2022/11/08 11:00:02
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Politics is like a hamster on a spinning wheel,
he’s always running, but he never gets anywhere.
Live the wild life, and vote for a politician.
In previous Cafe I wrote about WBCQ and their very sexy station and antenna. Probably few bothered to look at the video.
Something odd about WBCQ and the people and the history. In the 1930’s the Brits built a somewhat similar radio station, and the possibilities raise certain ideas. The similarity is primarily technical – both stations were designed to be tunable and vastly powerful, though WBCQ is much more capable. The previous example was Aspidistra > https://history.blog.gov.uk/2019/08/08/aspidistra-the-wartime-breakthrough-youve-never-heard-of/ WBCQ video> https://youtu.be/9dUaMXxWYao
The big question I have in the present matter is where does the money come from…and why? WBCQ has spent millions…where did such funding originate…look at the video and ask this question.
If the internet went off, powerful radio transmitters and directional high-gain antennas would dominate “the information space”… though I note that WBCQ as described cannot transmit on the US AM broadcast band https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medium_wave (Of course, if funding became available, then changes might be made…how spendy is a mystery…)
One dissimilarity between WBCQ and Aspidistra is that the modern station lacks its own independent prime-mover… Here I’m guessing they need about 10 megawatts to properly run the station…i that ball-park.
I note that the paltry prices that the station can charge can’t possibly support the expenses of WBCQ.
Something about this business is “funny”.
Nevertheless, it’s a very cool radio station…and one to keep in mind, and to keep an eye on due to the spookiness. It’s a funny thing…and spooky.
As an ardent fan of Dr Tesla, I found the vid informative, but not spooky. The fella even has a kind of facial resemblance to the great Dr, that was the spookiest, hmm, no, smiley face sitting beside him was a bit different too. So everything they are using is Tesla 101, imho. Nothing there that I seen that was not straight from his lab. Its a shame he isn’t around today, the machinists’, CNC, 3D printers, at his finger tips? What wonders we’d have, off course those machines mentioned, at the micro, owe their existence to his work.
In the 50s my dad worked on a listening station in northern England. They dug trenches by hand, he said several miles long like spokes on a wheel. Then they dug concentric circles working out to the end of the spokes. Then they ran copper wires in all the trenches and connected them at cross points. It was built in a flat land type of bog. When they were done the trenches were filled, they may have flooded the trenches with water, getting old, details…lol…..He said it was a giant antenna. Tesla claimed the earth to be its own biggest antenna…..so they were using his ideas.
The fund money comes from the usual suspects, the taxpayer, through their intermediary, the Government. Weiner is like a Musk, just a face on the front. Note he was a pirate broadcaster before going legit. Not much money in pirate broadcasting……no ads to sell, no corporate donors, so where did he get the money to fund an experimental antenna array like the one in the video?
Cheers M
@Mr P Just looked up Wiki for WBCQ : 2 entries
its a church-based end of days broadcaster, so money might may be from the laity?
First: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBCQ_(SW)
But this Second one seems more the go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBCQ-FM
The External Links may be useful.
Could always be a front organization?
Remember the Congress for Cultural Freedom? Its 3-lettered intel agency affiliation in so many right-wing publications around the world was revealed in 1966.
Dave, Sean, Thanks for your replies.
The technical aspects of WBCQ – the probably unnecessary antenna gain of, they claim, 25, and the 360 rotation, and the ability to rapidly change frequency over a broad range – these strike me as out of place and as a flaw in the misc en scene – beautiful, elegant, vastly expensive installation seems out of place for stated purpose and raises questions about the design-intent being a mis-match to stated intent. None of this seems spooky to me, but it raises questions… (And yes, Tesla would have loved seeing such a station!)
What does seem spooky is the money. Yes, various collection plates in various churches…but such paltry sources are, I assume, a constant and niggardly rate, while the creation of the station in its present configuration required/requires vast sums of cash. Some small group or individual has bank-rolled a business model that cannot (IMHO) ever turn a profit. How much did Siemens demand up front? and the other contractors? Where did those millions come from?
When I searched ’round for indications of income/cash/investment what I did not find was any “501-C-3” tax information, agent for service, etc etc…Weiner is said to be “owner”…but as we know, pirate fellas don’t make fortunes… They say that his first wife died, the lady in the video being wife#2…perhaps the lady is very wealthy and eccentric… What I found was that the dog did not bark,
Altogether, the overt given story cannot be true…they’re leaving something out of their story, mostly, it seems, leaving out the name of the “angel”… I did note Weiner mentioned using the high power/high gain, to focus the signal onto a tiny place in Arabia, etc., but that tends to undermine the entire broadcast idea… So it suggests that the station design-intent is “other than broadcast”, at least in part.
I would like to know more about wife#2…who “has a background in construction”…
I do recall Congress for CF…and RAF (and their “suicides”!)…and cointelpro and the rest. “They” either kill or infiltrate…sometimes both.
Antenna gain> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gain_(antenna) (a gain of 25 is exceptional) Gain, in antennas, is not actually some magic way to increase power for free, rather it means “focus”..hence the gain of 25 means that receivers not in the focus will “hear” little or nothing…rather inconsistent with broadcasting.
Withal, I suspect that Brother Weiner is being played by angels…very dangerous game. I like the guy, too. He’s having a life of great adventure, and is, imho, a good fella.
In the scheme of things, as the world goes, WBCQ is, I think, a tiny feature, a foot-note. But it’s out there, and someday may appear, become important…mostly ifwhen net stops, I think. Just a thing to keep in mind, a curiosity in our History. I note that upon whim of Government WBCQ can be taken over at any time.
A lot of chatter about this book lately and i found it on archive. org and thought i should share and help others save a few bucks too.
A few of us, not many, started hearing about Bill Browder roughly in the mid 2000s. With the advent of technology, we learned from, once decent sites, who revealed his predatory manners. These were the years, before the big clamp down took hold in US journalism. It was also a time, when these websites were not yet infiltrated by Big Money influence…..Eventually, we were thrilled when President Putin threw him out of Russia, permanently.
