2022/08/06 12:30:02
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If al-Zawahiri hadn’t been killed so many times in the last few years, I’d be completely aligned with Jimmy Dore’s take on Biden’s announcement that the collective ‘Joe Biden’ had extrajudicially murdered a nobody with the questioning statement, “Who cares?”.
You have to hear the senile, idiotic and misinformed speech we spent millions of taxpayer dollars to send this dementia addled, crotchety old dolt to Taipei to deliver. She refers to the presidency of Benjamin Franklin, who was never a president. Then she just babbles. This is disgusting. We spent 10s of millions of dollars doing this. How much did it cost to send the USS Ronald Reagan, named after another dementia riddled POS, and all it’s attending ships to enforce this mindless, ignorant, vapid twat over there to display her ignorance of American history.
The entire pathetic Nancy show is the latest proof that the US is finished. The fact that Biden was parachuted into the White Madhouse and the fact that he is still there, occasionally reading texts from the teleprompter is of course the most convincing proof. So, perhaps you should not be too indignant about what that aging alcoholic idiot was seeking to accomplish in Taiwan.
The US people has no money to provide health and education for all americans, but has money to make (and loose) wars.
These vegetables should be sleeping somewhere in a hospice not gallivanting around globe starting world wars.
People I knew, knew the Raygun socially when he was shilling on TV “Death Valley Days” and shooting “Life with Bonzo”. One of these people told me that Nancy was in her club, a ladies club, and at a tea she “let slip”
“You know, some very powerful men want Ronnie to run for Governor”.
The ladies all laughed aloud, and Nancy turned a shade of scarlet. You see, they all liked the the avuncular Ronnie, but saw him as an empty hat – they were married to educated and intelligent men, and themselves of similar character.
It wasn’t only senile decay, he was simply rather stupid, and as most women are fine judges of men, I take from her story that the fella was seen that way by first hand eye witness “experts” even before he became Governor, ie rather young and in good health.
They did not know that Ronnie as SAG president coincided, was serendipitous, with his status as an FBI fink informer…blacklist stuff, a real rat from the point of view of a Union Man and people from the “old left”.
Book” “The Man Who Sold the World”, also Kitty Kelly’s “Nancy”. The actress period alone…
As apology for speaking of the dead so frankly? Political History, and their enthusiastic tour into that realm makes the suspension of the general prohibition on speaking ill of the dead appropriate. Or so it’s said, and I agree.
Nancy’s tour as an actress is some history that I’ll not repeat, but it defined her true character. I’ll leave that “QED” to Kitty.
Opps! I wrote about the previous Nancy Show, But in a general way it’s not entirely irrelevant. I rather expect similar rodeos in the Nancy P affray.
As you probably know Mr P,
One of the US’ leading public intellectuals who was born into an upper-class political family, grandson of a US Senator & who’s primary focus was US history and society, especially how a militaristic foreign policy reduced it to a decadent empire, Gore Vidal described Raygun as ” America’s acting president”
Gore is a favorite, I had forgotten the quote though. Many Thanks.
Just a little bit of satanic ritual in a doomed and soon to be denazified region https://youtu.be/JdPXRuTRtOg
(Mrs P was speechless)
Howl> https://youtu.be/x-P2fILsLH8
You want a satanic ritual. Look to londons commonwealth games opening ceremony. Openly worshipping baal.
Fair world order is looking for justice‼️
The American Anglo-Saxon Deep State NATO Oligarchs are sure to offer up their Dispensable UnderCapo first.
Tossing WarCrime Boss, Stoltenberg, to our community’s World View Warcrimes Trial means nothing to them.
Liz Truss and Boris Johnson are next in line for sacrificial ceremony.
All coming anytime soon.
As a wag warned – there is the devil ye know and the devil ye don’t know.
Guess who is slated for NATO Boss – BoJo, as Russia’s Zakharova put it :
https://tass.com/russia/1486917 30 Jul, 19:25
UK’s Johnson could identify as woman for NATO Secretary General race – diplomat
According to Maria Zakharova, the number of genders recognized in NATO member states makes it possible to Johnson to pick one that fits him most.
Only that way is there a chance as NATOstan Emperor!
While Johnson finds his inner woman, Liz Truss looks for her inner Churchill. What a circus!
True, they need a witch – and the Secretary is just that doing some clerk work, so SHAEF is not burdened with the day in day out work amidst a pool of morons (He of course knows best..).
Hi Dear Saker, Amarynth
Could you please share your views on China-Taiwan dynamics and whether the conflict has the potential to get kinetic (any time soon?) and would that mean that Ukraine-Russia conflict takes backseat, especially with CBS showing 30% of weapons actually delivered to Ukraine, implying Zelensky becomes the fall guy. Secondly, does US have the levers to cool-off Russia-Ukraine conflict or only Putin decides what he wants & when.
Thanks for all that you do. Wishing you good health.
I thought this article was interesting. Author thinks Pelosi was doing the trip for China.
Just so you know, Rense is a notorious disinformation site.
The global Oligarchy has apparently succeeded to break the possibility of the Great 4 Powers, USA, Russia Federation, China, India , cooperating with 1 intent – to put the financial system through Chapter 7, Bankruptcy proceedings, and new Bretton Woods.
Only these 4 together have any chance of doing this – each separately, or even 2, the RF and China alone cannot.
Of course the 3 must cooperate, with BRICS, SCO, EAEU, yet until the USA is brought onboard, Pelosi Pranks will sabotage any real action.
Quite a few writers here seem to relish attempts to isolate these 4 Great Powers – are they Part of the Problem, or Part of the Solution????
Doing the ‘New’ Bretton Woods together can only happen if the Empire is defeated decisively on the main-fronts – but it’s basically only an offer for a smooth transition, nothing more, the later the hour the less will be on the table.
All the while the rest of the world will start to try to decouple from the Empire, the larger their Debit in $,£ the more rapid – and then dishonor the debt under the protection of new arrangments with the new big guys – I estimate only about two to five years away, while some countries might even do it earlier.
The Beast all the while is frying itself in his own oil devouring Europe to gain a few paltry years at best, trying desperate to cook some magic poison in their dungeons (we got a small View, what they did in Ukraine) – but it will fail too, possibly self-incurring the final death penalty to itself because there are limits to everything..
Nice idea bonbon. But the reality of the situation is while the US occupied government is so enmeshed in the City of London’s diktat – it would have to free itself of that first – and that would take a revolution / civil war / civil disobedience as Prof. Michael Hudson has flagged.
