2022/11/11 22:30:01
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Some things bear repeating;
You are the medicine
for the sickness that eats
away at me…
God is the sole hope
of the hopeless,
the curer of the sick
and the solace of the lonely.
He does not abandon
those who seek refuge in Him.
He rewards those
who show patience.
Those who advance
steadily, shall win.
Those who advance
steadily, shall find peace.
Those who advance
steadily, shall find love.
You are the cause
You are the effect
You are your own medicine
In sickness within and without
Single minded devotion to God
Removes all obstacles in one’s path
to every cloud
a silver lining; testing
Soul’s ingenuity
your best friend,
your worst enemy;
your choice
the cup of the man
who gives a little each day,
floweth over
can turn a negative
into a positive
to the earth the feet
to the clouds the mind
to the heart heaven
love is the golden
key that opens all doors
to God’s devotee
Beautiful lines, especially liked –
to the earth the feet
to the clouds the mind
to the heart heaven
For The Love Of Money
When I was young and still unwed,
I had to move something to get ahead.
But you cannot keep and you cannot spend
When the love of money is your only friend.
Left my family and left my friends,
Set out on the road to make amends.
Had a young wife and swaddled son,
Yet the love of money trumped everyone.
Crossed the ocean and the seven seas,
Climbed a mountain and fell to my knees.
Had a big rise, had a big fall,
But the love of money was standing tall.
Lost the wife and lost the kid,
I’m all alone after all I did.
Lost my mind and lost control,
For the love of money I gave my soul.
Now I’m old and still unwed,
Gotta move something to get ahead.
I cannot sleep and I cannot bend…
For the love of money is my only friend.
Becca Stevens “Be Still”
Becca Stevens; “Regina”
HI friends,
I have been reading this blog for a few weeks now and I’m impressed with the quality not just of the Saker’s analyses but also the comment section. Nowhere else is quite like it!
Regarding the Kherson withdrawal and just the general apparent strategy of the SMO which has been fought in the slow defensive mode for a while, here is my grain of salt:
I believe that clearly there is a direct confrontation coming between Nato and Russia. It has been in the works for over two decades, all the wars since Iraq have been leading there, for the USA hegemon to eliminate their only real military competitor, that is Russia. Since the Iraq war I have been aware of the plan for a new american century, and the USA has been following closely this plan ever since, striking all the “rogue” nations one after the other, leading to Russia.
So what is Russia really doing right now? why drag on the SMO, why show weakness, why withdraw? many people seem to think that Putin is weak, or the Russian army incompetent, but this could not be further from the truth.
In fact, since a large war is coming, I believe the best way to weaken NATO is by goading them to send all of their weapon stocks to the incompetent Ukrainian army…. 70% gets lost on the way, probably a lot of it captured or purchased for pennies on the dollar by Russian proxies. And what gets on the battlefield is used by people who have relatively poor training with these devices, thus wasting valuable high-tech weapons that will take years to rebuild.
If Russia had gone for a rapid win, the NATO would have entered escalation already to go and confront Russia directly and these same weapons and munitions would be used much more efficiently.
In addition, the longer the SMO lasts, the longer the self-hurting sanctions continue, meaning a rapid destruction of European economic power, creating political divisions all through the western world, and starting an inner fracturing of the EU and NATO.
EU and NATO would be all too happy to find a moral justification to put boots on the ground, a massive war would allow the dying west to clean house through a “temporary” totalitarian approach and reboot their industry while reducing aging populations and hoping for an ensuing baby boom. But how could they justify this when the MSM is claiming that Russia is loosing? By appearing to loose and be weak, giving enough ground for the MSM to spin their BS, Russia is putting NATO in a difficult situation where it has to continue self defeating practices of depleting weapons stocks and destroying EU’s economy in order to avoid loosing face. Had they properly assessed Russia’s strategy, they would have avoided helping Ukraine and focus on another way to start a war with Russia with whatever false flag they could find :)
The window for the USA to maintain its world domination is closing. With China taking over the world economy and surpassing the USA, its only a matter of time before they loose their footing, a few years at most. So now is the time for them to capitalise on their military superiority and use their military might to send back a portion of the now rising world to the stone age. I do believe that the USA was hoping to send China against Russia in order to cause this destruction without getting too much involved directly, but by the grace of God Putin was able to cultivate the Chinese leadership and create a powerfull relationship with Xi while helping support his rise to power and his ability to steer China in the directions of its best interests, meaning becoming an ally of Russia and using its nuclear umbrela to start confronting the West, instead of playing lapdog to US interest and let NATO trigger some major was in Asia by fueling hegemonic intents in the Chinesse population and elite.