Fast forward to today’s monolithic Financial Power, we see a parallel to Browder’s predatory behaviors. What’s happened is, our Treasury Department, and the Federal Govt have become a rubber-stamp machine, having relinquished their power to The Fed, the Big New York Banks and the entire Stock Market/Money Market.
It’s sort of like this: the US Financial Hegemon has long since turned into thousands of Bill Browder’s who control everything in the US. All to the massive detriment of blind-folded and terribly illiterate multi-millions of American citizens.
Does anyone know if Scott Ritter’s Telegram channel is authentic?
I’m asking specifically re: this vid of Ukies: https://t.me/realscottritter/735
Thanks in advance.
@Per thanks for that link to Killing Browder – I’ve looked at bits & pieces & all seems to gel with what I previously knew. Will have to go over all of it over the weekend.
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“You can’t live without love or food” says the photo. So true.
Maybe that is what the great awakening is all about.
As opposed to the great reset.
Here in the west we have cancelled ourselves. We don’t need food. We need less CO2.
Good luck to us!
Love? No, we don’t need that! The media is full of articles about sex toys…
People are crazy. And there are no nazis in Ukraine!
We had the warmest october in records says MSM… We don’t need no russian gas…
The problem is the climate!
People are crazy!
What worries me the most is what will happen when they realize they were wrong?
I can’t imagine the chaos that will emerge.
The climate? The coldest climate I experienced was in Frankfurt Germany 1975 or -76. I have never been so frozen. It was only -9C … in late November.
I live in a country where it usually is 2-3 weeks with around -20 and you can take the car over the frozen lake.
The coldest winter we had a long period with -30 and the lowest -42C… That was cold!
But for some reason Frankfurt with only -9 was worse.
Good thing we have climate change and don’t need fossil fuels any more?
Food? It seems we can live on insects. Maggots.
Anyone out there who can tell me how to cultivate insects and maggots during wintertime without electricity?
Without energy?
Didn’t think so…
Turkey Starts Partial Payment In Rubles For Russian Gas
So de-dollarization continues its inexorable march. Currency Multipolarity is already here!
I am putting this into the body of the cafe because I wanted to note that maybe a little early.
The results of the first exit polls in the US elections became known
Elena Proshina
According to the results of the first exit polls in the US elections , the Republicans took the lead. He published the results on his Twitter account InteractivePolls .
According to the data, the Republicans won 54 seats in the Senate, the remaining 46 went to the Democrats. In the House of Representatives, the former also became leaders. Republicans have 246, Democrats have 189.
According to the results of the first exit polls, the states of Arizona, Nevada and Georgia came under the “control” of the first. There is also strong Republican support in New Hampshire.
Earlier, the leader of the Republican minority in the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Kevin McCarthy , said that if his party wins the elections to the United States Congress, its representatives do not exclude the possibility of impeaching the current US President Joe Biden .
life is no more
or less than what you
yourself make it
Life is not a game,
unless games are your life.
there are players who
play the game of life, and actors
who pretend to
are you playing the game
or is the game playing you?
trying to control
the game; how about mastering
one’s game first?
the value of the goal
is proportionate to the effort we
make to attain it
mastery of one’s
self means working from beyond
the games level
man loves games
but risks getting lost in them –
nothing in life is free
With apologies to the Cafe’s @mundomaniac
I get a blog from a US astrologer. Its the delay and the uncertainty thats of importance here.
Horoscopes of the US, Democrats & Republicans, with minimal astrology jargon
– The US is Cancerian: JUL 4 1776
– The Democrat Party is Capricornian: JAN 8 1828
– The Republican Party is Piscean: FEB 20 or 28, 1854, both dates are in Pisces
(Some sources say the Republican Party is Sagittarian, but the inception date is FEB 20 or 28)
– Mars is retrograde in Gemini, indicating the tarot card The Trickster or Magician. This means results will change as the day/s go by with nothing clear. The planets indicate the results on NOV 20 – 23. Mars goes direct the afternoon of JAN 12 and will return to a point in the US horoscope, FEB 5 2023, when there could be litigation regarding the election or the changing of the election laws
– The planets in the US chart on NOV 8 show past powers in Congress at the end of the day. The Republicans’ patron planet opposes the Supreme Court, i.e. the election may end up there, with the Republicans opposing the decision. News during NOV 8 & following days will be unreliable & incomplete, with false reports & conspiracy theories. There may be person/s behind the scenes attempting to change the laws
– The Democrats’ chart shows laws remain the same, but … change of power, opposition because of inflation, opportunities to stay in office because of newly passed laws and a shift of responsibility. Seems like a contradiction.
– The Republicans chart shows favorable situations, opposition from those wanting change or from the financial markets, contradicted by a powerful situation regarding those same financial people favoring the Republicans. The surprise is from women’s & youth vote, which seems to be ignored in polling
– re: NOV 23, 4 planets will be in the sign of the Republicans, Mars will have retrograded to the flash point, the outer planets not making changes, and looks like an opportunity for the Republicans to win
– Pay attention to the changing vote count, remembering the news is unreliable because the reporters may be misinformed/counts not fully reported/reports distorted
– Watch Mars: in Gemini energy, meaning activity, can be scattered & changeable. The changes in US laws have energized the women’s & youth vote, which was not accurately counted by the polls before the election and may surprise everyone
– Let’s see how it plays out. If it comes to a lengthy situation, look to the quickly moving Moon
Take a screenshot. We may not get a result til 23 NOV
A poem for the Cafe by Grigori Dashevsky
“Moscow – Riga”
Of the Moon we are followers,
both a girl and a boy, alike.
Sing a song, girl, to honor Her,
let a boy sing beside you:
we are bad at remembering
from our class in astronomy
your rotation velocity
or your orbit, or phases,
but you make yourself obvious
by the ebbs and the flowing tides
of the blood and the Baltic Sea,
or eclipsing our reason,
on the train with the passengers’
pale faces you navigate
past the huts and the signal lamps
outside of the window —
keep on sending reliably
blue-grey salt to the sandy dunes
the red one through the arteries
restlessness to the maniac
” … Jake Sullivan the the President’s National Security advisor more or less directly or indirectly threatened the Russians that if they cross these red lines they will meet with American Military resistance in Ukraine … [which is as we know absolute balderdash!]
