2022/07/02 17:30:01
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this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the sakerI have a suggestion for the comment section of your articles:
Please number the comments so that if the reader is interrupted in his reading he can easily go back to were he left off. Of course there is no need to number the reply’s as they can be added to the reply’s at any time.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the sakerOur state mandated “voluntary” poverty in order to stick it to a capable leader and one of the only adults in the room, is to be considered sacred by the lumpen prole because pervy old Joe said it was so.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the sakerOur “esteemed” leaders should lead the way and take a vow of poverty. Give up all their assets and live the rest of their lives on the average income in their respective countries.
I agree, provided they survive the re-education program in the forests. I once started an online petition from one of the more popular online petition mills demanding Congress work for minimum wage. I knew it would never work but I thought if enough people signed there could be an embarrassment factor in the making. I had the limit of 5000 friends. I got 40 signatures. Most others cited the fact that it could never work. They couldn’t see the humor in it. I miss the Yippies. Enjoy your weekend Bigsby and thanks for your delightful comment. I concur.
You have some wonderful ideas. However, the USA is not going back to anything that would appear normal. The thinking of our leadership and the deep state is so entrenched in a liberal form of nazism I don’t thank we can ever go back, but will destroy ourselves, even with new leaders.
Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova caustically responded to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, who addressed her with the phrase about “beauty”.
“Like it, don’t like it, be patient, my beauty,” wrote Rinkevichs, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia.
Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, replied –
“Edgar, you are not for beauties. Find yourself a handsome man, and let him endure. And I’m not yours. Or is this another coming out?”
Men run the world, but how’s that working out for them?
I started reading in the Counter Punch an article in which the autor states that Russia and NATO are linked, one needs the other.
That is an absurd. We cannot compare things of different nature.
Russia, we can like or dislike her, is a country, with population, farms, factories, schools, shops, citizens.
NATO is just an army. Only produces deaths.
I am tired of reading bulkshit.
“I deplore the fact that, because of the will of certain French presidents, France has dissolved into NATO. However, General de Gaulle always tried to maintain France’s independence in the integrated command of NATO.”
Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of Charles de Gaulle, at the French Embassy in Paris, on June 14, 2022, to mark Russia Day. It is a speech that has been heavily censored in France …
I am thinking what for there are so respected universities in France if they act as they act. They are useless.
Macron is one of the ‘Young Global Leaders’ part of the Klaus Schwab empire. That’s why we’re in such a mess!
They every gun needs a target. Opponents are always linked. This makes them enemies. In political realm a unity cannot exist beyond a mere moment. Szilard compared USSR to USA…defining difference…in example USSR and USA Mr S wrote: “I’m all in favor of the democratic principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone takes the next step and concludes that two idiots are better than one genius.” (USA being represented by the two idiots)
Betrayal of USSR and attendant “collapse” made the continued existence of USA, beyond a brief latency, impossible.
Recovery to power of classical civizational Russia create necessity of rapid and foundational Change in USA space.
We compare things of different nature every day…weigh out on the scale a gram of gold and call this 5000 ruble. vive la différence.
I understand NATO is said to be an army. It is also said to be an alliance. It needs its own dissolution…and in this it is paired. It seems to also be a racket, not an army…albeit a dangerous criminal racket with many corpses to account.
Counter Punch? Once in a while…funny spot.
They say (ST) > “Dramatic Decline in Births in Germany” (Brother Igor). In previous AHH wrote of https://youtu.be/2VT2apoX90o (Children of Man)…I recall also Clarke’s “Childhood’s End”
CoM was not nice.
Let us add the proper text too from Vonnegut> “Galapagos”…there’s a not very good wiki…but just read the book.
I am recalling also the prehistoric proto-reglions that saw a female god in continuity and an annual “elected” king. Easter, Ester, Astarte and so on… remembering this foundation “west” is infected with a disease that worships death, not birth. Mutilation, not beauty. This condition seems like a contradiction, a pathology, doesn’t it?
It may be that SMO404 and the following echos will result in such contradictions coalescing inside AZE…’specially as the rate of change is so rapid…”change” being polite for “impoverishment”…a sort of reflected energy. Anyway it’s normal for Change to have unpredictable rates.
About POW swap 1:1 including avovnazis…I note that releasing a murderer does not make his crime or guilt go away…warrants can issue at any time.
(1) Declining birth rates: Paul updates us on the dramatic story. Taiwan even more shocking than Germany. PaulSch. Scroll down through short thread..
About one year ago, CAF’s Solari Report had an interesting piece on Australia. Chinese companies stopped investing in children’s formula or products. CAF thought it had bearing on future birth prospectii, or lack thereof..
It is interesting the two key trojan horses – one for Russia and the other for China – are facing this catastrophe above all other nations. Divine hand at work? Poisons tend to rebound on mad scientists..
(2) POWs: additionally, I remember a Donetsk spokesman saying the Azov ones were heavily-damaged (amputations, ground-up, near-death) and mere foot-soldiers.. the top cadre were not given away? Any legerdemain to retrieve one’s POWs from nazis is worth it. But yeah, there is no statute of limitations on war crimes. AZE is still wheeling out 100-year-old nazi camp guards.. Generals Tommy Franks and Wesley Clarke et al in orange jumpsuits? ‘Good things come to those who wait.’
(3) I was looking for Munich connections to Schloss Elmau and Eagle’s Nest. They are in a triangle as mentioned – not equilateral, but with Bridget Bardot the hypotenuse side between the two resorts. Meyssan reminds us of nazi connection to Munich, and why G7 was held in Bavaria:
(A) “The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), [was] headquartered in Munich at the CIA” for decades.
(B) “A few months after his election, on May 6, 1995, Leonid Kuchma, the second president of the new Ukraine, traveled to Munich to meet Steva Stetsko [the widow of the former Prime Minister of the Nazis, Yaroslav Stetsko] and the [Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations]. He could thus benefit from the discreet support of the United States to liberalize the country.”
(C) “In 1994, the president of the ABN and widow of Nazi Prime Minister Yaroslav Stetsko, Slava Stetsko, ran for parliament. She was elected (even though she did not have Ukrainian citizenship) and re-elected in 1998 and 2002. Dean of the Verkhovna Rada, she presided over the opening session on March 19, 1998 and on May 14, 2002. On these occasions, she gave speeches to the applause of her peers (but without the presence of the Communist deputies who left the room). She praised Stepan Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko and concluded with their rallying cry, “Glory to Ukraine! » She died at the age of 82, on March 12, 2003, in Munich.”
Munich appears to be the main base of Ukrainian nazis, with escapees & descendants from ww2 holed up there and continuing their mission to this day. G7 delegations had to land at Munch International Airport to get to their resort meeting. It signalled this war would be taken to its logic, an unfinished war for both sides..
(4) Energy wars deepen:
VVP “pulls a fast one” on Japan, which joins EU in loss of vital energy supply. Japan receives 10% of total LNG imports from Sakhalin-2 gas fields.
VVP’s Algerian friends “pull a fast one” on EU.. a coordinated take-down of the global Ancien Régime?
This tsunami of bad energy news is unsustainable for EU. Nevermind a dark winter, there is a cruel hot summer right now. Remember Hitler was remonstrated for starting Barbarossa so late, the Balkans campaign pushing it back to late June. A certain quickening is apparent by the current nazis to get the dance going before they run outta energy or into winter again.. the Guns of August?
Something on those declining birth rates. Let’s not yet jump on a conclusion train.
I get this from Chinese sources – the biggest manufacturers of these of course: Condom sales fall 40% since 2020 and 43,200 domestic condom manufacturers have gone out of business, while 232,300 newly registered companies are producing medical protective gloves.
So yeah, perhaps there is not much activity of the two-backed jollies kind.
I see stuff from the US with the Roe vs Wade issue that young men are having vasectomies in order not to cause pregnancy and possible abortion.
Another stimulating MFC banner. Imagining a cagey diner conversation up above between two pros, in the days both sides had standards and intellectual agility.
(1) Mrs. A, very good point and highly relevant. The mindwars have unmanned many a man! It is actually a known factor even before covid. Men who spend more time online with porn became overwhelmed with overstimulation, started to see their spouses or GFs as plain (just one of a certain look and type vs the hundreds they are used to browsing), and thus impotent. How many were stuck indoors after February 2020 through mandatory lockdowns and picked up or increased their dark browsing habits? It is also said mind-control capabilities increased dramatically with the direct inoculation of various proprietary technologies..
Multiply all above with unreasoning Fear, especially of acquiring invisible germs from the bodies of others, and is it wonder Romance died in developed overeducated lands? Sylvester Stallone awakens from cryosleep in the crazy metaverse future and finds a generation disgusted by old-fashioned mixing of bodily fluids..
