2022/11/15 10:00:02
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Hello Andrey. Could you comment on this video? Namely, that the United States and France, Great Britain and Israel divided Armenia and Azerbaijan between themselves in order to push them together. I will leave you 3 videos of Alexander Artamonov, where he talks about this. It is very important.
Please write your answer as my English is poor. I watch your videos if there are subtitles.
Bears are airborne, x-101’s flying and the black sea armada giving a helping hand. Please don’t blue ball with mosquito bites
To give up one inch of Russian soil is a precedent to be regretted. imo
Military Summery pointed out that there only two main bridges across the river that Ukie can use to bring reinforcements to the Zaporizhya area. At least one should be dropped to bottle neck the reinforcements. I get the war of attrition, but allowing 30+ thousand men to reinforce the area and prepare to attack Mariupol cutting the land route to Crimea…..that’d be a wtf moment.
Cheers M
Indeed Bear attack…and long list @ intelslava of targets hit in zone 404. Lights out. They say >100 CM, and naturally the little birdies will follow along, and do what they will. I am wondering if this is not the beginning of bigbig campaign… 404 is becoming a trap…for the “Ukrainians”… I’d look for a vast exodus starting now…
I can’t agree though, about “precedent”…it has always happened in land warfare and in Russian History…and I don’t quite agree about “giving up”… ownership has not changed, only the name of temporary bandit trespasser. “Army must be like water”, etc.
Noting Sean’s thought on Mariupol…well, a big fish calls for a tasty bait. Just a thought Amigo…
Best! P
I don’t watch this guy often but thought his report today contained some gems. around the 16 min mark.
I learned about Dirt Boxes: how a plane flying a circle pattern over a city uses the Dirt Box to interdict all cell phone traffic, the box fools the phones making the phone think the plane is the cell tower, all phone data is then recorded by the plane.
I learned about Sting Ray: It gives the plane the ability to not only receive data but push/plant data which can be used to, as he says, “cause shenanigans”………but all democratic voting systems are the best way to accurately tally the votes……….right????
Cheers M
Yes, if it’s electronic (or even electromechanical) it’s not secret, more or less… See “tempest” that was the beginning > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_%28codename%29
Stingray> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_phone_tracker
The Anoxiacopradio traffic shows that the dispatch gal can “ping” a ‘phone to the resolution of proximity to cell-tower with trivial effort or expense…and the sexy ‘phones to a few meters…remove battery…noworkie! Faraday pouch can help, some.
If one wishes privacy….well, two fellas naked in a wild place tapping morse with a finger tip might be ok…(kinky tho)…but background noise and decoy might provide some degree. Never speak secrets anywhere near any electronic device in an enclosure is a start. Thus, to know this, naked.
I’ve thought about the strategies…seriously in terms of communications and game strategy, and discussed the problem with learned professor in relevant field.
One method> Create an effervescent cascade of “encrypted traffic” with null value…thus clogging the decrypt down at SCMODS . It’s a job for a criminal computer programmer. There is some hardware for this…a real random generator is necessary. It’s also obvious. Creating a universe of one time pad with zero meaning, more or less. Creating haystack. https://youtu.be/pwqwSukyBvg (SCMODS) It helps if the traffic looks suspicious…which is an interesting philosophical question…
Opposite the noise? taptaptap in silence. Mechanical typewriter. Kerosene light. Coal stove…
We already see the cops’ sexy equipment used to spoof the spoofers… Cute!
Longtimeago I knew a desperado (he was reformed and rehabilitated though, paid his debt to society an all that stuff)…anyway he liked cocaine and a good time, and when he ran out of coke he’d take down his AK47 ($60.00 US at the market then) and visit the bank for a withdrawal.
Those were the good old days! He had great stories.
Best! P
I used to chuckle, not anymore – the never ending advice ( some great indeed) on how to secure digital comms from all the experts all the time… at the software level. What amazes is that these experts seems to have no clue that their hardware is backdoored. Why do you think the enemy mocks you with “Intel Inside” logo?
Of course it’s not only the CPUs with holes , other important microchips are backdoored too. All these “solutions” at the software level are just goofy no matter how clever, sophisticated and ingenious they appear.