Remember the US has veto power in the World Bank & IMF & uses both to extend US foreign policy.
If the current global financial system is to be run through with a sword and a more equitable, more transparent system is to replace it – it can only come from Eurasian economic superpowers of Russia, China & India.
Meanwhile the Global South watches with immense interest.
When Trump in 2016 acted on the American System, working with Russia a good thing, inviting Xi to Mare Lago, that was an upheaval. The repercussions were horrendous – Russiagate, Wuhan, an unbelievable reaction.
Whether Trump will try that again?
Trump’s Freedom Molecules, or rather the Establishment’s, have definitely set the stage for a EU reaction. Pelosi’s hysterical Prank shows the Establishment is terrified!
Ive never understood the faith people have in Trump. Sure he didnt start any new wars but he
– didnt build the wall
– didnt release the classified JFK papers
– didnt pardon Assange when he could have
– hollowed out the WH admin so it could be filled with a different ethno-religious nationals
– hollowed out the intel & security agencies so it could be filled with a different ethno-religious nationals
-entrained the US-ians by keeping their focus squarely upon himself (via his tweets) – so they were distracted from how the public purse was being robbed blind
-entrained the US-ians to look to a savior figure to allow a fascist dictator to arise in the not-so distant future
In short, the Trump presidency was a psy-op – and the sooner people come to realize that – the better off we will all be.
Better to fight a psy-op,(democrat) w/a psy-op,(republican like trump) than to pretend it doesn’t exist.
The problem for US-ians is they continually see everything that happens through the Republic-Democrat prism, i.e. if its not this – it must be that – the same old, same old two-step that keeps them entranced in what is essentially a corrupt political process.
This has been comprehensively proven by the 2014 Princeton study:
Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens Martin Gilens & Benjamin I. Page, 18 SEP 2014
Said more simply: “The unity of the ruling classes is realized in the State” – Antonio Gramsci
There is no hope for you people, while you cannot even identify where real power lays.
@Alabama or said yet another way:
Anyone here remember NATO’s Gladio – its secret “stay-behind” network in case of a Soviet invasion?
It included weapons stockpiles, which were used for the Madrid 11 rail bombing.
Now much of the Kiev weapons conveyor belt is going somewhere else – Gladio is being re-activated with a new RAF – the Ukraine Banderists.
Sen. Rand Paul is on the CDC information terrorist list merely asking for $40 billion audit.
Speakers promoting narratives consonant with Russian propaganda
From Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).
NATO’s Gen. Milley finds Ukrainian-American GOP Rep. Indiana Spartz sharp criticism of Kiev corruption “overwrought” . CNN of all places!
Even though Spartz wants Ukraine to win, and Russia on the terrorist list, her sharp criticism of Kiev and Zelensky has rattled NATO to the core.
Anyway WaPo opened the door to corruption, Sky News a day later.
The ‘narrative’ is turning!
bonbon, good points.
GLADIO is well remembered by many. You may be interested in Douglas Valentine’s work on this particularly relevant just now with the SMO and denazification> https://youtu.be/hqkTf7IGNOc
Additionally “Going Underground episode E1010 defines “nazi” rather well…https://www.rt.com/shows/going-underground/549853-russia-ukraine-drills-tension/ BTW, according to this definition “NATO” is a nazi organization.
GLADIO was Gehlen’s little nazi plan that he sold to the western nazi thugs in suits…people like the Dulles boys.
A general view might be that GLADIO is ongoing, with appropriate evolutionary changes. Seen that way we have only to recall yesterday, and today in order to remember GLADIO.
Maybe paranoia – but the Gladio is the Roman Short Sword, an ancient imperial icon.
Azov et. al. recently changed from the Wolfsangel, SS icon, to the so-called 3-symbol, which looks awfully like a couple of Gladio short-swords.
Not a joke – such NATO stay-behind’s imposed a strategy-of-tension all across Europe from Italy, France to Germany, Spain. A recipe, sure from Gehlen et al., all through the Cold War.
This means any real resistance better not be naive – look what happened to Rohwedder, Moro, Herrhausen.
Positive side – Russia for sure knows in detail NATO’s stay-behind pranks!
I agree. And of course…the famous short sword. And the famous society or murderers and bombers in Europe…financed by? Yeah.
The nazi leadership fantasizes that a Policy that failed long ago will work this time. They’re delusional…but they design to do bigbig gladio routine.
Strategy>”Hullabaloo in East, attack in West”
Or, as B F Liddell Hart would say, all effective Strategy is indirect”
Speaking of the indirect, I vaguely recall theory, from many years ago, “all insurgencies fail without the support of an outside State”. Castro hunted them all down in the mountains, most cia air drop sea landing material (radios, ammo, guns, spam..) supply went to Cuban military.
USSR killed all those nazi guys of Gehlen’s in Ukraine when it was a Soviet Republic, by ’58 they were dead bandits or doing hard time.
US is going to leave Europe because it has to, police troops do the rest. For a while, yest, nasty. Is process of change.
Gladio had some success back in the day, but it’s worn out gag, and today Russia is far more powerful than was the USSR in the relevant postwar arena…this time gladio is just a suicide club.
KGB came to Munich to finish Bandera off – Melnyk, the dumped Ukraine ambassador to Berlin, stepped on a garden rake over that! He is rumored to write a book “Scholz and other hurt leberwurstle’s”.
The KGB kept a names list, pursued it systematically.
US leaving Europe should read NEXIT, to make BREXIT look like a leberkäse Semmel – no liver and no cheese.
Taiwan take over by mainland China, grows likelier by the hour …
Brother Ritter says his opinion is that China is now at war with the US, now, today. The takeover is a sure thing, the serious matter will happen when, if, the US tries to do something about it. Ritter makes a sound logical case for his opinion. Thing is, the disposition of forces now (he reasons) now forming are far too big to be a bluff – but that mainland China is irretrievably committed to make war. He also says the Chinese have absolute strategic dominance in their region, and probably farther than that, not to mention the reality that US store shelves will be bare as a result…creating some “problems” for junta “elite”.
Ritter calculates that an actual direct fight between US and China will result in the loss of many US ships, and ruin in Taiwan, many dead, which, in turn, probably escalates rapidly to the US using atomic weapons… He’s honestly frightened. And he’s an expert.
Recent Chinese warning repeated specific terms used in 1950 Korean war Yalu warnings. Those were not bluffing.
Say prayers. “It” is very probably “on”.
