2022/05/18 12:00:02
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How to account for Americans being the most anxious, fearful, and stressed-out people among the supposedly advanced nations? Do we not live in the world’s greatest democratic utopia where dreams come true?
are ya?
Away from blacks and cholos, Also, try to steer clear of metheads, and them pillmills.
You`ll b fine.
Get a shovel, a pick and a trench-gun.
Develop nasty habits.
You will b left alone…
If not – use shutgun-pick-shovel. In that order. Location Location Location.
Then shut up.
Sit back, light up a pipe. Git you some of dat tobbacci, with that cbdghque…or whatever oils innit. Open a can of brew. Reminiss of the good ol days – when EVERYONE knew not to cross the county line…
Your grankids will eulogise ya.
Mabbe they be dat hillbilly eulogy…right?
See that maffaka – shoot-shovel-shut op.
You took one for us. We good now.
Now, You mabbe cross the county line…sometime…and live to tell about it…
I came in
The place was empty
I left came back
Rainy slow
Grindy day
The weather
Cheers M
The following discussion thread just turned up in an alt-media free speech network I visit:
There could be an attempt to forcibly evict Russian monks from Holy Mount Athos soon. This could be connected with the upcoming visit of Patriarch Bartholomew at the end of this month, warns a representative of the Russian Church’s Department for External Church Relations.
I am not Orthodox, as I was raised in a minor branch of the Protestant movement.
So I do not understand such matters, but I can’t help thinking this is going to blow up in the faces of the “blob”.
Is interesting that monks on Mt Athos seated VVP in throne chair of Byzantine Emperor .
see> https://02varvara.wordpress.com/tag/mount-athos/ (several related articles)
“I can’t help thinking this is going to blow up in the faces of the “blob””
This appears to be part of a package. The Blob has been preparing the schismatic ground for years, especially at Constantinople and Greece.. Nuland’s confidante Ambassador Pyatt was sent to Greece after the success of the Maidan..
Total Krieg means Total Krieg.
Alex the Younger talked today of every european functionary being told to choose. You are either with us or with the terro.. err Russkies. Same thing?
So like Finland, Greece chose vassalage and to become an enemy of Russia.
No neutrality is permitted.
Serbia will have to decide quite soon, irrespective of Vucic’s waffling and snake oil routine.
The Pope recently blinked with the “consecration” of Russia, but he was brought back in line too:
But did unity of purpose help Europe’s cause in past campaigns?
What all this means is Russia will have to decide when to strike. All signs point to the marshalling of a millennial crusade. Even the looming hunger and deprivation will be used to generate millions of stormtroopers.. Right now the enemy is at a low ebb.
I first read TheSaker in 2016 around “Counter-propaganda, Russian style” and immediately caught here was a needle eye of light in the tunnel. Since then the light in the tunnel just got brighter and brighter.
Remember in these days everything Russia was laughed at in MSM. Putin was caught and cornered in a quagmire, a loner and alone in “The International Community”.
Today I can see the light in the end of the tunnel clear and shining. The way this Ukraine war is carried out is superior to anything we have seen, and still we have seen nothing yet.
Its judgement time boys. A rare chance to see the good guys win over the bad guys.
Orthodox churches in Donbas are under attack. Some have suffered extensive damage from shelling:
Ukraine Forces Target Russian Orthodox Church “Everyday”
Around the 7-minute mark you can see the extent of the damage.
The three levels of squares according to the alchemists:
elementary: irreconcible fight for dominance
emotional: elementarily reconciliated, but endengered
by the heat of passions
spiritually: spirit cools – therewith the unity
of the contrasts becomes possible
So again on the world-level the entirety of the World is endangered by the elementary primitivity, the chaotic ruling, of the affects of rage, greed, concupiscence and brood in the superior decisions of a sick part of the world
but now
in the bloody new-birth
and ire Mars
by vision
and balance
of Aries
the art of
a complete human
Brother Hal of shortwave radio gave a funny story…
“Elon Musk wants to buy the FBI for a bilzillionbucks, but it’s not yet clear if Clinton wants to sell.”
The “monkey-pox” we now hear about was mentioned too, and a fella asked “are the people getting this disease “vaccinated”? He was perhaps aware of the stories of weakened immune systems in some portions of the population… good question!
Hal expects more funny business at next ‘lection.
