2022/11/25 20:30:02
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“Government requires make-believe. Make believe that the king is divine, make believe that he can do no wrong or make believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Make believe that the people have a voice or make believe that the representatives of the people are the people. Make believe that governors are the servants of the people. Make believe that all men are created equal or make believe that they are not.”
– Edmund S. Morgan (1916-2013)
Expanding on that, every confidence game or swindle required make believe. It’s fair to tie in the concept of trust. It’s necessary for a swindle, The strongest, and most useful trust is developed over time at great cost. Perhaps the greatest swindles leverage deep trust, and are considered betrayal.
I wonder if one of the main legs of the development of civilization throughout history has been to refine the relationship between government and trust. Some efforts might have historically been to reduce the need to trust individuals, to make betrayal more difficult or costly, and others I’m sure will easily come to mind.
The framers of the united States government in the late 18th century plainly knew this was an ageless challenge.
Trust is when you are driving in a car and you are approaching a vehicle coming in the opposite direction, you trust that they will stay on their side of the road.
We have yet to determine what gvt considers a trust.
Nicely put.
Gone rogue, a gvt trusts that they have elf granted indulgence, and if you suffer a bad trip, it’s because you deserve it.
Well the gvt is about to experience a bad trip, and I’m confident they will have deserved it.
While “trust” is a feature in confidence games, the fundamental feature is greed, Truly, it’s a tough job to cheat an honest man. Melville’s “The Confidence man” is forgotten…as is W. C. Fields’ “The Old Army Game” (which term serves to identify a category of swindles. Bill Burroughs;s old favorite “The Big Con” gives a good history… Note that both the mark and the operator are motivated by aspects of vice, greed the cheap rush they get from skinnin’ a mark… But in the end? No Hustler can beat the mark inside himself.
Considering the peskiness of the Ukrainian fortifications built since 2014, and considering reports of fortification building today near Kiev …
It might be useful to consider cement to be a war material. One cannot make bunkers without Portland Cement or it’s equivalents. Making this substance is energy intensive, because the ingredients must be roasted.
So target cement plants and stockpiles. Target gas and oil feeders of this industry.
Destroying the cement kilns would make postwar construction difficult and more expensive. Those are big complex machines…need skilled mechanics to repair, etc. Fuel, on the other hand… But is there a problem when the nazis build fortifications? Very probably the 404 fellas are going to sit in the dark and icy and get hungry…also concrete cure time in cold weather…fresh fortifications are not very strong. If Kiev is a dead city, light out and no central heating steam…what’s to defend? Hundreds of miles of frozen pipes… Anyway without strom 404 will have a tough time running the kilns. (The chemistry of concrete is fascinating…I assume that most cement kilns use natural gas, but powdered coal seems to my eye a better fuel – the limestone would be in a drier oven…either way, the kilns use lots of electricity to run crushers, screens, pumps, blowers, elevators, screws…and rotating the long tube.)
France arranged with Jihadis to continue operating the Le Farge cement plant in Syria throughout the war there. Le Farge supplied free concrete for terrorist fortifications. It took Russia six months of constant bombing to destroy the Jihadi fortifications. Even the Russians were surprised that it took that long. There are hundreds of such hardened bunkers in the Ukraine, I watched some front line vids where LDNR forces enter large pre cast Pill Boxes, with 10″ blast doors…..I doubt 500lbers wound even dent the things. Maybe four or five, but that’s a lot of ordinance for one hidey hole. Impervious to arty that’s for sure.
War Crimes, what war crimes. I do believe Le Farge is in court over supporting terror for profit……kinda like running a war, or whatever three letters one chooses to call it and not interdicting the enemies supply lines, where economic profit takes precedence over human life. What a racket……..
Cheers M
Le Farge supplied six million tonnes of concrete to the US/UAE/Israeli supported terrorists in Syria.
This blog, and a few others, helps me get past the horrible feelings I have about this ukronatoistan. Defeat is a lever that builds on horror and leads to despair. Understanding who will win gives hope. It is impossible to imagine that the Nazis could have won ww2. Despite all the horror of this war we have the comfort of knowing that the victory will be Russian. Can we imagine the situation of all those first peoples genocided by the West. Only a few scattered handfuls remain. To be forced to continue with the weight of the inescapable must be appalling.