But additionally to porn, there appears to be something lowering libido in the virus and/or concoction itself – a colleague of mine treating a 20s-something Nigerian with two wives (and used to honorably discharging his duties EVERY single night) came in with a complaint of first time impotence! This is unimaginable horror for many now..
However, these noted effects would be expected to be roughly equal across similar nations. The degree to which Germany and Taiwan are outliers is not only abnormal but well outside statistical likelihood… see the sigmas
I wrote about Germany and Taiwan (also applies to Japan precovid), “Divine hand at work? Poisons tend to rebound on mad scientists..” Another consideration – perhaps it was intentional sabotage by the AZE? Mr P and others noted varying batches delivered worldwide.. They know they are on their way out from Eurasia – Mackinder’s horror has materialized and Sea Peoples lost – so why not poison the wells on the way out?? Prevent the World Island from benefiting from tremendous potential of Germans, Japanese and Taiwanese. Some of the most potent Chemistry and Technology from late 1800s to 1945 were German and Japanese, and Chinese Taiwan is as ascendant today, with huge impetus for the Chinas if they merge peacefully. It is fatal to be an Anglo-American ally.
(2) wow. a few days after Roe was repealed and just two years after George Floyd, the illuminated Akron Ohio hometown of billionaire LeBron James saw cops firing 60 rounds into a black man. BLM to the rescue & riot next? They are in a hurry to ignite the summer.
(3) VVP’s successful 5-Caspian nations’ summit (A) kept NATO out of Russian-Iranian lake, (B) small missile boats with their hypersonics will be more crucial going forward. They can traverse the Volga-Don river system to connect to the Black Sea. This provides depth to Black Sea fleet. Russian navy is strengthened, a key component in coming phases, especially in the coming East Med confrontations..
(4) Africa cutting loose? The golden Ruble is inspiring similar in Africa, which may lead to domestic gold coins and rapid dedollarization.. A Golden Dinar was Ghaddafi’s old dream for African emancipation. This risks turning into a multipolar Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, with the USD in the role of the banged piñata.
(5) I’ve come to enjoy the engaging and ebullient newsbits of this channel, TFIglobal! They enjoy digging knives into geopolitical rivals such as China, but why Germany? Or is it boilerplate shadenfreude at the fall of the arrogant? “Winter is coming, and Germany is running out of gas.. Germany is DOOMED!” They published another prescient piece just hours before Russia removed Japan from Sakhalin-2: Japan Gasps for Russian coal. Japan appears as doomed as Europe, dangerously so. IIRC they started a war last time over a similar predicament.. Nevertheless I found my new fav channel, one like PCR which tells Hyperbole with a straight face and gravitas. Priceless. And who would we rather watch read the script, these beautiful ladies or Rachel Maddow?
Saud? Maybe so…”The Biden Factor: Saudi Arabia Is in Discussions to Join the BRICS Coalition with China and Russia and Move Away from US with Potentially Explosive Consequences” Maybe pretty soon no take dollar…gee, ya’tink? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/biden-factor-saudi-arabia-discussions-join-brics-coalition-china-russia-move-away-us-potentially-explosive-consequences/
Fertility/porn. We were explicitly, Uncle Sam Said, told at start of “lockdown” to entertain ourselves with porn. I noted this as odd at that time. I looked…ugh. It’s always the same plot. I’d rather grind the rust off a piece of steel.
BTW lockdown @ Anoxia was almost a non-event.
It’s a common error that all scientific explanation is singular. A natural human assumption is that a phenomenon has one explanation. Persig speaks of this, I think. I’ll see if I can find the quote.
There does seem in this reproduction matter to be more than one mechanism operating…porn, alienation, anxiety, and so on…but we also have what seems to be a bio-chemical agency that produces real physical changes in gonads…and then of course the stated policies that Corbett has outlined – the depopulation “folks” and all of that. Happily, I just heard 5 month old twins at a 4th party nearby. Shot=agency? lemmiethink…
AHH> I have been thinking about the 1950’s. It seems to me that the adults who had been through the war, whether directly or not, were in a “transient stress disorder” and that this was enhanced…amphetamine was more or less freely available ( “jar” of 1,000 5mg pills cost 10 buckies or less), mostly legally, and was more or less accepted…doses were modest…1, 5, maybe 10mg from a doctor. …but it adds up…and most people smoked and drank a lot…indicators of said TSD. Fist-fights were not unusual. CIA was taking over the heroin in Southeast Asia from the French..the heroin and the speed helped sidetrack the left, and helped create the beats. Ginsberg was high on speed when he wrote “Howl”, for example. Recalling 1953 or 4, Sausalito’s beatnik girls and little shops built on the beached and rotting ferries. I can still smell the waterfront odors. I’ve been told that, in the war, benzedrine was handed out like candy on at least some ships. Anyway among the many qualities of that decade was rather free use of three narcotics, amphetamine, alcohol, tobacco. I think that, the TSD was both a product of the sudden change and stress of the war, and also of the drugs people used because of it. Mind you, I don’t disapprove, people do as they do, did as they did. And I note that they generally did pretty well, except they tended to die young. There are suggestions in Steinbeck that he himself might have been accustomed to using amphetamine (and marijuana)…I think there is one in “Travels with C”, but there are others too, and John was involved in MTBs and the war in Europe, but not as soldier. He was too old for war, it was very difficult for his character….anyway in file “1950’s” add memo that tobacco/amphetamine/alcohol was very much part of that time, a social factor, and not seen as especially criminal.
Our phases are aligned! I had many similar thoughts in the past. It is multifactorial. This is understood in all the sciences – we do not live in a vacuum in sterile lab conditions. Even Smoothie’s salvo equations are rendered so complicated due to so many variables, albeit simplified by hypersonics. Which reminds of my favorite Smoothian saying, “What good is Early Warning when you do not have a counter. Suddenly it works only for one single maneuver–running for one’s life.” lol!
your Californian neighbor Jon Rappaport also taught the Technocrats tend to leverage for their lying narratives the innate and pervasive “natural human assumption.. that a phenomenon has one explanation.” This is all too often a fallacy! So I observed, along with many, the mantra of covid-19 in 2020 – the Single Virus. Even though it soon became apparent many different unrelated phenomena were at work. There were many different viruses, some countries were frankly lying and using bogus case-counts, some had chemical attacks of unknown etiology, some may have had 5G wifi poisoning, etc etc.. But all lumped together under the Single rubric to inflame Fear. Cui Bono? The ones whose media horn was driving the madness.
“There does seem in this reproduction matter to be more than one mechanism operating…porn, alienation, anxiety..” I would add loss of confidence by men as a major factor – due to unemployment (from destroyed SMEs), woke attacks on white males, incarceration of blacks and others, submissive facial masking, public flaunting of alternative lifestyles, being politically led by the clinically demented and incompetent, inability to shake hands and touch skin, decreased access to sex, increased drug and alcohol use as refuge, etc.. – a self-perpetuating negative loop to dismantle an entire population. Effective tsunami, no?
“amphetamine was more or less freely available..I think that, the TSD was both a product of the sudden change and stress of the war, and also of the drugs people used because of it.” Many years ago, I had a senior hospital attending recount of allopathic practice in the ’50-60s – valium was prescribed like candy to the ladies.. an entire generation hooked, to keep them docile. What demons in their men did ladies have to face in their homes to raise the anxiety? And so, “Do you have a uterus? Naturally you must be hysterical. Take this!”
Low starting doses are not important. Tolerance develops soon enough and you need moar and moar. You will even will sell family members for the next fix. And so a hefty segment of Americana had a legal distributer..
Like warcraft pilots and others geared towards the war effort, the entire society was marshalled towards the permanent war economy – an Upper for the mornin’ and a Downer for the evenin’, at least for the upper classes and military boys. Your choice how hard you wanted them. And a pleasantly numbed housewife to return to. Those who fell by the wayside and could not sustain the “Work hard, Play hard” ethic were not given a second look.
Massive societal efforts..
..can only be sustained so long
The racket continued every since. The spotlight shone on Azov rats and the lifestyle of UkroNazis is the rule in AZE lands.. Those who believe in absurdities, and commit atrocities, need mighty Pharmakeia to sustain their delusions.. And it isn’t merely about feeding the Big Pharma Beast. It is conscious shaping of society, making it manageable, for eugenicists who like compliance and order even under extraordinary stressors and circumstances. Countless psychological studies, done in academia and funded by the military and think tanks of the Rockefeller et al Trusts, demonstrate this intent. btw, ancient Greeks defined Pharmakeia to include poisons and any psychoactives, including alcohol and witchcraft.. It is not a coincidence where one finds nazis, one finds powerful Pharmakeia.