In other news… the nameless fella in Donbass chatted with Cunningham at Strategic whatever…so it seems he’s survived so far. Fellas as passionate as he make very difficult friends, and their rude energy can be offensive – but they are exceptional people…and a bit dangerous too. I like the guy.
And I see that Brother Garland and brother Ritter have had another chat…https://youtu.be/d17Jx5fqfsU
(Wednesday Night Live! With Scott Ritter)
FWIW his USMC education and conditioning, and his decency, are in conflict, and it may be that it is this conflict manifests in part in his opinion that Russia is going too slowly…warps his judgement. He’s still a bit young. The conflicts will resolve. Smedley Butler also had such conflicts, in his youth. Ritter is, I think, unwilling. in a sense afraid, to see the scale of the actual conflict, which is, so far, inconceivable for him….but he’ll catch on. It’s existential and global, and the scale is incomprehensible – one thinks of the AI stories… (I joke that there is AI computer in Kremlin basement is named “Ivan”…a bit like “Mike” in Moon is Harsh Mistress)
My own opinion? SMO404 is in part designed to reveal, step by step and at suitable pace, the elite crypto-nazis’ character and goals for global domination and, well, endlosen or “global population reduction by special methods”…and it takes a fairly long time to change people’s minds in lands where “everything people believe is a lie” (Casey)…in a sense 404 is a theater, a stage, and the “deplorables” are the audience They are the levers, amplifiers. By winter the nazis in Europe and North America are going to have a really fractious and unstable situation…as always, elites ultimately undermine their own position and create their own end. Let’s see how SMO404 develops over the next 14 months or so…cooking piroshki takes time, and Time and Change are on the side of the East, where the sun rises. SMO404 becomes SMO/EU and SMO/NA by degrees…an opinion about the nature and direction of history – not a political opinion.
Mrs P often in mornings reads and mutters over coffee> “Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat”
Let’s see how SMO develops in Summer of 2023…
Lots of wisdom in the morning murm’ring of Mrs. P. Each coming day leaves us more and more aghast at how far the mighty have fallen.
I very much agree the languid pacing has built in psychological purposes (in addition to averting Armageddon) – to expose cryptonazis and also suitably shape other civilizational states in Zone B for the necessary fight ahead.
Zone A likely still has numerous levers to surf the coming internal chaos, and many disposable scapegoats such the Dems and libs, and will roll out as needed Benitos and Adolfs 2.0 etc in the coming consolidation and regimentation.
More important is to create a psychological rupture between Zone B compradore elites and their suicidal orientation and wistfulness towards the rising of the Sun in the West… The great weakness in every Zone B country is that they are Pakistans waiting to happen due to human nature and being rooted to past imagery and ephemera.
So the concurrent building of non-coopted international institutions, a new economic-financial system, security arrangements, commodities-based ruble, etc.. in addition to SMO404 and western exposure will achieve a healthy impetus in the creation of a fairer new world.
The impatience with the pacing of the SMO is starting to affect the Duran team now! Is it some strain released by Fauci’s GOF gang that affects most of us now? To sow dissension and despair?! What do 5-star keyboard generals want – Russian Kiev being nuked by Russians?! We may have to very much reconcile ourselves that SMO may be active in the summer of 2023..
So what if Russians take their sweet time in the Donbass? Time is on their side in every domain of contest. And so what if NATZO openly enters into the western Ukraine? They would have to be dealt with anyhow, anywhere they skulk. The SMO is in the capable hands of Russian General Staff and second guessing them is futile. And the political-psychologic marshalling of Zone B fence-sitters is is motion too, as discussed above.
One counter that comes to mind of all this hand-wringing is the old honey trap. Both sides have been prepping for this inevitable fight for decades. In whose interest is it to wage the big fight in Galicia – with its assured logistics, easy access and superior weaponry? The general who choses the superior ground has the advantage. Slowing the tempo not only grinds orcs more thoroughly while preserving local Russian civilian life, it also feints weakness of purpose and drive whereas in fact the waiting killing fields are drawing all earthly nazis like mindless moths to the flame. Pulling those maddened by God to their fate and closure for all.
Ritter says there are new facts that influence the situation. Maybe so, but singing the NATO song in one theater is certainly not bringing those facts to the table.
I counter Ritter like most of the experienced analysts. NATO is a world problem, and not just a European security problem. Good heavens, Japan now wants to either join or get their help and Australia is a NATO town. NATO is attempting to build out as the military force for hegemonic control in the world and Ritter wants us to cower in front of the money and the fear message.
