2022/06/29 06:00:01
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One inhabits an insular world from which other things, other persons only have meanings as players in the life drama that you have scripted. When those others resist playing those roles, they are cajoled, coerced and then punished. We literally refuse to take ‘NO’ as an answer. Let’s look at the tack repeatedly taken with foreign governments to discern how this dynamic works out in practice. Well, let’s don’t and say we did.
Wheelchairs, Bullets And Booze.
I have an issue, maybe some could clear. Im all in for our dream team and understand the team still have a 5’th and maybe 6’th column inside and outside to fight with, and Rome was not build in one day.
But the issue of transhumanism is at the heart of the overall evil picture, therefore any sign of it raises alarm bells. You know total surveillance, QR, nanobots, connection to AI, etc.
I also know Edward is not always straight, but again facts are facts, and the signs I see behind the dream team are mudded. https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russias-selfless-covid-pill-profiteers?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email .
Do anyone have factual knowledge further that the described?
Icke may not always be right either but, as you say, facts are facts. Your dream team is, in reality, part and parcel of the unfolding nightmare (ignore the first 2 minutes of this):
From the link, the heart of all what happen today:
“She revealed how the injections start the process of trans-humanism, by altering the human genome, and preparing humanity for the transition to Human 2.0.
The goal is to create a new breed of humans, that can be easily controlled through all kinds of frequencies, radiations and signals. This agenda is confirmed by a former officer from the British Secret Services, in the Grand Jury Evidence 1.”
Tommy, on the subject of “transhumanism,” here is a link to a novel (Taggart’s Last Rites) about the gradual acclimation to human society by a trio of AI robots escaping cross-country after a revenge killing: https://books.apple.com/us/book/taggarts-last-rites/id1480861535
I think I have seen a horror movie from the video store similar to that book. But thanks. If we connect the Hollywood movies Matrix, Underworld, The Comedians, you see the same theme. A new specie.
Gene therapy, gene manipulation, cloning, ongoing on animals in China, enhanced soldiers, m.m.
Its just a basic principle: You dont mess with the Creation, you adapt yourself into a symbiosis with nature and the universe trying to reach the divine and the result is fantastic with more to obtain.
The other way around lead only to ugliness.
Check this :
C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength: A Tale of Transhumanism, the Occult… & Merlin?!
Who would have thought – C.S. Lewis….
– Our story begins in 2009, when Golikova was unfortunately serving as Russia’s health minister, and when a different fake pandemic was terrorizing the world: “swine flu.”
After stoking fear and panic with the obligatory WHO talking points, Golikova’s health ministry issued a list of recommended treatments for overcoming the Dreaded Pig Virus: Russians were encouraged to take Anthony Fauci’s favorite scam-drug, Tamiflu, and also a medication called Arbidol.
Tommy, I agree transhumanism is their goal, and pure evil, but it is a pipe dream. It is Fear Porn writ large. They will kill many trying, and afflict a lot of upper class lemmings.. but reality will crush them, like the SMO does to their equally hopeless narratives.
This guy Edward is also high on the joyride of speculation without the basic understanding of science and falsely attributing malfeasance to Russian authorities!
I don’t know the particulars of Madam Golikova, but have thought a lot recently of poisons. This issue confronts all physicians worldwide, particularly detoxification (see Amarynth’s useful posts on the Saker Community site). Perhaps Madam Golikova was a formerly useful relic in Russia, kept to fool the WEF and other westerners, and while there was hope in reforming institutional orgs like the WHO, the same way the Atlantic Integrationists were allowed to hang around for the economy, even as they weakened Russia?
From article –> “Arbidol was developed in Soviet times but the trademark was purchased three decades later by Pharmstandard, a drug company owned by oligarch Viktor Kharitonin.”
Russia has its own Big Pharma. VVP did not set out to remove all oligarchs, only those who interfered in politics or monopolized state industries and prerogatives. Perhaps it was deliberate oversight, as long as they did not harm folks; so what if fools present in every society rushed to buy worthless but harmless medications? Russia has stricter criminal liability and enforcement, a significant deterrent unlike in Zone A.
Also –> “Russians spent 64 billion rubles on coronavirus medicines in 2021. As it turns out, Russians spent the most money on Arbidol (umifenovir)”
So the state funneled focus and money onto this single product.. if as benign as it appears, per “in 2007.. the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences included Arbidol on a list of “obsolete” drugs with “unproven efficacy.” then this is a safe outlet for panicking city slicker herds rather than they take possibly harmful western products.
The Placebo Effect (aka we are all in it together, a global experiment!)
It is the responsibility of the Sovereign to protect his flock, without needing to tell them in an age of secrecy and where many believe the MSM of their enemy! Would Russia have started the SMO if it lacked this empathy for its people? We need to use logic. Again, using the same tools (vax, QR-code, lockdowns…) does not necessarily indicate the same intentionality by different actors.
Another shortcoming of Edward, not understanding the science of the bioweapon, is that it appears to induce AIDS in many (see the comments of recently deceased Professor Luc Montagnier). Keeping that in mind, and that a portion of Russian victims would be in need of such resuscitation, it may explain why Russian authorities did the following:
From article –> “In April 2020, RBK reported that Russians were scrambling to scoop up boxes of R-Pharm’s Kaletra, a medication used to treat HIV, after the health ministry inexplicably included it (under the international generic name lopinavir / ritonavir) in the list of drugs.”
Edward is a dangerous man! He essentially functions as a foreign agent provocateur, whether witting or not. Ultimately we foreigners not living in Russia will have to trust to them as we do with the SMO. It is too complex, and necessary operational security of the myriad possible permutations prevents the whole from being clear to us.
Further, Madam Golikova can issue harmful orders and directives on behalf of foreign enemies, but perhaps harmless placebos were substituted into the actual pills at the manufacturing centers? Who controls those centers? Did not Stalin say the one who counts is the one who does the counting? I would have to compare rates of adverse drug effects between Russia and Zone A to be sure. But all things considered, given how events unroll to date, I will give Russia the benefit of the doubt.
Maskirovka is an ancient Russian art, especially useful in times penetrated and surrounded by mortal enemies..
A search for YT “Maskirovka” gave this!
Continuing the thought, even if she carried out the dirty work with fidelity, perhaps one sacrifices the arm to save the body? I.e. one allows the population to self-select and draw upon traditional Russian scepticism; those who voluntarily suicide themselves were not meant to see the coming golden age… the Russian authorities DID emphasize there was no federal mandate and subsequently most Russians did NOT vax, having among lowest world rates, so most appear to have passed the test, no? And Eurolemmings really helped keep vax rates down by blocking travel to EU (thus decreased need for “WHO approved products,” – a real blessing like import substitution) and by declaring hateful cancellation of everything Russian. So it should all work out, regardless of 5th and 6th columns. Russians (and we humans overall) are hard to kill off!!
