2022/10/25 13:00:02
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Just watching Redacted on this:
Putin just EXPOSED the NATO nuclear plan and they are P*SSED | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
includes an interview that Russia had already come across a dirty bomb early on. Anyone can verify this?
The RF found documents, along with the detailed bio-weapon labs.
The secret Ukrainian military programs
“Rafael Grossi of Argentina, who heads the International Atomic Energy Agency, incidentally said at the Davos Forum on May 25 that Ukraine had stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium at its Zaporizhia plant and that his agency was wondering what had happened to them.”
Value of such quantities, depending on enrichment, around $300 billion.Where is it, who enriched it?
To me, this put a serious dent in plans unless the RF found out more since then. AFAIK no comment since from the IAEA….
On or about 15 October the prohibited fella wrote on his telegram that RF had captured an aircraft loaded and ready to go, which aircraft was loaded with “dirtybomb”. The prohibited fella in Donbass… To-day he mentioned this matter again. FWIW that fella does have a strident personality which might irritate some people…he reminds me of fellas I knew in school…those guys were from Austin.
A few days ago on Sky News Australia:
‘Profound change’ has made Saudi Arabia ‘unrecognisable’
If this is true, first of all this has gone past pretty much everyone. I had no idea. Many of the comments seem to confirm these changes. In a nutshell: SA is becoming more open, esp re women’s rights. Not a word on msm of course. Anyone been to SA recently and can confirm this?
They politely told Biden, no deal on oil.
D.C. is so enraged they want to stop arms sales there! Imagine that!
After all ARAMCO, Arab American Oil Co. is the largest outfit in the world, and usually a nudge-wink got oil action.
Saudi looks ready to join BRICS+. This is massively important.
Still they are committing genocide in Yemen, public executions have not stopped, have not renounced Wahabism.
Changes are happening, and not just fashion, but in the open.
” have not renounced Wahabism” according to the author interviewed the previous extremism has been softened considerably and many of the extremists have been removed. Should actually watch the interview…
SA isn’t the only country that still executes people, or commit genocide – by proxy or otherwise. Seems only a matter of time until the war in Yemen will stop, once US involvement will stop.
They may not be the only country that executes people but are the only country to publicly behead hapless foreign maids and others from the lower ranks for trivial “offences” such as adultery, minor theft, etc.
@D dont know which country youre from but Sky ‘News’ is owned by American zionist Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and Australia is FV-EY nation being incorporated into an ‘Asian NATO’ via the QUAD (India-Japan-US-Australia) & AUKUS (Australia-UK-US) & its Foreign Policy is no longer dtermiened by its own dept of Foreign Affairs & Trade but rather by its own intel agencies: ASIS, ASiO, the US Dept of Defense (DoD), CIA & State Dept
Also KSA was a British (aka Perfidious Albion) project set up between the wars & Wahhabism* was set up by the British as a counter to Islam.
Personally I’d be very skeptical of anything that any organ of Newscorp publishes/broadcasts to on geopolitical issues.
*A history of, and the hijacking of, the Muslim faith
Still behead people publicly.
16 MAR 2022 Saudi Arabian Mass Execution of 81 People
from Canada
The West Block: Oct. 23, 2022 | Tough economic times ahead and Canadian Forces’ recruitment crisis
starting at 12:20 mins re the recruitment crisis
Basically, Canadian Forces is short over 10thousand men, one in every 10 positions is not filled. Can Forces have to stop all non-essential services.
Realistically though, instead of operating at 70thousand people, Canadian Forces are more likely operating at 45thousand people.
So that is operating at 60%, not 90%!
[side note – Russia had 70thousand volunteers show up unexpectedly when partial mobilization was announced, that is one whole Canadian Army!]
And out of that there are a significant percentage of them who are not operationally deployable or capable.
So the Can Army is inoperable. A few weeks ago there was a similar story about the US army.
Comment re China: both are threats and the fact that they want to dominate the Spheres of the world that they can influence and they’ll do it for their own national interests so we have to watch with both.
Meaning, this man has not learned how to share his cookie. That is the gist of the whole problem the west is facing: unwilling to share. Simple as that.
The interview is about 10 minutes. The comments are encouraging. Not too many ppl are buying into the narrative.
@ D Funnily enough, I’m hearing the same about Australia Army recruits.
Given the shortage of skilled workers (due to a no-immigration policy during COVID), wages are high & the Army is losing as many to private industry as it can rescruit.
Amusing to read that Rishi Sunak is appointed by his royalness…wonderful how democracy has evolved past the inefficient necessity of voting. Seriously though, who “elected” this fella, and why? UK Constitutional process is entirely mysterious to my eye.