I think of the hundreds of millions of people who live without material security in Asia, Africa and South America. For centuries, this has been the first tangible hope that the stranglehold of the West could end.
Only the victory of Russia can bring peace.
Can we dispense with the illusions, look at the Ukraine, the Republics, border areas of Russia, Crimea. Victory will be fleeting. There are no winners, ever. Mother’s will bury their sons, wives their husbands. The Ukraine is being destroyed. And people can’t wait for the victory lap, all’s well that ends well I suppose.
Old adage, it is unwise to count ones chickens before they hatch, the more the Ukraine looses, the higher the Hegemon threat level rises.
Cheers M
History records the Nazis did not loose WW2, Germany did. Nazism is an Ideology, it is alive and well.
No. Suffering is not the measure of everything. I was in Rwanda in 1994. My wife is Tutsi. Just to say that I know these things. Even decomposing bodies have different smells in different stages. But let’s get back to the point. The Nazis were killed by the millions, the concentration camps closed. The USSR was rebuilt according to its rules. The Russians and many other ethnic groups have resumed a normal life while the Nazis from the west and the Japanese from the east wanted to exterminate them all and divide the continent. The Russian Federation is a powerful country that straddles 11 time zones, whereas the fascist plan was to leave only a handful of reserves like in North America. I could go on for pages about the difference between victory and defeat.
Your assertion of the indifference of victory to defeat is nihilistic. The spirit that animated the Red Army is not the same as that which animated the Nazi hordes.
Six years in Belfast, 68′ to 73′, I know war first hand…..not the unmitigated slaughter of Rwanda but death still brought by the same first world Colonial powers.
I won’t quibble over winners and losers without a Ref, an ending bell, no one wins in war…..maybe the dead win the Kingdom and the Glory…..but I stand by and can direct if needed…..the Nazis, just like Jihadis in Syria and Iraq, were removed from Germany and allowed to live freely in other parts of the world after the war, but it did look nice with the Nuremberg charade.
Cheers M
This is Faina Savenkova’s (14) letter to US Americans:
Do you know what makes my blood boil? That here in the West almost nobody has heard of Faina Savenkova from Donbass, but almost everybody is bombarded on daily basis by the media about Greta Thunberg, a creepy, petty bourgeois “climate activist” from Sweden, who, while sitting on a designer chair worth a fortune, declared that she was “robbed of her future”.
That Faina Savenkova was literally robbed of her future by an imperialist war nobody cares about. Faina Savenkova was born in the wrong country, is of wrong ethnicity and above all, speaks wrong mother tongue.
Faina (14) who is a real child and a victim of war is therefore completely irrelevant, while Greta, a creepy 20 year old “child” has been dominating headlines of mainstream media for almost five years in the row.
My disgust of “Western values” has no limits.
Thank you Peter,
This is a very revealing comment of the ways of God to many of us that were born into poverty begging for the very necessary to sustain life, and crying out to a merciful Almighty God in Jesus Christ in our heart for help. He is there with anyone that desires to know Him.
Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
‘What’s Next For Ukraine?’
November 24, 2022
Scott Ritter, Mark Sleboda & fmr Australian Amb to Russia, Poland & Cambodia Tony Kevin joined Consortium News to discuss recent events, the current situation and the future of the conflict in Ukraine. (2:30:50)
Discussion starts @7:30
Again, use the cog to speed up playback
Interesting interview with a Chechen general,Hero of Russia, about the SMO:
EXCLUSIVE | The Akhmat factor | On the frontlines | Interview with Chechen Spetsnaz commander
For those wondering how long plans are made in advance to destabilize / regime change / invade & occupy targeted countries this (9:20) clip of Doug Valentine is essential viewing:
The CIA – 70 Years In Ukraine https://youtu.be/f-vN_B1vVYM
Perhaps a dovetail to Valentine’s History>
I’ve been studying Mort Sahl’s old interviews…he gives worthwhile perspective…see> https://youtu.be/bimrN5NCdJk ( Mort Sahl on JFK, MLK, RFK & Garrison: The Cause is Humanity / Our Hidden History)
His 1960 stuff is also worthwhile…evidently he stepped on a few toes, including tribal ones.