I think that implication was made and that that’s the impression that I’m getting and I don’t think we should be surprised by that because Ukraine’s position is deteriorating very, very rapidly at this point and we’re very concerned about a Ukrainian collapse. Some estimates are that the entire economy and social structure of the country will collapse in 60 days. Some people are saying that you know they’re going to general mobilization in Ukraine right now, which may include women, because their manpower base is largely exhausted and remember people continue to leave Ukraine as much as possible. Nobody wants to be stuck in a country that very surely will have no power, no electricity, going to have trouble getting water, trouble getting food.”
– Col Douglas MacGregor i/viewed by Judge Napolitano 8 NOV
Ukraine Russia war – Col. Doug Macgregor (20:53)
NOTE: Most of the i/view is MacGregor’s interpretation of Wall St Journal & NYTImes ‘reports’ – and we all know what they’re worth (you wouldn’t line the bottom of your bird-cage with the NYTimes)
Pepe E says RF is ready to stop… maybe Sullivan’s threats worked. Anyway game’s afoot.
Recall that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that negotiations with Moscow are impossible until the territories returned to Russia are returned under the control of Kyiv. If the territories are going to be under Ukraine’s control soon why is the US pushing Z to negotiate?
The hardest thing for man is dispassionate intelligence and an acceptance of fate. Most analysts are passionate meaning an emotional subjectivity. M. K. Bhadrakumar is a rare example of a dispassionate analyst, he obviously loves India but will criticize when he feels necessary. Love that he is objective.
It is also worth noting that China has just the one sole formal security commitment on paper and it sure isn’t Taiwan.
Follow the Russian subs and the Poseidon, a full-fledged build up. The Ukraine is a lounge act.
Zakharova: Moscow will negotiate with Kyiv, taking into account the realities
Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Zakharova: Moscow will negotiate with Kyiv, taking into account the realities
November 9, 2022, 16:45Text: Olga Ivanova
Moscow has not abandoned negotiations with Kyiv, and will conduct them taking into account the emerging realities, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.
“We are still open to negotiations. We have never abandoned them, we are ready to conduct them, of course, taking into account the realities that are developing at the moment, ” TASS quotes her .
Recall that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that negotiations with Moscow are impossible until the territories returned to Russia are returned under the control of Kyiv. At the same time, the media claim that the United States is pushing Zelensky to negotiate with Russia.
Forwarded from Zergulio :
It is advisable to organize defense along the barrier line of the Dnieper River, along its left bank (c) Surovikin
Shoigu agrees with the conclusions and proposals of Surovikin , ordered to proceed with the withdrawal of troops across the Dnieper River.
Kherson surrendered. Now officially.
So far today has started out with disasters. Not only did the Red Wave turn in to a ripple. Showing that the power of the media, deep state influence, and brainwashing in the West knows no limits. They can put in a braindead President,a brain damaged Senator can get elected. Votes can be manufactured.And all of that and more can succeed without question.
But if that was not bad enough. We see today horrible news from Ukraine. The vice-governor (well known to all followers of events there) of Kherson is dead. The report is that he died in a road accident. Possibly true,but sounds suspicious to me.And even worse the Russian MOD announces they are retreating from Kherson City over the Dnieper.
If anyone wanted to give a gift to Ukrainian propaganda nothing else would be as good as that right now. The Ukrainian/Western media is going to have a bonanza from that. And even worse Zelensky wants to either go to the G20 or make a video speech there. And either way,he will trumpet that “victory” to the high heavens. And Russia’s friends will not see this retreat as a good sign.
Then there is the reaction that will be seen in Russia,and among the new Russian citizens in the new regions themselves (not to mention the bad sign that gives to pro-Russians in other areas of Ukrainian occupied areas).I’m seeing reports inside Russia that people (thankfully a minority so far) are already unhappy over the incompetency of the mobilization. And it appears that some of the errors are still ongoing. With some of the mobilized very unhappy,in Kazan especially .So much so that Putin is said to be going to discuss these problems directly with citizens on a trip to Tver.This latest disaster is certain the make things worse.
I have no doubt that Russia has the ability to ultimately win this war.But we are,I fear,in for a rocky road before we get to that point.And much of that appears to be self-inflicted.The error of not having the needed forces (and will) to win this at the start has sown dragons teeth that are causing big problems today:
I think it’s closer to a hail Mary for the west, throw all your resources into that one difficult region, forcing the Russians to the east of the river to reevaluate the situation, could be a trap, or it could be a long expensive war.
The states are as divided as ever, and as such 1/2 of them probably want war and the other 1/2 are willing to die defending whatever cause it is they are defending.
Looks like a crap shoot where everyone has plenty of money, and the dice, they just keep on a rollin.
Russian “God of the North Wind” ruined US plans for Ukraine
So at the cost of my being too passionate can we take this as a sign Russia will not negotiate? The US needed the war in Ukraine to be local and controlled, they have now lost that preference.
To show what a small nature I really have, I do think Russia’s friends and I use the word loosely could have done more. They by now should be realizing that was a bad mistake and they have much to lose.
09 November 2022 20:09
Federal news agency
The Russian military sent a formidable signal to the United States, Sohu reports.
According to analysts, whose material is cited by PolitRussia , the launch of the latest Bulava missile is connected with this. Experts noted that the “God of the North Wind” was involved in the tests. So they called the strategic submarine Generalissimo Suvorov of the Borey project. The projectile covered a distance of eight thousand kilometers, successfully hitting the target.
“With the help of its ‘God of the North Wind’, Russia has sent a harsh signal to the White House,” the publication says.
The authors emphasize that such a move warned the United States against intervening in the Ukrainian crisis. As a result, Washington’s plans were ruined.
Author: Viola Rasskazova
I agree Uncle Bob!
Very disturbing turn of events…unbelievable even.
Here is a tweet about Kherson. It suggests announcement of retreat is a psyops but no retreat actually happening??
Time will tell, I guess.