Empire of Lies is desperately trying to widen the scope of WW3. Its army is scheduled conduct military exercises on the Chinese border in India.
//The American and Indian militaries will hold joint exercises in the Himalayan mountains in October, less than 100km from India’s disputed border with China, CNN reported. //
Those nasty prohibited personnel mines nazi use in 404 … Who can say they will never encounter such infernal things? Thus a possibly useful bit of advice>
A Friend wrote> “…trained as a demolition specialist by the US Army. My military specialty was 12-B, Combat Engineer. My main job was to install and remove mines and boobytraps. I can tell you that the guy throwing the tire in this vid, and a guy throwing a paving stone in another vid I have seen, are idiots and making a situation much more dangerous than it needs to be. When a specific amount of explosive, (say 37 g of VS6-D, as in the PFM mine) is detonated, the power and danger of that explosion are greatly influenced by the container and whatever other substances cover or are in contact with the explosion. The stronger the container, the stronger and more dangerous the explosion. The PFM by itself on open ground is not dangerous beyond about 5 meters with appropriate safety gear – bronik, helmet, ballistic goggles, groin protector. Throwing tires and rocks is what idiots do. Using a specialized demining robot for PFM mines located in open territory is also what idiots do. I can tell you that at least for PFM mines that are detected and the location is known, detonation by gunfire is the safest and most effective way to neutralize them.”
Handy mine clearance machine would then seem to include Ruger type 10-22 . Seems to be, fairly light and cheap “seeds”. https://www.ruger.com/products/1022/overview.html
Probably also useful for liquidating rodents of many sorts, although an M1 might be noisy, it’s more effective. M1 is considered to be a “curio” – ie less regulated. I think my friend would use his AK 74.
These machines are not trivial…make sure that if you get one, or have one, that you get good safety instruction and follow it. One mistake may be your last mistake with machines of this type…with lifelong consequences.
When I Want Some Time to Pass
When I want some time to pass,
I pick up a glass.
I know its fine,
because its mine.
I don’t walk the line,
or pay the fine.
Because time, is all I want to pass.
When I want something to eat,
its always quite a feat.
I can’t cook, but I love to look.
And all I want, is for time to pass.
By now I’m plenty drunk,
And who would have thunk,
after all the talking, walking and balking,
I was to full to dine,
Waiting for time to pass.
Set a jug
Of New Wine
On the Tabble
For it is fine
Passing time
With you
Without a care
or a Dime
In the world.
I am not I.
I am this one
walking beside me whom I do not see,
whom at times I manage to visit,
and whom at other times I forget;
who remains calm and silent while I talk,
and forgives, gently, when I hate,
who walks where I am not,
who will remain standing when I die.
Juan Ramón Jiménez
if I try to touch the sun
I’m not the first or only one
should I succeed or should I fail
or if indeed, I come undone
I’ll do my best to carry on
and live with all that I become
but if I don’t, I surely won’t,
so stand aside coz here I come!
stirred up in passing,
ripples on the surface;
a human life unfolds
“To Sink to the Bottom”
by Vladimir Vysotsky
Aches and complaints, you name ’em, I’ve got ’em,
Sicker of everything I’ve never been.
Wish I could sink, like a sub, to the bottom,
And disappear from all radar screens.
“Have one more drink,” a friend kept insisting,
He kept repeating, “This, too, shall pass.”
He hooked me up with some chick named Kristin —
“She’ll help you, just like the booze in your glass.”
But neither helped me feel any less rotten:
It made my head hurt, she made a scene.
Wish I could sink, like a sub, to the bottom,
And disappear from all radar screens.
Aches and complaints, you name ’em, I’ve got ’em,
Now, even singing heightens my pain…
Wish I could sink, like a sub, to the bottom,
And send out signals never again.
in a soft river breeze
stands a single willow tree,
fresh in spring colour
Parting they seem’d to tread upon the air
Twin roses by the zephyr blown apart
Only to meet again more close, and share
The inward fragrance of each other’s heart
by John Keats,
from the poem “Isabella”
I grew in patterened silence
in the cool nursery of the century,
Man’s voice held no sweetness for me
but I understood the wind.
I loved the burdocks and nettles
but above all the silver willow.
Thankfull it lived in me
all its life, weeping branches
fanning sleeplessness with dreams.
Strange —I outlived it,
Now a stump sticks up there, other willows
say something in strange voices
under our — under those heavens.
I am silent . . . as though my brother were dead.
Akhmatova 18 January,1940
Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! My darling!
Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling.
Down along under Hill, shining in the sunlight,
Waiting on the doorstep for the cold starlight,
There my pretty lady is. River-woman’s daughter,
Slender as the willow-wand, clearer than the water.
Old Tom Bombadil water-lilies bringing
Comes hopping home again. Can you hear him singing?
Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! and merry-o,
Goldberry, Goldberry, merry yellow berry-o!
Poor old Willow-man, you tuck your roots away!
Tom’s in a hurry now. Evening will follow day.
Tom’s going home again water-lilies bringing.
Hey! Come derry dol! Can you hear me singing?
How could Tom Bombadil wear the ring of power, without it having any affect on him?
The Willow
Do willows cry when streams run dry,
Remembering days both sweet and fair;
When branches swayed in summer’s glade,
And life was a game without a care?
The willow weeps as autumn creeps,
Encircling its heart with fingers so lean;
And kissing with grief each curling leaf,
Surrenders to the wind its mantle so green.
Do willows despair with branches so bare,
Redolent with the scent of spring blossoms fair;
Stripped of all dreams, torn apart at the seams,
Caught like a bird in winter’s snare?
The willow it knows that’s how it grows;
That night follows day and death is a friend!
In sorrow and mirth, heaven meets earth
And both walk together until the end.
The willow laments but gives its assent
To leave the banks to which it clings.
It’s the price that it pays till the end of its days,
To sleep once more and dream of spring.
” but the way I see it, the stupid people are drugged. From a young age … with the spoon, so to speak.
And where I’ve been lucky enough to either not have been over-exposed to the drugs, or possess receptors in my brain that are relatively insensitive to the drugs (or both), stupid people haven’t had that luck.
The only way to help stupid people is to get them off drugs. But if you try that… you get quite a bit of junkie resistance. Which can put you in danger.
It’s a bad situation. I am now convinced that you can do nothing against stupid people, other than to let the stupidity rage out in a place where you are relatively protected from the stupidity. That goes against my conscience (in which I try to help people, instead of fleeing from them, and then watch them harm themselves), but I don’t see another option. I hope stupid people will repent. Only then does it make sense to come to them with insights about what is not stupid in the world (with which they can further unlearn their own stupidity).