Thanks Mr P. I’ll check him out.
Lots of people see the brilliance of letting NATO ship weapons to front for Russia to destroy….which on the surface does seem, at the expense of a few soldiers and civilians, genius.
Large amounts of Whine and Mouldy Cheese coming from the EU today. Weapons stocks so depleted there is not enough to train with. So the big big plan, disarm ZATO??? It’s working??
These people running the shit show are freaking insane by any measure of normal human standard ‘love they neighbour’, they don’t give a damn.
And now, they are so low on standard munitions, what’s to stop Russia moving outside its borders? Surely denazification doesn’t end in the Ukrainian. Canada is infested with them…same inbred Nazi offspring, that’s just one country….not sure if there are any in the USA, or the UK….but what happens when these insane bastards are out of ammo and have only one alternative??????
Cheers M
Sean…well said…people forget the Treaties mooted in December…
https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/rso/nato/1790818/?lang=en (to the US)
https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/rso/nato/1790803/?lang=en&clear_cache=Y (to NATO)
The SMO is about finished, and since the nazis are terrorists by their actions…the SMO metamorphoses to ATO…and ATO is not limited to 404, but to where there are nazis…well…let’s hope the nazis run away and decide to get all the protection they can get from special medical injections…all safe and effective…but for whom?
A question that I think has an obvious answer…can US as CONUS continue to function as a State when the dollar buys nothing and there are no reliable quisling finks to blackmail and bribe? If not, what?
The crime of the century described> Sean Gervasi (1992) How US Destabilized the USSR https://youtu.be/kPQUeid4wdo
note…two can play at destabilization
Rumpole of the Bailey and Tennyson’s “Ulysses” –
Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Mov’d earth and heaven, that which we are, we are:
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Ulysses
Rumpole recited this as well>
Thomas Hood
No sun — no moon!
No morn — no noon —
No dawn — no dusk — no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member —
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! —
Rumpole of the Bailey – November
Enjoying a visit to a Russian village in Siberia:
В гостях в деревне – Австралийцы в России – ENG SUBS
So whose side is Beijing really on? The reality is that China has consistently backed only one side – its own. But the illusion of Chinese support was one of the many miscalculations that led Vladimir Putin down the road to war.
A good question is are other countries catching on to China like Iran and North Korea who by the way has a written defense agreement with China?
Russia will have its own Starlink and space is questionable.
“Be it in space or elsewhere, China has a very realistic view of Russia and partnering with Moscow has never been Beijing’s most preferred outcome, for the two countries are not natural partners,” Marco Aliberti, a senior research fellow at the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) in Vienna, told SpaceNews.
The red line: Biden and Xi’s secret Ukraine talks revealed
From magazine issue:
26 November 2022
Owen Matthews
Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China has played a decisive – though publicly low-profile – role in strategic decision-making in both Washington and Moscow. As I report for the first time in my new book Overreach, it was a back-channel intervention approved by Beijing that caused the US to scupper a deal for the Poles to provide Soviet-made MiG-29 jets to the Ukrainian Air Force back in March. And since September a flurry of personal diplomacy by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi with Nato and the US has led to a rare moment of public agreement over Russia, when Xi Jinping said that the world ‘needs to prevent a nuclear crisis on the Eurasian continent’ in a meeting with Joe Biden at the G20 summit in Bali.
Throughout the war, China’s true position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been hard to pin down – not least because Beijing has been telling both sides what they want to hear. In March, Wang implicitly appeared to be blaming the US for ‘stoking tensions’ and ‘sowing discord’ with Russia. Last month he told his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, that ‘China will also firmly support the Russian side, under the leadership of President Putin, to unite and lead the Russian people’, according to state broadcaster CCTV. Wang also promised that ‘China is willing to deepen contacts with the Russian side at all levels’. Yet in September, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Wang had told Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg that China ‘stays open-minded to dialogues and exchanges with Nato and is willing to jointly promote the sound and steady development of bilateral relations … in the spirit of honesty and mutual respect’.
The illusion of Chinese support was one of the many miscalculations that led Putin down the road to war…………”
Please don’t cut and paste whole articles. The link is there. Mod.
