2022/10/01 04:30:01
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“After all, how do you successfully end a war if people are led to believe the reason for its existence is not only legal but noble?” asks the prime minister. “How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? How do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld, when they are subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology? The weapons may be different, but the goals of those who perpetuate them is often the same. To cause chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves. To disband communities. To collapse the collective strength of countries who work together. But we have an opportunity here to ensure that these particular weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare.”
The US government and her EUro-vassals have the same morals as Charles Manson and his family of killers. That their family is NATO and the EUC means little. Killing being wrong is only a thought that will pass for them. Morality is a false construct, easily cast aside in a moment of passion. These deluded prigs think their every passing thought is important but any moral qualm is to be forgotten as it impinges upon their passion. Cocaine is the paasion of government and all of these delusional mediocrities bathe in the self delight of their ‘greatness’. It will not end until we rise up in truly terrible greatness and embrace our own inner beasts. Why? They suborn your greatness to create their man behind the curtain illusions. Ever imagine you could take the useless and meaningless leaders of your country in a bar fight?
“there was a stone in the middle of the road
there was a stone
in the middle of the road there was a stone
the stone was Russia.”
— with thanks to Dr. NG Maroudas who inspired this adaptation..
the stone in my shoe
is not my enemy, my
enemy is me
Stony faced
Could I be your enemy?
I’d rather be your enemy
Than nothing
It might take your attention
Away from yourself
You never know
And I’d be something hated
Everyone here would suddenly care
As if I was Russia
Analysing the enemy
Imagining it was them:
‘Hm,what would I do….?
Just go to them
Take the stone out of their shoe
Then we’ll all shake hands
Oh the relief to walk freely again
Now hey’ve kneeled and taken
The stone from your shoe
Ununited West, thanks for the poem. The last two stanzas are wonderful.
That which we stand for is now Russia’ burden, while most of us would prefer to be mere spectators. Then why should Russia expend its blood and treasure? After all, which other country has the courage to raise its head and state the obvious, apart Russia. The least we can do, is to provide moral and intellectual support to it in this difficult fight against the hegemon, which is hell bent in maintaining its suzerainty over each and every person or nation.
A great speech by the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The full version in RT –
Ithe last two stanza’s
of that terrifying dance
no words could discribe
the horror tearing my soul apart
thepeace of unity, love and trust
deliberatelly tormenting the fight
for peace.
after the storm
comes the calm; the separation
of soul from the body
the mite in thy eye
is greater than any might
you might think of
Andrei Martyanov recalled Michael Hudson’s article on the West. After blowing up NS1 and NS2 “ends the uncertainty and worries on the part of US/NATO diplomats that nearly reached a crisis proportion previous the week.”
The reason the uncertainty ended is that whoever blew up the pipeline burned their bridges over which to retreat east , toward the Heartland. Unfortunately , in the current situation in western Europe, no one can breathe a sigh of relief. Blowing up the pipelines should strike terror into most people, as cutting off the only escape route for Europe. European Union politicians are deliberately and premeditatedly aiming for the collapse of Europe’s economic system. What appears to many commentators that the liquidation of industry in Europe is aimed at saving industry in the US are unconfirmed fairy tales because …. industry in the US is virtually non-existent. The relocation of German companies to Europe is not aimed at supplying Europe with industrial goods. The goal is to supply the US with these goods. Europe is to die.
Of course, European politicians are just stupid. When the system collapses nothing works. When the families of the military or the police suffer hunger and gait , one can hardly expect the politicians to be protected by the military and the police. Europe is in danger of total chaos. After NS blows up , the barriers that cut Germany off from life-giving gas are Ukraine and Poland. It is through these countries that run pipelines that are the only supply routes for a cheap source of energy. If Europe wants to survive it must solve this problem together with Russia. Russia the problem of Ukraine, Europe the problem of Poland – America’s faithful vassal. History teaches or that for 400 years Poland has been a zone of Anglo-Saxon influence used to weaken Russia. In the 19th century, the uprisings in Poland , were not so much independence uprisings, but were inspired by the Anglo-Saxons to spite Russia. In the Prussian partition, despite the fact that the persecution of Polishness there was much greater than in the Russian partition, no significant uprising broke out for 128 years. After 1989, Poland became a neo-colony of the US. a country completely dependent on the overseas hegemon. At this point, the key to Europe’s survival is Poland and liberating it from the power of elites influenced by the US.
Janek: you make very good points about the terrible plight that will descend upon the citizenry of Western Europe.
Indeed, you would think blowing up those pipelines would “strike terror” in the hearts of those citizens.
But, how many millions of EU citizens are starting to think there’s far more than just a pipeline being blown up and understanding how their entire society will be deeply affected by the US Financial/EU Hegemon will lay waste their cultures, their jobs, the public institution such as public health care, universities and more.
All they have to do is to see what has happened to the US society with the monolithic rise between the Super Wealthy vs the millions of citizens with their part-time, very low wage jobs; astronomical costs they pay using credit cards & bank loans to pay for cars, rents, medical insurance, university loans, medical care and the highest tech costs in the world for their wi-fis, cellulars, laptops and tvs.
According to Statista, the US population is IN DEBT to the tune of 15TRILLION $$$s.
If that hegemon succeeds, that’s what Western European citizens will be forced to bear.
See Professor Veghi’s two articles on this coming reality: http://www.philosophicalsalon.com “Pause for Thought” & his article written in July or August of this years: ’22.
Focus is on The Speech & {Setting}
5️⃣ Misc.
(A) “If thou gaze long into the Aviators, the Aviators will also gaze into thee.” The Pirates are curiously mum about NS1 + NS2.. whereto Oh, Narrative? the dog that did not bark. Everybody Knows
(B) The Scene at the “Cathedral.” Ignore unfriendly channel, decent video..
• Indefatigable Lavrov and serene Shoigu in third row, Big-Bearded Clerics in sixth row (in millennial speech reaffirming Tradition!), Naryshkin haggard in fourth row — Russia is a tough place for an audience. The Friend from Leningrad, Sergei Ivanov, rose-cheeked in second row. In first row with plenty of leg room are Energy Prince Novak (from Avdiivka, Donetsk), Yoda & Doppelgänger, all relaxed. Against the side wall stands Oleg Deripaska at ramrod attention, ceremonial pens and piss-bucket at the ready (ok, imagined this last).
• This is a gathering at peace at what will unfold, in lockstep and with many with grim determination and full of anticipation. And the hip Court of the Men of St. Petersburg is not the gerontocracy of the Olde USSR or the drain-circling USSA..
(C) The Speech transcript I would think the Saker will post this beautiful Speech in its entirety, when God Willing he settles and recovers.. or Herb, please do it yourself now, this is most VIP contemporary speech I read in my lifetime! Highlighting is my own..
Ok too much to note. At risk of shorting out! Every paragraph is a book in itself. Too many truth-bombs and Clarion Calls to Arms and to the Standard. No one in the Global South is gonna need Viagra for eighteen moons after this Speech. This was absolute repudiation of the West and its “values” and “way of life.” Russian elites ceased to consider themselves European, for the first time since Peter Romanoff. Compromise is not possible with soulless Beasts. Talks of compromise are mere formalities in the necessary deception of War; to mollify posterity and current effete Zone B partners.