On the nature of Poisons
A recent comment
–> “(3) It is injected with initial harm to many, in some places exceeding the risk from acquiring the disease.”
Often the first student who benefits from an educator is the educator himself. In writing or speaking, new paths towards the truth of the matter being discussed are revealed. This matter is not my forte, the art of chemistry and biochemistry, but poisons are an ancient device, a known favored tool of occultists, Jews and the British. Sometimes poisons are given not to kill but merely to weaken. Imagine an entire society consigned to lethargy, lack of purpose, and forced to expend most of its energies towards healing from disease rather than fruitfulness and advance in life! A more effective means of dumbing down populations than TV or mass education. They know many will not fall to their poisons, but can still stage their conquest; human immune systems are notoriously difficult to breach and corrupt, but with persistent harmful efforts can be effectively circumscribed. Such an enemy target is then swayed to purpose – whether becoming reliant on Big Pharma, suggestive to irrational mass PR usually ignored by the lucid healthy, forgetful of their roots, traditions and mission in life, etc..
There is also a strong consideration of multifaceted attack, given what CAF refers to having taken place since WW2, what she calls “the Great Poisoning.” Perhaps the greatest poisons are environmental and dietary, through the food, water, soil, and the very air we breathe. In former eras, the wealthy were plump and the poor thin; in our era, finances force the poor to the trough of deliberately corrupted food, the fat are slim and the poor painfully distended through harmful excess calories lacking nutrition or benefit to immune systems. Diabolical, no? What is the fate of societies permitting the leadership (or even existence) of creatures such as Albert Bourla, the Gates of Hell, the du Ponts, the Sacklers, the Chemistry dynasties making DDT Glyphosate et el, and that short double-masked Bronx sickle, etc..?
Tommy, an excellent antidote to poison is to also take the poison itself, but in small incremental doses, especially if you know it is a coming stratagem of your enemy. It is an old strategy, millennia old. An excellent retelling is in Alexandre Dumas’ “The Count of Monte Cristo” (the book). Specifically via the character of Noirtier, who knows foul play slinks at night.
Inoculating Poisons (spoiler alert!)
The movie is also good romantic fare with the spouse, but the book is far superior. The French and the Russians above all people know of British perfidy, so imagine the precautions that were taken over the last 2-3 decades to ward off Anglo-Saxon poisons? The French submitted and apparently betrayed their own, but the jury is out for the Russians.
So if you know your means are limited, and the enemy has access to your charge, then you can preempt him by sensitizing and innately strengthening the intended victim.. that could be another consideration by the seemingly mad actions of Zone B.. in fact I highly recommend this book, one of few I reread, it is the story of miraculous revival, of overcoming the worst treachery by vile beasts and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. The Phoenix-like rise of Russia several times??
– Edward is a dangerous man! He essentially functions as a foreign agent provocateur, ,,,
About Riley Waggaman aka Edward Slavsquat
– I recently had the privilege of joining a panel discussion, “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”, hosted by OffGuardian and Unlimited Hangout.
You can watch the debate here. Thank you to Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb for moderating. The event was inspired in part by James Corbett’s thought-provoking video on Russia and its relationship with the World Economic Forum.
An inevitable hurdle to any discussion like this is how to define the Great Reset, and what does it mean to be “complicit” in it?
A good question
You’re very patient AHH.
So, Arbidol — broad spectrum anti-viral. We have one in the Western climes as well. It is called Ivermectin. So, Arbidol is analogous to Ivermectin. Dirt cheap as well: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/russia/average-consumer-price-medical-goods/avg-consumer-price-medicines-umifenovir-arbidol
I wish to thank you this one. It explained a lot for me (and Edward’s articles). Arbidol = Ivermectin. Used a lot i Russia like Ivermectin is used in India and third world. Why, because its a cheap and effective medicine. Period.
The devil is in the detail, and because we are suspicious about trolls and trojan horses we hesitate. Just wish to let you know your little comment had big changing effect. :-).
Thank you for this Tommy.
I’m going to respond on that whole topic in the Cafe .. but, give just a little time.
– Also –> “Russians spent 64 billion rubles on coronavirus medicines in 2021. As it turns out, Russians spent the most money on Arbidol (umifenovir)”
The worldometers statistics (2,609 deaths per mill) shows Russia is in league with UK, Italy and US = bottom of the world.
Russia itself has proven once and for all lockdown / contact tracing / (Russian) COVID-19 medication do not work. Russian medicine is basically the same as Western medicine
African states relying on Ivermectin / HCQ have next to nothing of COVID-19.
Re: Corbett.. most of us respect him, and deservedly. However even the best of us can jump off the deep end.. paranoia should have its limits. Otoh, I remember a funny anecdote of Professor Griff: “just cause he’s paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get him!” When one is a dissident living in the belly of the Beast, life can enter the Twilight Zone at times.. but taking a step back, seeing how 85% of humanity is supporting Russia currently, do you think they are all fools? And that sticking with the West, even if Russia is about as corrupt (not so imho), will it bring any improvement? So why shoot down the only current alternative and leave yourself isolated and hopeless? One puts oneself into a lose-lose scenario, not smart.
Re: Worldometers statistics. They are provably unreliable, as with any other published statistics nowadays. Even in 2020, the Brits, and others looking to boost numbers, were caught double-counting cases and moving into the Excel column of covid deaths all those dying WITH covid, rather strictly OF covid.
Another example, the CDC quietly lowered the US true mortality rate to 6% of posted numbers (so 94% died from accidents such as being hit by a bus, or even unrelated diseases, but happened to HAVE a covid-positive test (which in itself is invalid given how cycled and utilised)).
We need to treat all western medical sources with the same skepticism as their news sources.. The Medical Cartel, Big Pharma and Media, etc are all tentacles of the same Vampire Squid.
Decades ago, when I worked as a very young lab technician, my supervisor (a PhD in Statistics) taught me a truism I never forget:
“You can massage the data to say anything you want.”
This is really the leitmotif of the Empire of Lies.
For professionals living in the West, the more expertise one acquires (usually masters level and higher, or through long hard experience), as long as one is honest and intelligent, two things become clear: (1) there is a higher Power over all and that things are not random nor accidental, (2) the Empire is built over sand with lies.
For Per, you were interesting in these Vatican coins:
Brother Casey
Mr P,
Brother Hal sees the Light and recommends we grab our sack cloths! The Turks wade in. Erdogan sealed his last betrayal; Saladin’s Kurds will now be returned to the fold against the Crusaders. How history rhymes.
Ramblin’ Reply>
Esteemed Sultan Erdo may have fallen for the gag…if you recall the perverted intellectual dope-fiend Burroughs’ remarks to Hustlers of the World.> ““Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.” Erdo make serious mistake. ” It’s The Old Army Game, a game of skill, and science.” (W.C. Fields). (at one time I aspired to become a beatnik, Burroughs was on the reading list, alas, I never met him.)