“I have been thinking about the 1950’s” > IMHO, by 1950s, a series of “shocks” set up the generation to enter through the Looking Glass, the metaverse/matrix of that era, and to never dare exit again. Here is a proximate domino effect, if we take the generation in power from 1890s-1930s as a cohesive power group determining the national fate:
– the consolidation of Robber Barrons in the Gilded Age (part X underway now)
– external expansion (leaving CONUS) with 1898 Spanish-American war and entering the European’s white man burden colonial game
– 1913 creation of the FED
– Wilson’s betrayals – Col House & Balfour (an overt melding with British Empire to form Anglo-America), WW1, Versailles..
– 1929 stock market crash and manufacture of the Great Depression (part II underway now)
– 1930s Dust Bowl & famine (part II underway now)
– FDR’s betrayals – Pearl Harbor, WW2..
– Truman’s countless betrayals – the Bomb, subversion of UN/Bretton Woods/IMF/WB, rise of Big Ag, 1947’s Security State & Marshall Plan, Op Paperclip, creation of Israel, permanent war economy & MIC…
So by 1950s the die was cast.. the Republic was long dead. The people were like flotsam in a crazed blood-foamed maelstrom, beguiled by temporary indulgences & affluence and glitter & gloss and fueled by psychotropics such as EtOH, nicotine, stimulants, depressants, etc.. inner peace left to never return. This is my sense of the reading of 40+ years of arts, history and anecdotes of my elders & educators.. we’ve been rearranging deck chairs since, with 99% clueless we’re circling the drain in the end of an end-process.
I forgot a key Horse in the timeline, the 1918 “Spanish” Flu. So the same 4 Horsemen rode then, created artificially for the same transformative purpose as now, by the same shadow forces.. who runs Zone A again?
Note the sequence in mind began with, “the consolidation of Robber Barons in the Gilded Age (part X underway now).” The fish rots from the head – my favorite Chinese saying. How it works exactly I do not know, but there appear to be strings involved. Take Bill Gates for example. A clueless second-rate coder whose chief selling point was being the scion of masonic Eugenicists was given the MS cash-cow and portfolio. CAF has maintained in return for this bonanza, like all other Big Data oligarchs, he provided the MIC the backdoors to snoop on and influence mankind. So the loot comes with fine print used by shadow forces to ride oligarchs like demonic horses.
The same process is evident in most societies throughout history. It is most demonstrable in the Ukraine, starting with Kuchma’s gang and the oligarchs who subverted what in 1991 had been the most prosperous, respected, and educated Soviet with third most nukes on the planet and tremendous industry and farmland into the hell-hole we see today. They were able to accelerate the asset-stripping since lacked a Constitution and the oligarchs any sense of stewardship, shame or Patria for their people, among other factors..
The 1990s Ukrainian Arms Bazaar
The [non-Latvian] beauties of TFI global channel remind us why Olaf of Deutschland is suddenly anxious to defuse K-Grad standoff: they have 1-1,500 troops in Lithuania who would be roadkill if Shoigu decides to capture the Suwalki Gap! In fact, I wonder if a great part of AZE intent behind pushing Lithuania to suicide has to do with creating the catastrophic scenario of getting Russian and German troops to fight for the first time since May 1945?! This would really seal Germany’s fate. A dream scenario of the AZE.
Germany panics over Lithuania
And the Hyperbole is particularly delicious. “Definately NOT!… evil EU plan.. war fodder…” I am smitten by the barbs
I scrolled through the comments on the linked YouTube video. One of them brings up Trump’s warning to Merkel about dependence on Russian gas. This is once again the same issue I’ve alluded to in a previous MFC. What point was Trump trying to make? Was it not in a Russophobic context, especially considering all the other Russophobia Trump partook in?
Adios from The Live At Snake Island Show specially curated for Andrei Martyanov’s Friday Night Romp
Crazy reports coming from the UK and Odessa region tonight (02 July 2022) about a possible declaration of independence of Odessa Oblast and request of protection being made to the EU / NATO.
According to British and some Ukrainian sources (the UK Daily Mail most noticably), in order to save Ukraine from, quote, “Ruthless Russian aggression and criminality”, parts of Ukraine – notably the west from Lviv to Odessa, will cede from Kiev and request immediate recognition from the West, and of course imediate military assistance and protection from NATO.
This is a legal approach to get “boots on the ground” in much the same way Russia did in Ukraine.
Although a cynical version of the DPR and LPR independence precedent / model, aka “the Donbass Model”, a declaration of independence by Odessa (and the other western Oblasts) would provide NATO with the legal authority to intervene (precedents were set in both Kosovo and now Donbass).
NATO would then get what it always wanted and that is troops and missiles inside “Ukraine”, which would now be a series of independent states – some recognised by Russia, others recognised by the West.
NATO would have full authority to move into western Ukraine in force and put up an air defence and naval missile shield around western Ukraine from top to bottom.
This secures the NATO long term goal of having a military presence in Odessa and missiles in Ukraine.
The mayor of Odessa has even “jumped the gun” in his excitement of this leaked plan by issuing UK Prime Minister with quote, “Citizenship of Odessa” – something that should not have been done before Odessa and the western oblasts declared independence.
It should be noted that there is a significant NATO force on the Odessa / Ukraine border with NATO Romania and that NATO warships and aircraft are both close to snake island and Odessa in Romania.
Time for Russia to move on Odessa or risk loosing it to NATO – unless that was Russias plan all along?
“NATO would have full authority” —->
In the present affair, authority is measured in Newton-seconds, ergs. Watt seconds. Like Brother Mao said about political power, only larger caliber. One might not expect that intrepid and brave fella, the Boris, to present himself as a volunteer defender of Odessa, would one?
Still, it’s a cute idea. Rash, but cute.As Brother Lavrov recently said, let them try.
Ehret> “The Imperial Myth of Canada’s National Policy. Its Contemporary Implications” despite the title and opening paragraphs, informs the History a bit, and within this we may see how the non, or perhaps “less” fascist industrial linkages and flow might have gone, and probably will go yet…and if Odessa, then Alaska? Two or more can play.
A slow job in SMO404 (and nearby) serves indirect strategy process – it is cooking “piroshki” in zone AZE, every day SMO runs, the meat filling becomes more tender. Yup Zone AZE is wrapped in browning dough, and cooking takes time…meantime Zone AZE cannot escape the boiling oil of the pan. SMO404 and fuel and commodity shortages keep piroshki in pan.
If NATO won’t directly intervene now to save Ukraine, why would NATO intervene to save a rump portion of Ukraine that declares independence from Kiev?
The precedents of Kosovo and Donbas? The ruling precedent here is that Russia is taking over Ukraine in whole or part, and NATO isn’t going to war over it.
I am thinking about President Putin. How much stress can a man take before his health breaks down? As I see it he has the world on his shoulders to destroy or not to destroy. Once it is determined that NATO and USA will have to pay for their reckless foreign policy and he gives the “ok” to the bombing millions will die. I hope he has spiritual support and close advisors that are true.
For those of us who who were here at the Saker through the Maidan to present – a wonderful moment today for Motorola’s family and Sparta . Mentioned today at Intel Slava Z at 06.14. There are several photos. Bittersweet moment:
“The President of Russia by his decree awarded DPR Colonel Arseniy Pavlov “Motorola” for heroism and courage.
The ceremony was held in front of the formation of the battalion “Sparta”.
First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko presented the Order of Courage to Elena Pavlova, the widow of Arsen Pavlov, the legendary commander of the Sparta army battalion of the DPR.”
From the Borzzikman channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/BORZZIKMAN/videos :
2 July 2022
Moscow Severely Punished Japan for its anti-Russian Policy! Putin’s Decree №416 Terrified Tokyo!
In recent days, Japan’s unfriendly actions towards Russia have begun to surprise not only the expert community but also a number of some European countries. It’s no secret that the Japanese government does not decide anything in its own country and is under the absolute authority of the American masters. However, even this does not justify the actions of the Japanese authorities since following Washington’s orders to the detriment of Japan’s national interests is a real crime against the citizens of the country. So, it became known that on June 30, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed Decree №416 on the application of special economic measures in the fuel and energy sector. According to this document, the project for the production of liquefied gas “Sakhalin-2″ will be transferred to the ownership of Russia. Let me remind you that ”Sakhalin-2” was of great strategic value for Tokyo since the energy security of Japan depended on this project.
One more shot in own foot. Looks like US wants all their vassals to go down in chaos.
Some things to consider..;.
The USA is in disarray and given its Masters, will continue to act stupidly.
The EU is led by the same Masters as the USA (including Canada) and will do whatever the puppet Masters tell them to do.
China has been and still is the Globalist/Kazarian nest HQ. Will it break away from its mother’s milk? Unknown.
Russia is in a squeeze – Nato plus, and China are against it in the long run IF Russia does not play ball with the Globalist agenda. Nukes and other lovely weapons aside, its all about Control in the end.