OF course the USA and NAtO want to find a way to engage in WW3 while appearing to be moral heroes, otherwise the population will not follow. If it was not for this need, they would already have started the war. Indeed WW3 has already started with the SMO, as a kind of surprise pre-emptive attack, but Putin and his military are so very bright that they found a way to significantly weaken NATO prior to the final showdown.
This might help avoid partial or total nuclear war, as the Russia-China alliance do not seem to aim to conquer the world, so that when the “collective West” is defeated, they ( the free world alliance of Russia, China and other allies) will be open to negociate peace, hopefully before the NATO feels the need to preserve their existence with the use of Nukes.
After these troubling times we can look forward to a time of peace where the USA and EU will still be alive and well, but back in their places as regional powers!!
God has a plan, so I keep faith that things will work out, we have excellent world leaders leading Russia and China and even as an ashamed citizen of a NATO country I just cannot wait for the unilateral hegemony of the USA supported by NATO to become ancient history.
Am I missing something? I’m feeling quite optimistic that Putin’s leadership is apt enough to guide the situation through the storm, so to speak, so that despite the years of war and instability that are ahead of us, there is a real chance that a truly interesting and relatively peaceful multi-polar world world will emerge within the next 10 or 20 years.
At the very least, I’ll keep praying for it
What an excellent comment David.
Bravo and here’s to there being many more to follow.
I too am an “ashamed citizen of a NATO country”… granted not in terms of formal membership, but most certainly as a thoroughly unpleasant little yapping lapdog of the wider Natostan genus.
I am 5th generation Kiwi but I am now so acutely ashamed of what NZ has degenerated into, that my partner and I are busy right now doing our due diligence on where to relocate to for our twilight years.
“God has a plan, so I keep faith that things will work out…’ in the struggle against the Principlaities of this world ,I have this thought also, but it is hard to maintain, taking a lot of focus and memory activation to hold.
Optimism may well be a crucial componant, but I don’t see any release from the grip of it all for a long time, At the end of the day, the USA has already won WW3 with global westernisation of culture in all human life-systems, arts and sciences, mesmerization, the generating of pervsive means of lowering human conciousness levels to the ground and much lower. Culture is first, with the final, easy and evil whack over the head, deliveerd courtesy of the military industrial complex cudgeon..
Back to the lifting of the spirits; the sun is shining in the brightest of blue skies here, orange, red and yellow autumnal leaves flying in the mildest of winds – never not ever let the losers get you down !
Extending welcome to David L. Note Sun Tsu advises appear weak where you are strong…and generally RF is following the classical path to Victory. And note that, like Saturn, the Hegemon is eating its children. Speaking of children, there may not be so many…considering the jibbythingy and delayed after-effects.
Missing AHH and his thoughtfulness and grace.
Remarking Seymour Hersch in the context of (see newsfeed ) Frank Snepp . Esteemed S H cautions us that he is a prisoner of his sources… Put those two together and we understand, for example, Dark Side of Camelot….killing John twice…and recalling https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28331897-journalists-for-hire Nice that Seymour confessed. But did he have any choice…
Best! P
Bless you dear Mr P. I jumped the hamster wheel.. I foresaw I would be doing less commentary some weeks ago.. I finally landed on that patch. Kids, autumn cleaning, battening the hatches for what comes. At times I got carried away here. It can get too fast and kept being pulled back into the hive mind. I do still get my daily Mr P fix, monitoring the Cafe!
I strongly agree with you the net (at least the unfettered global version) is on borrowed time. A Great Bifurcation comes, made inevitable by desperate need to preserve lying Narratives, no? From the Grapevine: a word to the wise is to jot down or print your favorite email addresses. If we wake up one fine morning with a blank-slate email account, how would we reconnect even with internet?? We are used to auto-fill or replying and need contingencies. I am printing hard copies of valuable documents too.