As for US vote, very peculiar…
Well for all intents and purposes, Russia will still have fire control over Kherson with far greater resupply ability than the Ukrainians will have. If there is any truth, that the hydro dam upstream is a ‘true’ threat, then Kherson is a death trap should the Ukrainians move in there. Russia controls the damn, they can flood the Ukrainians out. Russia also destroyed four key bridges is the area today so Ukrainian logistics will be hampered, its a very calculated deliberate withdrawal.
Cheers M
messing with Russia,
only fools and people who think
they have a certified escape route
would think of doing so
Uncle Bob, I implore you to remember Sun Tzu:
“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious”.
Ukraine is supposedly skeptical. “We do not rule out the start of a Russian information-psychological operation in order to create an erroneous judgment about real intentions”. I have to be skeptical that Ukraine is skeptical because really this is one fertile field for dicussion but only those on top know.
The Ukrainian command comments on the statements of General Surovikin on the withdrawal of troops from the right-bank part of the Kherson region.
Yesterday, 22: 08
The Ukrainian command comments on the statements of General Surovikin on the withdrawal of troops from the right-bank part of the Kherson region
The official representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine A. Shtupun
The Ukrainian military command and representatives of political circles comment with skepticism on the statements of the Russian generals regarding the withdrawal of a group of troops of the RF Armed Forces from the right bank of the Kherson region to take up defense on the left bank of the Dnieper.
One of the first statements by General Surovikin regarding the withdrawal of troops to the left bank was commented on by Vitaly Kim, a protege of the Kyiv regime in the Nikolaev region. Today, it was he who released a meaningful post with a single letter “C”, which was interpreted as an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Snigirevka. Then there were comments that the Ukrainian troops failed to take the city. This comment was made by the deputy head of the Kherson region Kirill Stremousov, whose death was reported in the media a few hours later.
Kim, commenting on the statements of Surovikin and Shoigu, wrote that “if the Russians say something, they will do exactly the opposite.”
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a statement about monitoring the situation in the Kherson region, without saying anything about any significant advance of Ukrainian troops towards Kherson.
In turn, the operational command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “South” stated that they do not yet have specific data on the withdrawal of Russian troops to the left bank of the Dnieper. N. Gumenyuk, representing the “South” command, said that the words of the Russian general “may be a staged show” and that “the information is being specified.”
We do not rule out the start of a Russian information-psychological operation in order to create an erroneous judgment about real intentions. There, Russian troops, as far as we know, have created a line of defense and are ready to keep it in place. We check what’s there.
Recall that in his report, General Surovikin began by saying that the situation had stabilized and the combat capabilities of the RF Armed Forces had increased, including as a result of the mobilization carried out. Then he turned to the question of the need to leave Kherson. And the very initiative, expressed by the commander of the NMD, on the withdrawal of troops to the left bank of the Dnieper, was supported by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, noting that the general is doing the right thing, saving the lives of our fighters.
I just read about this on southfront.org Russian Military Pull Back From Kherson.. sure don’t make much sense to me for loosing isn’t winning.
To flood, or not to flood
Was the question.
A potential swamp has little human value.
Ukraine just inherited a huge potential one.
Cheers M
Anyone still interested in the thingy, Dr John Campbell covered the UK parliamentary debate on the anti-thingy today on his blog….should be easy to find, the speaker doing the roasting was called Danny Kruger. Hot stuff….
Cheers M
Sean, the story about the buried copper cables in a radial pattern sounds like the construction of a counter-poise, Every antenna has one, of one sort or another. Sometimes they are the chassis or a dangling wire. Sometimes they are in-ground. Sometimes the earth itself is the CP, and sometimes wires, sometimes both. They can be spendy. To cut costs some fellas use re-bar…
The thingy interests me. I see a claim > “Maternal mortality in Russia tripled in 2021” How about that.
Thingy looms over all the politics and wars and econofubars.
Best! P
Other possible uses for such a powerful antenna, based on the Dr’s design would be directed energy, which he was also working on, sending power through the air rather than down a wire. Some US researchers did demonstrate that it is possible…..leaves me pondering if directional and one has two or more, concentrated on a specific point….
……watching the debate yesterday, no holds barred, the member got his say, publicly. He made a point of saying the anti-thingy was originally only for the most at risk, seniors, but then it morphed to everyone …..based on false data, he even quoted NH data on thingy being less deadly the prophesied. And openly stated as per NH that the best course of action which gave humans the greatest defense against the thingy……wait for it…….getting the thingy itself and building…….wait for it…….. natural immunity….egads, blimey, whoda thunk it?
Based on my minimal grade 12 bio knowledge I have held that same position since day one. When politicians became medical professional overnight……it was a trust your gut thing for me, and, and, if I was wrong, and I, heaven forbid, died, I’d take it up with God when I got there……it is his plan after all.
The best part of the debate yesterday, it was Public, spoke on the floor, recorded for history, on paper, forever. That’s very important. Public debate, in House. If not for similar records from the 1800s I’d never have known that if it were not for Quakers in Ireland, England would not have come to the aid of the Irish during the famine. Quakers shamed them by feeding, and thus saving, literally thousands of Irish men women and children. That came up in a house debate in 1847. The County Cork Quaker soup kitchen went from feeding a dozen or two hungry Irish per week in 1845 to feeding hundreds per day by 1847. So an eternal gratitude for those that live by the true ‘christian’ spirit.
Cheers M
We’re on the same page, Brother. Their story changed and they spoke as though they themselves were experts, when they were obviously not… Cop Interview 101… They’re lying…why? More or less… Brother Nixon, who used to be a cop instructor, gave forth on Cop Interview 101 @ https://www.rokfin.com/stream/25049/COVID-19-AMNESTY–SOMETHING-REALLY-WEIRD-HAPPENED-IN-SEPTEMBER-OF-2019 His tutorial is worth review. I never studied cop canon…they tend to secrecy. Nixon gives some logic.
As to antenna…it’s a very inefficient way to transfer power from a prime-mover… But it is also a very efficient listening antenna. I’d love to have some time using that antenna with such gain as a listening station….mousepharts at 1000miles.