Will we see WW3? Yes. That is in the cards. What it will actually look like is up for speculation.
Now, IF Russia Stops running this Slave System of (digital identity, medical passports,digital only currency, etc.), then maybe, the rest of the world may have a fulcrum to rally around. Until and IF then, they are just one more flavor of ice cream in the shop.
It is time to STOP the insane belief that any Nation is on the side of Humanity. At this juncture, it is Not Evident, that any Nation (or government thereof) has any interest in its people; only interest in preserving and promulgating its own power and control over the people.
This not only does not bode well for the present but it does not bode well for the future; regardless of your current stance on things – I don’t give a flip for military operational competence when All military operations appear? to be against humanity.
So Yes, you may think that I am against (name the group/nation) and I will say that No I am not; unless, they persist in behaviours that HARM people and life in general. YES, that I am against and will be perpetually.
I suggest that people read between and through the lines. Seek what is True. We will all pay the cost for Lies or Truth.; I will pay the cost for Truth NOT Lies.
Keep your heart and spirit strong dear Puzzler! You are certainly correct; on a long-enough timeline, the Russians will succumb and be corrupted and betray humanity, as happened to every civilization and society in the past. Thomas Cole drew it as The Consummation of Empire. It is the Bane of Mankind, part of accepting our burdens – eventually we reach for the One Ruling Ring in the lust for Hegemony; Satan is patient and is one day given an opening.
However current mitigating factors are the youthfulness, zest, rising spirituality and confidence of a reborn Russia. You could say all of Russia is currently a Novorossiya, in their Arcadian or Pastoral State. The satanic corruption is an end-phase during the degeneration and overstretch of Imperialism. IMHO, we can safely jump onboard the Russian bandwagon right now, like the 85% of mankind, because they are currently a healthy, positive, divinely-inspired alternative.
PS – what do you think of Howdie Mickoski and the old tech? We have been discussing resets and his Egyptian vid was provocative, especially the part of energy beams in the India Jones movie.. could be Hollywood misdirection, but also standard mockery of revealing the truth in “fictional” arts and fiction in “truthful” news, politics & history.. I am going through his old stuff and found another gem:
Dealing with Insanity
Puzzler, Ancient Times and others knowledgeable:
I appreciate the healing of grounding, especially as practiced naturally outdoors on grass or soil.. but please discuss the adverse effects of artificial grounding.. I have become leery of “grounding mats.” I think as Puzzler once discussed “hits” coming through the ether of the wireless devices, imho the same principles can apply via electric beings who can “ride the currents.” What is the risk profile, and how to mitigate this risk?? Thanks!
We recall that the Yalta Deal was a trio of major powers…USSR, USA, China. Repudiated explicitly by Truman and his circle.
I agree that in long time line China-Russia one swallows the other…thus it seems to me that Ruskie Grand Strategy is to kettle-cure AZE and curate it’s reorganized Political Structure in order to create the third leg, and the stability that brings. And Xi? I bet he agrees..a trio of denazified powers. Of course, such Plans may take 100 years…who can say? Still, VVP did predict that this winter’s EU situation would cause a replacement of elites…and a similar manifestation might be expected in USA, as impoverishment of all sorts runs the natural course, and flood. Mind you, I have no political advocacy or opinion, ‘cept I dislike nazis and favor the sermon on the mount…but, you know how collapsing empires create a plastic phase of opportunity…and yewbetcha Comrades Xi and VVP know this too.
Tommy Jensen on July 02, 2022 · at 9:53 pm EST/EDT
I dont see the greatest Commandment as selfish. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”.
I see it as an well meaning advise to the condition of living our human lives. God gave unconditional love to us and thus we must give unconditional love back to seek and fulfill our full potentials.
End Quote
Here’s some of that unconditional love
You shall have no other gods before me… You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:3-6). Like a classic narcissist, God defines loyalty as love
The Trinity, another regular dream team.
Who could have ever known the American dream would use up so much stuff.
YOU define loyalty as love. YOU misinterpret, probably because you dont know what love is.
Remember how God punished the first couple for the first sin.
He didnt gave up, but during man’s first history he regretted he had made man. But after the flood he made the rainbow as a covenant of promise between God and man not to erase man in a similar way again.
Thus God made endless forgiveness to man, and therefore he require us to forgive each other in the same way.
So your arrogance and f…finger is not well taken considering how stupid the majority of you have been since the days of Noah, and the saving of fools like you by the covenant.
It tells a lot about you that you consider God to be a soft fool because of his forgiveness and love, and off course you will meet your account for this arrogance on your day.
Lets say you wife forgive all your errors, your drinking, your dirty socks, your ignorance, out of love and in compensation she demand your unconditional loyalty. A quite reasonable demand yes?
Lets leave trinity out, its too complicated. Just saying Christ is an appointed Arch Angel, the Holy Ghost the spirit of God.
Remember how God punished the first couple for the first sin.
Ah, disobedience and the arbitrary apple affair.
Let’s have a look at heaven https://lifeafterdogma.org/2019/01/07/god-the-narcissist/
God’s idea of heaven is a universe centered around his worship: “Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty’” (Revelation 4:8). Yet worship is nothing more than flattery.
End Quote
Now, imagine the adoring throng, out of the blue, receive a new instruction from on high that they must all circulate anticlockwise around the seat while adoring lest there be severe repercussions.
Further, imagine most of those previously adoring souls engage what’s left of their free will and decide to rebel against this arbitrary/petty command – they ask “why?”
A forecast of heavenly wailing and gnashing of teeth is practically certain.
“He didnt gave up, but during man’s first history he regretted he had made man.”
Imagine you had a premonition that one of your actions had a bad outcome. Imagine you say it was just a premonition and decide to proceed but that the bad outcome occurs. Would you not kick yourself?
Now, say you know, for certain, that your action, if undertaken, will have a bad outcome but you proceed anyway … madness, at best.
If my wife was omniscient but married me nevertheless she has no right to demand compensation from me for anything.
The Trinity
dreamnightmare.You are putting the guilt and responsibility the wrong places as all cowards do who support the devil’s point of view.
God made everything perfect. It was a third party, the devil, who intervened and destroyed the idea behind the Creation. God didnt made the error.
The paradise and divine world can only exist by free will.
You want by your free will as adult man to strive to meet the divine to develop your full potential, or you want by your free will to be the biggest pig and alcoholic, a crybaby crying it was God’s fault he didnt came and took the pacifier and beer away from you. Your free choice, not God’s fault.
Obviously a continuation from the thread in the previous cafe with this comment. I find this topic not only very interesting and intriguing but also apropos and relevant to our current events…hence, the commentary. For we are not just witnessing an economic, political, military, and cultural battle but also, on a more profound level, a spiritual one as well. My thesis differs from the traditional religious arguments. I posit that a powerful force, a sentient entity called Yahweh, entered our dimensional plane of existence during the age of antiquity. His goal, as is becoming clearer, is the domination over the planet through a “chosen people”. This tribal god, through similar means as todays MSM, went on to deceive the western world that he is the universal God. Traits such as jealousy, hatred, and vindictiveness are characteristic of a sociopathic deity, or more accurately a demon, then a benevolent and altruistic benefactor for all of humanity. Never lowering himself via assimilation with mortals but rather indirectly through his most faithful servant, Moses. As a reward for blind obedience (though fear, judgement, and punishment), the Hebrews were bestowed the gift of higher intelligence( todays metric measured by IQ). This was to be their primary pillar of power to accomplish his goal. The economic system of the market economy proved to be just the perfect platform such an endeavor. Then along came another powerful being emanating, also from another dimension, to challenge Yahweh’s rule over this plane on this planet. This entity called Christ, humbled himself by taking on a human form of, ironically, a Jewish rabbi by the name of Jesus. He then went on to directly challenge Yahweh by exposing and criticizing the corrupt practices of the Hebrew high priests. We all know how that worked out for him afterwards as his power was limited in a human form. What we can conclude is that these forces are diametrically opposite to one another. While one exudes hubris and exclusiveness the other humility and inclusiveness. Love, as opposed to fear, is the driving message of Christ. For this is not an abstract concept but rather the metaphysical definition of how we are all connected on a subatomic level. Quantum mechanics attempts to explain this phenomena. We are all energy oscillating/vibrating at a particular frequency where our senses (limited in scope) perceive as matter. This is also the essence of true spirituality as it compliments quantum theory. This is how the basic fundamentals differ from the two gods. One emphasizes the continuation and preservation of the Hebrew tribe solely on this material plane with all its material possessions (to maintain power and control) while the other focuses on the continuation of our immortal consciousness (aka our soul in the “afterlife”). According to secret societies, the Russian orthodox religion is the closest one to true spirituality while Judaism is the least for the aforementioned reason. Fast forward to today, the second and perhaps the final war is to be waged “for all the marbles” as humanity lies in the balance. Since our dimensional plane has been closed for some time now, the Christ, this time in a non-limiting ethereal form, will be able to find his way in because of the unbreakable bond that was created when he took the human corporeal avatar of Jesus.
