2022/12/06 07:00:01
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Poles are in the Dnipropetrovsk region not just somewhere in the West.
According to information received from our sources in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a unit consisting of servicemen of the special services and special forces of Poland dressed in Ukrainian uniform arrived in the city of Marganets. Their main task is to carry out a filtration and cleansing of persons who provide, as they say, “aid to Russia.”
Draw your own conclusions, as they say. We have also already talked about the threat that a hypothetical Polish-Ukrainian confederation could pose to Russia. But no less a threat than the Russian Federation, or even a greater one, such an alliance can pose to neighboring Belarus. The fact is that Belarus is the next target for our “Western partners”, and almost everything is ready to overthrow the ruling regime in Minsk.
Whoever controls Galicia, Volhynia and Transcarpathia determines the future of the rest of the Independent.
MOA says ‘U.S. No Longer Supports Fight For Crimea’
Do the Poles signify a division?
Explosions Hit Air Bases Deep Inside Russia, Killing Three Russian Soldiers
As I pointed out again day before yesterday , the war is ever widening. If the Kremlin is unable to comprehend that its limited operation is no longer an alternative and to come to a decision to fight and win a real war and impose the peace, the Kremlin will lose control over the situation, if it hasn’t already. Ukraine is only the size of Texas and should be fairly easy to subdue by Russia.
IMHO all those acts are *provocations*. Very dangerous provocations, but provocations nontheless.
Provocations are aimed to lure the other side into an action that ultimately is unfavorable for them. The Saker wrote are very good article that covered the topic of provocations, recently.
Russia is in a somewhat uncomfortable and threatened position, but actually also in a surprisingly stable and defensible position (due to their recent high tech weapons that can threaten the US, i.e. the real actor, the real decider), with a positive outlook on many fronts.
It is like President Putin said. The next 10 years will be the most dangerous years of all, but if we (the World) survive this, then the era of Imperialism may be finally over.
The Neocons are flabbergasted and fuming because Russia has destroyed their proxy army, has survived the economic war, and is on its way to topple the Petro Dollar.
The “West” is losing big time. That is why they are going crazy. That is why they desperately want to change Russia’s on the whole successful approach.
It is heart and soul-wrenching to see the horrors of war. I am wishing for all the victims that the war ends as soon as possible. But as long as it is going on *Russia* is winning* the war on almost all fronts.
Even the propaganda onslought by the western lying media is running out of steam. They propagandist have to resort to crazy stunts (just look at Germany) to keep the population in the “West”, where discontent and doubt are growing, at bay.
Is more mobilization coming in Russia?
Is the UK the source of degeneracy in America?
UK mercenary spilling the beans about Ukraine,
New funny trolling video aimed at Europeans.
All that and more on iEarl Gray today:
Tuesday 6th December 2022 – LIVE
What is life like in a small Siberian village today? Follow an Australian immigrant family as they visit new Russian friends there:
Can we move to a rural Russian village
Very nice, reminds me of the old full log house we lived in North Eastern Washington State for 20 years. We would get 3-4 feet of snow on the ground at any one time, the full log holds the heat in very well and yet gives a cool place out of the hot sun in the Summertime.
There are two ways to transport goods CIF and FOB. The abbreviation CIF stands for “cost, insurance and freight,” and FOB means “free on board.”
CIF is considered a better way to buy goods during uncertain times or for those who are new to international trade. In CIF, the seller is responsible for transporting goods to the nearest port, loading the goods on the ship, and paying freight for the goods to be delivered to a port chosen by the buyer. The seller is also responsible for paying insurance for the goods.
It is better to buy FOB for those who are already familiar with international trade. These traders have their own forwarding agents and logistic agents in place at the port where the buyer loads the goods to be imported. In FOB trading, the seller is only responsible for taking the goods to the nearest port on his or her end. This location is indicated after FOB, and it is important to accountants, as goods become assets to the buyer on the day they reach that location. The goods are considered delivered once they cross the ship’s rail. The buyer is responsible for paying the ship’s freight and insurance.