Poisons> Recalling with amusement G Ripper’s “fluoride” routine, I speculate that “endocrine disruption” in diet and environment in epigenetic and perhaps multi-generational effects and combined with propaganda is a significant factor in creating vast increase in matters of perverted sexual orientation…but I hold opinion that much is a product of learning and repetition…e.disruption being a helpful primer. The nasty plastic stuff they line cans with is a material I do not trust. The “food grade” lubricants they use in canning plants…uh…well…believe me, a few days in a cannery and you’ll avoid canned chow.
” young lab technician”…I ran a material lab for a short time…and yes, any results you want. It did look quite impressive though…and that’s what the lab was…just for show. Did you know that Steinbeck was a “bench chemist” for spreckels sugar…the old polarized light degrees of rotation bit, mostly…and later on, still in “applied chemistry”, he was a “powder monkey”. Dynamite seems to have been more fun that sugars, but noisier. One of my regrets now is my lack of expertise and experience with explosives, it would have been fun..I did get to play with thermites though…quite jolly! Speaking of explosives…and laboratories…I once had the thrill of holding some PuOx (sealed in transparent pouch!)…like looking at death. Pu has a multitude of phases and oxidation states….grey powder.
Speaking of our friend Pu>
Sack Cloth…ah! The Great Lehrer…https://youtu.be/ItlZEuJNij8
I prefer lobachevsky https://youtu.be/qU_j5cQ2sfQ
Vera Lynn> https://youtu.be/s4VlruVG81w
As a child I did not realize that the red-hunt had terrified my teachers…and that naturally they spoke in subtle ways. Mrs X once posed question to first grade>” If everybody began jumping off a cliff would you join the queue?” Of course that was what was happening in America… I tried to reply cogently, but the answer was and is indeterminable…I readily elbowed the other boys away and queued up right behind Miss Powell, who was a very pretty 20something blond with a pony-tail and who wore snug skirts…but other matters, well, I would not join…even in childhood adventure and sports are one matter, crime another. You ought to have met my algebra teacher! Wow! Great quadratics!
Sweden and Finland have been more or less nazi and more or less nato (excuse this repetition!) since longlongtime…sticking on a label changes the rhetoric, but little else. Rhetoric can be important. Isn’t it odd how a Treaty can be, or not be, according to whim…
v. Luckner, the spy, lived in Sweden, died in Malmo…another man I almost met.
Meantime, the war is porno…everybody knows that somebody is going to get it, is getting it, or has got it..
I like Walter> “Mark it zero…”https://youtu.be/P41gT4eicrE
Erdo went past the magic line…Pappa Bear spank. Erdo enter world of pain?
We have been dehydrating apricots…
I got the last 2 gallons of 30w diesel lube oil – 38 buckies. The petro-oils section of boxstore was nearly bare. Hydrated lime ( calcium hydroxide {Ca(OH)2 ) is a useful substance, got 50 pounds, 13 buckies. A bucket full of hose clamps is a treasure.
We, none of us, see much past our horizon…but what we can know, we can see if we avoid magical and delusional thinking… and the bigbigdisease? October-November 2019 two in-laws got a very severe flu unlike their previous experience. Middle-aged and over-weight…they recovered at home. Other than that?
Nothing but propaganda…that was our horizon. It does seem that the disease severity correlates to genetic characteristic…but the assumption that “it” is one disease is suspect….and seeding seems to have been done…Iran etc. Like the pea in the shell game, the shot’s the ringer, the pea the decoy…says my cynical experience…I spent some time with a traveling show, and a con job is a con job…I note the enhanced all cause rates…note heterogeneous nature of shots.
In electronic circuit, say, vacuum tube, to get conduction, potential of plate and the potential of anode have to be different…tubes can “run away” if they get too hot or radioactive…there is an “other” and a “difference”…Conflict seems much the same. War being the current flow in runaway.
Feynman has a great story about old radios and vacuum tubes…he used to make pocket-change fixing radios. It’s a small story, but very nice. Los Alamos from Below…good routine.
Roe reverse, inexplicably, minds me of Brecht> Caucasian Chalk Circle.https://youtu.be/Q6QlgwXiRZk
Also two middle aged lady volunteers at clinic…”one says to the other as they count the bits from a D&C…”God’s going to get us for this.” this is a quote.
And that brings me to Primo L, and “Titanium”…Primo was an real chemist and major expert in insulating varnishes. I miss his writing. Steve Allen ought to invite him to his dinner-party…if I had another round of life I’d a been a chemist. It’s pretty…speaking of Chemists> see David Collum (Cornell) and his commentary, annual.
Seriously…I don’t like the prospects, but I am not scared… Long ago at a medical encounter the medic asked me why I was so healthy and not dead…(the books said I ought to be totally phuckedup or dead) I did not have an answer beyond ” I just don’t worry about it.”
I am pretty sure how the war turns out. And I like the quiet streets. When I see, 2, 5 or 10 years from now, “Lord willin’ an’ th’ Creeks doan rise”, the rescuing military police and medics in APC’s rolling down the rutted county road, will the flag be Ruskie or will it be Chinese?
I must spend more time with motorcycle, as number of days I may ride is diminishing…and indeterminate.
If there is a bigbigwar, well, I’d hate to leave any of the machines in less than serviceable condition…you may remember On the Beach, Osborn pours oil into the cylinders of his racing car and disconnects the battery, greases the posts…(book,not film)….but we expect to survive. I’ve got a 80 cubic inch Harley up on the table with a zillion troubles…and wonder if it will ever roll down the road again…the other bikes run fine, but there’s nowhere to go. Speaking of Nevil Shute…his Trustee From the Tool Room is a fun novel.
The roads used to sport beer joints and cheap beer at happy intervals….but the nazis have ruined that….within our horizons the closing of the neighborhood bar is a signal of trouble, perhaps the first indicator of collapse of foundational institutions…George Washington would be appalled.
Off course we will stick to our dream team ;-).
Of course they will Tommy, most will sleep from the dream unwittingly into the nightmare.
As Jeffrey commented in the first link that you provided:
Jeffrey Strahl Jun 6
She just doesn’t like seeing Putin exposed. Thanks, Riley, i’m glad it’s not just me who can’t see her point. FWIW, she trusts Matt Ehret, who supports the clot-shots, as long as Russia’s health agency is doing them. :-) Some people just need to believe there are heroes in high places.
End Quote
Forgive Matt Ehret. He has done such a huge and intelligent work, so one single mistake cannot condemn a person. The only human ever being perfect was Christ.
With regard to our dream team I use to say what has passed as a good time together with love and honesty, doesnt come back bad as we enjoyed our mutual efforts to go forward.
Our dream team have done a tremendous job inside and outside we all enjoyed and which helped hundreds of million of people forward.