To elaborate a bit further on the definition of love, I mentioned that we are all connected on a subatomic level-this is what is meant by collective consciousness. It is also the definition of God- as in we are collectively the source of creation rather than an independent entity. As we see(no pun intended) via the so-called “Observer Effect. We collectively create our own really.
Yes Allen,
I remember well that John Wheeler had much to say on the observer effect.
While YHWH versus Jesus makes a lot more sense than a loving loved up Trinity it is, in my opinion, a flight of fancy – interesting comment though.
Listen to 100 year old US Marine> https://twitter.com/i/status/1543274499528921089
““The things we did and the things we fought for and the boys that died for it, it’s all gone down the drain.”
“This is not the country we fought for””
Technology and language – got it from the godless commies there in China …
To all long time voices of praisers of the skies
Ray Charles – America The Beautiful
Oh beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more than self, their country loved
And mercy more than life
America, America may God thy gold refine
‘Til all success be nobleness
And every gain divined
And you know when I was in school
We used to sing it something like this, listen here
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain
But now wait a minute, I’m talking about
America, sweet America
You know, God done shed his grace on thee
He crowned thy good, yes he did, in brotherhood
From sea to shining sea
You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this
(America, America, God shed his grace on thee)
America, I love you America, you see
My God he done shed his grace on thee
And you oughta love him for it
‘Cause he, he, he, he crowned thy good
He told me he would, with brotherhood
(From sea to shining Sea)
Oh Lord, oh Lord, I thank you Lord
(Shining sea)
This is my favorite version, ironically from the Purge horror movie franchise. The premise of this crap movie is that a degenerated dystopian USA has “the annual Purge, a night during which all crime, including murder, is temporarily legal.” (wiki)
Apparently its publicist was recruited by Jared Kushner for Trump’s White House.. chaos generation has many cooks. Kids watch a lot of trite horror nowadays, and will have recognized the symbolism in Kushner’s messaging and been drawn like moths to the flame. Elensky’s comedy troupe running UkroNaziland has precedent in Trumpland. Is everything in AZE a movie production??!!
I didn’t watch this Purge movie, but its decoding is revelatory.. (caution, violent scenes) It gives the dirty on BLM, George Floyd, inciting civil wars, mockery & evil of Trump/Obama, and how Gene Sharpe’s crew has moved into CONUS.. Additionally the Purge series have prepared the youth for the coming Cruel Summers. “Staying in is unAmerican.” It is of a theme with many other flicks for the youth, like the Hunger Games, where they are subconsciously programmed to accept the horrors that come, which involve brutalities and even human murder sacrifices.
You could also say they were tutorials on the right way to go about torching the US cities! We should tell our younger relatives and acquaintances to stay off the city summer streets. What terrible days we live in, God help us all
Oh, this is such a bad hurt! If you followed Jorge Vilches on the issue of powering the world, there must be some crying eurocrats this morning.
Russia makes massive oil discovery in the Arctic
I hear the sound of rending garments, lamentations and beating of breasts coming from the eurocrats.
Arctic resources belongs to humanity, the poor and the vulnerable, not Putin.
45 million poor and vulnerable Americans who have done nothing wrong, always have been working hard and paying all their bills, are suffering on food-stamps and soup-kitchens while Putin is gobbling more fossil oil, landmasses and gold for himself, cynical and without empathy for the comprehensive global crisis that concerns the International usury community who desperately are trying to save our planet.
Greed has always made people insane and made them jump out in quagmires, so these new oil discoveries should be managed by competent and experienced people who can handle it, and not an amateur.
VVP has never exhibited any significant or abnormal acquisitive character. Neither has he ever subscribed to less than professional behavior. I agree that petro ought to be well managed, and note that Russia has competent and experienced people who, indeed, are doing a pretty good job. They say VVP has an old Soviet car…so one might claim some “love” for stuff… (I’d like an old Soviet car myself!)
Let us recall how well managed the petro business has been in AZE…fracking…oil waste dumping, and occult and deadly political accidents. Let us recall the professionalism and exemplary honesty of the Biden…
These are the types of things that you dont hear about until its too late.
Pay attention to this. “A month later, some 200,000 homes and businesses in Ohio were left without electricity after a storm damaged transmission lines throughout the state, and the grid operator was forced to cut power in some areas to prevent the remaining lines from being overloaded.
The report says that grid operators are currently experiencing a dire shortage of transformers, which convert high-voltage energy to the electricity used in homes. And, according to two industry associations, some of them have had to wait a year or more for transformer parts.”
Tip of the day: Nip a problem in the bud before it flowers into someone’s nightmare.
“Gov. Kristi Noem says she would be ‘shocked’ if Trump asked her to be his 2024 running mate: ‘If he runs, I will support him'”
She is more handsome than Zakharova. Trump should ask Tulsi Gabbard to be his running mate. That would secure a landslide, with no way to lose. If Tulsi then became president, she would rule like Zakharova rules (here at least).
Dreamer, nothing but a dreamer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SwQ9iavJeI
interesting insightful perspective by Tulsi Gabbard
(1/6) Every time this Admin has been asked what the goal of our war with Russia is, using Ukrainians as our proxy, (i.e. how will we know when victory is achieved?) they’ve dodged the question by declaring the president of Ukraine will make that decision & the U.S. will follow…
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺
29 Jun
(2/6) …his leadership. So, the most important foreign policy position our country has faced in the last 60 years is not being made by US Congress or an American president, but by the leader of a foreign country.
(6/6) If handing over American sovereignty to the leader of another country isn’t treason, what is?
“…the most important foreign policy position our country has faced in the last 60 years is not being made by US Congress or an American president, but by the leader of a foreign country.”
Good comment, and that’s why I refute all those who say here that Zelensky is the puppet. To see that it’s more like the other way around all they need to do is imagine Tulsi Gabbard as president instead of Biden. I see them as (unconscious) puppet masters themselves who can’t let go of their puppet theory.
just wondrin if its possible have a sitrep re eastern Balkans what is the political temperature out there . .. Hungary…Serbia…in relation to EU..Bulgaria and Moldova especially seem to be caught up in something or other..could kick off perhaps…any volunteers or can admin contact previous contributors to make any sense if possible????
Some may accept Brother Ritter’s ideas about PH> “The US and Russia mark Pearl Harbor and Hitler’s invasion very differently – that tells us a lot about national identity ” (RT)
His ideas include bald lies, he accepts the lies as true…specifically “perfidy” et sec.
Since the relevant records are now public secrets, his repetition of the not-true in respect to PH diminishes his stature as a military expert. In a single word, his PH remarks are inexpert.
Even the presence of the fleet at indefensible PH was baiting a trap with living men, soldiers, sailors, and with civilians.
See also Cruise of the Lanikai (Tolley), Steinbeck’s Sea of Cortez text, and of course the many modern histories of the PH affair…and also the remarkable coincidence of the capture of Automedon with strategic documents affirming that Singapore could not be defended….this latter coincidence persuaded Yamamto to go for the smash and grab… and recall that there are in politics very few genuine coincidence…(FDR)…and at that point it was politics, a ploy designed to induce Japan to “strike the first blow”.
US “embargoes” of scrapiron and fuel were in place but not applied for quite a time, until the trap was set,then they were enforced.
Brother Ritter seems to be willfully embracing a false and dangerous myth. That’s a pity.
“On November 25, 1941, Secretary of War Henry Stimson entered into his diary: “President Roosevelt brought up the event that we are likely to be attacked perhaps (as soon as) next Monday,…and the question was how we should maneuver them into firing the first shot.” On the same day, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Marshall told select news reporters: “The U.S. is on the brink of war with the Japanese,”according to Time magazine reporter Robert Sherwood, the attack would occur within the first 10 days of December. The headline on THE HONOLULU ADVERTISER for November 30, 1941 read “Japanese May Strike Over Weekend.” (photo available)
It may be worthwhile to bear in mind that the significance of the successful British attack at Taranto was not fully grasped by the FDR circle, and it’s fair to assume that FDR got a much bigger first blow that he had desired.
Brother Ritter seems to see Barbarossa and Pearl Harbor as mirror events. In this there is little doubt that he’s adjusting facts to fit a mythic delusion, as the two events are not similar at all. The US has yet to suffer its Barbarossa, and it’s debatable that the US even has, now, “a national identity”.
“and at that point it was politics, a ploy designed to induce Japan to “strike the first blow”.”
