2022/11/04 23:30:02
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Though nearly every war is fought for economic reasons, such a war to change the world dynamic of inflation, supply chain bottlenecks and Chinese dominance does not have a ‘gain’ for the West in pure economic need.
The Euro Zone nations need energy. The US needs vital strategic minerals for high tech products. The common source is Russia. Additionally, Russia has the world’s largest supply of fresh water and produces wheat and grains at prodigious rates.
So, targeting Russia to capture from her all these natural resources makes sense.
What doesn’t make sense is the war needed to do so. Russia will use nuclear weapons if attacked. End of war.
It’s Jan 6th, the insurrection, looking for Nancy. Mike Pence will swear he heard Trump say “take your hammers and go to Nancy’s House.” Larch445
An excellent analysis of what will happen now in Israel and Palestine
Israel election: Extreme right in Netanyahu’s government won’t dent western support
“Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world”
@Mr P http://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2022-11-01/#comment-1159781
& Sudhi, I stand corrected.
The Cafe picture of a gentleman with wineglass poised startled me…do we have here a picture of the famous literary figure and sodomist Wm Burroughs? See> http://www.famousauthors.org/famous-authors/william-s-burroughs.jpg
Interesting factoid about old Bill…he was enrolled in the Ranch School on the Mesa…yes, the one where the bomb was made…and there, appropriately I think in some mysterious way, Bill developed a taste for sodomy, and scandal…and was expelled…I think he was 16…only a few years later Groves explained at a cordial dinner that the bomb was “for Russia”… I often speculate – was Bill’s introduction to sodomy in the same room? Does the Devil have a sense of humor? If the walls could speak…
I have several times had the thrilling stimulus of being expelled, and of scandal… But not for sodomy. Rather as recognition of heretical disposition.
In more interesting matter, Germany, Ende der Meinungsfreiheit – Auf dem Weg in eine illiberale Gesellschaft? (Frau W) https://youtu.be/Lwflj8_vmgI Evidently the contrast ‘tween Basic Law and Reality is producing an output…conflict couples always produce force vectors. “Ich finde es erschreckend, dass nur noch eine Minderheit in Deutschland der Ansicht ist, man könne hierzulande frei die eigene politische Meinung äußern. Natürlich leben wir zum Glück nicht in einem Land, in dem man wegen seiner Meinung einfach verhaftet und weggesperrt werden kann. Doch schon in der Coronakrise hat sich gezeigt, wie leicht sich in einer von Angst und Unsicherheit geprägten Gesellschaft eine üble Stimmung gegen eine spezifische Minderheit entfachen lässt. Und heute sind es die Kriegsgegner, die Waffenlieferungen ablehnen und für eine diplomatische Lösung werben, die wegen angeblicher pro-russischer Umtriebe am öffentlichen Pranger stehen. Im Video der Woche spreche ich über das Problem der Wahrheitsfindung in Zeiten der Kriegspropaganda, über die zunehmende Verengung des noch “zulässigen” Meinungskorridors und wie auch und gerade von vermeintlichen “Linksliberalen” ein gefährlicher Konformitätsdruck erzeugt wird, der unvereinbar ist mit der im Grundgesetz verbrieften Meinungsfreiheit:”
Recently the Lady referred to some German pols as “schwachsinn”…feeble-minded mentally deficient imbeciles… Well, if shoe fits…
Rough English> “I find it appalling that only a minority in Germany believes that one can freely express one’s own political opinion in this country. Of course, fortunately, we do not live in a country where you can simply be arrested and locked up because of your opinion. But the corona crisis has already shown how easy it is to ignite a bad mood against a specific minority in a society characterized by fear and insecurity. And today it is the opponents of the war, who refuse to supply weapons and promote a diplomatic solution, who are in the public pillory because of alleged pro-Russian activities. In the video of the week I talk about the problem of finding the truth in times of war propaganda, about the increasing narrowing of the still ”permissible” opinion corridor and how also and especially by supposed “left liberals” a dangerous pressure of conformity is created, which is incompatible with the freedom of expression enshrined in the Basic Law:” https://www.getrevue.co/profile/team-sahra/issues/abschied-von-der-liberalen-gesellschaft-1429116?utm_campaign=Issue&utm_content=view_in_browser&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sahra+Wagenknecht
I note Blinken gave speech at G7…while Emperor of China explained to Herr S the errors of German Policy…
Is Germany starting to crack?
“fortunately, we do not live in a country where you can simply be arrested and locked up because of your opinion.”