Yes, we discussed this in the course of our philosophical inquiry into methods of fubar. Not exclusive, but noise OTP “traffic” does not necessarily mean digital at source. Actually traffic noise can be generated by a multitude of means, some of it by simple circuits using discrete components…even vacuum tubes. The RNG bit can use a radiation source and so forth. All fun. Big question is unresolved> Is there a method to identify noise traffic as such. It’s really an open question. Meantime….if it’s said it’s probably not secret, especially if one is not in the wild. One might say that the “MSM” system in USA is a “noise generator”…I’m using the idea in a very wide sense. CNN generates a vast stream of noise…and it works to the same effect as the theoretical. It makes observer blind, more or less.
I agree with the natural assumption that backdoors are, even if they’re not. The undersea telegraph traffic longtimeago….all commercial encrypted or encoded in private codes…all 100% traffic got copied to MI6 or its precursor…”somebody’s always listening” is what they teach…. “Backdoor” began with the telegraph. There was big reason all the early cables ran through UK…and today? https://www.submarinecablemap.com/
Backdoor is the rule, digital or analogue, or signal flag.
Best! P
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
The Naryshkin – Burns chat evidently failed to get a surrender from either side… Now we see Poland claim Ruskierocket attack (intelslava)… Looks like plan B for 404…
Very bad.
The fear is of a nuclear war so maybe Poland will be reined in. Probably wishful thinking on my part.
I can’t believe Ukraine was not discussed.
In the United States revealed the essence of the negotiations between the heads of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the CIA
Newsweek: Negotiations between the heads of the SVR Naryshkin and CIA Burns concerned nuclear risks, not the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine
November 15, 2022, 04:55
Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS,
Tom Williams/Global Look Press
Text: Anton Nikitin
The purpose of the meeting between the heads of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, William Burns, is to signal the consequences of the alleged possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia, and the settlement in Ukraine was not discussed, Newsweek magazine reported.
According to a representative of the National Security Council (NSC) of the White House, the head of the CIA allegedly does not conduct any negotiations and does not discuss the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, but sends a signal to Moscow about the consequences of the allegedly possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia and the risks of escalation for strategic stability. In addition, according to the representative of the White House NSS, he will also raise the issue of detained US citizens, TASS reports .
On the eve of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov confirmed that on Monday in Ankara, on the initiative of Washington , negotiations were held between representatives of Russia and the United States. However, he refused to disclose the subject of the conversation. The VZGLYAD newspaper figured out what the secret negotiations between Russia and the USA were about.
Consequences of using nukes by Russia will be bleating for mercy by the judeo-masonic empire whose bluff has long ago been called and hand forced . The rats are fully aware they have no chance of winning and will be exterminated if they bust a move which is also evident in theyr requesting the meeting ( as one of they signs of the bleating).
Political problems being resolved with engineering techniques is apparently frowned upon, but we have still yet to find out why.
Two points:
1.I saw a video talking about Putin’s 2007 earth changing Munich speech. I’m not going to talk about the speech,I think we all know about that. But what moved me was looking at the faces of the Western “leaders” as they listened to the speech. I truly thought I was looking at Satan in the flesh. I don’t want to exaggerate here. But I really did get the feeling of looking at pure evil looking at their faces.
2.The Poles are claiming that Russian missiles came over into Poland near the Ukraine border killing 2 people. I suspect “if” that is partly true. Then the missiles were most likely either Ukrainian missiles that were fired at Russian missiles and they missed and went into Poland. Or that the Ukrainians fired them into Poland to create a false flag.
If this was a false flag by Zelensky to draw NATO in, the US needs to get rid of him as of yesterday.
Second thing that no one is talking about is Ukraine is threatening to attack Iran. Here again the US needs to get rid of Zelensky now-he is a dangerous loose cannon!
On November 5, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has advocated for military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran. President Zelensky echoed Podolyak’s belligerent rhetoric the following day, demanding Iran be “punished” for allegedly supplying drones to Russia, The Grayzone reported.
There are pics of a hay type trailer attached to a tractor and a fairly neat hole beside them. There are long beams under the trailer, looks like the trailer many have been parked over some structure below. Does not look like a missile strike, the trailer and tractor would have much heavier damage. I’d expect some beams to be splintered, just seems odd.
…..or maybe point 3, something was there, underground.
Cheers M
I think you’ll find that is was a partially shot down missile that eventually landed in Poland.
there are two parts to
unfoldment, first knowing and
and then walking the path
“To know and not to do, is still not to know.” – Confucius
love tempers and refines
the human heart,
turning it ever to God
Troubling information suggesting quite a few people are indebted to the health care industry and can not ever pay back their bill, I think it was in the single trillions.