The AZE has strived mightily for generations to appear the innocent in the eyes of men.. that it was provoked by Evil and was forced to be an avenging angel.. This mythos of righteousness to cloak the perfidy requires the target to “strike the first blow.” Empire by consent requires a semblance of order, judiciousness, and proportionality.
IMO the end-stage of all Empires drop these pretensions, when its blood-soaked deeds can no longer be hidden. ‘Oderint dum metuant’. Half of the Empire has stopped pretending. Trump was most honest Emperor in a long time. He said, “We’ve taken control of the oil,” etc.. I look forward to his return, Republicans are more open in their pillage and rapine, and will accordingly generate more resistance faster.
However the Democrats have a great weakness. Their vanity clings to appearances. They still want to have the lipstick on their pig-faces. So Russia in delaying them this “striking the first blow” has many benefits. It keeps them in a holding pattern as NATO is finished off and other fronts degraded irreversibly.
“The headline on THE HONOLULU ADVERTISER for November 30, 1941 read “Japanese May Strike Over Weekend.””
Yes, they do this even today. All media played the CIA director saying Russia may use nukes in the Ukraine. (observe the stylized khazarian/UkroNazi trident at the Georgia Tech podium) And I Pet Goat 2 and countless other productions too.. It is an old masonic satanist game. You publicize the crime in advance, as a form of mockery and to absolve karmic consequences (“we warned them!”).. Ritter is a mason, as was FDR and his key henchmen. All the top guys we are drawn to – whether in politics, media, sports, etc.. are compromised and play their role on the stage..
PS – isn’t a trumpet a little horn? and the lesser of two evils still an evil? In I Pet Goat 2, seminal blueprint of the satanists, he has a more prominent position than even Dubya or Obomber.. can you see him? Or rather his hairpiece? It is near the finale..
“One of them brings up Trump’s warning to Merkel about dependence on Russian gas. This is once again the same issue I’ve alluded to in a previous MFC. What point was Trump trying to make? ”
Joey, I don’t know what he meant. Trump imho is a trojan horse and german judas, and I agree a full Russophobe through his actions. And I fear for Germany. Trump is a snake, as self-admitted in that famous poem he recited MANY times. It was not about ostensible Mexicans, but a reveal.. and I have in-laws near Dusseldorf and know a little of Germany. It’s people aren’t like before ww2, but its leaders are cowards and rotten sellouts.
Remember the curious incidence of Poles “claiming” Kaliningrad a few weeks ago? All laughed at the mad general. And now K-Grad is activated by the Lithuanian partner of Poland, part of the old Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Next, Germany panics and requests EU to unblock the blockade. Now, the de-facto leader of Poland demands anti-German WW2 reparations! Polish chauvinism has really been stoked. They wish to absorb not only western Ukraine, and old Prussian Königsberg, but Germany proper, Belorussian lands, much of Novorossiya, etc. Lithuania also said a few days ago if Russia cancelled the 1993 treaty it would return to the mid-1600s treaties. This will unleash generalized war. They are mad.
Here are more maps of the mid-1600s and what those borders looked like.
Map 02: Designs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Map 03: Designs
Map 04: Designs
The EU is eating itself alive in front of our eyes. The barren Anglos wanted to be midwife to Middle Eastern birth pangs, but something as terrible is afoot. Maps are being redrawn. Folks forget the Intermarium or Triple Seas project targets BOTH Germany and Russia. It is the key project of Anglos to replace the dying EU. Russians’ main task currently appears to be to waltz aside and give Europeans enough time to cannibalize each other. And Germans appear to be the main course of the buffet.
PS – the signs are not good for Poles. They are being betrayed. @ Wimbledon, the British eliminated the key Polish tennis players we discussed two weeks ago, expected to go far.. It is the old Devil’s switcheroo – they lured the Poles into the trap, and are now washing their hands off continental conflagrations.
“…trumpet a little horn? and the lesser of two evils still an evil?” Horn of Ram> “shofar” and the matter of lesser evil…in some examples the question can come to the idea of using evil to create good…
Of course sometimes it’s simpler – as in the choice between assault by fist, or assault by gun. The choice between robbery and burglary, and so on.
Rabbinical wisdom says, I have been told, that God does not waste words, so that when He repeats a word, this itself has meaning. Thus, when the scripture says “Justice, justice, shall you pursue” the idea is that not only the goal of justice must be served, but that the means to achieve justice must also be just.
No one ought to confuse this with zionist idea..which cannot accord with the idea of justice…as the Rabbis implied when they telegraphed “The bride is beautiful, but she is already married”. (There seems to be a propagandistic revisionist attempt to discredit this long accepted history, evidence for the revisionist deception @ wiki, where the revisionist propaganda may be examined)
Thinking overnight about a plausible “mirror” upon which Brother Ritter might hang his argument, which I criticized previously . I remember when the last US Civil War veteran died. It’s not a very good mirror for the Russian/Soviet Barbarossa, but the image is about as good as the Country has. Regrettably, however, that war did not create or enhance “national identity” – rather otherwise. Worse, the great sutler and industrial fortunes from the C war created a set of powerful families and financiers that have become almost entirely controlled by vice, and made the Country a product of vice. But perhaps the brutal conquest that established the present US border might itself be seen as “the US Barbarossa”…in which case we might understand that in the US “Barbarossa” was a success, while in Russia it failed… Which then leads us to see the “Barbarossa” created (or expressed) “national identity” as a nazi identity… That realization, or position in argument, might not accord with Brother Ritter’s ideas about the US. In such a view, of course, it was the indigenous “Untermensch” that were liquidated and/or enslaved. For the Anglo-Saxons and Spaniards and so forth Barbarossa worked. I am told that for the German nazis this American success was inspirational. I believe the esteemed and “always sober” Churchill also saw that History as right and proper, as the racially superior conquered their inferiors…and such similar unjust ideas.
there seems to be a lot of hugger mugger between Polish and Ukr governments …not sure if each believes they can get one over the other..they each seem to have the same scheming modus operandi( eg Pol. complaining it has not recieved 35 b for economic recovery nor funding for ukr refugees….still wants war reps.from Germany and Russia ….and does it actually pay the huge fines EU imposed upon them????)..but Polish peoples seem to be impatiently turning against Ukr peoples….wanting them to return??
A couple of interesting economic based videos that I think are important:
1. A video on the Artic region development potential from an Indian source. Not necessarily pro-Russian,but seems neutral. It’s from a year ago,but shows what Russia hopes to accomplish in that vital region.Very interesting:
“Russia’s dominance in the Arctic Region | International Relations & Foreign Affairs Analysis UPSC”
2. A video on China cutting oil investment in the West over US threats. The video maker isn’t pro-Russian,nor pro-Chinese. But still its a good new report on what China is doing regarding oil investments:
BTW: Russia just announced a new giant offshore oil field find in the Pecora Sea region:
“Russia makes massive oil discovery in the Arctic”
It is one of the largest recent findings on the Russian shelf, energy giant Rosneft says
Here are a couple of more interesting economic videos:
1. This video builds on the Artic video above. And shows some more detail on Russia’s projects. Not necessarily pro-Russian (can you hardly find one in the West) but very informative:
” Why Russia is Building an Arctic Silk Road”
2. This video shows some of the huge projects underway in China. Building up their economic development:
“China’s IMPOSSIBLE Megaprojects That Shocked The Whole Industry!”
The stone age ended because of peak stone and limited resources of stone, why we had to use iron instead.
After we used all iron up we had to use aluminium, and when humans had used this up too, there was only plastic left to pollute our ground water, our only resource of life saving drinking water for all living.
All because of human greed and because most humans lacked responsibility for their children’s and other people’s needs.
Thats why a little group of the highest intelligencia on the planet gathered in the City of London and took upon themselves to depopulate and clean out the irresponsible filth on our vulnerable earth.
“Thats why a little group of the highest intelligencia on the planet gathered in the City of London and took upon themselves to depopulate and clean out the irresponsible filth on our vulnerable earth.”
Why your comment is allowed I don’t know. For who needs a spokesman or a promoter of those people, besides the other bad things you promote? That’s not freedom. That’s not a “point of view”, a “perspective.” I guess any irresponsible filth is allowed.
Tommy is an acquired taste, quite dry and deadpan but entirely wholesome and providing perspective. But he flies over most. Here are a few examples of similar.
Deadpan 01
Deadpan 02
Deadpan 03
Deadpan 04
Deadpan 05
I had the problem of speaking against the absurd to ignorant but extremely sensitive people. Know your enemy.
How do they think. The answer was sarcasm or irony or parody.
I found parody was the best form to enter sensitive narratives. You touch the environmentalists campaigns they explode. As they dont recognize facts, you have to deal with it another way.
Same with atheists/evolution hangers who laugh, ridicule and refuse any talk about God. With parody you can get longer with these people.