Now that a price cap has been introduced by European countries, most of the oil exports from Russia will be CIF. Russia has already bought the necessary tankers and is capable of transporting its oil to buyers. Not having assured oil from Russia, except from the pipelines, the European countries will be at further loss. Moreover, they will also lose out on their freight and insurance business.
All of this could lead to the sabotage of oil transport from Russia, either through secondary sanctions or even physically. In this case, there may be retaliations by Russia. The increasing uncertainties in global trade will result in further inflationary pressure. Western countries are trying to regulate prices in order to get political satisfaction. Attempts to regulate prices may result in the disappearance of the product or the rise in prices for it. After all, nobody canceled the law of value. And so it will be with oil. Of course, it will not disappear, but the unimaginable can happen to prices. We may in future expect hardening of the financial and economic aspects in this hybrid world war.
I note that Uncle Bob’s speculation as to mobilization Zone R is probably dead on correct.
YUNARMIYA ? Yes…see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Army_Cadets_National_Movement
Obviously Ruskie bigbigplans are extending years into future. Future? Yeah, 10 years ahead anyway IMHO..
Opening address by the Minister of Defence [sic] of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, at the special teleconference with the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces
December 6, 2022
In part>
Comrade S> “On 1 December, a new training year commenced in the Armed Forces.
The primary emphasis will be on improving the professional skills of all military personnel while taking into account the experience of the special military operation.
The planned activities will maintain the high intensity of combat training and ensure that the troops can complete all of the assigned tasks.
The thematic part of our session.
Let us first look at the process of developing a unified system of military-patriotic education.
In recent years, we have managed to establish an effective mechanism of state support for military-patriotic work.
The YUNARMIYA movement works within the framework of the ‘Patriotic Upbringing of Russian Federation Citizens’ federal project.
The Russian Ministry of Defence has allocated a targeted subsidy for projects that prepare young people for military service.
This has ensured the movement’s steady growth and significantly improved the quality of the events held.
The Yunarmiya members have been actively assisting our troops from the beginning of the special military operation. Providing targeted aid to families of Donbass troops and children, as well as patriotic campaigns, have become important components of the Yunarmiya’s activity.
We have greatly increased our training and material resources to assure the success of military-patriotic work:
• the number of YUNARMIYA houses in the Russian regions almost doubled in a year;
• the establishment of regional Avangard centres is being completed;
• a network of such centres is being established in cities with a population of a hundred or so.
Today, we’ll take a closer look at the outcomes of these efforts.
Let us now look at the progress of the Russian Defenсe Ministry’s Highways Project.
It was launched in 2019 together with the Ministry of Transport as part of the national project “Safe High-Quality Roads”.
In four years of work, a large proportion of the Ministry of Defence’s roads connecting military infrastructure with public roads have been brought up to standard.
Priority was given to garrisons with the highest concentration of military personnel and their families.
Furthermore, the troops’ fleet of road construction equipment has been significantly expanded, ensuring that the planned work can be completed without interruption next year….”
…………Meantime Is Zelensky Escaping For Other Country !!! Russian’s Are Tracking Ukrainian Movements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tucM9Fu9pVw
Seems WW3 is not going according to the plans of delusions dopers and sodomites.
To-day, for Americans of my generation, is “Pearl Harbor Day”.
The attack was real enough, nothing false about it. But the stories that draped over the killing and wrecking were false enough to make PH in function, false…
It’s easy, now, to prise out the complexity of the matter…the reasons, the urgencies, and the people.
There would be lessons in studying PH, if the nazi finks were literate. Fact is, PH didn’t work out for anybody, not in the long term.
Best! P
West organizing protests in Russia through feminist activists along the lines of what they are doing in Iran and that can get really ugly.
This may also be related to an attack on North Carolina power grid. Speculation is that the attacks were a protest against a planned drag show set for Saturday.
Are the NC attacks against sexual deviation or payback for hits on critical Russian infrastructure? There is a ‘two birds one stone’ facet.