Think about all the new build orthodox churches in Russia bringing out message and spirit. So the front team are heroes in this and other context. Lets await the future and not forget God is in charge.
“Another shortcoming of Edward, not understanding the science of the bioweapon, is that it appears to induce AIDS in many (see the comments of recently deceased Professor Luc Montagnier).”
In the comment section of Tommy’s original link is this further link:
which begins with :
“HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS.” -Luc Montagnier
VI Int’l AIDS Conference, Jun 24 1990
End Quote
Luc, like most, was a very confused/confusing SOB.
I highly recommend reading Lewis Mumford’s series The Myth of the Machine. It’s a ton of reading, LOTS of history, but essential to understand the actual drivers of human development and our possible outcome. It’s foundational stuff on top of which one can then contemplate these other “details” (if they fit in with Mumford’s tellings then there’s a good bet that they have traction).
A “plausible denial” Tale:
Someone may remember Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster Independence Day, starring Will smith, Bill Pullman and others…
In a particular scene, when they unveail the alien spacecraft, an advisor replies Potus with “Plausible Denial”,. The President reacts with surprise,… What???? What is it that of Plausible Denial? “…. and the movie goes on..
On the second movie, Two big powers are staring each other. They know that the world is watching.
But the situation is helpless, is a Do or Die, no more left to choose. 2 enter the room, only 1 leaves….
How could Power B crush to very bottom Power A without reducing the planet into ashes? and not been gilty for that?…. Mmmhh, Plausible Denial perhaps?
An old scientist from PowerB finds an old document, full of formulas and inscriptions
The document is a theory and amath model to bring down a montanious island and create a megatsunami. But it is not signed by none. It lacks authorship.
Also gives instructions on how to trigger and steer the wave in the direction of their opponents.
Plasuble Denial, is you?
His heart pounds strongly in his chest.
He found the way already founnd by other earlier than him.
Plausible denial at its best.
Meanwhile he speaks to the Chairman of power B, two of the board members look at each other and they exchange a perfid smile……
24 hours later a terrible and unknown space object falls right staright in the middle of the crater….
Our scientist turns on his laptop and reads the data.
Yes, the wave if following the model…..
Victory is only one megawave away.
In last scene, Plausible Denial is honoured and paraded across the country in the form of an inanimated carbon rod.
PS, this is only a movie script of a fictional situation on earth.
Is pure coincidence that there is an island in the atlantic ocean that could make it real.
But its pure coincidence
Another time bomb has been located and has yet to be diffused, air is now mixing with water in 3/4 of lake meads turbines, this can damage the new turbines as the balance of design is negatively affected.
Water consumption laws have been put in place, but its not enough to prevent the water dropping and allowing air into the system, so obviously they were too little too late once again with the actual solution, verses the perceived solution.
The loss of power coming from the plant will affect more than just the local environment, it had been used as a shock absorber when other parts of the country lost power and needed a boost, if this absorber is not available, it can not be used to prevent other potential disasters stemming from loss of power, another gambling straw added to the back of the citizen as Uncle Sam wages expensive wars in far away lands.
Laws allow for upstream crops to be sacrificed in order to save the physical infrastructure below them, so should this continuation result in the loss of both crops and turbines, the system will have found another way to kill two birds with the one intelligence stone, go figure.
This will go unsung until the swan actually dies, then the circus goes straight into panic mode as the animals are let loose to save the entertainers.
There is no need for this disaster –
Holistic Solutions to the North American Water Crisis: China’s New Silk Road and NAWAPA Revisited
NAWAPA, North American Water and Power Alliance, from the 1960’s to today, a program when the USA actually thought Big.
China took this up with the largest dam and power system ever.
Environmentalists drown when staring open-mouthed up at heavy rain, and die on parched ground when there is none.
There was some alternative solution to Colorado River for California, based on “primary water”. But those alternatives were surpressed.
I am very sorry to hear about the entrained air at Hoover Dam. https://youtu.be/z-m9WgAdflY (that’s a Bummer…”)
Hydros that get out of spec can be thrilling…nifty pictures of Ruski fubar in ’09 as example of what can happen.
Cavitation-erosion from air-entrained water, I would, speculate, not cause damage as quickly as proper cavitation, where is gas is mostly cold steam…and they may consider it worth damaging the machines, or even at some level perhaps they design to ruin the machines….withal, out of spec is out of spec and vibration can cause bigbigtrouble…people think concrete is strong…when in reality it’s not so great….foundations can crumble. I’d guess the air is mostly a vibration problem. If they permit serious damage the relevant hydro-machines will take years to repair.
““At 4.15 Moscow Time, a tremendous bang was heard in the turbine room, followed by release of a column of water around hydro-turbine No. 2. Light and sound alarms came on at the Central Control Console. Loading was reduced to 0 MW with complete loss of the plant’s own needs and flooding of the turbine room building,” RusHydro said.”
I think Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam is a “primary”…that’s to say that there are no dams upstream. Hoover is not a primary…and that’s good.
In text “runner” is hydro-speak for the actual turbine element of the machine. “Wicket Gate” means the ring of vertical wing-shaped “throttles” that control the flow of water and direct this into the “runner”. These gates have to all work in unison by means of levers or gears or a similar rugged mechanical arrangement. No material asymmetries are desirable.
Hoover will be fine though, unless it rains. Meantime, they say that grid stability is founded on hydro…at some point if you lose enough hydro the entire system can ruin itself. Perhaps that’s why they’re running out of spec, it postpones collapse at great coast….just a speculation.
I saw that California is going to run the laid-up thermal stations at Huntington Beach…a great place to work, it over-looks a bathing beach with beautiful girls…
Tell me again how the nazis plan to save us from the Carbon Monster…
Water is the most common and simple thing on our planet. Its unbelievable how Liberals and Rockefeller together made this a big global problem.
“Whatever happened to the water wars?”
The Economist wants water wars
The Economist is upset the desired water wars have not proliferated. They were supposed to be baked in! It is angry, reminding its minions to keep the Eye on the ball. Especially the big two: Egypt-Ethiopia and China-India, key to exploding and setting back the Global South and Zone B.
(Step 1) Tommy: “Water is the most common and simple thing on our planet.”
(Step 2) Alabama: “Water consumption laws have been put in place.”
(Steps 3,4,5..) Enclosures, sabotage, war –> finally Privatization as Economic Hitmen force sale of public necessities to life through IMF loan conditionalities.. and Nestle et al bottle local well water and sell at huge profit to natives, while extracting aquifers and ground water at unsustainable rates leading to desertification and extinction of livability in that region.
My father was a vet in agriculture & livestock ministry of our small African country in 1960-70s.. UN / WB hitmen came with plans to cut all the trees of the already sparse landscape. They refused, immediately understanding the intent of desertification. A few years later, after change of administrations, the plans were realized.. These agendas honed abroad are now brought home to CONUS and EU.