Welcome from Cruel Britannia! This is what we do to our citizens:
Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone is fighting a new battle as he counts down the weeks to his halfway release on December 28th 2022.
As the UK collapses into something resembling a ****tin-pot dictatorship**** and a ****Victorian poorhouse****, Toby continues to be targeted by the Probation Service and their colleagues in the Counter-Terror National Security Division and MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements) for his ‘thought crimes ‘, ‘anarchism’ and ‘alternative lifestyle’.
In September, Toby was informed that Cardiff-based probation officer Paul Smith had booked a series of interviews for him (without communicating these to his lawyers as instructed) with forensic psychologist Dr Harriet Chapman from the Centre for Forensic and Criminological Psychology, University of Birmingham. Dr Chapman’s intention was to interrogate Toby under the Extremism Risk Guidelines formulation tool, ERG22+. This assessment which is “intended for use with people who have been convicted of any extremist or extremist-related offence” (which he hasn’t been) considers at least 22 factors by which an individual can be regarded as an extremist and thus be subject to de-radicalisation measures. We could find no public paper detailing these 22 factors or the format of the interview.
These largely experimental and deeply authoritarian de-radicalisation measures, which appear to be rolled out on a one-to-one basis, include the Healthy Identity Intervention, Desist and Disengagement Programme, Motivational and Engagement Intervention and Developing Dialogues. All of these are highly invasive, intensive programmes designed to investigate and dismantle a targeted individual’s personal narrative, childhood and influences, to attempt to undermine their critique of the existent, to isolate them from their relationships and affinities and to re-mould them into the perfect citizen under conditions of duress. Think re-education camps and political indoctrination. In effect they are seeking to “pathologise” the holding of anarchist beliefs: anarchism as a psychological illness. This tactic of “punitive psychiatry” has been used by other authoritarian states, most notably Soviet Russia, China and the USA.
Naturally, Toby refused to co-operate, at which point he received a letter from his probation officer Mr Smith threatening that “Whilst you have every right not to engage with this piece of work, the assessment will be undertaken whether or not you take an active role in it. For your own sake though, I would suggest that it would be preferable for it to include your voice rather than being a paper-based assessment.”
Despite being found Not Guilty of any terrorist offence in October 2021 and the subsequent rejection by a High Court judge of the prosecution’s application for a Serious Organised Crime Prevention Order against Toby on the grounds of “No Necessity”, the cops have found willing partners in the probation service. Although at this stage, there appears to be no legal basis for their demands, the cops and probation are continuing to bring the same accusations and evidence to bear that failed to even make it to a trial in October 2021, but this time to a different judge.
The licensing restrictions under consideration by Probation, Counter-Terror and MAPPA are even more extreme and extensive than those applied for under the Serious Organised Crime Prevention Order that Toby defeated in May 2022. He has been re-categorised by Paul Smith, whom he has met a total of 15 minutes, as High Risk in a new OASIS report (his previous probation officer stated that Toby was Low Risk) and has been placed on MAPPA 4, Level 3 – the highest risk category under this joint agency. ****All without a trial or a conviction.****
It is clear that the UK police state is trying to set the groundwork for LASIT (****Left****, Anarchist and Single Issue Terrorism). Toby is a test case.
Draft conditions include:
– No contact with extremists or anyone arrested for extremism;
– No discussions (sharing opinions will be regarded as ‘grooming’ ‘radicalisation’ and ‘preaching’);
– No attending any meeting or gathering except for the purpose of worship;
– Only one phone, which must be handed over to the police whenever they ask for it – nothing must ever be deleted from this phone; and,
– Toby must live in an Approved Hostel for one year.
The first two conditions (contact and discussions) cannot hold water without defining who and what is an extremist and begs the question whether they will be subjecting all of Toby’s associates to ERG22+ too in order to come up with a workable plan. Equally it will interesting and enlightening to find out exactly what topics of conversation and what opinions are now forbidden in modern-day Britain: in recent weeks, we have already seen that ****silently and peacefully holding an anti-monarchy placard is an arrestable offence.****
If I understand this correctly, the proposed price cap on oil is only on the initial sale of oil from Russia. After that, whoever is fortunate enough to resell the oil can do so at extortion prices. Just imagine the furor to try to buy the initial oil. Once again poor countries will be raped and plundered as they try to buy oil at these prices.
Oh, the evils of American democracy. Is there no end in sight? Hurry up with those alternatives to IMF and World Bank, and UN especially, the supposed overseers of the world’s unity.
Interesting development re: Eurasian integration & the de-industrialization of Europe:
Energy flows are integral to global value flows.