Western ambassadors meet with radical feminists in Moscow
December 6, 2022, 16:50Text: Olga Ivanova
In Moscow, on the territory of the residence of the Canadian Ambassador, a meeting was held between the diplomatic community of Western countries and the representative of the Feminist Anti-War Resistance Alexandra Selivanova, publicist Armen Gasparyan said.
He noted that the collective West, through the feminist activists under its control, intends to organize provocations in Russia in order to ignite a wave of protests among mothers and women.
According to him, the meeting with the feminist was attended by diplomats from Canada, Great Britain, the United States, Japan, Greece, New Zealand and Switzerland.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a package of laws banning LGBT propaganda and gender reassignment among people of any age, the laws provide for large fines for such violations.
North Carolina power grid attack: Crews work to restore power as authorities investigate
Garin Flowers·National Reporter and Producer
Tue, December 6, 2022 at 1:39 PM
Workers repair the substation in Carthage, N.C., on Monday, after gunfire at two substations left tens of thousands without power in Moore County. (Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Some local outlets have reported a spike in crime, involving vandalism and looting.
Authorities said one or more suspects shot up two substations, causing a mass blackout that left 45,000 utility customers without power. The alarming discovery came around 7 p.m. Saturday, after outages began spreading across the region, officials said.
Federal agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Department of Energy, are assisting the Moore County Sheriff’s Office and state officials with the investigation.
President Biden said on Tuesday he was briefed on the matter, and that they don’t yet know who is responsible. Investigators also haven’t released a motive.
“So we condemn this apparent attack on critical infrastructure,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday. “Federal law enforcement continues to support the investigation, and we will continue to monitor the situation as that investigation plays out.
“Early evidence suggests that it was deliberate and the investigation is underway,” Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, also said at a separate briefing.
Reporters asked Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields about speculation that the attacks were a protest against a planned drag show set for Saturday. Fields responded that law enforcement had not found evidence to support that claim.
But Fields did say the culprit “knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did.”
Organizers of the drag show at the Sunrise Theater in Southern Pines said they believe they were at the center of the attack, saying that “Far-right activists had been trying to shut down the show for weeks,” and that they even had security at the Saturday night show, the Fayetteville Observer reported.
With the incident raising concerns about vulnerabilities in the U.S. power grid system,
I have a vague recollection of stories revealed with the USSR “collapsing”; stories that the Soviets had secret cashes of arms and so forth hidden in many places in Europe and the US and Canada. That, of course, was then…but,,,and if it was a good idea then…why not now?
It’s amusing to recall that in Steinbeck’s “The Moon is Down” , his WW2 OSS propaganda novelette…we read a conversation between two nazi officers about “how easy it is to wreck a dynamo – once you know how, why it wrecks itself..” (as I recall the dialogue…)
Lots of Agenda cross promotion contained within.
No adult, that has not suffered as a child, at the hands of a deviant adult, should get any say in the sexual exploitation/grooming of children. Period.
Any adult, promoting sexual adult themes to pre consent children (depends on country, community, chattel availability I suppose) is a Sexual Deviant and should be prosecuted as such.
As for US power grid attacks, North Carolina…..hmm, there be Red Necks down there. Makes for great copy though, with oppressed gays in Russia and power outages in the US what could go wrong.
Cheers M
chattel may sound off the cuff, it is, that’s how children are treated. Lots of lip service, virtue signaling, as a survivor, I’d say those adults pushing at the forefront of the Agenda are the most guilty, having Lolita Express like things to hide.
Time magazine named Zelensky and the “spirit of Ukraine” the person of the year
I realize some will disagree but really who else can play the piano with his penis as well as Zelensky? And when he dances nude with his little member waving in the wind and yanks the clothes off of a woman and in that one moment completely disrespects one half of the population or earth, seriously who else can do that? And you have to give him credit for mincing around stark naked apparently without taking male enlargement pills. That takes courage.