And the Bear scent-marked its territory the traditional way.. wander in at extreme bodily risk! Neocons need to take antiseizure and major tranquilizer meds before reading this and write their wills in advance too. Some will experience Sudden Antihuman Death Syndrome (SADS-deviant-variant-2 or in future slang, SAD-minion)
Please read the entire and understand the rupture is final, the gauntlet was fully thrown, and it is End of the Line for satanists about to be buried. Note at the end Putin describes in detail the anticipated next steps of minions, the gamed rungs on their Ladder of Chaos.. in essence mankind is offered by the Beast either abject soulless slavery or annihilation. I Pity the Fools.
Me, personally, talk is cheap…where I’m from, you put up, or you shut up……vote for freedom is not being recognized in Limam…..in fact, the opposite. NATO weapons may be shit, but when you have enough shit…..everyone’s going to step in it.
Cheers M
Goebbels’ radio rants used to say “Never before in History”, according to H. K. Smith. (That’s when they imagined that they were winning, Smith left the Reich just in time.)
Funny how nazi rants return to haunt nazis. This time it really is true. The Bear is entirely awakened.
You have done a job on the notes! I too noticed the self-same key points. You have lots more energy than I do!
The call “Let’s Roll!”, of the 911 propaganda period may also return as an echo, any moment.
Best to All! P
Anoxia cops are hunting for two girls that pulled a pistol on a driver and stole his car in the wee hours…rather stupid, they stole an electric car! Very droll.
O Mores! O Tempora!
Not such a great time to be old.
They did say that when the end times came, you would not want to be old, now I know why.
Thank you for posting the link to the printed speech. I tried listening to it live but the interpreter wasn’t very fluent and I couldn’t stand listening to him. I felt I was missing the eloquence of all the speeches, interviews, and presentations before the UN and world, of Russia’s top political figures.
Everyone should read this speech, for it represents the truth and the true state of the world. America is going to fail; it is going to be worse than the Great Depression. Those top 6 banks “too big too fail” will fail again. Those banks and banks all over the world got bailed out in 2008 by the US and they still foreclosed on homes in the US. Obama rescued the bankers of the world, not the citizens. Yet the regulations to address the problem have never been implemented.
From govt numbers. 5 of the 6 too large to fail banks. As of 2015:
JP Morgan Chase had total assets of about $2.5 trillion, with total exposure to derivatives of about $67 trillion.
Citibank assets $1.9 tr. Derivatives exposure about $60 tr.
Goldman Sachs assets $915 billion. Derivatives about $54 tr.
Bank of America assets $2.1 tr. Derivatives exposure about $54 tr.
Morgan Stanley assets $831 billion. Derivatives exposure $44 trillion.
According to the Bank for International Settlements the global financial system had a total of $441 trillion in exposure to interest rate derivatives. If interest rates rapidly rise, trillions of those bets start going bad, these banks could collapse in rapid succession.
Unlike stocks and bonds, derivatives do not represent “investments” in anything. They are incredibly complex, but they are essentially just paper wagers that something will happen in the future. Trading in derivatives is basically a form of legalized gambling.
Due to reckless money printing by the Federal Reserve and the reckless accumulation of debt by the fed govt, the status of the dollar as the reserve currency of the world is now in great jeopardy. Our entire way of life depends on the rest of the world using our currency and loaning it back to us at ultra low rates. Russia and China have shown us this that the dollar is being challenged as the reserve currency used for trade.
The above information comes from a book by Michael Snyder titled “Get Prepared Now” Why a Great Crisis is Coming and How You Can Survive It.
I have an accounting background, but I’m not a financial expert, however, even I can see that the economic system of the world is going to collapse. Greater than in 2008.
The governments of the UK, EU, and the US have underfunded pensions in the trillions of dollars.
In this context, think about what’s happening in the world. The collapse of the EU monetarily means US investors can swoop in and privatize everything and the pensions people rely on will no longer exist and a universal income can be instituted. Think about this globally. The US/NATO policies for Ukraine, along with the Corona virus scam, has caused mass unemployment, disruption in supply chains, distrust among nations, and a coming world famine, that will bankrupt countries.
The old saying, “follow the money” which I did as a corporate internal auditor, always derived the truth.
In this speech, Putin reveals that truth and so much more. I suggest you read it and pay close attention, share with everyone you know.
Thanks so much for posting this transcript AHH.
Methinks this will have to go down as one of the most important statements in the history of our species.
Anyone that doesn’t get this now is quite frankly beyond help.
Putin will prove himself to be the nemesis of the vicious western hegemon… bring it on!
Reading this absolutely made my day
romani children
looking this way and that
there’s something out there
On a sad note…..sis had her first 5yr old in for a Troponin test, a 5 yr old. First for her in 15 yrs. Fully jibbed. Next up, 25 year old, huge face tumor, fully jibbed, tumor started 2 days after getting the boost, bad enough it’s cancer, he has to wait eight weeks for surgery……and if that ain’t bad enough, she said new studies show if you are not GMO’d and require surgery, bank your own blood before if possible, the GMO stuff gives all it’s beautiful anomalies to the Pure Bloods.
Cheers M
Yes M. Sad times are ahead. The release of the Pfizer documents and studies everywhere, not being brought to the attention of public through suppression by msm and medical journals shows these vaccines are going to harm and kill many people. http://Www.globalresearch.ca does a great job covering all things coronavirus with the truth. I personally know three people affected by these vaccines. One died of heart problems, one developed leukemia, and another is struggling to digest food which causes extreme breathing problems. My son with cystic fibrosis did not get vaccinated, but did get the flu shot last fall. He has lost 35 pounds and now has some type of growth in his tear duct system about the size of an almond we are addressing. We no longer live in a society where we can trust public health and our govt leaders. Wishing your family the best.
A close relative, who was pressured to take vaccines, because he is a teacher, 29 years old. A couple of weeks after the shot, just before Summer break, on a teacher meeting, he had a stroke.
29 years old! He still has difficulties with fatigue, speech and walking.
It is so sad.
I watched VVP’s speech ,,,its on Stalker Zone
On observing the camera pans to the audience there was not one mask to be seen, make your own mind up about this,
there was one woman who was either emotional, crying,or sniffing with a cold she was shown a few times and no one was concerned, just saying.
BTW the transcript is on President of Russia site and is better than the auto translate on the Stalker Zone
My bellwether in Japan, 88, but in robust health, with whom I’d worked together at farming chores in April 2021, socially active, running a kindergarten, took the jib in May 2021, fell ill thereafter and passed away in January. One second cousin sudden heart failure, another second cousin sudden resurgence of cancer, both dead. Aunt, 83, got her period after second jib, turned out to be uterine cancer; and Mom, multiple post-jib problems. Husband had reduced immune function and has refused boosters. That’s six of roughly 50 people I keep in contact with, whom I can ascertain received the gene therapy prior to suffering serious setbacks. Others passed away out of a pool of another 50 or so, including younger than I, but I lack sufficient information on their jib status.
