, about 38 thousand are considered missing.
According to the BND and Polish intelligence services, which were shown at a closed briefing before the NATO summit, Ukraine’s losses in killed on the battlefield plus concomitant civilian losses exceeded 210 thousand people by 10.06.22.
According to estimates of NATO experts, as well as on the analysis of the NSA, which monitors social networks and special groups of mothers-wives-native Ukrainian soldiers, losses range from 110 thousand to 197 thousand people, where the proportion of dead and missing is 45% to 55%.
The loss of military equipment and ammunition, as well as new types of weapons and unmanned aircraft is 73%, and the shortage of fuel and lubricants has increased to 58% among BTG at the front line
The best thing Russia can give the world is fasten process from unipolar to multipolar world. Russia itself just like Europe won’t have influence they once, around 80-120 years ago had. We are more likely going back multipolar world of 1400-1600 A.D. China-India-Africa and its near by areas will be motor of world trade and business, not Transatlantic world. I guess even American think tanks with their trade partners in Asia are realizing it better than old tired Europe.
Eurolemmings? Lol.
I have a better one: EUnuchs.
Great to see you recovering so well Andrei, and what a truly outstanding commentary you wrote on Ukraine.
Just on the subject of uplifting and extremely important must-watch films mentioned in the comments thread, personally, I feel that the 2018 Armenian film ‘I Am Not Alone’ about a peaceful groundswell movent is an absolute treasure. It took a mere 40 days to successfully remove from power a tyrannical Govt without any loss of life.
Not only does it demonstrate the immense power of a united Mainstreet but it illustrates that people of immense courage and conscience, although exceedingly rare, they do still do actually exist in modern-day politics.
Because this is basically a step-by-step guide on how to run such a process the film is exceedingly hard to find in the Western World.
Being such a large file it is best sent through Dropbox. I have sent it on to Amarynth using this method so if you would like to see it please either ask Amarynth about it or just get your email address to me and I can send you the invite direct through Dropbox.
Cheers and warmest regards
Well….. Mr. Martyanov
I appreciate your blog very much.
And I also think Russia could be the salvation of Europe.
Woke, gende, LBGTQ, etc. Russia could show that it lives healthier without it.
In the future, Russia could even be an immigration country for the capable. Here in Switzerland, land costs between 250 and 1,500 francs per square metre.
I myself once wanted to emigrate, leave Switzerland. But on closer inspection, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many more were out of the question……… You know why.
So I have Asians in the family, also a real Chinese woman from Nanking. This woman is very intelligent and ambitious, speaks almost perfect German after 2 years.
She knows everything, down to the last detail, about the crimes of the Japanese in Nanking, but nothing about Mao’s crimes in China.
Well, she was indoctrinated in school.
Of course, Russia has signed the “new Molotov Pact” with China, which massively strengthens its position.
When I heard that in early 2022, I knew what was to come, that Russia was finally getting the respect it deserved.
Nevertheless, China is not a friend of the people, yes of humanity.
I don’t put the little Chinese on the same level as their government, but it is their government that runs the country.
The CCP is the enemy of the free world……… we must get rid of this criminal gang.
Well, we gotta get rid of the Neocon-Biden clique too, sure.
It is important at the moment that Russia changes something.
But I don’t see anything here that could achieve that anymore and people let themselves be led like sheep to the butcher.
In the USA the election was stolen, in Europe only moral hypocrites are at work, in Switzerland the proportion of politicians has also fallen sharply…… now under every pig.
We have a strong Conservative Party…….. the SVP.You
represents about 30% of Swiss citizens, but everyone else sticks together against SVP so that nothing changes.
We have an immigration of about 100,000 people each year……. but we are only an 8 million country.
Trump has to win, otherwise America will no longer exist, there will be no future for democracy.
Democracy means that voters can choose whoever they want. This has just been abolished in the US.
Unfortunately, the Swiss are no better than everyone else, they also believe in the evil Putin and the dear Selensky.
Not all, but 70%.
Back when the TV duels between Killary and Trump took place, you read on Swiss television that Killary won the duel with 62 to 38%.
I read the CNBC poll at 5 am and knew it was the other way around. Trump had won with 62%.