Well, the world has something to say about that. That is where Ritter has narrow thinking.
He also redefines the SMO as Donbass only. Well, he has forgotten what Russia said. Reinterpreting Russia’s message is not wise.
Ritter’s message is now highly suspect. Bear in mind up initially when Andrei and Andrei did analyses as to how fast the Ukraine can fall, it was in the region of one week and it would be pounded to dust. That is still true. Check Martyanov that tries to be kind to him. This initial kindness will not last.
“That is why when I hear that some piece of metal and a pile of increasingly diminishing US Dollars are going to make any real tactical, operational, let alone strategic difference in 404, other than being blown up or taken as trophies, I smile. ” (Note, 404, and not Donbass).
Then, Ritter assumes that NATO will remain as it is. There are now 3 votes against Sweden and Finland membership. NATO is going to materially change.
Ritter says the Ukraine (I assume the western side) is developing operational depth. Well, let me tell you that the soldiers in the front are walking off the job faster than the depth can save the situation.
That is all for now, but darn! I miss my boss.
Just going through the mess of data this morning and this idea of NATO creating more depth. We got to know, this is not a one sided affair. Just take a look: https://t.me/intelslava/29268
“Another group of volunteers left Grozny International Airport and went to Donbass.”
wish we had open threads to post there
in support your statement
via telegram sputnik comment by Carmen
Another report on the NATO command group in the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Our source reports that the West is increasingly willing to control the entire Ukrainian crisis. Therefore, the Pentagon wants to introduce compulsory military control over the Ukrainian armed forces.
It is planned to deploy a special group of officers of the US armed forces in the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense. They will not only be advisers, but also have the authority to directly issue orders to Ukrainian units and formations, as well as cancel orders from the higher command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard. In case of refusal, Washington plans to delay funding and arms supplies to Kyiv.
The source adds that the Pentagon is extremely dissatisfied with the current level of military planning, as well as the organization of hostilities on the part of the Ukrainian command (it is one thing to sit in defence in cities, and quite another to go into the fields on a counteroffensive). This opinion is shared by the State Department and the Biden government.
Therefore, it is planned to deploy a group of high-ranking American military men with very broad powers in Ukraine. Formally, they will be advisers, but at the same time they will have the right to give orders to the Ukrainian forces, as well as cancel orders of the Ukrainian higher command.
But, according to our source, the Ukrainian General Staff is against such an appointment. They believe that the US military does not understand how to counter the Russians. And all the advice previously issued by the Pentagon ha led to failures at the front. That is, each side blames the other behind the scenes. So far, this whole story remains purely behind the scenes and a secret.
well …Pres Putin did say he might target those decision making centres…
As metaphor we may consider any large integrated machine transitioning from dormancy to full operation. Some people have been in big prime-mover as they start. They will understand. It’s a process defined by the tasks and by the machine, it’s not an event.
Consider Liberty ship> Essentially, first, flashlight in hand with a way to make fire, make way to boiler room, assure water level, and kindle flame with woody bits, gradually introduce warm oil….several hours later steam pressure is high enough to start dynamo and oil heaters, etc etc etc…until after perhaps 8 hours of heating the entire plant, pump by pump in a natural sequence, there is steam enough to begin to rock the engine to and fro…she’s stiff and takes Time to loosen, then, with joy, the old gal turns over and we begin to bring the plant to the state when we can call the bridge to report “ready to move”.
Or old bulldozer…start pony engine and warm the jackets, engage clutch and compression release, roll engine for a minute or two, then gently bring the massive diesel to life by closing compression release.
steam locos are the same, and so is a military machine…feedback loops throughout, process of awakening its powerful might runs at a natural pace, and depends on the enemy to amplify these feed-backs…judo.
Bringing the nazi beast to Justice…it works the same way. SMO404 is merely the kindling, the pony engine.
Raising Steam video…kinda fun> https://youtu.be/uwMRCU0olS0
Agree with both amarynth and AHH above. Only add that the populations under nazi control are also target audience of demonstration theater SMO404…and they may be seen as a bigbig hazard to nazi control of zone…they may become impossible to manage…and mutinies in the agencies of force under nazi leadership, as we see in 404, (and aboard Donald Cook!) are to be expected, especially as the boys realize that they and their peoples are being betrayed….cascades of mutinies. Like Vietnam. I recall that the big mutiny for Vietnam was domestic…and I remember “Laurel Canyon” (Thanks AHH!)