This is exactly what msm and social media are trying to suppress. Any discussion about negative effects. Am glad for this blog to learn about and discuss world happenings.
When The Time Comes
When the time comes to blow this candle out,
I’ll be ready and willing to surrender with grace.
To snuff out the flame and to leave no trace,
When the time comes to blow this candle out.
When the time comes to lay my burden down
Ill slough off the weight and ill give up the ghost
Ill dive through the depths toward the inmost
When the time comes to lay my burden down.
When the time comes to be held to account
My heart will be emptied and my soul will be bared
Of all that I thought I knew Ill be spared
When the time comes to be held to account
When the time comes to face the void
Ill be strong and steady and sturdy and stout
I will not fear nothing and nor will I doubt
When the time comes to face the void.
When the time comes to pull on my wings
To the place that ive earned I surely will fly
To that far-flung assembly of lovers on high
When the time comes to pull on my wings.
When the time comes to blow this candle out
Ill be ready and willing to surrender with grace
I know you’ll be there with a smile on your face…
When the time comes to blow this candle out.
We’re a Rag-Tag Bunch of Poets
We’re a rag-tag bunch of poets
We do our best to please.
On the job through winter’s squall
On into summer’s ease
Our ranks may shrink, our ranks may swell
Come on by, you’re welcome in.
Our inspiration rise then quell,
Our hearts laid bare with pain built in
We do not care for fame,
And glory even less,
’Tis truth we seek to name
And lies to dispossess
We’ve no tricks or magic wands,
Armed with nought but wit
If you love us we’ll respond
If you hate us, so be it
We’re a rag-tag bunch of poets
On the job both day and night
Good or bad, we may not know it
Come say hello, we do not bite
Dream Of White Horses
I’ll go down to the sea where the white horses roam;
I’ll keep my ears and my eyes peeled.
Ill scour the wind, the sand and the foam,
And hope that one may be revealed.
Ill go down to the sea where the white horses shine
Ill bring all I know as my own true wealth
Ill dive through the depths of the salty brine
And pray that one may show itself.
I’ll go down to the sea where the white horses glide
In the haze of summer and the winter’s rime,
Ill ride the ebb and the rise of the tide
And accept that one will appear in time
Ill go down to the sea where the white horses neigh
Ill ask that my wit and wile collude,
Ill lay my traps as they sport and play
And expect that one will be lassoed.
Ill go down to the sea where the white horses fly
Ill forget the prophecy that’s been foretold.
Ill ‘cross my heart and I’ll hope to die’
And trust that fortune reward the bold.
I hope I have the courage in the end like in “When the Time Comes.” Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Cindy. I think most of us are in the same boat when
we share apprehension about the issue. The words is when the
process begins, the memory of having been through the experience
returns to Soul, and Soul is able to resist less. Also, God so loved
Soul IT gave It existence. No Soul is ever alone in the translation
(death of the physical body) process. In Spirit, D.
Kim Robertson; The Clergy’s Lamentation / Separation of Soul From the Body
The digs I have a possibility of, Andrei, is near what I call Upper Crestview, Lower Alabama … UCLA. Check it on the map. I can get you only two bedrooms in a large house … or in Jacksonville one room. Jacksonville maybe two weeks. Mossy Head, look it up on the map, was a whistle stop on what is now highway 90. Nothing but mosquitos and soon, millions and millions of frogs. It is what it is. Maybe 3 months there. You have my email addie as I had to register with it … so hit me up if you need it … also I’m looking at a gofundme for you if you haven’t done it already.
the retards at 5GW
Recently the Lander police and the Federal Army became unified, it’s said, and cops “deployed” to streets, no longer under the structures of control of local authorities, but under direct control of office of Herr S…anyway the start day is to-day.
That’s interesting, if I have the facts right.
Die Linke>
“für Heizung, Brot und Frieden
Mit Zusatzkosten von mindestens 500 Euro fürs Heizen müssen Bewohner einer durchschnittlichen Wohnung in diesem Jahr rechnen, im Einzelfall können es auch deutlich mehr sein. Die Lebensmitteltafeln können den Andrang von inzwischen 2 Millionen Menschen schon jetzt nicht mehr stemmen. Derweil eskaliert der Krieg in der Ukraine immer weiter und niemand scheint sich ernsthaft um eine Verhandlungslösung zu bemühen. Ich finde: So geht es nicht weiter und es braucht dringend mehr Druck von unten für eine andere Politik. Keinen Euro für Krieg und Zerstörung! Unter diesem Motto mobilisiert die Friedensbewegung zu einem dezentralen Aktionstag am 1. Oktober. In immer mehr Städten finden auch Sozialproteste statt – zum Beispiel wird am 3. Oktober in Berlin für “Heizung, Brot und Frieden” demonstriert. Ich hoffe, dass viele Menschen ihren Protest auf die Straße tragen, denn dies ist der einzige Weg, die Ampel-Regierung zu stoppen und zu einer Kurskorrektur zu zwingen.”
Trans> “for heating, bread and peace
Residents of an average apartment have to expect additional costs of at least 500 euros for heating this year, in individual cases it can also be significantly more. The food banks are already no longer able to cope with the influx of 2 million people. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine continues to escalate and no one seems to be making any serious effort to find a negotiated solution. I think: this is no longer the case and there is an urgent need for more pressure from below for a different policy. No euro for war and destruction! Under this motto, the peace movement is mobilizing for a decentralized day of action on October 1. Social protests are also taking place in more and more cities – for example, a demonstration for “heating, bread and peace” will be held in Berlin on October 3. I hope that many people will take their protest to the streets, because this is the only way to stop the traffic light government and force it to correct the course”
What a coincidence that they brought the army and the cops under Federal control!
BREAKING NEWS from Germany ????
Sep 30
The Bundestag has voted AGAINST increasing arms supplies to Ukraine
179 MPs for versus 476 against.
The cracks are not just in the NordStream pipeline anymore.
Maybe there are a few advantages for Russia and friends appearing from the NordStream crime. The Nord Stream sabotage was such a heinous act that it may have backfired.
China whose very life depends on fuel imports, thinking of their own pipeline feeders now in the sphere of fair game, must have been just as aghast as Russia. Surely the despicable deed has cemented the military cooperation between China and Russia. And for this Poland thanks the perps. LOL idiots.
This pipeline fiasco is not an attractive side for the West to show and people will start rethinking.
Trust was blown up, time for Eastern intelligence to incite rioting.
Some good can come from this, take advantage and play your cards right, boys. Carpe diem. IMO
ps I hope this is not used as an opportunity to send NATO into the Black Sea for rig protection. I don’t trust Turkey.
Is there any oil rig in Turkey?