Another option is the ‘cold turkey ‘ option in which the drugs are banned at the population level. That’s The Sun Yat-sen method if I understand correctly. But I don’t have that much power, and that much power has been given to very few.”
I can not state in words how much i agree with this random internet comment i found.
Oh, btw on the same site i also found this link, M.Ehret.
I will study Sun Yat Sen a bit further, he sounds like a interesting man.
Sun Yat-sen’s Advice to Young Revolutionaries
Lets take a break with a little flamenco: https://youtu.be/sLFH01qJT3k?t=213
My husband just came rushing out the door saying the TV was carrying on and on about some attack on the Zaporizhzhia NPP, and he wants to know what that is all about.
After searching through the latest comments here and under the kidnapping article, I take it that nothing at all happened. Most likely, given the Hiroshima Day speeches yesterday, the TV is carrying on and on about the supposed situation in which the Zaporizhzhia nuke comes under attack from the villainous ones (whom they usually out-and-out name), and just like with War of the Worlds, it was not clear to someone just tuning in that this was fiction, or in the current case, supposition.
Still, I’ll look back here in a little while.
I just got more information from my husband on the supposed attack on Zaporizhzhia. On page 7 of the morning edition of the August 7 Yomiuri Shimbun daily, there is an article saying Russia shelled the nuclear power plant two times on August 5. It is immediately obvious that this is Ukrainian disinformation and once again very clumsy. Obviously, with everyone’s attention focused on nuclear issues and the possibility brought up yesterday of insurgents attacking a plant, the timing was good for drawing attention and fooling at least a few people.
It will all be forgotten in a day or two.
Hopefully it is mere fear-mongering, to continue binding the Japanese to the dying Empire..
However, in setting of imminent loss of the Donbas, gathering biowarfare disclosures, and similar messaging in global media, it could be major Anglo-American escalation out of need to change narratives and to viscerally indulge in loser’s spite. They project the crimes about to be committed..
Zaporozhskaya Nuclear Power Plant is the largest NPP in Europe and among 5 top largest in the world. Imagine the scale of contamination if they succeed. It has been long known their plans to stage a nuclear and/or biological mass casualty event in the Ukraine, which is why Russians rushed to either occupy or neutralize these sites during the first hours of the SMO on February 24.. Russians warned about concerns here too, laying out the nature of the provocations. A lot of nazis will have to be terminated, as in the current boilers, to end this nightmare once and for all. They cannot help themselves, like the scorpion crossing the river on the back of the frog.
I’m sure you know, but some don’t…
Just to note> thermocycle of heat engines, including particularly atomic-hearted types, means that if a power station (or a car) loses cooling and ultimate heat sink, it self destructs. In atomic example that means Fukushima or far worse than Chernobyl. The reactors can’t stop producing heat for a long time, months of cooling is necessary and the pumps and heat exchangers (“shell and tube”) and so forth must operate pretty well, while spent fuel pools are also a big problem and similarly months of cooling is essential. Most metals are combustible…
Heat. massive amounts. The heat is more that 50% of the electrical or mechanical load, more like 70 or 80%. At shutdown it’s enormous. Figure on cooling almost indefinite period. Loosing offsite power (grid power) is very dangerous
Engineer boffin https://www.fairewinds.org/about-us/arnie-gundersen holds forth. He’s especially interesting in the Fuk explosions, one of which was, he said, an atomic sort. A “weak” nuclear explosion. (in industrial engines many explosions are 2+ stage, a bang creates the conditions for secondary explosions, a cascade of fubars.. )
(FWIW I disagree with Brother AG on some matters of Policy…the Ruskie boffins have, I think, done well enough now with modern reactors such that, taking the entire matter altogether, I think atomic power is necessary and proper in some applications. Arnie is based on old US reactors, which are flat dangerous, as is the old and abused and (unspeakably criminally bombarded Z plant in 404.)…………..
If the bombardments continue…somebody is going to be very sorry.
A thought about pot…
In Proverbs they speak of “strong drink”… My Rabbi friend explained to me what “strong drink” meant, his view… That this substance is a steeped solution of wine and marijuana and perhaps opium and GKW (God Knows What). Various translations muddle the meaning. Rabbi was also an organic chemist and taught Hebrew. He’s gone. RIP
The Fukushima explosions were the explosions of nuclear devices hidden in 2 huge almost 1000 kilograms security cameras sold to Dae-Ichi by a subsidiary of the Dimona group. One of the reactors that ‘exploded’ and of which the reactor vessel was ripped out of its foundation and went hundreds of meters up in the sky before falling back on the plant, did not contain any fission material because it had been emptied for maintenance. I have HD photos of the plant proving this without a single doubt.
The active and passive cooling systems were more that capable enough to avoid any trouble and all the emergency power generators did function unlike what was written in the news, but none of the engineers ever succeeded getting the systems functioning as designed. Well informed people tell that this was due to the Stuxnet virus that had entirely taken over the Dai-Ichi plant and which blocked all security measures on purpose.
Investigative journalist Jim Stone used to have several web-sites explaining the criminal attack on Fukushima. This got him in big trouble himself.
Do a search for this: “Did the Dimona Dozen Murder the Fukushima 50?”
Kiev has locked down Nikolaev to hunt for Russian collaborators.
A repeat of this :
Rome, Open City (1945) – Roberto Rossellini (720p) w/English Subtitles
Moving dope stuff from the prisoner affair>
Many say the marijuana now is not the marijuana then. Yes, some selecting by classical breeding techniques, but most seems to grown by small operations… The retired bikers I keep in touch with tell me that a “trimmed” seedless pound now costs 100 buckies. The “then” marijuana was raw with seed – at $10 per ounce, and for the beats, $5. (At 100 growing it does not “pay wages”…it’s a changing situation, bifurcated economy…no doubt the tax law will be the agency of a “crack-down”….”Mr Big” must get his squeeze. They’ll force it all to go through stores at high prices – bigbigplan!
I have a digital copy of a British Bombay Medical Journal article from about 1860 that describes using very high doses of solution of alcohol extract of hemp flowers for several days to induce coma and control the spasms and so forth in a tetanus case. The victim lived. Even now, tetanus is often fatal… I’d guess nearly always….but of course it’s not a profitable medicine… Note that in the Bombay account hospitals did not have oxygen, etc…the fella might just as well been in a barn. They dripped the extract solution orally. Grams per 4 hours…as I recall. This was mentioned in a published diary from US “first” Civil War> “Swamp Doctor”, of which I have a paper copy. In that account they noted that opium extract was the alternative – but would have resulted in death at the necessary dosage. Opium is a complex of (22?) different molecules, some of which are also very dangerous – different effects though.