The troubling part is that rather than write off the debt as the individuals most likely goes through bankruptcy, the gvt is preparing to monetize the debt and pay their health care bill much like the 08 debt had to be monetized and payed off.
A continuation of the inflation trend.
The nation is running out of hero’s to service the aging baby boomers, but there are always plenty of future billions to fund the war in the Ukraine.
Weeks ago I came across news of Cuba legalizing same-sex marriage (and frowned).
I was going to ask about it here, but forgot about it until visiting the Awful Avalanche blog. One post had commentary discussing it, with the owner providing a link to a Vzglyad article:
Was Cuba pressured by the USA?
Do socialism and/or communism generally oppose same-sex marriage? (i.e. assuming that Cuba still either socialist or communist)
What would Fidel Castro think?
Yes Cuba became the 34th country to legalize SSM. Being a predominately Spanish-speaking Roman Catholic nation, they did vote on it.
Dont know if pressured by the US.
Its got nothing to do w/ socialism or communism which, generally speaking, see the proletariat (proles) as equals.
What adults do is their business, kinda like drugs….the issue becomes deviant in nature when said adult mental activity is brought into the classrooms of children….the deviants pushing that agenda are the issue. They need to nutured…..nah, too nice…..lobotomized me thinks.
Cheers M
There has to be free choice in all decisions we make, that is life’s hardest conundrum, and involves concience.
I don’t quite get the link between sexual practices that are considered as being devient, and a private matter, and drugs. What have we done in the last years, but expose the pharmaceurical companies and medical mafia for stealing our decision making ability and rights ?
Spiritual corruption is the hallmark of our era, civilizational depravity and barbarism. And yes, you are rightt, all children on this planet deserve a good example, in all things, responsible, upright, the best as humanly possible
, .
When Fidel and the fellas were in the forest and when Batista fled, according to several histories, from Che and so forth, anti-queer ideas and phrases were, as in most military groups, ordinary. SS relations between men in war probably are, as some say, not conducive to good order and discipline. However, over time, it seems that Peace does permit SSR with little or no deleterious social effect. Actually what Fidel thought is probably written somewhere in the stacks at Granma.cu…he used to write essays on his ideas quite often.
found this> From Face to face with Fidel Castro (1992)
Tomás Borge: Many people think that there is sexual discrimination in Cuba. What are your views on homosexuality?
Fidel Castro: I don’t consider homosexuality to be a phenomenon of degeneration. I’ve always had a more rational approach, considering it to be one of the natural aspects and tendencies of human beings which should be respected. That’s how I view it… I am absolutely opposed to any form of repression, contempt, scorn or discrimination with regard to homosexuals. That’s what I think.
Best! P
This is crucial – the battle for the Dniepr River:
The Dniepr River is now the front line separating Russia from NATO. Yes, my friends, all these years after the end of the Cold War, it has come to this. Now let’s see what happens next.
Military expert Ilya Kramnik is quoted: “We need to take this very seriously. The Americans are constantly developing and perfecting their naval technology. Their main rubric consists of: Reconnaissance – Control – Communications.”
In other words, we see the emergence of a River-based war. The Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) can base their fleet of cutters in the port city of Nikolaev; or in Liman on the Bug River; or in Ochakov.
The cutters can also be used in the planned storming of the Zaporozhie Nuclear Plant. Military analyst and First Rank Captain in Reserve Sergei Ishchenko comments: “The formation of a river flotilla seems like a logical step for the enemy. The Dniepr has become the front line, therefore the enemy is bound to reinforce it with effective military instruments, including armored cutters.”
Using such cutters, the Ukrainians would be able to land commandos on the Left Bank, while also repulsing Russian attempts to cross the river. Ishchenko believes that the Ukrainians will concentrate these cutters around the reservoirs, such as the ones in Kakhovka and Kiev. “There are a lot of islands and coves where they hide.”
A few nights ago I was surfing this site as well as the Moon of Alabama and the Duran. I came across a link to a Substack page listing nine (?) ugly facts about life in the US. One such fact that I can recall very well and remember saliently is how difficult it is to commute in the US without a car (that is, you have to drive one to get around) and something about the auto industry influencing the infrastructure that way. The article then had a recipe (to which one reader responded complaining about the soy content and how it causes men to ‘grow breasts/boobs’).
I’m struggling to remember the Substack article and where I found that link. None of the substack articles from the ‘Current links within comments’ dated 13 November even match (either I seem to be too late, or it was never posted here).