The lying, the mass killings, the many well-documented atrocities plus the war he has provoked and perpetuated serve only to show there are no seconds. He is an abomination and degenerate at the very highest level, a man outstanding in his field which happens to be in hell.
From here on shall be referred to as : the ‘little dick-head.’
“To-day, for Americans of my generation, is “Pearl Harbor Day”. (Mr. P.)
And yesterday, Dec. 6. 1941 hell broke loose on the exhausted German Wehrmacht. The counter-offensive of the Red Army finally
chased the Germans into their first strategic defeat: death of the blitzkrieg.
Tomorrow Dec. 8. is marriage of Mars and Sun, hence attack on, or by, center.
The level on which arrangements parallel to this symbol will happen, is of interest for our experience of man and the ‘quality of time’.
My weekly monitoring the constellations of the week:
‘Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
for all the nations are your inheritance’
Psalm 82
Medvedev lets loose – all cannons free!
Medwedew reagiert auf angebliche “Umsturzpläne” in Deutschland
There is a MSM media tsunami about a coup in Berlin – the arrested suspects are all well older than military age (60-70+).
Medvedev is not fooled! :
In Germany, the type of right-wing conspirators decided to carry out a coup. What can I say?
1. Germans clearly have a shortage of blood sausage. Everywhere only liverwurst. And this is a good reason to add living blood to the liverwurst of the current Chancellor. Scholz clearly benefits from such a reversal. He is both a cook and a participant in the meal.
2. Naturally, they hint at a connection with the Russians. How could it be otherwise? All the evil conspiracies, world wars, devastating earthquakes and deadly epidemics are from us. We are proud, although we have not succeeded so far. We will continue to try the strength of Nemetchina. What if it becomes a monarchy again?
3. But seriously, this is a clear sign of a hereditary disease of the entire management model in Germany. After all, these half-baked conspirators are right: Germany does not have full sovereignty over its land. Decisions on German energy, industry and defense are made by the “deep American state”, not by liverwurst or even Washington elders in fragmented dementia.
Although this is pure provocation and conspiracy. So stock up on popcorn, the thriller will be more interesting than the notorious German series Dark.
My take : Blutwurst mit Popcorn ist nur für Feinschmecker!
MKB spending time on The Reichsbürger. Your assesment seems spot on, motives and all but may be bigger than first reported.
3/3 “The scene has become radicalized. People are becoming more receptive to the core idea of Reichsbürger, that Germany is not free and & elected govt is not sovereign… For years, observers warned about right-wing networks active within security agencies and the Bundeswehr…
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M. K. Bhadrakumar
2/3 “The idea that Germany’s borders should be extended to include the territories of Eastern Europe, which were occupied under Nazi rule, is also found in its milieu…
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1/3 “The Reichsbürger are not a homogeneous group… but united by the belief that Germany is not a sovereign state… many others also believe in antisemitic conspiracy myths.
German far-right group procured arms, had concrete plans for coup: Intelligence chief
Group of extremists, ex-soldiers had large network, prepared to overthrow government by violent means, Germany’s domestic intelligence chief says
Ayhan Simsek |
German far-right group procured arms, had concrete plans for coup: Intelligence chief
German police arrested more than two dozen people on Wednesday in one of the biggest anti-terror operations in country’s history and conducted searches at 150 properties in 11 federal states.
“This group had a large network across the country, they had precise plans, they had been prepared to use violence, even if that meant killing people,” Thomas Haldenwang told public broadcaster ZDF on Wednesday night.
He said the group has been under the scrutiny of the security agencies in the past couple of months, and authorities decided to launch an anti-terror operation as it became clear that the group had concrete plans to overthrow the government by violent means.
Capable of the worst, the union of certain rulers makes World War possible
by Thierry Meyssan
Warning – an unlikely agglomeration then as now catching experts off guard is in motion.