Cabbage took out the lettuce, look out for coleslaw.
The Kremlin said Tuesday that Moscow believes there is “no hope” of improving diplomatic ties with London after the nomination of Rishi Sunak as British Prime Minister.
Sunak and Israel connection
This is a scroll down on Escobar.
how does it fit with sunak being forced onto UK as PM? we know his father in-law runs Infosys which has invested heavily in Israel, the company, Infosys, is co-directed by Uri Levine, formerly of Israeli Military Intelligence Unit 8200.
Infosys and its subsidiaries there all employ former Israeli military personnel.
This is a scroll down on Escobar.
We like to feed the old veggies and such garbage to the chickens….of course we get fresh eggs in exchange, and fertilizer.
Seriously, thanks… P
Excellent Lodestar – you beat me to it.
– ex-Goldman Sachs bankster
– is worth £730million – thats pounds – not dollars!
– wife is believed to still have shares worth around £700m in Infosys
– supports recognizing West JerUSAlem as Israeli capital (what hope of a Two-State Solution?)
– vows to legislate against the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement which works to end international support for Israel’s apartheid & ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people
More on Infosys:
– runs India’s AADHAAR the world’s largest biometric ID system (The UK will become George Orwell’s 24/7 dystopia in no time at all under Sunak)
– World Bank (an arm of US Foreign Policy) Chief Economist Paul Romer described Aadhaar as “the most sophisticated ID programme in the world”
– handles sh*t for US #1 chipmaker – it’s all connected.
– has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Israeli government “to establish and enhance cooperation”
was a key investor in the setup of CloudEndure, a cloud computing company set up by former officers of Israeli Unit 8200 (IOW, an intel-gathering front organization)
NOTE: For those who don’t know, Unit 8200 is the signals intelligence arm of Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) that monitors the Palestinian people & uses their sensitive information to blackmail them
Sidebar: The last 3 UK PM’s BoJo, Truss, Sunak are Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders i.e. groomed to be the globalist managerial class
Along with Canada’s Trudeau (who recently joked the Canadian media is so compliant because his government paid them $CA600million) & New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern looks like the WEF are making a serious tilt for this 2030 Great Reset: “By 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy”
Remember, it can’t possibly be a conspiracy theory if they’re telling us what their agenda is.
Britain has no written constitution. A bunch of laws sure, and new ones are being added by the day which violate any constitutional rights.
er, the USA, Germany are doing that too.
Rules4US, Laws4You .
Yes… You ought to understand that I often use a subtle sarcasm… When the UK PM is anointed by a hereditary king it’s clear what the meaning of the ad hoc English Constitution is… We note that Magna Carta is no longer spoken of, or in effect. Nevertheless some understand, believe, that there is an English Constitution…one that exists divorced from mere law, and which abides…Mortimer’s Rumpole films express a lot about that Constitution.
Best! P
Rumpole of the Bailey?
Rumpole of the Bailey – November
Who installed R. Sunak, a former Goldman Sach’s bankster? Who: the US/EU/UK Financial Aristocrats who own & bribe the leading politicians in the UK and the EU. This is NOT new “news,” by the way.
So now, the UK citizens now have a cutthroat Goldman Sach’s bankster leading the citizens into abject neglect and poverty.
You only have to find the financial stats on multiple millions of American citizens. US Financial Capitalism has destroyed that society with Debt, more Debt, and very few good paying jobs. Get used to it, UK/EU citizens.
American capitalism is coming your way. Try: http://www.ShadowStats.com.
If there are any German speakers here:
Russland und die Ukraine – Vortrag von Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
Oct 17, 2022
Excellent talk on Russia and Ukraine. Great for sharing, especially with those who follow a very one-sided narrative, offer them a bit of a different view by someone who used to be a highly regarded Russia expert. She is very balanced and realistic in her views. I say used to be regarded since she rarely gets any airtime these days. Partly because she refuses to take part in circus-like talk shows where she is invited to be the one stand-out guest that contradicts the official narrative. She is well aware of that. So she talks to receptive audiences instead.
Sarah Wagenknecht is doing fine :
Gefährliche Eskalation – Wie uns Baerbock und Co immer weiter in den Krieg hineinziehen
Looks like the Dem rage at the petition to Biden, has caused a retraction.
In 24hrs the progressives seemingly were rolled over by a Party tank.
The petition is public – save it, they will likely try to trash it.
The US Progressive Democrats, the Squad, were lying their Azov.