Turkey now boasts a fleet of four rigs as ex-Vantage drillship finally finds home. Turkey’s national oil and gas giant TPAO has added another deepwater drillship to its fleet of drilling rigs, which are working in the Black Sea.Nov 18, 2021
Germany reacts to Ukraine’s NATO membership bid
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock says that the alliance must not be dragged into war with Russia
Russian gas exports to EU via TurkStream plunge – media
The Netherlands revoked the pipeline’s export license earlier this week
“This pipeline fiasco is not an attractive side for the West to show and people will start rethinking…
The Die is Cast. They cannot walk back NS1 + NS2 now. And German elites, bleatings by their fronts in the Bundestag notwithstanding, are united with AZE in suiciding their homeland, depopulation, and other High Cabal ventures.. In fact Michael Hudson noted in last piece, “there has been a great sigh of diplomatic relief, even calm.. sabotaging the pipelines has restored calm to US/NATO diplomatic relations.” Like commentator Janek above, I disagree the US will benefit from killing off Germany and Europe, but that is another shell game for another day (to sooth the German Industrialists marks). European elites are not stupid though, but totally evil, incomprehensibly so to most even at this late hour.
Further, the crazies will now use this precedent as carte blanch worldwide. Not for “oderint, dum metuant,” but to level Petroleum Man worldwide so they can BBB later.. VVP explicitly said where events proceed: “But the Anglo-Saxons believe sanctions are no longer enough and now they have turned to subversion.” It’s not a one-fer. We aint seen nothing yet.
Re: Black Sea energy, more bad news..
1️⃣ Energy pipes & infrastructure
(A) Gas Turbines Saga II? Remember this article when Turk Stream goes down.
This is not shallow Bornholm.. @ 3km deep, only a handful state actors have capability.. Pepe noted attempts already made to disable it. If sabotaged any which way, i.e. setting off preplanted charges, structural deficiencies (or via software as done in Siberia in 1980s), the hostile Dutch will not permit its technology to be used for repairs..
(B) It’s getting hard to keep up! Actually Turk Stream is already being strangled. Some do want a quick death for Europe. no beating around the bush for the Guidestones Gals & Guys.. They have as much self-control as Hunter around minors, strippers, secluded waterslides or the many recording devices..
(C) Austria blocked Russian gas transit to Italy..
Pustular Ven Disease: “If things go in a difficult direction.. we have tools.”
Yeah Sean, it’s frustrating to all of us.. Disciplined methodical legalistic gentlemen on the one side, and Helter Skelter deviant two-bit punks on the other. But there is tradition to be observed — the forms must be kept.
Rousing speeches firm up the group for what comes next. This was a Call to Order for the Home Front. And a final Trumpet to the Enemy. Civilizations and human interactions are messy and laborious 🤷
Behind the warriors on the front, others need to do their part to maintain a civilization worth returning to. And to gather allies to help defend it. Even though tedious, it’s necessary. It is speeches like this that increase resolve, focus, and fighting spirit in the entire nation, isolate traitors, inspire & build alliances and weaken enemies..
And what a stirring talk! Was Khrushchev’s “We will bury you!” the most aggressive to date?? This is on another level.. Most of the Global South will be giddy and motivated to fight too in their own way… in many respects this Speech was a circling of the wagons of the 85% Rest against the demonic Legions. This was the finishing touches to Lavrov & Co.’s patient work over the years.. so the battle lines, stakes and objectives are clarified to all, especially the Global South.
This talk also cemented bringing home Donbas/2 others and thus provided a whole new ballgame for addressing Liman and other suicide charges.. Legally, Russia is now committed to fight to defend its territories. I really pity the fools for what comes next. Gloves are off kinetically — this is one of the main thrust of this. Ukraine is gonna be wrapped up soon now. This may be why the crashtestdummy is bleating about inviolability of NATO land — C&Cs likely to be hit soon in the West… rumors of Iskanders chugging along on Kherson trains.. patience brother.
“I disagree the US will benefit from killing off Germany and Europe, but that is another shell game for another day (to sooth the German Industrialists marks). European elites are not stupid though, but totally evil, incomprehensibly so to most even at this late hour.”
I find your statement hard to fathom. After all, that is exactly what destroying nordstream 1 and 2 was all about. It eliminated any options for the EU to sustain their economy. European elites (politicians) will move their businesses elsewhere, shift their assets into more lucrative arenas, or have to approach the World Bank, IMF, etc. for those same conditional loans that third world countries have faced. These politicians knew exactly what they were doing to their country, they could see the effects already.
Now without their economic power to sustain the war with Russia in terms of financial aid nor new military equipment, that leaves the US as the sole supporter. The US and Russia will come to the negotiating table over Ukraine, because they now have new vassal states to the US if that was their goal, or the US will continue to support the war and increase our debt until our economy collapses. Who is buying our debt, right now? Is it Wall Street investors? That’s just more financialization of our economy. What is the end goal? Digital currency, universal income, totalitarianism?
For sure, the US got a definite win win from the sabotage of those pipelines! Russia, too, even.
Hi Cindy,
thanks for your comments and insight.. much appreciated. I would stay clear of even “flu shots.” Everything’s been compromised in Big Pharma and the Medical Cartel.. many ways to skin a cat from their perspective. Work on prayer, cupping, honey, fasting, other alternative therapies.. to the health of all ailing!
Re: “I find your statement hard to fathom.”
Many assume USA is deindustrializing and deconstructing Europe to bring its industry, know-how, etc physically to the US or to buy up those assets for pennies on the dollar.. that was the classic approach of disaster capitalism. I disagree because the nihilism present now on both sides of the Atlantic is unprecedented in last century.
The US has deindustrialized and deconstructed itself over last 40-50 years. Its infrastructure was not well maintained since Nixon years. The electric grid is well over a century old. Most factories were relocated abroad, its skilled labor lost and repurposed elsewhere; neither is coming back and it is extremely hard to restart — and the same with those European factories and their putative potential to up root and restart in US.
Every week for last several years we have seen the US work hard to kill off food security (arson at 100+ food processing plants/warehouses, lawfare and financial shenanigans against ranchers and farmers, etc..), drain aquifers and water reservoirs such as Lake Mead into the Pacific Ocean or waste it on deserts such as Las Vegas, make it harder for truckers and shippers to function, deny trains to deliver necessary fertilizers, disincentive investment into the petroleum business, etc.. all these indicate a macro policy of depopulation, devolution, and no intent whatsoever to build up a people. We cannot live without energy, food, water, security.. the same agenda in motion in EU has been operative in the USA. But the US is a single country with tighter media and information control. Folks are too busy or dumbed down, less educated to notice.
That is why many say European industrialists are being gaslit. There is no intent to relocate them. Most are being shunted to the slaughterhouse. And the top deciders among politicians, industrialists, and intelligentsia are aware of unsaid criminality in motion. They are satanists part of a small club which is with the program. Preparations were made since at least 3-5 generations (see Club of Rome 1960s inspiring current Green craze). Everything’s worked towards centralization, and contrived boom-bust cycles to tighten the screws.
They have no good will toward any (see Putin above; the West is as much a target). Think of a supranational Parasite which has completely taken over the Host and is driving it to suicide. How can Europe be saved or the US benefit from its industrial relocation when the US itself has been deliberately destroyed with no medium term prospects of turning things around? “What is the end goal? Digital currency, universal income, totalitarianism?” Yes, so they write in their WEF “The Great Reset” and other works..