As reported here, Saudi Arabia continues to discount crude to Asian customers compared to the price for Europeans. The article comments as follows:
“This is bad news for most of Europe as the EU embargo on Russian crude comes into effect on December 5. This means the EU’s oil import bill is set to swell at a time when it is already struggling with its gas import bill.
Asia is a priority market for the Saudis, with China, India, South Korea, and Japan its biggest buyers.”
Its been suggested since March of the possibility that we are witnessing a structural shift in energy markets with the emergence of a relatively low-cost Eurasian market on the one hand, and a high-cost European / trans-Atlantic market on the other.
Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Prices For Asia
I think it’s quite clear by now that we need to have new world organizations to replace the pro-West ones we have now. The UN and it’s associated organizations are no longer “fit for purpose”. And are actually used as a weapon against nations that the West doesn’t like. It’s time for those sovereign nations to drop out of those organizations and to form others to replace them. That will mean those UN organizations will lose all legitimacy in the worldwide community. And the West won’t be able to use them to further their designs to dominate the world.The sooner that is done the better it will be.
Its not so much that the WEF is planning to introduce transhumanism – its they’re planning on making human life inorganic.
Agenda 2030: skin-to-skin smartphone technology Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark: “I would say that by then (by 2030) the smartphone as we know it today will no longer be the most common type of interface. Many of the features of a smartphone will be built directly into our bodies.”
Remember, it is NOT a conspiracy if they’re telling us what their agenda is.
The concept of conspiracy seems to include many sorts. Some conspiracies are public, some a secret and private…but perhaps the most interesting form of conspiracy is revealed, a bit, when we examine “secrets”… Let’s say a “classified top-secret”… How can it be secret if some people know it? Obviously a secret told is no longer secret…so what’s “secret” is actually just a repression of speech… And since most “secrets” stem from matters of an open nature, say, mathematics or physics, how can a “secret” be anything but approximately public? Oh, yes, the specific details of a thing can be mysterious…the value of a condenser or what sort of plastic a circuit board is made of, the exact code for an operation… But the general fact is that most “secrets” are mostly not secret… They are distinguished not by secrecy, but by the reality that the mere fact that they are designated secret in secrecy… As in if nobody is aware that a thing is a secret, then nobody will trouble to look it up and tout it. Simply put, a secret is when no one knows it’s supposed to be secret. Of course the opposite principle sometimes works – disguising a secret by making it public…as WEF has done. In that case the secret, the conspiracy, is the plan to make it public. FWIW, considering the enhanced all cause death rate, and the “mysterious” sudden diminution in health live births, I wonder if WEF isn’t lying…telling us a story…rather like Steinbeck https://youtu.be/5Ddap2Pyhtw (mice and men last scene) or Fonda in “They Shoot Horses…” https://youtu.be/IQ5yLWgosTE By forecasting supergizmos “we” may encounter in the not-distant future does the WEF expose the secret that we will not be alive then? Expose their conspiracy to deceive the people about the plans to de-populate? Similarly, the chatter about electric cars is also a deception, as the reality is that there are not enough basic materials for a “green” replacement of the automobile – unless these exist in a much smaller population or are limited to a few…the deceptive “secret” being the reality of dearth of copper, etc…and thus the actual message is that “in future you will not have cars, if you’re even alive…so be nice and accept fate.” Secrets and conspiracies are revealed by actions taken in the physical realm, much less so by telling us things which are probably intended to deceive.
Thinking of Pelosi’s hammer… now then, hammers come is sizes…watch-makers have hammers, and I myself too…from gramm mass to 20 pound. But let’s assume the old fella in his palatial digs likes hammers, and just happened to have a 16oz carpenter’s hammer – say, on the coffee table as an Objet d’art. I am quite sure that if I at 41 had struck an 83 year old man on the head with a 16oz hammer he’d have been ruined, probably dead. The conspiratorial secret in the Pelosi matter seems to be that the old fella got only a tap, and quite possibly that came as self-defense when Pelosi assaulted his “friend”.
Which draws away the important fact that Pelosi and his friend were friends, and the obvious question as to what might bond them socially…a “secret” fondness for hammers? Or perhaps a bond we’re not supposed to notice.
Best! P
And if course, with the adaption of virtual wings, the memory of flying cars will be erased from human memory……
I am looking forward to re-booting the arses of severely frozen pixelated faces.
Cheers M
Centuries old religious tribes who have followed the return of Christ closely and have admitted that Jesus rose from the dead, and then established a church are now wishing to follow the path to the promised land.