If anyone here has submitted anything of the sort anywhere on this site within the past 72 hours, I’d like to see it again. Otherwise, I’ll just give up (outta sight, outta mind)
Thanks in advance.
Really excellent summary here from former Indian Ambassador MK Bhadrakumar who explains why its all over for the G20
“The West No Longer Has Any Use for G20” (23:56) https://youtu.be/DvJXG3i0YUE
The noise about HATO Article 4 because of the landfall on Polish soil of what appears to be a (Ukranian) S300 SAM makes me anticipate …
“A soufflé fell today in the kitchen of Margot Kliziewski of Clyburn, Wisconsin. Presidente Macron of France declared this to be assault on French national security. Presidente Duda of Poland declared this an assault on Polish people everywhere. Macron and Duda called for the meeting of HATO minister to declare war on Russia under Article 4. When asked what Russia has to do with Mrs Kliziewski’s soufflé, they replied that it fell in a gas oven, and Russia produces natural gas.”
What passes today for reason is that mindless.
20 hrs ago, Scott Ritter’s rant from the 36 to the 43:35 minute mark where he quotes My Cousin Vinny & A Few Good Men is a passionate defense of being accused of being “a Russian propagandist”
A talk with Scott Ritter (former Marine Corps and UNSCOM Inspector) i’viewed by Alexandre Guerreiro
Remembering pleasant times when a pretty girl displayed to me the same language as the girl in Cafe photo. That’s a very happy picture. I don’t miss the angst of youth, but it sure was fun. https://youtu.be/FKSPOUEuqAE
Since 404 fired rocket into Poland (NATO) when does Poland attack 404? Right…
Look at the hate on Erdogan’s face.
If Biden was alive or conscious he would exhibit signs of discomfort under Erdogan’s stare here he seems to be shielded by his dementia. imo
This lady reveals a problem happening in Poland that needs to be taken seriously by the Russian government (Putin in particular).And be addressed in a very strong and harsh manner before it becomes a real threat:
That was a very blunt, candid threat to Putin and as such should be taken very seriously. Putin seems to be hanging back, I would guess he knows. One way to help is to hammer on the fact that there are hawks in waiting who would be even less liked by the West. Our POTUS or in Biden’s case TOTUS always pick an even worse vice president to stay alive.
This is a short video of Poland’s war preparations and a good way to become familiar with their capabilities. Not to worry.
I don’t think that anybody considers this Russian Government in Exile – or however you want to call it – as a threat. They are just a couple of scatterbrains (look at the pix from Belsat)
A summary of the congress:
Your task is to kill Putin.” Outcomes of the Congress of Russian opposition members in Jabłonna (near Warsaw)
Lustration for propagandists, the murder of Vladimir Putin and an armed uprising. In Jabłonna near Warsaw, Russian politicians and lawmakers spent three days discussing the creation of a” transitional parliament ” that as they said would ensure a smooth transition of power after the fall of Putin’s regime. The first congress of the informal parliament was reported by the journalists of our Russian-language portal Vot Tak.
51 delegates were invited to the congress, but 26 were unable to come to Poland due to the restrictive visa policy for Russians. As Ilya Ponomarev said in a comment for Vot Tak, Poland was chosen as the venue of the congress, in particular, because it is easier to ensure the safety of all participants. Some of them will participate in an online event. Some hide their faces and names because they are still in Russia and fear for their safety.
Most of the “people’s deputies” are not widely known, but according to the organizers of the event, more than 3 million people voted for them at various times. Among them are more well-known former politicians-former State Duma deputy and former FSB colonel Gennady Gudkov, lawyer Elena Lukyanova, former deputy of the Moscow Krasnoselsky district Pyotr Tsarkov and former deputy of the Russian State Duma Arkady Yankovsky.
Ilya Ponomarev opens the congress with a minute of silence for those killed in the war in Ukraine.
“I often hear that we rushed [the creation of the transitional parliament], but I think that we are too slow, because every day is the death of a huge number of people,” the politician says.
Is’t that called high treason? In every country I know, you would go to jail for such an deed, but when Putin punishes such perpetrators, we call it dictatorial oppression or totalitarianism.
The report of the congress is a quite curious read, BelSat is Polish state sponsored media outlet, aimed at Belarus. If you read between the lines, you can sense that even they don’t take the event seriously. The delegates started to quarrel already on the first day of the congress, on the second day less of the attendants showed up, and on the third day even fewer.