I hope what I am trying to convey makes sense? Entire libraries were written by the horrified about these gargoyles. It is very dark. An entire civilization in the grip of gleeful devils. The same destruction planned, executed and honed on the undeveloped world is now turned inwards on the West.. the chickens always come home to roost..
imho, the Plan is to lay waste to entire northern hemisphere.. these are not rational people nor sane times.. the satanists intend to cull and move shop to a reduced world based in the Holy Land.. Einstein said it of these madmen, the current of History demonstrates it, Eschatology demands it of the AntiChrist..
1️⃣ Energy pipes & infrastructure
(A) TFI Global alleges Norway is afraid of >>US sabotage<< on its Baltic and other pipes going to Europe.. This is likely. The grand design remains energy starvation to all. Nuclear, coal, and other forms of self-sufficiency were not circumscribed over the last decades to permit any existing pipes to remain connected. And it is easy to destroy infrastructure.
“Be wary around your
enemy once, and your
friend a thousand times.
A double-crossing
friend knows more
about what harms you.”
2️⃣ Forces probing and positioning:
(A) Larch, as usual, explains it well. Something I’ve sensed and others such as Saker have written about. It is not about holding territory. It may continue even when full Russian army enters the fray.. it is demilitarization (attriting enemy forces) and thus imposing your will on the crazies. No other way without a huge full mobilization, which is not warranted given existing force multipliers and standoffs, and without harming economy. So we should not get hung up over tactical retreats periodically. They actually serve to embolden UkroNazis to come out of their city fortresses and suicide themselves. The trick is finding stratagems they cannot resist, “moths to the thermobaric flame,” which draw them out of the western oblasts and the Russian cities with too many hostages..
Kadyrov and other emotional guys complain at incompetence of Russian GS and not having required numbers, weapons, defenses, etc.. but they use the wrong metrics (or he really knows, but it is disinfo for NATO yahoos to keep feeding the meat-grinders)
There’s more than one way to skin a cat or to denazify.
4️⃣ Tightening internal screws.
(A) Re: Cindy’s “top 6 banks “too big too fail” will fail again.” A disturbing report from Bank of Am branch (a Big-Four Bank) in state of Georgia.. What does this imply? Capital controls / liquidity crunch, or precautions as some anticipate bank runs with hyperinflation on way and/or accelerated switch to the digital currencies? The people are being kept in the dark of all that transpires.. even we are mushrooms getting mere peeks at the open sky
5️⃣ Misc.
(A) The Alexes are inconsolable.. the speed of Collapse.. shoes have fallen Mr P! The mistake has cleared the heavy air and minds alike, like a brisk biting Baltic breeze over the sad bubbles. Younger said, “Mass Suicide!” Older (like Sudhi, Pepe and myself) turned like a monk to his trusty Yeats, THE poem for the End Times..
Read your reply. I see the thrust of your point now. If I understand you correctly, this is the end game. The evil that permeates/controls our govts truly are after depopulation and enslavement of the remaining few. The situation in Germany is like the komodo dragon eating its young.
Sadly, I think the US is under attack also and people can’t see it. I’ve been following the same benchmarks you have: deliberate decrease in fertilizer shipments, food facilities being systematically destroyed along with chicken and turkey farms, crazy climate change initiatives, gas price inflation on purpose, empty food shelves at grocery stores, Obama’s propane tank installation, covid vaccine damage supression, the demolition of the Georgia guidestones, and on and on.
Canada has turned totally totalitarian and Biden has said nothing to condemn Trudeau’s actions. Along with Australia and New Zealand, I think these are test countries to see how the will of the people will respond to freedom and financial limiting policies.
Biden’s executive order from March instituting a study on the use of digital currency has just been completed. I just haven’t had time to read it. It’s only a matter of time before it gets implemented, I feel.
I did watch the video clip of the Georgia man trying to withdraw his funds from Bank of America. The questioning of his withdrawal is unusual, I have never faced that. However, I once wanted to withdraw some money (much less than the $9000 the Georgia man asked for) for emergency purposes to have on hand. The response I got back once was well I can give you so much today and the remainder tomorrow. They simply did not have the funds available in the vault. This is Citibank. These banks are supposed to hold a certain amount of funds as a percentage of users deposits. That happened at a different branch also where I was told those funds will be in on Friday. If there is a bank run, only the fortunate first few will be able to retrieve funds, I’m thinking. I am not a financial expert by any means, but something hinky is going on. Look up Ed Dowd, he’s a Wall Street investment banker on top of all this. Maybe on substack.
The picture of the future is not good.
Now that is very very interesting. I recall 1998 was it, when I took a group of Japanese tourists over to Irkutsk after finding a convenient bank one month before that would exchange yen. At the airport, the exchange office was closed, so we went to the aforementioned bank the next morning, and they would not accept yen. I had a bunch of dollars and they were sorry about not accepting those either. So we all went downtown to several banks that told us the same thing. Problem was they didn’t have any Rubles, said our local guide, who then found some guys hanging around on a corner, who led us down to their grubby little office, where we exchanged our dollars. At that time, and probably still now, Japanese credit cards were not accepted either.
It was about two weeks later as I was heading back from Ust Barguzin, having sent the tourists off (who still think I was just very poor at planning), I was handed a bunch of Rubles from someone else also heading for the airport, who simply shrugged and said they were now worthless. If you know your currency is under dire threat, you tend to short it.
Some friends got it spot-on : NATO’s Extinction Rebellion blew up NordStream.
Encapsulates the Green lust for de-industrialization – no pipeline anywhere is now safe :Norway is on alert
Also includes NeoCon factions in D.C. in bed with them,
and the Davos Great Reset and lust for a long EU war with Russia, aside from D.C.’s lust.
Thus van der Leyen’s lust for a long war with Russia is only apparently US driven – the EU has it’s very own objective – a kind of ‘in-sync’ as a well known Foreign Minister said.
Thus the RAND leak recently was a Bellingcat/MI6 PSYOP preparing for the NATO NorStream bombing – portraying Germany as a victim of US ‘colonialism’.
Unfortunately it looks like Pepe Escobar and MoA fell into the PSYOP – it sure did enrage many!
The Davos Great Reset to impose a EU globally, after all is the patented recipe of King Charles III, then only dreaming of the Throne.
Your comment seems to come from Tom Loungo’s article –
“The Curious Whodunit of Nordstreams 1 and 2”
Not that I find the analysis to be of any use, it’s rather in the nature of a limited hangout.
No kidding. That link was censored here today.
And whether or not you like it, he does point to a very annoying laziness in commentator blather.
As he says – too easy. That little point is razor-sharp.
So demand from populists actual hard work. This has gone far to far!
Latest Article from Pepe Escobar : Who profits from Pipeline Terror?
is literally explosive. It goes way beyond the RAND supposed Psyop – and actually confirms it.
The best lies always have an element truth, as the saying goes.
Austria claimed EU sanctions and Gazprom cannot deliver to Italy – total stop.