But upon a closer observation they have found that it is the exact opposite of their beliefs, and are now at a crossroads as to the direction religion should follow verses the successful rising and establishing process.
I know the West counts on the stupidity of their populations. And they are usually correct in that thinking. But with this one they are really reaching. They want to put in a known nazi supporter as the head of NATO:
US wants official of Ukrainian descent to run NATO – NYT
A granddaughter of a WWII Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, Chrystia Freeland is reportedly Washington’s “prime” pick for the job
She is a member of the WEF and definitely does not represent the freedom and rights of Canadians.
Evergreen Tree – Cliff Richard
A song for Anna – Paul Mauriat
I just had a look at the location of the G-SIBS [Globally Systemically Important Banks] and, my god it’s not hard to work out where the contagion for a systemic global financial meltdown is most likely to emanate from.
I took the 15 largest banks [by assets Dec 2021] and looked at their balance sheet leverage. Of these banks that had leverage of more than 20:1, 3 of the 5 are Japanese banks, and the other two are French banks using the Euro currency.
Mitsubishi UFJ #6 $3.18 trillion 20.8:1
BNP Parabas #9 $2.91 22.3:1
Credit Agricole #10 $2.67 27.0:1
Sumitomo Mitsui #13 $2.18 21.1:1
Mizuhu Financial Gr. #15 $1.96 26.1:1
The huge problem here is that these banks all have off-the-books derivative debt positions which means that they are in reality far more leveraged than they declare in their balance sheets.
During the last 2 decades in particular there has been a massive expansion of derivative markets particularly for credit default, interest rate swaps, and foreign exchange contracts.
The Basel III regulations are crazy lax with maximum leverage of 33:1 of Tier 1 capital to total balance sheet, but add in the problem is off-balance sheet activities that hide significant netted-out derivative positions and the situation is incredibly risky. Only a small portion of these are shown on the balance sheets of these banks.
Also, the repo markets in Japan, Eurozone and Switzerland have allowed even further rampant leveraging. The European commercial banks have been rolling over around €9 trillion with the vast majority in euros.
#1 Massively over-leveraged balance sheets.
#2 A downturn in lending opportunities.
#3 Loan collateral falling in value.
#4 The derivative debacle on the point of implosion.
Posted in NZ on Farcebook…
1 hour ago: Washington is in talks with Moscow. Must be related to Ukraine.
Not being from a military background I found this report from Patrick Lancaster very informative:
Russia Fires TOS-1A “Heavy Flamethrower” Rockets On Kharkiv Ukraine (13:28)
Sergey Naryshkin, the Russian spy chief, revealed that he has “indirect confirmation” that the message “It’s done” from former UK PM Liz Truss to Blinken was sent shortly after the NS1 & 2 pipelines blew up.
So what does “indirect” mean?
The most likely scenario is that China provided the intel to Russia and others. The cyber capabilities of China today are no match for the US. All you hear about these days is the US complaining about huge data losses to Chinese cyber attacks. Just look at the US fear of Huawei.
After the leaks of the US digital spy arsenal and cyber methods with thousands of documents released by Snowden and Wikileaks Vault7 a global cyber arms race began.
US intelligence competitors upgraded their capabilities significantly. The result: China now dominates the space.
An attack against UK Govt devices and linked cloud accounts is trivial for Chinese Government hackers. They now control the largest arsenal of zero-day exploits providing backdoor access to most devices and servers connected to the Internet.
“Who blew up the NordStream pipelines?” was the biggest question in intelligence circles since the 9/11 attacks. So much so that when the answer was found a shockwave emanated from spy agencies about the stupidity of the perpetrators. They were caught by two words: “It’s done.”
We now have confirmation from the Russian spy chief that “It’s done” is real. Maybe he’s more credible than his US counterparts who have been caught lying to the public over and over again? The next big question is how will Russia respond? The smartest move is to do nothing. Why?
Because Russia is winning. The media isn’t telling us this but independent military experts agree that after the coming winter offensive with fresh Russian reinforcements Ukraine will fold no matter how many weapons the US & NATO send to what remains of the Ukrainian army.
The best NordStream retaliation is not to retaliate. Everybody knows who did it. Russia and China are increasingly seen as prudent, rational actors by non-western nations. The BRICS+ alliance is gaining support. A multipolar order with a new financial system seems inevitable.
The more the US escalates the conflict with Russia and China about “world domination” the more the US accelerates its own demise. Most nations like the concept of having a say in global affairs in a multipolar order with a multinational reserve currency backed by real assets.