But try to tell the people here……
If a nation can no longer elect its president…….. everything is gone. The midterm elections in 2022 in the USA are very important ………….. important for Switzerland, for Europe, for Russia……
All is not well in Russia at the moment, but it is more normal than here.
But I can understand that Putin has to protect himself…… because the criminals from the west only want to play democracy in Russia in order to overthrow the government with intrigues.
Even we Swiss have to be careful that our government doesn’t cheat us.
Walter Roth Switzerland
My wishes of a good recovery, Andrei, be back soon.
A wonderful image of the setting sun over a deep and turbulent sea before night…
Expressing hatred is the tool of Nazism, leave it to them and sail on safely forward..
I disagree with you and the Saker on your vision that western part of Europe has always been opposed to the Orthodox one mainly Russia and has developped a russian phobie. I suggest you to read by Douglas Reed the “Controversy of Zion” and you will have another perspective which I believe to be more acurate. Apart form this point, I support your detestation of the “Woke” ideology and your understanding that Russia in fighting the Empire of lies is fighting the Devil.
Sickness can be a blessing – if I wasn’t, I would be busy working at my farm, without much time, nor energy left to seek for truth in media.
I hope the only bang left for NATO is the sound Turkey makes when they shut the door on the way out, but the irony of Stoltenberg taking NATO to a gun-fight, isn’t lost on me.
I thought his former rival was bad. Jagland has an unprecedented ability for screw-ups, but I am sure he did it all on his own volition. With Jens I’ve got the feeling he isn’t only eyeing a carrot, but also a stick.
Hi, Andrei! Welcome! I have been thinking how much I miss your insightfull and intelligent comments!
Yes, the world situation — that is, the circumstances, the status quo — is rapidly changing, now (as an international development planner, I indeed have been looking for signs of change for many decades). The underdevelopment of the western world has started — after decades of self-destruction with their distorted views of history and real economy –, while the development of the eastern and southern worlds is going full steam ahead, with their growing integration and collaboration, and their resilience has started to show, too, with the recent advances on banking by the group BRICS, and the Russian and Chinese involvement in Africa. I think we can be more optimistic about the future, now!
As a movie-lover, I found it utterly dissapointing that film-makers like Costa-Gavras, Ken Loach, Dardin brothers or even the lates Theo Angelopoulos, Sydney Pollack, Alan Packula or Sydney Lumet are in such a short supply nowdays!
That says a lot, not only about the studio/film-making system of the West and its incorporated censorship, but also about artists themselves produced by this system (or kicked out of it)!
Yes, the team handling things whilst Mr Saker has been on convalesence has been superb and handled with aplomb. Thank you.
My question is what becomes of the westerner that always knew the western leadership were, what they were and knew it 30 years ago or more?
I would listen to folk at dinner parties and gatherings and tried to hold back the vomit. The propoganda would just carry forth as though it was great knowledge.
What happens to those people who knew, thought for themselves and never supported the anglo-zionist stuff?
Personally, I think Putin is a good guy who doesn’t forget you. :)
Presidential elections every four years are like Russian roulette: two bad choices every four years since at least 2000, while the Russians have had this “dictatorship.” There could also be a bad president in Russia in the future. Putin said to Oliver Stone in 2016 that an accidental nuclear war is a risk always (like death).
By the way, it could have been the line of the 20th century and it may be the line of the 21st. Biden’s recent line (paraphrase or quote):
“I don’t want to hear those lies anymore about reckless spending. We’re changing people’s lives!!!!”
I don’t know what books he read. There’s obviously a needed experience that only good books can give you, because he has a lot of political experience from being in very high positions. I wish no one read novels, excuse me. We have this problem of ‘living in another world.’
I am relieved to know you are doing well, Andrei, and I’ll keep you in my prayers. What you say of Japan is true. Until Admiral Perry’s black ships steamed into what is now called “Tokyo Bay,” bombing the Izu peninsula for effect, Japan had maintained isolation for more than 250 years. They decided thereupon they needed to modernize as quickly as possible and embark on colonization themselves, or else they would wind up being colonized. They were gung-ho, ham-fisted and brutal about it, eventually taking the attitude that they had superior abilities and could rescue Asia from its miserable subjugation to Europe, but they emulated and admired the latter, particularly Germany.