Meloni is 1 day in power, and van der Leyen’s prophetic words – “if elections are uncomfortable, we have instruments” – voila, the EU Sanctions Viola cacophony!
Getting old, should have made the association.
So NATO/US, et al. blow up the pipelines, then get coveted access to the Black Sea, Caspian, Mediterranean and elsewhere to protect the pipelines or rigs from themselves.
This is straight outta the West’s tried and true terrorist playbook.
Invent, manufacture, bribe, bully a terrorist group, stick them in a country you are just dying to get into then invade to protect the country from yourselves.
You’re welcome, Syria.
What if Russia goes all the way to the Slovak and Hungarian border
Then who controls the pipeline routes ?
this is far from a done deal
The F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security claim that it is possible for hackers to take control of the pipelines, rather than just stealing the technology that allow them to function.
A digital breach would not require a physical presence to guard the infrastructure which is why Nord Stream had to be blown up.
Nord Stream is an excuse to invade for the US and cronies.
At the risk of sounding biblical there are those here who have come before me and are better at an explanation.
Your question -I don’t know what would happen, nothing seems in order but transit fees will be lost and that could turn a few countries into grumpy pants.
No truer words have ever been typed-very far from a done deal.
Take those depts with a grain of salt, when the day comes, they will flee their duty’s like a flea on a sprayed dog.
Anyone who believes Jesus already died for the sins they create today, needs a whole vault of salt by the end of the day.
File this under “What is wrong with these people’s thinking?” Maybe this note explains a part of it.
A side effect of statins is that they reduce testosterone and estrogen.
Statins are a class of drugs used to reduce blood cholesterol. They are heavily prescribed in the USA. They work by blocking the function of an enzyme that’s instrumental in the metabolic pathway by which the liver produces cholesterol. Cholesterol is an essential precursor to the sex hormones. No cholesterol, no T, no E, maybe no progesterone. Blocking that enzyme also blocks production of CoQ10, which is necessary for energy transport, including in the brain, which is, gram per gram, the most energy intensive tissue in the body.
Could it be, with 25% or so of the adult population of the USA operating without sex hormones (and they influence more than sex), and deficient in a critical ingredient for brain energy, is it any wonder that the voting population isn’t thinking clearly?
Thank God in the merciful heavens for Vlaimir Putin’s speech, and the signing ceromony, what a powerful, comprhensive delivery, do the Russians know by ancestral right how to be honest, objective, and at the same time able to reach people at the deepest level while maintaining respect and balance?
Perhaps the worst is over, and bombs and the end of history one will take in ones stride.
The dream makers called me up last night.
They said things didn’t go the way they thought they would.
I said no chit sherlock, when you have too many missed opportunities, you don’t get to where you thought you would be.
A comment from another blog which presents a most interesting article worth reading (though very lengthy) –
“If you have time and patience, I advise you to read the masterpiece of Stanko Cerovic, one of the best Serbian journalists. He is more than a journalist, read this inspired essay, how he describes the genesis of the conflict between Ukrainians and Russians in the style of the greatest writers. Here is the link, just turn on google translate. You need some time, because the article is long, but it is worth every lost minute.”
Wish I had the time, so many things to do, and so little time.
The Dream Makers
the dream makers called me up last night
they shared the secrets that only they know
they took me places that only they go
the dream makers called me up last night
the dream makers spoke with a silent tongue
in a language known by young and old
in a language known as the language of soul
the dream makers spoke with a silent tongue
the dream makers told of the road ahead
in a way that I knew and I understood;
said hold onto the thread and all will be good
the dream makers told of the road ahead
the dream makers’ eyes they held me sway
they went to my head and they went to my heart,
they went to the end then back to the start
the dream maker’s eyes they held me sway
the dream makers called me up last night
they shared the secrets that only they know
they took me to the places that only they go…
the dream makers called me up last night
I’ve often wondered if the dream makers and the soul makers are related somehow, I have yet to make the decision, no pun intended, nice reply.
“I’ve often wondered if the dream makers and the soul makers
are related somehow, I have yet to make the decision…”
To consider this further, we need to understand that the dream
state is a vast setting, the primary purpose of which is for the
higher consciousness within man ( call it soul ) to relay to the
outer consciousness of the individual ( call it ego ) the true state
of one’s spiritual condition.
The ego, however, has an interest in maintaining one’s outer reality
as it is, ( mainly due to the fact that each individual has spent a long
time creating said reality ) and that any sudden or dramatic shifts in
awareness may result in the individual becoming unhinged from his
carefully constructed reality. Madness often results when people get
a glimpse of the worlds beyond without the proper preparation, and
so, it is in no one’s interest to destroy one’s carefully constructed reality.
Rather, a capable master approaches this problem with much consideration
on order that a change in consciousness occurs gradually and thus preserves
the individual’s sanity.
Freud and Jung knew this and identified the Censor, as the entity or
aspect of the mind that stands at the gateway to the individual’s reality,
and serves the purpose of jumbling one’s dream experiences in a way
that the message is hidden from the conscious mind, (but may be
discerned by the individual should he be diligent enough to interpret
his dream experiences). We all have our own individual symbolism
eg; the appearance of an animal in a dream may have different meanings
from one person to another. To understand the symbolism that appears
in our dreams is a talent that needs practice. One can come to such
understandings should one be diligent enough to note the appearances
of certain symbols in the dream state, as these symbols reappear again
and again.
If we further consider that the “dream makers” are those who set up
experiences for the individual on the inner planes in order to assist one’s
spiritual unfoldment, then my guess is that the dream makers and the “soul
makers” are one and the same. ( If you mean “soul makers” in the sense
of those assisting Soul in Its spiritual unfoldment, and thus “making” Soul,
or put another way, assisting Soul to reach Its full potential.)
Should be noted too, that there are many types of dreams, not all are
exclusively the higher self speaking to the lower self. The subject of the
different types of dreams is somewhat broad to enter into here.
Yes it is Dimitar, and lets just say that my dream makers and me have dueled to a draw, (long story), and neither one knows precisely where the end is, only b/c the beginning was so esoteric as to confuse any logical ending.
Jeremiah 29:8 :
“Let not your prophets and your diviners,
that be in the midst of you, deceive you,
neither hearken to your dreams
which ye cause to be dreamed.”
Acts 2:17 :
In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
A dream can be won.
Strength to stand in the sun,
denied to no one.
The balance and the sum –
Who knows what a dream may become?
A set of diarys are found,
they are collected and analzed.
The young ship sets sail,
it is to create its own destiny,
it is doomed all the way to success.
Meanwhile on the homeland,
its time to hokus pokus,
and focus on the sad and bad lads,
the dark the park and the marks.
Let the horses, courses and forces out of the barn,
tell granny to break out the yarn.
Capture the Spanish hoard,
and let go the flag of the board.
Paul Laurence Dunbar – 1872-1906
I am no priest of crooks nor creeds,
For human wants and human needs
Are more to me than prophets’ deeds;
And human tears and human cares
Affect me more than human prayers.
Go, cease your wail, lugubrious saint!