The ultimate question is this: Will the US accept that it cannot rule the world and that it must share prosperity with all nations or will the US in a final act of arrogance destroy the world because it cannot accept that the days of living at the expense of others are over?” via Kim Dotcom
Its doubtful the US could actually destroy the world, but it could or should I say, has been doing, a splendid job destroying its own citizens and this could be worsened by harsh decisions taken over the next few moments.
Following my previous comment, in case you missed it. There’s also this:
November 3 2022 Leaked documents: British spies constructing secret terror army in Ukraine
The latest fmr US Col Douglas MacGregor
November 6th — Ukraine’s descent into chaos. (19:48)
WE hear a lot about a “rules based order” but doesnt seem to be much order in the US criminal justice system – again just exposes how degenerate the US has become:
If you murder someone in the US, you now have 50% chance of getting away with it!
Looks like France is starting to wake up & smell the coffee …
Researchers from France’s @ege_fr (school focused on economic warfare) did a survey of French intelligence experts with the question: “Which foreign powers most threaten French economic interests?”
The results are quite enlightening: the US comes first with 97% of respondents.
Three out of the 5 countries that most people would consider to be allies of France:
Assault detachments of PMC Wagner broke through the enemy defenses & have entered the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut). They have entered the city (not just the suburbs) – reliable source.
People will recall that Hal Turner uses short-wave broadcast…which sounds old-fashioned…one of the two SW stations Turner uses is WBCQ. The fellas there have a fascinating installation. See> https://youtu.be/9dUaMXxWYao
“Strong warning by German Finance Minister towards the US: “I have not been assured that the American side has completely grasped how great our concerns about the consequences [of the US Inflation Reduction Act] are”
EU, US must address concerns over US inflation act – German fin min
“What Germany (and other EU countries) are furious about is that the Biden admin has made the Inflation Reduction Act a protectionist bill that disadvantages EU companies in many sectors (auto, green economy, etc.) Full on destruction of EU economy by the US these days.
On the upside, what we are witnessing in real time is Europeans dumping the liberal ideological BS and wising up real fast on how international relations actually work. Simply took them 3 decades and a war – and it’s probably way too late – but no biggie.” – Arnaud Bertrand
“Value flows in a multipolar world are difficult to stop forever. And so it is with attempts to stymie the flow of Russian oil and gas via various sanctions regimes.
So far, Western sanctions have contributed to a geographic shift in world energy flows, with Eurasia now the beneficiaries of cheap, reliable fuel. In parallel, processes crude is then shipped back to Europe at high margins.
Sanctions have shifted the supply-demand equation resulting in rising energy costs.
The next move is the mooted price cap. No-one is forced to supply so one can expect that the likelihood of the price cap (being pursued by the G7 & Australia) will increase the risk that Russian companies will simply not supply. This further exacerbated the supply side crunch.
In any case the proposed price cap regime, according to reports, has so many exceptions that workarounds are likely.
Lastly, the threat of withdrawal of insurance for shipping has been used as the last of the big strings. As this article explains, this is also likely to fail as there are other insurers – other than those HQ’d in London – that will fill the breach.
Only in conditions of quasi or near unilateralism can Regimes of Denial work. These conditions are no longer today’s realities.”
A video on Russia that seems to be very popular. I see it around a lot. But it’s not the video that I want to highlight,it’s the viewers comments that should be seen.They are vastly positive. And most of them are by pro-Russian Westerners wishing they lived in Russia. While we may not be winning the PR war,we are certainly doing better that we thought earlier:
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence, not long now before the unsoeakable image of man with wine glass goes away..
from the Russsian poet.Leonid Schwab
I left for Mongolia to believe in a merry dream,
I accompanied a paramilitary crew,
The helicopter skid grazed me near the ear,
I was left with a permanent purple scar.
The teenagers patched a felt ball with twine,
The shepherds drank, passing the narrow cup.
I remained fully conscious ready for a command,
A stone dummy stood at the turn.
The dust would settle by nighttime; I washed my mouth;
I freed myself from the shoulder straps;
I read my heartbeats as passwords,
Was preoccupied and proud of it.
Wrapping myself in a threadbare blanket as I was taught,
I would almost hear the footsteps of the merriest dream.
But my older brother would come and he would not sing
He would begin to cough and then, like the moon, disappear.
I shouted after him, searched the air with a disobedient hand,
At night, guided by fire I scanned the perimeter
And my comrades, mortally tired after the march,
Threatened to get rid of me once and for all.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
UKR patriots claiming to want to make a move on Zelensky?