Evidently there is a thrilling new red line in the offing…having to do with the DB affair(s)… Barns speculates that the referenced statement implies that the Russians would view a DB as making their nuclear posture active…ie as a nuclear level attack on Russia.
Interestingly Dances With Bears has a new essay that seems to see a picture of the bignaziunterseeboot navy doing a first strike on those pesky reds… Do read the Helmer fella…
We of course assume that there is no connection whatsoever> “Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇲⚡Russia has notified the United States of the start of a nuclear deterrent exercise on October 26, which will include launches of ballistic and cruise missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.”
Good article. it seemed to waffle a little, or it was me, between saying the US reigned supreme in the nuke department and saying it was just posturing. He said the US was sending Russia a signal, for the sake of those who haven’t read the article, by surfacing a submarine in the North Arabian Sea, thereby showing the threat of perhaps functioning U$ missiles to “Russia’s soft underbelly”. The idea being it was either a threat or showing the actual willingness of sh t gibbons in the U$ Navy to nuke Russia.
My thoughts on the American military quite align with my thoughts on Bonobo Chimpanzees. All display behavior. They actually wave their genitals at each other in a hierarchical fashion. A pecking order or in the U$’s case, the pecker order. Worth the read.
Indeed, thinking about that special submarine get-together.
“…General Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla [lead image, lower right] , commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia [top], a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. Kurilla was joined on the USS West Virginia by Vice Admiral Brad Cooper [lower left], commander of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and NAVCENT.” ” (Helmer)
also> https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/3194160/centcom-commander-embarks-uss-west-virginia-ballistic-missile-submarine/ (the General wanted to say hi and see the nifty gizmos….right)
also> https://www.sublant.usff.navy.mil/SSBN736/ (where we are charmed by the name of the CO…appropriately we assume he’s known as Pizzon, in an informal sense. “Pisoni”… I’m sure he’s a fine naval officer too.)
When we study, for example, the Pearl Harbor matter, we prise out details about secret orders…(Cruise of the Lanikai is a fun example) When we go deeper we come to the Automedon / Atlantic “coincidence” and Yamamoto’s decision…
While I tend to agree that surfacing does telegraph, it sends more than one signal. It seems quite clear to me that Captain Pisoni took instructions that cannot be transmitted…recall Ben Wallace said the comms were compromised. The instruction may even have been verbal only.
Surfacing seems less the signal, the face to face with C/O-CENTCOM, boomer Cap Pisoni, and Fifth Fleet and NAVCENT C/O Cooper – that’s what’s significant…hand-carried face to face orders, with witnesses-two services represented- highhonchos outvote a mere boomer captain, and it’s a “tellmetwice”, he’s under no doubt about his orders. One implication is that USN VLF/ULF system…see “Jim Creek”….is considered insecure, or possibly technically inadequate due to data volume/rate … not only the transatlantic comms. I wonder…it seems like they don’t trust their encryption…is that because they don’t trust the officers and enlisted people involved, or civilians, or companies? That’s my bet.
Nevertheless, using the ULF the order to execute the secret order, or not, would seem natural and practical… Minds a fella of Ripper and Plan R…sorta. What was the recall code anyway? OPE?
Trouble ahead. I have read that some US missile submarines carry atomic gadgets of “tactical” size…and I wonder if Hull # 736 is one of those. I suppose the Russians have a pretty good grasp…and perhaps that grasp is the reason the nazis don’t trust their comms.
I much preferred peacetime.
The United States showed its readiness to launch a nuclear strike on Russia
There are details of nuke war policies, and the fact a US Boomer showed its position, a major signal.
The US has a nuke first-use posture.
“Does the United States have the ability to launch a disarming and unanswered nuclear strike on Russia instantly, within minutes? For decades, it has been believed that no, any U.S. attack would trigger an immediate similar response from the Russian military. But now there is reason to believe that Washington has come to a different conclusion – and is brazenly demonstrating it.”
On Thursday, October 20, an exceptional event took place in the Arabian Sea. ”
This is worse than Cuba. Ray McGovern makes it very clear.
Even if so-called dirty bombs are duds, as Scott Ritter writes:
and they have been tested by at least 3 countries, Russia obviously expects a Bucha or Syrian chemical attack to preempt a missile attack again.
And there is a NATO nuclear exercise right now in motion.
Russia is fully aware of all this obviously. There must be frantic calls going on we are told about.
Maybe the US elections will be cancelled, one way or the other?
The amount of dirt he has on Western leaders alone means he is a walking dead man once his role of a lifetime act has expired its use by date. Easiest job in the world will be finding a Ukrainian with a grudge, or a general willing to step up the old school way, perfectly in line with NATO’s plausible deniability of ‘we didn’t dunnit’. The original dindus.