You fret high Heaven with your plaint.
Is this the “Christian’s joy” you paint?
Is this the Christian’s boasted bliss?
Avails your faith no more than this?
Take up your arms, come out with me,
Let Heav’n alone; humanity
Needs more and Heaven less from thee.
With pity for mankind look ’round;
Help them to rise—and Heaven is found.
The official representative of Gazprom, Sergey Kupriyanov, drew attention to the fact that at the time of the sabotage, there were about 800 million cubic meters of gas in the three lines of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, which is comparable to Denmark’s consumption for three months.
https://thecritic.co.uk/The-next-Great-Depression/ This is a fairly good article likening the U.S.Great Depression to the upcoming European Depression. Dark days ahead.
4️⃣ Tightening internal screws.
(A) Rusty, re: ““What is wrong with these people’s thinking?” Maybe this note explains a part of it.”
Well said!
I used to teach medical students the rationale, screening, means and targets for blood cholesterol control. Like vaccines, this has become part of allopathic dogma — even though many note the same catastrophic side effects you list. Most docs are hopelessly brainwashed and/or enmeshed, convinced from medical school days via Rockafella PR of these WunderDrugs, and lubricated by daily visits of Big Pharma salesmen and ads and a tsunami of science in the best journals and international conferences and respected Guidelines… Through 2020, the most lucrative drugs of Big Pharma were statins, hauling in > $1 Trillion.. In addition to lowering essential sex hormones and leading to memory deficits,
Most practitioners and patients alike are swayed by emphasis on misleading relative risk reduction (RRR). You have to doff your hat to the satanists who inherited Bernays! The salesmen make so sexy and irresistible that which destroys the most thoroughly! All based on flawed secretive science too. The lack of transparency is not surprising — we’ve all seen it in last 2.5 years.. a Feature of this satanic system.
I worked to not prescribe them and removed them from older relatives’ bags of meds. But the entire Medical Cartel is too deep in the forest. It is like reorienting a modern western astronomer toward the geocentric theory. Easier to nuke the entire system and paradigm — which is coming apparently, and appears our way out of the death grip of the tentacles of Big Pharma and the Medical Cartel.
I agree, in hindsight, this was an Op.. If there is one protein to target for efficient weakening of entire human society, it is LDL.. in particular designed to weaken elders, our living libraries, and their capability to benefit society, while milking the wealthy Boomers of their wealth even as they were being destroyed. Quite a stacked function.
This zombieification of Westerners began generations ago, with Radio, TV and a Pill for every Problem.. “Hell is empty, and all devils are here.” Folks think the mentality behind current contrived Dark Winters and the ongoing Quartering of Europa is new. No! The tormenting and punishment of the West began decades ago. Hubris and Oppression have immediate earthly consequences.. Every field and profession was given over to Demons by the Lord. There is no more honor living in the West, for those aware of history, why we were created (our divine purpose) and the contrived loss in potential..
5️⃣ Misc.
(A) Deeds matter more than words! It is amazing how Germany is being maneuvered to ensure thorough suiciding and disconnection from the rest of Eurasia. Just the following headlines is sufficient:
This is not mere Morgenthau Plan or leaving Scorched Earth behind.. it is the figurative seeding of Depleted Uranium and hot rods which glow in the Dark for the next 10 billion years. And maybe literally soon too. Europa, we once knew ye and loved ye.
(B) The fixation on Churchill in the Anglosphere.. Who/What ruled through him? What was the real Genealogy? And his “daughters!” Ever a sacred Androgyne behind the thrones of Western “Leaders.” Certainly all recent US Presidents, remote-controlled from other side of the Pond? The shocking similarities between Churchill, Crowley and Mrs. Barbara Bush! And Churchill son and FDR.. did the snakes hatch from the same lab or seriously industrious Breeder? Mr P, FDR was not a good guy, public papers, positions and protestations aside… mere the digestible light side of the Dark Force, leading to same ends. Remember he had same portrait made of him as Clinton in blue dress in Epstein’s NYC mansion.. birds of a feather.
Col ‘the farmer from NZ’ said,
Churchill came into being in our same age of deep deception.. power ruled from within layers of veils, like Matryoshka dolls, too terrified of open positions given the consequences of the unholy criminality engaged in, generation after generation. Given the same demons that animated the Victorians have lifespans spanning 800-1,000+ years, one wonders which skin-suits they inhabit today? Is BoJo’s pretensions to being a continuation of “Churchillian grandeur” mere tripe, or of deeper significance? Welles: “Actors belong to a third sex.” Of Actors, Fronts, Veils, Puppet-Masters and Stages!! It is imperative to keep in mind, in the modern Western tradition, all is a Stage on which Actors present their Case and attempt to shape their Reality.. withal the method behind which their madness takes form. And per Welles, they see it as Duty, not lying, mere tradecraft and “the rules of the game” in order to reach the epitome of their anti-Civilization
(C) Sit-rep from Österreich.. folks scrounging for wood in privatized forests (“firewood is the new toilet paper”), electronic anti-theft tags on meat and butter (!!), starting to live hand-to-mouth in formerly affluent Europa.. Not good. Desperate times dovetail into desperate decisions by formerly decent and debonair dudes and dudettes.. Fascism is being given a mighty stoking indeed.
Bother, I agree that FDR was not a good guy. A now passed old acquaintance told me of his clear recollection of an FDR clip in newsreel, shortly after December 7 1941…[of Japan} “…they have asked for it, and they are going to get it.” That clip is something I have never been able to find, but my friend was quite clear-headed, a trial lawyer in middle age. In the context of then the statement is mean, bad enough… But in the context of what really happened, the contrivances and mechanizations to manipulate Japan and the US to war, in which FDR was a foundational person. it’s clearly disloyal to the Constitution and to the people, criminal. It’s also an example of displacement – of FDR blaming Japan for that which he himself contrived.
Best! P
A little bit of homework is recommended :
A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
World War II Research Collections
Top Secret Studies on
U.S. Communications Intelligence
during World War II
Check Red Book and Blue Book.
In an old case of design fright,
out of profit or out of spite,
nothing is made right.
And now the price,
is out of site,
quite a bite.
Sweet Alabaman bight,
Shall I give you a bite?
And hold a light
to the withered sight
of Imperial might?
Ole lady-of-the-night
What a sad plight!
Not a hand of sleight!
Truth doth smite
From a cold height
a City of Light,
every evil “masonite.”
Not as a flea bite
Baltic bomb site
skulking fly-by-night,
a False Flag blight,
But a True Knight
our leading light
lightening-flash white
full of fright
happy poets write
Above hangs the kite
a false satellite,
Cursed endoparasite
Jock itch mite
a failed knight
dark as night
demonic wight
whipped to flight
out of sight
like a meteorite
the preemptive right
of a Shining Might..
So peace my water sprite,
take not affright
of thrashing hell-kite.
Eat Turkish delight,
like a dapper Muscovite.
Out blood graphite!
Stop the backbite,
blocked cardiomyocite
The potato blight
and every snakebite!