Unnameable dude in the SMO404> “The first part of the de-nazification process is obviously the neutralization of their military capabilities, the capture of the Nazis and war criminals, and the investigation of their crimes. This process is proceeding apace, and will continue and accelerate as Russia liberates more and more of Ukraine, especially Donbass and Kiev.” (yeah, Kiev)
I see Trials begin> “Of the Ukrainian radicals who surrendered, Denis Nuryga, the Aidar militant, will be the first to appear before the court – he is accused of blowing up a bridge in the Lugansk region in 2019, as a result of which sentries of the People’s Militia of the LPR were killed. The trial will take place on May 19 at 14:00 in the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don.” (Intel Slava telegram)
From tiny flame mighty engine of Euroasiatic Civilization slowly comes to full power.
WW2 took, the canon says, 6 years, more or less, not counting Spain or Ethiopia…which may remind some of Syria and the Georgian affair.
Comrade X says he expects, absent divine intervention, war to go nuke at some point. So do I. Then I won’t need a license to fish… https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oocities.org%2Fbaja%2F1128%2Ffishing.jpg&f=1&nofb=1 (Far Side cartoon)
or (on the beach 1959) https://youtu.be/8Lc1cl69Ffo
A work-day for me, sparkie in the shop, and gardening…best! P
Very interesting interview with Russell Bentley, whose knowledge about the military, economic and social aspects of the SMO are worth reading –
“Originally from Texas, Russell Bentley has been living in the Donetsk People’s Republic for eight years where he now has obtained official citizenship. He left the United States in late 2014 to join the DPR army to defend the breakaway republic from the NATO-backed Kiev regime. He said the suffering of innocent people at the hands of “NATO Nazis” compelled him to volunteer.
Russell Bentley gained an international following for his courage and truth-telling. In this interview, he also bears testimony to the ravages and war crimes committed by what he calls the Nazi Kiev regime against the civilian population. He says it was vital that Russia launched its special military operation (Operation Z) on February 24 because the Kiev regime and the United States in concert with other NATO powers were planning a major deadly offensive against the Donbass. That offensive was pre-empted by Russia’s intervention. He says that while Russia has the military upper hand, the NATO powers are up to their necks in this conflict in a way that threatens a full-on world war. And the Western media are misleading the public about the grave dangers, cynically spouting lies about “defending Ukraine” instead of the reality that the U.S., NATO and the European Union are supporting Nazis and war criminals.”
The people I meet in Europe are still in 100% denial. Thinking we are the good guys and NATO the 70 countries Inherent Resolve Freedom Coalition of the Willing, the paper tiger, can resolve everything.
What could go wrong? The more sheeple we are, the stronger we stand together in group thinking, self-convincing reports and declarations. its a simple question of feelings, feeling secure.
This one has missed it’s contribution, mundo’s ’20. week:
“Vision and Balance in the Game of the Week – Saturn / Sun = Father Meets Heart”
erroneously I thought: ‘ see, how I thought, ony 5 hits, balance is not as cool as ‘extreme’. How cool are even our cafeistas?
Anyway mundo’s corner’ keeps working in the cafe with it’s weeklies.
The 20th had a central square of Sun and Saturn, an archetypal
confrontation of heaven and earth featuring father and Sun, heart and center of any living being.
Now it’s really cool, to learn how many hits balance really hit, balance is libra, Putin’s heart is Libra
see Putin 2.24.2022:
one of three oldies with Larchmonter and uncle Bob
Clare Daly .. she is awesome!
Esteemed fine gentleman and Defender of Democracy Sullivan called Comrade Jang and, well, we may assume he wanted something and probably tried to “warn” Comrade Jang, perhaps mentioned 404…
What Comrade Jang said, well, we know some of it…all watered down, mealy-mouthed, and weak-willed ends with this>
“In other words, to safeguard national unity and the integrity of sovereignty, we will not fear to go to a showdown, and we will not be afraid to fight any incoming enemy. Decades ago, the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army with outdated weapons and severely insufficient logistical supplies crossed the Yalu River with great vigor and splendor, breaking the myth of the US military’s invincibility. Today, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is equally indestructible in its will to defend its homeland, and its strength is even greater than before. We’d like to remind the US, “Mishandling the Taiwan question will have a disruptive impact on bilateral ties.” The US should weigh on this, and we would also want to remind other parties: “The Chinese nation has the valor to fight the enemy to the bitter end” – such a spirit allows no misjudgments at any time.” ( https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202205/1266122.shtml )
Comrade Jang’s reply aligns with design of propaganda film Crossing Yalu. BTW the liberation of Taiwan was prevented when the quisling fascists in Korea attacked the North and started the Korean war, prevented temporarily…of course we must also give credit to US 7th Fleet transport of Chinese fascists to the island, as otherwise they would have been eliminated on the beach.