All the best and my apology for any hurt feelings ;-).
you remind me, a little, of my old adversary here (“Martin from Soviet East Berlin” 2016 vintage) who became a friend.
It’s a long time since he left.
Thank god to see someone similar back, I hope.
Its being reported that people are finding it difficult to comfortably and safely transport themselves around recently.
Subway crime has mass transit customers biting their nails on every ride, and if it isnt a train derailment, or a car shortage or a constant airline delay monkey hanging over peoples backs physically, there is always the financial inflation gorilla in the room to consider too.
And are we able to admit yet that we built more than we can maintain, and with every snap and repair of an electrical wire somewhere, a strain is put on something else just ready and waiting to blow, or perhaps tomorrow is the day we can admit.
Time is telling a tale of terror tomorrow, or now, somewhere.
Some days ago I went and looked up information on water fluoridation by country.
Apparently, Wikipedia claims that Mexico doesn’t fluoridate its water – instead it has a salt-fluoridation program, as do some other countries.
What is this supposed to mean? Does this mean that common household table salt (the stuff you sprinkle on your foods, etc.) sold in these countries has fluorides in it, or is that sold as a separate product? Is fluoridated salt as unsafe to ingest as fluoridated water?
Good tunes from Oz> https://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/107129
let me try to understand your belief better.
Your deity foreknew that it’s command would be broken and would unilaterally term this as sin.
If your deity had ended creation at the point of this first bite then, since the method of redemption had not occurred/been made known, those 2 first/last humans ever would, presumably, be languishing in Hell forever for such affront to this creator.
So far as we can tell, the humans were not foretold why the bite/disobedience would cause affront to the deity, neither that it would result in judgement to eternal wailing/gnashing teeth damnation.
Now, imagine the creation continued but the only commandment (decreed as sin) remained as not to eat apples and that the (Christian) method of redemption for this was made clear to humanity.
In these circumstances and assuming all are in breach, for the fraction of mankind that don’t “sign-up” to be “forgiven”, do you consider eternal damnation appropriate punishment?
Now, the reason given for the disobedience that occurred, we are informed, was in order to become more like God.
Why do you imagine that one, allegedly, omniscient omnipotent and omnibenevolent creator being would consider it to be breach of its rules for a creature to aspire to such perfection?
Punished for a desire to be perfect … the nightmare continues.
They were warned: Genesis 2:17 “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
I have myself asked the same question, why did God put the tree of good and evil in paradise? I found it was the point over the i of the Creation. Again the Bible is symbolic.
If you do anything against the universal laws of the Creation you must go back to dust and thus die. You cant have eternal life in paradise if you break with the idea in paradise.
If you adapt yourself to the idea, you grow toward the divine. If you go against the idea, you grow backwards (to hell).
Imagine in simple terms you say, “I can just say 2+2=7, water is dry and grass basic colour is red, this is the truth I choose as I am now God myself. Then I start to lie, I kill my mother and steal her money because I dont like her, I am God now”. You will sooner or later be insane or erased from the earth yes?
Thats the idea of the tree of good and evil. Dont eat its fruits, because you will go dead.
You see now how stupid your interpretation is?
“I take the fruit and say 2+2=7 and steal, because I aspire to be perfect as God, because selfish God wont let me be God as him”.
God just made you a fatherly good advise and as the stupid spoiled child you are, you refused to listen.
As promised by your father you get punished, “when you eat from it you will certainly die”.
“for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
The important bit, that they would live again for eternity in torment was left out.
Anyway, it seems your faith in the two dream team nightmares is unshakeable.
An old associate ran some construction projects in “Israel”…and he told me about the troubles he had with laborers. The Jewish labor would not do physical work, this was done by Palestinians. The two groups, the Jewish bosses and the workers often disagreed, this interfered with the job, such that my friend had to adjudicate.
Their petitions and arguments were inevitably supported by “It is written…”
His response, after listening?
“You want to read? Ok! I will write out what you are going to do.” And he gave them instructions in writing… “Now, you muther…kers…get back to work or I will get your check.”
I have long understood the garden bit in Genesis as it is explained by my dog. A puppy, or a baby, has no awareness of death or tomorrow, an adult dog has the ability to see the future. The Tree of Knowledge metaphor in Genesis, for the dog, happens when the dog is fully adult. The canine example serves man as a model, as dog is made in the image of man, by man, over the recent 30,000 + years. It’s there to see, or not see. For dogs, man is God. Interestingly, for coyote or wolf, man is an equal.
I am minded of famous arguments made over Erie Canal Project. At Quaker meeting one stood and said “If God had wanted a river there, he’d have made one.”
This was followed by silence and thought, as Quakers checked with the Big Guy upstairs…
And in the fullness of time another fellow stood and recited “and Jacob dug a well”.
“I have long understood the garden bit in Genesis as it is explained by my dog.”
Do you consider Genesis as the inspired word of YHWH?
There are, they say, many paths to God. And many creation myths along those paths. Let us say that I consider it good that God inspired a favorite chimp to make man and dog by providing wolf. These are wise dog-men… I hope you get to know a wolf, the adults live a long time and, believe me, they’re just as self aware as man. They’re good to their children too, and help one another, show kindness, civilization, of a wolfie sort. The young fellas can be rambunctious…best to meet Alpha that’s 14 years old…and be polite! They’re as big as a man and look you right in the eye, dog hands on your shoulders, face to face.
The other animals help, it must be remembered.
Mrs P and I discussed this, and she sagely remarked that the story tells of two trees… It goes without saying that some people in this our time seriously fiddle with both trees in an insane quest for infinite power over life and death, for immortality.
In Cuba they have a tree that lives with aggressive ants…fiddle with that tree and you will learn of their painful stings. Some trees must be left alone. God first whispers…
If Genesis is hot off the heavenly telegraph, then so is the Navajo or any other myth similarly hot from the celestial wires … see> https://sacred-texts.com/nam/nav/ncm/ncm4.htm
Stanley Coren (PhD) argues that dog was a salient factor in making man…Woof!…actually a mutual selection for language and character over a very long time…we might say that 3rd Chimp and Wolf made one another and that this was inspired by God. Woof Woof! (3rd C see J. Diamond) Coren argues that man’s ability with language was rapidly developed by the dog creating that as a big advantage…I like to think, actually hold, that man’s language skills all came from the animals, as the advantage of deceiving them with acoustic tool led to happy dinner time…and chimpmanand wolfdog ate a hearty dinner as pals. A major function of language was and is organizing a deception, a con, and coordinating the base support, rhetoric comes from the need to eat. Bioboffins that are not afraid to speak will tell us that we are actually chimpanzees…a mixed race of several, with other inputs, they say…
Genesis (and the variations) was told, then written, into a pastoral phase, and cannot be understood without the animals….like John Brown a-reading his bible while herding sheep.
Highly metaphorical and necessarily obscure translations by experts of variable skill, under various sorts of political pressures, and then taken out of context permit the amateur to scry out any meaning he likes.
With the help of a Rabbi I went through Genesis in Hebrew with his commentary on context and historic realities, Rabbinic commentary, if you like. Frankly, the G text looks to me like a good story, but it has problems…perhaps because of differences between Jewish natios which were separated and then rejoined..with not entirely compatible texts…the drifts of time and all that. The Rabbi was a “modernist”…he believed in a formal sense – but understand that for Jews there is no obligation to believe in God or the texts…only to obey the Law, much of which is affirmative obligation, duty to actually act. It has nothing to do with faith. Other Rabbis may differ… I was finished, and he split to back East.
I’ll stick to Coren’s wolf-dog-chimp-man thesis and my own oddball Quaker ideas. As Brother Socrates wrote: “And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good – need we anyone to tell us these things?”
Phaedrus is set out in the country…there are no accidents, but there are surprises. Woof!
I put it in the watch list .. Zelenski parody by Kadyrov with subtitles, so, just incase you don’t see it on the home page..
amarynth, have you seen the vid with Dima of Military Summary, good watch, and to have a face go with the voice. Can’t post link from smart phone, dumb operator, but maybe worth a post of it’s own. Coy on his background but plays it neutral, he’s married to a Ukrainian.
New Chechen movie….Mr Kadyrov Goes To Washington.
Cheers M
The main take aways, the SMO goes through the winter till next spring. Part of the EUs pain dial. He also feels that once the LDNR is cleared to its admin borders Russia will form proxy forces to continue the march west. There are over 6000 POWs, I’d be looking there for some of that proxy force, if they are not already working on that.
I’ll check out De Lepre. At the moment, overwhelmed with just a sheer load of work. Mañana en la mañana!
Thank You!
Brother Meyssan nails it…L’agonie de l’Occident
” Sergei Lavrov specified, alluding to the Straussians, that the martial decisions of the West were not taken by the military, but by the US State Department. It would be the first target.