Cease apartheid,
Anglo-Saxon Spite,
O sad hermaphrodite.
Yours a deadlight,
Toothless dogfight
Hopeless plight,
Serpentine tight
see the arclight,
O canaanite
You’ve lost the fight!
Gleaming twilight
Valiant birthright
Zircon bombsight
Laser antisatellite
all hearts aflight
mends eye sight
makes breasts aright.
My friend, a Good night!
— an admiring Luddite
O Fione, did I mis or overwrite?
You definitely covered all the ites there, brush ya like a meteorite.
World explodes like dynamite
But Heart free from worldly plight
Ascends to ever greater height
Radiating Living Light
Excellent article by Pepe Escobar 29.09 : Who profits from Pipeline Terror?
2nd link to a saker banned site removed … mod
Bearing the “Laurel Canyon” site that has been proffered by Brother AHH, and which we have previously discussed, some may find interview (https://rumble.com/v1k054l-frank-zappa-the-lost-interview-1990.html ) particularly worthwhile.
At the Anoxia Hotel Bar there’s a formidable lady who can tell a few stories about Zappa and the band – she lived with the band as a teenage girl. All the fellas hated Zappa, for starters… Pillow-talk-honest stories from the band…it was the 60’s, after all. I suppose she was about 16. She had a great time.
Having watched the interview, well, I don’t like him either.
This is Blinken’s remark in reference to energy supplies that caught my attention. (verbatim or close enough)
“Consequences not borne by citizens of the United states or around the world.” -Blinken
Did Germany find a way around the consequences?
Iran points finger at Saudi Arabia, Germany exports arms to Saudi in new agreement. Was Germany promised Yemen gas?
Yemen warns oil companies to leave Saudi Arabia, UAE Fast!
Yemen has hit both SA and UAE before and now they have a really, really pissed off Iran helping.
Saudi Arabia behind deadly raid in southeastern Iran: Analyst
Sunday, 02 October 2022 10:25 AM [ Last Update: Sunday, 02 October 2022 10:25 AM ]
The German government has approved new arms export deals to Saudi Arabia, more than three years after it halted weapons sales to the Persian Gulf kingdom due to Riyadh’s war on Yemen and its role in the killing of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
As truce ends, Yemen warns oil companies to leave Saudi Arabia, UAE
Sunday, 02 October 2022 9:57 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 02 October 2022 9:58 PM ]
Yemeni Armed Forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree
Yemen’s Armed Forces have put oil companies operating in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on notice, warning that they could be targeted as long as Riyadh and its allies fail to commit to a proper ceasefire.
Tweeting on Sunday, the Armed Forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree said Yemeni troops were providing the oil companies with a window of opportunity to leave the Saudi and Emirati soils “fast.”
The Saudi kingdom and its allies, most notably the United Arab Emirates, have been waging a war against Yemen since March 2015, trying, in vain, to restore Yemen’s power to its former Riyadh-friendly officials. The military campaign, which has been enjoying unstinting arms, logistical, and political support from the United States, has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and turned the entire Yemen into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
A temporary United Nations-mediated ceasefire took effect between the warring sides in April and has been renewed twice ever since. The truce, however, expired on Sunday amid the invading coalition’s constant violations of the agreement and its refusal to properly lift a siege that it has been enforcing against Yemen simultaneously with the war.
“The warning,” Saree said, “stands as long as the countries that make up the invading American-Saudi coalition refuse to adhere to a ceasefire that allows the Yemeni people to exploit their oil wealth….”
Saudi-led coalition seizes Yemen-bound fuel tanker in another truce breach
Saudi coalition has breached the temporary truce by confiscating the oil ship “Seadoor”.
Also on Sunday, Hans Grundberg, the United Nations’ special envoy for Yemen, confirmed failure of efforts aimed at extending the truce.
“The UN special envoy regrets that an agreement has not been reached today, as an extended and expanded truce would provide additional critical benefits to the population,” a statement said.
“I urge [the warring parties] to fulfill their obligation to the Yemeni people to pursue every avenue for peace,” the Swedish diplomat was quoted as saying.
I have been keeping my sister current with the Russian SMO. She watches fox news, the closest you can get to partial truth in msm. Yet I was floored when she read Putin’s speech and all she got out of it was: He pointed out our cultural wars within, but he is a dictator who kills his people. Has warned war if Ukraine joins NATO.
This was my response.
If Putin kills his people why is he defending Russians in Donbass? Nato had no business becoming involved in Ukraine. We are already at war with Russia. It’s no longer hidden that we called the shots from the beginning, that we sabotaged nordstream to quell Germany from engaging in peaceful trade to save their people and economy. Our main EU economic competitor. I don’t know Putin well enough but 80% of his people like him and support this war because they have now seen how Russia phobic the nato countries are. And what are we doing if not killing millions all over the world with our agenda? What about the Jan 6th prisoners still in jail 18 months later while killers go free. What about the vaccines we knew killed, harmed people? What about the attack on Trump supporters? We are the world’s terrorist state. Our govt is effectively a dictatorship. He will defend Russia because the love for motherland will be demanded by his people. Just as we had the revolutionary war for personal freedom as a young nation. What about Ukraine killing over 14,000 Russian Ukranians since 2014. Zelensky is a dictator too. Banning the Russian language. Ousting political opponents. Conscription of old men with no experience to die. No public media. Not letting his men surrender with honor, threatening to kill his own soldiers. Bombing civilians, killing people in Bucha as false flags, begging for ever more $$. Letting nazism thrive. Oh yes, I think there are ever more evil people than Putin. The world’s hope rides with Putin. I’m American, but our current govt is not. It wants and needs conflict and war always to stay on top because that’s all we have. To conquer, to take oil and resources from others. To enrich elites in charge. To the point wef goals are feasible. Putin is tame compared to what I’ve learned about our govt and pharma, big tech, big media, philanthrocapitalists. Well that was my rant, I guess.
I need help understanding her comment that Putin is a dictator that kills his people. In what context has that happened? In the past, against political opponents, protestors, his people? Does he have an iron hand on his govt? Is he ruthless in his control of his country? Does he have an agenda beyond what I can see as the person standing up against the world’s bully?
Good comment. Don’t worry your sister is only parroting what she heard on the MSN. The mantra of “Putin is a killer,Putin is a dictator,Putin is a monster,Putin is insane” . And sometimes all of those combined is all the West has. They provide no believable evidence for any of that.They count on the ignorance of the US/Western population to believe them. And in a lot of cases it works for them.
I was told by a moron recently that Putin is a dictator. I said “You do realise Russia is a parliamentary democracy and he was elected by a majority in a transparent election?”.
The moron replied “Yes”. And he’s a poison stabbed vaxtard too!
The biggest problem we have, as I see it, is ignorance. Widespread ignorance allows the evil agendas to flourish without a majority push back.
Jeffrey Sachs tells the truth, Bloomberg TV :
All hell reaks loose on Musk’s peace proposal. He never saw such a bot attack!
Medvedev and Rogozin are hilarious – Musk is a shadowy Russian Agent who broke his own cover!
ROFL, nearly dropped the coffee!