Longlongtimeago I did some military training with fellas that were combat vets in contact (retreats, mostly!) with PLA in 1950’s…they had that look. Esteemed Sullivan is totally out of his depth.
Some time ago our Chinese Brothers posited big question “which Country can better stand chaos?” Brother Sullivan must be unable to process such a fundamental statement. He has no serious manufacturing base and a Country in crises… One may suppose that like B43, he passed through with “gentleman’s “C”‘s, and mostly chasing girls and, “whatever”.
As SMO404 proceeds with exposure of crimes a natural audience is the common people who have been lied to under cryptonazi rule in AZE…and let us imagine how these exploited people might respond if, suddenly, Chinese products…stopped. One of the feedback loops being energized in the global run-up is the people of Zone A…
Comrade Jang was not alone> https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202205/1266074.shtml
“The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy reportedly sent its most powerful bombers on Wednesday for drills in the West Pacific, joining the Liaoning aircraft carrier group, which has been holding exercises there since the start of the month, a move experts said could be a rehearsal for keeping foreign forces from interfering in the Taiwan question, after reports suggested Japan and the US were set to affirm boosting cooperation over the Taiwan question at an upcoming bilateral summit.”
“If the US continues to play the “Taiwan card” and remains on the wrong path, China will take firm action to safeguard its sovereignty and security interests, and “we will do what we say,” Yang Jiechi
Brother Sullivan might want to take that teaching job at a quiet college somewhere…
“That is all for now, but darn! I miss my boss.”
Regarding the Boss. We all miss him. I am actually happy for him he took time to recuperate and to recharge the batteries. One step back today for two forward tomorrow. This is a good time for a sabbatical. The calm before the real storm. 2023 will say to 2022, “Hold my beer.” We will really need him when the SHTF come autumn. By then the Donbass should be wrapped up, Poland may have taken the leap into Galicia, and many unpleasantries surfacing in NATOstan..
I noted the changed demeanor, grimmer and unhappy, of Ritter in that video linked by Mr P.. I did not watch him in recent weeks, so it was a noticeable transformation. Not the freewheeler of past times; did he receive the negative version of the “Jew Call?” I think we discussed several weeks ago, during Gonzalo’s disappearance, of likely outcomes for individuals living in the belly of the beast. An individual can rarely fight long against such totalitarian systems. It was good while it lasted..
Similarly, I am starting to have my doubts about comrade Gonzalo. Ritter isn’t the only one with knuckle-draggers breathing down his neck.. watch his fingers, there’s an awful lot of ostentatious 6’s being flashed, Trump-style. Of “signs and symbols.” And captives, of others or to their lusts, are known to flash public signs. Has he been initiated or was he always one in Carlin’s Big Club? The vibes since The Missing Week have been way off. Even before then he was squirming like an eel; they may have really pinned him down. He now tap dances better than Ginger and Fred did!
For the amoral, The Show Must Go On. Narrative control and continuous content creation is the sine qua non of devils. Did they swallow Coach Red Pill and turn him Purple or a clockwork Orange?
I get the idea of respecting the message and ignoring ticks of the messenger.. but what truly unique insights does he provide? Or is the selling point the mellifluous tones emanating from an Azovstal-style hole in a warzone? A slick voice from a [former] Latin lover that once struck a cord in us? He would have been a killer during the radio age, giving FDR a run for his money. And we romantics are suckers born to have our hearts broken.
It is becoming bizarre, like Truman realizing the Matrix is glitching. The Truman Show was ultimately about a “simulated reality, existentialism, surveillance [states], religion, metaphilosophy, privacy, and reality television.”
I had a week off last week for a family emergency and being unplugged was not only therapeutic, it brought a little clarity. As this iteration of Babylon goes down, time speeds up and folks become more crazy. Are most we watch mere bit-players performing for self-titillation and to fill the generous Borg’s slot du jour? We risk being turned into NPC’s glued to this riveting geopolitical Cirque du Soleil. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/npc-meaning-definition-origin-political
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/insane-tyranny-eu-needs-lockdown-like-restrictions-to-curb-russian-oil-use
𝗦𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:”The “monkey-pox” we now hear about was mentioned too, and a fella asked”
Plague is the gift that keeps on giving to the Technocrats. Like sanctions, they are in every bug-out bag now. 𝗜𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬, I recall watching bemusedly a trailer for a crap movie (“Songbird”) that showed a scene with covid-𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 levels outta control..