Meantime? @ Anoxia the copradio says a fella came home from work at 2 AM in the rain to find his wife naked and passed out in the front yard….breathing though. What a marriage that must be! And the Sheriff’s budget dictates no more daytime patrol…they’re all busy at the Courthouse and the jail…
The other day we saw a big supermarket in Moscow. Here is a big market in “the provinces” a large city in Western Russia Voronezh:
Pepe latest via telegram
There IS a deal between Sullivan and Patrushev.
We don’t REALLY know the details.
But yes – it includes Kherson.
That’s why Patrushev could leave to take care of very important strategic partnership business in Iran.
And the deal is the hidden “secret” in Maria’s announcement that “we’re ready for negotiations”.
The Russians will leave the river bank in a managed military retreat.
That would not have been possible without managed
military-to-military negotiations.
These negotiations have been going on for weeks. The messenger is Saudi Arabia.
The collective aim in the short term is towards a sort of Minsk 3 – with Istanbul/Riyadh attached.
NO ONE is paying attention to the coke clown. Sullivan went to Kiev to present a fait accompli – of sorts.
The Dnieper will be – in thesis – the settled and negotiated frontline.
Note that all this coincides with the outcome of the US elections – where the Dems did not exactly lose.
Meanwhile Russia is making more and more gains in the battle for Bakhmut.
No illusions in Moscow that this crypto-Minsk 3 will be respected.
Doesn’t matter. Winter is coming – and so many new options are now on the table.
Bernard @ MOA remarks in re. His view seems quite rational, and sound. One must recall that the goals in war are political…and remember who the enemy is and consider the econopolitical condition of said enemy… several decay-processes in nazilandeu/conus are running rather well. And we shall see how cold and hungry people feel about things… Then too, the delayed after-effects of thingy may become “catalytic”.
Thanks, as I don’t have Telegram.
On twitter lots of pro-Russian accounts quite upset. Mark Sleboda claimed the Kherson withdrawal will come at high political cost for Putin, (but he seemed unaware of a deal when he wrote that. )
Let’s hope that is wrong. If the Russian government made a “deal” to give up newly rejoined Russian territory to nazis in a deal. Then that government won’t hold power for very much longer.There are two things the Russian people can’t/won’t tolerate, a betrayal of the lost lives of her soldiers.And the surrender to enemies of Russian soil.The people will see that government as unworthy to be in power.I’ve said for months now that this war has changed things in Russia.The government opened the Pandora’s Box of patriotism among the population.And I’ve hoped that the people in power understood the mood of the people. If there is such a “deal”,it would appear they don’t understand that at all.
Forwarded from Andrey Medvedev and reposted by Older than Edda :
What now to say about Kherson? Yes, I’m not happy either, like many of you.
Yes, I also thought that there would be a different solution. That a fortified area will be made from the city.
But this is hardly the decision of General Surovikin. I think that without the approval of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, this decision would not have been made. I don’t really like the solution. But we are at war. And the decision of the Supreme in such a situation is not accepted to challenge. In Russia, as our history shows, this ends badly.
But I already wrote. My heart cannot accept this fact. There is certainly military logic in the decision. Yes, the difficulty of supplying the grouping, the possibility of encircling troops on the right bank. There is certainly logic in withdrawing to the left bank and saving combat-ready units.
What risk, as I understand it, did the military see? You can turn the city into a large fortification while having difficulties with logistics. You can even defend it. Only these are serious losses among the civilian population and personnel, including those mobilized.
They chose, apparently, from two bad options. We chose the one with the least amount of blood. And how less …
The Nazis in any case will take revenge on those who even received a salary in roubles.
Yes, many have left. But there are so many left.
And I will repeat once again. Modern military conflicts are not only battles on the front line. It is also the ideology and psyche of the opposing sides. The departure from Kherson, especially against the backdrop of the tragic death of Kirill Stemnousov, is a serious information blow to us. And now the West and Kyiv will begin to unwind as an unconditional victory for Ukraine.
The city that recently became the capital of a new region of Russia is suddenly abandoned. It is unlikely that anyone here now sees this as a positive. However, this means that sooner or later, we will return Kherson.
But people are now waiting for an explanation. What’s next and how we live now. I repeat: the country, to which it was sometimes possible not to explain something, remained in February.
Obviously, it is worth saying directly that the sum of the mistakes made in the first six months led to the decision. But it is obvious, to me anyway, that nothing has ended. And tomorrow, and in six months or a year will not end. Our fight is long.
Those people with whom fate brought me together in the last nine months are still in their places. In the trenches, at the controls of planes and helicopters. Yes, actually now, units, retreating, still inflict damage on the enemy. Those brothers and like-minded people with whom we are working on procurement for the front are also not going to give up their business. And I’m not going to. Nothing ended for me.
Today is a difficult day for me. But this is only a stage on our way. Ways to win. We have no other options. They won’t let us surrender – they’ll just destroy us.
Therefore, it will continue to fight. There will be no negotiations, this is obvious. What to talk about now and with whom? Yes, we need to concentrate, restore reserves and losses in equipment. And prepare yourself for new fights.
Do not despair on the days of defeat, and do not rejoice on the days of small victories. And there are many more days like this ahead of us.
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be terrified; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Russia will either fight or Russia will not.
I hope this understanding is present at all levels.
And yes, Kherson is also Russia.
Therefore, we will be obliged to return it.
In time we find that the goal was to reach Odessa by the onset of winter or fall back across the river since resupplying during winter was going to be problematic.
Its not over until it over.
There IS a deal between Sullivan and Patrushev.
We don’t REALLY know the details.
But yes – it includes Kherson.
That’s why Patrushev could leave to take care of very important strategic partnership business in Iran.
And the deal is the hidden “secret” in Maria’s announcement that “we’re ready for negotiations”.
The Russians will leave the river bank in a managed military retreat.
That would not have been possible without managed military-to-military negotiations.
These negotiations have been going on for weeks. The messenger is Saudi Arabia.
The collective aim in the short term is towards a sort of Minsk 3 – with Istanbul/Riyadh attached.
NO ONE is paying attention to the coke clown [Zelensky]. Sullivan went to Kiev to present a fait accompli – of sorts.
The Dnieper will be – in thesis – the settled and negotiated frontline.
Note that all this coincides with the outcome of the US elections – where the Dems did not exactly lose.