One of my favourite Saker articles, is the one about the 5th and the 6th column in Russia. (https://thesaker.is/revisiting-russias-5th-and-especially-6th-columns/) I was aware of the existence of the 5th column, but the 6th column was news to me. All the personages mentioned above, are representatives of this 5th column.
One should write a “Who is Who” of the Russian opposition, I will start with the first:
Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev (Russian: Илья́ Влади́мирович Пономарёв; born 6 August 1975) is a Russian politician who was a member of the State Duma from 2007 to 2016.
He was the only member of the State Duma not to vote in favour of the Russian gay propaganda law (he abstained) and to vote against Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014. In 2015, while in the United States, Ponomarev was formally charged with embezzlement, which he called politically motivated. In 2016, he was impeached for not performing his duties, and he went into exile in Ukraine where he obtained Ukrainian citizenship in 2019.
BTW – for those who read French: Donbass Insider published a bunch of posts about “agents of the 5th column”.
i.e. https://t.me/donbassinsider/25380
Agent of the 5th column, exiled in Berlin, Germany: Alexandra (Kaï) Katonina (1990-), originally from Russia, transgender and LGBT activist. After university, she became a designer. She went into exile in Berlin during the years 2010-2020. According to The Village magazine she is the creator of the flag of the Freedom Legion of Russia, taken over to replace the official Russian flag. She stated in the magazine: “We discussed at length with friends what a symbol of protest against the Russian special operation could be and decided on our choice on the flag.
And that is the flag displayed during the congress in Jabłonna – blue-white-blue
Ukraine’s missile attack on Poland is a litmus of the information war :
Rostislav Ischenko
two important conclusions can be drawn –
1. Of all the declarative allies, completely, up to the Third World War, the interests of Ukraine coincide only with the Baltic states. The Poles are ready to risk war, but they don’t really want to fight, hoping to get everything they need by simply mobilizing the entire West to reach a new, extremely high level of confrontation (hoping that the danger of a nuclear crisis will force Russia to retreat). The Americans want the Europeans to fight for them. Europeans (Western) want all this to end and they have nothing for it (so that everything becomes as before).
2. All of them are ready to raise the stakes, but it is extremely difficult for them to coordinate their actions, since everyone is trying to move someone into battle in front of him. However, such provocations pose a real danger, as irresponsible Euro-American politicians play rate hikes too easily and may not stop in time next time.
Germany is getting ready for blackouts and bank runs. Suggesting people keep cash at home. Knew it was coming.
In modern places where everything depends on electricity…. as is Germany and US, etc… well, I have observed that during electricity zero> cash foldin’money is more or less worthless. Maybe at a small shop or a farm-gate for eggs or apples…but cash won’t buy petro…’cause for one thing, the pumps don’t run.
Leaving funds in the bank beyond just enough to cover the transfers one must make…eg electric bill, etc…is frankly speaking, foolish. But that doesn’t mean that anybody will take your cash…maybe after a week or two…but a better means of exchange might be real stuff…cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline…flour…firewood…
Xi publicly flogs Trudeau
Trudeau literally can’t even walk after Xi Jinping publicly FLOGS him over leaking their private meeting to the press.
I recently posted this video of a hateful looking Erdogan getting ready to throw up on Biden.
This is the public stuff would like to know what went on behind the curtain.
Xi rebukes Trudeau on camera over leaked discussions
By Al Mayadeen English
Source: Agencies
Today 10:15
Footage recorded by reporters at the Bali summit for world leaders on Wednesday shows the Chinese President rebuking the Canadian PM.
Use link for video
Chinese President Xi Jinping criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on camera at the G20 summit, in a scene that could further complicate the already strained relations between the two countries.
Footage recorded by reporters at the Bali summit for world leaders on Wednesday showed Xi rebuking Trudeau after details of a discussion between the two leaders were leaked to the media.
Trudeau had on Tuesday raised with Xi the issue of what he called the Chinese “interference” with Canadian citizens after Ottawa in recent weeks accused Beijing of intervening in its judicial systems.
The meeting was the first face-to-face dialogue between the two leaders since 2019.
In the one-minute video clip recorded on the sidelines of the Indonesian summit, Xi tells Trudeau through an interpreter, “Everything we discussed has been leaked to the papers. That is not appropriate.”
“And that’s not the way (our discussion) was conducted, was it?”, the Chinese President told the Canadian leader.