While we’re rapt with the Ukraine, There Is An Alternative (TIA², not to be confused with blossoming mini-strokes) is breaking out as seen in Zone B. It is jarring, the contrast between the soul-stirring optimism, ongoing Zone B networking and opportunities (their reforging of a New New Deal) vis-à-vis the Brooding Chaos that openly contemplates wretched devolution and regression. I’ve really calmed down in last weeks.
Please read the site rules about promoting other sites – parts removed. Your comment has gone to the Saker. Mod.
We have no address’ to send post cards with updates on the thingy death numbers – pls fwd at yr earliest.
A Tale from the Crypt :
Both DEM and the Other Party are funded by crypto-ponzies.
With FTX’s belly-up and Bitcoin diced, (Sam Bankman-Fried is NOT Russian) Americans got a crypto-congress in a crypto-election for crypto-candidates.
When Whatsapp promises end-to-end en-Cryption, they mean it!
Biden to warn Xi to rein in North Korea or China gets a bigger US military presence.
I would love to hear something other than Xi’s typical benign braying.
This only strengthens my conviction that when Sullivan held talks with Patrushev they were attempting to enlist Russia to subdue North Korea and Iran at least in one topic within the deal.
Some of this comes from US sites because the East has to wait until Biden actually confronts China before commenting.
Not unexpectedly Uranium traces have been found in Iran to complement the internal struggle also complements of the West.
US, EU push nuclear watchdog to order Iran explain Uranium traces ‘urgently’
Edited By: Heena Sharma
Washington, US Updated: Nov 12, 2022, 03:37 PM(IST)
Biden to warn Xi North Korea’s path could prompt bigger U.S. military
U.S. President Joe Biden will warn Chinese President Xi Jinping at a meeting on Monday that North Korea’s continued pursuit of weapons…
.4 hours ago
Biden also will raise North Korea when he meets with China’s Xi Jinping
NSC says Biden would tell Chinese counterpart if North Korea continues ‘it will simply mean further enhanced American military and security presence’
National Security Council advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters en route to Cambodia the leaders would specifically discuss ‘the threats posed by North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs.’
That would happen in both bilateral meetings and a three-way discussion.
Sullivan has specifically pointed to the prospect North Korea would conduct its seventh nuclear test ‘at some point in this broader timeframe,’ in reference to Biden’s trip.
Interesting article to share.
There is a RT article that I hope is being published very widely inside Russia. It appears that NATO is training some of their soldiers on how to ‘pacify Russian civilians’ . Which implies that they are planning to attack and occupy Russian speaking areas. If nothing else this should show Russians they are at war with NATO.And that if they don’t steel themselves to fight and win that war they will be be occupied by NATO military forces. The days of peaceful co-existence with their enemies are dead.And they must understand that fully,or they will be too. I’m sure some people will think I’m being an alarmist over that. But this was the type of activity they were up to in the Middle East and I think that that speaks to what they are plotting now Im’s not being alarmist, Im’s being realistic:
This war from the very beginning was instigated by the US led NATO against it’s designated enemy Russia, of this there can no doubts. Why even think about peaceful coexistence, the end of any war comes when one party imposes its will upon the other.
Did not the Third Reich also train such groups? “Pacification” was in VN called Phoenix … Nothing against the fellas but for their personal safety I hope they teach the boys how to say “I surrender…”
“Why did German Chancellor Scholz go to China recently? We hear that he made the usual politically-correct noises about “human rights” and Ukraine, but he didn’t have to go to China with a cohort of German business people to do that. He could have sent a tweet from home if that was his purpose.