Meanwhile Russia is making more and more gains in the battle for Bakhmut.
No illusions in Moscow that this crypto-Minsk 3 will be respected.
Doesn’t matter. Winter is coming – and so many new options are now on the table.”
Iran goes hypersonic and the US wants to hold talks on nuclear treaty with Russia for first time since Ukraine war began. The US needed a comfortable local war confined to Ukraine and the hood. The US fears Russian missiles for tearing holes in their comfort zone and for that reason I might hesitate to sign.
Russia is not losing this war there are many peripheral occurrences that testify to that.
Senior IRGC cmdr.: Iran develops hypersonic ballistic missile capable of penetrating advanced air defense shields
Thursday, 10 November 2022 9:05 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 10 November 2022 9:18 AM ]
A high-ranking commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the country has developed a homegrown hypersonic ballistic missile which is capable of penetrating sophisticated aerial defense shields and striking designated targets.
“The missile has a high velocity and can maneuver both in and out of the Earth’s atmosphere,” Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, told reporters on Thursday.
“The new missile can pass through all missile defense systems, and I don’t think that the technology capable of countering it will be achieved in the decades to come. It can target the enemy’s anti-missile systems, and its production marks a huge leap in the development of a new generation of missiles,” Hajizadeh pointed out.
Army chief: ‘Superpowers’ never dare to attack Iran; disintegration plans will fail
The chief commander of Iran’s Army says the enemies will fail to achieve their “ominous goal” to disintegrate the Islamic Republic.
On Sunday, Iran’s Defense Ministry unveiled the upgraded version of the domestically-designed and manufactured Bavar-373 (Belief-373) surface-to-air missile system, and inaugurated the production line of the long-range Sayad B4 missile.
“Bavar-373 system was initially capable of destroying targets at 200 kilometers and now the upgraded system, aiming to attack targets at very long ranges, [including] ballistic missiles, fighter aircraft, and bombers can destroy targets at 300 kilometers,” Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani during the unveiling ceremony.
The missile system can engage up to six targets at a time and destroy them, he said, stressing that many technologically advanced countries aspire to possess such a system.
Iran unveils upgraded Bavar-373 missile system, launches Sayad B4 production line
The Iranian Defense Ministry unveils the upgraded version of the homegrown Bavar-373 (Belief-373) missile system and inaugurates the production line of the long-range Sayad B4 missile.
The Bavar-373 system detection radar was said to have increased from 350 to 450 kilometers, and the range of its engagement range has risen from 260 to 400 kilometers, the report added.
It also noted that the missile range has gone from 200 to 300 kilometers, and its engagement altitude has increased from 27 to 32 kilometers.
The report also announced the launching of the Sayad B4 missile’s production line (pictured below), saying the long-range missile, running on solid propellant, was operationally evaluated for the first time.
The Bavar-373 system was formally unveiled during a ceremony attended by former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on August 22, 2019. It was reported at the time that the road-mobile system can detect targets or planes at more than 300 kilometers, lock them at about 250 kilometers, and destroy them at 200 kilometers.
Iran expands range of homegrown missile defense system, warns enemies of ‘harsh response’
Iran expands the operational range of its homegrown Bavar-373 surface-to-air missile system to 300 kilometers.
Iran for the first time employed the homegrown Bavar-373 missile defense system during a joint air defense exercise, codenamed ‘Guardians of Velayat Sky-99’, in late October 2020.
Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made substantial headway in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
Iranian officials have repeatedly warned that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, including its missile power, which are entirely meant for defense, saying the Islamic Republic’s defense capabilities will be never subject to negotiations.
US and Russia agree to hold talks on nuclear treaty for first time since Ukraine war began
Kylie Atwood
By Kylie Atwood and Michael Conte, CNN
Updated 5:24 PM EST, Tue November 8, 2022
The US and Russia have agreed to hold talks on the single existing nuclear treaty between the two countries in the near future, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Tuesday.
The New START treaty limits all deployed intercontinental-range nuclear weapons by Russia and the US.
The treaty – the only one left regulating the two largest nuclear arsenals in the world – was extended by five years in February 2021 during the first weeks of Joe Biden’s presidency.
All good points Lodestar. Adds to the Pepe disclosure re a deal bewteen Sullivan & Patrushev.
Thanks for these.
So… not so much interested in the big deal @ Kherson – there’s a logic…but the left/right matter may be of interest technically…a convention> https://www.boat-ed.com/waterrescue/studyGuide/River-Terminology/191099_55411/ Add to that the “red/right/returning” known to mariners…and we have the charming principle that a ship returning from the saltsea to a riverain port is obliged to keep to the river’s “left”, which is on the right side as seen from the ship… Things can confuse people. Aboard tanker I once visited we observed large painted signs on the bridge. “LEFT” and “RIGHT”… keeps the helmsman on his toes…
In view of the https://www.nakanune.ru/articles/119537/ affair or claim…in view of that some examples of art, which may presage political events to come, in a vague way…I wonder how a culture, a civilizational state, would distort if, as Vonnegut moots in Galapagos, germs ate the eggs…and recall Clarke in Childhoods End…………..https://www.gradesaver.com/childhoods-end/study-guide/summary (and) https://www.gradesaver.com/galapagos/wikipedia/plot-summary Anyway, it’s a theme that may evolve to dominate our world…and put 404 and the rest of things into a stark and diabolical perspective…
Today is a day to talk about some better news. One of them is literally astonishingly good news. Military surgeons in Russia actually operated on a wounded soldier who had an unexploded explosive lodged inside his body,removed it and saved him.While having to wear body armor themselves.Those surgeons need to certainly be awarded a state honor by Putin.They are Russian heroes:
Doctors remove live explosive from soldier’s body
The unique operation was carried out by a team of Russian military surgeons wearing bulletproof vests
The other is a video made by some of Russia’s most well know music artists in honor of Russian soldier heroes:
Олег Газманов – Встанем
Still I’m trying to make sense of Pepe’s telegram post last nite
This is M. K. BHADRAKUMAR’s take on the ‘deal’
“Sullivan who is a thoroughbred Neo-con from the Clinton clan would only have urged Zelensky to expedite the planned Ukrainian offensive on Kherson, which has been in the making as a decisive battle for the Crimea and control of Black Sea/Azov Sea ports.”