He added that “If there is sincerity, we can have conversations based on an attitude of mutual respect. Otherwise, the results will be unpredictable.”
On his part, Trudeau claimed that “in Canada, we believe in free, open and frank dialogue, and that is what we will continue to have.”
“We will continue to look to work constructively together, but there will be things we disagree on,” he told Xi, disregarding the leak accusations the Chinese President directed at him.
The Chinese leader replies back, “Create the conditions. Create the conditions.”
The tone was akin to “a great power speaking to a less-great power,” considered Van Jackson, senior lecturer in international relations at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
“Xi’s language and body posture was not at all unusual for government officials who are on less than friendly terms — in private,” Jackson told AFP.
Canadian federal police said last week they were investigating so-called police stations allegedly set up by Beijing in the North American country.
Trudeau also said last week China was playing “aggressive games” after Canadian broadcaster Global News reported on a “clandestine network” of federal election candidates allegedly funded by Beijing.
Relations between the two countries deteriorated after Canadian authorities arrested Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018 for violating US sanctions against Iran.
Beijing later arrested two Canadian citizens in China, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.
Meng and the two Canadians were released last year after lengthy negotiations.
All the magical thinking and deceptions surrounding “elections”…ritual “consent” by a “secret” process…all this is stuff about voting…a process ever so occult and bizarre…by which some minority or another claims authority…and proceeds to graft and genocide under such falsecolors…a ritual orgy of vice…
Over there…look!
Interesting essay on another oldtimey commie method> see> “The Unconquered Remnant: The Hopis and Voluntaryism” Hopi “vote” ‘way better than the shellgameangloconfidence racket.
Since a false “consent” is based on lies…well…https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/1970/solzhenitsyn/lecture/ “…But let us not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: it is necessarily interwoven with falsehood. Between them lies the most intimate, the deepest of natural bonds. Violence finds its only refuge in falsehood, falsehood its only support in violence. Any man who has once acclaimed violence as his METHOD must inexorably choose falsehood as his PRINCIPLE. At its birth violence acts openly and even with pride. But no sooner does it become strong, firmly established, than it senses the rarefaction of the air around it and it cannot continue to exist without descending into a fog of lies, clothing them in sweet talk. It does not always, not necessarily, openly throttle the throat, more often it demands from its subjects only an oath of allegiance to falsehood, only complicity in falsehood…”
Actually it’s better to read the full essay…since Comrade S took the trouble to write it.
I prefer a public vote by a show of hands…at the Courthouse or the Fairgrounds…a public holiday with free beer…but the Hopi do have a fine History…
Best! P
Regime change Saudi Arabia, there are certain things going on that point to foreign interference but this is my opinion.
Saudi is an absolute monacrchy. The Basic Law specifies that the king must be chosen from among the sons of the first king, Abdul Aziz Al Saud, and their male descendants subject to the subsequent approval of leaders (the ulama). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Saudi_Arabia#:~:text=Saudi%20Arabia%20is%20an%20absolute,)%20and%20the%20Qur’an.
This would be a regime change of a different color as the right of succession belongs to sons of the first king.The US/UK/Israel would then have to back male decendents of the king, Abdul Aziz Al Saud and this is what we are seeing as MBS ‘purges’ are politically aimed at certain clans. Why?
Note: Iran regime change ongoing with violence, Belarus scheduled for regime change revival and given all of this Putin most certainly is still in the West’s crosshairs and this will probably take center stage in relation to the other Western inspired revolutions in Saudi, Iran, Belarus and if they can figure a way, Blazing Saddles in Ukarine as he is rapidly falling from grace. BS is only alive because the NWO trumps his disgusting lying ego. I have left out other countries under Western stress but have to ignore for now as duty calls.
Russia is right to use force.
Intelligence Online: MBS ‘purges’ politically aimed at certain clans
By Al Mayadeen English
Source: Intelligence Online
9 Nov 13:40
The purge is directed toward certain clans; commercial agents close to former King Abdullah and Mohammad bin Nayef.
Website Intelligence Online has revealed that Saudi Arabia’s purges are motivated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman using the pretext of tackling corruption and that the purge is directed toward certain clans; commercial agents close to former King Abdullah and Mohammad bin Nayef. Interestingly, agents of the Mishaal and Sultan clans are not being targeted.