The serfs were scared barbarians
would destroy their precious garden
Serfs protected their garden
against the encroaching jungle
But now winters frost is approaching
what will become of this beautiful garden
The liege lord looks strictly at the hearts
of serfs who came to become gardeners
The suzerain will allow its garden to wilt
but cannot bear to lose its precious garden
The Quickening
As men of power sow deceit
They go from health to sickening.
They try to hide the split inside
As darkness comes a-quickening.
As men of might they stand so tall
And have no time for quibbling.
They try to pretend there is no end
Until they’re old and piddling.
As men of strength weaken and fail,
Sometimes you’ll see them beckoning.
They try to pretend it wasn’t them,
As they await their reckoning.
As men of fear they will repent,
And believe the lies they’re peddling.
“It wasn’t me, your honour, you see,
‘Twas someone else’s meddling!”
As men of power sow deceit,
They go from health to sickening.
They no longer hide the split inside
For darkness comes a-quickening!
Grab at straws while you can,
the camel is about to leave the barn.
Round up the horses and set them free,
fatten the turkey for future glee,
open the door, who needs a key?
well, bring out the turkey
we’ll fatten her up,
for the day of thanksgiving
will come
bring out the jousters
bring out the jesters
dance to the fiddle
and drum
open the windows
open the doors
then wait for the time
of full moon
round up your forces
your camels and horses –
we’ll be done and dusted
by noon!
the fine line
between truth and illusion
is laid bare by love
A beautiful poem and rendition of Zehaal-e-Miskeen –
by Amir Khusrau
A translation –
Do not overlook my misery
by blandishing your eyes, and weaving tales;
My patience has over-brimmed,
O sweetheart, why do you
not take me to your bosom.
Long like curls in the night of separation,
short like life on the day of our union;
My dear, how will I pass
the dark dungeon of night
without your face before.
Suddenly, using a thousand tricks,
those enchanting eyes robbed me
of my tranquil mind;
Who would care to go and report
this matter to my darling
Tossed and bewildered, like a flickering candle,
I roam about in the fire of love;
Sleepless eyes, restless body,
neither does comes she,
nor sends any message.
Meanwhile some further notes on the archetypal condition of
the current week in which the acting guises of our time, and we all, each of us,
are moving: it’s the mysterium of the Scorpio which is unfolding …
In Germany the revolution 1918, the ‘Kristall-Nacht’, the fall of
the ‘Mauer’ all on November 9.
The study of man is the study of man in symbolic time. More about that
in my Blog:
This 43. Week 2022:
about the DB project, and I do wonder how the special instructions to submarine fit into this…
❗️Киевский режим уже завершил техническую подготовку к провокации с “грязной бомбой” — РИА Новости со ссылкой на источник, знакомый с ситуацией
Специалисты украинского «
“Южмаш” подготовили муляж ракеты комплекса “Искандер”, который планируется начинить радиоактивным материалом, а затем якобы сбить над зоной отчуждения Чернобыльской АЭС силами украинской ПВО и заявить о пуске ядерного заряда российскими вооруженными силами.
Он уточнил, что муляж ракеты “Искандера” сделан на основе снаряда ракетного комплекса “Точка-У”: После того, как муляж “собьют”, киевские власти намерены показать западным и украинским СМИ фрагменты макета и элементы электроники якобы ракеты “Искандер”, чтобы убедить западную общественность в виновности России.”
Passing through the trans-o-tron>
The Kiev regime has already completed technical preparations for a provocation with a “dirty bomb” — RIA Novosti with reference to a source familiar with the situation
of the Ukrainian Yuzhmash have prepared a dummy rocket of the Iskander complex, which is planned to be filled with radioactive material, and then allegedly shot down over the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant by Ukrainian air defense forces and announce the launch of a nuclear charge by the Russian armed forces.
He clarified that the mock-up of the Iskander missile was made on the basis of the projectile of the Tochka-U missile system: After the dummy is “shot down”, the Kiev authorities intend to show fragments of the mock-up and electronics elements of the alleged Iskander missile to Western and Ukrainian media in order to convince the Western public of Russia’s guilt.
Here is a list, includes dirty bomb with a ton of other stuff.