Moving industry to low wage nations didn’t happen as much in Europe compared to America because of the strong unions who have much more influence over governments than in America. So how to fix that problem for the upper class business elites who want to move industry in Europe to low wage nations? Make people believe that there is an energy crisis which leaves them no choice but to move their factories to lower wage nations.” From Estimated Prophets
Here is an article explaining the impact of Cargill, the worlds largest food distributor, in the background of this war. They have vertical integration from seeds to Ukraine’s biggest grain distribution port center in Odessa. I would hazard big business interests in Ukraine are running this war. its not just Cargill, it’s Bayer (purchased Monsanto=chemicals). The Donbass is a huge agricultural area of Ukraine they have lost. if Russia were to push all the way to Odessa, this current Neptune facility, half owned by two likely corrupt Ukraine oligarchs would be worthless. This war isn’t about democracy so much as profitability.
The Truth About Cargill, The World’s Most Evil Company
Be not misled, Lee Camp nails it, hilariously, bitingly ironic :
“The biggest supervillains in the world are not human: they’re corporations. And one of those corporations owns nearly our entire food system.”
This explains what we must all oppose.It shows what Russia must destroy if they are to survive:
Fast Forward to Fascism
Noting that Pepe Escobar writes now and then surprisingly for AsiaTimes, here is the best report on Germany’s visit to China recently :
Olaf Scholz’s peace mission to China
German leader went to Beijing more to prevent war than to promote trade and investment
Trade volumes there are stunning :
“China is – and has been for the past six years – Germany’s largest trading partner. Total trade last year hit US$249 billion. German investment in China has accounted for 43% of total EU foreign direct investment in China on average over the past four years.”
Not all Poles are brainwashed supporters of the West. This lady does 2 interesting interviews:
And a great piece of Russian music for Saturday:
You can tell how quickly a generation of peoples age, by the way they talk.
Today, in your mid to late 40’s, we are talking about thinking of the next (retirement) stage of life.
And it sounded more to me to be about scaling down, than retiring up.
Ukrainian administration of Kherson is evacuating, hesitant to post this. Could be reasons, I don’t know.
War Monitor
⚡️Confirmed: Ukrainian administration of Kherson is evacuating the city and the right bank of the Dnieper in Kherson oblast.
11:02 AM · Nov 13, 2022
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From what I understand, there is no power. Cables have been cut. The place will become practically uninhabitable in these coming winter days.
Kherson is indefensible. The nazi have advanced further onto the flypaper. The dam looms over a frost-held arena that’s more or less re-claimed swamp, and which is open to artillery and other bombardment.
Well then Mr P, in the spirit of Ducks Unlimited, Russia should be ecologically responsible in the Kherson region and designate the area a National Habitat by reflooding the wet lands that have been drained. What ‘greenie’ could argue with that……
Cheers M
They say that there are quacks in the dam… https://youtu.be/PeWUK7mPH2o (hunting ducks in swamp)
Hopefully we can hear these two songs from peoples lips this winter in the EU:
The US is turning into a pretty good Russian ally. They might just have thrown Turkey into the Russian sphere with this latest terrorist attack. Albeit I said the same thing about Kazakhstan coming around to Russia in a fit of gratitude after Putin stopped a US takeover. And then there is Saudi Arabia giving serious consideration to where their allegiences lay but still on the fence.
Iran though is the big surpise given the history between the two countries.
“That Tehran and Moscow would cooperate this closely in Ukraine caught many observers—including some leading Russian experts on Iran—by surprise. Despite their recent alignment, Iran and Russia have a long history of enmity and mistrust going back to the tsarist era, including a series of Russo-Persian wars and frequent Russian meddling in Persian politics. During the Cold War, their relations were tense when Iran was led by the U.S.-allied shah and still worse after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Iran’s new regime dubbed the Soviet Union a “Satan” alongside the United States and backed the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviets, just as Moscow aided Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq War. Relations later improved, with Russia providing assistance to Iran’s growing nuclear infrastructure and missile programs in the 1990s. But Moscow also earned Iranian mistrust when it waffled on major arms deals and assented to multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions sanctioning Iran over its growing nuclear program.
Russo-Iranian relations have gained steam, however, since Vladimir Putin’s 2012 return to the Russian presidency—and particularly since his 2015 military intervention in Syria to save their common ally, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Although suspicion and competition remain, both sides increasingly see their interests as intertwined, driven by shared opposition to the West.”