Tobacco – the plant gathers environmental polonium and concentrates this in leaves. Since the atmospheric weapons tests there’s lots more of this and its brethren available… It’s my hunch that this change accounts for some of the increase in lung and other cancers. Tobacco plants are even used in remediation of atomic contaminates in soils down-wind from the tests (many tests were on the apartheid
“reservations” in the US west, and the dust settled on the “res” and on ranches outside the “res”)
Other inputs to cancer, I am sure, stem from the early polio vaccine contamination. See also “Doctor Mary’s Monkey” and the rapid evolution of a weaponizing of virus cancer by the dark side.
As to tolerance (not legalization) by “Great Emperor” and “Czar of Russia”… Sometimes it is best to ” take no notice “, and sometimes it is bad to take no notice. I recall a ship captain, eating of course alone in officer mess aboard…and the licensed officers were discussing at nearby table their plan to bring aboard some especially happy and friendly ladies for a “special party”, aheemm. “Cap” simply pretended to not hear, finished his coffee, and left the mess. I’ve seen many similar examples come from highly competent and able managers. I missed the party… not the way I roll…and then there’s the matter of communicable diseases…
As I said, war time is not the time to weaken the Moral Law. With Peace, other possibilities may emerge.
In my personal observations I have noted that the young fellas that, for example, spend 12 hours days in blasting heat welding 6011 rod endlessly in a open pit mine, do far better in all respects, if they smoke marijuana every hour or so. I vaguely recall a double-blind survey under Nixon done by US post office. They discovered that their best employees correlated to positive blood tests for THC, fewer injuries, better work output. That survey was, naturally, given the deep-six, or “file 13” as they used to say in US military.
I can attest to a personal experience too… a “random” drug test (prohibited by my contract) called me to the shack… I showed the contract, and slyly proposed a “compromise”, let us three (the safety manager and the project manager, and myself) all take the test … The reply? Oh, forget the test…
I’ve seen that at a mine too..Start of job at gate> Engineer: “y’all ready for your drug tests?” Two young fellas had been puffing away…so, as brothers, us old fellas said “no” and all of us began to leave the job.
Instantly, engineer in panic! “Oh we only test on the big jobs, forget it..let’s get to work.” The two dopers were the last to get laid off.
AHH, I am especially interested in your opinion regarding endocrine disrupting agents from the several “environmental” sources including “tin” can lining – particularly as these agents affect “gender dysphoria” and fertility.
Hi Mr P. I was pondering on this issue. I was exposed tangentially to it, from the perspective of primary prevention: mainly advising patients to minimize fast-foods and processed foods as much as possible, which contain a lot of it, and lead healthy balanced lives which maintains a protective immune and endocrine system. And follow mom’s advice too: carefully wash pesticides off your veggies and fruit skins with dilute vinegar/water solution, avoid non-stick pan-ware, “limit salmon to once a week or so,” and avoid unfiltered tap water in western world!
Here are some guides:
A Brief Overview
I agree with the AAFP’s position:
“Given the ubiquity of EDCs in the environment, true risk reduction will ultimately hinge on our ability as a society to reduce or eliminate the production and use of the most hazardous substances.” Given the power of the transnational chemistry industry behind much of our woes, such as DuPont, BASF, etc… and the lack of political agency in Zone A currently, we will need to wait for GlobalSMO denazification and demilitarization and subsequent resumption of morality in order to see needed remediation.. For can liner disruptors, common culprits appear to be Bisphenol A (BPA), commonly marked on containers nowadays. Confirm your cans lack this. Even if it has it, it is not as critical for the elderly as for the young, albeit even the elderly are harmed although at a slower rate. Better yet, switch to glass or stainless steel if feasible.
I agree with Russians regarding limiting interactions with the western multinationals and elites and their products.. integrity is so lost, it is prudent to wall them off and turbocharge local sustenance, resilience and reliance, at least until there is wholesale denazification and change of paradigm. Just as we assume every word spoken by Uncle Sam is a lie until proven otherwise, so with anything he and his minions touch, being dead-set on subversion and depopulation globally. Whatever multinationals touch nowadays not only is untrustworthy, its quality goes to rot due to cheapness, deliberately sped up planned obsolescence, incompetence, greed, etc..
PS – a movie I haven’t had the heart to watch is “Super Size Me (2004).” I have saved it for almost two decades now, dreading to watch such self-harm. It’s a most interesting accelerated study: what happens to the health if a man eats a strictly McDonald’s diet for one month. We’re talking major disruptions, and not merely endocrine!
PPS – I suspect superseding gender dysphoria or infertility (adequately addressed via Hollywood and MSM ads + mass miseducation and socialization) are cognitive and psychological targeting. And those are higher level disorders, without which one is truly disarmed! It is partly like giving all mankind the birth control pill, with the attendant mood lability and angst.. another adjunct to the zombiefication of the masses and reducing their application of reason and common sense, leading to civil strife and road rage, divorces, etc.. Also obesity is a foundational disorder (like pot is a gateway drug for many) leading to most ills afflicting us today – diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancers, cardiovascular disease, even osteoarthritis of lower weightbearing joints, etc.. truly diabolical.
PPPS – Nancy Patricia Pelosi (NPP, also = Nuclear Power Plant) is more risky to planetary peace than Zionist-besieged and threatened nuke plants in Iran, a decades long cause célèbre of the numbskulls of the occupied Palestine. What will mankind make of the spectacle when she and the Lotus occupy the White House, twerking unsteadily to “San Francisco?”
From another post/thread: “Like atomic infernal device physics, the chemistry can be compellingly attractive.” [and here:] “I have a digital copy of a British Bombay Medical Journal article from about 1860 that describes using very high doses of solution of alcohol extract of hemp flowers for several days to induce”
Yes, very true. I observed this first hand. I had never been drawn to chemistry, but during my premed training I became fascinated with organic chem. It was quite seductive, the breaking and rearranging of bonds and creating new properties, seemingly unlimited possibilities, opportunities, pathways to take.. you felt god-like, designing new creations! Opioid semi-synthetics are especially desired due to familiarity, ease of oral/dermal use, ubiquity for millennia, and the unusual property of having no upper threshold dose – what would kill you and me through OD asphyxiation could easily be tolerated by the chronic heavy user.