I disagree Lodestar. The Chinese have been careful not to give excuses to the US to ramp up provocations over Chinese Taipei / Xinjiang
But longer term, the Chinese know that if Russia falls, China will be the next with their heads on the US’ chopping block.
There’s a synergy in Russo-Sino relations & while its undeniably true that China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) will benefit from the denazification & demilitarization of Ukraine – its Russia who will have the victory!
Keeping Russia alive benefits China now as a common enemy dictates their symbiotic relationship. There will be variances according to the geopolitical scene yet the NSS, a document of importance, tells that Russia is wary of China’s monopolistic plans. To this end from the NSS the phrase ‘equal multilateral cooperation is used- ‘The Russian Federation stands for the expansion of equal multilateral
cooperation, the strengthening and development of universal international institutions in order to reduce global tensions, strengthen international security, develop mechanisms for cooperation and
coordination of interests of different development centers, and determine common approaches and rules of conduct in the economicand trade spheres.
Russia’s National Security Strategy-excerpt
The Greater Eurasian Partnership (GEP) prominently made its debut in the 2021 National Security Strategy, although Putin first introduced the term in the 2015 Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. There is no doubt about the stability and longevity of the concept, which in recent years has become part of the official Russian discourse; however, it still needs to be filled with political and economic substance.
While the goal of the GEP is still rather vaguely formulated in the NSS – “Ensuring the integration of economic systems and the development of multilateral cooperation” – its strategic rationale is crystal clear. Moscow is insisting that no single national economic system should dominate Eurasia. While not overtly stated, the GEP inter alia is an attempt to avoid a Chinese monopoly in Eurasia, by building interaction mechanisms between China’s Belt and Road and various multilateral initiatives. The lack of concrete details leaves Russia with room to maneuver when interpreting the partnership in the future. Still, the most challenging task will be to sell the idea of a Eurasian “spaghetti bowl” to China. Elevating this issue to a strategic level means that the GEP is not just about economic integration, but also a matter of geopolitics with a central question: Who will have the lead in determining the rules of the game across Eurasia?
The latest from the south of France …
“The impact [of events in Ukraine] upon us, here in France and Europe, has been disastrous.
Rolling blackouts scheduled for January, which means no téléphones nor internet. So many people need the internet to work. The price of electricity has soared.
Which is why I don’t believe for an instance that the Ukraine crisis is anything but a purposely engineered event to bring in the carbon and energy tax. News media here in France is now openly talking about how citizens will be using an energy card that will replace the ordinary credit card.
They are all in it together.”
Note: Vineyard readers will know there was far more to it than just a carbon & energy tax.
Here is a brilliant essay:
Russian heroes working to demine the liberated areas in Donbass:
Demining Donbass | Sappers risk their lives clearing Donbass from Ukrainian mines
Uncle Bob, thanks for finding and posting this unusual video.
This is a professional production. Not clear if iEarlGrey actually produced this or if he’s simply making sure it gets out there. Either way, every body needs to see this. This is war up close and personal – so in your face it’s hard to concentrate on anything else after seeing this.
The military units stamped “Liberated” to the territories, what feels like ages ago. But the enemy’s APM’s are still going off everywhere. In the water as well as on land. Bridge crossings cannot be rebuilt. Many cities and villages look like ancient ruins. I can’t remember how many explosives of all different kinds, but especially petal mines, are not only booby trapping everything, but are daily shelled into the Donbass. How does “The Ukraine” have such an endless supply of these civilian killers?
Russian sappers work the still inhabited cities – And the destroyed cities and villages, where some people are so anxious to reclaim the land their homes had been on, they move in even before the sappers are finished. Some don’t even wait for the sappers to get there. They learn about mines, and alert the sappers when they arrive. I cannot fathom how anybody could go in there before the sappers had finished.
Russian experts train local military to form their own sapper units to work city streets, the countryside, the bottoms of rivers, inside smashed buildings, and on the rooftops. One after the other tells a bit of their story, and is followed by camera as they work. We see how they are suited up and supported by their teams. We see how, altho many explosives are removed, many more have to be exploded on site. Under water seems the most horrendous, and next to that, the rooftops of many story buildings.
These sappers are so human, talking about their families, their children. Most of them look like boys to me. The rest barely middle aged.