Much more than nuclear strike exercises
BREAKING Russia conducts nuclear strike exercises at military training grounds
[Forwarded from Fiorella Isabel News & International Politics (Fiorella)]
Use link
?Russia asserts proof of “dirty bomb”plot
?Putin says Ukraine has become an instrument of US foreign policy, used as a battering ram against Russia
? Ukraine has effectively lost its sovereignty
?Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu said the training is being conducted to deliver a massive nuclear strike in response to an enemy nuclear strike
? Various intercontinental & cruise missiles were launched
?All targets planned within framework of the exercises were hit
? Launches from nuclear submarines, mobile missile systems & long-range aircraft also practiced
? Putin also stated that Ukraine has become a “testing ground” for biological experience & its threat is equal in scale to ISIS
?Putin reiterated Russia’s aware of “Dirty bomb” plan
? Putin also said conflict potential in the world is very high
? World is becoming multipolar, but some try to “preserve their tottering hegemony”
? Some in international community sabotaged the Nord Streams & such actions are destruction of the European energy infrastructure
? Nord Streams explosion caused huge damage to European economy & is making life worse for millions
?Attempts to implement the scenarios of “color revolutions” continue & conflicts are instigated in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
? ISIS trying to infiltrate CIS
? Today talks held via video conference between Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu & the Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China, Colonel General Wei Fenghe, discussing Ukraine
?Shoigu conveyed concern about possible provocations by Ukraine w use of a “dirty bomb”
?Polyanskiy: We have just asked for an AOB on the possibility of creation of a dirty bomb in Ukraine by Ukrainian authorities. We think it is a very serious threat. Ukraine has the capacity and all the reasons to do so, because we know that firstly, Zelensky’s regime wants to avoid defeat and secondly, it wants to involve NATO in a direct clash with Russia, which is very dangerous but profitable for Zelensky’s regime to remain in power.
?We indicated that a dirty bomb is not a sophisticated device. It is a shell with some radioactive waste, and it is very difficult to detect activities that create such dirty bombs. But we have information that we shared both in the letter that we sent yesterday and also in telephone conversations of our Minister of Defense and his counterparts from several countries.
?There are at least two facilities that have appropriate scientific knowledge for creating dirty bombs. They are also indicated in our letter, which I think everyone has seen, so I will not dwell on more details. I think I will limit myself to it and answer your questions.
This is up your alley. Isn’t it a mistake to give the location, i.e. the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant? Can’t satellites track the trajectory and give an area of missile origin? Space-based infrared sensors for detecting energy emitted from ballistic missile launches have been detected since the seventies. Russia has some spy satellites, China launching more.
China launches a third group of Yaogan 35 spy satellites
By Andrew Jones published August 02, 2022
The launch adds to China’s growing Earth observation and reconnaissance capabilities.
Its a psyops operation, amusing but true, there is really no truth to the dirty bomb blast except ones ability to clean their own house.
Besides security there is also right now :
BRICS Scientific, Technological and Innovative Cooperation (Plenary Session)
Discussed (8 hours) also were a new financial credit system, and fusion power and energy (at 2:03:0)
Program :
All the terrorism, NATO sabotage, provocations, sanctions, are to prevent this, which is reality, Scientific and Technological Innovative Cooperation.
Sometimes reality gets lost in the fog of hybrid war.
One look at the program, participants and discussion points reminds us of the actual problems, and solutions.
There was a time when this was discussed in the USA.
For Andrei :
What is going on in Bern_
Same as it ever was Bonbon… the word “neutral” is used only in the sense that, it doesn’t matter what global atrocities are going on, Switzerland will do its absolute level best to profit from the carnage. None of this is about right or wrong… it’s all about ghoulish opportunism and blood money.
It is no coincidence that Davos is located in Switzerland and that the Nazi-inspired war booty laundering bank that became the BIS, the central bank of central banks of the globe, is in Basel.
Neither is it any great surprise that the BIS building is modelled on the legendary Tower of Babel… and that our NZ Beehive Parliament was based on the very same inspiration.
NZ and Switzerland both openly underwrite and voice solidarity with murderous neo-Nazis in Ukraine. They are complicit in permanently wrecking Europe and risking nuclear escalation that could threaten the very survival of our species.
Even NZ is not far enough away if this turns ugly… Switzerland, one of the most stunningly beautiful countries on earth, is practically on its doorstep… as such in the near future they could very well cease to exist.
They helped the Nazis in the last big war… I wonder how they will fare this time around.
“It is no coincidence that Davos is located in Switzerland and that the Nazi-inspired war booty laundering bank that became the BIS, the central bank of central banks of the globe, is in Basel”
And the first Zionist Congress meeting was held in Basel.
but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. ;) ;)
BIS co-founder Hjalmar Schacht, with BofE chief Norman Montague, was Hitler’s finance and economics minister – copied the British labor camps from the Boer War. Schacht sat smirking through Nuremberg trials in ermine – BIS is absolutely not Swiss, and all mgmt are eternally immune from prosecution. And SS Schellenberg made a deal with the Dulles there before surrender.