Russia gave Iran British NLAW and American Javelin and Stinger
By Boyko Nikolov On Nov 13, 2022
LONDON ($1=0.84 GBP) — Man-portable anti-tank missiles and surface-to-air missiles manufactured by the UK and the US have been sent to Iran. These are FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense system, Saab Bofors Dynamics NLAW anti-tank guided missile and FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile system. The information was revealed by the British news channel Sky News.
Russia has received 160 Iranian-made drones, mostly Shahed-136 and Shahed-129, which BulgarianMilitary.com wrote about. Later, the Russian Federation decided to increase their range by integrating GLONASS navigation modules. In exchange for these drones, Moscow is sending Tehran 140 million euros [according to Sky News] and the weapons systems described above captured in the still ongoing war.
It is expected, quite logically, that military engineers in Iran will disassemble the weapons systems sent and examine them. Western technology will be thoroughly researched and Iranian copies of these weapons will appear at a later stage.
Good one on Turkey
The West is hitting Erdogan at his weakest point
Tightened security measures on the streets of Istanbul after the terrorist attack
November 14, 2022, 18:15
Photo: Francisco Seco/AP/TASS
Text: Gevorg Mirzayan, associate professor of the Financial University
“The West needs a subordinate Turkey, or it is also part of an arc of chaos and instability.” With these words, political scientists comment on the terrorist attack that took place the day before in Istanbul, and its political background. Who is behind this crime, why is it directed personally against Erdogan and how can Turkey respond to it?
First of all, it is worth recalling that Turkey today is a warring country. Its troops occupy part of Syria and indirectly participate in a whole series of military conflicts in the Middle East. And on Turkish territory itself, the struggle of the central government against separatists from among the Turkish Kurds continues.
However, with all this, Turkey has lost the habit of large terrorist attacks. On November 13, unfortunately, she was reminded of them. A bomb exploded on the touristic Istiklal Street in Istanbul, killing six people and injuring more than 80.
The security forces have already presented the captured terrorist to the public. She turned out to be a woman of Kurdish nationality, Ahlam Albashir, who (judging by the recordings of the cameras) sat on a bench for 45 minutes, and after she left, a bomb exploded exactly in this place. Together with her, the police also detained more than four dozen people.
Even if half of the detainees are released as innocent (it is clear that in such a situation there are a lot of suspects), it is already obvious that the attack was carefully planned. Moreover, judging by the preliminary statements of the Turkish side, many players participated in this planning, with whom Ankara has very difficult relations.
Thus, during interrogation, the alleged perpetrator of the attack allegedly stated that she had undergone special training in the camps of Kurdish militants and that she entered Turkey illegally from Syria, which allowed the authorities to name the Kurdish militants as the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. In addition, according to the authorities, a group of perpetrators was supposed to eliminate the direct perpetrator, and then flee to the territory of Greece (with which Turkey has repeatedly balanced on the verge of hostilities in recent years).
Finally, the Turkish leadership directly accused the United States of organizing the attack.
– and apparently not just because the Americans are supplying and protecting Kurdish fighters in Syria. Otherwise, the Turks would not have refused to accept American condolences (a traditional diplomatic act that is always expressed in such cases).
“The condolences expressed by the United States should, in my opinion, be assessed as the actions of a killer who first arrives at the scene of a crime,” Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu said . It is unlikely that the minister would have decided on such words without the approval of the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The person against whom, according to a number of experts (both Turkish and Russian), this terrorist attack was directed.
A man who, according to the West, has taken off too high and who behaves too independently.
“President Erdogan began to drag too much onto himself. And negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and grain, and a gas hub, and a military conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” writes Russian political scientist Marat Bashirov.
Of course, we were not talking about some kind of physical murder of the leader of Turkey – in 2016 they tried, but it did not work out. Instead, his opponents in the West have chosen a different strategy – to undermine the domestic political situation in the country as much as possible and try to achieve either the removal of Erdogan in the elections of 2023, or to force him into massive fraud to take power, followed by internal unrest.
And there are chances for this, because the electoral positions of the Turkish leader are not so strong now. First of all, because of the economy. In the zero years, it was due to his competent economic policy that he managed to enlist the support of the population and prevent potential military coups (which happened in Turkey against every Islamist leader who won the elections), and now the country is in a serious economic crisis. The inflation rate exceeds 80%.