I have noted younger relatives staying eerily calm and on-message in the last 2.5 years. I was the only one freaking out in the first half of 2020. Apparently watching all those dystopias, horror-flicks, as well as assorted zombie-apocalypse fare which I avoided prepped them well. They are strapped in comfortably for the ride, going to a place they know well. And the Program told them there is a lotta mileage to go.
On Lira, I find him more relaxed post incarceration (doesn’t have to worry about getting caught, been there done that, also fwiw his US citizenship my still be worth something). He openly states, regardless of his analysis, his main concern, and he’s as repetitious a Martynov, that thousands of men/women soldiers civvies will die needlessly.
No other talking head when spewing their military porn ever stops to mention….the people, who bare the brunt of the destruction.
He’s not outright lying, never toots his horn, actually he’s very unassuming.
Logistically from reading daily reports of what gets taken out, he has access to that so he accumulates for people and makes it digestible. Heaven forbid he uses intellectual fuddery to boost his image at the expense of his target audience.
Cheers M
Unless Ritter is being fed insider info…..on a personal level, camp fire with Lira over Ritter any day……my old filter may have holes but it still functions for the most part.
You have many valid points. I do not remember outright lying or excessive self-promotion. He has been consistent from day #1 in expressing concern for civilians (like mercouris) and the evil bloodletting. He is relatable and full of common sense. The publicly displayed persona is of a decent man of his times. And I still respect the core message he delivers.
I am going more from gut, and having studied a little of the occultists, he gives off their wrong feel. I hope I am wrong. Perhaps he is merely aping those he sees as cool or it’s a tic I notice more now. I am trying to simplify an increasingly busy and complicated life, and redundant drama queens are grating. And what precisely are the terms, the quid pro quo, of this “parole” or “house arrest?”
“Logistically from reading daily reports of what gets taken out, he has access to that so he accumulates for people and makes it digestible.”
This is what drew me to him in the first place. An informed and practiced summarizer, for those too busy to hunt down every primary source. However, both his and my weeks’ absence reinforced that the Duran team has the same functionality, with less fuss. I don’t need everything psychoanalyzed. I can extrapolate myself and fill in most gaps, knowing much of the sordid terrain. And too much color commentary can trivialize this slow motion train wreck. “Just the facts, ma’am.” The Alexes’ meat and potatoes suffices for now.
Perhaps I will tune in periodically if he returns to ruminate again on American/EU elites like Victoria Nuland, or breaks down local audio-visual psyops like that multi-use UkroNazi filming location. This is his major drawing card. But he may no longer be permitted to indulge in either again.. As an Ivy League-trained former frat brother and Hollywood fellow traveler of that malignant class, he can contribute truly unique insights into those domains.
The ref to Halturner Insane EU tyranny is brought from a typical liberal, with ponytail and glasses, Claude Turmes.
Always jumping around on the scene with the most totalitarian ideas.
Generally speaking, the first people that are aware of a crime are the criminals themselves, is this not so?
In an entirely unrelated matter…March of 2021 NTI & Munich Security Conference did “pandemic monkey-pox exercise”
Nice video too! Quite thrilling.
see> Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats @
……………………..Unrelated Quiz question about nazi character…let us suppose the German nazi had in June-July 1944 some 50 road-mobile V-2 rockets armed with 10 KT nukes…something that probably could have happened. As Red Army advanced and as Normandy landings proceeded past day one, does anyone doubt that the nazis would have used these weapons? Extra Credit> In what ways have nazis changed? In what ways has Red Army changed? Would Taiwan Fascist have used such weapons in 1949? And Korean Fascists? Is it possible to predict “first use”?
(1) “Generally speaking, the first people that are aware of a crime are the criminals themselves, is this not so?”