Meanwhile Swiss commodity trading is booming!
Why Russian LNG Exports To Europe Exploded This Summer
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Why-Russian-LNG-Exports-To-Europe-Exploded-This-Summer.htmlRussian LNG!
Complicated world…
@bonbon/Uncle Davy…
Just to be clear re your statement… “BIS is absolutely not Swiss”
Absolutely!… my observation was that it is located in Basel, not that it is a Swiss institution.
Interestingly its balance sheet at US$400 billion is only around one 22nd of that of the FED!
The ownership is limited to the 63 member central banks [or 62 since the RF pulled out]. As such this entity is truly multinational.
I think Carroll Quigley nailed its shady nature beautifully with this description:
“The Power of financial capitalism had another far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.
The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations.
Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world”.
… end quote…
The vast majority of these central banks are not privately owned. However, in this realm, ownership by a sovereign nation, even if the entirety of the shares is Govt owned, is of little consequence in terms of independence of policy, when these central banks take their marching orders directly from the BIS.
In reality, any notion of independence in what is effectively a private club, is utterly farcical as the policy is largely dictated by this cabal made up of kleptocratic private corporations. NZ is a “good” [sic] example here, as although the shareholding is 100% owned by the NZ Govt, the RBNZ takes many of its cues from the BIS as it is a paid-up member of the club of 62.
And don’t the Germans and the Swiss just love the idea of central banks… so much so that between these two countries, one of which is tiny, they have no less than four of the damned things!
Cheers from Downunder
The Chief Twit , Elon Musk, just barged into HQ with a kitchen sink, will fire 75% :
and that just before elections. Talk about a skirmish!
Not sure of Musk’s politics but he’s removing the shadow banning & restoring the true no. of tweeters’ followers eg George Galooway of the MOAT talk show had his capped at 440,000
As of today its already risen to ~441,900.
I personally believe in free speech but that involves allowing the freedom of values that I even despise.
Regarding the horrific terrorist attack in Iran, and the subsequent fear of reprisals.
The fear of security contractors from Iran’s response to the terrorist act in Shiraz Hesitating to escape
Terrorist attack in the shrine of Shahcheragh/shooting at pilgrims near Majeah Sharif/15 martyrs and 19 injured/announcement of 3 days of public mourning + video and pictures
Hell to pay. Now comes the cowering-The attack could not have happened because there was a gate. Social networks, are casting doubts about whether this is a terrorist issue in order to downplay the role of the security services in this terrorist act.
Some of these media have raised priceless uncertainties such as the impossibility of a terrorist act under the pretext of having a security gate in Shahcheragh, while the terrorist attacker targeted the guard upon entering and entered the shrine, and the publication of the images of this moment will determine the truth of the matter. he does.
04 November 1401 – 23:01political newsIran politics news
The fear of security contractors from Iran’s response to the terrorist act in Shiraz Hesitating to escape
By accelerating their activities on social networks, London-based and Saudi Farsi-language media are casting doubt on the terrorist nature of the Shahcheragh incident in order to downplay the role of the security services in this terrorist act.
According to the political correspondent of Tasnim news agency , following the terrorist act in the Shahcheragh shrine, foreign Persian language media and their satellite services on social networks, in order to overshadow this inhumane and terrorist act, put a single and uniform instruction on the agenda in an organized manner. have given.
These media and the people active in them, by accelerating their activities on social networks, are casting doubts about whether this is a terrorist issue in order to downplay the role of the security services in this terrorist act; These pro-violence media have forgotten that they have been calling for armed presence and anti-security measures for a month, and even in many cases they were officially teaching anti-security, terrorist and quasi-terrorist measures.
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Terrorist attack in Shahcheragh shrine/shooting at pilgrims next to Majeah Sharif/15 martyrs and 19 injured so far + video and pictures
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An informed security source: the perpetrator of the Shiraz incident was a Wahhabi-Takfiri element
This psycho-media operation of the spy and terrorist services takes place while Abdul Hamid Rigi, Abdul Majid Rigi, Jamshid Sharmahed or people like Habib Farajullah Chaab, the leader of the Harakat al-Nidal terrorist group, were among the terrorists supported by them who committed numerous terrorist acts in Iran and They had acknowledged their terrorist activities in different ways.
The terrorist groups of the hypocrites, Al-Qaeda, Jaish al-Zalm, Daesh, Al-Nusra and dozens of other groups were and are openly supported by the American spy services, the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia, and their specialty is assassination and terrorist acts, and today they receive a large part of the capital supporting these media. The Saudi regime provides.