The video opens interviewing victims in fully functional cities who were badly mutilated by these mines. One a young monk horribly damaged on his monastery grounds. Nothing is sacred.
We know who is really doing this. And that we may be next. It is no longer “our” government.
Is America Ready for a Multipolar World? – Quincy Institute (1:58:19)
Panel discussion starts @3:15 https://youtu.be/PBPrr0rpQoY
this is what Blake said;
no one soars too high if he
soars with his own wings
some sunday musings…
Words have a history. the two words below are about the same thiing, but from different perspe ctives. One is geographic, and the other, which connects to it, is historical. Both word tell us abbout the good, Godliness, and about evil, Satanism, and both words contain the truth of how evil seeks to usurp the good on earth.
Bolshevik (n.)
“Russian radical socialist of the revolutionary period,” 1917, from Russian bol’shevik (plural bol’sheviki), from bol’shiy “greater,” comparative of adjective bol’shoy “big, great” (as in Bolshoi Ballet), from Old Church Slavonic boljiji “larger,” from PIE root *bel- “strong” (source also of Sanskrit balam “strength, force,” Greek beltion “better,” Phrygian balaios “big, fast,” Old Irish odbal “strong,” Welsh balch “proud;” Middle Dutch, Low German, Frisian pal “strong, firm”).
Italian fascio “group, association,” literally “bundle,” from Latin fasces (see fasces).
Fasci “groups of men organized for political purposes” had been a feature of Sicily since c. 1895, and the 20c. totalitarian sense probably came directly from this but was influenced by the historical Roman fasces, which became the party symbol. As a noun from 1922 in English, earlier in Italian plural fascisti (1921), and until 1923 in English it often appeared in its Italian form, as an Italian word.
fasces (n.)
1590s, from Latin fasces “bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting” (plural of fascis “bundle” of wood, etc.), from Proto-Italic *faski- “bundle,” perhaps from PIE *bhasko- “band, bundle” (source also of Middle Irish basc “neckband,” Welsh baich “load, burden,” perhaps also Old English bæst “inner bark of the linden tree”). Carried before a lictor, a superior Roman magistrate, as a symbol of power over life and limb: the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe-head execution by beheading. Hence in Latin it also meant, figuratively, “high office, supreme power.”
Important development in Chinese Taipei
A fascinating result in Taiwan midterm elections: the ruling DPP suffers an historic defeat, winning only 5 of 22 municipalities. The rest go to opposition KMT & friends.
Note: DPP favors Taiwan independence while KMT favors “One China” (its own definition of it) so quite meaningful.
And … Taiwan regional leader Tsai Ing-wen announced her resignation as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party on Saturday evening after the Kuomintang (KMT) stomped home to victory in local elections
“Tsai Ing-Wen has framed [the elections] as being about sending a message to the world about the island’s determination to defend its democracy in the face of China’s rising bellicosity”
A message has been sent – just not the one she expected.
The family chit,
is about to hit,
The U.S. fan.
Souls are going to die,
holes are going to fry,
people are going to ask why,
and i’m just going to sigh.
Gonna get high
Up on a hill
Blunt some eye
Sit n chill
I’m gonna drive a train,
right over the steep cliff,
and no one will give a tiff,
once Casey comes up stiff.
@ about 1:18 old man…Buster Keaton…https://youtu.be/yCH-tUmMl7Q
Best! P
Interesting read, they should call this battalion Heavy Metal PMC
Several people, and some experts too, have remarked about various aspects of the M777. BTW the actual tube remains steel…and it has the charming quality of obliging the nazis to tow the gun by means of the muzzle -brake, which may account for axial distortions. Anyway…on the M777> http://military-today.com/artillery/m777.htm
Some of M777 is aluminum, most of the rest, except the tube, is titanium. The Fatigue of Titanium and Titanium Alloys> http://www.metalspiping.com/the-fatigue-of-titanium-and-titanium-alloys.html
It’s light gun, easy move by helio, if the enemy is wearing sandals…in 404 the light weight is not so much an advantage…but the big problem is that what’s really heavy is ammo… So? It’s a nice gun, but not particularly suited to attempts to stop red army…
Best! P
TG 951: The West’s Fraudulent Invocation Of “Holodomor”
George Szamuely discusses discusses the 90-year anniversary of the start of the Soviet Great Famine and its shameless abuse by Western leaders to justify their ongoing policies in Ukraine. (27:09)
The damage deprives Europe of crucial electricity imports from Ukrainian plants. Power will have to flow in the opposite direction to prevent a humanitarian disaster in Ukrainian cities
Putin has another gas shock for us: the de-industrialization of Europe
“Putin has ample motive to exploit the glaring lines of cleavage running through Europe’s deformed political culture
[emphasis mine]
Michael Hudson: A New Bipolar World. US finance capitalism vs. China’s mixed public/ private economy (1:09:08)
Online-talk with Professor Michael Hudson and Mathew D. Rose, November 1, 2022
A Cooperation of Helle Panke e.V. with Brave New Europe, OXI and Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation.