And in this situation, the terrorist attack strikes not only the tourism industry, but also the second pillar of Erdogan’s legitimacy – internal stability. Moreover, the blow is multi-way – we are talking about both the inability of the Turkish leader to protect the Turks, and the consequences of possible responses.
“In June 2023, presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Turkey. The country is split strictly in half between the moderate Islamists of Erdogan and the pro-Western Kemalists. Kurdish votes can play a decisive role. And now the United States wants to provoke Erdogan with terrorist attacks to start a war against the Kurds inside Turkey and thereby make all Kurds enemies of Erdogan. And then all the Kurds will vote against Erdogan,” writes Russian political scientist Sergei Markov.
Finally, the terrorist attack also has a clearly visible foreign policy aspect. The attack occurred exactly on the eve of Erdogan’s visit to the G20 summit, where he was supposed to hold an important meeting with Joseph Biden.
In Indonesia, according to three people familiar with it, Erdogan wants to be recognized as the president of a great power that is playing an increasing role from Ukraine to Libya to Syria, where its troops or Turkish military advisers are stationed . How will Erdogan now talk to the American president – after the accusations and the emerging deja vu (after all, Biden was vice president in the administration of Barack Obama, which, according to the Turkish side, was almost the organizer of the 2016 coup attempt)?
At the same time, Western politicians forget that they are also dealing with a master of geopolitics. Erdogan is one of those players who can also respond to complex attacks with complex defense. And Ankara is already promising to respond.
“We know what message those who carried out this action want to send us. We have received this message. Don’t worry, we will answer in full and add more from above,” Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said . And now Erdogan may have enough options for this reaction – both diplomatic and military.
“Soon, probably, Sweden, Finland and NATO will be reminded of their position on anti-terrorist policy, unwillingness to extradite Kurdish “figures” and disrespect for Ankara’s interests that directly affect its security. And it will also be possible to calmly start another military campaign against the “offshoots” of the PKK. And it is unlikely that the United States and the collective West as a whole will be able to object in this case, – writes Vladimir Avatkov, head of the Department of the Near and Post-Soviet East, INION RAS. – In general, there are a lot of options for actions and opportunities. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly. And draw conclusions. Once again: the West needs a subordinate Turkey or Turkey as part of an arc of chaos and instability.”
Erdogan doesn’t need it like that. Yes, and Russia, in general, too.
Here is an interesting video showing that life goes on normally in Russia. Not everything revolves around the SMO. Australian immigrants to Russia show the new Novosibirsk farming EXPO 2022:
Plus,not all Americans are buying Zelensky’s grift money game:
Candace Owens ROASTS Zelensky
We all know what NATO is capable of – look at NordStream industrial terrorism, not to mention Dieselgate destroying German auto firms now “asked to relocate to the USA!”.
Now have a look at the Cable Map, attack calendar here :
Sabotage de câbles sous-marins : l’Europe, victime collatérale de l’OTAN ?
and wonder not why Norway, France take this seriously.
Will NATO go so far as to cut sub-sea major cables in the middle of an EU energy blackout, blame Putin personally?
Of course the boomerang blow-back would make sanctions look like shooting a 45 into one foot only!
As Jeffrey Sachs clearly says, imperial logic means no explanations needed – we screwed up, so what!
Onward-ho to the next screw-up!
Professor Glenn Diesen i/views US Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Is this the calm before the storm in Ukraine? (44:53)
“The entire Western triumphalist narrative on Ukraine has unraveled, as the US stares at defeat, European allies are exhausted and don’t want the war to continue, while Russia is gearing up for a decisive winter offensive.
… with the massive induction of over 300,000 additional troops and advanced weaponry, which can only end in the rout of the Ukrainian military and the collapse of the Ukrainian state itself. So, US is reportedly demanding that Zelensky should compromise with the Russians!