These days, they perceive themselves as part of the West, and not part of Asia. As America falters, though, they are going to have to reassess their relationship with their closest neighbors.
I lost what little faith I had in the printed media when I worked for a larger local paper back in the 1990s and attended a gun rights rally. My paper reported the numbers of attendees at maybe a tenth of the actual attendance. I learned to look for sources like you or Vox Day long ago. A friend’s wife has relatives and sources in the Ukraine that have confirmed how they try to bury us in manure. Keep up the good work.
No reason to apologize for being sick.
This site has been clicking on 12 cylinders. Focus on your health as you have set this site up to work very well. And mama says : you are what you eat. and what you eat determines your gut flora from which all health is determined. Good luck.
With due respect and quite a bit of admiration, I am sad to note that the Classic Zionist Hate- and Warmongering has achieved, once again, its goal.
Now, You guys may be and are right in many of the points you write about, but you make a huge mistake in mixing the Zionist occupied governments and countries with the population of the occupied countries.
My friends, did you blame Soviet people for the atrocities against Russian people? Now, think, did you really? I do not believe you did. No, I did not see any opposition to slaughter of people, who could read and write. Quite the opposite
Now you believe you are winning and hence the change again towards not seeing the oppression.
You do not see, or you do not want to see that the West is now just like Soviet Union and the demons are the very same now again. They are the sweet talking Zionists representing, as always, the so called “values”.
And, quite frankly, I can see many of them joining you guys now as they smell another win against White People, another war, where we kill each other and they laugh and collect the winnings.
If you allow this, you are no better than the demons, who killed the soul of Russia.
Paul Craig Roberts had said from the very beginning that the US would not allow a limited operation in Ukraine. It would only give the US time to instigate provocations and expand the war. Now, here we are, agreeing that the west is at war with Russia. PCR having been part of the American establishment and defense, understands the American mind. He had also said Trump did not understand Washington and would surround himself with the wrong people. He was right there too. I think PCR wants to leave behind a safer saner planet for his grandchildren and future generations. Russia’s patience with US provocations only invites more escalating provocations. I can see Putin wants a world where we live in peace as there is enough for everybody. And, he is right but a few power thirsty people want to rule the world. They will not allow peace. Perhaps, its high time for Russia to reevaluate its strategy and send an unequivocal strong message. The world will be better of for it.
He said the war should have been finished within 48 hours, or let’s say he meant to say in a week. It could have been finished in an hour too, but the reaction would have been worse in that case in the sense he points out because everybody would then have condemned the action and the governments would have had the support for more aggressive reactions. What restrains the more aggressive reaction he warns about is public opinion. He doesn’t mention elections in this context, does he? The electoral opponents are ready to use all failures against the incumbents and this becomes much more difficult to do if the politician was always in harmony with a strong feeling of the public. Had Putin behaved as brutally as the advice says, the public would have supported more the decision to supply heavier weapons, which in fact has weak support. This time Putin is set to play a key role in determining who the next president will be because of the results that this SMO is bringing him/Russia.
This SMO as you have it is a huge thing. Consider that there is nothing like it in the world right now. I suppose nothing can match the strength image of a conquering army, right? A better way to match it would have been to be the peace representative and not get involved in arming Ukraine. Moral strength and statesmanship bring strong results too. It was the best way to react to the two proposals as well. It is still the way to go forward, but of course now with less convenient results. Had they accepted the two proposals, today they could be saying that “peace through strength” was achieved. This other road was chosen instead…it would not be fair to blame Putin for this error too.
This SMO must have been designed to fight the war like they wanted to fight it. A bigger invasion force might have forced Ukraine to fight in a very different way which to Russia may have been less effective. It’s ideal for them to have war clashes of this kind with Ukraine, no? PCR is thinking Russia conducts its war stupidly. I really don’t have the military knowledge PCR thinks he has enough of. However, in boxing, if you’re the stronger guy, say like Beterbiev, and you have the other guy trading blows with you in the middle of the ring, with his coach all for it, you might be a boxing genius too.
” When I see this collective woke insanity, I cannot help but wonder whether corporate “America” is not deliberately trying to really piss off the vast majority of US Americans and trigger some kind of major and violent internal crisis.”