AHH old man…would you be so kind as to repost the FDR medical, which you previously proffered? I am sorry to say I lost track of it before I made a copy…
Fun at movies> Russland danach – Roadtrip in einem gecancelten Land: Die Reise beginnt (Folge 1) (Odysee)
Sean…your remark about redneckedshooter blasting the electric… Long time ago I knew an executive who had been with Southern California Gas…over beers he told me that the longlines from Texas and so forth, high-pressure pipes which were in places exposed out in the Mojave desert…sometimes were perforated by rifle bullets. We used to call that kinda stuff “vandalism”… Those lines have “earthquake valves” (isolation valves) which limit the potential bad outcomes. Anyway, yes, of course, you’re right. Even now most rural signage gets blasted and peppered…but not as much as it used to be. I have done work in electrical substations, installed switchgear and tested it, and so forth. Of course I have no idea what the fella(s) were aiming at…but the big transformers I have seen opened are made pretty thick…12mm maybe… “.30 ball” (military solid lead bullet) would probably make a hole. The insulating “bushings”, which are a very sexy ceramic…that might get dramatic! Everybody has their ideas about right and wrong, but I hate to see things smashed.
bonbon….. The Voltaire article on the alignments for WW3… Very dark prospect. I think he’s right, but that the situation is much more complex, civizational and financial – I compare the drives to violence and murder to the game of Ouija – many “people” or factions each trying to move…each in a different direction…with the result vector not really suiting any “player”, so they all try harder…move into deeper crime.
If my arithmetic is about right, in W2 the daily average death rate was about 30,000 people over the 6 years…TC=70 million. I say that’s a low estimate…and so far, today, now… Well, one can make estimates. We’re getting estimates from 404 of perhaps 1,000 per day just in that “theater”. So there seems to be a possibility that mankind may exceed the previous rate! How jolly!
Best to all! P
Meyssan makes the point that each faction before WW2 appeared totally separate, until they formed an Axis.
So to watch each now with that in mind – they would coalesce into an Axis, much more dangerous than individually appearing. The common Axis based on power and violence.
Financial collapse of course drives the violent grasping of power – the Unipolar Rules-based-Order.
The Multipolar world now launched must not be blindsided!
Dear Mr P,
here’s the FDR medical: http://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2022-05-25/#comment-1099329
Remember I lacked enough data, having not read his biographies. It is an informed opinion of standard medical practice, esp with VIPs, and should be on the ballpark
Solovyev interview on the situation in Germany and the 10 Principles for Peace :
A great interview that all Americans should see:
Interesting subject> spies and war-time…and I suspect General Groves’ bigfatmouth in 1944… Withal see film review @ covertaction etc. Film? “A Compassionate Spy”
My Suspicion> Ted Hall at Los Alamos heard the rumors about “the bomb is for Russia”, which Alperovitz quotes Groves uttering in March…in October Ted went to our allies the Ruskies in New York…and gave them the stuff on the Pu gadget design… This is to my mind obvious, and probably not provable..the film does not, so far as I can say, explore this.
see> https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/12/02/can-an-american-scientist-who-smuggled-critical-nuclear-secrets-to-the-russians-after-world-war-ii-be-considered-a-good-guy-new-film-says-yes/
but following on> “Is History Repeating Itself? And Who Will Be Today’s Ted Hall? An Interview with the Principals of “A Compassionate Spy” ” This interests me…it seems quite obvious that, to-day, now, our Ruskie allies are very probably flooded with “Teds”…and yes, they are allies, except to the nazis in control…https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/12/03/is-history-repeating-itself-and-who-will-be-todays-ted-hall-an-interview-with-the-director-of-a-compassionate-spy/
In the end the gadget killed Ted too, but he lived a long time, and did not get arrested. Ted confirmed, and, I expect, added technical bits, to the dope that Fuchs gave the USSR…cinching the emergency project to build Joe#1….and preventing the murder of many millions, possibly ‘most everybody.
early morning rain;
a camellia plummets,
the plumed rooster crows
Party hardy at the barty as if each day were your last,
get drunk like a skunk, and stink until she past.
Lose your mind then lose your voice,
carry on like you had no choice.