Saudi authorities are trying via Interpol to get their hands on Salah Fustok, a former commercial agent for a clan of King Abdullah bin Abdelaziz. Fustok is the uncle of Muteb bin Abdullah, who commanded the Saudi National Guard (SANG) until he was ousted by MbS. Muteb then got caught up in the anti-corruption purge that took place in November that year. He is still under house arrest and cannot leave the kingdom.
Individuals close to bin Nayef are facing legal proceedings, and bin Nayef himself remains under house arrest. Bin Nayef’s former counter-terrorism chief and head of a financial empire, Saad Al-Jabri, in addition to Nader Turki Al-Dossari, a Saudi businessman, are both under intense judicial pressure.
King Salman bin Abdelaziz’s brother, Ahmad bin Abdelaziz, is forbidden from leaving the country while businessmen close to him are avoiding the kingdom.
However, members of the late Mishaal bin Abdelaziz’s clan won’t be worrying too much about the purge.
Although complaints against businessman Abdullah Al Shugair have been made to the Saudi Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority – Nazaha – no actions have been taken despite documented evidence. Shugeir was a factotum to Prince Mishaal, who allowed MBS and his son to prevail, after which he died a multi-billionaire in 2017.
Noting that Shugeir owns his Security Technology Company (STC), according to a 70-page complaint filed by US company DefensTech, he had stolen intellectual property related to body armor. The complaint puts down that Shugeir owes DefensTech over $5.6 million after selling 10,000 vests to the Royal Guard in 2014.
The vests sold to the Royal Guard were not DefensTech’s, but rather counterfeits that they purchased through a scheme in which Saudi interior ministry officials were involved. According to Intelligence Online, although the US company made a strong case, Nazaha did not take action.
Read next: NBC: “Mohammed Bin Nayef Was Beaten & Biden Stepped in to Rescue Him”
Violent overthrow of Belarus planned
In Poland, more than 800 fugitive Belarusian dissidents have registered as mercenaries, whom Poles will train for a violent seizure of power in Belarus. This was announced by Alexander Azarov, the representative of terrorist organization BYPOL, from its headquarters in Warsaw..
Good coverage by the colonel
War Monitor
??#BREAKING The head of the KGB of Belarus announced plans to introduce military contingents from Poland into the country
11:59 AM · Nov 1, 2022
Brother S. Ritter recently found himself criticized…”Monica” took exception to his ideas about nazis and That Good Lady, esteemed for her diligence and other aspects of Character, Chrystia Freeland.
In response… “Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Problem, Scott Ritter responds to a subscriber’s criticism” (use searchterms)
Turns out, according to SR, that the Lady has a past more interesting that I had thought… The most interesting aspect being the nazi-boy-scout-movement open al all regardless of citizenship or residence…and within which The Lady seems to have grown to become the Lady she is to-day…
“Plast” “never heard of it”…
“Both Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych, two notorious Ukrainian nationalists who fought alongside Nazi Germany, came up through the ranks of Plast.
Bandera and Shukhevych drew upon Plast to recruit the manpower they used to fill the ranks of the Roland and Nightingale battalions, which in 1939 swept into Poland under the operational control of Nazi Germany where they carried out the systemic rape, torture, and murder of tens of thousands of Jews and Poles.”
I did not know that… Perhaps I ought to burn all my merit badges…
Reading part of the comments in a ZeroHedge article
got me thinking of a comment on an older thread
I think one can apply the same to ZeroHedge comment sections as well. Apparently the pro-Russian viewpoint doesn’t stop them from, in the case of the two examples above, regurgitating neo-conservative talking points such as how Europe ‘freeloads’ on USAian ‘defense’ against some nonexistent external threat (despite it being the other way around), or how Russia isn’t a reliable supplier (as Trump’s “warning” seems to imply). Whose side are they on?
It also got me looking back at all the times I’ve encountered on RT comment sections:
Hello all, I’ve been writing a blog to keep track of some of the inconsistencies I notice in MSM (and to try and keep myself sane). Would be very grateful for any input that anyone would care to give:
“Ukraine missile could only have been DELIBERATELY fired into Poland. This was a plot that may have hatched within the military. Zelensky may be in the dark on this.”: – Scott Ritter, former US weapons inspector.
i/viewed by Judge Napolitano (19 :56)
People in the know, know, that the military’s run the country’s.
Its not until the cat is out of the bag that it becomes the dominate issue of the day, and I don’t believe we’ve seen this cat yet.
This week in two pieces
Scott Ritter’s criticism of Freeland, see my previous, inclined me to take a look at the nazi boy scout operation in USA and elsewhere. It includes children and adults…more like a political party…geewiz, yatink?