Generally yes. But in the case of these hereditary nazis, their coming moves were anticipated by Russians a few generations ago. Remember Russians, via Bolsheviks and other “illuminated parties” were part of the Big Club for a while.. Russians have carefully maintained biodefense labs, especially top-notch antidote facilities, even during the lean 1990s.. Furthermore the nazis are braggarts and broadcast intent in their arts. The coming biosecurity state (of which the ongoing WHO global treaty is the cherry on top of the fascist Technocracy) was prepared for global audiences in 1,000,001 Hollywood & TV programs, novels, kids and adult TV shows, video games and countless scientific reports. Transnational occultist bloodlines and interests and masonic lodges anticipated it for at least a century and a half. The shape of the late-1970s-built NYC Trump Tower has an exterior motif explicitly in the shape of a downwards pointing syringe, the flagship of the man who would initiate Operation Warp Speed. The replacement tower for the 911 sacrificial NYC Twin Towers is in the shape of a syringe pointing upwards. There was no subtlety whatsoever in the end-point of the western pandemic ride.
And I remember reading the preparation for the Sputnik V vaccine was 1-2 decades in the pipeline, which is why they came to market so quickly in first place. So like SMO and the Golden-Ruble, the biowarfare defense preparation is a game long in the tooth.
(2) “As Red Army advanced and as Normandy landings proceeded past day one, does anyone doubt that the nazis would have used these weapons?”
Of course not. The question is will Russians fire first when they detect imminent preparations for a first strike? This is how the current strategic environment is being shaped. Could a third party, and which precisely, arrange this? Part of the divine plan may be to ensure cauterization of the entire livable landmass of Babylon West. As court cleric Billy Graham’s wife Ruth once blasphemed, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” I sensed this resignation in VVP once Finland and Sweden applied to NATZO. The forms will be observed.
(3) “In what ways have nazis changed?”
They have the open support of the Anglo-Saxons and Ritter’s real operational depth in Oceania. They have ~ 6,000 combined nukes now. No commensurate conventional capability near the Russian borders, an inadequate and hollowed-out MIC, and a fractured society. Otherwise they are on point and with the same messianic mission, and as Smoothie attests from Washington state, the same fuel and supplies shortages..
(4) “In what ways has Red Army changed?”
They have the leanest, meanest, and greenest professional military machine with seasoned officers and a focused and united political leadership. The best yet most utilitarian offensive and defensive weapons of their era. Self-sufficient in food and arms and military-industrial complex (without need for any external lend-lease). They have an awake and well armed, industrialized and hungry Dragon at their side. They have had at least 2.5 decades to prepare for this joust, without any illusions or the need for military purges this time on the eve of the big fight. I pity the fools they face!
From Glazyev for thinking people:
Below is a very deep analysis of the meaning of the global hybrid war unleashed against us. The author quite correctly proves that its meaning lies in the “erasing” of Russia. This is much more important for us than my conclusion that the United States will inevitably lose this war to China, which is the leader in the formation of a new world economic order na-ssha-nachinajut-i-proigryvajut The change of world economic structures has always been accompanied by world wars and revolutions, which were provoked by the ruling elite of the core of the outgoing world economic order in order to maintain global hegemony in a situation of losing in economic competition with the countries of the emerging core of the new world economic order, the advantage of which was creating an order of magnitude more effective system for managing the development of the economy. But each time these wars passed through Russia, without whose participation the formation of not a single new world economic order was complete. Despite centuries of dominance in the Eurasian space, Russia has always taken the brunt of these wars from aggressive Western neighbors.
After reading the article published below, I wondered if the countries unfriendly to us could, in principle, “erase” Russia. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. This erasure has already happened twice. The overthrow of the autocracy and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks as a result of the socialist revolution was accompanied by a sweeping denial of our entire past. They built a new world in which the Russian Empire was consigned to oblivion and denial as a “prison of peoples”, the authorities of which allegedly kept the people in slavery and ignorance. Another erasure of Russia from history was carried out after the Great Troubles, when the new pro-Western ruling elite for two centuries consistently uprooted the historical roots of old Russia, destroying primary sources and fabricating myths about the age-old slavery of the Russian people, whose statehood was supposedly created by those illiterate and ferocious Varangians – Normans, then even more wild and ignorant Tatar-Mongols. I write about the absurdity and lack of evidence, the illogicality of these myths in my book https://glazev.ru/articles/39-nauka-i-obrazovanie/88126-sergey-glaz-ev-za-gorizontom-kontsa-istorii
Proceeding from the foregoing, it is obvious that the “erasing” of Russia is not only possible, but will inevitably occur if the Special Military Operation is not carried through to the end. At the same time, it is easy to understand what and how will be erased from historical memory. This is, first of all, the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War, instead of which myths have already been fabricated about the leading role of the United States and Britain in the victory over European fascism that they themselves have grown. All the great achievements of the USSR will be erased from historical memory, from socio-economic achievements to pioneering in space. Western historiographers will once again fabricate a false concept of history, in which our country will be painted over in black and presented solely as a negative image of everything bad that “progressive humanity” has consistently fought against.