And blame it all on Black people
It looks like racial conflagration is being planned
with Black Americans as victims…but which will chew
up a whole lot of other Americans in the process
yes, as I said, this is a clear “divide and conquer” policy.
This is not about race.
It is about class and class warfare.
That is what the ruling class is trying to conceal.
First of all I wish you a good recovery from whatever health issues you might have (or have had). I have started to visit this blog sometime after the start of the SMO. It was obvious that the MSM of the Evil Empire of the West were only spreading misinformation. Therefore it was interesting to see what a Russian page would say.
This being said, there is one point which is often strongly emphasized on this blog (and in particular in your own analyses) with which I can’t really understand. You often refer to the western European part of the Empire of Evil as “Eurolemmings”. What is the point that you are trying to make with this? We all know that WWII has brought an end to the independence of a relevant Western Europe. Western Europe has the choice between being either irrelevant or being part of one of the big possible empires, a western one (with the USA at the helm) or an eastern one (around Russia). Western Europe does not have all the ressources which the continental Empires of North America and Northern Eurasia have. There is no oil, no gas, no metals, hardly any remaining coal and no other natural ressources. Therefore, if western european countries are not able to dominate some other part of the globe, then they cannot be players at the level of the US or Russia. Would Europe in your view be less Eurolemmingish if in 20-30 years they danced to the tunes of Russian neocons (which will emerge without the shadow of a doubt) which sooner or later will dominate Russian foreign policy?
Take Germany. After WWII Russia and the USA agreed to transform Germany into a lemming nation. A big piece of Germany was taken by Russia or given to Poland. Another piece became a satellite of Russia and a third piece became a satellite of the USA. 30 years ago, Russia’s satellite was united with the US satellite
and becam a slightly bigger US satellite. Why would any Russian ever expect that Germany would act independently given that it had been one of the few points of agreement between Russia and the USA to always keep Germany down? Germany has undergone 80 years of elites which have been selected to betray the interests of their country. The willingness to sell out to either Russia or the USA has been the undispensable characteristic of any person who wanted to become important in Germany. And now you as a Russian are surprised that Germany is today what the US and Russia have been making of it for 80 years? Look at the Green Party in Germany. Germany’s interest is just as important to them as the Russian interest is to Navalny. Does that change the fact that they have immense power in Germany? No, in fact, it is the reason why they are so powerful.
These lemming comments really sound like the comments of a descendant of the Spanish conquistadores who laugh about the inability of the native Americans to build up well functioning societies which could threaten their rule. The Spaniards have infiltrated the native Americans for 500 years, they too made sure that no independent elite could ever arise among the natives.
What surprises me even more about the fact that you as a Russian make such comments is the fact that it is hardly 20 years ago that your own country stood at the brink of becoming a lemming country. What saved Russia was not its “Russianess” but the remnants of power in the hands of the army and the KGB. If those guys had lost their struggle with the western fed and constructed oligarchs, then you would have the same satanistic regime that they are imposing everywhere in the Evil Empire of the West. Because in that case you would have become part of that empire.
I wish your nation that it will be able to resist the temptation to become itself an Empire of Evil. If you think that Russians are not subject to that temptation because they are somehow special, then I would disagree very strongly with that. As Russia becomes powerful again it will attract the same evil elements which have transformed the Western Empire into a force of absolute evil. They will try to bring down the Orthodox Church in the same way in which they have brought down the Catholic Church and the large protestant churches. They will infiltrate academia, the media, the financial sector and the state bureaucracies until they have the power to transform Russian society. That has happened in the West and that is what you can look forward to if you are not super careful.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
another example of the unfortunate trend – especially pronounced during the russian “operation” – of “came for sitreps, got dumb scum right nonsense”. yeah, we all know “wokeism” is dumb. some of us can actually explain why at a deep level. some people, however, are unwilling or unable to recognize it as the goofy mirror image of their own “scumism”.