A coming cycle of wars are baked in by Banksters, Oligarchs, imperialists and other factions, each for his own interest. Depriving one set of men from it by a neighboring set of men (or even internal sabotage as told by Alabama) generates chaos and population reduction and quick profits on the way down.
Water wars.. linked to Ukraine (breadbasket) and control of foodstuff. First they came for Bolivia, Africa and other poor regions:
(1) Bolivian water, more precious than Lithium…
(2) Bolivian water, more precious than Lithium…
Now the water wars come home. How many would be able to resist or wage insurrection without water? A nifty way of cutting the essential supply chain of lemmings, no?
Nestle CEO
Mr P highlighted additional benefits for multinationals such as Nestle to privatise and bottle water, in addition to high profit for the 0.0001% stockholders. It affords them unlimited opportunities to add secret ingredients, invisible to the eye and pleasant to the taste buds. I had an elderly relative who preferred Aquafina bottled water due to the superior tang! Also hormones which emasculate men and virilize women, poisons, etc.. A time is imminent where any product made by any multinational, especially western or using western sources or recent practices, will be rejected as if they contain the plague.
I could easily hope and imagine that because its the truth. The old Rockefeller was a psycho and father to these perception management and alarm programmes for profit.
He made a bet with his pals that people were so stupid he could sell the most common material water, which rained down in peoples head as a rare life resource.
Our drinking water comes from the sea via evaporation, clouds, wind, cooling and rain. Wait 10 minutes and all dust and/or heavy metals whatsoever in the air are gone, and the following rain is as basis clean water ready to drink.
Our Creator made it that way. But what do you do with liberals (the always useful idiots) crying, drilling and searching for water 25 m deep down in the ground which is then filled with pesticides, micro-plastic, chemicals (so they say) found in a microscope.
It seems we each have to make our own water supply plant, and this too prove the West never entered or had any intention of civilisation, only fiat profit and exploitation under the disguise of democracy.
The reason for this drought, it couldn’t be related to this could it?
Yes, I see it like you. HAARP and weather modification tools have existed for well over a half century.. there was a UN treaty in 1976 to regulate this, but this applies to foreign aggression, no? Who monitors and regulates internal attacks?? Many Americans in last decades have decried being attacked by strange tornadoes and weather patterns, around growing seasons or heartland breadbaskets. Hal recently mentioned clouds traveling N to S against pattern. Remember Dubya’s words about the innovativeness and relentlessness of government perfidy on it’s own population… A significant part of creating drought in US is not even about the US – it is to starve mankind since the US had been the dominant breadbasket since WW2 with the rise of Big Ag.. all that is now unwound.
Alabama, Lake Meade and its drying out is mentioned right off bat in the new season 04 of Westworld. Hoover Dam and its new turbines “which can last 100 years without maintenance” too.. ha! They mock, knowing the dearth of lubricants and parts unfolding. Spiritual interpretations (by Brother Casey & others) – the seven years of drought are here (mentioned by Lagarde, in mockery of biblical 7 fat years then 7 leans years of Ancient Egypt). 2022+7 will end ~2029: then birth of Agenda 2030.
The Antichrist will also arise “from a barren womb” – which is what a drying Dam structurally looks like. So a significant symbol may be the death of water sources, a drought to match Georgia O’Keefe scenes from the Southwestern US deserts, replete with bleached cowskull bones.
A few weeks ago thanks to Puzzler, we were introduced to Howdie Mickoski, Egyptologist and researcher. I don’t agree with all he says, but he has strong points. He explores resets in this short video. They may be more common than 1177 BC suggests, at least on smaller scales for some. He looks at a period of Ancient Egypt here.
What Melted Ancient Egypt? – Cataclysms and Resets
If you set the speed to 1.75x it goes fast.
According to Scripture and physical remains, the ancient civilizations were in many regards superior to our modern era. Lost technologies, some quite similar to Tesla’s which harnessed electromagnetism and free energies; if Israelites were fed directly with manna, what were others given? The bounties and knowledge of our Lord are vast.. Humans long ago were physically larger, stronger, lived longer, [smarter too?] It appears to have largely been downhill since our Fall from the Garden? This world corrupts and degrades. Somewhat like Thomas Cole paintings showing the stages of empires, perhaps we as a species and our organized youthful endeavors were more robust, purposeful, and majestic the way we cannot even conceive now.
Yet most of our former traces are erased through cataclysms, some appearing supernatural, and tabula rasa-like resets.. What about DEWs?? hints here and there like Ozymandias and the few remaining strongest structures such as the pyramids. Maybe each major epoch ended with neocon-like villains discharging whatever superdooper weapons they had! Certainly, most biblical stories do not inspire confidence such antagonists go gently into that good night.
Came across this Italian traditional song by Matteo Salvatore, Puglia dialect (I think),
Viva la guerra! with a Russian translation , music link below :
English translation :
Vivat, war!
Vivat, war! Vivat, war,
You are always good!
Vivat, war!
To whom – the mother is dear, and to whom – the pan is empty.
Vivat, war! Vivat, war!
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
Vivat, war! Vivat, war!
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
And the soldier left his house, left the house without return.
And the soldier left his house, left the house without return …
Viva, war, viva, war.
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
Viva, war, viva, war.
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
Who is getting richer, who has no corner.
Vivat, war… vivat, war…
Vivat, war…
If we could kill you war
You and the one who invented you…
You and the one who started you, war.
You ruined all those…
You ruined everyone!
Young, old, good, bad…
Vivat, war! Vivat, war!
Who is getting rich, who has not a corner …
Don’t you think, this is the high time for China to take some military steps or bold rhetoric, bold position, fruitful threat, not about Taiwan, but also to west, US?
Sometimes, I fear, they also do what turkey do. They dependent on Russia for military and technical support, not only in business, but also in international and diplomatic arena. But when Russia need them badly, they disappear or backstab…
USA and it’s allies iare ready for a physical war with Russia, they move step by step, they stationed their troops, already sending weapons to front, and continuously poke Moscow. They also minimized China, by using mechanism. China need to move boldly and take the charge. They need to tell clearly that, not only Asia or south China sea, they want peace in every corner in the world and for this they are ready to depose warmonger west in every front..
If Russia fails or weak enough, then China will gone more quickly, they must know and understand it.
Where will they fight it with Russia, considering Russia’s new doctrine of no world war being fought on Russian soil?
Cheers M
Immeasurable are the loops of the evil, but also immeasurable are the bounties
of the good anonymous humen.
As I quoted in 25th week, the archetypes, signified by the traveling lights of our solar home, like quoted in week 25:
contain the best and the worst, it’s good to know, what powers in and out of us are
confronting each other in this 26th week 2022.
It’s about sacrifice, truth and conciliation: ” A Week of Decisive Suffering by Advancing Center.
We are truly not the only ones worried:
Im happy the brave man Lukashenko is with us. He made all the good choices for Belarus and its population at the right moments. He was always smeared in Western media for same reason.