I advise you to carefully read the article by Igor Shnurenko published below in order to understand the vital necessity of our Victory. A special military operation is no longer being carried out only for the denazification of Ukraine. It is being held to preserve the Russian world, which the Polish prime minister just recently called for to erase. And to save humanity from the grim prospect of an electronic concentration camp being built by the ruling elite of the US and Britain, claiming to be the world government.
Biden all but declared that the eugenics wars were on, and that the west must stand together, and I’ll add, for if not, they will fall apart rather quickly.
There are lots of good movies on YouTube that are free. I watched “The unknown soldier” last nite. It’s about the Finnish Army Vs Soviets. It’s in Finnish with English subtitles. Really good action scenes very well done explosions, attacks etc.
The synchronicities are precise:
Surrender – Azov-Style
I found this fellow, Andre Vajra in a video and find it very interesting. Победа – это исчезновение Украины
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4fs9bZIw-I His point is that Ukraine, when it left Russia, committed suicide.
Is anyone familiar with him?
This is in apropos to “Rasputin”s commentary in a reply to a guest post recently. There seems to be quite a confusion and disagreement about Putin’s involvement with the WEF and it’s Great Reset agenda. There was an interesting panel discussion about it, where the opinions were divided evenly.
According to James Corbett, Russia and China are vying for dominance (in a very real struggle) against the West by striving to achieve a multipolar world order. Yet their system will be, more or less, the same as Klaus Shawn’s version. As a matter of fact, China is ahead of the curve with the roll out of the social credit system. For everyone in’s on board with mandatory vaccination, mass surveillance, biometric identification. It’s all about control within this context.
Watch the Cobett Report video for more details that supports this thesis. Also, as I accurately predicted, we are witnessing a global food and energy shortage as part of phase 2.
Off Guardian is (not so) cunningly disguised demoralisation. A recent comment from Susan D. on that site about the “Spectacular powers of evil” was enough for me. I’ll stick with Psalm 23 thanks.
The aims of evil include demoralization, cunningly exposed as in evil apparelled as the good, it leads to despair, loss of courage and corruption. Revealing evil’s better, while remaining brave and detached.
Why on this planet should evil not be spectacular ?Lucifer has the alluring power to display blinding beauty and magic to convince the poor submissive masses, especially with Satan in attendance, – we ain’t seen anything yet..
David’s Psalm has true magnificence.
Because it’s not real power, that’s why.
Whaley, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
even the air tastes cleaner where I live oceans away.
What now for Oz?
I hope your predicament is not like Eli Wallach:
“Other Ukrainian nationalists will begin to lay down their arms after the surrender of Ukrainian militants from the Azovstal plant. On Saturday, May 21, military historian Viktor Litovkin told Izvestia.
According to him, the surrender of the militants of the Azov nationalist group has become a stone that will roll down the mountain and drag the rest of the nationalists along with it.”
The territory of the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Mariupol, where a group of Ukrainian militants of the Azov Nazi formation was besieged since April 21, has been completely liberated. The underground facilities of the enterprise, in which the militants were hiding, came under the complete control of the Russian armed forces.
In total, since May 16, during the operation, 2,439 Azov Nazis and military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, laid down their arms and surrendered.
81 days. This is exactly how long the battle for the main port of Ukraine on the Sea of Azov lasted.
SMO in Mariupol, in background of the video, the song
The Calm Night (Good Night) by Kino –
Lyrics translation of the song –
Calm Night (Спокойная ночь)
Rooftops are shaking under the pressure of the day
A heavenly shepherd herds the clouds,
A city shoots its lights into the night
But strong is the night, great is her power…
To those who got to bed – good dreams, good night…
I’ve been waiting for this time,
And now this time has come
Those who were silent aren’t silent anymore
Those who have nothing to wait for, mount their horses
You won’t catch up with them, it’s too late now…
To those who got to bed – good dreams, good night…
Neighbors come, they complain they hear hooves clicking
They can’t fall asleep, it disturbs their dreams
Those who’ve got nothing to wait for – they take off,
Those who are saved, those who are saved…