So the question is: will the West play for all it’s worth? Will they take the risk of a Third World War, even though it has already been lost, just to avoid dying alone?”
“…Lavrov used to compare the West to a wounded predator. According to him, it should not be provoked because it would be taken by madness and could break everything. It is better to accompany it to the graveyard….” They say Napoleon advises us not to bother the enemy when he’s making a mistake…or tearing himself to bits….
I note reply to “Will they take the risk of a Third World War” is that they have already done so many times, and are doing it now.
Meyssan wrote a poignant piece, putting us UpToDate on the agonies of the West, following the Bavarian and Madrid shows.. the little actors are deathly afraid of the coming death. He agrees pretensions cannot be maintained, it is end-stage after all, and Kennan’s dictum will need to be implemented. He notes Lavrov’s explicit threat to Foggy Bottom, which mirrors historical punishing raids by the Germanic tribes on intransigent and decadent Rome. A series of action flicks (the Fallen series) foresaw these coming incursions into Washington and London by their tormented adversaries.. funny how the Biden permitted “a limited SMO incursion” in February, what feels like ages ago.. was he actually messaging incursions into Oceania404?
Meyssan finishes with same thought of Ishchenko in 2016, when Russian conventional superiority and efficiency over the West in the Syrian killing fields became manifest, which is the same predicament the Gambler advised to avoid: “So the question is: will the West play for all it’s worth? Will they take the risk of a Third World War, even though it has already been lost, just to avoid dying alone?”
A lonely defeated death is terrible to contemplate, particularly for vainglorious narcissists..
The Alexes highlight further ongoing catastrophes to the supply chains.. Germany and Japan are key high-tech and auto nodes.. Germany has entered recession and in situation of shuttering industry due to energy starvation and collapse of internal EU market, is being rapidly taken out. Many non-European countries rely on German electronics and trucks and buses and their parts.. the same with Japan; its gas and oil shortages and loss of sub parts from China are catastrophic. As both enter Dark, Hunger and Cold, like foolish western companies who fled Russia, those market shares will be lost to China, India and others.. it is mindboggling the suicides in motion!
Younger Alex starts to grasp the perniciousness at play, what motivates the west. btw, a key reason to target the Netherlands’ food supply (being reduced 1/3 now) is also to target mankind, as Netherlands among top five food exporters..
PS – dissension among Bandera’s boys? Their offensive sauerkraut of an Ambassador who coined the infamous “offended liverwurst,” is being recalled. It may be AZE not wanting to awaken Germans before their suiciding is completed – he is too enraging.
If we can get rid of the State Department in one blow, its worth it. But thats just my opinion.
I was talking to my neighbor a few days ago. He and I are from different sides of the political fence but we get along and I like the guy. He said, “Oh don’t start with me on Putin. In my world, he doesn’t even exist. He doesn’t have the right to have a say about anything.” To me, it was an amazing admission. My neighbor and I have difficulty even agreeing on what constitutes a fact on a wide variety of subjects from oil to Ukraine. This statement of his was extremely illustrative as it shows that he quite literally lives in a fantasy world.
I read a wide variety of sources. Obviously I watch Gonzalo Lira and Andrei Martyanov and read Pepe Escobar here at The Saker and I watch the Military Summary Channel and read some on MoonOfAlabama, but I also review sources from Nineteen Forty-FIve to Stars and Stripes and even the dreaded Main Stream Media (MSM). The propaganda pouring out of western sources is blatant and broad. Propaganda is easy to spot as its authors invariably resort to unnecessarily using perjorative adjectives and verbs; one side “falsely claims” while the other “affirms” or “states” something.
The current wave of Ukraine propaganda pouring forth from the western media is the latest in a string of propaganda campaigns. We had global warming (which became the more broadly defined and less easy to pin down term “climate change”). We had “Russian collusion”. We had “masks work”. We had a “highly effective vaccine”. We had vaccine injuries which were “minor and rare”. We currently have the January 6 “insurrection”. All of these mantras have been blasted out in media posts by the thousands while any daring to question them have been labeled as dangerous extremists who must be shadow-banned, censored, cut off from financial and web services and ultimately cancelled.
At first, I thought that all of this propaganda was intentional and that it was being cynically pushed upon the public by people who knew the truth but pushed their propaganda in order to further some plan in which they had a vested interest. Now however, I have a new and possibly more frightening view of what is happening. As I continue to read about the soon to be launched Ukrainian counter-offensive, I am beginning to believe that many of these “journalists” are drinking the Cool-Aid and have become self-delusional. The Ukraine has no command and control capable of launching a coordinated attack along a front of more than a mile or two in length. Their best soldiers are either dead or disabled. They are pushing backwoods volunteers with no training into the teeth of overwhelming artillery firepower. They are short on ammunition and diesel fuel as their supply lines have been cut and stockpiles have been systematically eliminated. In short there is nothing for them to launch a counter-attack with and no way to coordinate even if they had the manpower and the firepower.
There are three options here. Either A, our journalists have become so lazy that they are happy to regurgitate whatever line they are fed by US and Ukrainian government sources; or B, they are too incompetent to understand the subject matter they are dealing with and therefore they think the line they are being fed actually sounds truthful; or C, they choose to deny reality and live in a fantasy world because the real world doesn’t match up with their utopian ideas as to how the world SHOULD function.
Which brings me back to my neighbor. His denial of reality and refusal to deal with things as they are rather than as he wants them to be shows a couple of things about him. It is the height of arrogance. Vladimir Putin didn’t come to power in a country that was on its way to economic success. Russia was being torn apart by oligarchs locked in mafia wars over the right to plunder its rich resources. The central government was weak. The country and its former economic partners were being fragmented into a hundred shards. Russia has always consisted of very far flung and culturally distinct regions and the dissolution of the Soviet Union was allowing all of these pre-existing fissures to open back up. China, never a friend of Russia, was growing in power on his border. The US still viewed Russia through the prism of the Cold War. Putin had a tough road ahead of him. It is remarkable that he was able to not only hold the country together, but actually restore it to a point where it is once again relevant on a global scale. Yet my know-it-all neighbor feels comfortable dismissing this man out of hand.
Finally, it shows a lack of seriousness on behalf of my neighbor. When you openly dismiss the viewpoint of your political opposition, you are not serious about arriving at an actual solution to the problem being discussed. If you are not serious, it is probably because you do not believe that the problem being discussed is going to have an actual impact on you life. This happens to people who live in fat, warm, happy bubbles. It makes them content which makes them lazy which leads to disinterest in anything outside of their daily life. Dealing with a difficult situation and facing your (or your government’s) mistakes takes time and effort. It is uncomfortable. Once the problem becomes large enough apathy is no longer a refuge so self-delusion and denial take its place as comforter.
Arrogant, lazy, self-delusional people invariably get their comeuppance. One day, reality finally rises up to pop fat, warm, happy bubbles. Food prices rise and then food becomes scarce. Gas stops flowing and there is no heat. The fat become thin and the warm grow cold. Nobody is happy. Unfortunately, there are far too many fat, warm, happy people here in America content to brazenly dismiss huge components of reality that are not convenient to their world view. It has created a disconnect that has facilitated an expert class of either nefarious or incompetent people whose inadequacies cry out for a karmatic enema. I am afraid that the time is nigh and the magnitude of our collective arrogance may well lead to historic retribution.
The limitation of ABC > ” or C, they choose to deny reality and live in a fantasy world because the real world doesn’t match up with their utopian ideas as to how the world SHOULD function.”
It may be simpler to use explanation> ” or C, they choose to deny reality and live in a fantasy world because the real world would fire them and they’d be unemployed.” If paycheck is contingent upon belief a triangle has 4 corners…many genuine journalists quit the racket…and people compromise when they have children and bills to pay and student loans an’ all that stuff.
Other than that 4th “D”, I agree! FUBAR right ’round the corner. Batchit crazy.
I recall smoothie’s map of radar coverage…wide open @ 300 feet..treetopflyerheight..
and, naturally, Vera Lynn https://youtu.be/s4VlruVG81w
and https://youtu.be/zqiblXFlZuk (Woody!)
SMO USA may perhaps be focused as SMO404…hope dies last.
A great American:
Dean Martin “Blue, Blue day”
Mr P, this is for you and I think you will enjoy it. Of course for anyone else as well.
It is a transcript of a discussion between Jeff J Brown and James Bradly. So, you know Jeff published a number of books on China, and it so happens that James Bradly published on Vietnam. But this transcript is a discussion and not a formal historical rendering – two fellows chatting about what they learned. Yet, I found it fascinating .. How Mao Zedong won the Japanese and then the KMT and then the US, and how Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam won.
Just scroll down a bit for the transcript. I think the video is there somewhere as well.
Mucho Thanks! I knew that there was a rich history there, but not how to read it. This is going to be fun…