And wasn’t esoteric alchemy really the foundation of the modern scientific method and western world? The can-do spirit, a greased path to most current tech? Chemistry and math were the lingua-franca, the unholy communion like the infernal atomics, between Mephistopheles and the Men of Westernesse.. and it has now led to the cul-de-sac of nihilistic Transhumanism, where normal men are a veritable plague to be eradicated.
The addicts which disturbed me the most were benzodiazepine users. In the US, at least by late 2000s, opioids were more tightly regulated and less an issue for us in the clinic. However the little ladies needing their downers and refusing to be weaned, or insisting on ever-increasing doses of benzos, were a constant struggle! And they shopped docs around town for multiple prescriptions, notorious among the pharmacists who would call us. Central databases existed to tighten regulation, but they could mail-order or cross state lines, etc.. Uncle Sam always left loopholes..
> “a “random” drug test (prohibited by my contract) called me to the shack… Engineer: “y’all ready for your drug tests?””
the same games (even more sophisticated and many shamelessly blatant too) get played at clinics.. who was really eye-balling the chain of custody of that sample? Who was the real source providing it? And who was in the lab interpreting it? So many exploitable weak links, especially among fraternal rural/small town folks..
Thanks very kindly old man!
Ladies, I have been told can fit a “clean sample filled condom” and as they “pass urine” they slyly pierce this membrane to release the clean fluid. I assume you know that trick. Males can use catheterization tricks (which tend to be septic when done improperly!). But the actual reality is that, I think, that any competent manager can judge by behavior, and that alcohol and fatigue are the big problems. I used to make the fellas sign in on my desk, so I could smell their breath, and then naturally everybody on the crew knew all about dope. Professional fellas, masters of their respective trade craft, would refuse to work with a fella that was under the influence. If manager cannot see the problem, is this related to the job? Not all managers are competent, of course.
“Drug tests” are used sometimes to fire fellas, especially as they approach their pension granting anniversary.
I can’t fail an honest test and never have…but it’s vital to get your own test, and freeze a sample on the same day, and police the chain of custody… A pal who was career at a big oil company saved a lifetime pension that way, though it went to court first. I often got my own test prior to starting a construction job…advice from the Union.
Whatever cans we open, for many years, are jars we put away, though the sealing grey material laid down on the steel plated tops is suspect. I strongly suspect that EDC in young is synergistic with the pre-programming by propaganda
Agree about age and poisons BHT etc… I remember the fiasco with DES and the results… People can stand a lot of overload, but not for very long…a sort of elastic limit, after that the “cracks” are too big and propagate, to use materials jargon. Along such lines the now trivial but then somewhat worthwhile Scientific American published on elastic characteristics of arteries and more generally tubular hydraulic elastics, in the 1960’s…take away at this moment in time> the gist of it was that it was a time to failure proposition, unless the delta P went very low very frequently…like it does in all well animals’ blood circulation systems. Or a garden hose in the sun…failure outside such limits is inevitable and sometimes proximate. Steel is more forgiving. Aluminum? It’s Time to Failure. Rubber like materials? Flesh? Pay attention!.. Gods jokes!
Now, when it can’t matter, as Burgess Meredith said in Grumpy Old Men… “I’m 93 years old, what difference can it make?” (I am not 93 by a long shot!)
benzodiazepines> The local croaker and drug mill tried to run that game on both me and Mrs P with BP drugs by claiming BP was high (it was not, I Know!) and then also with the mood expensive patented altering sorts…how does one spell “kickback”? Nowadays I’d rather visit the veterinarian. Or the feed store, unless it’s a surgical affair. I do know a solid dermatologist, but does only surgery these days.
Yes, Old Mephisto! And the al chemie. Thanks for mentioning… I would tie that to The Master and Margareta.
I have saved documents regarding stage 4 lung cancer and “ivermectin” which I shared my dermo fella… (it worked, complete resolution and cancer gone, fast.)
Coley’s Toxins too were/are interesting, scotch tape and brew, heat and filter, then try… Grandad was an intern at Bellevue when Coley was experimenting and knew him slightly. As you know, almost nobody did internships in those days…he said Coley was onto something, but without proper biochemical understanding he was limited. Grandad left us when I was pretty young, in his 80’s as head of surgery, he went fast from pancreatic cancer, thanksgiving first symptoms, dead in January. I used his old glass hypos to inject fuel into model airplane engines…
Until later and thanks again.
Now war can arrive to the EU from its economic situation.
From the article:
In his telling, unless peace is reached in Ukraine, ‘”we will not be able to solve any problems, there will be no energy, and the entire European Union will be pushed into an economic situation of war.”’
Mike Obama? > see https://youtu.be/OaLwBMneofA
Joan Rivers died right after that video…
If video is legit… How thrilling!
One thing which soured me on the West and its trajectory was this transgender issue. It smacks of end-stage Pompeii and Sodom & G. Apparently it has existed among the elite bloodlines for generations. Part of the deal with Mephisto? It is only being rolled out now for the masses.. I learned a lot from an incisive educator called “Mr E” – check out YT and Bitchute, etc.. his videos are all over the net, and he is constantly banned and cancelled whenever he reappears.. I posted one of his videos recently on the cross-dressing Supreme Court judge during his nomination hearing. When these events are rolled out, it is open satanic mockery without hope of redemption.. I feel same way about forced vaccinations. All require divine cauterization and real Resets of current corrupt paradigms.
For those interested in deep dives into the transgender and reverso way-of-life of the High Cabal, here are several videos. I note this state prevails throughout the West in CONUS and W. Europe (not just with Big Mike Obama, but ALL first ladies), at least among their elites and all prominent celebrities. This goes way back in time, if after learning the signs and anatomy, and you review portraits of European royalty, it is frankly shocking.
Sodomites in the land, ‘Dude looks like a Laaidy.’