Accordingly…well, it looks curated…where does the money come from? And from where and how did the parents arrive? Withal, without “quiet” tutelage from government these operations could not have been developed into their present state… Some might say that a cryptonazicadre of adult “sleepers” is the product of Plast…
I looked at> (if you watch the film, kindly note the fascist salute…which does not seem to have changed)
long film> (1962!!) PLAST Ukrainian Scouts 1962 East Chatham, New York > https://youtu.be/2Cw2wh0fAOU
Ukrainian Scouts | Generation UA > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INFqJHF_-Pg
wiki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plast (note list of members!, and note who’s not there as well!!)
………………..for some sort of perspective, goto YT and enter “hitler youth”…………a rich mine of History for comparison.
Quiz Question> What are the differences between HY and Plast? Make list… Extra Credit> Find source of funds…what is the unstated history in North America…consider the old McCormack–Dickstein Committee…how would the Committee see Plast?
Since the fellas pay attention and sometimes sources mentioned here quickly go poof!…it might be smart to copy the videos…which I found to be deeply disturbing and frankly disloyal to the USA.
Best! P
Add Kyiv supplying phosphorus munitions to Azerbaijan and the execution of Russian POWs to the FTX scandal involving Ukraine thievery and to the fact that Zelensky purposely lied about Russia bombing Poland in order to bring in NATO and start WW3 culminating in the deaths of millions of people.
Below is the phosphorus text, I remember Russian troops were complaining about the use of phosphorus against them.
Outside of Russia and a few of their allies no one gave a damn.
The second text is very sad and shows the methodical execution of Russian POWs. Again most of the world does not give a damn.
US accuses Kyiv of supplying phosphorus munitions to Azerbaijan
US Senator Menendez accused Ukraine of supplying banned ammunition to Azerbaijan
November 16, 2022, 20:19
Text: Valentina Grigorenko
Kyiv supplied banned white phosphorus munitions to Baku that were used during the fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020, said Robert Menendez, D-NJ, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.
He stated at the hearings in his committee, which considered the situation in the Transcaucasus, that the use of ammunition containing white phosphorus by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces at the mentioned time was “widely reported.” According to him, unfortunately, these ammunition were supplied by Ukraine .TASS .
In 2020, Baku denied reports about the use of phosphorus munitions by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
White phosphorus is used to equip aviation bombs, aviation cluster munitions, artillery shells, mines, and also in mixtures. Incendiary weapons are conventional weapons, but Protocol 3 of the 1980 UN Convention on Inhumane Weapons prohibits their use against the civilian population and civilian objects, as well as during strikes against military targets in civilian areas. Human rights organizations are calling for the classification of phosphorus bombs as chemical weapons.
This happened in Marinka. A bunch of DPR soldiers came out surrendering, except one guy who decided to come out not intending to surrender. The gunman several meters away from the Russian POWs presumably gets shot down immediately judging by the response time in the video.
Although the DPR gunman only had a few seconds to shoot, it appears he managed to hit at least one ukie soldier. The soldier that got hit is mentioned by the nickname “Andriukha”. Although he didn’t die, just got wounded.
After the ukies respond to the DPR gunman in this video below, the video cuts. Allegedly the ukies decided to take revenge for their wounded friend “Andriukha”.
All DPR POWs got executed with a clean shot the head. Ukies tries to claim that gunners panicked and that they shot everyone but as you can see in the video, most have a clean bullet hole to the head, one even had his hand chopped off.
They were methodically executed. Two of the perpetrators have been identified. Arthur Bortnichuck and Nazar Mikhailovsky, both from Kharkov.
No further perps have been identified at this moment but we know that UA sits on more drone footage as they only released aftermath part.
Forgetting about war and Facism for a moment, and sparing a thought for the hundreds of thousands who have lost their lives in the Ukraine, a large proportion probably, who diden’t wanr to fight. or had little idea about what this war is about, wherever they came from and whoever they were, they died anyway.
Here’s a lullaby by a Polish composer, rather different, and for all soldiers dying without hatred after great stress, unravelling perhaps, their lives ending …
Grażyna Bacewicz– Kołysanka | Cradle song
@Seismic, nice sentiment
“This video isn’t available anymore”
Try: https://youtu.be/IT6bmeAA1Ss
This is gaining traction: former US Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin is saying the time for negotiations with respect to Ukraine war is now. – The Sirius Report