This is a great example at how to use the English language for propaganda points against Ukraine. All the pro-Russian sites should learn from this how to turn the enemy’s phrasing against them. Why call the Ukie “militants” soldiers. Use the same US terminology against them:
LPR People’s Militia is fighting the Ukrainian militants in the industrial zone of Azot plant – Essence of Time
Its been reported, yesterday, behind a paywall, that electrical rates from last year are 11 times higher to cool your place in Japan right now. Overwhelming many in the process.
Here’s what they said just this April, pay attention to this paragraph.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering a review of the system. Rates will go up if the cap is removed.
The name Asahi Shimbu, literal translation, ‘morning sun newspaper’, evokes a sense of ancient prophets and places of venerable order, and seems to indicate how Japan’s spiritual culture remained fused with politics, to some extent at least, to the present times. This could also reveal the apparent ease with which sects have been established there, and Tokyo’s vulnerability to extreme corruption.
Language, the sounds of speech we use, are more than being about conveying information, but the vehicle by which we express our ability and cognitive power to remain and be human.
I couldn’t find Jack Nicholson in the banner photo of this MFC. Stanley Kubrick’s photoshop team would have made hay.
“Seriously…I don’t like the prospects, but I am not scared…”
Yes, this is my attitude too. I was paranoid for a while about 8 years ago when I realized what was going down. Then I accepted it (kind of like the subtitle of Dr. Strangelove) and am largely at peace. Almost like a slimeball neocon begging to be put outta his misery (ok, bad analogy). Change on this scale is initially terrifying, but 90% is mental and spiritual – acceptance, keeping perspective (need for this Beast system to be ended, no matter the cost), settling debts, courage to mend and make peace with those around you, and preparations as much as possible.
The West is going through a terrible ritual. Yelling, beating its chest, stomping, snarling, tattooing itself symbolically – while blindfolded and with OSHA-grade construction ear muffs firmly on. All to gather strength for the work ahead. It is immune to reason at this point. Few exogenous data points will register.. it is committed to its Drang Nach Osten.. As Lavrov said, they marshaled. And so the die is cast.
Spartan ritual
Note again their fetish with “300!” 300 Spartans, 300 years, 300,000 troops.. even Trump’s Operation Warp Speed broadcast intent to “produce and deliver 300 million doses..”
300 million doses
They can’t help themselves with numerology. In this case, it is satanic biblical mockery, for 300 marched with King Saul when David killed Goliath in the Holy Land. And Jerusalem and Constantinople are the key cities of the End Game.
“The nasty plastic stuff they line cans with is a material I do not trust.”
I noticed decades ago the strange habit of lining cereal boxes (the breakfast of so many kids and Americans) and many processed foods with aluminum. “To keep it fresh.” The more I learned since, the more horrifying the truth. Metals are poisons, even ones necessary to biologic function. We manage it within limits, and at biological cost. Especially odious is aluminum, implicated in autism in many studies, and found as adjuvants in most vaccines..
Aluminium and autism
When will mainstream science dare move from the descriptive to the prescriptive? The entire society is being systematically degraded and I think your generation understood this clearly. Deep down, even an illiterate person has the innate gut sense when the dice are loaded and the wolves run the coop. “terrified my teachers…and that naturally they spoke in subtle ways.” And how many went on to give up on the system, the coup de grâce being the murder of JFK, leading to the dissolution of sex drugs rock & roll and thereafter never having the desire to leave La La Land? Every generation since has pursued outlets. You were there – was there a sea change by late 1950s, when it was turning into morbid jokes, as with Tom Lehrer’s “We Will All Go Together When We Go?”
“Pleasantville (1998)” is a fascinating movie on the loss of innocence of 1950s America, as temptation entered (when the Dream went sour?). Were devils loosed as Retribution for Hiroshima & Nagasaki, the real Gen Turgidson and others? Pointless nuclear drills cowering under school desks, endless fear, a pill for every thing, moar war… Your mom wasn’t only one understanding the nazis took over!!
Lehrer’s risque line “MGM bought the movie rights for six million rubles!” Most did “buy” the famous totem number. And why did he quit at the top in 1971, a mere 40-year-old? Did he receive “the Jew Call,” from a well-wisher like Mayor Ed Koch?
As Brother Casey discovered, Roe reversal is loaded. It is like the kiss of a mafia don. Not a good sign. They are supremely arrogant. ‘We give life, AND we taketh life.’ Is it a gift to preserve life if few will remain fertile enough going forward to require those services??!! It is like buying a playing ball for a paraplegic! The decision was released on 10th anniversary of I Pet Goat 2, which showed birth of the wave of damaged and deformed children, following the mandates.. What was formerly silently experienced by mothers of DU-infants in Serbia and Iraq, now surfaces in Zone A. This is messaged in Westworld episode 1 of season 04, just out, which had a wall with inscription “My Brain, My Choice!” This was filmed months ago. USSC is a racket staffed by jokers reading a script like all others. The focus was on the “AI” inside “BrAIn”, indicating the terrain of battle moves to the mind, the womb being conquered, and that going forward, the intent is to turn our children into AI-controlled demon-possessed worker drones, like mindless honeybees in the legion hive. So Roe reversal, in addition to driving rioting and hot summers, is a sick ritual and sign of confidence.
Mother got me to enjoy cheese pop in early ’80s for a while, and this was a hot song then. It has aged well, see the tableau of gas issues, mechanics & workers leaving their work, truckers sabotage, cops chasing joyriders in heat of NYC (Empire State Bldg needle in many shots, a wistful panorama of twin towers), etc.. Hot summers are cruel. Cruel Summer
Young Alex reminds us of Russia’s escalation dominance even in language – they merely conduct for now a “Special Military Operation” – not war. They will soon learn the distinction.
I disagree with him or Erdogan that they are in “panic mode.” Alles in ordnung, according to AZE plan for suiciding of Europe. Maybe not the preferred timetable and sequence, given extraordinary Ukie meltdown, but following overall intent. Somewhat like Boris Johnson’s cultivated slovenliness and buffoonery. It is a useful distraction and gaslighting of lemmings, as civilization is being dynamited.
Older Alex makes two excellent points: (1) with these deranged price cap schemes and trying to trigger an administrative debt default, the West shows it fully exhausted economic war on Russia. All further sanctions and initiatives rearrange the deck chairs. (2) Militarily, the 300,000 putative rapid reaction force are actually administrative legerdemain. IOW, already existing local national troops being reassigned, sometimes cynically as anticipated by MoA. It is actually a bold move, to directly declare national armies henceforth NATO troops!