Wheel has come full circle! All that bravado about ‘erasing Russia’ has vanished! And those ‘sanctions from hell’! So, why couldn’t Biden have accepted Putin’s proposal last December to discuss Russia’s legitimate security interests / concerns? What was the need for this war?” – M.K.Bhadrakumar
Btw, Glenn Diesen is Prof. at Uni of South-Eastern Norway, Editor at Russia in Global Affairs. Research: Geoeconomics of Greater Eurasia and Russian conservatism
For the time-deprived, McGregor’s key takeaways:
re: Kherson withdrawal
“… So they decided they’re going to have to regroup and reorient the operation so they secured the areas that you now see on the map, roughly 21% of the territory of Ukraine in the southeast, and they decided to consolidate that position and quite frankly holding this Kherson area was of questionable utility there was no interest at this point in launching an offense to further west they wanted to withdraw the forces there because those forces were, of course, at risk of being flooded by the destruction of the dam to the north of Kherson. They
didn’t want these troops to have to deal with this and so they simply withdrew 30,000 men further west and I think a lot of those troops are being rested right now and prepared for what comes in the future and what is coming in the future is a very massive offensive the kind of thing, that frankly, I and many other military analysts familiar with the Russians, expected at the beginning, which a very decisive operations, multiple operational axes designed to effectively annihilate the enemy on the ground. And I think that’s what’s coming now that’s what lies in the future.”
“Americans are not different from Europeans in one sense until things go very badly in the economy, until it hits
them, until they can’t heat their homes, until they can’t afford to buy gas for their automobiles and trucks, until they themselves can’t do business. Americans have a bad habit of being very complacent. And so in the short run, I don’t expect a lot to change. But after January and once we move into the new era, I think we’re going to see this Ukraine fatigue begin to set in because we have spent more money right now on Ukraine than Russia spends on its entire National Defense Budget and at the same time we have people here who are in very bad straits.
The border is open, millions of people are pouring into this country from Latin America and other places; we don’t know anything about them. Our crime rates in our cities are astronomical. The rule of law has broken down. There’s very little faith right now among many, many Americans in the viability of elections. So I think long term, we’re going to see profound change that ultimately the United States will turn inward and walk away from most of these things. And that’s a very important point for the Norwegians and Swedes and others to understand we are not, we are not, technically-speaking, a continental power anywhere but in the Western Hemisphere.”
“The issue for Norway is, what is the strategic benefit to Norway of cultivating hostility with Russia? When I ask that question I see no benefit to Norway from a bad strategic relationship with Russia. Now obviously the Norwegians have an alliance with the United States; we call it NATO but on a bilateral level it’s very real, it’s there. Also with the United Kingdom.
But what do we know from history? We know that in 1940 Norway was neutral. Churchill discarded that out of hand, dismissed it out of hand, and said no we must race to Norway and beat the Germans to it; if we don’t take on Norway, then Norway will end up being occupied by the Germans. And he was joined in this by the President of France. Remember they put together a force that was supposed to originally march across Norway and Sweden to join the Finns in fighting the [the USSR] which would then have made Great Britain and France the enemies of both the Soviet Union, and Germany at the same time.
But that didn’t work out and so the fall-back position was well let’s go to Norway. I don’t think Norway benefited very much from the whole experience and I don’t think that we, or the British right now, can [put together a force strong?] enough if Norway needed it, to rescue Norway …
There is no substitute for good relations with your neighbor and it is advisable to cultivate good relations if you can.”
Another level-headed analysis.
“It is very likely Surovikin has taken one step back prior to taking two forward. The signs indicate that a major new offensive is in the offing at some point in the new year.”
Patrick Lawrence: Why Are the Russians Retreating in Ukraine?
Comment: “The Russians are inflicting casualties at rates of between 7:1 and 10:1. They’re saving their forces, as they grind out the long war. Once Bahkmut falls, there’s little to stop them.”
I was hoping this would happen. My guess is that the US was trying to lull Russia into no offensive over winter, then, next Spring, guess what? Back to hostilities!
“The Kremlin has seen through Biden administration’s dissimulation of peacemaking in Ukraine. Patrushev’s talks in Tehran – and Putin’s call soon after with Iran’s Raisi – have messaged in no mistaken terms that Russia is strategizing for the long haul in Ukraine”
Russia strategises with Iran for the long haul in Ukraine