“the Russians still consider homosexuality as a psychological disorder”
not sure which “the russians” you mean, but they sound like idiots. they’re also using the very western tactic of “pathologizing” any behavior they don’t like. “putin is insane” and such. are you “the saker, phd”? are you a psychologist? psychiatrist? not that it would help if you were since they’re mostly voodoo pseudoscience. it’s no coincidence that bernays was freud’s nephew. besides, “wokeism” is just a divide and conquer tactic produced by the usual materialist forces operating under capitalism. all those corporations flying rainbow flags seedm like an obvious sign, but hey…let’s just say “satan cast a crazy spell on those darn drag queens”.
also funny how believing in “satan” doesn’t set off any “pathology” alarms. that’s because the actual reason russia writes these things into law is the church. you have the ones with the festive hats but they’re still just worshiping a jewish zombie who never existed and was most likely invented by the romans of the era. even stalin had to pay lip service to these guys. it’s like how the “secular jews” in israel have to kiss the bums of white trash lunatic settlers in hebron. they may be brainless zealots but they vote!
whatever. just take a moment to make the connection between your “doughy old guy” beliefs and your “doughy old guy” lifestyle. maybe you’ll realize both are dragging you down.
Andrei My Brother,
Wonderful to hear from you. God bless you and your family. Rest as much as you need. Don’t rush anything. A good friend of mine just had a heart attack at 46 years old (he is an RN at two hospitals and worked the COVID wing at the height of that). Thankfully he is recovering but it just goes to show what stress and overworking can do to you. I visit your website every day. I watch Andrei Martyanov and Gonzalo on You Tube. Thank you for introducing me to them both and the other writers you post on your site.
Take care my friend.
Jamie (Dimitri)
So PCR was right all along…. I wonder how many people this blog has judged that turned out to be right in the end.
“Judge not, lest ye be judged!”
-Some guy
Dear Saker, as you requested, I’m attaching the item I wrote a few weeks ago on the letter ‘Z’.
Thank you very much!
Hard times a’coming to the people of western Europe. They do not have a government accountable and to protect them, let alone care. So social and political breakdown in western Europe in the pipeline while war, no government in the world will seek strike on Russia.
Some wise words spoken a long time ago.
Tao Te Tsing
Even the most elegant weapons
are instruments of doom.
They are loathsome.
So followers of the Tao
don’t abide them.
At peace, a man of honor
emphasizes graciousness.
At war, he emphasizes
power and might.
Weapons are tools of evil,
not good instruments.
They should only be used
as a last resort, in
extreme situations.
Don’t fetishize weapons.
There’s nothing to celebrate
in the taking of a life.
Those who do, glorify killing.
Those who glorify killing
will ultimately fail in their
attempts at domination.
At times of peace, there is celebration.
At times of war, there is mourning.
Approach war like a funeral,
not a celebration.
When there are many casualties,
mourn the bodies of allies
and enemies alike.
Even in moments of triumph,
treat it like a funeral.
It is a natural human tendency for those who are relentlessly disrespected whilst being provoked and bullied to develop an outlook that demonizes and dehumanizes the perpetrators of this behavior. Such a sentiment harboured by the victims of the onslaught also removes temperance in their response to the problem.
Whilst Western “leadership” is totally selected, beholden to, compromised and controlled by Zionist bankster full spectrum global power seekers the hoi polloi under these “leaders” care are generally insouciant. The average working stiff is on the economic treadmill, concerned with food, shelter, health, safety, the well being and education of his kids, and what little relaxation he can get ahold of. He don’t know, or care to know, about geopolitics and the ways of elites/oligarchs. And yes that makes joe hoi polloi a potential asset to be weaponized from behind the scenes by the elites. And if in their stupidity they allow themselves to be weaponized against Russia they will have to bear the consequences of their insouciance (Poland?). There are no innocents, everyone pays.
Russia has been driven into a civil war with it’s ethnic brethren in Ukraine and it is fighting that war with plenty of sympathy and temperance for those conscripted combatants it is forced to kill. The West has provided an existential threat to Russia and Russia must respond. I think it would be better for the whole world, Russia included, if Russians remain temperate, polite, rational, grounded rather than insoucient, and of course, dangerous.
Thank you so much! Take it easy, rest up, exercise and eat well and come back safe, fit for the long run.
All the best
My views: we’re in WWII phase 2. I was beginning to come up with that Idea a few Weeks ago based on the Suède-Finland thing, the Lituanian provocation and, the Taiwan-Japan prep-up. We’re all going to be affectéd. I just hope that this time the real culprits – the oligarches, the network of historic private bankers and their supporters, their families included – be forced to pay for this historic mess.