Read on Brave New Europe: “Michael Hudson – The Euro Without German Industry”
Key takeaways:
– Germany has become an economic satellite of US’ new Cold War with Russia, China, and the rest of Eurasia.
NATO countries are told to impose trade and investment sanctions on themselves that will outlast the proxy war in Ukraine
– Germany and Europe are being forced into a depression and de-industrialization as a result of sanction the US has told them to impose on Russia.
– The country that’s suffering the most collateral damage in the global fracture is Germany.
Does anyone really imagine that its a total coincidence that the protests in China started almost immediately after the Chinese Taipei elections where the pro-independence government was soundly rejected?
Nikkei Asia’s Editor-in-chief, Shigesaburo Okumura on their unprecedented & highly unusual be allowed to report from inside the Trilateral Commission:
“Many of the participants seemed sick and tired of the decoupling with China imposed by the U.S. under the name of “Democracy vs. Autocracy” dualism. Some of them worried about the arbitrary and unpredictable nature of trade sanctions and their implementation by the U.S.
It’s not simply anti-Americanism. In fact, most of the participants had attended higher education in the U.S., and they really have strong attachment to such American values as liberty and justice.
Still, their anxiety over the confrontation between the two strongest hegemonic nations is serious, and they firmly believe that their arguments and views should be heard by their American and European counterparts. Multiple members stressed that Chinese participation was indispensable if the commission is to deal effectively with global issues.”
Freezing weather and frozen ground coming to Kiev.
14 day forecast:
Try fixing the pipes after fixing the power lines after serving at the front lines.
Should keep them busy just figuring out the priorities.
PMC Wagner liberated the settlements of Zelenopolye and Ozaryanovkain Bakhmut direction
When Bakhmut falls, Russia will soon control all of Donetsk
Memory…recalling the odd coincidences of a plague of sudden deaths…from 20 years back… https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/deadbiologists.html
“…There is really only one reason to kill off a bunch of scientists. To keep them from doing something they are able to do.
What were these scientists able to do? Maybe blow the whistle if an artificially created…”
Perspicacious dude who wrote the essay, considering…
“The UN Security Council has brushed aside Russian accusations regarding the biological military program that the United States allegedly pursued abroad and in particular in Ukraine. However, Russia still considers that the arguments advanced by Washington, and accepted by London and Paris, are not at all satisfactory. …
In anticipation of this summit, Russia has just published 80 new documents, stemming from various sources.”
28 NOV Russia reverts to US biological military program abroad
Cafeistas have had a previous convo as to whether buyers can set an oil price cap.
Oil price rebounds after OPEC+ demonstrates that sellers control prices not buyers.
Oil Rebounds From China Crash On OPEC+ Production Cut Headlines
The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) proposes to create an independent payment system for the BRICS countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with a common payment card.
The institutional and technical foundations for currency Multipolarity gathers further momentum as the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) proposes to create an independent payment system for the BRICS countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with a common payment card.
The EAEU comprises Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. It has an annual GDP on PPP terms of US$5.1 trillion. It functions as a single market with 184 million persons.
The founding members of BRICS are Brazil, Russia (the common nation), India, China and South Africa. All 5 states are members of the G20. Combined they have a nominal GDP of US$26.6 trillion (about 26.2% of the gross world product), a total GDP (PPP) of around US$51.99 trillion (32.1% of global GDP PPP.