No end in view for Ukraine war
Nord Stream operator Nord Stream AG has received permission to conduct its own investigations wrt the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines. Should have been granted immediately. – The Sirius Report
Never forget. Never forgive (implicates Biden) (1:10)
A background into George Soros’s malign activity in Ukraine (2:02)
The RT television network broadcast news about the leak of more than 2000 documents that prove the responsibility of George Soros and Open Society in the manipulation of elections in all European countries (2:11)
Still perplexed by the ‘deal’ or ‘no deal’
M. K. Bhadrakumar:
“Notably, Biden has spoken twice during the press conference about “compromise” (read territorial concessions) by Kiev, which is a major shift from the US stance and his own previous demand that the Russian forces should get out of Ukraine …”
Biden nods to compromise in Ukraine
More on multipolarity:
China has announced it will reduce tariffs for 98% of goods from 10 African LDC to 0% starting next month.
This means they can export agricultural goods free of tariffs, benefiting local farmers & Chinese consumers.
The EU should do this, instead of complicated schemes over 25 years.
More on the ‘deal’ or ‘no deal’
The chair of the US Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley, “has made the case in internal meetings that the Ukrainians have achieved about as much as they could reasonably expect on the battlefield before winter sets in and so they should try to cement their gains at the bargaining table.”
“In internal discussions at the White House, General Milley has been a strong voice for diplomacy but does not want to give the impression of undercutting the Ukrainians. … The pullback from Kherson appeared to be aimed at setting up a more defensible position.” – Aaron Maté , Host of TheGrayzoneNews
Heads up!
… and only 2 more UK PM’s before Christmas, hehehe (or shouldn’t I say ho, ho, ho)
“UK PM Sunak is facing a potential mutiny, with UK press speculating Ben Wallace would quit if there’s any defence cut in upcoming budget. He risks annoying Deep State over Ukraine, which can be politically damaging. UK press is even raking up that Infosys continues to do business in Russia.”
‘Deal’ or ‘No Deal’?
1 hr ago:
Big Serge: Russia’s withdrawal from west bank Kherson reported to be complete – the speed suggests that that this was planned long in advance. Likely when Surovikin was put in charge and days later said the Kherson position was “tense”. He just didn’t like the math of the position
Big Serge: but for now I will just point to the fact that Russian hardliners like Kadyrov – who have been publicly apoplectic at past failures – are backing the decision. That should tell you something.
For those who value whta he has to say: Scott Ritter – Russian Retreat, What’s it Mean?
Judge Napolitano (23:50) https://youtu.be/74WITSO_Qcg
Sun Tzu walks into a Kherson bar
And this is a good companion piece to Pepe’s article.
Alexander McKay Host of the Red Star Radio Podcast (on Telegram – http://t.me/armc1870)
“The Kherson withdrawal, what is the meaning of it, is it even real and what should we make of the supposed deal brokered by the Biden regime? All this and Midterms madness in today’s Red Star Bulletin.”
1 hr ago: BREAKING Statements from Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov
– Kherson region remains part of the Russian Federation, “there are no & cannot be any changes”
– Russia does not regret that it accepted Kherson region
– Putin will not attend the G20, as he needs to be in Russia
– Russia sees growing awareness in West that anti-Russian sanctions are bringing turbulence to EU’s economy
– SMO in Ukraine will continue & end w achieved objectives
– Possible to achieve the goals of the SMO through negotiations, but due to Kiev’s demands it’s impossible
(Remember there’s Kherson City & Kherson oblast, like e.g. New York City & New York state)
The Russian/US deal is North Korea and Iran if there is an agreement and can be made to work. IMHO I have not read this elsewhere but there seems a thread to follow.
Russia will be granted territorial concessions if they can pull off a huge favor that the US needs. Might even get rid of Zelensky.
– Possible to achieve the goals of the SMO through negotiations, but due to Kiev’s demands it’s impossible- Dmitry Peskov
M. K. Bhadrakumar:
“Notably, Biden has spoken twice during the press conference about “compromise” (read territorial concessions) by Kiev, which is a major shift from the US stance and his own previous demand that the Russian forces should get out of Ukraine …”
Biden nods to compromise in Ukraine
The US is even making attempts to reach out to Russia through different things such as -Ambassador welcomes US move to lift financial restrictions on Russian diplomatic missions
It took a lot of work to bring Washington to realize the significant damage that sanctions inflict on our diplomats around the world,” Anatoly Antonov said
What is the US so desperate about, follow Jake Sullivan.
Sullivan held talks with Patrushev, Patrushev then left in a hurry for Iran who now has hypersonics. Speaking at a White House briefing, Sullivan said Washington remained concerned about the possibility of North Korea conducting another nuclear test.
Iran and North Korea have been trading weapons technology for a long time. Both countries are friends of Russia and have been accused of sending arms to Putin.
The fact is the US is way more than concerned about North Korea in truth they are under heavy pressure from Israel to rein in Iran and North Korea.
Is the West attempting to enlist Russia to stop a nuclear armageddon?
Strong words in fact they can’t get any stronger. From Israel-“the entire arms control global infrastructure appears on the verge of teetering into a total collapse.”
Has someone actually realized what a precarious situation we are in? The US/Israel need to negotiate with honesty and transparency That is going to be the tough part.
Goes without saying the West needs to prove they can deter their own ambitions regarding nuclear weapons.
Not a friendly site but gives a direct insight into Israel’s mindset.
Recent reports indicate that it is making underground preparations for a full underground nuclear test, the most destabilizing action it could take short of actually using a nuclear weapon.
Along with Russia’s now seemingly regular threats to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine and Iran’s refusal to return to the 2015 nuclear deal’s restrictions, the entire arms control global infrastructure appears on the verge of teetering into a total collapse.
If that happens, these parallel trends may be even worse than the sum of their parts.
Around a decade ago, Iranian nuclear scientists were traveling back and forth to North Korea multiple times to witness and learn from various nuclear tests.