They dare come out openly nowadays via the stratagem of the “transgender,” but it is an old game. As Gwen sang, the Magic’s in the Makeup.. Unfortunately, given the strong glamour and misdirecting techniques, a key clue is only apparent LATER in life with Male-to-Females (MTF), as their skeletons enlarge and become coarser and harder to hide the underlying masculinity, even with hormones and relentless bone-shaving surgeries.. This is why some of the most famous actresses were traditionally shelved young, pretending to burn out or not get scripts or becoming recluses like screen idol Greta Garbo (old Mr E), or dying young, etc.. Or they have so much plastic surgery as to resemble the Elephant Man. Literally killing themselves to maintain the youthful look, not for beauty’s sake, but in great part to hide the reality of the underlying ugliness and a massive lifelong lie. Many note the generational curiosity of most Hollywood leading men being so soft & seductive, dapper, more beautiful than their “female” counterparts, and they age so gracefully and elegantly…
I agree with Mr E: these twisted creatures are raised as the opposite gender from birth, taught the convincing mannerisms and ways and generally not permitted to stray from the plot while in public. It is like entering into the very organized clergy, who are embedded into an entire way of life which feeds them, employs them, gives them meaning and knowledge, fame, wealth, position and/or meaning, as well as support in any temporal misdeeds – from cradle to grave. It is impossible for 99% to work up the courage to revolt and leave this cocoon. They remain infantilized, dependent on it for life. So they suffer and resort to drugs, alcohol and escapist hedonism, having complete disillusionment in life and Truth, given the abomination they are forced to live every day of their miserable lives..
More theoretical on the “Sacred or Divine Androgyne” which underpins much of Luciferan belief and why they push the transgender issue.. “The gods demand stage-plays in their own honor” and Shakespeare responds, “all life’s a stage..”
Not quite Mr P, she was being followed by a Paparazzi on the way to her apartment, she was asked on camera about Mike, where she replies, “she’s a Trans, sure everyone in Hollywood knows that”. Two or three weeks later she was Obamasided during a routine day op.
That vid if you haven’t seen it, is worth its weight in gold, Joan never feathered around the edges. Dead pan, dead serious, dead comedian.
Cheers M
One look at Mike with the Obamasider in Collage and Mrs Obamasider in the Oval Office, some things makeup can’t hide, big teef and all and especially when dancing in public. Ms Ardern down under has a similar follow through…..nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
in La La Land even the deaths are not dead serious.. They wanted to reveal Big Mike, and so ordered J. Rivers to talk, in order to mock those who are not lobotomized in our Brave New World.. kinda like publishing the book “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” In their satanic worldview, they have to reveal the nitty gritty of the crime, but usually in a sly way so as to be ignored by a critical mass.. the plausible deniability of the Coward, reliant on the consent of the lemming majority for misrule.
For example, there is the famous painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress in Epstein’s NYC mansion.. a revealing portrait, with layers of meanings. What does it really say? What are the implications? Were we being gaslit with Monica (and who really used the cigar on whom, and stained that dress??) Look carefully at this photograph. Who gives off the soft feminine vibe, and who has the strong male gaze? Here’s another (02), and here’s another (03). Birth gender hormone blockers (and sometimes castration), along with opposite gender hormonal treatments, can leave reverso couples hiding in plain sight – the real man shorter, having feminine skin and shine, supplemented with breast augmentation, etc… How many would believe this, nevermind can stand going down these rabbit holes? The Babylonian/Roman principle of the Castrati still exists among [most?] celebrated “female” divas today hitting unusually powerful soft notes.. (see Mr E archives on Adele, Whitney Houston, even Billy Corgan…) I heard there was a similar effeminate painting of FDR back in the day.. the [unsaid] reality is constantly in our face, but too dark for most to comprehend.
From what I read of these Luciferians, like a Matryoshka doll, they have hidden layers of puppet-masters behind the scenes, including the ostensible national leader who is most directly handled by his/her MTF consort. This has lately gone off the rails with the “Biden complex,” but it has been thus perhaps since George Washington. imho, there have never been good guys in significant leadership positions since and including the “Founding Fathers” – the Club and its system is too thorough in filtering them out.
They could “afford” the mockery since all the energies of human and demon legions are focused on supporting their single horse, Babylon on the Potomac, and the ancient world had been leveled 1914-1945.. but they harm their own interests nowadays, with hormone-laden mediocracy all around.
Now extrapolate to recent generations these newly assertive MTFs, and how during “the crunch” of achieving their planned NWO, so many “females” – often Young Global Leaders often – are now prepositioned in key spots throughout the west. Regardless of how they masculinize and dress up the FTMs, during the last mile they will only trust the “men,” having contempt for biological females. Hence using N Pelosi (MTF) for the provocation, and the Lotus will soon ascend the Iron Throne. A mad world.
Perhaps Bush the Mad the Elder’s words to the effect that if the people knew what they had done, they would hang them, not merely points to looting and mismanagement, but this satanic lifestyle and a foundation built on absolute lies? Was Director Casey really talking about a fait accompli regarding the desired shaping of the American mind, the way Russians already have in serial production whenever they announce new Wunderwaffe?
Thanks for the reply!
About claims of Mr E…………Let us recall that a technique of fubaring a reveal is to fake it…though I accept that some are trannies, (and that “Mike” is actually a tranny) it may be that, for example Dear Mike may be female but wearing a male prosthesis on occasions in order to create a “conspiracy theory” that can be “debunked” later. This is explicitly an established form of disinformation propagation generally. Any female has this capacity, of course…as do males, though somewhat more trouble in males I expect!
It would be interesting to take a DNA sample from the Mike’s trash – DNA thrown away. As you know, the courts say that there is no violation of law in “taking” un-laundered tissues from the table, or the trash…cops do it all the time.
My opinion is that Mr E is correct in some percentage …https://inspirehep.net/files/7edd2908341f2efbe6a5b0e88abc30d8 That makes 3 theories, it’s said.
I hold that life is ubiquitous in the universe and that it rains upon us. This does not rule out or contradict the earthy chemistry theory…I’d guess God “seasons” Earth with “seeds, even to-day. But I have an open mind about it. Probably we’ll never be sure… I think God plays jokes. Maybe He gives “nudges”…and maybe He’s giving us another nudge to-day… It’s pretty clear that man is sliding down the icy slope to WW3…giving man the choice of good or evil in rather blunt, stark, terms. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat and many “elite” and their slaves are clearly mad, and, I think, terrified – recalling Phobos (fear/panic) and Deimos (terror/dread) as the lesser Spirits of Mars, the god of war.
I think of MacBeth’s attempt to stop time…”hang those who speak of fear!” when he himself was afraid, as we know from his inability through angst and fear to murder his King…less able than a woman. I note that the universally acclaimed champions of freedom who, for the moment anyway sorta rule the nazi realms, have never been a real fight, not even in a bar. Cowards, they’re terrified and send innocents to the grave. Vast oceans of innocent blood. They bathe in blood.
All big operations have many engines and complexities, redundancies, and so on. And life is a big operation.