“First, the boring stuff: my health is definitely doing better and, while I very much regret having had to take that time off, I now am sure that it was the right decision, both for me and the blog. I hope to come back to full-time blogging by the end of July. Again, I apologize to you all for my absence, and I ask for your understanding.”
Andrei, your health is the most important thing so no need for apologies. Take all the time you need and get strong!
I too would echo appreciation for the team. I’ve enjoyed engaging some of the related economic/finance posts while lurking on the more military/technical aspects.
I continue to be perhaps more optimistic than the average perspective but no matter how things develop it’s always good to look out for your health.
You missed a very important truth teller here Dr. Paul Craig Roberts . He’s the one to go to for truth . He has great insigh, honesty and is very straight forward. Inspire of being American he tells the truth at a very high price .
Very powerful piece of writing.
1] Glad to hear you are doing well.
2] It ain’t the “West” that has targeted Russia/Russians for elimination, it’s cabal of failed “think-tank” policy makers in DC & the forgetmenots-in-London.
In my small town, overtly red with CA-transplants*, only one Blue&Yellow flag has appeared and it’s at the D-headquarters. In spite of billions being spent by the 3LAs propaganda arm, folks think effing around on the Ruskies front lawn is a bad idea.
*Sold the house they bought for 200k in 1995 for 2.2 Million and now want to be treated as financial geniuses.
Wonderful and thoughful post. For years (too many) I read, listened to, or watched the so called news, history, and editorials manufactured by the Empire of Lies that I was never exposed to truth of what the elites were doing not only to those in Zone B but to their own unwitting subjects in Zone A. i hate to say that it took me until 2019 to awake to all the lies starting with the lies of CO2 (plant food and trace gas) being a pollutant to the fake history of WW2 we were fed in school. Now it is even worse here and the current crop of students are indoctrinated by the State. The best thing to happen to us here is for Russia and China to show the world that emperor has no clothes and is a paper tiger. I pray that everyone will begin to question about what happened to the enormous sums of tax money. Since it appears the military of the West and its weapons are over priced and under perform on the battle field as being demonstrated now in the Donbas. God have mercy on us and save us from our so called leaders.
Dear Andrei,
Without your health you can’t help us. I think I speak for many when I say that we are proud of you to take some time off. You’re not alone in this. I wish you and your family the best. We will keep each other informed. Stay strong brother 💪 🙏. Much love.
“While the EU is committing a straightforward economic, political and social suicide,”
I’m in Bavaria. Talk to the “normal” people on the street, and you’ll find that they don’t see, hear, smell or taste anything like this. Whoever it is that is “suiciding”, it has no effect whatsoever on normal Germans. They’re absolutel clueless. And it’s not being reported in the newspaper or daily news broadcasts, so nothing’s happening, really.
But hey, wow, that electricity bill really is quite high, don’t you think? Must be Putin’s fault.
I fear that this particular house of cards will last some time still…but when it finally collapses, it’ll be sudden, swift and unstoppable. What happens afterwards…if I weren’t caught smack in the middle of it all, it would be hugely fascinating from a historical point of view.
PCR doesn’t say anything, really. He says nothing new that a General on the ground or in Russia can seriously consider…More firepower, more soldiers, is that what he says? It’s easy for him as a columnist to ask why you didn’t finish yesterday and to ask for more speed and even present his deadlines. Just because the war then continues does not turn him into a fountain of wisdom who was right and whom the Generals and the President of the country should have paid heed to. The New York Times acknowledges today how the war changed in the perception of Ukraine’s allies in the last two months:
“Only two months ago, Americans were talking openly about victory over the Russians, and the reasonable-sounding hope that Mr. Putin’s forces would be forced to retreat to the positions they held before the Feb. 24 invasion.” -NYT
That’s when PCR was saying all was wrong. Is he still saying that now? I guess so.
Saker, you should also include in your list of truth tellers Mr. Paul Craig Roberts who rightfully warned of and called the situation correctly, which you now acknowledge and for which Roberts’ concerns and warnings at the time were wrongfully dismissed.
There are other voices too from the west that also tried to warn you. They are not mentionable here, but suffice to say that you know them.