But as of 2020 and 2021, there were reports from former CIA officials and the media that North Korea was proliferating the Hwasong-12 ballistic missile to Iran along with the technology for converting it into a two-stage ICBM that would function similarly to the Hwasong-14 and -15 missiles.
This sharing of advanced nuclear weapons technology by Iran and North Korea, after what might have been a pause in the sharing of nuclear know-how, is one of the most ominous signs of the failure of nuclear deterrence.
If for decades, countries with nuclear weapons viewed them as so dangerous that they limited sales of related technologies, now the taboo on talking for real about using nuclear weapons is gone.
In the Mossad’s 2018 heist of Iran’s nuclear archives, the world learned that the Islamic Republic had developed five sites for potentially testing a nuclear bomb underground.
If Kim gets away with another underground nuclear test with no real consequences and merely weak sanctions, what will keep Tehran from doing the same?
And if the ayatollahs finally undertake a full nuclear test seeing the weak manner in which the world responds to Moscow’s threats and Pyongyang’s actions, will the region destabilize to a new point from which there is no return?
As long as Kim is free to wreak the fear of nuclear havoc on those who oppose him and Russian President Vladimir Putin feels comfortable issuing nuclear threats to the West, the chances of Tehran agreeing to a new deal drop considerably – and the possibility of them someday using a nuclear weapon jumps
Remember The US and Russia have agreed to hold talks on the single existing nuclear treaty between the two countries in the near future, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/08/politics/us-russia-nuclear-treaty-talks/index.html
A trifecta this Friday morning,heading into the weekend. First 3 videos of intelligent US (three of the only ones) analysts that see and tell the truth:
#1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rei9F9oeM-Y&ab_channel=DouglasMacgrego
#2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74WITSO_Qcg&ab_channel=JudgeNapolitano-JudgingFreedom
#3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LTR8aTUPME&ab_channel=TheNewAtlas
And a bonus video from my favorite “foreign agent” based in Russia:
An extremely interesting point of view from Rusian Economist Dr. Sergei Glazyev of the EAEU on what US elections could mean (rough translation, I hope not too long):
It is naïve to think that the upcoming midterm congressional elections in the United States can significantly change Washington’s position on Ukraine. The defeat of Russia, the establishment of control over it, the destruction of Iran and the isolation of the PRC – these goals of US geopolitics will not change until their collapse or our Victory over NATO forces in Ukraine. A lot has been written above about the objective reasons for the global hybrid war unleashed by the us power and financial elite to maintain world hegemony. As well as about the subjective conditionality of the anti-Russian orientation of this war by the inherent Russophobia (See, for example, my 2015 book “The Last World War. The U.S. starts and loses.” – M.: Knizhnyi mir).
At the same time, some things, if the Republicans win and get a majority in both houses of Congress, may change. It is possible that, faced with the obvious threat of impeachment, Biden, under pressure from party members, will retire. In this case, Kamala Harris will act as President, who will be the first woman to act as the head of the American state, and even of Indian origin. The latter is of particular importance given the fact that the head of the British government has already become an ethnic Indian Rishi Sunak.
If ethnic Indians lead the Anglo-Saxon world, this, of course, will not fundamentally change it, but it will give a certain historical flavor. 75 years after the collapse of the British Empire, natives of its former main colony will lead its current reincarnation. This cannot but elicit a positive emotional response in the Indian public consciousness. India is already far ahead of Britain, not only in terms of the size of the economy, but also in terms of the size of the middle class. It leads the world in terms of economic growth. It makes undoubted progress in the development of basic production of a new technological order, including information technology. The vast and influential Indian diaspora in England and the United States connects the former colony and metropolis with millions of human ties, industrial cooperation, scientific and technical cooperation. They may well switch places – India, as one of the leading powers of the new world economic order, in the near future may well claim leadership in the entire area of the former British Empire, including the United States.
With all the seeming fantasy of such a scenario, it is quite possible: with the change of world economic structures, the new center of the world economy grows on the periphery of the old one, and the latter may well fall to a peripheral position in relation to its former colony. So, after the collapse of the Spanish Empire, the center of the world economy became its former colony – the Netherlands, while Spain itself quickly sank to the position of a peripheral country. After the transfer of world leadership to England, the Netherlands was on its periphery. And England itself suffered the same fate in the transition of leadership to the United States. The large size of the latter does not insure against decline – many American political scientists seriously talk about the high probability of civil war and the collapse of the United States, separatist tendencies are growing in a number of southern Spanish-speaking states.
The transformation of India into the leaders of the Commonwealth of Nations simultaneously with the implementation of the PRC’s “One Belt – One Road” initiative with the claim to unite the peoples of the “Common Destiny of Mankind” will mean reincarnation in the new world economic order of political confrontation between countries with communist and democratic political systems. Since the emerging new world economic order is ideologically a very divergent mixture of socialist goals, market mechanisms and national interests, this confrontation will not be antagonistic. The core countries of this integral world economic order, primarily India and China, will compete and cooperate with each other, strictly adhering to the norms of international law, the principles of mutual benefit and justice.
For today’s Russia and Europe, such a scenario promises nothing but a descent to the deep periphery of the world economy. Of course, the Neanderthal nature of the Anglo-Saxons, their aggressiveness, greed, mendacity and cunning, which are well remembered in India, are likely to prevent this scenario from being realized. Both Rishi Sunak and Kamila Harris are no different from their Anglo-American counterparts in their bellicose rhetoric in support of NATO’s anti-Russian aggression in Ukraine. With her statements that big Russia attacked little Ukraine, Kamila resembles the enchantingly incompetent Liz Truss. But the deep state of the United States has repeatedly proved its resourcefulness, and the Anglo-American power and financial elite is always ready to develop and implement unthinkable scenarios. They may well mimic a genuine friendship with India with the aim of manipulating its ruling elite to cobble together a new edition of the British Empire centered in Delhi.
An alternative to this scenario is the triple alliance of India, China and Russia, the idea of which was put forward by E. Primakov. The SCO and BRICS could become the basis for the formation of a new world economic order, an organic part of the core of which would be Russia. It could also include Germany and the EU. But this requires active political and economic diplomacy and ideological leadership.