(I do think that the social interactions between animals forced chimps to become man…Neanderthal and, some say, perhaps 22 other subsumed species with geographic variations that continue today…the process didn’t stop. (Man is still becoming man.)
Barns Law and the Alex twins held long confab today…their consensus seemed to be that MAL raid was a crossing of Rubicon. see duran/locals…2 1/2 hours … Two cool lawyers… Though long, the lawyers, Barn especially, have very dark and sober ideas… It’s perhaps worth the necessary time to listen to the trio. I am very glad I did not go far at law school…even then it was a waste of time, but now! whoooboy! RIP USC. (FWIW Barns and I agree, I did finish Constitutional Law. He’s right.)
There seems to be an omission…the url refers to Freeman Dyson of the atomic rocket Orion project…who also authored proffered theory of origin of life.
The (living) Nancy fubar…Ritter: “china is going to war with US” > https://youtu.be/Pg163VUGkgM
50 + video, gets pithy after 10:00…
A thrilling moment in 2006 https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/a-chinese-diesel-submarine-surfaced-in-the-middle-of-a-us-carrier-group/
“November of 2006, one of China’s Song-class diesel electric submarines surfaced just five miles away from the USS Kitty Hawk off the coast of Okinawa. At the time, the carrier group was in a protective formation, using anti-submarine defenses and aircraft. The appearance of a Chinese submarine no doubt surprised everyone in the fleet. …”
That was then…
This sort of encounter, in war-time, results in a broom tied to mast….a bagging “flag” meaning a clean sweep. ie targets sunk.
I have no idea about the symmetrical Chinese display
…………………..Brother Comrade Garland N > https://odysee.com/@garlandnixon:1/chain-taiwan-the-world-post-pelosi-visit:8
Mr P
Photovault link – 404 Not found message
At UTC 10:22 8/8/2022 I tried the link > https://photovault.com/data/resize/800×550/MYN/MYNV13P15_18.jpg?fe632acaf536ce9abf0edfd6c0073faf < and it worked. It's just an inverted cornbroom on a sub. A close-up. Nothing special until one considers the ruin it represents.
Thanks for that.
“Nancy Pelosi’s visit to China and its global importance”.
The Bible says there will be “no more South China Sea” in the new world, so all this hysteria about Nancy are also bs and in vain. Revelation 21:1.
Shorty and shifty are running (or should I say ruining) the show.
As shorty strangles the labor market, shifty has shown his face in the form of excuses. The hail Mary pulled in Afghanistan last week was the prelude to shifty showing up to declare new US targets and directives.
And w/the new shifty, comes the reasons why so many more citizens lives will be disrupted to meet the new mission impossible tasks the UG gvt has assigned its self.
But teaching people Chinese so as to better be able to steal their technology w/o them being conscious about it?
I don’t believe this shall end well.
Here’s the follow up story from last week.
Thanks Per. I have proposed this excellent idea myself many years ago, military partnership with North Korea, but as usual everybody refused to listen to real Intelligence.
Only today people woke up and realize just how right I was about it. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/russian-state-tv-north-korea-offers-russia-100000-volunteers-fight-war-ukraine-exchange-grain-energy/
Russia gave vital assistance to Korean peoples’ fight against fascist quisling finks, and their sponsor, long ago… MiG pilots, as did China. Box Open? Yewbetcha! Pandora’s winds blow…and old amigos renew coordination at new level. A matter of the Moral Law under Heaven.
Goddamn, I just came across this post in LA’s Reddit and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Los Angeles and the United States roasted so accurately and devastatingly. The state of our cities really should be a national embarrassment.
I am reading that Japan, France, etc do not like China doing military exercises in its territory. Can not they think how hilarious they are? US may do exercises miles and miles away of their territory with no problem. Nato can go to the Russian border in a no NATO country. But China may not exercise in its borders…
Somebodies going to need a back adjustment after this comic scene.
Some more progress at long last Amarynth?
Fat chance here in New Sheepland!
It is their opinion in Costa Rica that they are not cattle and this is the truth for Costa Rica.
But we have another opinion in our countries which is the truth for us, and we both have the right to have our truths because there is many truths, meaning that Costa Rica should also respect our truth if they want us to respect their truth.
Because it should be equal!
Can’t hide stats Tommy, there is only one truth, ask the jibbed dead………hmmm, maybe count them, they’ll be a tad quite. Lost several healthy friends recently,….the main diff tween me and them. They followed the medical politicians advise. Me, I sided with God, his will be done.
Cheers M
Mandatory equals Mandated, that’s equal?
There was a Roger Waters webinar today August 8th. For some reason my system wouldn’t zoom. But a friend who watched thought it was very worth while. He talked about war, peace, art and activism. Sine the Saker admires Roger Waters maybe this webinar could be brought up on the Saker?
Tooo many details for the Newsfeed, so I’ll stick it here:
The EU is discussing the introduction of sanctions against NATO-member Turkey due to rapprochement with Russia
Several Western officials told the publication that they were concerned about the promise of the leaders of Turkey and Russia to expand cooperation in the field of trade and energy after their meeting in Sochi.
The EU has not yet held discussions on this issue. They say that the official decision of the EU on sanctions against Turkey will be a challenge, given the differences on this issue within the bloc.
Washington has repeatedly warned that it will hit countries that help Russia evade sanctions with “secondary sanctions” aimed at violations that go beyond the legal jurisdiction of the United States. – Financial Times
Watch this space.
Nagasaki Day. Let us pray… And recall Fine Proponent of Peace General L. Groves saying “the bomb is for Russia”… ((Alperowitz) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/208706.The_Decision_to_Use_the_Atomic_Bomb )
Raid @ MAL> DeSantis sez “banana republic”… He is not first, he’s 22 years late. Andy Rooney said it on CBS (but the “60 minutes clip” is in file 13…not to be seen again) . Brother Andy! RIP.
Speaking of nazijuntas> We may add to v. Clausewitz “all war stems from domestic political considerations”? And ask, do the nazi juntas need a state of emergency to prevent pitchforks carrying rope? (Y/N)
This is the whole point of NATO : keep the Americans in, the Russians out & Germany down.
Germany will lose $265 billion ($265,000,000,000) due to the Ukraine conflict – study by German Institute for Employment Research (IAB) reported by Reuters
“Plan R”?? nazis attack Crimea… @ RT
Last Sitrep Operation Z…on 07/26/22….can we get update after loooooooooooong 2 weeks ?????