We are teetering towards WWIII, so it is perhaps time to reconsider who are your friends and that not all criticism of Russian politics is anti-Russian, but is based on Russian miscalculation of how truly evil the world has become. And I use ‘the world’ specifically and not just ‘the west’, because there are things that Russia has done to contribute to it, knowingly or unknowingly.
If you are committed to the truth, then these uncomfortable things must also be acknowledged. The West is a degeneracy of pride, but Russia has it’s own vices too when it comes to pride. You are a God-fearing man, so no doubt you know some of this.
Good points, Johnno. Ironically, one of the “uncomfortable things [which] must also be acknowledged” come from wide Russian endorsement of the “official” WW2 narrative.
For example, why complain about current American military aid to Ukraine when, in the last world war, Soviet Russia was receiving American military aid…? Why complain about American military escalations in Ukraine and use that to justify force of arms when, in the last world war, Japanese leaders were complaining about the same thing in China and the Philippines…?
In drawing pride from the old “axis of evil” narrative, Russians also legitimize the new “axis of evil” narrative against themselves.
I noticed, going in some Russian sites, that the “translate”
option does not offer anymore the English language…
Is it ” a cancel culture” in reverse?
Re: Russian homosexual propaganda laws.
As a Russian lesbian, I wholeheartedly feel that the current status of the “western LGBT” is without a doubt rampant, militant and politicized. My partner and I wish nothing to do with those kind of people, and just want to live life in peace.
We had no issues where we live for ten years, but things have changed because of the war.
Those that are angered by Ukraine and USA wish to be completely anti-West/Ukraine/USA and oppose everything they stand for and unfortunately, we have been talking about looking for somewhere more peaceful to go to.
Glad to hear from you again Andrei.
“May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease.”
Ha si, cher ami, il y a bien un T-shirt Z… suivez
Preaching to the choir is a common stream. It is the aggression of the West that led to Putin’s SMO. Every article should emphasize that the way the west always says Putin was unprovoked.
NATO had 8 years to prepare and having 30 some biological weapons facilities in the Ukraine is reason enough for Russia to step in and say enough is enough already.
Never mind the ongoing continuous shelling of civilian areas by Ukro-nazis since at least 2014. What kind of Democracy bans the language spoken by well over half the population in that country?
If NATO were attacking Ukraine, it would have been flattened two months ago with no essential service, bridges, highways, power plants or water systems intact and no mandate to rebuild.
Russia will rebuild Ukraine and the country will flourish, just don’t be a Nazi and you will be ok…, Jeez when you write it out it seems like the most fundamental of common sense.
Good analysis, but you constantly critisize the “free Press” and their fake news, but when they report most people in the West are with Ukraine you take it as the truth. The tide is turning and with the soaring Inflation more and more wake up.
if you wear New Balance shoes, you can send subversive signals by putting your shoe on your toe (the “N” logo becoming a “Z”)
That was no kind of quick update but… it was a fantastic read. You were born for this my friend, and your integrity shines like a Klieg light upon all and sundry. It is such a pleasure to read the truth. One sees it seldom in these times. I thank you, and… I thank you again for the polished brilliance of your presentation and cogent perspective therein. Good work!!! Very… Good… Work!!!
Happy to hear you once again…miss your thorough analysis, prediction and humors. Anyway, first thing first, you need to charged up.
I am little bit frustrated about the decision of russian neighbors. finland, sweden, moldova, lithunia, now turkey..its a visible cauldren, and i think, they poked the beer to use nuke or make some wrong move, if they use nuclear weapon, china (sometimes i think they are also another turkey, always think their short time profit, not the world) may close the door to russia, for this reason USA can easily barter Taiwan (for some time, because china is obviously their next target, either takeover, or regime or ideology change).
Well, andrei, hope for the best. The real war not only happening in field, it is also happening in many many front. Hope for the best for Russia
“When I see this collective woke insanity, I cannot help but wonder whether corporate “America” is not deliberately trying to really piss off the vast majority of US Americans and trigger some kind of major and violent internal crisis.”
Over the years detected parts of my way of being that I did not like and sought change. If however one hates the very essence of one’s body?
Without serious genetic modification you are on a fool’s errand, complete with yet more massive profits for those pushing the meds needed to eliminate that you hate. What do they buy with the profits, ever increasing amounts of farmland, oh goodie!