Twitch a glitch, then unhitch a witch,
Scramble your brain, then catch the train.
Here comes old Santa, no, he got stuck in Atlanta.
Don’t rise early, but here come Curly, back to the bar surely.
there may be no tomorrow;
calling Larry, Moe and
Curly Joe!
He aint heavy, he’s my brother.
ruing the day, stuck
in a chimney in Atlanta,
on my way to Alabama
(with a banjo on my knee…)
Considering the patterns of action by “west” since, well, 1900 anyway, and especially since 2000, and in view of the Ruski oil https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Russia-Is-Selling-Crude-Oil-To-Asia-Above-The-60-Price-Cap.html and so forth… Taking all things together, I really must see what odds Stumpy at the cigar store will give on a bet that intrepid efforts to damage or destroy or seize…what piracy in effect…will now be directed at the Ruski tank ships, their crews and officers. I think maybe I can get 10:1 on a missile strike and terrible fire… I mean, I made bank on the pipeline bet…
Seriously, though…https://www.indianpunchline.com/italy-distances-from-cancellation-of-russia/ is totally bitchen – what with >
“…the other hand, German revanchism is also apparent. Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote an essay last week in Foreign Affairs where he underscored the new “mindset” in Berlin — as he put it — against the backdrop of the “epochal tectonic shift” toward “this new multipolar world, [as] different countries and models of government are competing for power and influence.”
Germany senses that its hour has come once again to lead in Mitteleuropa — German term for Central Europe. The Prussian vision of Mitteleuropa was a pan-Germanist state-centric imperium, an idea that was later adopted in a modified form by Nazi geopoliticians. The Mitteleuropa plan was to achieve an economic and cultural hegemony over Central Europe and subsequent economic and financial exploitation of this region, making of puppet states as a buffer between Germany and Russia.
Scholz asserted in his essay that Germany is on a path of militarisation, shedding its post-World…”
(evidently the great Olaf imagines Großdeutschland soll die Sklaven regieren und den Osten besitzen…or some such nazikrap….Olaf’s confession essay> https://www.foreignaffairs.com/germany/olaf-scholz-global-zeitenwende-how-avoid-new-cold-war )
The Boris Gudunov bit (Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni arrives to attend the gala premiere in the country’s most famous opera house, Teatro alla Scala, which opened its new season with the Russian opera “Boris Godunov,” Milan, Italy, December 7, 2022) is cute! Nifty opera too…https://opera-inside.com/boris-godunov-by-modest-mussorgsky-the-opera-guide-and-synopsis/
……….@ Anoxia a thrilling escapade with, so far, no injuries…seems a fella delivering stuff to a small store in the neighboring village…3 AM rain-dark time, a fella drove up to unload his stuff and 4 “BMA” took him at knifepoint and emptied his truck…escaping north-bound with no license-plate. I wonder, what’s a “BMA”… Ron Unz might know… Genuine despradoes…an American tradition.
And Mrs P made biscuits…and jam…
Later & Best! P
Oh yeah Italy is marking distance from the Russophobic narrative in Europe because the Ukraine’s neo-Nazis in a fit of typical stupidity were planning on killing the Italians. I read that thinking Italy will opt out of any support to Ukraine if possible. Now it is up to the US to blackmail Italy harder.
One can only hope they are uncovered in many countries, no soup or support for you.
Ukraine-linked underground neo-Nazi organization uncovered in Italy
November 24, 2022
Law enforcement authorities in Italy exposed and arrested a neo-Nazi cell whose members were planning terrorist attacks. But, even more interestingly, The Grayzone writes, the arrested Italian far-rightists were associated with the Ukrainian nationalist Azov Regiment (banned in the Russian Federation as a terrorist organization).
A neo-Nazi group called the Hagal Order collected weapon and prepared terrorist attacks in Italy. Five extremists were arrested on November 15, one militant managed to escape. When the police began searching for him, it turned out that he was in Ukraine, where he was fighting against the Russian army as part of one of the nationalist formations.