It is doubtful all will permit NATO to take over and to suicide them, sans Anglo speartip.. yet US cannot airlift/sealift enough troops to not engage Russian response in current circumstances.. No Russian stavka would tolerate the transoceanic buildup of mass needed for Barbarossa II.. So Eurolemmings are on their own. In fact, Stoltenberg and US’ mantra to their vassals to ‘do more with less,’ indicate they are setting up Eurolemming suicide to a manageable burn rate (so they think) that it would not provide Russia with the casus belli to expand the war to CONUS and Oceania. Or perhaps their sole remaining card is nuclear, hence Lukashenko’s and Medvedev’s increasing stridency and counter-threats.
So the contours of the global fight come into view. Pressure-points are being pushed all over against Russia – Georgia, K-Grad, Svalbard, Syria, Moldova, Turkey. Reminds of the vast swath from the Arctic to Crimea activated in Barbarossa I. Scandinavians activated the arctic front, I agree showing true colors. “Sweden and Finland have been more or less nazi and more or less nato (excuse this repetition!) since longlongtime…” The stupendous and ever-more accessible wealth of the Arctic must be seized and the Northern Sea Route must be severed at all costs (so the loons hope). Svalbard has in store the same fate as Lithuania – a return to Mother. Will Gates et al get to evacuate their seeds from the Vault in time?
What is striking to me is the immediate response of the Kremlin to each new and accelerating provocation – obviously long anticipated. Each bluff is being called, unfortunately much hidden, but we can deduce and infer, based on panicked AZE/EU reversals and schizophrenia and infighting. No quarter is being given. 19th Century maps of Russia should be urgent study for all. They have awoken a long hibernation and all it entails!
In the setting of all the above, and a crazed AZE bureaucracy, compliant MSM, and docile population, we can expect dramatic kinetic demonstrations by Russia as last efforts to avert the slide into nuclear war. As quantity has a quality all its own, so does shock have a multiplier value. If all fails, where will the roulette stop wrt those coordinates published by Roscosmos??
Q> ” You were there – was there a sea change by late 1950s?” .
The red-hunt suppressed it, I think, such that rather than an above-board profound change there were instead manifestations of rejection, a turning away. The Burroughs Circle, Ginzberg’s “Howl” , Corso’s “Bomb” https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/3a/41/273a41d3bce258287e30c589d68134f1.jpg and so on, were expressions. It gradually dawned on people… Nevertheless things were prosperous and so it was easy to ignore as “normal”. Laws changed to further suppress…it became obvious by degrees that the Republic had come to an end. RICO (which came after 1960) brought the end of freedom of association, tax laws regulated whatever legal space was left…any group or club that collected any money became regulated…organized crime was subsumed by government. The idea of “sea-change” includes the notion of a rapid change…maybe it was, but it seemed to dawn by degrees. There is always latency between reality and perception…and the glittering lures were much desired…in the small forest coast-mountain towns along the Pacific at the local joints all the people dearly desired a “repeater” on the heights so that they could watch TV…all the had was a bit of AM radio and a day old newspaper, and books. They longed for “I Love Lucy”… People wanted the lies, mostly… ST > The Man Who Sold the World…
I suppose sea change involves both reality and perception. I guess much depends on what we assume is a reasonable rate for History. At school I knew an American fella that had been in (1954) Guatemala as a boy…he told us the reality, and people politely nodded.
Interestingly, this latency guarantees Conflict, as man must always decide based on the past, however recent it may have been, and sometimes the Reality has Changed by the time man acts…as in the clear pathway now has an unknown, new, pitfall. Reality and perception being modulated by Character, and, dishonestly, by propaganda and occult rhetoric…which are of the not-good.
A weatherman can predict that tomorrow will be almost like today, and usually he’ll be right. In a similar way it may be assumed reasonably that the classical empires will continue with minor changes and the recent nazi criminal operation will be brought to heel, as the empires have long dealt with such brigandage.
Sea Change> https://apnews.com/article/457e314b7059d5559993a14e028a3f03
Proper sailor man know better… White Squall is the one you did not see coming.
Hatches left open… qualified sea captains I knew then had some things to say, like white squall happens when you are not looking and that’s why you keep openings closed at sea.
I very much enjoyed your post. Thanks.
Why is this age worse than earlier ages?
In a stupor of grief and dread
have we not fingered the foulest wounds
and left them unhealed by our hands?
The falling light still glows,
and the clustered housetops
glitter in the sun,
but Death is already chalking
the doors with crosses,
and calling the ravens,
and the ravens are flying in.
– Anna Akhmatova (1888–1966)
The souls of all my dears have flown to the stars.
Thank God there’s no one left for me to lose–
so I am free to cry. This air is made
for the echoing of songs.
A silver willow by the shore
trails to the bright September waters.
My shadow, risen from the past,
glides silently towards me.
Though the branches here are hung with many lyres,
a place has been reserved for mine, it seems.
And now this shower, struck by sunlight,
brings me good news, my cup of consolation.
The Return by Anna Akhmatova
Thanks so much for the anecdotes, there is no substitute for primary source. So many corrupted or simply misguided & misinformed secondary books. And that is why this global op focused excessively on the elders in the first months. A reset and complete acquisition of the youth requires erasure of our living libraries, our greatest treasuries.. then the defenceless generations can be picked off at leisure, ignorant of history, how they were degraded, and effective tools of resistance, etc. In fact, on deeper reflection of that Cruel Summer song, sung by teens, their ostensible pout of being left alone by a lover is actually a deeper story of the coming abandonment of youth and formation of mass orphans? The refrain: “It’s a cruel summer, Leaving me here on my own, It’s a cruel.. summer, Now you’re gone..” Diabolical. Getting kids to sing such a song. It’s like G7 gargoyles grinning for the cameras as they torch Europe.
It is heartbreaking the cruelty and malevolent savoring of the crimes to come by the satanists! To have children sing of their coming dispossession of parents, grandparents and guardians. This has been planned for centuries. One of the witches guiding the WEF and NWO was Madame Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy in 1800s. She directly inspired the US’ Alice Bailey of Lucis Trust, enshrined in the UN, who said, “When you are changing a nation, don’t bother with the old people, they are too stuck in the old traditions, they will not change, but go for the children.” Hitler and many in AZE were directly inspired by Blavatsky’s racial supremacy views too.
Blavatsky> Theosophy> Nazism
The Lucis Trust offers activities in eight languages. Guidestones tablets have script chiseled in eight languages. Their logo appears to contain a stylization of the Ukie/Nazi trident? Lucistrust.org
Note the Lucis Trust was originally called the Lucifer Publishing Company. One of its missions is “defining new Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] for humanity.” iow, wordsmithery to coopt UN SDGs, intended to be achieved by 2030. Lucis wiki
One movie so soul-crushing I never had heart to finish it: Children of Men (2006). Don’t be scared by explosion at 34 sec into the trailer. Also look at 1:12 – are those standard bluish Chinese uniforms, and a red star on the back of the APC?!
Look at the foretold date: November 2027! Even the title is mockery, not to mention the travails to come. This was an agenda designed not by men but for and on men. The Roe issue highlights the terrible deeds now sown. Conservatives think they won something; they are being mocked.