Any successful carrying to term is yet another experiment inside all the other experiments us lab rats are part of. The most insidious element of the propaganda is it’s ability to make us feel alone, yeah what is our problem that we can’t comply with the simple commands to become cannon fonder of one type of war or another?
I really think “they’ have it in for the sheep and are busy trying to herd the wolves. We are left to pick our poison!
The ‘West’ do not hate Russia because they are Nazis, and Russia is Communist.
The ‘West’ (controlled by you know who) hates Russia because it is traditional, Orthodox and Christian.
Massive Implications, Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition – The Outcome Would be Global Energy and Economic Cleaving
Here is the money quote:
[…] “China’s invitation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join the ‘BRICS’ confirms that the Kingdom has a major role in building the new world and became an important and essential player in global trade and economics,” Mohammed al-Hamed, president of the Saudi Elite group in Riyadh, told Newsweek. “Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is moving forward at a confident and global pace in all fields and sectors.”
[…] “This accession, if Saudi joins it, will balance the world economic system, especially since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world, and it’s in the G20,” Hamed said. “If it happens, this will support any economic movement and development in the world trade and economy, and record remarkable progress in social and economic aspects as Saudi Arabia should have partnerships with every country in the world.”
As NATO Grows, China and Russia Seek to Bring Iran, Saudi Arabia Into Fold
Dear Andrei!
So glad to hear your health is improving, And thank you for yet another insightful analysis. Sadly, I believe so many people don’t want their delusions destroyed and keep sucking up MSM lies into their vacant minds hoping it will make them feel better and reinforce those delusions.
Take care and keep well mate. Best wishes from Australia!
There has been an interesting recent strategic outline of the May-June events in Ukraine from Professor Mearsheimer. He is somewhat behind the current situation, but his analysis seems to be in keeping with those which he previously outlined, and which have begun to transpire. My own view is that all the bombast and hot air seems to be coming from the ‘Free World’ (sic). According to which NATO will do what exactly!?
The goading of Russia which started with NATO’s Bucharest Summit of 2008, and which announced the extension of Ukraine (and Georgia) to becoming NATO members, served as an early warning to the convened NATO talking heads. NATO membership of Ukraine was apparently never in question for this august body. Mr. Putin had other ideas and rather jolted the great and good of NATO; firstly by reminding the assembled gathering that neither Georgia and Ukraine would not be joining NATO anytime soon, and then a little while later, had the temerity to invade Georgia, which had earlier attacked occupied South Ossetia, and killed a number of the Russian Peace Keeping force.
Prior to these developments the creeping of the NATO war wagon – which it was argued – was not extending ‘one inch’ towards the Russian Federation (but of course!) started after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Wave after wave of Euro states became militarized as NATO expanded incrementally, all of which seemed to token an increasing hostility
y to the newly established Russian Federation which was just recovering from the Yeltsin years.
At the present time NATO has swallowed up almost every European State with the exception of neutral Austria and Switzerland, and closer to home Belarus, Ukraine (work in progress) and Kaliningrad.
So, what was this massive build-up for? Who was threatening the NATO bloc? NATO seems to be a war machine which always works in first gear and doesn’t seem to have a reverse. Well, we are not that naïve, no more is Putin. The Ukraine imbroglio means that NATO has to put up or shut up. But unfortunately, they won’t shut up they cannot. The Neo-Con clique are taking us into dangerous and unknown territory.
‘’History will show that Washington’s treatment of Russia in the decades following the demise of the Soviet Union was a policy blunder of epic proportions. It was entirely predictable that NATO expansion would ultimately lead to a tragic, perhaps violent, breach of relations. Perceptive analysts warned of the likely consequences, but those warnings went unheeded. We are now paying the price for the US foreign policy establishment’s myopia and arrogance.’’
Ted Galen Carpenter. The Cato Institute – Washington DC
P.S. I think it needs repeating that Russia has in fact got slightly more nuclear warheads than the United States. In addition are the intercontinental warheads these are carried on by air, sea, and land. Then there is the perimeter defence system which will be activated by an automatic counterattack if the Russian system is initially overwhelmed. The proximity of NATO will not be sufficient to destroy Russia – not now, not later. And the counterattack cannot be averted.