While it is only a few hours old, these media had focused all their attention on the developments inside Iran and invested a lot of media on intensifying the inflammation on the 40th day of Mehsa Amini’s death, after the widespread disregard of the Iranian people to their numerous calls. Despite the blood spilled by the pilgrims of the Shahcheragh shrine, he put the strategies of “censorship” or “casting doubt” on the reality of today’s terrorist incident in his agenda and put all his efforts on republishing some videos of some limited tensions in several parts of Iran’s cities. They have placed it so that the so-called news and media line that they have advertised for a long time will not be lost.
The intensity of hatred and malice of these media against Iran is so great that they ignore the killing of women and children with their extreme way of thinking and inhuman view of devaluing human life and try to make the killing of people a project of the republican system by accusing Iran. interpret Islam to sideline the protests against them. The facts on the streets of the country show which narrative is true and which side of the story is sympathetic and concerned about the security and peace of the Iranian people.
Some of these media have raised priceless uncertainties such as the impossibility of a terrorist act under the pretext of having a security gate in Shahcheragh, while the terrorist attacker targeted the guard upon entering and entered the shrine, and the publication of the images of this moment will determine the truth of the matter. he does.
Ayatollah Raisi, the president and other high-ranking officials of the country, while clearly warning the terrorists, have emphasized that the main agents and designers of this terrorist act will be dealt with regretfully, and it seems that this warning has caused great fear among the regimes that support terrorist groups. and they seek to
cast doubt on the essence of the story
@Lodestar, Thank you for bringing the current facts re: terrorist atrocity in Iranian temple complex to my attention. With women and children, and servants caring for the shrine and it’s pilgrams, among those mowed down. With confused little ones unable to process that they are now orphaned.
– Why does this sound like Palestine?
– Why do west’s sock puppet terrorists target the most sacred of our (humanity’s) places?
– Why is Israel bombing civilians in Damascus, again!
– Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Syrian Tigers, China, do not target places of worship. Do not target civilians.
– But Russia is a terrorist state? Sure.
– How are there still any sheeple snoring at the wheel?
I can’t see videos on Twitter (my electronics are outdated), but even the still shots are too gruesome. What’s left of human remains being carried out in bloody bags by visibly distraught security. The attack was bizarre, just shooting and shooting and shooting, as if the terrorist was dazed.
– Why does this sound like a school shooting?
Shiraz is an ancient holy city, a city of prophets and sufi poets. Photos of the temple complex (prior to today’s events) dazzle the eye.
In Iran, the West responds to their terrorist-foreign-actor “protests” against Iran and their terrorist attacks against Iran by increasing sanctions. …On Iran.
(The West responds to Tigray’s terrorist attacks on Ethiopia by increasing sanctions. …On Ethiopia.)
We live in a cartoon.
Press TV says the perp was arrested.
Iran knows who the true perps are. And will strike. Those of us living in the West stand accused.
Very surprising to find this there!
US gets a nasty surprise in Ukraine
Biden’s own party calling for negotiated war settlement while Moscow’s ‘dirty bomb’ claim may actually have merit
Originally from https://www.indianpunchline.com/us-gets-a-nasty-surprise-in-ukraine/
“Kiev has been deprived of its last hurrah, as Russia nips the “dirty bomb” in its buds, clearing the pathway for its grand offensive to end the war. Whether the planned Russian offensive will go ahead would depend on any meeting between Biden and President Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali on Nov, 15-16. “
@bonbon, re: The plea by 30 left-wing US lawmakers from President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party in AsiaTimes.
The letter has already been retracted – and the staff ‘thrown under the bus’ by Jayappal
I know – posted in nearby news.
AsiaTimes picked up https://www.indianpunchline.com/us-gets-a-nasty-surprise-in-ukraine/
“Kiev has been deprived of its last hurrah, as Russia nips the “dirty bomb” in its buds, clearing the pathway for its grand offensive to end the war. Whether the planned Russian offensive will go ahead would depend on any meeting between Biden and President Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali on Nov, 15-16. ”
What the author wrote is very curious indeed,a long term India diplomat.
The idea that the naziplan includes the expulsion of Russia from the UNSC keeps echoing in mind. I am sure that’s part of their bigbigplan. The veto an’ all… Accordingly, it’s interesting to read in the matter of the previous expulsion, and the illegal but legalistic shenanigans they used in 1939 – these may foreshadow and provide a model – which dove-tails into the “crime”…the falseflagnazidirtybombgag that RF has pretty well fubared so far…but nazis always double…if necessary the FF will be a real tac/nuk…IMHO.