And they have the same ineluctable frustration they faced with your parents’ generation in the 1950s: most of mankind has “manifestations of rejection, a turning away.” Even and especially within AZE domains. Passive aggressiveness is the unkindest cut of all. It stymies and unwinds efforts and is always at cross purposes, as we recently discussed with sabotage by sailors, airmen and others who see the signs and degrade machine readiness and capabilities.. evil always marches uphill in deep muck.
I would have enjoyed living in Pacific NW and even Anoxia. I love your anecdotes. I had several friends / roommates from Oregon when I lived in New England. We were culturally closest and both ill at ease with the coarse small-mindedness surrounding us. Packs of piranha pirates! And both Oregonians were named Sky!!! A visiting comedian on a stage asked one of them, “what were your folks thinking with that name? were you conceived high aloft in a hot-air balloon?!”
The liberals of Cascadia have the seeds of lasting community, according to their local ways. I would have enjoyed living among them in my anarchist youth. Flowerpower has come a long way! They should have resilience in the coming devolution. Northwestern Cascadia
White squall is an excellent metaphor. I think most of us landlubbers know it nowadays as Black Swan events. “Sea Change> white squall happens >” the opponent gets a say too, or words to the effect from Mr. Mike Tyson about the best laid plans. Older Alex notes the current surging confidence of VVP. Confidence can flow from relief too, after having held back so long, like the Dutch boy with his fingers in the Dike. Relief could flow from decision to send said squalls to the shrews. I recall Lodestar’s “meteors bursting in the air,” or so presented, but doubt it would be anything so ambiguous or deniable this time. Nothing which could be massaged away by functionaries from the owners and masses of target nations. Or are the preprogramming of coming asteroids and rocks from the sky anticipating the coming storm and trying to set the false narrative for the lemmings? Imagine the standoffs arrive and few knew it..
Mrs. A put her finger on the pulse of the times: ‘Outta foxholes and onto ramparts!’ The advance comes, and pace quickens
The History of 1812
PS – study on your browser two photos side by side: Murnau’s Nosferatu and our Davos pal Yuval Noah Harari. (!!!) A Prodigal Son arises from the Lab. Perhaps emphasis is on the “Noah” given the deluge he brings
According to actual Indian astrology we are not even in the age of Aquarius, which will be reached at around the year 2400, and the actual destruction of the world may perhaps happen during the times beyond.
But the transhumanists are in somewhat of a hurry, which is why they use predictive programming through which the groups of elites use fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of their planned future events.
Here’s another example of such a predictions made upto 2035, made by a pseudo astrologer. You’ll be astounded how such futurologists and
influencers take advantage of the gullible, and how closely their predictions match the great reset –
Well, it’s 4th of July time in America the Babylon and the natives are very restless.
An interesting article, however, the “jews” are not the problem.
The reply by M Mc explains that, here:
M Mc July 1, 2022 at 9:54 AM
America has never been the land of the free. It’s more like the land of the manipulated and from what I have come to understand humans are easily manipulated.
Of all of the points made by John, I would emphasize this one: “This utter absence of human conscience and compassion has led America to break every treaty it ever made with anybody …” Yes, that pattern of lying and dishonesty is a very consistent one and it goes all the way back to the beginning; even before America was founded.
The powers that be behind the scenes have been present for thousands of years and are now seeing the final prize within their grasp; complete global control of all resources, especially a slave labor force, whether that labor is used for production, killing, or just being a laboratory animal. They simply do not care.
However, I will take one exception to what was stated, not just in this article, but within other articles posted on this blog and by other commenters as well. The problem is not Jewish. Oh there are those of the Jewish faith who have attached themselves to the powers that be and are willingly along for the ride as long as it serves their self interest, but there are others from all types of backgrounds who are doing the same. These people all share one common denominator; they serve only themselves. No, I believe the rabbit hole goes deeper than this, much deeper.
Those that wield the real power operate in the background and we get only a glimpse of who they may be, if ever. The fine art of deception dictates that others are manipulated to be the apparent source of the problem. While some may point towards the Sabbatian Frankist as one of the sources, I believe this sect and the Jews in general are simply being used as a shield. They provide the easy target so the real power can continue unabated.
When the end game arrives those greedy useful idiots will get what they so richly deserve; the shock that they too are disposable.
I just wonder if this game ever ends.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WPMMNvYTEyI (only 17 seconds)
End Quote
No shortage of System Pigs to keep things flowing. The real end game is not brought by human hand, it will be, as always, at the planets discretion.
Cheers M
Look in the book of all books. Then your wondering will go away: Everything is Futile.
8. All things are wearisome, more than one can describe; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing.
9. What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
10. Is there a case where one can say, “Look, this is new”? It has already existed in the ages before us.…
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea…
For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Tommy, I think you are correct,
As an example we have https://lifeafterdogma.org/2019/01/07/god-the-narcissist/
“Why is God so hellbent on having everyone worship him? Narcissists commonly suffer from an original developmental trauma of feeling unseen. This sense of not being seen is perceived as a threat of annihilation, the feeling that, “I am not seen; therefore, I am not real, I do not exist.” God existed in isolation, with no one to acknowledge his existence or show him empathy for all of eternity-past. What could be more traumatic? God confirms this theory of eternal isolation by telling us humans exist to reflect his glory to himself (2 Corinthians 3:18): in other words, to show him he exists forever. Perhaps all of this colossal mess that’s God’s creation has been one giant attempt at divine self-love”
End Quote
One can imagine wishing for Hell by sheer boredom in circumventing YHWH’S throne in worship, forever..
As for Sean’s opinion that 2 recurring words (“the English” group) are “the problem” it is, for me, as infantile as that the “jews” are the problem.
I dont see the greatest Commandment as selfish. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”.
I see it as an well meaning advise to the condition of living our human lives. God gave unconditional love to us and thus we must give unconditional love back to seek and fulfill our full potentials.
Its like the marriage you do between man and woman which can only be perfect if both give each other unconditional love and care.
Your angle of it is satan’s arguments, “think of your own selfish interests and not your neighbours/your wife’s or your family’s because everyone is selfish”.
Selfishness is living a rat’s life. You can only grow, be a personality, shine, by giving love back to the Creation.
Imagine everybody seeking their own selfish life on earth, self worship after satan’s advice, “you can be gods yourself”. The earth will turn into a smut hole where we are now.
So there is nothing selfish in it from God’s side, only unconditional love and a good advice.
“The Jews in general are simply being used as a shield. They provide the easy target so the real power can continue unabated.”
Absolutely agree with this statement. The only thing I’d add, (after reading a bunch of books about Sabbatai Zevi) is that he made himself, and his followers, into that shield in a very willing way. They thought there was a chance to outsmart those who stood ” above” them. Soon, we will see how this scenario will be enacted.