Anyway…searchterm “the expulsion of USSR from league of nations” gives an array of highly canonical (politically aligned to doctrine) history…and some true stuff…the legal details and the private diaries of the key men, and their bank records…must have been studied…they, of course, taken comprehensively expose the realpolitik .
Hey, it worked in ’39, they’re doing an encore.
The previous affair date> 14 December 1939….recalling how the occultnazifinks cotton to numerologicalmummery…
The political chaos, helpless and clueless leaders on Londons western front seems to have drawn to a terrifying close with the UK’s new prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who happens to be of Indian descent, filling the vacumm.
A well orchestrated coup nontheless, with the country without a government for some days now headed by a man who will do as he is told, is ruthles and has been inaugerated without a single vote.
In UK we have a postal strike. The timing is perfect (unlike second class delivery) The union IMHO is totally corrupt and simply adding to the general chaos. The whole service became a triumph of ego over common sense. But now it’s being led over a cliff. Same in the NHS. I understand there is ONE paid Unison rep covering the entire county. Reminds me of a Nilsson song;
re: Musk’s successful takeover of Twitter:
Twitter employees admit that they won’t be able to artificially boost the hashtags supporting regime change in Iran & the Ukrainian proxy war, or help astroturf “social movements”
Musk, Chief Twit, as he tweets himself, arrived at HQ with a kitchen sink – let that sink in!
All upper mgmt fired, even escorted out with security (1 gets $46 million severance).
Russian president Vladimir Putin takes part in Valdai discussion club meeting – watch live
English vocal, and yes I know, the Grauniad..
Putin said the common economic home from Lisbon to Vladivostok, as German Chancellor Kohl proposed, will sooner or later happen, when Europe recovers its independence .
A pioneer of rock has passed at 87, RIP Jerry,
I’ll find it where I can……
Cheers M
War, propaganda, and blindness –
by Thierry Meyssan
When war comes, governments always believe that they must boost the morale of their people by showering them with propaganda. The stakes are so high, life and death, that debates get tougher and extremist positions become popular. This is exactly what we are witnessing, or rather how we are being transformed. In this game, the ideas defended by some and others have nothing to do with their ideological presuppositions, but with their proximity to power…
Musk circles his wagons and takes out two Indians.
EU Commissioner to Elon Musk: Twitter will play by our rules
The EU demonstrating how it believes that democracy should only be allowed on its terms.
The fact the west seeks to constantly censor anyone who legitimately questions the official government narrative, demonstrates not only disdain for democracy and fear but an admission that their own position is weak and justifiably could be subject to constructive criticism.
The Sirius Report
BREAKING: Elon Musk has fired Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal & head of legal policy, trust & safety Vijaya Gadde, reports Reuters
So, the Indians were behind the wokism and censorship of twitter? horrendous.
The United States has to thank many of the following Indians for wokism, censorship, loss of privacy, harassment, programming, and the demise of freedom.
Famous Indian CEOs at the helm of major American companies.
Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc. …
Parag Agrawal, Twitter. …
Satya Nadella, Microsoft. …
Shantanu Narayen, Adobe Inc. …
Arvind Krishna, IBM. …
Raj Subramaniam, FedEx. …
Leena Nair, Chanel. …
CS Venkatakrishnan, Barclays.
More items…•Sep 2, 2022
Rishi Sunak, heavily influenced by commie California, has become the UK’s first prime minister of Indian descent. He almost looks like a US plant across the pond.
The 42-year-old has made the California chapter of his biography a key part of his public persona.
He frequently cites his time there in his 20s and early 30s to burnish his credentials as a business-savvy leader.
“I have lived and worked in California and I actually think it’s one of the reasons that I would be good at this job,” he told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg last month while running for the Conservative leadership.
But a more life-changing landmark in those early US years occurred when he met his wife, Akshata Murty, daughter of the founder of Indian tech firm Infosys.
So programmed is Sunak and unable to think for himself thanks to that special blend of California communism that the following is no surprise.
M. K. Bhadrakumar
3/3 “and the second conversation with Biden. Thus, Sunak is being groomed as to where to go and how. Although he himself is likely to handle economic issues, as there is loads of work to do and the failure is huge.”
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M. K. Bhadrakumar
2/3 “Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, the same goes for the Home Office and the rest. This shows that the government’s foreign policy will remain about the same. The first steps are also known. Among them was a conversation with Zelensky…
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M. K. Bhadrakumar
1/3 Russian Ambassador to UK, Andrey Kelin on Moscow TV: “As for the course the new government will take, the new appointments and initial moves speak to this. The same people who were there before have been appointed to key positions: